#the problem with creating kid ocs is truly how u hand them out in each worldstate
vigilskeep · 1 year
Is Hel ever likely to find out about Arthur's daughter? And how would she react if she did?
i have to figure out where lilith actually IS in this timeline to even begin answering this question
arthur having a daughter actually originates in my very early dai plans where i never even thought i was going to get to play the game and had all the inquisitor origins there just for funsies. the bit was that cadash and lavellan were the mercenaries he had hired to protect her while he attended the conclave, because he was too afraid to bring her amidst all those templars. so arthur is earnestly arguing to cassandra that these two randoms she has captured are not spies and cadash is like "no yeah i actually am a spy i just figured the mage would tell me everything that happened and i would get paid for it" and lavellan is like "yeah i am also a spy" and arthur is like ":( guys". but they also probably got captured trying to see if he's okay for the kid's sake bc they are Softies
my point being that it's VERY funny to me in this timeline that if i commit to lilith's existence there probably is actually a cadash out there who does not know what the fuck happened but simply has a freak of nature daughter now and that's life. honestly a very fun au (when i figure out my new cadash plan) for every worldstate where he's not the inquisitor
if less planning went into it than this, like for example stressed 25 year old single dad arthur just said "hide here until i get back", or maybe found a mage sympathetic family to leave her with for a couple of days, she could rlly end up anywhere i suppose. she definitely goes by lilith trevelyan and for example if she were found by an inquisition scout i could see it coming to leliana's attention. if helena found out she'd honestly be a bit "SERIOUSLY, arthur?" but she would also absolutely consider it within her duty to provide for the child as much as she would if lilith was her niece by blood. lilith would be scared of a templar at least at first and that would unsettle helena; she'd make a lot of arrangements for her sake to be protected in skyhold and especially to get her the best mage tutoring, but ultimately i think she'd keep her distance
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butcanijustnot · 6 years
Taste Of The Light - A Young Justice FanFic  Prologue
Author: Crystalline / @butcanIjustnot
Fandom: Young Justice x OCs 
Part number: Prologue of a seventeen-part story... Yeah, I know.
Tagging: @idontgiveaflyinggrayson69 - I’m not sure how good this is but I mean it’s something so here you go.
Summary: This chapter explains the universe around the new OC characters. It’s basically just backstory. Pretty boring but the next chapter makes up for it, I promise. Also, this fic takes place between season 1 and season 2 of the show, as shown by the timestamps in the chapters. 
Word Count: 2.4k
Warnings: Light swearing towards the end, but apart from that nothing really. 
The Watchtower.
7.15pm. 1st October 2011.
“I hope this is important, Red Tornado,” Batman said in his signature stony voice as he entered the watchtower’s control room, greeting his colleague with about as much warmth as he could muster this late at night. “I was in the middle of a very important dinner.” He added, strategically leaving out the fact that the ‘important dinner’ was with Alfred, Barbara, and Dick. Unimportant.
“I apologize, Batman.” Red tornado answered in his robotic voice, his gaze never leaving the large screens which were filled with various pages and files. “but I do believe that this is important, though I need you to confirm my suspicion. Come and take a look at this.” He said, beckoning Batman forwards towards the computers.
“You will recall, a few months ago, we apprehended a man attempting to hack the Justice League servers and steal top secret information, such as secret identities and weapon plans, to sell to third parties. He goes by the name TechTalk online, but his civilian identity is Shane Carter” Red Tornado explained, pulling up a mugshot of a blond man. He had huge black circles under her eyes, and a listless frown as he held up the name-plate. “He was a robotics and engineering prodigy. He first got media attention when he built a fully functioning android at age nine for a primary school science fair. By the time he was fourteen, he had graduated high school and had a full scholarship to Gotham International University, but he got bored with the schoolwork. Problems arose when he began to use his abilities only for hacking government systems and creating weaponized robots.” Numerous newspaper articles flashed on the screen of Shane Carter receiving awards and scholarships. The articles quickly turned bitter, however, as Shane’s creations got more and more dangerous.
A picture flew up next to Shane’s mugshot, of a pair of grey-white animatronics. They were human in shape but every part of their anatomy screamed ‘evil robot’, from the sleek and plastic-like white exterior to the silver guns replacing their right hands. Each robot had large bundles of silver and red wires showing through the cracks where two plastic limbs attached to one another. They had no facial expressions, no noses or ears or hair of any description, only huge red eyes that glowed in their sockets and metal jaws with serrated teeth. They were truly horrible, nightmarish creatures.
Batman looked at his robotic friend, suddenly extremely glad that he was a much friendlier looking animatronic, confused. “I know about TechTalk, Red Tornado, and he hasn’t done anything of interest in months. Why are you bringing this up now?” He asked, staring into the listless eyes of Shane’s mugshot.
“Due to being a non-violent offender, Shane was released with little more than a slap on the wrist and mild community service, but not before the league bugged all his electronic equipment with software to monitor what he is doing. You told me when we began doing this to notify you if anything that could be potentially dangerous showed up on any of his messages or programs.” He responded in his robotic voice. Batman nodded slowly as the screens cleared of other materials and Red Tornado opened a batch file labeled ‘records of TechTalk messages.’
“I think I found something that fits that description,” Tornado added as the file opened, showing screenshots of his messages. “These messages are from 11 o’clock yesterday. They transpire between TechTalk and a mysterious W.”
New plan. You want in? ~W
Depends on the plan. Your last idea was… less than fantastic… ~TechTalk
What are you talking about, TT? It was a great plan. ~W
I’m sorry, but covering the Gotham City Bank in cotton candy is not a villainous scheme. It’s a 6-year-old’s wish upon a unicorn, or whatever. ~TechTalk
Excuse U, that plan was amazing and totally would have worked if I could have gotten my hands on 200 metric tonnes of sugar. ~W
Whatever, no, this plan is better. ~W
Fine, explain your idea. ~TechTalk
I’m going to create an anti-justice league, compiled of the children of famous villains. It’ll be like the Young Justice league, but evil. It’ll be amazing, trust me. I’ve already got my eyes on a couple of Arkham babies. If I can get those three to fall under my command, everyone and everything else will fall into place. ~W
That’s actually… not a terrible plan. Good job. ~TechTalk
Try not to sound so surprised next time…. ~W
I’m going to need some backup to get this plan rolling. I’ll send you the details later. ~W
KK ~TechTalk
The messages were cryptic, with huge gaps that left unanswered questions, but one thing was abundantly clear. Someone was plotting to create a supervillain army, and the Justice League couldn’t let that happen.
“Who’s W?” Batman asked, furrowing his brow as the messages on the screen looped and replayed again. “I’ve never heard of him before.”
“Nobody has. Nobody going by the name ‘W’ is on the Justice League database, nor any of the others we are linked too.” Red tornado hummed. “These messages were only found a day or so ago, and though I have tried multiple times to trace the ID of the sender, they reroute the signal and shoot it somewhere digitally randomized and reset constantly.” He finished, looking over at the vacant and slightly confused expression of his colleague. He let out a robotic sigh. “They send me on a wild goose chase.” He explained. “As such, we have no idea who they are or where they are. We really only know there plan, and some would argue that that is not enough.” Red Tornado said, side-eying his colleague unsubtly. 
“If the Arkham inmates do have children…” Batman thought aloud, his words trailing off but the thought behind them sticking clear in his head. If the Arkham inmates have children, those kids would probably be around Dick’s age… and they would probably have an axe to grind against him and all heroes…
“We’ll keep investigating this,” Batman stated after a brief period of thoughtful silence. “It has the potential to be a big problem…” He said, already forming a plan in his head. 
“Or it could be nothing at all. We don’t even know if these children are real, there’s no record of any of them anywhere. I know, I’ve checked. Is this really the best use of Justice league time, protecting against a threat that quite possibly does not exist?” Red Tornado asked Batman, simply trying to raise another point. Batman was quiet for a moment, silently weighing all his options.
“So we will work out if these children are real, and then go from there. Come on, let’s not waste time.” Batman said, nodding as he spoke. He turned away from the screen and beckoned his robotic friend to follow him as he exited. “See if you can contact Diana and the rest of the league. I think that her Lasso is going to come in handy.“
“Where are we going?“ Tornado asked, following Batman to the Zeta-Tube.
Batman smirked, punching a code into the Zeta-Tubes. “The official meeting-place of the Batman fan-club,“ He said, entering the area code for Arkham Asylum.
Selina glared at the Batman, twisting her fingers in the handcuffs to unsheathe and recoil her claws. Her torso shifted uncomfortably under the weight of Wonder Woman’s lasso. 
Batman huffed and finally broke the silence. “Selina, I need to know if you have any children.” He asked her.
“Why do you care all of a sudden?” Selina said, cocking an eyebrow at him, confused. 
Batman closed his eyes and shook his head. He should have known that trying to talk to Selina was a bad idea, he should have let Dinah do it like she offered, but he was here now and he was going to get the information he needed out of her. “We have reason to believe that if any of the villains in Arkham have children, they could be at risk. We don’t know the details yet, but we do know that somebody is planning to take advantage of them. If that's true, we need to get to these children before anyone else has the chance too.” He said, attempting to explain as best he could.
Selina looked at him for a second, as if she was trying to discern if he was telling the truth. Finally, she spoke, “Yes, I do.” She stated, avoiding his eyes and looking down at her clawed hands. The lasso glowed bright gold and then dulled again, signaling that she was telling the truth. “A daughter. Looked like me. Ears, tail, claws, the whole ordeal. Don’t bother asking me where she is now, I don’t know.” Selina explained quickly.
After a moment of awkward silence, Batman asked her a simple question. “Is it…”
“No.” She quickly cut him off before he could finish.  
Red Tornado looked across the table with hollow, lifeless eyes. “Do you have children?” He asked in his deadpanned voice.
“The fuck are you on?” Scarecrow growled, clearly confused. “I want some.”
“Harley, I need to know if you have children,” Dinah asked the loopy-eyed girl sitting across the table. She looked at Harley with what could only be described as a soft glare. Dinah couldn’t deny that has a soft spot for this crazy girl. She saw goodness in Harley, even if nobody else could.
“Watcha asking for?” Harley asked, cocking her head to one side. “You looking for a new mommy buddy to help with Connor?” She gasped suddenly, jumping in her seat. “Can I see pictures?!?” She squealed.
“HARLEY!“ Dinah screeched, pushing her back into her seat. “Harley, please, listen to me. People, children, could be in danger, and we need to help make sure that they are safe. The only way that we can do that right now is for you to answer that question, and answer it truthfully.” 
The room was stone silent for far longer than Dinah was comfortable with before finally Harley spoke up. 
“Yeah. I got kids.“ She said, her voice surprisingly listless as she stared down at the table. The lasso glowed bright and then dulled, showcasing her truth. 
“Kids?“ Dinah asked her, reaching across the table to take one of Harley’s hands in her own. Harley looked up at her and gave a soft smile and small nod. 
“Yeah, Kids. I had twins years ago, two beautiful boys. Adrian and William, They were the lights of my life.“
“Are they Joker’s?“ Dinah asked. 
Slowly, Harley nodded again. “Yeah. Don’t tell him, though, he doesn’t know yet. I’ve never known how to tell him, so I just... didn’t. I didn’t know how he would react.“ Harley said, shrugging her shoulders. 
Dinah paused for a second, letting Harley catch her breath before continuing.  “Do you know where they are?“ 
She shook her head “I left them with my sister, maybe twelve or so years ago, but I haven’t heard from her in a while, oh god, at least a year, so I don’t know if they are still there.“
“We’ll try to find them, Harley. We’ll make sure they’re okay.“ Dinah said soothingly, smiling softly in an attempt to comfort her friend. It was quiet for a minute, before Dinah smirked playfully at Harley, cocking her head to one side. 
“Do you really want to see pictures?“ She asked. 
Of course, Harley perked right up almost immediately. “God yes!!!“ She squealed, clapping her hands together as Dinah pulled her phone out of her back pocket.
“Do you have any children?“ Diana asked the man across from her with her classic stony tone.
“What the hell do you think, princess?“ Mr. Frost snarled at her, sure to accentuate her phony title. 
Had he not been wearing a fishbowl on his head, Diana would have slapped him. Hard.
“Poison Ivy,“ Hal said, really wishing that he had stayed in bed instead of answering the justice league communicator. 
“Green Lantern. The worst green thing on earth.” Poison Ivy said, sneering at the man.
Usually, Hal would find that funny, but his sleep-deprived ass wasn’t interested in making small talk today. “I’m not saying you sleep around, but If you tell me you have kids I won’t be surprised.“
Hal waited for a second before gesturing for her to continue. “So do you?“
“Yes.“ She said simply as if she had nothing to hide and nothing to prove. The golden lasso confirmed her words as true.  There was an awkward pause between the two of them before Hal spoke. 
“I feel like that was too easy...“ He mumbled, before shaking his head and standing up. “But whatever, I don’t question the magic rope. I’m going to bed. Goodbye, Plantgirl.” He said, leaving the room with a rather insulted Ivy in his wake. 
“They’re real...“ Batman said, pacing the length of the waiting room of Arkham Asylum as he thought. Diana sat in a seat to one side, twisting her lasso in one hand, listening to his rambling and nodding along. “These people have children. Real children.“ He added. 
“What are we going to do about this?“ Diana asked him. “We all have jobs, lives and Justice league problems of our own. We can’t afford to follow this rabbit hole for weeks or months, especially if we have no solid leads other than “They exist.”“ She pointed out.
Batman rubbed his hand over his masked face, sighing deeply. “You’re right.” He said, more to himself than to her. “But what else are we going to do? We can’t just wait around for this to become a huge problem.”
Diana stood up and placed a hand on his shoulder. “I have another idea if you’re interested.” She said. “Have you thought about giving it to the Young Justice team, at least for now? They could work on it and try to break the case from another perspective. A teenager perspective. Those kids are much smarter than you’re willing to admit, they might be able to help.“ She said simply. 
Batman thought for a second, before shaking his head. “That’s... A good idea.” He said. “I’ll talk to Robin about it tomorrow and discuss with the extended team as soon as possible.”
“We’ll get to the bottom of this, Bruce,” Diana said, staring across the room at the wall with an aura of distance. “After all, how much trouble can four kids cause?“ She asked. 
I’m sorry about this guys, but I had to remove the links because tumblr is throwing a little bit of a tantrum in regards to links and NSFW content at the moment. As a result, me and many other creators are walking on eggshells until tumblr takes a fucking chill pill. As such there aren’t any links on this fic, but if you liked this and you want to see the rest of it, DM me and I’ll send you all the links to all the chapters I’ve written. Thanks guys and sorry again!
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