#the name of my blog is literally 'Zuko-Always-Lies'
zuko-always-lies · 6 months
I followed your blog for azula content but literally all you ever post about is zuko
I've always posted a lot about Zuko, along with Mai, Ty Lee, Iroh, Ursa, etc., since I find his character interesting to analyze and he's very closely connected to Azula. In fact, when I'm trying to come up with new things to say on my blog, sometimes it's easier to think of something involving Zuko, since there's so much canon material featuring him. By contrast, writing about, say, Ty Lee is much harder.
I will say that I have might quite a few posts with new material about Azula over the last week or so, around 20 by my count, which is a lot by any standard.
However, you are perfectly welcome to stop following my blog if you don't find what I'm saying to be interesting or worth reading.
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balsa-margarita · 2 years
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I posted 9,455 times in 2022
That's 8,402 more posts than 2021!
581 posts created (6%)
8,874 posts reblogged (94%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 3,120 of my posts in 2022
#queued art - 931 posts
#asks - 264 posts
#azula - 204 posts
#death-fires danced verse - 137 posts
#balsa says - 105 posts
#sea of thieves - 93 posts
#atla fanfic - 68 posts
#space station 13 - 38 posts
#robust verse - 28 posts
#zuko - 27 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#just really really wants to be left alone but the damn order of souls and people looking for the damn shroudbreaker keep coming after her
My Top Posts in 2022:
Something that the ATLA fandom sometimes overlooks is the fact that all of the Gaang, most of the major antagonists (Azula, Mai, and Ty Lee, as well as Zuko) and a large number of the side characters (all of the Freedom Fighters) are all child soldiers. Child soldiers who have in many cases committed morally reprehensible acts or fought for morally reprehensible causes.
And the impact of that - and the inherent darkness of anything that involves it - is extremely important to acknowledge.
127 notes - Posted January 28, 2022
If you make a post saying that "Zuko was a good person from the start," then that invalidates whatever argument you intend to base on that idea. Because it's just wrong.
144 notes - Posted October 17, 2022
I just had a very strange realization this morning about the Fire Nation capital - namely, it's built in a caldera. A huge caldera, of a size that suggests at least a VEI 5 eruption, and quite possibly bigger. (For reference, Krakatoa was a VEI 5.) We don't know how long ago this eruption occurred, but it has to have been long enough ago for a sizeable city to be built there - personally, I think it was probably in the pre-Avatar era.
Also, we see literal lava under the Fire Nation Royal Palace, so there's that. Like, lakes of it.
Which raises the question of... well, what the fuck? Someone had to have realized that building one's capital city on top of a highly active volcanic zone was a bad idea, right? Or is the Fire Nation just that foolhardy?
151 notes - Posted October 18, 2022
Since there’s some “Azula gets exiled” AUs floating around here’s something tangential
Well... Azula doesn’t actually get exiled. She escapes before anything in particular can be done to her (other than imprisonment and general bad treatment) - and while she’s certainly angry about it, she also doesn’t really have the energy to care. Her main priority is escaping whatever fate the people who won the Hundred Year war were trying to create for her, and as such she lays low for a while, and quite frankly mellows out a bit. Eventually, after a year or two, she finds a home somewhere (not sure about the circumstances, perhaps with the Sun Warriors?) and settles down, still trying to work through what happened earlier in her life.
Meanwhile, the Gaang are constantly on edge - well, so are all the world’s politicians, and this causes problems. The fact that Azula ran off only makes everyone more harsh towards her, because they have no idea what she’s doing, and as such the common consensus among the White Lotus and the Gaang is that if she is found, she needs to be brought in immediately. And this turns into an echo chamber situation which no one has the nerve to step in and stop (after all, most of the reasonable people probably think she’s dead) and so things go on like this. Until a few of the Gaang run into her while on a trip to the Sun Warriors’ city for some reason or another, and immediately jump Azula and drag her back to the Fire Nation to be tried-
Which, as predicted, goes terribly. The Sun Warriors break into the diplomatic meetings, absolutely enraged at what they see as interfering in Azula’s healing (and the mention of “taking her bending” only increases the heat) and, facing a split with the original precursor civilization of the Fire Nation, Zuko puts everything on hold. This is long enough for various other things to happen, including Aang’s past lives giving him all the advice he should have gotten when he thinks to ask about Azula, and the Gaang quickly decide that they don’t have a choice to reconsider.
By this time, probably unsurprisingly, the Sun Warriors have taken things into their own hands and break Azula out themselves. And then she runs away from them in turn - leaving Zuko and the Gaang with a nasty diplomatic issue, and none of them with any idea what happened. At this point, having been hit in the face with a metaphorical nailbat, they all realize where things went wrong, and are more than willing to try to fix it.
This time, though, Azula has less than zero intention of allowing that. As far as she’s concerned, this whole situation has taught her one thing - as long as any of the people who won the war and made the decision to come after her are in power, she will never be safe. And she doesn’t return to the Sun Warriors, or anywhere else she thinks she can be found. 
And a little while later, the world starts to feel the effects.
(I’m not sure where it goes from here, or even what this idea is. But yeah.)
164 notes - Posted February 27, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Periodic reminder that taking an ATLA character's bending does not allow them to start over, and does not aid in their development as a person. As LoK shows, it is merely extremely traumatizing.
Suffering and erasure of the self does not equal redemption.
173 notes - Posted November 13, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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gaangadventures · 4 years
Hi! I’ve just found your blog and will you marry me?!? AANG CONTENT?!?? ! I saw the requests open and if you’re still open for them could I request a Zuko x reader? Zukos been awed by readers sheer power over and over cus he’s a sucker for strong women. And when he joins the gaang he is soo smitten with the reader and every one sees it but the oblivious reader. And he enventually asks for everyone’s help but during the ember island play she finds out cause they over dramatize his big crush?
Awww! We should probably meet before getting married lol  Sorry for taking so long with the request, life has been kicking my butt. Here you go! c: 
As a former citizen of a small village in the Earth Kingdom, you always longed for adventure and there weren’t many ways to leave your family farm. Or at least not without having to take something from them, and you had refused to. You knew they had little enough already.
But it was different one day, after meeting the avatar himself and his friends. As an earthbender, you weren’t sure where you could go but you wanted to go everywhere. And if you could beat up some Fire Nation soldiers, then you would be having the time of your life.
You had gone into the market for some feed for the lone ostrich horse, and a few of the Fire Nation soldiers had caught wind of the avatar. You were sure that he could actually take them down himself, but you weren’t exactly going to test that theory, and you trapped them in pillars of earth before helping the group out of the market and towards your family farm.
That was how you had met them anyway, and you had asked to join them that day. You hadn’t exactly expected them to say yes either, but they had, and you were overjoyed. So were they, but you assumed that Katara was more or less just glad to not be the only girl there.
Shortly after you joined however, the adventure you always wanted seemed to be a bit much at times.
First, there was the general that actively tried to get Aang into the avatar state and had put all of you in danger for it. Then there were the nomads that you had wanted to leave in the tunnels, you couldn’t believe how carefree they could be in the middle of a war. Even after all that your group had done to get into Omashu, you all found out that the Fire Nation had overtaken it and that Aang had to find an earthbending teacher himself. You offered, but you still had much to learn for it yourself.
And your least favorite place happened to be the swamp. Everyone there had visions of some person they already met and lost or in Aang’s case, were going to meet. You however, had a vision of your family. You had left them, and who knows if you would see them again, but you kept reminding yourself that it was okay, and they understood why you did.
The next place was some odd avatar-hating village, and Aang got arrested. But it was okay, because the day had ended with him out of prison, you beating up some soldiers, and some weird dough-like thing that you immediately spat out after tasting.
 In another Earth Kingdom town, your group had gone to an underground earthbending tournament which you had a blast watching. You had wanted to participate as well, but ended up following the rest of them as they looked for the Blind Bandit. The day went well, considering Aang had managed to get an earthbending teacher and so had you, despite her parents originally saying no. You had assumed that her parents never changed her mind like she said, having done the same thing with your own.
After Toph had joined, there was a strange metal contraption constantly following them by way of Appa’s fur trail. It had turned out to be the Fire Nation princess herself, and her two nonbending but still dangerous friends. You had helped Sokka and Katara with the other two that you had yet to learn the names of, while Aang was dealing with the last one. There was a fight because of course there was, you were starting to wonder just how many more fights you would have to go through in this. That was not to say you didn’t like to fight. You excelled at it.
That had also been the first time you had actually met the Prince Zuko that had literally followed them around the nations, and the first thing you wanted to know was where his ponytail had gone. Sokka had made sure to tell you all about it, but had left out the fact that he could actually be considered attractive, not that you would say that part out loud, and especially not when he was your enemy as well.
You had definitely been thrown for a loop when Azula had shot Iroh with lightning, only for Zuko to refuse help from any of you, even though Katara would have been the only one able to actually help.
Your second least favorite place was the desert, even though you thought the library had been amazing, apart from Wan Shi Tong getting upset that you guys had actually only come to learn how to defeat the Fire Nation. But Appa had gone missing, and you were absolutely convinced none of that was Toph’s fault. Another part of the desert that you didn’t like much were the buzzard wasps, but at least you had begun learning how to bend sand, which was definitely odd.
On your way to Ba Sing Se, they ended up meeting a few old friends of theirs, the Kyoshi Warriors and you had been quick to introduce yourself as well. Mostly since you had grown up hearing about them, and how amazing they would be, you really aspired to be more like them. 
Of course, the ticket lady wouldn’t let any of you get onto the ferry without passports, and Toph had managed to get all of you, only for the group to go the other route to Ba Sing Se when a pregnant lady and her husband had mentioned that their things were stolen. The Serpent’s Pass, you thought was aptly named when going through it. The serpent was terrifying, and you severely hoped that you wouldn’t have to go that way again. 
But at least you had made it through before Ying had her baby, which you thought was surprising considering she was quite far along. She asked you if you wanted to hold her, and you declined, having held more babies in your life than you probably would have liked, not to mention you hadn’t particularly wanted to hold any more. At least for now.
The new family had separated from you and your own group when you finally reached Ba Sing Se, only to find out that the Fire Nation trio was back again and they were trying to take down the wall with another metal thing. You had been helping Toph and Katara bend the awful rock and water combination and successfully kept a few of them back that way.
Ba Sing Se was a horrible city in your opinion, the Dai Li only being a part of it, but you were having a big issue with how the poor had less opportunities and the like.
You were partially glad when you left with the group, but heavily concerned for the avatar you’d come to think of as a younger brother. He had been shot with lightning and actually died, it was a miracle when Katara had healed him.
The weeks passing seemed to grow longer and longer, and nobody said it but everyone could tell that there was a lot of concern and worry for Aang when he hadn’t woke up. You spent your days learning how to bend metal like Toph, and it had taken you a while to even start.
Once he was awake however, you had to leave the boats you’d grown somewhat accustomed to and wait for the solar eclipse to grow nearer.
Unfortunately where you had to wait happened to be in the Fire Nation itself, and you hadn’t exactly wanted for more red in your wardrobe but it couldn’t be helped.
The next month or so, you weren’t sure how long it actually had been and couldn’t be bothered to remember, Katara had helped a coast village with its sick by posing as a river spirit and had even blown up a Fire Nation factory with Aang and finally scared the soldiers away from the town by continuing the ruse. Sokka had acquired a master of his own and made his own sword out of a piece of rock that fell from the sky. Toph had been scamming people in town, occasionally with your help but you ended up stopping when you thought that it would be too obvious. Katara had ended up finding another Southern Water Tribe bender, but unfortunately due to decades of being in prison had gone mad and had been kidnapping innocent people and trapping them under a mountain.
Hama had actually terrified you more than anything else had, but you couldn’t help but pity her at first. Your empathy had been shut off when you saw how Katara had to bloodbend her that night, and how upset she was.
The day of the invasion had been off to a good start, but it had been cut short when everyone learned that the Fire Nation already knew of the solar eclipse and had planned for it.
All of you had regrouped, apart from the adults that had gotten arrested for being a part of the invasion, and had gone to the Western Air Temple. Having never gone to any of the air temples yourself, you had quite a bit of fun exploring this one.
When the prince himself appeared and offered to be Aang’s firebending teacher, you wanted to throw a rock in his face and probably would’ve, had anyone else started a fight. It had been his choice to join his sister in Ba Sing Se, and now he wanted to join the group that he’d been chasing this entire time? Needless to say, you held a grudge against him, and you wouldn’t hesitate to earthbend him to the edge of the cliff if he tried anything.
The next day however, Toph returned with burned feet and Zuko had come back yet again. After his apologies, Aang had accepted him as his firebending teacher shortly after that.
It seemed like everyone but the ones that could earthbend had gone on a field trip with him, oddly enough, when Aang and Zuko had gone to learn real firebending, then it was Sokka and Zuko apparently breaking Hakoda and Suki out of prison but they also brought back a prisoner named Chit Sang too. Then it was Katara’s turn, and she went with him to confront the man who killed her mother. Thankfully, she hadn’t killed him.
Instead of camping out, Zuko had offered up a new place to sleep at, and it was a house that apparently no one goes anymore. You were a little weirded out at the thought of it, and Katara thought so too.
“Doesn’t it seem weird that we’re living in the Fire Lord’s own house?
“I told you, my father hasn’t come here since our family was actually happy. And that was a long time ago. It’s the last place anyone would think to look for us.”
“True, but still weird.” You piped up, doing your own stretches as the two firebenders had finished with their training.
“You guys are not gonna believe this. There’s a play about us.” Sokka said, walking out onto the courtyard with Suki, holding a rolled up poster, looking awfully smug.
“We were just in town, and we found this poster.” Suki continued, while Sokka rolled out the poster and held it up so all of you could see it.
“What? How is that possible?”
“Listen to this.” Sokka started, before beginning to read off the poster itself. “The boy in the iceberg is a new production from acclaimed playwright Puan Tin who scoured the globe, gathering information on the avatar from the icy South Pole to the heart of Ba Sing Se. His sources include singing nomads, pirates, prisoners of war, and a surprisingly knowledgeable merchant of cabbage.”
“Brought to you by the critically acclaimed Ember Island players.” Suki finished, before Zuko began to groan.
“Ugh. My mother used to take us to see them. They butchered “Love Amongst the Dragons” every year.”
“Sokka, do you really think it’s a good idea for us to attend a play about ourselves?”
“Come on, a day at the theater? This is the kind of wacky, time-wasting nonsense I;ve been missing.” And with that answer, you all headed out to the theater to see whatever play this would end up being.
Upon arriving, you all settled down into the seats, Katara sitting next to Toph and you sitting next to her, much to Aang’s disappointment, you were sure. You expected Aang to just sit down next to you, but no, Zuko had.
“Why are we sitting in the nosebleed section? My feet can’t see a thing from up here.”
“Don’t worry. I’ll tell your feet what’s happening.” Katara answered to Toph, while your gaze was awaiting on the curtains.
They opened to show what was supposed to Katara and Sokka on a boat in the sea, back in the South Pole you assumed. You almost laughed at Sokka’s excitement to notice the two when he grabbed his sister’s shoulder and pointed from each other back and forth.
“Sokka, my only brother.” The fake Katara let out a sigh, dramatically gesturing to the painted “ice glaciers” on her side. “We constantly roam these icy south pole seas, and yet, never do we find anything fulfilling.”
“All I want is a full feeling in my stomach. I’m starving.” ‘Sokka’ responded, making the real Katara and Sokka give each other a look as the audience burst into laughter.
“Is food the only thing that’s on your mind?”
“Well, I’m trying to get it out of my mind and in my mouth. I’m starving.”
“Is that all that guy says?” You grimaced, starting to dread when your character showed up.
“This is pathetic. My jokes are way funnier than this.” Sokka exclaimed, while Toph laughed at him.
“I think he’s got you pegged.” With that, the rest of you turned back to the play.
“Every day, the world awaits a beacon to guide us, yet none appears. Still, we cannot give up hope, for hope is all we have and we must never relinquish it, even. . . Even to our dying breath.” Fake Katara began to sob, and you drew in a breath through your teeth when Katara crossed her arms.
“Well, that’s just silly. I don’t sound like that.”
“You have your moments.” You admitted, but even you would agree that this was an exaggeration for sure.
“Oh man, this writer’s a genius.” At least Toph was having fun.
“It appears to be someone frozen in ice, perhaps for 100 years.” ‘Katara’ said, when a light shone down onto a floating iceberg.
“But who? Who is the boy in the iceberg?” Fake Sokka asked, the two climbing up the iceberg.
“Waterbend, hi-ya!” Fake Katara cried out, drawing her hand down as if to actually crack the ‘iceberg’ herself, only for it to break and reveal fake Aang, whose actor was a girl apparently.
“Who are you, frozen boy?
“I’m the avatar, silly, here to spread joy and fun.” ‘Aang’ giggled, and you looked to the avatar himself, only to see him frowning deeply.
“Wait, is that a woman playing me?” He asked, right as a fake Appa showed up and went around the iceberg in a circle while fake Katara gasped.
“An airbender. My heart is so full of hope that it’s making me tear-bend.” She began to fake sob, falling to her knees and grabbing onto fake Aang’s leg. 
“My stomach is so empty that it’s making me tear-bend.” Fake Sokka cried out, falling to his knees as well and grabbing onto ‘Aang’s’ other leg. “I need meat.” With that, you really couldn’t help but laugh, even when both Katara and Sokka were beginning to glare at you.
“But wait! Is that a platter of meaty dumplings?” The actress for Aang mentioned, pointing up at nothing in particular.
“Ooh, where, where?” ‘Sokka’ quickly asked, only for ‘Aang’ to start laughing.
“Did I mention that I’m an incurable prankster?”
“I don’t do that. That’s not what i’m like. And I’m not a woman.”
“Oh they nailed you, Twinkletoes.” Toph joked, laughing at the play as she basically had been this entire time.
A new boat showed up on the stage, this time carrying Zuko and his uncle.
“Prince Zuko, you must try this cake.” ‘Iroh’ offered, while fake Zuko was looking out at sea with a telescope.
“I don’t have time to stuff my face. I must capture the avatar to regain my honor.”
“Well, while you do that, maybe I’ll capture another slice.” Fake Iroh said, before literally shoving the cake into his face and eating.
“You sicken me.” ‘Zuko’ said, with a disgusted look on his face, and you let out a laugh.
“They make me look totally stiff and humorless.”
“Actually, I think that actor’s pretty spot-on.” Katara joked, and Zuko had been quick to turn to her.
“How could you say that?
“Let’s forget about the avatar and get massages.” 
“How could you say that?” Fake Zuko cried out at Iroh’s suggestion, only for you to laugh when you saw the look on Zuko’s face.
The scene panned out to show Aang the actress at the Southern Air Temple, with a tail sticking out of the fake bushes.
“Hey, look! I think I found something.” Fake Aang kept digging into the bushes, only to come back out with a fake puppet of Momo on his shoulder and a fake arm hanging from his side. “A flying rabbit-monkey! I think I’ll name him Momo.” He laughed, before moving the puppet so it would look like it was talking.
“Hi, everybody. I love you.” At the sight of it, both you and Aang let out a low groan. Momo did not deserve this slander.
With another scene, it showed a Kyoshi Warrior, which you assumed was supposed to be Suki before ‘Sokka’ came out, dressed in the same Kyoshi Warrior ensemble.
“Does this dress make my butt look fat?” He said, making the real Suki laugh, as you turned to look at the couple.
“So nobody told me you were a Kyoshi Warrior? I do have a question though. Did you look as good as Suki does?” You couldn’t help but tease him, although this was definitely bringing up some topics that you had missed out on.
The scene changed yet again, but this time was showing what was supposed to be King Bumi. Was he really that buff?
“Riddles and challenges must you face if you are ever to leave this place.” It showed fake Aang pushing a boulder, fake Sokka running from a gorilla rabbit, and fake Katara groaning as she was trapped in crystals.
It cut to a different part of the play, showing a pirate boat and pirates began to surround the trio. The pirates continued to fight each other as the trio actually got out quite safely.
“Why did you have to steal that waterbending scroll?” Fake Sokka asked as they crept away from the pirates.
“It just gave me so much hope.” Fake Katara answered, sobbing yet again.
“I really hope my character isn’t as bad.” You added, wearing a grimace, since you knew Katara didn’t cry nearly as many times as this one made her out to be like.
“The avatar is mine!” Fake Zuko cried out, while fake Aang was chained to a wall with soldiers surrounding him. “Wait, who’s coming?” He pointed to a different part of the stage where a person with a large blue demon-like mask held dao swords.
“I am the blue spirit, the scourge of the Fire Nation, here to save the avatar.” He exclaimed, before the soldiers began to drop to the ground dramatically and he somehow defeated fake Zuko as well as simultaneously untying fake Aang.
“My hero.” ‘Aang’ said, before leaving the stage with the blue spirit.
The scene changed, and it showed a sobbing ‘Katara’ with a fake Jet, hanging from a rope.
“Don’t cry, baby. Jet will wipe out that nasty town for you.” 
“Oh, Jet. You’re so bad.” Toph laughed, while Katara tried to hide her face, and you just lightly patted her shoulder with a slight look of pity.
“Look! It’s the Great Divide. The biggest canyon in the Earth Kingdom.” Aang mentioned, standing atop fake Appa.
“Eh, let’s keep flying.” Fake Sokka shrugged, while you only leaned back into your seat.
“Don’t go, Yue. You’re the only woman who’s ever taken my mind off of food.” The two actors dramatically kiss, before fake Sokka turns away with a gag. “Wait, did you have pickled fish for dinner?”
“Goodbye, Sokka. I have important moon duties to take care of. And yes, I did have pickled fish.” Fake Yue said, going up into the sky with the moon.
“You never told me you made out with the moon spirit.” Suki chuckled, and you glanced at the couple to see tears in Sokka’s eyes as he shushed her.
“Shh, I’m trying to watch.” Turning back to look at the stage, you saw the actress for Aang in a fish spirit costume, crushing fake fire Nation ships.
“The avatar is back to save the day! Yay!” He said, kicking and stomping on the rest of the fake ships before falling onto the floor as the curtains closed.
“So far, this intermission is the best part of the play.” Zuko mentioned when all of you sat on the steps outside of the theater.
“Apparently, the playwright thinks I’m an idiot who tells bad jokes about meat all the time.” Sokka angrily shoved jerky into his mouth, as Suki teased him.
“Yeah, you tell bad jokes about plenty of other topics.”
“I know!”
“At least the Sokka actor kind of looks like you. That woman playing the avatar doesn’t resemble at all.” Aang lamented, putting his hands over his head, as Toph shrugged.
“I don’t know. You are more in touch with your feminine side than most guys.” With that, Aang groaned and Katara interrupted when he stood up.
“Relax, Aang. They’re not accurate portrayals. It’s not like I’m a preachy crybaby who can’t resist giving over-emotional speeches about hope all the time.” Everyone had clearly been looking at her but nobody said a word, until she asked. “What?”
“Yeah, that’s not you at all.” Aang backed her up, sitting back down and rubbing the back of his neck.
“Listen, friends. It’s obvious that the playwright did his research. I know it must hurt, but what you’re seeing up there on that stage is the truth.” Toph offered, and you tilted your head.
“Not quite I don’t think, this is definitely exaggerated.”
As the group went back into the theater, the scene was apparently when you had met the group, seeing as it looked like your hometown.
“Well, here we are in the Earth Kingdom.” 
“I’d better have a look around to see if I can find an earthbending teacher.”
“Hey, is that the avatar? Get him!” A Fire Nation soldier exclaimed, pointing at fake Aang, when fake you appeared on the stage.
“No, don’t take him! I need to leave this town and abandon my family forever!” ‘You’ cried out, fake earthbending the soldiers out before running with the group. “I don’t want to live on this farm anymore! I want to beat up people!”
You grimaced at their portrayal of you, but at least the actress looked somewhat like you, even if the personality was quite a bit off.
“That’s not. . Quite true.” You added, seeing fake you leave with the rest of them. 
The scene was changed into another Earth Kingdom town, and you assumed this was where Toph showed up.
“Well, here we are in the Earth Kingdom again. So we can find an actual earthbending teacher.” Fake Katara repeated, the four of them standing next to a suspiciously large rock.
“This must be where I come in.” Toph whispered as fake Aang ‘flew’ around the audience with a rope.
“I flew all over town, but I couldn’t find a single earthbending master.”
“Here it comes.” Toph said, leaning forward in her seat.
“You can’t find an earthbending master in the sky. You have to look underground.” Fake Toph was apparently a very large and buff man, throwing the fake rock off stage. Which only caused everyone but Toph to start laughing, yourself included.
“Who are you?” Fake Aang asked, as fake Toph spat away from him, before proudly pointing to himself before beginning to flex his arms.
“My name’s Toph, because it sounds like tough, and that’s just what I am.”
“Wait a minute. I sound like a guy. A really buff guy.” Toph said, already starting to smile when Katara turned to her.
“Well Toph, what you hear up there is the truth. It hurts, doesn’t it?”
“Are you kidding me? I wouldn’t have cast it any other way. At least it’s not a flying bald lady.” Toph answered, making Aang frown as you bit back a snicker.
“So you’re blind?” ‘Aang’ asked, waving his hand in front of ‘Toph’.
“I can see you doing that. I see everything that you see, except I don’t see like you do. I release a sonic wave from my mouth.” Fake Toph explained before beginning to scream, causing everyone in the audience to flinch, apart from the actual Toph of course, who only grinned. “There. I got a pretty good look at you.”
The scene changed to show Iroh and Zuko who apparently had long hair now.
“Zuko, it’s time we had a talk about your hair. It’s gone too far.”
“Maybe it’s best if we split up.” Fake Zuko dramatically flipped his long hair as the two actors walked off the stage, only for everyone to come back with fake Azula as well.
“Azula, my sister, what are you doing here?”
“You caught me. Wait, what’s that? I think it’s your honor.” She said, pointing up and everyone in the cast looked away from her as she slipped away.
“She escaped. But how?” Fake Katara asked, and it switched to show Azula and Aang at the wall of Ba Sing Se with the drill.
“If she continues drilling, this wall will come down for sure.” Fake Aang said, throwing a fake rock at her.
“Yes, continue drilling. The city of Ba Sing Se can hide no longer.” Fake Azula said as ‘Aang’ continued throwing rocks, but it never showed how it ended as the scene changed to show a mind-controlled Jet.
“No, Jet, what did they do to you? Fake Aang cried out, dodging as fake Jet swung out with his hooks.
“Must serve Earth King. Must destroy!” He exclaimed as a fake rock fell onto him, before curling up underneath it so his body wouldn’t be showing.
“Did Jet just die?” Zuko asked, as Sokka answered, gesturing with his hands.
“You know, it was really unclear.” 
“I have to admit, Prince Zuko, I really find you attractive.” Fake Katara said, now seemingly in the crystal caves of Ba Sing Se as fake you was looking for a way out, hardly paying any attention to the two.
“You don’t have to make fun of me.” The actor said, turning away and then turning back when fake Katara sat down onto the same rock as him.
“But I mean it. I’ve had eyes for you since the day you first captured me.” With that, you noticed the real Zuko and Katara briefly glance at each other with mildly disgusted looks as Aang frowned at the stage.
“Wait. I thought you were the avatar’s girl. And besides I’m in love with someone else.” Fake Zuko then said, beginning to walk away and very obviously looked towards fake you. ‘Katara’ laughed, before starting to say.
“The avatar? Why, he’s like a little brother to me. I certainly don’t think of him in a romantic way. Besides, how could he ever find out about this?” She hugged him, and you looked at the stage in confusion.
“There’s no way you two would do that.” You said, knowing for a fact that Katara was crushing on Aang, and she had already divulged that he kissed her the day of the invasion. “But what I don’t get is why the actor looks at me when he says he’s in love with someone else. What’s up with that?” You questioned, only to get radio silence from everyone there. You shrugged, figuring that you would weasel the answer out of someone later.
“Oh, you’re getting up? Can you get me some fire flakes?” Sokka asked Aang when he walked out of the theater after that debacle. “Oh, and fire gummies.”
“Well, my brother, what’s it going to be? Your nation or a life of treachery?” Fake Azula said, only for fake Zuko to contemplate things.
“Choose treachery. It’s more fun.” Fake Iroh said, drinking some tea as ‘Zuko’ walked over to him and paused.
“No way!” ‘Azula’ yelled before he pushed ‘Iroh’ over onto the ground and headed towards his sister’s side.
“I hate you, Uncle. You smell, and I hate you for all time!” As he left the stage with ‘Azula’, the Earth Kingdom flag fell onto the actor for Iroh.
“You didn’t really say that, did you?” Katara asked, and you frowned when Zuko answered.
“I might as well have.”
The next scene was Ty Lee and Mai taking over Ba Sing Se, only for Aang to appear out from behind the throne.
“Avatar state, yip-yip!” Fake Aang proceeded to be brought up from the stage by a rope as fake Azula appeared.
“Not if my lightning can help it.” A ribbon was thrown at the fake avatar who pretended to be electrocuted and fell to the floor. “The avatar is no more.” At that, the whole audience seemed to cheer, apart from your group.
You stretched during the intermission, thankful to be out of the seat.
“It seems like every time there’s a big battle, you guys barely make it out alive. I mean, you guys lose a lot.” Suki mentioned, only for her boyfriend to quickly respond.
“You’re one to talk, Suki, didn’t Azula take you captive? That’s right, she did.”
“Are you trying to get on my bad side?”
“I’m just saying.”
“Does anyone know where Aang is?” Katara interrupted the couple, and you hoped that the two might finally talk about how they feel.
“He left to get me fire gummies like ten minutes ago, and I’m still waiting.” Sokka complained, only for his sister to turn away from him.
“I’m gonna check outside.” She said, walking out of the theater, as a child dressed up as Aang pretended to fly around.
“Suki, what are the chances you can get me backstage? I got some jokes I want to give to the actor me.”
“I’m an elite warrior who’s trained for many years in the art of stealth. I think I could get you backstage.” And the two walk off, leaving you with Zuko and Toph.
“Well, I think I’m going to go check out how bad Sokka’s jokes are. Maybe you can tell her now.” Toph suggested, before following Suki and Sokka.
“Wait-” But you had cut Zuko off before he could continue.
“Tell me what?” Would someone finally tell you about why fake Zuko looked at you when he said he was in love with someone else?
“I-uh.. The actor wasn’t entirely wrong.” He partially confessed, only leaving you with more questions.
“Wrong about which part?” You simply couldn’t understand any bit of it.
“I’ve kind of been in love with you for a while.” He quickly answered, glancing at you to see your reaction before looking away.
“Wait what-” You said, only momentarily confused before shaking your head. You didn’t exactly understand why, and that’s exactly what you said. “Why? I don’t get it. There’s nothing special or anything about me.”
“You are far from ordinary, Y/N. You’re so strong and-”
“So what you’re telling me, you’re attracted to strong women?” You teased, oddly satisfied upon seeing the light pink of his cheeks as he groaned before letting out a sigh.
“Yeah.” He admitted, before continuing. “I even asked everyone for help with this.”
“Wait, is that why you had told me I was pretty the other day? And why I found flowers in front of my door the next morning?”
“Well, I thought you were hot when we first met, so we’re even.” You shrugged, looking at him from the corner of your eye.
“Do you still think that?”
“What do you think?” You answered his question with a question, leaning closer to him until your faces were merely inches apart. “Y’know, I started training to get my mind off you.”
Just as your lips were almost touching, you had closed your eyes only to quickly open them and pull away when you heard a wolf-whistle.
“It’s about time!”
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woeismyhoe · 4 years
Spill the tea, what's the deal with you and the BSG group (avatar-chang and her squad in particular)?
Ok anon, sorry for taking so long! I wanted to get everything right and honestly collecting the posts took a longass time xD
Anyways, the only ones I have a problem there are avatar-chang, hexful/dykesia/bizukos, catrademption, cardboardseagulls (never seen interacted b4) and bizulas (also never interacted b4).
I’m going to be really transparent about this whole thing so it’s gonna be long as there’s gonna be several links and I’ve included the dates so it’ll be easier to understand. Since I’ll be fully transparent about this, i’ll probably get hate or whatever. Honestly, I just want to put everything out there without being biased or hiding anything. I’m going to disclose everything here.
So, the whole thing between me and avatar-chang started off with this post I made last year on 10 March 2019. Afterwards, she PMed me on the same day and this was the conversation:
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After that, I thought the argument was over because she blocked me lmao. The only ones I spoke to about this was nbw and my real life friends (who had nothing to do with ATLA lmao I just ranted to them).
And then the next incident I think was on 16 March 2019 when I made this post about Azula’s abuse of her friends. I was new and 16. I genuinely wanted to know why people labeled Azula as an abuser. It was dykesia who responded to me at the time.
Now, unlike avatar-chang, I had a few conversations with dykesia (who was bizukos then) that was generally civil. I first interacted with her when she made a post calling out Zucest shippers or something?? I was very new. Like fresh newbie baby ATLA tumblr fan new lmao so I thought what she said was too aggressive. I didn’t realize that there were actual Zucest shippers until after some time. And then she PMed me on 13 March 2019, saying that she doesn’t always agree on characters with me but I do write some interesting pieces on Azula— that she’s a huge fan of Azula but she just tends to stay away from her fandom. I apologized about the previous incident of the Zucest thing and it was fine after then. We talked about zuko, the fandom, the comics, Mai etc etc. I thought we were on fine terms.
And then I made a post about the cliff scene in the comics on 16 March 2019. Avatar-Chang made a post that was pretty directed at the post but it seems like she’s deleted it.
On 17 March 2019, I received an anon mail telling me that avatar-chang was talking shit about me behind my back. I censored her name then because I didn’t want to believe without any evidence. No one sent me any screenshots about it so I just dismissed it.
On the same day, avatar-chang answered an anon and talked about the 13 child post theory I made on 9 March.
On 23 April 2019, I received another anon mail about avatar-chang, asking if I’d seen the post she made about Azula. I censored her name again cuz I didn’t want to start any shit over having differing opinions. I’m assuming this is the post the anon was referring to.
On 28 April 2019, dykesia/hexful/bizukos PMed me to ask if I was talking shit about other people behind their backs, and her. I denied this because I hadn’t. This was how the conversation went:
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Yes, I didn’t censor any name because as I said, full transparency. I have afp blocked because we’ve clashed several times and he’d still come for my posts last year despite already being blocked. If you’ve followed me long enough, you probably would’ve rmbered that time lmao
Anyways during then, I don’t think I realized that dykesia was actually being passive aggressive. It’d been barely a year since I started the blog and I just didn’t want to full out make enemies. Reading the messages now tho lmao she really was passive aggressive. But yeah then she said this in bsg so I don’t even know why she bothered to ask me if she wasn’t even going to consider believing me.
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The 9th of June 2019 was the last time she messaged and it was to ask if I mind her discoursing this Zuko post while ‘hard and drunk’. It was the first time she could apparently agree with me so it was I quote a ‘Yay??’. Afterwards I don’t know when she did it but she blocked me lmao
On 17 July 2019, I received another anon mail telling me that avatar-chang publicly called me a bitch when she was answering an anon about me posting the scans of the EK Chronicles. She mentioned this in bsg again on 19 April 2020 lmao (she’s that petty) it seems:
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On November 8 2019, an anon (one of avatar-chang’s friends actually) asked about my thoughts towards the allegations against Aaron Ehasz. I still believe in the system of ‘Innocent before proven guilty’, so I didn’t side with anyone. I tried to be as objective as possible. When I said that I hoped men would also come forward, I said that because I don’t want men to just sit on the sidelines and let the women get the heat if they were telling the truth. At the end of this whole thing, I concluded that Ehasz was a dick of a boss to the girls. Being called an abuser carries more weight than just being a dick. Everyone has been a dick at one point, but being an abuser is something else. Just because Ehasz was a dick doesn’t mean I’m going to stop watching TDP or dismiss his involvement in ATLA.
The next day, BSG brought the issue up despite both avatar-chang having already blocked me by then lmao
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On 5 February 2020, after Legacy of the Fire Nation came out, I made a post calling out Iroh’s bs to Azula (guy literally blames Azula for everything that happened to Zuko (something which avatar-chang agrees with apparently, and Iroh even sees Ozai in a better light).
That’s so far what I’ve remembered that involved avatar-chang and dykesia.
Moving on to the next three attackers: catrademption, cardboardseagulls and bizulas.
I’ve seen catrademption around, but I don’t remember if we’ve clashed before. We must have though cuz she’s got me blocked lmao and I mostly only debate back to people when they reply to my posts. For cardboardseagulls and bizulas, I don’t think I’ve ever seen them them before but obviously they’ve seen my blog and misinterpreted everything I’ve written.
But according to them, I’m apparently a Azula apologist, extremist, irrational, toxic, coddles and woobifies Azula, justifies everything she does and invalidates abuse victims.
You can see the posts I’ve made to judge whether I actually am an irrational Azula apologist who blames everything on Zuko. One of the most recent posts I made about Azula’s character is this, and there’s still several more posts like that. Just search #meta or #analysis in my blog search and all of them will just pop up. I can assure you, I have never acted as if Azula has done nothing wrong or did everything right or whatever lies these people are spewing.
If anyone has proof that I’ve talked shit about people in the fandom to other people before, please, present your evidence. I highly think this is impossible because I actually don’t have many friends on Tumblr, nor do I usually initiate conversation because I’m awkward af.
I’ve also tried approaching those I recognized in bsg to find out more about the situation (and at least give my side of the story). Most of them have chosen not to speak to me LMAO but one of them who’s chosen to remain anonymous for their privacy, admitted that dykesia (hexful) forced them to block a blog before (after realizing they were interacting with said blog) and if not, they would be blocked themselves. I can’t post the conversation publicly because they’re afraid their speech mannerism will give away their identity. @space-sword has also shared his experience with avatar-chang on his blog and was pressured to cut off ties with ppb21 just to join the oh so magnificent Ba Sing Gay.
There’s absolutely no reason to judge someone based on their sexual orientation, race, color or age either. They rant about being discriminated against or being generalized or stereotypes but they’re the ones hypocritically committing these actions, and then justify their actions by saying ‘we’re oppressed, they’re not, so it’s not racism or discrimination’. And yet people still wonder why discrimination is still rampant LMAO
I can’t speak for the blogs they victimized in bsg, but I personally don’t agree with talking shit about them on a public server and then criminalizing them as if they’re actually predators. I also don’t agree with involving the blogs’ friends simply because of their association. I also don’t agree with demanding people to block blogs they don’t like because that’s just pure manipulation. That’s wrong and marginalizing people. Unless someone has actually been harassing or literally preying on people, then there’s no reason to actually go around warning blogs about them unless they’re asked about it.
If they feel uncomfortable about something? Then avoid that blog, filter their tags or even block that blog if they’re that uncomfortable—BUT they shouldn’t demand others to do the same just for their own benefit. It’s not up to them to decide what a person can or cannot see or who they can or cannot interact with. They’re not their parents, and they obviously have no right to pressure people into doing things they don’t want to. If they think it tactless that I shared the conversations? Oh honestly, a line was crossed when they spread shit about me so idc. If they actually feel terrible for being called out? GOOD. That’s what they should feel, because in no way was any of what they were doing right or justified. If they’re going to shit on me then expect to be burned because I’m not someone who’ll just shrivel in fear because they have a bigger following.
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valkerymillenia · 4 years
Umbrella Academy
season 2, episode 5
As usual I'm going to put all my reactions and live-blogging in this one post to avoid spamming.
1962, Cape Canaveral
So Pogo is from Congo?
Wait, is that Grace? is Grace some sort of biologist or scientist?
Is Pogo supposed to be one of the chimps for the space program?
I love this song. Oh look, there's Reggie!
Oh, that nod between Reggie and Grace... What are they up to?
Yep, definitely the space program.
Little astronaut Pogo... Wait, what's happening?
Who's the shady guy in the sunglasses behind Reggie?
Aww, poor Pogo...
SO THAT'S WHERE THE SERUM USED ON LUTHER CAME FROM! I figured but it's still interesting to see the origin.
Oh, there's the ancient Greek! Did Reggie read to the kids like this too? I doubt it but one can hope.
So Reggie and Grace basically treated Pogo like their child... And Reggie was actually a decent parent... ? Dude, you couldn't do that for your actual kids?!
Wait, does this make Pogo the seven's big brother? 😆
And there's the Magnificent 12. Oh, Pogo's drawing is so cute.
Five really is onto Lila... and he's right!
Diego onto Lila as well!
Hungover Klaus 😅 and Ben asking what we all want to know but it comes from a place of love and concern. Still sassy though.
Why won't Klaus just tell Allison that he is talking to Ben? Also, cowboy? Is that a comic reference? Or just a Texas reference?
Oh, I love Ben and Klaus banter. XD
Klaus does have a point, Allison.
*Allison throws the flask away* Ben: "attagirl!" Allison: "i have a blender and some much better booze" *cue Ben sulking*
"I love you so much!" Awwww, Klaus-Allison bonding! ❤️❤️❤️ this show is really giving me everything I want, huh?
Sissy and Vanya in bed together 👀😏 that's hot.
So she brought her coffee and then took the coffee away? XD
Is Vanya offering to take Sissy to the future? 👀
Oh no, Carl!
They have a point, Five. Everything starts taking apart at soon as you arrive. Repeatedly. I actually pointed this out yesterday.
You're burning the eggs, Luther.
"That boy stinks" poor Luther 🤣
Where exactly was Luther going? Chicago? Detroit?
Wait, is that the academy pre-academy? Wait, so it's not in Texas??? Then what about Argyle? What the hell? I'm so confused now. 😵
Luther, you need a bath.
Reggie in a party xD that must be an odd sight for Luther.
"The world's never going to end in such a cliché. Believe me. I know how endings feel" -what does it mean???? Does it mean he knows how the world ends? Or does it mean politically as a member of the 12? Is it a double entendre? Foreshadowing? Does he have some sort of prescient power?
Still want to know who the shady guy in the shades is.
"No, you're not" "no, you're not" "no, i didn't" 🤣🤣🤣🤣
"I have a deep dislike of children" -yeah, we been knew. 😒😒😒
"your grotesque simian proportions"??? Those are entirely your fault, Reginald! 😠
"But...i took a bus" - oh, honey... Luther, you adorable, naive, sweet, innocent, awkward little dork... Let me hug you, i don't care if you stink! 😢
Man, Reginald is still such an asshole. (I'm glad for that though, I was afraid this season would try to play the 'he wasn't really so bad, just misunderstood' card and that would piss me off, you can show him actually caring for the children but no excusing goddamn child abusers in this house!)
"At least he didn't shank my ass" "no, bro, he shanked your heart" -awww, dudebro affection. Diego does have a sensitive side!
I didn't realize i needed Luther-Diego bonding this badly but i do. I really, really, really do.
"It's time to get the umbrella academy back together." "hell yeah, family meeting." -since when is Diego so happy to get the family together? 😆
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But hell yeah, let's get the family back together!!!
"you two still a thing? Do we need to talk?" (Diego's face though 🤣) "no, she's married." "Whoa, dude. That's rough."
Diego is the new Zuko, it all lines up!
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"I can handle it" he nervous chuckles while stress eating in a stolen robe, after ruining his own life and getting in trouble with the mob and getting high.
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"can you get Vanya without, uh, squeezing her to death?" - ouch 🤣
I'm loving the boys bonding.
Yikes, Sissy looks so uncomfortable with Carl...
"Harlan doesn't care" -oh, he does, he reeeeally does, you just can't read the signs, you clueless dumbass.
Oh, the powers... Oh, Harlan initiating touch with Vanya! Boy is more perceptive than they think.
Why does Sissy look so scared?
Sissy's reactions to Carl have been suspicious from the start. She's given a lot of red flags (the anxiety, the body language, the hoarding money in secret, the reluctance to speak up, the desperation to keep Vanya near her at all times, etc) and I've wondered if he's been abusive but he seems more pathetic than purposely malicious, he even showed vulnerability and admited to loving her and fearing that she doesn't feel the same, so I was starting to think Sissy's fear and paranoia had more to do with a fear of Carl leaving her (and thus taking away the only income and leaving her and Harlan with nothing).
However, I'm rethinking things and I'm starting to suspect abuse again (at least psychological, if not physical)... I think the only reason we don't see it yet is because Vanya is there and Carl won't act out on front of a witness.
I could totally be wrong though, I could be seeing signs that aren't there because of my own issues. We'll see.
Is... Is Handler actually a good mother?
Nevermind, she's gaslighting.
But she cares enough to give first aid and admit she lied so... Definitely a better parent than Reginald at least. I actually want her to be a decent parent, I'm tired of the narrative where villains all have to be abusive parents, villains can love too and that makes the story so much more complex and dramatic when people finally have to choose sides.
Felt, Diego's knife... what is she up to?
Sandpaper, steel wool, round metal parts, skewers, spray lubricant, and something cylindrical with the name of a plumbing service? Is she making pneumatic canisters? The ones the Commission uses to send messages?
Also, what's with Commission training and using plumber stuff? Five also used a plumbing company's van in season 1.
Elliot really likes Jell-O, huh? Very 50s housewife of him.
"how are feeling?" "Pretty shitty, to be honest" "Where would you say you are on a scale from one to ending all life on this planet?" 🤣🤣🤣 They are never going to let her live this down, are they?
I need more Vanya-Diego bonding. ❤️
Diego accepted Vanya's apology???😲 AWWWWWWWW 🥰🥰🥰🥰
Diego about to ask girl advice from his sister? So cute, why did they interrupt, I wanted to see that! 🥰
I miss Diego's nervous stutter though.
"you don't speak French" -doesn't he? If Allison can read seven languages, logically so can all the others, right? And Klaus is constantly using French and German, how are you telling me he doesn't know French? 😆
"did we all get sexier?" -pretty much and you're not done yet.
Aww, awkward Vanya-Allison hug... Let them bond! 💖💖💖
Klaus and Diego hugging!!! And Diego calling him out on being drunk like the overprotective brother he is 💖💖💖
Klaus hugging the girls! 💖💖💖
So much love. So much growth since all the bitterness from season 1. I NEED MORE OF THIS, DAMN IT!
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Who knew it took Vanya snapping and killing everyone for this family to finally bond?
OH COME ON, KLAUS! Just tell them poor Ben is there, that's so mean.
Ah! Allison and Diego with pure sibling banter. 💖
What is with the Handler family and red shoes?
Handler's style changed a bit, went from retro femme fatale on s1 to matronly debutante in s2... Interesting.
Don't hurt the kitty, you bitch! 😡
The Swedes have become crazy cat people. I'm starting to love these weirdos.
Is that their mama?
Pneumatic tube! CALLED IT!
Ah, I see. That's why she wanted Diego's knife. The Swedes are getting set up.
"oh my God, again?" ... "all of you knew? Why am I always the last one to find out about the end of the-- oh, my God. My cult is gonna be so pissed. Five, I told them we had until 2019!" -that's why you're the last one, Klaus, your priorities.
"is it Vanya?" "Klaus!" "What? It's usually Vanya." - one time. you end the world ONE TIME and nobody ever let's you live it down.
"find dad" "kill dad" -well, Diego learned from Five *shrugs*
"has anyone here done anything to screw up the timeline?" -literally everyone except you, Vanya.
( well, unless saving Harlan with your magic lights messed up the timeline...)
Yup, here they go calling each other out. Hilarious 🤣🤣🤣
"THANK you" - I love Ben 💙
Diego, you idiot, saving Kennedy is what wrecks everything! Stop being stubborn.
Aww, traumatized Five... Please just listen to him, he just wants to save you all because he loves you 😢
Five deserves more love from the family. PLEASE.
Wow, Luther is reeeeally bitter about daddy, huh? What is Lila doing?
"I've missed you all... So much" BEN! 😭😭😭😭😭
Ok, now I'm crying.
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Klaus, let your brother talk to the rest of the damn family, he misses them! 😭😭😭😭
Yay, more Luther-Diego bonding!
"since the last time I destroyed the world by overestimating my own importance" -I'm so glad he owns up to this, it's very important but he needs to get over his self-hate and gain some confidence again.
Diego, stop acting like you don't have daddy issues, you are riddled with them.
Diego's hero complex again... Which comes from the daddy issues. Luther is right.
"you are so goddamn big that sometimes I forget what a sensitive bastard you are." 🤣🤣🤣 He's absolutely right!
Brotherly bonding ftw!
Oh, they got daddy's attention!
AHAHAH! Allison bitching and rambling while doing Klaus's hair, Vanya miming shooting the bottles ("pew pew" 🤣). I'm sorry but this whole scene is adorable as fuck.
Girl's day!
"wouldn't it be weird if Five grew up all hot?" 🤣🤣🤣 Klaus asking the real important questions here!
Vanya confused by the Luther/Allison crush 🤣 "aren't we all related?"' -yes, honey, that's why it's weird.
"if you have to use the word 'technically' you're already in trouble" -THANK YOU, KLAUS!
Klaus's ENTIRE speech about their love lives is the most perfect thing EVER 🤣🤣🤣👌👌👌💯💯💯
Really alarmed Vanya finding out she dated a serial killer: "what?!" / Allison, whispering casually: "Later." 🤣
"the healthiest long-term relationship in this family was when Five was banging that mannequin." 😂😂😂😂😂 The best part is- HE'S NOT WRONG
Vanya's weirded out face is priceless 👌👌👌
"the only thing the umbrella academy knows about love is how to screw it up" "cheers!" 💯👏👏👏
These babies really need a hug. Let me hug them!
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"how do you guys deal with this?" -look at them Vanya, they day drink.
"well, I get reeeeally high, Allison... Allison... Lies to herself. And you supress all your emotions deep, deep down until you... Blow shit up." -Klaus really is serving up all the wisdom in this little outing, isn't he? Maybe being a cult leader actually did him some good? Or maybe it's just that his family is FINALLY listening to him.
"yeah, I'd really like to not do that anymore" 😂 -ah! Is Vanya graduating out of the awkward dork sibling category and into the sassy queen one?
Omg, the drunk decisions...
"I just hate group backups, that's why I stopped dating twins" 😆😆😆😆
"this family is amazing" - DAMN RIGHT, VANYA! ❤️🧡💛💚💚💙💜
Awww, the HUG! The DANCING! MY BABIES! Fav scene, fav scene!
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I want to adopt this family so bad.
And here's the Swedes being set up...
There goes baby Swede! I kinda feel bad for them.
Uh oh, now they want revenge of poor Diego.
Gotta hand it to Handler, she played this one very well. Parallels Five tricking Hazel and Cha-Cha into fighting each other in season 1. Very cool.
BAD GUY! I like this version better than the original, great song and fits Lila perfectly.
Holy shit!!!!!!!!! We all knew Five had moves but THESE MOVES!!!!!! 😲
How did Lila do that? Is it with Handler's time stopping thing? I always wondered how she did that too.
Holy shiiiiiiiiit. This whole fight was FANTASTIC! 😲
Oh Vanya... 😢
Oh Sissy... 😩
Sissy has been so desperate to keep Vanya tied to her but the moment Vanya asks her to make the slightest sacrifice for their relationship Sissy balks and pulls away... Not a balanced relationship at all.
I understand Sissy's fear, it's not selfishness, it's literal fear of change, but it's still sad and it's going to wreck them.
Oh, so this is where the swedish cover of "Hello" comes in... Very fitting.
Viking funeral, huh?
Ok, I never thought I'd have feels for the Swedes but I do. 😢
Luther eating AGAIN. But hey, he and Diego didn't the whole day together! Why can't we see that too? I need more brother time between these two.
Oh Klaus, is so uncomfortable but he can't stand disappointing the cultists, can he?
Still shocks me how all those people just invaded his house while he was away and thought that was perfectly acceptable and cool, it shows they really don't respect him as a person, he's just an object to make them feel better and give them purpose... It's terrifying and really sad when you think about it.
"sit your ass down." -you go, Allison! Tell him everything!
This episode gave me SO MANY FEELINGS! It might read like (extremely good) fanfiction but it's exactly what we all needed and it might be my favorite episode so far.
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makochosena · 7 years
Send me a ‽ … | @longlocked | always accepting !!
And I’ll how you a glimpse of an ORIGINAL CHARACTER I have played/considered playing!
❝ Hey, dad. ❞ Mizuki smoothed her ruby robes before kneeling on the grass. A strand of hair came loose from the gold crown atop her head, which she tucked behind her ear. The young woman shifted her cat-like, golden gaze from the ground to what she was kneeling before–a grave. If one didn’t bother to read the inscription, anyone who saw this grave without context would assume it was a monument of sorts made from the finest marbles. Engraved in gold read: “Here lies Prince Li,” “husband, father, hero,” “died 158 AG,” along with a longer description. 
Mizuki took a deep breath and continued, pretending she was truly talking with her father this warm and cloudless afternoon. 
❝ Everything’s good…I guess. I mean, it’s still the same since I last saw you. The Nation is doing fine. Mother’s handling everything very well–but it is very stressful work and she’s doing it all by herself. I haven’t seen Ro in some time but he calls every so often to check in. I do wish he’d come home and visit sometime. He has much to do if he wants to become the next commander. But everyone is positive he will do just fine. ❞
The princess paused and adjusted herself slightly. 
❝ Mother’s doing okay. She still misses you, even after all this time and even though she would never outright say it. You know how she is. She dislikes worrying others. And she has Grandfather–he has been helping her very much. And she has me… ❞
Another pause.
❝ Oh, me? I’m… ❞ Mizuki sighed.  ❝ I’m still the same, dad. I’m still in the exact same place as I was last year…and the year before. I’m still here, doing nothing but being a burden for Mother and Grandfather. I’m far too inadequate to do anything. I hate it. I hate myself. I feel like I’m just going to rot in the palace and I…I don’t know what to do…I wish you were here, dad. I still miss you so very much. I wish I could talk to you face to face…not like this. Not like talking to a hunk of rock. ❞
Meet Mizuki, Crown Fire Princess of the Fire Nation, my OC for L.egend of Korr.a. 
I read once somewhere that F.ire Lord Izu.mi had a daughter that was to be introduced in Book Four but the idea was eventually scrapped. And I was disappointed with the lack of Fire Nati.on overall in l.ok and bam! Mizuki was born. I’ve been heavily debating on making a blog for Mizuki on here, but decided against it because I wouldn’t really be able to make her a fandomless OC that I’ve done with all my others. The canon of atl.a/lo.k heavily influences her character and just overall didn’t want to go for it. I am writing a quick lil fic about her though!
Quick facts under the cut:
Hair color: very dark brown. Eye color: gold. Skin: extremely pale. Height: 5′3″. Weight: 110 lbs. Age: 23 at Book One (younger sister to Iro.h II). 
Firebender. Can generate lightning. 
Alias: Kimi (when she goes undercover)
Mizuki is cool, calm, and reserved. She can even come off as cold and rude initially. She’ll never truly show her feelings, will never expose weakness, and will never ask for help. She’s extremely stubborn and prideful, to the point where it gets her into trouble. She is diplomatic and a pacifist when it comes to war but at the same time is literally always down to fight (physically and with words). 
However, Mizuki is also very kind, caring, and gentle with those that she trusts. She loves deeply and will go to the ends of the earth for her loved ones. She’s quite curious and adores meeting new people. She has a strong sense of justice, always does what is right. It’s very hard for her to do something bad, like lie, steal or cheat. Mizuki is book-smart and dislikes stupidity. However, she is the farthest thing from street-smart. She’s extremely spoiled (grew up a princess, after all!) and fiercely independent. 
Mizuki does not have the best mental health. She suffers from depression, low self-esteem, and has a great inferiority complex. This inferiority complex has led to Mizuki constantly try to win the approval of others and prove that she is more than capable of whatever you throw at her. 
Growing up, Mizuki was a very sickly child. As a result, she spent most of her time in the palace and out from the public eye. She didn’t have many friends and sometimes she spent more time with doctors than with her family. Not because the royal family didn’t love her, but because they believed her health had to come first. 
The type of environment Mizuki grew up in is drastically different than from what we’ve seen Zuk.o grow up in. There is a strong de-emphasis on becoming the best firebender ever. Children learned how to firebend if they wanted to, not because they had to. Due to Mizuki’s poor health and lack of natural talent with the element, she was never really trained to firebend. She could produce a flame but not much else. Iro.h, on the other hand, was a natural prodigy and excelled at the art. Mizuki felt like she grew up in her older brother’s shadow and desperately wanted to firebend so she could prove herself to her family. She felt a dire need to live up to being “Zuko’s Granddaughter.”
Mizuki turned to the books. She read practically every book in the palace and tried to learn how to firebend that way if Izumi believed it was unsafe for her to be trained. Mizuki also turned to spirituality and is actually an incredibly spiritual person. Eventually, she could even mediate to the Spirit World (but never thought the skill would be very useful). 
I named Izumi’s husband Li, who died suddenly when Mizuki was little. She was very close to him, closer than she was with any other family member, and when he passed, Mizuki felt a disconnect with her family. That, on top of not having many friends, on top of growing up hoping the Avatar would come visit the Fir.e Na.tion Pa.lace but never did, Mizuki grew up extremely lonely. She was never allowed to leave the palace, let alone the Nation, and all she’s ever wanted to do was see the rest of the world. 
She’s such a total nerd for Team Avatar. 
Mizuki has met A.ang once, when she was four, and she still remembers it. 
In my fic, Mizuki eventually can properly firebend and slowly but surely masters it. Her passion for the art and desperation to prove herself is so intense that her fire burns white. 
She also has a pet dragon named Ama. 
i can write you an entire book on Mizuki and the f.ire na.tion r.oyal Fam tbh 
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