#the potentiaaaaaal
achaotichuman · 4 months
Hi! I'm the Andras anon! (I'll have to come up with a nickname soon sdsa)! Thank you again for indulging me with the last ask! I'll come back to it once I'll re-read the books (... why can't I be freeeeeee) but I saw your reblog about the powers of every "main characters" of Acotar, and I was wondering: Is Feyre really as strong as Rhysand? Because, for one, she's a very, a veeery biased character. Her point of view of the IC (of Rhysand especially) is way over the top.
The HL are defined as pure power and yes, they used a drop of that to bring her back to life, but if a drop of all of them makes her so strong... what does this mean about theirs at 100/99% with all of theirs? Because we didn't actually see them using their true strength and I believe them to be pretty big scary. (something truly magnificent and terrifying, an eerie fae horror... mhm... so much potentiaaaaaal)
I wonder if SJM did forget what she has even said in the past and truly believes Feyre's POV to be the truth, or if she's truly playing with the unreliable narrator trope through her.
Another thing is: could her drops... be consumed? The more power of one of them she uses, the more of it is burned away, until nothing remains.
I think that would be actually so cool and a stake in her powers.
An HC of mine is that if once she loses one - maybe that of Tamlin, since it's the one she uses the most if I remember correctly - and her power lessens... would the mate bond begin to shatter? Would she die if all of them were lost/consumed?
Her powers were never a gift of the cauldron, she's not blessed by the mother, she's... an artificial High Fae. A "fake" High Lady. Is their bond actually real and not maybe a trick, something temporary, or something else altogether?
Why did Rhysand need to make that deal at the start to own her? (I have another theory for the deal that he makes with her at the beginning) And could the death pact be another one to solidify this fickle/fake/other type of bond?
It's all so tricky, because most of the POVs we saw are from people who know almost to nothing about Prythian and we too, as readers, are not omniscient to all of its secrets and traditions.
Most of what we know is thanks to what is told to Feyre, but how much truth is given to her?
If we think about it, especially thanks to acosf (and the other books) we know that Rhysand and the IC omit and lie to Feyre and to other people.
So... idk, I know I lost the plot in my ranting and blathering, but it's something that I know I'll think more about, coming back with a clearer vision! And sorry for this mess of an ask! I know it's a bit over the place, it's mostly me thinking and theorizing on the go lol
I hope it didn't bother you too much and If it did let me know, and I will stop with these ask!
I hope you're having a great day/night! ♥
Yes I love this questionnn
Never stop with the asks, I love them so much! (We def gotta come up with nickname ideas, maybe wolf, considering Andras was turned into a wolf)
When I was writing that reblog the first thought to come to mind was where to put Feyre on the scale. Because of how vague the mating bonds and her powers are, I decided to put her with Rhys as it seems to be a common theme to make mates 'equals' in some way. Plus, yeah she's always praising her powers, and SJM seems to have a thing with making her characters OP for no apparent reason.
To kick off with my general answer to whether I think Feyre is actually all that powerful- No, I do not think she is that powerful. I think she thinks she's that powerful due to Rhysand's influence, and being a Daemati, but I do not believe she is the most powerful.
You pointed out a lot of my same reasoning. Mostly around the fact that Feyre is technically an 'artificial Fae' and it appears as though her very being staying alive is completely dependent on the drops of power she was given, plus despite her having a drop of power from each court. It is still only a drop. So why would she be considered equal to the most powerful?
I think SJM genuinely didnt think to far ahead with Feyre's powers and character. It also appears as though she doesnt actually write the magic system in ACOTAR very well compared to her other series. Throne of Glass and CC in my opinion were far better fleshed out when it came to the MC's powers. When it comes to the FMC of this series tho, they never fully reveal their powers and never in a 'foreshadowing' way, but in a 'they just genuinely dont focus on them' way.
This is especially obvious with Nesta when she was locked up in the HoW. She never once trained her magic, rather she was forced to train her body and how to wield a sword. This very much came off to me like the IC was trying to control her rather than help her, but considering that SJM seems to consider what they did genuine help, I will blame her writing rather than intention in this scenario.
Same happens with Feyre, she doesnt train a lot of her power. She doesnt focus on it, rather she trains her body and learns to wield a sword. Her magic is rarely focused in on, and really only comes into play when it's convenient for the narrative.
The only real inkling we get of how much magic Feyre technically wields is in the scenes where they are going on about equality (that isnt real equality) and how Feyre and Rhysand are equals in every way, including in power.
Ofc we never actually see them being equal in power, but thats what SJM has decided is happening.
I call it bad characterization and considering that Feyre's arc appears to be over and we arent focusing in on her anymore, I highly doubt any of this will be expanded on or rectified.
Anyway, thats just my rambling. But I like your idea of Feyre's drops of magic 'burning out' that seems like a very interesting idea for a fic! You have a good night/day too!
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fishbowl-daddy · 5 years
Thinking about that Quentin actually liked Peter makes me sad
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sagesparrow394 · 3 years
Thinking about it, I’m probably gonna be perfectly happy with whatever relationship Logan and the Orange Side end up having in the series
1) Logan is the orange side - It would just be cool to see how it would work, one side representing two facets of personality. Also the angst potentiaaaaaal
2) Logan and the orange side are twins - Cool and interesting new sibling dynamic! How different would it be to Roman and Remus’? And again, the angst potential!!!
3) They are completely separate sides - Ship potential? Enemies to lovers? Logan gets three ‘Dark Side’ Boyfriends? Amazing. Wonderful. I will probably be into it.
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purgatoryandme · 4 years
i just started watching avatar the last airbender and why does aang x zuko remind me of winteriron,,, like, their dynamic had so much potential for romance (aged-up, obviously) ughhh anyway am I the only one who thinks this like omg the potential the potentiaaaaaal I can’t stop thinking about it. I’m only about to finish season 2 so I’m excited to see how the show goes from here. It’s been absolutely amazing so far I’ve never watched a show as well written
One of my OG ships............honestly though I think they could’ve been a really cute disaster teen / childhood crush romance? Zuko’s pursuit of Aang could’ve so easily gotten into pigtail pulling -> genuine friendship -> panicked realization of feelings. I genuinely enjoyed their canon dynamic a lot in the show and could’ve seen it turning into something more eventually.  As adults, though. Ahhhhhhhhhh. Old soul who is secretly immature romance goals. It shares some of the intertwined destiny tropes that WinterIron thrives on, as well as the inescapable fame and transition from villainy to heroism + damage by war. I feel like Aang’s WHOLE vibe is so different from Tony’s though and Zuko is infinitely too awkward to ever be as suave as Bucky ahahaha. They do have some of the same bones, and maybe that’s why I love them both, but Zuko and Aang are a whole different brand of chaotic idiocy.
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bmpmp3 · 6 years
how do you find lancelot's route so far? :3
its cool~ to be honest i went in this game with like….the lowest expectations ‘cause I heard the character writing wasn’t as good as ikesens and so far yeah orz i honestly know very little about these dudes other than whatever nonsense my brain is headcanoning with the smallest bits of info (im TRYING TO CHILL ON THAT but goddamn man the arts so good and everything has…potential….theyre all little well drawn blobs of potentiaaaaaal) but eh im only 10 days in so things will probably changeikesen grabbed me by the balls in like three days but thats actually extremely unusual for me for a ticket based game, games that force me to play by their schedule instead of my own (very slow qwq) schedule are always at a disadvantage compared to games where you buy a route or the whole game for a set price and you just have it now just ‘cause of the person i am, ikesen’s actually the only ticket based f2p game ive actually played more than one route of oofso im definitely gonna give a chance and try to play at least two routes, theres still like 17 parts left to go so maybe things will change~
god i adore lancelots design tho (alsoO I THINK HIS CHARACTR WOULD BE SO INTERESTING…if i could just see it blease cybird hes like barely been in his own route orz lemme see that EGDELORD) 
i guess part way through this i stopped talking about lancelots route in particular and more of the game as a whole but i also wish the card system was like an actual system ‘cause the art….is so PRETTY and i ADORE IT but im currently not super invested in the card game aspect, or maybe it woulda been better without it entirely i feel like a very story heavy f2p game is usually better off without cards, and card based f2p games are usually better with shallower stories and more emphasis on gameplay, at least in my opinion
so far the only real thing drawing me to the game other than the art is how horny i get for potential even when im 80% sure nothing as wild or ridiculous as what i hope will happen will happen, but gODdamn i feel like the characters could be so interesting and i think they could explore a lot of neat stuff and i dunno man im latching on to any glimpse of worldbuilding theyre throwing at me im starving cybird bleaseits kinda a bummer so far right now ‘cause the only character i really feel attached to through the game (rather than whatever nonsense my brains hoping) is Alice 2.0 herself qwqof course like i said before im only 10 days in so anything can change lol
but yeah i dunno what im talking about or if any of that makes sense im sorry i should go to sleep goODNIGht
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