#the only scene I remember watching from season four is max’s scene in dear Billy
dinitride-art · 2 years
how long did it take you to watch the van scene the first time? about how many times did you rewind? did you catch the lip glance right away? did you think it was heading in a byler positive direction when mike was talking? how about when will was talking? were you happy/disappointed by the painting? how did you feel by the end of it? how devastated were you by will's crying?
Oof, well, actually I didn’t watch the van scene/ep.9 until like a solid week after vol. 2 came out because I was watching it with people. So, when I did actually watch it it was all in one go. But at that point I’d already seen every stage of devastation and cautious hopefulness that happened in the like 2 days after vol.2 dropped. So, technically, it took me the actually amount of time to watch the van scene that it took to play out.
I’m also really bad at watching things the first time and actually processing what’s happening? I’ve got a really bad memory so it’s kinda hard to get emotionally invested when I don’t actually remember over half of what happened lol. That’s probably why I like doing analysis’ and theories because that’s the only way I can actually remember anything about the show- so even if I did watch the van scene the first time I’m not actually 100% sure that I would’ve been emotionally devastated. I don’t remember watching it- but I think I remember thinking, ‘oh, it’s not actually that bad’
This isn’t really an answer but it’s uh it’s what happened lol
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paladinsbrainrot · 2 years
I’ve decided to combine everything (that I can remember) from all three of these episodes since there wasn’t much I picked up on. (I tried to watch the show instead of thinking of stuff to analyze this time lol)
This is probably irrelevant but the title of episode 3 reminded me of Chapter Five: The Flea and the Acrobat (from s1), and when El calls herself ‘the monster’. Looks like I was right about these parallels, El calls herself a monster in this episode and this is when they’re close to figuring everything out. 
- Brenner cradling El parallels to S1
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RUSSIA - Hopper being referred to as the Crazy American, crazy because his love for Joyce gets in the way of everything. He will do anything he can for love. 
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(If you haven’t been familiar with the phrases ‘crazy’ and ‘stupid’, they are basically metaphors for love in the Stranger Things Universe)
- I think Max’s hair being in a ponytail for majority of the season represents her lack of expression. From the promo to the ponytails to the braids, she’s definetly going through it. The only time we don’t see her without a ponytail is in this scene, where her hair is loose and she’s wearing a rainbow shirt, quite like the ones she wore during season three. 
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I really want to make a big analysis on this, but just to sum it up briefly, Max tying her hair up can represent her lack of communication and her not wanting to open up to people. She locks her hair up in a ponytail just like she locks up her true feelings. Max is really struggling, you guys. I’m going to do an in depth analysis on this, probably picking apart what her loose hair means, what her ponytails mean, and what her braids mean. 
- Anyways, another thing I noticed about the Hawkins plot this season is that when Robin says "What are we looking for exactly?” it reminded me of Mike in season three. I’m really hoping Robin is going to become the new Mike of the group, just including that little bit of fuzz and snarky comments. I’m hoping we get more parallels between them this season. 
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- I think that music being able to save Vecna’s victims from their trances parallels to s2 when the gang uses Should I Stay or Should I Go to break Will out of his possession from the Mind Flayer
- Lucas saying “I thought we lost you”/ Mike saying “I feel I lost you”
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- When Nancy and Robin visit Pennhurst, Victor Creel describes his boy as a ‘sensitive child’ like how Joyce describes Will as a ‘sensitive boy’. They both like to draw, and wear relatively similar outfits. 
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- When Argyle drives the Byers + Mike home, I noticed that when Jonathan and Argyle hum a circus tune we zoom in on El and Will, and they look severely distressed and uncomfortable. Will’s can easily be justified- we know he was quite horrified by clowns when he was younger. But El- it makes me wonder if there’s something more. We did have the fun fair in S3, but El was at Starcourt and wasn’t able to see it.
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And they both stare out the window, paralleling. I wonder if El’s just distressed because she feels bad for hitting Angela, though. 
- Mike and El’s “you don’t love me conversation” parallels to Stancy.
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Wheeler siblings can’t say I love you to their supposed love interest. 
-I don’t know wether to put this in Hawkins or California but I noticed this
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- Will’s conversation with Mike overlaps the scene where Will looks at Mike. Will’s voice says “You can’t let him get to you” before we switch to the shot of Mike and Will on the car. I have a feeling this was done on purpose. I even originally thought this was Will talking to himself- not leading into another scene. So I do think this was intentional, this referring to Will & Mike instead. A deeper meaning. 
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Will can’t let Mike get to him. They literally have bigger things to worry about. He has to put aside his feelings for Mike. 
- Will and Mike on the cars, in the middle of a junkyard, is a direct parallel to Lumax in s2. 
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