#the mouth equivalent of stepping on legos.
jvzebel-x · 1 month
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troythings · 7 days
hello i am back to rant about how braindead this stupid propaganda comic is and why everyone should use it as spare kindling
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oh my god steve orlando buddy.
he says “non-natives.” another time, it’s “outsiders.” with such a vague wording, that implies they don’t come from the host country. he must be so fking stuck in a world war ii nazi fetish fantasy that he hasn’t realized…when not actively calling for a genocide, actual far-right figures will just deport “foreigners.”
steve orlando also uses the word “work camps.” unless proven otherwise, the assumption is that they’re just interment camps. slave labor at most. that is a whole different concept from the extermination camp developed by nazi germany for the purpose of industrializing murder.
which brings me to the next point.
interment camps cost time and money to maintain. you need security for the masses of ppl that ur gonna be holding in there. that’s bodies being allocated. where’s the practical use in that, if they’re not being written as extermination camps. you are essentially draining resources from your own country instead of just deporting your chosen scapegoats like…an actual ethnonationalist would.
which makes me question if the aim is even genocidal at all. but then this bullshit here..
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(i honestly hope steve orlando steps on every lego for writing this. the internment camp was a colonialist creation you fucking buffoon. stop using loaded language)
so what’s the story then. are the camps industrial-scale death factories devoted to mass murder? no? then keep that shit out of your goddamn mouth. because with all evidence…a nazi comparison doesn’t seem to fit. it’s just there to pull at the audience’s emotional heartstrings and everyone took the bait
a country holds foreign nationals in non-extermination slave labor camps? that’s not unique to nazi germany. that’s the equivalent of tourists getting trapped in north korea and working hard labor.
which would be a valid issue to draw attention to, if steve orlando wasn’t busy indulging in a cheap nazi fetish.
by the way. german jews were german citizens, rooted in the history and culture until they got stripped of their citizenship. the point stands. Nazi germany killed its own people. stop muddying shit up by implying possible genocide victims are foreign from the rest of society
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neverafters-a · 3 years
DISRESPECTFULLY : if you have to register a whole ass fake blog to send “anon” hate, you are an embarrassment. you are a joke of a human being. i hope that the next time you take a sip of a hot drink, you burn your entire mouth. i hope you accidentally spill something on your shirt the next time you have an interview or important meeting. i hope the next time you are walking barefoot, you step on the equivalent of a tiny lego. i hope you say “you too” every time a waitress says enjoy your food. i sincerely wish every mild inconvenience on you for the rest of your life because you are intentionally making people feel bad about themselves and for what? FOR WHAT? this also applies to you if you abuse the anon feature tbh. take a break. go outside. get some fresh air. leave good people alone.
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cap-ironman · 4 years
Captain America/Iron Man Remix 2020 Masterpost and Creator Reveal
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Here it is: the final masterlist and the creator reveals for Captain America/Iron Man Remix 2020! Below you'll find all 56 remixes created, with 13 written for Remix Exchange, 25 for Remix Relay, and 18 created for Remix Madness. If you haven't checked out the works during the reveal period, please take a look at all of the wonderful remixes and leave some love for all the creators!
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1. what it takes to talk (a courthouse steps remix) by navaan (616, T, 3494 words)
Canon divergence sort of fix it for CW/Death of Captain America with hints of all the bad that went on around the two of them at the time.
2. For Now (A Remix Before the War) by sophinisba (MCU, G, 3299 words)
Tony isn't sure it's a good idea for the idea for the Avengers to return to Sokovia, but he's off the team now. It's not his decision to make.
3. upsetti spaghetti by starksnack (MCU, E, 3000 words)
“Is that a Foccacia loaf in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?” Basically Steve tries to cook an Italian birthday dinner for Tony.
4. for the love of (spaghetti remix) by Lets_call_me_Lily (3490, T, 1281 words)
Natasha Stark: Iron Woman, genius, inventor, philanthropist, billionaire, married. And, though not commonly known, an accomplished cook.
5. Dinner Plans (Food is Love Remix) by Neverever (Avengers Assemble, T, 1335 words)
Steve has had a long hard day. It doesn't get better.
6. He Lit a Fire (and Now He's in My Every Thought) by EachPeachPearPlum (MCU, T, 1578 words)
It probably says a lot about his friendship with Natasha that the first words out of her mouth are, “What did you do this time?” "Nothing!” Clint argues. Tasha arches an eyebrow at him, sceptical in the extreme, which Clint is so not having. “Swear to god, I was playing that Lego game they made about us, no way I could have caused a fire.” “Uhuh,” Tasha ‘agrees’, then goes for their usual means of resolving arguments that take place in the tower. “JARVIS?” “On this occasion, Agent Barton is quite correct, Agent Romanov,” their resident ceiling-deity answers. “The fire began in Sir and Captain Rogers’ kitchen.”
7. A sweet Moment (Remix) by Caw_caw_MotherF (MCU, G, art)
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8. Stolen Moments by navaan (Noir, G, 860 words)
Tony seems a little off when the group is on the way back to camp. Like his mind is somewhere else — or on someone else.
1. Ocean Cold by MiniRaven (616, G, 2384 words)
Tony Stark; billionaire, hero, merman, goes on a swim after a long day at sea. He finds something in the ice and, upon closer inspection, discovers not all is as it appears.
2. Fractured Moonlight on the Sea by EachPeachPearPlum (MCU, G, 1623 words)
As the mysterious object grows nearer, it becomes clearer but no more explicable. There’s flashes of red and gold, both washed out by the blueness of the light, moving with the light but not always in the same position in relation to it, and- It’s a man. The thing travelling in Steve’s direction from below the water is a man. Those are hands, cutting through the water, and a face, a bare torso, the light not attached to the man’s clothing (as Steve first assumed) but actually in his chest. It’s sort of a man, anyway, if Steve doesn’t look any lower than waist height. Below that, the flashes of red and gold are slowly resolving themselves into scales. Scales. The thing heading towards him is a mermaid. Man. Person?
3. The Rescue of Captain America (The Bedtime Story Remix) by navaan (616, G, 2972 words)
There's a lot of material you can adapt into bedtime stories when your lives are larger than life.. ...or Tony tells the story of Captain America's rescue with more mermen.
4. rewrite the past by avengersincamphalfbloodstardis (Marvel, G, 1021 words)
Steve can still feel the ice sometimes; his daughter chases it away.
5. Drawings from School (Hearts and Ice Remix) by Neverever (616, T, 1222 words)
Tony and Steve's daughter Sarah comes home with her drawings, which hits Steve a little hard.
6. Simple by hollyandvice (hiasobi_writes) (MCU, T, 3504 words)
From the moment Tony offers him the ring, Steve promises himself he'll never wish for more than this. Steve wants kids, but doesn't want to pressure his husband into something he doesn't want.
7.  Not a hard-knock life (the adoption remix) by Lets_call_me_Lily(MCU, Art)
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8. Drawn to be Something More by MiniRaven (MCU, G, 1272 words)
Morgan Stark shows off a picture to Steve Rogers, daddy's special friend. Tooth rotting adorableness ensues.
1. mine by starksnack (MCU, M, art)
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2. Worth by hollyandvice (hiasobi_writes) (MCU, E, 4838 words)
Steve returns from the benefit to a Tony just as naked as he'd left him hours ago, still sprawled out on their bed in that effortlessly beautiful way he has. The only difference is that now it's the pale blue light of the arc reactor that illuminates his form, not the afternoon light that had kissed his skin earlier that day. Feelsy smut. That's it. That's the fic.
3. Let Me Help You with That (the knock 'em dead remix) by Lets_call_me_Lily (616, T, art)
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4. Feeling blue (Remix) by masterlokisev159 (616, Not Rated, 6072 words)
When the Superhero Registration Act came into play, no one knew what the consequences would be, least of all Tony. And from what he's heard, he didn't deal with it well. Or at all. Following the events of the Civil War, the Skrulls and Tony's recovery after Osborn, Steve and Tony no longer speak to each other, having fallen out after Tony woke up from his self-induced coma. Now, at this party, all Tony can think about is Steve.
Silently he wonders if Steve even notices him anymore.
5. safe in your arms [REMIX] by wingheads (616, T, Art)
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6. Reunion Gone Bad (Don't Drink That Remix) by Neverever (Avengers Assemble, T, 1894 words)
Tony is surprised to see Steve at the fundraiser, and he sure is surprised with how the rest of the evening goes too.
7. Unexpected (Remix) by jayjayverse (Marvel, G, art)
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8. Thank Goodness for Shields & Husbands by avengersincamphalfbloodstardis (616, G, 1178 words)
After a rude politician hurts Steph's feelings, her husband comforts her when she needs him.
9. rub a dub dub by starksnack (MCU, M, art)
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★ A Moment of Peace (Steve is a Mystery Remix) by Neverever (AA, T, 1713 words)
Steve is in denial about having a migraine and the frenetic energy of the Tower isn't helping.
Remix of The Mysterious Case of the Migraine Helper by Sadisticsparkle
★ A Place for the Desperate (A Timely Remix) by navaan (1872, M, 1701 words)
Steve thinks Tony has escaped from his cell and won't be back, so he gives in to a little fantasy...
Remix of A Farm for the Horny and the Desperate by HogwartsToAlexandria
★ accidents never happen when a room is empty (remix) by (616, E, 4999 words)
Remix of navaan’s Love Me (Not) - Steve and Tony fall into a friends with benefits relationship and Tony is completely okay with that. Right? This is my take, with Steve's POV.
Remix of Love Me (Not) by navaan
★ Breaking Through (The Caving In Remix) by DepressingGreenie (616, T, 2108 words)
All he needed to do was move all the rocks out of their way and they will be fine. They can get out of here and go home. Everything will be okay. Right?
Remix of Caving In by Cathalinaheart
★ Equivalent Exchange (The Bottled Genius Remix) by Cathalinaheart (616, T, 2267 words)
A new master changes everything for Tony.
Remix of Genius in a Bottle by Neverever
★ Even After All Those Years? (The We Keep Meeting Like This Remix) by Sadisticsparkle (Noir, Not Rated, 2500 words)
Steve Rogers and Tony Stark, from their first goodbye to their last nice to see you again.
Remix of Even After All Those Years? by DepressingGreenie
★ Fantasies by SweetFanfics (616, M, 1355 words)
When Steve asks Tony if he’s got any sexual fantasies he wants to explore with Steve, he’s mostly curious but he’s also got some expectations lined up behind the question. Tony’s the more experienced guy between them. As such, Steve expects Tony to share something kinky like, whips, chains, heat play, stuff like that. Intense things, you know? But what he doesn’t expect, is Tony to blush and look away mumbling, “Your suit.”
Remix of What Suits Your Fancy by wynnesome
★ Kinky suits (Remix) by masterlokisev159 (MCU, Not Rated, 7300 words)
Steve is so confused. He's never felt this way before. There's just something about the way Tony looks in the gloves... Something's wrong. Tony shouldn't look that good, not even in Steve's gear. There's only one solution. He has to find out more. A.k.a. Steve has a kink and Tony is on the receiving end of it. Sexy times ensue.
Remix of When We by firebrands
★ Mundane Bliss, Remix by HogwartsToAlexandria (MCU, G, 1043 words)
"What is perfect happiness? Steve Rogers could tell you."
Remix of mundane bliss by only_more_love
★ sorry about the blood in your mouth; i wish it was mine by only_more_love (MCU, E, 3500 words)
Afghanistan, never more than a handful of memories away, rears up, ugly and dissonant. His heart begins to race in anticipation of drowning. Muscle memory: it’s there, so easily accessed. Tony is kidnapped. It costs him and Steve. Dearly. Set in the nebulous period after Captain America: Civil War and before Avengers: Infinity War
Remix of Kidnapped by masterlokisev159
★ Soul Searching (The Hop, Skip, Jump Remix) by navaan (616, m, 5445 words)
Tony lives a peaceful live in Irondale and then Steve Rogers drifts into town. It's the beginning of a romance — and not all is what it seems.
Remix of a hop, skip, and a jump by SweetFanfics
★ Splintered by jellybeanforest (MCU, M, 9029 words)
Following the events of Endgame, Tony’s soul is in torment. Fractured across time and space as a result of the snap, he is doomed to relive his failures, his shortcomings and traumas, in a terrifying limbo, flitting unpredictably between different planes of existence. Natasha does her best to hold the pieces together as he crumbles, but only one thing can mend his tattered self and make Tony whole again: an undamaged template – the other half of his soul. Meanwhile, in the land of the living, Steve struggles with Tony’s death, plagued by missed opportunities, lingering what-if’s, and guilt. The Avengers send him on a final mission where he has one last chance to make it right.
Remix of This Terribly Tempered Soul by Padraigen
★ We'll Make Our Own Tradition (The Cap and Gown Remix) by wynnesome (616, E, 11,000 words)
It’s Steve’s and Tony’s anniversary. They have a date for dinner, but the workday comes first. Steve’s includes a very important business lunch. But the person who makes a beeline for him as he waits at the bar is not who he thought he'd be meeting...
Remix of A Traditional Type of Guy by jellybeanforest
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★ And All of Our Yesterdays Will Be Forgotten (a None of Our Tomorrows Can be Saved remix) by athletiger (616, M, 1335 words)
He’ll never know if Tony heard him confess his love. He’ll never know if Tony loved him back because he destroyed that. He destroyed everything.
Remix of None of Our Tomorrows Can be Saved by Ironlawyer
★ baby, please come home by only_more_love (MCU, T, 1484 words)
Months after Siberia, Tony reaches out to Steve in an unexpected way.
Remix of Sunshine by XtaticPearl
★ Bar is Open (The Last Barman Poet Remix) by DepressingGreenie (MCU, G, 641 words)
Steve finds himself attending the same wedding as his one night stand from the night before. He takes a chance, hopping to get to know Tony better.
Remix of The Last Barman Poet by nativemossy
★ Drawn to You by jellybeanforest (MCU, M, 15,989 words)
In a world where what one writes on one’s own skin appears on their soulmate’s body in exactly the same place until it’s washed off or fades, no one has ever responded to Steve’s questions written in pen. Who are you? Where are you? And once, out of sheer desperation: Wer bist du? He has tried writing up and down both arms then across his stomach in pictograms when he reckons that perhaps his soulmate is a double amputee and illiterate, but nothing. No response. He is uncertain why he is so surprised. Everything else about Steve is broken, so why not his soul? But when he points the Valkyrie downwards to crash into the deep, knowing he is about to die, he spares a few precious seconds to scribble one last message to his possibly-nonexistent, potentially-blind soulmate. Twenty-five years later, Tony Stark is born with a single phrase on his left forearm written in messy old-fashioned script. And as he grows up, the words never change: “I love you” It is both a blessing and a curse.
Remix of the words written on our skin by Cathalinaheart
★ For You I Will (A Thousand Times Remix) by ishipallthings (MCU, T, 3573 words)
During Hope and Scott’s wedding reception, Tony asks Steve for a dance. Steve turns him down, but not for the reason Tony thinks.
Remix of A Thousand Times, Once by sheron
★ Hold Hard, Then, Heart (the poetic declaration remix) by Lets_call_me_Lily (Noir, T, 2044 words)
Steve has learned to keep his feelings in check over the course of his friendship with Tony, and he thinks he's doing fine. Until he and Tony open up a curios shop together, and suddenly things become a little too much. This is much harder than that time they'd had to share a sleeping bag while adventuring out in the desert.
Remix of gripping the ledge of unreason by firebrands
★ Holding You Like Every Moment Shared (The Every Whisper That I Keep Remix) by DepressingGreenie (MCU, G, 700 words)
There couldn’t be a better time, he thinks, to give Steve the gift he brought him a few weeks ago
Remix of every whisper that i keep by Padraigen
★ i choose: me, you, us by only_more_love (MCU, T, 2753 words)
In which Tony and Steve marry, but Tony hasn't let Steve see the arc reactor—and the scars around it. Yet.
Remix of Ugly by Lacrimula_Falsa
★ Intrusive Thoughtsby jellybeanforest (MCU, M, 2471 words)
When Steve is hit with a spell that gives him temporary telepathy, Tony figures he can hide his mortifying crush on the good Captain by thinking dirty thoughts featuring each of the Avengers in turn. After all, if he’s objectifying everyone, Steve will never figure out Tony is in love with him. That’s the theory anyway.
Remix of Before you jump, Tell me what you find (When you read my mind) by Fluffypanda
★ James, Divided by jellybeanforest (MCU, G, 1390 words)
Steve and Tony are dating. Their best friends, Bucky and Rhodey, agree it’s a terrible idea, absolutely disastrous, and can only end in heartbreak. That’s about the only thing they agree on.
Remix of I'll be watching by DepressingGreenie
★ journey to the past (the things my heart used to know remix) by hollyandvice (hiasobi_writes) (MCU, T, 2316 words)
"You seek to forget the past," she whispers. "You will learn how important the past can be." In which Tony loses his memories and only a remnant of his past can restore them.
Remix of things my heart used to know, things it yearns to remember by Fluffypanda
★ Public (In)Decencyby jellybeanforest (MCU, T, 1391 words)
Steve is a big, big boy, and Tony is dickmatized.
Remix of Pool Day by Neverever
★ Seven Minutes by jellybeanforest (MCU, T, 1795 words)
When Bonnie refuses her turn in the closet with a shrimpy Steve Rogers during a game of Seven Minutes in Heaven, popular lothario-in-training/class whore Tony Stark gladly takes her turn.
Remix of Seven Minutes in Heaven by Politzania
★ Shining through the leaves of the old oak tree (the blank spaces remix) by Fluffypanda (616, Not Rated, 717 words)
Tony falls asleep during movie night
Remix of Blank Spaces by only_more_love
★ Stretch Out Your Hand and Strike All He Has by jellybeanforest (MCU, M, 6902 words)
In the aftermath of Civil War, the Avengers who sided with Tony Stark leave him one by one, until it’s just him and Rhodey ('and Honeybear is paralyzed, so it’s not like he can run,' Tony thinks, a touch hysterically). Peter is fourteen; he doesn’t count. So, when Tony calls Steve Rogers to warn him about an impending attack and realizes that Steve still holds a torch for him, can anyone really blame Tony for exacting a little payback?
Remix of The Ruins of Babel by WhenasInSilks
★ Survivor by jellybeanforest (MCU, G, 3606 words)
In 1918, Steve’s father, Joseph Rogers, dies of the Spanish flu while serving in WWI. In 1936, Steve’s mother, Sarah Rogers, dies of tuberculosis while confined to a sanatorium after contracting the disease from her job as a nurse in a TB ward. In 2014, Steve’s boyfriend, Tony Stark, contracts the flu and quarantines himself in their room, refusing to be seen until he’s presentable and not a contagious, feverish snot-monster. Steve is worried but understanding as he tries to allay his own fears about Tony’s condition. It’s the future, after all. Modern medicine has made many advances in disease management. But then on a video call with Cap, stuffed up and miserable, Tony rather dramatically declares he’s on death’s doorstep. Needless to say, Steve Rogers, the unflappable Captain America, loses his shit.
Remix of (rest assured, baby) you're adored by sheron
★ Take a Breather by jellybeanforest (616, T, 363 words)
Steve needs a break from Tony. Tony joins him.
Remix of Tokens of Appreciation by Ironlawyer
★ Trust me (“Pickle” remix) by masterlokisev159 (Ults, M, 6167 words)
Tony happens to like Steve. He likes him a lot. And sure, Steve doesn't feel the same right now, but maybe with a bit of luck and some successful sessions in the bedrooms, Tony can turn this thing around. Maybe Steve can give him a chance. Remix of "Pickle" where instead of Steve wanting bondage, he doesn't. But he wants Tony to understand and bondage is involved.
Remix of Pickle by jellybeanforest
Don't forget to leave kudos and comments on the works you've enjoyed! You can either browse through the individual links above, or go through the Remix collections on AO3: ★ 2020 Captain America/Iron Man Remix Exchange ★ 2020 Captain America/Iron Man Relay Remix ★ 2020 Captain America/Iron Man Remix Madness And with that, we've wrapped up Captain America/Iron Man Remix 2020! Thank you to all of our participants, and we hope everyone had fun! Participants, feel free to share and crosspost your work! If you're posting your work onto Tumblr, please use the #capimremix tag among the first five tags of your post so we can spot it and reblog it to the community Tumblr.
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sockmonstergotstyle · 5 years
200 Pages into Crooked Kingdom
Honestly why the fuck didn’t I read this series earlier
Like??? I actually love all the characters for once. Matthias is kinda annoying but he’s getting better. And every other main character can step on me
Gotta say tho when I went into this I was still reeling from KoA and did NOT enjoy the whole “oh noooo Inej has been captured for torture” thing bc I’m still crying over Aelin
But hey ho it was all fine
The whole crew just begrudgingly taking care of a pregnant lady was so funny lmao
I want a whole list of the insults people call Kaz tattooed on me, starting with ‘creepy little wretch’
I don’t understand half the words that leave Kaz’s mouth like business goes straight over my head I’m just sat here like yeah smart people stuff go off we stan
Also why is everyone obsessed with Kaz’s gingers like I swear every time he doesn’t have gloves on someone is like “his FINGERS” like I’m 99% sure the whole skin phobia thing is a lie and he wears those gloves bc he knows everyone in Ketterdam has a fetish for his hands
Like you know those jokes people make about modest women showing a bit of ankle? Like the Ketterdam equivalent of that is Kaz’s hands. You can’t tell me he didn’t take them gloves off at one point only for Jesper to say “sir this is a PG residence”
I really wish I had Inej’s abilities. Like I too want to be able to just disappear into the shadows whenever a conversation become uncomfortable
On a slightly different note, I hope everyone who told me I could read this series without spoiling grisha trilogy knows I’m wishing for them to step on Lego
But yeah take aways from this so far: I love all the characters, the plot is brilliant, Kaz Brekker can impale me with his cane anytime, the humour is so underrated, and the entirety of Ketterdam has a hand fetish
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Project Rebuild Chapter 5
The song “Operation New Me” begins playing.
[SONG: Operation New Me by Jingle Punks - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JoXlrhojd3g ]
[Out the door and I’m ready to go-oh] Lloyd walks up to his other classmates as the bus stop and waves hi.
LLOYD: Hello!
[It’s me version 2.0 –oh, Here’s something, you never see it, makes it right] None of Lloyd’s classmates want to associate with him. They tear up Lego bricks from the surrounding area and build a literal brick wall in between them and Lloyd. They shun him, looking the other way with arms crossed, chins up and eyes closed. 
[People talking about my dad’s situation] The bus arrives and Lloyd walks into the bus. Everyone is fighting in a rowdy dust ball of violence. The moment Lloyd steps into the middle of the aisle, everyone stops whatever they were doing and sits down, glaring at Lloyd. There are a few empty seats left.
[I’ll always be the shame of the nation] Lloyd’s other classmates rush into the bus, shoving Lloyd out of the way and claiming the few remaining seats.
[Could it be that they’ll never see me as me] Lloyd sits down in the last remaining free seat. Someone tosses a crumpled piece of paper at him. Lloyd unfolds it and he sees a crude drawing of himself in black Overlord robes when he used to be evil.
[Operation New Me] After taking a seat, Lloyd looks at his other classmates and sees they all moved to the other side of the bus.
[Operation New Me] Lloyd looks out the window and forces a smile but it melts away quickly as the bus starts to move.
[If you don’t like what the world’s saying Time to start a new conversation] The bus is entirely tilted to one’s side as it moves. 
[You are not a no one] Panning shot of Ninjago High School as the bus rolls into view.
[Deep down you’re a top gun]   Shot of multiple students entering the school either by foot, skateboard or bike.
[Be your own wingman Wheels up to the sky] Lloyd steps out of the bus and surveys the area. The bus door slams shut and the music cuts abruptly.
Sounds of students chattering all silence when Lloyd comes into view. Everyone glares at Lloyd. Lloyd slowly walks to the school entrance. As he passes by, he can hear the other students whispering about him behind his back.
KID # 1: Shhhh. That’s the kid I was telling you about. 
KID # 2:  He and his dad ruin everything.
KID # 3: I don’t even think that’s his real eye color. Ever notice how his eyes only started being consistently green around the same time the Green Ninja started showing up? What a copycat!
Lloyd can feel everyone’s gaze on him as he walks. But suddenly Zane slides in and diffuses the tension. Lloyd’s mood lightens up considerably. Zane talks with a very robotic inflection. 
ZANE: Hello fellow teenager!
LLOYD: Zane, buddy! How ya been?
ZANE: Man, my mom is on my case all the time! She’s like...
Zane makes modem dial up noises as his face glitches. 
ZANE (CONT’D): ... and I’m like “Lay off Mom! I’m just a teenager!”
LLOYD: I hear that!
ZANE: Anyway, my internal calendar indicates that today is the anniversary of your birth. Would you care for a sugar-based confectionery delight? I baked it this morning. 
Zane offers Lloyd a box of lime green Lego stud cupcakes (round 1x1 with swirled top).
LLOYD: Ooooh! Matcha! My favorite!
Lloyd grabs a cupcake and takes a bite. He speaks with his mouth full.
LLOYD: Mmmmm. Thanks Zane! 
Lloyd and Zane walk up to the school doors. Lloyd pushes the double doors open. 
On the other side of the hallway is Kai. Kai jumps up and waves to get Lloyd’s attention.
KAI: Bro!
Kai walks up to Lloyd with his arms wide open.
KAI: Dude, gimme a hug, man! Gimme a birthday hug!
Kai tackles Lloyd in a tight embrace. Lloyd struggles to breathe, helpless in Kai’s grip.
KAI: That’s a good one!
ZANE: Birthday hug? Let me get in on that! I’ll increase the pressure dramatically.Zane walks toward Kai and Lloyd and wraps his arms around them. He squeezes them tightly. Lloyd struggles even more desperately.
LLOYD: Zane! Zane! ZANE!
We hear a distinct and audible CRUNCHING NOISE, like something being broken. Lloyd grunts. Zane releases Lloyd and Kai. Lloyd takes deep breaths. 
KAI: Haha! Good one, Zane!
LLOYD: Yeah! (huff) good, just... give me a moment, (breathes) where are the others?
We see a close up of Cole as he listens to “In the End” by Linkin Park on his radio boom box at full volume. He has his hair down.
[SONG: In The End by Linkin Park - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eVT... ]
[I tried so hard and got so far] Cole has a despondent look on his face. He has mostly resigned himself to his fate as the once great ex-leader of the Secret Ninja Force. 
[But in the end, it doesn’t even matter] We see from Cole’s POV, Jay is in front of him, chatting enthusiastically. His voice is being drowned out by the music.
[I had to fall to lose it all, but it the end, it doesn’t even matter] We see a mid shot of Cole and Jay leaning on Lloyd’s locker as the music dies down and Jay’s voice becomes audible. Jay has a long strip of paper in his hands. He is reading his fortune prophecy out loud. 
JAY: “Your Master Builder application has been received. Ask again later.” Auuughhh!!!! But what does that mean? Did I get in? Did I not get in? What if Nya gets in and I don’t? I feel so excited and nervous at the same time! I just... auuugghhh!!!!!
Jay grabs a hold of Cole’s shoulders and shakes him back and forth wildly. Cole smiles softly and pats Jay on the back as though to say “There there.” 
JAY: (to himself) Maybe I should ask Lloyd how he got in. (to Cole) What does yours say?
Cole wordlessly takes out his fortune prophecy and unfolds it. He shows it to Jay without saying anything. It is completely blank. Cole’s facial expression is equally empty.
JAY: Lazy writing huh? That’s rough.
Cole sighs, folds his fortune prophecy and returns it to his pocket. He closes his eyes and continues listening to music. 
A couple of kids approach the lockers shaking cans of black spray paint. Jay sees them and tries to give them a death glare but he is not intimidating enough. Cole opens his eyes, notices them and gives them a proper death glare. The kids back away slowly. As the bullies leave, Zane, Kai and Lloyd come into view, completely unaware of the bullies’ presence.
LLOYD: Jay! Cole! What’s up? 
Cole turns off his boom box and smiles softly. It is a genuine smile, but his eyes betray a certain sadness.
JAY: Look! No one messed with your locker today! Happy Birthday! 
Jay and Cole step aside to show Lloyd’s spotless locker. 
LLOYD: Thanks guys! 
Lloyd gives the Lego equivalent of a high five to Jay and Cole. 
A loud roaring sound is heard as Nya rides in through the school’s hallways on her motorbike. The motorcycle’s tires screech noisily as she stops just in front of the other Ninja. A passing teacher yells at her for not following school guidelines.
LLOYD: Hey Nya! 
Nya turns to Lloyd and the others. She waves her hand.
NYA: Yo bro!
KAI: What’s up sis? 
NYA: Oh hey, actual bro!
JAY: Hey, Nya! Where’d you get that bike? At the great stuff store? (whispers to Cole) Nya is so boss!
Jay latches on to Cole’s arm and Cole rolls his eyes.
NYA: Check out my new paint job! On my new BIKE! ‘Cause I made them both myself!
NYA: It’s the Lady Iron Dragon! My HERO! 
Nya gestures with her hands in enthusiasm. We see a close up of Nya’s painting. Then we see a close up of Lloyd’s face. He sees the image and has a knowing look in his eyes. He recognizes Lady Iron Dragon as the vigilante alter-ego of his mother, Koko.
NYA: Have I ever told you guys the legend of Lady Iron Dragon? 
Kai and Jay answer at the same time. 
KAI: (dismissively) Only like a thousand times...
JAY: (eagerly) No, you haven’t!
Kai facepalms. Nya goes on storyteller mode. Everyone huddles around Nya.
NYA: Many years ago, before the Secret Ninja Force protected this city, Ninjago was safeguarded by a mysterious vigilante. She was called the Lady Iron Dragon. But to know the legend of Lady Iron Dragon, we have to go back, way way back.
ZANE: Ooooh, story time? This calls for a round of sugar-based confectionery delights! 
Zane takes out his box of matcha cupcakes and offers one to each of his friends. They each take one and eat it. After Zane offers Cole the last cupcake, Cole leans on Zane’s shoulder. The others speak while eating their cupcakes.
We pan over to Kai.
KAI: Oh man! Zane, these are amazing! I wish I had a mom who could bake like you!
We pan over to Nya.
NYA: I wish I had a mom who could be Lady Iron Dragon!
We pan over to Lloyd.
Lloyd smiles awkwardly at this but no one notices.
We pan over to Jay.
JAY: I’m actually super uncomfortable with wishes and what if scenarios so I am perfectly content with my current mom. And also my dad.  
Nya leans into view and pats her boyfriend on the back. We then pan over to Cole and hold on him. He does not comment his thoughts on his mother. While the others are finishing their cupcakes, Cole instead takes a shiny black rock out of his pocket and looks at it wordlessly before placing it back. It is shard of ONYX, the Stone of Strength. 
Cole looks back up at the others and Nya continues her story.
NYA: So anyway, many years ago, Ninjago was a small, peaceful village...
A/N: Don’t click on the Onyx link unless you want to be potentially spoilered. 
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michaelpatrickhicks · 6 years
Review: Star Wars: Last Shot by Daniel José Older [audiobook]
My rating: 4 of 5 stars Set in the month's following Chuck Wendig's Aftermath trilogy, Daniel José Older explores the rise of a singular threat in a post-Imperial galaxy. In the book's opening moments, Lando Calrissian is attacked in his home on Cloud City by a mysterious hooded figure demanding the Phylanx Redux Transmitter, a mouthful of a galaxy-changing MacGuffin if ever there was one. While Lando doesn't possess this transmitter, he learns that its last known whereabouts were aboard the Millennium Falcon, leading him straight to his ol' buddy Han. Soon enough, the two scoundrels have assembled a new team to help them as they rocket across the galaxy in search of this mysterious device and a rouge evil scientist, Fyzen Gor, who Han encountered ten years previously. The big draw behind Star Wars: Last Shot, of course, is Han and Lando themselves. Older does a remarkable job bringing Lando to life here, capturing the sleek, cool style of Billy Dee Williams, with a particular eye towards the character's penchant for fashion. Knowing that the clothes make the man, Lando's always been the best-dressed smuggler in the galaxy, and Older pays particular attention to that, as well, describing the man's careful deliberation when it comes to selecting his clothing for events and encounters, as well as a closet full of stylish and colorful capes. Lando, of course, is off-set by his partner in crime, and Han is as rumpled and grumpy as ever as he tries to cope with fatherhood. With the Imperial Empire run off to the Outer Rim, Han is struggling with his place in life and the oftentimes stationary requirements of being a husband and father. He wants to roam free among the stars, and instead finds himself dealing with a screaming two-year-old whose sleep has been interrupted by noisome droids and urgent late-night calls for Leia. Of course, once free of familial commitments, Han longs to return. As a father of a two-year-old myself, I could sympathize with Han and his emotional and psychological state pretty well here, particularly as he attempts to soothe his distraught son and steps on a bunch of Lucasfilm's Lego-equivalent blocks. While Older gives us plenty of insight into Han and Lando, and injects a handful of new diverse characters into the Star Wars universe (an Ewok hacker, an agender pilot [as with Wendig's Aftermath trilogy, you can expect lots and lots and lots of pearl-clutching from the anti-diversity, cultural homogeneity-only crowd for this book, too!], a Twi'lek love interest for Lando), he's also sure to pack in plenty of action that help wrinkle the plot and stymie the search for the transmitter. There's also some intriguing looks at the results of Gor's Frankensteinian experiments and the cult that has formed around them. The story itself is unraveled across three time-lines, with the events of the present-day story informed by Lando's and Han's individual, and unwitting, encounters with Fyzen Gor and Phylanx Redux Transmitter in the previous decades. For the audio edition, Random House has brought in three narrators to tackle the various story threads. Marc Thompson handles the bulk of the novel, with Older narrating Han's story from ten years ago, and January LaVoy reading Lando's segments set twenty years prior. While Last Story probably didn't need three narrators to get the job done, the various performances help shake things up a bit. Thompson, a Star Wars audiobook staple, does a fantastic job as expected. His performances are consistently excellent, and Last Shot is no exception. His performance of Lando is exceptional, and he does a solidly gruff Han Solo, too. If I have any quibble at all, it's in his performance as Taka Jamoreesa, a twenty-something hotshot pilot, who Thompson reads with an annoyingly Jack Black-esque inflection. LaVoy taps into Lando's vocal mannerisms with a cool, entertaining reading. Older does a solid job, although his presentation is not as professionally refined as his co-narrators. Rounding it all out is the usual high-level production quality of a Star Wars audiobook, with the narration enhanced with sound effects, music, and voice digitization for droid characters. All in all, Last Shot makes for an easy, captivating listen that's a heck of a lot of fun. Readers looking for a solid bit of entertainment fueled by two of the most popular characters in Star Wars should find a lot to enjoy in Last Shot. I'm always game for more Han and Lando adventures, though, so I'm hoping Older is able to return to this galaxy far, far away for at least one more outing. It'd be a shame if this were his last and only shot with these characters. View all my reviews
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truthofherdreams · 7 years
Long and Lost (chapter 12)
Identities are revealed and lost friends are reunited once more... (ao3)
Emma decides to bury the hatchet at breakfast the following morning. Getting out of bed was a miracle in itself, too exhausted to move for long hours. Oliver, the guy on call at the station during the evenings and the weekends, had texted her at eight to tell her everything was fine and she didn’t have to worry until Monday morning. Which, it’s nice, she guesses. He’s nice, all man-bun and freckles, despite the fact that he also happens to be the Mayor’s adoptive son. At least she doesn’t have to force herself to do a few extra hours out of guilt for what happened to Graham.
She goes downstairs for food after ten, something that happens, well, never. Henry is watching cartoons on the couch, Mary Margaret reading peacefully in the chair by the window. Both are still in their pajamas, because it’s apparently that kind of day for everyone. Leo is in the kitchen when Emma enters it, vaguely offering her a wave of his hand. A bowl of cereals and a mug of tea are in front of him, and he looks like he fell out of bed about two minutes ago. Emma knows the feeling.
She turns on the coffee machine, because she definitely needs more than hot cocoa to keep her going today, and slides two Pop-Tarts in the toaster, before she turns to her brother again. Stretching out her arm, she watches as he blinks at the folded bank note between her fingers. She has to shake her hand a little for him to grab it, and he does it with a suspicious glance her way.
“It’s not a movie date without popcorn,” she gives as a matter of explanation.
Leo’s lips twitch, just a little. “It’s not a date at all, apparently.”
“Just buy some popcorn for your boyfriend and shut up.”
Her brother is grinning now, putting the bill in his pocket. He’s the only one of them who bothered with a shower and proper clothes, apparently. “Thanks.”
“No bringing boys home until you’re eighteen, though.”
“And you ruined it.”
But he’s still grinning, and Emma smiles too. If those stories of him are true, her only goal in life is to give everyone their happy endings. Maybe it doesn’t have to be big; maybe it can start with making sure her brother is happy and in love, with a boyfriend worthy of him. And who is she to deny him happiness, after all?
They discuss which movie would be the best one for a first date-except-it’s-not-a-date around breakfast, before agreeing that Gideon/Not-Gideon is enough of a nerd that he very much would like something artsy instead of the latest blockbuster, and so Leo picks some old movie in black and white Storybrooke’s little theatre is showing today, instead of whatever superhero movie is on at the moment.
He’s smiling all through their conversation, looking more like the teenager he’s supposed to be and less like the hero’s sidekick he’s been since they met, and it makes Emma’s heart a little lighter. His happiness is contagious and, by the time she decides she needs a shower, and to check on Graham, she’s smiling too and forgetting all about yesterday’s mess.
She makes her way to Granny’s first, to buy her boss the disgusting tea he loves so much and a bunch of pastries, because she’s fucking nice and she deserves a raise, probably. Ruby is behind the counter as always, black-and-red hair pulled into a ponytail, long legs clad in matching leather pants. Emma pretends not to stare, not that Ruby notices much when she’s busy bickering with the Latina woman from David’s party.
“Emma!” she exclaims when Emma makes her way to the counter. “Tell California here that she’s wrong.”
The other woman lets out an exasperate sound, throwing her arms in the air. “How many times will I have to tell you my name is Arizona, jesus. And I’m right, and you know it.”
“You’re wrong,” Ruby sighs. “I know my shit about wolves, okay?”
“What’s the problem?” Emma asks, even if she’s not sure she wants to know. It seems to be about more than just zoology trivia, and she wants none of it. But too late, she’s part of it now, for better or for worse.
“Alabama here,” (Arizona rolls her eyes and turns in her seat, muttering something rude) “is saying that wolf packs are led by an alpha male…”
“Which is true!”
“Which is wrong! They’re led by an alpha couple. Jesus, what do they teach you in school?”
Emma’s mouth opens a little as she blinks at one woman, then the other. They’re throwing daggers at each other, obviously fuming and, yes, she definitely doesn’t want any part of this weird mating ritual they seem to have going on. Not on top of all the drama with Leo’s love life, and all the drama Mary Margaret is hiding from them, thank you very much.
“Can I have a chamomile tea and two bear claws, please?” she says instead, changing the subject with very little finesse.
Ruby huffs, points a perfectly manicured finger at Arizona’s face and mouths ‘I’m right and you know it’, before she moves down the counter to prepare Emma’s order. Emma heaves a breath now that the tension created by the two women no longer surrounds her, and she taps her nails against the steel counter in rhythm with the song playing over the speakers, to pass the time. She’s muttering the lyrics too, when Arizona coughs to get her attention.
“Hottie has been staring at you for a while.”
Emma groans as she turns around, expecting blue eyes and an exasperatingly handsome face. Except, no. The face is definitely handsome, but the skin is black instead of white, the eyes a warm shade of brown, the smile more gentle than sarcastic. Mystery man from last evening definitely spent the night in town, and definitely wasn’t on his merry way this morning like she had hoped. Go figure.
With a sigh that hides a muttered curse, Emma turns around in her seat and makes her way toward the booth where he’s sitting. He doesn’t even pretend like he was not blatantly staring at her, the creep, and keeps smiling his kind smile when she stops in front of him. From up close and even despite the unflattering neon lights, he’s definitely more handsome than in the dark of the night. Not that it matters much, all things considered.
“You’re still here,” she comments in a tone she hopes is accusatory.
He simply grins back. “I’m still here,” he echoes.
Emma’s eyebrows rise of their own accord, her lips pressed into a tight line. She doesn’t have time for those games, or for entertaining a stranger who, according to Leo, shouldn’t even be here in the first place. All she wants is to know how he knows her name, because she’s damn certain she has never met him before, and the last thing she wants is a stalker following her all the way from Boston to Middle of Nowhere, Maine.
“Not exactly big fans of visitors here, are you?” he comments then, still smiling. Does he ever stop smiling?
“Not really used to people passing through,” she admits in a half-truth.
A little snort escapes his nose. Cute. “I figured. The Mayor didn’t seem too happy to see me. Guess tourism isn’t her priority.”
Emma forces herself not to groan and roll her eyes. Of course Madam fucking Mayor would see him, and make a show of being her usual delightful self. What else is expected of the human equivalent of stepping on a Lego?
“Yeah, well…” is all she finds to answer. Well done, Emma. Spectacular. “What led you to us anyway?”
He takes a sip of his drink – some weird tea, nice, he and Graham can be best buddies – and for a moment Emma thinks he’s going to avoid her question altogether. But then he puts his mug back on the table, and the annoying smile is back on his lips. “Just passing by, really. I love little towns like this one. I’ve always been fond of all the stories they contain.”
She squints at him, wondering for a moment if he’s openly mocking her or adding underlying meanings to his words. He can’t know. Surely he can’t know. And yet, she’s still squinting, and he’s still smiling, and she didn’t have enough hours of sleep to deal with whatever is happening right now.
“Sure,” she replies, even if she’s anything but. “How do you know my name anyway?”
“You don’t remember?” he asks. “I’m hurt.”
She wants to tell him she definitely would remember that kind of face, but it would just sound shallow. She wants to tell him she doesn’t remember anything, but it sounds too personal. She wants to tell him, should I remember you from this life or the one where I’m a princess prophesized to save the world, but it sounds too ridiculous, thank you very much.
So she doesn’t say anything at all. Which is probably better that way, truth be told. Not that she has time to reply anything, because then Ruby is calling her name and the little bell chimes by the front door, and she locks eyes with James when she turns around. He stops in his tracks, his eyes traveling between her and the stranger, once, twice, before a muscle spasms in his cheek and his eyes harden.
She wants to tell him that, whatever he believes is happening, it’s not it, but. Why would she say that? It’s not like she owes him anything. It’s not like she can still feel his breath on her mouth and smell his cologne, it’s not like her brain had replayed the scene from the bathroom a hundred times before she finally managed to fall asleep. Because that would be ridiculous.
“Interesting,” the stranger comments.
Emma wonders who would arrest her, if she were to sock him in the jaw.
Not that she will find out, for she makes a point of walking toward the counter and taking cup of tea and pastries from Ruby. The waitress knows better to ask her to pay, simply adds it to her note and sends her on her merry way with kind words for Graham. Emma offers her a tight-lipped smile in reply.
James is still standing by the door when she makes her exit, and she stops by his side for a moment. “Green doesn’t suit you,” she whispers before she opens the door.
She can feel his eyes on her as she makes her way to the car.
 She isn’t lost.
She definitely isn’t lost, even if her pony has been trotting in circles for twenty minutes now and every tree looks the same. She is used to making her way through the forest to the Merry Men’s camp, has done it since she was old enough to ride her own pony alone. Roland was by her side, of course, because nobody would leave the crown princess wander the forest alone at the tender age of eight, but they decided to race down the path and now she can’t find him anymore. Or the camp. Or the way back to the castle.
But Emma isn’t lost, she’s just – not exactly where she is supposed to be.
It is more than fine, though. Brigands never come here, since it is well-known Merry Men territory, and Marian has been loyal to the crown for years now. If anyone finds her, they will be friends, not foes, and they will help her out. Not that she needs help, since she has established the fact that she isn’t lost. Just, somewhat, misplaced.
It’s too early in the afternoon to use the stars to guide her, and she didn’t think to take a compass with her. Mama once told her how to make one with a needle, a cork and a cup of water, but she has neither of those things in her bag.
It is another ten minutes of wandering around before Emma starts to feel restless. She throws one leg over her pony’s croup to jump down, before she grabs the reins and pulls the pony along. The little mare follows her without a moment of hesitation, trusting Emma’s choice more than Emma trusts her own instincts. Every tree looks the same, every path similar to the one before, and not a single wooden sign helps her find her way.
Maybe she could admit to being lost, but it would be admitting defeat.
She wonders if calling after Roland would be of any help at all, but the entire forest is silent around her. If Roland was looking for her, surely he would be the one to call her name. Emma wonders if he still hasn’t realised she is missing, or if he believes she will find her way by herself and doesn’t need his help (she doesn’t) or if he did it on purpose. Maybe he was a villain all along and his goal was to lose the little princess in the woods and let her die here. Maybe it is working. Maybe she should stop thinking about so many macabre theories.
“Well, hello there.”
A little scream escapes Emma’s mouth as she startles, turning around to face the newcomer. She didn’t hear his steps, didn’t hear anything at all. Like he wasn’t here, and then he was.
He’s smiling kindly at her, the kind of gentle smile she always sees on her papa’s lips. His skin is black – not as dark as Sir Lancelot’s but still darker than most people in her queendom – and he wears such a long robe that it brushes against the ground. He definitely wasn’t there, and then he was, because he definitely must be a wizard. He looks the part alright, if you ask Emma.
“Who are you?” she asks, tilting her head to the side.
The smile turns into a grin as the stranger answers with a question of his own, “Haven’t your parents taught you to say hello back?”
“My parents told me not to talk to strangers in the woods. Or any place.” She puts her chin up, just a little, in the way Leo says makes her look like a prissy little girl. Leo doesn’t know anything about anything beside his wooden sword too big for him.
“Can you keep a secret?” the stranger asks her as he kneels to look her in the eyes.
Emma knows mama wouldn’t like her to keep talking to someone she doesn’t know, but her curiosity takes over anyway. Emma loves secrets, and she’s very good at keeping them. After all, she is keeping the biggest secrets of all about herself, one she hasn’t even told Roland, or Gideon, or anyone. Only mama, and papa, and Leo know. She’s that good of a secret-keeper!
So she hesitates only for a second before she nods her head and takes a step closer to the stranger. He looks so kind, with the laughing wrinkles around his eyes and the grin; he won’t hurt her.
“Everyone's a stranger until they’re not.”
Emma frowns, until a giggle escapes her. It makes the man laugh too, with big dimples in his cheeks and stars in his brown eyes. When she was younger, papa used to tell her the stories about Sir Galavant and his beautiful Isabella every night, before going to bed. She loved the stories and often dreamed of adventures of her own, with mysteries and pirates and songs. Emma wonders if Galavant looked like this, pretty and kind and always smiling.
“One day, Emma,” he tells her. “One day we no longer will be strangers.”
“We’ll be friends?”
“Indeed. Once you’re older and ready to save the world, we’ll be friends.”
Emma frowns once more, wondering how the stranger knows her name as well as her destiny. She is about to ask him, when he stands up once more, brushing away the wrinkles in his robe. He points to the path leading west before she can say anything at all.
“If you go this way, you will find the Merry Men’s camp in less than ten minutes.”
Emma looks at the path above her shoulder.
When she turns her head again, the stranger is gone.
 Graham looks way better already when she visits him, accepting the tea and forcing her to eat one of the bear claws. He promises he will be back to the station on Monday, but there is a shadow behind his eyes. Like he is still hiding something from her, not entirely saying the truth about what happened to him that day. Emma gives him time – if he ever wants to confide in her, he knows where to find her.
Instead, she gossips about Leo with him, and about their strange visitor. Graham asks a few questions, but it’s more to entertain her than out of sheer interest, and Emma decides to leave him alone. He needs his rest, after all, and she needs her weekend. It feels like forever since she last managed to have more than one hour with Henry on her own.
They buy greasy burgers at the White Rabbit and go to the park, before Henry decides that he wants to go to the beach. It’s starting to get cold outside, but her son wants to walk in the water one last time before winter, and Emma doesn’t have the heart to say no. So she sits on the sand and laughs at Henry’s little shrieks every time a wave comes to lap at his feet.
He jumps and runs and laughs, his cheeks red with excitement. And then he’s running toward her, sand in his hair and between his fingers, all laughter and smiles and happiness. Emma opens her arms to him, laughs too when he throws himself at her. For a moment, she forgets about everything else, everything that isn’t her son’s cheers and smiles. She kisses his cheek and he giggles, drops a sloppy kiss on her cheek too.
“Mom, can I ask you something?” he asks once his breathing is back to normal.
Emma frowns a little -- this can go a lot of different ways, knowing Henry, and she doesn’t know what to expect. “Sure, kiddo. What’s up?”
“Remember that Christmas when you got me the big fire truck?”
She does, indeed. She also remembers what Henry wanted, instead of the truck. From there, it’s not too hard to guess where this conversation is heading. Come to think about it, it’s almost surprising that it took him so long to ask at all. He was pretty set on the idea, three years ago.
“I remember,” she answers, waiting.
“You said… You said an apartment was too small and he would be too miserable, and we needed a house. But we have a house now, and I asked Mary Margaret this morning and she isn’t allergic and Leo isn’t allergic and she said yes and…”
“Okay, kiddo. Breathe.”
Henry takes a large gulp of air, before he offers her his most beautiful smile. “Can we get a dog?”
Emma knows, in her heart of hearts, that a million reasons to refuse exist. A dog is expensive. Henry might not know how to properly take care of it. He might get bored. They will go back to Boston eventually. And what then?
But Henry is looking at her in that way, the one where Emma doesn’t entirely feel like a failure of a mother, like she might actually do a decent job at this parenting shit and… Henry deserves to be happy. He hasn’t made proper friends quite yet, and she’s afraid he’s a bit lonely at times. Maybe he needs a furry companion, loyal and adorable.
“You know what,” she starts, and Henry gasps, happy and loud, “Let’s check with Mary Margaret first.”
Mary Margaret replies to her text with ‘as long as you don’t force me to take care of it’, and Emma guesses that it’s doable, between Henry, Leo and her. So she leads an overexcited child toward their car and ignores his never-ending babbling as they drive back to the Main Street.
She’s smiling by the time she parks in front of Granny’s, even more so when Henry runs toward Ruby. The waitress stops cleaning the outside tables long enough to blink confusingly at the small human yelling at her. “We gettin’ a doggie! We gettin’ a doggie!”
Ruby barks a laugh, and grins at Emma. “Good luck.”
Which, as it turns out, Emma needs. David is the one to welcome them when they enter the animal shelter, all too eager to show them the puppies they have in the back room. The smell is a tad too overwhelming, which makes Emma reconsider her choice for a second. That is, before Henry runs for one of the cages and presses his nose to the bars, laughing when the puppy licks him. She hasn’t heard him laugh like this in ages, and it makes guilt crawl up her throat in return.
She pictures the next hour to be full of puppy cuddles – or, worse, for Henry to find some Stitch-like creature or something. Instead, one dog throws himself at his cage repeatedly, getting louder by the second with his yapping and whines, until they have no other choice but to focus their attention on him.
He’s the kind of dog Emma has always found pretty – those Australian shepherds with the soft fur and mismatched eyes and pink nose. And, when David opens his cage, he throws himself at Emma like his life depends on it, jumping on her until she kneels down and scratches his ears and his belly. The dog is so excited Emma is afraid he’s going to pee on her at some point, but instead he just licks her hands and headbutts her stomach and is otherwise so adorable her heart melts on the spot.
“Mom! He likes you!” It’s a bit of an understatement here. Thankfully, Henry seems to be on board, and the dog is quick to focus his affections on the smallest human in the room. Which. Fucking adorable.
“Guess we have a winner,” David says with a smile.
Emma stands up and brushes the invisible dust on her pants, along with some white hair. Oh, Mary Margaret is going to hate her for this. “Guess we do,” she grins, upset flatmate-slash-landlady be damned.
David gives Henry a collar and leash, and boy and dog run around the shelter while Emma fills in the necessary paperwork. She pays for the shots and the other stuff the vet did to the dog, and buys some bowls, toys, and a nice cushion while she’s at it. She might be more into the idea of owning a dog than she thought at first.
David tells her some story about how sad the dog was and how he didn’t let anyone pet him, until David came back from the hospital. But Kathryn doesn’t like animals and David spends enough time around them as it is, and the dog is going to a good family anyway. All is well in the world.
Thankfully, the dog doesn’t throw up in her car, and Henry is still in the process of listing potential names by the time they come back home. He’s hesitating between Mister Scruffy and Pluto, because he still very much is a seven-year-old, and tells Mary Margaret so. The poor woman looks in horror as the dog runs around her kitchen, sniffing ever new smell and piece of furniture. He also seems to be happy to meet her, his pink tongue hanging low when she pats his head.
It has nothing on the way his head jerks up at the sound of the front door opening, though.
“Hey, we’re back! The movie was aweso--oh fuck. Wilby!”
Leo stops in his tracks and Gideon/Not Gideon, who was close behind, just bumps into his back. Not that the boy notices all that much, his eyes glued to the dog. The dog’s ears perk up, before he lets out a loud bark and throws himself at Leo. He jumps on the boy with all his strength, until the both of them are on the floor. Henry is quick to follow them in a tangle of limbs and fur and laughter.
It’s five long minutes of flailing around before Leo sits on the floor with the dog between his legs, arms wrapped around the animal’s neck and nose pressed to his head. His eyes are misty from unshed tears as he sends Emma the most grateful look she has ever seen in her life. She isn’t sure what she did, exactly, but whatever it is, she did it right.
“How about everyone goes to play in the garden while we get some hot chocolate ready for everyone?” Mary Margaret announces, ever the one to find the perfect solution to any tricky situation.
An old tennis ball is found in the cupboard under the stairs, along with a bright yellow frisbee, and everyone is sent on their merry way to play with the dog. The living room grows quiet suddenly, leaving Emma dizzy and confused. Yes, hot cocoa might be a good idea after all, she thinks as she makes her way to the kitchen.
Mary Margaret, bless her heart, is already taking the milk out of the fridge and pouring it in a pan, so Emma grabs a bunch of cups from the cupboard. She’s pouring two spoonful of cocoa powder into each mug when her flatmate speaks once more.
“Shall we talk about it?” she asks, with no need for further explanations.
Emma knows perfectly what she means, yet has no idea how to discuss it. Did she just give Leo his dog back? Is the dog cursed too? No, the dog seems to remember them all quite well, if his reactions to everything and everyone is anything to go by. But so… What even is going on? She has never been more confused in her life.
“I have no idea,” is all she finds to answer.
Mary Margaret is tactful enough to leave it there. Not tactful enough to keep her next thought to herself, though. “Shall we talk about the hickey on Fabian’s neck then?”
The groan out of Emma’s throat is loud and ugly. As eventful as Leo’s entrance had been, she hadn’t missed the purple bruise on the other boy’s neck, no matter how high his collar was. And, okay, Emma isn’t stupid -- she doesn’t remember being a teenager, but she can only guess what they are up to at that age. She just… didn’t expect Leo to get so obviously, well, obvious with his not-boyfriend? Especially not after his tearful moment yesterday.
Whatever happened with Fabian (Fabian! That’s his name!) today, it definitely worked. Emma doesn’t know if she wants to be impressed or terrified, to know her teenage brother has more game than she does.
(But then again…)
“Can we not?” she whines.
Mary Margaret laughs, shaking her head to herself as she pours the hot milk into each cup. Emma wants to tell her, This is your son. This is your son getting touchy-feely with this boy and you’re just laughing. The thought scares her even more.
It scares her, by how easily it comes to her mind.
In how much truth it might hold.
What even...
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thekingofchungus · 6 years
honestly i could make so many posts about quality street purely out of the sheer nostalgia i have for it, biting into a toffee finger was the equivalent of stepping on a lego brick but like...for ur mouth
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