#the owl house mathew noceda
theautisticcentre · 8 months
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Jennifer, Mathew, and Cristie 🤝 Luz, Amity and Willow
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theautisticcentre · 1 year
Is it okay if i suggest for you to write something with Mathew and Verano being bros/besties?
Verano made his way out of Hexside, soon finding Mathew within the crowd. Ever since the two had first met a few weeks ago, they had grown incredibly close. Verano told Mathew about his family, about his parents and the bullying from his brother, while Mathew told Verano about his parents' deaths by Odalia's hand. With that, the two quickly became like siblings to each other.
"Yo, V! What's up?", said Mathew, pushing through the crowd towards Verano. "Hey, M," Verano responded, "Not much, just...waiting for my parents now, I guess." Mathew nodded, and looked forward, a grim look now on his face.
With that, his mind began spinning.
Why should he just let Verano, the one he trusted with his past, just go off to be with a "family" that treats him like garbage? What kind of best friend would that make him? How could he call himself his best friend and do that?
No. He wouldn't do it.
"Hey, V? If you want...you can come back to my place." Verano immediately turned to Mathew, shock and worry in his eyes. "But if mom and dad find out-" "Ah, let 'em. They'll have to get through me if they wanna try anything," said Verano's best friend. With those words, and thought of his mistreatment just enough to push him over the edge, Verano took Mathew's hand, and Mathew used his necklace to teleport the two to the middle of the woods.
"Uh...we're in the woods, dude," said Verano, confusion eminent in his voice. Mathew nodded, and walked up to a tree. "You watching?" Verano nodded. And with that, Mathew pressed his hand against it, and the further patch of woods vanished, revealing a path leading to a house. "Wow! That is wickedly cool," said Verano. Mathew smiled and blushed in embarrassment, before the two headed inside.
"OK, this is the living room. The left door leads to the farm, the right leads to the kitchen, and the entire upstairs is my room." Verano looked around in amazement, before Mathew added, "Uh, make yourself at home. I'll have carrot and potato stew up in 5." Verano nodded, and sat down on the couch, before putting on the TV. "You have a working TV? Out here?", asked Verano, to which Mathew replied, "Uh, yeah! Dunno how it works, but hey, I ain't complaining."
After a couple of minutes, the two watched one of the movies Mathew had lying around while eating their carrot and potato stew. Verano commented on it with, "Mmm...this is really good!", to which Mathew replied, "Thanks, bud. I farm carrots, potatos, wheat, beetroot, and other vegetables, so I have stews like this all the time." Verano hummed in response.
"...Hey, V. I just wanna say something...I notice how you feel about whatever your family says to you. But take it from me: Love does not make you weak. Your parents had to have some sort of love to have you, right? So if anything, they're hypocrites. And...I love you. You're my best friend. And as your best friend, it's my duty to be there for you, even when no one else is."
Verano, after a few seconds of silence, put his stew down and hugged Mathew.
"Thanks...You've always been there for me. To play around with me, to comfort me. And...well, you're kind of like a second brother to me."
Mathew, in response, just smiled and hugged him back.
"No problem...brother."
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theautisticcentre · 1 year
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Most. Supporting. Boyfriends. Ever.
Edric loves going on flights with Mathew. His ideal date is hanging onto Mathew's back as he flies among the clouds.
When Emira said her biggest fear was being stuck with Edric forever, he went straight to Mathew, who held and comforted him.
They both love going out to parks, and doing things like laying on the grass, stargazing, ice skating, etc.
They both at least once got those light up swords they sell sometimes, and had a pretend duel.
They sometimes have try not to laugh challenges against each other.
When Edric learnt of what Odalia did, he IMMEDIATELY hated her. So much so he considered running away and living with Mathew.
Even if he does decide to stay, he makes it VERY clear to Odalia that he knows what she did.
Mathew made Edric his own Valkyrie suit, just in case he needs it.
Edric definitely went to Ameila about his crush first.
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theautisticcentre · 1 year
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theautisticcentre · 11 months
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Mathlow: Strong girlboss x Strong malewife
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theautisticcentre · 1 year
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theautisticcentre · 1 year
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Mathew Noceda in Picrew!
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theautisticcentre · 1 year
Please write a fic of Mathew and Willow bonding!!
You son of a- Why didn't I think of this? (Also, sorry this took so long, I totally forgot about this, and now I'm gonna make this Mathlow-)
I will make a Platonic version if you want!
Mathew sat outside in the garden, staring up to the sky as the sun shined down onto his face. Many little animals such as butterflies and ladybugs scuttled over to him, causing his face to show a warm smile as he admired the nature around him, brushing his fingers through the grass and flowers as he giggled with joy. As he did so, a flash of white covered his eyes, and when it subsided, Mathew spotted Willow photographing the scene in front of her. "Hi there. Sorry about the suprise, I just saw what was happening and wanted to capture it." Mathew giggled and asked, "Well, did you get my good side," to which Willow replied, "You have a bad side?", causing Mathew to blush and smile for all to see.
"Yeah, I've been practicing photography. Natalie was kind enough to lend me her old camera, and I was thinking...would you mind being my model for a bit?" Mathew simply smiled at Willow's question, and answered with, "Of course, my daisy." Willow yelped with glee and said, "OK, can I then brush away some stray hair on your face?" Mathew nodded, and Willow dod so, to which she concluded with a boop to Mathew's nose, causing him to turn red. "OK, you look perfect, let's get to work. Alright, maybe try holding a flower first?" Mathew then picked out a nearby daffodil and held it close to his face, allowing Willow to capture a beautiful photo.
"Amazing! You really got that posing thing-" Willow was cut off when Mathew flew to her quickly and gently placed the daffodil in her hair, causing her cheeks to redden as she let out a flustered chuckle. "Hehe, that's...thanks. Anyways, can you go back to doing what you were doing before I came along?" Mathew nodded, and layed back down on the grass, before Willow captured another shot. "Ooh, that was a good one. Wanna see?" Mathew flew over and saw the photo, smiling contently. "...Y'know, if we ever get back home...I'd really like to visit the woods you lived in for so long. I bet there's all kinda beautiful stuff there. I mean, you were from there, so..." Mathew's cheeks got redder and his smile got wider.
"Well, if you say so...hey, why don't we lay down together? I'd...really enjoy having you by my side." Willow pondered for a bit before agreeing, and they both layed on the grass as the sun shined bright. "So...you...never talk about why you hate Odalia Blight so much. I mean, I hate her too, but...if you're comfortable sharing..." Mathew's face turned to one of grim remembrance, like he was remembering a terrible memory. Because he was. "OK...when I was little...Odalia...killed my parents and burnt my village to the ground...I also thought my sister was dead for so long..." Willow's eyes widened in shock and horror.
"Oh my Titan...I'm so sorry...Here, let me..." And with that, Willow gently embraced Mathew, and Titan she felt so warm that he swore he could've melted. As they embraced, Mathew's eyes slowly grew heavier and heavier, and he asked, "Hey...I'm getting a bit tired... can I-", before he was cut off by a kiss from Willow, who replied, "Of course. If it makes you comfortable." And with that, Mathew smiled, and slowly and tenderly fell asleep in Willow's arms.
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theautisticcentre · 1 year
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theautisticcentre · 1 year
REAL bird hero vs Hawks.
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theautisticcentre · 1 year
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theautisticcentre · 1 year
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theautisticcentre · 1 year
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theautisticcentre · 1 year
Mathew looked up to the sky, seeing the sun setting. His thoughts were full of concern for the Blight siblings. More specifically, Edric. Ever since Ameila exposed her parents' abuse and her identity as Sapphire, the world had lost its mind. Odalia and Alador were seen as monsters, and anything and everything to do with Blight Industries was ripped down and burnt to the ground.
As Mathew thought on, and gently descended into his room, he made his way downstairs and started to head to the farm he had built in, when he heard a knock on the door. He cautiously went to open it, sword hilt in one hand.
Edric, immediately after Mathew finished his question, hugged his boyfriend tightly. Having learnt weeks ago what Odalia did to Mathew, his hatred for her grew larger and larger. And now, with her abuse exposed, he saw fit to flee home. He knew where Mathew lived in the woods, and, thanks to Mathew telling him, he also knew how to bypass the cloaking spe around his home.
"Can I...stay here?" Mathew was shocked by the question at first, though that shock soon turned to excitement, before he answered, "Of course, baby. Here, come in." With that, he gestured for Edric to enter the home, which he did, sitting down on the couch, before Mathew asked, "Hey, I'm about to grab some crops for dinner. What you want?" Edric thought for a second, before answering, "I'd love some baked bread. With some carrots, if you don't mind." Mathew nodded, and left for his farm.
Once he grabbed what was growing well, he went for the kitchen and got to work. While he did, he asked Edric, "So, how's your family holding up?" Edric looked to the floor and replied, "Eh...we're managing. Mom and dad are getting divorced. Seems like dad finally wants to be a dad. Ameila's moved out to live with Natalie. And me and Emira are helping out Amity however we can." Mathew hummed in response.
"Well, glad to hear things are improving, even if a little." Edric nodded, before asking, "...Is Ameila's condition my fault?" Mathew turned to Edric in confusion. "She was going through all of this pain and suffering, and Amity, Emira and I did basically nothing to help. She was left to face it all alone. I...She did so much for us, and we did practically nothing for her." Once Mathew saw a tear fall from Edric's face, he immediately stopped making the food, and went to hug Edric, before speaking himself.
"Hey, peppermint? You knew nothing of what she was going through. I know that if you and your siblings had even the faintest clue, you'd all have rushed to help her. She chose not to tell you because she felt that it was the best way to keep you three safe from what she was doing. Trust me, you did nothing wrong. And neither did she. You were both in a rough spot thanks to your parents, and handled it in your own ways. And you did do something for her...You stayed happy. And that's what she was fighting for."
Edric's single tear turn into a stream as Mathew spoke, which ended with him hugging his boyfriend tightly, allowing his emotions to spill out, as he cried, "Thank you...I love you so much, birdie...". Mathew simply allowed him to cry, and whispered, "I love you, too, peppermint." After a 5 minute hug, they gently parted, allowing Mathew to continue on their food.
Later on, once their meals were done and they were devouring while watching some movie, they both felt their eyes grow heavy, and their bodies grow more relaxed. Sensing they would both soon become too tired to move, both Mathew and Edric quickly snuggled up to each other, and shared one last kiss, and a final, "I love you," before they both drifted off to sleep.
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theautisticcentre · 1 year
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