#the only real mafia story I have involves my parents' wedding
thebibliosphere · 2 years
Okay I have not heard the magia story
Mind sharing/linking to a previous post? /gen
The story is/was somewhere in my #chronic health tag: teeth tag, but basically, I had a dentist in the UK who, the last time I heard, was wanted for criminal malpractice and still hasn't been found. He had a habit of using contaminated materials, which is how I almost died from mercury poisoning and likely developed mast cell activation syndrome.
Anyway, it's been an ongoing joke between myself and some irl friends (like @only-in-movies) that, given I grew up in a fairly affluent area where people involved in organized crime like to raise their kids to avoid, y'know, the crime, and that I wasn't the only child/teen he hurt, there's a chance he was flung into the Clyde wearing concrete boots.
It's 100000% more likely he moved somewhere else and is hiding or offed himself. Tumblr just took the in-joke and made it "canon."
So yeah, sorry, there is no actual "mafia killed my dentist" story. Just wishful thinking joking speculation.
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It for me Part 1
mob!Harry x mob!Reader
Summary: you and harry are in an arranged marriage and one day you get kidnapped by one of the hollands enemies and harry knew he loved you.
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A/N: So I love some Harry fics and well I kinda wanted to do a mob one, as this would be my first one so let's see how this goes.
Next part>>>
TW: mentions of a car crash, arranged marriage, and baby making but not explicit. 
You didn't expect to find the “one” through an arranged marriage. And may i add an arranged marriage with a mafia son, Harry Holland, whose father was one of the biggest and most successful mobs ever to be discovered. You knew your father was very great friends with him and he needed a boost in his line of work. Your father was willing to do whatever it took, but you didn't think you would be in love, to think he would just give you away while he made millions. You had no interest getting involved with the mafia, but you were the oldest, which was rare for a girl, but you had a few tricks up your sleeve. You would help your dad when he asked and well, you were made for this, but you just knew that it wasn't in your nature. But then again people are full of surprise, your father being one of those many people.
You were at a dinner party to announce your relationship with harry, well fake relationship, you two had to make it seem real even though it didn't feel real. The first time you met Harry you got two words out of him and since that day you knew he wasn't going to be good to get along with.
He had walked up to you but you knew that it was fake for of course both our parents sake.
“So are you gonna need to get used to some blood? Our family is quite hetric.” he said as you were shocked with the question. He had thought you had nothing to do with the mafia business but oh did you surprise him.
“Uh no I don't, I've gotten used to it, you should ask frank stipendii sure got to him and he was a bleeder may I add.” you said as harry was now the one that grew shocked.
“That was you? You seem innocent and not the type.” he said as you nodded knowing where he came from. Everyone called you that until you had shown them the bad side of you and well people had learned to never mess with you.
“Yeah i get that a lot.” you said not giving him eye contact.
“Well I just want you to know that this is just an arrangement and soon we will split, so no feelings attached.” he said as you nodded and looked at him with a blunt look.
“Yeah okay,” you said as Harry was even more shocked with how okay you were with this. Not that this was his second or third arranged marriage but from the stories he heard women get their feelings involved and fall from the mafia man, would it be bad if the positions switched?
“No come, I never fall for no one,” Harry thought but those were the mafia thoughts talking.
A year after dating, your wedding was announced and well it was huge, not the news of the actual wedding but literally the wedding was huge. The agreement had extended because the hollands and your father were making more in business and well now you were getting married and officially a Holland. There was also another thing that had to be done, but you didn't think it would happen. Once you got done getting most people you had met up with harry with a smile as he smiled at you. He had placed his arm around your waist as you walked over to your table.
“Well this is something else, how many weddings have you gone to?” Harry asked as you laughed at him as you sat down.
“I've gone to many, those being my dads, they were not as huge as this though,” you said as he nodded. You two had gotten used to one another almost as if you were friends, you liked that you two were getting along to be in the same room.
But what you didn't know was that Harry had started to fall for you ever since he met you. Of course he wouldn't admit it outloud, but he was sure about you, you made him feel something he would never feel.
As you were getting ready to leave for your “honeymoon” you had gotten to change in a less puffy dress. Nikki walked into your room and you smiled at her presence, she was probably the only who understood your position which helped you a lot. You gave each other a hug, she had told you you were the daughter she never had, even if it was just an arrangement.
“Oh love, you look amazing, once this arrangement is over i will require brunch together, just you and me alright.” she said as you nodded.
Of course you would continue to meet up with her, you actually liked her. You liked Harry too, after he was a little nicer to you, but you knew you couldn't fall for him so you had to act hard and not care when you two were alone.
“Of course Nikki..” you said a little bit on the sadder side, she was the only person you could show this emotion to. She knew you had fallen for her son, she didn't mind, you were perfect for harry, but he hadn't seen that.
“You love him don't you.” she said as you nodded slightly and gave you a final hug.
“You can try with him, but his father taught him very poorly on how to love when he got older, he will see you are the one love.” she said as you smiled and walked out to the reception as your arms were over one another.
You were met with Harry as he walked the both of you out making your final appearance and left. Of course to make this relationship well real, you two had gone on an actual honeymoon, it was the bahamas, which was the most obvious place you two would go.
Remember that one thing that you didn't think would happen, well that thing was, well having a child. At this point you two were friends, having sex with your bestfriend was normal for well normal people. You two talked about it, it happened, and there was nothing awkward about it.
Harry however, his thoughts were on a rollercoaster, he would think about how innocent you looked that night, he couldn't forget how beautiful you looked he had meant everything he did and he just wished his mafia brain would turn off and let him tell you how he feels. You couldn't forget that night either, you didn't know he could do what he could do. You two pretty much surprised one another and well you both would be surprised in the upcoming months.
Fast forward to today, you had Harry and had just gotten married months ago and well you were expecting. I mean you knew it would happen after, well that night, and you were pretty okay with it. You were having a kid with your best friend for business so in the mafia world this would be considered normal.
You were in your bedroom reading one of the many books either you brought or harry would give you, to pass the time that was spent in, well i guess you could call it a jail but you knew it was for protection for you and your child. As you looked at the same page over and over you wondered what everyone else was doing. You usually spent time with Nicki but she had gone away for some retreat of some sort and well you were pretty left alone. As you got up you were getting so used to you baby bump, you were really excited for this baby. As you were walking along in the hallway and saw paddy in the rec room, you and him were pretty close, you had the same interests and well you two were what's left of any humour in this family, besides Haz but you knew he would try too hard.
“Hey paddy, what are you doing here?” you asked as you sat down across from him as he stopped whatever he was doing. He enjoyed talking to you, you were a sister he never had, he learned more from you than his brothers.
“Oh well you know, making friends, going out, you know living my teenage life.” he said with sarcasm you sensed.
“Yes, teenage years are very important, to find yourself.” you said as you both laughed and silence came right after, but this silence between you too was good, no tension.
“So, has Harry annoyed you yet, cus you know the time you guys spend together, it's like you're inseparable.” he said as you laughed.
“Oh you can't imagine, but the walks in the hallway are pretty nice to well get away from him.” you said.
“Hey, you're already showing huh?” he pointed out as you placed your hand on your bump and smiled.
“Yeah, I can't believe this little one is growing so fast already, it feels unreal.” you said as he smiled.
“I am going to be the best uncle ever, I promise.” he said as you giggled and one of the bodyguards in the building walked in and found you two. Behind them was the Holland gang along with haz. You were guessing that they couldn't find you so they set the building for a search. Harry walked up to you hugging you, a part of you didn't know whether this was for show, or this was his true feelings. .
“There you are darling, what are you and paddy doing here?” Harry said as you looked at him with a smile.
“We were just talking, we're fine.” you said as you reassured him as he looked over at paddy who nodded in agreement as everyone left, you walked along all of them wondering if something had happened.
You and Harry had walked into your room, he was getting ready for a huge meeting and needed your help with the ties. As you were tying it, Harry just looked down at you. It was hard for him to keep his feelings away from this arrangement. That little show was real. He was practically falling for you but he couldn't actually tell you that. He knew you were better off without him. His feelings for you were pretty strong. When it was for show he was glad to show his feelings so you could sense it, but you being the oblivious person you had no clue. He had noticed your bump and he gasped a little and placed his hand over it as you smiled.
“No way our little bean is already showing.” he said as you smiled, the “our” made your stomach flutter, a part of you just wanted to kiss him, but you two were just friends.
“Yeah, i'm just getting used to it, it's kinda unreal but I'm excited.” you said as he nodded with a smile and you went back to fixing his tie,but the question was bugging you so you just asked to get it out of the way, but the pregnant you wanted to find out.
“That little darling, was just for show right? I'm just making sure.” you said as harry was caught off guard and nodding knowing that was the right answer you wanted to hear.
You had told Harry that you were afraid of loving someone, so he knew that he would have to hide his feelings so you didn’t feel that fear.
“No yeah...totally that was just for show...” he said as you nodded fixing his tie. As much as you hated it a part of you was down and quite bummed. You had grown feelings for harry, but alas this whole thing was just for show. As you got done you patted his shoulders and smiled.
“Well good luck.” you said as he smiled and kissed you bump, which made you blush and you tried looking away.
“See you later.” he said as you nodded and he left. You were craving some food hours later so you headed over to the kitchen where you met haz and tom. The other two trouble makers, but very potential mobsters. They noticed you were coming and they greeted you with a smile.
“Hey y/n” Harrison said as you smiled.
“Hey you two, how's it going?” you asked as you looked in the fridge but nothing appealed to you so you closed it right up.
“Nothing just eating before more of our meetings for today.'' Tom said as you nodded, your mind was somewhere else, your small moments with harry. You were honestly quite confused, and you wanted to talk to someone about it and well these two werent really the people you should tell.
“What's wrong?” haz said as you were brought back, and you just shook your head placing your hand on the top of your bump.
“Oh nothing, just I was thinking about something.” you said as haz was definitely going to get it out of you, tom was pretty interested, which was quite normal of him.
Harrison had kept asking you what was wrong and well you spit it out and they just looked at you with shock, but they weren't surprised as they grinned at one another.
“y/n, harry likes you a lot, he just has a hard way of showing it.” haz said as tom nodded and continued.
“Yeah, y/n he freaked out when you weren't in your room, and called a lockdown on the place, just give him time, plus you're having a baby together,” Tom said as you nodded.
“Speaking of baby, he or she is just showing too.” you said as they gasped and were very happy. They have been very excited since they found out they were both gonna be uncles, with Harrison being godfather.
“But anyways back to the situation that whole thing was just for show.” you said as they both shook their heads.
“No that wasn't, y/n we might be better at gossiping then you.'' Tom said as you shook your head playfully and paddy had walked down getting into the freezer. He groaned, “there's no ice cream, shoot.” paddy said.
“Oh yeah, we kinda finished it.'' Harrison shot a look at him then back at tom.
“Oh well i guess.” paddy said as he was walking away and well you were craving ice cream too.
“I could get some, if you want.” you said as paddy smiled and nodded. Harrison and Tom were both going to disagree with you going since you weren't allowed to leave the building at all, but you were pretty careful and the guys had forgotten you were a mob daughter after all so you had your training, but the one thing you would forget is that well you were pregnant.
“You sure you want to go?” Harrison said as you nodded.
“Yes, besides I have training.” you said reminding them again, but this time things changed if you were to go out and something would happen to you harry would be at fault here.
“But youre pregnant.” haz said as tom nodded.
“And... Harry won't like it if you leave alone what if we both go with you.'' Tom suggested knowing his brother would be calm knowing they were with you so you agreed.
You all got in the car and you felt it was quite ridiculous that you had the mob talking you out to go buy icecream for a teenager. One of the body guards had gone with you to go get some, you know not making it so suspicious that he was a bodyguard. You did feel some eyes on you, but you felt that the most when you were out of the store. As you got back inside of the car you were on your way to the house.
“See nothing bad happened, you guys just need to relax.” you said as the both nodded and you rubbed your belly.
Harrison had seen a car tailgating you guys and he realized it was the same car of one of his fathers enemies and he tried to not freak out but he got his phone out texting tom. Tom looked at his window and nodded to Harrison, you sensed the car speeding up and you wondered why. Tom moved over seats just in case anything were to happen. Then out of nowhere a car got right in front of you guys getting you guys into a crash. Glass braking and the breaks of the cars around you was all you heard, plus the sounds of the car alarm going over and over. Before Tom became unconscious he made sure you were safe and he was sure you were okay since the care hadn't flipped over.
Everything then went black and you had no remembrance of where you were going or who you were with. You didn't even get to see if Tom and Harrison were okay or if you and your baby were okay. You felt arms grabbing you and that's all you could remember, you were hoping those arms belonged to either tom or haz, but alas, your brain let you believe that.
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mychemicalficrecs · 4 years
any good frerard fics that take place before the 2000s? so like anywhere from the 1990s-1600s or whatever it doesn’t matter to me :)
Hi Nonny!
There's a great variety of Historical AUs, have fun with these!
Frank/Gerard Historical AUs
You Sparkle Like My 6 Gun by jet6black6feeling6, 7k, Explicit. Gerard does drag at a prohibition era night club that mafia boss Frank owns. Duh.
The Heart I Left Behind by gloomboyz, 8k, Mature. Various scenes of how Gerard and Frank find each other throughout history.
Sincerely (Yours) by Tezy, 34k, Explicit. (Late 19th century AU) Frank is the son of a merchant, with no money, and no title. But he's smart, and he enjoys teaching, so when the opportunity arises for him to help with the two children of a particularly wealthy family, he decides it is worth the risk. The children are precocious, outspoken and they quickly become his favourite students. Their slightly peculiar uncle, however, is the real mystery for him.
timelines and sceneries by daydreamsago, 42k, Teen And Up Audiences. "My brain wants everything to be figured out so it can stop worrying about what life will be like in ten years or so," Frank admitted. "Time is such a weird thing, because one moment, you're young and dependent on your parents, then... boom. You're graduated and everything matters all at once. Time is consistent. It doesn't slow down, or speed up at all; our perception of it does."
Line-Crossing by orphan_account, 12k, Explicit. When Frank finally gets up on his feet, he finds a job taking care of the greenhouses in a manor house. He hopes this new beginning will help him forget and allow him to heal. Moving into the country, Gerard hopes he'll finally be left alone by all the people back home who can't seem to stop criticizing everything about him. He also hopes to find some peace and maybe even (yes, he actually dares to be that optimistic) happiness.
Shadows Fall Behind by anoceanmonster, 39k, Explicit. Just before the turn of the twentieth century, the Iero household experiences it’s second devastating loss. When Edward Iero, world renowned architect, replaces the recently deceased and much loved head of staff, Donald, with his eldest son, Gerard, no one knows if anything will work out. Frank is a book loving recluse who rarely sees the outside of his study, but when Gerard enters his house and his life, he gets a love story all of his own.
A Lovely Apparition (or, The One Where Gerard's A Crossdresser in the 1790s) by wordslinging, 22k, Mature. Michael didn’t seem particularly shocked when Gerard approached him with the idea, but then, Gerard had never seen his younger brother look particularly shocked at anything. He merely looked at Gerard, blinked once or twice, and repeated in a flat tone, “You want me to help you dress up like a woman.” “It’s the stays in particular I think I’ll need help with,” Gerard told him. “Well, and buttoning the dress, and perhaps the wig.”
A World So Small by wordslinging, 31k, Mature. When Frank, a sickly young man, is advised by his doctors to leave London for the country, he makes arrangements to stay with his friend Michael, who just so happens to be in possession of a large, old, and somewhat creepy manor house. What Frank has no idea of at the time is that Michael has an older brother, whose presence in the house he conceals. Gerard is an eccentric recluse who spends most of his time hiding in the attic and avoiding any kind of interaction with people, but he finds himself fascinated with Frank, who in turn realizes that the house has secrets, and becomes determined to uncover them. When he finally does discover Gerard, their first meeting is only the beginning of their story.
Vampire AU by Andromedas_Void, 26k, Explicit. Mister Francis Anthony Iero, Junior, Your presence is requested this evening at 221 Upper Birch Lane, North London. A carriage will be awaiting you at 3:00 pm sharp. Cordially yours, Gerard Arthur Way, Esq.
Riot Grrrl!Gee by my99centdreams, 7k, Explicit. It’s the fourth party she’s been to this week if the one Taylor Kennick threw for herself while her parents stayed in their room counts (it probably doesn’t but whatever, the point is she’s been far too social lately and is just about ready to revert back to her hermit ways). Seriously, if it gets to the point where Mikey breaks out the password they created for emergency situations, and by emergency situations she means their lives have turned into a body snatchers movie, then she knows it's time to put on her pajamas, lock herself in her room, and eat ice cream straight from the carton.
This Tornado Loves You by theopteryx, 44k, Mature. 1933. Frank's been on the run a long time and he's forced to stop in his old hometown. At first things are about what he expects - old friends, unpleasant memories, and a less-than-desirable home life. Everything changes one night when he stumbles on an old hedge maze hidden in the woods. It's not the hedge maze that intrigues him the most, though, but the secrets of the house hidden inside.
NASAverse by fleurdeliser, 22k, Explicit. The second basement of Building Six at the Kennedy Space Center is not, Frank reminds himself, straightening his shoulders and stepping out of the elevator, one of the more intimidating offices in the NASA compound. It is, in fact, just one workshop out of many, where fabricators test out designs that come from the engineers upstairs--where Frank works.
Variations on a Fugue by mrsronweasley, 36k, Explicit. Frank Iero is a young nobleman currently living with his parents in the Lake District, where he plans on leading a quiet life away from London and its temptations. However, temptation moves into his neighbourhood in the face of one Gerard Way. (Early Edwardian AU.)
Public Enemy by tabulaxrasa, 21k, Explicit. In 1932, Gerard Way has been making a name for himself robbing banks up and down New Jersey. Frank Iero, analyst for J. Edgar Hoover's Division of Investigation, is determined to catch him.
Against the Wind by theopteryx, 21k, Explicit. Frank is the tutor for the two young children of Michael and Alicia Way. He has always been sickly, but when he begins to fall seriously ill he tries to hide it from his employers, terrified he will lose his position and have nothing. When Michael’s older brother Gerard unexpectedly returns from the continent, however, his problems only grow.
Can Never Wrong this Right by theopteryx, 24k, Explicit. Written for the hc_bingo challenge, for the square of 'forced soul-bonding.' It's 1949 and Dr. Way is a professor of Archeology and Frank is his constantly exasperated (and secretly pining) assistant. When their latest trek takes them to South America to locate the fabled Blood Stone, however, they both find more than they bargained for.
Love and Other Cliches by two_ravens, xaritomene, 29k, Not Rated. Bob Bryar is the best witch in the whole damn scene, even if he does say so himself. Which is just as well, because he's got responsibilities, most of which involve his charge, Gerard. Mainly, Bob's supposed to keep Gerard from falling down a well, or losing his sketchpad - little things, but Bob is a conscientious guardian. But when it becomes obvious that Gerard and Frank are hopelessly, silently in love with each other, Bob suddenly has bigger things to worry about. Nothing he's tried has ended in the declarations of love he'd been aiming for (not the fireworks, not the sunsets, not even the four hours they'd spent in locked in a closet). In a last, ditch attempt, he resorts to real spellwork, the epic, Cinderella kind, and now Frank and Gerard are stuck in a romance novel... with only one way out.
What Ships Are For by mwestbelle, 22k, Explicit. A ship is safe in a harbor, but that's not what ships are for. -William Shedd Gerard is most concerned when he finds that, while away at university, his father has taken in a new ward of his own brother's age. But upon his return home, he finds the young man to be particularly enchanting; unfortunately, according to the High Society he lives in, not only is Frank entirely too poor to be considered, but they might as well be brothers.
Like a Horse and Carriage by mwestbelle, 9k, Mature. Frank was raised wild, on a merchant vessel that sailed all around the world. When he returns home, an orphan, he is wed to a man with money and name that he has never met. A Victorian AU.
Illyria (King and Country) by tabulaxrasa, 57k, Explicit. Today, they'd woken up and Gerard was King of Illyria. Frank hasn't really been a stable boy since he ended up in the archduke's bed, but now Gerard's exile is over and he's king. Frank has to survive court, politics, and scheming nobles to figure out exactly what he is now.
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migleefulmoments · 5 years
Oh my God. So now people in Hollywood are threatening Darren and Chris's families if they don't comply? Tinhats are saying they wouldn't be surprised if someone died in a freak accident to put Darren and Chris in line. How long before they bring up Chris's mom and start getting suspicious?
Anonymous said: Damn it’s real dramatic over in CCLand today. Abby’s “anons” are talking about how someone must have threatened to kill Darren or Chris’s family if Darren didn’t get married. And then we have Abby saying that no matter what happens she won’t abandon them. Yeah, she is definitely setting the stage for claiming someone threatened to kill Chris if Darren didn’t have a baby with Mia. She knows a baby is coming eventually and she can’t let go of her CCThrone.
It’s da Mafia, my friends! 
They are so full of themselves-and so dramatic- it’s terrifying. 
I keep saying that Abby is writing a Telenovela and damn does she love the drama. She’s also desperate to keep her storyline going and there just isn’t a logical reason WHY Darren would be in the closet and married to Mia at this point unless you go for “big threats”. Abby has suggested this vague“threat” theory before but nobody else picked it up so we never had such scary-hilarious promises of allegiance to Criss and Colfer. This is exactly the kind of pithy, over-the-top emotional digging into a cause that social media was made for- the kind in which you have no actual impact but you blog the hell out it like you matter.  
One of the biggest issues with the CrissColfer storyline is why should we be sympathetic to ccDarren and/or ccChris? They are both successful, famous, wealthy, powerful men. Abby’s never-ending criticisms of ccDarren are becoming a problem. While she always blames it on “his team”, most people don’t find it so obviously his team’s fault as evidenced by her Nonnies who then get a lecture on HOW it IS his team’s fault. Of course, nobody is controlled by their employees and ccDarren and ccChris aren’t victims or children. 
Abby delights when she can claim that ccDarren is treating Mia abhorrently because it fulfills her hatred of Mia but nobody else feels so delighted. For instance, she claimed he was trying to pull her in the water during a New Year’s Eve embrace. 
I’m guessing, and we are missing the moment inbetween d goes to dip her so she things she’s getting her kiss but in fact tries to throw her in the water.(X)
The sane among us are disgusted by a claim that he would try to drown his wife. The same goes for ccChris when he publically bullies and shames Mia on social media and his books. Abby’s love of hating Mia often overshadows her need to keep ccChris and ccDarren as victims. 
The basis of CrissColfer is that both men want to be famous and work in Hollywood for the big money and they can’t tell their truth without fear of losing everything. After ten years, both men are no longer the “inexperienced, naive, innocent young men who made bad choices when fame was flashed in their faces” and Abby needs a new spin in order to keep her followers emotionally invested. Throw in a storyline where both men are just trying to stay afloat after their families were threatened and WHOA man, you have two very compelling characters with sympathy through the roof.
Anonymous asked: Let's not forget that with the wedding being the lesser of two evils, one of the threats could have gone far beyond you or C would never be working in this industry again, like you said, the people in power will do anything to hide their sins and there really is no limit, who knows a threat on his (or C's or other family) live could have been made. It sure as hell wouldn't be the first time someone dies in a freak accident because they have dirt on someone (Chris already lost his mom in a freak accident. I can’t imagine he would ruin his entire life over the fear of losing someone else when he understands that life is precious and you can’t control what happens to family members. Or the other argument is why would he allow someone to control his life when the easy solution is to go off to NYC and become an author.  Leave Hollywood behind for the man he loves and living an authentic life. It doesn’t seem like that hard of a tradeoff to me)
ajw720 answered: Nonnie. I’m really starting to question. And m has her family and SS on her side. That’s a lot of power and ruthlessness. (I'm always fascinated by the power that Abby imagines Mia’s family has. If Chris and Darren are powerless then why is the head of Vera Wang’s company so powerful? Mia’s dad owned a small chain of small music venues. He’s likely loaded but not in the BIG powerful world of movers and shakers. As for Sunshine Sachs- they are very powerful and healthy but there is little incentive for them to risk it all by getting involved in little unknown Darren’s love life by closeting him).    
I’ve decided. No matter what they throw at us, while i may not be able to watch as closely, I’m not abandoning them unless there comes a point I think it’s willing. I don’t see that happening. What is happening is not about straight. (What “they throw at us”? This isn’t about you, Abby. Nothing about CC is about you. You’re just a lonely, unstable fan sitting in her living room all alone obsessing about Mia and fabricating outrageous stories about a family you don’t know and a man who doesn’t care about you. I’m curious, what would convince you that he’s willing? You already said you wouldn’t believe him if he told you he loved Mia.  You’re destinated to come out the loser because you refuse to see or accept reality.)    
It’s about hiding sins. If it were just straight as I have repeatedly said it would be done better and with someone that actually makes d look good. (So she’s twisting the story to be about hiding sins.  I’m not sure how forcing the farce to continue is a good strategy to ensure you don’ get caught. It seems like a cut and run strategy is better- preferably with big payoffs. Lots of us DO think Darren does look good. It’s only the people obsessed that he’s gay who don’t like him).
I just hope they have finally aligned with the right people to help them (How would this work? Either Ryan and Sunshine are terrified of their role coming out, all-powerful and threatening his family to keep it quiet OR there are people to align with who can help but not both because people who threaten others' lives for their own interests aren’t going to show up at the negotiation table willing to work out and deal).
flowersintheattic254. @ajw720 I’ll state publicly that I’m with you on that. I’m not going away unless I see it’s willing. Right now it doesn’t seem to be and frankly the more I learn about Holly/wood and how people are manipulated and abused the more I think it isn’t a choice or a very unwilling one. (Why would Darren and Chris stay there if it is that bad?  If Hollywood is one big cesspool then reasonable people would get the hell out of dodge, do something because living in that environment will turn you into that kind of person.  Also, I just have to add that the Catholic Church has an abysmal record on sex abuse of women and children so if anyplace is manipulative and abusive, it’s Abby’s church)
leka-1998 Totally agreed.
I feel like every day I get more repulsed by what the people in that awful industry are capable of.
notes-from-nowhere If it is possible, the more I know, the more I feel compelled to stand up against this habits and fight back. (How exactly will you do that? I’m fascinated and can’t wait to hear)
Nothing will change overnight. Not D’s life, not the ones of the others in his same situation but we can do something. And as much as we could, I’m sure, we will. (No shit sherlock, you’re 10 years  inand no end in sight)
I will accept defeat the day D will show me, without a doubt, that this is what he wants for his life and not matter if right or wrong, I will respect his choice. To date, I don’t think we are even close to that. Time will tell. (Again, what can Darren do to prove to you? He married the woman he’s dated for 8 years, he opened a business with her, he gushed about the wedding, and he travels with her everywhere. When he tells you how he feels about her you all instantly dismiss his words as being contracted or “Mia wrote them”.  You refuse to SEE what is so plain in front of you. I cannot imagine what he could do that would convince you.)  
In the meantime I will keep doing what I do now. (which is lie, twist facts, post Glee photos as CrissColfer, make stupid comparisons, and blow some up Abby’s ass).   
Anonymous asked: I agree about HW and who knows what kind of nefarious shit goes on. The problem I have is his parents not intervening in this . I get there is probably blackmail at this point but surely his parents can see this can’t go on. I’m afraid it’s affecting his family at this point and I would think his dad would take the reigns at some point and say enough. This is the only thing that tells me it’s short term and there is an escape date. I don’t see his parents accepting something permanent.
Do they have a choice though nonnie? That’s the question. How are they more powerful then the heavy weights he’s up against? What has been threatened? I have an idea of where I think this is going but I don’t know and I’m firm there’s 2 distinct paths, one is freedom. The other is too horrifying for words. And I think by the end of the year we will know. (She is sure they will be divorcing after the anniversary and Hollywood airs.) 
Because no doubt this has gravely hurt d and his spirit. And between c and his parents, i’d think they are doing everything to help him win. All parties on his side have to be petrified. Because even if there’s a positive plan in place, what’s to stop it from changing? Because I reiterate. D was going to come out tied to ACS and it went nightmarishly wrong. And he’s well being and safety are at stake for as long as she is tied to him. (She reiterates God Damnit! She KNOWS she was right!!!!!!! WTAF? No, he wasn’t going to come out. He’s told you he’s straight and there is no reason to suspect he’s lying. I love the comments about his safety as long as Mia is around or his image as long as his team is around-He’s fucking thriving. When is the shit going to hit the fan? He won the top four awards, has his own show on a new platform, has a big Broadway show coming, has a Ryan Murphy Netflix show that he helped co-create, Elsie is amazing, StarKid had a very successful year, his wedding is all over the “top celeb weddings” lists, he was busy AF this year and he just bought a $3 million house. It’s been a decade-when will this bad stuff start? ). 
Anonymous asked: I do fear D is in this for the long haul unfortunately. It has slowed down for her a bit post-nuptials but unless this show with RM is serving as an out, I don’t see how D will ever get out of this. We also need to remember she knows too much too at this point. It’s not that easy to get someone with the amount of info she has to just go away. If she’s intent on riding coattails, there may be little D can do to get rid of her. I hope I’m wrong. I want to see him win. But it doesn’t look good. (What does ccMia know that she can use against him? That would mean he’s done something wrong but according to cc lexicon, it’s all done against him, he’s the victim. If anything he would have dirt on her to use) 
I can’t believe how naive I was to think it was as simple as d&c saying no. I doubt that was ever an option and they learned that, after months of fighting post encagement, in the cruelest manner. Honestly I’m feeling almost more heartbroken today then on feb 16 because I’m finally seeing the horrifying reality of HW.Nonnie. Despite the fact that I don’t trust him, I’m praying that RM saw that it serves his agenda and reputation to help d as it would rehabilitate his character much more than to continue to hurt him, because at this point I think he’s the only person that has the power to get him out. Now we wait and see. (I don’t see how Ryan Murphy can serve as both Mafia boss and his savior but I understand that he’s the only one that could possibly play that role right now. There are no other gay Yoda’s in Darren’s life with enough cloud to be the “savior” so by process of elimination, Ryan is the one). .   ’t see how Ryan Murphy can serve as both Mafia boss and his savior but I understand that he’s the only one that could possibly play that role right now. There are no other gay Yoda’s in Darren’s life with enough cloud to be the “savior” so by process of elimination, Ryan is the one).    
I can’t believe how naive I was to think it was as simple as d&c saying no. I doubt that was ever an option and they learned that, after months of fighting post encagement, in the cruelest manner. Honestly I’m feeling almost more heartbroken today then on feb 16 because I’m finally seeing the horrifying reality of HW. (So basically, the original cc storyline isn’t holding up anymore after the end dates passed for coming out- Glee ended, the 8-year contract expired, Hedwig ended, ACS started, filmed and ended, Awards season came to a finish and now you’re hoping the anniversary is the lucky date.  But you need to explain why Darren and Chris have so much power and still are not together so you’re going for something bigger and more sinister.  The problem is that while Hollywood has a seedy underbelly, you can’t take one person’s story and extrapolates it to everyone. Judy Garland may have been drugged but they didn’t know the effect of drugs back then like we do know and the military gives the pilots “go” and “no go” pills to help them perform to this day under close medical supervision)  
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jvsinbello-blog · 6 years
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( CHARLIE WEBER ) ┆ — LUCIEN BELLO is a THIRTY SEVEN year old from MANHATTAN, NEW YORK, and I hear that they were resurrected on Morbus Beach after dying from EXECUTION-STYLE GUNSHOT. HE is known for being BLUNT & METICULOUS, and their theme song is KILLING STRANGERS by MARILYN MANSON. I have a feeling they DON’T remember that they DIED.
triggers for: violence, death, drugs, illicit activities
hey y’all. my name is kerrigan and admittedly today i feel awful so i’m going to post this here and if anyone wants to plot i’ll be slow but i’m down. anyway, here’s a story about lucien.
considered royalty by birth in the rings of the crime family that he was born into, lucien had a lot of expectations riding on his shoulders from a very young age. his parents were off-the-boat italians with ties back to the drug circle of the mafia over seas. they carried their business (his father carried the business) to new york city, where lucien was born.
the eldest of his siblings and the only boy, he was often referred to as il principe by his parents --- the prince. at 12 he began working with his father, transporting drugs from A to B after or before school.
this habit continued well into his late teens and up until he was about 19 or so, though lucien’s importance moved up in the world. it was only when he was made aware how inappropriate his life was by whatever girl he was seeing at the time that he first mentioned it to his father. lucien received a swift slap across the face and was told to keep his mouth shut, dump the bitch, and do his job.
it hit a head when he was 19, though. his father was a more prominent member, by this point, and his son had basically been groomed to take over whenever dad passed the mantle on, or died. but lucien didn’t want that, and when he tried to back out formally with his father’s boss, shit hit the fan.
the exact details are something lucien keeps to himself, especially considering he blacked out for a good portion of it. lucien’s mother heard the commotion and found her son on the front lawn, deposited in a bloody blanket, half dead. his back is the reminder he has from this: long, jagged scars where the skin healed from being torn or burned off entirely. he spent months getting back on his feet and years fully recovering.
but it took that one instance for him to break ties with his father, though not entirely. when he was better he was out of the house, fending for himself, using the connections that he garnered as the whipping boy of his father’s little business. for a while the crime world was quiet with lucien’s whereabouts, and finally he turned up when he was 28.
lucien had purchased a gentleman’s club outright (likely with blood or drug money). Club Allure had a very strict no touching policy, and he ruled it with an iron fist. but, it was a front for his true business --- he was a black market mover. any products you had or wanted, anything you needed traded or bought, he did it for you.
the club ran two sets of books: up front, skin business from the dancers and drinks and the illegal shit. it didn’t matter what you brought him: guns, people, drugs, you name it and he found a buyer or seller for it.
all was right in the world for a while. and when he came back with his new name, this image, this business he reappeared with his family.
every sunday he has dinner with his mom and sisters --- his very presence irritated his father, but he was there. smug smile and suits more expensive than his father ever bothered to buy. it irked alessio bello that his son had made a name for himself, separate of the rest of the bello family business.
and then the little shit came around.
at first andromeda wilkes was simply the best gun trader he had ever met. she was smart as a whip, snarky, and you didn’t fuck with her. she brought consistent business and, despite giving lucien shit about his cut in the trade, always agreed to how much he took.
years went by with the two of them working together. work teasing became real life tension, and while lucien always swore he never mixed business with pleasure he found himself involved with andromeda. at first they kept it under wraps, but after a short while they had a vegas-style wedding and that was that --- they were hitched. andromeda became a bello by name.
and they worked so well together, still. it was obviously how disgustingly in love they were, but if you ever insinuated that her relationship with lucien affected how he conducted his business ... you got a bullet to the knee, no questions asked after that.
they had a happy 2 years together before the problem started. one buyer wasn’t satisfied with lucien’s rates. or maybe he wanted to dethrone il principe, or maybe he just hated him ... it didn’t matter. but after months of cat and mouse on both behalves, it took a turn for the violent.
lucien found himself in a similar situation to is youth: luck out, end of the line. with the gun against his forehead he openly mocked his attacker and that was it --- lights out. that was 3 years ago.
and now
he has absolutely no memory of dying. the details are convoluted and fuzzy. he remember his life, but he doesn’t remember what happened immediately before his death.
in fact, when he first woke up, he assumed andromeda was around somewhere with him. that, for some reason, they went on a vacation far away from home and, for some reason, they chose mexico.
so he’s a bit confused, but always the charmer. he’ll never let on that he doesn’t know why he’s there, and he’s a master deflector after all the years he spent ignoring the questions of the scars on his back.
if he ever shaved his head (lol he never would) you’d see the scar from the exit wound of the bullet on the back of his head. lucky handsome prince, he doesn’t have an entrance scar on his forehead.
and that’s lucien! if anyone wants to plot let me know, i’ll be around and i’ll check back often!
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oppsie--channie · 5 years
Tagged by @mintymiknow - Thank you fro tagging me baby! 
Slow burn or love at first sight —> honestly it depends on my mood... maybe if I’m reading a long fic then I would like more a slow burn, but when I’m reading short scenarios I can totally like love at first sight. As a writer, I think I prefer slow burn, definitely
Fake dating or secret dating —> I like both ideas, as a reader and as a writer, but I think I prefer fake dating
Enemies to lovers or best friends to lovers —> I prefer best friends to lovers because if you’re already best friends with someone, it’s because you have a special connection with them, so turning it into love it’s kinda easy. But I understand the people that don’t like the idea because, I assume, they don’t want to ruin the friendship at any cost. And also I can totally understand why people would prefer enemies to lovers; as a lot of people say: love and hate are two feelings super easy to mistake
Oh no there’s only one bed or long distance with correspondence —> I think that because I’ve read more things about the room having only one bed, I’m more susceptible to that idea. But the other one is really interesting
Fantasy or modern au —> As a writer, I think I’m better with modern aus but I ABSOLUTELY LOVE FANTASY AUS!!! I loved Scintilla from Lili!!!! So maybe one day, I’ll try to write one :’)
Smut or fluff —> I prefer smut as a reader, I don’t know why ‘cause I just do. But as a writer, since I don’t have much experience, I think I prefer fluff
Mutual pining or domestic bliss —> I think I prefer domestic bliss... It gives a sense of security and home
Alternate universe or future fic —> DEFINITELY ALTERNATIVE UNIVERSE!!!!! You can literally make up EVERYTHING, it being based on something you created in your head or on something that really existes in real life. And they’re so fun to read too, like they describe the things and you imagine them, IT’S SO GOOD!
One shot or multi chapter —> It depends on the genre honestly. If it’s purely smut, I prefer one shots but if it’s angst or even smut mixed with fluff/angst and another theme involved (for example mafia aus), I prefer multi chapter
Kid fic or road trip fic —> Road trips are usually fun but I prefer kid fics. It’s just so cute when some toddler appears out of nowhere and hugs the characters because they’re family or just someone they know and trust. It’s so wholesome to me!
Reincarnation or character death —> I kinda don’t have an opinion because I’ve never read or wrote something with reincarnation, but I think it’s interesting and that I’d prefer it over a character death. Because I’m extremely sensitive and I attach myself a lot to fictional characters, so I cry every time something bad happens to them, let alone when they die!
Arranged marriage or accidental marriage —> I love those stories where their parents are rich and they plan a wedding and the main characters never saw each other and they have to marry. So at first they don’t like each other, then they start to kinda feel indifferent as soon as the other one doesn’t bother them, but eventually they start opening up to one another and they start trusting each other, until they finally learn to love each other!
High school romance or middle age romance —> I think both. High school romances provide me something that I never had, although I’m still in high school (almost finishing it). And middle age romances give me the feeling that anything can happen ans that I’ll experience a great romance myself
Time travel or isolated together —> I love both ideas, even tho I’ve only read about characters being isolated together. I think it would be very interesting to write something where one of them time travels and they meet where the other one stopped
Neighbors or roommates —> It’s basically the same thing to me, so I like both
Sci-fi or magic au —> Magical aus all the way. I love magical stuff!! It’s not in vain that I’m obsessed with Happy Potter!! eheh~~ 
Body swap or genderbend —> I’m not experienced in writing for any of these two but I think I prefer body swap, for reading as for writing. But I think genderbend is pretty interesting too
Angst or crack —> I LOVE BOTH! I love to read something and automatically laugh because it’s so funny. But most of the times I prefer angst. I love how it’s written and I kinda think I’m good at writing it
Apocalyptic or mundane —> I’m better at writing mundane things but I absolutely LOVE apocalyptic scenarios. I love to read about people surviving some epidemic disease and what other stories can happen in the middle
Tagging: @honeyjxsung and everyone who wants to do it, this is something really fun and interesting to do :)
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