#the only struggle is like. figuring out how much context Anyone Who Isn't Me might need to enjoy the whump
thewhumperinwhite · 2 years
i genuinely love posting attd stuff to this blog in particular bc there's like. a *very* complicated (perhaps too complicated, working on the same project for 14 years will do that) story going on, with lots of Politics and Magic and Political Magic going on, but for the purposes of this blog i'm always just like "...anyway who wants to see this white boy get the shit kicked out of him again"
#the doc i'm working from rn is saved as “attd but just the whump” lmao#anyway. This Is Genuine It Is Really Fun To Relate To This Story In This Way#and takes some of the pressure off too cause the problem with working on a story for so long.#is that i'm so attached to parts of it. some of which i came up with when i was Literally Fourteen#but since i've been working on it so long i also want it to be GOOD!! and you don't get Good stories without Cutting Stuff Out#and cutting out things that were really important to 14yo beau makes me Sad!!!#but what i love about whump writing - genuinely - is that#at its very core#it is Self Indulgent#which is GOOD!!!! it's good to write self-indulgent shit!!! its good for the soul!!! genuinely!!!!!#the only struggle is like. figuring out how much context Anyone Who Isn't Me might need to enjoy the whump#bc a lot of times context is a big part of what makes whump Good#without adding a bunch of stuff that isn't relevant and is therefore just distracting#It's A Real Struggle#but it's also very freeing when i can successfully chill out about it#...he says having posted like One new piece this whole year 🥴#obviously its a noted fact that i am not actually good at Chilling Out About It lmao#anyway attd is the story with The Most lore by a country mile#(the most pre-written lore anyway)#(wkw also has lots of lore but i am Making It All Up As I Go lmao)#anyway. i might make some background posts at some point#maybe on like. a different blog?? so i can just link them if they become relevant??? who knows. much to think about#not whump
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kiragecko · 22 days
How to Support People With Faceblindness/Prosopagnosia Online
This isn't super important. I'm pretty sure I'm not the only faceblind person whose response to not recognizing people was to stop caring about celebrities (and most live action). Unless it's an important political post, we're unlikely to NEED to recognize a random image on Tumblr. But if it you have the energy, this really helps:
Caption photos with the names of whoever is in them. Even if it's someone like Elvis Presley or Donald Trump, who EVERYONE recognizes.
I can't consistently recognize Marilyn Monroe. And I don't want reassurance that she looks just like someone else, so you understand. There will be someone you don't understand, and I still won't be able to recognize them. I'm bad at faces.¹
I notice that reaction images are especially hard for me. People LOVE seeing how much context they can remove while still leaving a reaction image recognizable. I have to guess that the zoomed-in eyes are probably still the Obama reaction image from years back. They're just eyes to me. Even normal reaction images are hard if they don't have distinct enough poses.
If you can mention the person's name in the alt text or a caption below your reaction image, it would help a lot.
This doesn't apply to people whose names aren't well known. If their identity isn't adding to the meaning, I don't care who it is.
For example:
With the 'then perish' Obama meme, part of the humour is that the then-president is the one telling us to die. So mentioning that it's him aids my understanding of the meme.
With 'Dead Dove: Do Not Eat', mentioning that the actor is Michael Bluth, or that the scene is from Arrested Development, allows me to go find out the context if I want to know more. (Which might have stopped me from distributing misinformation to thousands of people about the meaning of the phrase!)
As far as I can tell, the fact that the 'snakes started manifesting' guy is named Uhrie Anthony is NOT particularly important to the meme. I don't need to recognize him from somewhere else to understand what's going on.
I don't struggle nearly as much with cartoon characters. Just live-action/real people. Not sure if there are faceblind people that will struggle that way. It's still nice to get context for where some anime character is from, but it doesn't affect me the same way as seeing a random blond woman on my dash, and trying to figure out if she's a singer, an actor, an activist, or something else completely.
¹ I'm not annoyed, just trying to support those who struggle with reading comprehension. This isn't about the individual people I'm mentioning. It's about my ability to recognize ANYONE.
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dutifullylazybread · 3 months
Hi! Could I ask for hcs of Zevlor being a father figure for fem!Tav?
Absolutely! I do primarily write these lists in the second person, but if any pronouns are mentioned, I'll go ahead and use ‘she/her.’ 
The timing for this request is a bit funny to me, because the headcanon request following this is for Zevlor in a much different context. 🤣
I have a really bad habit of using the plot of BG3 as a framework for my headcanon lists, so kind of like what I did before, I have general headcanons, and then I have a scenario driven list. 
NOTE: she/her pronouns are used for Tav in this list.
Zevlor as a Father Figure for Fem!Tav
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General headcanons
Zevlor was a commander who watched over plenty of young recruits. He mourned those who died and celebrated those who climbed the ranks. He acted as a mentor for many of them, but he never would have thought of himself as a father figure.
You are a bit different. 
He easily falls into the habit of asking if you have eaten or if you need something to drink.
He ultimately wants to make sure that you can survive on your own, because then he feels like he has helped you in a meaningful way.
He has a hundred hidden skills, like sewing, and plenty of patience to impart that knowledge to you. 
But he also thinks he is doing you a disservice if he doesn't teach you those skills.
So, yes, he's going to mend the tear in your cloak, but he's also going to make you follow along and mend a smaller tear.
Will grin ear to ear when you perfect a whip stitch.
Zevlor feels the most accomplished when he can teach you something, but he also has to fight the impulse to offer up useful information at every given opportunity. 
Watch him struggle to not point out forageable mushrooms.
He will try in a very roundabout way to teach you what is forageable because he will be damned if his chil—no, this young adventurer—can't feed herself.
So the day you visit him with a perfectly dressed rabbit has him tearing up.
He doesn't expect you to be a warrior like him. He would never impose the difficulties of that life on anyone. But he does want to make sure that you can defend yourself.
If you choose to pursue the life of a warrior, he'll listen to you talk about your victories and your hardships. Should you ask for advice, he will offer it.
He isn't going to be the sort of person to give you unsolicited advice (though he will feel like he is dying if he thinks he can help you work towards a solution and you don't ask).
And, perhaps because you have sought his counsel when it comes to training as a warrior, and because he has taken an interest in not only your growth as a warrior but also the social aspects, you do find it easy to confide in him.
You might initially feel bad for venting about something, but Zevlor assures you he doesn't mind.
He soon becomes your closest confidant.
He will ask if you want advice or if you just want to talk things out. But regardless, he safeguards your secrets with the devotion one can expect of a paladin.
Zevlor isn't the sort of person to outright say “I dislike this idea” or “I dislike so-and-so,” but he does that patented mouth twist/pucker when you mention said idea/person. 
“I get the sense that you don't like ___”
“Hmm. I suppose I'm not too fond of how reckless they can be. You'll have to forgive an old man for worrying.”
Also, he is absolutely, 100% the father who will say “I'm not angry, I'm just disappointed.” And if he doesn't say it, he still conveys it with the parent-patented ‘face.’
He won't lie and pretend he isn't protective of you.
If he feels that you have been wronged deeply and irreparably, it's going to take everything in him to not strike out on your behalf.
But he also knows that he has taught you to act with a level head, and if he were to respond in a way that runs counter to what he has tried to instill in you, then what was the point?
Maybe it's because he is a Paladin of Helm, or maybe it's because he found his daughter in the last place he'd thought to look, but he wants to shield you from all harm.
He has to come to terms with the fact that he can't always protect you. And the realization nearly destroys him.
But it's in that realization that you mean so much to him that gives him pause.
And he realizes how proud he is of you, and how he wants to remain a part of your life.
Assuming that you want Zevlor to remain in your life, then he will be there for you at every single important juncture (and all of the points in between).
He's there for every heartbreak.
And he's there for every victory.
In everything but blood, he is a father to you.
He is there when you need to make home repairs, ready to offer a helping hand.
He is there at the first sign of trouble
He's there when you need to cry or be angry
And he wouldn't choose to be anywhere else
And when all is said and done, when the storms have passed and the world is quiet, he looks at you and says, “For what it's worth I'm proud of you.”
Scenario-driven Headcanons: Following Game Events - Zevlor as a Mentor and then a Father-figure
Zevlor never expected to serve as a parental figure in any capacity—least of all for an adventurer who stumbled into his path during one of the most stressful times of his life.
But something about you makes him feel paternal.
Maybe there were aspects of yourself that reminded him of when he was a newly recruited Hellrider—unsure of the world but desperate to prove himself all the same—that made him feel that he could, perhaps, act as a mentor to you.
At first, he acts as more of an advisor and a teacher. If you mention in passing that your traveling party is heading to one location or another, he’ll offer to review maps of the area with you. He has done some scouting around the Grove, so he’ll make suggestions about what to avoid and what routes were safest.
If you run any training drills, Zevlor will watch from a distance. He won’t offer feedback immediately—not unless he notices that you’re getting frustrated or that something in your technique creates a lethal opening for your foes. Otherwise, he will wait for you to ask him his thoughts. 
He’s also more than content to train with you. He’s strict, but he is a patient teacher. Though he is usually reserved and level-handed with his counsel, the one thing he will never hold back on is your form while training. If he lies to you about that, then he fears that he is sentencing you to death or a serious injury.
But as time goes on, he becomes more aware of your tells—he knows when you aren’t eating or sleeping well. And though he usually wouldn’t pester someone whose health didn’t directly impact the overall safety and well being of the other tieflings, he can’t help but worry about you. He knows that you’re stressed about something (you did come to the Grove in search of a healer, after all), but he doesn’t know what that might be.
So, initially, he might broach the topic by asking if there is enough to eat on the road. He might offer to patch up your blankets or your tent if there are any notable tears.
But if those gentle questions/offers don’t get much in the way of results, he will ask you if you are taking care of yourself.
After training with you, he’ll make a point of fetching you a bowl of stew and seeing to it that you eat a few bites.
Though making sure you get rest is trickier, he will start to ask if you are sleeping enough. He feels like he is dangerously close to crossing a line, but he is worried.
He might not fall apart if you return to the Grove injured, but he won’t tolerate you not getting immediate medical attention. 
After you defeat the goblins, Zevlor is practically beaming. He realizes that this is more than just relief over you being alive and the path being cleared for the refugees—he is proud of you.
He won’t claim to have played a role in your growth as a person. More than likely he’ll joke and say that he just made sure that you were holding the right end of a sword.
If you thank him for his guidance, he’ll refocus the discussion to your achievements.
He asks that you be careful on the road to Baldur’s Gate, and he’ll wish you safe travels.
So imagine how he feels when you find him trapped in the Mind Flayer colony.
Not only is he now dealing with the guilt over the Absolute invading his mind and having him urge the other tieflings to surrender, but now he sees you, the young adventurer who put their trust in him.
And that is enough to wreck him.
He wants to beg your forgiveness for not upholding this image of justice and valor, for perhaps going back on the morals that he conveyed to you whilst he mentored you.
If you respond with kindness, he will think he is undeserving. He will try to reject your forgiveness. But he won't deny the sense of pride that burns in his chest. He may have not played a role in your upbringing, but to know that he helped guide a warrior who possessed a moral compass that allowed for forgiveness? Especially for him? It makes him want to try again. 
If you respond from a place of hurt/betrayal, he will accept how you feel. He won't flinch away if you berate him or yell at him. After what happened in the Shadow-Cursed Lands, how can he? He is now an Oath Breaker. He has lost everything. Perhaps he should have seen that he would fail as a mentor too.
But he wants to try again. He wants to redeem himself. It might not be possible, but he wants to strive to fill the image that you created of him in your mind. He might never attain it, but he's going to do his damnedest.
Regardless of how you respond, Zevlor implores you to take care. He doesn't care what happens to him, but the thought of you dying rattles him.
After Ketheric is defeated and everyone gathers in the throne room, Zevlor will observe from the shadows. 
He doesn't make himself known to anyone. He just wanted to make sure that you were alive before he moved on.
And with the knowledge that you and your companions survived, he departs for Baldur's Gate. 
He is proud of you. And he is so, so scared. 
So, within Act 3, as far as I have observed/read, Zevlor doesn't reappear until the final battle (assuming you saved him in the Mind Flayer colony).
But I'm taking some liberties here.
After what happened in the Shadow-Cursed Lands, Zevlor is too ashamed to be around you.
But he is also so, so worried. 
He knows you're a capable warrior. He spent weeks training you. 
But suddenly that training doesn't seem like enough. Why couldn't he have urged you to stay for a few more hours that one day? He might have noticed that your swing was a bit too wide or that you left your right side vulnerable when you feinted that one time. Why the hells didn't he take the time to help you perfect your technique?
Perfection might not save you from all threats, but it gave you a better chance of survival.
Needless to say, he lays awake most nights gripped with anxiety.
Are you actually alright? Have you been injured?
He doesn't have a lot of money to his name, but he spends what he does have reading the newspaper, coveting whatever tidbits of information about you is printed that day.
He quietly celebrates your victories, and he mourns your losses from afar.
He decides one evening to toast one of your wins at the Elfsong.
And he sees you. You're laughing and joking with your friends. Despite everything that has happened. You're bruised and exhausted, but you're smiling in that moment.
He didn't intend on running into you, and he immediately makes himself scarce.
He ducks into an alleyway and lets himself cry. 
That adventurer, so bright and full of potential, is now a hero. 
He's scared, he's proud, and seeing you stealing a moment of joy for yourself before diving back into the fray has him simultaneously laughing and sobbing.
While he had been hesitant to make himself known to you before, he commits to standing with you at the end.
So he focuses on healing his body and honing his strength. He might renew his vows as a paladin.
But regardless, he is there when you enter the High Hall, and regardless of how you two parted in the Mind Flayer colony, he pledges his strength to you.
He might not be at your side in the final battle, but he keeps the enemy off of your back. 
He fights like the Hellrider Commander he has always been. 
And he watches you defeat the Netherbrain.
He isn't the first to congratulate you. No, he doesn't want to interfere in the moment that you share with your companions.
But he is there at the end, brimming with pride. 
Before you leave to join your companions at the Elfsong, the two of you sit down on the edge of the jetty, looking out on the Chionthar. 
The battle is over. You've won.
Zevlor might not hug you. He might not tell you that you are the child he never thought he'd have.
But he tells you how proud he is of you. And, should you be open to it, he'd like to stay in your life. Be that in the smallest of capacities, where you and he occasionally get a drink and you catch him up on your life, or in a larger capacity, where you seek him out for counsel and training, he wants to see where life will take you.
Should you be in agreement, Zevlor is a very consistent presence in your life. 
At first, he is there when you call on him.
But at a certain point, he just gets a sense for when you need him there.
He never wants to barge in, but he'll make excuses to swing by and check on you.
Initially, he thought he would always be a mentor to you. And to a certain degree, he still is.
He never expected to be the shoulder you leaned on while you cried. 
He never expected that you would make a point to celebrate his birthday with him.
He most certainly didn't expect you to consider his input on life-changing decisions. 
But there he is, rubbing circles into your back as you weep over the loss of a companion.
There he is, confused and dewy-eyed as you push a gift into his hands and wish him a happy birthday.
There he is, watching you accomplish the impossible.
He might not have thought he'd ever be a father, let alone a father figure.
But he is more than content to fill that role for you.
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shredsandpatches · 2 years
Five Things You Might Find in My Fics
@oldshrewsburyian tagged me in this and I love navel-gazing about my own writing. Of course all of this is in the context of my only really writing stuff for one fandom/set of characters but there are certainly multiple routes one could take with them and I definitely have recurring themes...
Spirituality, sexuality, and their intersections. My main characters, after all, are a polyamorous triad (they don't call themselves that obvs) consisting of two queer men and a woman who are varying levels of devout ranging from "very much and genuinely" to "has a lot of issues but is glad to have his partners in his corner." I've done a lot of work to make their (very healthy and loving) relationship feel grounded and believable in a very religious and also very sex-negative medieval culture without just making everything constant angst, and I think that's also helped me to incorporate the characters' religious beliefs more consistently throughout and to think about the issue in more depth.
Struggles with infertility. This is, again, part and parcel of the subject matter, as I'm dealing with historical figures whose childlessness was a major crisis in their lives and for the realm as a whole, but I've come back to it a lot especially in recent years and I kind of suspect this is a result of hitting my forties and still being single and kind of thinking about how I'll almost certainly never have kids and while this isn't a major source of angst in my life, it's something I do kinda turn over in my head once in a while (my attitude towards it was always "I'll worry about it if I ever meet anyone I'd actually want to start a family with"). The flip side of this is that I write a lot of fluffy or at least ultimately-ending-happily fics where Richard and Anne do manage to have some kids about whom I have lots of elaborate headcanons because I'm a dweeb.
Czech stuff. There's not a ton of fiction that has Anne of Bohemia as a major character but of the stuff that's out there, none of it really deals much with her home culture although it usually mentions that she was coming from the cultural center of Europe to the edge of it. Of course, the imperial court was a major locus for the International Gothic artistic movement but I do like to foreground Anne's Slavic heritage -- her father placed a lot of emphasis on his Bohemian ancestry, and also it's something unique that Anne and her entourage being to the English court. In general I want to emphasize that she comes from a specific cultural context that's generally been overlooked by English speakers, and that involves both giving some sense of her family as people with distinct personalities and also specific references to the literature, language, and culture of her homeland.
Medieval literature. I mean, obviously I also have a lot of direct references to English (and French) literature, music, culture, and so forth, because I'm a manuscript librarian with a Ph.D. in English literature so of course I do. (There are also a lot of manuscript references and I always forget that they would just call them books.) Although there's not as much Chaucer as you would expect, largely because I tend to modernize my quotes (the language is modern to them) and it's hard to do that to Chaucer.
Fluff. I think this is mostly a "since the pandemic" thing. In the present moment it feels like the preference in the teeny histories fandom is more for darker stuff so I do feel like I'm a bit out of touch, but idk, other than the novelthing which is pretty miserable that hasn't been where my heart is lately. Anyway they all die young and in upsetting ways so they should get to have a bit of a nice time first.
It looks like we're supposed to tag five people so I'm tagging @skeleton-richard, @themalhambird, @heartofstanding, @titleleaf, and @maplelantern :)
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lady-charinette · 4 years
Adrien Agreste =/= Sociopath - About Adrien Salt
I've seen a lot of posts going around about Adrien being a sociopath or the other (harasser, abuser...etc.)
What I find most of those posts lacking is looking at the big picture, or just zeroing in on certain moments of the show and even disregarding the context of those selected moments to unfairly rule judgement on a child (in canon) no less.
Definition of sociopath: A sociopath is a term used to describe someone who has antisocial personality disorder (ASPD). People with ASPD can’t understand others’ feelings. They’ll often break rules or make impulsive decisions without feeling guilty for the harm they cause.
People with ASPD may also use “mind games” to control friends, family members, co-workers, and even strangers. They may also be perceived as charismatic or charming.
We have to analyze the context and the surroundings Adrien is in.
Family, social life, relationships (platonic and romantic), personality, age, environment...etc.
We know Adrien has a father who is controlling, preferring to micro-manage every aspect of his son's life to continue to have a semblance of control at all times. We assume (heavily implied in the show), that his mother was kind, warm and emotional (whether that emotional is the "out-there" kind her twin sister has, it remains to be seen.)
According to a snippet from "Simon Says", Adrien also has "Quite a temper, you remind me of someone" according to Gabriel's own words, we can assume the "someone" is Emilie, Gabriel says this when Chat Noir refused to follow his orders and told him to basically "get off his high horse". In this context, anyone who defies Gabriel in such a way would either be branded as "disobedient" or to "have quite a temper".
According to Adrien himself in "Adrien's Double Life" (from Miraculous Secrets) he describes being Chat Noir as "...I can finally do whatever I want to do, say whatever comes to mind." He doesnt feel as restricted and controlled since that's the one aspect of his life his father has no knowledge of.
Social life:
Adrien has had no or very little interaction with peers.
Evidence: Chloe being his childhood friend. Felix commenting on Chloe's appearance in the video she sent for Adrien's birthday, saying "Chloe. Just as annoying as usual." suggests he knows her from before, maybe even as early on as their childhood days.
This makes Felix and Chloe the only kids, of spoiled and rich background, with whom Adrien interacted.
Felix is shown to be good at manipulating people and keeping up appearances (potentially connected to insecurities within the family? Not confirmed), Chloe is openly mean and bullies others (with underlying insecurities also connected to her parents).
The only positive adult (if Gorilla isn't as involved and Nathalie had been solely Gabriel's secretary and not Adrien's caretaker since there was Emilie) in Adrien's life would be his mother, who also fell into a coma during Adrien's formative years (and still during a time where he's figuring himself and his emotions out: puberty), leaving him with his father.
Moving on, even if the writer's sometimes may not always successfully show Adrien being awkward in social interactions, it doesnt mean they dont exist.
This interaction between him and Marinette, asking for her autograph, very formal in his question, awkward in posture:
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He's picked up on some speech patterns from his frequent interactions with Nino ("dude", "Hey man." "Totally dude.") showing he's, like many people, mimicking his friend's behavior and speech to grow more favorably in their eyes.
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The same pattern can be observed with Gabriel and Adrien: Adrien adopts his father's formal speech whenever talking to him, since that appeases him.
Adrien has had very limited friendly interactions with his peers, romantic interactions are basically non-existent. The scenes where Adrien is being chased by his fans, who obsessively adore him, cant be linked to Adrien experiencing healthy romantic contact (Lila doesn't count since she only uses Adrien to further her goals). Marinette doesn't count since Adrien's isn't even aware of her romantic feelings for him. (Again, difficulties picking up social cues due to only ever being homeschooled > limited social contact with peers)
So no, in my humble opinion, Adrien sometimes doesn't understand other people's feelings not because he's a sociopath, but because he's an awkward kid with very little experience about making friends and having healthy relationships with them.
Let's be direct here: Gabriel is an abusive as*hole.
If the writer's wanted to show Gabriel struggling or having remorse for his actions being Hawkmoth and putting his son through danger, well... They blew it. "Gorizilla" was a 5 second reaction of Hawkmoth showing concern after letting Adrien fall from a skyscraper. Applause. After that? Not much.
Nathalie: Adrien likes, she takes care of him, his schedule, was the one to convince Gabriel to let him attend public school. There are moments in the show where she softens up towards Adrien, but always carries that air of professionalism on her to (possibly, assumption) not grow too close. Gorilla is...Gorilla, but at least the man tries with his nonverbal support and affectionate grunts. Lol.
Gabriel: He loves his father. It's his parent, after all. However, Adrien's reactions to him are vastly different than to how he reacts when thinking of his mother. He shows signs of fear (tensing up, growing obedient...etc.), he excuses his father's excessive controlling tendencies to just be "he's just worried about me", "that's the way he always was", "father cares and protects me". Adrien shows to be frequently disappointed with Gabriel, one of the first scenes being that Gabriel couldn't attend parent's day at school, Adrien was talking on the phone alone in the school hallway. He was genuinely surprised by the blue scarf his father gifted him (not knowing it was Marinette), since all he used to get were pens (again, not even from Gabriel, but Nathalie). This is my assumption but: Adrien has previously begged his father to go outside more or attend public school, but this time it worked only because Nathalie managed to convince him.
Friends from school: Nino is his best friend, Adrien seems to be good friends with Alya too, basically everyone in class, with varying degrees of closeness. Chloe is a childhood friend whom Adrien is fond of but also grows exasperated with and corrects her behavior if she's too harsh.
Marinette: likes and respects her, but can't read her well or at least when he thinks he's got her figured out, she claims the opposite. Marinette has been sending mixed signals, on one hand even making Adrien believe (and fear) they weren't friends. "Chat Blanc" contrary to popular belief, showed that Adrien is delighted at the prospect of Marinette being Ladybug (he'd severe doubts when Chloe or anyone else was brought up as a possible option).
Kagami: likes her, respects her, admires her fencing skills, learned to have fun hanging out with her and playing as kids usually do since she also has a controlling parent and they both know some ways/tricks around their boundaries to sneak off and meet their friends. Adrien and Kagami have similarities in that respect, Gabriel pushing Adrien to be a model, Mrs. Tsurugi pushing Kagami to be a master fencer.
Lila: At first defended her, was friendly towards her since she was a new student from overseas he sympathized because surely it would be lonely? The new girl would need a friend who supported her through all this things that were new for him too. However, as soon as he caught wind of Lila's schemes, he changes his tune. He feels uncomfortable around her overstepping his boundaries, expresses anger when Lila accused Marinette of crimes she didn't commit and even makes a deal with her to not bother Marinette again (but use him instead, doing photoshoots together...etc.) to keep her safe.
A 14-15 year old, having lost his mother, the only positive, healthy relationship in his life. Surrounded by a controlling father, not much free time, many extracurricular activities and being a superhero alongside Ladybug.
Some of the signs of being a sociopath include: Breaking rules and being impulsive.... Didn't Ladybug do those too?
Breaking the rules: (since LB and Marinette are the same) stealing phones, sneaking into places where she shouldn't, using the miraculous for personal gain (latest example: getting Kagami away from Adrien), giving Adrien the snake miraculous due to personal preference instead of drawing logical conclusions. Sneaked into the Agreste mansion.
Impulsiveness: Marinette's daily fantasies (sharing a future life with Adrien and their hamster-who-must-not-be-named), when Lila's "precious family heirloom necklace" was "stolen", Marinette was quick to include her classmates in the list of potential perpetrators for it (without ill intent, but still..)
You know who the real potential sociopath in the show is?
Some of you might include Lila too (since she fits all the criteria for being a sociopath), but the key difference is: Lila is still just a kid.
We don't know much about her family life. Just that her mother is busy with work, we don't know where her father is, who her friends were/if she even had them. She might be lying and manipulating people to follow her own agenda, but she thrives in attention, when people notice and praise her. In some aspects, that could've been Adrien. With one neglectful parent, a missing parent, no friends (prior to going to school)...etc. There is also a lot we don't know about her.
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rosemarypasta · 4 years
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➤ pairing : oikawa tooru x female reader (karasuno manager)
➤ chapter warnings : slowburn (?)
➤ summary : You just recently joined the Karasuno boy’s volleyball team as their first year manager. As you grow closer to your teammates, you also unexpectedly grow closer to one of their biggest rivals, Oikawa Tooru
➤ chapter word count: 2762
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-ˏˋ chapter two ˊˎ-
8:00 AM
You woke up the next day super early to get ready for the practice match. Eight hours ago before collapsing due to an energy shortage, you made sure to set up an alarm for eight AM so you could have a full hour to get ready before going to the morning practice. You showered, brushed your teeth and ate some breakfast first thing in the morning. As soon as you finished your last bite of toast, you said goodbye to your parents and set off to school with thirty minutes to spare. You knew you could've used the remaining thirty minutes to chill for a second or do your homework that you didn't get to do yesterday but you figured that you'd start to freak out and question why you were doing all this in the first place if you didn't go immediately.
Physically, you felt tired and worn out from dodging stray volleyballs yesterday but you were oddly pumped and energized to go to practice. As you began to question your sudden surge of enthusiasm, your brain quickly reminded you of a reason why.
Oikawa Toru was a reason why.
You felt like a thirteen year old having a crush on the popular boy all over again. You've only seen him once and you find it ridiculous how much he has already been occupying your mind. He didn't even acknowledge you last night. He couldn't at least pretend to be interested in who you were and ask for your name. "Whatever." You mumbled to yourself as you tried to push the image of the Seijoh student away. But there is nothing wrong with finding a stranger hot anyway.
As you entered school grounds and walked towards the gym, you could already hear the squeaking sounds the volleyball shoes made. You looked over to see the time on your cell phone and confirmed with yourself that you were fifteen minutes early. So how are there already somebody practicing? You peaked through the open door and caught a glimpse of the red head sprinting to the opposite side of the court in a blink of an eye. HInata suddenly jumps vertically up but falls shortly, a volleyball joining beside him a second later.
"You jumped too fast!" A familiar voice yelled. There was somebody else in there this early too aside from Hinata. "Well maybe you just tossed too slow." Hinata pouted as he crossed his arms and legs like a toddler throwing a tantrum on the floor.
You giggled to yourself as you found the sight of a high schooler to be ridiculous.
"Ah! Y/N, good morning!" The redhead greeted you as he noticed you creeping from the door. "Hey." Kageyama greeted you briefly before picking up another ball from the cart you and Shimizu organized after yesterday's practice. Judging from the amount of balls already scattered throughout the gym floor, you could tell they have started way earlier than you previously thought.
The rest of the team quickly started to pile in the gym one by one. BY the time coach Ukai showed up, the whole team had already started their stretches. They seemed more fired up than yesterday.
You weren't the type to keep up with sports but you do know that your prefecture was quite well known for some of their volleyball players. You've heard of powerhouse schools like Shiratorizawa and Aoba Johsai but you've never heard of Karasuno's outstanding volleyball team. So if this is the performance and morale of a team full of nobodies, you wonder how insane the training is in the powerhouse schools.
The practice went by smoothly, no yelling or fights and most importantly, no injuries. They took frequent breaks to drink and rest in between different types of training. Despite it being a Saturday morning, you didn't feel worn out like you did during yesterday's practice. In reality, it was pretty entertaining watching them play a sport they are all so passionate about. Well, most of them seemed passionate. Tsukishima, the first year, seemed to be pretty good but anyone could tell that he was doing the bare minimum compared to Nishinoya and Hinata who were pretty much begging the coach to keep playing during breaks.
And before you knew it, twelve o'clock came around and the black and orange uniformed boys met their rivals for the day. Around the same amount of players in white and turquoise walked in the gym but as much as you scanned the crowd, you didn't find the familiar face you hoped to see. You sank into the bench you were sitting on and sighed. Was he not a regular? Then why was he so confident in beating Kageyama when he isn't on the team to begin with?
You contemplated whether you should ask Kageyama about him but you pushed that possibility away as you watched him do his final set of stretches to prepare for the match. You also thought it would be embarrassing if he knew you had an interest towards someone that was so ridiculously rude towards him. Though while debating with yourself, you caught Kageyama looking through the room and looking concerned for a while but shook it off swiftly before serving in the first set of the day. You knew Aoba Johsai has a pretty big volleyball team and they only brought twenty people to Karasuno so maybe Oikawa really wasn't a regular.
Two sets went by and both Karasuno and Aoba Johsai each had a win which means the last set they played would determine the first win of the day. With a blow of a whistle, Asahi was already throwing the ball in the air to serve but got distracted by the sudden entrance of a brunette in a white jacket.
"Sorry for being late everyone, it took me a while to get the ok from the doctor." He graciously announced as he leaned on the door with a white supporter on his right knee. "So you can finally play?" An Aoba Johsai player with spiky dark hair asked Oikawa to which he replied with a sparkly smile and an enthusiastic thumbs up.
"You guys lost the first set to them huh?" He casually spoke with a bright smile on his face that seemed sinister with the context and tone of the words he spoke. "Leave the rest to your captain." He smirked. He pulled the jacket off his back to reveal his white uniform with the number one printed brilliantly across his chest.
As if the whole ordeal was pre-planned, the timid looking boy that made Aoba Johsai lose their set point the last set moved back and joined the rest of the white uniformed team on the bench with a simple hand gesture from the coach. Oikawa swiftly moved to the back of the court. His legs parted and arms wide open, ready to accept the ball his black uniformed opponent was about to serve.
As soon as the ball left Asahi's grasp, Aoba Johsai was quick to react, even quicker than the last two sets they played. Each move the players made on court was filled with confidence and no hesitation was shown, as if a single person like OIkawa multiplied their skills by three just by setting foot on the polished wooden floors riddled with sweat. The brunette captain was quick to react when his name was called. He ran up to the front of the net, tossed the ball towards his teammate and allowed him to spike with all his might.
Watching the whole ordeal was mesmerizing despite being on, what seems like now, the underdog's team. As the ball left the spiker's palm, it zoomed in the air. You held your breath as you saw it in slow motion touch the area beyond the white line.
It was out.
You sighed in relief and sank back into the bench beside coach Ukai and Shimizu. You felt relieved that no one on the Karasuno team touched the ball since it looked like it was strong enough to break an arm. You turned to see them cheer as usual every time they win a point but the celebrations seemed to be duller than usual. They seemed tense, not letting their guard down as they briefly high fived each other.
"It's the grand king's turn to serve now." You overheard Hinata mutter to himself as he wiped sweat droplets from his forehead. The grand king? Who's the grand king?
You turned to the opposite side of the court and saw the pretty brunette spinning the ball on his long and slender finger. The Aoba Johsai captain threw the ball in the air lightly then proceeded to hit it to the point where the side where the ball touched his palm grew flat, parallel to his hand. You thought the last ball they hit was powerful but this time, you were sure that this one was strong enough to put a hole in the middle of the gymnasium.
The whole practice match went on for another hour and a half. The two teams played six sets in total. Two went to Karasuno while the other four went to the fashionably late captain's team. You felt bad that your team lost, despite how much practice they put even before the official practice hours had begun but you assumed that losing four sets in a six set game to a powerhouse school wasn't so bad.
Though, you thought the fired up ones like Nishinoya and Hinata would be bummed after losing a practice match but they seemed fine. They were mopping the floors as usual and were mingling with some of Aoba Johsai members who were still cooling down before journeying back to their school.
For your part of the clean up, you carried a crate of empty water bottles outside to the back of the gym to fill them with water. Carrying twenty empty bottles and filling them to the brim was no problem, but carrying them full back in was one. You took a deep breath in before focusing all your strength you had onto your fingertips but before you could even attempt to lift them, they seemed to float up on their own.
You realized the pair of hands on top of yours.
You startled yourself and dripped the heavy plastic crate to the ground as you jumped away in shock. "Sorry for scaring you, I just saw you struggled with it and wanted to help." The captain of the opposing team spoke, rubbing the back of his neck. "Ah! No, it's fine. Thank you for your concern and help." You frantically replied back. You could feel your cheeks heat up in shame. You stepped away from the crate as he crouched down and picked it up like it was nothing.
"I'm Oikawa Toru, though I suppose Tobio-chan filled you in with that information last night?" He introduced himself as he began to carry the bottles in the gym. Your heart skipped a beat pathetically. He remembered you from last night. You let out a small sigh, disappointed at how easy it was for Oikawa to impress you this much by doing the bare minimum.
Though, despite your conflicting inner thoughts, butterflies unwillingly started to fill your stomach. "So are you Tobio's classmate? You two seemed pretty close yesterday. Was he walking you home?" OIkawa set the crate down carefully on the floor, speaking casually as if you were already acquaintances for a long time. "Yes he did but it was nothing special- Shimizu-senpai told me to have someone walk me home since it was already dark outside." Your face paced answer seemed desperate compared to how chill he was acting. "And we aren't classmates, I'm just in the same year as him." You didn't know why you were so eager to answer each and every question he asked. You knew he was just making small talk but you answered as if they were the final words he would ever say to you.
You could tell he was the popular type. The way he acted and played screamed like the jock pride and joy of Seijoh. His perfectly styled hair, charismatic smile and toner body had the ability to make anyone, whether they liked men or not, drool.
"OIkawa get your ass in the bus, we're leaving." The dark haired boy in the number four uniformed yelled from the opposite side of the room. "Well, I guess this is goodbye for now, Y/N-chan." He winked before running off to join his vice-captain who hit his head in response to Oikawa patting his hair once he caught up to his friend. You giggled at the sight of them bickering childishly as two of your seniors slid behind you.
"Don't be fooled by that pretty boy's charms, Y/N." Tanaka warmed, his face contorted in intimidation in an attempt to scare the rival's captain, which went unnoticed as he was already out of the gym, busy talking with his friend. "You two! Cut it out, don't spread rumours about Oikawa." Daichi sighed as he hit the two boys with odd hairstyles on the head. "They aren't rumours if they're true, Daichi-san!" Nishinoya managed to say as he winced in pain, rubbing the top of his head in sync with his buzzcut haired partner. "So what's the deal with Oikawa-san?" You replied in curiosity without thinking further. Tanaka and Nishinoya snickered at your response, satisfied with the reaction they sparked and straightened their posture, before clearing their throats. "Well aside from the fact that he nearly beat up poor Kageyama when he was only in his first year of junior high just because he wanted advice on volleyball, I'd say he's a decent guy." Tanaka informed in a low voice, looking around to make sure Daichi wasn't around to scold him.
Oikawa? Beating up Kageyama? He may look like someone from the popular side but he didn't seem the type to bully someone, let alone an underclassmen who was two year younger than him. You wanted to ask more from the two troublemakers but given the look on your face and how the three of you were bundled up like a group of moms gossiping about their neighbour's scandals, Daichi walked up to the second years with a sinister grin on his face but they were two steps ahead and dispersed on their own, pretending to be busy with cleaning up to avoid their captain.
After another hour of running practice outside, Daichi and Sugawara treated the whole team to some popsicles to cheer them up from the loss of the practice match and the team was shortly dismissed. You and Kageyama started to walk home together unintentionally and made small talk throughout the journey. You knew he was a nice person but you did pick up that he more or less lacked some social and communication skills. As the two of you talked about normal stuff, his answers sounded awkward and short but you were quick to realize that that was not the case when it comes to talking about volleyball so you switched the topic of the conversation to the practice match. You let him ramble on about his serves, Hinata's failed attempts at a block, and other various things you barely even noticed in the match. It was a nice way to familiarize with volleyball terms so you didn't mind. Besides,, he seemed pumped to talk about volleyball despite having just played it a while ago.
You were tempted to bring up oIkawa but you decided not to as you began to enter your neighbourhood. Although what Tanaka and Nishinoya said explained why Oikawa behaved superior and confident towards Kageyama the other day, it seemed more like harmless banter rather than petty bullying. Besides, a full three years have gone by since the supposed bullying so you were sure he has changed.
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4:00 PM
"What's with that face, you look constipated." Iwaizumi abruptly spoke, sitting up on his bed as he pushed away a manga he was reading to narrow his eyes at his childhood friend.
Oikawa rested his head on Iwaizumi's bed and smirked, "That Karasuno girl seems like she's close with Tobio-chan." He sneered, shortly feeling a sharp pain on his forehead.
"Don't get any childish ideas, Shittykawa." Iwaizumi spoke sternly in his signature monotone voice as he retreated his fingers after flicking his captain on the forehead.
next:  -ˏˋ chapter three ˊˎ-
previous:  -ˏˋ chapter one ˊˎ-
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chromehevrts · 3 years
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                                         𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐆𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐈 𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐖
                                           𝚜𝚙𝚎𝚌𝚒𝚊𝚕 𝚐𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚝: 𝐃𝐀𝐕𝐄 𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐓
𝐍𝐎𝐋𝐈 𝐆𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐈 : hey, what's up everybody, we live baby, HOT 97 THE GATTI SHOW, and today we have a very special guest in the building, DAVE EAST. how you doing today, DAVE?
𝐃𝐀𝐕𝐄 𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐓 : Ayo...what's good ya'll and Im doing alright, how you been? Thanks for having me.
𝐍𝐎𝐋𝐈 𝐆𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐈 : i'm feeling great and super excited to have you here today, so thank you for stopping by. i always wanted to have you as the guest at my show because hey, it's NEW-YORK baby and let's face facts, you're one of those new school artists who represents NY. at what age you've figured out you want to do music?
𝐃𝐀𝐕𝐄 𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐓 : Shit, honestly music was a last resort for me. I went to college and tried to play ball, but shit ain't go how i want. So I sat down and was like shit, what else can I do and niggas was like rap. So I was like aigh, I took on the name rebel and started to push my pen at like 18 or suttin.. So it was either do music and make something outta myself or trap. I went with music, cause shit i had a backup plan if that shit aint work.
𝐍𝐎𝐋𝐈 𝐆𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐈 : i'm sorry it didn't really go as you planned it with basketball, but UNIVERSE had some other plans for you. i think young people should look up at you, like hey, things might not go the way you want them to be, so you have to dust yourself and try again or find something even better. like you did. what inspires you when you write your lyrics? or it's more a freestyle like process?
𝐃𝐀𝐕𝐄 𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐓 : Shit, I mean life inspires me... like the shit that goes on around me and my niggas inspire me. I shit I do a little of both, I can freestyle but half the time I like to sit down, smoke and get what i gots to say on paper. I be in the studio from 8pm to 4am mostly every night. But back to what you was saying, when you come from a struggle you gonna do what you gotta do to make it, like I was watching niggas I played ball with get drafted into the NBA. That shit is what motivated me to do something. I ain't want to be the failure watching these niggas living they best life.
𝐍𝐎𝐋𝐈 𝐆𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐈 : when people scroll through social media, they think all the diamond chains and fancy cars come easy, as if the famous card is unlimited credit card and you don't have do anything for it. no one really thinks about how much you put into work, staying in the studio all night long, tours, shows. i'll have a nerve to compare music industry, and show business in general, with a basketball court. either you sweat and play, or, sit your ass on the bench. and music is not the only thing you do, you're also a business owner and now, a reality tv-show star. hello cast mate, how ya doiiin'? but hey, CONCRETE JUNGLE baby. how did you came up with an idea that you do want to participate in the show?
𝐃𝐀𝐕𝐄 𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐓 : I mean... the money. I figured since I'm already doing a TV show and this won't mess with that, why not. I got people I need to take of so doing this show is to help them out to at the end of the day. But I have a few business ventures Im into and that I do, so I'm getting checks in multiple areas. You can't depend on making music forever, you don't wanna get burned out like RIHANNA's ass did. Thats something I always tell starting artist. Like ye treat yoself but sure you invest into some shit and build some shit for yourself.
𝐍𝐎𝐋𝐈 𝐆𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐈 : and just like that, straight forward and without any fake reasons to get sympathy and attention. DAVE be like yes bitch, it's about the money, so who's going to check me? i love it here. and you are right, once you get your first bag, why not to make more bags out of it? i'm glad you're looking out for the youngsters, but i don't blame them, when you get those figures first it definitely can blow your mind. but let's talk about the show a little bit. are you familiar with other cats mates? do you have any expectations from this project?
𝐃𝐀𝐕𝐄 𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐓 : I mean I ain't familiar with all them, but I have met a few and they groupies and shit. I don't know, like its still early to tell, but im just tryna have my fans see more of me than they do already. I just hope the show don't edit me too much cause they will notice the difference.
𝐍𝐎𝐋𝐈 𝐆𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐈 : since MONA SCOTT has nothing to do with the new production team, let's hope for the best. i'd hate to see some words or actions dragged out of context. okay, moving to the next one. i bet most of the guys would like to know the secret recipe of DAVE EAST's charm, because we all know a lot of ladies consider you as their celebrity crush, along with MICHAEL B JORDAN and ODELL BECKHAM. is there any secret to it and how does it feels to have if not all, then a lot of eyes on you? now i know ladies gonna perk their ears up right now in a hope to hear if they have any chance and what not.
𝐃𝐀𝐕𝐄 𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐓 : I mean i don’t discriminate so as long as you keep my attention and you cool. You got a chance..and at first the shit felt weird cause i always had some attention on me but to now have woman that look like models be like oh yeah let’s fuck be on me. I ain’t know how to handle it. Then at the same time it’s annoying cause then you get woman that get jealous and mad at me for no reasons.
𝐍𝐎𝐋𝐈 𝐆𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐈 : a blessing and a curse at the same time, isn't it? so ladies, respect some boundaries and privacy before showering DAVE with your love. but, let's hop back to the topic of you being on the show. a few days ago there was this shooting at the club where you and other cast members happened to be at. do you have anything to say about it?
𝐃𝐀𝐕𝐄 𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐓 : I mean i left before the shooting happened cause some nigga and the club discriminated against me. But the shit was wild, i was outside when it first started. I hope everyone but the niggas that tried me is aigh. Fuck them dick succas.
𝐍𝐎𝐋𝐈 𝐆𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐈 : well, and you know we on air and our audience is pretty, let's say huge. so if the club attendance will go low out of sudden they better not act surprised because you don't have to discriminate anyone. we're glad you made it out safe. and the final question will be, DAVE EAST and MARION, is it the same person or it's more like alter ego thing, like BEYONCE and SASHA FIERCE?
𝐃𝐀𝐕𝐄 𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐓 : Nah it’s the same person i don’t do that witch craft ass shit. The niggas that bump my shit wouldn’t be listening to me if i did that shit. You feel me?
𝐍𝐎𝐋𝐈 𝐆𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐈 : you made it clear as a day. thank you so much for blessing THE GATTI SHOW with your appearance, DAVE. it was really nice to learn a little bit more about you, but is there anything else you'd like to share with your fans, you know, maybe some things to get off your chest?
𝐃𝐀𝐕𝐄 𝐄𝐀𝐒𝐓 : I said all i had to say, but fuck CAVALI or whatever it called and a nigga named VONTE. But karma 3 comes out august 14th so check that out and look out for the EP i got with my boy millyz coming out too. Peace.
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firstumcschenectady · 3 years
“Interconnected” based on James 1:17-27
Welcome to the book of James. It is one of my favorites, despite the fact that it takes away one of my best preaching tools. That is, I usually spend a lot of time explaining context and making sense of a scripture in the time and place it was written. But James is almost a form of wisdom literature. It is universal. So, we're able to spend our time on the ideas in the book directly.
James is written to the followers of Jesus in the diaspora – that is, those who lived outside of the Holy Land. The ones who had been DISPERSED from the land of their ancestors in faith. This feels relevant right now too. I don't know any church members at FUMC Schenectady who would claim modern Palestine or Israel as their native land, but I think that all of us are displaced from the “land” we once knew, and have not yet settled into the “land” we'll live in eventually. The Pandemic has displaced us all (although not all the same amount.)
In this opening chapter of the book of James, we are urged to LIVE our faith. James wants faith in ACTION. He urges people not to just listen to preachers ;) but to LIVE their faith, and he gets rather specific about it. James believes that people who are followers of Jesus should be acting out different values than the world's.
The crux of the advice from today's passage is “let everyone be quick to listen, slow to speak, slow to anger; for your anger does not produce God's righteousness.” For James, this is integral in what it means to be “religious” - right up there with caring about God's beloveds who the world doesn't value (“widows and orphans.”)
As far as I can figure it out, the work of Christians is to build the kindom of God. The kindom, sometimes called the beloved community, is God's vision for the world. We will know it is here when the power of love overcomes the love of power; when the abundant resources of the world are used for the good of all people; when kin-ship connections cross all boundaries; when the poorest and most vulnerable people have enough to survive and thrive; when no one has to teach anyone about God because God is known by all. The kindom is God's long term plan for us, and our work to get there happens in two broad ways: first, by creating Christian communities where we practice kin-dom values and treat each other like we're already there and second by working with God to share love, to seek mercy, and advocate for justice so that the world is healed.
One of the parts of kindom building that can be hard sometimes is that it requires seeing clearly what the world is like now. We have to do this so we can hold it in tension with how God would have the world be in the kindom, but often the aching pain of the world as it is can be hard to let ourselves see clearly. For instance, we can't work towards a world without rape and violence unless we admit that we live in a world with rape and violence, and that there are barriers to changing it. So, we seek to see clearly. We seek to see how things are AND how God wants them to be.
Now, I don't want to shock you or anything, but the United States is a highly individualistic society. (The kindom is not.) We in the US have proven to the world how terribly individualism works – time and time again. Including in our responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic.
You might think that if you were looking at this pandemic with clear eyes that you would see that none of us can be well unless all of us are well- that we are collectively only as healthy as the least healthy among us – that every act of protection and prevention has enormous ripple effects. However, if we had learned this lesson, we'd be spending as much as possible to make it feasible to vaccinate every willing person in the world as soon as possible. We'd even do this before triple vaccinating our own population, because slowing down the spread of the virus is the most important way to keep everyone safe, healthy, and alive. The well being of all and the well being of the USA actually align! Yet, we miss the mark.
The book of James has an interesting perspective on the relationship that Christians have to the world. In the face of the injustices of the Roman Empire, the wealth inequality, the slavery, the power imbalances, the death rates of the poor, James urges the faithful … not to get angry.
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I find that my first instinct is to argue with this a little bit. “Are you sure?” “What about when...?” Yet, even as I argue, I am convicted by this passage.
Society is rife with anger. Anger is pulling us apart at the seams. Some of the anger, I'd argue, is “righteous.” It is a response to injustice that needs to be seen, acknowledged, named, and addressed. We'll talk about that in a moment.
Most of the anger is misplaced. The anger is being used to create groups of “us” that stand against “them,” and those distinctions dismiss that everyone in both groups are beloveds of God. The anger is being used to provoke fear, sell products, pass unjust laws, and elect politicians. The anger is being USED.
And James points out directly that the people who want others to get angry are selling them on the idea that if they get angry enough, they will provoke God to action. James says it won't work though. God will act when God will act, and furthermore, prayer is a better way to go about it. Anger serves the people promoting it, not God.
But what about righteous anger? As I've been saying recently, anger is a “secondary” emotion. That is, it exists like a red flag to mark a place where something that is held precious is being violated. It lets us know when our values are attacked, and underneath that is another emotion. Most often anger is there to act as the bodyguard to sadness or the diversion to fear.
Sadness and fear are sufficient. They can guide us to good action, they can show us the ways of compassion, they can help us grow together. They are wise enough, that once we find them, we can let go of the anger that guided us to them.
Which means that the way to be “slow to anger” is often to identify anger, and then sit with it and find out what is underneath it. It means that we sometimes need to listen – to ourselves and our tender emotions. God is there, with us when we listen, with us when we feel, with us when we discover what is under our anger. This is, even, a form of God's healing, God's salve in our lives.
Of course, “be slow to anger” is the third piece of advice we're given in today's passage. The first two are to be quick to listen and slow to speak. It seems clear that James' advice is aimed at faith COMMUNITIES, because his advice is aimed at deepening and maintaining good relationships among the followers of Jesus.
For the past several years, I have participated in “listening circles.” These intentional spaces have careful guidelines that are aimed at making sure there is holy and sacred space for listening – and speaking. At times there have been 20 or 30 people in these circles, and you might think that there would be a lot more speaking than listening. But, there isn't. Often there are prolonged silences between speakers, and they feel like time to absorb the wisdom one beloved of God has offered. When the obligation to have a response is taken away, along with the tendency toward chit-chat, there is spaciousness for silence and listening.
When I hear James say, “be quick to listen, slow to speak” I think of how healing those circles have been in my life. I love being freed from having to have a response to something someone says, and instead just listen to them and receive their wisdom. And, when I do speak into such a space, I am astounded at the power that comes with being heard with love.
As much as I have loved these experiences though, it isn't clear to me how to live “be quick to listen, slow to speak” ALL the time. Really listening to another of God's beloveds takes energy and attention, and … let's be honest dear ones, those are finite resources!!! We will drain ourselves if we try to listen WELL all the time. (I've tried.)
That said, there is a being who is capable of listening with complete attention, and full energy, with love and compassion, with care and support – all day, every day, to all of us. God, the creator, sustainer, redeemer has gifted us with life, and God is with us breathing new life into us day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute, and even second by second. When we seek God in prayer and meditation, we find that God is close at hand, ready and able to offer us healing. When all we have to offer are sighs too deep for words, God knows what we mean. When we are full of words, God listens until we have exhausted them. When we are able to be with the Divine in holy silence, God meets us there. And, of course, when what we offer God is our listening, …
well, that's when things really start to happen ;)
James encourages us to an active faith – not just to worship God once a week, but to live out faith in every day. He reminds us that the very people the world dismisses (the “widows and orphans”) are the ones that followers of Christ take care of. James doesn't hate the world – though he isn't impressed with it either - but he doesn't think being angry with it is going to change it. James encourages the people of faith to act differently. Take care of the struggling and vulnerable, listen deeply, speak with intention, slow down anger and learn its lessons instead of acting it out. Don't replicate the brokenness of the world – change it.
So, dear ones of God, I invite you to God's restoration, God's healing of the world, God's work of the Kindom: be quick to listen; be slow to speak; be slow to anger. With such “simple” acts as these, we can heal the world. May God help us. Amen
Rev. Sara E. Baron 
First United Methodist Church of Schenectady 
603 State St. Schenectady, NY 12305 
Pronouns: she/her/hers 
September 5, 2021
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bushybeardedbear · 4 years
So I've been considering writing and posting this little issue I've had with something. Sorry to anyone following me who doesn't care about MLB. And sorry to anyone who doesn't want discourse on their dash. I will tag accordingly...
So, all that said...
The Native American Miracle Box
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Is it just me or is it a little problematic?
So, on the surface it's great to see it. It's using Native American symbolism and mythology. It's establishing that other cultures communed with and harnessed the Kwami. (Though, one could argue the Miraculous in general actually enslave these god-like beings but that's a whole other can of worms I don't want to open...) Jess being a Native American hero, wielding the Miraculous of Freedom. Its all superficially really encouraging, inclusive and nice.
But, this is a big but.
There's a huge period of Native American history where one would assume access to Super Heroes might have been a little useful.
I'm not going to pretend to be an expert on the historical events, because I'm not. I'm not going to pretend I speak on behalf of or in replacement of anyone anyone else, because I don't. If anything, my ancestors may well have been complicit in the acts I'm referring to. So if I'm wrong, call me out on it. If I'm misrepresenting anything, do the same. I'd much prefer other more relevant voices than my own be talking about this and to be listened to. I'm only saying this because to my knowledge, nobody else seems to be talking about this.
This isn't an easy topic, but America is founded upon genocidal colonialism. There's no two ways about it. Indigenous populations were murdered on a vast scale. The effects and marginalisation that resulted are still a part of people's everyday struggle. I'm fully aware that something like a cartoon talking about genocide and the lasting effects it has might be a little outside its remit, but there seems to be something inadequate about the way Miraculous Ladybug simply removes the Native American Miraculous from the equation and in a completely dismissive way.
So, based on what little information is out there, we are to believe that at some point in human history, some Native American people became aware of, communed with and created tools to harness the Kwami. In the centuries that followed, nothing was done with them. And then in around about the 16th century, these ancient powerful artifacts were just for no given reason or cause scattered around the world somehow. Then, it wasn't until the American war of independence that one of these artifacts were first used. By a white man.
Tell me its not just me that sees this as somewhat problematic?
Imagine if this was for example a hypothetical Jewish Miracle Box. Arranged in a box shaped like the Star of David and with Miraculous forged by Moses to free his enslaved people. And somehow, let's say around the 1920s, the box and its contents just conveniently go missing just before a major historical event involving Jewish people.
Wouldn't that be rightly seen as a bit messed up?
Even writing that hypothetical makes me feel a little uncomfortable.
So, isn't the Native American Miracle Box a very close parallel to the scenario I just laid out? Disappearing just before the colonisation of America happened? Or am I being somehow unfair and over-analytical? Please, if I'm talking nonsense, tell me so.
So, to my mind it feels a little like these new Miraculous have the trappings and essentially superficial decoration of Native American Culture. The most recent hero to weild them, also Native American. On the one hand that should obviously be applauded. But in the context of the Canon ignoring or marginalising the struggles of Native Americans and essentially using the peoples and cultures as decoration, isn't that a kind of clueless cultural appropriation? A kind of Colonialist attitude to the various Native American cultures as a kind of way to score points for appearing superficially inclusive?
Did Thomas Astruc or any of the Miraculous staff ask any indigenous peoples or groups for input before including this, for instance. I don't think for a moment it was actively malicious. Just, honestly a little thoughtless.
Though I suppose it's easy enough to argue that the integration of these super heroic power items into world history is in general not a great idea. Is this actually part of a larger trend of lazy world building written from the point of view of someone far removed from the historical horrors he's pushing his magic toys into?
It's one thing to argue maybe Sun Wukong, Robin Hood, the Pied Piper or other apocryphal and legendary figures held the Miraculous. Legends don't have a real world impact beyond the imaginations they spark, their place in the cultural zeitgeist. But when real world history is an issue, maybe you should have made an active choice to make your entire setting into its own historical reality based in mythology?
A similar issue to the historical problems of the Native American Miracle Box popped up in earlier episodes. Whilst not explicitly stated, it was strongly implied that during WW2, Master Fu guarded the Chinese Miracle Box from The Axis Forces. Preventing them from falling, he says, into the wrong hands.
So, why would Fu at no point consider that choosing heroes at this critical point in world history might not have been wise? Was it somehow morally wrong to intervene in defeating an ideology that threatened millions of people? Could any of the Miraculous in the hands of the Allied Nations have been considered the wrong hands given the enemy they were facing?
The issues are only compounded when you consider the Miraculous have existed in one form or another through all of human history. Yet its only now that they factor. We have to consider that either the Miraculous are always conveniently not available when certain conflicts happen or that they were indeed used but changed nothing meaningful.
If you're going to say these ancient relics have existed and been used for centuries, why not go the extra mile and examine how they've changed history? If you don't want to ever deal with the real world history, then perhaps only have the items show up in the modern day? It's the Half and Half response of "they only matter when it's easy to say they matter" that invites discussion of odd choices in the writing.
Maybe my willing suspension of disbelief for MLB is just shattered after season 3 was so... Unsatisfying?
Whatever the case, I'm just wanting to vent, put my thoughts out there and say that maybe attempting to insert new mythology into the existing world history and YET not having any impact on world history seems like its poorly thought out and best and deeply insensitive at worst.
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wallisjewellie · 5 years
Deleted Obi-Wan and Padmé scenes
Interesting information about Attack of the Clones (https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0121765/trivia):
“According to producer Rick McCallum, a scene was shot with Obi-Wan and Amidala swinging from one area to another, much like Luke and Leia in Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977), but the scene was cut.”
In case anyone is interested, the ANH scene can be watched here: https://youtu.be/VrbvWt5kerw
And it made me thinking.
It is often argued that Obi-Wan and Padmé have little screen time together with actual interaction happening between them. In fact, quite a number of their scenes were omitted during the post-production phase. Some are small, yet clearly discernible. For example the one where they meet after a decade of being apart.
The AOTC original script depicts it as such (http://nldslab.soe.ucsc.edu/charactercreator/film_corpus/film_20100519/all_imsdb_05_19_10/Star-Wars-Attack-of-the-Clones.html):
It's a great pleasure to see you again,
It has been far too long Master
Kenobi. I'm so glad our paths
have crossed again... but I must
warn you that I think your
presence here is unnecessary.
I'm sure the Jedi Council have
their reasons.”
The lines indicated with bold letters are left out of the film.
But when one revisits the final scene (https://youtu.be/Wm593Vhs3bI), the editing is evident from 1:07 to 1:11. Padmé’s lips keep moving (“I’m so glad our paths have crossed again...”), but she is muted, and we transition right to the part where she turns her attention from Obi-Wan to “Annie”.
It is bad editing. Only if Obi-Wan’s mouth was not moving at 1:12... He is probably finishing the sentence with “...have their reasons” at the end, and hence why Padmé’s attention is focused on him as well as why there is a more serious expression on her face. Otherwise why would there be such a sudden change in her mood? Literally a moment ago she was beaming at Obi-Wan. But then she calls his presence “unnecessary” by using some unfortunate wording, and the face she makes at 1:12 is probably the reaction to Obi-Wan’s polite, yet valid comeback.
When it comes to ROTS, the loss is far more substantial, and not only by the omission of the infamous scene where they kiss and embrace each other (from 1:03 https://youtu.be/xd5qQRXhoLI), which bit, in fact, can be found in the original script (https://thescriptsavant.com/pdf/StarWarsEpisode3RevengeOfTheSith.pdf):
The cockpit of the sleek yellow Galactic Speeder opens, and a HOODED FIGURE emerges and walks onto the veranda. An ALARM GOES OFF deep in the apartment. The FIGURE stops before a security curtain that protects the veranda. C-3PO enters the veranda and approaches the FIGURE.
C-3PO: Hello, might I help you . . . Oh, it's you, Master Kenobi. Come in, quickly.
The security curtain disappears, and the FIGURE lifts his hood. It is OBI-WAN. The alarm stops sounding.
OBI-WAN: Has Anakin been here . . . ?
C-3PO: Yes . . . right after the attack on the Jedi Temple. PADME comes down the stairs in a robe. THREEPIO leaves.
PADME: Master Kenobi . . .
She embraces Obi-Wan.
PADME: (continuing) Oh, Obi-Wan, thank goodness . . . you're alive.
OBI-WAN: The Republic has fallen. Padme . . . The Jedi Order is no more . . .
PADME: I know, it's hard to believe everything to which we've dedicated our lives is gone.
OBI-WAN: I believe we have been part of a plot hundreds of years in the making.
PADME: The Senate is still intact, there is some hope.
OBI-WAN: No. Padme . . . It's over . . . The Sith now rule the galaxy as they did before the Republic.
PADME: The Sith!?!
OBI-WAN: I'm here looking for Anakin . . . When was the last time you saw him?
PADME: Yesterday. [...]”
In the end we have this scene from “When was the last time you saw him?” in the final product. Sad.
And we have also been denied the scene where Obi-Wan and Padmé have a candid conversation in her apartment. It had been shot, then did not make the cut. You can have a glimpse at it here from 6:40 to 6:44: https://youtu.be/5ihqDETf324
In the script it looks like this (https://thescriptsavant.com/pdf/StarWarsEpisode3RevengeOfTheSith.pdf):
PADME and OBI-WAN sit on one of the couches. OBI-WAN: Has Anakin been to see you?
PADME: Several times . . . I was so happy to hear he was accepted on the Jedi Council.
OBI-WAN: I know ... he deserves it. He is impatient, strong willed, very opinionated, but truly gifted.
They laugh.
PADME: You're not just here to say hello. Something is wrong, isn't it?
OBI-WAN: You should be a Jedi, Padme.
PADME: You're not very good at hiding your feelings.
OBI-WAN: It's Anakin . . . He's becoming moody and detached. He's been put in a difficult position as the Chancellor's representative . . . but I think it's more than that. I was hoping he may have talked to you.
PADME: Why would he talk to me about his work?
OBI-WAN studies her.
OBI-WAN: Neither of you is very good at hiding your feelings either.
PADME: Don't give me that look.
OBI-WAN: I know how he feels about you.
PADME: (nervous) What did he say?
OBI-WAN: Nothing. He didn't have to.
PADME is a little flustered. She stands and Obi-Wan follows. She walks to the balcony.
PADME: I don't know what you're talking about.
OBI-WAN: I know you both too well. I can see you two are in love. Padme, I'm worried about him.
PADME looks down and doesn't answer.
OBI-WAN: (continuing) I fear your relationship has confused him. He's changed considerably since we returned . . .
They stand on the balcony and look off at the early morning city. OBI-WAN starts to leave. PADME stays looking off into the distant city.
OBI-WAN: (continuing) Padme, I'm not telling the Council about any of this. I ... I hope I didn't upset you. We're all friends, I care about both of you . . .
PADME: Thank you, Obi-Wan.
OBI-WAN: Please do what you can to help him.”
And has anybody noticed that the promotional stills seem to be out of sync with the visual seen in the film? Well, probably because some parts of the material already filmed were discarded.
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Such as these ones (https://thescriptsavant.com/pdf/StarWarsEpisode3RevengeOfTheSith.pdf):
The TWINS are being delivered as BAIL ORGANA, YODA, ARTOO, and THREEPIO watch. OBI-WAN is in the operating theater with PADME. He takes her hand.
OBI-WAN: Don't give up, Padme.
PADME winces from the pain. The MEDICAL DROID is holding the BABY.
MEDICAL DROID: It's a boy.
PADME: Luke . . .
PADME can only offer up a faint smile. She struggles to touch the baby on the forehead.
MEDICAL DROID: ... and a girl.
PADME: . . . Leia.
R2-D2, THREEPIO and BAIL ORGANA watch from an adjoining space.”
OBI WAN leans over PADME and softly speaks to her.
OBI-WAN: You have twins, Padme. They need you . . . hang on.
PADME: I can't . . .
PADME winces again and takes OBI-WAN's hand. She is holding Anakin's japor snippet.
OBI-WAN: Save your energy.
PADME: Obi-Wan . . . there . . . is good in him. I know there is ... still . . .
A last gasp, and she dies. OBI-WAN studies the necklace.”
A smaller one, but might be of great significance if one thinks about either the Rebel Alliance subplot or the nature of Obi-Wan and Padmé’s relationship. (https://thescriptsavant.com/pdf/StarWarsEpisode3RevengeOfTheSith.pdf)
PADME: I was so worried about you. Obi-Wan told me terrible things.
ANAKIN: What things?
PADME: He said you have turned to the dark side . . . that you killed younglings.
ANAKIN: Obi-Wan is trying to turn you against me.
PADME: He cares about us.
PADME: He knows . . . He wants to help you.
ANAKIN: Is Obi-Wan going to protect you? He can't ... he can't help you. He's not strong enough.
PADME: Anakin, all I want is your love.
ANAKIN: Love won't save you, Padme. Only my new powers can do that.”
The clip from the film can be watched here: https://youtu.be/J8QLKWvVK14
From 1:28 to 1:31 there is again an odd transition as a result of getting rid of the lines “Is Obi-Wan going to protect you? He can't ... he can't help you. He's not strong enough.” Anakin’s facial expression, of smugness and and condemnation, makes more sense in this context.
And from 3:24 to 3:28 there is another line missing:
“ANAKIN: Because of Obi-Wan?
PADME: Because of what you've done . . . what you plan to do. Stop, stop now. Come back! I love you.
ANAKIN: (seeing Obi-Wan) Liar!
PADME turns around and sees OBI-WAN standing in the doorway of the Naboo Cruiser.
ANAKIN: You're with him. You've betrayed me! You brought him here to kill me!
PADME: NO! Anakin. I swear ... I ...
ANAKIN reaches out, and PADME grabs her throat as she starts to choke.
OBI-WAN: Let her go, Anakin.
ANAKIN: What have you and she been up to?
OBI-WAN: Let her go!”
So, there you go. I think there could have been plenty of opportunities for them to end up in more scenes together, but whatever. Even according to Natalie Portman “All of [Obi-Wan and Padmé’s] relationship developed off screen, so between Episode II and Episode III [they have] sort of become friends, to the point where he feels comfortable coming to [Padmé] and telling [her] things that are very personal.”
Also, do we know if Obi-Wan and Padmé met between TPM and AOTC? We know for sure that Padmé and Anakin didn’t, but then the film remains silent on Obi-Wan who is referred to as an “old friend” of Padmé’s by Palpatine (http://nldslab.soe.ucsc.edu/charactercreator/film_corpus/film_20100519/all_imsdb_05_19_10/Star-Wars-Attack-of-the-Clones.html)
I realise all too well that
additional security might be
disruptive for you, but perhaps
someone you are familiar with... an
old friend like... Master Kenobi...”
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sarahjchang · 5 years
a cliche phrase that just got filled
right after i finished my last final exam of the semester, some girls in my class and i went sunrise hiking (because what else are you going to do in Blacksburg?). i went hiking during this time my freshman year, so i figured that going again would be kind of special. a different mountain, with different people, hiking up to a different, but grand view. plus, it was the perfect opportunity to reflect on this past semester (but that's saved for a future post, don't worry). i was really excited. i wanted this time with my sisters and to experience something as glorious as God's vast creations, together, is something i know i won’t be able to do often when i'm older. finishing the former half of college, i realized that the latter half would go by a lot faster. and i needed to make the most out of where i am at this moment.
i apologize in advance, because this post is going to go off the cliche saying of "life's a climb, but the view is great." and honestly, this phrase used to get me angry because it was just so optimistic and i guess i didn't like that, haha. but this hike made me realize that these aren't just empty words that are used to cheer someone up. life really is a climb, life is hard. life is so hard and full of so much ... so much of what it has to offer ... but there really is something at the top. let me explain to you, (whoever you may be).
again, i apologize, but this time for my messy thoughts. i have a hard time fumbling through them and putting them into something coherent. but friends, i realized so much throughout this hike.
haha truly, i have the endurance level of an earthworm. i think all the athletic genes went to my brothers (darn!). but i knew i was going in with a group of girls, so hopefully i wouldn't be slowing anyone down. and this hike was supposed to be easier than the one i accomplished last year - and i survived that. so i went in with high hopes of not getting too exhausted. actually, i went in thinking this would be an easy hike and that i would just breeze through. oh, Sarah.
throughout the majority of the trail, i walked alongside one sister specifically, and we got to catch up on everything that's happened since we last had a formal conversation (which was probably this same time last year.) life got so busy and we never got to see each other with our conflicting schedules. but lowkey, i loved it, because there was so much we could throw at each other. we shared what we were struggling with at the moment, what we were afraid of in the following year, and altogether realized how God was working throughout it all. and usually i hate talking when doing something that requires physical endurance, because i already run out of breath doing just that. but surprisingly, from talking with her, i gained energy and the hike felt so much quicker and easier as we were talking and walking. in fact, we were leading the group the majority of the time and it was ironic because we're probably the least physically fit, haha. everything felt good. i was digging the whole atmosphere of walking in the dark beside someone while only using an iPhone flashlight as the only source of light. everything was calm around us and i felt so relieved. accomplishing yet another year of college and just being able to breathe was so relieving. so, why am i telling you this? because, i realized that life is a climb, but - if you have sisters beside you walking with you throughout it, then it becomes so much easier. without a doubt, i would not have survived this hike by myself. being put in a situation where it was okay to be vulnerable felt good. being able to pour out everything i had on my mind kept me going. and the best part is, is the feedback you receive from sharing a piece of your heart. i learned a lot from this one talk. out of context, i learned that genuinely listening is actually really hard to do, much harder than talking. i learned that it's for the best that we're not all the same, and that we're stitched together uniquely. i learned that you can't go through this alone. it's so important to find a community and support system. sisterhood is so important and so filling. [you know who you are, thanks for walking with me.]
when i hike, i usually keep my mouth shut (ugh, i know some of you might find that hard to believe.) but there's so many thoughts spiraling through my mind the entire time. and they're just bouncing off the walls of my brain, with no outlet. thoughts that are about how i'm struggling on this hike. "oh gosh, i need a water break, but no one else seems to look thirsty." "my feet hurt and my hip feels like its sliding out of place." "my limbs feel like they're no longer my limbs." "why am i so physically unfit?" i don't bother to express these thoughts out loud because i place this assumption that no one is thinking the same thing. everyone else is probably breezing through this and i'm the only one struggling. who wants to hear these thoughts? i'd be burdening the rest of the group. i mean, i'm the most incapable one here, right? surprise, Sarah! life's a climb - and everyone else is struggling alongside with you, whether you realize it or not. i realized that every time (which was kind of often) someone said the exact thoughts i was having out loud, i felt so much reassurance and the pressure to keep up was lifted off. it felt so good to hear someone saying they were struggling. i'm not the only one. and so that's when i realized, life is a climb, but - if you are vulnerable enough to share what you're struggling with, there's a very good chance someone is going through something similar and might be able to share the burden with you. and together, you keep walking.
okay, i just explained the part where life is a climb. but, what about the view? my gosh, when i finally reached the top... what i saw was absolutely beautiful. it really didn’t feel like i just hiked for two hours. this is where i say "this was worth it." the pink, yellow, and blue. the tiny city lights that looked like leftover sparkles from the night. the patches of land that weren't covered with trees. the sparse houses that allowed a person to sleep in peace for yet another night. the people that passed us on the trail who were already waiting at the top. i took it all in. i really did. and i thought to myself, (and read this next part really slowly)
//"My God said, "Let there be..." and there was. There is no greater beauty. //
friends. our God isn't some begrudging judge, waiting for us to shape up on our own. He comes to rescue us, helping us turn back to Him. He is the loving Father, running unashamedly toward His prodigal son. He is the good Shepard who goes off in search of just one sheep. sometimes the climb is tedious and disheartening, and downright painful. and in those moments, it's so temping to give up and turn away. but what we might not be able to see is the most magnificent view up ahead. here's what's at the top of life's climb: our gracious Father, extending his arms and calling us home. and that’s where it’s really worth it. 
the One who was with you in the beginning, who has raised you up as his beloved child, will not forsake you now, or ever. 
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martinskki · 7 years
how'd you manage to get a 30 on the act omfg i'm literally stressing bc i have to start applying to colleges in like 4 months and i get so stressed while taking the act bc i know that i need to do well to get good scholarships and admission into a good college like my gpa is pretty damn good but i guess i don't test well enough on the act and the sat isn't an option for me bc that's so much worse? i'm taking the septemeber one as my last option like i'm desperate af literally how
alrighty i’m dropping this here for you cutie and anyone else who might need it!!! idk how much it’ll help but it’s all i got
ok so first off. breathe. i know it’s easier said than done, trust me i just went through this for an entire year, but just try to keep a clear head. the act is important, but it’s not the only deciding factor when it comes to admissions and scholarships. you said your GPA was good, and that’s pretty damn important too. you’ve also got things like course load and extracurriculars that they take into consideration. 
 in regards to actually getting a higher score, i had an act prep class that was required at school and that seriously helped me. basically what we did was take practice tests over and over and discuss questions we didn’t understand, so if an actual class/tutor isn’t available for you, there are countless practice tests online that you can spend as much time as you want on. if you don’t understand a question, make sure you figure out why and find out how to solve/figure out that certain type of question. 
i’d also recommend that if you know you can score super high in one or two areas, don’t spend as much time preparing for those. i made a 35 in english and a 33 in reading the first time i tried just because they’ve always been second nature to me, so i would spend less energy studying for them and more on math and science. 
tips for the specific subjects:
math- know your formulas. KNOW YOUR FORMULAS. know them. i can’t tell you how many questions i’ve skipped in my act taking career that i knew i could’ve done if only i’d remembered the formulas. give yourself memorization tests every week if you have to, but know them. also, learn calculator tricks (matrixes, simultaneous equation solver, etc.) if you have a TI-84 there are so many shortcuts you can use that are completely legal. if your teachers don’t show them to you, look them up. 
science- read the questions, then look for the info. never spend any amount of time scanning the data before you know what you’re looking for. science is the last test and one of the shortest so it always feels like a mad dash to me, there’s no time to waste. also, if you really struggle with getting done on time, only answer the first 4 questions in every passage. the questions go from easiest to hardest every passage so you should be able to answer the first 3-4.
english- this one’s the hardest for me to give advice on, but i guess i’d just say don’t waste time reading the entire passage, kinda like i said for science, but DO read the sentence before and after for context. only scan big portions when asked structure questions. just try to keep the time spent not answering questions at a minimum. sounds like common sense but.
reading- just read man. like, in your daily life. it may seem like a lost cause if you’ve never been a reader, but you’d be surprised how fast your comprehension skills can grow. also, do a practice passage with 10 questions every day. that’s what we did in my class and it helped me and so many other people so much. and if you REALLY just aren’t good at it, my teacher told us we could skip a passage and still make a 25 or higher. i’ve never done it but it’s worked for some of my friends!!!!
you’ve heard it a million times, but get a good night’s sleep before, eat a good breakfast, drink some water, and listen to your favorite music/read something before the test. (and go treat yourself after it!!!) at the end of the day, you’re going to be fine. things WILL work out eventually, even if you don’t get the exact score you want. i believe in you though and i know you can do it!!! rooting for you so hard, lemme know how things go in september!!! 
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