#the meta commentary the fourth wall breaks the little easter eggs
milogoestogreendale · 11 months
rip abed nadir you would’ve loved the stanley parable
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thexwanderingxsouls · 4 years
I have noticed that the mun is a fan of horror. What are you top five horror movie suggestions?
//OH MY STARS, I LOVE THIS QUESTION! But also hate this question because JUST FIVE???? Cruel, I tell you - Cruel. <3 Right, so, if you ask me this again in a month it will probably be a little different but here’s my list as of right now:
Funny Games (1997) - This is such a great film and a fabulous commentary on American horror and horror tropes in general. Also, the breaking of the fourth wall is EVERYTHING.
Satanic Panic (2019) - This is just pure fun. It’s a love letter to the B-horror movies of the 70′s and 80′s. It’s definitely cheesy and more comedy than straight-up horror but I really think it’s well done and good one for those who are new to horror.
Trick R Treat (2007) - This one is a Spooky Season staple for me. It never gets old and has a sufficient amount of both creeping dread and jump scares/surprises.
Suspiria (1977) - This one still gives me the creeps when I watch it. It came out around the time technicolor was beginning to be used in film and the use of reds is just WOW. There’s also a lot of beautiful stylistic nods to the German Expressionism horror movement.
The Sacrament (2013) - DO NOT watch this one if you’re triggered by cult imagery or by content HEAVILY based on real-life crimes. It takes a lot to scare me in a horror film, like...a lot. True crime, however, absolutely gets under my skin. This one is very blatantly a re-telling of the Jim Jones and The Peoples Temple incident in Guyana. It’s gritty, it’s incredibly uncomfortable, and it’s brutal to get through. But I have to add it because it successfully scares the pants off of me.
Bonus Picks...Because I’m incapable of playing by the rules: 
Tucker and Dale vs. Evil (2010) - Campy good fun and I’m HERE for it.
The Cabin in the Woods (2011) - A) I love Joss Whedon. B) META-HORROR. Self-aware horror is my jam and I love all of the Easter eggs for horror fans to find like a twisted as hell game of Where’s Waldo (Where’s the Hillbilly Redneck Torture Family?)
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