#the party don't start till i walk in ( musing )
l-in-the-light · 10 days
(Mis)adventures of Law with the Strawhats [fanfiction snippet, part 1]
"Torao!!" he cries out way too loudly. "Let's play that game again!!"
Law turns towards him, but doesn't answer immediately and it's not even because his mouth is full at the moment, he doesn't care about that.
"Again…?" he finally voices out, looking at no one in particular.
"What game?" asks Chopper. Usopp also curiously looks between Law and Luffy.
"We played that funny thing yesterday when you zoom up and down and throw a stone with dots on it!" Luffy exclaims.
"Is that why you missed breakfast today?" Usopp asks and Luffy nods fervently.
"I wish I didn't. Sanji, can you make me a breakfast now??"
"Breakfast after lunch, huh?" Sanji muses from behind the counter. "Sure"
"Thanks, you're the best!!"
Law frowns. "Just play it by yourself this time" he grumbles between bites.
"No way! You said it can't be played alone! Also I already forgot the rules…"
"There's no way you already forgot them!" Law protests, takes a look at Luffy, then his eyes dart to completely opposite direction. "Fine, but gather more people. It's boring with just two. Get four more"
"I didn't think it was boring with just the two of us" Luffy beams at him, takes bigger bite and shouts "So who wants to play with us??"
"You didn't exactly tell us what type of game it is" Usopp frowns, while Chopper is already shouting back "Me, I want!!"
"It's just a regular snake and ladders board game" Law answers despite the question not being directed at him.
"It's yours?" Robin asks. "Didn't take you for the type to keep board games around"
"My crew often dragged me to play with them"
"But isn't Snake and Ladders a game for kids?" Franky butts in. "It takes me back… Tom bought it for us once, but Iceburg was a party pooper and said he's not a kid anymore and in the end I had to teach Yokozuna to play with me instead"
Law has no idea who all those people he mentioned were, so he just ignores that part.
"It is. It's not like he would be able to understand any more complicated game" he says while gesturing towards Luffy, who just laughs in answer and says with his mouth still full: "That's right. Can't wait to play!"
"You still miss three more people" Law reminds him.
"Oh, right. Guys, who wants to play? It's gonna be fun!!"
"I guess I could make you the honour of God Usopp joining in, just so you have enough people. Know my mercy!" says Usopp while his nose extends all the way up to the ceilling.
"ME!" repeated Chopper.
"I already counted you in" says Law which made Chopper exclaim some loud, possibly not malignant noises.
"I would love to try!" Yamato exclaimes after swallowing a whole plate of food at once.
"Great! Then we have everyone!"
"You're one person short" points out Law and smirks when Luffy grumbles at that.
"Come on guys, Robin, join us! Nami? Zoro??"
"I want to relax reading a book" Robin replies, smiling.
"I have plans already. I need to catch up on my map drawing" Nami exclaims as she gets up from the table, already having finished her meal.
"I'm gonna train" answers Zoro shortly.
Luffy frowns, looking around the table again. "Franky? Brook? Sanji? Jimbei?"
"I'm too old for that" Jimbei answers. "I will leave you youngsters to that"
"Same here" Franky adds.
"I will be busy making desserts for the ladies" Sanji chimes in.
Brook looks around the Sunny's kitchen back and forth, till finally answering as well. "I will gladly join"
"GREAT! Now we have everyone, you can't say no anymore!!" Luffy turns to Law and extends his hands high up, like in a victory pose. Law eyes dart to him for a second, but he doesn't say anything, just gets up and walks towards the door.
"Torao?" Luffy asks after him.
"Gonna go fetch the game"
"So, how do we play it exactly?" Usopp asks. "Not that I don't know already, mind you, I'm just asking because there's no way Luffy remembers the rules!"
"It's true, I don't" Luffy says.
"We all start from this place" says Law, pointing his finger to the starting position on the board. "We take turns rolling the die till we reach the goal, which is here" his finger moves all the way up on the board. "Whenever you land on a field with a ladder, you go up, till you reach the top of it. When you land on snake, you slide down instead. That's all there is to it"
"What's a die?" asked Chopper. Law looks at him, then looks at all of them looking back at him, he pauses and closes his eyes for a moment, and then takes a square-like object in his fingers.
"This is a die. You roll it like that" he says and flips it in his fingers and lets it fall to the board, the die making a short wooden noise when it meets the surface. Everyone stares at it before the object finally stops, showing five dots on top.
"So that's the legendary die… Of course I already knew that. I had a dozen, no, two dozens of them back in the village. It's the first time I see one made out of wood" Usopp blabbles.
"So what do we do? Do we just add all the dots on each side of it?" asks Chopper, inspecting the square and poking it with his hoof. "It's kinda hard to see all the sides though"
"No, wait, Chopper, that wouldn't make any sense" said Usopp, putting on his serious face and poking his own nose. "It wouldn't matter then to roll the die, because the sides never change, so the result would be always the same"
"Oh" Chopper comments.
"I think I get it. It must be the result on the top that counts. So, five dots!" Usopp concludes his deduction.
"Ooooh, you're so smart, Usopp!!" Chopper cries out.
"Of course" Usopp exclaims, smashing his hand to his chest. "After all I played many games before and flipped dozen of dies"
"Dice" Law corrects him.
"Right, this one is actually special, because it's wooden and called a dice. I knew that" Usopp says, raising his voice just a bit. He looks at Law, moves his eyes from left to right, and finally makes some random gesture of flipping his fingers. Law turns to Luffy instead. "Choose the order"
"Of who goes first, second, and so on, all the way to the last person for the round"
"OH. Easy, I'm going first, because I'm gonna be the King of the Pirates and I'm the captain!"
"Unfair!" Usopp protests immediately. "Let's decide by luck, we can draw lots"
Luffy makes a face, but before he can say anything, Yamato already extends scraps of paper in their direction. "Let's do it! That's how you do it, right??" he asks.
"When did you manage to get that?" Luffy exclaims. "You're so fast!"
Yamato snickers at him, quickly scribbles something on the papers, and holds the pieces in her fist, so that whatever is written can't be seen, only the tops of paper. "Choose one!"
Everyone but Law extends their hands to draw one. Yamato looks at him expectantly.
"You draw first. Whatever will be left is mine" he explains.
"I can?? Really??" Yamato chirps, eyes sparkling. "Thanks!!" pulls one lot out. "Oh, I have number 2" and looks apologetically at Law. "Yours is six" and shows him his number. "I can trade with you if you want!"
"I can trade with you too, Torao!! Though I think I got the worst number…"
"It's fine, I don't really care"
"You're so kind!" Yamato cries out over everyone shouting their own numbers over each other.
Law just quickly proceeds to put down pawns on the starting point.
"So, who is the first?" he asks no one in particular.
"God Usopp!" says the man, flashing his teeth and showing off his scrap of paper with number 1 on it.
"Good. You will be yellow then"
"Wait, I don't get to decide?!"
"Why?! Who gave you the right?! This is important, the most important decision to make, the colors will change everything about the gameplay!"
"I'm the last one to go, the rules say I get to decide the pawns for everyone"
Usopp looks at him and narrows his eyes. Finally he says, while pointing his finger at him. "I will still sue you if I lose because of that"
"I will sue you too!!" Luffy exclaims, pointing his finger at Law as well.
"You? What for?"
"I don't know!" Luffy frowns. "Why should I sue Torao?"
"I dunno-" starts Usopp.
"For not trading with you" Brook says instead, trying to be helpful.
"Thanks Brook! I will sue Torao for not trading lots with me!"
"Do you even know what that word means?" Usopp asks, just in case.
"Nope! Shishishi!"
"I also don't know!" Chopper says, raising his hoof high in the air.
"Then you won't know" Law butts in which earns him another loud cry from Chopper.
"It means to force a person that has treated you unfairly or hurt you in some way to give you something or to do something for you to make up for it" Brook explains, which earns him a sideway look from Law.
"Eh, then I don't want to sue Torao" Luffy says. "It doesn't sound fun. Forcing people isn't fun" and Chopper shouts "I also don't want to!", just a heartbeat too late to be in unison with Luffy.
"Said someone who forced me to play" Law counters, leaving Luffy speechless for once and immediately looking away.
"It's all Usopp's fault anyway!" the captain finally says, showing a tongue in sniper's direction.
"How is it my fault?! Keep me out of it! I know nothing of it!!"
"Are we playing guys??" Yamato butts in, quickly moving his arms up and down and looking from the board to everyone.
"YES" Luffy, Usopp and Law answer a bit too loudly in unison, and Chopper just a moment too late, while Brook just laughs.
(I guess? Should I?)
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neverthelesshex · 10 months
"Muse" Jschaltt x reader (Collage AU) prt1
No smut in this part sorry
Female reader sorry boys
You wake up to your alarm, ugh the typical repeating, exhausting, and repeating day starts you put on some white cargo pants, with a brown lacey cami top since it was mid summer, you throw on some Mary Jane's grab your satchel bag sling it on your shoulder and start to go to your class, on your way you grab a coffee and continue your walk to your first class.
You sit down next to ted, taking a sip of your coffee
"Hey y/n what are you up too" he hums writing down some stuff from his flim class notes
"Trying to wake up and survive another day. I have like three exams today!" You whine throwing your head back running your hands through your hair
"Man I don't have any exams till next week, you need to relax a bit" he smiled
"I wish but I need to study this weekend so my schedule is packed" you huff
"Dude, you don't always have to study" he rolls his eyes
"YES I do, you just don't understand I need to pass this collage shit" I cry
"I'm passing all my classes, And I party on weekends you'll live I promise-" he sighs
"I hate parties..." you stare blankly at him
"Then come to a baseball game with me this week my friend jschaltts playing" he taunts with a hint of begging in his voice
"Fine" you agree
*time skip*
It's Saturday you did a majority of your studying Friday, and now you're in front of your closet trying to figure out what to wear out, you decided on a white tank top and some black cargo shorts with some converse.
You walk out of your campus dorm and start to walk to your collages baseball arena and start walking up the stairs seeing ted a mid way up,
You go and sit next to him "so which ones jschaltt" you question
"Number 69 with the mutton chops" he points
You nod and see him. The game begins with jschaltt at the home plate with his bat he hits it left field getting to first base with ease going to half point between the bases before getting go second and sliding being safe. The next batter Is up hits it right field and jschaltt gets to home sliding a cloud of clay red dust filling the air
"SAFE" the umpire yells, I softly clap as ted is screaming his lungs out.
The rest of the game goes by and jschaltts team "the Chicago rams" win with 25-10
We walk down near the dugout to see jschaltt
He walks out with his baseball bag on his back
"Hey buddy!" Jschlatt booms
"Jschaltt!!!" He side hugs jschlatt
"This your new girlfriend" jschlatt hums nodding his head towards me
"Nah this is my childhood friend y/n" he laughs
"Well hi y/n I'm jschlatt how are you" you shake his hand shyly
"I'm doing good, good job at your game though" you smile
"Thanks y/n!, now guys let go eat I'm starving" he groans
You and Ted nod getting into his car and driving to Applebee's
Ted sits with jschaltt and you sit alone in a booth he you guys order your drinks and start to talk
"So y/n what are you majoring in?" Jschlatf asks tilting his head slightly while taking a sip of his drink
"Art, more specifically visual art and fine arts ted is my model for when I have to do certain projects" you ramble
"She draws really good, so I'm happy to be her muse" he laughs
"You should show me some one day" he smiles "I love art but baseball is my calling!" He bluffs
You guys get your food and chat more and eat before you guys leave jschlatf gives you his number
"Call me up if you ever need a muse" he smiles at you
You get at your dorm again changing into pajamas and flopping down into your bed
'Today was amazing' you smile to yourself before going to sleep.
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slautertm · 1 year
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this was supposed to be nothing more than some... entertainment. reasonable entertainment- she has to do something while she is going through this over and over and over again. the mortal is clever, maybe the smartest person she's encountered in sometime and certainly the most humorous which is part of the issue. he's so... different from both the person she expected him to be. his intelligence is obvious, it's one of the reasons she started hanging around him in the first place- for one wanting someone to help her do some of this work because fuck it got repetitive, but also wanting to see if he would question things about her, about this town. much to her own denial, though, things have been... different, seemingly more difficult and seemingly all too quickly for her liking.
there is something to peter spankoffski- maybe it's the fact that he is more than the smartest person she is sure she's ever met, he's funny. really, actually funny, and he makes her feel warm... alive, which is something she has not felt in years. along with other things it pulls her closer to him and what started as a game quickly turning into something that she is in denial about as she all but clings to time she could spend with him, all the while cursing herself for seeking it out in the first place. it's not a game, so she should not get involved, not for 'study help', not for a quick chat in class or inbetween, and she especially should not have asked him to walk with her after but she can't stop herself... hungry for company, for presence, for him, though not in a way she is used to. and so hungry she forgets about the aching hunger inside of her almost every day of her extraordinary long life. it's a tragic hunger, she'll be gone in less than a year, nothing in her head should come to be, but, much like her other hunger, she cannot help herself.
the late fall air is a sort of balm, though her head is already counting down and dreading the ticking time passing by till she would have to return to the empty mansion sized house that has never and would never be her home. there was only so many hours she could steal from him, especially like this- it feels like they're the only two people in hatchetfield for a moment which is... a bittersweet thing. she knows what lurks in the dark, but she also knows that she's here and she would at least hopefully be able to do something if the hatchetfield horrors came to bite. her mind is far from that, though, instead focusing in part on subtitles, on how to blend in, pulling her flannel in closer to try and feign a chill, but mostly on him.
she can hear the public librarian lock the doors of the building behind them, having managed to stay until close. stealing a quick glance in his direction, steph smiles a little bit to herself before taking in a breath that she does not need to of the fall air around them, making sure she breathes it out softer. " thank you, for the study session, we really lost track of time there, didn't we? " everyone else at this hour is either at the game or by now heading to an after party, her phone buzzes in her pocket again and again and has been for the past ten minutes, probably texts and calls asking where she is but she does not even reach for it and could care less right now. " i didn't mean to take up like your whole night or anything, which is sorta rhetorical i know, because i am about to ask if you if you'll take a walk with me? "she looks back at him, a bit of a smirk on her lips as she winks briefly. " or a drive somewhere, see if anything is open. i just-" want to spend more time with you- words left unsaid but she is sure that they linger in her eyes. " don't want this night to be over just yet. plus i do think i owe you something. " nothing comes for free, especially not in hatchetfield. she knows this better than anyone.
@dorkustm ~~~ one muse is a supernatural creature who falls for the other, who is a mortal !
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hcrtbrokenn · 3 years
tag drop! basics
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jaehyunoos · 3 years
- Over it
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Summary: You always preached about getting over your ex, real fast. But what if you haven't and you've been lying to yourself all along?
Genre: Breakup!au, angst, a tiny bit of fluff at the end
Tw?: Alcohol consumption, a mention of reader wanting to unalive herself, reader is lying to herself as a coping mechanism???
Pairing: Lee Jeno x fem!reader (brief mentions of Haechan)
Word Count: 1.7k (it's the longest I've ever written lmfao)
Author's Note; Angsty queen or what?? lmao,, HAPPIEST BIRTHDAY TO THE LOVE OF MY LIFE JENO !!!! also, my requests are open if you want to request anything I will deliver <3 if you read this I love you and thank you for reading !! Enjoy 💚
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You were over him. You were sure of that. After breaking up you did absolutely everything to get him out of your mind and surprisingly enough, it worked. You got a new haircut, started a new job, took care of yourself better, and made new friends. Life was a piece of cake for you when he left, everything came to a lot easier, in which you were thankful for that. You had moved on once and for all... Or so you thought.
Finding yourself looking back at times you were with him, how happy he made you, how much of a gentleman he was, how he made you feel like you were high; above everyone, and how much pleasure he gave you, you were his muse.
Slapping yourself out of your trance, you promised yourself to not think about him anymore. This night was going to be all about you and you only. Not Jeno -hell- not even a hundred Jenos couldn't stop you from having fun tonight. You were over him and that was final.
Walking into the house; which the party was hosted. Nose filing with the writhing stench of pure alcohol, mixed with sweat, you internally gagged passing by a couple making out at the kitchen entrance, you rolled your eyes taking a beer from the fridge and making your way out to the sofa. No way you would get out of this party sober, you had to drink, you had to get wasted. In honor of this prick; Lee Jeno, your ex.
You always boasted about how you were over him and how you didn't love him anymore. How he hurt you so bad that your feelings for him just stopped. You were so full of yourself, wow you had gotten over a relationship that you thought would be tough to manage, what a surprise. But seeing him walk into this house -powerfully so- with a lady by his side smiling and hugging his friends, you started to rethink everything you've done so far.
Were you really over the one and only; Lee Jeno? Or was all of this just a front, a new way of coping without him in your life? How did you manage to lie to yourself and believe it?
You know what they say; fake it 'till you make it. But did you? Did you make it? No, the fuck you did not. You were not over him. And you wouldn't be able to get over him, ever. Today marks the day you realized you didn't move on, putting one and two together you realized that all this time you were lying to yourself, and everyone around you. The hypocrisy.
Chugging the liquid down your throat, along with the betrayal you felt, the cold liquid cooling off your insides, making you feel a lot better at that moment. You smiled to yourself, alcohol made you feel free, your coping mechanism of a real escape once in a while. You got up to your feet, straightening your clothes, you made your way to the kitchen once again. You made sure you walked past them in long, powerful strides, grabbing your beer and exiting the kitchen, the same way you entered.
You glanced at them, seeing as he didn't even spare a glance at you, you sulked on the sofa. You couldn't stop thinking about the way he held her, by her waist, as if she was something so delicate; so fragile that if he held her in his arms for too long, she would break and disappear from his arms. You wanted to cry at that moment, he looked so happy. Maybe he truly was, maybe he didn't lie to himself like you did, and he was truly over you.
Or maybe he wasn't, you liked to cope with that idea. That he was putting up a front for you and everyone, that he didn't move on from you, but only the pained ones can dream, am I right? You wanted to dip at that moment, hide forever; or die. You shouldn't have come to this party, ever. Maybe if you stayed home and kept lying to yourself that you were happy, that you were able to live your life better without him. But at the same time, you wanted to get up and give him a good old slap into his handsome face.
How could he move on that fast? Get a new girlfriend, just like that, as if you never meant anything to him, ever. A person sitting beside you, suddenly, took you out of your train of thoughts.
"Hyuck!!, hey!" you breathed out.
Lee Donghyuck aka; Haechan. One of Jeno's best friends aka; your emotional support boy, was there with you, in all your crazy times after your breakup with him. "Hey, babydoll" he came closer to your face so you could hear what he said. Babydoll. The nickname he created after he, unexpectedly, caught you crying over baby dollies once, while he was over for late nights talks.
"What are you doing here all by yourself, mi querida?" asked, him.
"I'm trying to have as much fun as I can, I have so much to do this week" you let out a fake sigh, you had no work, no classes this week. You were just creating excuses because you were gonna spend those 7 days crying yourself to sleep and eat ice cream 'til you throw up.
Haechan threw an arm around you "he's here you know" he motioned towards Jeno and his crew with his chin, you looked over there for a second, catching a glimpse of Jeno smiling. You looked down at your red solo cup, sighing, "I know, what can I do about it" you looked at his eyes this time. "it's his birthday today".
"I know, how could I forget" you smiled.
"Maybe, I don't know, go there and wish-"
"ooookay time to get up and dance" you patted his thigh as you got up.
"Gosh, why are you so stubborn, I asked you to wish him a happy birthday, not fuck him, for god's sake!!" Haechan shot up from the sofa.
You stood there for a second, frozen, what was this outburst?
"Are you out of your mind!? He's clearly over me Hyuck, and as much as I wanna go up there and give him the biggest hug I can't. I can't just barge into his life back again and be like "heeey" as if nothing ever happened between us, as if we didn't hurt each other!"
You didn't mean to burst out like that, he probably heard what you said in fact; everyone did. Tears gathering in your eyes, you ran outside, the embarrassment too much to handle. You felt overwhelmed. You felt as if everyone was pushing you all this time and you -just now- had finally reached your breaking point.
Sitting on a bench near the pool, you let your sadness, frustration, regret, lies; everything takes over you as you sobbed into your hands. You felt stupid for crying over something so small, you felt bad because Haechan was probably somewhere beating himself up for pushing your limits. You didn't mean to be that sensitive.
You suddenly felt movement beside you as if someone sat there. You took your face out of your hands and looked at the person. Gasping, you wiped your -now wide- eyes and sat straight. There was none there besides the one and only, yeah you guessed it; Lee Jeno. "Do you mind if I sit here?" he gave you a soft smile.
'It's okay, you can sit, I guess" you cleared your throat.
You looked at him as he stared straight into the sky, a soft smile displaying on his lips as he rocked himself gently, back and forth. Mimicking his position, you did the same as you looked to the front, enjoying the cold breeze. "What happened to us?" you heard him speak, you turned to him, shrugging, "I don't know".
"it's like one minute we were in love and the other we were not"
you frowned.
"true, it's just one of us stopped loving the other for good but the one who thought that she had everything under control, turns out she's still madly in love, with the other" you smiled at him.
What you said caught him off guard, his eyes went wide in shock, but he quickly recovered. "Look, don't get me wrong I loved you; a lot, heck I might still love you. No, scratch that I am still in love with you, but, I'm in a very happy and healthy relationship and I want to keep it that way" you felt yourself tense up at the word 'relationship' but you quickly covered it up with a smile "it's okay Jeno, I get it, I never really expected anything after our breakup anyways" you patted his shoulder as you continued looking at the stars in the sky.
"Hey, Jen" you called out to him.
"Can I get a last hug?" you looked at him.
"Come here" he motioned as he opened his arms to engulf you in a hug.
That's what it felt like hugging your whole world.
Finally. She felt as if she found her peace again. Her safe haven. After all the pain, the drama and deceit, the chaos and despair, there was rest. She felt once again the warmth and safety of his arms and how his hands held her as if he had known her all her life. She was finally home.
"She felt as if she found her peace again. Her safe haven." But that only would last that long as Jeno had to go back home to the safety of the arms of his girlfriend, and she had to go back to an empty home, an empty world, cause that's what her world felt like without him; empty. She wanted him back in her arms, she needed to be in his arms, but it was too late for that as Jeno went back to his girlfriend and she had to go back home, full of regrets. She was not over him and she chooses to ignore it and the more she ignored it the more further away Jeno slipped from her arms to the arms of another.
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ahankar1610 · 3 years
Hey, how's everyone doing.
Ah, it is an hectic, so was the past week.
I updated Trojan Princess and now I am updating this. I hope you all will like it. ☺️
FFnet: ⬇️
Ao3: ⬇️
A Tale of Ron and Hermione Chapter-3 (The preparation) The day of the Ball was pretty hectic for her as she had to do multiple works in four hours, two actually she needs other two to get ready. Not that she wants to get dressed that well, like she did for the Yule Ball in their fourth year. Well Viktor Krum was her date for that time and she had to look best for the occasion, after all turning up at the Ball with an international quidditch star was a big deal. Viktor, she sighs at the thought of her ex-boyfriend. Viktor was a gentleman at the Ball, and it was really a surprising, actually shocking thing, for every single person of Hogwarts when the bookworm Granger turned up the date of the Victor Krum. Viktor and her continued their relationship even after the Triwizard Tournament. He used to visit her during the Hogsmead visits and they used to spend the day together. It was really heart breaking for her when he sent her the break up letter, before the starting of her sixth year. Five months later she heard the news of him dating a fellow quidditch player who belongs to Italy. After that their letters became rare and she lost the contact with him. Not that she didn't had boyfriends after him. Cormac McLaggen was the person who had asked her for the Slughorn's Christmas party and then they kissed later at the party and they were in a relationship which lasted for six months. He was a prat many times to be honest and he started getting on her nerves. But she really liked him because he was a solace after her break up with Viktor and she started liking spending time with him. Then, she sighs sadly. He dumped her at his graduation day. She couldn't believe her luck that every bloody time she was the one to get dumped. Though it didn't hurt that much as much as it did before during Viktor's time. Now here she is sitting on the vacant seat, sweaty and tired with a glass of a butterbeer in her hand and watching the Hall they had prepared for the Ball. They did a good work with all of decorations, Headmaster Dumbledore was immensely impressed with the decorations and all. Even Professor McGonagall had remarked and it really made her feel proud of herself and her the members of the Council. She hoped everything goes better this evening. She had asked Ron, he told her it would be okay if she calls him by his first name, that she'll meet him near the courtyard. Her friends didn't give her that much of a hard time as much as she had expected. Lavender and Parvati were surprised but they just shrugged and let it go easily. Dean and Harry understood that she took this step because of the no one left problem. It was Seamus who had given her a hard time for it, with his teasing. She hoped that Seamus would get busy because she can face the teasing but she didn't want Ron to face it, because Seamus can be a bit heartless when he had firewhisky on. She walked towards the Gryffindor tower musing about the upcoming Ball when she heard someone call her. She turned and Ginny Weasley was walking towards her. She had her Quidditch kit on and she had her broom on her shoulder. "Hello Ginny," she greeted with a smile. "Hi," she said with a small smile, "If you're not busy, can I talk to you for a moment?". Hermione was confused as to why in the world would Ginny Weasley want to have a conversation with her. Not that they are not on good terms or something. It's just that they really didn't interacted that much to strike a friendship. Harry and Ginny are friends, she knows as both of their families are close. "Sure," said Hermione. "Well, how's your year as the President going?" Ginny asked and she can sense awkwardness in her tone. "It is well till now, though it's been only a month, I can say that the first month was hectic. Don't know what will the upcoming time will bring." She chuckled. Ginny smiled and sway her hands through her straight red hair. She cleared her throat, "So, I heard you asked my brother to be your date, is it
true?". "Yes," she said a little confused, "Didn't he tell you?" she asked. Ginny rolled her eyes. "My brother won't tell anything if you don't ask him." They both again went into that uncomfortable silence. "Do you mind if I ask you a question?" Ginny asked her with her eyes a little narrowed. "No." Ginny stared at her gloved for a moment as if contemplating her words, "Why did you ask to the Ball?". Hermione frowned, "I really didn't understand what you mean by that Ginny." "You're not planning to…. embarrass him, are you?" Ginny asked seriously. What!?, she's really shocked by the accusation of Ginny, "Why do you think that?" bewildered and astonished by Ginny's accusation. "You and your groupies don't have any pranks planned for him?" Ginny asked looking suspiciously at her and Hermione didn't know from where this all is coming. "Look Ginny," she said firmly looking straight at Ginny, "I needed a date for the Ball and your brother was dateless. So, I asked him for the date, it's all simple. There is no pranks or scheme to embarrass your brother." Ginny stared at her for a minute then breathed a long sigh relaxing her shoulders. "I am sorry, it's just, you know?" Ginny shrugged her shoulders. "I understand," Hermione said, "My friends really had the bad reputation of Hogwarts' best pranksters since your twin brothers graduated." Ginny snorted, "No one matches my prats of brothers," she said with a laugh. Hermione laughed, "That is something I can agree with." "Are you done?" she asked frustratedly. "Be a little patient, will you," Parvati snapped back while applying a little lipstick on her lips and a little makeup on her face. "Why're you so fussy today?" asked Lavender, who is sitting at her bed and enjoying the eclairs Dean had bought them. Hermione was preparing early because as the president she and her date would have to be present at the Ball before anyone else. "Why can't I can go without Parvati trademark makeup?" she huffed while Parvati shot her a look with narrowed eyes, Lavender rolled her eyes. "Because Parvati won't let you go out of this until she is done with you," Lavender said while jumping from her bed, she walked and stand behind Hermione with a teasing smile on her face, "You were not like this before the Yule Ball?". Hermione glanced at her on the mirror. "Yule Ball was different," she said trailing. Lavender suddenly frowned, "And your date was an international quidditch star and this time a simple seventh year student?" Lavender said wearily. "No!" Hermione said quickly, but went quiet as soon as her voice went high realizing that what Lavender said is true. Lavender sighed, "Hermione," she said shaking her head. She bent down and kissed Hermione's top of the head and plop down on the stool placed beside Hermione. The stool was really small as Lavender's head, who is of a medium height, is reaching the hands of the seat. She took Hermione's hand in hers', "Look Hermione. My mum always used to say that people will always try to be good with you if you always try to be nice to them," she said with a smile, "Look at us, we didn't even like each other when we first met and now, we're best friends." Lavender said cheerfully. "So! my dear bookworm," she said clapping her hand on her shoulder. "Though Ron was a troublesome person during our starting year. He is a real nice guy, so be good with him and I am sure he will also try to be a good date." "Since when our deary became so wise, Parvati?" Hermione asked teasingly to Parvati who giggled and then said with mocking emotional expression, "My dear Lav is all grown up now," she said wiping the invisible tears. Lavender huffed and rolled her eyes at them but her lips are twitching on both corners. "It isn't about Ron being my date," Hermione said sighing. "It's about that he must not have any expectations." "Why?" asked Parvati, her brows furrowing. "I don't want another trail of rumours behind me again," she said sighing sadly. Lavender and Parvati flinched when they remind of the fourth year after the Yule Ball. There
are hundreds of rumours regarding Hermione and Krum. It all started because of Rita Skeeter's article in Witch Weekly, and then it was a thunderstorm of howlers and all from Bulgarian crowd and Krum's fans and many of them were unkind. "It's just a date for the Ball Hermione," said Parvati, "Don't worry, I am a respected member of the rumour mill of Hogwarts. Nothing passes me." She said proudly and they all laughed.
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I posted 627 times in 2021
127 posts created (20%)
500 posts reblogged (80%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 3.9 posts.
I added 1,232 tags in 2021
#makoto yuki (wild card) - 292 posts
#roleplay idea / ask - 192 posts
#roleplay starter - 149 posts
#roleplay crossover - 149 posts
#casual roleplay - 120 posts
#promo rp - 81 posts
#{advent: wild maid sleepover (roleplay)} - 71 posts
#promo help - 63 posts
#crossover roleplay - 61 posts
#futaba sakura (ultimate programmer) - 54 posts
Longest Tag: 128 characters
#(ooc) i managed to get the notifications for your reblog so i think tumblr is having some troubles but ok then - mod makoto yuki
My Top Posts in 2021
*One day, Joker, Yu, Maya, and Minato were just enjoying their day until Joker got a strange noticification on the metaverse app. The app itself looked like a red demon eye on a black and white background.* @human-monokuma
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minato (Makoto yuki):"Woah that was interesting working together at that strange Labyrinth" minato walked around with Ren and yu and Maya.
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Yu narukami:"Yeah honestly minato I never really expect the challenges we have to face during the hotel lobby." yu smiled at minato while walking with him.
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23 notes • Posted 2021-06-10 03:02:42 GMT
Advent :What Shadowing Xmas Fusion ?
The phantom thieves (Ren / Akira aka Joker’s team ) was having a great time celebrating Christmas with S.E.E.S //Specialised excurrlur execution squad // (Makoto yuki’s team ) and The truth seekers (Yu narukami’s team) and ?????? (Staria’s team ) and Future foundation and many more .
Yusuke and Sumire and futaba was setting the decorations up until Ryuji came running in looking bit afraid 😟.
Joker (Either Ren or Akira ) Unfused into two parts one is his confident Self and the other is his weak self. Who is not great at expressing his feelings.
His confident self doesn't want to be fused with weak self and wants to ruin the others reputation.
Would you help Phantom thieves and others get Joker back to his original self?
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Sumire:” Ah that's the last of the decoration to put up here what do you think Yusuke?” Sumire asked nicely while looking at Yusuke.
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24 notes • Posted 2021-12-06 00:29:23 GMT
RP - starter
A Roleplay starter for - @laylayeh
Futaba was minding her own business around the area in till she accidently bumped into you and shocked to see what's going on in front of her eyes.
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Futaba sakura :"I am so sorry I didn't see where I was going ..." futaba had a quick look at you and said " Um I don't mind me asking but are you one of those inklings that I was compared a lot to ?"
27 notes • Posted 2021-06-09 21:52:27 GMT
Shadow of the Night (Remake ) Halloween 🎃 Advent
Mod Makoto Yuki is speaking
Before We start this is a Remake of a story called the shadow of the night which is a Danganronpa x persona crossover Roleplay Where some Students were trapped in a haunted mansion filled with Despair and shadows. Makoto yuki and Aigis and ( Your muse) is investigating the advents that are happening in there.
Some characters have roles in this one which I will explain so here they are.
Shuichi, Kaede, Nagito, Chiaki, Yosuke, or Your oc (if you want to) are trapped in the mansion.
Some of them got experimented on.
Shuichi is one of them that got experimented on and you can have your oc experimented on as well.
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( These are characters that are relevant to the story and that doesn't mean they are my muses all tho I do have some of them but we can discuss more in messages before you reblog this.)
The shadows / Despair
Jataro ( the one that injured Aigis )
Dead ☠️
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79 notes • Posted 2021-10-06 02:34:48 GMT
Advent wild Maid card sleepover (Rp)
Futaba invited everyone to a sleepover party at Ultimate persona household and It was Truth and dare time. It was Jokers turn to ask Makoto yuki truth or dare and Makoto yuki said Dare Joker smirked and dare him to act like a maid for four weeks.
{Conmand Option starter}
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Makoto yuki was walking around the academy and said "Argh I Regret Doing that dare when this is over I am gonna get my revenge on Joker for this" Makoto didn't realise he bumbled into you and said, "Oh my I am very sorry are you ok?"
{Revenge option starter}
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194 notes • Posted 2021-07-01 22:15:03 GMT
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Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
Mod makoto yuki: "I can't believe this, to be honest here just roleplaying with a lot of muses is much better.
2019 = Amv's and first name change to Joker persona 5
2020= Name change @ask-ultimate-personas and added the rest of the muses and created all the other blogs and mod name change to @mod-makoto-yuki and reactions which you can still do.
2021= full-time roleplay blogs and trying to set up muses bio on google docs and mod challenges and tag challenges.
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Chapter 3 - First Come First Serve - Words: 2,788
"Here's her profile, Greg," Sergeant Donovon said, dropping a folder on her boss's desk.
"Clarissa Hughes, aged 32, brown and blue, 5' 5", No. 1 District, been on the force since '10, promoted to Sergeant in '17. Unmarried, unattached, no children, father deceased, mother living in Manchester, one sister in America." Greg sighed after reading the file. He leaned back in his chair and rubbed his forehead. He never liked cases involving one of his own. They always gave him a migraine.
The scene yesterday was impressive even for someone like him who'd been in New Scotland Yard for over 30 years. The young woman had been found in her apartment, laying face down on the floor. A small bullet hole in the window revealed a sniper had been perched on the roof of a nearby building. While there were entry and exit wounds, they had not yet found the bullet to give to ballistics.
"There's not much to go on. It could have been random. Maybe she had one bad date with someone who was a bit off their rocker and-"
"Inspector," Anderson interrupted.
"Yes?" Greg replied, migraine now doubling.
"They found this at the scene." Anderson held out a Ziploc with a ruby red, silk handkerchief. It had no markings on it, not even a snag, save for the small, gold R embroidered on the corner.
"Where did they find it?"
"It was special delivered today with no return address or other markings."
"Now why would a woman, whose name does not start with R, order a monogrammed handkerchief."
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*bang bang bang*
"Sherlock! I swear you had better stop that or I will call Lestrade this time and tell him it was you who put the hallucinogen in Anderson's tea!"
*thwap thud thwap thud thwap thud*
"I'm being quiet!"
"What are you doing?"
"A bow and arrow are much more satisfying!"
"Oh -!"
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"Torry! Guess what!" Erin called out to her roommate from the living room of their shared apartment.
"You're moving out?" She called back, teasing as usual.
"Haha, very funny," Erin deadpanned. "Really though, this is awesome."
"Did we get a case?"
"Two cases?"
"Ok! What?"
"In exactly 1 month you and I will be in London, England speaking at the International Inspectors Convention."
"Wow! That's fantastic! I wonder if-" Torry paused. "Nevermind."
"Don't worry, Torry, I already checked," Erin winked. "He's scheduled to speak the day after us."
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"Inspector, there's been another murder," Donovan announced, walking up to Lestrade in the break room.
"Ok," he replied. "Is it my division?"
"Yes, this time it was Amelia Walker. She was an Inspector in No. 3 District." Greg slammed his mug down on the counter.
"Walker and Hughes were two of our best inspectors! Have you found any connection yet?" The two grabbed their jackets and headed downstairs.
"Nothing yet. The landlady just reported her body. Anderson's there now with his team."
"Ok then, let's go." The two got in the car and headed off. When they arrived, Anderson rushed up holding a small envelope.
"Another one just arrived," He said. Lestrade grabbed the envelope and looked inside. Sure enough, another ruby red handkerchief with an embroidered R on the corner. "I asked the delivery boy where he got it from but he said he didn't know. It was a different boy this time too."
"Where is she?" Lestrade asked. They followed Anderson over to the body. "Cause of death?"
"Another sniper." Anderson showed them the bullet hole in a nearby window. Lestrade shook his head.
"Did ballistics ever get a lead on the gun?"
"Nothing," Donovan replied. "It's a standard sniper rifle but there are literally hundreds of those to try and track down."
"There must be something we're missing," Lestrade groaned.
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"Ah! London! Doesn't it smell great!" Erin exclaimed, taking a deep breath as they stepped off the plane.
"It smells like airplane fuel. Let's wait till we actually leave the airport," Torry replied.
"Ok, grumpy. Geez, remind me never to take you on a flight again." Torry growled in reply but Erin just chuckled. "Let's go get our bags and head to the hotel."
"And go straight to bed. I'm dead."
The next day, the inspectors convention started. There were hundreds of private investigators, police inspectors, and a few other kinds of detectives. Torry kept her eye out for one specific "Consulting Detective" but there was no sign of him on the first day. They did however meet their hotel room neighbor, Frances Grant. She had been an inspector at NYS in London until she moved to Manchester about a year ago.
"Nice gal," Erin commented, walking out of their bathroom that night.
"Yeah. I wonder what that case she mentioned was," Torry replied from her bed, already laying down.
"I don't know. She said she was going to help her old academy friend investigate while she was here, right?"
"Mm," Torry agreed. "Must be pretty serious," She said sleepily.
"Are you really already going to sleep?"
"And why shouldn't I?"
"Seriously? We're in a hotel, got to bed early, have the opportunity to actually watch BBC from London and you want to sleep."
"Yes. You watch TV and tell me all about it when I wake up. I won't be able to stay awake to give BBC my full attention when I'm this tired."
"Party pooper," Erin teased as she plugged in her earbuds. Torry grunted in reply and went to sleep. 2 hours later, Erin was nearly asleep still watching late night mystery shows on BBC.
"What the-" Erin startled awake. Looking at the TV she saw the detective on the show had just been shot. "Oh, should probably turn that off and go to sleep," She whispered to herself. After turning off the TV and unplugging her earbuds, Erin rolled over and tried to go to sleep.
"Wake up sleepyhead!" Torry yelled the next morning.
"Ok, ok, I'm up," Erin groaned. The girls got ready for the day, Torry dressing up extra fancy since a certain someone was on the program. They headed down for breakfast, where Frances said she'd meet up with them. She didn't show up though and the girls headed back to their room.
"I wonder why Frances didn't come down for breakfast," Torry mused, walking out of the elevator on their floor. Erin shrugged and was about to say something when there was a yell from down the hallway.
"Help! Help! Police! Someone!" A housekeeper cried out.
"What's wrong, miss?" Erin asked, rushing up to her in front of one of the rooms
"Sh-sh-she's dead!" The woman exclaimed. Torry squeezed past her, not noticing which room it was, and looked inside.
"It's Frances!" Torry called out to Erin.
"Oh no!" Erin replied. "I'll be right there!" Erin turned to the housekeeper and handed her a tissue from a box on the cleaning cart. "Why don't you wait in our room? I'll call the police and then they can take a statement from you once they get here." The lady nodded and Erin took her to their room to sit down. From there she called the police.
Meanwhile, Torry began investigating the scene of the crime. "Hm, sniper," Torry mumbled to herself, noticing the window. She walked around the body, examining it and taking mental notes. Suddenly there was a knock on the room door.
"Police!" Torry opened the door at once. "Inspector Lestrade," The man introduced himself. "Are you the one that called?"
"No, that would be my friend, Erin. She's in our room next door with the housekeeper who found the body."
"Are you here for the convention?" Lestrade asked. 'Last thing I need is some amateur messing things up,' He thought to himself.
'Dang it!' He mentally shouted. "Alright, have you moved or touched anything since you entered the room?"
"Really, Inspector, I wouldn't dare! This is a crime scene after all!"
"Ok, just checking," He defended.
"36, married, no children, lives in Manchester, originally from London. That much she told us last night. We had dinner together. She must have died sometime in the middle of the night. I'd say around 2am. Based off the stage of rigor mortis." Lestrade stared at her, surprised. He'd only ever seen one other person rattle off so many facts so quickly. "She was killed by a sniper through the window. I also noticed that-"
"Wait, sniper?"
"Yes. I believe I just said that."
"What's her name?"
"Frances Grant, she's an-"
"Inspector," Lestrade said sadly. "I went to the Academy with her." He shook his head. "Anderson, get me those two other files. Let's see if this one has a connection."
"I'm sure it does, Graham. You probably just haven't looked well enough," Sherlock drawled from the doorway.
"Did I invite you here, Sherlock?" Lestrade yelled.
"Not specifically," He replied coolly, waltzing into the room. "But I heard there was a murder," He said, eyes lighting up. "And I simply had to come!" He grinned.
"Sherlock!" A shorter man yelled from the hallway. "Where did you get off to?"
"In here John!" Torry was just about to say something, finally past the initial surprise that her favorite Detective was standing in front of her, when Erin yelled from the next room.
"Torry! Get over here!" She yelled. Torry, John, and Greg rushed over. "She's gone into shock, can you help me get her on the bed instead of this chair?"
"I can help you, miss. I'm a Doctor," John said.
"Please do, Dr. Watson," She replied. Turning to the others, she asked: "Are you with the Yard?" Lestrade nodded. "She was the one who discovered her body. You'll want a statement later, obviously."
"Ah yes, thank you, Miss-"
"Erin Blair. And that's Torry Star. We're America's only consulting detectives," Erin said with a wink. John's eyebrows shot up immediately. "Yes, Doctor," She continued. "I've read your blog."
"Speaking of Sherlock," Lestrade spoke up. "I had better get back and make sure he hasn't started world war 3 with Anderson."
"If you don't mind, I'd like to come back with you. There was something I noticed," Torry said. Lestrade nodded and the two of them went to the other room. Torry walks in first and, while Sherlock and Anderson are bickering, paces the room. 'Now, I need to check what's shining behind that chair,' She thought. Attempting to go to the corner to check, Torry finds Sherlock is blocking her path. "If you're not going to help investigate the murder, then get out of my way so I can." Torry states. She then pushes past him to examine what she finds to be a bullet casing. Greg had to bite back a laugh at Sherlock's face.
'I've never seen the man look so offended!' Greg thought. 'This will be interesting.' Just then, the hotel phone rang. "Hello, Inspector Lestrade," He said, picking up the phone.
"Inspector, we just had a package dropped off for Miss Grant's room. The boy asked it be delivered right away to Sergeant Donovan."
"Alright, bring it up." Once the package was brought up, Anderson and Donovan opened it carefully while Sherlock and Torry argued over what type of sniper's rifle shoots those bullets.
"It's another handkerchief!" Anderson exclaimed.
"Another?" Torry and Sherlock asked in surprise. Greg explained to them what had happened with the last two murders.
"There's a note with this one," Donovan said shakily. "Congratulations. You're next."
"Let me see that," Torry said, grabbing the handkerchief. "The sniper is a woman. Military or police training with that level of skill. I'd say about 37 with that handwriting. First name is Ruby. This handkerchief is Ruby red and has her monogram."
"Ruby Jones!" Greg exclaimed. "She went to the Academy with me. She failed though. She didn't like working with others. She was too competitive, always trying to prove herself. She had a high level shooting badge and I think she trained on that rifle you mentioned before. I guess she was taking her revenge."
"I'll put out a warrant," Anderson said.
"Thanks," Donovan said to Torry. "I don't know what to say."
"Really?" Sherlock scoffed. "You're thanking her! She did the same thing I do! Well, not as perfectly but still!"
"She's different, Holmes," Donovan spat. "You wouldn't understand, freak."
"And with that I wish we had solved the case a little later," Torry mumbled. Donovan didn't hear her, but Sherlock did. Though he couldn't hold back a slight smile at that, he still felt a bit put off at Torry stealing his spotlight.
Meanwhile, once the others left the room, John looked at Erin with a smirk. "What?" She chuckled.
"America's only consulting detectives?" He teased.
"I couldn't help it," She replied. "We are fairly well known back in the colonies," She said with a posh British accent, making John smile. "We got invited to speak at the convention yesterday."
"Oh! Of course! You were the guest speakers! I actually wanted to come and see you but Sherlock got stuck on a case. It was really only a 3 but I couldn't get away."
"Ah," Erin sounded in agreement. "Yeah, that's happened to us too. Torry and I work together on every case. If one's there, so is the other."
"So which of you is Sherlock then?" John teased. "If I may do a little deduction of my own, you said you read the blog, you're obviously both fans, so it would only make sense that you've tried to compare yourselves."
"Well done, my dear Watson," Erin grinned. "Yes, we've done that. But we don't line up with either of you exactly. I guess it depends on the case. Some Torry picks up on right away, some I pick up on, and some we figure out together 50/50. And we've had some pretty crazy cases too! Nothing as interesting as yours I suppose though."
"Sounds like you make a good team. I, erm, wouldn't mind discussing some of those interesting cases with you," He said casually. "Perhaps the four of us could go out to dinner this evening?"
"That would be lovely!" Erin said. Just as she finished speaking, they heard yelling from Sherlock and Torry in the next room. They rush over to see what the commotion was. Sherlock and Torry were standing toe to toe right next to the body. Lestrade, Anderson and Donovan were just watching in surprise.
"What makes you think you can just waltz in here and take over my crime scene?" Torry yelled, cheeks bright red.
"Yours?" Sherlock scoffed. "London is mine! You're just some American knock off!"
"Knock off! Well then tell me, why didn't you notice the bullet casing? Hm?"
"I hadn't looked there yet! I was just about to!"
"Week excuse from a man who notices everything!" Torry smirked. "Tell me, what's your excuse now?"
"Excuse for what?" He hissed.
"Dilated pupils, elevated heart rate, rapid breathing, shall I list more?"
"I could ask the same for you," He replied. Torry blushed even brighter but maintained eye contact. Suddenly, after a moment of quiet, Sherlock leaned forward and kissed her quickly. "I like you," He whispered. "Dinner tonight?"
"Ok," Torry squeaked, abit dazed. Sherlock spun around, coat swishing behind him.
"John, let's go, we have to get ready," Sherlock stated. John shook his head and Erin chuckled.
"I guess they're just more blunt than we are," Erin joked.
"It would seem so," John replied, blushing slightly himself. "See you tonight then. We'll pick you up here."
"Ok, John," Erin said. "Well, well, well," She then said, turning to Torry. "Solve the case yet?"
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"And that's how Torry and I met," Sherlock stated. He smiled at his fiance who was sitting next to him.
"You forgot to mention how nervous you were that night getting ready," John adds, laughing. Erin and Torry chuckled lightly but Sherlock's ears tinted red. The older couple sitting across them by the fireplace smiled. Sherlock had brought John, Torry and Erin to his parents house to introduce the girls and make the big announcement.
"Well, we couldn't be happier for our son," Mummy said. "Or for you John. You're family too you know," She winked.
"So when's the happy day?" Sherlock's Dad asked. Torry and Erin were just about to reply but they were interrupted.
"Oh please!" Mycroft groaned. "Weddings are simply atrocious emotional events that I have no use for." Sherlock's face fell slightly.
"So I suppose our asking you to officiate would be out of the question?" Sherlock asked
"On the other hand," Mycroft said suddenly, a smile hinting at the corners of his mouth. "Perhaps I can make an exception just this once."
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forever-queerly-me · 5 years
Pinky Promise -Tyrus-
In another world, TJ would have been upfront to Cyrus about his feelings from the start. They would be smiling, laughing, kissing and enjoying their times as boyfriends. However, TJ does not live in such world. In fact, he's not even in the right world to make Cyrus want to be around him; apparently, avoiding him is more desirable for the dark haired boy. TJ knew though, that even if Cyrus wasn't upset with him and he was braver, he may still have zero chance. He doesn't even know if Cyrus likes guys to begin with- what if he liked Andi? Or Buffy? Or literally any other girl?
TJ knew his musings were not helping matters though. So all he could do is move forward, and hope that he could at the very least fix things with Cyrus. It would help if TJ *knew* why Cyrus was upset mind you, but he couldn't think of one plausible reason. He doubted that the costume thing still upset Cyrus- but he didn't know what could be upsetting him. So until Cyrus was willing to talk, TJ would have to wait.
Speaking of waiting though, TJ had got a text back from Kira that he needed which stopped further Muffin-Musing for the time being.
Kira: Of course I'll give you a distraction! Meet me at the park and you can help me feed the ducks!
TJ: great! C U there.
TJ wanted to get out of the house and Cyrus was ignoring him, so he texting Kira in hopes she would have an idea and cheer him up. Ducks should do the trick! Kira just better stay clear of the swings though, because those are his and Cyrus' thing.
Once there, and early, TJ had finally received a message from Cyrus. Apparently Cyrus had found a shirt that he thought TJ would like. While he definitely did, he also knew that he couldn't say no even if he wanted to. So he texted Cyrus to meet him there. Maybe things were looking up and Cyrus would take up his offer and join him.
When Kira had arrived, it seemed she had changed her mind. Instead of ducks, Kira wanted to play on the swing set. TJ had tried to stop her- but she was insisting. So though he didn't want to, he ended up swinging. Though the swings were his and Cyrus' thing, he could not deny that swinging always made him feel better which was what he needed. So swing he did. In the end, he had fun. He knew he would though, for he enjoyed Kira's company. He still didn't want Kira sharing the swings with them though.
After some laughter and light bantering with Kira, TJ become aware of the time. Cyrus had yet to show. At first TJ had thought that Cyrus could prehaps be waiting somewhere nearby, but he couldn't find him. So TJ rationalized that Cyrus was probably just arriving, or would be soon because of a delay. Unfortunately for TJ though, upon further searching, he found that the situation was reversed. TJ had missed Cyrus- because he was already leaving. Cyrus apparently didn't even want to speak to him.
With that sight, all TJ wanted to do was go home. So he made up an excuse and walked in the opposite direction. Away from Kira. Away from the Swings. Away from the park itself. Away from anything that could have hurt Cyrus, all except himself. He could not walk away from himself. Suddenly, TJ was struck with a realization. Cyrus must be upset with TJ because he feels replaced. First with costume day, and now with the swings? TJ felt like a terrible friend in that instant. All he wants is to see Cyrus smile and to be the cause of it- not upset him further.
So home TJ went. A home that didn't exactly make TJ feel any better but rather worse. Especially because Amber wasn't home so he would have to deal with their parents fighting himself. In fact, as soon as he opened the door, he heard the tell tale signs of another fight. Though married, it seemed that all his parents ever did anymore was curse and scream at one another. Still- they tried to hide it from the kids, but it never worked.
"TJ! Hun! Tristan and I were just going over dinner options for tonight. Any suggestions?" Jennifer, TJ's mom, asked as if she wasn't just calling her husband every name under the sun.
"Maybe Spaghetti? I'm not very hungry though. I may grab a burrito or something later." TJ answered, playing along with her 'everything is fine' ruse.
Jennifer raised an eyebrow. It wasn't like TJ to decline food. She was about to mention this when Tristan spoke up. She had to fight to keep her from rolling her eyes. 'He loves to have the last word', she thought as he did so.
"We'll call you when supper is ready just in case you change your mind." Tristan stated, which effectively kept Jennifer from pushing the issue as she wanted to. Both knew that they would 'discuss' this later.
TJ took this his chance to escape upstairs so he could be alone. TJ's bedroom door wasn't even closed yet when the fighting resumed. TJ desperately wished things could go back to where they used to be, but the family was too broken now. Originally, if his father had found a better job, his parents could prehaps fix things, but after he lost his job, World War Kippen broke out. The arguments were no longer just about money; they fought about everything. Their bad relationship not only impacted TJ and Amber because they had to live in a toxic environment, but Amber became convinced that in order to be happy, she had to be in a happy relationship. TJ knew that things weren't great with Jonah and thus Amber was increasingly unhappy. Her being in pain, caused him pain. In conclusion, TJ was miserable.
TJ was tired of all of this. Tired of his sister hurting. Tired of him hurting. Tired of him hurting other people. Tired of his parents hurting eachother. Most of all though- TJ was tired of nothing going right. With that thought in mind, TJ ran outside, ignoring his parents, he had to be alone. He ran until he stopped at a familiar door and he was in tears. After knocking, he was rushed in by Cyrus' mom. She knew he wanted Cyrus, but all she could say was that he wasn't home.
TJ nodded tearfully, avoiding her questions and left. He sat out near the pond in the park until Amber had found him. Hugging him, she asked what was wrong. At her words, he sobbed harder, unable to talk. She just hugged him and let him do his thing. Afterwards, they walked back to the house, both with earplugs in to avoid their parents and went into TJ's room. Amber didn't want him to be alone so she laid down with him and cuddled in. Usually he would protest, but he was happy for her right than. It was what he needed. Soon, sleep over took both of them.
Over the next few days, TJ stayed out of the house as much as possible. He still felt horrible though. He didn't want to ruin his friendship with Kira, so even though he knew he was risking losing Cyrus for good, he continued to spend time with her. Eventually though, Cyrus was forced to talk to him. Both at school, neither had an excuse to leave. It was the perfect timing for TJ to talk to Cyrus finally.
"Cyrus? Can we please talk?" TJ pleaded once he spotted Cyrus.
Buffy and Andi, both nearby, had pushed Cyrus forward and walked away to leave the two in peace.
"Of course. How've you been Teej?"
TJ knew that he would have to be honest. No tough boy act would fix things.
"Horrible admittedly, which is why I wanted to talk to you."
Cyrus looked concerned at this, but before he could ask, TJ spoke again.
"I can't fix things with my parents. Nor can I do much to help my sister- but maybe I can fix things between us."
"I wouldn't trade you for anyone in the world Cyrus. You are my best friend," Needing to take a deep breath, TJ continued after doing so, "I don't like
Kira more than you. I promise you."
At the mention of Kira, something had flashed in Cyrus' eyes. Jealousy. Though maybe wishful thinking, TJ had hoped it wasn't a platonic kind of jealously. He didn't push it though. Not yet. He wasn't ready to come out himself yet after all.
"Oh-"Cyrus could speak no more though because the bell rang. The two would have to speak in drama class that they shared.
Most of the day was uneventful, besides giving Buffy a ride on a golf cart, TJ really didn't do much else but do classwork. Thankfully for him, drama class had arrived. The class was doing a trials, with TJ being the suspect and Cyrus being his lawyer. At one point he changed outfits to show that it was a new day in the play as the teacher likes, and TJ had to state his full name but again, not much happened until afterwards.
TJ had finally gotten a line right he had been having trouble with, and as a result, everyone was ecstatic. TJ even got a hug from Cyrus. After the hug, Cyrus had to ask something
"Tristan Jr. Kippen, huh?"
"Can you see why I go by TJ?"
Both boys laughed and things were good between them for the time being.
The two went to the girls basketball game right after that and sat side by side. TJ relaying every play and Cyrus pretending to understand what was going on in. He didn't understand the end however. They had won! The two boys ran down to the court, and hugged excitedly quickly. Soon though, Cyrus had backed away and ran off, ignoring his calls.
The two didn't speak again till a few days later at Andi's celebration party for getting accepted to SAVA. TJ had found Cyrus on a bench and he sat down. Seeing Cyrus there, upset , and knowing that Cyrus was somehow hurt again and figuring Kira's presence must have caused it. TJ figured that he would need to try his hardest to fix things. Things became clear though as he stared in Cyrus' eyes. He was going to come out to Cyrus. Before he could say anything, Cyrus had started them off.
"Where's your girlfriend? Didn't you invite her?"
"I'm not dating Kira. I never was. I'm- I'm gay Cy."
At those words, TJ saw a hint of prehaps 'hope' fleet by his face and was reminded of the earlier jealousy. TJ took this an opportunity to prompt, "is there something you need to tell me?"
"I like you TJ. A lot"
Hearing that, TJ chose to cement his approval with a soft "me too", and latched his pinkie with Cyrus'. It was like a pinkie promise that everything was going to be okay with them. Things still weren't perfect in TJ's life, but he knew that with Cyrus by his side, he would feel much better. Cyrus has that effect on him after all.
A/N: it's 3:15 am but I promised to finish this before I went to bed
I don't know what the ending is- I'm sorry. I suck at ending.
This is not beta'd and I'm tired so I apologize for any and all mistakes and the dialogue in general because I tend to forget how humans speak which is why I avoid it as much as possible
Tagging as promised: @imhereforthetryus
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gldncge-blog · 5 years
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         ❝  ----------- 𝖆 𝖌𝖔𝖑𝖉𝖊𝖓 𝖈𝖆𝖌𝖊 𝖎𝖘 𝖘𝖙𝖎𝖑𝖑 𝖆 𝖈𝖆𝖌𝖊
                                    illya masnik. luke hemmings. twenty four. bianchi aligned.
【  ✞ ———— 𝕒𝕡𝕡𝕝𝕚𝕔𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟 】
◟ * ◊ ─  luke hemmings + cis male + he/him » * believe it or not illya masnik is working for the bianchi family. they are 24 years of age and are known to usually spend their time around buena vista apartments. the singer, who has been a part of the alliance for 2 years, has been living in victoria for 5 years. the people closest to them describe the pansexual + pisces to be + stolid and + conscientious as well as - equivocal and -resentful » ◦ ° delphi, twenty, she/them, est◝
【  ✞ ———— 𝕠𝕠𝕔 】
first name illya. last name masnik. middle name regret. which,, honestly same. wow hi i’m super excited for this. this is what ive been waiting for and y’all look hella talented. hi hello i’m delphi and as expected i’m late to the party :’) this is my bb illya who should probably be dead by now. yeehaw. my muses??? they exist to suffer. thats the sparknotes version of it. but ill put a whole unnecessarily lengthy thing about him below sdlkjsald. i’m in the est and i’m currently working full time but im so happy opening is on a sunday because i can actually be here for it sjkdas but enough about meme !! 
【  ✞ ———— 𝕙𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕠𝕣𝕪 】
BORN IN KIEV, UKRAINE - illya would be the eldest of four children. his mother an adventurous american woman, and his father a man who had never left his homeland. their son was a happy child who spent most of his days and nights at the local church. a fate one could not avoid when their father was the church’s ever dutiful music director. it shocked no one when the eldest masnik boy soon became a constant fixture in the youth choir. looking like he may have found his niche, his parents pushed him to hone his talents. his free time not spent in worship was reserved for vocal lessons. in time, illya outgrew the pews. as a teenager, he instead chose to perform in festivals, cafes, and the venues that would have him. while he was successful in ukraine, he’d soon decided he’d like to finish his studies in the united states, believing there to be better and bigger opportunities in america. 
AT NINETEEN - he found a home in victoria, florida. his mother’s hometown. his studies never truly panned out like they should have, wasting a year majoring in theology before officially throwing in the towel and returning to music full time. the next few years were spent building up a resume. odd jobs that barely paid the bills. things only began to turn up when he began landing jobs as the backing vocals for groups. it had started small, not much money in it nor recognition --- but he slowly climbed the ladder. an undeniable talent. in time he landed a job as the backup vocals for a band famous enough to earn him some status. the band embarked on a small tour around the states, and while it had been fun, illya quickly came to realize it wasn’t the life for him. in actuality it was not the spotlight he desired, no, he’d come to miss the little things about his passion. the smaller cafes and venues often led to tighter bonds. a more humbling experience that allowed him to truly connect with his audience. like the days back home, under god’s watchful eye. 
TWENTY TWO - and life as he knows it ends. for better or for worse. a flame in his life plants the idea in his head. the bills were starting to pile up again and desperation seemed to be a constant state. PLAYERS. it’s no place he’d normally be found. the sort of joint he’d sooner cross the street to avoid. but his lover promises security. stability. burdened with a touch of naivety, he’s sold.
PLEAD IGNORANCE - all he wants. he knew what he’d stepped into the moment he crossed the door’s threshold. there were no gods here. no savior. no salvation. you’d be eaten alive.
IT PAYS - wasn’t that all that mattered. most days he’s good at turning a blind eye to what happens behind closed doors. a false picture of innocence. skin with no traces of ink or metal, liquor that never makes it to his lips. the constant struggle to not lose the boy he was back home. but no one there was innocent, innocence was a lamb to the slaughter. two years in and he regrets it. of course he does. three long years since he’s seen his family. the masnik’s youngest now refuses to speak to the long-departed illya. birthdays, graduations, holidays, funerals, he’s missed them all. bitter, he longs for home, but fears he’s found himself in too deep. innocence was a lamb to the slaughter, and he could not afford to be the lamb amongst wolves.
【  ✞ ———— 𝕤𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕜𝕟𝕠𝕥𝕖𝕤 / 𝕕𝕦𝕞𝕓 𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕥 】
essentially illya was born in ukraine. his family was super religious and he spent a lot of time in church, also due to the fact his father was the music director there. he obviously had a natural talent in the choir and his family helped him pursue music by getting him lessons and stuff. he does a good handful of cool stuff in ukraine and decides he wants to study in america ( where his mother and her family are from ) and also sees it as an opportunity to grow musically. obviously the scene in america is pretty hard to get into, so he still does small cafe like things until he starts doing backing tracks/vocals for bands. starts off really small but he starts to work for bigger bands/companies until eventually, he gets enough recognition to go on tour with a well-enough known band. don’t imagine them to be super famous, but enough to have a handful of radio hits. 
decides he’s not crazy about the touring band life and wants to return to working in smaller more personal venues. works for a bit until the money starts to run out and then his partner at the time suggested applying at players ( they would have been part of the gang so it was his in ). he does so ( obviously ) gets in and likes to play innocent but he has a pretty good idea of what he’s getting into, don’t be fooled. still kind of churchy / anal, doesn’t do the whole tattoo, piercing, drinking, wild life. he’s more reserved if anything. he’s really still trying to hold on to that holy life. newsflash, asshole. it’s gone.
now he’s starting to regret everything :) #somerugrats but obviously, he’s going to be super tightlipped about that and just carry on. in reality, he’s super homesick and he knows his family life is suffering. he’s missing giant milestones for his siblings back home and now his youngest brother won’t even talk to him so yeehaw. but uhh he’s not really sure he’d be good to just up and walk away because he’s in a bit deep now, two years deep. he’s probably seen some shit. 
if he was brave enough to tell his family something was up it would probably go something along the lines of “ mom, i think i joined a cult ” 
he wants to be that peace out gif THIS one,, yeah
he’s gonna die,, dumbass is 100% gonna get himself killed. but for now, he’s gonna fake that shit till he makes it. no chill. 
【  ✞ ———— 𝕨𝕒𝕟𝕥𝕖𝕕 𝕔𝕠𝕟𝕟𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟𝕤 】
pen pals / old friends ; okay since his mother was american - i’d imagine he’d come around as a kid to see her family ( his grandparents and stuff ). give me something cute like they hit it off as children and kept in touch all these years. or maybe his mom used to be friends with your muses parents so they met that way. 
someone toughen him up ; he’s awful. there’s a murderer out there and god i hope these string bean legs can run because self-defense???? we don't’ know the meaning of the word. gun?? not in my good christian server. someone just hELP him.
someone he takes home / travels with ; head out of the gutter. could be someone at players or they live in a similar location, and with a string of murders, it’s probably safer to not travel alone. so maybe they drive each other home on occasion or walk together. just keeping each other safe. 
 bad / good influence nonsense ; obviously he’d probably be the good influence on someone because he’s not really the bad type. so he might try to look out for someone he really sees burning out and going down a super bad path. vice versa, give me someone who really wants him to get a tattoo or take that shot. someone remind him to live a little or do bad things. honestly,,, i’m a sucker for angst and stuff so it could even be more like getting him to stop being so paranoid about the darker aspects of the gang. if you think he isn’t turning around and hauling ass outta there when he sees a back room being used for beating someone or some other violent nonsense
someone who is suspicious of his doubts ; obviously he’s trying to play his cards pretty close to his chest and doesn’t voice his concerns to anyone. but i’d love to see some people who question his hesitance or might be on to him having doubts about continuing to be in the gang. he’s not going to own up to any accusations but this could add some interesting tension and make for interesting interactions.
people he avoids at all costs / fear ; these would be the more violent members of the gangs. maybe your muse has a reputation. this is probably suitable for characters who are out there committing murder in the name of the gang or commit violent acts. he tries to steer pretty clear of that but they’re likely passing through players and stuff. they’re bound to run into each other. bonus points if they’re not actually as dangerous as they seem - illya’s just paranoid, maybe he walked in on something he shouldn’t have and i- OOP
the flame that got him involved in the gang ( 0 / 1 ) ;  really i was just gonna throw this up as a wc but sdjsadj ill stick it here as well. really this could be an exes plot, probably with a lot of resentment on illya’s part. he may have been open with them about wanting to go back home, and blames them for his situation even though he knew what was happening. its just bitter bitter bitter. 
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monstaxsthetics · 6 years
Monsta X Member Playlist -Shownu Ver #2
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10,000 Hours - PRETTYMUCH
“They say time is money. You know I’m still young, gonna spend all mine on you. Practice it makes perfect, so when you show up, gonna put this time to use. Nights on nights on nights. Days on days on days. Clock work, night work, homework. We don’t take no breaks.”
Not Thinkin’ Bout You - Ruel
“I been telling my friends I’m cool. I finally got you out my head. And if I gotta walk by your house. I take the long way home instead. 'Cause I guess if I see you outside and you look all cute. And I won’t let myself forget. 'Cause every time, every time, every time, I see you I know I’m not ready yet.”
Doesn’t Matter - Gallant
“Talking to the moon with the lights down. Half a dozen ovals in your mouth, your muse. Kurosawa bleeding through your headphones. Knuckles in my back till your nails turn blue. Bet you remember back when I was headstrong. Tugging on the ends of my invisible noose. Thought you'd be jumping ship, but I was dead wrong. You can sail on thin ice long as I can too.”
“Ayy, when you walked up to the table, made me feel so unstable. Lookin’ so fly like an angel. Aye, jeans so tight like a locket. I can see the penny in your pocket. And you don’t even know you got it. Baby, you’re the truth, this one’s for you. To celebrate your body. Said you got champagne in your room for me and you. Yeah, you’re the after-party."
Made Love First - Marc E. Bassy ft. Kehlani
I wish we didn't make love first. You know that tore apart everything from the start. I wish we didn't make love first. We know that body does claim that we fell in love. I wish we didn't make love first. You know you let me hit, that don't mean this is it, yeah. I wish we didn't make love first. Maybe that time was wrong, but as soon as you hear this song I hope you let me. Let me hit it like the first night.”  
Curve - SoMo
Get out of bed with me on your mind. Baby, you know it's a matter of time. Drop me a line, whether it's three in the morning. Raining, but it's you that's storming. Run it back, done with that. Thought you were never coming back. Don't do that, heart attack. You're the only one that I want. And I've waiting for this call for so long. You know I've been waiting so damn long.”
Dirty Water - Marc E. Bassy
Let's go swimming. Dirty water. Days are shorter. Nights are longer. I wanna be the only lover, that makes it worth it. Pulls you under from the surface. They've been talkin' and I heard that your boyfriend now wants one of his own. And I'm too drunk now, if you call I'ma pick up that phone. And I heard that you're out on the town, yeah I know how that goes. When you can't break away from the ties and you dip in that dirty water.”  
Dancing With A Stranger - Sam Smith ft. Normani
I don't wanna be alone tonight. It's pretty clear that I'm not over you. I'm still thinking 'bout the things you do. So I don't want to be alone tonight, alone tonight, alone tonight. Can you light the fire? I need somebody who can take control. I know exactly what I need to do. 'Cause I don't wanna be alone tonight, alone tonight, alone tonight. Look what you made me do, I'm with somebody new. Ooh, baby, baby, I'm dancing with a stranger.”
Version 1
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jpat82 · 6 years
Happy Duck-O-Ween
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   Candies apples sat on the counter, popcorn balls perfectly placed, the house smelled of fall goodies and decorations adorned the walls. Sherbert's tank had childish window clings of ghost and ghouls placed cutely on the corners. He would swim quickly up to one, soft orange gills flaring out at his would be intruder before he would decided the harmless decoration wasn't a threat and swim off just to see another one.
   Mickey's mouse house had a tiny pumpkin slightly chewed up gently resting on his bedding. Little wooden skeletons, with bite marks through them randomly placed. You reached in to swap out the chewed mini pumpkin with another. You took the 'carved' groud and placed it on the mantle with the other three, next to the ceramic Loki pumpkin. Everyone in the Hiddleston household had a bit Halloween to them.
    You crossed back to the kitchen, stirring the apple cider you had made in the crock pot waiting for your husbands return. He had went with Luke to go look over some final paperwork, and you were just putting the finishing touches to the house before you took your sweet duck out for his night of mischief and mayhem. His costume was hung on the wall, next to yours and Tom's.
Wade wandered into the kitchen, two feathers floating off his body as he entered. Slowly he nestled down in the kitchen towel, watching as you made more tasty treats for the party after your evening of trick or treating with you avian companion. You smiled to yourself and hummed as you dipped apples into caramel, coating them lightly it ghost sprinkles afterward. Setting them next to the purple and orange candies apples you had dipped.
"Darling." Tom called out as you heard the front door close, Wade springing from his spot, little webbed feet slapping on the floor as he took off.
"In the kitchen." You replied, continuing your work, dripping the next in orange pumpkin shaped sprinkles.
Tom emerged a few seconds later, Wade cradled in his arms. He walked over and gave you a quick kiss while simultaneously reaching for a candied apple, you swatted his hand away with a chuckle.
"Nice try, but those are for later." You cooed into his lips, feeling his lips grin against yours.
"Fine, but I get first dibs." He sighed, walking to the cupboard to retrieve a mealy worm for the duck who started to quack insistently. He handed Wade his treat before setting him on the floor, Tom walked back to you and wrapped his arms around your waist, resting his head on your shoulder. "So, Darling, what costumes did you pick out this year?"
"Neverland." You smiled coyly looking to him from over you shoulder.
"Please tell me, I don't have to wear tights." He sighed heavily, placing a kiss on your shoulder before letting you go.
"No, but you do have a hook and a big hat with a feather." You grinned, cleaning up your mess.
"Hook? I might like that." He wink to you.
Later that evening the three of you took to the streets, the sun was still out though it was low in the sky. Wade waddled ahead, dressed as the ever mischievous Peter Pan, a pumpkin pail hanging from his beak. You and Tom walked behind him dressed as Hook and Tinkerbell. The neighborhood you lived in had grown accustomed to seeing the three of you, and you had gone to each house on the block handing them a small tin so Wade could get his goodies like the rest of the children in the neighborhood.
The first house on the street was that of the widower old man Jenkins. A friendly old man who adored Wade as much as all the kids on your corner did. And as he open the door, he marveled at the little bird who set his pail down.
"Oh, Wade, look at you. Such a cute little Peter Pan." He smiled bending slightly, dropping the silver tin in his bucket. Wade's eyes grew wide as his head dove afterward, pecking furiously at the small object. "Awe, and I have Tinkerbell and that dastardly Hook at my door."
     "Evening Mr. Jenkins." You smiled to him as he grabbed a bowl of candy and thrusted it towards you.
    "I heard you two finally got married and made Wade a proper duck." He stated, gesturing to the bowl, to which Tom happily obliged grabbing a Snickers.
    "Yes we did." Tom replied, Wade began to make a ruckus as the tin wouldn't open, knocking his pail over in the process, feathers floating from him.
    "Well, congratulations." He said as you knelt down opening the tin for the tuck, Wade happily gobbled up the creepy crawly inside.
     As the three of you made your rounds around the neighborhood stopping from house to house you spied the one at the end of the block. It was that of the brothers, whose black '67 Chevy Impala glistened in the waning sunlight. They were odd set, especially around Halloween, barricading themselves in the house and refusing to answer the door. You sighed as you stared at the car while the three of you passed.
     "You're staring again Darling." Tom mused.
    "I'd leave you for that." You remarked, giving him a coy look.
   "For the brothers?" He asked bewildered.
    "No, for the car." You grinned approaching your front door. Wade happily waddled in content on all the bugs he had received, he went straight for his bed and curled in a fluffy pile.
    You finished getting the house ready, bringing out all the goodies and treats you had made over the last two days. Tom finished putting up a few decorations you hadn't gotten to yet, preparing for a couple close friends to arrive. Just as Wade had closed his eyes the doorbell rang.
    His head snapped up, Tom walking to the front door and Wade never missing an opportunity bolted from his spot rushing between the man's feet. Tom stumbled, reaching out to brace himself on the door as Wade pecked furiously at the wood, quacking. Tom righted himself fully and opened the door.
    "Heya Hook, did you run into the door?" Holland quipped walking in, Tessa next to him. Holland was dressed up as a cartoony style vampire, faked teeth that made it hard to understand and the drawn on widows peak to match.
     "Hi, Tom and no, Wade tripped me." Tom replied, Wade ninja chopping at Tessa, feathers flying from his wings as excitement took over.
    Tessa thumped her front paws to the floor, butt wiggling as Wade pranced around her before rushing off, Tessa in hot pursuit. You had chosen to come out just at that moment carrying a bowl of fresh hot apple cider almost being knocked down. Had it not been for the fact this wasn't the first time Holland had brought Tessa you probably would of been run over.
    "Nice save, y/n." Holland laughed coming over to grab the bowl from you.
    "Well, seeing as how those always chase each other I've gotten used to almost being a speedbumb." You let him take the bowl before you went back to retrieve the apples.
    More people continued to file in, you ever being the hostess made sure each guest felt welcomed. Wade on the other hand would peck at ankles, ninja chop those who ignored him, at one point latching onto Holland's cape just so he could glide across the wood floor. At another point finding Ben's wife who was dressed in an 1800's style wedding dress, complete with lace, her skin powered white.
    Wade darted to her, lowering his head as he went straight under her skirt. He came back moments later beak wide open, wings stretched back before ducking back under. She looked up to you with amusement.
    "He likes lace we found out." You replied, standing next to her waiting, as Wade rushed out you picked up the bird and hand him over to Tom who was in a conversation with Ben at that point.
   "Please handle your duck, sir." You smiled politely.
   "Darling, I think you mean our duck. I married you, I married the duck, if I remember correctly." He replied with grin, Wade frantically wiggling trying to break free of his captor.
   "Right now he is skirt chasing, so he's your duck." You kissed Tom in the cheek, Wade began hissing in annoyance from is prolonged captivity.
   Wade wiggled his wings free and started flapping them like a mad duck hell bent on mass destruction. Smacking Tom in the face numerous times before he was released into his prison, a play pen in your room for a time out. Wade quacked, Wade hissed, he ninja chopped and pecked. He steeled down for a bit, eyeing the curtain that hung loose from the window.
     The party came to close and you said goodnight to your friends, it took less then two minutes to decide to wait till morning to clean the mess. You and Tom changed out of your costumes, and you headed for bed while Tom went to the master bath. You walked to the play pen and Wade was not there, nor was the curtain. You brows furrow as you looked around the room.
   "Darling I think next.." Tom started but was cut short when the curtain came hurtling out of the closet causeing him to jump. You couldn't contain yourself as laughter bubbled forth. "Your duck just scared the ever loving crap out of me."
    "Sweetheart, it's Halloween, everyone is entitled to one good scare."
@kitkatkl @octobermermaid @ajosieface @instantnoodlese @crystlblu @coffeebooksandfandom @thisismysecrethappyplace @the-wayward-robot @lokilvrr @jewels2876 @theoneanna @winchesterwife27 @devilbat @purplerain85
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inkblccded-moved · 6 years
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darliiings-blog · 6 years
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