#the only pokemon that are actual garbage are trubbish and garbodor
trubbish-stanblog · 2 years
Can't believe I have to say this but please do not feed your trubbish straight garbage. As tempting as it might be don't treat your companion like a garbage disposal.
Wild trubbish will put anything and everything into their mouth regardless of its nutritional value. Yes that is their natural diet and it keeps them alive but it also stifles their potential strength.. And is the reason they stink. There's a reason wild pokemon are weaker (usually) then domestic ones
If you have a trubbish do them a favor and give them a diet that will actually create positive growth.
Feed them compost scraps like aspear cores and nanab peels. Rotting ones are better for them
Do NOT feed them any part of pecha berries or kebia berries, these make most poison types sick
Don't feed them any type of metal or tin, they'll try to eat it but it's not good for them
Plastic bits like bottle caps and bread clips are good, feed along side compost
Styrofoam is for treats only, there are places that sell specially flavored styrofoam treats for trubbish and grimer (Gumpy likes the meaty curry flavor)
And of course there's poison type pokekibble available in most pokemarts
A good domesticated diet allows your trubbish to be happier and boosts their poison type moves. It'll also lead then to evolve into a very strong Garbodor if the time ever comes!
Take care of your trash babies please 💚
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silvermuffins · 2 years
I think one of my favorite things about pokemon is that every single one of them is SOMEONE'S favorite. Like yeah everyone loves legendaries, and everyone loves the powerful ones like Dragonite, or the hyped up powerhouses like Lucario or Gardevoir or Mimikyu, and there's oodles of love for funky little guys like Falinks, and incredible popularity for the photogenic ones like Snom. There's the weirder picks, like Tropius is absolutely stunning, and Dragalge is living its best life. There's runner-ups, like Dunsparce who I think got a Fandom specifically for just sitting there in the pokedex, being weird? Or Vanilluxe, who got so much hate on release but I think has a lot of defenders now specifically due to having so much hateon release.
But then there's just, the random-ass creachers most people forget about. Like, you know there's someone out there who loves Stantler with all their heart and was completely over the moon about Wyedeer. Every pokemon is Somebody's favorite, their special little guy, their best friend. And that love is always valid and that's delightful.
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adobe-outdesign · 2 years
Trubbish for your review
(I'm just now noticing this only asks for Trubbish and not the entire line. I already researched Garbodor for this though so you're getting both)
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For some reason people tend to hold the Trubbish line up as proof that "Gamefreak is running out of good ideas" or something to that effect. Aside from the fact that that's just not true in general, it also overlooks the fact that Trubbish legitimately has a really good design and concept.
Conceptually, we have a few Pokemon based around types of pollution, but one that's just straight-up made of garbage is both original and memorable. I also like how the 'dex for these guys mentions some interesting behaviors with other Pokemon, like G. Weezing liking their fumes and Muk considering them prey.
And visually, Trubbish is really well designed. The face and general expression is delightful, and the way the garbage spills out to form little "arms" is a great touch. I also like that it has bunny ears, adding a subtle animalistic touch.
Really, I only have one complaint about the design (well two technically, but I'll save the second one for Garbodor), which is that the little ears look like the knots on a tied trash bag. Which is perfect, don't get me wrong, but they could've used a little knot at the base to make it clearer that's what they were going for. Otherwise, this is a great looking bag of trash.
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I really like how they handled the evolution--making the trash bag Pokemon overflow and burst is absolutely perfect, and it feels like a very natural continuation from Trubbish. The great expression is kept as well, which is good because I love it. I also like how the torn bag forms two "tailcoats" at the back; not sure if that was intentional, but it's fun that it has kind of a fancy touch to it.
Visually, I know some people don't like the "ears", but personally I don't mind them--they continue with Trubbish's little knots and help add a little extra variety to what's mostly just a pile of garbage. As a whole, in fact, I once again have very few critiques here.
My only major thing is the colors. When you picture a cartoon dump, it's usually green or brown; IRL trash has lots of colors, but when simplifying down the objects, it just makes sense to make it all one color. What i'm getting at is that Garbodor having these very saturated pink and teal bits in it feels out of place and makes it less "garbagey". They also don't go particularly well with the dull browns and greens already present in the design.
While I get why they might want to try to add more color, personally I wish they'd have gone the Gen 1 route of more realistic and muted colors and just made the globs a lighter brown so they look more like sludge; maybe even include some green spots where the bag tore and left a little section stuck on it. Like this, perhaps:
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Because the colors seem more like sludge, it also makes the lack of definition on the individual pieces of trash less noticeable as well. And if you really wanted to keep some brighter colors, maybe at least go instead with a yellow and blue so the colors compliment each other more. Like I said however, that's my only real criticism of an otherwise good 'mon.
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G-max Garbodor is one of the few g-max designs I actually like quite a bit. Garbodor was an absolutely ideal pick for this, given that it naturally amesses more trash over time, and the design keeps all of the good elements Garbodor already had going for it. The glowing eyes pop nicely, and the colors are more rainbow-like, making the assorted flecks seem less out of place than on the original. There's some neat Easter eggs in there as well, such as a train tail, Magikarp skeleton, and an entire masterball:
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So what doesn't work? Well first, it's weird that so much of the garbage in the front is toys. In fact, the dex claims the toys are just something the sludge forms into, which makes very little sense:
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In other words, I would've liked to see a wider variety of trash, with the implication it's just the trash already embedded into Garbodor made much bigger by the g-max. The toys also feel a little overly detailed to me, so picking simpler objects might help with this as well.
And secondly, it doesn't really change much about Garbodor's design. Which is good in the sense that it doesn't ruin it either, but all it really does is add some specific objects and change the colors a bit. While you wouldn't want to go to extremes, I feel like one or two other things could've been altered.
In particular, I feel like there was a missed opportunity to get rid of the green bag remains. Think about it: Trubbish is still mostly bag and Garbodor splits open but still has part of the bag; when it g-maxes, it effectively becomes an entire landfill. Landfills don't have giant trash bags over them, so it's a perfect time to continue with the bag reduction pattern and just drop it completely. This would add a bit of personalized flair to the g-max without altering the design too radically.
As a side note that has nothing to do with anything: g-max Garbodor has a special place in my heart because I happened to get my first (and currently only) g-max card in a random lucky draw from a booster, the first one I had bought in years. Said g-max happened to be a Garbodor card, this one specifically, and I love it:
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Anyway, the point is that the Trubbish line is great as a whole, with a solid evolution and a nice g-max form to boot. These are some unique, memorable, and well-designed 'mons, and it's just a shame that they get so much undeserved hate.
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grandschemed · 5 years
about oleana.
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1. since she was young, oleana has always had an interest in business management, but her career began in modeling after she was scouted when she was 18 and was a natural amateur model.  however, after realizing just how exploitative the industry is, she quit modeling two years later despite being presented a opportunity to grow bigger and seriously approached her desire to break into business, taking on double the amount of classes in order to graduate in just three years at the top of her class.  today, she is the proud vice president of macro cosmos and chairman rose’s personal advisor, but to this day, she still has several fans who recognize her from her modeling days.
2. speaking of rose, she has the utmost respect for him and not only strongly believes in his company mission, but him as a human being and oleana will do anything, climb whoever she has to climb on top of in order to see him succeed.  her devotion is unmatched and unchallenged, but she is also unafraid to speak her true opinion when she disagrees with him and the chairman is one of few people who truly know what oleana is really like underneath her icy countenance.  it can be said that oleana thinks of rose as the person closest to her.
3. vice president oleana is infamous for her “ice princess” persona, but underneath, she is an extremely stressed, exhausted, lonely 30-something year old woman with developing back problems who really just wants to spend a night in her luxury apartment with a bottle of red ( ironically, she hates rosé ) and binge succession on hbo while definitely not wearing pants.  while she exudes grace and elegance, oleana is actually anything but — she barely has her shit together ( and who would?  considering she’s running two lives at once ) who definitely orders more takeout than she should and is inherently a workaholic who doesn’t understand the concept of relaxation.  vacation?  never heard of her.  sick days?  walk it off, oleana!  her ultimate non-sexual fantasy is an hour-long bubble bath while eating an entire sausage mushroom pizza by herself ( without worrying about the calories! ) and her rotom phone is set to airplane mode.  chairman, you can schedule your own dentist appointment for once.
4. as mentioned earlier, oleana is a no-nonsense workaholic and has little time for relaxation as is, but her favorite hobby is to drag rose to karaoke with her and use the company card to pay for a session and hog the microphone while she screams all of her favorite songs into it until she’s satisfied, throat a little hoarse, but ultimately refreshed and ready to deal with tomorrow’s bullshit.  ( yes, oleana is retsuko, thank you ).  surprisingly, she’s actually a big fan of piers’ music, but it’s a secret.
5. trubbish ( now garbodor ) was oleanna’s starter pokemon, lovingly raised and extremely beloved despite what other people might’ve thought of her “garbage” pokemon.  her garbodor ( and other pokemon ) are her beloved treasure and are exceptionally well-taken care of.  despite being a busy woman, she always makes time for them and has only the finest groomers and doctors in all of the galar region to take care of them as well.
6. oleana is bisexual, but none of her relationships tend to last very long because work often gets in the way and she struggles with expressing herself.  still, that doesn’t stop her from browsing the galar region version of tinder to hunt for temporary distractions from the chaos of her life.  while she isn’t opposed to the concept of marriage, it’s not something she has in mind presently ( let alone the notion of raising a family! ).  if it happens, it happens.  if it doesn’t, it doesn’t.  she doesn’t view herself any lesser for it despite her mother insistently asking for grandchildren.  rumors about the possibility of a romantic relationship with chairman rose are quickly and coldly dismissed although she confesses he is rather handsome, but don’t let the chairman hear that.
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hollowsart · 5 years
A list of dumb Pokemon Pet Peeves I have, cuz idk man why not:
When competitive battling is perceived as the only way to play.
It really bugs me that so many people complain over the “lack of “good” Pokemon”... like?? buddy?? There’s over 800 Pokemon?? And all of them are good regardless of abilities, stats, move pools, and natures??
If you’re tired of using Rotom Wash and whatever the heck else, Go use something else then!! Upset that you can’t use that one mega or legendary you really like?? JUST USE IT ANYWAY! Who the heck cares!!
The incessant need to say “I need to predict when they’ll predict my prediction of them predicting my prediction of them predicting--” Like?? Buddy?? It’s not that deep?? This isn’t an english/literature class my dude. Chill.
Honestly.. It’s really irritating and a big reason why I don’t watch videos of people battling other people. It’s confusing and really annoying.
If Pokemon was real, let’s be honest, if you tried to play competitive you’d probably get your butt beat into a hospital for the next week to come. :|
If you really want a challenge.. just try to beat the games with the “worst” Pokemon in them; Magikarp, Sunkern, Sunflora, Feebas, Zubat.. etc.
When people got mad at the “update” to the Exp.Share in XY.
Hey.. hey buddy.. I have some news for you.. back in your beloved Gen1.. The Exp.All is what it was originally called and guess what it did. Take a guess.
That’s right. It shared the Exp to ALL of the Pokemon in your team!! Not just one!! At!! A Time!! IT’S NOT A NEW MECHANIC. IT’S AN OLD ONE THAT THEY BROUGHT BACK. It’s actually a lot more useful!!! YOU DON’T NEED TO SPEND SO MANY HOURS GRINDING FOR LEVELS FOR YOUR WHOLE TEAM. It’s a life & time saver!! And I for one welcome it back with open arms!
People referring to the characters with their japanese names.
I get confused so badly when it happens cuz idk who anyone is with their Japanese names. it’d clear up a lot of confusion for people to just say “one of the upcoming pokemon episodes focuses on Sophocles and his Vikavolt!“ instead of “satoshi and hikari have to face off against akagi and the ginga bomb!“ you only just barely understand whatever the heck they’re trying to say.
one thing that is also a major confusion is the whole Blue/Green character confusion. I would love to see more people just refer to the male rival as Gary and the female trainer as Leaf instead of tagging both of them as Blue and Green cuz let’s face it, you’re just gonna find both when all you wanted was just one or the other. I know I have many times before.
When people beg for new games & things but then complain about the new games & things and insist that the series is dying.
Hey Princess. Be happy with what you got. It’s the flaws in the games that make the games what we like. If you’re not happy with a region then make your own and make it how you would want it!! Make a rom hack of the games and mess around with them to make them how you wanted them!!
Nintendo never thought the games would go beyond Gen2 but now we’re entering Gen8 and there’s likely going to be more Pokemon games coming out and more new Pokemon as well.
People who whine about the designs of Pokemon and say that they’re running out of ideas.
Much like the real world that we live in, there are many different living creatures, some of which that look virtually the same while at the same time being completely different species. As well, there are many lesser known animals that
However, Nintendo & Gamefreak are taking inspirations from more than just real animals. They are taking inspiration from Yokai and other myths and legends of people and creatures from various regions in the real world.
Therefore. That keychain fairy Pokemon? Klefki? It makes sense for existing, it’s based off a fairy that will steal or protect keys from people within their own homes. As well, Chandelure and Cofagrigus are based off their respective myths of the Pharaohs curse and Poltergeist (the movement of objects without any known cause, suspected to be caused by ghosts) or Will-O-Wisp (little spirit orbs that look like little floating lights).
Even the Pokemon you hate with a passion like Garbodor and Trubbish have their reasonable explanations for existing. The US has a bit of a problem with garbage and waste and having little place to dump it. With a lot of that building up, it would make sense that in a world like Pokemon, the waste would come to life and evolve into a new Pokemon. Yes, it may not be as cool as a lizard with wings and a flame on its tail, but it’s still really cool.
When People cry about not all Pokemon having good moves or stats and that some Pokemon are forgettable because they are “useless” and “pointless” for existing at all.
...And once more, but with feeling; AHEM.
Much like our world, the real world, there are many objects and animals that have virtually no real reason for existing, yet they still do.
Mosquitoes don’t really serve much purpose other than to be food for other animals like fish or frogs or spiders or other insects, but even then that, too, is a reason. So just because they may not have a “good enough” reason for being, doesn’t mean they are bad and should be removed.
Just cuz you have no reason to use it doesn’t mean that no one out there would have a reason to use a fork or spoon that helps to lessen the shaking of their hands and bodies so that they may be able to eat easier.
Please leave the Pokemon alone.
And finally: When people complain about the story and incessant “hand-holding” throughout the beginning of or the whole game.
Well, at the end of the day, little kids are still the base demographic that Nintendo is marketing to. Not to mention that there’s still people joining the series every year and need to know the basics of how to play the games and what to do and where to go.
Yes, it may be nice for the “veterans” of the series, but to have that be a thing implemented into the games would be pretty ridiculous. To have the option to skip or turn it off.. You’d get confused and lost at some point and wouldn’t know that you’d need to backtrack to a previous location to do something there to unlock a way to get to the next place you couldn’t get to before, or to the place you didn’t even know you had to go to next because you assumed it was like a straight line, a straight path up, down, left, right to your destination.
With the newer games becoming less grid based and less limited to a labyrinth puzzle for kids, it’s become like a necessity to have people give you hints and other things to help you get through the games without getting lost. Have you ever tried to get somewhere by foot or bike, or maybe even by car that was really far or was someplace new? You can lose track easily of where you are and what direction you’re facing, and for some people this also affects them even in certain video games.
It’s not a bad thing to talk to an npc or look at your map once in awhile in game to help you figure out where to go next. It’s also only polite to help out your friends if they’re lost or need help in general to get somewhere!
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