#the ones who raised me to be like that now find fault in it and BLAME ME
calaisreno · 3 days
Map of the World
1145 Words / CW: Nudity, sex
The day has not yet dawned, but everything in the room has barely started to take shape, gauzy and grey. I can’t see the clock. Doesn’t matter; too early for the hour to have a number. 
I remember sleepless nights when dawn was near, some vigil ending but  the day not yet begun. I remember nights without dreams, my sleep a solid and unbroken place between days. 
I open my eyes, your warm presence reminding me that this is real, this is my life. 
You’re still asleep, but you won’t be for long. People who know you would predict you’re a restless sleeper, tearing the sheets from their moorings, stealing the blankets. You’re not. When you sleep, it’s quiet, deliberate, deep. A trip into a Night Palace, perhaps. 
You don’t move when I touch you, still deep enough that you don’t register my hands. I adore your hands. You’ve deduced this, I know. Long, thin fingers, sensitive, artistic. Violinist’s hands. 
But there’s a place on your body where my hands always go, my favourite part of you. I’ve never said, but since the first time, I think you’ve known. Touch doesn’t lie. 
My hand travels lightly over the swell of your arse, finding the soft bit of skin between that and your leg. You’re lying on your side, top leg bent, the bottom one straight, and that’s where I find it, the soft crevasse between the gluteus maximus and the biceps femoris. 
I could live in that tender spot. 
You sigh now and begin turning into me, settling your head against my shoulder. I won’t touch your neck yet because you’ll wake as soon as I do, and I haven’t finished my exploration.
Soon I’ll roam the canvas of your back, feel the smooth, raised marks that are reminders of your two years away. These are the sigils that spelled the end of that journey and brought you back to me. They’ve faded to silvery-pink, and to me they are beautiful, a sacrifice you made out of love. You don’t walk around in a sheet these days, showing them off, but I know what they mean.
I find the scar on your chest, the one that nearly took you away from me again. It’s deceptively small, just a white pockmark now, barely able to be seen unless you’re looking for it. I don’t need a map to find it; my finger goes right to it. I touch it lightly, with reverence, knowing that you would have given your life for me to be happy. 
I wouldn’t have been; we both know that now.
Mapping each ridge of your ribcage, I feel your heart beating beneath.
Clothed, you don’t appear muscular, but your strength is here, in these long, lean limbs and the planes of your abdomen. The first time you hugged me, you were at your lowest peak, physically. You’d been shot, barely recovered, and then plunged yourself into drugs, wearing yourself so thin that it shocked me. I was angry, confused, distraught. 
When your arms went around me in comfort, I felt your strength. You were not frail. I did not doubt that you’d been using yourself up, abusing your transport in ways I hated, but you still felt solid, strong enough to catch me before I fell into despair. The weeks before—the drugs and the madness—were not a deception, but you’d been careful to hold back enough strength for when you would need it. Either I would save you, or you would save me. 
I think we saved each other.
You sigh, a barely-felt susurration against my neck. Avoiding your neck, I let my fingers travel to your nape, into the curls there. Your hair will look like a bird’s nest when you get out of bed, and that will be partly my fault. I love seeing you sleep-tousled, disheveled. For everyone else, you’re carefully put together; in disarray, you’re mine alone. 
Your hand rests on my shoulder, over my scar. An ugly thing, I’ve always felt, and difficult to hide because of its size. My country branded me a hero and sent me home. I didn’t feel like a hero; I hated my scar, the way my hand shook, and the perplexing limp that defied explanation. 
That day in the lab, I was invalid, a broken man trying to return to some sort of life. You were able to read my entire history in one look, and I felt embarrassed.
It was only years later, when we lay in bed and you traced my scar with gentle fingers, that you told me what it meant to you: Without this scar, you would not be mine. We would never have met. You might have died in another battle and never returned. Or you would have returned a different person, with more possibilities. That you returned as you did, a man who needed a flatmate, brought us together that day. The rest is history, as they say. 
Your eyes are open now, blinking in the pale early light. We are shadows here, a land before the dawn. Your hand reaches below, finding my eager cock. I touch all the hidden places, the soft skin of your bollocks, the swell of your muscles as you tense. You’re wide awake now, quietly watching my reactions. Patient now, soon you’ll be pleading, insistent. 
I kiss the smile that is curving your lips and, begin my journey below your jawline, down your neck. My hands are around you now, exploring. 
There are no words yet, none needed. We move together, the rustle of the sheets the only sound. Our bodies know one another. We read the signs: breath quickening, pheromones unloosed, flesh growing erect. 
We move. You once taught me to dance, telling me that it was all about reading your partner. This dance, we learned together, whispering under the sheets: Is this all right? Do you want—? Oh, God, yes! More! 
It’s early, and we’re both too impatient to lengthen this intimacy. I take us together in my hand, slick from sweat and semen, and you stretch out, gloriously pressing into the touch. Seeing you like this always burns me to the ground, lays waste my body. You shudder, and I no longer hold back. 
The sun rises, the room is lit gold. 
The sheets are already cooling as we lie heavy in our sweaty embrace. There will be more, when we’re awake, and it will be different, another journey across well-loved terrain. 
And now good-morrow to our waking souls, Which watch not one another out of fear; For love, all love of other sights controls, And makes one little room an everywhere. Let sea-discoverers to new worlds have gone, Let maps to other, worlds on worlds have shown, Let us possess one world, each hath one, and is one. — John Donne, The Good Morrow
And here we are, the final day of May Prompts 2024! Thank you all for reading and for leaving wonderful comments. It's been so much fun. 💕
My final story was going to be a sequel to His Favourite Jumper but that story outgrew the category of "ficlet" and will be posted separately tomorrow on AO3. There will be socks! And Sherlock returns!
My entire collection of May ficlets can be found here: Trifles 3.
The May Prompts 2024 Collection (all authors who have submitted stories) can be found on AO3 here.
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lvdr-haze · 2 days
HI EVERYONE !!! Here’s my first fanfic ever !! This was a request lol. ANY REQUEST ALWAYS ACCEPTED :))
I have to precise English is not my first language so I’m sorry if this is badly wrote, let me know if there’s any fault !
word count : 1 248
content : m! X f! reader, reader is referred as a « you PoV » and « Y/N », Joost x Reader
TW : Anxiety ! Mention of a little bit of blood!
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You never went to one of Joost’s concerts because you were a little anxious around people. But today was an important day; it was your boyfriend's first performance after his disqualification from Eurovision, so you had to be there to support him!
Joost was already backstage doing his sound check and everything while you were getting ready in the hotel room. You put on a really cute outfit, applied a little bit of makeup, and checked yourself in the mirror to see if you looked great—and you did! You grabbed your bag and your phone, then called a taxi to take you to the concert venue.
Once you arrived, you panicked a little at the sight of the crowd, but you were also really happy for Joost since all these people were here to see and support him and his work.
You made your way to the pit to find a place. It wasn’t in the first row, but you were still kinda close to the stage.
The concert was supposed to start in a few minutes, and the crowd around you was increasing and shouting, all excited for Joost to arrive. And that’s what happened.
Joost came on stage in one of his casual outfits: black baggy shorts, a white short-sleeved shirt, a black tie, and some black and white sneakers. He also had a black cap and, of course, his eternal white wired earphones. You looked at him with sparkling eyes; he was so handsome, and you felt so proud of him.
Even though you didn’t like the idea of being in a crowded place with turbulent people, you were still happy to be there to support and cheer on your boyfriend.
Thirty minutes after the show started, he began performing “Friesenjung” with his friend Ski Aggu, who was also there for the show. Everybody started screaming the lyrics while jumping. You were a little jostled and started to feel really anxious. For your own comfort, you tried to move and find a place where you could be quieter, but oh God, you never should have.
While you were trying to make your way through the crowd to the edge of the pit, you got caught in a moshpit. You couldn’t get away, and these people didn’t want to let you go. You started to find it hard to breathe, and then one man made you fall to the ground, scratching your knee as it began to bleed a little. But it wasn’t the fall that hurt you; it was the fact that no one helped you, the fact that these people kept jumping around you, the fact that no one helped, but mostly the fact that if you didn’t get away from there, you would definitely have an anxiety attack. As the tears began to fall from your eyes and you felt the pain pounding in your knee, you heard Aggu saying into the microphone:
“Oh my God, stop.”
Aggu went to Joost and showed him what was going on in the moshpit. Joost immediately recognized you and shouted into the microphone:
“Everyone, fucking stop right now! Someone is getting hurt! Stop moving and get her out of this fucking crowd!”
People stopped moving and were all now looking at you. You painfully got up, tears still falling from your eyes, and you left the crowd and then the stadium where the concert was.
You felt so guilty, thinking you had ruined the show for both the people and Joost. You told yourself, “He’s probably so upset because of me right now,” and as you were wiping your tears away with your hand, you heard a voice calling you.
“Oh my fucking God, Y/N, are you okay??”
It was Joost’s voice. You raised your head to look at him; he was walking towards you with a panicked look on his face.
Once he reached you, he hugged you tightly.
“I was so scared for you, schatje (darling).”
“I’m okay, don’t worry…I’m so sorry for ruining the show. I didn’t mean to, I…I just tried to—”
You didn’t even have time to finish your sentence before Joost kissed your lips softly with all the tenderness the world could offer.
“Y/N…you didn’t ruin anything, love. Your well-being is more important to me than anything in this world. If you’re okay, then I’m okay too.”
He smiled and kissed your forehead before looking down and seeing your bleeding knee.
“How about I take you backstage and take care of this?”
He asked. You nodded in agreement and followed him backstage. He made you sit on a chair and brought some water and a first aid kit. He gave you the water bottle, and you drank from it while he was taking care of your knee.
The audience was still waiting for Joost to come back, complaining about how the show had suddenly stopped, and Aggu came backstage to tell Joost.
“One moment, lieftje (sweetheart),” he said before softly kissing you and going back on stage.
“The show is over for today. My girlfriend got hurt. Thanks for coming,” he said coldly before leaving the stage. His fans' behavior was kind of upsetting him, but they couldn’t really understand what was going on, so he didn’t say anything more and went back backstage to finish bandaging your knee. Once he finished, he got up and kissed your forehead.
“How about we go back to the hotel, and I make you a hot bath so you can rest a bit?” he asked you. You smiled and nodded.
“That would be wonderful.”
You and Joost went back to the hotel and took a bath together, just softly cuddling and playing together, both of you not able to stop laughing.
Once the bath was finished, you both put on your pajamas and went to bed.
As your head was resting on his torso, Joost was checking some tweets on his phone, and, of course, people couldn’t stop tweeting about Joost announcing live that he had a girlfriend. But you were surprised at how kind and happy for him people were. That made both of you smile softly.
Maybe it wasn’t the best show, for you or for him, but at least it ended in a great way.
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skywqlkergf · 2 days
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⠀ dealer!sam monroe x cheerleader!reader
  ⠀    saturday : daytime
⠀  ⠀  series masterlist
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you wake up to the sun shining through your curtains, the brightness making you squint and roll over. stuffing your head under the pillow, anything to help you go back to sleep. you dreamt of sam, you wished you could just go back to it. you knew it was better than reality.
you forced yourself out of the comfort of your duvet, hair standing basically on end. there was the tiniest hickey on your neck, right below your ear. your hand shooting up to touch the darkened skin, your eyebrows raised and your mouth in a ‘o’ shape in surprise.
you immediately starting grabbing color corrector and concealer. if your parents were to see this you'll surely be publicly hanged. you covered up the mark, spraying setting spray on the makeup to keep it from moving. adrenaline rushed through your veins, before meeting sam you'd never really done anything to get in trouble.
now, now you smoke weed like all the time, usually in the woods behind your house so your parents don't catch you. sneaking out to go see him, and now you're marked. it made you giggle a little, and continued getting ready.
as you bounded down the stairs, you find the house empty. this wasn't necessarily an out of place thing to happen, both of your parents being extreme workaholics, they were almost never here.
as you try to find something to eat, you find a note on the fridge that reads : out of town, conference, gone until monday.
you nodded, opting for cereal, you had the entire house to yourself for the next two days. so, of course, you had to call sam and sew if he wanted to come see you.
the line rang, and a very groggy sam answered, “hello?” it was obvious he didn't look at who was calling, tone of annoyance very obviously heard. his voice was deeper than what you usually know it as, you had to bite down a giggle. something that you did out of nervousness.
“sam? did i wake you up?” you cringed as you spoke, you hopped he didn't just wake up. you peered around the kitchen til you spot a clock, it was well into noon.
“cheer, it's good to hear your voice during daylight,” you almost wanted to scoff at him, he was the one who acted like you didn't exist before sundown.
“do you want to come over? mom and dad are gone until monday. i thought,” you paused as you tried to gather your thoughts. you thought you guys could do all kinds of things. but you didn't necessarily want to do all of that, afraid that he reall would disappear.
“well, i thought maybe we could like watch some movies or something, y’know if you're not busy or whatever.” you hoped you sounded casual, but you probably sounded as nervous as you felt. your hand coming to twirl your hair around a finger as you awaited his response.
“think i can swing by in an hour, gotta run some errands. you want me pick up some food?” you could hear the flicker of a lighter through your speaker, a tell that he was smoking a cigarette, along with the air he released.
“oh! that would be great, whatever you wanna grab is fine by me. also, you have to be careful, sam! i woke up with a hickey, that is so not okay.” you wanted to giggle, sam monroe is killing you in the best way possible. you really can't be getting caught messing around with anyone, especially not the one guy that your parents specifically warned you against. but then again, that's half the fun.
his laugh comes through, “well, doll, I'll try my best but I can't make any promises. it's not my fault, really.” your knees buckle a little at the pet name.
“well, learn to control yourself, i guess.” you couldn't help but smile even though he couldn't see you.
“i’ll see what i can do.” you can still hear the laugh in his tone.
“see you soon, cheer, i gotta head out.” he sounded almost sad that he had to hang up, but he can't exactly stay on the phone with you while he makes deals.
“be safe, sam, see you when you get here.” he hunmed in response and the two of you disconnected the call.
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time passes slowly as you await sam's arrival, it always seems when you want something the universe makes time go ten times slower. the hours pass by like days, but then you hear his car pulling up.
the bass in his speakers causing vibrations to be felt under your feet on the porch. you, of course, meet him outside.
as he exits the car, sunglasses perched on his face, a bag of fast food in one hand. he gave you a combination of a smirk and a smile and you just smile gently back to him.
as he gets closer you notice the stain of a purple bruise forming around his left eye. your eyes squint and your eyebrows qurik up, “hey, cheer, you look so pretty.” he greets with a unashamed grin, that falls almost immediately when he sees your face.
you pause a moment, hoping that he'd just offer up the information. “i brought some taco bell, that sound good?” he's trying to ease the now palpable tension, while also wracking his brain to try and figure out why you would switch up so quick. it's not uncommon for sam to end up with bruises, people are dicks, and it kinda comes with the job.
as soon as he is in arm's reach of you, you lean up and grab his sunglasses from his face. the bruise is decently sized, and has healed for at least a night.
“sam, what happened?” any inch of anger, mow just saddened worried for this boy or may or may not be yours. your fingers dance gently around the discoloured skin, careful not to make direct contact. he winces away from your touch, never really having anyone that gave enough of a fuck.
now that he's in front of you, you notice that it's not the only injury, his lips is also a little split.
“oh, oh, it's nothing. just a little bruise, nothing I can't take. customer wasn't happy with some prices, deal went wry, nothing you need to worry your little head about.” his hand comes to craddle your face, you have no idea what the two of you are doing, but you didn't really care. all you can think about is how this probably happens at least once a week, the thought causes your nose to scrunch up.
you're careful not to argue with him on the porch, can't be giving the neighbors a show that they'll inevitably tell your parents about. you drag him by his shirt into the house, closing the door behind you.
“sam.” you sigh, the brattier side of your attitude showing, and your heart that cares more than you could begin to understand.
you foot taps a little, trying to reign your emotions again, he just stares at you eyebrows raised. his sunglasses still in your hand, and he sets the food down on a tabletop nearby.
“nothing to worry about? your eye is fucking purple.” anger settled over your features, despite the fact that were trying to swallow it. you care about people alot, and it affects every part of your life. once you've claimed someone as yours, whatever happens to them is your problem. doesn't matter if you've known them a week or a year.
sam’s lips twitch trying not to smile, he's never had anyone care enough about to him to be upset. it was feeding his ego, and making him fall hard. you were so sweet, kind and everything he didn't deserve.
“i’m serious, sam, you have to be careful,” you pouted now, feeling deflated.
“baby, listen to me.” he comes closer, arms around yours, rubbing the skin of your biceps comfortingly. you look at him, a few tears building up in your eyes. you wanted to protect him, lock him in your basement and never let him go, cause then at least he wouldn't get all fucked up.
“no, no, don't cry,” he wipes the tears away, once again craddling your face in his hands.
“i’m okay, i’ll always be okay. I'm a big boy,” he chuckles but it's a dry sound. “i can take care of myself perfectly fine, and the other guys look way worse than me, my rings leave a pretty lil indent, okay? I'm not going anywhere, i can promise you that.” he pulls you in hugging you, the smell of his natural scent and weed filling your senses. he's so warm, and comforting.
“yeah, well," you laugh dryly, trying your best to suck up any tears you had still falling. “you better be, I'll beat you up, myself, if i have to.” he laughs genuinely at this, holding you just a little tighter.
“let’s stop this sad shit, watch some films and eat these tacos, yeah?” you nod at him, smiling a bit. you fall onto the couch beside him, a small smile falling onto your face as you do.
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tiredfox64 · 2 days
I’m Gonna Be Your Number One
Yip notes: It’s getting hot and audios came back on TikTok so now I remember songs. Ah
Pairing: Rain (MK1) x Afab reader
Warnings ‼️: SWIM
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It seems magic can’t solve everything.
Everyone knows Rain has an amazing grasp on water magic. He can cause geysers to burst from the ground, shield himself with a wall of water, and hold an orb of water in the palm of his hands. Yet even the greatest who have mastered water cannot master it all. The waves will crash wherever they like. The pools will submerge whoever they want. Once the water has a grip on you, you lose your grip on it. That’s the last thing Rain wants to happen.
So in short, Rain doesn’t trust the water fully. Meaning he never liked going into bodies of water resulting in him being unable to…swim?
What? What do you mean Zeffeero can’t swim? He’s a water mage, how could he not know how to swim? That makes no sense! What do you mean it’s the same with me being a drummer? It is not! Just because I’m a musician doesn’t mean I need to learn scales. IT’S HARD OKAY! I DIDN’T START WITH THE PIANO IT’S NOT MY FAULT I WANTED TO BE AWESOME! HIM NOT KNOWING HOW TO SWIM IS NOT THE SAME AS ME NOT KNOWING BASS CLEF YOU DI-
As the seasons changed and the weather began to blister in Outworld it grew unbearable. You were visiting Rain more often just to find a way to cool off. He told you his magic was not supposed to be used to cool people off but you ignored that. Plus, he always gave in and created a cloud to drizzle over you to help you out. You are his dearest friend after all. He’d do anything for you.
Remember that for later.
Those little showers were not cutting it. Everyone else in Outworld were going to lakes and beaches to cool off. You wanted and needed to do the same, not alone of course. You want to go with your friend. It felt right to invite Rain to come with you to the beach. He could probably do some cool stuff with the ocean water. But when you suggested that to him he immediately said no. Actually, he raised his voice when he said that which caught the attention of others. He quickly apologized for raising his voice before saying he couldn’t. You asked him why and the excuses came. It’s not like Empress Sindel wouldn’t allow it, she wanted a beach day as badly as anyone else. Finally, he budged after you wouldn’t stop interrogating him. He whispered the truth to you. The truth is that he never learned to swim.
He was worried you would make fun of him or think he was a loser but you were more shocked in reality. How could your best friend not know how to swim? Well that won’t do. You’re gonna change that. You told him you would take the initiative to teach him yourself. He was very hesitant to do it, saying there was no reason for him to start learning now. You reminded him that he would do anything for you and this was something you wanted him to do. Fine, you win, but it needs to be in private. You promised him it would stay between you two and that you know the perfect spot to practice.
Better buy the man a pair of swimming trunks, he's gonna need them.
“Where are we going?” Rain asked while following you through a forest he had never been in.
“You’ll find out when we get there.” You replied with a smile on your face.
 You walked through a forest you frequently visit. It’s hidden from the eyes of others. The trees grow high into the sky, leaving the forest ground in a cooling shade while letting the sunlight peek through to allow the flora to bloom. In the distance, the sound of running water is heard. It’s a calming sound. Rain has no idea how you found this place but it does seem neat. He wished you would tell him what this visit was all about. Maybe he should take in the fact that you told him to wear the swim trunks that you bought him. Soon enough, both of you came across an opening that led to a pond. The water was clear enough to show the smooth stones that lay at the bottom of the pond.
Rain wanted to back out but you gestured for him to come closer to the water. The water was so calm that he could see his reflection without any distortion. No ripples or tiny waves. He wanted to tell you that he didn’t want to do this today but you were already taking your clothes off. He immediately looked away out of respect.
“Don’t be shy. I’m wearing a bathing suit.” The tone you used with him made him feel silly.
When Rain looked back at you he was stunned by your beauty. He has never seen you in a bathing suit before. He has never seen you like this. In all honesty, you were working that bathing suit like a model. He didn’t realize he was staring at you for so long that you caught him in the act. That’s perfectly fine. You wanted his attention. You took his hand to guide him to the water but he yanked you back.
“It’s…cold.” He was making excuses now.
“And it’s horribly hot right now. I rather be cold than burning up.” You were determined to get Rain into the water. You need to take it slow.
You held Rain’s hand tightly as you moved further into the pond. The water cooled your skin and splashed against your leg every time you stepped forward. It’s the sensation you have been desiring for days. But for Rain, it was like walking through a pile of needles. But he had to do this for you. If he backed out now he would disappoint you. As much as he hated failing himself, he would hate to fail you.
He marched forward, closing his eyes and holding your hand tightly. You guys went further into the pond until the water reached your chest. Only then did Rain open his eyes. You gave him a smile, happy to see him get this far into the pond. And…well…it wasn’t all that bad. The water did feel refreshing and helped cool his body down after the long walk. He was even brave enough to create an orb using the water in front of him. Your eyes sparkled seeing him use his magic. That was until he made the orb pop on top of your head, completely soaking you.
Rain couldn’t help but let out an amused chuckle. Though you always enjoyed his laughter and found it to be a moment of peace, this was different. This meant war. You used your arm to create a wave of water that splashed onto Rain. His hair suddenly lost its volume and was now covering his eyes. You let out a triumphant laugh before feeling something wrap around your waist. There was nothing there, or so you thought. You got picked up from the water and you could then see that Rain was using water tentacles to mess with you.
“Hey! No fair! You’re using magic!” You yelled out.
“All is fair in love and war.” He shot back.
“That doesn’t make any sense!”
Whether or not it did make sense, it doesn’t matter now. You were telling Rain to let you down. He let you down all right. Right into his arms. Instead of water tentacles being wrapped around your waist it was his arms this time. This was all in good fun plus he was loving this moment with you. You saw that he was getting comfortable with the water which was a good sign to you. It might be time to push it. It might be time to push a lot of things since this moment was getting pretty intimate.
“Come on, let’s go deeper.” You suggested.
“Are you sure? Are you certain that you want to teach me?”
“I’m not the kind of girl who gives up just like that. I promise I’ll be holding on to you.” You were very certain. Your tone was confident which made Rain feel a little better.
He put you down into the water and you took his hand once more. Slowly but surely you made your way deeper into the pond. The shade of the water was becoming darker. You thought it would be best to see how long Rain could actually hold his breath. You told him to take a big breath and that you will be doing the same thing with him. Big breath in…and…dive!
You and Rain submerged yourselves under the water. You held hands as you looked at each other. So far so good. He wasn’t panicking which helped a lot. It might have been because you were right there with him. But the first breath might not be the best. You could already tell he was struggling as little air bubbles left his lips. You could signal for him to breach the surface to gain more air but at the same time you had an idea. You always wanted to do this little trick. You didn’t think it would actually worked but it doesn’t hurt to experiment. Plus it will be a great excuse to put your lips against Rain’s lips.
You pulled Rain in. He thought you would try to help him up to the surface but no. Instead, he felt your lips against his. He didn’t feel any air being pushed past. All he could feel was you. His eyes were wide while you stayed as calm as you could. Your heart was going crazy which really wasn’t the best when underwater. But it’s okay you’ll get more air soon. You pulled back from Rain and looked at him to see if that did anything. It certainly did something but it wasn’t what you expected.
Rain was so shocked his mouth went agape. All of his air came out in one big air bubble. You immediately panicked and grabbed hold of him. For someone who wasn’t a fighter you sure were strong. You brought Rain up to the surface in seconds. He took a huge breath, feeling the burning from his lungs become dull. He wanted to ask you why you kissed him but he had to catch his breath first.
“You know you were supposed to keep the air in, right?” You tried to lighten the mood with a joke.
“You…You kissed me!?” Rain pointed out.
“What!? No! I didn’t!” You tried to defend yourself.
Yeah it wasn’t really a kiss but you did want it to be. Why else would you try something that you knew wouldn’t one hundred percent work. You wouldn’t try that move with any other guy. You would never even dream of it. Except with Rain. You would do it to him. You DID do it to him.
“You and I both know that what you did doesn’t work. It’s a myth.” He called you out.
Now you felt like the silly one. You were wondering if Rain would be upset with you now and think you were a loser. You pulled a risky stunt and though it didn’t kill him he might want to kill you now. You were about to apologize before you heard him say something that surprised you.
“If you so badly wanted a kiss you could have asked. You didn’t need to do all of this to gain my attention.”
Well, you didn’t actually plan this whole thing just to get a kiss but it’s a win I guess.
“It wasn’t like that but okay. I’m sorry if I upset you.” Don’t go pulling that cute voice out when you apologize. You know he falls for it.
Now you’re giving him those puppy dog eyes as you pull him in closer. You’re truly killing Rain at this point. Just drown him while you’re at it.
“It’s not like you had competition. You should have been formal.”
“Ah well, actually every girl wants you to be her man. I had a lot of competition.” You corrected him.
He was surprised. Do women actually want him? You were telling the truth. The ladies love him. They love a man with power and magic. That’s why you needed to strike. But this wasn’t the strike you were planning on taking.
“It doesn’t matter now. You clearly feel the same since you told me I could have just asked.”
Rain wanted to protest but you were right. He did tell you that you could have asked him for a kiss and he would have given it to you. Shoot maybe you could have asked him to be your boyfriend and he would have accepted since you were so formal about it.
Might as well call this pond Awkward Lovers Lake cause that’s all that seems to be in it. Yes, it says lake when it’s actually a pond, this is not new. Things are misnamed all the time.
There was an awkwardness between you two that had to be broken. Luckily you still had some bravery in you to do it.
“Would you like to keep on playing in the water?” You asked.
You heard him sigh before he said, “Of course. Just don’t make me swim or hold my breath.”
Yap notes: No I don't actually think he can't swim. I think he could swim fine I just thought it would be ironic 💀. I just really wanted to do more for Rain cause he was the first one I tried when it came to fanfics. I love my snookie pookie. Plus it's the first day of June meaning summer is getting hot, hot, hot. AND it's my birthday month so of course I had to involve him. He's just so handsome I love him. I would give him a kiss if he wasn't washing me away all the time. Adiós!
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