#the only thing that’s keeping me from going to Skylands and kicking butt is my fear of heights
fantasticalchaos · 5 months
Random Skylanders Headcanon:
The Skylanders - ESPECIALLY AIR SKYLANDERS - and their allies helping out a Portal Master who’s afraid of heights.
I don’t know if there’s any canon Portal Master that’s scared of heights, but it’s sweet to imagine everyone helping out their Portal Master to face their fears.
Like some skylanders and/or their allies giving some validation and encouragement to conquer them, some offering to protecting you and/or accompanying you, and some even willing to even train you to help overcome your fear step by step (it’ll take a while, but it’s worth a try :D)! And there’s some willing to bring the Portal Master on adventures that involve their fear to help (they have good intentions, just doing it in a extreme way! They still do their best to help and protect the Portal Master, but also giving them more freedom to try and overcome it!)
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