#the music is all very intense and then you got the Izuku scream
catlliecal · 2 years
This might be a very serious moment, but I can’t be the only one watching this clip over and over just for Izuku’s scream and animation.
Even in war, he is still a dork.
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pa-panda-heroes · 5 years
No one asked, but I was intrigued by this NSFW drabble with Deku and it got the SFW gears in my head turning a bit :)
Izuku, Katsuki, Ochako, Tenya, and Shouto as your workout partner
First, we all know this boy is a huge nerd. So basically every time you work out, he wants to try something new, be it stretches, actual exercises, or even martial arts. Sometimes it’s something he’s picked up from All Might, but not every time.
He would likely be the one to initiate your becoming workout buddies. He knows he can ask for help; his whole journey of becoming a hero has gotten him accustomed to asking for help.
He’s super flexible and always insists on doing so many stretches and warm-ups that by the time he’s done and ready to actually start working out, you’re done for the week day.
Seriously. After you’ve stretched muscles you didn’t even know you had, he’d want to jump right into jumping jacks, mountain climbers, and even monkey jacks lucky you
He’s really encouraging. He’s not particularly aggressive, but he does try his best to keep you keep you going.
He knows your limits like the back of his hand.
This boy would literally jot down notes and mutter away while you’re working out, whether you’re walking on a treadmill or lifting weights, because he wants to note what areas you’ve perfected and what needs work on so he can help you out. He mentally keeps track of that for himself, too.
Izuku is definitely not afraid to ask for help and asks you to spot him often
Not super talkative with you, as he’s ridiculously focused, but he will make idle chat to pass the time.
He probably does most of his workout early in the morning, so you better be an early bird.
Again, you’d have to initiate working out together. Unlike Izuku, he knows he has the option of working out with others but most of the time, doesn’t want to mess with that.
So you’re a bit floored when he accepts.
Katsuki would obviously want to do stretches and warm-ups because if he gets hurt working out, it would put off progress he could’ve made with his routine; it would set him back. And that’s a pain in the ass.
But he might be prone to rushing through that step if he’s in a particularly bad mood or whatever reason.
Loud. C’mon. How could you expect any different? He grunts, yells, and screams. While he brushes his teeth. Naturally, he’s loud at the gym.
But he wouldn’t really chit chat with you, as he’d rather yell and scream at you like a drill sergeant, or grunt while you’re both off on your own.
He doesn’t want to be tied to your hip the entire time you’re working out.
He’s going to push you to limits you didn’t know were possible for yourself, and he’s not going to be too kind about it either.
Katsuki brings a shitton of water and drinks packed with electrolytes; he has to, he sweats a lot and can get dehydrated quickly as a result. He’ll push you to keep hydrated, too, whether you like it or not.
Most of his workout time would probably happen later in the evening, but he’s not completely against to working out in the morning.
Might be a little aggravated if you ask him to spot you, and he hardly ever asks you to spot him, which can be aggravating because you can’t help but worry he’ll get hurt.
She’s like a kid at a candy shop the first time you ask her to come along with you, eyes immediately lighting up and mouth curving into an enthusiastic grin. She’s the one who suggests you make a habit of working out together, though.
Ochako would do everything in her power to make the workout fun for the both of you, be it music or games to help you warm up.
Of course, she takes it as seriously as everyone else, but she thinks that, the more you have fun while you’re working out, the more you’ll be encouraged to do it and better you’ll get at it. Simple philosophy, right?
She’s a great spotter, too. Her quirk helps phenomenally. If you’re lifting weights and go overboard, she can just use her quirk on the barbells before your arms give out and drop them on your neck.
Her main focus isn’t physical strength - it’s martial arts and flexibility. Flexibility is only natural with her quirk. The more limber she can be in the air, the better. It’s important for her to utilize martial arts because her quirk isn’t combat-based, so she’s more likely to be thrown into hand-to-hand battles.
And whether your quirk is combat-based or not, she wants you to dabble in it, too.
For that reason, a large portion of your workout is sparring, while another portion is stretches.
She would definitely try to get you to do yoga with her, too! It’s a good way to strengthen your core, not to mention enjoyable to end your workout with. It’s nice to ease out of physical activity rather than stop all together.
Would 100% bring snacks or other workout fuel if she manages to afford it.
Thinking about bringing an energy drink with you to keep you going? Get ready for her to scold you. There’s no way she’s letting you put that poison in your body. Even if they grant you energy now, it won’t last and you’ll completεly crash.
Probably the most intense in terms of safety.
He’s the most by-the-book, so there’s no shortcuts to much of anything, even your diet.
That’s right - he absolutely insists you follow a healthy diet. Naturally, you’re supposed to eat well anyway, but Tenya will push you more than the others will, especially if you workout together.
Water water water
Even if his quirk uses orange drink for fuel, he still needs water to keep his body hydrated.
Will nearly force water down your throat if he thinks you’re getting dehydrated. When someone gets dehydrated, the last thing they want to do is drink, so that’s what sets him off. Whether you’re dehydrated or not, there you go.
He’s not crazy flexible, so that’s something he tries to work on, but his main focus is endurance and stamina.
Suuuuper early workouts. Sometimes you wonder if he even sleeps at all.
Tenya’s busy - he’s got a lot on hands, and it just helps that he enjoys working out the most in the morning.
I can’t see Tenya being all that chatty while you’re working out, as he takes it really seriously and gets really focused.
It’s not uncommon for you to find him spacing out while he’s doing his thing, whether he’s on a treadmill or using the leg machines.
One day you’re talking about your disappointment in the lack of progress in your time at the gym, just making idle talk, when Shouto offers to help you out.
I’m not sure why, but I see Shouto wanting to work out in the evening or at night. Or both, in bursts.
Has to be really careful not to get overheated.
I mean, the boy can be a human furnace if he wants to be - needless to say, you’re not surprised when he tells you he has to watch his pace and drink lots of water.
He’s really candid and blunt, but it wouldn’t bother him at all to help you stretch out, be it putting his hands on your back and pushing down while you’ve got your legs spread out, or bringing his hand to the inner part of your thigh to help lift up your leg and keep it straight; he just doesn’t get flustered by it, even if you do.
He takes it seriously and is usually pretty quiet throughout your time together, but every once in a while he’s an absolute chatterbox, the both of you going back and forth and actively engaged in conversation.
Constantly watches you; he’s not creeping, he’s just watching to make sure you don’t make any mistakes.
“Ah, y/n, that’s not quite right. Here, let me show you.”
But he’s not afraid to ask you for help, either. “Y/n,” he’d say, “am I doing this right? Something feels off.”
I can see Shouto being very motherly when it comes to staying hydrated and properly nourishing your body after a workout. Like, he enjoys going out to eat with you afterward, and always encourages you to get the healthiest option available. He’s pretty gentle about it, but he’s still very convincing.
If you’re really close, Shouto might occasionally invite his brother and sister along to work out with you, just to get them out of the house for awhile. Of course, physical activity is important, too.
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datninjalyfe · 4 years
Stay, Part 1: Chapter 14.5
There was a nice rhythm to Izuku and Katsuki’s relationship for the rest of the month.  They mostly ignored each other during the day as Iida took his chaperoning duties very seriously, but with their trainings being as hard as they were, they usually just fell asleep next to each other’s arms during the night.  For one of the weekends, they had a whole date that Mina planned—“This is so adorable, you have to go!  I’ll have Momo make you guys matching outfits!”  
Sure enough, Momo had made them crop tops for it, just as Mina had promised them— “I’m not wearing that!”—but when Izuku had said, “I think it looks cute.” Katsuki sighed and put the shirt on, all the girls squealing.  “YOU GUYS ARE TOO CUTE, OMIGAWD PICTURES!” Mina said, people pulling out their phones and snapping pictures.
For that date, Katsuki asked him mom to use the car for the date and she agreed, but only if she got to see Izuku.  That Friday, they went back to Katsuki’s home—a place Izuku knew well, but on the train ride, Katsuki could tell he was nervous.  “You’ve seen her a million times.  I’m pretty sure your mom still has lunch with her every Wednesday or whatever.”
“I know.” Izuku sighed. “I’ve just never—,” but he didn’t finish that sentence.  
Mina had told them they needed to leave Katsuki’s place by 4:30 am in order to get there on time, when the date actually started, so Mitsuki allowed the boys to spend the night to leave early the next morning.  Izuku bowed respectfully.  Katsuki watching him and bowed his head towards her as well.  It was slightly disrespectful, but when he looked up, Mitsuki was hugging him, whispering something that Katsuki couldn’t hear. When he asked Izuku later about it, Izuku had shrugged and said, “She just thanked me.”
The two took the car on their way to the address Mina provided them.  “Where do you think we’re going?” Izuku asked him.
“Knowing Mina, probably somewhere abstract.”
Izuku stared at his phone for a minute and his face became confused.  “We’re going to the beach?”
Katsuki chuckled.  “She would make us go to the beach when it isn’t even summer.”
“Yeah, it is a little cold.” Izuku said.  But he shrugged and grabbed the aux cord.  
“What the hell?  No, my car, my music!” Katsuki said, snatching the cord from him.
“This isn’t even your car!” Izuku said.
“Doesn’t even matter, it’s Bluetooth, we’re listening to my music.” Katsuki said, touching a button on his car and was going to command it to play something in the English, he saw Izuku’s face and said, “Play something romantic.”
Izuku looked shocked when Frank Sinatra started to play, but smiled anyway.  I always want you to smile, Deku.
They traveled to the address that Mina had texted them, getting a little lost along the way— “No, it said to take a left, Kacchan!” “Deku, I can’t go left!”—but when they got there, because it was so early in the morning and so late in the year, there was no one and Katsuki was able to park on the side of the street next to the beach. Izuku immediately peeled off his shoes, throwing them in the car and running out into the sand.  
“Deku!” Katsuki yelled, but he also took off his shoes and left them behind as well, running after Izuku. He watched Izuku put his feet on the wet sand and run into the water, his hair moving with the wind.  “Don’t get swept away, nerd!”
But Izuku didn’t pay him any mind. He wasn’t even looking at Katsuki, but out at the ocean, totally entranced by the waves as they crashed down again and again against the sand.  A gorgeous beach reflecting a pink sky in the wake of the sun.  Pinks intermingled with oranges and reds in the sky as the sun rose, a calm golden shade in the wake of dawn.  “Wow, this is beautiful.” he said under his breath.  
Katsuki came up behind him, kissing the back of his head and wrapping his arms around his shoulders, pulling Izuku into him.  “You’re beautiful.” he whispered into Izuku’s ear.  The cold, foamy water sparkled beneath their feet.  
“Come on, Kacchan.  We should go to the actual date they planned for us.” Izuku reminded him that they needed to move.  They walked slowly though, taking in the senses around them.  Warm, heavy sand covered their feet; the rhythmic sound of gently waves crashing down against the shore; the promise of an infinite sun peaking above the horizon reflected in the water; the smell of the humid air so salty, Katsuki could taste it.
They walked for a couple blocks, realizing that their date was in a skyscraper on the beach.  The two went inside and were greeted by men in suits. Katsuki blushed, feeling out of place in his crop top with sandy feet, but no one seemed to mind.  They were taken to the top floor, seated at a table that overlooked the beach and watched the sunrise together, drinking tea that was brought to them.  
“It’s almost been a month that we’ve been together now.” Izuku told him.  
“Really?” Katsuki shrugged. “I’d forgotten all about that, actually.”  He paused and took in a deep breath.  “How—how are you feeling about all this?  About us?”
Izuku took a sip of his tea. He was quiet, looking into his cup and then out the window.  “I never want this to end.”
But the date did end and the weekend was over before they knew it.  School resumed and Izuku was back to mostly ignoring Katsuki during the day, which wouldn’t have been an issue, except that he followed Todoroki often, which slightly pissed him off as the two hadn’t even come close to patching things up.  Katsuki still hated that Todoroki saw Izuku during the week more often that he did.  Still, after all his classmates were in bed, Izuku was his during the night.
Izuku was getting more comfortable touching him, but it didn’t stray any further than it had already. They were exhausted with Aizawa working them as hard as he was and normally kissed each other to sleep.  One night, though, the dorm alarms had gone off once while the two were in Katsuki’s bed sleeping.  They awoke with a start, Izuku’s prominent jolt from the noise kicked Katsuki in the side.  “Ow, fuck, Deku—oh, shit, are those—?” Katsuki started to say, but Izuku was already on his balcony and Katsuki watched him jump up and out of sight.  Katsuki’s heart raced and he grabbed a pair of shorts, slipping them on and poking his head out the door.
“WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS, MINETA?!” Aizawa had the small pipsqueak of a boy by his binds at the end of the hall. “I WILL FUCKING END YOU!”  A few of the girls stood behind Aizawa, their arms crossed, glaring at Mineta.  Aizawa held the binds tightly, Mineta being choked so hard, his eyes started to bulge out of his head.  
Katsuki went back into his room, texting Izuku: Mineta was trying to spy on the girls.  But I think you should stay in your room for the night. The reply from Izuku came quickly: I think that’s a good idea.  It felt weird to sleep without Izuku next to him as he’d grown quite accustomed to it, but seeing Izuku next to Todoroki during the day increased the heat in his body substantially.  
During an intense training session the class had, they were able to pair off with one another.  Kirishima pulled him away before he could argue.  
“Come on, give me all you got!” Kirishima said, hardening the exterior of his skin.  
Katsuki jumped up, giving himself a boost in the air.  He lightly ignited both his hands and using his quirk like bullets, made it rain explosions.  Several classmates screamed as they watched Kirishima being hailed with miniature bombs, but Katsuki didn’t let up; instead, when he landed, he yelled, “AP SHOT!” and singularly focused all his heat on one area of his palm, increasing the amount of sweat to ignite it, but when he saw Izuku in his periphery, he lost control of the heat in his hand and was almost immediately taken out by a hard hit to the back of the head from Kirishima.  
“Oh shit, sorry!” Kirishima said, un-hardening himself and reaching out a hand to help Katsuki up off the floor.  “Dude, you gotta stop focusing on him.” he whispered.  “He’s fine, he’s with Todoroki.”
“Yeah.  That’s the problem.” Katsuki growled.  
“Jealousy isn’t a good look on you.”
“It wasn’t a good look for you when you got jealous about Camie.” Katsuki snapped.  It was hard to peel his eyes away from Izuku as he went to kick Todoroki, but was halted by an ice block.  Izuku kicked the ice wall to pieces, circling through the air and then rushing at Todoroki again, who used his ice defensively again, his left side roaring with flames.  Katsuki stepped forward to help Izuku, but Kirishima stepped in front of him, hitting him hard in the side of his ribs.  
“Snap out of it.” Kirishima told him.  “I’m going to ignore what you said, but don’t say that again.  Now, come on, hit me with another explosion!”  
Katsuki also had a once a week “therapy” appointment that he had to shell out his feelings.  He hated those days, dreading each second during that hour.  
“So you and Midoriya.” the counselor said.  “You are together.”
“Yeah.” Katsuki said.  
“Sounds good, sounds good.” he said, jotting some notes down furiously.  “And tell me, how is that going?”
“Same as last week.” Katsuki said, getting more annoyed with each word.  
“Uh-huh, uh-huh.  Sounds good, sounds good.” the counselor’s pen squeaked against the clipboard.  “How’s your family?”
“They’re fine.”
“Yep, yep.  Sounds good, sounds good.” the counselor continued to write down the notes.  “Tell me, Bakugou, why do you call your boyfriend Deku?  Is that not a bit rude, especially for someone who means so much to you?”
Heat shot down Katsuki’s arms, through his hands, creating a small spark.  The counselor didn’t even appear to be phased by the small spark.  “It’s his hero name.  Do you not know anything about students at this damn school?”
“His hero name, huh?” the counselor said.  “Okay, then. Sounds good, sounds good.  And Yoyo, you talked to him lately?”
“Texted him this morning.” Katsuki lied, pushing his hands into a fist to stop any impending explosion.
“Yes, yes, sounds good, sounds good.  Have you and Kirishima started talking again?”
“Yep.” Katsuki said.  
“Alright, alright.  Sounds good, sounds good.  How about you and Todoroki?” he asked.  Katsuki rolled his eyes.  This was a waste of time.  He wanted to go back to class, train, see his friends, watch Izuku smile and love on him with the little time they got together during the day.  “And before you answer that question, I talked with Todoroki and your teacher.”  He looked up from his clipboard, taking his glasses off.  He looked at him as if he already had the answer.  “From what I’ve been told you two trained together under his father, no?  
“We did last year, so what? With all my trainings and all my extra school work, I haven’t really had time to deal with him.  If he wants to talk to me, he knows where to find me.”
The counselor raised an eyebrow. “Funny.  He said the same thing.”  He cleared his throat, putting his glasses back on and looked back at his clipboard, furiously writing again.  “I’ve talked with Aizawa about scheduling a training room for the two of you.  Friday morning sound good?”  
Katsuki grinned menacingly. A training room?  Hell yeah! “Sounds good.”
Shoto Todoroki’s POV
Shoto waited inside of the training room the following morning.  He knew that this was the only way to get Katsuki’s attention, which is why he suggested it at the counseling session.  
He didn’t always hate Katsuki—in fact, they used to be friends.  But lately, Shoto could see the distain for him radiating through Katsuki. He looked like a villain.  If his eyes could kill him, Shoto was sure he would have been stabbed by a thousand sharp knives a thousand times.  But he just stood there, not allowing himself to get enraged again.  
Shoto often reflected on the past. A force of habit instilled in him by his father, who told him to continue to look forward.  But Shoto hated the bastard and in his rebellion against him, had looked to the past quite a bit.  His mind took him back to the study room, when he saw Izuku pushed up against the wall, Katsuki’s hands starting to ignite.  
But it’s what Katsuki had said that triggered him: “Oh look, Deku—it’s your prince.”  Izuku’s…what?  Shoto cursed under his breath,  remembering what he had thought that night.  That coupled with the rest of Katsuki’s reckless behavior, Shoto was so sure that Aizawa would have transferred Katsuki by now, but he had no such luck.  Katsuki had pulled ahead of him, outperforming in both in combat skill and on written exams.
He needed to just talk to Katsuki, but doing so in a counselor’s office wouldn’t be conducive.  Instead, he decided that in order for them to come to an agreement, they needed to fight it out.  He figured Katsuki had some repressed anger towards him.  Shoto hadn’t quite understood why Katsuki had even gotten so angry.  It’s not like Katsuki knew anything.
Unless Yoyo had told him.  After all, the two had become incredibly close.
Maybe something had happened between them?  Would Yoyo keep his word to Shoto?  It was hard to say, but he definitely wanted to find out what Katsuki knew.  He couldn’t just go up and ask.  Katsuki wasn’t used to hiding his annoyance and certainly didn’t suppress any of his emotions the way Shoto could.  
So he asked the counselor for a training room, who told him he needed permission from his teacher.  When he asked Aizawa, he was met back with, “At this point, I don’t give a fuck anymore.” Shoto bowed, even smiling a bit.  He was ready to use his quirk against Katsuki, since Katsuki could literally dissolve his flames and spit them back in a large blast that Shoto couldn’t freeze fast enough.  The anticipation of the fight energized him and he looked forward to what would happen that morning.  
“Why the hell are you here so early?”  
Shoto sighed loudly, hearing the detest that Katsuki had for him in those few words.  He looked at his watch. “It’s 8:30.”
Anger flashed in his eyes. “I meant why are you here before me?” Shoto shrugged and sighed loudly, but said nothing.  “I was told you wanted to talk?”  Katsuki’s palms opened, his sweat popping little sparks.  “But I’d be lying if I said I didn’t think reserving a training room was smart.  So start talking, Icy Hot.”
“You and Midoriya seem to be growing closer.” Shoto said.  His quirk’s left side heated instantly, flames roaring out of him.  Fuck, this is too much!  He cooled off his body with his ice quirk, regulating his internal temperature.  Katsuki didn’t seem remotely intimidated.  Instead, Katsuki hurled an explosion at his feet, knocking him backwards.  Shoto cooled off the left side of his body.  “I thought for sure you would have fucked it up by now.” Shoto put up an ice wall in front of him, blocking an impending attack. “Frankly, I think he’s too good for you.”  Katsuki shattered the ice wall instantly.  
“You’re not going to want to say that again.  I’ll admit, I used to think you were going to be a hard opponent to beat, but now that I can eat your fire and destroy your ice, your quirk is weak against mine.” Katsuki said, licking his lips.  “Any last words?”
A second ice wall went up, and a third and a fourth, blocking Katsuki from reaching Shoto.  You aren’t really here to fight.  You’re here to get information!  “You and Yoyo seem to be good friends now.”
“Maybe you and Yoyo are something more.” As anticipated, Shoto’s ice wall shattered as Katsuki flew through the air, landing directly in front of Shoto, who quickly pushed Katsuki’s arm away that reached for him.  He grabbed Katsuki’s arm with his right hand, freezing it instantly.  “He fucking told you, didn’t he?” Shoto asked him.  “Don’t play stupid.  I know he did.”
Katsuki smirked and then howled with maniacal laughter.  “You clearly don’t know me.  I don’t fucking play stupid.  Did you really bring me here to talk about Yoyo or to fight me?” Pop, pop!  Two explosions broke apart the ice blocks in between the two and suddenly, Katsuki was jumping up over Shoto, forcing a hail of explosions towards him.  
Shit, this was his ultimate move from class the other day!  He blocked the raining fire with his ice and kicked it up at Katsuki, who maneuvered around the ice attack immediately.  
Shoto thought maybe for a moment Yoyo hadn’t told him anything.  But without Katsuki saying anything about it, he had no way of knowing. “Fine.” he said, after a few rounds of sparring.  “When I was with Midoriya—,” Katsuki pushed him hard against the ground, pinning him to it. “Fuck!  Let me finish!” Katsuki’s grip was hard, but Shoto didn’t really struggle to get away.  Shoto heard a deep, low rumble stemming from Katsuki’s chest.  Shoto could feel his breath hot against his skin.  Katsuki’s hand came down hard, an explosion that Shoto barely dodged, kicking Katsuki away from him.  
“I’ll kill you, Icy Hot.” Katsuki told him.  He singled a shot towards Shoto, who put up ice for defense, put it was too late. Katsuki’s blast barreled through it, knocking Shoto backwards.  “Don’t be an idiot.” Katsuki said.  A few sparks and Katsuki flew upwards.  Using his legs, he aimed the kick directly at Shoto’s head.  That’s Midoriya’s technique!  Shoto held up his hands to block and swiped his right arm up and with that slashing motion, ice blocked the kick.  Finally, I have the upper hand!  Shoto thought, and using his flames, punched Katsuki backwards.  
“What if I told you there is something between me and Midoriya?” Shoto told him.  Katsuki got up, but didn’t move.  He stood there, staring at Shoto.
“Scumbag, don’t you fucking disrespect me by lying.” Katsuki said quietly. That was the first time Shoto had ever heard him try and control his emotions.  “Especially if it deals with Deku. It’ll be the last thing you do.”
“I’m really not.” Shoto said. “I know you only have a few days left until the month is up.  I’m surprised you stayed together this long.  But when your month is over, he’ll see that I’m the better option.”
“Oh?” Katsuki said, looking up at him.  “I grew up with him.  I know everything about him: his thoughts, his feelings, his secrets.  He hides nothing from me—what makes you think he could ever want you?”
Shoto exhaled.  This was it.  No going back.  He had to remind himself to breathe before finally confessing:  “And you think you’re the only one?  I’m in love with Midoriya, too, asshole.”
They were both quiet for several minutes, both knowing that they could kill each other if someone even moved. Katsuki’s phone chimed, alerting him of a notification.  He cursed and looked at it, his eyes widening.  “Dammit.” He looked at Shoto.  “This isn’t over, Icy Hot.  But I can’t stay and chat about your damn feelings either.”  He got up and started to walk out.  
“You really can’t wait and talk about this?” Shoto asked him.  “The fuck could be more important?”
Katsuki stopped in the doorway and not looking back, said, “I don’t care about your feelings.  But this conversation is far from over.”  
Katsuki left Shoto in the training room.  He had just confirmed what Katsuki had thought all along.  And he and Izuku’s month was almost up.  What if—what if Deku won’t want me anymore?  He told Izuku he would give it his all, everything he had.  But if Shoto was an option?
Katsuki didn’t know if he would even stand a chance.
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ghost-ghost-baby · 5 years
Yandere reactions to ‘Come inside my heart’ by IV of spades.
Izuku Midoriya
You and Izuku had been friends for a while now, after you’d transferred to UA in first year he’d made a beeline for you at lunch, you still weren’t sure why. You were in the support class, and he’d claimed he’d looked at your designs and wanted your help. Izuku wasn’t lying exactly, he did like your designs, but he really liked you even more.
And now you were here, in your third year and sat in Izuku’s dorm room. He was looking for add ons that could help his costume, an you’d been more than happy to help, as you always were. You didn’t exactly know when your feelings had developed into ‘more than friends’, but you did know you’d never tell him. You were almost sure he had a thing going with Uraraka, anyway, the two did seem close. You had your headphones on, so focused on your thoughts and Izuku’s costume you didn’t even notice yourself quietly singing along to what you were listening to, but Izuku did. Izuku noticed everything you did, from the moment you two first became friends. So of course he noticed you singing, albeit it very quiet, and you were only singing parts of it. Still, it was enough for him to look the song up, and his face went red as he saw the lyrics.They had to be about him, of course, you were his, there was no one else as close to you, he’d made sure of that. With your love for him finally confirmed, Izuku leapt up from the bed, walking up to your hunched form and hugging you from behind. You let out a squeak, face flushed as you turned your music off, ready to ask Izuku what he needed.
“You do love me, don’t you Y/n!” He didn’t leave room for debate in the sentence, his eyes brighter than you’d ever seen, tears making them glisten and all you could do was backpedal and try to find out how he knew.
“I don’t know what you mean? Are you feeling okay?” You managed to get out, your words not having any effect on Izuku’s good mood. He spun your chair so you were facing him, and you were reminded again of how strong he was, despite his smaller height.
“I knew you felt the same way!” Izuku was on cloud nine, pulling you close and peppering kisses all over your face. He ignored your squeaks of protest, too focused on how happy he is, you love him.
“This is perfect, Y/n! Now you finally know how I feel, and we can be together forever, you’ll make my costumes and I’ll be the greatest hero and keep you safe!”
Katsuki Bakugo
You and Bakugo had never been close, exactly, you had mutual friends, and he always seemed to be around, but that really was the extent of your relationship. Despite that, your feelings had decided to sucker punch you right in the chest by choosing Bakugo of all people to fall for. He was rude, abrasive, highly emotional, and still, he was it.
You were sitting in the library during lunch, big test the only thing playing on your mind. Your eyes scanned over the pages, music playing through your headphones, and you sang absentmindedly. Bakugo was lurking behind the bookshelves, hands stuck deep in his pockets as he watched you. It had been months, and he hadn’t managed to get any closer, you simply brushed him off. And now here he was, hiding behind bookshelves. He couldn’t deny how adorable you looked, head bobbing along to the lyrics, and that was when Bakugo actually paid attention. He only needed a few words to find the song, and as he read it a grin slipped onto his face.
Well, you’d aced the test, and now it was time to kick back and relax in bed. You were the only one home, using it to your full advantage as you lounged in bed, movie on and lights off. Your window opening had you turning in surprise, scream completely disappearing when you saw Bakugo of all people.
You couldn’t speak, stuttering and flushing and pulling the covers up because you were only wearing an oversized shirt. The blonde didn’t talk as he walked over, climbing onto the bed and straddling your thighs before he spoke, cocky smirk painting his face and head tilted to the side.
“So, you love me, huh?”
Shoto Todoroki
It was summer break of third year, finally, and you’d been planning to spend it with Uraraka. But then she’d invited Tenya, and Izuku, and Todoroki. You didn’t have a problem with Todoroki, he just… had such intense eyes. The times you’d accidentally made eye contact had left shocks going through your body for hours. He was one of the hottest people in the entire school, who could blame you if your daydreams happened to feature him? But now Todoroki would be staying with you, at the vacation house, all summer break.
The others had gone out to get groceries before you woke up, leaving you with the house to yourself until they got back. You were taking the time to relax, you couldn’t help but be somewhat tense around Todoroki. You’d been listening to music as you thought, quiet melody leaving your mouth. Imagine your surprise when your chair was yanked back, headphones leaving your head as you were turned around. Todoroki had just… lost it when he heard the lyrics.  Your eyes met dual coloured ones, brighter than you’d ever seen them. Your mind flashed to your singing and your face flushed, mouth opened to explain yourself before Todoroki was kissing you. You were, pardon the pun, frozen in your seat, but he kept kissing you and your eyes fluttered closed.
“Thank god you feel the same, that should make everything easier.” He muttered, busying himself with mouthing at your neck.
“You are mine, after all.”
Tamaki Amajiki
Being friends with Mirio, of course you knew Tamaki, but you’d barely spoken, the one conversation you’d had was him insisting you call him Tamaki before he had to go face the wall. You couldn’t deny he was utterly adorable, but you lacked the guts to actually… do anything, so you tried to just ignore the feelings, but they still peaked through.
You should’ve known the party would blow, but Mirio had insisted you go, and now you were here. Thank god your dorm wasn’t far, less than five minutes. You were humming along to your favorite song, fingers tapping the rhythm on your thigh. The music made you rather oblivious to your surroundings, which was why you didn’t notice Tamaki following you, blush high on his cheekbones.
He just wanted to make sure you got home safe, really. You don’t consume his every waking moment he swears. Of course he’d pay attention to the lyrics of the song, he paid attention to everything you did. So when he heard the lyrics, he knew they were about him, that you were trying to tell him how you felt. And that was how he found himself outside your door, adrenaline high numbing any anxiety he had as he knocked.
You looked adorable when you answered, confusion dancing across your features but quickly melting into pleasant surprise.
“I-I heard your s-song!” Tamaki spluttered, going even crazier when your cheeks flushed. No excuses came to mind, and you blushed even harder, teeth worrying your lower lip and that was it. Tamaki grabbed your face, pulling you closer and finally, finally kissing you. It was heaven.
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ice-cream-nekogirl · 5 years
Everyday (Midoriya Izuku X Reader) PART 2
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The third part...:
First Part: https://ice-cream-kitsunegirl.tumblr.com/post/182685534444/i-gotta-go-my-own-way-midoriya-izuku-x-reader
Second Part: https://ice-cream-kitsunegirl.tumblr.com/post/185436534409/everyday-midoriya-izuku-x-reader-part-1
We are officially cool for the summer! This is OFFICIALLY my longest fic EVER!! ENJOY IT YA’LL!! :3
“Oh you know, you know, you know, you know… I’m bad at love~…
That song came to your head for some reason as started baking some desserts for the upcoming bake sale that you had taken part of as a means to raise money for the little guys. And you were in just the right mood after coming back from Yoarashi’s super-passionate training and a little fun-time of dancing at the arcade with him and Shishikura. Yoarashi was very proud of you for having joined this little event and was more than willing to help you with it. 
Shiketsu was different from UA, they weren’t super intense or high-tech as UA, and the little charity events you had been joining in the past month thanks to Shiketsu’s sponsors weren’t big, scary hero work but at least you would be actually trying to do something and help people out there by raising money for them. To Yoarashi, going out of your way to help the little guys was passion on your part since you were helping people, and in his eyes, that’s what made a hero, a hero. And you thought the same. 
After spending time with yourself and some of your new friends, you felt you had grown a real lot already. You became a lot more versatile with your quirk, stronger and more confident as you proved to be a brilliant asset for your friends in helping them get to places faster, or escape quicker, and keeping villains at bay with your warping.
Yet… you were still missing your friends very much. You had kept in touch with some of them, but at the same time it was really painful doing that. Of course, you didn’t want to face them after just leaving the way you did, and you especially couldn’t see your dear Izuku after that. You didn’t text nor call him because you feared that you’d make a bad decision again and you didn’t want to risk getting hurt again.
Nor did you want to risk hurting him again…
Even with all the new training, you still missed that boy with all your heart. You still loved him… 
However, a loud, rough barrage of knocks at your door interrupted your thoughts. Yoarashi was a passionate young man, but you knew that couldn’t possibly be him because he was never rude like that. Yoarashi’s knocks were vigorous but never rough or aggressive. There’s only one person who has a violent knock like that too. 
“Hey! Warp-Girl! Open this damn door!”
What the hell was he doing here? Rolling your eyes and scoffing, you kept at your work, you didn’t have time to mess with him. 
“I know you’re in there! I’m not going anywhere until you open this door! Open it before I break it down!” Bakugou point-blank demanded because this wasn’t something he was unfamiliar with. You always pretended to not be home whenever he came over and he never left you alone until you let him in, even threatening to break the door down. Needless to say, you banned him from your house years ago, but he never listened to you.
Of all your classmates why did it have to be him coming over for an uninvited visit?
You sighed in annoyance, knowing that he was true to his claims and wasn’t going to leave unless you talked to him, even though you had no idea what he even wanted. So, you reluctantly opened your door, looking indifferent and openly irritated to the even more irritated blonde. 
“What do you want Bakugou? I’m busy. Can’t you go torment someone else?” You curtly remarked as he growled and clenched his fists, quickly he shouted. 
“Shut up! Deku’s a zombie because you had to just get up and leave like a quitter! All he does is sulk every damn day in your old room listening to that shitty song from that shitty show you idiots watch on a goddamn loop all the time and now he’s even more fucking annoying than normal!” 
Now that made you widen your eyes ever so slightly, and you felt the guilt creeping in when you processed and envisioned everything your childhood friend was saying, but you didn’t dare show it. You missed Izuku so much even though things had been better for you ever since you broke up and left. You knew you made the right decision as you allowed yourself to grow beyond him, even though you still missed him. But was he really that broken up about it? Bakugou wasn’t a liar, he never lied, he might have indulged in sarcasm every now and then, but he wasn’t a liar. Obviously, he was telling the truth, but just imagining all of that… concerned you, and made you feel sad for your beloved Izuku. However, you couldn’t give in… 
“That’s… that’s not my problem… Izuku’s a big boy. He can handle things like this himself.” Remaining stoic, you tried to close your door but Bakugou gripped the door knob and firmly held it open, making you flinch as he let himself in, glaring at you angrily.
“Well he’s not! You two need to talk or something and get your shit together because everyone’s too busy crying about you and his dumbass, and it’s pissing me off! And I have that stupid fucking song stuck in my head now!” He said, not mincing his words at all as you leered at him and crossed your arms. Even though that last part amused you, you weren’t going to back down. You never backed down against Bakugou, even if he was stronger than you.
“I’m not obligated to come back Katsuki. We already talked, and I left because it was my choice that I made freely. I’m sorry, but I’m not coming back. I made up my mind, I’m attending a new school now and I’ve gotten better since then. I’m more confident and surer of myself than I’ve been in a very long time. I can’t just go back because he’s not taking it well. And I won’t. If that’s what you came here for, to tell me to come back just to make him feel better. I won’t.” You shook your head, turning your back to go back to what you were doing. For once Bakugou calmed down in your presence, but you didn’t even see it.
He wanted to force you to just come back, to kiss and make-up with the damn nerd, but for some reason that would make him feel SLIGHTLY guilty later. As much as he wanted to lose his temper and just scream at you until you complied, he knew that wasn’t going to convince you to come back. He hated admitting it to himself, but that was why he had some respect for you. You were always tougher than Deku, and harder to push around because you never put up with his nonsense. 
“Tch. I still never took you for a quitter.” He muttered, sounding calm for a change as you grunted in annoyance. Breaking an egg audibly as the yolk ran down your fingers, and you started to wonder if he really came over here just to piss you off. 
“Bakugou. I’m serious. I’m not in the mood.” 
“I don’t care if you’re not in the mood! You wanna break up with Deku? Fine! But that’s no fucking reason to just quit the school you worked your ass off to get into! And being sad about it is no fucking excuse to not even say a damn goodbye to all the stupid extras you bothered to get close to!” He quickly yelled, which made you cringe when you realized that Bakugou wasn’t being an asshole for once. Well, he kind of was, but he wasn’t saying this to be a dick.
“All our idiot classmates won’t stop bitching and moaning about how you just got up and left without saying good bye. And now they’re dealing with all the bullshit you left behind.” He said, leering at you and you finally turned to see him. It was shocking, but Bakugou wasn’t giving you his typical glare. You couldn’t believe it, but Bakugou was trying to… help you? In a weird, completely abrasive way?
“I really don’t care about what happened between you and that damn nerd, but at least take all that bullshit with you, and don’t let everyone else deal with it.” The more he spoke, the more you actually listened. And you realized that this is probably the first real conversation you actually had with your old friend in such a long time, “And on top of that, quitting UA over Deku? Really? You’re even dumber than I thought…”
Growling quietly, you narrowed your eyes and glared at him, “Why throw that away? Is he really worth it?” He asked you calmly, expecting an honest answer, and it did make you stop to think once his words sunk in. And about how you left the situation rather than properly deal with it. Maybe you should have done more than just get up and leave without warning.
A heavy sigh left you when it was silent between you and Bakugou for a good minute. “Katsuki… I know you don’t care for me saying this, but I loved him… I still love him… I still think about him everyday…” Your voice started to break as you willed yourself to not get emotional, keeping your tears at bay as you didn’t see Bakugou almost cringe when he thought you were about to start crying. He really hoped you weren’t, he wasn’t good with crying people at all and he already had to deal with his classmates when they all cried today…
“I guess I just… thought that if I broke things off and stood there… it’d be too painful… and… well… I just thought I wasn’t getting anywhere focusing on just him… I know he apologized… but when he told me that I wasn’t progressing, and that he didn’t need me… it hurt. Still hurts thinking about it…” You averted your eyes even though you were finally being honest; something about Bakugou made you feel comfortable with opening up since he was the most candid person you knew.
It shocked you to see him paying attention, even if he didn’t really soften up or anything. That you knew of at least, and you had no idea that he actually felt bad for you. It’s not like he had a soft spot for you or whatever, if he did he’d never ever let you know…
And Bakugou scoffed when he thought about what Izuku of all people said to you, even if it gave him some satisfaction knowing that he was right all along in that you left because of him. “He really is a fucking idiot if he said that bullshit…” He muttered a little bit, and for a moment you weren’t sure if you heard him right. “I don’t think that damn nerd is even aware of some of the stupid shit he does and says…”
Despite what he was calling your beloved ex, you still looked at him in surprise and wiped away the tears in your eyes. You DID hear him right…
“I still don’t care if you get back together with him or not. But the least you could do is get your shit together rather than leave the mess you made the way it is.” He finally gave you some advice, hoping you would take it since he was tired of all the unnecessary drama and tired of seeing all the idiots he grew to care for all upset. Including you AND Izuku…
You didn’t expect Bakugou to actually give a shit though. And it honestly touched you, despite your past issues with him and the way you always argued with him about Izuku. He was still an old friend, and so far the only old friend who told you the truth and what you NEEDED to hear as opposed to what you wanted to hear. Heartfelt, you looked at him with tearful eyes, which made Bakugou uncomfortable when he realized you were staring at him
And he flinched and shouted angrily as soon as you suddenly hugged him, “W-What the fuck?! Get the hell off! I’m not a damn hugger like Deku’s stupid friends are!” Bakugou tried to push you off of him, hating how warm his cheeks were getting.
“Tough shit!” You exclaimed, not letting go until you felt like letting go of your old friend as he reluctantly let you hug him as he growled and used all his willpower to not blow you up right then and there.
“So, are you gonna do it?” He asked you with a small scowl, and you nodded with a smile, knowing what he meant. It was time you went back to clear everything and hopefully… make up with Izuku…
“Yeah…” You giggled a little bit, which just annoyed Bakugou even more, “What the hell is so funny?!”
“It’s just that… hee… it’s been a while since we’ve actually had a civil conversation Katsuki… and you know what? I actually like you… and I finally get why Izuku and Kirishima like you so much, because you’re such an asshole and such a nice guy at the same time.” You grinned and covered your mouth to quell your giggles when you saw Bakugou turning red from anger, or at least you thought it was anger.
“HEY! Shut the hell up shithead!” He shouted at you while you just laughed a little bit, and for once you were happy that your old friend had talked to you. He really opened your mind, and now you were getting an idea… 
And as soon as it popped in your mind, you ran to get your phone. “What the hell are you doing?” Bakugou didn’t leave your house yet since you decided it was okay if he stood for a bit. “Getting my shit together. I have a plan and it requires me to call quite a few people… and then I’ll see YOU sooner than you think… but you’re not gonna like it.” You warned him and that smile on your face was proof enough…
He groaned as soon as he had an idea of what you were planning, “How stupid can you get…?”
“I watch a LOT of old movies, old musicals, and ultimately lack creativity because I love calling back to my childhood nostalgia.” You stated your somewhat poor reasoning as Bakugou growled at you in annoyance…
“This shit better be good…” He muttered in annoyance as you tried your hardest to not laugh as soon as you reached Yoarashi on the phone. You had a feeling it’d be good… 
“Really?! Yes! That sounds wonderful! We will all be there! All of us! I’d be more than happy to help you and see you again!” Yaoyorozu chirped as she spoke to you on the phone, stars in her eyes upon hearing your familiar voice again. She missed you terribly, obviously not to the extent that Izuku did but she missed you…
And she was beyond ecstatic over the news you had just given her! She couldn’t wait to tell her classmates, and as much as she didn’t want to hang up so quickly, she was still excited for what was going to happen soon. 
“Everyone! Good news! Very good news!” She cheerfully made her way to her somewhat glum classmates, who were all still a little bit down since Izuku was still in your room playing up that James Blunt song. But Yaoyorozu’s mood had snapped them out of it a little bit. 
“Yes Yaoyorozu?” Iida was the first to ask since she was the vice president to his class rep roll. “All together, come on in~.” She was giddy even when she had everyone huddle up in a big group. As she explained what was going to go on, every one of her classmates faces lit up at the news…
However, they couldn’t tell Izuku about it, because the plan was to surprise him…
And they knew Bakugou must have known since you had told Yaoyorozu that he was with you. But everyone was aware of the plan, and they were all hoping that this little event planned would help Izuku. And potentially get you and him back together…
It took some permission from Aizawa and Principal Nezu, but since Class 1-A had time on their hands for now, their teacher and their principal allowed them to attend the charity event being held at the Musutafu Country Club by Shiketsu High and hosted by the Yaoyorozu family. 
Not everyone was happy to dress nice for the occasion, but they had classmates to try and convince them to wear their best clothes, even if they refused to wear a tie.
As for Izuku… 
“Come now Young Midoriya.” All-Might had to be the one to convince Izuku to come out of the bus, but he was trembling where he sat. He was aware that you attended to Shiketsu high now, but after what happened between you and him, he wasn’t sure he even deserved to see you again. And it’s been a month since he last saw you, and after so long it felt terrifying to think about you seeing him again… 
“I… I can’t… I-I don’t think… I-I don’t think I can… (Y-Y/N)… s-she’s… s-she might be…” He felt his breathing speed up, almost like he was having a panic attack as he couldn’t stop shaking, and All-Might could tell as he sat beside his protégé and rubbed his back gently. “Breathe… remember to breathe…” He said rather softly as the boy slowed down ever so slightly to take deep breaths as he focused on All-Might to try and regain his composure.
“(Y/N) could be there… and if she is… I’m sure she will be excited to see you again.” All-Might didn’t want to get the kid’s hopes up too high. Or at least that’s what he wanted Izuku to believe, because he knew what the other students were up to...
“The two of you have had your space. It’s okay to see each other after that much time away from each other… and frankly… it’s about time you get up out of the dorms…” He said somewhat bluntly and Izuku had the grace to look ashamed. Even when he was moping in your room, he felt guilty for bringing his classmates down, but felt too ashamed to try and apologize because he felt that he didn’t deserve their forgiveness. Not from them, and not from you either.
All-Might could see the look on his face though, so he had to encourage him to leave the bus as he walked him out and took him inside the lavish building so he could join his friends. 
Izuku was finally speaking to his friends, and was thankful that they were talking about this event rather than anything else he had been focusing too much on. But at the same time, he was frantically and nervously looking around to see if you were there. There were other students from Shiketsu, but he didn’t see you around at all, which really disheartened him as he sighed and almost felt ready to sulk again. At least until he reminded himself that he was at an event with his classmates, he couldn’t break down here in front of so many people… 
So he had no choice but to grin and bear with it, but all his classmates frowned in sympathy when they saw Izuku’s broken smile. And they thought that it sure was a good thing that they were all here at this calculated event… 
“Hey Deku!” Uraraka’s cheerful voice caught his attention though, “I heard that this event is actually a musical fundraiser and that there’s going to be a big musical number! How exciting is that?!” She happily exclaimed to the somewhat stunned boy as he gave her a small smile. “O-Oh. Really? W-Wow that does sound… interesting and… unique…” But Izuku started to wonder just who made up this event…  
“I’m not much of a singer, but I’ve always wanted to… maybe one of these days all of us can go do karaoke together. I bet that would be just so fun… we could all just sing together without judgment. Just have fun.” She wondered outloud, and Izuku didn’t know it, but when she said ‘all of us’ she meant her, him, Iida, Tsuyu, Aoyama, Todoroki AND you. But when she said that, Izuku’s smile looked even more forlorn. 
Still, he couldn’t bring himself to brush off his dear friend when she was trying to help him, “Y-Yeah… I think that would be a great idea…” Although, Izuku wanted you to be there, he wouldn’t go without you because he knew how much you loved singing and doing karaoke. And Uraraka could tell that he was thinking about you.  
“I’m sure you’d be a good singer. You’re good at a lot of things Deku.” She said, blushing with a sweet smile which made Izuku blush a little bit, unable to help but smile bashfully, “I… I don’t know about that…” He mumbled rather shyly, remembering how you often tried to get him to sing. You said he sang great, but he honestly didn’t think so… 
“Don’t doubt yourself! Especially for tonight! Come on, let’s go outside!” She excitedly lead the confused boy outside where everyone else was, and he couldn’t argue as he stuttered out an ‘okay’ as he followed her out. And once he was outside, he started looking around for you again even though he knew you couldn’t be here…
It was stupid of him to even try. Why would you be here? Why would you want to see him again after everything that’s happened?  
He sighed sadly as he looked down at his feet, looking deep in thought and not even hearing what everyone else was saying. Not his classmates, not Yaoyorozu’s father talking in the loud microphone, not All-Might, and not even when his name was suddenly called. 
At least until his classmates all started calling him and was only snapped out of it by a smack from Bakugou. “Pay attention you damn nerd!!”
Izuku yelped a little bit once he was hit, blinking in confusion as he took the time to remember where he was at, but had no idea what was happening right now, “W-What…? W-What’s happening…?” He asked rather nervously, but all his closest friends did was just smile at him. 
“We told Mr. Yaoyorozu that you would sing on stage! The person who had this event in mind said that the UA students singing would encourage even more people to donate! And we chose you!” Uraraka didn’t miss how nervous and flushed Izuku had gotten the minute she said that HE would be singing, but she still had to keep up the smile so he WOULD do it…
“W-What?! N-No! N-No I can’t… I-I can’t… I-I can’t sing I… n-no I…” He blushed quite terribly, breaking out in a sweat as his heart started to race at the thought of singing in front of ALL these people. The crowd was large and many of them were wealthy people, some from Shiketsu too and his classmates…
“You can handle the Sports festival but you can’t handle a little singing?” Shinsou pointed out, not being mean per se, just somewhat amused that Izuku could handle the even larger crows from the Sports Festival, yet this crowd had him frozen like a deer in headlights. Although he was one to talk, he would never ever sing in front of people… it was embarrassing…
“T-That was completely different!” Izuku anxiously exclaimed, since trying to show off your hero skillsets was vastly different from singing. He wasn’t a performer like Mamoru Miyano or Justin Timberlake…
“You can do it Midoriya.” Todoroki gave his friend some encouragement, aware of how nervous he seemed and having learned to be a bit more supportive when a friend got anxious. Izuku was only somewhat reassured, but he still felt very hesitant to actually get up and sing in front of people. “Shinsou has a point. If you can handle a really big crowd from the Sports festival, then a smaller one like this one shouldn’t be too bad for you.” Tsuyu was as candid as ever, but not at all mean or unsympathetic. 
“Exactly, so stop being such a goddamn pussy and get up there!” Unlike his nicer friends, Bakugou literally shoved Izuku ahead to make the nerd just hurry up and get it over with. His classmates didn’t approve, but at the same time… it was for Izuku’s own good.
Gasping sharply from being pushed, Izuku didn’t glare at his childhood friend even though he was freaking out. Even when he saw Yaoyorozu’s familiar, friendly face up on stage and at the piano to play it. He trembled like a leaf as soon as he got up on stage, breathing rapidly as he felt the hundreds of eyes staring at him as he felt uncomfortably damp from how much he was sweating.
Izuku could only hear his heartbeat ringing in his ears even when Mr. Yaoyorozu gave him his microphone and told the crowd to give it up. And he jumped with a nervous whimper when he heard the rich man say ‘Midoriya Izuku!’ and the crowd started clapping and awaited the performance. But as soon as Yaoyorozu started playing the piano, Izuku swore he had heard that song somewhere before...
He looked over at her, and there was nothing suspicious about her as she just looked at him, giving him a soft smile and mouthing ‘you can do it, I’m here’ to encourage him to not be afraid. For some comfort he moved a little closer to the girl, since she was his only source of reassurance so he didn’t have a panic attack or anything.
He knew the song, but his nerves outweighed the confusion as he reluctantly and shakily started to sing the first lyrics he memorized from that movie you and him watched in middle school…
“Once in a lifetime, means there's no second chance… so I believe that you and me should grab it while we can…”
Izuku had no idea why he was doing this, it felt almost wrong to be doing something he swore he would sing with you one day. And now you weren’t even here to do it with him. All he wanted was for you to be here with him, because he was still nervous and barely able to even sing that out without his voice tremoring. 
“Make it last forever and never give it back…” 
Someone suddenly sang right after him which made him quietly gasp because he swore, he’s heard that voice before. Izuku began looking around frantically but he couldn’t find the source and turned to Yaoyorozu for an explanation, and she only smiled knowingly at him as she continued playing the piano. But now he suddenly felt a little less anxious as his gut told him to just keep singing, and maybe he would hear it again. 
“It's our turn, and I'm lovin' where we're at…” 
As he sang, the spotlight suddenly shined down on you, revealing where you stood among the rest of your former classmates as you held a microphone, and you smiled at your friends Uraraka, Iida, Todoroki, Tsuyu, Aoyama, Kirishima and even Bakugou. 
Widening green eyes met bashful (E/C) eyes as you blushed and grinned at your ex-boyfriend shyly as he gasped, becoming overwhelmed with shock and absolute bliss as your face brought so many feelings he hadn’t felt since you left. And he looked to see his classmates all smiling at you and him, Iida, Uraraka and Tsuyu smiling wide and waving to him as the latter cheerfully squealed beside you, with Tsuyu giving you and him a thumbs-up and Aoyama flashing the two of you a wink while Todoroki gave you both a small smile and nod. 
Bakugou was the only one not smiling back but he was somewhat glad now that you AND the damn nerd were finally happy as he made sure you both caught his glare. Yet despite that, all you did was giggle and smile at your abrasive childhood friend, making him scoff and turn away.
Izuku did his best to not tear up as you both sang while you started walking towards the stage to him with a big smile on your face.
“Because this moment's really all we have…” 
“Everyday of our lives…”
“Wanna find you there, wanna hold on tight.”
“Gonna run while we're young and keep the faith…”
“Everyday, from right now, gonna use our voices and scream out loud…”
The two of you began to sing with each other as neither one of you broke eye contact for a second. It felt like you were both communicating with each other just by looking into each other’s eyes as you both sung. 
Izuku wanted so badly to tell you more apologies, and you wanted to just tell him how much you loved him, but somehow you both already knew what you were telling each other just by singing together as you both grinned at each other while the two of you sung and moved closer to each other.
“Take my hand, Together we will celebrate… (Celebrate)… Oh, everyday!”
You reached out for Izuku, tears in your eyes as the shaky boy quickly went over to you, nervously taking your hand to help you get upstage with him. Finally, your hands interlocked as you and Izuku pulled each other in closer in a soft, warm hug after a month away from each other as you smiled adoringly at each other. 
However, you and Izuku instantly blushed as soon as you heard a lot of loud ‘Awww’s’ from the crowd, and especially your classmates who were cheering rather loudly the minute you and Izuku stood with for the first time in what felt like forever. Mina, Kirishima, Kaminari, Sero and Uraraka were clearly the most excited as you watched them all bounce with joy, and Izuku could hear them all cheering ‘Way to go Midoriya!!’, which made him blush even darker.
They always cheered for him just for having a girlfriend, and he didn’t want to get his hopes too high since he wasn’t sure if you were trying to get back with him, but he didn’t focus on that. All that he focused on was the fact that you were here, singing with him for the first time. 
Now he felt more comforted with you here and he could forget about all the people staring at him as you gave him one of your bright smiles that he had missed so much.
“They say that you should follow, and chase down what you dream. But if you get lost and lose yourself, what does is really mean?”
You saw how nervous Izuku was, so you started to walk around rhythmically while you sung, and Izuku felt a new rush he’d never felt before as he followed your lead and sung with you and actually danced with you, a flash of confidence in his eyes that you had never seen before as you and him smiled at each other. 
“Oh, no matter where we're going”
“Ooh yeah, it starts from where we are”
“There's more to life when we listen to our hearts”
“And because of you, I've got the strength to start”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah!”
Your voices matched up with each other almost perfectly as you followed each other’s leads. Izuku had passion, but you could hear it more when he sang with you, his smile never leaving. 
Both of you could tell that it had been an extremely emotional month without each other, and yet the two of you learned a lot about yourselves during this stressful time. You discovered your own strengths and weaknesses and that your beliefs about fun and happiness were relative, but also learned that you still loved Izuku and that you could go back and forgive him and that you had new loved ones to also be with and have fun with. And Izuku learned to not be as hyper focused on his training, and to embrace the fun times he had with his friends and loved ones, but he also learned that he couldn’t live without you at all and that he loved you more than anything.
Now you were both singing your feelings with each other as you gladly took Izuku’s hand when he caressed your arm and held your hand for a moment. Grinning, you playfully booped the giddy boy on the nose before you both pulled each other in closer.
The two of you looking happier than you’ve ever been, and the crowd was eating it up and many were recording it. But neither you or Izuku paid much attention, because you were both too busy loving and singing with each other. 
“Everyday of our lives, wanna find you there, wanna hold on tight.” 
“Gonna run while we're young and keep the faith…”
“Oh, everyday from right now, gonna use our voices and scream out loud!”
“Take my hand, together we… will celebrate~ Oh, everyday!”
Holding hands tightly, you and Izuku skipped over cheerfully to Yaoyorozu, who was smiling as wide as you were. As she played the piano, she couldn’t help but sing the lyrics with you and Izuku while you both kept your fingers interlocked with your arms outstretched over your friend.
Pulling away, you skipped around the piano and happily made your way back to your beloved Izuku, who took your hand and twirled you around as you spun to the middle of the stage, and you widened your eyes when Izuku spun along with you. 
He was like a completely different person on stage with you there as he danced theatrically with you. This was everything you wanted to do with him, and you were loving every bit of it as you held each other’s hands yet again, but then pretended to pull away as you and Izuku skipped to the opposite sides of the stage to sing to the rest of the audience once you both remembered that there WAS an audience.
Whom were all entertained and even singing with you both. Izuku threw his fist in the air victoriously as he sung, hearing the rather loud cheers coming from his friends Kirishima, Sero and Kaminari, and of course the Dekusquad, especially Uraraka, Iida and Aoyama had cheered rather loud, and they were all dancing to the song rather enthusiastically and singing along. 
You shook your hips as you raised your hand, waving at your cheering friends, even the low-key ones like Todoroki, Tokoyami, Tsuyu and Shinsou? They didn’t need to dance or anything, you could see the smiles on their faces which was enough for you to know that they were happy. 
And you saw Bakugou too, he might have been scowling at how loud the song was and the fact that it’s from a movie he thought was dumb, but you knew he was happy too, and probably shocked to see Izuku become so outgoing with you up there. But all in all, Lord Explosion Murder was happy for you and the damn nerd.
Because finally you, and said damn nerd were as happy as can be as you both walked right back to each other.
“We're taking it back. We're doing it here together!”
“It's better like that. And stronger now than ever!”
“We're not gonna lose, cause we get to choose!”
“That's how it's gonna be!”
With more energy, you and Izuku gave each other determined looks as you slowly moved closer. The lyrics saying exactly what you wanted to tell each other about what you wanted to do as aspiring heroes together, as you expressed your feelings through dancing. 
And you moved a little more sensually, giving him a wink and mentally grinning at how you saw him blushing even while he was still singing.
Yet, Izuku’s adrenaline rush from the singing pumped him with confidence to touch your arm and lock his fingers in with yours again. 
“Everyday of our lives… Wanna find you there, wanna hold on tight…”
“Gonna run while we're young… and keep the faith…”
For a moment, you and Izuku closed in on each other, eyes locked in a stare as if you were the only two people here and this was yours and his song for the world to listen to. 
Smiling, you put your head on his shoulder as he warmly blushed and smiled as he squeezed your hand lovingly, never wanting to let you go ever again. And he let the world know as he looked to the crowd and sang, before he looked back at you to sing with him.
You met his beautiful green eyes, the two of you moving in closer in a near kiss as you both sang a little louder, more passionately, never once separating. Never again did you want to separate from each other…
“Keep the faith!”
“Everyday! Of our lives!”
“Wanna find you there, wanna hold on tight!”
“Gonna run while we're young!”
“And keep the faith!”
You and Izuku turned in surprise to see Mina suddenly command the rest of your classmates, and they each (sans Bakugou) joined in with the song as quite a few of them rather enthusiastically singing along and started coming up to the stage to dance beside you both. Well, Kirishima and Sero had to grab Bakugou to get him to join them, and he did reluctantly and angrily comply. While Kaminari had to drag an even more reluctant Shinsou to join in on stage until he finally complied…
Which you and Izuku were all too happy to accept as you both giggled and shrugged. You skipped over to your friends, grabbing an enthusiastic Aoyama’s hand to invite him upstage with Iida, Uraraka and Tsuyu happily following with your encouragement. Izuku then brought an awkward Todoroki up on stage beside him as the rest of the class all huddled up together and held each other’s hands, singing loudly with you and Izuku leading them.
Never in his months with his Class 1-A did Aizawa expect these students to actually sing together like some sort of weird High School Musical thing, and yet here they were now. And even if singing and dancing wasn’t his thing, he couldn’t help but feel extremely proud of his class for this…
“Gonna run (Gonna Run!)”
“While we're young!”
“And keep the faith!”
“(Woah, yeah, yeah) Everyday (everyday)!”
“From right now (right now)!”
“Gonna use our voices and scream out loud!!”
“Take my hand (take my hand)!”
“Together we will celebrate!”
Together, Class 1-A all sung along and danced with each other in a circle, and it felt just like gospel. Although you did see a grumpy Bakugou just moving his lips and a flustered Todoroki trying to follow everyone and doing his best to sing along with them since it was his first time ever doing anything like this. You could tell he kinda liked it though…
But you smirked when you saw Mineta attempting to go over to Yaoyorozu and crawl under the piano in an attempt to see her panties while she stood up, dancing as she played the piano. You sure didn’t miss him, but you missed having a punching bag and beating the shit out of him for peeping on your friends.
And quickly to protect your friend, you threw a ball of energy that opened a portal and he fell right in with a terrified screech. Yaoyorozu kept playing and singing, but she gave you a grateful smile as you happily winked at her.
To no one else’s knowledge but your own, he landed further out in the dumpster full of trash (where he belonged) and he could only hear the music from a distance…
“Live everyday! (Oh-oh, everyday)”
“Love everyday! (Woah, woah) (Oh, everyday)”
“Live everyday! (Now, now, everyday)”
“Love everyday! (Oh, yeah, yeah)”
“I’m singing everyday! (Everyday!)”
“Everyday! (Everyday!)”
“Everyday! (Everyday!)”
“Everyday! (Everyday!)”
“Everyday! (Everyday!)”
Class 1-A was the Hero Course united with you back as you and Izuku brought everyone together, many of them dancing and singing loud for everyone to hear. It was the happiest All-Might had seen them all, everyone was smiling and having the time of their lives.
He clapped his hands with the biggest, proudest smile on his face when he saw Izuku and you together. After seeing Izuku so miserable for a month, he felt his heart swell with bliss and rejuvenation when he saw him smile like that. The boy was beyond happy up there with you by his side and among his beloved friends as everyone sung and danced and looked so happy, even the ones who didn’t smile much. It was clear that they were happy too.
You and Izuku both giggled shyly as the song concluded and your classmates all clasped their hands together, raising them to the crowd as you all took a class bow and the crowd roared with cheers and applause. Before you could turn to look at Izuku, both of you pulled away from your hands when Yaoyorozu came over to the two of you and pulled you both in a tight hug that you and Izuku happily returned. 
And you rather tightly hugged your friend when it was just you and her, but she pulled away to clap for your performance as you grinned and immediately you practically jumped into Izuku’s arms, giving him the biggest hug. Almost desperately he wrapped his arms around you tightly, tears of joy in his eyes as he couldn’t help but spin you around a little bit as you promptly squealed in delight.
In the crowd, many of the pro-heroes there, along with some teachers were clapping and gave your class a standing ovation. Aizawa even stood up to clap for his class with a small, proud smile on his face, as did All-Might, but his claps were much more vigorously and fast. “That’s my Young Midoriya!! I knew he had it in him!” He exclaimed before suddenly coughing up a lot of blood, much to Aizawa’s annoyance and slight concern.
“BRAVO!! BRILLIANT!! SO MUCH PASSION ALL IN ONE PERFORMANCE!!!” Inasa probably shouted the most in the crowd, running up on stage to somehow lift you and Izuku both with his great strength, startling you both as you both let out little yelps. 
“It’s him again…” Todoroki muttered as soon as he saw him, a little bit of annoyance crossing his features, but he was too happy for you and Izuku to be annoyed with him. At least Inasa was being nice to you and Izuku. 
Of course, you and Izuku were both pretty flustered with how much the crowd was cheering and at how small they all seemed thanks to Yoarashi carrying you both. But you still couldn’t helpbut giggle a little bit, still having your microphone in your hand.  
“Everyone… you have just witnessed Class 1-A of UA: The Musical.” You said playfully into the microphone as the crowd laughed a little bit in amusement, “They’re my classmates… my beloved classmates… I recently transferred to Shiketsu… and I met just as amazing classmates… you guys know who you are…” Smiling you looked at a grinning Yoarashi, and then at Shishikura in the crowd, and if you didn’t know any better, you would say that he was tearing up a bit.  
“I learned a lot from Shiketsu… including how to be more socially aware… that’s why I kinda gave some people this whole idea for this thing… I did it for charity and for my friends, to hopefully send out the message of happiness, kindness and love.” You said, looking over at your classmates, especially Izuku, Yaoyorozu, Aoyama, Iida, Todoroki, Tsuyu, Uraraka and at Bakugou and Kirishima. 
“But… being at Shiketsu… further reminded me of why I wanted to become a hero in the first place… And… my friends reminded me of why I wanted to become a hero in the first place, and I why I went to UA in the first place too…” You fondly looked at Bakugou, who just scoffed and blushed ever so slightly as he looked away. “Because I believe in love, and I want to fight for love… for the people I love.” Then you looked at Izuku, who’s eyes widened a little bit as he blushed quite madly at how you smiled at him. The same smile you gave him when you asked him for the very time to go out with you…
“And that’s why… I’m going back to UA.” You then finally announced, earning a ton of gasps, shocked looks and then a rather large round of applause as your friends, particularly Yaoyorozu, Mina, Kirishima, Kaminari and Uraraka all started to cheer and whoop in glee at the news. And Izuku gasped, his eyes somehow widening even more as he felt the tears coming back in his eyes, was this really happening…?
However, you didn’t notice him walking away from the stage momentarily as you let the crowd cheer for the rest of your classmates until you let Mr. Yaoyorozu take the floor. As soon as you saw Izuku get off the stage, you quickly ran over to him but you gasped in shock when he fell to his knees on the grass. You figured that he must have gotten emotional, but it still broke your heart when you heard him sobbing… 
“I-Izuku…” You were quick to kneel down to his level, putting your hand on his back as you were oblivious to the concerned looks from Iida, Uraraka, Todoroki, Aoyama and Tsuyu as they had followed you to check on their friend.
Izuku did eventually look at you though, still crying as if he still felt horrible for everything that happened, “(Y-Y/N)… a-are you… are you really…?” His voice was desperate, pleading almost as he kept his tearful eyes on you, and you smiled and nodded, “Yes… I’m here. And yes… I’m coming back to UA. I already called Principal Nezu… he said he was waiting for me to come back whenever I was ready…” You explained to reassure your very happy, very emotional Izuku as he then sobbed with joy, but there was still guilt in his expression as he looked down with a sad look.
“I-I… I’m so sorry… I-I never… m-meant… a-anything t-that… I’m so sorry (Y/N)… f-for everything I did f-for being… a-a terrible boyfriend… I-I didn’t… I-I didn’t deserve you…” He choked out an apology, looking ashamed as he turned away, feeling like he didn’t deserve you here with him at all even thought it was all he had been wanting.
It was so heartbreaking you teared up and pulled him in for a tight hug, “Shhh… it’s all okay… I forgave you a long time for all that… you weren’t terrible… just… bit inattentive but… that’s okay… it’s all okay now Izuku… we’re okay…” You gently hushed him as you hugged him tightly, letting him know how much you loved him as he clung to you, having missed your warmth and finally he felt true happiness again as he embraced you.
“I never stopped thinking about you ya know? I missed you SO freaking much… God Izuku I missed you so much you’ll never know just how much I missed you…” You let a few tears fall; you truly did miss your dear Izuku regardless of everything that happened. And you could tell that he missed you just as badly, if not worse. 
“I-I… missed you so much… I missed you too… It was painful… I missed you so much it hurt every single day… I just… wanted to tell you how sorry I was… without you it felt… I-I felt… so miserable…” His tears didn’t stop, but he was just so happy and yet still so guilty about the break-up, even though it was all too true that he missed you more than you’ll ever know and that he fell into a depression when you were gone… 
“You don’t have to be anymore…” You couldn’t let Izuku beat himself up though, and you pulled away to grin at him and kiss his cheeks affectionately as Izuku gasped and perked up, both his freckled cheeks instantly turning bright red just from feeling your lips again. He’ll never not get flustered by your affection as you giggled and blushed. “There’s my Izuku…” 
Before you could kiss him a little somewhere else other than his cheeks, your friends had all gathered up to see you and hug you. Yaoyorozu was the first one as you got up to run over to her and let her pull you into a warm hug, “(Y/N)!” She sounded beyond excited as you tightly hugged her, having missed her so much. “Momo! I missed you! Oh my God I missed you so much girl…” You said softly and warmly as you squeezed her a little bit.
“I missed you too! And I’m just so excited that you’re coming back! Our class was missing something… and everyday I thought to myself, ‘It’s (Y/N) we’re missing...’” She teared up a bit when she thought about it, and of course you could feel your own tears resurfacing at how much your friend loved you. 
“We all did (L/N)… every one of us missed you every day.” Iida followed shortly after Yaoyorozu’s sentiment, sharing at as you saw your elevated friends smiling at you. However, now you were feeling guilty as you gasped shakily when all the feelings started to overwhelm you. You felt so guilty for leaving all of them, not just Izuku, everyone else…
“I-I’m so sorry… I’m sorry everyone… I… shouldn’t have left things the way they were… I should have said something to you guys first… I… I don’t regret making the new friends I made but… I could not, I literally could not stop thinking about you guys and missing you guys every single day… I’ve been a real boob… do you think you guys could forgive me…?” You unloaded all of your guilt as you apologized to your entire class, almost not expecting forgiveness, until suddenly Kirishima surprised you and tackled you with a big hug.
“Of course we forgive you!” He held you tightly, lifting you off your feet as you couldn’t help but laugh, letting some tears slip as you hugged him back just as tightly. “We’re just so glad you’re back! It wasn’t the same without you! We missed you!”
“We all did! Everyone thought about you everyday.” Uraraka’s cheerful voice surprised you, but you still actually smiled at the girl, and Kirishima gently put you down to let you hug the girl. “Ribbit.” Tsuyu then followed shortly to join in your hug. “I can’t tell you how happy I am knowing you’re coming back…”
“Tsu… Uraraka…” You were touched as you hugged the girls tightly, but then you squealed when Yaoyorozu, Jirou, Mina and Hagakure all showed up to hug you. “Everyone has to hug (Y/N)!!” Mina announced, much to your delight as you made sure to hug all of the girls each. 
“Hee~.” As bad as you felt for leaving, getting all this love made you feel really good as you hugged Yaoyorozu again before she let you go and hug everyone else. “Iida~.” You waved to your bespectacled friend.
“(L-L/N) I know I make a fuss about physical contact, but like everyone else, I did miss you very much and…” He seemed a little flustered since he wasn’t much for hugging, but you shut him up by hugging him with a grin, “I missed you too you square…” Giggling a bit, Iida did hug you back despite your little playful joke. 
“It’s great to have you back…” He said to you softly as you smiled wide, “I can’t wait to go back~.” You beamed before waving to the rest of the guys like Kaminari and Sero, and quickly you went over to the guys, hugging each and every one of them even if they tried to act all cool. 
But Todoroki really surprised you when he didn’t seem uncomfortable when you hugged him, and actually hugged you back. “I missed you.” Your eyes widened a bit, and you knew he was being honest, that was just Todoroki for you, but you didn’t expect such affection from the half-hot, half-cold boy. Still, you smiled widely with an excited giggle. “I missed you too.” 
“But I have to ask…” Todoroki surprised you again with a sudden question and you wondered what was going through that mind of his, you hoped it wasn’t about Izuku…
“Why Yoarashi?” 
You blinked a little bit, trying not to snicker but ultimately failed as you laughed heartily, even doubling over as you saw Todoroki’s confused expression. “Well Todoroki… he was nice to me from the beginning… yes he’s loud, a little extra but… he was nice…” You explained, and Todoroki seemed satisfied with your answer, because you were right. Despite his past issue with that guy, Yoarashi was nice…
And then you perked up a bit when you saw a somewhat familiar face, it was Shinsou from General Studies, or at least he was from General Studies. If he was here with your class that meant he had gotten in! He looked a little nervous though when you put your eyes on him as he scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. 
“It’ll be good to have you back. They spoke very highly of you.” He muttered a little bit, not really looking at you as you giggled a bit, “Yeah… they’re a wild bunch… you learn to love them. And you’ll love them hard…” You chuckled a little bit, somewhat able to tell that he had some concerns.
“Don’t worry by the way… I might be coming back, but you’re not going anywhere. I’m just gonna be there to even out the pack. I’m glad they finally let someone in that actually deserves a spot.” You said to reassure the brainwasher, and upon hearing that he then looked you in the eyes, giving a small smile. “I guess this means we’re classmates now huh?” Shinsou asked you in slightly amusement as you grinned widely and nodded.
“That’s right~!” You sang-songed, suddenly hugging him as he flinched and grunted in surprise, his eyes rather wide as his body froze at the contact. “W-What… w-what are you…?”
“Hee~. If we’re gonna be classmates Shinsou, you gotta know that I’m a hugger.” You said somewhat playfully before you pulled away with a big grin, giggling at how flushed he had gotten. “G-Good to know…” Shinsou said, still a bit flustered from such physical contact as he let you go with the rest of yours and his classmates…
So that’s why they all liked you so much.
And speaking of like… 
You saw Bakugou with his typical scowl as he watched you hug Deku, Todoroki, Shinsou and all the other ‘extras’, and you smiled the entire time which just annoyed him even more as you made you way over to him. 
“I take it you enjoyed yourself?” You asked him with a cheerful voice, and he wondered if you were trying to annoy him on purpose. “No. And that is the LAST time I ever do anything that fucking stupid and humiliating for you EVER again…”
Bakugou knew you had set this entire thing up on purpose and had the rest of your class’s consent to all get up on stage together, but it didn’t mean he liked it. Much…
“Oh come on… I know you’re no drama dude but I heard you singing with everyone too~.” You played with him a little bit, and of course he started to yell at your accusation.
“NO I WASN’T! I HATE THAT SHITTY MOVIE! ALL OF THEM! None of them make sense!” Bakugou almost started ranting as you just laughed, “It’s okay if you did… singing is good for the soul… and besides how can you not sing when everyone else is?” You wondered out loud as the ash-blonde scoffed. 
“And I finally got my shit together… I look forward to seeing you again in class Katsuki… I don’t think I’d be here if not for you…” You had to admit, you owed it to Bakugou for even being here since his words got through to you after you had been avoiding all your problems for the past month. 
“Yeah? Well that’s also the last time I bail you and Deku out…” He grumbled in annoyance, and you quickly hugged him, “Dammit! (Y/N)!! No more damn hugs!” Bakugou shouted and tried shoving you off, but you kept your grip on him.
“C’mon bring it in you bastard! I love ya!” You exclaimed playfully despite his annoyance as he growled angrily and reluctantly let you hug him, hating how hot his face was getting with all the mushiness… 
Bakugou made sure to glare at you even when you pulled away and grinned, “Now if you’ll excuse me~.” You started to skip off, and Bakugou knew exactly who you were going to…
Izuku had watched you hug all of his classmates, and he couldn’t imagine how much you had missed them since he knew you were close to a majority of them. And he was relieved when you went over to all of them so he could recollect his thoughts and breathe…
Although he did wonder what you were talking to Bakugou about, and he felt a little uncomfortable little twinge of envy when he saw you hug his rival. But that dissipated as soon as he saw you coming over to him, his cheeks suddenly flushing bright red as your smile made his heart start to race.
He smiled at you shyly as you grinned and brought your hand out for him to take, and despite how nervous he felt he shakily held your hand as you started leading him to the grassier fields. “Guys! Come on! There’s gonna be fireworks!” You announced to the rest of your classmates, and that excited them as they rushed over cheerfully and awaited the fireworks.
You and Izuku walked together to stare up at the starry sky together, and you and him gasped loudly along with your class when a bright star suddenly shot through the dark.
Silently you made your wish as you closed your eyes, and you cracked one open to see Izuku with his eyes closed as he made his own wish. You wondered what it was, but you weren’t going to ask as he opened those lovely eyes of his and smiled bashfully at you as he then looked to see all of his friends laughing and smiling together under the stars.
“I missed the hell out of everyone… I’m so glad I’m coming back to ya’ll…” You spoke your thoughts outloud, your smile never leaving your lips.
“M-Me too… I’m… r-really happy that you’re coming back… UA needs a hero like you…” He said to you softly with a warm expression, squeezing your hand a little bit as you blushed and you felt yourself become a little coyer.
“Well… here’s to the future Izuku.” You said happily at your beloved as you both took another gaze up at the stars, but Izuku looked at you thoughtfully as his soft expression made an anxious glee start pumping into your chest.
“Not the future (Y/N)… here’s to right now… to everyone… to us.” 
A loud whistle shot up into the dark sky, a beam of light signaling all the fireworks as popping, flashes of brightly colored sparks of red, orange, yellow, blue and green shined down on you both, illuminating the fields just for you and Izuku was unable to look away from you, and your cheeks lit up a bright pink when he leaned into you carefully. Closing your eyes, you met his lips as he gently kissed you, feeling a pulsating excitement throughout his trembling body, his face automatically turning bright red and he pulled away slightly, feeling self-conscious for a moment and looked at you nervously.
But you smiled at him with a sugary kindness that made his nerves start rolling off his shoulders as you draped your arms around him and covered his mouth with another saccharine, passionate kiss as he pulled you in for a hug, eagerly returning the kiss as his eyes closed in pleasure.
Neither of you noticed how your classmates all gasped and blushed heavily at the sight, while a few such as Mina, Kaminari, Sero and Kirishima started to cheer and whoop victoriously, and they all knew that this meant that you and Izuku were FINALLY back together.
Bakugou scoffed at his squad’s antics though, looking disgusted when seeing his two childhood friends sucking face like that. But deep down he was just glad that you and the damn nerd finally got your shit together and had your stupid smiles back on your face again…
It felt like it was only you and Izuku in the whole world alone together as you didn’t part from his mouth, at least until someone suddenly popped in right in between you both. “YOUR LOVE STORY IS SO BEAUTIFUL!!” Yoarashi’s loud voice made you both pull away as he startled you both for the second time.
“Y-Yoarashi!” Izuku trembled as he blushed even darker upon realizing that he and everyone else had been watching you both kiss. 
“I’M SO GLAD THAT YOU ARE BOTH BACK TOGETHER!! THE PASSION, THE PINING!! YOUR LOVE IS TRUE LOVE!!” There were waterfalls of tears running down his face, but his enthusiastic expression was the same and his yells were sincere and sweet. Yoarashi had actually supported your decision to return because he loved how passionate you and Izuku were for each other.
“Thank you Yoarashi…” You giggled shyly, unable to make your flushed cheeks cool down as Todoroki approached the taller boy. 
“Stop ruining moments…” He muttered to the loudmouth, and instead of arguing with Todoroki, Yoarashi just smiled.
“Todoroki! It’s good to see you again!” He greeted him cheerfully, before looking at you and Izuku again. “I AM VERY SORRY FOR INTERRUPTING YOUR MOMENT!!” Once again, Yoarashi apologized to you both in his strange but zealous way by bowing his face into the ground and making himself bleed yet again. And you were relieved when Todoroki tried to give you and Izuku your moment back by pulling Yoarashi away from you both.
As you watched your friends give you both your space, you and Izuku couldn’t help but giggle happily with each other and neither one of you could take your eyes off of each other. Izuku’s gleaming eyes drew you back in, his arms seizing you into his embrace as you took in everything you missed about him as you sank your face into his warm chest, snuggling him close as you put your arms around him. Holding each other close, the two of you smiled upon seeing your classmates all laughing and smiling together. 
Both of you finally at peace and looking forward to the rest of your upcoming school years, but enjoying everything right now, and every other day you would spend together as you and Izuku would both become heroes together. 
You are the music in me...
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yuki-d-raizel-blog · 7 years
Chapter 31/??
Relationship: Todoroki Shouto x Reader (Your/Name), (Full/Name)
Summit: It all begin at the Sports Festival when Shouto’s other half met Endevour by mistake. The student never thought to see his partner fight against his father just to show him that he is wrong. It started from that instant, Shouto’s new path started exactly from that moment thanks to his friends and his beloved one.
Day after day, the internship over and everyone goes back to school, they all see that Todoroki is not feeling well. Under his eyes are forming dark circles, he always has earphones and doesn't listen to anyone, not even lessons. He lays his head on the desk and doesn't move. The class knows that (Y/N) is injured due to a fight, but if she hasn't come back, her injuries were so bad? Midoriya and Iida cover everything saying that Shouto is just stressed because the doctors prohibited him to see (Y/N), but deep inside, they're sick worried too, Shuu or the others didn't call or text during the week, and the waiting is killing all of them. Midoriya touches Todoroki's shoulder and waits that he moves his attention towards him.
<<It's lunch break, do you want to come with me?>> the student refused, Izuku is not good at forcing people to do something that they don't want to, <<I t-think, (Y/N)-chan would be sad and upset to see you like this. She wants us to smile, even if it's hard, we are aiming to be heroes after all, and she would scold you for skipping meals and sleeping like you did.>>
<<....Yeah, you're right...>> he stands up and grabs his jacket, <<Let's go.>>
During the break, Todoroki confessed that he can't sleep anymore, he always dreams the scene of that day, he can't control himself and often his quirk went wild because he’s too anxious and mental instable, so he keeps listening to (Y/N)'s music to tranquilize himself.
The break is almost over, the class leads back, but Kirishima grabs Uraraka's uniform and points outside.
<<Hey, that's Lenka-san outside the gates, isn't he?>> he whispers because he wants to be sure of it, and doesn't want to give fake hopes to somebody.
<<Yes, he is.>> Lenka notices them and waves energetically to catch their attention, <<What is he saying?>> seeing that the students don't understand, he uses his powers to write a phrase in the air.
<<"Would you call Shouto for me? I tried all day but his phone didn't work"... Oh god! Ok, wait there Lenka-san!>> both rush inside the classroom screaming.
<<Todoroki!>> Eijiro calls him as loud as he can since the half-half boy has the earphones again, <<Oi man!>>
<<What's happening Kirishima-kun?>> asks Midoriya, <<Why are you so agitated?>>
<<Lenka-san is outside the gates and wants to talk with you!>> Shouto jumps up and asks if they can repeat what they just said, <<Lenka-san is waiting for you! C'mon!>> Uraraka pushes him behind his back to lead him to the same window they saw the blonde twin.
Eijiro, Tenya and Izuku follow them too, the moment is come. (Y/N) is awake or not? Which one?
Todoroki lays his hand on the window and stares intensively at the twin, ready to read his labial.
<<We found out which hospital (Y/N) is.>> Midoriya whispers together with Todoroki to be sure that he got right what the man is saying, <<Miraje provided a special permission for the ones who wants to come. I wait here, and I’ll explain the details during the way.>>
Aizawa caught the students outside the class. He drags them back and before he could speak with his annoyed tone, the principal walks in. The students stand up and bow, while the teacher helps him to get on the desk, so everyone can see him well.
<<As you know, (Y/N) was injured during the Hosu incident, also, her family and doctors prohibited to anyone to visit her. Now, just for today, the ones who wants to visit her can go, I give you my authorization.>> the principal smiles and joins his paws behind the back, <<Who doesn't want to, can stay here and->>
<<I want to go!>> Todoroki stands up with his arm all stretched, <<Please!>>
<<Me too!>> , <<I want it too!>> shockingly, the entire class raise their hands and vocal their will, even Katsuki wants to come, saying that he must make fun of you.
<<Very well, have a safe trip everyone.>> Shouto is the first one who exits the room like a bolt and the others can't follow him, he's going so fast. He jumps the stairs, changes his shoes quickly and runs outside the gates.
The school lends its bus to Shuu, Lenka, Tenka and Joel to accompany the students to their destination. During the way, Todoroki holds tight his phone where there are almost all (Y/N)'s songs, those melodies saved him to go insane. The house was quieter and colder without her, he certainly didn't return to his mansion because it could only make him feel worse; Izuku invited him to stay over, but Shouto always refused. The only things that could save him from desperation and insanity, were those symphonies.
<<Hey, do you feel to talk with me for a bit?>> Joel kneels in front of him and shows his charming grin.
<<Yes, what is it?>>
<<We’re on the same boat, we didn't see (Y/N) yet, we don't know if she’s awake or not, but Miraje told us to keep this secret because the Ryuhis didn't give the permission yet.>>
<<I understand.>> Shouto lows his head and tights the grip around his phone, <<I appreciate that you let me come with you... I really mean it.>>
<<Now, now, raise your head, hero.>> Joel grabs Todoroki's chin with his finger and looks at him with a warm expression, <<Always smile like when you came to the orphanage, ok? I know, it's still hard for you to understand your own feelings, but moving a bit your lips isn't so difficult to do.>>
<<H-how do you know it?>>
<<I was like you when I was younger. I had the same behavior and the same eyes you had at the festival. But thanks to (Y/N), I learnt to recognize my emotions and started to discover the me that you're seeing now. Take your time Shouto, it's not easy to deal with feelings and stuff, so make sure to understand them and if you’re struggling, asks (Y/N) to help you. She understands people easily, she can show you what that feeling is.>>
<<Okay... Thank you very much, Joel-san...>>
<<Drop the "-san".>> the man shuffles lightly his half-half hair, <<You’re like a lil brother, call me by name.>>
"They’re really strong..." thinks Midoriya sit next to Shouto, "They’re quirkless, but they fought the Noumu without fear to protect a child, their wills are unbreakable, they’re all smart and capable... We’ve the wrong image of quirkless people..."
The bus arrives at the hospital. The students follow Shuu and his friends towards the gates where Hakkai is waiting them. Even if Todoroki, Izuku, Tenya, Ochako, Kirishima and the others are dying to see (Y/N), they must stick up with the slow pace of the group. They already noticed a few guards here and there, they must bear with their own impatience to avoid troubles for Hakkai and Miraje.
♩ If you can hear the sound that rings out from the bottom of your heart, there is no need for a reason more than that... ♩
The wind carries a melodic voice across the hospital. There's no music or instruments, but somehow, everyone can hear the rhythm inside that voice. Everyone's hopes are increasing fast, their hearts become lighter, please, do that that voice is coming from the person they hope is.
"Yeah, I know this song." thinks Todoroki, "(Y/N)'s mother was singing it in my dream... So, it existed for real and wasn't something that she said in the heat of the moment. Glad to know that."
They keep walking and strangely, there's no one outside, no doctors or patients; is this a private hospital or something?
♩ The rain that continues to pour down like the time that cannot be stopped; the rain blocks my view, I cannot see anything. If you say, we still have no choice but to keep moving forward, I don't need any answers... Let whatever is remaining after it has all ended, be the truth. ♩
Hakkai leads them to a room on the fourth floor and stops in front of the closed door. He knocks a few times, but no one answers, so he calls his granddaughter but she doesn't respond. Is she sleeping? The old man opens the door and finds the room empty. He panics and Shuu and Joel scolds him hardly, how could he lost his own granddaughter?!
<<What's happening over there?>> Tenka moves to a window and looks in the garden, "So many people..." he notices in front of that crowd, under a tree, sat on a bench a womanly figure, <<A-a-a-h-kk-fjkujyd!>>
<<Hah?! What the hell are you saying? Did you become stupid?>> Lenka was dragged by his brother to the window, <<What->> he follows Tenka's finger and sees it too, <<Oh my fucking god!! Shuu, Joel look there! She's there!>>
<<What happened to her hair?>> asks Shuu and the twins rush through the corridors screaming happily.
<<Who gives a shit about the hair! She's alive man!>>
Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 21.5, 22, 22.5, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, Last Chapter
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aquaticflames · 7 years
ahhh, thank you for your kind words! again, pacing is something i really worry about, so i really appreciate this! and im happy to deliver the tddk ☆
((okay so im answering all your asks here cuz dude ilysm and i wanna do this all at once ♡ ♡ ♡ ))
ahh, dont apologise my dude! getting these asks has literally made my whole day~ i really wanted to follow the original story because i wanted to explore how the future diaries would change what happened, so im so glad to hear you think im executing it well! thats music to my ears! also i love Momo too, i love writing her so much, shes the best ♡
thANK YOU SO MUCH omg im kinda dying?? the fact that you love my writing?? dude thats so precious, im literally smiling like an idiot over here. im also glad you like reading more!! ☆
ahhh thank you!! Dadmight fics are some of my favourite so i really wanted to not only include it in APTT but to also do it well, and i sound like a broken record but im so glad to hear that you think im writing it well!! such a relief, i really appreciate it~ and my guy, im glad you love the dorks, i love them too ♡ i loVE YOU TOO ANON ♡ ♡ ♡
okAY i feel very strongly about Midoriya Inko. she is an amazing character who is underrated and tbh i am giving her the love she deserves. so hearing that my writing made you love her more??? im in heaven. literally. and my guy the tddk in APTT is only gonna get dorkier, they are neRDS and no-one can tell me otherwise despite their cool(ish) exteriors. thank you again! ☆
(besides m*neta who imo doesn’t exist, amirite) Endeavour is literally my least favourite character in the whole series?? like forget Shigaraki & AFO (if youve read the manga?? i hope you have oops) he’s so despicable. i plan to write more on him but im glad you hate him as much as i do. like i said, more of that to come :) and you can rip the “izuku notices shouto’s Distress™ and endearingly helps him” headcanon from my Cold. Dead. Hands. i will run this resevoir dry so brace yourself. ^^
“ahhh the all-caps anon, i’m really sorry for sending all the messages omg it was like ‘you can’t send any for the next hour’ and i was like … ok shit i got really carried away there didn’t i D: BUT ANYWAY THE LAST CHAPTERS !!!! WERE BEAUTIFUL AND I LOVED THE INKO/DADMIGHT”
omg that literally made me laugh out loud in the middle of nowhere ontop of a volcano, ily ♡ and again inKO AND DADMIGHT ARE MY FAVE, ive read some of those fics and i would honestly get them all leatherbound and put on my bookshelf. it is just. the best. and im?? so happy?? that reading APTT cheered you up?? dude im kinda melting and ive said this a million times but ilysm ♡ ♡ ♡
p.s btw, i love the way you sent an ask in for like?? every chapter of APTT that just fills my heart with so much warmth~ i hope i can continue to deliver writing that you enjoy, and if you do enjoy it feel absolutely free to scream at me again! when i return from Italy ill draw something for you, lmao ilysm how could i not ♡
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elliotthezubat · 7 years
and more stuff
Kid: *stretches* stocking: tired already? Kid: "Not sure..." *lies down* stocking: *hug* Kid: =w= *hug* -elsewhere- Zuno: "Where am I? Who are you?" Assi: "..." *sad smile* "It's me, Assi. Remember?" Zuno: "...Oh! Right!" *awkward laugh* mono: .... Assi: "..." *puts out notes in front of him, with photos* "I've done better taking notes for you. Remember this?" Zuno: *nods* "Yeah. We got groceries this afternoon." Assi: "Good! And yesterday?" Zuno: "..." *shakes his head* -elsewhere- Mori: "You clean up nicely." miura: ...no comment, sir. Mori: -_-; "I think this suit looks good on me. Wouldn't kill you to give me a compliment." miura: ...it's fitting, sir. Mori: ^^; "...Close enough." *opens the door to the club* miura: hmm? Mori: "Let's head on in. We can enjoy a cigar, take in the music..." miura: right. *Mori gets them a second-floor booth overlooking the dance floor, setting out drinks for them* miura: *observing* Mori: "They look quite happy, don't they?" *sips* miura: they sure do seem to be enjoying themselves. Mori: "Some humans enjoy social gatherings. Some humans prefer a bit of privacy." miura: so i've noticed. Mori: *points to one person in the corner of the dance floor, drinking alone at a booth* "What do you think that person is feeling?" miura: judging by their heat signatures, they seem lonely. Mori: "...Well, that's one way to figure that out. I was thinking more how they were slumped over, drinking alone, staring at nothing...Perhaps they need company." miura: are you suggesting we intervene? Mori: "But of course~" miura: -.-; Mori: *gestures to club employee* "Extend an invitation to that lonely person below..." employee: sure thing. Mori: *smiles at Miura* "Let's show you a bit more about human interaction." miura: -.-; lady: um...hi? Mori: "Hello. Care to share a drink with us?" lady: um...sure? Mori: "I'm Mori. And this is my associate, Miura." miura: *nods* lady: just call me reina. Mori: "Pleased to meet you." *opens bottle of wine, pours glasses* "How do you like this establishment?" reina: it's nice. it'd be even nicer if my shithead date didnt stand me up. bastard. Mori: "I'm sorry. It sounds like you were looking forward to that date." *passes wine glass to her* reina: *sigh* whatever, it was just a hook up, anyway... Mori: "Ah, I see." *sips* "Had you made alternative plans in case your hook up did not work out?" reina: i dunno. Mori: *smiles* "Well, you know what I think? I tend to think that things in life are meant to be. And now Miura and I get to meet you." reina: i see. so what exactly do you guys do? Mori: "I'm a physician, Miura is my assistant." reina: ah. i see. Mori: "And what is your profession?" reina: just an office lady. Mori: "Aw...Is the work not satisfying?" reina: well, pays the bills. *sips* Mori: "That's a positive way to look at it...What do you do for fun?" -elsewhere- Relan: *yawns, walking to the kitchen* yu: zzzz Relan: "???" *looks around for a blanket* -early morning- FD: *sits up, stretches* zoey: *asleep on the floor* FD: "...Zoey. Awaken." zoey: *yaaaawn* hmmn? FD: "I require your services." zoey: what do you wish of me, master fyodor? FD: "Get atop me. I want to look at your face." zoey: *crawling onto him* FD: "..." *strokes her cheek* "Such incredible eyes..." zoey: ahhh....*blush* FD: "What do you see...?" *rubs a hand along her side* zoey: *pant* my beloved master. FD: *smiles, as he kisses her lips lightly* zoey: mmmn~<3 FD: "Zoey...You love me, don't you?" *draws her down, holding her* zoey: of course! i love you more than anything! FD: "Ah...I'm glad...Are you still sore?" -elsewhere- Gin: *yawn* higuchi: zzzz Gin: "..." *pulls her closer in a hug* higuchi: =w= Gin: "Good morning." *smooch* -elsewhere- Arthur: *brushing his teeth* "Die, vile cavity goblins, die." -elsewhere- Mori: *yawns* -silence- Mori: "..." *presses his intercom* "Breakfast." -elsewhere- Chuuya: "I think Grandma has a day outing planned for you..." sonia: *shiny eyes* Chuuya: *smiles* "So make sure to say 'please' and 'thank you,' and don't talk to strangers, okay?" sonia: ok, papa. and i'll stay away from the demon and the waste of bandages. Chuuya: ^^ "Good girl." *hug* -elsewhere- Kyoka: *in her sports uniform* "Let's do this." atsushi: *nods* Lucy: "...Good luck out there." atsushi: we will. Lucy: *weak smile* atsushi: *hug* Lucy: .\\\\\. "...O-O-Okay..." *pat pat* atsushi: ^^ Kyoka: "You can do more hugging later. We're going to be late at this rate." atsushi: ah! right! Lucy: "I'll watch at work today. Stay safe, you two." -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *steadying his breathing* naoya: you gonna be ok, kiddo? Akutagawa: *closes his eyes* "I have been picturing what victory will look like..." naoya: oh? Akutagawa: *opens his eyes...smiles* "I will win." -elsewhere- fuyumi: *knocks* shouto, time to get up. Todoroki: *turns over* =____= fuyumi: *knocks* shouto, get up. Todoroki: *pushes himself up* "I'm up, I'm up..." fuyumi: you have a big day ahead of you. Todoroki: "Right...A few hours to go." fuyumi: ^^ Todoroki: "I'll get ready. Thank you." fuyumi: *smiles and heads back downstairs* Todoroki: *walks to the bathroom...* -silence. his reflection is his only company- Todoroki: *he stands at such an angle that the mirror shows only his scarred side* "..." -...- Todoroki: *shivers* "I don't need it...I don't need it..." -elsewhere- Mineta: "And then I'll put the trophy in the center of my room, and it will attract every girl and woman in the world to my bedroom, and then I'll be happy." -elsewhere- Izuku: owo;;; *stretching* "It'll go fine...Just stay calm..." -elsewhere- Kid: *adjusting his tie* "What will you be doing today?" stocking: work. you? *kiss on the cheek* Kid: =\\\= "I-I was thinking of attending the games on Father’s behalf." stocking: sounds like fun. ^^ Kid: "I hope so...Have a good day at work." stocking: ^^ -elsewhere- Yohei: *picks up Toru* "Guess who has the day off?" toru: bupa? Yohei: "Yep--Papa!" toru: *laughs* ^u^ Yohei: "Hee hee...We'll get to play all day--" *BOOM* chie: o-o EMINE! D8< Emine: "...What? I thought I was helping her with making the mini-freezer." nea:..... ^^ *cracks knuckles* Kepuri: *glaring at Emine...her face is covered in soot, there is a small fire on her right shoulder* "..." *holds a very large wrench, tapping it against her hand* Emine: "..." *pushes Chie out of the way as he tries to run away* chie: *grabs him by the ankle with a shadow arm and drags him back* oh no you dont, mr! Emine: O______O "SHOTARO! DO A GOOD DEED!" Shotaro: "On it!" *hands Kepuri a bigger wrench* Kepuri: ^^ Emine: "YOU TRAITOR!" Yohei: -_-;;;; "...Be smarter than him, Toru." -elsewhere- Announcer #1: "Welcome to the next round of the Sports Festival!" announcer 2: this time, we have our UA students taking center stage! Announcer #1: "And here they come! Starting with Class 1A!" ochako: ^^ momo: *determined* Todoroki: "..." Izuku: owo;;; Iida: *super serious* Bakugo: *glaring* Mineta: *staring at Momo* eijiro: *looking at the audience* tsuyu: *tongue slap* stahp that. Mineta: >3< Audience Member’s sign: "I <3 Red Hair Guy!" eijiro: ^^ denki: *waves* hi ma! Mama Kouji: "Do your best, sweetie! Did you make sure to wear clean underwear?" Kouji: ^^; announcer: following up, we have class 1B! Bakugo: .\\\. *looks back* itsuka: ^^ yui: ... Bakugo: "..." *wave* pony: ^^ Monoma: *low growling* itsuka: !. *waves* ^^ yui: *signing* <monoma, chill.> Monoma: "I am chill! I am absolute zero!" hiryu: you sure about that? ibara: lord have mercy on him. Monoma: *sips a juice pack--angrily* *ANGRY SLURPING* Bakugo: "...Oh, I'm going to eliminate him first. After I kick Deku's ass." Izuku: "...Then that would be 'I'm going to eliminate him second.'" Bakugo: "SHUT UP, DEKU!" -class 1C is up next- mei: *waves* -then the other classes- hitoshi: .... Izuku: "!!!" *meek wave* yuuji: *glances up at the audience* Audience Member #3: "Do your best, stitch-face guy!" yuuji: it's face paint, but thanks. *scratching the back of his neck* Aizawa: "Okay, line up..." -students lining up- Aizawa: "And now, Midnight will introduce the theme to Round 1 of your competition." Mineta: *shiny eyes* "Hells yeah!" pony: o///o midnight: *pulls the lever to show the game played* Iida: "What do you think the first round will be?" -obstacle race- Bakugo: "..." *gleeful face--that still looks evil* "Heh heh heh..." Todoroki: "..." Izuku: o_o; itsuka: *sweatdrop* eijiro: you're kinda freaking me out, man. Bakugo: "I get to blast my way to the finish line _and_ finish off some people in the competition." Izuku: *intense stare back* Monoma: "NO! IT IS I WHO WILL BE VICTORIOUS!" itsuka: neito do not. -_-; ochako: *determination* Todoroki: "..." *glances at Ochako* ochako: ^^ *peace sign* Todoroki: "..." *nods* Monoma: -3- Iida: "I wonder what kind of obstacles will be in store..." atsushi: so it's like what we did then, huh? Kyoka: "Yes. Let us hope it turns out better for them." *looks down* "..." *small sigh* atsushi: you ok? Kyoka: "I feel badly Tamaki is not continuing in the competition." atsushi: yeah, i guess. Kyoka: "...Then we'll have to do even better now." *stares* "You have to beat Akutagawa." atsushi: .... 7.7 r-right. Kyoka: *looks around* "At least he's not here." atsushi: thank god. in all seriousness, he kiiinda freaks me out. Kyoka: "I know. Just don't be alone with him." atsushi: yeah, who knows what he'd try to do..... (thinking: DONT THINK ANYTHING PERVY, BRAIN!) {Akutagawa: "Let me wash your back..."} atsushi: *cringe* Kyoka: "???" {Akutagawa: "I made the bed for you~ <3 " } atsushi: *smacking head against the seat* Kyoka: !!! "Stop that. You can't afford the brain damage." atsushi: im fine! Kyoka: "...We'll get you some ice cream." atsushi: thank you. Q.Q Kyoka: *raises hand* "Two ice creams, please." vendor: here ya go. atsushi: *nom* TTuTT Kyoka: ^^ *nom nom* atsushi: *lick lick* Akutagawa: "Do you like that flavor?" Kyoka: o_o atsushi: *SCREAMS* -his icecream flies up....and lands on his face- atsushi: ACK! Kyoka: "...Let me get a napkin--" Akutagawa: "I'll clean it off." *leans closer* atsushi: O_O;;; *SCREAMS ON THE INSIDE* Kyoka: "..." ("Nope nope nopenopenope--") Akutagawa: *opens his mouth slightly...then removes his handkerchief, wiping it off Atsushi's face* atsushi:...thanks....i think. Akutagawa: "You are welcome. Remember what I did--as I was kind to you today. But in competition, I will dominate." atsushi: riiiiight. >-> Kyoka: *spray bottle* "Go away." -elsewhere- Vulcan: *passes out the sodas* "Drink up!" -elsewhere- Sakuya: *chopping vegetables* naho: *streeetch* Sakuya: "??? Hungry?" -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: "Look what was on sale!" louisa: hmm? mary: cool! bram: ... 0_0 Fitzgerald: "I think the patchwork look will create a toyshop atmosphere for this room." mary: i think it's super cute! bram: 7_7; of course you would, mary. Fitzgerald: "Great! Let's figure out where to put it..." *takes out a tablet and stylus* -elsewhere- Relan: *looks at the line* "Jeez...It's going to take forever to get in." -elsewhere- Aizawa: "The students are approaching the starting line..." ochako: *focused* Izuku: *sweating* Iida: *staring forward* midnight: get ready.....GO! *The students take off--into the doorway* ochako: *sprinting* student: urk- student 2: move it! student 3: ow! who's elbow is that? Mineta: *squeezed* Izuku: "Th-They made the doorway this narrow so people couldn't get through..." Todoroki: "Pardon me..." *charging up his ice powers* momo: *summons a javalin to get herself out* there we- GO! *LOUD EXPLOSION* Bakugo: "OUTTA MY WAY!" ochako: WOAH! *gravity'ing herself out* Student #1: *drooling, as they pick up--* hitoshi: ... yuuji: 0_0; um...thats.... hitoshi:...you want on? yuuji: um...im good...thanks..... hitoshi:....alright then. Student #2: *drooling, making groaning noise* "Yeaaaaaaah..." yuuji: (thinking: freaky) Aizawa: "Todoroki is in the lead. But--" *splat splat splat* Todoroki: "??? ...Sticky balls?" Mineta: "YES! Todoroki! Prepare to taste the fury of my killer--" -KO- Mineta: *PWNED* "AAAAAAAaaaaaaaAAAAH!" *SLAM--roll roll roll roll...* Izuku: o____O ochako: HOLY HOT CROSS BUNS! Iida: "The robots? From the entrance exam?" Todoroki: "...I never faced these." Bakugo: "Ha! We have! So I guess you're at a disadvantage--" Todoroki: "They should look more threatening." Bakugo: "Yeah! ...Wait, what?" Todoroki: *summoning ice...* announcer: AND SHOUTO TODOROKI IS COOLING THINGS DOWN! BUT THE COMPETITION IS HEATING UP! Todoroki: *freezes the robot--and runs* Student #3: "Follow him!" Todoroki: *passes the legs* "Bad idea...I froze the robot while it was top-heavy, so I'm going to let gravity do it's work...while I escape." Student #3: "...What'd he say about 'gravy'?" -BOOOM- ochako: D8 eijiro: *breaks through* IM OKAY! THAT WAS A DICK MOVE TODOROKI! DICK. MOVE. Student #5: "HOLY CRAP! That hard guy survived!" student 6: phrasing! eijiro: *notices something* WOAH! heavy metal much?! Tetsutetsu: *smashes out* "CLASS 1A, YOU'RE ALL A BUNCH OF DICKS! I'D BE DEAD IF I WASN'T ME!" Student #5: "Another hard guy!" eijiro: *already running* YEET YEET! hiryu: come on, we should work our way through as well! Bakugo: "OUT OF MY WAY, LOSERS!" *runs forward--then blasts upward over the robot* hanta: *following with his tapes* you surprised me there, bakugou, here i was thinking you'd just blast your way on through! Tokoyami: "We will follow your example. Right, Shadow?" dark shadow: *screeaw* ^w^ -more students rush through- Announcer #1: "Jeez, Class 1A is just smashing through without hesitance! They must have some incredible powers!" Aizawa: "...That's not why..." namiko: ?? announcer 3: oh, they were part of the USJ incident a while, back, right? Aizawa: "And when you face that kind of fear, you learn. You get the experience, the courage, to face your fears, rather than run from them." ochako: *phew*.... o_o; oh. Present Mic: "THESE ARE THE FALLS!" Aizawa: "...I'm not a fan of 'Sherlock.'" tsuyu: *crawling on a rope* announcer: and tsuyu asui is already taking a lead! satsuki asui: go tsu! ??? fufufufu~ ochako: huh Iida: *finally caught up, pants, looks at ???* "???" mei: consider this an open letter to all those tech companies out there. the wire arrows, and the hover soles. *flying forwards with her wires* MY PRECIOUS BABIES~! hitoshi:...huh. mina: no way! i call hax! ochako: come on! let's go! Iida: "...I cannot fail, not in front of my brother. I mustn't show an unsightly performance." *assumes figure skater pose on the tightrope* -in the stadium- attendee: that kid up front, that's endevour's kid, isnt it? shinra: wait....are you telling me....that shouto todoroki is the son of endevour? as in _the_ endevour?! Relan: "??? Um...Is he the guy with that fire beard?" shinra: yeah, i met him once actually.....he was a big bag of dicks. Relan: o_o; "...'Kay. Um, I mean, Todoroki seems a little...cold, so to speak. But if he's Fire Beard's son, why doesn't he use his flame abilities?" shinra: well, endevor isnt a fire ability user, but a quirked human. i guess todoroki's ice powers comes from his mom's side? Relan: "But if you had both fire and ice abilities, why would you rely on only one and not both?" shinra: *shrugs* -soon, they make it to the mine field- Todoroki: ("Damn. They designed this portion so that it would require those in first to be cautious how they proceeded through the mines. I will have to be careful and--") Bakugo: "YOU ICEY-HOT BASTARD!" Todoroki: -_-; Bakugo: "YOU DECLARED WAR ON THE WRONG PERSON!" *blasts the ground in front of Todoroki* Todoroki: "?!!!" *ice shield* announcer: and it's broken into utter chaos! -BOOM! BOOM! KABLOOIE- Bakugo: "?!! What the hell?!" Todoroki: "That was multiple explosions..." Izuku: "AAAAAAAAaaaaaaaAAAAAHHHH!!!!" announcer: AND IZUKU MIDORIYA APPEARS TO BE SURFING ON THE RECOIL!!! inko: *SCREAMS and faints* Bakugo: "DEKU! GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE!" Izuku: *determined zoom-in stare* Todoroki: *summoning ice along the battlefield* "This may clear the path for others--but I cannot let them win!" *Todoroki and Bakugo follow Izuku...* *Izuku is flipping over* Izuku: o____o Izuku: ("ALL MIGHTY CRAP! Okay, I'm stalling--calm down...Wait...If I time it right...") *EPIC EYE STARING MOMENT* Izuku: "SHEET METAL...FLIP!" *Izuku slams down the metal in front of Bakugo and Todoroki* *KA-BOOM* Present Mic: "Holy cow! Great work on teaching them that technique, Eraserhead!" Aizawa: "...Not me. That's something they learned on their own..." Izuku: *back on his feet...stumbles to first place* announcer: ....IZUKU MIDORIYA IS THE WINNER!!!!! shinra: WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAH!!!! -massive cheering- inko: *sobbing with joy* MY BABYYYYY!!! announcer: coming up in second and 3rd respectivly are Shouto Todoroki and Katsuki Bakugou! Izuku: *crying, smiling* Bakugo: *clenching his fist* "Why that little..." Todoroki: "..." *ice coming off of him* ochako: congrats you guys! ^^ itsuka: *hugging katsuki* congrats on making 3rd! Bakugo: =\\\\= *angry grumbling noises* Monoma: *GLARE* Iida: *traumatized* "I failed...The speedster was too slow..." momo: you did your best. *smiles* *Something is behind Momo* momo:.... -beatdown ensues- Mineta: X______X -later- ochako: *sipping her drink* whoo! that was exciting today! Izuku: QWQ "frozen* tsuyu: congrats on making first, izuku. Todoroki: "..." *sitting away* Izuku: "Th-Thank you..." ochako: ^^..... hmm? hey, arent you gonna sit with us, todoroki? Todoroki: "...No." *gets up and leaves* ochako: ah-........ mina: jeez, who stuck a thumbtack up his butt?? ochako:... Iida: "...So focused." ochako:...brb. *follows him* Izuku: "..." -outside- ochako: todoroki?? jeez, where is he? hitoshi: ....? ochako: did you see- hitoshi: *points* ochako: thanks. Todoroki: *seated on top of wall* ochako: *gravities herself up to the wall* urk....*gulp* hey todoroki. ^^ Todoroki: "...Hello." ochako: ...congrats on making 2nd! *smiles* Todoroki: "It was not first." ochako: but at least it's something, right? Todoroki: "Unless you're at the top, it is nothing." ochako: *small pout* .....so, i hear tomorrow they're going to have a halftime concert. that should be fun, right? Todoroki: "...I would rather train. But no point in over-working my body." ochako: yeah, it'd be bad if you injured yourself now. *looks up at the sky* Todoroki: "...Congratulations on placing." ochako: ^^ thanks. im just glad i made it in! that counts as something, right? Todoroki: *grunt* ochako:....*looking at the passers by below* shark kid: i didnt make it in... shark dad: it's ok son, you did your best, and im proud of you for that. shark kid:...*small smile* ochako: ....*small smile and looks at todoroki* Todoroki: "..." *sniff* *one icy tear* ochako:..??? todoroki? are you...ok? Todoroki: *wipes his tear* "Fine. Thank you for asking." ochako: .....you gonna stick around? maybe play some of the games? Todoroki: "...Okay." ochako: awesome! ^^ Todoroki: "...What do you play?" -elsewhere- Gin: "Another drink?" naoya: hell yeeeeah. higuchi: ^^ Gin: *pours for Naoya* "Ichiyo?" -elsewhere- Arthur: "Calvary." karin: hmm? Arthur: "Calvary would be a great game to play." Vulcan: "...It'll never catch on." -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *walking through the streets* atsushi: *walking home with groceries* Akutagawa: "..." *watches from afar* atsushi: ok. that should be everything now. Akutagawa: "Hello." *now next to him* atsushi: YEEP! jeez, what the heck?! Akutagawa: "...Do you need help carrying?" atsushi: umm...im good, thanks. Akutagawa: "...Oh. Very well. Okay." atsushi: *walking away* Akutagawa: "...Watch your back." atsushi: *looks back* Akutagawa: "You shouldn't let something happen to you." atsushi: noted. Akutagawa: "..." *follows* atsushi: .... ouo;;;; Akutagawa: "...Oh. You were heading this way?" atsushi: um... yeeesss? Akutagawa: "So am I." atsushi: ookaaaay then. *screaming on the inside* Akutagawa: *walks beside him* "...You like bread?" atsushi: i guess. im more of a chazuke guy to be honest. Akutagawa: "...I never get to have that." atsushi: well, there is a nice restaurant that serves it. i could write the address down for you if you want. (thinking: lucy save me) Akutagawa: "..." *hold out his hand* atsushi: *writes it down and hands him the paper* Akutagawa: *takes the paper* "..." *intense stare* atsushi:....well, i should be heading home now. Akutagawa: "...If you must. I suppose you need rest for competition." -elsewhere- Akitaru: "How did the festival go?" shinra: it was awesome! tamaki: his friend won first. Akitaru: "Hey, that's great for him!" Relan: "...Not when Bakugo gets his hands on him..." tamaki: not if bakugo's girlfriend is there to calm him down. Relan: "Hope she's around, then. And can get release his tensions, then." Akitaru: "..." *inwardly cackling* karin: *elbows him in the side* Relan: "???" Akitaru: *covers his mouth, calms down* -elsewhere- Chuuya: "You wash behind your ears?" sonia: *nods* Chuuya: "Okay. Time to brush your teeth." sonia: ok, papa. -elsewhere- Kepuri: "Your mini-freezer is complete!" nea: yay~! ^^ Emine: *pixelated mess* Shinoda: ^^ -elsewhere- atsushi: im back! Kyoka: "That's good. Did you get my ice cream?" atsushi: *hands it to her* Kyoka: "Yay. Also, you had some visitors." atsushi: oh? Kyoka: "Dazai left a note. Lucy has been knocking every five minutes looking for you." atsushi: ah. *looks at dazai's note* Dazai's note: "Do your best!" atsushi: *smiles* Dazai's note: "I'll be watching! And when this is done, you're getting all you can eat!" atsushi: ...*shiny eyes* Kyoka: "???" atsushi: chazuke.... =u= Kyoka: "...You should bring that home, too." -elsewhere- Dazai: TTWTT "So proud of him..." kirako: ^^; Dazai: *patting his belly* "Sweet child, doing so well in competition, using his opponents to his advantage..." mii: zzzz Dazai: *strokes Mii* "Cat been behaving?" kirako: *nods* mii: =u= Dazai: "That's good...Hey, Kirako?" kirako: hmm? Dazai: "Thanks for letting me hang out here." kirako: no problem. ^^ Dazai: *smiles* "You know what would be great? I can mix a drink..." -elsewhere- Arthur: "Zzz..." -elsewhere- Todoroki: "I'm home." fuyumi: welcome back! Todoroki: "...Hi. ...I'm sorry I--...That I failed." fuyumi:...*hug* you did your best.......do you want to spend the night here? Todoroki: "...Okay." fuyumi: *smiles* i'll go set up the guest room. Todoroki: "...Thank you." fuyumi: ^^ *goes to do that* Todoroki: "..." *sits on couch* -text alert- Todoroki: "???" *looks at phone* -text from; dad- Todoroki: "..." *deletes* -text from; ochako- Todoroki: "..." *opens it* ochako: [hey todoroki! you get home OK? ^o^] Todoroki: "..." [at sister's] ochako: [neat.] Todoroki: [are you home?] ochako: [yep! dad ordered pizza!] Todoroki: [must be nice] ochako: [yeppers ^^] Todoroki: "..." [which toppings?] ochako: [pepperoni] Todoroki: [well, enjoy it] ochako: [aaand my dog just stole one slice >.< ] Todoroki: [oh, you have a pet?] -she sends a pic of her and a golden lab, with a pizza slice in its mouth- ochako: [this is trixie. #ftselfie] Todoroki: [so, a pizza dog] ochako: [actually she's a lab. XD] Todoroki: "..." [ha] -elsewhere- Emine: *bandaging himself* lin: *tending to his injuries* at least you completed your bad deed today. Emine: "Yes. Just wish it was with fewer injuries..." *looks at her eyes* lin: ^^ Emine: *leans to her face* lin: *smooch* Emine: o\\\\o "..." >\\\< *smooch* -elsewhere- Izuku: "Thanks for the meal, Mom." ^^ inko: ^^ of course, sweetie! *hug* MY BABY WON! Izuku: "GRK! M-Mom...Can't breathe--" -knocks- Izuku: "??? I-I'll get it." *looks through peephole* yuuji: *scratching the back of his head, looking away awkwardly* Izuku: "!!! Oh, Mom? It's a friend from school." *opens the door* yuuji: um....hey mrs M. inko: oh, hello. yuuji, was it? yuuji: *nods* ....yeah. Izuku: "You were passing by? We were just sitting for dinner..." yuuji: oh...cool. mind if i...uh... inko: it's fine. ^^ yuuji:...'kay. Izuku: "I'll get another plate!" -and so- Izuku: ^^ "So, what do you think about the Festival?" yuuji:.....ok i guess.....congrats on 1st. Izuku: "Th-Thanks...I mean, the competition isn't done yet..." yuuji: far from it. Izuku: ._.; "...Yeah...Lot of competition out there, too." yuuji: *nods* i didnt make it to the next round, but it's all good i guess. Izuku: "...I hope you go to the rest of the Festival. There are a lot of fun activities for the audience members." yuuji: yeah, i saw. might help aizawa out with stuff maybe. Izuku: "Oh, good! You like working with him?" yuuji:...it's cool, i guess. dont have much else to do. Izuku: "...Hobbies?" yuuji: *shrugs* guess i've been listening to music more often. Izuku: "Do you play any instruments?" yuuji: nah, not really...doesnt that jirou kid in your class play bass? Izuku: *nods* "Yeah. I only heard her play once." yuuji: cool. Izuku: "Maybe you could ask her? She performs now and then." yuuji: she gonna be at the half time show tomorrow? Izuku: "Yeah. I could introduce you." yuuji: cool. Izuku: ^^ "What kind of music do you like?" yuuji: old school stuff. led zepplin, AC/DC, stuff like that. Izuku: "Then I think you and Jirou will get along great!" -elsewhere- Benimaru: *splashes water on his face* kabuki: it's starting to get a lot colder out. Benimaru: "Yes." *summons a flame* "I think many of us will keep warm." kabuki: indeed. sister kirei told me the shrine got their kotatsu out today. Benimaru: "That should be comforting. Will you be making use of it?" kabuki: if they invite is to. Benimaru: *nods* "I assume they will. The shrine has been welcoming lately." kabuki: they usually are. Benimaru: "...Hmm. I think I'll bring a gift." -elsewhere- Higan: *adjusting his suit* lavender: *helping with his tie* Higan: ^^ "Thanks. You're looking good." lavender: ^^ Higan: "I can't wait to get there...I think you'll like the atmosphere." -elsewhere- Gin: *sniffs, passes box of tissue* naoya: jeez, colds are a bitch, aint they? Gin: *nod nod* "Been drinking as much green tea as I can." naoya: *chuckles* here i thought you wearing that mask would prevent you from getting sick. Gin: -_-; "Ha ha...ha...AHCHOO!" -elsewhere- Kid: *washing Stocking's hair* "Feel good?" stocking: *nods* =///= Kid: "You must've had a long day..." *massages her shoulders* stocking: yeah no kidding...how were the games, babe? Kid: "Impressive...The student, Midoriya, won this round without using his ability." stocking: woah. Kid: *nods* "Truly remarkable." *readies the mobile showerhead* "After what his class did against supervillains at the training facility, he must have been prepared for such an outcome." stocking: i guess. Kid: *smiles* "Ready to rinse?" -elsewhere- Mori: *sips his drink* elise: *drawing* Mori: "???" *looks over her shoulder* -it's a drawing of shizuka with her head off, rain in a grave, and miura- Mori: "...That's...an interesting illustration, Elise." elise: it's all your secretaries. Mori: "...Yes, they are." elise: ^^ Mori: "...Do you miss Shizuka and Rain?" elise:...i guess. *shrugs* but shizuka's right behind that door. Mori: ^^; "But you promise not to tell anyone that's where Shizuka is, yes?" elise: im not gonna say anything. Mori: "Good, Elise." ^^ "...What do you think of Miura?" elise: ...i mean, i _did_ pull her head off once. Mori: "That is true. Do you like her more since doing so?" elise: maybe. as long as she isnt going psycho terminator mode. Mori: *small chuckle* "I know you'll be able to handle her if that were to happen. But I think she's been on good behavior." -elsewhere- Lucy: "Glad you got home safely." atsushi: yeah, same here. Lucy: *pats his head* "Did you have any problems?" atsushi:.......define 'problems' Lucy: "...Of the stalker variety?" atsushi: then just a lil, yeah. Lucy: *sigh* "Did he hurt you?" atsushi: no, luckily. Lucy: "..." *pats his cheek* "Be safe. You may have to go tiger on his butt." -elsewhere- Chuuya: *looking at a photograph* -it's of himself, higuchi, and rain- Chuuya: "..." ("Sonia looks so much like her...") sonia: ?? Chuuya: "??? Sonia? Can't sleep?" sonia: *looks* Chuuya: "...Do you recognize who's in the photo?" sonia: papa, aunt higuchi, and mama Chuuya: *smiles* "Yes." *points to Rain* "That's her. And you look like her..." sonia:....*looks at the mirror* do i? Chuuya: "...I think so." *smiles* sonia:....*lean* Chuuya: *pat pat* "Want some tea?" sonia: *nods* Chuuya: "Okay..." *leaves her in front of the mirror, as he walks to the kitchen* "..." ("I can't not see him...") sonia:....(thinking: the demon isnt my father....the demon will never be my father) Chuuya: ("What he did to Rain...What the Rats said...I just can't...") sonia: ..... mito: *resting on sonia's lap* sonia:...good kitty... Chuuya: *heating the water, exits, sees Mito on Sonia's lap* "..." *smiles* "Want a snack?" sonia: yes please. *picks up mito* you're a nice kitty. you'll scare the mean ol rats away, right? mito: *mew* Chuuya: "Mito is good at chasing down rats..." sonia: *hug* mito: *purrs* Chuuya: *hugs back* sonia: =///= Chuuya: "You're a great child, Sonia..." sonia: thanks, papa. {naoya: that kid's gonna be depending on you, you know.} Chuuya: ("I know...But...I just...") sonia: =////= zzzz Chuuya: "..." *picks her up carefully* sonia: *asleep* Chuuya: *takes her to her bed, tucking her in* sonia: *holding her bear* Chuuya: "..." *strokes her hair off her face, kisses her forehead* sonia: =w= Chuuya: "Sleep well, Sonia..." -elsewhere- Dazai: =w= kirako: zzzz mii: *standing guard outside the door* Dazai: *turns over, hugs Kirako* kirako: =///= Dazai: "Mmm...Zzz..." mii:...*taps the door* Dazai: "Huh?" *looks up* -tap tap- Dazai: *gets out of bed, opens the door* mii: *walking over to where the tea is* Dazai: "..." *sits there* "What's up?" mii: i was meaning to speak with you about that rodent i found a while ago. Dazai: "Oh?" *takes a cup* mii: do you recall it having a camera inside? well, after a little digging around, i've discovered our culprits. Dazai: "Oh? Who?" mii: the rats in the house of the dead, fittingly enough. Dazai: "Hmmm...Any location?" mii: it's difficult to detemine that, but i suggest you keep everyone alert. Dazai: "Understood." mii: in the mean time, i'll see if they hid any more cameras around. Dazai: "Thanks. Hate to think what they've recorded so far." mii: ...i'll be taking my stroll now if you dont mind. Dazai: "Hey, do what you gotta..." *opens the door* mii: *walking off* -elsewhere- FD: "Any new discoveries?" katya: <at the given moment, no> FD: "Hmm..." <Perhaps need to have some surveillance in additional locations.> katya: <when are you gonna pit me against enemies who actually put up a decent fight, huh?> FD: "..." *smiles* <I could have you practice...> katya: <my guns crave to kill> FD: "Hmm..." <I have one prisoner...> katya: <ugh, not the neet. she'll probably piss herself at best. i want someone i can actually enjoy fighting!> FD: *sigh* <Then why don't you take a walk and find someone to shoot?> katya: *hmph* <very well, i'll go play in the old sewers.> FD: <Have fun. Hide the bodies, collect their valuables.> katya: <will do> FD: *starts reviewing a file...* yana: trigger happy, that one. guess thats why they call her the 'silver bullet witch', huh? FD: *nods* "At least she meets her target. Helpful to have her right now." yana: *nods* FD: "Speaking of meeting one's target..." *hands Yana a photograph* "Try to find more info on this one." yana: hmm? *examining* *It's a photo of Izuku* FD: "Care to visit the Festival again?" yana: hmm...eh, sure. FD: *smiles* "Good girl." yana: still creepy! FD: "Yes." yana: -_-; -elsewhere- Poe: ^W^ rowena: tea's ready now. lenore: cool. Poe: "Thank you. It smells good." lenore: *looking at photographs* -one displays poe and rowena's other brother with his wife and daughter- lenore: there's more of you? Poe: *nod* "So to speak." rowena: *nods* henry would be the oldest of us. Poe: "It has been a while since I saw them...How old is she now?" rowena: i think emilia is 7 now. Poe: "...That's good." *sips, looking down* karl: o^o~? Poe: "..." *pets Karl* "H-Henry probably hasn't been interested in seeing me." rowena: should i call him and ask? Poe: .\\\. "I-I-I wouldn't go out of your way..." -elsewhere- Akitaru: *tossing in bed* {ami: papa!} {Akitaru: "Ami!"} {-she and chitose are burning-} {chitose: *screaming*} {Akitaru: *looking all around, trying to find a blanket or something...*} -knocking- Akitaru: *his eyes break open...he's covered in a cold sweat...he trips of the bed to the door* shinra: cant sleep.... Akitaru: "...Yeah. I can't either.....Have something to drink?" shinra: *nods* Akitaru: "Okay..." *goes with Shinra to the kitchen* "I'll have some milk...Want some? Or tea?" shinra: *nods* Akitaru: *starts making tea* "You having bad dreams?" shinra: just trouble sleeping i guess. Akitaru: *nods* "...A lot happening at once. Including missions." shinra: yeah...*his hands are shaking* Akitaru: "..." *holds his hand* shinra:...t-thanks dad. Akitaru: *smiles* "You're welcome. Just got to take things one day at a time." -elsewhere- Yohei: *hug* chie ^///^ Yohei: *smooch* "...You're huggable." chie: *hug* so are you~ Yohei: ^\\\^ "I try..." *rubs her back* -elsewhere- Akutagawa: "..." *looking out a window* naoya: looking for something? Akutagawa: "...No. The streets seem quiet outside." naoya: ah. Akutagawa: "...You ever think there's something wrong with yourself?" naoya: what do you mean? Akutagawa: "...I wouldn't be like this if I wasn't so messed up. Dazai. The Tiger. There's something corrupted with me." naoya: .....need some tea or something? Akutagawa: "...Okay sure." -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *in fox form, walking through village* -elsewhere- Kid: *hug, smooch* stocking: =///w///= Kid: *rests his head next to hers* "...Your hair smells great." stocking: thanks~ Kid: *smiles* *small kiss on her cheek* "I love you." stocking: i love you too, hun~<3 Kid: *closes his eyes, smiling, lying next to his wife* stocking: *smoooooch* Kid: ^\\\\^ -elsewhere- Joker: "Another beer?" scarlet: yeah, sure. ivy: *hic* hi-heebahnah y-yew fughkin bitch! i'll-i'll fugk-gin khill ya... Joker: "...Maybe not another beer for Ivy." *hands one to Scarlet* scarlet: no kidding. *sweatdrop* Joker: "Hey, Ivy? How would, you know, go about cornering Hibana? She's pretty powerful..." ivy: i dunnu...i jus...wanna shee her die, yknow? she pisshes me off shoo much. Joker: "Yeah, I hear ya. You tried the hostage thing, you tried breaking and entering...Maybe you need another strategy, like when she least expects it." -elsewhere- Kyoka: *snore* atsushi: *tucking her in* odasaku: like a real dad. atsushi: thanks. Kyoka: =w= *curls up under the sheets* atsushi:...*hands her her rabbit plushie* Kyoka: *happy sigh as she hugs her rabbit* atsushi: .... Kyoka: *her breathing grows more steady...* atsushi: *exits the room* Kyoka: "Dad...Mom..." odasaku:....*head pats* Lucy: *asleep on his couch* "Zzz..." atsushi: ....*puts blanket over her and carries her to his bed. he ended up taking the couch* Lucy: =w= ("Zzz...So comfy...") -elsewhere- Spirit: *has ice on his back* -____- sachiko: jeez. -_-; Spirit: "I think I'm out of the competition..." izumi: i think you're a champ, dad. Spirit: ^^; "Thanks, kiddo...At least I can watch the games on TV..." -elsewhere- Kepuri: "Scoot over." -elsewhere- Victor: *asleep at his work station* nozomi:...*puts a blanket over him* Victor: "Mmmm...Zzzz..." -elsewhere- sonia: *asleep* Chuuya: *asleep in his bed* -silence- Chuuya: *tosses slightly* -...- {Chuuya: *hears a noise from Mori's office* "???"} {rain: *exiting, whimpering*} {Chuuya: "??? Rain?"} {rain: !!! m-mr nakahara!} {Chuuya: "You okay?"} {rain: y-yeah...j-just finishing up some last-minute work. ^^ *there are tears in her eyes, and she looks slightly disheveled*} {Chuuya: "..." *removes his handkerchief, offers it to her*} {rain: *wipes tears* i-im fine, really... ^^ } {Chuuya: "...Do you...need some help?"} {rain: *shakes head* t-thanks for offering though. ^^ } {Chuuya: "..." *looks past her into the office* "I can...give you a ride. Home."} {rain:....} {Chuuya: "...My car is just outside." *inside, he sees Mori*} {rain:...its fine....i can take a cab. im sure you're really busy right now...} {Chuuya: "...I'm not. But I don't want to make you..." *pulls out a card, hands it to her*} {rain: ?? *looks at it*} {*It has his cell phone number on it*} {rain:...*sniff*} {Chuuya: *soft smile* "If you ever need anything...just to talk..."} {rain:...ok} Chuuya: *whimpers in his sleep* -silence- Chuuya: *opens his eyes, rubbing his tears away* "...I missed everything." -...- Chuuya: *looks at the alarm clock: 4:14 AM* "..." *goes to the bathroom, splashes water in his face* -silence- Chuuya: *looks in the mirror* "...Rain...Why didn't I...It was so obvious." -...- Chuuya: "...Mori...All of it...Why didn't I stop it." -...- Chuuya: *closes his eyes--and only sees Rain's face* rain?: *tearfully smiling* Chuuya: *sobs* -...- Chuuya: *hugs himself, trying to get a grip...* -...- Chuuya: "Rain..." *crying* mito: *nuzzles his leg* Chuuya: "!!" *looks down* "..." *pets her* mito: ^w^ Chuuya: ("I'm not getting back to sleep any time soon...") *walks Mito to the kitchen* mito: *follows* Chuuya: *opens a tin of food, setting it onto a plate* mito: *nom nom* Chuuya: *starts brewing coffee...* *looks at his phone* -no new messages- Chuuya: "..." *pulls up news* -A Champ In The Making! Izuku Midoriya's Victory!- Chuuya: "Hmm...Good for him on that one. But that's gonna make him a target..." mito: *purrs* Chuuya: "..." *smiles at Mito, scratches lightly under her chin* "Good meal?" mito: *mewl* Chuuya: "That's good..." *finishes making his coffee* "..." *types a text* [can't sleep. just checking in] kouyou: [what's wrong?] Chuuya: [nightmare about something from earlier. still feel bad about rain] kouyou:..... [i see] Chuuya: [sonia reminds me so much of her] kouyou:..... [its mind boggling] Chuuya: "..." [yeah. sorry for waking you] kouyou: [if you need any help, let me know] Chuuya: [will do. thanks] -elsewhere- Vulcan: *stretches* *grunts* yu: zzzz *asleep on a cot* Vulcan: "???" ("Got to get him a decent bed...And not that hospital one that looks like Baymax.") -elsewhere- Kid: *kitten yawn* stocking: *making breakfast* Kid: *sniffs* "Smells good..." stocking: you want anything on it? *she's making pancakes* Kid: "Whipped cream?" -elsewhere- Benimaru: *holding up a burnt plate of food* "..." -elsewhere- Todoroki: "..." *opens his eyes, looking around* -morning daylight shines through the window- Todoroki: "...Oh, right." *looks at the blanket* "..." -it's a goddamn frozen blanket- Todoroki: o_____O *internal screaming* -elsewhere- Joker: *waking up, muttering in his sleep* "No more beer, Dad--I've had enough." -phone call- misora: wakey wakey, mr manager! Joker: -___-;; "My head has tiny men inside, hammering inside...Why are you calling so early?" misora: are you hung over? Joker: "Yes. Give me a status update." -elsewhere- Yohei: "...Shotaro, don't sleep on the dining table." Shotaro: *snoring* Kepuri: "...Could someone pass the salt?" -elsewhere- Karim: *buttoning his coat* foien: *streeeetch*.....*looks at his stub* ...... Karim: "...Ready to start drills?" -elsewhere- Izuku: *putting on a t-shirt* "I'm about to head out, Mom." inko: dont forget your phone, sweetie! Izuku: "Oh, right!" *unplugs it, grabs it from his desk, along with his keys and wallet* "And I charged it, too!" inko: ^^ Izuku: *hug* "I'll be home by curfew." -elsewhere- Meme: "Yummy!" mio: *nom* Anya: "Quite a variety of options at the Festival." tsugumi: it's got stuff from all over the world, some of these things i've never even _heard_ of! Anya: "Hmm...Oh! They have oysters! From the Rocky Mountains!" ???: i wouldnt do that if i were you. Anya: "???" twain: *waves* ebie: *nomming on a caramel apple* ^^ Anya: "Why shouldn't I have them? Would I be allergic?" twain: if you want to be on your knees hugging the porcelain throne, go nuts. Anya: o_o;;;; "How...crude." Meme: "Not the only reason to skip it..." *whistles innocently* tsugumi: *notices one game* ooh! Anya: "???" *looks at the game* -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *stretching in the locker room* student: oi! araragi! you going to be at the concert today? Akutagawa: "Is it just noise, or does it have some redeeming aural value?" student:...huh? Akutagawa: "...Is the music going to be good?" student: oh! sure. Akutagawa: "...Might as well. Anyone else going?" -elsewhere- Gin: "...Well, this is foolish." miura: tell me about it. -_-; elise: -__-; Mori: "But they're matching outfits! You have to love them." higuchi:.....my eyes burn. Gin: =\\\\= "Kill me." hirotsu: i could, in theory, but i would rather not incite your brother's wrath. Gin: "Not literally." Mori: "Smile for the camera!" -elsewhere- Black Star: "Got the tickets?" soul: got 'em right here. kilik: awesome. Black Star: "Then let's do this!" -elsewhere- Q: *whistling* Kyoka: "Oh." Q: hmm? oh hiya traitor! Kyoka: "Hello. Are you still wetting your bed?" Q: have you met number 36 yet? atsushi: ._.; um... Q: oh, i know you! you're big bro dazai's new boy toy, right? Kyoka: "???" atsushi: *almost chokes* THAT'S NOT WHAT IS GOING ON! Kyoka: "..." *trying not to laugh* Q: oh. because akutagawa would get pretty mad if that were true. i think he wants to stick it up your bum. atsushi: ............*almost dies* odasaku: ...... *silent tears of shocked horror* Kyoka: *struggling to breathe, covering her face* Lucy: "Oh! There you two are!" *walks up--then sees Q* "..." Q: hmm? oh, is this the girl you pee in? atsushi: *FAINTS OUT OF PURE SHOCK* Kyoka: *catches Atsushi--still shaking as she tries to hold in laughter* Lucy: "..." *cracks her knuckles* "Oh, little boy~" ^^# Q: *pokes lucy's stomach* are you pregnant? atsushi: LUCY NO! Lucy: "..." .\\\. "YOU ODIOUS PARASITE! Anne! Smash!" anne: *BAM* Q: owie! Lucy: >\\\\\< Kyoka: *doubled over, laughing* atsushi: D8 Lucy: *picks up Atsushi* "Let's get you home. For your own sake. Not for anything else. At all." Kyoka: "...A likely story." Q: *pouts* meanies! im telling mori on you! *runs off* Kyoka: "...I wonder how he'll react upon hearing that you just beat up a member of the Port Mafia." Lucy: -\\\- "It was just a small smack." Q: you arent even with us anymore, traitor!...........but aunt kouyou might get mad..... oh noooooo Q_Q mama chuuya save me! Chuuya: -____-;; "That's not my name. And what the hell happened to your face?" Q: the weretiger's girlfriend is being mean! sonia: *peeeek* Chuuya: *sighs* "Q, what did you say to her?" Lucy: *spots Sonia* ^\\\^ Q: i asked if she was pregnant because- atsushi: *covers his mouth* he was saying silly kid stuff! ^^;;;;; Q: =n= Chuuya: "???" *looks at Kyoka* Kyoka: "..." *whispers in his ear* Chuuya: "..." sonia: ?? Kyoka and Chuuya: *doubled over, trying not to laugh* sonia: ????? Lucy: D:< "IT'S NOT FUNNY!" atsushi: .//////////. please kill me god. Kid: "I can arrange that." atsushi: *SCREAMS and jumps into a tree* Q_Q Q: hmm? hiya zebra man! Kid: "??? Oh, hello." Lucy: -_-; "Now I'm going to need a fireman to get the cat out of the tree..." sonia: ??? Kid: "??? Oh. Is that your sister?" *looks at Q, points at Sonia* atsushi: can we help you? *muttering* and why do you sound like dazai? Q: oh sonia?....*shrug* Chuuya: -_-; ("He's dense _and_ sounds stupid...") "She's my daughter." Kid: "...You're awfully young." Chuuya: "!!!" atsushi: she's adopted, actually. Kid: "Ah. Well, that answers all of my questions. Now, for my last order of business--" *picks up Q* Q: OuO; atsushi: WAIT DON- Kid: *dropkicks Q* "DISGUSTING ASYMMETRICAL GARBAGE!" Q:.... *smirks* Kid: *having kicked Q away, pats his hands* "There. I feel relieved." *turns around to face the others* -a hand print appears on kid's neck- Kyoka: ._.; "...He just kicked Q down the street..." Chuuya: -_-;;; "He'll get what's coming to him..." atsushi: *SCREAMS* SOMEONE CALL DAZAI! Kid: "??? What?" Q: *grins and pulls his doll out. it's laughing* Kid: "???? Oh! My wife has a doll, too! I'm glad to see a young boy willing to play with dolls and not be constrained by gender normatives about--" *sees Atsushi* atsushi: *grabs the doll* IMDOINGYOUAFAVOR! Q: D8< HEY! I WAS GONNA CURSE HIM WITH THAT! Kid: "...Curse me with a doll?" *happy sigh* "That's just like my Stocking. She's so--" *realizes* "YOU WERE GOING TO CURSE ME?!" Q: OuO;;; *murderous smile at atsushi* you rotton shit. Kyoka: "You may not kill him yet. He and Lucy have not yet had congress--" Lucy: o\\\\\o -after an explanation [obviously leaving out the whole 'mafia' thing]- Kid: Q____Q "...Get this mark off of me." stocking: *worried* atsushi: oh! there he is now. stocking:...oh, you're that weird guy from a while back. -__-; Q: *pouts* Dazai: "Hello! I'm here to save you all!" *puts on a long rubber glove* "Drop your pants and bend over." Kid: ._. stocking: D8< Kid: "It's on my neck!" atsushi: *hands dazai the doll* Q: aww, no fair. i bet cursing a death god would have been hilarious. Dazai: "..." *takes the doll* "I don't know why they let Q play with these things like this." stocking: *looks at chuuya* what is wrong with that kid? Chuuya: *frowns* "It's...a condition. Tactile." stocking:...... Q:.... stocking: well, we'll be off now. *hugs kid and exits with him* Kid: =\\\= Chuuya: "...Come along, Q, Sonia." sonia:....... Q:.....*sniff* Lucy: *sighs* "This was all bizarre." atsushi: no kidding.....thanks again, dazai. that could have been disastrous. Dazai: "Maybe...I mean, he is a death god. Maybe he could've survived it and-- ... DEATH GOD?! Wait a minute! You think he knows suicidal techniques?" atsushi: dazai no. Dazai: -3- Lucy: *shakes her head* Kyoka: *thumbs down* -elsewhere- Relan: "I got the drinks!" shinra: awesome! -elsewhere- Assi: *hanging upside down from the storm gutter on the roof* DX -elsewhere- yana: *walking around* .... ???: "Lost, little lady?" yana: *shaft head tilts back* nyeh? ???: owo; "...I was just asking--" yana: you!....who're you? Steinbeck: "J-Johnny. Steinbeck. John Steinbeck. Johnny John Steinbeck--" yana: woah, chill dude, i just asked who you were, not for your life story. Steinbeck: "...I can tell it to you. I grew up with vines everywhere--" yana: uuh huh. cool story bro. Steinbeck: owo;;;; "...Are you going to the Festival?" yana: i've been going for the past few days. *sips her soda* Steinbeck: "Oh? You enjoying it?" yana: *shrugs* gives me something to do. dad said i could use the fresh air. Steinbeck: "Oh...You live with your dad?" yana: ....a bunch of people actually. big house. Steinbeck: "Oh! I come from a big family, too." ^^ yana: oh. cool. Steinbeck: "...What's your name?" yana: call me 'yana'. *sips* i'd ask you the same thing, but you just told me. like. 5 times. Steinbeck: *giggles* "Yeah...You like grape soda?" yana: hold up. *kicks mineta into the trash* .....he was lookin at us funny. Mineta: *bouncing in the trash can, screaming "DAMN IT!"* Steinbeck: "...Thanks for doing that." -elsewhere- Bakugo: *passes dish along* "Here you go." eijiro: awesome! *nom nom* Bakugo: "One good thing I can say about the Festival: good eats. Almost makes the weaklings around here worth it." eijiro: *nom nom* Bakugo: "So, who you think will get eliminated next?" eijiro: probably that monoma guy. he's a dick. Bakugo: "Tch. No kidding. Dude's got so many hangups that's just a walking ball of creep." Monoma: *hiding behind potted plants* *glare* eijiro: i dont know what's up his butt, but he needs to get over it. Bakugo: "I bet it's still Itsuka's foot up his ass." Monoma: "!!!!" eijiro: oooh. sick burn. Bakugo: "As sick as he is in the head--" Monoma: *pops from the plants--covered in leaves* "I AM NOT SICK IN THE HEAD, YOU HOT-HEAD AND COLD, HARD MAN!" eijiro: *SCREAMS AND THROWS HIS CHICKEN AT HIM* Monoma: *chicken'd* X_X *KO'ed* Bakugo: "...Did he just get defeated by fried chicken?" -elsewhere- Gin: "Happy to get out of that ridiculous outfit." miura: seconded. Gin: "...Is his mind going?" miura: it's anyone’s guess. i'll schedule a therapy appointment for him. Gin: "Thank you....Do you like this work?" miura: *shrugs* it's all i know, so sure. Gin: "Given what I've seen Motojiro accomplish, he could always adjust your work." miura: perhaps. and given his apprentice working as hard as she is... Gin: "How is she, by the way?" miura:....she's certainly energetic. -_-; ayako: MYEE HE HE HE! XD Gin: "...??? What is that noise?" miura: best not to question it. *knock on the locker room door* miura: ?? *x-ray vision on* *Motojiro is outside, shoving Ayako* Motojiro: "Go in! Leave me alone for a bit!" -WHAM- ayako: *falls face first* OOF! >3< ..... oh heya! Gin: "...Hello." -elsewhere- Arthur: "Brave knights! Take your steeds and assemble!" child: ._.; child 2: who is this guy? child 3: *raises hand* where's the teacher? Arthur: *is on a hobby horse* "I am your leader now! I will teach you the ways of chivalry, jousting, and how to roast a boar and cure the meat for proper storage in the winter!" girl: ._.; *Muffled screams are heard from the closet* -elsewhere- Kepuri: *wearing metallic butterfly wings* "Okay, keep the camera rolling...This is Iron Butterfly, Test Number 1." akaderu: *thumbs up, recording* Kepuri: *thumbs up--and presses a switch...the wings start flapping* "It's working! This is great!" *The wings start flapping faster--and go so fast they bury her into the ground* mana: oh shit. Kepuri: @~@ "My legs hurt now..." Emine: "..." -elsewhere- Kunikida: "...You all look like a mess." atsushi: long day. Lucy: -\\\- Kyoka: *sly smile* Kunikida: "In any case, I have one task for you." *hands paperwork* "And you have mail." kenji: hmm? atsushi: oh? Kyoka: *looks at Kenji* Kunikida: "From that model." atsushi: oooh. her. *excalibur face* Lucy: "...Who is 'her'?" -one explanation later- Lucy: "...Hmph." atsushi: dazai, could you read it? my head is still spinning from today. Dazai: "On it!" *opens the letter* " 'Dear cutie-potootie--'" Lucy: -_-; atsushi: *gags* why? Dazai: " 'I saw you in the sports competition thingie on TV. Congratulations! You were really doing well out there, running back and forth and stuff.'" -Dazai was reading all of this with a Valley Girl voice...- atsushi: -_-; Dazai: " 'I'll be recording the other rounds--so you better not lose, 'cause when you win, I'll give you a big hug and kiss! x's and o's.' Signed Honey Crisp." atsushi: *throws up in the garbage can* Lucy: D8> Kunikida: "..." *sighs* Dazai: owo;;; "....Maybe ginger ale, sweetie?" atsushi: in perspective.....having akutagawa stalking me sounds just about dandy. -___-; Kyoka: "...Never say that." atsushi: .x.; Lucy: *rubs his back* -elsewhere- Izuku: "Where's the best spot for the concert?" tsuyu: how about over there? Izuku: "Oh, great! Let's go!" -elsewhere- Mori: "And then she hit you, Q?" Q: TT3TT *nods* Mori: "Hmm...That was mean of her. I don't know whether that technically violates the agreement we have with the Agency, as that girl is not with them officially..." Q: *pouts* elise: =n= Mori: "Elise, what do you think we should do to her?" elise: *shrug* Mori: "..." *smiles* "I think we'll have a meeting with her..." -elsewhere- Tsukiyo: *sets out the food* "Just about ready for the watch party!" fang-hua: awesome! Konro: "Should be enjoyable. The games so far have been competitive." Tsukiyo: "So the concert should be even better!" -elsewhere- Kid: "Y-You're sure the mark is gone?" stocking: *hands him a mirror* -yep, it's gone- Kid: *sigh* "Thank goodness..." *falls back* stocking: *stroking his head and hums* Kid: =w= stocking: ^^ Kid: "Thank you..." *closes his eyes* -elsewhere- Vulcan: *laughing at an online video...* iris: *small chuckle* Vulcan: "Ha ha ha...Check this out. A giraffe was just born...It's so freaking cute." shinra: .-. Vulcan: "See? There's the mother tending to her child. And then--" *loud noises heard on the video* ???: "Kill that motherfucker!" -someone in video got tazed- shinra: .___.;;; Patty: *passed out in the grass* Vulcan: "...Sister? Why does that girl kinda look like you?" iris: i think that's takeru's girlfriend? Vulcan: "Huh. Hope she has a good lawyer." Baby Giraffe: Q~Q -elsewhere- Chuuya: "Lunch is ready." sonia: *nom* Chuuya: "You like pasta?" sonia: *nod* Chuuya: *smiles* "It was a favorite of mine growing up, too." -elsewhere- Bakugo: "DOWN IN FRONT!" itsuka: hmm? Bakugo: "Can't see the stage..." -3- guy: WOOOOO! Todoroki: "..." ochako: *levitating them* how's that? itsuka: woah! Todoroki: "!!!" Bakugo: "Oh, sweet, I can see things." -elsewhere- Kunikida: "That's it for today. Go home." atsushi: *nods* Lucy: "Want dinner at home, or go out?" atsushi: maybe we could have dinner at home? Lucy: "Okay. Order in, or are you expecting me to cook something?" atsushi: just leave it to me ^^ Lucy: ^^ "Good." Kyoka: "Make it tasty." -elsewhere- yana: <im home!> FD: <Welcome. How did it go?> yana: <well, found out the guild remnants have a new leader of sorts> FD: <A capable leader?> yana: <from what i gather. but we'll see soon enough.> *smirks* FD: <Indeed. Something to look forward to...> -elsewhere- Poe: *shiver* karl: O^O~? Poe: "...Just felt something off..." karl: *resting on his head* Poe: *pet pet* ^^ karl: =w= Poe: *opens a new notebook, starts jotting* -elsewhere- Kepuri: *spits up dirt* "That was awful..." -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: "I finished the forms." mary: awesome! louisa: that's good to know. ^^ Fitzgerald: "And what have you all been up to?" -elsewhere- Monoma: X____X pony: nate? you ok? Monoma: "I was hit by chicken...I'm dead now." pony: ._.; chicken man: i didnt do anything! pony:.... *picks him up* i'll take ya to da nurse, den. Monoma: X____X "My head hurts..." -elsewhere- Akutagawa: "...The music wasn't terrible." naoya: at least you got to enjoy yourself, today, right? Akutagawa: "Eh..." -elsewhere- Hibana: *sighs* hanako: hmm? Hibana: "Oh, nothing, sweetie." *smiles* "Just a lot on Mommy's mind." hanako: oh.... *resting her head on her lap* Hibana: *strokes her head* "Feeling okay?" hanako: yeah Hibana: "...I love you." hanako: love you too, mama. Hibana: ^^ *pat pat* -elsewhere- Joker: *sipping milk* "Ugh..." scarlet: how you holding up? Joker: "Fine enough--just overdid it on the drink. Needed something to settle my stomach." scarlet: ah. Joker: *passes a plate of cookies--all poker symbol shaped* scarlet: *nom* Joker: ^^ "Old recipe I had." -elsewhere- Akitaru: "..." *holds up a drawing* "Who did this?" *he's designed like a gorilla* iris: hibana sent that in the mail, today. Akitaru: "..." *hands it to Iris* "Burn it." -elsewhere- Hawthorne: *holding a cross, rubbing his thumb along it* -silence- Hawthorne: *sighs* ("Please, God...") -...- Hawthorne: "..." *starts weeping* -...- Hawthorne: *tosses the cross down, covering his face* -.....- Hawthorne: *sobbing--as he starts slapping his wrist* "Stupid stupid stupid..." -.....- Hawthorne: "You're so stupid! What did you think was going to happen?!" -...- Hawthorne: *collapses against the wall...curls up in a ball and sobs* -silence- Hawthorne: *continues sobbing silently* -in another room- keek: *whimpering* i wanna go home soon.... *knock knock* keek: !?! w-who is- Hawthorne: "It's me." keek: oh....i see.... Hawthorne: "...May I enter?" keek:...s-sure, whatever. Hawthorne: *enters* "...Oh." keek: *she's by herself, huddled under a blanket on a makeshift bed* Hawthorne: "...Not the most comfortable beds here." keek:...its something.... Hawthorne: "...This place?...It is...not good." keek:...*tears falling* i never asked for this... Hawthorne: "...No one does." *sits beside her* keek: i've seen some messed up shit on the deep web. i-i thought i'd be prepared for something like this... b-but this...i-its too much....i just want my mom. *crying* Hawthorne: "..." *pats her shoulder* keek: *crying* Hawthorne: "...I'm sorry. This is...a trying time, to be sure." keek: a-am i just a bad kid? Hawthorne: "...No. No, you are not." keek: *sniff* Hawthorne: "This is...This has to be part of God's plan." keek:...d-does he hate us? Hawthorne: "No, no...He doesn't. God loves all of his children." keek: ..... Hawthorne: "We can't know what He wants...We just have to believe He knows what he is doing..." -elsewhere- Todoroki: "...Well, good night." fuyumi: night. Todoroki: *nods, turns and starts walking* -...- {Todoroki: *a child, hiding*} {-BOOM-} {???: get out here. NOW!} {Todoroki: *shudders, pushes himself further back under his bed*} {???: i know you're in there!} {Todoroki: *shaking, trying to keep quiet*} -...- Todoroki: "???" *his hand has moved to his scar--and he quickly pulls back his hand with a grunt* -silence- Todoroki: *shakes his head, keeps walking* -elsewhere- stocking: better? Kid: *nods* "Thanks..." stocking: any time, babe *smooch* Kid: =w= "So soft..." stocking: ^^ Kid: *hug* *sighs* "This is perfect..." stocking: *humming* Kid: *closes his eyes, resting with her* stocking: i love you so much, you know that? Kid: *opens his eyes, looks at her...nods* "...I do." *smiles* "But I appreciate the reminder--as if my love for you was not already a reminder." stocking: *chuckles and holds him* Kid: =w= *hugs her* "I love you." -elsewhere- Gin: "More?" *hold wine bottle* -elsewhere- Relan: "Zzz..." shinra: *tucks him in* Relan: =w= "Zzz..." -elsewhere- Chuuya: *asleep on the couch* mito: =w= sonia: zzzz Chuuya: *shifts slightly, pulling the blanket over himself and Sonia* sonia: *hug* Chuuya: *happy sigh, holds her close* -...- {Chuuya: *flipping through photos on his phone*} {rain: hmm? what are you looking at?} {Chuuya: .\\\. "!!! N-Nothing!" *on his phone is a photo of a younger Kouyou with a small boy wearing a big hat*} {rain: is that you?} {Chuuya: .\\\\\. *nods*} {rain: ^^ you looked really adorable....n-not implying you arent adorable now! *muttering* i mean your more handsome than adorable.. i-i mean- } {Chuuya: -\\\\- "I get it, I get it...Th-Thanks...Kouyou just insisted on sending old pics to me."} {rain: i see.} {Chuuya: "...This isn't fair. I should get to see a pic of you when you were a kid."} {rain:...i dont exactly have any on me...} {Chuuya: "...Oh. Sorry. ... Um...Want to see another one?"} {rain: sure ^^} Chuuya: *shudders* sonia: *shifting in her sleep* Chuuya: *opens his eyes* "??" sonia: zzzz Chuuya: "..." *tucks her in a bit more, looking up at the ceiling* -silence, the lights from the cars driving past shining on the ceiling- Chuuya: *closes his eyes, sighs* -elsewhere- Mori: "..." {Mori: "Do you like it here?"} {shizuka: *nods* i think this office will work nicely, mr mori. ^^ } {Mori: "I'm happy to hear. I imagine this will take getting used to, so if you have a question, please feel free to ask."} {shizuka: *nods* understood, sir.} {Mori: "I also would like to call in for lunch. Tell me, what do you like to eat?"} {shizuka: oh, it's alright. i brought my own for today, but i appreciate the offer, sir. ^^ } {Mori: "Not even a dessert?"} {shizuka: ah! darn i forgot. *sigh*} {Mori: "Then let me order you something. Name it."} {shizuka: eh? are you sure about that, sir? i-i mean you're probably busy-} {Mori: "I'm making time, because I want to make sure you are taken care of while you are at work." *smiles*} {shizuka: *small blush* um...t-thank you, i guess.} {Mori: "You're welcome." *sets a menu down in front of her, looks over her shoulder* "Pick what you wish. I'm buying."} -...- Mori: *sighs* "...I want something sweet." -silence- Mori: *hits the intercom* -elsewhere- Emine: "Zzz..." -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *turning in his sleep* -knocks on his door- Akutagawa: =___= *gets out of bed, answers the door* -it was gin- Akutagawa: *opens the door* "...Hello." gin: cant sleep? Akutagawa: "..." *shakes his head* "How did you know?" gin: sisterly instincts. Akutagawa: "..." *small laugh* "...Care to come in?" gin: *opens the door* *small nod* Akutagawa: "...Thanks." *sits down* "Can't sleep either?" gin: *shrugs* anything bothering you? Akutagawa: "...My regard for the Tiger." gin: ah. Akutagawa: "...I wonder what I should be doing..." gin: did you try telling him? Akutagawa: "...I did not get the answer I wanted." gin: ...*pats his back* Akutagawa: *shudders* "...I'm never going to convince him, am I?" gin: who knows. Akutagawa: "...I don't know what to do. I feel like I've wasted my time." gin: ....*hug* Akutagawa: "..." *hug* *sniff* gin: its going to be ok. Akutagawa: "...I hope so..." -elsewhere- Yohei: "It's okay, buddy..." *pat pat* toru: *hic* chie: *rocking him and humming* toru: .... Yohei: *smiles* ("She's so good at this...") chie: *humming* toru:.....zzzzz chie: *sigh* Yohei: *smiles at her* -elsewhere- Kyoka: "Zzz..." atsushi: *tucking her in* Kyoka: *smiles, resting more comfortably* atsushi:....*sighs and relaxes on the couch* .... Oda: How are you feeling? atsushi: alright, i guess. Oda: That's good. You deserve the rest. atsushi: *smiles and yawns* night. Oda: ...Good night. -elsewhere- Kunikida: "..." *unbuttons his shirt, lies down in bed* -silence- Kunikida: *stares up at the ceiling, arms behind his head* "..." *sighs* -...- Kunikida: "Hmph." *takes off his glasses, sets them on his nightstand, and turns off the lights* -elsewhere- Akitaru: *sipping milk, walks into the garage* karin: zzzzz *asleep at her desk* Akitaru: "..." *takes a blanket, drapes it over her shoulders* karin: =w= Akitaru: *looks at her...then at what she is building* -it appears to be a pair of fisticuffs- Akitaru: *looks at the size of them against his own hands* -on the desk is a picture of karin and irina as kids- Akitaru: "..." ("To lose someone in your family...") -...- {ami: when i gwo up, im gonna be big and stwong just like you, papa!} {Akitaru: "Oh, really? Let me see that strength..." *holds up his palm*} {ami: *high five* hehe! ^^ } Akitaru: *sets down the photo carefully, exits the garage* -early morning- Chuuya: *yawns, opens his eyes...looks around* sonia: *asleep* mito: zzz Chuuya: *smiles* *nudge nudge* sonia: mmn? *yawn* morning, papa. Chuuya: "Good morning. Sleep okay?" sonia: *nods* i got to see mama in my dream again. she's making lots of friends. Chuuya: "..." *sad smile* "Really? That's really good. She talked with you?" sonia: *nods* she misses us a lot....i miss her too... Chuuya: "..." *nods* "That makes sense...We love her. And I wish she was back too..." *pats her head* "At least she is watching over you." sonia: ^^ Chuuya: "And I'm here, too. *hug* sonia: *hug* Chuuya: "Your mom and I love you, Sonia." -elsewhere- Kid: *washing his hair* stocking: *streeeeetch* Kid: *smiles* "Sleep well?" stocking: *nods* you? Kid: "Quite well..." *his voice gets muffled, as he puts his head under the water to rinse* -elsewhere- Izuku: "Morning, Mom!" *he's in All Might pajamas* inko: morning sweetie. *kiss on the forehead* Izuku: ^\\\^ "I had a lot of fun at the concert! And I'm excited about the Festival! There's so much to do there!" inko: ^^ Izuku: "Want me to bring something home? They have delicious spongecake..." -elsewhere- yuuji:....*staring at the ceiling*....*sigh* *his phone buzzes* yuuji: *checking it* hmm? Aizawa: [where are you?] yuuji: [at the apartment. just woke up] Aizawa: [hurry up to the school. pick up cat food. Dry Bones brand. will pay you back] yuuji: ... [k] Aizawa: [thanks] -elsewhere- Shotaro: "Breakfast is almost done! How y'all want your eggs?" -elsewhere- Stein: *walking to school, carrying a first aid kit* "Wonder why Aizawa needed both of us..." valentine: hopefully there are survivors. Stein: "True. In any case, will offer good time to analyze the subjects..." Aizawa: "Yo." *waves* "Over here." -inside- Aizawa: *puts on his coat, steps into the hallway* valentine: so what's the damage? Aizawa: "Nothing too terrible. Just a fight that got out of hand..." Monoma: -____x valentine: i see. Bakugo: "HE STARTED IT!" valentine: both of you just chill out. -_-; *administering the tranquilizers* Monoma and Bakugo: *both collapse on the bed* Bakugo: *drooling* "Stoopid tranq..." Monoma: "Mah mooh mah..." valentine: -_-; Aizawa: "Thank you. Please tend to their wounds." -elsewhere- Akutagawa: *holding coffee* naoya: sleep well? Akutagawa: "A bit better after speaking with Gin." naoya: ah. Akutagawa: "...Just still feel conflicted." -elsewhere- Hawthorne: "Zzz..." RHOD member: oi, get up. Hawthorne: =_= *sits up* "I'm awake..." *turns over--and sees his Bible on the floor* "..." -elsewhere- Fitzgerald: *sips tea* "So Bram, are you feeling better?" bram: a little bit, yes. *sigh* Fitzgerald: "...It is a difficult condition, isn't it?" bram: *nods* though it isnt nearly as bad as it used to be. when i was a child, i couldnt even leave my bed because i was so ill. Fitzgerald: "..." *nods* "That sounds horrible." bram: it was horrible. Fitzgerald: "...Well, I'm glad you have made some progress. And that you have help." bram: *nods* when i first met mary, she was being attacked by wolves, she didnt look like she had means of protecting herself, so i had to step in and chase them off. i sort of became a bodyguard for her after that incident. Fitzgerald: "Hmm...I'm surprised, given how different you two seem." bram: *nods* despite all the misfortunes that befall her, she always looks to the brighter side. it's a rather admirable trait to have in this world. Fitzgerald: "..." *looks down into his tea* "I suppose so...Would need to if we want to move forward." -elsewhere- Arthur: *wearing an All Might mask* shinra: ?? Relan: "...You actually bought one of those at the Festival?" Arthur: *muffled* "A knight must wear a helmet." tamaki: *sighs* *she has on a wild wild pussycats t-shirt* Relan: "Cool shirt, Tamaki!" -elsewhere- Todoroki: *looks at burrito stand* "..." eijiro: whats up? Todoroki: "Debating what to eat." -elsewhere- Lucy: *rolling out pizza dough* -elsewhere- Kunikida: "File this." atsushi: ?? Kunikida: "??? Problem?" atsushi: *shakes head* i'll get right to it, sir! Kunikida: "Thank you." *looks back at the letter* -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *in fox form, chewing a slipper* -elsewhere- Kyoka: "Anticipating what the next round will be?" atsushi: not sure. Kyoka: "I hope it is one you win." atsushi: me too. Kyoka: "??? Oh. Hello." Chuuya: "Hey." atsushi: good luck! OwO;;; Chuuya: "...Relax. He's not here." atsushi: who? oh...right... ahahahaha....haaaa.... ^^;;;; Chuuya: "So, you two enjoying the festivities? I was going to take Sonia on some of the rides." atsushi: sounds good. sonia: *staaaare* Kyoka: "..." *waves* "Hello, Sonia." sonia: *waves* eijiro: eeeey! ozaki! what's up? sonia: ??? Chuuya: ^^;; "Not much..." eijiro: ?? who's that? your sister or something? sonia: no, he's my papa. eijiro: ^^........ OuO; Chuuya: o\\\w\\\o "...It's a long story." odasaku: awkwaaaard. Chuuya: "...Sweetie, this is one of my classmates, Eijiro." eijiro: um....hiiii? .u.;;; sonia:....spiky. Chuuya: "..." *small chortle* -elsewhere- Mori: "The others are at that Festival?" kouyou: seems so. Mori: "Hmm. Hope it yields good results...The child?" kouyou: *glare* you wont be laying a single finger on my granddaughter, understood~? ^^# Mori: owo;;;; "I was thinking nothing of the kind!" kouyou: you better not be. Mori: owo;;;;;;;;;;;; "...I still think she would enjoy a playdate with Elise." -elsewhere- Hibana: "More cotton candy?" hanako: yep! mikami: ^^ Hibana: "Here you go..." *plucks some for Hanako* -elsewhere- Dazai: *sitting on the balcony* namiko: TT~TT Dazai: "??? Hey, what's wrong?" namiko: everything pretty much.....the river looks nice today. how deep do you think it is? Dazai: "Oh! Oh! I know this one! It's three me's deep!" namiko: ......so from this height, i wont break my neck then. Dazai: "..." *calmly turns his head, still smiling* ^^# "...What?" namiko: uhh..... uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Q___Q;;; Dazai: "Why would you want to do that?" namiko: my life is too stressful, my quirk just causes problems, my own parents forget i even exits half the time *mutter mutter* Dazai: "Yo, kid...What is our Quirk?" namiko: uhhhhhh..... Dazai: QWQ "...And why are my eyes burning?" namiko: *absconds* Dazai: "!!! Wait, don't just go!" -she escaped- Dazai: "...." *starts rubbing his eyes* "Jeez..." -elsewhere- Motojiro "..." *sighs* "Quiet." ayako: *sneak sneak sneak sneak* .u. Motojiro: *putting together a lemon device...* -elsewhere- Tachihara: *grunts* hirotsu: ?? Tachihara: "Just not feeling this, man. I think I need to have an actual opponent." -elsewhere- Gin: *in casual wear and a jacket* "Ready to ride?" *holds up a motorcycle helmet* higuchi: *nods* naoya: *thumbs up* Gin: *puts on her helmet, gets on the cycle* "Hold on tight." higuchi: *holding on* Gin: *starts the engine--and takes off* -elsewhere- Yumi: "More crayons, sweetie?" shiori: *nods* Yumi: *opens a new box* "Here you go! Just remember to draw on the paper only." -elsewhere- Todoroki: *his face is painted like a cat* "..." ochako: hehe, cute. Todoroki: "I was pressured into it." Izuku: ^^ *his face is painted like a bunny* ochako: brb. *goes to the stand, later she returns with her face painted like a puppy* Todoroki: "...Ha. That suits you." Izuku: *thumbs up* ochako: ^u^ Izuku: "Come on! Let's get a photo. You two first!" ochako: peace! *v sign* Todoroki: "Um..." *SNAP* ochako: hehe ^^ Todoroki: -\\\- Izuku: "Came out great!" *shows the pic* ochako: awesome! Izuku: "Yeah, you two look good in it." Todoroki: .\\\\. ochako: *giggles* you look adorable, todoroki. Todoroki: "...Th-Thank you." -elsewhere- Benimaru: "...May I ask a question?" kirei: yes? Benimaru: "...My shoulders feel a bit sore." kirei: *rubbing his shoulders* Benimaru: *sigh* "Thank you...That is nice..." kirei: *smiles* Benimaru: "Kirei...I...love..." kirei: *smooch* i love you too. Benimaru: =\\\= *hugs her* kirei: u///u Benimaru: *rests his head against her chest* "...Your heart." kirei: *hug* Benimaru: *soft hum* "Thank you." -elsewhere- Sakuya: "Another slice?" -elsewhere- Aizawa: "Good work. I appreciate the cat food." yuuji: no prob. Aizawa: "How much was it?" *pulls out his wallet with his scarf* -elsewhere- Akitaru: *looking at a mannequin--which has some tech on it* "Nice threads." karin: thanks. it's a little pet project im working on. Akitaru: *looking behind it* "Got a name for it?" -elsewhere- Bakugo: *walking slowly with a slight limp* -elsewhere- Dazai: "--and then she ran away." yosano: huh. Dazai: "Any idea what was up with her?" *still rubbing his eyes* "Gah, they still burn..." yosano: hold on a sec. *hands him eye drops and pulls her phone out* Dazai: "Thanks..." *puts in drops* "What you looking up?" yosano: did she look like this? -on the screen is a photo of the pro hero, teary blue- Dazai: "That's her! I think. My eyes are still recovering." -elsewhere- Chuuya: "Better head home. Be safe getting back." atsushi: good night! ^^; Kyoka: "Good night." *waves at Sonia* sonia: *wave wave* Kyoka: "That went well. You didn't get stalked." atsushi: ^^; Kyoka: "Want to stop by somewhere for food?" atsushi: sure! Kyoka: "Tofu. And dessert." -elsewhere- Gin: "Just up that hill..." *Gin parks the motorcycle...where a blanket is left...with a picnic basket* higuchi: wow, the view is amazing! Gin: *nods* "I scouted it out for earlier missions. Thought it would be the best location..." *holds Higuchi's hand* higuchi: ^/////^ Gin: *leads her to sit on the blanket, as she removes food from the basket* -elsewhere- Hawthorne: *covering his ears* -___-;;; zoey: *moaning* FD: *grunting, slapping her bottom* Hawthorne: "It never ends..." keek: TT____TT i feel sick. Hawthorne: "..." *pats her shoulder* "Let's get you some ginger ale." keek: *sniff* Hawthorne: "...I'm sorry." FD: "Take it harder..." zoey: ah~! FD: "So close...So close..." *rests his fingers along her neck* zoey: nnh~<3 FD: *he pants--thrusts harder, his fingers increasing their grip along her neck, and then--* "ahhhh…" zoey: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH~<3<3<3<3 FD: *cums inside her, his body shivering, his hand vibrating along her neck...before it shifts down, massaging her side* "Ah...God damn..." zoey: *panting, her whole body shaking* ah~ FD: *pulls himself out of her, massaging her sides* "How did that feel...having all of that inside you?" zoey: *pant* f-feels so good... FD: "I am glad to hear...It was excellent for me as well." *his fingers slide into her* zoey: ah~<3 *blush* FD: *his teeth bite lightly on her ear, as he massages her inner walls...he rubs himself along her side* zoey: *panting* m-master~ FD: "mmnn..." *licks behind her ear, his thumb along her clitoris...he's already getting hard again* keek: *urk* Hawthorne: *covers her ears* -elsewhere- Kid: *cuddle* stocking: =///////= *purrs* Kid: "Hee hee..." *smooch, pats her hip* stocking: *nuzzle* hehe~ Kid: *sniffs her hair* "It's fruity..." stocking: =////w////= Kid: *kisses the back of her neck, under her hair* stocking: this is nice. Kid: "Mmm..." *holds her, breathing steadily* -elsewhere- Kepuri: *sips her beer* "...Not bad." -elsewhere- Todoroki: "..." *walking* yuuji: .... Todoroki: *spots Yuuji...narrows his eyes* yuuji: yo. Todoroki: "The former villain." yuuji: i have a name, you know. Todoroki: "Then actually earn the privilege of being called it." yuuji: tch-, you must think your hot shit because you’re the son of the number two hero, huh? whatever, its none of my business- Todoroki: "I think I am powerful and capable because I am. My parents have nothing to do with it. My actions speak for themselves--as do yours." yuuji: .... whatever. im not trying to be a hero or villain or anything here. im just trying to find a purpose in life, i guess. Todoroki: "...I guess that is all anyone can do. I can relate." yuuji: that's why i enrolled in the general department. im not exactly 'hero material'. im just me. Todoroki: "And why should anyone believe you won't continue being a villain?" yuuji: because the only reason i had to be a villain is long gone... *his eyes look dull* Todoroki: "...Oh." yuuji: .....*rubs his eyes* Todoroki: "...Need to sit?" yuuji: ....let me just get something from the machine real quick. *gets a soda* Todoroki: "..." *looks at flavors available* yuuji: i guess this is the part where i start elaborating my tragic backstory to you, right? Todoroki: "...I suppose so." *gets a cinnamon cola...He chills it with his touch* yuuji: when i was just a kid, my mom kind of walked out on us. few days later, my old man took his pistol and just... *puts his fingers to his head like a gun and 'pulls the trigger'* bang. Todoroki: "...Oh." yuuji: i ended up in foster home after foster home after that. one night, i got bored and just kind of left. decided to hang around the graveyard....that's where i met sachi. Todoroki: "Sachi?" yuuji: sachi inaba... her home life...she was way worse off than i was. her parents were one of those extremely religious nutjobs. we're talking westboro level nutjobs. they treated her like complete shit, all because she had a quirk. Todoroki: "...And so you two..." yuuji: we just took off. sachi was angry at the world. she wanted to make it pay for all she was put through. she thought 'if they wanted to treat me like the bad guy, then i'll become the badguy'. of course, this was after a few weeks of getting to know each other first, i mean, we didnt just elope on the first meeting, that'd just be silly. Todoroki: "...So you acted like villains." yuuji: yeah, eventually kurogiri found us and brought us in....sachi was happy. she had the life of freedom she always wanted for so long, and i just wanted to be by her side...then....*he is tearing up* she was....killed by mafiosos...by some...shadowy demon....i-it wasnt tokoyami, it was...something different... Todoroki: "...I'm sorry." yuuji: well, now you know my reasons, right? Todoroki: "Yes." yuuji: if you still want to judge, then judge all you damn well please. *sips his drink and sighs* Todoroki: "...Everyone has an origin story. Yours clarifies your motive." yuuji: i guess...its getting late, i should head home. thanks for the talk, i guess. hitoshi: *listening from behind a tree* ..... Todoroki: ".. Thanks for sharing. Night." -elsewhere- Kunikida: "..." *looking at sweets at bakery* ranpo: *nom* Kunikida: *takes a cookie* "Any idea about the Rats?" -elsewhere- Shamrock: *wipes off table* himawari: *tending to plants* Shamrock: "How are the plants?" himawari: doing well. Shamrock: "...They look healthier than ever." himawari: *small smile* Shamrock: "You must be treating the plants well." himawari: *nods* Shamrock: "Good work..." *sets out plates and cups* "I'll finish the tea." himawari: ^^ Shamrock: "Milk? Honey?" himawari: sure. Shamrock: *pours tea, then starts to add milk* "Say when." -elsewhere- Anya: *holding large bags of Festival souvenirs* -elsewhere- Hibana: "There you go..." *has made a flower crown* -elsewhere- Tool: *sips water* "..." *hiccup* -elsewhere- Mori: *signs the last form* "Here you go." miura: *nods and files it* Mori: *watches her* miura:...sir? Mori: "...You're surprisingly lifelike." miura: i'll take that as some kind of odd compliment, sir. Mori: "Sorry, it's just, given my medical studies, I didn't think it was possible for someone robotic to pass so convincingly as human--at least, when it comes to appearance and movement..." miura: i see. well, given technological advancements in the past few years... Mori: "...Can you change your voice?" -elsewhere- Chuuya: "Sleep well, okay? Need anything before bed?" sonia: im good. Chuuya: *smiles* "Yes, you are." *forehead kiss* "Sweet dreams, Sonia." sonia: night, papa. Chuuya: "Good night..." *turns off the lights* sonia: *closing her eyes* Chuuya: *carefully shuts the door, watching her as he does* sonia: *holding her teddy and sleeping* Chuuya: *shuts the door completely* -silence- Chuuya: "..." *puts some soft music on his phone, at a low volume* mito: *resting on the couch* =w= Chuuya: *sits down next to Mito, pets her before checking his phone* -text from; dazai, kouyou, kyouka, akutagawa- Chuuya: "..." *starts with Akutagawa* Akutagawa: [did you see the Tiger?] Chuuya: "..." [yes] Akutagawa: [okay thank you good night] Chuuya: "...???" *checks Kyoka's text* Kyoka: [pic] *It's of Atsushi* -it shows atsushi with tiger face paint- Chuuya: "..." *snort laugh, saves the pic* Chuuya: [that's pretty funny] Kyoka: [^^] Chuuya: *looks at Kouyou's text* kouyou: [doing well?] Chuuya: [okay. took sonia to festival] kouyou: [did she have fun?] Chuuya: [i think so. i took a pic] *attaches one of her with a candy apple* kouyou: ^^ [how cute!] Chuuya: [i know, right?!] kouyou: [^^ good night.] Chuuya: *smiles--then sees Dazai's text* o____________O Chuuya: "..." *covers his eyes* mito: 0^0~? Chuuya: "...Butt dial. Awful, awful butt dial." mito: *peeeeek* *Dazai is looking over his shoulder, blowing a kiss at the mirror...He's wearing only socks* mito: .... ._. Chuuya: "...He must have texted the wrong person. I _hope_ he texted the wrong person." *the phone rings, hiding the image* Chuuya: "???" *looks* Dazai: [...yeah, just ignore that. that wasn't for you] Chuuya: "..." [I KNEW THAT!] -it was a mass text (yosano: *deletes pic* ranpo: ....huh. naomi: ..... atsushi: .______________________________. WHY?!?! odasaku: ... no comment. ango: D.8 Kunikida: "..." *sets down the phone...writes onto his paper...pulls out a hammer from the page--and smashes the phone, along with his living room table*) Dazai: [well, i got other apologies to make. l8r!] Chuuya: "..." *covers his eyes* "Why..." (kirako: ..... ./////. nice ) (Dazai: "MY PUBLIC ADORES ME!" *hug*) Chuuya: "..." *lies back on couch* "Ugh..." mito: *rests on his stomach* Chuuya: "..." *pets Mito* mito: *purrrr* Chuuya: *closes his eyes* {Chuuya: *trying to take a photo with his phone* "...Did it flash?"} {kouyou: yes, yes it did.} {Chuuya: ^^ "I'm glad. I couldn't tell with the hat covering my eyes..."} {kouyou: did you two want to see how it turned out?} {Chuuya: *nod nod*} {Dazai: "Better hold it low enough for Chuuya to see..."} {Chuuya: Q_Q } {kouyou: *tugs dazai's ear* behave you. *she shows it to them*} {Dazai: QWQ } {Chuuya: "Oh! It looks good...Doesn't it?" *looks at Kouyou*} {kouyou: *she smiles and nods*} {Chuuya: ^\\^ "I'm glad."} {Dazai: *nod nod*} Chuuya: *opens his eyes* "...He still doesn't know how to take photos." -elsewhere- Gin: "Mmm..." *hug, kiss* higuchi: ^////^ Gin: "..." *pulls back...takes off her own jacket, hugs Higuchi again* "...So nice." -elsewhere- Jacqueline: *shivers* kim: you ok? Jacqueline: *nods* "Just cold...Ironic." -elsewhere- Poe: *reading* karl: *asleep* Poe: *closes his book, puts on his nightcap--pets Karl before blowing out his candle* -elsewhere- lana: night dad. Mr Shephard: "Good night, honey. Get some sleep." lana: *smiles and heads to her room and goes to sleep* *yawn* {Poe: *smiles*} lana: =///w///= -elsewhere- mafura: ?? Touma: *looking at an old photo* -it appears to be of two men and a younger shuuhei- Touma: "Hmm...I wonder..." mafura: ~? Touma: "He did have some family..." -elsewhere- himawari:..... {-a sister is laying on the outskirts of a burning nunnery, bleeding badly-} {sister: <ah.....am i....going to die here?> } {???: You don't have to.} {sister: *she looks up* ?? } {*A man in a kimono stands...One sleeve covers his hand*} {Mr. Tsubaki: ...You can continue to live...in a way. But you would survive this.} {sister: *she reaches out* <please.....save me...>} himawari:....*sighs* Shamrock: "???" himawari: ?? ^^ just thinking. Shamrock: *nods* "..." ("She's talking a lot more now...") "I was wondering...whether you could help me in the garden this weekend." himawari: ^^ sure. Shamrock: *smiles* "Good...It will help before the weather gets colder." -elsewhere- Vulcan: "Zzz..." *BANG* yu: WOAH WHAT THE *BAM* ow Vulcan: "?!!!" *sits up, looking around* -...- Relan: *sits up* ("Wh-What was that?") *BANG* Relan: "!!!" *looks at Button's cage* buttons: >~< *hiding under his wheel* *Loud moaning and growls coming from the hallway* Relan: Q___Q ("Vulcan, if you brought another wolverine into the building...") tamaki: what the hell is going on?! *There are dirt footprints in the hallway* shinra: *has a fire extinguisher out* tamaki: *arming herself with a mop* *The dirt footprints lead into...the cellar* tamaki: *gulp* *Chittering is heard--then, from the shadows...something is tossed at them* shinra: *tugs the nozzle* -SPRRRRT- tamaki: *SCREAMING* *PTPTH* STOP! STOP!! *The object tossed rolls along the floor at them...It's a donkey's head* tamaki: *SCREEEEEEEAM* iris: EEK! >^< shinra: WHAT THE HECK?! WHERE IS THE LIGHTSWITCH?! Relan: "I got it!" *presses the light switch--off...five times* "...Oh, right!" *presses it on* *DUN DUN DUN...* shinra: ._. tamaki: ._. iris: ._. Relan: ._. shinra: someone get the commander down here. *Arthur is on the floor, in an awkward pose, in his boxers, eating a very large chunk of meat...he's covered in something red* maki: O_____O what the heck?! Relan: *screams* karin: what the hell is he doing covered in ketchup? Akitaru: "Wh-What's going on?!" Takehisa: *yawn* "Obviously he wanted condiments..." shinra: a good question. iris: arthur? are you dead? *poke poke* Arthur: "Mmm...Meat...Hamburger...Fish...Squirrel..." yu: ._.; we really need a medic here. tamaki + shinra + iris + maki: so true. Akitaru: "Hmmm...I suppose I could start interviewing." Death the Kid: Relan: "Yeah, and a medic would help when Tamaki has her accidents--" tamaki: *glare* shinra: *protective stance* >8\ Relan: Q~Q Arthur: *suddenly wakes up--and his fist slams into Akitaru's jaw* Akitaru: "..." *unaffected* "...Um...???" Arthur: "..." *looks around--then at himself* "...Am I underdressed? Where's my armor?" *then sees the donkey's head* "AND WHO KILLED MY STEED?!" -elsewhere- Joker: *on the phone* -_____- "I know, I know..." -elsewhere- Stein: *typing at his computer...takes another sip of coffee* "Okay. Done with this file." -elsewhere- Dazai: *sips his beer* kirako: *buzzed* hehehue~ Dazai: "Hee hee...Really good, isn't it?" *pats her back* kirako: yeeeep. =w= Dazai: "Hee hee..." *reaches for her glasses, taking them off carefully--and putting them on* kirako: owo Dazai: "Do I look cute and sexy now~?" *bishi sparkle* kirako: *gets really close to him*.....i cant see shit. Dazai: "Then you won't see this coming..." *kisses her lips* kirako: O////O ?! Dazai: *leans back, smiling* "See?" kirako: TnT you naughty boy. am i going to need to punish you? Dazai: "If I keep misbehaving...will you?" *his hand rests on her lower back...and downward* kirako: *crawling onto him* you tell me~? Dazai: "I guess you will...Guess I have to be really bad..." *his other hand takes her breast* -elsewhere- Akutagawa: "..." *taps a finger on the table* bartender: *slips him some orange juice* Akutagawa: "Thank you." *sips* -early morning- Izuku: *skipping rope* -elsewhere- Kid: *small snore* stocking: ...... *kisses both his earlobes* Kid: "Mmm...Ah..." stocking: *kiss* Kid: "Mmm..." *returns the kiss* "...M-Morning." ^\\\^ stocking: good morning yourself, handsome~ Kid: "Hee hee..." *rests hand along her cheek* "Beautiful..." stocking: ^^ Kid: *hugs her* "I wish I could just spend all day here..." -elsewhere- Chuuya: "Hmm...Out of orange juice. Apple juice okay?" sonia: *nods* Chuuya: *pours a cup for her* "Drink up!" sonia: *sips* ^^ Chuuya: "Good for you trying something new..." *pours milk on his cereal* "So, Gin and Higuchi will be with you today." sonia: okay. Chuuya: "They said they had some fun activities planned." sonia: *smiles* Chuuya: "And I'll be home tonight after the Festival. And we'll have ice cream." -elsewhere- Gin: "??? The small child who follows our lemonheaded explosives expert?" hirotsu: college student, actually. and yes, today is her birthday. Gin: "...And Motojiro has no plans to celebrate, does he?" hirotsu: not that i know of. in all seriousness, i think the young lady has forgotten herself. her mind seems to be all over the place. Gin: "Then a party may ground her." -elsewhere- Dazai: "Another cushion, please." TTWTT ranpo: *puts on his glasses*....dude. you guys are nasty. Kyoka: "..." kirako: ahahaha...haha...haaaa .w.;;;; Kunikida: "???" ranpo: i'll tell you when you're older, kunikida. yosano: yeah, im not even gonna touch that. Kyoka: "I think Kirako already touched it." -stunned silence- fukuzawa:...... *inhales* atsushi:......*FAINTS* odasaku:....*stoic face as a single tear falls* bruh. Dazai: owo;;; "Get him a cushion!" ranpo: preferably not one that was on your butt. Kyoka: *nod nod* Kunikida: "Yes." Dazai: o\\\w\\\o -elsewhere- Monoma: "..." *evil chuckling* hitoshi:.....*turns away and speed walks away* Monoma: "Yes...Yes..." *writing notes* -elsewhere- Benimaru: *puts on his kimono* ???: pardon me~ are you the head of this little town~? Benimaru: *feeling tense* "Yes." tsurugi: we're looking for this man, he's a vampire. a scary scary vampire! *holding up a photograph....of mr tsubaki* Benimaru: "Hmm...Yes, I did see this person." tsurugi: oh~? Benimaru: "A few months ago he had passed through, during an attack on this village. I had meant to question him--but he had escaped before I could." tsurugi: *pouts* i see. weeeeelll if you see him again, let us know~ *leaves behind a C3 business card* Benimaru: "Of course. Thank you." *turns and departs...heading to the infirmary* *inside* reimi: hmm? commander? Benimaru: *walks by Reimi, enters Mr. Tsubaki's office* reimi: ?? Mr. Tsubaki: "Oh, commander! Welcome! How was that ointment for your--" Benimaru: *pulls back his fist...* Mr. Tsubaki: owo;;; Benimaru: *heats up his arm, increasing the force of his blow, extinguishing the flame just before his fist collides with Mr. Tsubaki's face--knocking the 'doctor' back into the wall* reimi: O_O ?! Mr. Tsubaki: *collapsed on the floor* "...WHAT THE EVER LOVING HELL WAS THAT FOR?! Homicidal nutty rage is _not_ a side effect of medicine for your--" Benimaru: "Oh, no, the doctor had a nasty fall from his chair..." *takes Mr. Tsubaki by the back of his head--and keeps slamming it against the floor* Mr. Tsubaki: "Ow!" *slam* "Hey!" *slam* "It's not my fault you--" *slam slam slam slam* Benimaru: "You're going to need a lot of bandages for that. Sister, please hand me bandages for the doctor." reimi: WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! Benimaru: "Give me the damn bandages! Now!" reimi: why are you attacking him?! Benimaru: *grabs Reimi by the shoulders* "They are hunting him. Need an alibi--and a disguise." *pushes her aside, grabs the bandages himself--and starts wrapping them around Mr. Tsubaki's face* reimi: ah! *wince* Mr. Tsubaki: "GRK--?!" *his mouth is covered, as Benimaru wraps his entire head in bandages* *muffled mutter groan* reimi: ??? Benimaru: "Yes, I know. You're welcome." *looks at Reimi* "The doctor is on leave until he recovers. He is not to leave his home. You better stay under the radar, too, in case they come back for you." reimi: what are you talking about? Benimaru: "..." *looks at her eyes* reimi: *worried* Benimaru: "...Vampire. I can't believe it." reimi:.......do you want us to leave? *tearing up* Benimaru: *pats her shoulder* "I wouldn't be hiding him if I was kicking you out right now. We'll discuss this further. Just get him home and keep him there." Mr. Tsubaki: *muffled yelling* Benimaru: *DEATH GLARE* Mr. Tsubaki: o______o *shuts up* reimi:.....right.... -elsewhere- Touma: *on the phone* "No sign of him?" tsurugi: not yet, but we'll find him soon, mr touma! ^^ Touma: "Any information you gathered?" -elsewhere- Shamrock: *shivers* tsubaki: hmm? Shamrock: *looks around the room* "...Sorry. Just something feels...off. Or like..." *touches his eyepatch* tsubaki:...is it your.....y-you know...? Shamrock: "My eye?" tsubaki:....*she nods* Shamrock: "...It's like a phantom pain." tsubaki:.....i see.... how did it happen? Shamrock: "..." *swallows* "A mission that went badly. Training didn't prepare me...Bad information on the mission." tsubaki:...*pat pat* Shamrock: *nods* "...I was told by a supervisor that getting your scars in battle were just indications of injury..." *holds a hand to his heart* "...but that there are far deeper scars that do not heal." tsubaki: ...... Shamrock: "...I won't act like I'm at 100 percent, but I learn to live without an eye. Learning to live with other experiences...actions I have taken..." *stares into Tsubaki's eyes* "That is more difficult, to live with what you have done." {Masamune: "Sister...Want to play?"} tsubaki: *tears streaming* ...r....right... Shamrock: "!!! Oh dear..." *snatches four tissues out of the holder, quickly hands them to her* "H-Here..." tsubaki: *sniff* t-thanks. Shamrock: *pat pat* "I'm sorry." tsubaki: i-it's fine.... Shamrock: "..." *nods* "...It doesn't go away." -elsewhere- Poe: QWQ lana: is everything ok? Poe: "...I'm happy. So why am I crying? Did I break? Is my head torn asunder? Has my heart exploded into flames?" lana: ???? ...ACK! MY EYES! namiko: Q_Q Poe: "?!!!" namiko: *SCREEEEEAMS and runs* karl: Q^Q Poe: "L-Lana!" *looks at the person running away* "...What was with that person?" -elsewhere- Arthur: -_-; "Why do I have to get the groceries? I only ate all the hamburgers, most of the hot dogs, the chips, four bottles of ketchup, a Diet Coke--" -elsewhere- Aizawa: "...Are you coming down with a cold?" yuuji: ?? Aizawa: "You seem distracted." yuuji: ....just had a talk with a classmate the other day. Aizawa: "Oh?" yuuji: yeah......is mic not in today? Aizawa: "Hence why I asked you: he's under the weather." yuuji: ah. that sucks. Aizawa: "He may be back at work tomorrow--so I need your help today." yuuji: ok then... um...how do i use this? Aizawa: "...What? The microphone, the soundboard, or the tranquilizer gun?" yuuji: wait the what now? 0-0 Aizawa: "Mic gets overly excited. I need a nap. I tranq him, then I sleep like someone who is in a deep sleep." yuuji: .______.; Aizawa: "Is that a problem?" *aims the gun at him* yuuji: o______________________o not at all sir. Aizawa: "Good." *zips up his sleeping bag* "I'm taking my break. Get the studio ready." yuuji:...*sweatdrop* -elsewhere- Motojiro: -_______- ayako: O.O sonia: happy birthday. ayako: waaaait a sec..... *checks phone* ohSHITIFORGOT! Gin: ^^; "We tried not to." -elsewhere- Kishiri: .\\\. vivian: arent these outfits super cute? *in one of the cheerleader outfits* Kishiri: *nosebleed* "Wh-Why are you in that outfit, though?" vivian: i wanted to show off for you <3 Kishiri: .\\\w\\\. "I wasn't complaining...You look so hot." -elsewhere- Bakugo: "--and that's when Mom grounded me for a month." eijiro:....yikes. denki:....how do you _kick a ceiling_?!....on _accident_?! Bakugo: "I"m that good!" -elsewhere- Todoroki: *looks at his left hand* -...- {Todoroki: *crying, stepping back from a lit candle*} ???: todoroki? Todoroki: "..." *sighs, cold coming from his mouth* "Yes?" ochako: you ok? Todoroki: "Fine. Thank you. And you?" ochako: super excited! Todoroki: ._. "Oh?" -elsewhere- ???: "Atsushi?" atsushi: ?? hmm? Lucy: *looking down at him* "Wake up..." atsushi: *reaches up....his hand on her cheek* Lucy: .\\\. "Y-You had a pretty bad faint, from what they told me..." atsushi: ow, my head...am i dead? is this heaven? Lucy: o\\\\o "...No? J-Just stay down...I'll get more ice." atsushi:.... !!! *gets up* MY NAME IS ATSUSHI NAKAJIMA, 18 YEARS OLD! I WAS BORN MAY 5TH AND AM A MEMBER OF THE ARMED DETECTIVE AGENCY! ...ok. i dont have amnesia, that's good. ahhhh. headache... shouldnt have been yelling. Lucy: -\\\- "I said lie down." *gently pushes his shoulders down* "You need to recuperate, or Dr. Hacksaw will try something desperate." atsushi:... ._. noted. Lucy: "..." *strokes his face* "Just glad you're relatively okay." atsushi: .... .//////. r-right.... .... *sweating* (thinking: OHGODNONOTNOWPLEASEGODOWNBEFORESHESEESITPLEASEGODPLEASE) Lucy: *smiles, leans down...* yosano: need some alone time, i see? atsushi: O/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////O;;;;;;;;;;;; kill me Lucy: o\\\\o *looks over* "I-I was just checking his eyes! You know, make sure he can still see!" *her hands rest next to each side of his head* atsushi: OwO;;; yosano: ....*glance* looks like he can see and feel just fine. atsushi: O________________________O;;;; Lucy: "??? What does that mean--" *shifts--and falls forward* atsushi: O////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////O Lucy: o\\\\\\\\\o *loud scream--as she slaps Atsushi's face* atsushi: yeah, i kind of deserve that. Lucy: o\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\o *pulls back...looks down, then up* "...I HAVE TO KNEED DOUGH!" *runs--into a wall* atsushi: could you do me a solid and dig a hole for me to die in? i would appreciate that. Dazai: *pops up behind him* "On it! Meanwhile, Doc will have to help Lucy--" Lucy: X______X atsushi: DAZAI WHEN DID YOU- nevermind. -elsewhere- Hawthorne: *reading his Bible* -...- Hawthorne: *whispers passages to himself* "...valley of death..." -...- Hawthorne: "..." *sighs...looks around* -the room is still. stagnant- Hawthorne: *sniff* "Ugh..." ???: *sniff* Hawthorne: "?!!!" *looks* -it is a younger hawthorne? bloodied and crying- Hawthorne: "...You again." -the boy looks up, empty holes for eyes and a wide smile- Hawthorne: "...I shouldn't be surprised." *holds his Bible closer* -elsewhere- Sakuya: "...They seem shaken." naho: *sigh* i dont know what to do. *hugging her pusheen pillow* Sakuya: "...I guess be there if they want to talk...Sure Black Star and Himawari know better than us..." naho: ....does black*star hate us? Sakuya: "...I don't know." naho: .... Sakuya: "...Dude's got all of us living here, Mr. Tsubaki trying to sleep with his partner and girlfriend...I don't like it. But I get why he'd be pissed." naho:......*frowns* Sakuya: "...We can't take it personally. He is letting us live here." naho: i guess. Black Star: "...Just have to be the kind of person we're supposed to be. Able to look ourselves in the mirror..." *glances at a mirror* -white*star is reflected- Sakuya: o_o;;; "...How long you been listening?" Black Star: "..." *looks away from the mirror* "Long enough." naho: .... Black Star: "...I don't hate having either of you here." naho: really? Black Star: "Really. I'm not upset with you all." naho: hmmm... Black Star: "...What have I done to make you feel that way?" naho: well, um.... >->;;; Sakuya: " 'Damn vampire' tends to be a common phrase from you..." Black Star: "Yeah, but--" naho: *puppy eyes* Black Star: o\\\o "St-Stop that! I'm just saying, like...you all just showed up here out of nowhere, and everything got all turned around--" naho: *puppy eyes intensify* Black Star: Q____Q "...I'M SO SORRY!" naho: *hug* TT3TT Black Star: *hug* TT__TT -elsewhere- Mr. Tsubaki: *bandaged, in bed* -_____- reimi: .... Mr. Tsubaki: "...How did they find me?" reimi: i dont know.....what do you plan on doing now? Mr. Tsubaki: "...I got nowhere else to go. And I'm not leaving you here to get captured." reimi:.....but asakusa is my home now... Mr. Tsubaki: *nods* "So I'm not leaving. Not right now..." *cringes* "...Do I stay in hiding? Change my face? Stay a fox?" reimi:....im not sure.... Mr. Tsubaki: "...Why did your commander hide me?" reimi:....im not sure... Mr. Tsubaki: *sighs* "He seems protective of what is inside this community...Maybe that's all..." -elsewhere- Monoma: *still chuckling evilly* hitoshi: *avoiding monoma like the plague* student: that monoma kid freaks me out student 2: are you _sure_ he's a hero? Monoma: *smiles, now friendly* "The plan worked perfectly. Now onto Round 2." -elsewhere- Izuku: *holding a giant frog plushie* "...Thanks for winning it." ^^; tsuyu: any time. Izuku: "Looking forward to the next round?" -elsewhere- Bakugo: *staring at his bowl of ice cream* "...Thanks." itsuka: no problem. ^^ Bakugo: "...Good that you moved onto the next round." -elsewhere- Vulcan: *hammering metal* "Just a bit more...Yu! Where are the fuel tanks?!" yu: i got them here. Vulcan: "LOAD THEM IN, THEN!" yu: on it! -elsewhere- Gin: "The cake was delicious." ayako: zzzzzz higuchi: seems she tuckered herself out. Motojiro: -_- ("Thank God...") Gin: "I'll carry her to her bed." -elsewhere- Mori: "It _is_ tasty cake." ^^ elise: *nods* Q: true that! Mori: ^^ "And some ice cream." *scoops out some* -elsewhere- Kid: *adding peppermint to dessert* -elsewhere- Hibana: ^\\\^ -elsewhere- Touma: *tracing paths on a map* mafura: ~? Touma: "Where could he have gone..." *all paths lead to and from Asakusa* mafura: is mr foxy there? Touma: "Only place he could be." mafura: aaah. Touma: "...Mafura. How would you like to visit a friend of mine?" mafura: uu! mafura-chan would love to meet one of mr touma's friends!
0 notes