#the pixel texture scratches my brain (in a good way)
chiimiraa · 5 months
window to the soul
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squishescommishes · 1 year
I forgot to announce the order of the winners for the dtiys prizes yesterday because I completely forgot yesterday was the second until it was well past midnight i'm so sorry! orz
Like I mentioned previously, since only 5 people entered, everybody is going to be getting a prize 83
I would like to preface this and clarify that all of these entries are equally loved and appreciated by me, I don't think any one is better than the others, placement is by such a thin margin and only chosen because I felt a 5 way tie wouldn't work gdkjdfjdk
First place we have this one by @seracap-art !!
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I adore the soft colored linework and the expression, and the pose was so cute and cozy !! I really loved sparkles in the fur and the addition of sockies too, and I also walk around with my hands like that in real life gdnfdkjfdkdfjk
Prize: fullbody or half body in a style of your choice
Second Place is @zangoonse 's !!
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I LOVED the creativity of playing with my type of creature by turning me into a pokemon!! It was so unique and cute and really ran with the additional opportunity to play around with species 83 Big fan of the sneaky little face too 83c
Prize: fullbody or half body in a style of your choice 
Third up is the entry @fructosee 's!!
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I absolutely adored the pose and the background on this one, and the face is absolutely perfect honestly! I love the ears, they look so soft, and the green has now been incorporated into a canon color morph for me (with permission <3) I loved that touch sooo much. The heart locket too!! Ough there's just so much good about this i adore it so much <3
Prize: Pixels style art 
Fouth place is by @specterofyou !!
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The coloring of this oughghgh.... i am in love with it, it's so soft and cozy and textured- i feel like if i could touch this piece of art it would be soft like fabric and warm in a comforting way. Just the absolute best feeling. The colors and lighting are so pretty too!!! I love the face and the fluff so very much. The eyes especially are so very pretty!
Prize: Colored Mspaint doodle
Fifth but definitely not least we have this one by gezeichnet ! (@gezadl)
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the TEXTURE of this one is SO so good I am eating it up honestly! The cross hatching scratches my brain in such a good way and the fluff looks SOOO soft. The mouth and nose too.... ough.. truly precious little 83 face
Prize: chibean or kofi doodle
I appreciate all of you for participating!!! It was so fun seeing your styles and entries! I hope you all had fun!
I will contact everybody this week to go over the details of the prizes 83
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iamquix · 4 years
What Kind of Screen Protector Should I Get for My Phone?
Phone case
PET is a sort of plastic usually entirely on matters such as water bottles and food containers.  PET screen protectors provide the smallest amount of scrape - and - impact-protection, however they're super economical, light, and thin, and consequently are somewhat less visible once employed to a phone. Don't pay too much attention into the hardness score which brands advertise--most use the ASTM hardness scale, in which the funniest pen (9H) is thicker compared to tempered glass, making it a useless indicator of security.  The Mohs scale--that really does not utilize an"H"--is still a whole lot more of use, though it doesn't seem as good in the carton.  If you're unsure about the hardness of a particular brand, Google around to see if anyone has tested it themselves with a Mohs kit.
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But it isn't without benefits: it's flexible, so that it can extend edge-to-edge on almost any phone, it's better impact protection compared to PET, and it's limited"self healing" powers for small scratches.  Brands like IQ Shield offer TPU at quite inexpensive rates, while Zagg's InvisibleShield film can be a bit more costly. Therefore Which Screen Protector Is Better? Both amFilm and Maxboost offer cheap glass protectors that measure between a 7 and 8 on the Mohs hardness scale, according to wire-cutter --and within our evaluations , they worked quite nicely.  (Zagg's glass protectors only measured between a 5 and 6, which it says is actually better to impact protection, even though it takes sacrificing some scrape defense.  In addition they are available in more varieties with features like solitude or anti-glare.)
Nano Liquid
Flagship smartphones, from the iPhone 1 1 to Galaxy s-20, have beautiful displays.   We break it down and explain the gap between PET, TPU, tempered glass, and superior liquid.
They do not have the self-healing abilities of TPU, but they truly are more demanding in terms of scratch- and - drop-protection, and nowadays they are pretty inexpensive.
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Take a look at my own Google Pixel two, for example.  The scratches aren't deep, but they're definitely there.  These scratches likely result from sand and other contaminants with hard minerals in them, such as walnut and topaz.  Any object harder in the screen will scratch this, and while Corning hasn't officially published its own glass' Mohs hardness rating, many testers have found it to lie between a 7 and 6 (the highest value, 10, is really as hard as diamonds). Having a big scrape on your phone is similar to using an itch in your brain you can't accomplish.  Plus, it enhances the resale price of their device once you need to upgrade.  A screen protector can continue to keep the top pristine, but purchasing one is more complicated since it should be.  Let us break down the gap between your each type, so that you never waste your money.
I'd prevent the liquid protection unless you know you are not going to use any of these others any way, and want the guarantee Qmadix provides. A screen protector will not protect the trunk of your phone, the borders, or even the corners of this screen.  A good instance (especially one with a"lip" within the screen) is going to do more to get drops compared to any screen shield, so if you don't feel blessed --or have a good insurance coverage --obtain yourself a case along with anything screen protection you decide on.   They also have a smooth feel, unlike the more durable but rubbery TPU.  PET is also somewhat stiff, so it can not move edge-to-edge on phones with curved screens like the iPhone.  If you would like to go with PET, I would recommend Tech Armor.
When you consider this screen defenses of older, you are probably thinking of TPU.  It's really a flexible plastic that's a enormous hassle to install (it involves having a spray solution and squeegeeing out lots of bubbles), doesn't feel very eloquent (as a result of its almost rubbery texture), and adds an"orange peel" type glare for your phone's screen.
Search for"screen protector" on Amazon, and you'll be overwhelmed by the outcomes.  There are so many brands, types, and price points which it's enough to get your mind spin.  Thankfully, screen protectors can generally be separated into a few simple types, each with their own advantages and pitfalls. The glass onto your own gadgets has gotten far more scratch-resistant since the days of this iPod.  Corning's Gorilla Glass won't scratch if you rub it along with your keys or loose change, and it is a significant step forward.  It is not, nevertheless, unscratchable, as some folks believe. Having said that, screen protection is only one part of this mystery.  These films can help you avoid scrapes and offer any impact security, however if you are worried about decreasing your phone, do not end there--get a situation. On the flip side, Zagg's is available in several distinct styles depending on the design, feel, and features you want.  But not all styles are all available for all phones, also a few phones have no TPU options at all.  Both IQ Shield and Zagg have replacement warranties, too, though Zagg's is more all-encompassing, hence the more expensive.
Phone screen
So yes, your screen may be scratched, and it's really probably the sand in your pocket (or tote ) that's causing it.   Next, if and when the protector gets scratched, you could always replace it, keeping the true screen pristine when you head to stash it a couple of years later on. Nowadays you'll also find liquid screen protectors available on the current market, which claim you can safeguard your phone only by swabbing an option on your phone and then buffing it off.  These protectors have a lot of quirks which make it tough to recommend.  While it might offer some degree of additional security, the layer is so sparse that demanding scratches can likely still easily complete to the true monitor, which defeats the purpose of a screen protector.
In my opinion, the majority of individuals are probably best off with a tempered glass protector: they have the smoothest feel, prevent the maximum damage, and also are available at pretty reasonable prices.  If you're really finicky about looks, you can like PET or TPU better (being that they're not as visible once implemented to a phone), especially since films like TPU can provide self-healing edge-to-edge security on phones with curved displays.
Tempered Glass
Furthermore, you can not just take off this and then swap it with another screen protector.  Most products say you cannot get rid of the product, it'll merely wear off over time (though there's no visible way to tell when).  This makes it hard to check since you can't just scrape peel and pare off the product off--it's unclear whether you would certainly be scratching the shield or even the screen underneath. The Different Types of Screen Protectors Since glass protectors tend to be thicker, but they're far more visible on your screen, which isn't amazing if you prefer that melts-into-your-screen type of aesthetic. In Case You'd like Impact Protection, Get Yourself a Case
Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET)
All Qmadix protections have a SquareTrade-esque $250 warranty, that is probably where a lot of your money belongs.  But all told, I would recommend bypassing the liquid stuff. Can I Really Have to Have a Screen Protector?
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entergamingxp · 4 years
Shadows of Doubt is a head-scratching wonder of an immersive sim • Eurogamer.net
We’re taking Rezzed online over the next few days, presenting sessions and bringing you highlights of what’s new and interesting in the world of independent games. You can find more details on exactly what’s going on over here, and we’ll be bringing you more write-ups over the coming days.
You can’t have a good detective game without a good mystery, and Shadows of Doubt has plenty of them. The biggest one rattling around my brain right now, though, is how is this possible? This is a work of staggering ambition and no small amount of artistry, presenting an evocative, fully-functioning cityscape for you to explore, complete with several intricate systems underpinning your sleuthing. I’ve played 20 minutes and I’m simply staggered.
So what exactly is it? Allow me to do the lazy journalist scum bit with a quickly-dashed-together comparison – Shadows of Doubt is like Thief in a trenchcoat and with a ketamine hangover. Okay, let’s put a bit more effort in – Shadows of Doubt is a first-person detective stealth game set in a procedurally-generated noirish city. The art-style is exquisite, a lo-grade pixellated affair that sits perfectly with the subject at hand. It’s fuzzy and gritty – the perfect texture for a detective thriller.
The tutorial level doesn’t reveal Shadows of Doubt’s full hand, but it does give a tantalising glimpse of it. You start off in your own bed, crawling out then fumbling through a fog of amnesia as you slowly rediscover your own apartment. There’s neat detail there, and a world that’s convincingly grounded – instead of finding on-the-nose diary entries, here you’ll just come across a tenancy agreement and a phone directory, the latter being put to use as you begin on the trail of a character whose case you’re on.
Their own apartment is a handful of blocks away, and on the journey between the two you discover how convincing Shadows of Doubt’s procedurally-generated streets are. People stick to their own schedules, and even on the way down from your room you’ll see signs of a world that’s alive and lived in – there’s grubby wallpaper in apartment lobbies, where you can take dark stairways and brush against some of the city’s citizens or catch a ratchety old lift. Outside there’s a world of bars with broken neon signs, where inside you can quiz the bartenders or ask to see their records.
There’s a real lived-in beauty to Shadows of Doubt’s cities.
Back on the case as you try and infiltrate an apartment there’s typical stealth trappings – air vents can be used to get easy access, while locks are there to be picked – while Shadows of Doubt also has its own little quirks. Each knock on the door will get a little louder and intimidating, while your own case board you can pull out at any time can have various items of evidence and points of interest pinned together in a complex lattice of your own design.
These are but slivers of the ideas being explored in Shadows of Doubt, and the current demo is but a small sketch that hints at what’s finally going to be implemented – take a look at one of developer Cole Jeffries development videos and you’ll have some idea of what’s going to be possible. If Shadows of Doubt manages to achieve even half of what it’s setting out to do it’s going to be something very special indeed.
from EnterGamingXP https://entergamingxp.com/2020/03/shadows-of-doubt-is-a-head-scratching-wonder-of-an-immersive-sim-%e2%80%a2-eurogamer-net/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=shadows-of-doubt-is-a-head-scratching-wonder-of-an-immersive-sim-%25e2%2580%25a2-eurogamer-net
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barryandcamshow · 7 years
Binge the winter blues away
If I participated in the absurd practice of naming winter storms, I’d tell you that Stella is crapping all over the northeast part of the country right now. For better or worse that’s where I hang my hat. That hat, right now, is under about 2 feet of snow. No joke.
There are only a few ways to ride out a storm like this. Really there are two things you can kill off the hours by doing: binge drinking or binge watching. If the power goes out you’re limited to Bourbon and Ginger Ale. At least that’s what I’m drinking. Freezing the family jewels off in Western Massachusetts, I may as well give a nod to Berkshire Mountain Distillers. They actual do have the best everyday bourbon on any side of Kentucky.
If the power and internet are up and running you should make yourself a cocktail and pour some pixels in to your brain. Going outside is not advisable anywhere north of the Carolinas, so fire up the moving picture box, snuggle up with someone special, and keep the drinks coming. Here’s a six-pack shows you should be binging while you freeze your ass off:
·         Since this is a streaming list I cannot include “The Shield.” This is number one on any list of television for me, ever. Best show, hands down. But it’s only on DVD right now. If you have the discs, do yourself the favor of starting now, if you don’t: move on to “Bosch.” It’s another LA based cop show that’s filmed on the sun-drenched, but oh so dirty streets of the city of angels. Titus Welliver is a powerhouse as the Michael Connelly-created Detective Harry Bosch. It’s a serial show with heart, smarts, and amazing cinematic texture. Season 3 drops soon, so catch up now. (Amazon Prime)
·         I’ve recently had my television heart stolen by a new old west inspired lawman. He may not be as cool as Raylan Givens, but Walt Longmire is grizzled, tough, and tremendously human. He’s the law in Wyoming’s would-be Absaroka County, and he’s surrounded by a compelling cast of supporters. The show went from cable to Netflix exclusive, and it has grown along the way. New seasons stream in 4K, which is a huge added bonus. Saddle up. Longmire is calling. (Netflix)
·         The Sixties, The Seventies, and The Eighties are three streaming documentaries that take the viewer on a thematic ride through the decades of the latter half of the 20th Century. These docs are packed with unforgettable moments you’ll never forget, and wild depth that you won’t believe you forgot. If you’re caught up in thinking that 2017 is the craziest time ever, these will put some perspective on it for you. (Netflix)
·         The Americans is a show that, shamefully, I’ve only scratched the surface of at this point. But based on a small sample, and a lot of recommendations from connoisseurs who I know and respect, this show is great. It’s a slick period piece with super-smart writing. There’s something for everyone comrade, so put some Smirnoff over that ice and hit up The Americans. (Amazon Prime)
·         If the snow is high enough to freeze your backside, where would you rather be than Miami? That’s where Michael Westen has been dumped upon his unceremonious burn from the spy trade. Although there is, especially in the early seasons, a monster-of-the-week quality to Burn Notice, it’s cast, characters, and intensity only ratchet up with the seasons. Plus you’ll get a great gander at Miami, and a lot of fine looking extras who would die in minutes if they wore those skimpy get-ups in a blizzard. Miami is a diverse, attractive, tropical, seedy, dangerous town; and you’d rather be there than shoveling! (Netflix)
·         Speaking of the aforementioned Raylan Givens, if you haven’t journeyed through the depths of Harlan County’s underworld with him, you’re missing the best written show – maybe ever – on television. Every guest bad guy, foil, and damsel in distress only adds to a stellar cast. If the smoky taste of some bourbon is what you need to escape this weather, Justified is the perfect compliment. It ended on its own terms, and in its own time, just like a blizzard. (Amazon Prime)
The good news is that the storm always passes, but the need to binge great content never does! Anything streaming now that you think I’ve missed? Let me know!
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