#the painted veil (2006)
Best Naomi Watts movies and performances:
1. Mulholland Drive - David Lynch (2001)
2. Birdman - Alejandro González Iñárritu (2014)
3. 21 grams - Alejandro González Iñárritu (2003)
4. Eastern Promises - David Cronenberg (2007)
5. The Impossible - Juan Antonio Bayona (2012)
6. The Painted Veil - John Curran (2006)
7. King Kong - Peter Jackson (2005)
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cellophaine · 2 months
Chapter I: SERVE
Pairing: Art Donaldson x F!Reader
Word Count: 2377.
Warnings: None.
Author's Note: The first chapter is here!! I'm so excited to finally release this as this idea formed in my head a while ago and it's been itching to take shape. I hope you will enjoy this chapter and stay for the messiness of it all!
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GIF Source: @harcive
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2021. San Francisco.
Your bedroom, 2 AM. Outside, the storm raged. The whistling notes of winds pried their way inside through the seams of the window. You lay on your side, watching the maidenhair tree as its leaves and branches were torn in different directions, but the thick trunk barely wavered. The constant pattering of rain running along the window soothed your troubling mind.
Another sleepless night.
It was also raining like this on the day that you met him. Perhaps it was nostalgia, maybe it was your indulgence of self-loathe, either way, you often recalled that day over the years, long after it was over, thinking about how cruel fate was even though you didn’t believe in it. You often thought about how had you listened to the weather forecast on that portent day, there wouldn’t be so many sleepless nights.
2006. Stanford University.
The angry and ruthless storm swept over the campus’ ground, painting a murky varnish over the courtyard. You didn’t bring an umbrella. The cafeteria was almost empty with the exception of some other unfortunate souls like yours. Your messenger bag wouldn’t survive in this rain with its metal clasps broken and glued together, its nylon strap peeling off along the edge, and its canvas surface thinning.
You chose a seat by the big bay window overlooking the courtyard. The rain railed on the glass panels, loud and blurred together in a clashing harmony. The perfect background for your wandering thoughts while you stared out the window. You had a shift at the coffee shop on Friday, then the weekend to yourself. The library’s copy of Mrs. Dalloway was due the following Friday, but you didn’t need that much time. You could finish it this weekend. You should return your mom’s missed call and your dad’s message. Probably more of what you didn’t want to hear, but you should respond nonetheless.
Out of the peripheral of your vision, a moving silhouette headed in your direction. You ignored it until they stopped at your table, far enough that you couldn’t touch them if you reached out, but close enough to make your head turn. Your eyes caught onto the white shirt before skipping along the length of the torso before reaching the face. You were taken aback by his appearance, and most of all, his piercing eyes on you.
“Hi. May I sit here?”
He had a half smile that softened the outer corners of his eyes. Blond locks swept all over, framing his face in tousled waves. A sharp jaw that your eyes couldn’t help but trace along. He was cute. There was an easy air about him that almost disarmed the guard you placed when it came to strangers. Almost.
Your eyes quickly flitted around the nearly empty cafeteria involuntarily as if to signal that there were other seats he could take. But you nodded regardless with a thinly veiled hesitance and watched as he took his seat across the table. You wondered what he wanted from you.
“Looks like we’re stuck here for a while.”
You bobbed your head in agreement.
“Yeah. I should’ve brought an umbrella.”
“Me too. It doesn’t rain very often so I thought today would be one of those days, you know? Should’ve listened to the forecast.”
You hummed noncommittally and turned your head towards the window again. He moved a little in his seat as if he was trying to pull at your attention physically.
“I saw you sitting alone from over there, and uh … I thought you might want some company.”
Your eyes squinted at that and watched as he reached over the table.
“My name’s Art. Art Donaldson.”
You shook his hand and told him your name. His name stirred at a memory in the back of your mind.
“I know you. I mean, I’ve heard of you.”
His face lit up ever so slightly at that.
You nodded.
“Your name is mentioned pretty often, especially whenever tennis comes up. Some people in my class seem to be fans of yours.”
He chuckled, the sound warm and light.
“What about you? Are you a fan of me?”
You pretended to think about it and shook your head.
You held up a hand in defence.
“Hey. I’m just not a sports person.”
“That’s fair. We’re pretty annoying anyway.”
You blurted out before you could stop yourself.
“Yeah, I can tell.”
Your eyes widened in disbelief. You could see the way his smile dropped, the way his body went still, and guilt trickled in rapidly until it was a big, sweeping wave.
“I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to say it out loud.”
“So you were thinking it?”
“Yes, I mean, no, but kinda?"
Art only stared at you. You straightened in your seat.
"Look, I'm sorry, okay? It just came out, I honestly don’t mean anything by it. My roommates said that I’m very sarcastic and if you don’t know me you might think I’m very mean but honestly I really don’t mean it I’m so so sorry …”
You trailed off as Art’s smile grew until his body shook with the sound of his chuckle. It was you that stared now. Your heart was pounding, nerves pulled tight across all directions, unsure of where they were heading.
"Uh …"
Your voice wavered, and you cleared your throat. Art waved a hand dismissively.
“Don’t worry about it. No offence taken.”
The joy he seemed to get from your momentary despair cast his face in an endearing light. You found yourself staring at the way his eyes crinkled, the way his lips quirked up, one side higher than the other.
“Still. It was rude of me.”
Art looked at your rueful expression, and you could almost tell the moment his light bulb went on.
“You’ll have to make it up to me.”
He leaned forward. He was now halfway over the small table.
“To fix my broken ego. You’ve just destroyed it, after all.”
You fixed your eyes on his and met him in the middle, turning the distance into proximity.
“You know what they say about having a fragile ego?”
"What do they say?"
"Hm, I thought you knew already."
Art held your gaze for a long moment, searching for your tell. You couldn't hold the grin back, and he mirrored you, understanding your sarcastic nature a little more now. You broke away first and stood up, eyes roaming around the cafeteria and eventually landed on the food counter. You turned to look at Art, jerking your chin towards the other side of the room.
“Alright, let’s go. Whatever you want, on me.”
Art chose funnel cake fries with vanilla ice cream. You could feel his eyes on you as you smoothed out the slightly crumbled bills, counted the change and gave it to the woman behind the counter. His gaze made you feel a little insecure. You kept your eyes on the woman as you thanked her.
“Anything on it?”
She held up the paper box. Art turned to you and asked if you wanted anything. You said caramel sauce absent-mindedly as you put your wallet back in your pocket. After a generous drizzle, she passed the box to Art, along with two spoons.
“Wait, it’s your treat. Why did you ask me what I wanted on it?”
He shrugged as if the answer was obvious.
“I thought we could share.”
You returned to the table. The rain had calmed down, reduced to a light shower. It took some convincing from Art as you refused to have some as it was your treat for him, but eventually, you shared the first few bites in silence. You tried not to pay too much attention to his lips every time he licked the spoon when Art broke the voiceless air and asked about your major. English, you said, as your parents dismissed and scorned. Despite their disapproval and incessant attempts to convince you otherwise, you still wanted to be a published author, dreaming of seeing your name on the shelves one day.
“The scholarship helped a lot. If it wasn’t for it, my parents would have forced me to stay home and attend the community college there.”
“I'm guessing you didn't want that?”
“Not at all. And don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with the college back home, but …"
You considered our next words properly. A cold feeling crept up your spine, but you found the words that you'd never had the courage to say out loud before tumbling out.
"I just don’t want to be stuck there, you know? In the same place that I grew up in for years and years on end with my parents, and it's …”
You met Art's eyes to find that he was staring at you. All of a sudden, the cold became unbearable, and you felt so uneasy that you felt an instinctual urge to physically press your lips together to prevent anything else from slipping out. The baggage was too much for someone you met not even an hour ago. You cleared your throat.
“Anyway, what about you? Are you going to be a pro tennis player?”
Art's brows slightly furrowed, and he took a moment before responding. He seemed to sense your discomfort, but he let it go. You felt the weight eased off your stomach, feeling grateful that Art chose not to pursue the topic further.
"Yeah, I hope so."
"Is it something you've always wanted to do?"
He thought about it for a brief moment.
"I … think so. It's something I've known for a long time, and very well."
You nodded, taking another spoonful of ice cream.
"Okay, maybe not as well as my friend Patrick."
"Tell me about him."
The funnel fry stopped just before it reached Art's mouth.
"Why? Are you interested in him?"
“Sure am. I’m the kind of girl that needs more information on a guy before expressing my interest. So tell me."
A small frown formed on his lips. His hand made a slow descent to the table, the fry forgotten. He looked like a kicked puppy, and you felt bad for your harmless joke. You reached for his hand, giving it a squeeze.
"Art. I'm joking."
He took your words in, and an amused smile slowly spread across his lips. With the other unoccupied hand, he rubbed on his ear, which drew your attention to it as it turned into a faint shade of pink. He cleared his throat, and you pulled your hand away.
"Uh– okay! So … Patrick."
You nodded, encouraging him to continue. He told you about the Mark Rebellato Academy, how Patrick was his roommate and became his best friend, how they played tennis together and made …
"Fire and Ice?"
Art nodded.
"Who's who?"
"He's Fire, and I'm Ice."
"So when you're together, what do you make? Warm water?"
"Okay, when you put it like that, it doesn't sound very exciting. But we're good, I promise."
You put the spoon down, decided that you were done with the dessert and let Art finish the rest.
"When can I see you guys play together?"
Art thought about it for a moment.
"I don't think it'll happen soon. He's trying to pro, and he's busy with a tour right now."
"I see."
The rain had ceased to light mist, which made Art's silence became palpable.
"Do you miss him?"
"I– I'm happy for him, I am. He's doing exactly what he has always wanted to do, which is becoming a pro and not having to concern himself with a degree, but …"
"You wish he was here, playing tennis with you. Like how you used to."
Art nodded. You felt the air become heavier, so you switched it up.
"What about your family? They must come to your game to support you?"
Art smiled, but his voice was tinged with a sadness that made you regret even asking.
"My grandma asks me about every game I've ever played. And, uh … my parents enrolled me in Mark Rebellato, but they don't really come to my games. They don't … ask me about them, either."
The silence thickened like honey, but it wasn't confining. A tangible thread of mutual understanding wrapped around you, binding you together across the small table. You couldn't bring yourself to say something, anything, but when your eyes locked, the kindness in his eyes assured you that you didn't have to.
You blinked and allowed the quiet moment to slip through your fingers.
"I have a question for you."
He gestured for you to go ahead.
“Why me?”
“What do you mean?”
You arched a brow.
“You know what I'm talking about. There are other girls in there. Why did you choose me?”
“Just wanted to introduce myself to the prettiest girl here.”
You rolled your eyes at his smirk. He picked up the last funnel fry and popped it into his mouth.
“Do you really use that line on every girl you've met? Has it ever worked?”
“No, not every girl. And, you tell me.”
You shook your head, trying to fend off the inevitable smile that tugged on a corner of your lips.
“It’s not working.”
You said before standing up. Outside, the rain had cleared for the sun to poke through. Taking the empty box and cutlery, you put everything in the trash bin nearby while Art was still sitting.
“I guess I’ll have to get your phone number.”
You returned to the table, where Art looked up at you with that playful look.
"So I can prove myself to you."
“There’s no need. I’m sure I’ll see you again around the campus anyway.”
You picked up your bag, signifying the end of your talk. Art sprung off the seat as if it was on fire.
You placed a hand on his shoulder and applied the tiniest bit of pressure.
“This has been enjoyable, really. I’ll see you around, Art.”
You offered him a smile before letting your hand drop. You didn’t look back once when you walked away despite the urge to have a final good look of him. Art gathered his bag, his hand reached inside and grasped the umbrella lying amongst the notebooks, his eyes followed you until you disappeared.
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Likes, reblogs, and comments are greatly appreciated! I'd love to read your thoughts on the story!
For updates, please follow @cellophaine-archives
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createserenity · 11 days
I’m so excited to finally be posting my Silver Screen Bang fic, bringing together two of my favourite things, Good Omens and the film, The Painted Veil (2006).
Crowley lives a life of leisure in 1920s London and when they meet at a party, Aziraphale is instantly smitten with him, whilst Crowley thinks Aziraphale is kind, but dull. When circumstances force them into an ill-advised marriage Crowley finds himself undertaking the journey of a lifetime, first to Shanghai and then beyond into the heart of China, where he faces challenges he never expected and is forced to confront not only outside dangers, but also his beliefs about himself, Aziraphale and what their marriage could be. Sometimes the greatest journey is the distance between two people.
A big thank you to my Silver Screen Bang partner, Mirjam (@mirjam-writes) who has done the most beautiful art for this fic. There's the film poster here and another piece here.
Thank you as well to @masoney for beta reading!
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musicandrockfan128 · 3 months
Some Ed Norton movie reviews
Wrote some reviews on movies I've seen.
Primal Fear (1996)
Thoughts on his acting: Loved this movie so much! Stellar acting for the first movie. You don’t even see the sudden switch from Aaron to Roy, it happens so fast. Terrifying and confusing Richard Gere in his first movie is not something everyone can do, but Norton did it. The unnerving facial expressions, the dialogues, the stuttering, and the final reveal: “We were just dancing Marty,” showed how talented Norton was to be able to portray someone faking a dual personality.
Fight Club (1999)
Thoughts: This movie felt like I was watching the Twilight Zone. To the unsettling dialogues, to the dim tone of the movie, to Norton acting so bizarre, to Brad Pitt’s cocky manner, this movie was so strange to me. I didn’t find it to be a representation of masculinity. Norton portrays this lonely man who wants some excitement in his life, and doesn't like that he isn’t able to stand up for himself at work. This alter-ego of his (Pitt’s character) that plays in his mind makes him imagine things that aren’t there, say things he really wants to say, in a sense enhancing his personality. He doesn’t realize he has been making decisions about his life, such as starting the Fight Club, Norton did a great job playing a somber, naïve, and sleep ridden character. I personally don’t see the cult status this movie received, but I enjoyed the acting, the soundtrack, and the twist ending. 
The Illusionist (2006)
Thoughts: This is based from the short story by Steven Milhauser. The description of Eisenheim in the story almost matches Norton’s depiction in the movie. This movie and The Prestige was release the same year, causing some stir for debate on which magician movie was better. Norton does a great job in playing a magician—he’s believable, from his hairstyles, beard, and expressive eyes. Jessica Biel did a great job as his love interest, there was a certain chemistry between her and Norton in their scenes.
The Painted Veil (2007)
Thoughts: This is one of my favorite Norton movies. This is based on the book by  W. Somerset Maugham, which was published in the 1920’s. The movie was beautifully taken, and Norton did a fine job with the research of the setting. I love movies that analyze relationships between people, and that’s what this movie is about. His acting as the cold husband, who does love his wife despite her infidelity showed through. Naomi Watts as his wife couldn’t have been a better pairing. Norton has a British accent for the role and is able to keep it throughout the movie  in a believable way.
Birdman (2014)
Thoughts: Well deserved nomination that he got for best supporting actor. The first scene with him jumping into character represents his dual character portrayals—how he can go from unlikable on stage to Shakespeare and soft off stage. I wish there were more scenes with him and Emma Stone's character—perhaps a scene where they both find out about Birdman in the hospital, and her rection to it, and him comforting her.
Collateral Beauty (2016)
Thoughts: The movie’s unusual story line, to everyone’s chemistry, and funny dialogues made this movie enjoyable. Norton plays a divorced father, a step up from his other roles as a singular character. As one of his modern roles, he plays the role naturally and convincingly as always.
Motherless Brooklyn (2019)
Thoughts: My favorite Norton movie, hands down. This is based off the book by Jonathan Lethem. Literally could cry describing how much I love this movie. I just want to give Lionel Essrog a hug; he is my comfort character. He plays a man, Lionel, with Tourette's, who is misunderstood. His acting is incredible in this. With the attention to detail and inclusion of the jazz scene, housing crises, and more, I learned something new. I love how he took the book, and tweaked it to be better in movie format. I also liked Lionel’s chemistry with Laura (Mbatha-Raw), it’s not forced or cheesy, it feels natural to the story.
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"The Veil" (1947 - Helen Lundeberg) / "Düsseldorf 4 (Museum Kunst Palast)" (2006 - Spencer Tunick)
THE VEIL: [no additional commentary] (anonymous)
DÜSSELDORF 4 (MUSEUM KUNST PALAST): What I love about this photo, and Spencer Tunick's photography in general, is the presence of nudity as just a fact of life. The bodies are bare, but not to be oggled at, just because they exist. Düsseldorf 4 in particular stands out to me due to it recreating the artwork behind it - but bare. Nothing else but the people, because ultimately they're all that matters. (@msscribe-stan)
("The Veil" is an oil on board painting by post-surrealist painter Helen Lundeberg. It measures 22.2x30 cm (8.7x11.8 in).
"Düsseldorf 4 (Museum Kunst Palast)" pigment print photograph by Spencer Tunick. It measures 30 x 37.5 in (76.2 x 95.25 cm) and there were six copies printed. It was taken at the Museum Kunstpalast in Düsseldorf.)
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heavenboy09 · 1 month
Happy Birthday 🎂 🥳 🎉 🎈 🎁 🎊 To You
The Critically Acclaimed American Actor Of The 90's & The Last Great Actor Of The Early Days Of The Original MCU Before The Avengers
Born on August 18th, 1969
He is an American actor and producer. After graduating from Yale College in 1991 with a degree in history, he worked for a few months in Japan before moving to Manhattan to pursue an acting career. He gained recognition and critical acclaim for his debut in Primal Fear (1996), which earned him a Golden Globe for Best Supporting Actor and an Academy Award nomination in the same category. His role as a redeemed neo-Nazi in American History X (1998) earned him an Academy Award nomination for Best Actor. He also starred in the film Fight Club (1999), which garnered a cult following.
Norton established the production company Class 5 Films in 2003, and was director or producer of the films Keeping the Faith (2000), Down in the Valley (2005), and The Painted Veil (2006). He continued to receive praise for his acting roles in films such as The Score (2001), 25th Hour (2002), The Italian Job (2003), The Illusionist (2006), Moonrise Kingdom (2012), and The Grand Budapest Hotel (2014). His biggest commercial successes have been Red Dragon (2002), Kingdom of Heaven (2005), The Incredible Hulk (2008), and The Bourne Legacy (2012). For his role in the black comedy Birdman (2014), Norton earned another Academy Award nomination for Best Supporting Actor. He has since directed and acted in the crime film Motherless Brooklyn (2019), and starred in Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery (2022).
Norton is an environmental activist and social entrepreneur. He is a trustee of Enterprise Community Partners, a non-profit organization that advocates for affordable housing, and serves as president of the American branch of the Maasai Wilderness Conservation Trust. He is also the UN Goodwill Ambassador for Biodiversity.
Please Wish This Esteemed & Dedicated American Actor In Cinema 🎥 & The Last Great MARVEL Actor To Portray THE BIG ANGRY GREEN GOLIATH WE ALL KNOW & LOVE 🟢😡
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#EdwardNorton #PrimalFear #AmericanHistoryX #FightClub #TheItalianJob #RedDragon #TheIncredibleHulk #GlassOnionAKnivesOutMystery
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saiakv · 2 months
❛ fine. you were right, and i was wrong. happy now? ❜ / suguru .
dialogue sentence starters : accepting
WARM COLORS COVET TOKYO'S SKYLINE; the local bars are buzzing with life as people flock to them after busy workdays. From the higher tiers of luxurious penthouses in Shinjuku they resemble ants scurrying to the nest at sunset — the commotion a distant white noise. But down here, where life happens, the city's veins pulse with a myriad conversations, strong smells and bright lights. And in a quieter crevice of urban chaos, a corner Hot Pot restaurant advertises its 'all you can eat' refill policy on such Thursday evenings. The red lanterns sway in a cool breeze that carries the remnants of spring; a stray, crinkled up movie ticket dances on it ( ' The Da Vinci Code — 05 / 20 / 2006 ' ) and slaps on the light fixture outside the entrance.
Inside, a corner table accomodates the trio, scalding broth rising in the middle. Another small dish of ingredients is carefully stacked atop the pile of empty ones, painted fingernails carefully parting with the intricate gilding to its blue & white porcelain design. Suguru quirked a brow upon noticing the way it was beginning to get in the way of him looking to Shoko; the reason why they were getting jilted looks from the staff, no doubt. They must have not accounted for the possibility of three hungry, hungry teenagers visiting at this time. Between an early plane ride home, a morning run, classes, dojo training and a sudden quick trip to pick up Utahime from a mission site, they'd barely found a chance to appease their growling stomachs on ramen cups, energy bars & bland cafeteria food.
An argument had been stretching through every part of that day; from drowsy mumbling at the airport, to pants while doing laps, to the communal shower stalls, class & car rides, the burning question of 'was Star Wars copying Star Trek' or vice versa had been chewed up incessantly between the two boys all throughout. After a lengthy debate on what constitues a science fiction movie ( 'One of them is a space exploration, the other is a western set in space!' — yelled over the hiss of pouring water, followed by Satoru's coughing while Suguru's habits of boiling himself alive in the shower were clogging the stalls with steam ) they had decided 'genre' and film content was a subjective criteria for which franchise copied which, so it all came down to 'which one came out first'. Well, for all they knew, both were pretty timey by now.
Shoko had been idly mulling over some gruesome photo evidence of a reported crime scene that was suspected of curse-related activity. The toothpick she'd been rolling barely twitched between her teeth when Satoru's phone screen finally loaded the web-page of a movie review site that mentioned release dates. Her brow quirked, albeit never directly looking at the white-haired teen as he perked up with the realization, instead using her free hand to nonchalantly dip a thin slice of pork into the beaten egg-wash. Still, a light snort escaped her with the admission, earning a side glance from Suguru, who had been casually dropping a couple of mushrooms in the broth beside her.
His lips had pursed with a thinly veiled smirk -- pretending as though he did not feel one bit vindicated. He'd claimed to be 'over it' a few minutes ago, after all, so he had to save face now, didn't he? Besides, there was a strange gratification in being the bigger person. Somehow, Satoru's influence pushed him to indulge the guilty pleasure of boasting — perhaps because, next to his abrasiveness, Suguru always seemed to have the better manners of the two. But gods knew, he was not humble.
And as much as he tried to be, there was still that smirk playing on his mouth as he pompously reached out to stir a piece of pork in the soup, holding the appointed bowl under it before bringing it to his mouth, so as not to stain the lavish tablecloth. He would have prretended to go back to eating like nothing had happened — until that last line had piercing violets snap up to antagonize the blues staring through him from the other end of the table. Are you happy now? Oh, this kid never knows when to shut up, does he. His lips press down on that smile, then, hold onto it as he swallows.
❝ Mm, I don't know, Satoru. I don't get as excited about eating ramen as much anymore, either, when I've had it so many times already. ❞ The implication lingers heavy between them that he's usually the one being right ( subjective — they lost count of the score between them and Shoko refuses to play refferee ) He spends a moment longer challenging him with his eyes alone, before gently pushing the egg mixture bowl in his direction across the table.
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❝ It's your turn on the refill, by the way. ❞
Albeit the cold smile, there's a mean edge to Suguru's tone that earns a sigh from the medic before she quickly excuses herself for a smoke break in the designated area.
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Naomi Watts and Edward Norton are husband and wife in The Painted Veil (2006). This is Naomi's second honorable mention, after St Vincent. She has three entries among my best 1001 - King Kong, Mulholland Drive, and Birdman.
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dykesynthezoid · 11 months
It’s crazy how many people I’ve had to unfollow and block this week, people I liked and trusted, because they were (perhaps unknowingly) peddling holocaust inversion, making veiled references to dual loyalty, repeating straight up historical revisionism, and so on. Words truly cannot describe how exhausting it is.
And that’s without even getting into this belief western leftists seem to have that Palestine’s situation MUST be one-to-one comparable to oppression or colonization that’s happened in the western world (it isn’t) or that Hamas is just a form of Palestinian Resistance Doing What They Have To Do (they aren’t, they’re staunch religious nationalists, they don’t care about Palestinian lives, besides Israeli civilians they’ve also been killing Bedouins and Thai immigrants, Gaza is the largest open air prison and they’re the wardens, they haven’t allowed people in Gaza an election since 2006) or that it is in fact highly offensive and spitting in the face of Palestinian activism to equate the Palestinian people with Hamas’ actions, or to imply that Hamas acts for all Palestinians (Palestinian activists have been fighting the issue of collective punishment for decades, tooth and nail, and every time you act like Hamas represents Palestinians you are playing right into racist Israeli propaganda)
Nevermind that my stance as an anti-apartheid, pro-Palestinian anti-zionist doesn’t even really matter to any of the people repeating those things! I could decry Israeli apartheid and war crimes, condemn genocide, say I want Netanyahu dead until I’m blue in the face. It wouldn’t matter. The fact that I have the audacity to mourn dead Jews, to be upset about witnessing antisemitism in my spaces, would be enough to paint me as a secret evil zionist, to justify harassment and death threats. I know because I’ve been watching it happen to people all week.
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redfurrycat · 1 year
1 & 2 & 9 & 21 for the movie asks? ☺️👀
Heeeeeeey!! 😊😊😊😊😊😊
1 - Your favorite movie released this year.
I haven't been to the cinema so far. So, I'll say that my favourite movie released in 2022 is TOP GUN MAVERICK! (How shocking, I know xD Truth is I've never seen a movie so many times than I did TG:M... IT WAS SO GOOD!) And I'll look forward to seeing Mission Impossible this year!
2 - A movie you think is underrated.
Tough one....It took so much time to think of one...But I think The Painted Veil (2006, John Curran; with Edward Norton, Liev Schreiber, Naomi Watts) is underrated. It's been a long time since it was last programmed on my national channels.
And it got me to think of The Illusionist (2006, Neil Burger; also with Edward Norton, and Jessica Biel). THIS MOVIE IS AWESOME!!!!!!!! <3
9 - A movie in your native language you like.
French comedic movie I ADORE is Le Diner de cons! HILARIOUS!!!!!!!! XD
21 - A director you think is underrated.
I can't think of one that would be underrated. All the people I can think of are far from being underrated... I draw a blank on this one! :)
Thank you for the ask! ❤️
I'm so going to watch the Illusionist again!!! ❤️❤️
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denisestories · 1 year
Filmes vistos por Denise
Orgulho e Preconceito(Pride & Prejudice) - 2006 - 2h 07 min
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Imagem: divulgação
Filme inspirado na obra de Jane Austen, mostra a história de Elizabeth Bennet(Keira Knightley) que vive com o pai, mãe e irmãs no campo na Inglaterra. Sendo a filha mais velha ela é pressionada a casar. Quando aparece Darcy(Matthew Macfadyen) começa uma grande confusão de sentimentos entre ele e Elizabeth. 
O filme está disponível no Globoplay(Telecine), Netflix e Prime Video(por aluguel)
O Despertar de Uma Paixão(The Painted Veil) - 2006 - 2h 5 min
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Imagem: divulgação/Bob Yari Productions
Após ter sido rejeitada por uma traição, Kitty(Naomi Watts) acompanha o seu marido, Walter Fane(Edward Norton) para um trabalho voluntário em um vilarejo infectado pela cólera. Lá eles embarcam em uma grande jornada de reclusão e autoconhecimento que dará um novo significado ao relacionamento. 
O filme está disponível na Netflix e Paramount + 
Maria Antonieta(Marie Antoinette) - 2007 - 2h 3 min
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Imagem: reprodução
Uma jovem austríaca se torna rainha aos 14 anos de idade. Sua família arranjou um casamento precoce com o Luís XVI(Jason Schwartzman). Anos depois vivendo uma vida de luxo e privilégios, Maria Antonieta(Kirsten Dunst) perde a cabeça na guilhotina durante a revolução francesa. 
O filme está disponível na Netflix 
300 - 2007 - 1h 57 min
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300 é o relato sangrento da Batalha das Termópilas, da antiguidade, em que Rei Leônidas e 300 espartanos lutaram até a morte contra Xerxes e seu gigantesco exército persa. 
O filme está disponível no HBO Max e Prime Video 
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ronnydeschepper · 1 month
Vijftien jaar geleden zag ik "The painted veil" (John Curran, 2006)
Op 08/08/2009 zag ik “The painted veil” van John Curran uit 2006. Continue reading Vijftien jaar geleden zag ik “The painted veil” (John Curran, 2006)
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pwblogarchive · 2 months
July 2006
July 1, 2006
“sex and the city (the part theyll never tell you)”
its strange here this time of year. because the weather never changes.it is always summer here. so it doesnt feel like the same desperate love of these three pages on the calendar. or at least not what i am used to.patrick and i wrote a song yesterday. not a hit single or maybe anything that would even turn your head.noone knows how it goes.sometimes the worst wishes are the ones that come true.yellow and white lines to the coast.you can learn to love anything if its around enough.some people learn to love their mistakes.shakes hands. "thank you, our time is up".what keeps you coming back?i got a long rap sheet.(the statute of limitations is running out on you pretty fast).the powders wet. the sparks arent coming.the hammer isnt hitting. its spinning.you can learn to love anything.posted by xo @ 11:22 PM
July 5, 2006
the last thing i think of before i fall asleep and the first thing i think of when i wake
regardless of what stars i end up under- for the best and for the worst- you have made me who i am. and i try to make myself more decent and better only because of you.
Posted by xoat 6:06 AM
June 5, 2006
Stick around long enough and everyone becomes parody of themselves 
you dont hate me, you hate the part of you that is like me. i cant sit here and ride my flaws until the end because the truth is i live the charmed life because of you and them. we are a gang. maybe its time to disband. im not sure i am thinking clearly but i just want you to know that i waited on you guys calls all night- they never came. i just wanted to say i miss you or im sorry or you know something that would have meant something to you. i would have made it poetic and memorable or at least something you could laugh at while drifting off to sleep. always trying to relive the glory days.
i dont care how poorly these sentences were constructed or how in the light of day i will wish i had not written them- right now i can only curse the fucking light off of this stupid western city because it wont ever get dark enough for sleep but otherwise how could you guide your way back here?
my head always feels warm right before i pass out, i always worry that there is something wrong and i wont wake up or you know i will. promise me that you wont take anything i ever say too seriously.
July 7, 2006
“his and hers”
sometimes i cant wait to be forgotten.i wish i could put up an away message in real life and just go to sleep forever.posted by xo @ 3:10 AM
July 7, 2006
“im so sorry, but not really. ('straighten up and die right’)”
i said i want to be rebuilt like a frank lloyd wright only without all of the water damage. or painted over like a monet only less blurry. she said “no, youre something different”. like what? “something better”. it gave me the rush of warm blood like you see in cartoon dogs right before their eyes pop out and all of the bells go off. my head is spinning like a car off of an icy guardrail. show me what you are made of. your eyes were always rolling but youd tilt your head so they were somehow always still stuck on me (have your cake and eat it too). i feel safe but not like a bet more like the way mothers feel when the lock the car doors in bad neighborhoods. i am blue waves across the red rootlike veins in the bodies drawn flat in medical books. i wonder at the way that someone can write thousands and thousands of pages about my insides. when i met you i gave you a name- not your own- but in my head so i wouldnt ever mix you up with anyone so ordinary- i cant tell you- but to me it meant salvation. you only wanted reaction. but i cant be bothered. not anymore. ill see you in the spring. first pew on the left. wear your white veil and dont forget the words. warped tour. sun drenched days. bestfriends. new roads. so long salvation. dont worry your pretty little heads. i am sleeping safe tonight.
July 8, 2006
“the fraternal order of the handsome boy”
ive been watching you from afar
my breath on the inside window as you walk in from the car
candy caned lies in red and white against clashing patterns bending in and out of understanding.
"youre the stranger ive been dreaming of", stranger than any ive ever known.
love through a telescopic lens. when the air is clear i can see how perfect you are for me.
late at night when the city sleeps i cast a spell on you
to make you think of me the very same way i think of you.
i only love how the words feel in my head when i write them.
fireworks over the valley. how can i tell you i gut people for a living.
that everything you say is likely to end up as evidence when i rewrite history.
over and over again.
how everything you do reminds me of something else, someone else.
how im humble and arrogant at the same time,
chased and never caught.
that i just want to stay up late and wake up early to talk to you.
that i want to show you all of my jealousy and insecurity and have you not care.
youre like a light switch and i just want to turn you on and watch them all shrink away.
the words come out of my fingertips on impulse. it is instinct. my head cant keep up.
i envy the comatose. i admire the bedridden.
i am addicted to the way i feel when i think of you.
"im blowing smoke rings around the moon...."
i wish i was the exact opposite of how the world knows me.
Posted by xoat 2:36 AM
July 11, 2006
we used to talk on the phone every single day (nooneknowshowitreallygoes).
its strange the way people will window shop on your life or score it for style and grace.
my personality and everything about me is just a carefully constructed collage of magazine articles and flashy pictures.
i am (not) real.
sometimes the days spent all by myself in my head are the scariest.
its enough to make you want to pack it up and call it a day.
all i can do is read and write and wait.
Posted by xoat 6:32 PM
July 14, 2006
a little life, alot of death (i want to be known for my hits not my mrs.)
i should probably not be typing in this mood. i wish there was a lock on the keyboard. it is too enthralling in a state like this. just like all of this has always been. the world around me has changed as if overnight. "for someone so smart you are acting pretty stupid". i cant focus on but like three thoughts in my head but i am compeltely wrapped in them. they keep me warm at night. i pray for something to crash into me and smash me back to something more simple. i pray for fistfights so i cant be knocked out and wake up in the e.r. i wish for disaster so i can be razed. im telling you if i could do any of it again, im pretty sure i wouldnt.
fuck your life under the microscope.
fuck your conclusions.
you have no idea.
it never got me anywhere but here.
over and over again.
every single time.
i wish for five months ago. and not in the way you would imagine either. "you are unfixable". my eyes are washed out but they dont feel clean. they are strong you know not the athletic type, but could definitely used to carrying heavy bags. im guessing in any real light i will delete this, apologies in advance. whatever caption is written next to the picture is the exact opposite of me. i am mapless. you are caught. lets go out and get forgotten.
bad news travels fast. and i am the worst of it.
i will always remember the day i met you.
"leave you feelings in your heart boy".
Posted by xoat 12:57 AM
July 22, 2006
“my phone cuts out in the same place every single day ("the gospel of gossip").”
it feels like there is so much to say.but it can only be said in songs.please dont go so quickly."The city with fires of night seemed an archipelagoWomen asked the love and for the dulieBut in my eyes of male horror I rememberThe busy ones of the evening were never prettyThen the day returned but sometimes without sunTo draw up the houses coast at coast at the edge of streetsWhere our lives with the other smilar lives are mislaidLives trailing their shade while passing in the streetIntercalated in the year they was widowed daysBloody and slow Fridays of burialsWhite and whole blacks come from the skies which cryWhen the woman of the devil beat her lover"guillame appolinairesend me a flashlight. i cant seem to find my faith.iwishicould.posted by xo @ 2:17 PM
July 23, 2006
“we used to talk on the phone every single day (nooneknowshowitreallygoes)”
its strange the way people will window shop on your life or score it for style and grace.my personality and everything about me is just a cerfully constructed collage of magazine articles and flashy pictures.i am (not) real.the puppy is purple after spilling a grape soda on himself. he then ate the tropic of cancer by miller. paperback, so i guess it went down easier.sometimes the days spent all by myself in my head are the scariest.its enough to make you want to pack it up and call it a day.all i can do is read and write and wait.ihavecodedmessagesforyou.aretheygettingthrough.posted by xo @ 8:32 PM
July 26, 2006
you spend every waking moment and many sleeping ones thinking of one heart, one person. you let it slip, they let it slip. who knows where it all begins or ends. but as it falls to pieces you keep grabbing them and collecting them less like for a museum of things that used to matter and more like you are going to keep putting it back together. except there are akways a few pieces missing each time. deep breaths. slow your heart beat. the road winds. there was a time before you always felt like this. try to remember pete. you are being pulled in every direction. everything is bigger under the microscope. you want it to be simple. you make it complicated. "hey, pete- i am middle ground. how come we've never met before". sometimes i wish i could re-engineer the path from my heart to the tip of my tongue and let my head have a shot at it. i dont got bigdreams, i just want to be okay. it comes down to my word versus your word versus the worlds word and i dont think i want to anymore. im worn out. my head is full, my eyes are empty. the dog loves the salt in the corners of my eyes and on my cheeks- i am nervous about cutting it from his diet. and i could and should be, and jealous of it, from the children on the street walking hand in hand with their mothers to the homeless man content with his world of a bench. and noone knows the way i spend my nights counting the individuals grains in the tiles in the bathroom, the coolness of the floor the only comfort- or if anyone does they dont want to ehar it, i cant blame you... i dont even want to hear it anymore. in the mornings the world is blurry. it comes in and out of focus. this is when im the worst. when i awake from a dream to realize that none of it was real possibly ever.one of the things stranger than realizing you are alone in this world is realizing that you are not.pupils the size of baby worlds.every bad decision is put on file for later viewing. mapquest your way back to me, take a turn for the worse and then continue for .5 miles.i want to file a restraining order against myself.and i want to be myself again looking at my reflection in your eyes from the first time i failed you. i am nostalgic for disaster. i want it back.he sleeps sound. he has no care for what buzzes and changes in the world around him.because of this i envy him.run away from a city because of one single heartbeat. it doesnt make sense.its not that i dont trust you, actually it is. and i dont trust myself when i think of you. i sell myself out.i wish you were awake right now. i just want to let myself be happy.posted by xo @ 3:53 AM
July 28, 2006
as i run away from everything i have ever known. just whisper in my ear."and the tears come streaming down your facewhen you lose something you can't replacewhen you love some one but it goes to wastecould it be worse?Lights will guide you homeAnd ignite your bonesAnd I will try to fix youHigh up above or down belowWhen you're too in love to let it goBut if you never try you'll never knowJust what you're worthLights will guide you home"so obvious. so much more brilliant than i could ever imagine to be.be bright and shine. its dark. im sorry ive come so off course.tell the pilot to clear us to land in your backyard.posted by xo @ 11:02 PM
July 30, 2006
regardless of what stars i end up under- for the best and for the worst-you have made me who i am. and i try to make myself more decent and better only because of you.happybirthday.posted by xo @ 3:05 PM
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rslynsblog · 6 months
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In the tapestry of existence, I, Reslyn E. Umipig, known affectionately as Lyn, emerged into this world on a crisp January 19th, 2006, in the enchanting town of Ilvita Sablayan, Occidental Mindoro. My parents, Restie B. Umipig and Pedrilyn N. Echon, bestowed upon me a name that would become the anthem of my journey.
From the tranquil landscapes of Occidental Mindoro, my spirit embarked on a waltz through life, guided by the currents of destiny. Imus Cavite became my sanctuary, a vibrant canvas upon which I painted the hues of my dreams.
As the chapters of my education unfolded, I traversed the corridors of knowledge, leaving footprints of growth and discovery. Mulawin Elementary School became my haven, where the seeds of wisdom were sown within my young mind. Like a fledgling bird taking flight, I soared to Sta. Cruz National High School, where the harmonies of the drum and lyre group became the soundtrack of my adolescence. A symphony of dedication and passion led me to receive an award, a shimmering testament to my commitment.
With each milestone reached, I ascended the staircase of academia, graduating from General Tomas Mascardo National High School, a beacon of accomplishment illuminating my path. Since Grade 11, I have found solace within the hallowed halls of Gen. Pantaleon Garcia Senior High School, where I currently reside as a luminary in the HUMSS strand. Like a weaver of knowledge, I intertwine the threads of humanities and social sciences, crafting a tapestry of understanding.
Beyond the realm of textbooks and exams, my heart dances to the rhythm of my passions and interests. The waters beckon me, and I dive fearlessly into their depths, my love for swimming guiding me through life's currents. In the realm of creativity, I become a poet, my words flowing like a gentle breeze, painting vivid landscapes of emotions. With each stroke of my pen, I script verses that dance upon the pages, a symphony of thoughts and dreams. The pages of books become portals to new worlds, where I lose myself in the embrace of literature. And with an artist's touch, I breathe life into blank canvases, transforming them into masterpieces of design. Violet, black, and red become the palette of my soul, each color representing a facet of my being.
Yet, behind the mask of laughter and humor, I bear the weight of a hidden tale. Like a moon veiled by clouds, I sometimes find solace in the shadows. From the fragments of a broken family, I gather strength, my spirit resilient and unyielding. Though life's challenges may cast shadows upon my path, I remain steadfast, my gaze fixed upon the stars that guide me. With unwavering determination, I embrace my dreams, aspiring to become a healer, a beacon of hope in the realm of medicine. With each step, I move closer to my destiny, ready to extend a helping hand to those in need.
As the chapters of my autobiography continue to unfold, the pages are filled with the essence of resilience, passion, and the unwavering pursuit of my true purpose. With each turn of the page, I embrace the magic of my existence, ready to script my own destiny amidst the symphony of life's grand orchestra.
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moneymakedblog · 1 year
Liev Schreiber Net Worth, Income, Biography, Career, Family
Liev Schreiber is an American actor, producer, screenwriter, and director. He is best known for his roles as Jeff Willis in the 1998 movie Twilight and as Marty Kantrowitz in the 1999 movie A Walk on the Moon. He has also starred in movies and TV shows like Hamlet, Scream 3, The Painted Veil, A Rainy Day in New York, Buffalo Girls, Drunk History, and Robot Chicken.
Net Worth
Liev Schreiber's net worth is believed to be $20 million, and he makes more than $3 million a year as a salary. His success as an actor, director, screenwriter, and producer has helped him build up his net worth.
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Liev Schreiber was born Isaac Liev Schreiber on October 4, 1967, in San Francisco, California. His mother's name was Heather Schreiber, and his father's name was Tell Carroll Schreiber. His father was a stage actor and director, and his mother was Jewish. His family was wealthy, and his maternal grandfather came from Ukraine. Schreiber and his family moved to Canada when he was a child. Due to problems between his parents, his mother had to take him away, which made his father send detectives after them. When he was three, his mother kidnapped him, and his father and mother fought in court for years to get custody of him. When he was five, his parents got a divorce, and his mother got to keep him.
He went to the Joffrey Ballet School in New York City, where he became very interested in playing the bass clarinet. He later went to the Friends Seminary with actress Amanda Peet. He started acting school at Hampshire College in Amherst, Massachusetts and also went to the University of Massachusetts Amherst and the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art in London.
Schreiber has been in a lot of movies since he started acting in 1994. Some of them are: Mixed Nuts in 1994, Denise Calls Up in 1995, The Daytrippers in 1996, His and Hers in 1997, Phantoms in 1998, A Walk on the Moon in 1999, Hamlet and Scream 3 in 2000, Kate & Leopold in 2001, The Sum of All Fears in 2002, Spinning Boris in 2003, The Manchurian Candidate in 2004, The
He has also been in TV shows and series like Buffalo Girls in 1995 Since You've Been Gone in 1998, RKO 281 in 1999, Hitler: The Rise of Evil in 2003, Lackawanna Blues in 2006, CSI: Crime Scene Investigation in 2007, Independent Lens in 2008, Robot Chicken in 2012, Clear History in 2013, Ray Donovan in 2013, Bojack Horseman in 2015, Saturday Night Live in 2016, Civilization in 2018, and many more. He has also been in many stage plays, including "The Summer House," "The Tempest," "Macbeth," "Hamlet," "Betrayal," "Othello," "The Mercy Seat," "Henry V," "Talk Radio," "Macbeth," "Les Liaisons Dangereuses," and "In the Summer House."
Liev Schreiber was born to Tell Carroll Schreiber and Heather Schreiber. He has four brothers named Pablo Schreiber, Charles Schreiber, Will Schreiber, and Max Schreiber. He has two sons named Sasha Schreiber, who was born in 2007, and Samuel Kai Schreiber, who was born in 2008, and he may have a daughter named Sophia Schreiber.
Liev Schreiber was married to actress Naomi Watts. They got married in 2005 but split up in 2016, and they have two children together.
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pineryes · 2 years
Zombie night terror junkie plague
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The novel coronavirus did not (simply) originate in the tropics, nor have peoples of the tropics been specifically or exclusively infected. The Tropics as a region of pandemic, plague and pestilence has been challenged during the COVID-19 pandemic. The tropical sites of colonialism gave rise to urgent studies of tropical diseases which lead to (racialised) changes in urban planning. This historical imaginary arose with Aristotle’s notion of the tropics as the ‘torrid zone’, a geographical region virtually uninhabitable to temperate peoples due to the hostility of its climate, and persisted in colonial imaginaries of the tropics as pestilential latitudes requiring slave labour. The Tropics have long been associated with exotic diseases and epidemics. Second, the breakdown in trust seen at certain levels during epidemics, such as at the institutional level between communities and authorities or elites, might be mediated or negotiated, perhaps even compensated for, by heightened solidity of trust at the social level, within or between communities. First, while certain aspects of trust are badly diminished during epidemic disease outbreaks, epidemics can also interact with pre-existing structural inequalities within society-based on race, gender or wealth-to create mixed outcomes of discord, prejudice and fear that coexist with new forms of cohesion. These films raise two key issues about trust and social responses during epidemics. In this article we closely analyse three films that centre around epidemic diseases-Contagion (Steven Soderbergh, 2011), Blindness (Fernando Meirelles, 2008) and The Painted Veil (John Curran, 2006)-in order to highlight three categories of distrust that have recently been identified and conceptualised in broader discussions regarding trust and health: institutional, social and interpersonal.
As well as providing information on the ‘correct science’ behind disease transmission, spread and illness in films and literature, popular culture can also inform societies about how to feel and how to react during epidemics-that is to say create some expectations about the kinds of societal responses that could potentially occur. Much like news reporting and social media, popular culture such as fictional novels, television shows and films can influence people’s trust, especially given that the information provided about an epidemic disease is sometimes seen as grounded in ‘scientific fact’ by societies. One key factor that appears to be crucial in the rejection of quarantines, isolation and other social controls during epidemic outbreaks is trust-or rather distrust. Bringing scholarship from cultural and media studies into conversation with scholarship from the medical humanities and social sciences, this collection aims to give readers a fuller picture of the viropolitics of contagious bodies in contemporary global culture. Where previous scholarly work has examined the spread of epidemic realities in horror fiction, the essays in this collection also consider how epidemic fantasies and fears influence reality. In an age where fact and fiction seem increasingly difficult to separate, contagious bodies (and the discourses that contain them) continually blur established boundaries between real and unreal, legitimacy and frivolity, science and the supernatural. Yet these fears and fantasies are too virulent to be simply quarantined within fictional texts vocabulary and metaphors from outbreak narratives have now infiltrated how news media, policymakers, and the general public view the real world and the people within it. From Outbreak to The Walking Dead, apocalyptic narratives of infection, contagion and global pandemic are an inescapable part of twenty-first-century popular culture.
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