#the pain is thankfully mild and tolerable with regular painkillers but :((
aaami · 6 months
This flu might actually be an abscessed wisdom tooth and I tried calling an emergency hotline to get an ok to go the er to get it checked out urgently (despite being absolutely terrified of dentists, but this is serious with the fever and everything), but haha, there is no emergency dentist in this city during the weekends :))) I’d need to go to another city for it tomorrow, but man, it’s difficult to get there without a car and I don’t even have that kind of money for a taxi to there and back… I could take a train and bus there, but with this stupid ass fever it feels impossible.
”Funnily” the website of the local hospital says that they have emergency dentists available, so wtf??? No mention of there not being such service during the weekends??
Booking a private dentist appointment for tomorrow is an option, but then again… money…
I think I’m gonna cry some more and eat a banana and go back to sleep if I can.
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hexagonaldecency · 8 years
My IUD success story (so far)
  If you google people’s IUD stories, you get a shit ton of people telling horror stories. I’m pretty sure it’s all that shows up: people telling you to not get an IUD or you WILL DIE. However, even tough it has its risks, it is one of the safest and most effective forms of birth control, so it seems contradictory that you can only find the bad stories. So, following the example of some cool people I have seen on Tumblr, I wanted to share how it has been going for me since I got my hormonal IUD a month ago, to incourage and take away doubts some people that want one might have. Feel free to message me if you want to ask something or just want some support.
Under the cut, because it might be long and might be a little TMI for some people.
  So, I had a Mirena IUD placed about 34 days ago.
 First of all, why did I decide on an IUD? To be honest, mostly because I wanted to have sex without getting worried about being pregnant, and to have a back-up method for condoms. I wouldn’t say I have a phobia of pregnancy, but it’s pretty close. I’m not sure if I would have the courage to carry on an abortion, but I wouldn’t have the courage to carry on with a pregnancy either. I’m pretty sure I would just freeze and stop functioning altogheter.
 I have had depression  and anxiety multiple times, when I told my gyneacologist I took medication for it more than once, she immediatly said the pill would be a bad idea. I was weary of the other birth control methods for the same reason, I was kinda scared of hormones. I was thinking of getting a copper IUD, but since I have bad cramps, my doctor advised against it as well.
  So, I didn’t want hormones, but I settled for a hormonal IUD - my doctor had explained (and later, studying the histology of the uterus I understood it better) that unlike the other hormonal birth controls, most of the hormones released by the IUD stay in your uterus instead of being in your bloodstream, where they cause all that trouble with your mood and stuff.
 I was left with a few options: the shot, the patch and the IUD. I went  with the IUD because I wanted something that I wouldn’t have to worry about every day or every month or so. (Also, lighter periods? The possibility of weight gain? Sign my skinny ass tf up!)
 Now, there is A LOT of stories about insertion. Mostly, people tell it’s going to be the absolutely worse experience of your life. I didn’t feel like it was that bad. (Every body is different tho)
 I’m not really sure if I’m qualified to say that it didn’t hurt that much, because I have very bad period cramps and I’m usually pretty tolerant with pain, or at least that’s what people tell me. My doctor prescribed me painkillers and a numbing cream to put around my cervix so the anesthesy injection wouldn’t be that painful (don’t forget to take them!! It helps!). My mother was with me during the insertion to hold my hand. I was pretty nervous.
 The doctor told the nurse to “get a smaller speculum because she’s pretty skinny” and I tought to myself “oh my god, this woman is going to rip me apart with big tools”. I didn’t really want to look, because there were some things that looked a little scary. The doctor wanted to show me how tiny the injection was, and I was like, no thanks, I’d rather not know. Honestly, I felt something very similar to a strong period pain for a few seconds two times - one for the anesthesy shots and the other for the insertion of the IUD itself. My mother, the doctor and the nurse were having a conversation with me the entire time, so it made it a bit easier. So, if you can, bring someone you are close with, because it helps you relax and take your mind out of the pain.
 After that, I felt fine. The doctor said to get up slowly, because some people feel really dizzy after the insertion etc, but I only felt like I had a very minor period cramp.
 Until a few minutes later, that is.
 My mother had to get a CT scan or something after that, and it was very close to my gyno’s office, so I came with her. But while I was waiting with her, the cramps started getting worse and worse. I hadn’t brought any painkillers with me, so I asked my mom if it was fine to leave her alone and go back home. I was going to get a taxi, but I didn’t have any money on me and my phone battery was almost dead, so I decided it wasn’t worth it calling an uber. The clinic was about four or five blocks away from our apartment, and I’ve been doing this route since I was a little kid going to preschool! So, I figured it would be allright to walk.
 It was not alright. I hurt really badly and I was getting really dizzy, and kept thinking that I might faint and some stranger was going to have to help me. So don’t try to walk home by yourself just after this procedure, even if you feel fine.
 Thankfully, tho, I didn’t faint. I got home safely, took some pills, warmed a hot pillow that I have (it goes in the microwave and I wasn’t really able to stand in front of it for one minute) and collapsed in bed. I was in really bad pain for a while until the painkillers kicked in, and even then I still hurt.
 It only really stopped hurting about three days later, but even then, it would hurt at random hours of the day for a little bit. Painkillers and heat quickly resolved this.
 Spotting is an issue. It’s like the very end of your period, when only brown blood comes out in very little quantities. It’s mildly annoying. I’ve heard it can take up to three months for it to stop completely, mine are already stopping.
 There are little strings that go out of the cervix for you to check their position and for removal. It took me a few days until I had the courage to feel them. They are really hard at the beggining, and it was weird feeling them.
 About periods:
 Now, since I had started having periods, they used to be pretty regular, moderate and with very little pain that would go away easily with painkillers, if it hurt at all. Periods were only a minor inconvinience, but they were pretty much bearable. But at the past two years or so, my cramps started getting pretty debilitating. It was bad - like “I can barely walk” bad.
 My first period with the IUD was surprisingly light and, compared to the cramps I used to have, the cramps I had were really mild. The only complaint I had: the flow was too light for a pad but to heavy for a panty liner!! I’ve actually been using menstrual cups it’s been a while, but I was still afraid to mess too much with my vagina, especially since my cup sits around the cervix, I was a bit scared it would pull on the strings when I took it off. I used it once during this period, but I think I still need some time.
I’m pretty sure that’s all I have to say so far. If you want to get an IUD, and have questions, or feeling nervous about it, you can message me and I’ll do my best to help you!
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ianmkeenan · 6 years
Valley Ghash
Information about Valley Ghash:
Adverse reactions
Flowering time
Valley Ghash is reminiscent of summer nights spent at camp. Its effects are euphoric and promote a sense of camaraderie when smoked with friends and peers. Adding to the nostalgia is its citric yet floral flavors and scent. Consequently, Ghash means ‘grass’ in Hindi.
This complex hybrid is a three-way hybrid of two predominantly Indica powerhouse strains and the hobbit’s Sativa-leaning weed. G-13 has undeniably potent effects that deliver a heavy body stone. It was later paired with the quick flowering Hash Plant, a plant that garnered fame for its excellent grow and resin-dripping calyxes. Finally, to add a bit of magic, the breeder added a strain from Middle Earth – Longbottom Leaf. This magical bud is typically enjoyed by many as a daytime strain as well as medical benefits.
All these top qualities tied together makes Valley Ghash an extremely unique and rare strain at the same time. Thankfully, its seeds have been made available by its breeders at Mota Rebel genetics. Though generally well-balanced, some phenotypes will lean toward Indica and exhibit similar traits as its G-13 or Hash Plant parent.
Information about Valley Ghash:
ORIGING-13, Hash Plant, and Longbottom Leaf {SFV OG Kush x Jack’s Cleaner}EFFECTSRelaxed - 10 Euphoric - 9 Uplifted - 6 Hungry - 6 Happy - 6ADVERSE REACTIONS (NEGATIVE)Dizzy - 10 Dry eyes - 8 Dry mouth - 8FRAGRANCEPungent, fruity, citrus, sour, sweet, floralFLAVORSFruit, tropical, citrus, berry, cheese, skunkyMEDICALInsomnia - 10 Depression - 2 Lack of appetite - 1 Stress - 1 Headaches - 1FLOWERING TIME INDOORS8-9 weeksFLOWERING TIME OUTDOORSmid OctoberTHC CONTENT %Up to 15%INDICA / SATIVA %50%/50%INDOOR YIELD10 to 12 ounces per square meterOUTDOOR YIELD12 ounces or more per plantCLIMATEWarm climateGROWTH LEVELSome experience needed
* 10 is the highest * 1 is the lowest
Valley Ghash is a fast-acting strain. At up to 15%, it delivers an uplifting buzz all over the body. Its initial onset, however, begins with a cerebral euphoria that encourages peace and wellbeing. As the clearheaded high spreads, it elevates the mood until users beaming with happiness from the inside.
TIP: Looking to buy Valley Ghash seeds? Check out this marijuana seed shop
After a while, a soothing sensation gently creeps in and envelops the body. Though intense, it not at all as sedative or lethargic as other strains. Instead, it loosens tight muscles so users can still perform light physical activities.
Valley Ghash Effects - Image powered by Icmag.com
Pleasantly relaxed, the appetite is likely to be stimulated as well. For this reason, it is best to have snacks prepared ahead of time. Although, in excess, the strain can cause just about the opposite or lock users in place. Some even experience greening out. As such, marijuana must always be used well within limits.
Valley Ghash has pungent overtones of fruit, particularly citrus. Blending in with the subtle notes of sourness is a sweetness. Broken apart, a soothing floral aroma permeates in the air.
On the palate, the overtones of fruit taste like a tropical treat. Along with the taste of citrus are sweet notes of berries and a surprising cheese. On the exhale, the smoke leaves a skunky aftertaste.
Adverse Reaction
Regardless of the strain being toked, dehydration is a common reaction to marijuana. It usually affects the eyes but, as cannabinoids begin to inhibit the production of saliva, users will likely end up with a cottonmouth too. Usually, both mild reactions are barely noticeable and often go away with time. However, if cases they do get uncomfortable, hydrating with a glass of water can help.
Valley Ghash Adverse Reaction - Image powered by Cannabis.net
There are a few reasons why users feel a little dizzy while using marijuana. Besides toking too much in a short amount of time, there are also factors such as individual tolerance and overconsumption. As such, it is important to pace and moderate one’s usage of marijuana.
One of Valley Ghash’s best use is as a relaxant. As its soothing high courses through the muscles, it frees away tension from the body. And, together with THC’s painkilling properties, provide relief for various kinds of aches and pains beginning from the temples. At the same time, it reduces symptoms of stress including accelerated depression.
TIP: Looking to buy Valley Ghash seeds? Check out this marijuana seed shop
To food deprived bodies, the same psychoactive compounds also provide a reprieve against the sharp sting caused by contractions in the stomach. In effect, it stimulates a hearty appetite and encourages users to eat.
Valley Ghash Medical - Image powered by Weedy.com
Full and free of either mental or physical tension, many users inevitably fall asleep. Succumbing to the bud’s sedating properties is not as bad as it may seem though. After all, it does enhance the quality of sleep.
Mota Rebel Genetics has done the world a favor by making first-generation seeds of Valley Ghash publicly available. F1 seeds grow faster by at least 25% and truly bring out each of the parent’s best traits.
Because they come in regular form, most likely users will end up with half a batch of male plants. But applying techniques such as presoaking, a cannabis germination method that triggers hormones and softens hard-shelled seeds, and Low-Stress Training (LST) will encourage female plants.
Valley Ghash thrives in natural environments. Its sturdy structure allows it to withstand sudden changes in temperature or climate. Moreover, it yields higher and is much more flavorful. However, there is also a high chance that pests may ravage the batch.
As such, some growers prefer placing their plants inside safer, more controlled grow areas. Cultivated indoors, aspiring growers should go au naturel. This requires using soil as a medium in order to bring out its fullest flavors.
This plant's nugs are neon green and medium-sized once it matures. It takes on the shape of a heart and is tapered on one end. Slender dark orange pistils sparsely cover the bud along with golden crystallized trichomes.
Flowering Time
Valley Ghash has an indoor flowering period of 8 to 9 weeks. Once ready for harvest, it produces 10 to 12 ounces of buds per square meter.
In the northern hemisphere, Valley Ghash flowers by the second or third week of October with each plant producing more than 12 ounces of trichome frosted buds.
Have you ever smoked or grown your own Valley Ghash? Please let me know what you think about this marijuana strain in the comments below.
The post Valley Ghash appeared first on I Love Growing Marijuana.
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