#the oc:s2
waspymcwasp · 11 years
#TheOCRewatch : The Dearly Beloved
Episode Number: #51 Original Air Date: May 19, 2005
Favorite Song:
Is this a real question? “Hide and Seek” by Imogen Heap
Favorite Moment:
Seth and Ryan talking about the rehab pamphlet
R: “Where’d you find this?” S: “My dad’s office. I don’t think he’s trying to kick bagels.” R, looks toward Sandy and Kirsten’s room: “I don’t think it’s for your dad.”
Cut to a terribly sad looking Kelly Rowan
Seth and Sandy’s conversation about Kirsten
Seth: “How do I know you didn’t cause her to drink? Something weird’s been going on between you two all year.”
That stings because it is so on point and Sandy knows it.
Sandy: “Your mother needs you!”
Seth, to Ryan: “Apparently Mom’s a drunk and today’s the intervention. So plan your afternoon accordingly.” Ryan, to Sandy: “If you want me to talk to him, I can. Tell him you’re making the right decision because you are.” Sandy: “Thanks. But that’s my job.”
Kirsten saying goodbye to the boys
K: “I love you both so much.”
Ryan vs. Trey. Avenge your girl, bro! (Although, why did Seth not tell Sandy? I mean, why tell Ryan when you know he is going to freak violently.) But their fight is pretty awesome.
Favorite Shipper Moment:
Sandy: “Maybe you want to pace yourself.” Kirsten: “Maybe I don’t. My father just died. Maybe you want to lay off the ‘Kirsten Drink Count’ for a while.” S: “I know you’re upset.” K: “You’re right. I am.” Julie: “If it would help, maybe I could take over ‘Kirsten Watch’ for a while.” S: “I don’t know if anything is going to help.” J: “So let her glower at me. I’m used to it.” S: “Unfortunately, so am I these days. Thank you, Julie.”
S: “Oh, for God sake, Kirsten. At least use a glass.” K: “Oh, for God’s sake, Sandy. Just leave me alone.”
K: “Get your hands off me!”
I am in anguish!!! Why?!
Sandy: “I’m so sorry, honey. How hard this must be for you to hear. I don’t want you to hurt yourself anymore.”
Sandy’s small talk at rehab. So sad…
K: “I’m so sorry, Sandy. What I said to you, put you through.” S: “We can bend this thing. Doesn’t mean it’s going to break.”
Their goodbye… to “Twenty Two Fourteen” again!
My emotions!
Favorite Quote:
Seth: “We just came from my grandfather’s funeral.” Jess: “He was probably pretty old.”
Seth, about the doorbell: “The way things have been going I bet that’s Oliver.”
Ryan: “All year I have tried to be a different person. I can’t do that anymore.”
Favorite Relationship:
Summer and the Cohens.
Summer: “Hey, Mrs. Cohen. I thought you might be hungry.” Kirsten: “Oh, no, thank you, Summer.” S: “If my stepmother taught me anything, it’s to never drink on an empty stomach.” K: “Thanks for the tip.”
Sandy: “Could you do me a favor? This thing could be going on for a while. Seth’s been through a lot. It might be a great idea if you could get him out of the house for a little while.” Cut to Kirsten getting another drink. Summer: “Yeah. Sure thing.”
Seth and Kirsten.
It’s heartbreaking how hard it is for Seth to take part in the intervention. He loves her so much and to him it feels like he will be betraying her.
Seth: “I just don’t think I can’t do it. Not to Mom.”
Seth: “Mom, please. You gotta do this.”
Summer and Marissa.
Summer: “Marissa, please don’t lie to me. I’m your best friend and I know something happened. Please just tell me what’s going on.”
What I Would Have Done Differently:
How the hell did Sandy become Caleb’s eulogizer? I guess because he is good with words but seriously? Sandy saying good things about Caleb?
Sandy, to Jimmy: “Boy, you left just before things got crazy.”
I’ve always been interested in the thought of what would have been different if Jimmy had stayed. Perhaps, ran interference between Sandy and Kirsten as they were struggling with their extramarital activities
What They Did Perfectly:
Kirsten’s intervention. Only involving family was perfect. Kirsten lashing out was harsh but necessary and realistic.
Kirsten: “Oh, don’t you say a word. I let you into this house.” Ryan: “Yeah, you did. Because my own mom couldn’t take care of me. She wouldn’t get help even though I asked her to. I don’t want to see that happen again to someone I love.”
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waspymcwasp · 11 years
#TheOCRewatch : The O.Sea
Episode Number: #50 Original Air Date: May 12, 2005
Favorite Song: “Fix You” by Coldplay
(I saw them live in 2008 and when they played this, I totally died.)
Favorite Moment:
Kirsten and Caleb’s fight. Alan and Kelly killed it!!!
K: “If this family is screwed up, it’s because of you!”
K: “I may like Chardonnay but I am not going to die alone and that’s more than I can say for you!”
Seth and Summer + Prom
Dude: “That’s not Zach Stevens.” Seth: “No, I’m not.” Dude: “Seth Cohen’s a tool.” Seth: “Okay. I know I’m not who you all imagined as Prom King, seeing as how I’m not who any of you actually voted for. But she’s the queen and I love her. So, I guess, that makes me King.”
Dude: “But he’s a tool!”
Favorite Shipper Moment:
Sandy: “I’m so glad you’re okay.”
Kirsten, with her rings in her hand: “They had to cut it off.” Sandy: “You were due for an upgrade anyway.”
Sandy: “What are we going to do about you?”
Least-favorite-favorite moment: Kirsten walking away from Sandy
“and I will tryyyyyy to fix you….”
And I am bawling! Fix her, Sandy!!!!
Favorite Actor:
Melinda Clarke’s body. Good God. And of course, her taking that huge swig of tequila.
Favorite Quote:
Seth *whispering*: “Hey, Ryan. Ryan…” *deep voice* “Hey, Ryan!” Ryan wakes in a start.
Sandy: “Hey, if this involves you being naked, you gotta warn me. Please.” Julie: “It’s my pre-nup.” S: “Ooooh.”
Kirsten: “In this town, a trip is always rehab.”
Seth: “Comedy is just tragedy plus time.”
Reed: “If either of you mention the name ‘Summer’ so help me, God.”
Least Favorite Moment:
When Caleb Nichol dies. He’s such a prick but he’s still so loveable.
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waspymcwasp · 11 years
#TheOCRewatch : The Showdown
Episode Number: #49 Original Air Date: May 5, 2005
Favorite Song:
“Twenty-two fourteen” by The Album Leaf
Oh my god. This song. Makes me cry every time. I am dying. (Also, I’m watching this at work and I am now an emotional wreck.)
Favorite Moment:
Seth using the comic book club to spy on Summer and Zach
Zach and Seth’s fight
Favorite Shipper Moment:
This episode will be the death of me!!!
S: “Did something happen between you and Carter?” K: “Oh, don’t do it like this.”
K: “What do you think this is? What do you think Carter was about?” S: “I want you to tell me.” K: “You left me!” S: “Did you have an affair with him?” K: “You don’t get it, do you?”
OH MY GOD. Kirsten as she tells Sandy ‘You left me!’ Sandy as he has to ask the hardest question, “Did you have an affair with him?” I cannot handle this, nope. Nope. Nope.
Kirsten choosing her rings over Carter’s necklace.
K: “I’m thought I was losing you.” S: “Ah, that’s never gonna happen.” K: “I love you!” S: “I love you, too. Now pull over and I’ll come get you. Kirsten?” Car crash.
…. WHY!?!?!?!?!?! Thank God I had the DVDs when I watched this or else I would have been a train wreck for an entire week.
Favorite Character:
That hot bartender. Kirsten is a total MILF.
Favorite Quote:
Sandy: “Do you think I look at all like Tony Blair?” Kirsten: “You have nicer hair.”
Caleb: “You spent two hours making eggs Benedict for a man with a heart condition?”
Zach: “Wake up. I’m a water polo player. We’re never nice guys.” Seth: “Looks like I won’t have to worry about adding you to Atomic County. You’re already there: the demon water polo player.”
Summer, to Marissa: “Please. You could be dressed as Grimace and still stop traffic.”
Seth, to Zach: “Why don’t you get a haircut?”
Favorite Relationship:
Kirsten and Julie.
Julie: “Oh my gosh. How much vodka did you put in this?” Kirsten: “Normal amount. A little less.” Julie: “O-kay. Is everything okay? Where’s Sandy?” Kirsten: “Out.” Julie: “Did something happen? Did you two have a fight?” Kirsten: “No. Yes. I don’t know. It seems like we’ve been fighting since September.” J: “Kirsten, I know I’m probably the last person in the world you want to bear your soul to. But it’s got to be better than getting smashed in the middle of the day. What happened?” K: “What happened. The boys left for the summer. Sandy and I stopped communicating. Rebecca Bloom came along and made things worse. And then Carter.” J: “Yeah, he was cute.” K: “Something happened between me and Sandy. This wall came between us. And Carter just made me feel less alone like Sandy used to.”
What I Would Have Done Differently:
What self-respecting mother of two doesn’t wash her glass out when she’s finished with it? C’mon, Kirsten.
What They Did Perfectly:
Marissa’s issues post-Trey’s attack
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waspymcwasp · 11 years
#TheOCRewatch : The Return of the Nana
Episode Number: #48 Original Air Date: May 5, 2005
Favorite Song: "Miami" by Will Smith
Favorite Moment:
Seth on the phone with the Nana.
The Nana: “Sethaleh.” Seth: “Nanaleh.”
Kirsten not wanting to talk on the phone with the Nana.
Seth: “Why does he get so much louder when he talks to her?” Kirsten: “They’re a family of screamers.”
Kirsten: “Good luck with your new job, Carter.”
Kirsten abandoned again and upset with herself that she got this close to cheating on her husband. When did she become that woman? Disgusted with herself and what her life has become, she goes to the freezer and pulls out the good stuff, vodka.
Downing it like a champ.
Favorite Shipper Moment:
The Nana shipping Kirsten and Sandy.
The Nana: “So how are things with you two?” Sandy: “To be honest… they’ve been better.” The Nana: “You two will work it out.”
The Nana: “You have someone you love back home. You should be with her.”
Favorite Actor:
Kelly Rowan. She portrays Kirsten’s struggle as best she can with zero lines. Her face when she hugs Carter, starved for personal contact. So sad.
Favorite Quote:
Seth: “Miami? Miami. Miami?”
Sandy: “I love my mother. But who else would?” Kirsten: “That’s terrible.” Sandy: “You wouldn’t say the same thing about your father.” Kirsten: “You make a good point.”
Sandy, to his mother: “Woah! June? What’s the rush? You pregnant?”
What I Would Have Done Differently:
Why does Carter just walk in the door? Creepy. I mean, Marissa doesn’t even just walk in the door and she’s practically family.
And why not grab her left hand and brush against her wedding ring? The ring another man gave her?!
Foreshadowing/Recurring Themes:
Sandy: “Do you have my American Advantage number? I’m on AA.com.”
Fun Fact:
Ryan: “Spring Break. That does happens.” Dude: “Not where we’re from.” R: “Where’s that?” D: “Bob Jones University.”
The band at my high school went to Bob Jones University every year for a competition. And they get demerits for like everything. Like, crossing the street or something stupid.
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waspymcwasp · 11 years
#TheOCRewatch : The O.C. Confidential
Episode Number: #47 Original Air Date: April 21, 2005
Favorite Song: Death Cab.
Favorite Quote:
Julie: “What does it look like?” Caleb: “It looks like one of your movies.”
Least Favorite Character:
Drunk!Kirsten. … Quit making them eyes, girl.
Least Favorite Quote:
Sandy: “You should go with Carter.”
I don’t know why they had Sandy push Kirsten toward Carter. They make him look totally oblivious but he clearly wasn’t.
What I Would Have Done Differently: This Carter/Kirsten storyline. Ugh. Zero setup.
Buddy cops
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waspymcwasp · 11 years
#TheOCRewatch : The Risky Business
Episode Number: #45 Original Air Date: April 7, 2005
Favorite Character:
Sandy Cohen, party planner.
Kirsten: “Who wants to help me with the banner?” Sandy: “Ask Taryn. She’s screwing up the tablecloths. Get her off the tablecloths.”
Favorite Quote:
Seth: “He sings, he surfs. Technically, he fights crime. Maybe Sandy Cohen could be our action hero.”
Trey: “What’s a Newpsie?” Sandy: “They’re like vultures. Except the Newpsies like to paint their talons.”
Seth: “Don’t blame me for your sexual tension.”
Ryan: “Seth, go deep!” Seth: “This never worked in gym class.”
Least Favorite Character:
Carter Buckley’s beard.
What They Did Perfectly: Kirsten + the tea set. It was nice to have a nod to Mrs. Nichol again.
Foreshadowing/Recurring Themes:
Zach, about Carter: “Seth, do you realize what he’s saying?” Seth: “Yes. He’s offering to kill my relationship.”
It’s what he does, Seth! He’s Carter Buckley. Although, be less worried about you and Summer and more worried about your parents! Ay dios mio.
Ryan putting his jacket over Marissa’s shoulders
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waspymcwasp · 11 years
#TheOCRewatch : The Brothers Grim
Episode Number: #44 Original Air Date: March 24, 2005
Favorite Actor:
Logan Marshall-Green. Such a hot Trey Atwood.
Favorite Quote:
Seth: “Family time is always better when it’s forced.”
Sandy: “If it’s a Ryan problem, it’s a Cohen problem.”
Julie: “…I made a mistake, Kiki. A naked mistake.”
Summer, to Seth: “And you, with all your little flaws and your little quirks, somehow you keep drawing me back in.”
Favorite Relationship:
Ryan and Trey. They have such a complicated relationship. It’s interesting to see Ryan’s dynamic with his brother.
Least Favorite Character:
Carter Buckley and his whispering.
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waspymcwasp · 11 years
#TheOCRewatch : The Blaze of Glory
Episode Number: #43 Original Air Date: March 17, 2005
Favorite Shipper Moment:
Sandy and Kirsten + golfing
Sandy: “You look so cute in that visor.”
Favorite Character:
Kirsten Cohen.
Carter: “This magazine is just photo opportunity for 55 year old women with 25 year old breasts.” Kirsten: “But this is a chance to turn this community upside down… be subversive, irreverent.”
She sees the old version of Sandy in Carter and wants to bring it out of him. That’s their connection; he’s her escape. Like Sandy was. Understanding their relationship is key to not hating this season as much as I used to.
Favorite Actor:
Kelly Rowan golfing, of course!
Favorite Quote:
Ryan: “Captain Oats was concerned that he be well-represented. He’s very self-conscious. He is Seth’s horse after all.”
Marissa, to the ex-cons: “Guys, seriously, stop it, okay! Cut it out!” The pep rally stops. Marissa: “Oh, no, not you guys. You guys are great. Go Harbor!”
Alex: “I didn’t ask you to give up your life! All I ever wanted was to be a part of it!”
Favorite Relationship:
Sandy and Julie.
Sandy: “I think, for the first time in my life, I’m actually speechless.
Julie: “I am so screwed.” Sandy: “I know. I saw the footage.”
Ryan and Julie. Their relationship starts to develop here. Brought together by their love of Marissa.
Julie: “I’m sorry to interrupt you doing whatever it is you were doing. Brooding, is it?” Ryan: “Yeah, right now I’m in the middle of a major session.”
What I Would Have Done Differently:
How quickly they portrayed Carter and Kirsten’s relationship. Of course, that’s my problem with a lot of Sandy and Kirsten’s issues. They are believable and all but the execution is off.
Sandy trying to teach people to golf with failing results.
LOLZ at Seth referring to how much better last year was for him when the fans were saying the exact same thing.
Sandy: “Only Caleb gets to call me Sanford and only because he won’t not.”
Julie: “It was the 80s.” Sandy: “That explains everything.”
Ryan, to the ex-con: “I like the wrist cuff.”
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waspymcwasp · 11 years
#TheOCRewatch : The Mallpisode
Episode Number: #42 Original Air Date: March 10, 2005
Favorite Song:
“True Love Will Find You in the End” by Beck
Favorite Shipper Moment:
Caleb: “That ring means a lot to her.” Sandy: “Well, it took me a long time to save up enough money to buy it.” Caleb: “If memory serves, you proposed using a ring from a Cracker Jack box.” Sandy: “No… I won that ring from the Cliff House Arcade in San Francisco.” Caleb: “And my beautiful daughter walked around for years with a hunk of plastic on her finger.”
Sandy: “I really wanted to win this for Kirsten. To prove to her.” Caleb: “To prove what?” Sandy: “That she’s the love of my life. That I cherish her above all others.” Caleb: “You don’t need a crappy piece of plastic to do that. Just tell her.”
Sandy: “I love you. And I’m so sorry I did anything to make you doubt it.”
Favorite Character:
Sandy Cohen, the plumber.
Sandy: “Nothing like a good crack about a plumber.”
Lance. What a skeeze.
Lance: “I’ve got something for you.” Julie: “Last time you gave me something, I was drinking cranberry juice for a week.”
Favorite Quote:
Caleb: “I was watching a peanut butter commercial the other day. I was blubbering like a baby.”
The thought of Caleb blubbering is hilarious.
Seth: “I’m saving Private Ryan.”
Carter: “If it’s any consolation, I don’t want to be here any more than you want me here.” Julie: “Why not? What’s wrong with here?” Carter: “I don’t think the world needs more proclamations about how Mukluks are the new Uggs.” Kirsten: “Our bar’s not that low.” Julie: “He’s right about Mukluks. Write that down.”
Favorite Relationship:
Caleb and Sandy.
Caleb: “How would you know, Mr. Self-Righteous-I-Never-Hurt-People-I-Only-Help-Them?” Sandy: “I hurt Kirsten.”
Alex and Julie.
Alex: “It’s cool. A little porn on a Saturday night.”
Julie: “Marissa and happy parted ways around her 16th birthday. But have you met her new friends ‘sullen’ and ‘vindictive’?” Alex: “No. All she’s brought over to the house are ‘scared’ and ‘overwhelmed’.”
Julie: “Marissa’s only been in love once. And he looked a whole lot different in a wife-beater.”
What I Would Have Done Differently: I would have loved to see Caleb and Carter interact. It seems odd that Caleb would have nothing to say about a man his daughter is spending a lot of time around. Especially since Caleb and Sandy are at their best together right now.
“What happens at the mall stays at the mall.”
Summer and Seth + hand signals
“Who are you?” “Whoever you want me to be.”
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waspymcwasp · 11 years
#TheOCRewatch : The Rainy Day Women
Episode Number: #41 Original Air Date: February 24, 2005
Favorite Song:
“In Every Sunflower” by Bell X1
“End of the Road” by Boys II Men
“Champagne Supernova” by Matt Pond PA
Zach: “Truth be told, I didn’t think you’d make it past security.” Summer: “I’m sorry.” Zach: “You can’t fight fate.”
Kirsten: “You took the bus?” Sandy: “I told you; nothing’s keeping me from you.” Kirsten: “Is it over?” Sandy: “I promise you, it never started.” Seth: “Summer? What are you doing here?” Summer: “What do you think, Cohen?”
Favorite Moment:
Ryan and Seth time with the rain stopping them.
Alex and Marissa making out behind Julie’s back.
When Rebecca leaves. Duh!
Yes, Sasquatch disappear into the abyss again!
Favorite Shipper Moment:
Julie: “No, Kirsten. You have to work it out. I couldn’t handle it if you didn’t. You’re the moral center of the universe. You’re Sandy and Kirsten.”
Sandy: “It’s not just us. It hasn’t been just us for twenty years.” … “I’ve got to call Kirsten.”
FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Jesus, Sandy. Glad you could join us!
Favorite Character:
Julie Cooper.
Schmearing bagels.
Julie: “I used to like the punk in my day.” Marissa: “Mom.” Julie: “You’re right, Marissa. It still is my day.”
Favorite Actor: Kelly Rowan. The eyebrow and the gulp.
Fun Fact: Kelly’s cigar was not a real tobacco cigar.
Favorite Quote:
Seth: “It’s just your friendly neighborhood Seth Cohen.”
Seth: “Okay, Ryan. If I wanted my parade rained on, I would step outside.”
Seth: “So you broke up with me… for Marissa.”
Seth, upon seeing the modifications to the Summer Breeze: “Dear God, she’s a slut.”
Rebecca: “What we had meant nothing to you?” Sandy: “It meant everything to me then. That was then. Now I have a family I love and I’m not throwing that away. I got to get back to Newport and make sure they know that.”
Favorite Relationship:
Julie and Kirsten.
Julie: “I’ll see your fugitive former flame and raise you a lesbian daughter.” Kirsten: “Marissa? I’m sure it’s just a phase.” Julie: “It was for me.”
Least Favorite Moment:
Do not answer that phone, Sandy. … Damn it. He answered it.
Least Favorite Character:
Lindsay’s oboe
Least Favorite Quote:
Rebecca: “Oh, no, police.”
Rebecca, no one is looking for you! They are blocking a flooded road, you moron!
Rebecca: “Here we are. All alone. No one knows where we are. It’s like nothing else exists. Tomorrow we head back to reality but for now, it’s just us.”
Least Favorite Relationship:
Take a wild guess.
Ding-dongs or Cheese-sticks
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waspymcwasp · 11 years
#TheOCRewatch : The Test
Episode Number: #40 Original Air Date: February 17, 2005
Favorite Moment:
Kirsten confronting Rebecca
K: "Are you in love with my husband?"
Favorite Shipper Moment:
Sandy: “It’s not a choice between protecting you and protecting Rebecca.”
Sigh, if only. Could you please be more fervent, Sanford!!!
Sandy: “Keep your people away from my wife.”
Favorite Character:
Julie Cooper.
Caleb: “Renee is an honest woman.” Julie: “The kind of honest woman that has an affair with a married man.”
Favorite Quote:
Kirsten: “Have you seen Seth?” Sandy: “I’ve smelled him.”
Summer, about Alex: “Well, she is pretty hot.?”
Ryan: “So he tries to do good. But he usually ends up destroying everything.”
Least Favorite Moment:
Sandy and Kirsten’s fight.
S: “What did you say to her?” K: “I asked her if she was in love with you and she said she was. And you knew it; you knew it the whole time.” S: “I can’t help how she feels. It’s not how I feel.” K: “Sandy, you’re asking me to believe you, trust you. So do you trust me?” S: “At the moment? I’m not so sure.” K: “Then we have much bigger problems.”
Least Favorite Character:
Renee Wheeler. Jeez, girl. Keep it in your pants.
Least Favorite Quote:
Sandy, to Kirsten: “Still not ready to forgive and forget.”
Are you kidding, Sandy? Were you here for the last episode? How quickly would you bounce back from Kirsten and Jimmy having secret rendezvous? That’s what I thought, assface.
What I Would Have Done Differently: We needed to see a big Sandy and Kirsten fight in which they talked about these issues. I mean, Kirsten thinks that Sandy is in love with Rebecca, cheating on her, and she’s going to lose him. I feel like she’s not fighting back like she should. We have to wait until episode 2x22 The Showdown for “You left me!”
I would have had Sandy tease Caleb when he asked about a blood test.
Caleb: “What can you tell me about a paternity test?” Sandy *wide eyed*: “For Kirsten?”
Foreshadowing/Recurring Themes:
Seth: “I’ve eaten like seven raisins and a pack of CornNuts.”
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waspymcwasp · 11 years
#TheOCRewatch : The Second Chance
Episode Number: #38 Original Air Date: February 3, 2005
Favorite Song: “Cartwheels” by The Reindeer Section
“The Reason Why” by Rachael Yamagata
Favorite Moment:
Seth drawing Summer + The Nose Graze
Favorite Shipper Moment:
Sandy, about Kirsten:“Rich. Conservative. Presbyterian. She grew up right here basically. Blonde. Blue eyes. Cute little nose, like a button.”
Sandy: “I figured you could use a homecooked meal. It’s grilled salmon in a raspberry reduction.” Kirsten: “My favorite. My hero.”
Favorite Character:
Apparently, Kirsten can stand up to Caleb, provided it’s not for herself.
Kirsten: “I need you to not be the world’s biggest ass.”
K: “You’re going to be a real father to this girl or you’re gonna lose two daughters. Got it?
Favorite Quote:
Ryan: “Luke Skywalker was happy to find his dad, even if he turned out to be Darth Vader.” Lindsay: “Ryan, Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader fought with lightsabers and one of them died. Vader cut off Skywalker’s hand.”
Kirsten: “Didn’t you use that Luke Skywalker/Darth Vader thing?” Ryan: “She poked a serious hole in that analogy.”
Kirsten, after Caleb’s heart attack at dinner: “That’s the last time I try cooking.”
Marissa, about Caleb: “He’s like a cockroach. He’ll outlive us all.”
Least Favorite Moment:
Sandy sneaking in after a whole night out. Granted Kirsten thought he was with Max. Still, the whole night? Sanford! Can you even stay up that late? WTF? (I kind of think they only did that to have the Seth-Sandy interaction.)
Sandy not being there for Kirsten while her dad is in the hostpital. I know she said he could go but still. Be there for your wife.
Least Favorite Character:
Rebecca: “We can’t ask him to put himself at risk like that. He has a family.” Max: “Before you left, we were his family. Sandy, I am begging you. Give my daughter her life back.”
As much as I dislike the Blooms, Sandy Cohen deserves a spot on this list! It would have been different if he had told Kirsten straight off the bat.
Sandy: “I haven’t told her yet. I don’t want her to be considered an accomplice.”
Him hiding it may have been protective but it just made his relationship with Rebecca seem even more suspicious. Idiot.
Sandy: “What if I told you he wants me to clear Rebecca’s name?” Kirsten: “I would think that would be wonderful.” …. Sandy: “I knew you’d understand.”
She doesn’t, Sandy! She thinks Rebecca is dead, you asshat!
Least Favorite Quote:
Rebecca: “Sandy? Is that you?” Kirsten: “Rebecca?”
What I Would Have Done Differently: So f’ing much.
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waspymcwasp · 11 years
#TheOCRewatch : The Accomplice
Episode Number: #37 Original Air Date: January 27, 2005
Favorite Quote:
Alex: “I would have introduced you guys but I didn’t want you to meet.”
Least Favorite Moment:
Sandy and Kirsten’s argument over Rebecca.
Sandy: “What are you talking about?” Kirsten: “Rebecca Bloom. The smart, political Jewish woman you were supposed to marry. Before you ended up with me. You’re still in love with her.” Sandy: “That is not true.” Kirsten: “Then come to bed. Sandy answers the phone. Sandy: “She’s dead.”
When Rebecca walks through that damn door. GTFO!
Least Favorite Character:
Caleb Nichol. What a son of a bitch.  
Least Favorite Quote:
Max Bloom: “I hate to stir up things when you have a wife and a family.” Sandy: “My wife will understand.” Max: “Will she?”
Sandy, you damnedable wretch! Even Max knew!
This episode begins a wave of a lot of ‘Least Favorite Quotes’. Mostly from Sandy Cohen, himself. J.J. Philbin, you bastard!
Kirsten: “Rebecca Bloom? Love of your life?” Sandy: “She is not the love of my life.”
A little more convincing would be nice, Sandy. Ugh.
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waspymcwasp · 11 years
#TheOCRewatch : The Ex-Factor
Episode Number: #36 Original Air Date: January 20, 2005
Favorite Song: “Not For All the Love in the World” by The Thrills
Favorite Moment:
Cohens + Thai Food
The emergency comic book meeting
Ryan and Marissa’s fight
Ryan, to Marissa: “You want to make a mess of your own life? Fine. You’re doing a pretty good job if you ask me.” Alex: “No one asked you.” Ryan: “What did you say?”
Favorite Shipper Moment:
Kirsten: “You’ve earned more than a massage.” Sandy: “Where I come from that only means one thing.”
The way Kirsten smiles at Sandy while he’s watching the movie
Favorite Actor:
Kelly Rowan and Melinda Clarke. Kelly’s ability for subtle humor by way of reactions is perfectly matched by Melinda’s ability to play over-the-top Julie in a realistic way.
Julie: “It would be hard for Sandy’s idea to top the best idea ever. You ready?” Kirsten: “Probably not, no.”
After Julie reveals the mock-up for the magazine, Kirsten: “Oh my. There’s so much you here.”
Julie: “She said Newport Living was just the thing to keep the Newport Group living.” Kirsten: “I wasn’t that poetic.”
Favorite Quote:
Seth: “I’m sorry, Philip. Heat of passion. Sometimes Bruce Banner turns into the Hulk.”
Sandy: “Honey, I don’t want to alarm you but there is a giant Julie Cooper on the table.”
Seth: “We have everything we need here for a perfect night. We have a working TV, a bevy of comic books. Lamps? Right?”
Seth: “There’s only one thing I can do to make it okay.” Zach: “You’re gonna hook up with a guy?” Seth: “I repeat. There’s only one thing I can do to make it okay.”
Julie: “We’re beautiful. We’re dysfunctional.”
Marissa, to Ryan: “Maybe you’re over it. Maybe it doesn’t mean anything to you anymore. Maybe it never did. But it meant a lot to me. You meant a lot to me. Still do.”
Favorite Relationship:
Julie and Kirsten.
Least Favorite Moment: When Ryan leaves a drunk Lindsay at the beach. Ryan, are you a moron? You know enough about drunk people to know better than that.
Foreshadowing/Recurring Themes:
Lindsay: “Yeah, me and the Cosmo girl.”
Kirsten and Sandy + Unfortunate Double Dates
Julie: “The Newport Group as an aspirational brand.”
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waspymcwasp · 11 years
#TheOCRewatch : The Power of Love
Episode Number: #35 Original Air Date: January 13, 2005
Favorite Song: Anything and everything Peter Gallagher, obviously.
Favorite Moment:
Summer meeting Zach’s family. It was a great decision to have Summer relive Seth’s lunch with her dad. This time with herself as the odd person out. Zach’s family is insanely political and Summer (at this point in her life) cannot fit into that.
Summer, about news: “If everything could just stop for a day, maybe I could catch up.”
Favorite Shipper Moment:
This episode is such a roller coaster for my emotions. Sandy and Kirsten have intense arguments and grand romantic gestures. Up and down.
Kirsten: “You’re such a convincing hard-ass. But deep down, you’re such a softie.”
Kirsten: “You’re not going up there.” Sandy: “Baby, I’m gone!”
Favorite Character:
Alex Kelly. That Zen wisdom, man!
Alex: “Your husband rocks, by the way.” Kirsten: “Well, please don’t tell him that.”
Favorite Actor:
Kelly was totally sick when she shot that scene in Kirsten’s office with Lindsay. Poor thing.
The photographer. The first black guy on The O.C.!
Favorite Quote:
Sandy: “A report on what?” Ryan: “The history of agriculture in 20th century California.” Kirsten: “Wow. That’s specific.”
Seth: “We were watching TV and we fell asleep. Like Mom does every time we put on a movie.” Kirsten: “I do not. I’m just resting my eyes.”
Sandy: “It’s Bill O’Reilly. That’ll be punishment enough!”
Favorite Relationship:
Sandy and Alex. It was fun to see them interact.
Alex: “Don’t have much experience with good dads.” Sandy: “Hey, you can stop by the house anytime. Kirsten and I will be glad to ground you too.”
Sandy, Seth, and Ryan.
A good (slightly rare) parenting moment in Season Two.
Least Favorite Quote:
Sandy: “Well, top of the morning to you too.”
Ugh, Sandy and your outdated cowboy speak.
Foreshadowing/Recurring Themes:
Buddy cops.
Sandy: “We got this out of our system before Valentine’s Day.”
If you only knew, Sandy.
“Don’t Give Up on Me”
I Finally Got That!:
Sandy: “I’d like to dedicate this song to the love of my life.”
He does call her ‘the love of my life’. I always get so mad at him for not correcting her more vehemently in an upcoming episode when she says that Rebecca was the love of his life. But he does say it here. My shipper heart is so happy.
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waspymcwasp · 11 years
#TheOCRewatch : The Family Ties
Episode Number: #34 Original Air Date: January 6, 2005            
Favorite Moment: Seth trying on Ryan’s wifebeater
Favorite Shipper Moment:
Kirsten: “Doesn’t find out what?” Sandy: “How much I love you.”
Favorite Character: The picture of a young Kelly Rowan
Marissa, to Jimmy: “For once, I wish you would just grow up and be a real dad.”
M: “You were the last thing keeping me sane so when you leave it should be interesting to see how things go.”
M: “Of course I’m screwed up. I’m the daughter of a thief and a slut.”
Favorite Actor: Kelly Rowan’s Canadian accent when she says “sorry” for walking in on Jimmy and Julie
Favorite Quote:
Seth: “Maybe I don’t feel like shucking these. Maybe you should go and shuck them yourself, old man.”
Summer: “Your breath smells like Marissa. You are so drunk!”
Seth: “Hey, Dad. How’s the party? I think somebody called the cops.”
Favorite Relationship:
Marissa and the Cohens.
Marissa: “I brought bagels.” Sandy: “Well, that’s the secret password into the Cohen house.”
Least Favorite Quote:
Kirsten: “For my oldest friend, anything.”
Kirsten: “I can’t believe this. If we’d gotten married you, I’d be moving to Hawaii.” Jimmy: “No, if I’d married you, there’s no way I would have left.”
More proof that he will never be over her.
Foreshadowing/Recurring Themes:
Seth: “Hey, a sister! I’ve always wanted one of those.”
Jimmy: “I felt adrift.”
Kirsten: “Well, if it isn’t my son, the wino.”
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