#the number of times people used to send me asks about like the weirdest bts bs? wild
jonathanrook · 6 months
Ahhh ok, I figured that was probably the case. You're likely right, re it being hidden somewhere now maybe defunct, or at least somewhere where *no-one* would suspect. The *only* thing I've managed to find that was said about it was "it was stupid, the way we hid it." - implying that it's either hidden somewhere SO secretive/silly that it'll never ever be discovered, *or* (less likely, but possible) that it's been staring us right in the face the entire time, *but* no-one will ever notice. Unfortunate that it might never be found, it'll continue to bother me in the back of my mind for years to come lol! Thanks so much for answering anyway! 😊💜
honestly i wouldn't be surprised if he's just. said it in the show but it's disguised as run of the mill dubstep-speak.
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