#the promotion of the queen-in-waiting's/queen's family members)
fideidefenswhore · 1 month
Anne's ability to hold the king off for seven years is part of her legend. The brilliance of her strategy was to cast herself in the role of the courtly lady, requiring Henry to play to perfect knight. Henry was nothing if not dogged in the pursuit of all the roles in which he cast himself—philosopher-king, warrior, even husband—and 'this persona of courtly lover...was fully formed in Henry and had been signaling...for an answering adept to come and lift its latch. In Anne, he had her: she was the mistress of Petrarchan contraries [...] the perfect [player] for the king's tender interest.'
Renaissance Prince: Elizabeth, Lisa Hilton
#henry viii#lisa hilton#'even husband'- that's all folks closing theme.mp3#so we see the relevant argument a lot that the seymours 'successfuly' replicated this which is kind of...yes and. no?#tl; dr it is really difficult to conceive jane managing to balance this tightrope for seven years (not to mention. three years thereafter#in a series of increasingly challenging circumstances)#(before edward vi is born i don't think their rise is comparable to the boleyns in the 1530s or the howards in the 1540s insofar as#the promotion of the queen-in-waiting's/queen's family members)#(it can be argued the seymours did maintain for longer bcus there was a plateau. in favour and rise. iyw. after edward vi's birth. or more#specifically: jane's death.)#is it possible? ig we don't really 'know' definitively#but considering anne was a successful intercessory agent even in her role as mistress#and jane was not even as queen. i...highly. doubt#there is of course the mystery of behind closed doors to be considered#(DID either of these women fully 'hold him off'? did they necessarily...want to?#but no pregnancies out of wedlock- well. elizabeth. ig. depending on who you ask- broadly speaking then#would suggest both did. and it's more likely in anne's case despite rumors for both bcus#seven years is a much longer period of time)#tl; dr the original quote is 'her blowing hot and cold was the perfect environment' WHICH#perhaps fits better for that argument- (they were the perfect players for those moments in time~ in henry's psyche as it were...#that by 1536 henry's tolerance for being 'challenged' by his lover had. worn pretty thin#however since we don't have anne's letters. i don't like summaries like that lol#we have no way of judging ourselves whether she was 'blowing hot or cold' or if henry was - maybe even willfully- misinterpreting her#whether they really were 'mixed messages' or henry was mixing them himself bcus they weren't what he wanted to hear#'my great folly' and all that. sooo.......
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randomgentlefolk · 2 months
One last...One last review...before...*gasp for air*...it all fall into the pit of daily pass...*dramatically fall into the ground*
ALL THOSE CHAPTERS. Those were some damn rollercoasters. And yet with everything we've been through, we're finally here...
Let's get right into it
JACK FINALLY REUNITING WITH LEELATHAE!! Relationship goal fr <3 This whole Leelathae portrait stuff is actually making me curious about some things. For instance like, does Leelathe still sleep? I mean, she's pretty much a spirit now, right? Does she still do daily human acitivities, or does she roam around the castle all day?
It's awesome to see what the pastel siblings are doing now! :D
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First of all, Lorena definitely deserve that A+++++. No questions asked. Hopefully this can make up for her whole grade, considering she said she has never gotten an A in her entire life XD
I love how Maria is becoming really ambitious towards her dream!
And Gwen bonding with her mom's side of the family <3 That is simply so sweet. It looks like Jamie love those food XD I wonder what are the recipes for those dishes.
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Also pretty curious what those little beads are! I assume they are berries?
Jamie and Leopold creating lots of paintings so Leelathae can venture around!! Since Leelathae can also visit dreams, do you think she visits each of her children's dream every night?
Old guard name reveal HECK YEAH!! I've been waiting for that. So happy he got all those recognitions and promotion!!
And Becket getting demoted lmaoo
Is it rude for me to say that with what Beckett did before the invasion (ignore Frederick), and how he immediately decided to confess to Maria without any consideration for the room, he kindaa had it coming? xd I get that he was excited but don't just do that man.
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Just wanted to say I absolutely love Lorena's outfit in this panel! Between all of the pastel siblings, her fashion style has always been my favorite. VOTE QUEEN LORENA WOOOOO!!!!
Everyone's getting their appreciations like they deserve!! I'm happy for everyone.
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The Cursed Princess Club!! Everyone may have a hard time accepting them at first but they always have their family and friends' back <3 Love how Tori is just "CLAP YOU HEATHENS" Lmao XD
Also the fact that Whitney is just standing there so awkwardly :') he looks like the standing emoji.
Welp, out of the town and to the prison we go~
Leland not getting any visitors in the prison is honestly a really good punishment; a painful one too. How we see in the last chapters about how he realized that Jack actually love him and he has a breakdown, Isolde's speech to him about what else could he possible want, realizing that this whole time he has had everything. And now he's rotting in jail losing everything he once had. All because of envy and hatred. Just because he wasn't satisfied until he could see the man he once love the most suffer. Emotionally, that's really fucking painful.
Out of the prison we go~
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So, Pizza exist in the CPC universe? XD That's not supposed to be surprising but I was taken aback for some reason. I guess CPC is set after the 18th century, then!
I can imagine it already. With Suzie moving to the Pastel Kingdom, Lorena will definitely hang out with her almost everyday. Them sparring and eating at a cafe in their free time <3 Sometimes Lance would join too :] They would share notes!!
FINALLY THEY STOLE THE PORTRAIT BACK!! I wonder where they will hang it up? Maybe at the Cpc? Or at the Pastel Palace?
Jack declaring the cpc's forest as a protected place is so damn awesome like, he cares about his daughter's friends!! ALSO THE SPIDER TALKING ABOUT NEWEST MEMBER?? I wonder who...
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This panel is everything for me.
BENEDICT IS SO DAMN DEVOTED WHAT??? BRO He tricked the sea cucumber to curse him so he can find his lover!!! (This sounds so confusing out of context lmao) TRUE RELATIONSHIP GOAL.
BLAQUELYN LOOKS SO PRETTY???? I LOVE HER FASHION STYLE SO MUCH!! She rocks that outfit fr!! But Greyden 💀 Deep down I'm still wondering how very little of his hair could make a whole damn coat..
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Holy shit. First of all another point about the outfits cause I loveee observing everyone's outfit!! Their wedding dress is absolutely!! Pretty!!! The details Lambcat put is amazing. I can see that Jolie's wearing high heels, so can we assume she and Nell has the same height? Absolutely adore how Jolie's dress has ruffles look while Nell's more silky!!
The wedding's decoration is totally magical too!! It looks so majestic and angelic.
Celso and Aurelia is a couple I would never expect but honestly? I'm not complaining. Imagine their date is them sitting at a cafe right at the window seats, watching people outside while roasting each one of them <3 Dream date fr
I do hope it's true love though because if not, R.I.P Celso XD
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Holy shit.. EVERYONE PLEASE, ALLOW ME TO MAKE YET ANOTHER FASHION REVIEW. BECAUSE GOODNESS GRACIOUS THIS DRESS IS MAKING ME SWOON. OKAY DAMN YOU GO MARIA YOU GO. First of all the blue fabric looks so metallic, I love that!! The light blue glittery ruffles with little pearls on its edges are also gorgeous. I love the lace necklace complimenting the dress and especially, I fricking love the blue transculent fabric on her arms!!! She looks so graceful.
She got noticed by her idol!!! That is so dang amazing. How she looks in the album cover is also just, woah.
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Blaine buddy you cannot just do that. You cannot just. No. Please I'm begging you, reunite with your family. You can go on ahead with your self discovery journey, of course! But at least visit them once or twice :') Your mom is real worried about you, man...
I hope there's going to be a spin off or something about Blaine's journey...
Monika opening her jewelry store and achieving her dream!! So proud of her :D and Gwen opening her own bakery!!
Unfortunately I've run out of picture space...
Gwen can finally see her own reflection I am so proud of her :') She love herself!!
Goodness...Leelathae's letter... I need a moment to sob.
I fricking love the message this webtoon gives, man. It's just so damn wholesome and important. Beauty is on the inside. It's a simple message but damn it really is important to understand that message!!
Gwen is wearing braids Y'ALL 😭😭 SHE'S SO BEAUTIFUL
Okay, I'm wondering about something here! In the panel where the pastel family are having breakfast together, we can see Leelathae eating pancakes in her portrait too! Does this mean she can eat? Can food be transported to portraits? Or did Leopold paint a pancake or smth XD
Gwen and Frederick holding hands in front of the CPC building while being surrounded by sunflowers which once scare Frederick but now he looks so happy and in peace. I'm so glad everyone each got their deserved ending :')
Well, I suppose this is the last review, then. That's kind of sad, to be honest. But I've loved writing each of my reviews, and I want to say thank you to people who have interracted with them. I always love hearing y'all's thought and theories!! Maybe one day I'll find a new webtoon series which I can write these reviews on!! But for now, this shall be the last cpc review I write!
Mono out! (But still in to hear your thoughts)
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marihoneywk · 11 months
Duty and Flames
Ser Criston Cole x targaryen original female character
Daenys Velaryon, oldest daughter of Rhaenyra Targaryen and, allegedly, Ser Laenor Velaryon.
Hair white like moon, eyes bright like the sun. Many say that she's the copy of her mother in her younger years, with an ethereal beauty and a kind but wild soul.
After six years in Dragonstone, Rhaenyra and her family have to travel back to Kings Landing to secure Lucerys position as heir to Driftmark. What happens when the chaotic members of the Targaryen family reunite again and a particular Lord Commander of the Kingsguard takes a more dark interest in the sweet Daenys?
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Chapter 3 - Through halls and gardens
Ser Criston froze. No no no no.
He could pretend that he hadn’t listened and just kept walking, but his stop near the door gave him away.
Before he could turn around, Daenys had already stood up and walked up to him.
“Well, let’s go?” She asked impatiently.
Criston nodded and started walking while breathing heavily as he got anxious, not waiting for the Princess to follow him.
Daenys hurried her step not understanding the weird behavior of the knight. She quickly caught him and tangled her arm in his, as she would often do with her own guard.
As soon as Ser Criston felt her touch, even with the thick layers of his armor, he had to close his eyes for a few seconds to help himself calm down.
With such proximity he had the urge to trace her profile with his eyes but Daenys would certainly notice his inappropriate stares, so he just stared at the long corridor in front of them.
Daenys on the other hand, didn’t hold back. She had never stood that close with Ser Criston, though they lived in the same place for years. They were so close that she could smell the sweat under his armor.
It was odd but Daenys wasn’t disgusted with the smell like she would when her brothers came up to her all sweaty from training. In Ser Criston the smell had a more masculine appeal that intrigued her.
Her eyes slowly observed his features. His lips were plump with a pink coloring, and she kind of wanted to touched them just to see if they were as soft as they looked.
His dark thick hair was shinning, making more visible the few gray hairs that started to grown.
His beard was well trimmed, but would still tickle if a hand or other parts of someone’s body touched it. Daenys wanted to put her hand on his cheek, just to be certain it would tickle, but she didn’t, obviously.
Her face started to get hot, as she was getting red from all the thoughts about the man next to her.
She blamed her behavior on the wine she had drank at supper. Daenys was used to have some adventures with a few boys on Dragonstone, so having these types of thoughts was not a weird thing to her, but Ser Criston wasn’t an ordinary boy. He was a man much older than her, that had a close and almost weird relationship with a woman her family despised.
Ser Criston was so focused on the corridor in front of him and not looking at Daenys, that her flushed and embarrassed face passed unnoticed to him.
“So…is this what you do everyday? Protect the Queen and then go back to your little chambers to sleep a few hours, just to wake up the next day and do the exact same thing?” The silence was killing Daenys, so she tried to strike up a conversation, asking the first thing that came to mind.
It wasn’t the most gracious question, but she had always been curious about kingsguard’s routine.
“Yes, that’s exactly what I do Princess.” Ser Criston was taken aback, not expecting Daenys to engage with him, but he still tried to answer in the most polite way. “And i do not have little chambers. My apartment in the White Sword Tower is very spacious. I’m the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard after all.” He said the last sentence with a smug look, not hiding how proud he was of himself.
Daenys hold her laugh as she mocked Ser Criston in her head.
He only got promoted to Lord Commander because he kisses up Alicent’s ass. He really is a great fighter, but his obedience and submission is what got him there.
Hurried steps were heard, as someone was walking at full speed towards them. Ser Criston immediately got in a defense position, waking from the relaxed trance he had entered.
Ser Lyonel Bentley appeared in front of them, calming as soon as he noticed Daenys’s presence.
“Princess you had me worried. I thought you were just taking your time choosing a book, but then too much time had pass.” His relaxed state disappeared as he realized who was accompanying the princess.
As loyal man to Rhaenyra and her family, Ser Lyonel didn’t like or trust Ser Criston.
He held out his arm for Daenys to take while casting suspicious glances to the other man.
Daenys could smell the tension, felling Ser Criston move uncomfortably in place.
She also felt bad for making her own guard worried, so she took his arm and gave Ser Criston a small smile.
“Sleep well Ser.” She waved her hand gracefully and fluttered her big eyelashes to him.
Ser Criston remained in place, watching Ser Lyonel and Daenys depart. Only when they disappeared down the hall, did he turn walking finally to his room in the White Sword Tower.
As he lay down, feeling free of the heat of his armor, he felt a desire he hadn't felt since Rhaenyra.
He was twitching, and a part of him begged to let his hand go inside his breeches.
After all, he has his own apartment, no one would know.
But he would. His honor would be ruined again. No. He was a respectful knight. The Lord Commander. A little girl wouldn’t destroyed him, again.
Daenys Targaryen was a whore, she knew what she was doing. Fluttering his eyelashes to him like some cheap woman of the Street of Silk. Its all part of a plan from Rhaenyra or Daemon he was sure. If they brought him down, they would be one step closer to Alicent, and she was his Queen after all. And duty was above everything, especially above Targaryen bitches like Daenys.
In the morning, after Daenys had shared her breakfast with her brothers, she decided to go for a walk in the Red Keep’s gardens.
It used to be one of her favorite places in the castle, as she loved the colors and shapes of the flowers.
She was exploring the new plants that had grown, when she heard strange noises coming from behind the bushes.
She followed the noise, and as she got closer to it’s source, she finally understood what she was hearing. It was moans.
Embarrassed, Daenys decided to walk back, but when she turned around, a bird flew right in front of her face, scaring her and making her gasp.
“Daenys?” Someone called.
She knew that voice.
When she looked again, she found Aegon but he wasn’t alone. A maid was on her knees, right in the middle of her uncle’s legs.
Of course.
She rolled her eyes at him, moving her feet quickly, dying to get out of there.
She didn’t understand how a boy that once was fun and adoring, had become so depraved.
“Dae wait!” Aegon was running trying to catch her while tying his breeches at the same time.
Using her nickname wasn’t fair, Daenys thought.
Stoping in her track, the princess waited for Aegon to explain himself, not daring to look down from his face.
Aegon had grown into a man, a very attractive one. He was taller and bulkier, but Daenys could not look away from the dark circles under his eyes. For a few seconds she felt for him, remembering how he used to be her best friend, not enjoying the sight of the man in front of her.
But then she recalled the day Aegon had stopped playing with her, and how lonely she had felt at losing her friend and uncle to older women and wine.
“Hm…you look different, beautiful but different.” He said.
Aegon was mesmerized by Daenys figure. He obviously could still notice some of her childhood features, but overall she was a brand new person. The dress she wore that day accentuated her womanly silhouette, showing the top of her breasts, and drawing attention to her waist and hips.
His eyes glued to her body like honey to a spoon.
Daenys notice his stares but honestly, she didn’t mind it. She knew she was charming, and after being obsessed with Aegon pretty much her whole youth, she was okay with him felling the same way about her now.
“Are going to explain yourself? Or can I go?” She questioned.
“There’s not much explaining to do. You saw what you saw.” Aegon scratched his neck, in a nervous mechanism.
“I was expecting at least an apology, you know. After all, me, an innocent girl, just saw a very impure and pervert conduct.” The irony in Daenys’s voice was clear, and even though Aegon was a little taken back that his beloved niece caught him in action, he managed to pick up on that detail.
“You right princess, the next time I put some maid between my legs I will make sure you’re very far away from us. So please, tonight guarantee you don’t pass close to my chambers.” He smirked. “Theirs noises usually tend to spread to the halls.”
Daenys’s face got hot and not knowing what to respond, she gave her uncle a last look before turning back and returning to her room.
When she reached her chambers she found her guard with an annoyed look on his face, as someone was leaning relaxed against her the door waiting for her.
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Sorry for taking so long my dears ❤️‍🩹 I will try to be faster and publish the next chapter in a few days.
Taglist: @iamavailablesstuff
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moonmaiden1996 · 1 year
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The mark of the seven glared down at you as the festivities unraveled around you. No expense had been spared in celebrating the betrothal between you and the princes. Despite the uproar, the Faith of the Seven had tirelessly promoted the unusual engagement you found yourself in, sending riders to every house in Westeros to come to see the Mothers blessing. However, it didn’t seem to stop the whispers not matter how blessed by the gods you were.
Pressing the cup to your mouth, you swallowed the sour wine as you watched another gaggle of Ladies eye you with red cheeks and judging stares as you sat the top table left with no place to hide.
Since the announcement you had waited to wake from this dream, to find yourself back in your chamber in your families keep. No matter how much your pinched yourself you did not wake up. Here you sat, a little sheep surrounded by dragons. Osferth and Aemond had been lost to the crowd for some time. Aemond to smooth over the troubles with the Baratheon: Osferth pressganged by the Septon to dazzle some northern believers in the Old Gods, leaving you seated by yourself once again.
Despite residing in the keep for nearly a moon, you had not been able to have more than fleeting conversations or moments alone with either prince. Walks had been commandeered, dinners usurped, even your betrothal breakfasts had been derailed by the Queen and the small council. So while you never seem to be wanting for your betrothals company you had yet to have a proper conversation with them,  and with your approaching marriage it appeared you would be marrying strangers. The two boys you spied playing dragon rider in the garden were gone, replaced by two strapping men, chiselled by the gods themselves. Who were to be yours. Only yours you hoped. And you had no idea what to do about it.
A sudden heat raised through your body, making your skin prickle and tingle against the stifling mesh of the corset the queen and her attendant squeezed you into.
"Are you okay my child?" The king spoke, pulling you from your thoughts.
"I am a little hot, my king. If you will excuse me I require some fresh air.” You rose carefully curtsying before scurrying towards the doors.
Your feet only met the middle step of the platform before you were held fast by the stiff grip of the king. Once the steely grip of the warrior weakened by time and disease, yet strong enough to keep you in place.
"My king?"
"Are you well my child? Happy?" his tone soft, fatherly almost.
It was a strange question, no one had asked her if she was happy before the announcement, your own sweet father didn’t even ask you. Marriage was expected, a duty, and marriage to a prince an honour. Your honour being twice so with two princes and blessed by visions from the Mother. But we're you happy? Osferth’s was, by all account, pleasant and gentle, he smiled and spoke softly to you when he pulled chairs out for you or passed you plates of food. Aemond was more problematic, stoic, broody, he seemed to hover constantly, and though he was far less approachable then his brother, he was sweet, informing the kitchen of your preferences, distracting the queen when she overwhelmed you. You were lucky to have a match with men like them, rather them than a man like Aegon.
"Yes my king, I am... very happy to become a member of your household." You frowned as the kings eyes scanned your face.
Slowly, his feeble grip relented and allowed you to escape the stifling heat and burning eyes of the court, but more importantly those lavender eyes of the Princes.
The icy air felt good on your skin, soothing the fire within you your chest heaving from your heavy pants. Closing your eyes you lent against the cold stone, enjoying the brief respite from the chaos of the feast.
"A Lady should never wander too far from the feast... especially one thrown in her honour. One might think your trying to escape... " A deep voiced purred. Opening your eyes you meet the violet eye of Aemond Targaryen.
"Prince Aemond I... I am so happy to see you." you sighed.
"Your rapid departure would appear otherwise...some would think you were not happy about our betrothal.’’
"I am happy..." you stuttered.
"I heard...very convincing." Aemond luscious mouth stretched out in a grim line.
"... Aemond...I am simply a little overwhelm. It all too much..."
“To much... your are to be princess. A Targaryen. A blessing from the Mother herself...many women would do unspeakable things to be standing beside two dragons.” His voice was harsh, as he growled at you.
“I didn't ask for this... I”
"Did you not...? So it was not you that went confessing to the septa asking them to absolve you of that little sin that that made  your little bud of yours glisten and gush... for me and Osferth" A tight smile graced his features as he descended upon you.
"My darling little brother came scurrying to me.” he purred. "A flustered stuttering mess. Should have seen how much cold water it took to soften his cock. Us dragon have fire in our veins and the mere thought of you makes us burn even brighter. I always thought you were too berthed over my brother taking his vows to even think of the one eyed cripple just like the rest of the court....” he advance slowly, pushing you back against the wall. "But on hearing how you wished us to devour you... Was to good to pass...” his voice was low now, hot like molten lava against your skin "having to come up with this little farce to get you my pretty girl, but your worth it. Even having to listen to those pious old cunt and being paraded around like a doll, worth it to soon be finally between your softness, having you to touch and hold every night. To be ours.” Aemond growled curling his hand around your throat, forcing you to look at him.
Never before had you seen the composed features of the dragon be so contorted with emotion. Another gasp gave him a opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth. Clumsy and awkward but still enough to take your breath away.
"Aemond." A scolding tone pulled your apart.
Osferth. His short golden hair, like a halo around him, he always seemed so otherworldly, they both did, but Osferth was so pure it hurt to even look at him. Even now you could not bare to look at him.
“I really thought you were beyond such base instincts dear brother.” Osferth preened as he walked closer, making you painfully aware you were still pinned to the wall by a firm, hard body.
“Do not pretend to be above them, dear brother. I was simply showing our future bride the intensity of our affection.” Aemond rumbled pulling you closer, his hand ghosting over your neck, making you whimper.
Īlon agree daor naejot sȳngagon zirȳla. (We agree not to scare her.)
Eza issare qrīdrughagon hen īlva tolī bōsa, kesan daor emagon zirȳla stolen qrīdrughagon dombo, qogralbar se rest hen zirȳ. (She has been kept away from us too long, I will not have her stolen away anymore, fuck the rest of them.)
 Aderī lēkia, aderī (Soon brother, soon)
“Aderi.’’ Aemond nodded, tightening his hold on you.
You stood frozen as you stared wide eyed at the princes as they glared at each other, only snapped from their silent communication as the words tumbled from you lips. "You lied... you were to become a Septon... How could you?..."
"Hush... I would not have joined, those men care less about the faith then anyone. They know nothing of goodness, or purity or love. My dreams and my thoughts are only of you. The Mother has shown me that the only true power she can give us is love. The love we have for you, and with that, we can better the world."
"Hush, dear heart..." Osferth cooed, pressing you against him, wedging you fast between their bodies.
"Let me and Osferth look after you..." Aemond whispered lowly in your ear as his face burrowed into the crook of your neck, inhaling deeply. For the rest of the night, you were trapped between the dragon princes, never leaving your side.
Couldn't wait to post this while I edited my Claiming his Queen chapter. Please let me know what you think and if you want to see anything. This will properly be a series of one shot.
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minecraftbookshelf · 8 months
For the marriage of the state au, what was the empires citizens reactions to the war/marriage (if they were affected by it)
I'm so sorry for the long wait! RL happened but here we go!
Since you didn't specify, I'm going to talk about both the marriages that get arranged XD
For Joel and Lizzie, the relevant empires were Mezalea and the Ocean Empire.
For the Oceanic citizens, they didn't think much of it tbh. In the context of the original situation, it was an incredibly normal situation of "enemy has been conquered, ruler gets a harem member out of it." And then later, when Joel got promoted to consort, they had gotten used to him by then and honestly, several of the sea folk were incredibly invested in the relationship. It was the hottest gossip in the most positive way. They love their god-queen and her weird, air-breathing husband.
The Mezaleans had a much less positive view of it for a very long time. Joel was a favorite to the people and so for them it was "our kingdom was invaded and conquered and they stole one of our princes." They were eventually won over but it took a few hundred years. There was some resentment up until a generation or so before the events of the Flower Husbands arc, long after Mezalea was free again.
In the Current Day...
Rivendell as a whole is Very Suspicious of the situation. Mostly of the whole "Xornoth sending Scott away" element. Xornoth may be fairly popular by this point but it doesn't mean people have forgotten the whole Champion of Exor thing. So there's quite a bit of side-eyeing going on. A few of the noble families are feeling very miffed because they were basically competing to get him married into one of them. There's also some judgement because while Scott is technically an adult and old enough to get married he's young enough its questionable. Elves don't usually marry young, Xornoth was a couple decades older than Scott is now when they were married and even that was unusually young. The norm is what would be the equivalent of early-mid-thirties, after both parties have had time to build their skills and qualify themselves as good partners. Xornoth and Scott are both getting married in the equivalent of their early twenties instead.
The Swamp as a whole are pretty suspicious of outsiders, so they are wary. They're a bit defensive, both of their situation as a whole, and their somewhat unimpressive god-ruler. ( and not always in a good way) Tensions with Mythland are also high, and have been for centuries, though it has been ramping up lately so everyone is on edge. And Rivendell is a well-known ally of Mythland. Several people are hoping that Jimmy will at least expand to a harem with some "proper partners" soon. There's also a significant party who are throwing themselves into welcoming the Codfather's new husband. It's a very mixed bag, mostly divided into extremes.
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Chapter 17
Garter Day 1990
Windsor Castle
"Mummy, Mummy, can we please get some ice cream???", twelve-year-old Laura begged her mum, looking at her with puppy eyes. They were at Windsor Castle today, to watch the Garter Day procession, which both Charles and Andrew were going to participate in: Charles of course as one of the Royal Knights, and Andrew as Her Majesty The Queen's Silver Stick in Waiting. As usual, she hadn't been too happy about the prospect of this gathering, especially as not only the two fathers of her younger daughter were in attendance but more or less Charles, hence Thea's, too, entire family: his parents, his siblings, his grandmother, not to speak of his wife… but both men and especially Laura had been begging her so desperately that she'd finally given in. Hopefully nothing she was going to regret later… "Yes, of course, darling, there you go.", she said, handing a bit of money to Laura, who beamed like a Cheshire cat, gently took her little sister by her hand and ran off to the ice cream truck up by the middle wards. She had long considered whether it was wise to come today but it was Andrew's last time as Silver Stick in Waiting to Her Majesty The Queen; he had once more been promoted and would be taking on other responsibilities from next months and Laura and Thea had been begging her to go and see Daddy taking part in the procession so she had finally agreed. Andrew, too, was happy to have both his girls by his side on this very special day: thank goodness, he really loved Thea and she adored him. Charles had also painfully learnt to keep his distance, he had had to. He was still in their lives and they tried to see each other as often as possible but for Thea he was just Sir (whom she loved dearly, but different to how she loved Andrew) and the they were very careful never to give anything away in front of their little angel. When Thea was present, they were just friends. It wasn't even a lie because they really were friends, best friends even, but also deeply in love… but that was just between the two of them. "Do you want chocolate or vanilla?", Laura asked her little sister once they had lined up in the queue at the ice cream truck, but something else had caught little Theodora's attention and before Laura was able to realise it, the little girl had loosened herself from her hand and ran up the hill to the upper words. "Thea!!! Wait!!!", she screamed in panic, following her as fast as possible.
"Hello there, young lady!", a familiar voice said and little Theodora smiled as she recognised Michael, Sir's Protection Officer whom she had met several times. "What are you doing here all alone? Where's Mummy?", the man asked, bending down and taking her in his arms. His Royal Highness had never actually told him but, to him, just as to some other members of his closest and loyal staff, it was quite clear that "little Miss PB", as they referred to her, could only be the Prince's child so they all made sure to keep an eye on her and having an almost three-year-old running around alone on the grounds of Windsor Castle on Garter Day wasn't something he could ignore. Everyone in his closest circle knew how much of his rare freetime he spent with "his best friend" Mrs Parker Bowles and all of them had a feeling that this was definitely more than friendship though none of them would ever mention something, and the way he looked at the little girl, the way his whole face brightened up whenever he saw her, the way he cuddled and played with her, said it all and, somehow, they all felt sympathy for this little family that wasn't allowed to be one so, deliberately or not, they all tried to help and support as best and decently as possible. "Mummy down there!", Theodora told him, pointing to the area near St George's Chapel. "Laura - ice cream!" "Laura and you wanted to get some ice cream?", he asked, and the little girl nodded. "Where is Laura?", he went on, quickly screening the venue for "Miss Laura" and, indeed, spotted her a few metres away, obviously looking for her little sister in panic. "Miss Laura!", he called for her and the twelve-year-old looked at him, sighing in relief when she realised that he had found her little sister. "Hello Michael!", she greeted him, slightly out of breath after her involuntary run up the hill. "Thank goodness, there you are!", she exclaimed, hugging her little sister tightly, before her voice became a bit more stern and she admonished her: "Don't ever run away from me again! That's dangerous! You could have gotten lost! What should I've told Mummy?" Theodora, apparently rather shocked at her sister's strong tone, immediately started to cry. "Ohhh don't you cry, little Miss.", Michael comforted her, pulling a funny face in order to make her laugh but it didn't seem to work. "Alright, m'lady, what could we do to cheer you up again?", he asked and Theodora replied immediately: "Sir! Sir, Sir, Sir!" "Would you like to say hello to Sir?", Michael asked, also looking at Laura who nodded almost equally excited as Theodora. "Alright, then let's go and see if we can find him!", he said, prompting Laura to follow him. They walked past a few corners, up and down several stairs and finally found themselves in a huge corridor inside the Castle. “Wait here, I’ll go and see whether I can find His Royal Highness!”, Michael promised, turned around, and disappeared.
A few minutes had passed, when they heard heels clattering on the floor in the corridor next to them. “Oh Thea, that might be the Princess!”, Laura whispered to her little sister excitedly, and just a few seconds later, indeed, Diana, followed by a bunch of servants, appeared right in front of them. “Your Royal Highness!”, Laura greeted her starstruck, performing a deep curtesy, but the Princess didn’t reply but instead gave them a look that almost froze the blood in their veins. “What are these brats doing here?”, she asked disgustedly. Instinctively, Laura pressed Theodoras hand tighter and protectively stood before her little sister. “Who let his bastard in here? Get them out of my way, immediately!”, Diana hissed at her servants, derogatorily waving her hand, as if the two girls were some sort of vermin. Laura gulped heavily. She had always admired the Princess but that behaviour really wasn’t princessly at all. “Come, Thea, we’re going.”, she said and this time ,thank goodness, Thea followed her without asking or complaining further.
“Bastard.”, Thea repeated what the Princess had said, once they had made their way out of the castle and Laura gave her an admonishing glance. “Sush! That’s a very mean word, Thea, we’re not saying this.”, she explained to her little sister, but Thea was curious now. “What - mean?”, she asked and Laura sighed. She wasn’t entirely sure about it, of course she had heard it here and there and knew that it was a swear word, but she didn’t know the real meaning herself. “That doesn’t matter, little one.”, she said. “Just don’t ever say that. It’s a very nasty word that a Princess should not use.”
“Oh there you are, my darlings!”, Camilla sighed in relief when she finally saw her daughters coming down the hill again, rushed over to them and hugged them tightly. “Where have you been so long?”, she asked, concernedly looking from one to the other. "Michael!", Theodora explained excitedly, adding: "Castle!", which caused her mother to frown her forehead. "You met Michael?", she asked and Laura nodded. "Castle!", Thea repeated and Camilla looked at her in confusion. "You're saying you've been inside the Castle?" "Yes, Michael took us.", Laura said. "He wanted to try and find Sir so that we could say hello but… he couldn't find him." She didn't even know why but for some reason she had a feeling that it was best not to tell her mother about the other incident so she kept quiet about it.
When the procession began with all pomp and circumstances, Camilla and her daughters happily waved at everyone to everyone they knew, Anne, Charles, the Queen Mother, and of course Andrew. "Daddy, Daddy!", Thea cheered excitedly, when Andrew walked past them. Of course, being as professional as he was, he didn't wave back but cheekily winked at her. Anne gave them a heartfelt smile, as did The Queen, and Charles and the QueenMother, who walked side-by-side, joyfully waved at them which made little Thea beaming with happiness. "Sir, Sir, Sir!", she exclaimed and Charles' face lit up in delight immediately. As sweet and heartwarming their moment undoubtedly was, as relieved was Camilla that nobody had noticed the emotions between them, as this sort of glances and smiles was definitely more intimate and deeper than those which "normal" friends exchanged and she was still afraid that, some day, it was all going to collapse like a house of cards…
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ladyimaginarium · 6 months
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Here's y'all's free general collective reading ( including myself& / ourselves& collectively ) that I& promised today for the new year!! From left to right: The World, The High Priestess, The Star, Temperance, Queen Of Pentacles & The Lovers !!
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The World: This is extremely fitting considering The World means completing another cycle, in this case, the new year. You may already be accomplishing something that you've been meaning to manifest or you're about to accomplish something huge or overcoming learning a hard lesson that you had to learn in order to grow. I'm& getting that for at least some, maybe one or two of you, that you had to part ways with a friend, a family member or maybe even a lover for whatever reason, regardless it was someone you loved & trusted. Whether it was someone betraying your trust or someone passing away, I'm& really sorry if this applies to one or some of y'all, that's never easy. Though, for most of you, considering it's in the upright positio, I'm& getting a more positive vibe. Some of you may be getting a job opportunity or a promotion or leaving to find a better job if you're working. I'm& getting that... maybe someone's getting married this year. Idk who exactly this applies to but if you're engaged & it's already happening this year, I'm& so happy for y'all !! Regardless of what it is, a cycle is closing & regardless of what that is, I'm& really glad for y'all.
The High Priestess: You may be undergoing a moment of isolation and contemplation. This is probably only gonna resonate for a few of of y'all but some of y'all may be practicing witchcraft & getting into the occult more or connecting to your faith of choice or.. I'm& getting for a handful of y'all, you may end up starting meditation which I'd& highly recommend, it's v healing. I'm& getting the feeling that you may be thinking of how you can improve yourself. A spirit, an ancestor or I'm& getting the more likely case is that a deity may be wanting to contact you to work with you so if you've been getting that feeling of intuition, trust it. This is probably only gonna apply to a few of you considering the card is upright, but you may feel like something is off with someone or maybe even that someone is untrustworthy, I& say follow your gut; you know yourself. The mind is loud but the intuition is quiet, it whispers. I& realize this is completely random but I'm& getting that you may be watching a mystery series or end up writing a mystery novel. Some of you may be going back to school for the winter semester & to that I& wish everyone here the best of luck in your studies !! Cancer, Scorpio & Pisces may be significant, you may have those in your placements or someone you know may have those placements !!
The Star: This is SO GOOD Y'ALL I CAAAAAAN'T. Whenever I& get this card I& get real giddy. The Star represents hope and aspirations and having faith. Keep the faith & keep going, whatever it is you're working with !! Something will work out for you !! Aquarius may be significant to you; you may have those placements or someone you know who may be an Aquarius or has those placements may be significant. I'm& getting "therapist" in my& head. Some of y'all may be going to therapy or starting the healing process or going back to therapy, considering healing is a part of what The Star represents. This may be for perhaps one of you but you yourself could be attaining some level of recognition this year publicly, whether it's for a post you make or artwork you make, who knows, maybe you actually end up being literally famous. Regardless of what it is that's going on, things seem like they'll be getting better !!
Temperance: You may be asked to be patient for something you're waiting to happen, whether that's something that's going on in your relationships, your career or for some of you a new apartment or home & I& KNOOOOOOW how annoying that is to hear, trust me&, but patience is a virtue. I'm& getting this specific message for some of you: Be careful about being too pushy with someone, especially if it's a friend or a partner, you never know what someone else may be going through, and be cautious about what you say to people, you may end up hurting someone really badly whether you intend to or not. Look at your relationships and at yourself and ask yourself if you're too giving or too reserved; don't be afraid to open up because the right people will accept you. Don't beat yourself up for making mistakes, especially when you don't intend to. Sometimes it's worth being patient & I& have to remind myself& of that sometimes and that the right people will be there with me& no matter what, too. I'm& getting this randomly but I'm& getting that if you believe that crystal healing is a thing, Tiger's Eye may be helpful to keep on you. Sagittarius may be significant, either you yourself could have those placements or someone you know may have those placements. Some of you may be traveling this year, just make sure to keep your masks on if you are, COVID is still very much a thing !!
Queen Of Pentacles: You may be getting more financially stable & here's hoping to that!! I'm& getting a sister, a mother, an aunt, grandmother, maternal figure, maybe even a deity or at the very least someone with feminine energy ( this person doesn't have to be a woman, anyone can have feminine energy regardless of gender, sex or orientation ! ) may be significant to you this year, or you yourself could end up taking on a maternal role or more feminine role to someone you care about. Some of you may be cooking more. This is very specific but to any of my& plural friends here, I'm& getting perhaps one or more of your caregiver system members may be more prominent this year. Some of you may be opening commissions or may even be starting your own business this year & if this applies to you, we& wish you all the luck in the world !! Don't be afraid to spoil yourself, there's nothing wrong with getting stuff for yourself !! You may be invited to or partake in a big event. If you're getting more money this year and have the means to do so, you may end up generously donating to the poor and those in need & if you can afford to do that, all the better, because there's a lot going on in the world as we speak. Pentacles resonate with Earth so Taurus, Virgo & Capricorn may resonate with you, either you yourself could have those placements or someone significant to you may have those placements. Wishing y'all all the best !!
The Lovers: omggggg this is literally so sweet, if you're single, some of y'all may be getting into a romantic relationship this year !! If you're already in a romantic relationship or an otherwise committed relationship, I'm& getting y'all will have more time to spend with each other and maybe even get into a higher level of commitment like getting engaged or moving in together. Some of y'all may be getting into a queerplatonic relationship or are simply getting more friends this year & all of which are completely wonderful & none are inherently better than the other !! This could only apply to a few of you but you may be reconciling with someone, whether it's an ex lover or a friend who did you wrong, whether or not you accept them back is entirely up to you. Someone may be coming to apologize to you. The Lovers can also mean a choice that you'll need to make, whether it's in the romantic sphere or choosing between two career options, you're likely going to have to make a choice that's one or the other - whichever it is, follow your heart & your intuition. The Lovers are ruled by Gemini so that may be specific, you yourself can either have these placements or someone who may be significant to you may have those placements. Regardless, for the vast majority, all of this seems like a good outcome & we're& so happy for you !!
Additional Notes: Summer may be significant to you. This seems like a really good outcome for a lot of y'all !! Undoubtedly with every year there's always gonna be ups and downs but for the most part it does seem like things may be going good for y'all !! If any of this resonates with you, you can reblog it & add it in the tags or comment how it resonates, I'm curious to see how this resonated with you !!
Disclaimer: take what resonates & leave the rest, keep in mind that this is a general collective reading for the collective for the new year of 2024 so not every message may apply, love y'all !!
decks used: Killstar ( or as we& call it, Memento Mori ) tarot, & GANGSTA. tarot.
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
British royals expert Hilary Fordwich stunned CNN anchor Don Lemon into silence with her argument that African slave owners owe "reparations" rather than the British Empire, in a viral clip from CNN’s coverage of the death of the queen. 
Conservatives on Twitter found the clip hilarious, as it depicted Lemon getting swift pushback for trying to promote the narrative that the British crown owes reparations for slavery. 
Observers noted Lemon meekly switching topics without protest after Fordwich’s unexpected response
The clip, which gained viral attention on Tuesday though it originally aired on CNN's Don Lemon Tonight around a week ago, began with the host telling Fordwich that "you have those who are asking for reparations for colonialism, and they’re wondering, you know, ‘$100 billion, $24 billion here and there, $500 million there.’"
Some people want to be paid back and members of the public are wondering, ‘Why are we suffering when you are, you have all this vast wealth?’ Those are legitimate concerns," Lemon stated.
Fordwich agreed that the desire for reparations is alive and well, though those who want it can look to African slavers. 
"Well I think you’re right about reparations in terms of – if people want it though, what they need to do is, you always need to go back to the beginning of the supply chain. Where was the beginning of the supply chain?" she asked.
"That was in Africa," she continued. "Across the entire world, when slavery was taking place, which was the first nation in the world that abolished slavery?" It was "the British," Fordwich declared, adding, "In Great Britain they abolished slavery. 2,000 naval men died on the high seas trying to stop slavery. Why? Because the African kings were rounding up their own people. They had them [in] cages, waiting in the beaches."
She concluded, "I think you’re totally right. If reparations need to be paid, we need to go right back to the beginning of that supply chain and say, ‘Who was rounding up their own people and having them handcuffed in cages. Absolutely, that’s where they should start."
After her answer, Lemon provided no pushback. He simply nodded, mentioned it’s "an interesting discussion" and moved to the next segment. As Twitter users pointed out, his silence was remarkable considering the anchor is one of the media’s most partisan personalities. 
"HOLY MOLY DON LEMON WAS *NOT* READY FOR THIS," wrote National Pulse editor-in-chief Raheem Kassam.
"Dilbert" comics creator Scott Adams mocked Lemon’s unenthused facial expressions after hearing Fordwich’s historical lesson. 
"His face at the end is the payoff," Adams remarked. 
Independent journalist Tim Pool tweeted, "Lol at Don lemons face hearing this s---."
Conservative personality Former Republican congressional candidate Kimberly Klacik tweeted, "Don Lemon was NOT ready."
Conservative commentator Allie Beth Stuckey wrote, "Ok this is amazing. Don Lemon brings up the need for slave reparations from the royal family. His guest says, yes, people should be demanding reparations… from the African leaders who sold them into slavery."
"This is so spectacularly perfect that it’s almost as if Lemon was set up," remarked author and podcaster Dave Rubin. 
Conservative commentator Jason Howerton quipped, "Sure sex is great, but have you seen the look on @donlemon's face after getting utterly REKT on-air on slavery reparations?"
"And NOW you know why Don Lemon was demoted. He's just not a very smart man. Way to go @donlemon," wrote radio host Joe Pagliarulo. 
CPAC chair Matt Schlapp asked, "And how about reparations to those who fought alongside former slaves to abolish American slavery? According [to] Lemon’s logic Democrats would need to pay reparations to Republicans. Kinda like it."
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a-d-nox · 2 years
Hi, hope your doing well...
I just saw your post about the asteroid persephone(399). I have this asteroid in capricorn 8th house and it conjuncts my moon, sextile my sun and trine my ascendant.
What does this mean?
Thank you, I hope you have a great day!💕
hi, dahliasrealm-xox. i’m hanging in there! it’s my first week back at college so i’m trying to find my balance once more!
sure let’s talk about it.
capricorn persephone: despoine and kore are both words/titles used to describe persephone. both are seemingly something to be intimidated by. despoine is the “dreaded” meaning that there were some “he who shall not be named” / “you know who” vibes going on - like it was the wizarding world and you are the ever intimidating and powerful voldemort. kore means “the girl” which could be taken as people not wanting to attract your attention out of fear and preferring to say something vague over a name (or it could be the asc aspect description below). that being said you may be rather insecure because of other; people’s hot and cold attitude towards you may make you feel rather isolated. the thing about this is that you have conflicting feelings about this; sometimes you enjoy feeling powerful and sometimes you feel bad that you are feared. on the other hand, people like orpheus may come to you because they know you have both power and empathy compared to your counterparts!
8h persephone: HAHHA this is major - i’m in the underworld vibes! this may indicate you being someone who goes through environmental changes - persephone is a spring child living in a world of darkness HER NATURAL ENVIRONMENT IS WARM AND BRIGHT NOT COLD AND DARK LOL. you too may have something similar in your life, you may live in a world where you are a darker element surrounded by brightness in both environment and company or you are a lighter element surrounded by darkness. you may feel like your mood is heavily effected by these conditions.
sun-persephone: positive aspects: it’s very likely that you are capable of finding the good in most every situation. the sun promotes independence but persephone really didn’t have any, you too may be in the same boat but instead of mopping about your circumstances, you are making the most of it! you too can radiate warmth like both the sun and persephone. you are rather unlikely to discover many bystanders in your life, you may find people with authority or masculine people sticking up for you when needed. you like persephone, may have a noteworthy presence - persephone is queen and the sun is royalty and figure heads after all… you may find yourself in a seat of power eventually.
moon-persephone: positive aspects: your natural instincts regarding situations are likely spot on. if you feel uneasy - trust it, you know what’s up. you may have a lot of dreams regarding power or having a platform built for attention. you may become a feminine icon for those around you, as well as those who proceed you - your name and story are very likely to be remembered. you may find that you’re mother is willing to do ANYTHING for you, it doesn’t matter what it is or why. you likely have a green thumb or knack for healing and growing everything you touch. negative aspects: you may deal with a lot of emotions surrounding your isolation from others. you may not feel secure - knowing that your choices aren’t your own and you simply have to deal with it. you may have a very strange and strained relationship your family; some members you love and others you can’t stand. it could be that you find your mother overbearing! you may be slow to adapt to new circumstances that you find yourself in. you may find yourself annoyed at you feminine roles, i.e.: waiting to be saved, forced to be a wife, arranged marriage, etc.
asc-persephone: positive aspects: persephone is sometimes referred to as the girl or kore in mycenaean history. so you may have an “it girl” vibe. you could appear as ultra-feminine. you may also have a bit of the “i need rescuing” look to those around you causing others to step up to the occasion. you also may be hyper-aware of your situation - you know when you are trapped or your time is being used by others. you may also have a notable presence in any environment in which you stand - persephone was seen in a field of flowers but hades in the underworld, helios who was pulling the sun, and even hecate who could have been doing anything else (she’s literally hecate).
hope this helps!
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izarara · 9 months
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ivana baquero . demi woman . she / they . *:・゚✧ is that that IZAR ARAIZA, who is originally from ALBA, and living in BRANHOLM ? it’s nice to see the MEMBER OF THE CELESTA QUEEN'S GUARD out and about on such a fine day as this. i’ve heard from the court spies that they are notoriously AMBIVALENT , whilst also managing to be quite INTUITIVE . the FIFTY-THREE year old was born FAE ( SEER ), and hails from the kingdom of CELESTA.
lesser fae, former messenger to the royal family of elaris semi-recently promoted to the queen's guard ; a bit of a wanderer, doesn't enjoy being in one place for long though they have had to rework this mindset with their new position ; a seer, but a rather weak one at that — most of their visions and intuition have come in handy for staying alive.
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          her mother always joked that she was more CENTAUR than fae, that same free spirit, that same desire to be scattered to the wind. so then, it was not so surprising that izar ended up in the stables rather than in the castle where their mother worked in the kitchen, creating the finest pastries for the noble family in alba they served. izar liked the stables, even if fae did not keep many horses. they found them peculiar creatures.           so well —and coupled with a sharp memory— that they were promoted from mucking the stalls, to exercising the horses, to one fateful day, an apprentice messenger. they were still young, especially among fae definitions, but they were eager and so at twenty they embraced this new life. it was not a glamorous life, but it is one that izar loved : the open road, open skies, solitude in the forest, and messages that take them to all reaches of the kingdom. such is the life of a newly fully appointed messenger, tasked with the long and remote journeys the veterans with their families waiting and aching joints no longer desire. for someone who chafed at the idea of being trapped behind walls, it was the perfect life.           she was good at her job too, something about her look speaks to innocence that mean people never suspect her, a near perfect memory that means she can either memorize messages but also can be trusted to carry physical ones as well, a fast and light rider when speed & stealth is of the essence — and most peculiar of all, always safe. there are always hazards in travel, even in PEACEFUL TIMES : a down bridge, a terrible thunderstorm, natural disasters even the best intentions cannot avoid, but izar always seemed to escape them all. maybe it was the dreams, the visions at night around the campfire, the nagging feeling in the back of her mind, but izar decisions when it comes to when to leave, when to wait, where to camp, and what path to take have an extraordinary success level.           ten years, izar spent as a courier ( and hunter to fill in the gaps ), but their mother urged them to think beyond her current station whenever they did return home. and eventually, one day something happened. seer's are rare among fae, but not unknown. izar certainly did not seem like one : not prone to the debilitating visions, not cursed with the burden of knowing things to come — nothing that important, anyway. but she ended up in branholm all the same, seat of the royal house elaris. they were meant to just delivering a missive from one of the noble families but somewhere along the way, they ended up saving the life of one of the royal family members ( wc !! ). nothing too dramatic ; if anything, the time had been startingly mundane. but if anything characterized izar's particular brand of foresight, that would be it. they weren't exactly offered a position on the queen's guard then. that would have been inappropriate : some lesser fae out of nowhere gaining entrance to the prestigious guard, even one with the gift of seeing. instead, they couried messages for the castle, their routes expanding to include all three kingdoms, not just celesta. izar would have been content with this — if anything, it fit them better, but after a decade of carrying messages and passing the grueling tests to entry, they were offered a position on the queen's guard. that was almost ten years ago, a blink of an eye for a fae, but izar is still startlingly young. there are some that don't believe they ought to be where they are, that they gained entry based on the fact they are a seer alone. izar tries to pay no mind. for them, it's because their seeing abilities are weak that they have the opportunity to be on the guard at all. after all, no one likes a weak link, even if they can see the future.
— weaponry : bow & arrows, daggers, knives, short sword —employs a quick and slippery fighting style. speed and skill over brute force due to their slight stature, though their strength does not match their build. does not fight fair. — skills : horseback riding, tracking, hunting, guiding, directionally sound, wilderness survival —izar was first and foremost a hunter and this shows at times, various mending/tailoring abilities — magical : seer ( able to predict things to come, but often extremely minorly so. some would define them as a rather weak seer as they do not get grand visions of the future — to date she primarily has applied her abilities to pick the safest routes, when using their abilities, their eyes turn gold ; it seems to want them to survive ), intuition ( senses things others do not : eyes, lies, energy, and danger ). additional details on their seer abilities here.
adaptable, flighty, ambivalent, trustworthy, intuitive, chameleon-like, calm, stubborn           people’s first impression of izar often is that they're quiet, if they see them at all that is. in their lifetime they have seldom been still, even as a child and as an adult they made sure to pursue a path that would allow her to be so. for that they are quite FLIGHTY, in nature that is — if you speak to them you’ll find they actually has quite a bit to say. izar’s figured out during her youth and her training that there’s a great deal they can put together themself: not that their opinion is heavily sought after. at least not yet.           a keen observation is the result of a very sharp memory, and an unassuming nature means that people don’t often look at them twice. even as a fae they have a CHAMELEON-LIKE quality about them that means they're very good at not standing out by being very average for whatever crowd they're in. this has made them valuable in situations where the queen's guard prefers to go much more unnoticed. they do not like confrontation and prefer to not engage with many. perhaps, in a different life they would have been a good assassin if they found it easier to take a life unthreatened. the same could be said for a spy — though they don't particularly care to share the information they learn, nor does lurking in dark corners or leading people astray seem particularly appealing. izar can come across as AMBIVALENT, not one to care for politics or the nature of social interactions. perhaps that's at odds with their equally INTUITIVE nature, but there is a difference between knowing things and internalizing them. one shouldn't confuse this with being aloof ; izar is far from that. one might expect someone who prefers to spends so much time in the wilds to be rougher around the edges, but izar knows the rules of civilization just as well as the ones in the forest. they know how to present themself with a confident and polished, yet relaxed air, even after long days of travel and no small amount of aches and no matter what the situation.           for someone so flighty in nature, izar also has a surprisingly CALM and STEADFAST nature, one that is in part informed by how ADAPTABLE to situations they are. it takes quite a bit to shake them, a good quality to have as a a member of the queen's guard — the pressure can get to you if you’re not careful. yet there is also a degree of STUBBORNNESS about izar, especially when they have their heart set on something : their adaptability comes on the fly, whereas when it comes to long planned items they are reluctant to change their mind or go against their INTUITION — especially when they trusts their intuition more than most.
          despite the many faces izar can put on, they all are them and at their core they are extremely TRUSTWORTHY ; you don’t become a member of the queen's guard if you can’t — or at least you don’t last very long at being one. this makes them a surprisingly good confidant as well.
— 5′3″. a relatively small and light build which favors speed and agility — lesser fae, but almost convincingly humanoid in looks : pointed ears, dark brown eyes ( almost black ) that make for an unsettling gaze. when seeing into the future, their eyes turn gold. — hornet's wings only larger, almost startingly translucent when they're extended, nearly invisible when folded up. — long dark brown hair that trends toward auburn after extended periods of sun, often partially bounded back in braids or ponytails. — often garbed in the queen's guard wear ; off-duty desired attire is practical and comfortable, though izar has a chameleon-like nature which means they can fit in most places when needed to.
— the queen's guard is a bit less nomadic than being a messenger and izar would be lying if they said they didn't miss it. but they are doing the best with what they've decided to do. it isn't all bad — the pay is better, at least. — young for fae, experienced by human definitions, izar struggles at times to find their place. they are perhaps more experienced than some fae who stay within the borders even if they have many years on them, but they have never seen war like many of their brethren. humans do not take her seriously given their youthful face, fae similarly do not since they're barely lived half a century. izar tries not to let it bother them too much, but sometimes it feels like an endless cycle of trying to measure up. — much prefers the woods to the snowy mountains, but they both have their merits — has a bit of a sweet tooth [ to be added to as i think of more hcs!! ]
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hello, everyone !! i'm ollie ( 25, est, them/them ). i'm currently a graduate student and work part time, but always have time to rp <3. i also watch a lot of hockey and am super pumped for the season to start. anyway, super happy to be here !! period fantasy has such a soft spot in my heart, as does ivana baq.uero as eretr.ia rip. i have a few general connection idea / plot inspos over here. can't wait to get things going and please don't hesitate to reach out on discord if anything caught your attention or if you just want to talk about our muses !!
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tabswrites · 11 months
Happy WBW! Tell me about the arts in your world. Are there any renowned styles? Maybe some well known artists? What about art schools? Music/bard schools? Theaters?
Happy WBW!
I’ll answer this for Ascension, because it’s a WIP I really love but am terrible at promoting. Unfortunately, I have been waiting a while for an excuse to info dump so watch out!
The arts vary between each of the Three Realms.
Painting (primarily with oil paints imported from the neighboring kingdom of Toral) Most depictions of Atharis’s deity, Itis, are paintings that I imagine to be a something similar to Classicism or Rococo style. The most famous portraits of Itis originated from Father Ardwyn, who is believed to be the founder of her church. Another notable painter is Sir Kiran, one of the MCs who enjoys painting in his free time.
Woven tapestries. These are very expensive and time consuming to make, so they’re typically found in Elkmire, the capital city that is home to the king. The most famous one is a tapestry of King Evrart and his family, copied from the royal portrait and woven together by the late queen’s best friend and a few servants. It hangs in the king’s chambers.
Theater is very much a thing. Most of the plays involve the myth of Creation, which is the story of the sun and the moon, or the story of how Itis banished the demon goddess Sadira beneath the earth.
In addition to painting and tapestry weaving:
Toralites are well known for their folk music, which is mostly religious in nature in regards to their deity, Beias—The Moon, creator of land and sea. Unfortunately, many of the songs from Toral are partly responsible for the harmful and inaccurate stereotypes about demons.
Statues/stone carvings: Toral has gargoyles, I repeat; Toral has gargoyles. Since their kingdom is nestled right in the middle of the mountains, majority of the working class is very familiar with stone work and learned over time to use it to advance their architecture and even create carvings. Toral’s first king, King Kanai the First, is credited for the creepy, winged beasts that perch on top of Blire Castle—again, crude depictions of demons.
Notable art forms unique from the above:
Stained glass. When visitors from the mainland first saw the stunning depictions of the Sun God, Ruuve, they demanded that stained glass art be brought to the other realms, and now beautiful stained glass windows can be seen in most temples and royal buildings throughout Toral and Atharis.
Jewelry making. The discovery of pearls was just a cherry on top to Valtans who had already learned how to string shells together or use spare pieces of metal to create simple bracelets or chains. Precious stones are considered incredibly valuable in Valta, as the only ones found on the island have been mined or lost value.
Luthiers are high class members of society, as music is very important to Valtan culture. A lot of important rituals involve dance, including; coronations, marriages, funerals, religious ceremonies/holidays, etc. Music is present in every aspect of life and is the bridge between the Three Realms.
Some artists are experimenting with the use of saltwater to create new textures in their paintings.
There are no formal art/music schools, these skills are typically self taught or developed with guidance from family or neighbors.
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alyjojo · 1 year
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The Person On Your Mind in January 🕰 2023 - Aquarius
Whole of their energy towards Aquarius: 6 Wands
There’s been drama with this person, or you, but I don’t know if it’s something that’s happened *between* you, or just something one or both of you have gone through. Difficult cards are here but the vibe itself and the whole point of it all feels very positive 🙏 6 Wands is a card of success, victory, positive recognition, promotion, and overcoming obstacles. There could have been an apology between you, you could also be achieving something you’ve been planning or working towards.
Feelings: 3 Pentacles
You’re cooperating with someone you may have had conflicts with before, could be Capricorn, and if so you’re choosing to make the relationship better than allow conflict to continue causing problems. Regarding work, you could be healing a connection with someone there, or you could be healing inner conflicts you’ve had with yourself regarding your work. Queen of Pentacles is a domestic goddess, at home & with money, she doesn’t choose one side of life over the other, she’s on work phone calls while cooking up some eggs, closing deals and fixing garage doors, with a successful basket weaving side hustle on the weekends, she does it all. This can be a single parent, or a person that works at home as well. If you’ve had problems with cooperation, maybe from family or a partner you rely on, those things are being worked out and you’ve got more support. That’s how this person feels about you, so they’re definitely close enough to you to understand your struggle, or this may be their energy and you’re helping them out.
Intentions: 7 Pentacles
They intend to wait on something, they’re expecting something…doesn’t say what. Confidence? Drive? They have a lot of heavy worry and anxiety about something that causes them to just take a step back and put a pause on something, probably a goal of theirs, they seem to be a very goal oriented person, and so far everything is relating to work & achieving goals.
Actions: 9 Wands
While this is a card of wounds and pain, it’s also a card of perseverance. The warrior is still a warrior, they’ve just been wounded and are building a wall around themselves so they can heal, take a break, pull themselves together, with the goal of continuing on to the end, which they will do, especially being in the actions. They’ve been knocked down but they’re not out. King of Cups may be someone that’s hurt them, or someone they’re persevering with. It can also be an energy of “being the bigger person”, this King is very loving and emotionally mature, they lead with their heart over their head and make decisions based on how things make them feel. Messages say you want to grow together, you want to work things out, and you don’t want any repeats with Judgement rev, so none of the old drama, always a good thing. 3 Cups can show this as friends reuniting, it’s all very positive & maybe you’ve/they’ve/both been through some shit. Healing & working things out is the whole point of the reading ❤️
Their side:
- Everything leads me back to you.
- I don’t know how to communicate!
Your side:
- I want to grow with you.
- Moving out, Moving on
Possible signs:
Capricorn, Scorpio & Leo
If you’re dealing with:
4 Wands indicates stability, whether in your relationships or the home itself. You could be focused on relocating or helping people that are, some of these may be family members or those closest to you in regards to things happening at home & those involved with it.
Aries - possibly acting on something out of greed, possessiveness, or trying to hang onto something in a possessive or narrow-minded way
Taurus - really stressed out and worried about some cycle of life that’s ending for them
Gemini - nasty conflicts in a relationship or is generally bitter, condescending and negative because of or towards a relationship…yours?
Cancer - making a decision but they’re not happy about it, nothing is pleasing them
Leo - very happy in a relationship, could feel like you’re the one for them, or whoever they’re with is, very positive energy
Virgo - defending lies, or it’s possible they’re defending their position on something, and they could be right, but they act like an condescending twit about it 😓
Libra - doesn’t want things to end, but doesn’t believe they’ll get better either
Scorpio - making the first move to apologize or make plans with you, could be someone very beautiful or someone you’re passionate about
Sagittarius - something from the past is going to shock the hell out of this person
Capricorn - arguing over being too busy, or other people are causing problems
Aquarius - moving away from drama and towards the things that inspire & light their fire 🔥 could be telling you about that
Pisces - not giving/getting cooperation from a King of Wands or is having a hard time taking charge of something because people aren’t listening or helping them - no support
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mlek13 · 2 years
Summer, Year 8: Ajjanagadde
Meredith gives birth to her fifth (and most likely last) child.
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It’s a boy!  His name is Jeremy.
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Alison is going to be an adult soon, so in preparation for her future, she purchases an empty community lot.  (I should have waited until she was an adult, because she rolled the want to buy a community lot after she aged up.  And she was too busy to get a chance to visit the lot and get her business started this season.)
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What was too noisy for you?  The kids doing their homework outside at 2:00 a.m. or Jonathan playing chess alone in his backyard?  Because that’s what was going on.   Maybe they were yelling while helping each other with their homework?  Half of the family are werewolves, so I can’t deny there may have been some loud howling, but I don’t think that was what the complaint was about.
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Smack that puddle with your mop, Landlady Joanne.
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Guys, if it’s hailing outside, you can go back into your own apartments . . .
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Alison and Corbin have really high chemistry, but they got off on the wrong foot and strongly dislike each other.  Corbin takes it upon himself to apologize.
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They agree to start over and take their relationship in a positive direction.
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I had Brett purchase the police/intelligence career lot, but I’m thinking I should have had Jonathan buy it instead.  I think having a vampire own a community lot is going to be a problem.  Jonathan didn’t get a chance to visit until after dusk, so I didn’t get to see what would happen in the daylight.
I like that a Captain Hero vampire and an intelligence agent werewolf are working together to keep order in the kingdom.
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I invite the sims in the police and intelligence careers to the lot for a meeting. (Plus Kristina who dropped in to use the exercise equipment.)
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Some members of the group gather outdoors for fitness training.
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Back at home an overly hungry, overworked Joshua gets distracted by the mess while making dinner and starts a fire.
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While the fire is being extinguished, Alison has her adult birthday
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and Matthew becomes a teenager.
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Jonathan gets promoted to the top of his career and is named head of the SCIA.
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More neighbor complaints.  This time about the mess.
Matthew: What mess?
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Oh, that mess.  Yeah, it’s looking pretty bad, especially when you have a future queen paying a surprise visit.
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Poor Joshua is having a rough time.  The family only has one bathroom that always seems to be occupied when he needs it.  (I had to cheat to build a second one to stop him from having more accidents.)  Between not making it to the toilet in time and the werewolves in his household howling all the time, he’s starting to lose it and is throwing toddler level tantrums.  He can’t wait until he’s old enough to move out of here.
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loveclerc · 2 months
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pairing : charles leclerc x fem!reader
summary : netizens have been shipping you with countless actors in hopes of finding your partner. after your new film came out and the internet has done it once again, you begin soft-launching your long-term relationship, making everyone confused who the mystery person is.
genre : smau, fluff, some crack, established relationship, actress!reader
warning(s) : please imagine yn’s user is some creative portmanteau with chase atlantic
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Liked by carlossainz55 and 1,627,820 others
ynlntic ‘charlie’s angels’ out now !! starring the lovely kristen stewart, @ ellabalinska, @ elizabethbanks and me.
View all 13,916 comments
f1fan carlos in the likes?
ellabalinska Absolutely loved working with you 🤩 Keep up the good work! ♥︎ by author
mackenziefoy Snatching hearts left and right already with your debut film
ynlntic what can I say? I’m irresistible
ynfan i love her 😭
charles_leclerc Beau jeu d’acteur ♥︎ by author
15 November 2019
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Liked by arianagrande and 7,381,249 others
ynlntic hasn’t anyone told you that normal is the cruelest insult of all? ‘cruella’ out now :) so so happy to work with the queen emma thompson on this project. thanks to my sidekicks joel fry and @ paulwhausergram too.
View all 58,124 comments
zendaya It’s crazy how you can act such a cruel person when you’re so lovely in real life
ynlntic you’re too kind
chaseatlantic ❤️
ynlntic hi (I’m shaking my heart belongs to you)
fernandoalo_oficial Bravo! 🎉 ♥︎ by author
paulwesley Are you perhaps interested in becoming a vampire?
ynlntic let me think about it … yes
reneerapp dm me pls
paulwhausergram She’s a homicidal maniac and you’re not!
ynlntic well, we don’t know that. I’m still young.
user is this referring to the dry thanks in the last sentence ♥︎ by author
28 May 2021
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Liked by simuliu and 3,864,125 others
ynlntic I went blonde for this one. ‘saltburn’ in select theatres now. love you guys @ keoghan92 @ jacobelordi @ mspike @ richard.e.grant @ archmadekwe my precious catton family.
View all 20,367 comments
archmadekwe You’ll always be on my team for tennis ❤️
ynlntic I’ll choose you any day
keoghan92 Oliver Quick Catton 🧐 ♥︎ by author
ynfan2 spoiler alert? 🫢
landonorris You’re hot
ynlntic thanks lan
f1fan2 LAN???
sydney_sweeney i’m already in love ♥︎ by author
jacobelordi You look great in blonde, sis
ynlntic and you look great in a bathtub, bro
17 November 2023
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Liked by alex_albon and 1,820,649 others
ynlntic never going back to economy again. ‘upgraded’ out now !! from watching @ archierenaux3 and @ marisatomei on a screen to costarring in a film together 🥹 such a dream come true.
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jessie_mei_li soo excited :)
ynlntic I bagged another cast member ……
charles_leclerc I can make sure you never fly economy again
f1fan3 so much for being slick
sabrinacarpenter text me i love u ♥︎ by author
georgerussell63 Any chance you’re free before the season?
ynlntic 90% chance. would you be flying me in first class?
georgerussell63 I know someone who can do that for you 😉 ♥︎ by author
f1fan4 then there’s charles’ untouched comment just above LOL
tomholland2013 Still waiting for that hangout invite.
archmadekwe Me or him
ynlntic me
9 February 2024
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Liked by charles_leclerc and 9,912,063 others
ynlntic stuff you haven’t seen before ‘cause they’re mine
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lailahasanovic can’t wait for more of these 💕 ♥︎ by author
ncentineo I don’t get why Langston didn’t fall for all three
ynlntic ‘cause elena didn’t want him and sabina’s for the girls
ynfan3 at last the queen has posted a POST 😩
ynfan5 probably her boyfriend archie madekwe (i’m delusional)
archmadekwe 🤭
11 February 2024
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Liked by amitasuman_ and 8,036,283 others
ynlntic special day today
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user2 wait she was just brunette a while ago
ynlntic wig
ynfan6 EXCUSE ME SALTBURN WAS A WIG??? ♥︎ by author
_jeongjaehyun thanks for the cake ♥︎ by author
ynfan7 she listens to laufey 🥹
f1fan5 the heart with the c in the middle?
reneerapp what is that BOOK you are reading
ynlntic 🤫🧏🏻‍♀️
ynfan8 she’s taken guys we lost her … 😞
14 February 2024
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Liked by oscarpiastri and 4,957,988 others
ynlntic I was told we were to play mario kart
View all 23,724 comments
landonorris You can be the next Jann Mardenborough
ynlntic sign me up for formula banana peels 🙋🏻‍♀️
f1fan6 hold awn @ charles_leclerc went karting today too
joris__trouche Tu étais formidable! Ne laissez personne vous dire le contraire (@ andferrari007 😒)
ynlntic merci joris ! ♡
f1fan7 this literally confirms it.
ynfan9 girlie your fans are going crazy 😭🙏🏻 save us from this torture and tell us who this man is PLZZZZ
ynfan10 i’m so scared for her and her partner, whoever they are …
ynfan11 this series of soft-launching and posting trivial things about her life is so precious to me
ynfan12 fr! i feel like a proud mother watching her child grow up 🥹
20 February 2024
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keep a lookout for part two ৻( •̀ ᗜ •́ ৻)
reblogs and feedback are appreciated !
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brn1029 · 1 year
On this date in our music…
April 19th
2021 - Jim Steinman
Producer and songwriter Jim Steinman, most famous for his work on Meat Loaf's best-selling Bat Out Of Hell album, died at the age of 73. His most successful chart singles include Bonnie Tyler's 'Total Eclipse of the Heart', Air Supply's 'Making Love Out of Nothing at All', Meat Loaf's 'I'd Do Anything for Love (But I Won't Do That)', the Sisters of Mercy's 'This Corrosion'.
2020 - Captain Tom Moore
Michael Ball and Captain Tom Moore went to No.1 on the UK singles chart with their version of "You'll Never Walk Alone". The charity single made Moore – six days short of his one hundredth birthday – the oldest person to achieve a No.1 (he was at the top of the charts on his 100th birthday), beating the previous record-holder Tom Jones.
2005 - Elvis Presley
It was announced that two 30-second television commercials designed to attract vacationing families to Graceland to experience the "real" Elvis Presley would air nationally in the US starting in April 2006. It was the first time in the history of Elvis Presley Enterprises, Inc. that the company has used television advertising to promote Graceland tourism.
1985 - Bryan Adams
Bryan Adams was on the UK album chart with Reckelss. His fourth studio album was the first Canadian album to sell more than one million units within Canada. Six singles were released from the album: ‘Run to You,’ ‘Somebody,’ ‘Heaven,’ ‘Summer of '69,’ ‘One Night Love Affair,’ and ‘It's Only Love.’ All six singles made the top 15 on the US Billboard Hot 100, a feat that at the time had been accomplished previously only by Michael Jackson's Thriller.
1980 - R.E.M.
R.E.M. played their first gig as R.E.M. at the 11:11 Koffee Club, Athens, Georgia to 150 people. The show ended at 2am when police closed it down due to the venue being unlicensed.
1980 - Blondie
Blondie went to No.1 on the US singles chart with 'Call Me', featured in the Richard Gere movie 'American Gigolo', the track was also a No.1 in the UK.
1980 - Brian Johnson
32 year old English singer Brian Johnson joined Australian group AC/DC, replacing Bon Scott who had died after a drinks binge in February 1980. Johnson's first band was the Gobi Desert Canoe Club. He was also in a band called Fresh. From 1970, Johnson played with cabaret/club band The Jasper Hart Band, performing songs from the musical Hair. He and other members of the band went on to form Geordie.
1969 - Queen
Smile (later to be known as Queen ) appeared at the Revolution Club in London, England.
1969 - Glen Campbell
Glen Campbell was at No.1 on the Billboard country singles chart with the Jimmy Webb song 'Galveston', which also made No.4 on the Billboard Hot 100. The song describes a soldier waiting to go into battle who thinks of the woman he loves and his hometown of Galveston, Texas: "I still hear your sea waves crashing/as I watch the cannons flashing/ I clean my gun/And dream of Galveston." In 2003, this song ranked No.8 in CMT's 100 Greatest Songs in Country Music.
1968 - George Harrison
John Lennon, George Harrison and their wives left the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's ashram in Rishikesh, India two weeks before their study was complete. Ringo and Paul had already left.
1965 - The Beatles
The Beatles single 'Ticket to Ride' was released on Capitol records in the US. The single's label stated that the song was from the upcoming movie 'Eight Arms to Hold You' (the original name for the movie Help!).
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thewickedharlot · 1 year
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Renata Keating has been making waves in Hollywood ever since she made an.. interesting appearance on Starcrossed. The young artist has been the center of attention ever since, and fans can't get enough of her drama-filled life. Despite all of the drama that she’s caused, there is very little known about Renata Keating. Lets go over everything we do know about her.
First and foremost, Renata was adopted into the Keating family, a family that has begun to make a name for itself in Hollywood. She made her way to Los Angeles two years ago and stayed with her brother Nathan, a member of the failing band “Crossfaded”.
Renata, admittedly, went on Starcrossed to promote her music and has released singles such as ‘Guy’, ‘Sauce’, and ‘Shawty’. However, that isn’t the most interesting part of her career. She has several celebrity art pieces that mock different famous figures. We need to see some more, Renata. C’mon. Don’t be stingy. Where’s the Bethany caricature? 
Renata hasn't had much luck in the love department. During her time on Starcrossed, Renata was involved in a physical fight with Caden Yang, who she’s publicly dragged multiple times. A tiktok audio of talking about how Caden didn’t deserve a “queen like her” has over 10k videos on Tiktok. Ouch! It doesn’t seem like anyone deserves a queen like her?! She didn’t have much luck on the show.
Renata also had a verbal argument with Auggie Morgan, who she later tweeted about, saying that she was "convinced that Auggie was sent to this world to test us." She didn't stop there and even told Legends Magazine that Auggie acted like a ten-year-old. Yikes!
The love life drama doesn’t stop there. Renata has two notable ex boyfriends: Dax Myers and Zeke Hawthrone. While her relationship with Zeke seems fine (or at least, nothing has ever said otherwise), her relationship with Dax has been publicly messy with a lot of arguing and even publicly accusing him of showing up on her porch, crying.
Fans can't wait to see what she does next, and we'll be keeping an eye out for all the latest Renata news.
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