#the other option was Asmo bc I feel he could make just about anyone comfortable
mageofseven · 1 year
If matchups are open may I request one? I’m fine with being matched with any of the boys.
My pronouns are he/him. I have a shy personality and can be socially awkward especially around new people. People often see me as aloof and closed off but in reality I am just very anxious in social settings. I also have trouble trusting and opening up to people so I always take things extremely slow when it comes to new friendships/relationships. Around people I trust I am much more extroverted and confident in myself. I still have a habit of hiding my struggles though mainly because I hate making people feel worried about me so I tend to act like everything is fine even when it isn’t. I’m very protective of the people I care about and I also tend to be the cheerleader of my friend group since I will support them no matter what.
My hobbies include dog training (positive reinforcement only), hiking, spending time in nature especially since I live in a wooded area, meditating, listening to music, and reading. I am big on environmental conservation and treating others with kindness. People who are hateful or judgemental of others make me uncomfortable and I am very sensitive to things like that because I feel bad for the people who are being talked about in a negative light. I’m not into things like trends and I’m usually completely out of touch with celebrities and things like that which can sometimes make it hard for me to relate to people my age.
My dislikes include gossiping, being center of attention, being far from nature, and not being able to have space when I need it.
I have OCD and this can cause me to be extremely paranoid especially when exposed to one of my triggers. I also have compulsions which I am embarrassed of and I get intrusive thoughts daily. This is why I am passionate about things like therapy, understand psychology, and practicing coping mechanisms like meditation which has helped me a lot.
Hmmm. Okay~
So two Boys popped into my head for you, but one way more strongly than the other.
Because of this
I pair you with...
Honestly, I think you're quiet and aloof nature would be too tempting for this man and he'd love teasing and flirting with you just to see what reactions he can get out of you.
Whether you love him or hate him at this point doesn't really matter--you are stuck with him.
Over time, this cute pest of yours would get to know you easily to the point where he knows what your feeling from exactly one muscle twitch in your face. I know, it's weird, but this sorcerer man has been around for a hell of a long time and has become an expert at reading people.
When you two get closer, he'll stop messing with you in ways he knows you hate and will only tease you in small ways.
In truth, this man won't be able to recognize when he gets so protective of you, but once he sees it in himself, he just accepts it and goes with the flow he's found himself in.
Again, this man can read you incredibly well so even if you try to hide your emotions, you'll fail with him. When he sees you getting overwhelmed, he finds a way to get you out of the situation that's causing it. If he can tell your mind is racing with bad thoughts, he'll try to distract you or ask if you'd like to talk about them. This is a man who notices every little detail about you and uses that info to take care of you the best he can.
On the interest side of things, I can see him also loving reading and being in the outdoors. This man often goes searching for his potion ingredients and would love if you tagged along.
Over all, he'll be a thorn in your side, but one you will grow to love and be grateful for 🥰
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weebswrites · 4 years
Hey if the requests are still open can you please do a headcanon for when the om brothers find out mc is a virgin (considering that they are already dating) if the requests are not open please ignore this thank you😊😊😊
The Demon Bros: Finding out MC is a virgin (16+)
• He’s surprised since you’d been so forward with making moves on him
• But it made sense since you’d always stopped before the two of you did anything more than oral
• He cupped your face in his hand
• “There’s no pressure for us to do anything, my love. We’d be slow, and I’d obviously make sure you were ready before we start” he reassured you
• “But, I’m ready when you are...” he said, voice lower as he leaned in and kissed your neck, “I bet you feel amazing...my cock buried deep inside you...”
• “Lucifer!” you punch his arm playfully as he kisses down your neck, “Keep it in your pants, Luce, I have homework to do” you tease him
• He kisses your cheek lightly, “I know dear, and I don’t want Diavolo on my ass if your grades slip because of our relationship”
• Bonus: When you two finally do it, he’s gentle and loving and slow. It’s perfect, and he makes you feel better than you’ve ever felt in your life
• “Human! You shoulda told me sooner!”
• Immediately backs off, and gets surprisingly serious about it, taking a few minutes and discussing your boundaries
• You lean in and kiss him deeply, “Thank you Mammon, I appreciate you so much” you whisper against his lips
• “It’s nothin, human. I love ya, after all. I want to make sure you’re okay!”
• Your heart feels warm, and you look lovingly into his eyes for a moment before kissing him again
• The two of you end up kissing for a while, and you finally get him to let you “borrow” his favorite brown jacket
• Bonus: When you have sex, it’s not as scary as you thought. He’s supportive and makes sure you’re comfortable the entire time
• He’d had sex a few times, and your relationship wasn’t very physical anyways
• Don’t get me wrong, man has game. Him not having a lot of sex was a choice. He wanted it to be with someone he loved, and it always had been. Hearing Asmo go on and on about it kinda put his fire out, lol
• Nodded and kissed your forehead after you told him, “Well you know there’s no rush. My feelings won’t change, I love you no matter what” he reassured you, voice soft as he was picking up on your nervousness in telling him
• You lean into his arms, snuggling against him
• Once he’s done a few more battles you head to bed
• Bonus: You have sex that night, and it’s perfect. He takes it slow and makes sure that you feel nothing but pleasure. You fall asleep with your head against his chest, and sleep well into the afternoon
• “That’s fine. Whenever you’re ready, there’s no rush” he said, looking up from his book and giving you a reassuring smile
• You exhale a sigh of relief, “Thanks, Satan. That means a lot”
• “Well of course” he replies, sounding genuinely confused that any other answer was even an option
• You appreciate him, for how mindful and genuine he always is, without even realizing it
• “I love you, Satan” you say, leaning in and kissing him gently on the lips
• “I love you too” he responds, nuzzling your noses together
• Bonus: The night you do it, he stops first to light a candle. “It just seems right, and it’s your favorite” he says. He checks in with you a few times, and makes sure that you’re never in pain
• It’s hard for him to not, and you can tell that every time you stop him from going all the way he’s disappointed and confused
• So one night, you tell him that you’re still a virgin, and that’s why you always hold him off
• A look of realization washes over his face, “Oh! I don’t know why I didn’t put that together” he said, laughing at his own density
• “That’s totally fine, my dear. I obviously want to have sex and all, but I’m not going to rush you. And I’m loyal to you obviously as well”
• “Thanks, Asmodeus. I love you”
• Bonus: When you finally tell him you’re ready, you can tell he’s excited. He rushes to his room and throws flower petals down, lights candles, the whole ordeal. When he shows you how he’s prepared his room, you laugh at how sweet it is. The sex is obviously beyond amazing
• So is he!
• Not bc the whole ‘beel is so soft uwu’ thing
• Over thousands of years, he’d never felt the need to have proper sex with anyone. Sure he’d done / received oral, but nothing more
• You’re surprised, but you’re also biased since you’re wildly in love with him
• You have a healthy discussion about sex, talking about both of your boundaries and what you were comfortable with
• Bonus: You’re in love, and you both know that you want to spend the rest of your lives together. So, you have sex. It’s good, really really good. Your love for him increases more than you thought was possible, and you can tell it had the same effect on him as well
• He’s had sex once, because Asmo talked him into it (but he consented obv) (also for sex w someone from a bar not sex w his brother fjhsdkf)
• He doesn’t care that you’re a virgin though, as long as you love him and are willing to take multiple naps a day he’s chillin
• After a nap you discuss it, and decide that you’d get there when you get there
• It’s a quick discussion, but a good one. Something you really valued about Belphie was his ability to have a healthy conversation
• When he tells you that he’s not a virgin, but that it was just once, you’re jealous - but he makes you feel better (with kisses and words of affirmation)
• Bonus: One night you’re bored and decide to have sex, bc why not lol. It’s good, and lasts a while. You don’t know how he didn’t get hooked after doing it once, because you feel like you could do this forever. And well, it becomes a bit of a regular occurrence 
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