#the problem is that this remnant is fairly weak because of the damage that was dealt during the promised day
mar-marmallu · 2 years
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Without text:
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Happy (belated) Holidays, @lady-vicky-toria !!! I’m your secret santa from the @fmasecretsanta event~
I hope this suffices! I had a lot of fun making this one hehe <33
(Context in the tags)
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doberbutts · 3 months
My apologies about the weird ask! I saw pictures of ballet dancers bloody feet and let it color my view of it, figured if its painful for people with five toes it would be hell for anyone with more than that. Not that they couldn’t or shouldn’t do it, but that it’d be harsher on their feet. As someone who has wide feet that has a hard time with pointed shoes I was wincing 😅 sorry again should’ve kept it to myself
Oh, you're talking about images like this?
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Tbh this is fairly extreme and mostly you see this with ill-fitting shoes or with professionals who don't give their feet a break (bc they can't, bc this is their livelihood). Dancing small time competitions in the local rec center shouldn't do this to your feet unless your shoes really suck or your instructor is very hard on you (by ballet standards- ballet instructors are stereotypically fairly tough anyway).
However, ballet does permanently change the way your foot is shaped and the way your joints work.
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Not just your feet but your whole body. Especially when started very young, so since I started at 4 and I have a bazillion things wrong with me anyway I was kind of pre-destined to have some problems from ballet later in life. Don't get me wrong, there were also many benefits, and I LIKE ballet, but ballet and foot problems later in life kind of go hand in hand regardless of what your foot was shaped like when you were born.
It's a rigorous discipline and people don't take it seriously because it's seen as hyperfeminine and also because they see how effortless the dancers make the moves look, and they don't see the work it takes to create that visual. So it's very shocking when non-dancers happen upon images or discussions of the drawbacks.
As said before, I never went en pointe due to ankle weakness I couldn't quite fix, so that photo where her ankle is bent at an extreme angle? Yeah my instructor wouldn't let me go en pointe bc she was afraid I'd snap the bones in my ankle the second I tried that move. Ballet flats aren't nearly as bad on your feet as pointe shoes (pointe shoes are in each of those photos), so it wasn't the shoe itself that beat up my feet but the wear and tear of executing the dance moves.
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These are flats- much more flexible than pointe shoes and what young children learn on before their skill and development reaches a safe point to graduate to pointe shoes. They're really just a piece of soft leather or satin held on by a stretchy band. Little kids should never be in pointe shoes and I genuinely caution anyone whose instructor told them it was safe before hitting double digits to find a different instructor for whatever kid before they do massive, permanent damage to their feet. Pretty much every medical study out there says you should be at least 11, and preferably 13-15, before you move off of flats.
My instructor believed the same. I stopped ballet because I was tested twice before being allowed to go en pointe and both times failed due to ankle weakness, at about 13-15. So in high school I switched disciplines because otherwise I'd be a teenager dancing with a bunch of little kids still in flats.
THAT BEING SAID I do feel the need to clarify that I have not had extra toes or fingers after my first week of life, because they were banded pretty much immediately after birth and fell off shortly thereafter. So I wasn't some 6-toed kid forcing myself into an unforgiving wooden shoe, I was a 5-toed kid in effectively soft leather moccasins that just happened to have slightly wider feet than you'd expect. I'm not putting photos of my feet on this blog but unless I point it out you wouldn't really be able to tell I was born with extras until I show you the remnants of the little "shelf" where the extras would have grown out of.
I do appreciate the concern- just keep in mind how it might be coming across next time.
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shianhygge-imagines · 5 years
Silver Rose [Vergil/Reader] {Devil May Cry} The Demon Half
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AN: This chapter is shorter than the previous one, but it’s mostly the prologue of the game, and Reader’s encounter with Urizen during the beginning of the game.
I’ve just been writing nonstop the past 48 hours. Panic? What’s panic? Pshhhhh |Masterlist Link|    |First Chapter|    |Prev. Ch.| --- |Next Ch.|
16th May 08:06pm - Red Grave City
“Dante, V, once I get my hands on you, you’re both dead!” You screamed to nobody in particular as the Totsuka sliced through another demon with a simple flick of your wrist. All around you, the bodies of slain demons dissolved, some turning to ash, others into sludge. They were fairly low ranking demons, weak and hardly strong enough to wind you after so many years hunting demons alongside Dante. And speaking of… you could hear the sounds of combat ahead.
No doubt Dante, V, and Trish taking on Urizen… Vergil…
You didn’t want to believe what V had told you two weeks ago. You didn’t want to believe that the monster that decided to invade the human world with the Qliphoth Demon Tree was what remained of your husband. But as you pressed forward, sliding down a few fleshy ledges and striking down any demon in your way, you found yourself begrudgingly accepting that such a stupid situation would be just like your husband. “Fucking summoning another stupidly tall fortress into the mortal world for power.” You muttered angrily, firing off a few shots from the Silver Rose into some flying insect demons. “First Temen Ni Gru, and now the damned Qliphoth Tree, you’re just a walking plot cliche!”
There were a few reasons that you were currently livid and brutally massacring your way through the innards of the demon tree. The first, because your husband had summoned a giant blood sucking demon tree in order to gain power. Second, because he had done so in Red Grave City, your childhood home with the Sparda twins. The third, because your fucking house was just on the opposite end of the damned city, and you were going to make sure that nothing happens to your house. Fourth, because you wanted answers. V was only willing to answer so many of your questions, and Dante was just as clueless as you. So, you had to go confront Vergil yourself. And fifth, because Dante left you behind. He’d left with Trish, V, and Lady despite saying that he would take you along. To make matters worse, he’d taken the helicopter, forcing you to speed towards your home city on your motorbike. The pizza that your brother-in-law had sent you out to get because he ‘wanted a snack on the go’ has long since been consumed by your annoyed self on the way to Red Grave City.
When you’d called to yell at him, Dante simply said that it wasn’t your fight. And while you weren’t mad that he’d decided to leave you behind to be safe, you were livid that he would even suggest that Vergil wasn’t your problem. Even though you loved Vergil, you would still fight him in order to save the mortal world.
“Left me behind to go with V… Had to speed just to get here in time.” You mutter, closing in on the battle.
It is when you get closer to the battle that you notice it’s only one person fighting… and suddenly, your thoughts aren’t to fight Urizen… it’s to do everything you can to protect your son. “Nero!” You scream, pulling the Silver Rose out to shoot at the offending tentacle.
The limb retreats from your shot, allowing Nero to deal some damage to a spinning crystal of sorts before being forced to back away. Upon closer look, you realize with horror that it is the Yamato that was trapped inside the material. All attention is drawn to you as you step into the ‘throne room’ of sorts, swapping the Silver Rose for the Totsuka.
“You…” The deep demonic voice that calls out to you is vaguely familiar underneath the rumble as the gigantic being directs dull glowing blue eyes at you. Perhaps, V was correct, and this was once Vergil, but with its body mutated and entwined with the demon tree, you conclude that perhaps it was time to let your husband go. Heh. Fat chance of that happening, and you know it.
A heavy sigh leaves your lips as you Totsuka from its sheath, the blade crying for its counterpart, “Surprise, it’s me.” You cheer dryly, keeping your eyes on the demon. “Did ya think I wouldn’t come, darling? That I wouldn’t come stop you from attempting to destroy the world a second time?” The demon lord does not answer you, and a humorless laugh escapes your lips, “Not the happy reunion that I imagined, but okay.”
Your eyes don’t leave Urizen, but your next words are directed at Nero, “Nero, darling, you’re supposed to be in the hospital.”
Your son grunts and revs the Red Queen, looking unbalanced from his missing limb. Nero tries to reassure you with a cocky grin, “I couldn’t let the asshole that stole my arm have free roam.”
“How the hell did you even learn about this gig, anyways?” You demanded, stepping further into the arena, sword at the ready and positioned beside your son.
“V told me.” Nero shrugged and rotated his shoulder before sprinting forward to deal another blow towards the crystalized Yamato.
Following up with a strike of your own, you cursed under your breath, “Of fucking course, V told you.” Jumping away from the crystal when several beams of light impaled the ground before you, you were forced to dodge roll to the side in order to avoid a giant fireball getting thrown at you. “When I get my hands on that lanky bastard…”
In the background, you could hear a rather loud voice speak out, no doubt Griffon, “Heh! I don’t think the Lady Sparda’s happy with you, Shakespeare!”
You were only able to catch a glimpse of a large bird and a head of familiar dark hair before a tentacle appeared from the throne and slapped you into the side of the arena. “Argh!” You grunted from the impact, sliding down the wall to stand on your feet again. “Gah! Damn it, darling! Married for nearly twenty three years and I didn’t know you had kinks! You’d think you’re smart enough not to try this shit in front of my son!” The tentacle reeled back in order to side swipe you, but you jumped up just in time to avoid the horizontal sweep of the fleshy plant limb. As you dodged, you could hear the sound of someone choking and coughing from behind you. “I mean, okay, darling. We can play this game,” You folded with a solemn nod and a sly grin, before dashing forward to attack the unprotected crystal, “So long as I get to do some pegging!”
The strike met its target just as Nero groaned in embarrassment, “Mom! What the hell! Cut it out!” You were about to tease Nero with a grin until a tentacle appeared to slap your son to the side, sending him crashing into the fleshy wall. Distracted by the fact that your son had gotten bitch slapped by a tentacle, you didn’t notice when a beam of thin light shot up from under your abdomen, easily piercing through your body and sending you flying backwards.
No cry of pain left your lips as you slammed into the back wall and slide to the floor, instead, as your vision started to fade to black, watching as Dante attempted to take Urizen down with his Devil Trigger, you laughed, “Urgh… you haven’t changed at all. Still stabbing me in the abdomen twenty years later…” Before your vision completely fade, Shadow approached your body and shifted, but to what form, you weren’t sure, only able to discern slicked back hair and worried eyes before falling unconscious.
The next you came to, your body had naturally healed the hole in your abdomen, and you found yourself lying in your bed within Red Grave City. Sitting in a chair by your bedside, was V, reading the Anthology of William Blake. The moment you shifted, the young man closed the tome and set it aside, his eyes raising to look at you, “I am glad that you recovered, Y/N.”
“V…” You wheezed, throat sore and voice hoarse, “What happened? How long was I out? Where’s Nero and Dante?” The questions spewed from your mouth faster than you could breathe.
Your and Dante’s client pressed his lips in a thin line before answering you, “Dante stayed behind to buy us time to escape. None of us were strong enough to face Urizen. Nero left for Fortuna to get stronger, and I haven’t heard from Dante since we left the Qliphoth Tree three days prior. You’ve been unconscious since.”
Huffing, you peered out the room window to observe the massive tree in the distance, “Did Shadow bring us here?” You wondered, remembering that it was the remnant of Vergil that had probably carried you out of the tree.
“Yes.” V answered, turning to also stare out the window. “I wasn’t aware that you owned property in Red Grave City.”
“The house belongs to my husband and I.” You clarified, but didn’t say more. “So, what’s the plan, V? Get stronger and then take Urizen on again?”
The younger man nodded, “That is the plan.”
An impatient huff left your lips, “That’s a shitty plan.”
The grim expression on V’s face brought you to silence, “It’s the only plan we have.”
Thank you for reading! If you enjoyed my work, please consider buying me a Ko-fi!
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twitchesandstitches · 4 years
Since she’s been brought up, here’s a brief rundown of one of my older OCs, Angilaka
A bombastic and cheerful paladin from a post-apocalyptic land of giant amazons, able to serve as a leader and champion!
Name: Angilaka; her people typically have single names. Their equivalent to surnames are simply geneological records and do not translate easily.
Appearance: A fearsomely large and powerful Inuit woman, Angilaka has a case of the ‘looks like a deadly warrior but is a total sweetheart after about five seconds’ vibe. Extremely large, her basic body has powerful amazonian features; broad shoulders, a muscular and beefy built lines with scars from her rough life and geometric tattoos that may be tied to her paladin abilities.
Her hair is long, white and usually shaved completely on one side of her head, with the remainder worn over on shoulder. She’s very solidly built, thick and has very large breasts/hip proportions. The key look is amazon; she’s not hyper muscular, but she IS beefy and looks built like a truck. Has a lot of piercings on her eyebrows, nose and ears. Generally wears green clothing, with a tendency towards looser outfits, and is a bit of a fashionista. Her skin is a dark shade of brown.
Angilaka comes from a population of human remnants who were mutating towards progressively bigger, more powerful forms, and she likely qualifies as a ogre-variant human. Accordingly, she can grew short but thick claws and her teeth are notably sharp, but she otherwise seems to be an ordinary, if very large, human woman.
Height: She stands roughly 12ft tall even without any power boosts. In Crossthicc speciically, she is somewhere around 40ft with a bit of decent power behind her, but she can grow much larger; assume several hundred feet at her max for brief bursts.
Backstory: Angilaka comes from a colony of humans that survived the Cataclysm, but as their technology failed and magic flooded their world with unpredictable disasters and monsters, they adapted by becoming survivalists and working out how their new home functioned, and learned how to live in such a way that it accomodated them. They grew larger over time, becoming proto-ogre variants, and developed peaceful ties with neighbors who came to the world.
Angilaka grew interested in the outside world and began to explore it, traveling to distant space habitats and ancient ruins to learn more. At some point, she became a devout believer in an unspecified religion (it may differ, depending on continuity), and trained as a paladin to channel holy powers on their behalf to protect the weak and better the world. She tends to drift around from place to place, doing Good as she can best interpret.
Personality: Outwardly a bombastic and loud woman, she’s a cheerful braggart who announces herself with emphatic gestures, doesn’t so much enter a room as crash into it, and just plain loves a chance to mix it up. This is belied by a surprisingly thoughtful and patient mindset. She is very deliberative and a surprisingly good diplomat. Her performative boastfulness may literally be a performance, as she watches, and waits, and makes her private judgments.
She can be surprisingly cynical, in her more honest moments, believing that people inevtiably screw up everything around them. Nevertheless, she still works to help others and repair the world, because if you can choose to do so, what right do you have to make any other choice? She has a very low threshold for bullshit, though, and upon spotting a problem, will take the most efficient route to dealing with it; sometimes, this includes breaking a tyrant in half before his entire court. She does not care!
Abilities: A skilled combatant with an expertise in fighting with her bare hands, with a hint of acrobatic wrestling moves. Her divine powers allow her to infuse holy energy into herself to a variety of effects. In general, she becomes absurdly strong beyond her normal limits for brief moments, has demonstrated the ability to armor herself against damage provided it is from an evil source, and she can heal others or repair damage around her. Her powers do exceptional damage to evil things, to the point that the malicious find her presence deeply uncomfortable, and artworks depicting abhorrent concepts tend to decay around her.
She can do things like jump incredibly high and crash down with tremendous speed (Sort of like platformer action, but played realistically), fire bolts of holy light by punching at them really intensely, and scan people to determine the weight of moral failure upon them. (It’s not very reliable and she tends not to employ it as a ‘who do i smite’ sense.) She is also a very adept healer; mostly through personal touch (her kisses literally make you better), but drinking her milk or being near her when she radiates her power can also suffice.
Pred Level: Fairly low. She’s not terribly interested in vore situations, herself. She’s not opposed to it in order to dispose of a problematic relic or a vicious enemy, but she doesn’t deliberately seek it out.
Prey level: Moderate. She’s fine with being gulped, but evil beings trying to swallow her are in an extremely bad position; her powers DO work from that point, and trying to swallow a paladin can result in an evil belly being incinerated from the inside out. She CAN heal you if you are not evil, and may choose to be swallowed to do so.
Relevant Themes: She’s mainly a big, cute giant girl; her being super busty and milky (with various applications based on her divine powers) wouldn’t go amiss. She’s a rowdy, powerful heroine who is a lot more thoughtful than she lets on, too. Probably fairly lusty, and may even have taken a vow to ‘assist’ others with such urges as part of whatever deity she follows.
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Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows V2 #4 Thoughts
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Click here to see my older thoughts 
 The Parkers flee the Mole Man and the Moloids who are firing the Regent’s big green laser device at them. So focuses are they upon avoiding the blasts they inadvertently (because they don’t have Spider Senses apparently) find themselves plummeting over a pit of lava.
  Whilst Peter and MJ are able to right themselves Annie isn’t so lucky, prompting her parents to dive down to the rescue. Unfortunately between MJ getting sprayed in the face by Peter’s webbing and the pair colliding mid-swing Annie is left to rescue herself.
 Meanwhile above ground news reporters are covering the recent events at the Regent’s HQ. Among them is Betty Brant who informs Jonah over at the Bugle about Spider-Man’s involvement along with a new mysterious spider woman (no mention of Annie though). Whilst demanding an inventory of the site (and all information on Annie), young Normie Osborn spots the damaged remnants of Peter’s camera drone amidst the rubble.
  Back in the Mole Man’s domain, Peter and MJ bicker over getting in one another’s way, though they soon make up. Their moment is interrupted when Annie asks about a codename for herself, prompting Peter and MJ to argue over her role as a hero. As they continue to ‘talk’ Annie takes note of a hole in the cave wall where the Mole Man’s voice seems to be emanating from. She tries to inform her parents about the hole and how she should use it to sneak up on Mole Man (given how it’s too small for her parents). When they fail to listen she crawls into the hole, infuriating Peter and MJ (though they confess they are sort of proud of her).
  As Annie sneaks up on Mole Man he rants about making his enemies pay and how the device converts ‘life energy into weapon energy’, leading him to begin killing his own forces. Soon though the Parker’s ambush him and his forces, making short work of them.
  Later the family observes Normie Osborn fume over the feds impounding the Regent’s device, with Annie commenting on how she finds him cute (*coughjustlikeMaydaycough*). On Mj’s prodding Peter reluctantly accepts Annie as a hero, dubbing her Spiderling.
·         The arc is over. Whilst enjoyable we’re done with the set up and can now hopefully move onto more of the meat that fans wanted out of the series. Also we don’t need to see more of this annoying interpretation of Mole man
  ·         Whilst there was not enough action for a climax to an arc, the action scenes we got were energetic and well rendered by Stegman who, as I have said before, is exceptional on this book. Of particular note is his opening double page splash and the sequence where Annie climbs down the hole.
  ·         Annie is cute and smart in this issue and does that thing kids do wherein they do something they know they aren’t supposed to do after telling their parents whom they know is not listening just then. It was funny (especially when presenting the conversation from her point of view) and fairly true to life. Okay yeah it was maybe on the cliché side of things but in fairness we’ve never seen such a cliché employed in Spider-Man before.
  ·         The conversation/argument scene itself was also...well it was sort of neat to see again because it’s another down to Earth domestic thing that happens in real life. It was also nice to see the scene balancing out Peter and MJ’s relationship. They were presented as loving, but also far from the perfect couple and like most couples prone to arguing. And fittingly, like many couples such arguments centred upon their kid. So at least conceptually having the scene in there was great though there were problems with it which I will discuss in the cons.
  Their earlier disagreement though about working together was in contrast better handled and similarly worked in balancing their problems with their love for each other. The scene leading into it where they got in one another’s way was also amusing and (as the issue itself mentioned) highlighted some of MJ’s more fiery personality traits.
  ·         Peter is not however left out as appropriately he demonstrates a real resistance to his daughter being a hero but simultaneously has pride in her when she shows her skills. A great balancing of the mixed emotions our hero would be feeling in the situation.
  ·         Normie Osborn continues to be intriguing.
  ·         Betty’s reintroduction is a fun bit of nostalgia especially if she sticks around. In the min universe we’ve seen little of her and whether you enjoy her as a reporter character and/or for her...eccentric antics shall we say, it’s nice to see her all the same. She’s just part and parcel of the classic status quo and cast we know and love.
  ·         There is some funny/endearing dialogue towards the climax of the issue where Peter and MJ talk about punishing Annie. There is another nice exchange when MJ brings up an old proverb about families fighting together which Peter is sure isn’t really a proverb.
  ·         Finally we have a nice little nod to Mayday at the very end of the issue which also undermines her recent stupid name change into Spider Woman.
·         Whilst I’m glad the arc is over and we can move onto to more low key plots with Spider-Man elements (as opposed to Fantastic Four elements), the issue kind of felt like it went by too fast. It wasn’t liking rushed exactly but it was more like...It just felt like too quick of a read for a wrap up issue.
  ·         Part of that is tied to the Mole Man’s goal being underwhelming, along with his defeat. Essentially it amounts to running away, sneaking up on him, dodging some blasts then a one punch knock out. As much the Mole Man was annoying I feel like it was a lacklustre way to wrap things up and wasn’t worth the price of admission. I mean this whole arc was fought over like...a laser basically...that’s it...
  Then again this arc is for setting up the characters and the Mole Man is supposed to just be somebody for the family to fight. At which point though there was really little point making Mole Man the villain instead of a Spider-Man centric character. Well, little point except to thematically poise this series as partially a Fantastic Four substitute.
 ·         Going back to that conversation I mentioned in the pros there are some real problems with it which go right back to the underlying problem with the concept of the series. Look...the series is supposed to be about the Spider Family. The essential problem being that what parent allows an 8 year old to go into dangerous situations like this? I’ve said this many times before. It was part and parcel of the problem of Renew Your Vows volume 1 when Annie was drafted into the battle. At least there it sort of made sense on the grounds that with so few active super heroes the characters needed all the help they could get. Here though with heroes existing in the world what justification is there for allowing Annie to be an active hero?
  In this issue Peter’s natural opposition to this role for Annie is brought up and prompts the conversation/argument between him and MJ. And the thing is that it’s partially consistent and partially inconsistent.
  On the one hand its consistent because in Renew Your Vows volume 1 MJ was towards the end of the story onboard for allowing Annie to help out whilst Peter throughout the story was protective of her (going so far as to retire for 8 years and remain in hiding). So in this issue Peter being opposed to Annie’s life as a superhero whilst MJ defending it makes sense with what we’ve seen before for this universe’s versions of the character.
  However it’s inconsistent because in issues #2-3 MJ grounded Annie for coming to the Regent’s HQ and Peter has clearly already consented to Annie being a hero earlier in the series, hence her costume. Similarly in issue #1 the implication was that he’d discussed and accepted that she was going to fight crime with them.
  How the question on consistency pales next to the fact that again...why is Mary Jane defending and even encouraging an 8 year old to fight crime? For the sake of argument lets presume her and Peter’s histories are more or less the same as their 616 counterparts. If that’s true then she knows all too well the dangers her husband has endured in that line of work. It’s one thing to ask for Annie to be trained in her powers that she might defend herself in the advent of an enemy attacking her. This is different though.
  And the problem really for this book is that it really needs to either come up with a convincing explanation or just not mention this issue and make the concept enjoyable enough that readers just accept that this is just the point of the series. In this issue though they bring up the incredibly valid criticisms of Annie being a hero but the best defence presented is that Peter is too stuck in his ways and won’t let anyone else help him, which is a weak argument against his point. The problems are compounded when the conversation switches to Annie’s POV and we don’t hear anything else being said. It’s evocative of how Conway is at least struggling to legitimately justify this concept from a character point of view. But the solution to that is not to pay lip service to the fact that Annie’s parents would argue about it without finding a genuine justification.
  Making matter worse at the end of the issue Peter’s problems with his daughter’s dangerous new direction in life are essentially handwaved and he just welcomes her to the team.
  ·         Similarly Conway is again seemingly trying to make the point that having MJ stay at home whilst Peter went off to be Spider-Man was a bad status quo back in the day. The thing is that...it really wasn’t. I mean sure MJ just waiting by a window all the time was bad, but the idea that MJ not being actively involved in Peter’s crime fighting life somehow was undermining of her isn’t true at all. She had her own subplots to deal with, one of which involved her cousin Kristy which you know...Conway wrote.
  ·         Another dilemma in this series is its relationship to the first Volume of Renew Your Vows. Conflicting answers have been given as to whether or not Volume 2 takes place in the same universe or a different one or if it’s the same universe albeit it altered. This issue continues to present confusion as it has a caption referencing Volume 1 as though the events o it happened exactly as we saw. Which clearly isn’t the case as other heroes are alive in this universe and it seems unlikely that Peter wasn’t Spider-Man for 8 years.
  ·         Moving onto some smaller quick fire points, Peter and MJ getting in one another’s way was fun but if we are to presume Peter’s history is mostly the same as his 616 counterparts then surely he must’ve worked with other people before in the past. Whilst never an Avenger in this universe did he really never work with Black Cat, Daredevil, Captain America or other such characters? Surely someone as experienced as him would be able to avoid getting in someone’s way or letting someone get in his? If nothing else wouldn’t their respective Spider Senses have allowed them to avoid one another?
  ·         The cave hole was a little too convenient.
  ·         The codename Spiderling is pretty lame if we’re being real here.
  ·         If Normie Osborn is only 10 years old why is he in charge of his family business and acting like he’s an adult? Also whilst creepy to most people why were Peter and MJ so distant and even a little mean to their friends’ son/their godson?
  ·         The way the Regent’s device worked was poorly explained. It converts life energy to weapon energy? What does that mean exactly. It acted as just a big laser but then Mole Man behaved as though by sacrificing his Moloids by shooting them with the laser it somehow powered it up?
  ·         Normie finds Peter’s drone that he used to take pictures of himself. Read my thoughts on issue #1 to hear me elaborate on the drone, but this issue fulfils some of my points about it. It’s large size and colourful design make it a big target and could possibly compromise the Parkers’ secrets.
 ·         Finally...how did the family get free in between last issue and literally the first page of this issue?
  Ultimately my problems with this series roll right back to the inherent conceptual ones I’ve had since day 1. Beyond those though the only real sins of this issue are being a bit too fast and anti-climactic. Still it was fun enough for what it was though.
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