#the minimum requirement is 50 double spaced pages
macbcth · 1 year
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phantomtutor · 2 years
Develop an essay that fully responds to the following prompt:  Prompt: To survive and thrive in the 21st century, it is imperative that risk be identified, assessed, and managed in a proactive and effective manner. The threats and hazards our country must deal with continue to evolve, and at present, there are some that have recently risen to the forefront. These include, but not limited to:  Cyber attacks Domestic terrorism/homegrown extremism Civil disturbances Large-scale health care issues (i.e. pandemic)  For this final written assignment, you are to select one of these to focus upon and offer details regarding the steps, activities, resources, etc. needed to fully address Goal 5: Strengthen Preparedness and Resilience and it related objectives and sub-objectives noted on within  (pages 44-50). State the topic in your paper.  Technical Requirements: Your paper must be at a minimum of 6 pages (the Title and Reference pages do not count towards the minimum limit). Include a stated “Introduction” and “Conclusion”. Scholarly and credible references should be used. A good rule of thumb is at least 2 scholarly sources per page of content. Type in Times New Roman, 12 point and double space. Students will follow the current APA Style as the sole citation and reference style used in written work submitted as part of coursework.  Points will be deducted for the use of Wikipedia or encyclopedic type sources. It is highly advised to utilize books, peer-reviewed journals, articles, archived documents, etc. ORDER THIS PAPER NOW. 100% CUSTOM PAPER CategoriesAPA 7th edition, English Leave a Reply Cancel replyYour email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *Comment * Name * Email * Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Post navigation Previous PostPrevious Discussion post on article critical reviewNext PostNext soc
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essaywritings-co · 2 years
How to write a 250 Word Essay - Topics, A+ Examples
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If you've ever wondered what a 250-word essay looks like or how to produce a perfect 250-word essay, you may have reached in the correct place. In the following article, we will answer all of your questions regarding the 250-word essay. Due to the word limit, writing an essay of 250 words may be the most challenging assignment for many students. Let us demonstrate that even the simplest essay can be flawless. Below in this site, we have discussed: Table of Contents
What is a 250 words essay?
This is a brief essay that must adhere to specific guidelines. Three to four paragraphs long, with roughly 50 to 100 words in each. Additionally, the entire process requires only around a half a page. A lengthy essay nonetheless follows the same structure of having an introduction, main body, and conclusion.
Page-length of a 250-Word Essay?
Are you curious how many pages 250 words might occupy? To put it simply, the answer is around a single page (when double spaced) or a half page (when single spaced). 250 words in Times New Roman or Arial at 12 points will often fill up half a page single spaced and an entire page double spaced, though this will vary depending on your choice of font size, line spacing, and page margins.
How Many Paragraph is a 250 Words Essay?
A 250-word essay is a brief academic paper that provides information about a certain subject. To qualify as a scholarly text, an essay must contain a thesis statement that summarizes the author's primary arguments or claims. In this instance, anyone curious about the length of a 250-word essay need merely discover the author's thesis statement. In addition, the format of a 250-word essay includes an introductory paragraph, one or more body paragraphs, and a conclusion paragraph. A writer may not include headings and subheadings in this sort of work unless absolutely necessary. Considering how many pages a 250-word essay occupies when written in double-spaced format, this type of work does not exceed one page. Consequently, a 250-word essay consists of three to four paragraphs with few headings and no subheadings.
Can I Write More Or Less Than 250-Words?
Word counts are frequently used to indicate minimum acceptable lengths for written assignments. Unless otherwise specified by the instructor, a 10% variance either way is considered acceptable (so, for example, a 250 word assignment should be between 200 to 300 words. A word restriction of "up to" (as in "up to 250 words") indicates that you should not exceed that length. On Time! Place the order and get your paper in 6 hours, plagiarism-free! ORDER NOW
How to Write a 250 Word Essay
When writing an essay, you can't just let your thoughts flow. Instead, they call for strategic planning, particularly when condensing multiple thoughts onto a single sheet of paper. Using this outline, you may efficiently organize your 250-word essay and spare yourself a lot of work. 1. Create an attractive outline: The use of outlines is essential for any well-organized paper. Spending the extra 5 minutes on an outline will save you time in the long run, even if you just have half an hour to compose your essay on a timed exam. Everything that will go into your essay should be included in your outline. Your outline should also contain your supporting concepts so you know when and where to employ them. After you've completed your plan, you're ready to begin writing 2. Stick to a conventional essay format. An introduction, body, and conclusion are required of any essay, no matter how brief. Not to mention the importance of having a strong opening sentence and concluding thesis. However, you won't have enough space for three body paragraphs in a 250-word essay. You will instead organize your essay like this: - Presentation of the Main Idea in introduction paragraph - Body - Conclusion You're going to focus on a single central concept rather than developing three secondary ones. If there are several questions in the essay prompt, you can respond to them all in the same body paragraph. If you have more questions than space in a single body paragraph allows you to answer, what then? As long as you stick to the point and don't digress, two body paragraphs should be OK if your professor allows you to go above the 250-word limit. You should never skip the introduction and conclusion in favor of a longer body paragraph, though. If you have to stick to a word count of 250, trim the introduction and conclusion and add to the body. 3. Combine Thoughts Professors have a strange penchant for cramming as many requirements as possible into the shortest possible assignments. You could be asked to respond to a discussion board prompt consisting of at least seven questions or to summarize your entire life while also analyzing your strengths and faults in one short application essay. Those who find themselves at a loss for words may take comfort in knowing they are not alone in their predicament. Writing concise essays is difficult for all students, but especially so for those with a lot to say. Try to tie together your definition of "situational irony," your identification of three examples of satire in Voltaire's Candide, and your discussion of your reaction to satire into one coherent essay. In the application essay, you can do the same thing by discussing yourself and then weaving in an analysis of your strengths and limitations. When trying to express as much in as little words as possible, combining ideas is a powerful tool. 4. Be sure to space out your sentences. You can easily exceed the word limit of 250 even if you have a detailed outline in place by using too many complex sentences. You can't afford to waste space on eight-sentence introductions or overlong summaries. We've found that five sentences is the sweet spot for an opening and closing paragraph. Short essays don't read like essays. However, you won't have place for a detailed body paragraph if you're too long. You should put your hook in the first sentence of your introduction. Your next two to three words should provide some context for the situation at hand, perhaps by way of a relevant statistic. The thesis statement should be the final sentence of your essay. In the opening sentence of your conclusion, you should restate your argument. Following this, you should summarize the paper in two or three phrases, and close with a powerful thought. As long as you stick to these rules, you should have no trouble fitting in a nice, lengthy body paragraph.
Structure of a 250 Words Essay:
INTRODUCTION The start of the essay/ introduction paragraph should consist of one or two phrases with no more than 25 words each. In a standard 250-word essay, there is always minimal room for expansion. Because of this, you should choose only one point of view to discuss in your essay's thesis statement. For example: Example of 250 word essay Introduction The increasing prevalence of obesity in the world has sparked worry among health professionals and political officials at all levels. Essentially, this environment has prompted the medical profession to invest in research, with several studies showing the health dangers faced by obese persons. In turn, the findings of these research indicate that a healthy lifestyle, including eating nutritious foods and maintaining physical fitness, is the most effective intervention against obesity BODY PARAGRAPH: The body of the essay consists of two or three paragraphs with a total of no more than 200 words. For organization, it is preferable to devote one paragraph to each argument. Typically, you must include at least one example to illustrate your argument. For example: Example of 250 Word Essay Body Paragraph A large number of fast-food establishments leads to the rise in obesity rates. This circumstance has essentially primed the majority of Americans to consume junk food, particularly adolescents and young professionals. Several studies have shown, for instance, that bad diets, especially fatty and junk food, lead to obesity (evidence). In this instance, these foods not only increase the danger of obesity, but also the risk of having health concerns. In addition, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, and stroke are among the most prominent obesity-related consequences. In addition, the lack of physical activity contributes to the current trend of obesity. CONCLUSION: In other words, the conclusion should represent the thesis statement. In addition, you must summarize your arguments in the final 25 words to demonstrate whether you agree or disagree with your thesis. For example: Example of 250 Word Essay Conclusion Without a doubt, to prevent obesity, we must stop eating unhealthy foods and create a habit of regular exercise. Without regular physical activity, the human body builds fat that eventually clogs blood arteries and causes additional difficulties. To counteract the current trend of obesity, humans must embrace healthy lifestyles, according to the recommendations. Our specialists will write a custom essay for $10.00/page ORDER NOW
Some Best Tips for Writing 250 Words Essay:
There are few tips for writing a perfect 250 words essay 1. Write concisely, yet clearly You are aware that your essay should contain no more than 250 words, thus it is required that you present the most crucial information first. If your essay is lacking information, you may always add more. (There is a 99% chance that you will not have them.  Additionally, you should utilize common phrases to avoid being overly complex. Remember that difficult terms require clarification and definition, which is detrimental to your word count. 2. Only respond to the main question It implies that you should restrict your argumentation by focusing on the question posed in the headline. Certainly, it also implies that you should avoid wandering off topic. The less you write, the more likely you are to meet the requirements of the 250-word essay. While writing an essay, you should concentrate on providing examples that address your question. 3. Develop a plan for the essay. You may be surprised to learn that a 250-word essay has its own structure. Your essay must include an introduction, body, and conclusion. All of the above-mentioned components are required, thus we recommend that you prepare an outline before to writing your essay. 4. Invest extra time in making adjustments. Even though it is the shortest essay you may write, it demands a significant amount of time to make essential revisions by trimming. A 250-word essay is one of the most difficult essay formats to edit. Prepare to spend approximately 3 hours composing it and 2 hours revising it.
Topics for 250 Words Essay
Some topics for 250 words essay are shared below so that you can choose best topic of your choices: CAUSE AND EFFESCTS ESSAY TOPICS - The role of optimism in determining how well your immune system works. - Bicycling to work instead of driving can benefit your health and the planet. - Does using social media enhance one's ability to express oneself? - Is there any correlation between having a college degree and career success? - Relationships that require long distances and often are fraught with mistrust - Exercising to combat childhood obesity - Substance abuse, particularly alcoholism, is a major contributor to homelessness. - Species extinction due to global warming - What triggers panic attacks and why - Consequences of Bulimia - Manageable weight loss by reduced calorie intake - Healthy marriages are built on strong lines of communication. - The Effects of Screen Time on Young Minds - Improved social abilities are a direct result of students' interactions with their peers at school. SCHOOL LEVEL ESSAY TOPICS - Your most cherished memory from childhood - Most recent vacation experience - The death of a friend or relative who had an impact on your life. - A pet's death that altered your life - How you and your closest friend met - The initial publication you ever read - The worst recollection you have - Your biggest fear - Your culture - A memorable summer camp story - The first time you visit a hill station - The most humiliating experience you have ever had - How do you relax on your weekend? DISCRIPTIVE ESSAY TOPICS - Discussion of contemporary violations of animals' rights - Where does the concept of patriotism come from, and what does it signify in various societies? - Workplace sexual harassment - The repercussions of careless medical practice - Benefits of solar panels to the modern society - What can be done to prevent hate crimes - What are the benefits and drawbacks of shopping online? - The polarizing effects of IQ tests - Academic integrity and dishonesty - Alternative energy sources - The causes and solutions to ocean pollution. - Causes and effects of pesticide use RESEARCH ESSAY TOPICS - Why do young people resort to suicide? - How does music affect the next generation? - When compared to what, exactly, does skipping school entail? - Teen drug use raises many questions. - If you want to know how to find joy and fulfilment in life, ask yourself this question: how can pets help you? - Repercussions of drinking alcohol on a school campus. - How can substance abuse impact romantic connections? - Is skin cancer related to global warming? - Is there any evidence that sodium is harmful to human health? - Where do we draw the line between being overweight and being obese? - What makes you so committed to your chosen profession? - Give an example of how the betterment of human lives is facilitated by scientific progress. - In what unusual ways might stress be alleviated? - Is there anyone you'd choose to trade places with if given the chance, and why? - Is it possible to solve the problem of global warming by limiting the human population? We’ll write a unique paper as per your instructions. $10.00/Page ORDER NOW READ MORE Read the full article
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architectnews · 4 years
Preston Mosque Design Competition, Lancashire
Preston Mosque Design Competition, Architect, Lancashire Architecture Contest, Building Site Photo
New mosque near Preston, Lancashire
26 February 2021
Preston Mosque Architecture Competition
Thursday 25 February 2021
The RIBA launches an international design competition for a new Mosque near Preston, Lancashire, northwest England, UK.
The Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) has today (Thursday 25 February) launched a competition for the design of a new mosque on a site near Preston in Lancashire on behalf of a local registered charitable trust.
The client is looking to create a landmark, timeless building on this site, close to the city centre.
This site is located close to the city centre but in its own, prominent setting, visible from a large part of the surrounding area including key routes into Preston therefore there is a great opportunity to design a building which will become a proud element of Preston’s skyscape for many years to come. At phase one, the competition seeks initial anonymous design concepts. A shortlist of up to five teams will then be selected to develop their designs.
The RIBA competition is open to registered architects worldwide. Further details about the competition and how to enter can be found here.
Initial design proposals must be submitted by 14:00 (BST) on Thursday 22 April 2021.
Date: 22 April 2021, 14:00 Place: Preston, Lancashire, UK Contact: call+44(0)113 203 1490 | [email protected] Fee: £4,000 +VAT
A local charity is seeking a talented and ambitious architect to develop ideas for a new Mosque on the northern outskirts of Preston, Lancashire.
The design solution should be of the highest quality, both enduring and at the same time modern and reflective of current trends. As such, the design team should seek to create a landmark building.
Examples of landmark buildings of worship in the local area include:
• Preston England Temple in Chorley, Lancashire – The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints • Fairhaven United Reformed Church in Lytham St Annes • Church of St Walburge’s in Preston – boasts the third tallest spire in the country
The site for the proposed Mosque is at the western end of D’Urton Lane on the northern edge of the City of Preston. The site has been cut off by the recent completion of the Broughton bypass alongside the junction of the M55 and M6 and as such sits in a particularly prominent and elevated location. Drone footage of the site is available to view here:
Design Guidance
The intention is to produce a strong and bold design that is clearly identifiable as a place of worship but not necessarily to the extent that it is dominated by the traditional Islamic designs. Similarly, it is acceptable to have an element of Islamic flair or features but this is not paramount and if the building has minarets they should be subtle and modern in appearance. The building should have a clear focal point or strong design features which gives character and visibility at some distance. It should not be so institutionalised as to simply have the look of a contemporary office building.
Consideration should be given to the potential for the creation of an external courtyard area or sahn which would be part of the public realm and available for informal meetings or relaxation.
Detailed consideration should be given to the appropriate use of materials as part of the design but also in terms of the future maintenance and operating costs of the building which will be run by a charity. For example, it may be that a material such as marble or other high quality stone is acceptable whereas timber, although having the potential to add a contemporary element to the design, is not due to the ongoing maintenance requirements. Simple composite panels and cladding are unlikely to be the solution and the preference is most probably for the use of more traditional materials such as brick or stone, including marble.
Maintenance should also be considered not simply over 25 years but much longer.
It is expected that the mosque will extend to the equivalent of three storeys, with a large prayer hall of double or triple height and a capacity for some 450 prayer mats plus circulation space. This area should be open to allow clear views for all worshippers. There should be no columns in this area, but the prayer hall does require a domed roof to accommodate a double or triple height grand space.
In addition to the prayer hall, there should be three floors of other accommodation including a ladies’ prayer hall on a separate floor with a separate entrance and clear views into the main prayer hall. This area should extend to approximately half the overall footprint of the building.
The charity’s retained architects have prepared an indicative sketch of how the site may be laid out. This demonstrates a footprint of at least 730m2 is achievable but this should not be regarded a minimum or maximum requirement.
The building should make maximum use of natural light where possible. At this stage it has not yet been determined how the interior design will be addressed. Entrants are therefore encouraged to put forward their general ideas for the interior design which should be simple and not ornate with a general open and contemporary approach.
The architect should seek to achieve a zero carbon development or as close to this as is reasonably possible, subject to the demonstration of costs and benefits. This may include the achievement of a BREEAM Excellent rating or the equivalent but should look at all opportunities for the incorporation of renewable energy, enhanced thermal efficiency and sustainable materials where possible. However, such renewables should not be visually dominant and should not be clearly visible in views of the building.
Given the location of the site, the potential is there for this to be a visually prominent building and the design should take advantage of this. It will be visible from both motorways, the surrounding area and, of course, close up.
It is therefore essential that the building makes a real visual statement from whichever angle it is viewed. It should become a real focal point and landmark building for North Preston and the approaches to it.
Consideration should be given to the potential for landscaping of the site. This should take into account short and longer distance views of the site to maximise the quality of the setting within which the building will site. There is a preference for the landscaping to incorporate a majority of evergreen species, but it should also address the emerging requirement for a 10% biodiversity uplift.
There may be an opportunity to combine the scheme of landscaping with that to be undertaken by the highway’s authority on adjacent land. Maintenance of the grounds should be taken into consideration also.
The layout should maximise the opportunities for parking with a minimum of at least 140 spaces including disabled spaces and electric charging points. There should be no underground parking. Cycle parking should also be provided and thought should be given to the overall pattern of travel and accessibility to the site. The parking should respect the landscaping scheme and not dominate the site
Preston Mosque Design Competition images / information received 250221 from the RIBA
Location: near Preston, Lancashire, north west England, UK
Preston Architecture
Contemporary Architecture in Lancashire – architectural selection below: Preston Buildings
Preston Bus Station Date built: 1969 Design: Building Design Partnership (BDP) photograph © Adrian Welch Preston Bus Station Building
Beautiful and Brutal: 50 Years in the life of Preston Bus Station Curator: Charles Quick Location: Harris Museum, Art Gallery & Library, Market Square, Preston, PR1 2PP, England photograph : Ian Clegg Preston Bus Station Birthday Exhibition Preston Bus Station is an internationally important piece of architecture that was built for everyday use by the people of Preston.
Brockholes Wetland and Woodland Nature Reserve Visitor Facilities, east of Preston Design: Adam Khan Architects Lancashire nature reserve
National Football Museum, Deepdale Design: OMI Architects National Football Museum Preston – the contents have now moved to Manchester’s Urbis building.
Avenham Park Pavilion Design: McChesney Architects Avenham Park Pavilion
Sika Liquid Plastics Limited Design: Frank Whittle Partnership Sika Liquid Plastics Preston
Preston Design Competitions
Preston Design Competition RIBA University of Central Lancashire in Preston Design Competition
Preston Office Building Competition Design: Moxon Architects Preston Office
Preston Housing Competition Preston Housing Competition
Park Houses Design: Ushida Findlay Architects and Holmes Partnership Preston Houses
Manchester Buildings image courtesy of architects office
Comments / images for the Preston Mosque Design Competition page welcome
Website: Architecture
The post Preston Mosque Design Competition, Lancashire appeared first on e-architect.
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Top 3 cell c signal booster
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Cell C has been South Africa’s fastest growing mobile operator for many years and managed to grow it’s mobile subscribers from 9 million in 2012 to over 20 million in July 2015. Cell C offers competitive pricing on their data and voice products and have launched some innovative product offerings in recent years such as on-demand video streaming services for movies, series and other content. Cell C relies partly on roaming on MTN’s cellular infrastructure, which has helped increase their national coverage footprint significantly, however they are still hard hit by recent cell tower battery theft and vandalism on their own and their roaming partner’s networks.
Many consumers struggle with weak Cell C signal, and some claim to have no signal even though they are located within a coverage area on the coverage map. Others lie on fringe areas of these coverage zones and struggle with spotty and weak signal.
If you’re reading this article, and searching for a way to boost your weak Cell C signal, we have the answer you have been looking for.
Introducing our complete list or signal boosters for your needs:
Home & Small Office
Large Office and Commercial
Vehicle Solutions- Car, Caravan and Boats
The Challenge:
First, let’s explain why you’re getting weak signal and dropped calls. Cellular phone signals are radio waves that travel great distances but are easily interrupted by almost anything you can think of:
Distance from a cell tower
Too many users serviced by same cell tower
Outside Typography: Trees, koppies, mountains, valleys, and tall structures like buildings and dense urban population.
Building material: Metal, glass, concrete, brick, and other conductive material (electrical or magnetic).
Internal building obstructions: Thick walls, other electrical devices, clutter, etc.
Bad weather.
By the time the cellphone signal reaches your cell phone, it’s weak and spotty leading to limited coverage and bad reception. You’ll raise your phone in the air hoping the antenna will pick up something, hanging on to that one bar of signal if you’re lucky.
Everything changes with a Cell C Signal Booster.
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A Cell C Signal Boosters takes the existing weak signal, and amplifies it up to 32X, and then re-broadcasts the enhanced signal to an area in need in your home or car.
Cell C Signal Booster Highlights:
ICASA Approved. Complete easy to install kits.
Better coverage: no need to stand in a particular spot or do ballet moves to get workable signal.
Reliable reception: no more dropped calls, repeating a conversation, or robotic-sounding voices
Consistent internet with faster upload and download speeds.
Works on all smartphones & cellular devices.
No monthly fees — once off purchase. No need to connect to wifi or internet.
Works for all Cell C voice and text services. Also boosts signal for MTN, Vodacom, Telkom, and Rain.
For homes, whether you’re in a remote area with an self-sustainable farmhouse or the big city with difficult-to-penetrate-signal buildings, our recommended cell phone amplifiers will get the job done. They’ll extend your Cell C network signal up to 1000m2 depending on your outside signal and amplifier.
Cell C Enterprise signal booster solutions cover up to 30 000m2 buildings, although it takes a dedicated team of installers and planners to get the absolute best service.
Why let bad cell signal frustrate you? Bring the cell tower inside your home! Below are our top recommendations for Cell C signal boosters.
Cell C Cell Phone Signal Booster For Home
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OUR PICK — A500 Signal Booster Kit
A500 Product Highlights
Entire home coverage: Improves 3G and 4G coverage up to 500m2 (typical home size).
Most popular home booster: Trusted by hundreds of people across South Africa.
High-powered range: Up to +70 dB gain for 32X stronger signal.
Our Review:
WilsonPro A500 has been the most recommended home signal booster for many years for good reason. It’s a dependable performer that covers most homes for better signal.
The average south african home size is around 250m2. Under absolute best conditions, the WilsonPro A500 covers up to 500m2 if you have great outside signal and an open-spaced home layout.
Tried-and-tested results and customer reviews put it at 300m2–450m2 and a little less for remote areas, or in extreme poor signal conditions.
The A500 is a great option for most homes, small offices, farmhouses, and buildings under 500m2. If you’re getting some spotty reception, we’d recommend to start with this signal booster since this tends to be the Goldilocks or “just right” model.
FREE delivery, minimum order R500
30 Day money-back guarantee.
Lifetime support.
Cell C Cell Phone Signal Booster For Offices and Large Buildings
OUR PICK — A1000 Signal Booster Kit
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A1000 Product Highlights:
Whole House or Office coverage: Improves 3G and 4G coverage up to 1000m2 (large buildings).
For Large Building Coverage: Trusted by hundreds of people across South Africa
High-powered range: Up to +74 dB gain for 32X stronger signal.
Our Review:
The Wilson Pro A1000 (50 Ohm) from Wilson Electronics is the most powerful commercial cell phone signal boosters we currently offer. It features automatic gain control with a self-optimising design for easy installation & maintenance.
Best-case scenarios can expect coverage up to 1000m2. More likely results can at least expect 750–900m2 even with below-average outside signal. Again, fringe zones can expect a little less.
If you have an extremely poor signal (remote area) or need wide coverage for a building 1000m2+ over a warehouse or large area, the WilsonPro A1000 is your best bet.
FREE delivery, minimum order R500
30 Day money-back guarantee.
Lifetime support.
Cell C Cell Phone Signal Booster For Vehicles and Small Rooms/Areas *Launches End October 2019
Our Pick Drive AM 100-Pro
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AM100-Pro Highlights:
High-powered range: Up to +50 dB gain for 32X stronger signal.
Multi-user: Boosts signal for multiple users in a vehicle — up to 4 handsets.
Dual-Solution: Can be used in a vehicle and doubles up as a small room solution.
Our Review:
The Drive AM100-Pro is a “dual-solution” unit that work for vehicles and in single-room situations. The product is currently under going ICASA regulatory testing and will be available by end of October 2019.
This will be the first wide-band vehicle unit in the South African market, meaning it will boost 3G and 4G LTE signals for all cellular phones and all networks.This easy to install device is perfect for cars, bakkies, trucks, caravans and boats.
For the Single Room Solution: Depending on the outside signal, you will get 1 room coverage under best conditions. But you’re not here because of best conditions, so it’s more realistic to say small office to single room coverage (about 100m2 to 125m2).
This unit is a great option for single-office, home office and small areas such as cottages or apartments. A good starter kit if you have decent outside signal however doesn’t provide whole home coverage, and is not a strong performer in remote areas with extremely poor signal.
Visit the product page and join the pre-order mailing list to get notified as soon as the product launches.
FREE delivery, minimum order R500
30 Day money-back guarantee.
Lifetime support.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Is a Cell C Signal Booster the same thing as a Cell C Microcell?
No. They’re completely different products.
A Cell C Microcell needs to be connected to a broadband landline internet to work. In short, it acts as a personal cell tower by converting your broadband landline to cell signals and vice versa.
A Cell C signal booster takes your pre-existing weak cell signal and amplifies that 3G & 4G LTE siganl in your home, office, or car. Think of it as a megaphone, it enhances the signal for your phone to pick up.
Which is better? Cell C Signal Booster or Cell C Microcell?
A Cell C signal booster and here’s why.
Cell C now suggests users connect to WiFi calling instead of installing Microcells.
If you already have broadband landline internet from Cell C, Mweb, Afrihost or any internet provider, we recommend going with WiFi calling.
A Cell C Microcell is additional equipment you don’t need since WiFi calling does the same thing and it’s free.
But if you don’t have a landline internet service provider nor have access to it–especially remote areas, then a Cell C booster is the best choice since it doesn’t require any type of internet or WiFi service to work.
It simply reaches further to the nearest cell tower, bypasses multiple interference, and brings a stronger signal to your phone.
Will a Cell C Signal Booster also improve my Cell C hot spot device?
Cell C mobile hot spot routers use 3G & 4G LTE signals, and that’s what signal boosters do: enhance 3G & 4G LTE signal!
From any Wireless Internet router, it’ll get better signal and speeds, especially if the Cell C 4G router has an external antenna port that can directly connect to the Cell C signal booster.
Will a Cell C Signal Booster work with my Cell C phone?
Yes, yes, and yes.
Whether it’s an iPhone, Samsung, LG, or any phone, if it’s working on the Cell C network, then a signal booster will also improve reception to your phone.
What if I switch mobile operators in the future?
Our Cell C signal boosters from Wilson Electronics (weBoost & WilsonPro) are multi-network systems. This means they are also compatible with MTN, Telkom, and other major and local networks. They are future-proof!
What about Cell C 5G service?
The rollout process for 5G in South Africa is expected to take another 2–3 years. South African mobile operators are waiting on the communications regulator (ICASA) to license the required spectrum.
The Minister of Communications has asked ICASA to investigate and report on the required spectrum for 5G. This report is due to be released end of May 2020, whereafter a separate policy direction on the 5G candidate bands will be issued.
Will 5G make my Cell C signal booster obsolete?
4G LTE is still being built out across South Africa. In fact, 4G LTE is the backbone of the nation’s wireless service. It’s not going anywhere anytime soon, AND it’s getting faster.
4G LTE is expected to peak in 2030–2035. So…come back in a decade and ask the same question and we might have a different answer by then.
Who are you and how can you help me?
Bolton Technical is a leading provider of cell phone signal boosters, devices that amplify 4G & 3G LTE for any phone with any network for home, office, or car.
We’ve boosted over 1,000,000 sq meter of signal for homes, buildings, and vehicles across South Africa and the US.
Free consultation (ask us anything) with our SA-based customer support. Email: ([email protected]). Phone: +27 11 749 3085
Free delivery for orders over R500 to main centers.
30-day money-back guarantee. We want to make sure you’re satisfied.
Our goal is simple: keep people connected. Ask us anything and we’ll be glad to help.
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ideiasstorm · 6 years
6 Must-Follow Tips for Editing and enhancing an School Paper
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6 Must-Follow Tips for Editing and enhancing an School Paper
Editing an academics paper are different from regarding work definitely going for a blog site or submitting a novel. Because school and scientific papers are generally written inside a formal type, they need to possibly be carefully edited to ensure the connection of concepts in an unambiguous way, having clarity in addition to solid design from beginning to end.
An academic work is supposed to be taken practically, so why don’t explore these 6 guidelines for editing.
1 . Make sure style will be consistent throughout.
There are many codecs for publishing an educational paper, and so choose that style will best suit work and ensure that it can be applied constantly throughout.
Often the APA composing format (American Psychological Association) was designed for publication throughout psychological publications, but is usually widely used in several scientific grounds. Whatever model you choose, keep essay writers to the appropriate shapes and format structures for that greatest good results.
Some common guidelines to check out are:
Maintain persistence with margin width: top rated, bottom and both sides.
Font size needs to be used continually.
Double space text, which include references along with bibliographies.
Written text should be in-line to the left markup.
If your do the job is to be posted, use a Managing Head (a short subject no longer when compared with 50 characters) at the top of each one page, in-line flush remaining.
Use the energetic voice. This is an area of alter from the past everywhere an impersonal form is the traditional tip, and personal pronouns weren’t made use of.
Pagination as well as order regarding pages. Often the page range should appear at the top of each page, often centered as well as at the proper margin. As well as the order regarding pages ought to be as follows:
headline page
personal references
2 . Evaluate your personal paper for supporting parallels.
When producing a paper it’s easy to easily jot concepts down when they pop into your head without concern for their relationship towards your main matter. When editing, you need to make certain that all of these ideas marry up and; similar one another. For instance , does your thesis parallel the particular concluding sentences? The conclusion needs to support the actual position of the thesis without having conditions or even qualifying phrases.
Also, your own topic sentences should reveal the details in your thesis. If your thesis states a, B, as well as C are qualities found in D (D being your own personal thesis), then you definately need to squander the appropriate area to investigating A, Udem?rket, and M in order to assist your states.
And, any quotes used within your paper need to be scrutinized to ensure these people supporting your own topic phrases, which in turn assistance your thesis. The thread of your topic needs to work all the way through the content of your pieces of paper.
3. Imagination your terms.
An school paper is intended to be study by peers and pros within a given field, therefore the use of technical terms and industry verbiage is undoubtedly an encouraged along with accepted process.
Avoid the frequent mistakes that detract out of your authority or maybe professionalism instructions spellcheckers will miss homonyms and the significance behind your word selection, so take time to edit very carefully for; Typical Errors in English Utilization; (Paul Brians).
Some of them are generally:
Inappropriate use of plurals and possessives.
Confusing; effect ; in addition to; influence.
Getting back together words when there are plenty of very good ones offered.
Not knowing the actual accurate which means of the phrases you speak.
Use of slang or vocabulary.
Not using appropriate complex words and also terms.
Make use of contractions.
Abbreviations. Avoid them in addition to spell out your words. Still acronyms usually are preferable immediately after they’ve been spelled out the very first time that used.
This article; in the University involving Pennsylvania is actually well worth reading, covering these kind of points and even more, in detail.
4. Cut down on wordiness.
An academic paper is actually formal inside nature, nonetheless it doesn’t have to become stuffy or even boring. Utilize the following publishing and enhancing principles intended for effective interaction of your tips.
Produce from an outline. This gives construction to your thought processes, so your writing is always in topic. And also having construction means a person use fluff words as well as try to “fluff” your paper.
Stick to one particular idea each paragraph. And idea ought to be clearly related to the main perception of your thesis.
Rework any kind of lengthy phrases into obvious and compact constructions.
Use innovative nouns as well as verbs to show your ideas and steer clear of trying to invigorate your producing with unfilled adjectives and adverbs. Read your written text out loud to figure out where your own prose could be made considerably more direct and vivid.
5. Infractions
Bibliographies, recommendations and citations. There’s no making your way around it, they want to be included in your work. A variety of formats can be utilized for referencing the reference material utilised in a document, so it’s best to pre-determine the actual preferences as well as guidelines are usually for each 1.
In essence, they all require a minimum information permitting others to get the source content you’ve offered:
A new bibliography demands the author’s name, headline of the reserve and day of distribution.
A diary article have to include level and web page numbers.
Seminar papers want the title of the conference, web page numbers along with details of distribution.
Your personal paper will need to have a reference for every resource you refer to so that expert reviewers and people who tag your work can easily access your assist documentation. With out them, your reliability and signifies will suffer. It’s a valuable depth that needs to be well known.
6. Check
To be effective, your personal academic papers should be lustrous and specialist in every feature. And nothing affirms “amateur” quite like misspelled words, sloppy punctuation and grammatical mistakes. Have a tendency count on some sort of spellchecker to do this for you as there are simply too many circumstances where thoughts and errors are overlooked for any range of reasons.
And also there you will have our six best strategies for editing a great academic paper. Use all these ideas to offer a work each opportunity to get noticed and be observed amid your competition.
The post 6 Must-Follow Tips for Editing and enhancing an School Paper appeared first on Ideias Storm.
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How to Write a Research Paper in APA Format Style?
Evolving yourself academically successful is not effortless. To precisely and meticulously write my research paper, you have to get familiarized with the practices of formatting a research paper in APA format or you can hire the best college paper writing service according to all APA formatting norms. APA format is used across the globe for referencing and formatting sources used in research papers. The APA format guidelines enable authors with a plausible and well-prominent format, making their research paper methodical and easy to read. 
APA formatting procedures enable a paper writer to efficiently manage their arguments and suitably credit secondary literature to prevent plagiarism. Additionally, the APA format enhances the research paper style for readers as it facilitates them to concentrate on the paper's composition instead of its exhibition. This blog entails the major requirements needed for APA format that will help you write a research paper in APA format style efficiently. 
Find Out What is APA Format Style
A collection of approaches when writing a piece of literature not only makes the management of arguments simpler but also allows better readability. The 
research paper in APA format has been created to be used in higher education and research papers. An APA format style research paper is formatted based on desired sources and standards are noted correctly to prevent plagiarism. To get the correct APA format style research paper, you can hire the best college paper writing service.
Discover the General Requirements for APA Format to Write a Research Paper in APA Format Style
Paper Length
Given that the APA format style is utilized in the literature, the writers must remain brief and detailed. Proficient language is essential, and the major concepts should be written distinctly. The writers should avert unessential details. All around, the length of the research paper in APA style should be maintained to a minimum while enclosing the writer's ideas.
Margin Prerequisites
APA formatting guidelines require writers to type on a typical-sized paper of 8.5 inches times 11 inches. The text in the research paper should be precisely double-spaced with a 1-inch margin on all sides of the paper. The font utilized should be effortlessly readable; however, it is suggested to opt for 12-point Times New Roman as it is commonly used.
Title Page Details
A research paper in APA style format should include the name of the instructor, institutional affiliation, the title of the paper, course name, the author's name, number, and the due date of the assignment. The title should be in boldface and centered. It should also be one or two lines extended. The title can include both uppercase and lowercase letters.
Running Heads
Running heads are not essential for student papers, however, professional papers should contain a running head. A running head is on the left of the paper and it is suggested to not exceed over 50 characters containing spacing and punctuation. Additionally, the running head is always in all uppercase letters. 
The Table of Contents
The table of contents is an essential component of a research paper as it provides writers navigation for the paper. Adding a table of content is not mandatory in APA, however, it is suggested for lengthier papers. The table of contents should be double-spaced and in the same font. It makes the paper simpler to browse through, which in turn enables the readers to concentrate on the content of the research paper.
A definite outline constitutes the foundation of a well-organized research paper. An APA format style paper is largely divided into three major parts, which are, the introduction, the body, and the conclusion. The introduction offers background for the research paper and includes the thesis statement. In the body of the paper, the author demonstrates the main issues that help the thesis statement. 
The conclusion offers the overall outline of the topics made in the body and explains how the paper helps the thesis statement. The references list pursues the conclusion. For research papers in APA format style, an abstract should also be included before the introduction. All research papers in APA style may not observe this identical outline, however, this outline format is commonly used as a general guideline. 
The abstract is documented after the title page. Although it is neglected, the abstract functions as a major part of any well-researched research paper in APA format. The objective of an abstract is to offer the readers a synopsis of the research paper. Being the foremost thing the reader notices in the research paper, the abstract should disclose what the reader can expect about the paper and what is it about.
An APA format style paper considerably includes a body, an introduction, and a conclusion. This amount of the research paper encloses indented paragraphs. The introduction of the research paper is written after the title, which is set on the top of the research paper, centered. The introduction paragraph is not marked. 
Reference Page
The APA format style reference page contains a precise list including information concerning the sources utilized throughout the research paper. This section starts on a fresh page titled "References", which is on the top and in the middle of the page. The initial line of the reference is leveled on the left with the rest of the section of the line. The journal titles are italicized, and the capitalization and punctuation utilized in the source are included even if they are not familiar. 
If you are wondering how to write my research paper, then we hope we have helped you to know the essential elements that are required to write a research paper in APA format style. Furthermore, understanding how to write a research paper in APA style enables a Paper writer to correctly credit secondary sources to avert plagiarism. The APA research paper rules are extensive and include all elements of a research paper, assuring that all papers observe a standard pattern, which enhances predictability and consistency. 
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customessaypapers · 2 years
Describe the intervention activity you’ve decided to fully develop and discuss how the activity supports the goals and objectives of your health education program
HLT 4310 – Project Assignment 5 At this point in the project, you’ve done all the background research for your intervention; you’ve identified your priority population and health concern, created project goals and objectives, selected the theory or model used to support your intervention, and developed intervention activities to achieve the project goal. Now, you will actually create a portion of your intervention itself! Select one of the four intervention activities that you developed in Project Assignment 4 and create the intervention activity. For example, if one of your intervention activities was a lecture, you will create the actual presentation with notes to accompany that activity. If your intervention includes a cooking component on healthy eating, you will create the recipes and provide step-by-step instructions for the activity. If your intervention includes an informative brochure, you will create that brochure. Remember that your activity must be compelling enough to increase knowledge and, in turn, change the behaviors and ideas of the participants. In addition to the activity, please provide a description of the activity and how the activity is supported by all the background research you’ve done and the theory/model you have chosen. Value: 100 points Requirements: - Part I: Intervention Activity Paper- Describe the intervention activity you’ve decided to fully develop and discuss how the activity supports the goals and objectives of your health education program. (25 points) - Explain how the intervention activity you’ve selected is supported by research. (25 points)- These sections of your final paper would be titled Intervention Activity and Relevance of Intervention Activity to Health Education Program, respectively. - Format: APA Style, double-spaced, size 12 Times New Roman font, and a minimum of 1.5 pages (does not include Cover Sheet and References) - Part II: Intervention Activity. (50 points)- Develop the actual intervention activity that you selected.- This section would be the Appendix of your final paper. - Format: Varies based on activity Read the attachment and follow all instructions for the assignment. everything you need to successfully complete both assignments is attached below. The first is the literature review created that was based on the mission statement needed for this assignment which will be the second attachment. the third attachment will be the first assignment that should be completed. "Please refer to Chapter 7 of the textbook to review the theories and models that are used to develop health education programs and Chapter 8 to review interventions and intervention activities. You will also develop four potential intervention activities that support your health education program and provide theoretical support for these activities." please read all the requirements and follow every step-by-step detail. the fourth attachment will be the "Final Paper sample" mentioned in the assignment. The fifth attachment will be the second and final assignment that should be completed that goes hand-in-hand with the first assignment that is completed. "Now, you will actually create a portion of your intervention itself Select one of the four intervention activities that you developed in Project Assignment 4 and create the intervention activity. For example, if one of your intervention activities was a lecture, you will create the actual presentation with notes to accompany that activity. If your intervention includes a cooking component on healthy eating, you will create the recipes and provide step-by-step instructions for the activity. If your intervention includes an informative brochure, you will create that brochure. Remember that your activity must be compelling enough to increase knowledge and, in turn, change the behaviors and ideas of the participants. In addition to the activity, please provide a description of the activity and how the activity is supported by all the background research you’ve done and the theory/model you have chosen." please read all the requirements and follow every step-by-step detail. Please submit each assignment individually, 2 separate word documents. Read the full article
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researchpapers4me · 2 years
Describe the intervention activity you’ve decided to fully develop and discuss how the activity supports the goals and objectives of your health education program
HLT 4310 – Project Assignment 5 At this point in the project, you’ve done all the background research for your intervention; you’ve identified your priority population and health concern, created project goals and objectives, selected the theory or model used to support your intervention, and developed intervention activities to achieve the project goal. Now, you will actually create a portion of your intervention itself! Select one of the four intervention activities that you developed in Project Assignment 4 and create the intervention activity. For example, if one of your intervention activities was a lecture, you will create the actual presentation with notes to accompany that activity. If your intervention includes a cooking component on healthy eating, you will create the recipes and provide step-by-step instructions for the activity. If your intervention includes an informative brochure, you will create that brochure. Remember that your activity must be compelling enough to increase knowledge and, in turn, change the behaviors and ideas of the participants. In addition to the activity, please provide a description of the activity and how the activity is supported by all the background research you’ve done and the theory/model you have chosen. Value: 100 points Requirements: - Part I: Intervention Activity Paper- Describe the intervention activity you’ve decided to fully develop and discuss how the activity supports the goals and objectives of your health education program. (25 points) - Explain how the intervention activity you’ve selected is supported by research. (25 points)- These sections of your final paper would be titled Intervention Activity and Relevance of Intervention Activity to Health Education Program, respectively. - Format: APA Style, double-spaced, size 12 Times New Roman font, and a minimum of 1.5 pages (does not include Cover Sheet and References) - Part II: Intervention Activity. (50 points)- Develop the actual intervention activity that you selected.- This section would be the Appendix of your final paper. - Format: Varies based on activity Read the attachment and follow all instructions for the assignment. everything you need to successfully complete both assignments is attached below. The first is the literature review created that was based on the mission statement needed for this assignment which will be the second attachment. the third attachment will be the first assignment that should be completed. "Please refer to Chapter 7 of the textbook to review the theories and models that are used to develop health education programs and Chapter 8 to review interventions and intervention activities. You will also develop four potential intervention activities that support your health education program and provide theoretical support for these activities." please read all the requirements and follow every step-by-step detail. the fourth attachment will be the "Final Paper sample" mentioned in the assignment. The fifth attachment will be the second and final assignment that should be completed that goes hand-in-hand with the first assignment that is completed. "Now, you will actually create a portion of your intervention itself Select one of the four intervention activities that you developed in Project Assignment 4 and create the intervention activity. For example, if one of your intervention activities was a lecture, you will create the actual presentation with notes to accompany that activity. If your intervention includes a cooking component on healthy eating, you will create the recipes and provide step-by-step instructions for the activity. If your intervention includes an informative brochure, you will create that brochure. Remember that your activity must be compelling enough to increase knowledge and, in turn, change the behaviors and ideas of the participants. In addition to the activity, please provide a description of the activity and how the activity is supported by all the background research you’ve done and the theory/model you have chosen." please read all the requirements and follow every step-by-step detail. Please submit each assignment individually, 2 separate word documents. Read the full article
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capricorngal97-blog · 6 years
At Home Stress
18? Done with living at home? Want your own space? 
Hello Friends, welcome back after a short break. I’ve been busy with some other projects but I have decided that its time to get back to at least refresh this blog with a new post. 
So let’s get into it. I wanted to discuss this topic for a while and I sort of touched on it back during the “Financial Stress 101″ post, but I am going to go more into it today. One of the primary reasons I want to talk about moving out and how I did it successfully at a young age is some questions I get frequently through friends and people I’m just getting to know. 
I feel like a lot of people have also been able to move out at a young age and do it successfully without too much financial stress on their shoulders, but just in case I want to share this information with you because it can be a source of stress to want independence or need to fly from the nest but not being able to. 
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So, one of the first things we think about as we near our independent age of 18 is moving out. How do I do that? It can be scary when you work a minimum wage job and have never been responsible for bills and money before. And what the H-E double hockey sticks are bills for anyway? 
Take a breath. Let’s start out with income and age first. 
Perhaps you’re 16 and you have a job at (IDK random store) Bath and Bodyworks working around 20-25 hours a week, taking in $850 a month before tax. You’re not ready to move out for two reasons. First, you’re not old enough to stress about bills so relax and sit down for another two to three years. Sorry if that’s rough but it is the cold hard truth. Second, there’s no way to survive on $850 a month (and keywords in that sentence was “before tax”).
Now let’s talk realistically, you’re 18 you’ve held a stable job for a couple months or a year and you’re ready to take on the responsibilities that are required for you to earn your freedom. 
The first thing you gotta look at is a roommate. Friends are okay but make sure you can live with them through good and bad times. You also want to make sure that they are responsible to turn their bill payments in on time, otherwise, they’re not the roommates you want. Find someone dependable and clean. 
After you found a roommate, its best to look at apartments together so you don’t have problems later on. Find a location that works out for the both of you and space that is needed to live together. If you're in a relationship one bed one bath can work out well if you’re friends or just roommates look for two bed (preferably) two bath, but some can make do with one bath. It depends on your needs and wants. Also, keep in mind that the more space you have the more electricity you’re using. What do I mean? Well to put it in perspective take a 400 sq ft studio; that’s going to be about 50-70 bucks depending on your usage. Comparing this to a higher 100 dollar bill to a 700 sq ft apartment. 
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Take into consideration the apartments that include utilities like water. 
Okay so you found a roommate, you found a place to live, and you have a stable job. What now? Act on it! 
Plan it out with your roommate. Decide on what bills are going to be paid by whom and what you’re splitting. Don’t forget the money you saved to pay for fees and beginning contracts with TECO and your internet/cable service. Also, what about the furniture? Got that yet? Fees for the apartment contracts are due as well. Plus first months (and sometimes) last months rent. 
This is the last step, but hardest of all steps to consider for moving out. There are calls you have to make and contracts you have to sit through and go over before signing away. Leasing is no joke and takes patience to get through. If you have dreamt of this day for so long don’t be discouraged by the high payments. You can do it through saving. Put your money where you can’t look/touch/think/smell (don’t do that) it. Saving is the biggest part of your adulthood journey because as soon as you move out and pay for your own place you are an adult and you have many responsibilities to take care of every month. An easy way to keep track of your bills is automatic bill pay or writing it done on the calendar. It makes it easy to see how much you need to save before the next due date. 
Thanks again for reading loves! Hope to get some good feedback and let me know what you think about me uploading videos of me talking about this stuff too! If you’re reading this from a link off my Facebook page reply there. The more support I get the more I know what you guys like and what you don’t. It helps to make the blog better. Alrighty, that’s all for now! BYE!!!
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essaynook · 3 years
Students will answer the questions that align with the matrix below. The questio
Students will answer the questions that align with the matrix below. The questio
Students will answer the questions that align with the matrix below. The questions will be weighted 50 points each for the first four questions (87%) and 30 points for the last question (13%). The answers to each question should be a minimum of 1 page, double-spaced, and with standard margins. Any charts, images, or graphs will not count towards the page requirement. Students must use the…
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guidedpapers · 3 years
Write down the bill number and the sponsors of the bill and include this information in your initial post
Write down the bill number and the sponsors of the bill and include this information in your initial post
A‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‍‍‌‍‍ssignment Requirements Go to your state government web page. Find one health policy enacted within the last two (2) years at the state level.?Write down the bill number and the sponsors of the bill and include this information in your initial post. Write a minimum of a one-page critical analysis summary of the policy. (2‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‍‍‌‍‍50 words double spaced, APA). Your…
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thinklio · 3 years
Write a minimum of a one-page critical analysis summary of the policy.
Write a minimum of a one-page critical analysis summary of the policy.
A‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‍‍‌‍‍ssignment Requirements Go to your state government web page. Find one health policy enacted within the last two (2) years at the state level.?Write down the bill number and the sponsors of the bill and include this information in your initial post. Write a minimum of a one-page critical analysis summary of the policy. (2‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‌‌‍‍‍‌‍‍‍‍‌‍‍50 words double spaced, APA). Your…
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loadingace491 · 3 years
Cars 2 For Mac Torrent
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Project Cars 2 Mac OS X Version
The new racing video games Project Cars 2 is here. We are happy to present MacBook version of this amazing video game. Project Cars 2 Mac OS X Version is available starting now , download is free and the game works on any iMac and MacBook computer that will meet the minimum game requirements (see below). Fortunately this version of the game does not require addition programs to run. Once you have downloaded the game .dmg file just open it and copy the content into apps folder.
Teamspeak 3 for mac os. Free TeamSpeak Systems Mac OS X 10.10/10.11/10.9 Version Download Now Secure Download. Publisher's Description. From TeamSpeak Systems. The all-new TeamSpeak client is built on the foundations of our rock solid, lag-free voice technology and packed with next generation communication & productivity tools, while maintaining our renowned security, privacy and complete customisability. TeamSpeak is the ONLY tool you will need to connect online. Teamspeak 3 server (Mac OS X) - Download. Communication Software. Teamspeak 3 Server for Mac OS X. Download now (free) powered by 4Netplayers. Category: Voice-Chat Date: 04 Apr 2020 Version: 3.12.1 Hits: 6203 Rating: 4.74 out of 5 stars from 15 ratings. TS3 Mac Server 3.12.1.
Slightly Mad Studio developed and published this amazing video game. They added a lot of improvements , new cars and tracks in this new game. Graphics has been improved with almost 50% and gameplay is smoother now. We have a lot of new cars and most of them are really awesome. Project Cars 2 has been released worldwide in september 2017. Can be played in single player mode and multiplayer. The racing video game received a lot of positive votes from player and critics websites only write nice things about him. Any Macintosh owner can enjoy Project Cars 2 right now, here are the game requirements.
Where to download cars 2 the video game reloaded? Although the new look is quite an impressive.Cars 2 The Video Game-RELOADED Cars 2: The Video Game (c. Bandwidth - Number of connections - Set. For more info,crack only,PATCH,serial,keygen.Download Cars 2 The Video Game-RELOADED torrent or any other torrent from the Games PC. Cars 2: The Video Game introduces the international training center - CHROME (Command Headquarters for Recon Operations and Motorized Espionage) that expands upon the film storyline Choose from more than 20 different characters, such as Mater, Lightning McQueen and the newly introduced Finn McMissile and Holley Shiftwell, and train to become. 2.Once Project Cars 2 is done downloading, right click on the torrent and select “Open Containing Folder”. 3.Double click inside the Project Cars 2 folder, extract the.iso with WinRAR, and run the setup. 4.Click “Copy contents of CODEX directory to installdir” and then click install. Wait for the game to install.
Project Cars 2 Mac OS X REQUIREMENTS
Free Disk Space: 48.3 GB
OS X Version: 10.12
Processor i3
If you have and MacBook Pro, Air or iMac that have these requirements you can start downloading the game right now. If not you may also try but be sure to use the lower game settings. This version of Project Cars 2 for MacBook has been tested on few iMacs / MacBooks and found working.
Project Cars 2 Mac OS X DOWNLOAD
Mac owner decided to play this game right can use Torrent or Direct method to get game dmg file. Both methods are up and working. Torrent is recommend, file size is big and torrent is faster that direct. Once you have downloaded the game just open dmg and copy into apps. Now you can delete this file and run the game anytime from apps. This version of Project Cars 2 work in multiplayer mode too.
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A new game added today, October 13th, into the mac OS racing games category. For all the genre lover who want something different from Need for Speed series, we prepared Project Cars 2 for OS X. This is one of the best games that reflect almost perfectly a track race experience. Released on September 22, it already on an award at Gamescom for the “Best Simulation Game”. This speaks for itself! If you want to play a real racing game, download now Project Cars 2 Mac OS X and you will not regret.
Project Cars 2 was started based on the success of the first title, back in 2015. The sequel is now way more improved, with better graphics, new cars and new tracks. A gameplay system, called LiveTrack 3.0, is bringing more realistic track conditions, which almost reflects the reality. For passionate racers, the online gameplay as been also improved. The E-sports phenomen is fast growing and the producers of this game have been focusing on that. Project Cars 2 Mac OS X has better online functionalities, a ranking system and online championships.
In other words, Project Cars 2 Mac OS X is the perfect game for everyone who wants to race on a track, with real racing cars. Emulator nds for mac. Cars like Jaguar XJ220, Nissan R89C or Honda Civic have been added to the already big collection. You have from where to choose your racing dream car. All you have to do is to download Project Cars 2 for Mac from the button below and begin your professional racer career.
Project Cars 2 for macOS – Minimum System Requirements –
CPU:Intel Core 2 Quad Q8400 / AMD Phenom II X4 940
CPU Speed:2.66 GHz
OS:OS X 10.11
Video Card:GeForce GTX 260 / ATI Radeon HD 5770
HDD Space:26 GB
Download Torrents For Mac
NOTE: This game is FREE TO DOWNLOAD, but in order to get acces to this game you need to create a FREE account (more details on the download page). By this way you can download all the DLC packs for this game and a lot more games and softwares for your Macbook/iMac.
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yellowkorean516 · 3 years
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Grand Theft Auto III is an open world action-adventure video game developed by DMA Design (now Rockstar North) on 2001 and published by Rockstar Games. It is the first 3D title in the Grand Theft Auto series. GTA 3 game is the most popular game in the world. But most of the gamer unable to download the full version, so here I will give you the highly compressed version of GTA 3 in 130 MB for pc. So if you have low internet speed, you can easily download this game for 130 MB only and you can play inside the pc. It is an open world game, so you can roam inside the city. Or you can do missions for earning money. There are a lot of games similar to this game. For example – GTA San Andreas, GTA vice city, GTA 4, GTA 5.Now guys it is most best game for low pc end computers but main problem is – you need to buy this game from online website but here I will give highly compressed Gta 3 game for free.The download link for downloading this game is given at at this page ,just check and download for pc.GTA game lover must play other games of Rockstar games like – grand theft auto V, Grand theft auto 4 ,Maxpayne1 , etc. GTA 3 is best game for low pc end computers , You can also Gta 3 whole game inside your android mobile by simply downloading the file of gta 3 for android.same like this you can also play gta san andreas game inside your pc by simply downloading the file of gta san andreas for android mobile because some games of Rockstar is released for android mobiles – like gta vice city, gta3 ,gta san andreas , Max payne etc.
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Answer – No it is not full version, it is full game butnot full version because it is highly compressed not 100% loseless game andsome of the audio is removed and get compressed in 130 MB only.so it is notfull game . Still if you want to download the full version of gta 3 , justclick here- .
Download textgram apk for android pc. Cutscenes are available inside this compressed versiongta 3?
Answer – Yes, but audio of cutscenes are not present.
As a brief reminder, this was from my:In case you've been living under a stone for the last 4 years (this technology only became 'legal' in many countries at the start of 2007), an FM transmitter is, as it sounds, a way of sending a phone's audio stream (usually music or podcasts) via a genuine FM frequency of your choice to your car (or home, or caravan) FM radio. The power output is very low and is restricted by law to just 50 nanowatts - which is good for your phone's battery consumption and yet still more than enough to reach your car aerial, typically less than a metre away.Alternative approaches to getting your phone's stored music collection onto your much bigger car speakers include using Bluetooth to a car kit, or to plug in via a 3.5mm to 3.5mm jack lead, into an Aux port on the back of the car stereo. Nokia x2 02 play via radio download for android.
Minimum System Requirements :
450 MHz Pentium III or AMD Athlon processor
96 MB of RAM
4X speed CD/DVD drive
700 MB of free disk space
16 MB video card with DirectX 8.1 compatibility drivers
DirectX 8.1 compatible sound card
DirectX 8.1
Some screenshots of grand theft auto 3
How to install highly compressed gta 3
download and install WinRAR software on your pc from anywhere.
download the compressed RAR file of GTA 3 from below.
extract the folder which is inside the GTA 3 compressed rar.
go inside the folder – GTA 3 – (FULL GAME) – PC – Highly Compressed and again go inside the folder – GTA 3 and first double click on – setup.bat like this.
wait for 1 – 2 minutes until complete file extraction.
Now before starting the game, must do this setting if you facing this problem – cannot find 640×480 video mode GTA 3.
So must tick the check mark on – Run in 640×480 video resolution. and click on ok.
Now double click on gta3.exe and start game inside your desktop or laptop.
Gta 3 Latest Version Download For Android
Game file information
Gta 3 Download Free Pc
Game Name – Grand theft auto 3
Game size – 131 MB
File type – RAR
Game size after installing the game – Approx 732 MB
Game developer – Rockstar Games
Game file compression type – 100% not loseless
Gta 3 Full Version Download For Android Pc
Download GTA 3 pc rar
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