#skylander headcanon
fantasticalchaos · 6 months
Random Skylanders Headcanon:
The Skylanders - ESPECIALLY AIR SKYLANDERS - and their allies helping out a Portal Master who’s afraid of heights.
I don’t know if there’s any canon Portal Master that’s scared of heights, but it’s sweet to imagine everyone helping out their Portal Master to face their fears.
Like some skylanders and/or their allies giving some validation and encouragement to conquer them, some offering to protecting you and/or accompanying you, and some even willing to even train you to help overcome your fear step by step (it’ll take a while, but it’s worth a try :D)! And there’s some willing to bring the Portal Master on adventures that involve their fear to help (they have good intentions, just doing it in a extreme way! They still do their best to help and protect the Portal Master, but also giving them more freedom to try and overcome it!)
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super-senseis · 3 months
Sorry it's been so long, now I'm back
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Captain Gill Grunt! The most fearsome pirate to roam the seas of Skylands!
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The first of Mirror of Mystery Skylanders! Captain Gill Grunt is the most vile pirate captain in all of Skylands, plundering and conquering as he pleases with his armada of ships. Although his biggest hobby remains hunting the great sea-creatures of Skylands. All of his ships are decorated with their bones and other nice looking extremities, and he takes particular pride in his big list of species that he has poached into extinction. His most prized possesion though, remain the many mermaid wifes he has accumulated over the years. All of them have willingly made the choice to wed him, of course wink
Making this post now, I do realise that maybe I should think about changing these characters names, as "Gill Grunt" doesn't quite fit him now that he's a pirate. Something to think about for later.
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turquoisephoenix · 4 months
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Writing headcanons for the Skylanders cast is an exercise in pure suffering sometimes (there's over 150 of these weirdos, and there's an inherent randomness to the storytelling of Skylanders due to it being a goofy magical setting full of goofy guys, so there are just multiple types of ghouls and it's never explained, good luck)
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turqrambles · 4 months
I'm so torn on what direction I want to take Hex and Ghost Roaster's relationship.
On the one hand, I really do like the two of them finding common ground and being best friends because they give off completely different vibes but I'm equally fascinated with the idea that they both don't like each other, with Hex viewing Ghost Roaster with utter revulsion while Ghost Roaster is gritting his teeth and saying "Wow Hex so you turned a different shade of blue after travelling into the Land of the Undead, that must've been really fucking hard for you! I'm crying my eyes out just thinking about how hard you have it!".
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daringdoombringer · 3 months
hi yes I’m sick so here are all the AroAce/aspec headcanons I can think of so far. you are not immune to Aspec propaganda 🌀🌀🌀🌀🌀
Freeze Blade (Arospec Demiboy || Skylanders Swap Force)
High Volt (AroAce TransMasc || Skylanders Superchargers)
Doom Stone (Apothiaroace || Skylanders Swap Force
Luminous (Gay Arospec || Skylanders Trap Team)
Fright Rider (Cupioromantic Enby || Skylanders Giants)
Wild Storm (AroAce Agender || Skylanders Imaginators)
Enigma (AroAce || Skylanders Trap Team)
Tommy Oliver (Demiaroace || MMPR)
Billy Cranston (AroAce || MMPR)
Mia Wantatabe (Cupioromantic Ace || Power Rangers Samurai)
Bishop Kallamar (AroAce Genderqueer || Cult Of The Lamb)
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thedevils7thstring · 5 months
My headcanons for what Kaos does after Superchargers is that he gets into art. Like he’s just got some shit to work out and he kinda goes around to different people in a montage asking how they express themselves and after going “no” and walking away after his adhd having ass got bored, he finally finds paint and starts painting shit.
He like makes a mural that shows what Skylands would look like if he was in charge and while it’s a little… out of taste, he eventually finds better inspirations. Never really stops saying DOOM though. Every single painting’s name contains the word doom somewhere.
“Flowery meadow OF DOOM” and such.
Eventually people would start painting with him while Kaos was painting the Academy campus. This would eventually lead to Kaos holding informal painting classes.
Idk what it is, but Kaos standing on a box painting in the middle of a campus plaza with a dozen or so other students behind him as he spouts on about “Unleashing your inner DOOM!” Into a piece.
It’s just beautiful to me Y’know
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faeriekougraz · 5 months
❤️🔥 Fire Dragon 🔥❤️
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Random character from the OG draft of skylander’s that i drew < 3
And heres the OG pic of the character
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loveaxolotls · 8 months
Skylanders headcanons I thought of myself 
- Since Roller Brawl is a vampire, I feel like she would be the same age as Mavis from Hotel Transylvania. Both 118
- Ro-Bow, Drill Sergeant, Blaster-Tron, Starcast and Drobit are non-binary and go by they/them
- The Golden Queen’s full name is Golda Apple Valencia 24k Aureate
- Wash Buckler has 3 hearts
- Astroblast is a crystal alien
- Fire Kraken and Freeze Blade are the youngest in the Swap Force
- Mysticat is transgender 🏳️‍⚧️
- Star Strike and Starcast might be cousins
- Blast Zone is non-binary and goes by he/him or he/they
- Flameslinger is Vietnamese 🇻🇳
- Ember is a fire jinn (Jinn are kind of similar to genies but they can’t grant wishes)
- Barbella is a crystal golem and a lesbian
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orkojpeg · 1 year
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they’re toxic
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fantasticalchaos · 8 months
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🥷 Sensei & Imaginator (Kinda) 💎 | Skytober #15-16
Skylanders Chosen: Boom Bloom & Air Creation Crystal
“There you go Portal Master! Here is a Creation Crystal of the Air Element! Now go and let is see what creation will bloom out of it!”
Honestly, I had no idea what to do with the Imaginator prompt. I let my sibling have fun with the imaginator and I don’t have any idea of an oc I can make That is until I considered Boom Bloom and the adventure pack she was in. Since there’s a creation crystal in there, I imagine that Boom Bloom giving the crystal to the Portal Master - probably as a gift for finding and returning her back to Skylands! (This is my new headcanon c:)
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super-senseis · 17 days
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warrior-of-the-sands · 2 months
Ok so I really want to expand on my Mirror of Mystery version of all the Skylanders characters but I have one problem: I obviously the Skylanders are going to be the Bad Guys, but then I thought it'd be cool if the main Good Guy group were the Doom Raiders. So... What do I rename the "Doom Raiders" to, so that they don't sound evil?
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turquoisephoenix · 4 months
Ghost Roaster Headcanons
Okay, since that last post/backstory got a lot of people interested, time to post some headcanons on the Roastmeister instead of answering a bunch of asks.
Yes, there’s a Read More. This got long. Again.
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*Original name: Olav Ingle Ahlstrom. (for now, this is a work in progress, but something vaguely Scandinavian)
*Original species: Frost Elf
*Age before death: Early 30's, a rising star in the culinary arts.
*Sexuality: Grey ace demisexual. If you asked him directly, he'll shrug and be like "I'm mainly into food". Will joke that he's a little fruity because food humor.
*Before he turned, he was a famous celebrity chef in direct competition to Chef Pepper Jack and the two of them were rivals. Olav saw the rivalry all in good fun and regularly teased Chef Pepper Jack; Pepper Jack hated his ass and thought his methods were the work of a drooling imbecile.
*Olav's style of chef was a Guy Fieri type who regularly traveled the weirdest parts of Skylands and was sampling all sorts of funny dishes. He was an affable and funny weirdo who could make something edible out of ANYTHING and his books were a hit. His sheep wool pizza was actually amazing, even if it was hard to get exactly right.
*Olav and Chef Pepper Jack's rivalry was so strong and public that it's been often rumored that Chef Pepperjack KILLED Olav to explain Olav's sudden disappearance. To make matters worse, Chef Pepperjack has lied a couple times and flat out said "Yeah I killed that loser, he couldn't handle the heat!" just for the lolz.
*He knows that his name is Olav. Ghost Roaster tries to lie and say that he's not sure if he's the famous Olav because Olav is actually a somewhat common name for frost elves, but he has a horrible feeling deep in his stomach that he is that famous guy with all the young budding chefs that looked up to him and has been directly avoiding connecting himself to Olav because he feels guilty and ashamed. So any attempts at returning to the culinary arts is under his Ghost Roaster alias.
*Ghost Roaster doesn't remember all of his previous life or what happened after he transformed. He just remembers pain. And hunger. And ripping things to shreds. But the memories are starting to come back.
*Master Eon met Ghost Roaster because he was told to come down to the Land of the Undead and destroy a ravenous chained up ghoul that was being held in captivity. Instead, Eon took pity on him and made him a Skylander.
*Olav and Ghost Roaster are actually pretty similar in personality, just that Ghost Roaster is more likely to slip into dark humor and joke about eating people. This is another reason why he's avoiding reclaiming the Olav name; he doesn't want to find out about any family or friends that will just see him as a gross monster.
*He's rapidly rising in the ranks in the Undead culinary art world and now has a new rival in Batterson. Thankfully the two of them are way friendlier to each other.
*Ghost Roaster is one of those prickly types where once you push back all the thorns and befriend him, he'll move the very rocks and earth to help you. And send you memes at 3 am with a "this you?".
*Master Eon purposefully avoids sending Ghost Roaster on a mission that involves Chef Pepper Jack because while an encounter with him might regain all of Ghost Roaster's lost memories, it might also cause him to have a Bloodborne-esque rampage as he tries to END Chef Pepper Jack.
*No one except for Master Eon and Hugo have connected the dots between Olav that famous chef that disappeared and Ghost Roaster and he's very reluctant with sharing that information because he feels like if word got out, his old self's reputation would be damaged forever.
*Best Skylander friends: Ignitor, Fiesta, Funny Bone, Grim Creeper, Hex (ironically), Wrecking Ball, Fright Rider, Stealth Elf, Slobber Tooth (who samples his food)
*He's the ultimate in "I tell jokes to mask the pain" silly guys.
Best Friends, NPC edition: Eon, Batterson, Flynn, and Mags.
*Worst Skylander match ups: CAMO, Food Fight (is a tasty food), Shroomboom (same), Sonic Boom (regularly makes tasty foods he can't have), Jet Vac (same), Krypt King (won't let him crack him open and eat the tasty ghost inside like a lobster tail)
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darklight-phantasm · 10 days
Last entry tossed me back into the thinking hole and now I want to make headcanon posts for my favorite Landers on here. That's actually a recurring annual thought which never gets to the posting stage but perhaps this will be the year. I miss these guys and I need to be more active than dropping an artwork every 5 months lmao
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magicalcelestialgem · 4 months
Am I the only one who imagine at least some of the Giants in Skylanders had a sad or angsty past?
Like, Eye-Brawl and Swarm were separated from their family member(s). The Arkeyans were ruling over Skylands, so it had to have made a negative impact on all eight giants. And imagine the stress Tree Rex has to go through as leader of the giants as he was just “born.”
Am I thinking too much on this?
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