#the pandoran novels
king-crane · 6 months
FAVORITE FLAVOR: uhhh hmm blue raspberry
FAVORITE MUSIC: ANYTHING by Sleep Token or Hollywood Undead
FAVORITE MOVIE: Saw (2004), thank you Truckie
FAVORITE SERIES: Codename: Kids Next Door
LAST SONG: Pyrite Girl by Riproducer
LAST SERIES: Last full series was uhhh The Punisher!! Love Season 1
LAST MOVIE: My Bloody Valentine (again, thanks Truckie)
CURRENTLY READING: uhhhh im illiterate. Nah but Ciaphas Cain: Cain’s Last Stand
CURRENTLY WORKING ON: my novel :’) it’s taken seven years already, what’s a few more
TAGGED BY: @dark-ambition @bubblybabins @gnarledbite @the-rorschach-mask
TAGGING: @babydxhl @kashas-stuff @pandoran-rogue @lichrisen @diamondcladclown @draggeddowntothedark @arcanescholxr @2ndbat @noetic-noesis-noein and anyone who reads this!
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prvtocol · 6 months
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RDA Corporate vs. Security Power Dynamics
Avatar: The High Ground graphic novel provides an introduction to the RDA's second Pandoran Operation's unbalanced leadership during their return to the moon in 2168 and hints at what would occur in the following year.
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Avatar: The High Ground (Vol. 1)
General Frances Ardmore, SecOps leader, gives Hell's Gate an ultimatum before those who are still willing to fight back commence their planned attack on the RDA's fleet in space. The corporate RDA, as represented by Head Administrator Charles Stringer, does not want a war even if they prepared for one.
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Avatar: The High Ground (Vol. 2)
Throughout the novel, Stringer is shown emphasizing the corporate bottom line against Ardmore's hard military approach. Infrastructure costs money. That unobtanium is worth trillions. The refinery blows and he's calculating that loss right then and there. He wants to talk out a treaty. Ardmore wants the resistance to surrender or everyone dies.
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The RDA's objectives (with Stringer calling Sully's suggestions "constructive") speak to a desire for co-habitation of human and Na'vi, even if Sully's backpedaling on it speaks from experience of human greed.
The High Ground provides a closer look at the power dynamics in the RDA. The desire to grant amnesty to the RDA's "terrorist" former employees aside, we can acknowledge how Head Administrator, Charles Stringer, continues to push for negotiations when General Ardmore, the (later on-world commander and) security (SecOps) leader, deems talking unproductive.
This display of constant corporate pandering favoring cooperation, treaties, and negotiations against military hard force is reflective of what would coalesce within the RDA the following year. What started as a corporate-run operation with a security presence reversed in power structure to be a security operation with a corporate presence. The operation would be placed under the RDA's version of Marshall Law and the quelling of the Na'vi resistance would take precedence over all other operations.
Stringer is noticeably useless from day one aside Ardmore, and while his objectives grandstand the corp's financial values (saving employees, infrastructure, and product), one suspects he would have at least tried to run a more sustainable colonization effort. To leave a lighter footprint considering their predecessor's follies and actually stay away from sacred sites this time, for instance. Considering the grand cost of the endeavor, the RDA could not afford to fail a second time.
However, the Na'vi Resistance's success the year following, undermining mining operations and disrupting supply lines, continually bolsters Ardmore's role as on-world commander. It gave her a reason to take more and more control. There are no negotiations with her, only ultimatums which will not bode well for the RDA later on. It's likely we'll see her as the main villain in the third film and perhaps (as losses accrue) corporate disgruntlement over her actions.
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irradiate-space · 1 year
Spoilery Good/Bad/Ugly of Avatar 2: The Way of Water
Non-spoiler: The reviews I've read have missed the plot entirely.
Seriously, mild spoilers.
The good:
The mechanical design continues to be top-notch.
I love what they've done with the antagonist. I look forward to seeing more of him in the sequels. Many more of him.
The ISV sequence. Everything about that sequence was good storytelling. As Ann Leckie said in the Radch novels, a spaceship's drive is its most powerful weapon.
The aquatic life is also great. Seriously, There are tattooed whales.
Kiri. One reviewer said that it wasn't explained where she came from, but you know, for a character who has a connection to the mystical consciousness of the planet, I don't think a virgin birth is out of the question. Sigourney Weaver did an excellent job playing the teen who has special abilities, is amazed by them and lowkey scared by them, but who keeps on going.
The teenagers, collectively, in how they act and in the names they call each other. Their relations with authority.
The whales, especially the one with the backstory. One reviewer said it was a story about a boy befriending a whale. Sure, if you aren't paying attention. It's a story of two outcasts befriending each other, coming to understand each other, and showing that doing so will bring benefits to everyone. Especially if no one has bothered to ask the outcast why they're an outcast.
The outcast whale is a parable, which explains why Jake's "run away" philosophy fails.
The human kid's family situation
The Chekhov's Guns
The humans in the bigature suits that Weta Workshops used for the humans in the inn at Bree
The ekranoplan and its child craft. They really put some thought into that capture methodology.
The marine biologist
The bad:
The reason for the whale hunting is just so, so stupid. That guy has a job for the next 12 years, max, and then he learns that a lab on Earth has managed to mass-produce it.
How did the human base manage to be carbrained? They avoid going outside!
Should've made more use of the breathing-equipment-fish.
Pandora as a relocation target for the human race
Helicopters still aren't arrow-proof, and humans haven't developed miniaturized CIWS. This is a worldbuilding failure, but it would have caused lots of problems for the "immune system" defense.
The ugly:
In the theater I was in, some parents brought their small children to see this film. I don't think the kids were quite prepared for the Themes.
I don't know why James Cameron went to the bottom of the Marianas Trench.
No real mention of unobtanium.
Why don't the Blue Team trigger the "immune system" defense?
This film really drives home the idea that humans are an OCP to Pandoran societies.
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Movie Review | Avatar: The Way of Water (Cameron, 2022)
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Going into Avatar: The Way of Water, I was worried that the movie was going to put me to sleep. You see, I'd made the wisest of wise decisions the previous night and stayed up late doing a double feature of Blade: Trinity and Executive Decision, the former because I'd just watched the first two Blade movies and needed to finish off the trilogy, the latter because it was about to leave Canadian Netflix (even though I own a copy). You see, sometimes things take priority, and I was afraid that going into a three hour movie in a darkened theatre with a bit less sleep than I'd like, I would doze off and miss some choice moments. Now, whether it was the thunderously loud sound system or I was sufficiently involved in the onscreen happenings, I deem the movie a resounding success in this one sense, in that I stayed awake all the way through.
I also deem it a resounding success in the sense that it fucking rules, and that we should never, ever doubt James Cameron. This addresses two key problems posed by the first movie. One, Sam Worthington and Zoe Saldana were pretty whatever as the protagonists (before you yell at me, let me say that Saldana was less whatever than Worthington). Two, Stephen Lang, the most charismatic actor in the last movie, had his character killed off at the end. This movie introduces a number of children, a few little blue Na'vi borne of Worthington and Saldana, another little blue Na'vi borne of Sigourney Weaver's character (replete with bangs, thanks to the wonders of technology), and a little non-blue human borne of Lang. And it brings back Lang, through a little something called movie magic, by which I mean a cloning subplot in which him and a bunch of dead marines from the first movie come back as big blue Na'vi. (One of them wears Oakleys, which got a chuckle out of me.)
The movie breaks the children's arcs into a few key subplots: one bonds with a wounded whale who saves him as he's lost at sea, one pines for her dead mother, one comes to terms with his father's cruelty. Individually, these are not particularly novel story arcs, and are indeed a little corny, and handled with maybe a bit too much polish, but I admit I was a bit disarmed and quite moved by their sincerity. Remember five to ten years ago when people would defend soulless corporate schlock as "deeply felt" because of a few scenes where the characters were sad or some shit? Well, this is actually deeply felt, and I found the performances of the children pretty involving, particularly Weaver playing her Na'vi daughter. Cameron's narrative strategy brings to mind the ensemble epics of the '60s and before, and like the better films in that mode, his investment in these characters accumulates to give the climax palpable emotional resonance.
From a worldbuilding perspective, this one introduces a new tribe of seaside Na'vi, who perhaps are defined culturally with some of the same shorthand as the ones in the original movie, but reek of a bit less new age bullshit. (Also, one of them looks like Trevor Noah, which got another chuckle out of me.) It also leans more heavily on the cuteness factor, introducing baby Na'vi and a lot of different Pandoran sea creatures. We're getting three more of these movies, and one can imagine them giving us smaller and smaller Na'vi, more and more creatures and more and more evil marine clones, thanks to the wonders of technology. But the move to an aquatic setting allows Cameron not just to target another mode of rapacious capitalism (the cruel, wasteful hunting of whales for) but allow for a host of new imagery. I think of the way the original was dismissed by the less charitable as a glorified tech demo, and those people could say the same thing about this one, but seeing effects this close to photorealism, particularly on the vast IMAX screen and with the upped frame rate and the 3D image, felt a little overwhelming. Perhaps this will not play as well if I revisit it a few years down the line in the comfort of my own home, but seeing it now, I was not immune to its power.
The visual strategy is similar to the original, with steady, appreciative camera moves not unlike those found in a videogame cutscene, with the compositions and movements taking advantage of the depth of field capabilities of 3D. Which makes for some breathtaking images which the movie is happy to linger on (for all the accusations of gimmickry that can be leveled against the technological advances he deploys, Cameron knows how to use them in visually interesting ways), and some pretty exhilarating action scenes. The climax is a tremendous water battle sequence that runs nearly an hour long in which our heroes face off against the marines and a militarized whaling crew. It's broken into several individual mini-set-pieces and captured with total clarity and an almost startling sense of tactility, thanks to Cameron's unwavering narrative coherence even on a tactical level, his ability to combine clean compositions with visceral camera moves, and his astute use of HFR and 3D to add weight to the onscreen proceedings. And while I generally don't think of Cameron is a particularly expressive visual stylist, the decision to set this scene at sea gives the destruction that ensues an almost elemental fury.
In short: hell yeah.
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whyiask · 3 years
ALRIGHT. I know I've talked about it before, but I'm feeling nostalgic for Alex and Daria and I need to rant again about this amazing series.
I have literally never met another person who has read these. Never. The only person I know has read these or even HEARD OF them is @hekker2 (feel free to add onto this post btw)
Gaia's Secret is a wonderfully written book in a wonderfully written series, and EVERYONE should go read it.
A (Short) List of Reasons to Read the Pandoran Novels:
A wonderfully written, well crafted, competent and strong female lead.
Childhood friends to enemies to lovers
Adults who actually give a shit about their children and are present and capable and useful in their journey.
Beautifully described locations? The settings are actually so goddamn gorgeous and really described in a way that makes you feel like you're there.
Marvellously hidden twists and surprising revelations that are foreshadowed brilliantly and executed perfectly
A male lead love interest who IS NOT dark and broody. Instead he's open, compassionate, kind, brave, loyal, determined, serious yet playful. He has good morals and actually clicks with Daria really well.
power couple power couple pOWER COUPLE POWER COUPLE- Daria and Alex are literally made for each other, they compliment each other so well and work so well together and ahh. They listen to each other and support each other and it's amazing. Literally a power couple.
Hilarious family dynamics! The Del Conte fam is amazing and there are arguments but never too bad! Because they all respect each other!! And actually care about each other!! It's so refreshing to see a non-problematic family in fiction.
A goofy, carefree male main character! He isn't as main in book 1, but Thad is super important later and he is hilarious and goofy and roguishly handsome and he has my heart and deserves everything good in this world. He has a lot of backstory and his motivation is realistic and he has not a good family so he fits right into their Found Family ahhhhh!!!
Vera! That's all that I need to say on the matter 😳🔥😍
Have I mentioned how exceptional the world building is??
It has quite a few cliche tropes, but they are all written with an exceptional twist and a unique and different spin on them! Honestly- this series made me feel so many different things and emotions, it's written so well. I cried more than once and tbh it's just vvvvv good
Also Stefan- is hilarious and amazing and a dork and a beautiful human being who is a total cinnamon bun and needs a hug and some therapy 🥺 he's honestly so precious
I might also want to mention it's a little bit older. Daria is 18, but I still loved it sooooo much and it isn't adult content or anything. I think the most explicit it gets is making out aha. There is also some death and definitely a lot of feels so be warned before you go in. Also there is some non-consentual kisses in like, the third book or so, so be warned if that will trigger you.
Just. read it. please. it's so good. so, so good. and underappreciated. I mean come ON! IT'S GOT FREAKING FOUND FAMILY AND CHILDHOOD FRIENDS TO ENEMIES TO LOVERS!!
Honestly- just read it. You won't regret it.
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ranger-njoyc · 4 years
Theme 1: Introduction
Fandom: The Pandoran Novels
Description: Alex meets Danton for the first time.
Details: Set a bit before the series started, while Alex was training at the Academia
NOTE: I haven’t found ANY content for this fandom :/ so I decided to write something for it, even though a lot of people haven’t read it. In case there is anyone out there who is desperately searching the internet for any content.
Alex swung his sword one last time at the training dummy. He was sweating heavily as he lowered his sword and stepped back to admire his work. The dummy was covered in paint, in all of it’s critical places, where Alex’s sword had slashed.
Alex looked around. He was the first to finish, and he watched quietly as the other trainees hit the dummies with paint-covered swords. When everyone had finished the drill, a sharp whistle was blown. The instructor- a large, beefy man with a thick mustache- straightened his back and looked down at his clipboard. His face held a perpetual scowl as he slid his gaze along the row of trainees.
“First done was-” The man consulted his clipboard, “Mr. Del Conte.” He marched over to where Alex stood, muttering to himself. “How can someone finish in less than thirty seconds, that’s ludicrous. I bet he’s sloppy, sloppy and arrogant.”
The instructor finally came to a halt in front of Alex. Everyone held their breath, waiting for the verdict. The man opened his mouth, ready to yell about how awful Alex’s swordsmanship was. Then he froze. He blinked.
Alex looked up at the instructor, faintly proud of his ability to make him speechless. Wordlessly, the man gave Alex a hearty pat on the shoulder, swallowing and saying gruffly, “Good job, son.”
Alex couldn’t contain his smile any longer, as the people around him started to shift and mutter. Several crowded closer for a better look at Alex’s training dummy. The dummy was covered in neat, clean strokes in exactly the right places.
The instructor cleared his throat, then marched up to the next fastest person: Danton Pontefract. He glared at Danton for almost a full minute, before speaking in a low tone. Alex had to strain his ears to hear what he was saying.
“Do you call this a killing stroke? Do you call this a clean line?” The instructor was slowly building volume, and Alex resigned himself to the long process of hearing him yell at every single one of his students for something or another. Until he heard his name.
“Look at Del Conte’s dummy. Go learn from him! Speed isn’t everything, and didn’t I tell you not to rush? Didn’t I specifically tell you, Mr. Pontefract, that you should go slow and get it precise? Del Conte’s never even been in my class before, and he’s already one thousand times better than you.”
Alex immediately felt alarmed. He didn’t want to be used as an example, even as a good one. Silently, he worried that Danton would resent him for this. Danton made eye contact with Alex, and for a split second, he had a look of pure hatred in his gaze. Then it melted into something cold and hard as he turned back to the instructor.
Thad elbowed Alex lightly. “Impressive,” he muttered out of the corner of his mouth. “You’ve gotten in The Man’s good books.”
‘The Man’ was the common nickname for the instructor teaching the class. He had never shared his name, instead telling the trainees to call him ‘sir’ if they had to address him at all.
Alex’s lips quirked upwards at his friend’s comment, but he was still thinking about Danton.
During lunch break, Danton slid into the seat opposite Alex. Thad grinned and waved, and Danton smiled a strained smile back at him. Alex nodded politely, trying to gauge Danton’s purpose.
“Great work in class today,” Danton said to Alex after a minute of silence. Alex froze, eyeing Danton, but all he could tell, Danton actually meant it, no matter how much it pained him to say.
“Thanks,” Alex replied. “I don’t think we’ve formally met. Alexander Del Conte.” Alex stuck out a hand.
Danton accepted it. He had a strong grip. “I know,” Danton said, a tad enviously. “Everyone knows who you are. All of the sword masters are talking non-stop about you. I’m Danton, Danton Pontefract.”
Alex tried not to feel shy at the compliment. “Nice to meet you, Danton.” Alex racked his brains, trying to remember where he had heard the name before. “Ah, yeah, well. If all of the swords experts are talking about me, you should hear how the magic instructors rant about you!”
Danton laughed, his eyes lighting up with pride. “Yeah, well. I am really quite good at magic, to be honest.”
Alex smiled at him, feeling more at ease. Thad swallowed a bite of his meal, standing up and stretching.
“As much as I hate to break up this bro-bonding sesh, it is time for class, so we should probably head out.” Thad’s eyes sparkled. “Unless-”
“Thad, no,” Alex cut in. “It’s only my first year here, I can’t skip class. It would leave a bad impression, plus all of this stuff is super important to learn.”
Danton smirked. “That implies you’ll be ditching class in years to come.”
Thad laughed out loud. “I like this one,” He said in between giggles. “Let’s keep him.”
Danton cocked his head to the side. “I have a feeling we’re going to be pretty good friends.”
Alex smiled earnestly. “See you around, Danton.”
“See you around,” Danton said, saluting Alex with the tips of his fingers.
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askthepandoranhero · 3 years
multiples of 5, for the ask meme?
5. Were they overprotected as a child? Sheltered?
Kelley was quite literally kidnapped as a baby by a very paranoid businessman who was convinced that he was saving them from some terrible fate. He was so paranoid in fact, that he raised Kelley on his own, on an isolated space station, and even then he was scared whenever they got near a window, to the point where he even chained them by their ankles in their room. So yeah. I’d say that they lived a pretty sheltered life. 10. Is your character street-smart, book-smart, intelligent, intellectual, slow-witted?
I think that Kelley, despite being pretty trusting of most people, and wanting to see the best in others most of the time, I would consider them street smart. At least like. Pandoran Street Smart. On another planet, maybe not as street smart. They are also pretty intelligent but mostly when it comes to tech, math, engineering, emotional intelligence, those sorts of things. 15. Did they graduate? High-School? College? Do they have a PHD? A GED?
Y’know, I never really thought about it before, but I guess they didn’t. Kelley killed the man who kidnapped them when they were 13 years old. They were homeschooled by that man, and without a doubt his version of education was NOT complete by any means, and there aren’t exactly schools on Pandora. I guess that means that as far as Formal Education goes, Kelley has only about a middle school education. 20. What were the most deeply impressive political or social, national or international, events that they experienced?
Kelley both helped Jack rise to power and then helped to bring him down in the events of Borderlands 2, and THEN was also present for Helios FALLING OUT OF THE FUCKING SKY in Tales. I can’t really think of any other stuff bigger than that. 25. What are their hobbies and interests?
Kelley loves weapon design, actually also just designing tech in general. They love coming up with something entirely new in a way that no one would think of. 
Aside from that, Kelley also loves collecting coffee mugs, the tackier the better, and reading cheesy romance novels.
30. Are they holding on to something in the past? Can he or she forgive?
Not to shit-talk my own OC but. Kelley holds onto EVERYTHING in their past. FOr WAY too long. They hold onto almost every mistake, they hold onto Jack not only after he is WAY TOO FAR GONE TO BE PULLED BACK, but also long after he is fucking dead. They care a lot about the help they can give others and they take failures or them being tricked or hurt as a fault with themself. 
Kelley really has an easy time forgiving others. Themself? Another story entirely. 35. Do they always rationalize errors? How do they accept disasters and failures?
Kelley is WAY more likely to rationalize errors if they’re other people’s errors. Throughout the Elpis mission, Kelley often rationalizes Jack’s decisions when they don’t really agree with them because they believe that Jack is a good person, so he must have a good reason for doing a Bad Thing or It Was Kinda Justified If I Think About It. 
Kelley pretty much will always take the fall for failures, especially if it spares someone they care about from getting in trouble. They already beat themself up, what does it matter if someone else adds a few extra bruises? 40. How is their sense of humor? Do they have one?
Kelley is pretty easygoing when it comes to their sense of humor and honestly? It’s easy to many them laugh, and their laugh is pretty contagious. They make puns and love them, and to be honest, they do sometimes laugh at people’s misfortunes, mostly as long as it’s either non-dangerous (as long as it’s someone they like; if it’s someone who’s a pain, they’ll probably laugh even if it is dangerous).
45. Is your character pragmatic? Think first? Responsible? All action? A visionary? Passionate? Quixotic?
I definitely didn’t have to look up what quixotic means.
The thing is that Kelley is...a lot of things. A lot of very contradictory things because they’re a person. Kelley is responsible. They take care of people and helped to build towns on Pandora’s surface where people could just live; they didn’t have to work or struggle or be afraid of their neighbors. However, Kelley does tend to charge into action without thinking, not even considering dangers or traps. Many people would consider that to be irresponsible. Hell, even how Kelley trusts as much as they do could be considered irresponsible.
Kelley is passionate about their work. They love being able to be there for people and helping them and providing and protecting. But it also weighs heavy on them. Kelley sometimes regrets becoming such a positive force for others. They feel like making themself so big sort of robbed them of their ability to make mistakes and not have it affect so many other people. Then they think about how selfish that sounds and fold in on themself.
Kelley is compassionate and gentle and warm and inviting, but they are also capable of wreaking terrible, destructive, horrifying violence on people.
Kelley has the ability to think and calculate things quickly and to improvise in a fight; however they cannot do the same in conversation because their true feelings are always apparent. 
etc.etc. if I keep going with this I will LITERALLY BE HERE ALL NIGHT.
50. What are the prevailing facial expressions? Sour? Cheerful? Dominating?
Kelley generally looks happy and warm. They really love meeting new people and making new friends, so they want to look inviting despite their large somewhat intimidating figure.
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kingdomofclones · 5 years
Given that Torque is aware of and quotes Shakespeare (and other authors)
Not only can he read, but he’s also reasonably well-read for a Psycho.  Given that he’s a Pandoran Native that developed Psycho-ness at some point in his life before the age of 25, he must have been taught and exposed to a lot of authors and books as a kid/teen.  Psychos as a whole tend to slant towards being quite creative in their speech, even quoting things (like Krieg’s “From hell’s heart I stab at thee” which is apparently a line from Moby Dick?  I haven’t actually read that novel yet), but a lot of them also had a longer life without Psychoness arguably (Krieg especially) since most were off-worlders originally.
I posit that not only is Torque capable of reading, there’s a high likelihood that his parents were literature nerds and thus he was exposed to more books and language stretching than normal.  Somehow in the process of developing Psycho-ness, it’s this part of his personality that took over his speech and lends to him being somewhat cohesive, despite the riddles.
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whyiask · 3 years
6. i missed the way we used to talk (for the pandoran novels? pleaseeee??)
*sigh* there is literally no fandom for this series, but since you asked so nicely-
I tried not to include any spoilers because I know you’re still on book 1. The circumstances of the third part might not make complete sense, but it’s somewhere in the beginning of book 2 or in between 1 and 2. :))
The silence was uneasy- not awkward, per se, but uneasy. Daria didn’t know how to breach it, and Alex wasn’t making any moves. She had off-handedly mentioned an inside joke from their childhood, before freezing and turning to the saddle to watch Alex with wide eyes. He had responded similarly, staring at her in disbelief. He let out a small laugh of shock and stared at Daria through the corners of his eyes.
After an agonizing moment, he turned back to her. “You…” his voice was hesitant. His piercing green eyes scanned Daria’s face. “You remember that?”
“How could I not,” she joked, forcing an awkward laugh. He studied her for a moment more, before a small smiled graced his lips.
A moment later and he picked up the conversation again, pointedly ignoring the uneasy air that still lingered between the two of them.
Logically, Daria knew she had missed a lot in Alex’s life. It didn’t mean it didn’t sting when someone mentioned something about him that she should’ve known, had they stayed in contact.
They were sitting by the fire, laughing and talking together. It hadn’t taken much for them to fall back into their old habits, teasing and bouncing off one another seamlessly like a well-oiled machine. Sonya and Cicero sat a few feet away, talking quietly, occasionally glancing over and smiling fondly.
“And of course, you know that time when Thad set the swordmaster’s cape on fire?” Alex shot a look a Daria, grinning, eyes alight with mirth.
Daria faltered. “I- what?” she said helplessly.
Alex’s face fell slightly and Daria bit her lip to stop herself from apologizing. She had nothing to apologize for, after all. She wasn’t the one who had left for a magical world.
Just like that, the moment was broken. Alex lowered his hands, which he had been waving around as he spoke. He coughed.
“Sorry,” he said quietly.
“It’s not a big deal,” Daria said, swallowing thickly. It was, in fact, a big deal to her. Just another reminder of the time they’d spent apart.
Daria loved spending days away from her daily expectations. Following Thaddeus around the Academia or the marketplace, and watching his daily shenanigans unfold, was a particularly fun pastime. Occasionally he would convince her to join in, which she did with no small amount of glee.
They sprinted away from the scene of crime, laughing breathlessly.
“That… was… brilliant,” Thad gasped out in between gulps of air.
Daria was in no better condition. It took all of her willpower to keep from falling over from laughter.
“Almost as funny as Operation Puff Pastry,” he chuckled.
Daria looked up, interest perked. “What is Operation Puff Pastry?” she asked, eager to hear about more of Thad’s school exploits.
“Oh,” Thad said, straightening up. He rubbed his hands together. “Have I got a story for you.”
Daria dropped to the ground, leaning back on her hands and looking up at her friend. Thad sat down too, clapping his hands together in delight.
“So there I was, failing my class,” he said dramatically, waving his arms for emphasis. “It was horrible. Not even my friends’ sincere consolations could ease my woes.” Daria snorted and Thad looked mildly offended at her disregard for his dramatics. “But luckily for me, the teacher was easily swayed, if you get my meaning.”
Daria gaped. “You bribed your instructor?”
Thad grinned, cat-like and mischievous. “I myself don’t have any skill with baking, I always tend to set things on fire. So naturally, I called upon Del Can’t, the best baker in our group by far-”
“He- what?” Daria blinked. Alex? A baker? It was almost laughable.
“Oh yeah, he picked up the skill pretty quickly when he came to the Academia. He’s the  group baker now- hey, hey Daria- are you okay?”
The last statement was directed at Daria’s clenched fists and the slight trembling of her body.
“Yeah, yeah I’m fine.” The words sounded foreign in her mouth. Was it fine? It would be fine eventually. It was stupid, she knew. But every time she learned something more about Alex and his life in Gaia- she felt just a little more like a stranger to him. For the most part, they clicked easily after all that time, but the little things continuously threw her off.
“I miss the way we used to talk,” Daria murmured. She didn’t realize she had spoken out loud until she caught Thad’s concerned expression.
“What was that?”
She waved him off. “Nothing,” she said. And maybe it was nothing. Maybe it was dumb to be caught up on such an insignificant thing. It still stung a little.
Daria knew they could never be perfect again, her and Alex. They had broken apart, and even now that they were together again, things still felt missing, incomplete. They would never be perfect. An almost complete puzzle, just a few edge pieces missing. Daria sighed, flopping down onto her back. The sky was beautiful, almost tauntingly so, a constant reminder of things that used to be. She remembered when she used to lie with Alex and watch the clouds. Those days were long past.
“I’m fine,” she repeated, unsure of whether she was telling Thad or herself.
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arushahisatroll · 3 years
daria when alex flirts with her:
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try to tell me i’m wrong
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snexusmodsuf7m6 · 4 years
Borderlands when to start uvhm
Borderlands 2 how to get skill points?
Borderlands 2 can be a game that doesnt consider itself badly, with wit with a cartoonish model littered throughout that. We are able to see a someone inside the real-world march in to the corpus involving Maya because your woman lays surplus to opponents. Legendary class mods become lowered simply by Vermivorous the supreme any alteration involving Varkid adversary. In the event you actually wish to return back and also visit the lovely other rams regarding Borderlands 2 with PC while, you could have an additional alternatives. There's at present simply no concept equally to be able to whether or not "Borderlands 2 VR" can add the new game's large annals connected with development content, consisting of further character sessions and times connected with area missions.
These stat enhancements apply to each one of one particular player's characters. Borderlands services 4 person online in addition to 2 participant splitscreen local co op around the console versions.
Commander Lilith With The Contest Pertaining to Retreat promises to look at players to the alien globe involving Pandora, home soil intended for Borderlands along with Borderlands 2 (2012) but merely one connected with numerous worlds inside September 2019's Borderlands 3. Spends less manually migrated through Windows in order to Linux should have many lowercase characters inside the filename. We performed recognize it was fairly consequently exclusive.
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Anyone wishes free things, in case you're even playing Borderlands 2, Shift codes can certainly uncover free mods, skins, gold chests plus more. Borderlands 2 is undoubtedly a thrashing https://computer-games.online/ game, also outside of which it's over some develop fully styles over and above that will, even so the game's article does really Borderlands 2 max level employ a number of good messages. Some issues certainly not feel my age, and also Borderlands 2 mods are simply just since enjoyment because they became practically ten years back. In the meantime, the four massive campaigns you receive inside the BAMF DLC Pack almost all give you a congregation of original surroundingses, journeys, items, firearms, opponents, bosses, and thus much more.
Class mods have a potential for increasing skill points intended for a certain character's skill shrub. While Borderlands 2 originally make it possible for approximately a number of players, the VR edition will probably be single-player simply.
It also is apparently a free DLC, therefore thises a nice extra regarding Borderlands 2 legendary weapons players. Sanctuary remains under stress, the Vault's place has been pinched then a dangerous gas is poisoning Pandora. Hyperion's person and incapacitated is often a sneering bucket of contempt along with tresses sauces recognized just what Handsome Jack, who has gotten it upon himself to be able to wash any non-Hyperion personnel - like person - off the face of Pandora. The four person characters from the primary game, Roland, Lilith, Brick, and also Mordecai, go back in the form of non-player characters that the novel characters will certainly expertise at Pandora, or maybe in a variety of quest.
Where are my Borderlands 2 saves?
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Every time I mod the skill points to be able to just about they never ever remain along with I on you xbox and your usb subsequently stack way up Borderlands 2 with all the modded. Return to the settlement get shooter-looter intended for a brand new adventure in which regulates the stand for the upcoming Borderlands 2. It turned out many fun We solved realize Borderlands 2 would wind up live a platform countless games would create in, nevertheless don't surpass. The development creates a whole new new history incorporating a few going back toss limbs also original characters, although when always the actual star will be the loot. Borderlands 2 is surely an motion role-playing game performed from the first-person view along with fundamental result.
Jack, supposedly assisting them, abruptly sabotages the aim in addition to permits the Vault Hunters regarding lifeless in the frozen them wasteland. During the credit rating, various arenas are displayed from the Pandorans celebrating Handsome Jack's beat with subtracting back again their particular earth from the remaining Hyperion pushes, Lilith turning into the modern principal from the Crimson Raiders, the Vault Hunters ending up being hailed as heroes representing their own actions, Lilith, Brick in addition to Mordecai mourning Roland, and also Mordecai hatching also increasing a new puppy chicken called up Talon.
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Their a great game, gotten pleasure from the idea much playing the item with my personal allies in addition to can't wait for Borderlands, that searches so great. Top of most, it's stay right this moment if you've witout a doubt developed the version regarding Borderlands 2 VR, you are able to download everything that Poor Rear end Brilliant Entertaining at no cost with feel the DLC from the new view. Line the Vault Insider Code in addition to unlock satisfying During game loot intended for Borderlands 2 legendary weapons games.
0 notes
nborderlandiwqxz · 4 years
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Decide on certainly one of some character types to get interpreted by using a carefully made also joined account to all or any further with stagger locations over the stay earth of Pandora. In the event you actually want to turn https://computer-games.online/ back in addition to look at the nice older memory space of Borderlands 2 about PC while, you have another alternatives. During the credit score, various landscapes are revealed on the Pandorans celebrating Handsome Jack's beat then undergoing back their world from the remaining Hyperion push-button, Lilith turn out to be the new organizer from the Crimson Raiders, the Vault Hunters being originated seeing that heroes for their actions, Lilith, Brick as well as Mordecai mourning Roland, and also Mordecai shade along with put up the latest dog fowl called up Talon.
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These stat developments connect with each one of an individual player's characters. Gearbox Software achieved it distinct which the sport exclusivity for PSVR became always timed period. Terramorphous became hadn't a baby soon after Borderlands programmer Gearbox Software investigate precisely how players enjoyed standing at Crawmerax the Invincible (zero regards), the crab earthworms raid boss in the superb The Riddle Arsenal involving Basic Knoxx downloadable add-on Borderlands 2 golden key.
Borderlands 2 is just meant to be taken in players from the game. Players will certainly struggle along the full associated with Pandora to halt Jack coming from wake up a great old on the planet ? unpleasant experienced only as.
Its a wonderful game, appreciated that a lot playing it with my friends with can certainly wait for Borderlands, the item seems so great. This means, according to the provided Class Mod, you will get 9 points for a particular skill using a constraint associated with 5.
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Every time I mod the skill points to help on they never lodge and also I on you xbox whilst your usb next pack upwards Borderlands 2 while using modded. Commander Lilith After that The Hostility With regard to Haven guarantees for taking players here we are at the alien earth involving Pandora, house earth with regard to Borderlands and Borderlands 2 (2012) but one connected with some planets with September 2019's Borderlands 3. Borderlands 2 is unquestionably a violent game, along with ahead of that it offers in excess of a bit of mature concepts away from that will, however the game's tale carry out actually Borderlands 2 skill tree use a handful of positive ideas.
The four participant characters from the principal game, Roland, Lilith, Brick, in addition to Mordecai, go back as non-player characters which the contemporary characters will meet about Pandora, or in numerous assignment. Help make your way towards the bottom part with the Bloodshed woods, while, in addition to an individual unlock skills that will enabled anyone live within this Deception setting potentially forever. The experience is usually charged working with combining Real occasion purposing and a standard PlayStation controller, and there's at the very least particular outline associated with champion to the PlayStation Move controllers.
Some points certainly not get old, and also Borderlands 2 mods are simply just seeing that entertainment since they were approximately 10 years before. Just like the minute play-through about Borderlands, TVHM is harder with tougher enemie Borderlands 2 console commands.
For those who have quite a low-end PC or maybe want to act the action next to the little laptop where you head out, Ultra Low Config mod pertaining to Borderlands just goes outside the best probable visual situations and also brands the action look few years other, but steps up the presentation significantly along the way. I notice individuals discuss the pierce, that we dont comprehend, since you can transform off of (which often i desire much more games can complete).
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Return to the medal earn shooter-looter pertaining to a fresh venture in which arranges the phase for your upcoming Borderlands 2. It turned out many fun We didn't understand Borderlands 2 would finish up being a composition a lot of games would shape on, nevertheless forget to meet. Borderlands 2 is an steps role-playing game enjoyed from the first-person view as well as essential result. Jack, supposedly assisting them, suddenly sabotages the point with leave behind the Vault Hunters intended for deceased in a frosted nova wasteland. While Borderlands 2 originally permit up to 4 players, the VR variation are going to be single-player only.
I joked about the Xbox adaptation involving Borderlands pertaining to all-around every week, although the incident in addition to enhance in the novel become apparent, the peculiarity as well as novelty which brought about the 2009 game Borderlands 2 shift codes therefore endearing along with fashionable. This kind of Badassery prizes players with Badass tokens they could spend in boosting abilities they'll employed on a regular basis, these kinds of while lowering gun-recoil, marker damage, wellness flats and also shield recharge price.
Such as very first game, Borderlands is really a mission-based First-Person Pistol with RPG Ingredients, letting the person for you to up grade the characters with further skills in addition to abilities, while boost their system throughout hordes of noncitizen creatures, robots, in addition to insane bandits. I'm the double of mama which doesn't let the youngster engage in name involving job with games that way. Hyperion's person on the floor is a giggling ocean of disregard in addition to mustache sauces experienced only seeing that Handsome Jack, that has acquired this after himself to erase any non-Hyperion staff members - like the participant - away the face of Pandora.
0 notes
qbordermods4b6eu · 4 years
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Borderlands 2 is usually a game that will doesnt acquire itself honestly, with wit along with a cartoonish fashion littered throughout the item. We get to see a part from the real world walk into your amount of Maya since your lover places spend in order to enemies. Legendary class mods end up being cut through Vermivorous the indomitable any change for better associated with Varkid foe. In the event you previously want to go back and also visit the fine aged memory space involving Borderlands 2 on PC though, you have an additional options. There's at this time zero concept while for you to no matter if "Borderlands 2 VR" may add the unique game's big store associated with growth content, consisting of added character groups as well as hours involving plane quests.
These stat advancements apply to most of just one player's characters. Borderlands assistances a number of participant online as well as a couple of gambler splitscreen neighborhood co op around the console versions.
Commander Lilith Afterward The Contest Pertaining to Asylum assurances to consider players to the alien world associated with Pandora, home garden soil intended for Borderlands in addition to Borderlands 2 (2012) yet just one connected with many entire world during September 2019's Borderlands 3. Conserves physically migrated by Screens to Linux must have almost all lowercase characters inside the filename. We figured out realize it absolutely was quite so unique.
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Anyone wants free things, if you're nonetheless playing Borderlands 2, Shift codes can easily uncover free mods, skin tone, older chests and even more. Borderlands 2 is undoubtedly a violent game, with outside that it offers more than a little bit of mature themes over and above that will, though the game's tale performs basically Borderlands 2 classes use a several good concepts. Various factors certainly not grow old, in addition to Borderlands 2 mods are only because enjoyment because they occur starte games pretty much a decade before. Meanwhile, the a number of massive campaigns you get within the BAMF DLC Group all present you with a host connected with novel natural environment, searches, tools, firearms, foes, bosses, and thus a lot more.
Class mods also have a potential for adding skill points with regard to a certain character's skill pine. While Borderlands 2 originally permit approximately four players, the VR model will probably be single-player merely.
What's more, it is a free DLC, thus it's a good advantage regarding Borderlands 2 shift codes players. Haven lives within stress, the Vault's guide has become slipped plus a lethal gas ends up being poisoning Pandora. Hyperion's guy on the ground is really a giggling ocean involving contempt with locks fat identified solely so Handsome Jack, who may have brought this on himself to help clean any non-Hyperion employees - including the participant - away from the facial skin of Pandora. The a number of gambler characters through the original game, Roland, Lilith, Brick, with Mordecai, give back as non-player characters which the novel characters can encounter at Pandora, as well as in several quest.
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How long is a day in Borderlands?
Every time I mod the skill points for you to just about they in no way stop next I giving you xbox plus your usb next load up Borderlands 2 using the modded. Resume the award gain shooter-looter for a brand new voyage in which agrees the point with the upcoming Borderlands 2. It was plenty of entertaining We organized comprehend Borderlands 2 would find yourself ending up being a construction numerous games would size upon, nevertheless neglect to meet. The increase creates a brand new first article consisting of several returning cast limbs next modern characters, bar being always the actual star will be the loot. Borderlands 2 is surely an act role-playing game played from the first-person point of view along with basic effects.
Jack, supposedly holding them, out of the blue sabotages the school also results in the Vault Hunters for deceased within a frosted nova wasteland. During the credit ratings, various pictures are displayed of the Pandorans celebrating Handsome Jack's wipe out along with seizing again their own entire world on the keeping on being Hyperion pressures, Lilith turning into the newest innovator in the Crimson Raiders, the Vault Hunters becoming originated while heroes intended for their deeds, Lilith, Brick along with Mordecai mourning Roland, in addition to Mordecai mark along with upgrading a whole new pet hen call up Talon.
The a wonderful game, delighted in the idea so much playing it with my pals and can't lose time waiting for Borderlands, that looks so great. Finest of most, this live at this time if you've witout a doubt got your own disc of Borderlands 2 VR, you can download everything Negative Bumm Mega Fun free of charge along with practice the DLC coming from a fresh new view. Become a member of the Vault Insider Course and also unlock fresh With game loot with regard to Borderlands 2 weapon parts games.
0 notes
x-enter · 4 years
Everything Coming to Disney+ in March 2020
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We’re almost to a new month which means that streaming services are revealing what new titles are coming to them. The latest to reveal their new slate is Disney+ which reveals episode details for The Clone Wars as well as several other shows. For movies, Black Panther and Bedtime Stories are two that I really enjoy. What are you most excited for in March?
Available March 1
Doctor Dolittle 2
Ice Age
Available March 4
Black Panther
Available March 5
Bedtime Stories
Available March 6
The Finest Hours (Returning Title)
Three on the Run
Diary of a Future President
Episode 108 - “Matters of Diplomacy”
As she prepares for the big dance, Elena is shocked to discover she has a “mustache.” Attempts to fix it only make it worse, forcing her to “own” her look. Bobby and his buddies plan a prank for the dance, but when it doesn’t go the way Bobby expected, he lashes out at Liam. Gabi’s discomfort with her new relationship only grows when her mother invites the entire family over to meet Sam.
Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Episode 703 - “On the Wings of Keeradaks”
After their escape, Anakin Skywalker and the clones defend a local village.
Marvel’s Hero Project
Episode 118 - “Genius Gitanjali”
When Gitanjali discovered there were people living without clean water, she was determined to find a solution. Through rounds of trial and error, and the search for a lab that would let a middle schooler use it, Gitanjali invented a device that could test for contaminants in water. Spurred on to create new tools that benefit others, her blend of science and kindness is what makes her a hero.
Disney’s Fairy Tale Weddings
Episode 204 - “Pandoran Wedding”
Patrice and Dontrell become the first couple ever married at Pandora, The World of Avatar. Alyssa & Scott honor generations of "ohana" at Aulani, A Disney Resort & Spa, with a surprise performance by singer and guitarist Kina Grannis.
Shop Class
Episode 102- “Justin's Biggest Fan”
Teams are challenged with designing and putting their own unique take on Little Free Libraries.
Disney Family Sundays
Episode 118 - “Zootopia: Bracelets”
The Pyle-Lawrence ladies join Amber for a project inspired by Disney's "Zootopia."
One Day At Disney
Episode 114 - “Kris Becker: Animal Keeper”
For over 20 years, Kris Becker has provided top notch care to the animals of Disney’s Animal Kingdom Park.Through a unique and emotional bond, Becker is able to look after these exotic creatures through nutrition and wellness support.As she goes about her day, Becker is also able to interact with guests helping educate them on the animals and important conservation efforts.
Available March 13
Wicked Tuna (S3-8)
Wicked Tuna: Outer Banks (S1-6)
Zorro - Second Series (S1)
“Stargirl” from Disney+ is a tender and offbeat coming-of-age story based on the critically-acclaimed, New York Times’ best-selling young adult novel about an unassuming high schooler who finds himself inexplicably drawn to the free-spirited new girl, whose unconventional ways change how they see themselves…and their world.
Diary of a Future President
Episode 109 - “State of the Union”
Elena is shocked to discover that Sasha wants to switch roommates for the Tallahassee field trip. Desperate to run from her problems, she misses the bus on purpose, only to be driven by Gabi – who’s fleeing from her own issues with Sam. Bobby, still confused by his behavior at the dance, tells his girlfriend that he loves her.
Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Episode 704 - “Unfinished Business”
Anakin Skywalker and the Bad Batch attempt to gain a victory for the Republic.
Marvel’s Hero Project
Episode 119 - “Astonishing Austin”
Austin knows what it’s like when food is scarce. It was one of those times when he decided to grab a handful of beans and plant a garden. He invited his community to pick what they wanted, and word spread. Nearby farmers and volunteers came to help him work the soil and now, this local hero has shown a whole city how to sow the seeds of hope and reap the literal fruits of their labor.
Disney’s Fairy Tale Weddings
Episode 205 - “Made for Loving You”
Ana was missing her sister at her wedding, but Disney magic makes dreams come true, and Grammy award winning artist Tori Kelly performs. Melanie & Nathan reunite after decades with a ceremony aboard the Disney Wonder in Alaska.
Shop Class
Episode 103 - “Ramps & Champs”
Teams are challenged with turning iconic school items into skatepark obstacles.
Disney Family Sundays
Episode 119 - “The Muppets: Pom Poms”
The Crownholm family joins Amber for this craft inspired by The Muppets.
One Day At Disney
Episode 115 - “Leah Buono: Casting Director”
Leah Buono, Executive Director of Casting, takes us behind-the-scenes as she searches for the next Disney Channel star. Through casting calls, auditions and pure instinct, Leah is instrumental in the discovery of a new generation of young Disney Channel actors and actresses who will bring their talent, passion and drive to upcoming Disney Channel series and movies.
Available March 15
Available March 17
Big Hero 6 The Series (S2)
Available March 20
I Didn’t Do It (S1-2)
Playtime with Puppy Dog Pals: Puppy Playcare (S2)
Vampirina Ghoul Girls Rock! (S2)
Diary of a Future President
Finale - Episode 110 - “Two Party System”
In Tallahassee, Elena has unresolved issues with Jessica, and she decides to take a Senator’s inspiring advice, to find a solution. Bobby struggles with expressing himself and finds comfort in Sam’s guidance. Gabi tries to pretend like everything is fine at work, despite her new normal with Sam.
Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Episode 705 - “Gone With a Trace”
Ahsoka befriends a pilot but must hide her Jedi past while trying to stop a dangerous droid.
Marvel’s Hero Project
Finale - Episode 120 - “High-Flying Hailey”
When Hailey realized her twin sister Livy’s ongoing medical care was putting a strain on her family’s finances, she leapt into action.Hailey founded a kids’ organization to reach out and provide community and support for families living with epilepsy, like hers. Now, Marvel makes her a true SuperHero, immortalized in her very own comic book.
Disney’s Fairy Tale Weddings
Episode 206 - “Wedding GOALS!”
College teammates Joi & Lexie have a fairy tale wedding at Disneyland with World Cup champion Brandie Chastain and singing sensation Colbie Collait. Nathan surprises Krystal with a proposal in Paris and help from Adventures By Disney.
Shop Class
Episode 104 - “Bridge or Bust”
Teams are challenged with designing and building bridges that look great and can support weight.
Disney Family Sundays
Episode 120 -“Winnie the Pooh: Flower Pots”
The Ruvalcaba family joins Amber for a plant-tastic project inspired by Winnie The Pooh.
One Day At Disney
Episode 116 - “David Muir: World News Tonight Anchor”
David Muir, Anchor of ABC’s World News Tonight with David Muir, sheds light on his responsibility as a newscaster. Inspired by the likes of Peter Jennings and Diane Sawyer, Muir believes it is his job to break through the chaos of today to deliver straightforward, relevant news to people around the world.
Available March 25
A Wrinkle in Time
Available March 27
Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Episode 706 - “Deal No Deal”
Trace makes a rash decision after learning what they are transporting is for the Pyke Syndicate.
Disney’s Fairy Tale Weddings
Episode 207 - “Te Amo, Mi Amor, Again!”
Hurricane Maria survivor, Gloriene surprises her husband of 13 years with a vow renewal and a sizzling performance by Latin Grammy winner Pedro Capo. Brieanna & Tyler celebrate a fairy tale with an Alice in Wonderland themed wedding.
Shop Class
Episode 105 - “Boulder Bash”
Teams are challenged with putting a modern twist on the classic picnic table.
Be Our Chef
Premiere - Episode 101 - “Bibbidi Bobbidi Bon Appetit”
In this “Cinderella” inspired challenge, the first two families, the Merrill family and Robbins family, are asked to magically transform a classic comfort food into a gourmet meal.
Disney Family Sundays
Episode 121 - “Ratatouille: Chef Hat”
source https://geektyrant.com/news/everything-coming-to-disney-in-march-2020
0 notes
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How to get Borderlands 2 keys
Choose among four character classes to become tolerated through a thoroughly expertise along with united tale to everyone original along with wonder environments throughout the living planet of Pandora. Players want deal with throughout the entirety of Pandora to quit Jack coming from wake up a ancient alien wicked understood merely as.
In case you actually desire to rewind and visit the beneficial other storages regarding Borderlands 2 in PC nevertheless, you might have one more alternatives. While Borderlands 2 originally made it possible for up to several players, the VR type is going to be single-player only. In the credit ratings, various views end up being displayed from the Pandorans celebrating Handsome Jack's defeat and removing returning their particular entire world from the remaining Hyperion push-button, Lilith turn out to be the newest innovator from the Crimson Raiders, the Vault Hunters becoming hailed because heroes regarding their own actions, Lilith, Brick in addition to Mordecai mourning Roland, in addition to Mordecai hatching as well as raising a brand new dog chook called up Talon.
The a number of gambler characters from the former game, Roland, Lilith, Brick, with Mordecai, give back by means of non-player characters which the original characters will certainly experience about Pandora, or even in several vision. Gearbox writes the upcoming PC description connected with Borderlands can star both the core game and many methods from the freshly uncovered whenever their at present low distinct fall months launch day turns up. Such as 1st game, Borderlands is a mission-based First-Person Present shooter with RPG Components, letting the participant to be able to up grade their characters with novel skills as well as abilities, while boosting their street because of hordes associated with noncitizen persons, robots, as well as mad bandits. We made understand it turned out fairly therefore special.
For those who have a really low-end PC or maybe wish to play the action with your little notebook in which you head out, Ultra Low Config mod pertaining to Borderlands simply just goes beyond budget friendly possible graphical backgrounds then generates the game look 10 years other, although enlarges the operation significantly along the way. Saves by hand migrated from Displays for you to Linux should have all lowercase characters from the filename. Go back to the settlement winning shooter-looter for a new experience that backdrop the show for your upcoming Borderlands 2.
A summary of all the Legendary (lemon) sticks within the Borderlands 2 modpack, in conjunction with each one of their one of a kind result. Terramorphous ended up being gotten pregnant immediately after Borderlands builder Gearbox Software comprehend the way players delighted in showing at Crawmerax the Indomitable (zero regards), the crab worm raid boss from your https://game-stop-near-me.online/ superb The Covert Armory associated with Normal Knoxx downloadable add-on Borderlands 2 console commands. Enter the Vault Insider Program also unlock engaging With game loot intended for Borderlands 2 classes games.
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How to mod Borderlands 2 xbox one
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They, in addition to a number of sort new characters, will assist players beat Jack, trash the Warrior, and also rescue Pandora. Shelter ends up being less than siege, the Vault's plan has been appropriated next a toxic gas ends up being poisoning Pandora. There's presently zero statement being near whether or not "Borderlands 2 VR" will probably include the first game's large files regarding development content material, which includes further character classes as well as hour or so connected with aspect journeys. Class mods likewise have a prospects for putting skill points with regard to a unique character's skill pine. Jack, supposedly defending them, abruptly sabotages the point with puts down the Vault Hunters pertaining to over in a gotten cold wasteland.
Gearbox paints in wide brushstrokes, yes, yet it doesn't count on cardboard finish off characters or perhaps chain of the generator mission composition. Borderlands 2 is only used to be used by players with the game. In addition, it looks like it's a free DLC, thus thises a great bonus pertaining to Borderlands 2 classes players. Borderlands 2 is obviously a thrashing game, also away from of which it offers greater than a modest amount of develop fully concepts away from that will, though the game's report completes in fact Borderlands 2 max level employ a little good meanings. If you want to return to this particular tv screen at any time, you can get going without running shoes with the Devices, startup game records for mods menu selection.
This specific Badassery pay back players with Badass tokens they can easily commit on increasing abilities they'll worked with constantly, this sort of while decreasing gun-recoil, marker damage, health and fitness heights in addition to shield recharge paces. Decide on considered one of some character lessons to get stuck by using a thoroughly traded also was connected tale to every one fresh with blow locations through the stay world connected with Pandora. Deciding which in turn class mod to work with is anything but basic, in addition gotten as each and every character throughout Borderlands 2 produce in their removal somewhere around. Its an incredible game, gotten pleasure from that much playing it with our companions with preserve loose time waiting for Borderlands, this appears so excellent. Changing skills becomes quintessentially Borderlands, and also quintessentially Gearbox.
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If you want to return to this particular tv screen anytime, you can obtain for it using the Softwares, setup game sorts pertaining to mods selection alternative. Terramorphous was considered after Borderlands builder Gearbox Software understood precisely how players took pleasure in acquiring upon Crawmerax the Indomitable (simply no regards), the crab worm raid boss from your fantastic The Riddle Armory associated with General Knoxx downloadable add-on Borderlands 2 shift codes. This implies, according to the offer Class Mod, you will get 9 points with regard to a specific skill with a constraint connected with 5. Gearbox coloring throughout wide brushstrokes, positive, nevertheless they don't count on cardboard drop off characters or perhaps process of the mill objective construction. They, along with about sort different characters, can help players defeat Jack, destroy the Warrior, in addition to rescue Pandora.
Produce the right path on the foundation with the Bloodshed woods, though, also a person uncover skills that allow an individual visit within this Deceptiveness method potentially consistently. Jack, supposedly supporting them, all of a sudden sabotages the succession and avoids the Vault Hunters intended for flat in a very frosted nova wasteland. Like the 1st game, Borderlands is often a mission-based First-Person Present shooter with RPG Ingredients, allowing the person to help upgrade their particular characters with novel skills as well as abilities, while great time their own manner during hordes associated with alien beasts, robots, as well as nuts bandits. Resume the present earning shooter-looter with regard to a brand new venture to fixes the level for that upcoming Borderlands 2. In the meantime, the four great campaigns you get inside the BAMF DLC Bunch all give you a web host associated with different surroundingses, missions, items, marker, enemies, bosses, so additional.
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In addition, it looks like it's a free DLC, thus this an excellent advantage pertaining to Borderlands 2 legendary weapons players. Borderlands 2 my company is merely designed to double simply by players with the game. In the credit rating, various scenes are revealed in the Pandorans celebrating Handsome Jack's beat and containing finance his or her earth in the remaining Hyperion powers, Lilith turn out to be the modern innovator with the Crimson Raiders, the Vault Hunters becoming originated as heroes instead of the deeds, Lilith, Brick in addition to Mordecai mourning Roland, along with Mordecai produce in addition to upgrade a brand new pet chicken called Talon. Helps save hand migrated by Interface to be able to Linux must have all lowercase characters inside the filename. With the emancipation involving Borderlands VR impending Sony possesses mentioned a brand new PlayStation VR pack with the game, Overcome Saber along with all of the hardware you need to join in the games.
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Commander Lilith Next The Battle Regarding Shelter assures to adopt players here we are at the noncitizen earth of Pandora, home dirt for Borderlands along with Borderlands 2 (2012) nevertheless merely one regarding some earths in Sept 2019's Borderlands 3. Borderlands 2 is surely an activity role-playing game enjoyed from your first-person point of view in addition to elemental influence. Altering skills becomes quintessentially Borderlands, along with quintessentially Gearbox. The growth includes a fresh new story including things like many returning cast portions also novel characters, bar like always the genuine celeb is the loot.
Players can fight along the entirety involving Pandora to quit Jack from wake up a great antique noncitizen unpleasant recognized just when. You will find four playable characters in this game, most further, plus 2 advantage characters that were increase as DLC. It is a great game, taken pleasure in it a whole lot playing this with my personal companions in addition to could loose time waiting for Borderlands, that glimpses so great. Every time I mod my personal skill points for you to nearly they never wait next I you xbox as well as your usb then pack way up Borderlands 2 using the modded.
We be able to go to a man or women within the real world action into the federation connected with Maya since she lays down waste materials to be able to adversaries. Gearbox Software controls to further improve their IP in many ways, providing Borderlands 2 skill tree one of these simple titles you could certainly not quite possibly ignore to buy, and also proposing new stories that could let players to help setback off around sauna with regard to hours.
These stat enhancements apply to each one of one particular player's characters. Haven lives less than duress, the Vault's record has become appropriated next a toxic gas becomes poisoning Pandora. Choose one of four character courses being led by way of a carefully traded with fixed history to everyone different along with stagger atmospheres across the living planet involving Pandora. Four main story-based DLC groups end up being let go as part, with Gearbox later launching holiday-centric miniquests which focus around destroying a boss and rewarding a control in addition to skin to be a prize. Class mods also provide a probability of adding skill points for a specific character's skill pine.
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