#the n/arus/aku of yugioh
kaibacorpintern · 3 years
Devotion: 3, 7, 19 + 20. 19 and 20 go together this is totally like sending 3 please and thank yooouuuu
Honda: hey man. when are you going to tell Anzu you have a crush on her
Jounouchi: what, what, waht, what, what, what, waht, what, what, what, what, what, what, what, wh
this got long, it’s under a cut LOL
3. Most common argument?
Considering how many times Anzu in the manga is like “DON’T SAY THAT!!” whenever he makes a particularly callous comment, I want to say they might get into a little snit or two every now and then over a comment that’s a little too outré for Anzu’s sense of propriety and it devolves into conversations about like, tact and tasteful jokes. If Jounouchi’s having a more cantankerous and closed-off day than usual over something that went wrong, I can also see him trying to brush off her more aggressive expressions of care as “annoying” (she isn’t annoying, but he just wants to sulk for a while) when most of the time he actually DOES appreciate and value and need her gung-ho, “let’s roll our sleeves up and fix this” attitude. The other thing is that like... Anzu’s dream is to be a dancer in New York, that’s a difficult career in an expensive city; I can see him bristling against accepting financial help from her parents and maybe being a little too tied to concepts of what it means to be a “man” like “what’s wrong with me if I can’t provide for you on my OWN” and she doesn’t have his kind of pride here. she’s like “that doesn’t matter to me. Why does this matter to YOU so much?” and they have to figure that out.
7. What’s the first thing that changes when they realize they have feelings for the other?
Is it possible for Anzu to get MORE defensive of Jounouchi? LET’S FIND OUT. Also, and this is my Ideal Devotionship Scenario, is that one day Anzu looks over at Jounouchi and realizes she’s almost always liked him as a person but he’s also matured SO much and he works so hard and he genuinely cares so much about all his friends and everyone he loves and his goofier jokes do make her laugh like a hyena... she starts relying on him more as a sounding board for her thoughts and feelings, and starts hanging out with him more just one on one, separate from the rest of their friends...
But really I think Jounouchi if he realizes he’s in love with Anzu he 1) starts trying to impress her more and get her attention and 2) probably has a very specific idea of the type of guy he thinks Anzu would like, and THAT Guy uses a daily planner to keep track of things (like a nerd) and doesn’t slack off on his laundry, and is cool without being a clown, so he is, for a hot few weeks, an awkward and fumbling but exuberant mess who insists on carrying her groceries and buys a polo shirt and tries to play it extremely cool but also he’s like “so... notice anything different about me?” and Anzu is like “....your hair is..... more tousled than normal” (she’s into it) and he’s like 😭 polo shirt it’s the polo shirt i am wearing a polo shirt 😭 like Jounouchi... bro... what Anzu likes about you has nothing to do with polo shirts (this is what Honda tells him after he unpacks the whole thing over text in a state of despair) anyway he just needs to chill out a little. once she realizes what he’s doing she has to laugh a little, but she also loves the effort, it’s cute
In combination, that’s how Anzu ends up texting him at 11 PM at night like “hey i’m bored do you want to go get ramen” and he is like “absolutely, see you in 10 min” so off they go for a late night walk together, and it’s raining a little and he holds the umbrella as they talk about nothing and everything. he makes a big show of helping her step or jump over every gutter puddle. he thinks he’s being suave but she just finds it kind of adorable
Eventually one of them just comes out and confesses it, and it doesn’t take long for this to happen. Probably Anzu because Jounouchi seems like the type to worry a little over the thought of getting rejected :(
19. Who tells their family/friends about their relationship first? AND 20. What do their family/friends think of their relationship?
The first people Jounouchi tells are Shizuka and Honda, of course, and Honda is just like, delighted. He loves Anzu, obviously, but he also cares sooooo much about Jounouchi and is just kind of secretly relieved that Jounouchi is dating someone who cares just as much about Jounouchi as he does, and is good to Jounouchi and good FOR Jounouchi. I’m pretty sure both Anzu and Honda would kill for Jounouchi lol. Shizuka just wants to know that Anzu isn’t into any of the freaky magic shit from Battle City, and once suitably reassured, she gets excited about the idea of having a cool big sis <3 
Anzu’s family finds him very charming and earnest. They like him. I think they trust Anzu to be responsible and have good judgment and so they’re more than happy to give Jounouchi a chance, although he is SO nervous about meeting them.
And then Yuugi... they tell him together, probably. Whether or not he has any lingering crush on Anzu, how can he begrudge his two best friends falling in love with each other, how could he NOT be happy for them? I don’t think he’s capable of being salty about it at ALL, he’s thrilled lol
Atem: by the way, jounouchi and anzu are dating now
Kaiba: who?
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