#the prospect cooking competitions are my annual event
onmytape · 1 year
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kevin and colton at hawks dev camp
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olko71 · 1 year
New Post has been published on All about business online
New Post has been published on http://yaroreviews.info/2023/05/number-of-people-getting-mortgages-rises-sharply
Number of people getting mortgages rises sharply
Getty Images
By Kevin Peachey
Cost of living correspondent
The number of mortgages approved in the UK for people buying a home rose sharply at the start of spring, Bank of England figures show.
The number of loan approvals for house purchases rose 18% between February and March, rising from 44,100 to 52,000.
It reflects signs of greater activity in the mortgage and housing sector following a slump late last year.
However, the recovery remains relatively subdued with March’s figure below the average.
The total number of approvals for house purchases reached 62,700 a month on average in 2022. Mortgage lending is also still well down on the last decade, excluding the sudden impact of the pandemic.
Activity slumped after the mini-Budget of September last year during Liz Truss’s short term as prime minister. The promise of billions of pounds of tax cuts without explaining how they would be paid for sparked turmoil on financial markets and drove up borrowing costs.
Mortgage rates hit a 14-year high but have since fallen close to the level seen ahead of the mini-Budget. Before and after that event, the Bank of England has been raising interest rates to try to bring down inflation, which charts the rising cost of living.
Earlier this week, the Nationwide Building Society forecast a “modest recovery” in the housing market, as borrowing costs fall.
Many commentators say decreases in UK house prices are unlikely to be as steep as earlier predicted.
Lucian Cook, head of residential research at estate agent Savills, said the “bounce in mortgage approvals reflects an increasingly stable and competitive mortgage market”.
“The ability to better plan their prospective mortgage outgoings has brought buyers back to a housing market that has proved more resilient than we feared would be the case six months ago.”
However, he pointed out that rising prices were still putting pressure on potential property buyers’ finances.
Spring is generally regarded as the busiest time of the year for activity in the housing market. Traditionally, people tended to wait for slightly better weather for viewings, and activity was higher between Christmas and the summer holiday season.
Looking at households’ non-mortgage borrowing, the Bank of England said the annual growth rate for consumer credit rose for the sixth month in a row, accelerating from 7.7% in February to 7.9% in March.
Consumer credit includes borrowing using credit cards, personal loans and overdrafts.
Alice Haine, a personal finance analyst at investment platform Bestinvest, said: “The sad reality is that turning to credit to meet everyday living costs is the only solution for many households.”
Tackling It Together: What happens if I miss payments
Within 15 working days of missing the equivalent to two or more months of repayments, your lender must:
Tell you how much your arrears add up to
List the missed payments
Explain how much is outstanding on the mortgage
Outline any charges
Your lender must then treat you fairly by considering any requests about changing how you pay, perhaps with lower repayments for a short period.
Any arrangement you come to, the FCA points out, will be reflected on your credit file – affecting your ability to borrow money in the future – as will any missed payments.
Your lender might also suggest or allow you to extend the term of the mortgage or let you pay just the interest for a certain period of time.
Lenders may offer a mortgage holiday which enables you to delay payments, depending on individual circumstances – and not to those already in arrears – but not indefinitely. Again, this will show on your credit file.
Read more: What happens if I can’t afford to pay my mortgage?
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cristalknife · 3 years
Kadam Week 2021 Day 1 ~ Do You Want To Be A Pirate?
So this is me trying to not start something on a platform only to post solely somewhere else aka AO3 and ff.net  you can find the complete list of Kadam Week 2021 prompts and you might find more stories on the Kadam Week 2021 AO3 collection
That said, the fist prompt was Puzzles and Games. And what represents better both than a treasure hunt? So here we go, I present to you Do You Want To Be A Pirate?
All the student body was abuzz, the annual treasure hunt was to be announced soon, it was always a great event. Mainly because the winner of the event earned a full booklet of backstage passes. Sixteen of them, completely blank to be used at the winner discretion during the current theatre season.
No limits were imposed on how the passes were to be used, be in a single show with a large group or even touring all the shows solo. The catch was that if multiple shows were to be watched by a group of two people up, the winner had to be there for each show.
Those booklets were the courtesy of Alumni working in the field. And to be honest it was a fun event for the faculty as well to create the set of riddles and clues needed to reach the destination.
It was supposed to be a moment of fun,  but at the same time given the kind of prize, it was not meant to be effortless.
However to the faculty disappointment, the individuals only rule with no cooperation allowed present in the previous editions, resulted in no winners for the past couple of years.
After consulting the sponsor, it was decided that for this year students could sign up as pairs.
But if the students decided to sign up as pair, then both the winners would have to be present each time they were to use the passes.
And apparently that wasn’t a condition that some were comfortable with, while others like Kurt were actually overjoyed.
Once he heard of the treasure hunt, he went out searching for Adam, barely containing his elation and desire to share the news.
Upon finding his boyfriend, Kurt was barely able to contain his excitement and he launched himself into Adam's arm sure he'd be caught.
Adam grinned and kissed Kurt back, holding him securely before saying "Hellu Love, what got you so excited?"
Kurt chuckled and as soon as his feet touched the floor once more he raised the flier and pointed to the fine prints "They mentioned a change in the rules and on this year’s event people can sign up as pairs. The catch is that both need to be present when using the passes, so you're game signing up with me?"
Adam raised an eyebrow curious before reading the flier aloud "The Annual Treasure Hunt? Is that what got you so excited? Except for my freshman year, I don't recall any of those events actually ever having winners"
Erika came up from the side and quipped "Three years ago was the last time someone won, but it was again one of the last seniors graduating. After that batch left, no one ever figured out the clues, I'm surprised the faculty still does it"
Kurt shrugged "Well the prize makes very much sense for the school, I mean blank passes for the backstage of current productions? That sounds interesting, and sixteen of them would actually mean we could all go together as a group and still have two spares for the winning team to get another show, or split between two productions..."
Kurt speech had most of the Apples smiling and send to their favourite freshie an adoring look.
Adam still amazed by his boyfriend asked softly "So you suggest a common effort and register more than one team, and then Apples parties at my place, where we could all chill out and talk about our days?"
JJ quipped up "Only if that involved baked goods from both our favourite bakers, because Adam ma man, I love your cookies but gimme Kurt's  casserole and salty cupcakes any time, and I could even fight you off and offer my hand in marriage for having those every day"
Kurt snorted and swatted away playfully JJ's offered hand "You are not even remotely bi-curious, If I wanted to live with an overgrown kid who'd stay with me for my cooking I'd simply invite my brother to move in with me"
Everyone around chuckled at that and JJ pouted mockingly offended "Are you insinuating I'm not man enough for you?"
Adam then stepped in smirking "More like implying that all the main male leads in his life are already cast, and you dear friend can only be the occasional torn in our butt, one that comes every now and then to offer his company in exchange for delicious food..."
Grinning like a cheshire cat JJ quipped back "Well we all know that the good ones are all gay, unavailable or happily being both together"
Everyone broke down in giggles and with resolute nods each claimed a partner. The divide and conquer idea Kurt had was very intriguing, and the thought of getting the upper hand on an event that even the Perks couldn't get their way by popularity alone, or that no one else won for the past couple of years had its allure…
Especially given the mixed composition of techies and performers in their group.
Seeing Kurt smiling radiantly was something each member of the Apples enjoyed and cherished.
Especially since the big fallout, or as it was known amongst them, the great purge of the toxic influx in Kurt's life.
Also known as the day when Miss fallen out Diva Berry left the loft in a huff and Kurt and his roommate Santana took the storming out literally and changed the key of the padlock.
Sending all of Berry’s stuff back to the temporary storage place two blocks away from bushwick, with a 3 days grace period and a week paid with Berry's part of the deposit.
Kurt himself was just very happy to be surrounded by friends who supported him as much as he supported them.
Being with Adam and being friends with all the members of the Adam's Apples, had given him a perspective he never knew he desperately needed, and it also lowered his tolerance for taking crap by those who were supposed to be on his side.
Kurt was not secretly very excited by the prospect of looking forward to something in his life that could be just fun and despite being officially a competition. He was still able to live it as an adventure, to be shared with his boyfriend and all their friends as well.
As they walked away from the registration boot and reading the first clue ‘Every adventure needs a captain to sail for the treasure island’
Kurt giggle when Adam playfully whispered in his ear "Aye aye captain let's get our sea legs on"
Kurt nodded and they made it to the costume department through the back corridors, not wanting to tip off the other not Apples participants, while their friends instead received simply a gentle reminded in their text chat, that all hearties were to meet at rehearsal later in the week same place same time.
Indeed their guess was correct when they found the next clue stating ‘Never forget those who came before you’
Kurt and Adam took the chance to grab a quick lunch as they discussed the clue. Adam was the first one to attempt to solve it "If we are thinking about the school that would send us to the hall of fame"
Kurt nodded slowly but tapped his finger against his lips "But what if it's a more general outlook? We are learning to get into an industry that broadens beyond the limits of the school and its social circles, even if those are still important"
Adam hummed softly mulling over it "So you're suggesting more like the library?"
Kurt nodded "I'm just unsure whether we are supposed to search in the history section itself or go more for the history of Broadway and theatre section"
Adam nodded slowly "there's no rule about not searching blindly both"
Kurt chuckled and nodded as well, after finishing his cup he raised an eyebrow in silent question and received a simple nod in response.
Once in the library, Adam was the one to take over the history of Broadway and the theatre section while Kurt went through the History books.
It took a while but finally Adam was successful and found a piece of plasticised parchment with what appeared half of the final clue.
The mention of a second half made him frown, but with nothing else to be found there, he simply took a picture of it with his phone.
He then placed the clue back inside the book and the book back on the shelf before going to find Kurt, hoping his got lucky and found the second half.
"Did you get anything?"
Kurt shook his head a little put off "No absolutely nothing, you?"
Adam nodded "Yeah I found something but it's only half of the final clue"
Kurt frowned confused "Guess it's time to start some baking then hmmm?"
Adam smiled and leaned forward to give Kurt a small peck on his cheek trying to stop the frowning "We could do directly at my place and then make an evening out of it"
The offer, as Adam hoped, brought a smile on Kurt's face as he replied coyly "I'd love that, are you offering just the evening or it could turn into a sleepover"
Adam grinned and moved so that he could kiss those cheeky lips, when he was almost where he wanted to be, he breathed quickly "We'll swing by the loft if there's something you absolutely need for tomorrow classes"
He then proceeded to thoroughly kiss his boyfriend.
After classes ended for the day, Kurt sent a message to their chat group informing everyone that it was baking time in the afternoon
Adam raised an eyebrow curiously at the message and Kurt shrugged stating simply "That way we can be sure basically everyone will show up with something to contribute, just before or around dinner time, and then the meeting will become a movie night"
Adam snorted because indeed knowing their friends that was what would most likely happen, "It wasn't exactly what I had in mind when I offered to make an evening out of it darling"
Kurt grinned, mischief gleaming clearly in his eyes "That's why I raised your offer to a sleepover instead..."
And true to Kurt's expectations, that evening all the Apples who didn't have to work, appeared at Adam's doorstep with offerings for the shared evening meal.
Of course those who had worked demanded a do-over with double baked goodies of their faves as personal share...
Once everyone was seated around, Paul, who paired up with JJ for the treasure hunt, asked "How was your hunt we've only found half of the final clue"
Kurt wrinkled his nose "we reached only half of the final clue as well care to see if we've all found the same half or if we lucked out?"
Adam took off his phone and started to read aloud "Congratulation adventurers, you're holding half of the treasure map holding the clue for the final answer you will have to give to someone to receive your treasure, think back on the steps you took to find this and then go and find the last missing piece"
JJ jumped up from his seat exclaiming excitedly "Yes we've got both!"
Paul shook his head smiling and took off his own phone reading "Congratulation adventurers, you're holding half of the treasure map holding the clue to figure out who is the officer that you'll need to impress with the answer that you still need to find to receive your treasure, think back on the steps you took to find this and then go and find the last missing piece"
Everyone was suddenly buzzing with unrestrained excitement when Kurt asked pragmatically "So how are we going to tackle this? Reading both clues together and then split between them or focusing the attention on a single one?"
Adam suggested swiftly "We could actually read them both and then see how to tackle the easier one first"
When everyone nodded Paul continued reading their clue "You might go to Central Park Or catch a show on Broadway...  Where in the world would you be to get to these by subway? Twice... I mean the answer is New York clearly but how does that help us identify who to give our final answer to?"
General groaning raised from around the room when Erika cut in "Adam what is your clue?"
Adam complied and read it for everyone perusal "What show is next in this pattern: A Chorus Line, Into the Woods, Bat Boy, Pacific Overtures, Little Women, Damn Yankees, Camelot, The Pajama Game, Children of Eden. As a hint, there is more than one show that correctly works, but one show fits more ‘perfectly’ than any others.”
Adam raised his phone to let everyone seeing the picture and commented
“As a side note there's only one blank line but its length doesn't seem indicative as it was formatted to look good rather than give a hint on the last name, or at least that’s what it looks like to me"
And everyone had to nod at that consideration at that point Chris' groan was the loudest "I don't get yall, neither of those is any more clear than mat moss paint..."
Kurt sniggered but offered a plate with Chris' favourite cookies on it "It's ok, we can work it out together so any ideas?"
Matt who had been quiet this far asked Kurt speculatively "You already have an idea for at least one of them don't you?"
Kurt looked taken aback and blushed getting himself busy with the food "Nothing solid.."
At that point Adam walked behind Kurt and wrapped his arms around Kurt's waist as he pressed himself against his boyfriend "It's ok Love, you don't have to be right to speak your mind, we are here brainstorming there's no judging with us"
JJ quipped teasingly "I mean we'll obviously judge and tease you till the end of times for getting flustered the first time we took you out for blow jobs, but for this… I mean you're all going to hearing the suggestion my gorilla brain comes up with"
Chris snorted and quipped teasingly "Given what gets spawned out of your mouth I thought you would have said instead that yours is like a pig’s brain."
Matt joined in to the teasing, shaking his head as he grinned salaciously and wiggling his eyebrows "Nah a pig's brain is too big we are talking mouse if everything is in proportion."
Kurt coughed at the double meaning implied in that sentence, he feared JJ would take it badly. But he was once again surprised when JJ put theatrically one hand on his cheek, the other on his chest clearly mimicking a delightful surprise "Oh Matt, my darling why didn't you said that before… All this time you were checking me out  because you wanted some of my sweet sweet love, comma hear lemme give ya some sugar baby"
Everyone erupted in laugher and Matt maturely threw his napkin aiming for JJ's face "You wish man, you wish"
JJ pouted "Harsh dude, harsh, you could have at least throw your cupcake with the napkin"
Kurt sent a levelled glare to both boys "If anyone dares to throw our delicious baked food not only they will stay for the cleanup, but they will be banned to get more baked goodies for the next month"
A single "Ouch" escaped Matt's lips before he silenced himself and raised his arms in surrender.
Paul swatted the back of JJ's head "Don't upset daddy, or I'm so going to gag you next time we are all in the same room to prevent that from happening, I rather enjoy our baked goodies"
Erika quipped at Paul "Which is why you shouldn't save JJ from himself, let him dig his own grave, more goodies for us... Kurt had not said anything about lowering the amount of baked goodies, only put a ban on who can access them"
Chris chuckled and offered their fist to Erika, as they said grinning "Well said girl well said"
Erika smiled brilliantly and bumped the fist and then both made an explosion motion as they both retreated their arms.
Kurt raised an eyebrow at being addressed as daddy, but  Adam just held him a little closer and mouthed later.
So Kurt took the handle of the situation and started sharing his idea hoping for the current teasing to come to a natural rest "well I was thinking on Paul and JJ's clue... What if we need to take that final twice literally? As in the correct answer is New York, New York"
Erika's eyes shone brighter "Like the Scorsese's movie?"
Kurt nodded "Yes that's also the name of the most known song from that movie, so New York New York could be the solution"
Paul pondered and then said "Well if we are talking about a movie would that mean that we are to talk with the dean of the drama department?"
Kurt bit his lips and then he continued explaining his thoughts "I was thinking more about the fact it might refer to the song, which then in turn would make Madam T be the one to speak with, given that she's the dean of vocal performance. And with the movie being also a musical maybe the singing component is more pronounced and would lead to her instead of Mr Keller?"
Adam then said serenely "Once we figure out the answer we could even decide to split and each team going to both of them with the solution."
Murmurs of agreement run through the room until Matt stated "So now we just have to figure out what that list of musicals have in common?"
JJ scratched his head before raising and grabbing few more cupcakes to munch on "Do you think that the fact they cross two centuries means anything?"
Chris promptly opened Adam's computer and pulled up the wikipedia pages of all the listed musicals before shaking their head "Nope they are not in chronological order so it’s not that"
Paul then quipped "And that wouldn't make any sense, the additional hint says that there's only one answer that would fit perfectly... it's not like there's only one new musical coming out every single year"
Erika asked then "I am not familiar with all the titles but are they really all musicals?"
Adam answered "Yeah all of those listed are musicals, so maybe we need to check on the songs?"
Matt then wondered aloud "What if it's something all the songs have? Maybe there's a matching title or a recurring theme?"
Kurt took out his phone and looked around and said "well there's seven of us and nine titles maybe we could each open the list and check them side by side?"
JJ grinned and took out his phone as well "That's a great idea"
Kurt started listing all the songs of chorus line, Matt went on with the ones from into the woods,  JJ giggled like a maniac as he read the bat boy's list. Paul read on the Pacific Overtures and Erika listed the ones from Little Women.
When Adam, who was reading from the Damn Yankees, reached the song titled Six months, Chris exclaimed excited while raising a finger silently asking for a moment "Holy moley I think we got something going here"
Everyone turned, waiting for more explanation that Chris promptly provided "Each of those musicals has a song with a number in their titles" and then they pointed to Kurt who quickly caught up and said "One" and then each proceeded in order Matt said "It takes two", JJ said excited "Three Bedroom House "
Paul grinned starting to see the path as he said "Four Black Dragons"
Erika was grinning madly as she said "Five forever"
Then JJ still super hyped by having discovered the key to decode the clue he asked Chris "So what are the others?"
Chris smirked and started prattling "In Camelot we have ‘The Seven Deadly Virtues’, The Pajama Game has a song called  ‘7½ Cents’ while the Children of Eden has ‘A Piece of Eight’”
Kurt hummed softly and considered aloud "So we have nine musicals mentioned but the last number is eight... What if they had already given us the answer and it's literally Nine?"
Adam whistled impressed "That actually makes so much sense..."
Paul groaned "And if you explain it like that it seems so obvious too"
Erika shrugged "All riddles once explained make so much sense that you usually feel stupid for not reasoning it out before... That's why they are considered brain teasers"
Chris who in the meantime checked out Kurt's suggestion finally quipped triumphantly "That's it guys, we have a winner the answer is indeed Nine, which has a song called guess what?”
Chuckling everyone said at once “Nine"
JJ then scratched his head and then asked "So now we are only unsure on who we need to tell our answer to?"
Paul quipped happily “Me says Adam and Kurt follow Kurt’s reasoning, we follow ours, that way if our suspicion is correct and Kurt is right it’ll be them and not us having a private date… No offence man but I’d really prefer not having my girlfriend gutting me for going out on a date with you”
JJ snorted before sounding almost genuinely upset “Harsh man, harsh”
Paul patted JJ shoulder when Kurt asked confused “But what about the others?”
Matt answered smiling “Kurt you four are the only ones who got to the final clue, I personally wouldn’t like to try to get the prize knowing I barely got to the second one.”
Chris and Erika nodded as well confirming they felt the same way.
Kurt felt relieved that he wasn’t taking advantage of his friends. With everything sorted out, everyone else left leaving just Kurt and Adam alone.
After they settled down Kurt turned to Adam, with a questioning look on his face before asking “Is now later? Do I get to know what the daddy comment was about?”
Adam chuckled softly “Nothing bad Love, I can assure you that, you know that I’m considered the mother hen of the group right?”
Kurt hummed softly nodding as he snuggled closer to Adam who then continued “And well you’re too sweet and kind to all the Apples to be considered a father, but still we are together and we both tend to take care of them so…”
Kurt chuckled and finished shaking his head “So I’m daddy… Not sure how to feel about having so many kids that are all older than me”
They both sniggered at that.
The next day, when they went talking with Madam Tibideaux, they discovered that indeed Kurt’s reasoning was correct, and they got out of her office with the prize and matching grins. ~The End~
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eurohotties-blog · 7 years
Real World Multi level marketing Advertising Tips ... Exposure With Regional Occasions
Below's a real life instance of just how some people market their NETWORK MARKETING organisation As Well As products/services:Our location has an occasion called a "Homearama" annually every fall. For this event select home builders in the location construct a variety of homes at a pre-determined website (normally a new or almost new growth) for the objective of "revealing" new construction methods, layouts, landscaping, interior decorating, trends, floor plans, gizmos, and so on. They additionally display the homes available as well as the area the residences are integrated in. There are about 5 cities which alternating holding this event.The Homearama is a huge event that the surrounding areas anticipate yearly ... as well as draws 1,000's of site visitors daily over concerning a 2 week period. This is an excellent opportunity to "get to" the general public with a targeted campaign if you intend well. Simply picture the networking possibilities.For instance I have actually seen the following:1. The entry to the location where the residence trips start goes through a lengthy collection of "camping tents" lined with cubicles occupied by different business and also products. You HAVE to walk through this area to get to the houses ... and also once again when you leave. Can you say restricted target market? katy tx houses I have actually seen a couple teams set up cubicles around offering their product and services (indications, banners, sales brochures, calling card, video clips, and so on). Gifties site visitors can take with them discuss well (product examples, magnetic stickers for your refrigerator, visors, mugs, shoulder bag, phone pads, pens, etc.). They also have a drawing or competition where some lucky site visitor can win cost-free service or products. The typical fill out an entry type with get in touch with info & drop it in a box ... with the illustration held the last day (not called for to be existing).What's this do?Initially it obtains presence ... munity branding. A few sales directly as well as great deals of interested individuals grabbing "info" and/or examples. And certainly lots of discussions to follow-up on.Second, the contest/raffle produces a list of prospective calls for follow-up using the entry kinds (name, address, phone number, e-mail).Note: for this to be successful you would certainly should have a dedicated group of neighborhood representatives happy to man the cubicle and talk with individuals during the occasions open hrs. Additionally they must have a clear prepare for following up with any get in touches with made.2. Some individuals have actually also been able to have their items showed in the houses themselves through connections or negotiated contracts with the building contractors, designers, or event organizers. As an example just how around Mia Bella candles magnificently shown in the Master bedroom, bathroom, cooking area, or formal dining room? Exactly how around Noni on the kitchen counter ... or Melalueca on the washroom vanity ... or Earthlink on the computer display ... or Packet8 by the phone, or ... well you understand.Additionally, not just the products/services are shown. You likewise present a calling card rack so interested site visitors could "figure out even more".3. Below's one that's not so noticeable ... connections with various other suppliers, real estate representatives, home loan brokers, concessionaires, as well as building contractors that take part in the occasion. Your possible contacts aren't restricted simply to the "visiting" public. Network with the event organizers & individuals also.There's a lot of possibilities with an event like this. In my area it's called Homearama. In other locations it's Showcase of Residences or something similar.I suggest you explore it as well as see if you could take advantage of the opportunities on your own.
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jobsearchtips02 · 4 years
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How To Teach Need Flowers Delivered Tomorrow
It looks as if Amazon is always looking out for our inner (and outer) procrastinators. What I discovered was that the custom was started by Anna Jarvis, the lady who also originated Mom's Day. After you have selected your most popular Flower Delivery For Tomorrow preparations and have thus placed the order online or utilizing the mobile app, your work is completed. That is as a result of we provide not solely the fastest, however the highest quality identical day service in comparison with our opponents. I once even had a shopper who had used the title of the flower because the identify of her first main successful business program. ProFlowers will help you ship lovely and thoughtful items at incredible financial savings. So, just bethink - adjustment flowers NY account is a way to amuse your darlings even in circumstances if you happen to cannot do this personally. I still surprise if it might be potential for Need Flowers Delivered Tomorrow to enter a psychiatric hospital before all the patients have gone.
Honor the passing of a cherished one and help their grieving relations and associates with a stupendous sympathy flowers delivery from FTD. Although they like to obtain these issues, moms are typically even happier to have the prospect to spend time with their household on Mom's Day doing something special that they will all enjoy collectively. We stand behind our 'Good as Gold' 7 Day Satisfaction Guarantee, which means your mom will enjoy recent flowers for at the least seven days post delivery. I a lot want yr-lengthy romance to the forced effort positioned on a single day when everyone seems to be doing it. From their favourite colour to their favourite flower, send last minute flowers to make them smile at present!
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When purchasing an Amaryllis bulb, Hippeastrum, it already has an ideal embryo flower shaped. Individuals kept coming in droves that first day, and the day after, and, in a trickle, in those that followed. Along with my Facebook page known as Wild Fox & Flower , I am on Instagram at @mmeghanmary and I have a weblog called It's about flowers, cooking and DIY tasks. To get a way of simply how small these flower sculptures are, grab a penny and flip it on its again. Though we've been handled to outdoor spring flowers earlier this yr, and our eyes aren't quite as winter-weary as traditional, Easter lilies are still fairly the attention sweet when they show as much as enliven windowsills and Easter Sunday dinner tables. The Mayan Gold blossom proven above is fairly typical, however there are variety variations within the exact form of the . If she's an avid gardener, she'll have your Mom's Day plant blooming in no time. Dedicated days equivalent to Valentine's Day, Mom's Day, Father's Day, academics' day and the like. Flowerama has been proudly serving the Columbus neighborhood with contemporary flowers and presents since 1990.
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mitcheli97451-blog · 7 years
Le Film My Supper Along with André 1981 Vostfr.
19Diet-Sport-Gym96.Info Obama's funny schedule at the annual White Residence Correspondents' Supper featured a scheming dig at Hillary Clinton, the present shoo-in to be the Democratic prospect in the 2016 governmental vote-casting. This was shortly then hard-charger's transfer to the bake shop that he kicked that up a notch as well as discovered herself operating as the evening cook for Commander Carrier Group 6, where he was in charge of the admiral's dinner and also personnel midrals. Pour ceux qui ne connaitraient pas, Edgar Allan Poe's Massacre Puzzle Dinner Party raconte l'histoire de la small fête organisée the same level Edgar Allan Poe pour ses copains auteurs (dont Oscar Wilde ou repetition George Eliot font partie) et qui tourne à los angeles catastrophe. Certainly, teen age ladies are less probably to struggle with consuming condition, but it would be good to cultivate in them a healthy scenery from food items and also their bodies through possessing a collection loved ones supper opportunity. Often you may locate that if you oversleep on a Sunday morning and have your breakfast overdue (i.e. when you would commonly have your mid-morning dish), by night you may still be actually starving although you possess possessed a substantial dinner. Some fun tasks that have actually verified effective as fund agriculturists are actually: a bingo evening; fine art pools; bowling, cook purchases; a charity golf competition; a karaoke night; a pastas dinner fundraiser; a dancing marathon; a pancake morning meal; and a lip sync charity event. Like Woody Allen, throughout an after supper speech the audio speaker becomes a tale bank clerk illustrating the basically ratified theory from the absurdities so often found in human connections and also this is actually typically related to a 'twist' in the account that brings in the tale amusing for the diners. Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet are auctioning off a personal supper along with both from them as well as one privileged enthusiast which could manage that at this year's public auction party applied due to the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation. Unlike a lot of dinner events, where individuals degenerate into one-on-one discussion, Keith (the professional from talking to the ideal questions at the correct time) assisted in the dynamic dialogue by performing only that-- asking concerns that became a dynamic round-table dialogue concerning management, interest, narration, legitimacy and private susceptibility.
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jimcutfro212-blog · 7 years
Real World Network marketing Advertising Tips ... Presence With Regional Events
Below's a real life instance of just how some people market their ONLINE MARKETING service As Well As products/services:Our location has an occasion called a "Homearama" every year every loss. For this occasion select contractors in the area construct a variety of residences at a pre-determined site (usually a new or nearly new advancement) for the purpose of "revealing" new construction techniques, styles, landscaping, interior decoration, trends, layout, gadgets, and so on. They likewise display the homes available as well as the location the houses are integrated in. There have to do with 5 cities which alternative organizing this occasion.The Homearama is a massive event that the bordering communities expect annually ... and attracts 1,000's of site visitors daily over about a 2 week period. This is a fantastic opportunity to "get to" the general public with a targeted campaign if you intend well. Just visualize the networking opportunities.For example I've seen the following:1. The entrance to the area where the home scenic tours begin goes through a lengthy series of "outdoors tents" lined with cubicles populated by numerous business and also items. You NEED TO go through this area to get to the houses ... as well as again when you leave. Can you say captive audience?I've seen a couple groups established cubicles around supplying their service or products (indicators, banners, sales brochures, business cards, video clips, etc.). Gifties site visitors could take with them look at well (item examples, magnetic stickers for your fridge, visors, cups, tote bags, phone pads, pens, and so on). They likewise have a raffle or competition where some lucky visitor can win totally free product and services. The common fill out an entrance form with call info & decline it in a box ... with the illustration held the last day (not called for to be existing).Exactly what's this do?First it gets presence ... munity branding. A couple of sales straight as well as lots of interested folks grabbing "information" and/or examples. And also naturally lots of conversations to follow-up on.Second, the contest/raffle develops a listing of prospective calls for follow-up using the entrance forms (name, address, telephone number, e-mail).Note: for this to be effective you would certainly should have a devoted team of regional suppliers willing to man the booth and talk with individuals throughout the occasions open hours. Likewise they need to have a clear prepare for following up with any type of contacts made. Arcadia Homes 2. Some people have also been able to have their products displayed in the houses themselves with connections or worked out contracts with the builders, designers, or occasion coordinators. For instance just how around Mia Bella candle lights attractively shown in the Master bedroom, shower room, cooking area, or formal dining room? Just how around Noni on the kitchen area counter ... or Melalueca on the restroom vanity ... or Earthlink on the computer screen ... or Packet8 by the phone, or ... well you understand.Likewise, not just the products/services are shown. You additionally present a business card rack so interested visitors could "learn more".3. Right here's one that's not so obvious ... connections with other vendors, property agents, home loan brokers, concessionaires, and builders who take part in the event. Your potential get in touches with typically aren't restricted just to the "checking out" public. Network with the occasion coordinators & participants also.There's a great deal of opportunities with an event similar to this. In my location it's called Homearama. In various other locations it's Showcase of Homes or something similar.I recommend you look into it and see if you can make the most of the possibilities yourself.
0 notes
oselatra · 7 years
Riverfest turns 40
Party with Wiz Khalifa, Morris Day and The Time, Cold War Kids and more.
In July 1978, "Grease" was No. 1 at the box office, where it would stay until mid-October. Farrah Fawcett was on the cover of "Vogue." The world's first test-tube baby was born in Manchester, U.K. Here on the homefront, the Junior League of Little Rock founded the Summer Arts Festival, renamed the Riverfest Arts and Music Festival the following year. The festival has evolved over its 40 years, drawing artists like B.B. King, James Brown, Willie Nelson, Snoop Dogg, Al Green, The B-52's. Its identity has leaned at times toward the nostalgic, other times toward the new. In 2008, the festival introduced a local focus, dedicating a tent to Arkansas-only talent. In 2016, it split into two parts: April Springfest for family-focused activities and a newly music-minded Riverfest. This year, Riverfest Executive Director DeAnna Korte says, organizers will honor that history — and the cultural and economic benefits it's afforded to Central Arkansas — with a Sunday celebration. "Those who attended Riverfest in the early years will feel a sense of nostalgia with Sunday's events," Korte said.
The official 40th anniversary party for the festival, which kicks off Friday, June 2, starts at 1 p.m. Sunday, June 4, and it's for everyone; even those without tickets to the full weekend can gain admission to the celebration for $5 (children 10 and under are free). Festivities include the fireworks display at 9 p.m., stick pony races, a PK Grill Steak Cook-Off, a petting zoo from Heifer International, a celebrity dunking booth, a cake decorating contest with professional and amateur contenders and an attempt to break the Guinness Book of World Records' record for the most sparklers lit at one time. That Sunday-only ticket also gets you in for the last round of musical performances, including Morris Day and The Time, Amasa Hines, Andy Frasco & The U.N., Here Come the Mummies, The Hip Abduction, Big Piph & Tomorrow Maybe, DeFrance, Brother Moses, Vintage Pistol and more.
Riverfest's sponsors are responsible, of course, for otherwise-familiar spots being suddenly rebranded with names like "Frio Light" and "Sweetwater," but they're also offering some cool little extras for Riverfest patrons: Verizon will have a charging station for all sorts of mobile devices, regardless of what carrier they're made for; the Clinton Presidential Center is offering a $2 discount for admission to its temporary exhibition, "Xtreme Bugs"; Arvest Bank's booth will be home to an arcade-style basketball contest, with winners, who'll receive $50 in "Riverbucks," announced at 2 p.m., 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. Saturday and Sunday; Sweet Baby Ray's is giving away full bottles of barbecue sauce; Patron Spirits will have a Mobile Cocktail Lab on a cart, equipped with a tablet questionnaire to help you determine what type of cocktail trips your trigger; festival sponsor Oaklawn Racing & Gaming holds its annual Baggo National Championship at 1:30 p.m. Saturday on the Clinton Presidential Center lawn; and Bobby's Bike Hike is offering free valet parking for any cyclists who bike to Riverfest. There will be amusement park rides from Louisiana's Lowery Carnival, a mobile video game station outfitted with seating for 20 people, performances from the Southern BMX Stunt Riders at 2 p.m., 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. Saturday and Sunday; and a return of the "Rock the Dock" Super Retriever Series — basically a track and field competition for dogs who like to swim.
If you're a wine or craft beer enthusiast, you can beat the crowds and attend "Flowing on the River," Riverfest's separately ticketed kickoff event in the River Market pavilions at 6 p.m. Thursday, $30-$40.
Check out riverfestarkansas.com for tickets and details, but first, here are some of our picks for acts to catch this weekend.
Dylan Scott
6 p.m. Friday. Frio Light Stage, Clinton Presidential Center.
From just over the Arkansas state line, in tiny Beekman, La., comes country newcomer Dylan Scott. He grew up in a place where, like so many Arkansans, his career prospects ranged from farm to paper mill to construction. His father, however, broke that mold, playing guitar on the road for the likes of Freddy Fender and Freddie Hart and coming back with whopping tales of life on the road — especially of that most magical of places, Nashville. So, inspired by his dad and Taylor Swift (no joke!), Scott moved to Nashville after graduating from high school and began the steep climb to Music City success. His debut single, "Makin' This Boy Crazy," was released in June 2013, and charted for 10 weeks on the Billboard Country Airplay chart, peaking at an unimpressive No. 54. But in August last year, Scott released his first full-length album (the eponymous "Dylan Scott"), and with his smooth baritone and genre-mixing rap vocals, the album debuted at No. 5 on the Top Country Albums, selling 9,000 copies in its first week. His latest single, "My Girl," has become a viral sensation, amassing more than 29 million Spotify spins. Scott will play at Riverfest on June 2, just five days after he marries the subject of his hit. HS
Cage the Elephant
9:30 p.m. Friday. Arkansas Federal Credit Union/Sweetwater Amphitheater Stage.
I'm suggesting to the members of modern rock band Cage the Elephant that if they ever consider a name change for something more memorable, here's one courtesy of Trump flack Kellyanne Conway: Bowling Green Massacre. A helluva lot more catchy that what they've been using for a decade, don't you think? Timely. Appropriate, because Cage originated in Bowling Green, Ky., home of the (non) massacre. Anyway, Grammy Award-winning Cage the Elephant offers the rock headliner on Friday at the park amphitheater, opposite the country lineup scheduled for the stage at the Clinton Center. And a good alternative it is. Cage the Elephant is probably best known for radio (and internet) hits "Ain't No Rest for the Wicked" from its eponymously named debut record, and "Trouble," from the latest release, "Tell Me I'm Pretty," a song co-written by Dan Auerbach of the Black Keys. There is also "Mess Around," the first from that same album (while the album was lauded, critics thought "Mess Around" sounded just like the Black Keys — and what a coincidence, with Auerbach producing the album). Apparently going all Black Keys in the Nashville, Tenn., studio was the right move for Cage the Elephant, as they took home the 2016 Grammy for Best Rock Album. Those three aforementioned songs nicely showcase lead singer Matt Shultz's lyrical and vocal playfulness. He apparently carries that style to the stage as well with an energetic punk-inspired approach that fans in the pit should enjoy. You can sense the Pixies influence and more on Shultz, who relocated the group to London before its first album release. However, brother Brad Shultz on lead guitar shows other impressive rock influences and gives Cage the Elephant some separation from many of today's current acts that all start sounding the same. Cage has a date at Bonnaroo next week; catching the band here might be a better deal all the way around. Indie rocking Grouplove makes for a nice complement leading up to Cage. JH
Dazz & Brie
1:15 p.m. Saturday. Arkansas Federal Credit Union/Sweetwater Amphitheater Stage.
If Dazzmin "Dazz" Murry and Kabrelyn "Brie" Boyce were backed by a DJ or a dude with a computer and a synthesizer, their harmonies would still soar with infectious intertwining lines, and their versatile capability to jump across genres and styles would stand out. Lucky for us, though, they are backed by The Emotionalz, a force of their own that can lay down danceable grooves, slow jams, filthy-nasty riffs and rock the **** out whenever they feel like it. Dazz & Brie stole the show and won the title at the Arkansas Times Musicians Showcase this year, and so no doubt it will be a treat to see them on a big stage outside. They describe themselves as "rock and soul," and while that's accurate, it still seems too small a box for Dazz & Brie. The pair is too dynamic and too expansive in their musical ambitions to really be classified. Sometimes you feel like you're listening to smooth neo-soul, other times like riff-heavy progressive rock, and still others like you just heard something on Top 40 radio that was too good to be on Top 40 radio. This "girl gang" and the ladies and gentlemen in their backing band are some of the brightest and most creative talents in Arkansas right now, and you owe it to yourself to check them out at Riverfest if for no other reason than that they will bring you a pure kind of joy. JS
The Wildflower Revue
2:30 p.m. Saturday. Frio Light Stage, Clinton Presidential Center.
The problem with supergroups is that rarely does the whole exceed the sum of its parts. Remember Jimmy Page's mid-'80s group The Firm? Us neither. But the balance sheets of the Wildflower Revue — Amy Garland, Mandy McBryde and Cindy Woolf, who has stepped into Bonnie Montgomery's place — are well in the black. These individual stars of the Little Rock scene were inspired by Emmylou Harris, Dolly Parton and Linda Ronstadt's Trio, an '80s-era supergroup that, unlike The Firm, improbably exceeded its parts. And the "peace-lovin' outlaw trio" of the Revue share a penchant for country music that goes back beyond the Reagan era — witnessed in part by their correct spelling of "revue" — as well as more modern sounds in country and Western music. Any complaint of crass commercialism in the Wildflower Revue's great-sounding eponymous debut album by the inclusion of covers of "Psycho Killer" and "Heart of Glass" are drowned out by the Revue's deftness and sheer joy. Would that we all had such well-balanced spreadsheets. SK
3:30 p.m. Saturday. Arkansas Federal Credit Union/Sweetwater Amphitheater Stage.
Exhibit A in the quest toward a more musicky Riverfest: Seratones. This Shreveport quartet, fronted by high school teacher A.J. Haynes, packed the White Water Tavern a year ago on the strength of its debut album, "Get Gone," on Fat Possum Records and considerable buzz — neither of which were likely to earn the band a slot in your father's Riverfest. Happily, soon (Saturday at 3:30 p.m., to be exact) the world will learn what the WWT knows — that Seratones pack their energetic rock 'n' roll swagger with respect to its deepest roots in jazz and blues. SK
Split Lip Rayfield
3:30 p.m. Saturday. Frio Light Stage, Clinton Presidential Center.
Lord knows that two of the greatest musical concepts are "fusion" and "hard to categorize," which is why Split Lip Rayfield is a must-see for this year's Riverfest. This Kansas trio has spent the last two decades crafting its own brand of cowpunky thrashgrass — a rollicking mashup of banjo, mandolin, the occasional kazoo and a one-string stand-up bass fashioned from a Mercury Marquis gas tank — and they come to Riverfest as part of a tour supporting their sixth studio record, the excellent "On My Way." Their live shows are said to be damn near a religious experience. Expect to holler a bit. SLR are true pioneers in carving out new possibilities and territory for acoustic music and have spread their gospel across the country for years. Think acoustic shows can't be metal? Think punk needs electric power? Come on over beside me, Junior, and let's take a master class in DIY and genre-stretching. I'm talking about the classic bluegrass yearnings of heartbreak and lamenting that "she don't call at all" paired with an energy that somehow twists that pain into something strangely joyous and all too real. Seriously, you don't want to miss this. GH
Cody Canada and The Departed
5 p.m. Saturday. Frio Light Stage, Clinton Presidential Center.
Cody Canada's been at this music deal for a while now, first fronting Cross Canadian Ragweed (which, based in Stillwater, Okla., made regular stopovers at Stickyz in the 2000s) and now leading Cody Canada and the Departed. Bassist Jeremy Plato has been with Canada for 23 years as a member of both bands. They're so close and so un-controlling about band things, they put an album last year ironically titled "Jeremy Plato and the Departed," where Plato took the lead on vocals and Canada and the rest of the band (and some top-talent imports) supported him a bunch of old country covers. Real, tried-and-true Texas-style country and country rock is the sound you'll get from the Departed late Sunday afternoon, slap-dab in the middle of a country — and bluegrass-influenced full day of music in front of the Clinton Center and culminating with Arkansas favorite son Justin Moore from Poyen. They're typically linked on "sounds a lot like" sites with ZZ Top, Jason Boland and the Stragglers, and Texas red dirt-stylist Wade Bowen, who is Canada's brother-in-law. Canada's latest work has marked a return to his Cross Canadian songwriting roots, but let's hope such circa 2011 Departed favorites as "Ballad of Rosalie" are still on his set list. Either way, he's a proven performer worth showing up for, even more than for the later headliners or the fireworks. JH
Cold War Kids
8 p.m. Saturday. Arkansas Federal Credit Union/Sweetwater Amphitheater Stage.
Welcome to Riverfest, you two. Will you be having the indie? Excellent choice! The chef's special tonight is Cold War Kids. We take choice, Grade A indie rock, lovingly prepare it with pulsating beats, soaring melodies and sing-along choruses, and serve it sizzling. The special comes with sides of hand claps and soulful backup vocals. The restaurant shtick aside, California-based Cold War Kids have been hovering on the edge of breaking out of the alternative charts into mainstream success for far too long. Over the years, the CWK lineup has changed and absorbed two members of indie favorites Modest Mouse, but the band has retained its own signature sound that gets feet moving and hands waving in the air. The band is promoting its brand-new album, the anthemic and dance floor friendly "L.A. Divine" on Capitol Records. Last month, Cold War Kids joined with British singer Bishop Briggs and released a spare, stripped-down cover of Rihanna's hit track "Love On The Brain" that's enjoying a fair amount of buzz. Bottom line: If you're scanning the Riverfest menu in search of your indie dance party, order up a heapin' helpin' of Cold War Kids. They just might end up being your new favorite dish. GH
Wiz Khalifa
9:30 p.m. Saturday. Arkansas Federal Credit Union/Sweetwater Amphitheater Stage.
When you ask Little Rock seventh-graders what they know about Wiz Khalifa (as I felt compelled to do with the middle schoolers I teach), they tell you one of two things: He has a son with model Amber Rose and he smokes a lot of weed. They are right on both counts, and both facts have featured prominently in Khalifa's music. In his most recent studio album, "Khalifa," the rapper's son cameos on the track "Zoney." You can't really say pot cameos anywhere because, well, it's referred to constantly in his music. Even Khalifa's latest — which fans hope will drop this year — is tentatively called "Rolling Papers 2," a follow-up to the 2011 "Rolling Papers." But not all of his music is about pot: Khalifa's breakout "Black and Yellow," which hit No. 1 on the Billboard Hot 100 with its rolling beat and sparse mix, was about his Dodge Challenger (in which he smokes pot), painted the iconic colors of his Pittsburgh hometown's football team. Some may say he's gone too pop ("Say Yeah" grooves over an A-Ha-inspired beat based on its timeless "Take On Me"), but those in the Taylor Gang (his fan base, named after the Converse shoes he always wears), will be lining up to hear what Khalifa's been smoking — I mean cooking. HS
Morris Day and The Time
7:15 p.m. Sunday. Frio Light Stage, Clinton Presidential Center.
If you were old enough to remember the '80s, you probably know Morris Day and The Time and you don't need to read this because you'll already be there to see them. If not, let me make it clear: You cannot afford to miss Morris Day and The Time. You probably already love them and you don't know it, because their mark is present on so much pop and R&B today. It's impossible to talk about Morris Day and The Time without talking about Prince. The Purple One more or less engineered the band, picking and choosing some of the best R&B players in Minneapolis to assist him in his vision of going worldwide with his alchemical concoction of funk, R&B, rock, psychedelia, etc. Along with helping spread the Purple Gospel, The Time's Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis worked with Janet Jackson to lay the foundation for what would become the New Jack Swing sound that dominated the late '80s/early '90s, and produced countless other hits across pretty much all genres. All that said, watching them perform live, it's clear the bands stands on its own. Morris Day and The Time absolutely bring it, and you can guarantee that everyone out in front of that amphitheater is going to be on his or her feet or misguidedly attempting to breakdance on the grassy slopes. JS
Riverfest turns 40
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mizmeliz · 7 years
Having recently attended the Masters of Taste event at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena, CA where about 80 restaurants and vendors came together to honor and support the Union Station Homeless Services in Los Angeles, I am impressed with the extent of social good the industry is able to accomplish.
In addition to raising over $450,000 for the organization and showcasing their culinary expertise, many of the restaurants and businesses represented exemplified their own ways of giving to the community.
Those amazing chefs and business owners have instilled a giving spirit and inspired many young up and coming entrepreneurs in the making. I am proud to share the future of the culinary arts field with you from the Los Angeles Careers Through Culinary Arts Program!
     (Los Angeles, CA), Wednesday, May 10, 2017: Thirty-eight outstanding culinary students from Los Angeles County public high schools were awarded scholarships to continue their culinary studies on May 1, 2017 by Careers through Culinary Arts Program (C-CAP) at its annual Los Angeles Region Awards Breakfast hosted by the Jonathan Club, L.A.’s premier social club located in Downtown Los Angeles. C-CAP President Karen Brosius, alongside C-CAP Los Angeles Program Director Lisa Fontanesi and Culinary Program Coordinator Gail Carney, awarded over $682,700 in scholarships and opportunities to the students.
  These scholarships were awarded to high school seniors to attend local culinary schools and some of the most prestigious culinary schools in the country. Some students also received C-CAP Education Scholarships that help defray the costs of books, supplies, housing, and other expenses while at community college or another culinary school.
During the C-CAP Los Angeles Cooking Competition for Scholarships held on April 28, 2017, top finalists representing high schools in the Acton-Agua Dulce Unified School District, Baldwin Park Unified School District, Glendale Unified School District, William S. Hart Union High School District, Los Angeles Unified School District, Oxnard United High School District, Pasadena Unified School District, and Rowland Unified School District competed against the clock from memory when C-CAP re-created the intensity of a restaurant kitchen at Los Angeles Mission College, for the high school seniors to face off in an savory and sweet cooking challenge. Students were judged by a panel of local esteemed judges on the presentation of their dishes, knife skills, techniques in the kitchen, taste, sanitary food handling, and timeliness.
This year’s C-CAP Cooking Competition for Scholarships Judges included:
Chef Gretchen Beaumarchais, Legends Hospitality
Chef Cecelia de Castro, ACE (Academy of Culinary Education)
Katteryn Hernandez, Sr. Operations Manager, LA LIVE, *C-CAP Alumna
Chef Alexis Higgins, Mission College
Chef Jared Levy, The Eveleigh
Chef Joey Martin, UCLA
Jayro Martinez, Chef de Cuisine Mh Zh, *C-CAP Alumnus
Jonathan Melendez, Food Photographer, Blogger (The Candid Appetite), *C-CAP Alumnus
Adrian Neria, Food Service Manager, Palmdale Regional Medical Center, *C-CAP Alumnus
Chef Roger Pigozzi, UCLA
Doria Pomrenke, Associate, Caryl Chinn Culinary Consulting, *C-CAP Alumna
Chef Aaron Robbins, Boneyard Bistro, Soca
Chef Jet Tila, Judge, Cut Throat Kitchen; Author, 101 Asian Dishes You Need to Cook Before You Die
Richard Grausman, C-CAP Founder and Chairman Emeritus
The C-CAP Cooking Competitions for Scholarships are hosted across the country and are the culmination of the C-CAP high school program for underserved teenagers at risk of leaving high school without a job or college prospects.  The C-CAP program offers a wide set of opportunities including exposure to the restaurant/hospitality business, a set of useful life skills, scholarships, and the potential for a fulfilling career in a vibrant industry.
In addition to the culinary school scholarships awarded, C-CAP awarded Erik Ildefonzo (2015 Alumnus) from Carson High School, a full-tuition Alumni Scholarship towards his Bachelor’s Degree in the Culinary Arts and he will study at Drexel University in Philadelphia, PA. C-CAP also announced the 2017 Meatless Monday Recipe Contest Los Angeles-based and national grand prize winner at the ceremony. The scholarship was presented to Adrian Gonzalez from L.A.C.E.S for his Three Sister’s Stuffed Squash dish. C-CAP high school students from around the country were invited to create an innovative meatless noodle dish. Through the contest, students are introduced to the Meatless Monday public health initiative.
2017 C-CAP Los Angeles Region High School Seniors Awarded Scholarships:
  Baldwin Park High School
Luis Cervantes, Fantasy of Flavors Scholarship
Kingsley La Mig, Fantasy of Flavors Scholarship
Steven Silva, Baldwin Park Culinary Arts Academy Scholarship
Carson High School
Christopher Torres, Chef Stef Kelly Scholarship, LA Advisory Board Scholarship
Chatsworth Charter High School
Kenia Castaneda, Art Institute of Hollywood Full-Tuition Scholarship
Vernon Dowell, Tuxton Scholarship
Glendale High School
Anthony Avina, Eydie & Ed Desser Scholarship
James Hernandez, Glendale Community College Partial-Tuition Matching Scholarship, Sprout LA/ Moruno’s Scholarship, Friends of Debbie Greenwood Scholarship
Shaunt Mesrkhani, Culinary Institute of America Tuition Matching Scholarship, Kathleen & Richard Cadarette Scholarship, LA CIA Community College Stipend
  Granada Hills Charter High School
Natalie Babikian, International Culinary School at the Art Institute of Las Vegas Half-Tuition Scholarship
Daisy Byun, Lee Ann and Melvin Jacobs Foundation Scholarship
Sabrina Forte, Mitzie Cutler Scholarship
James Monroe High School
Juan Gonzalez, Academy of Culinary Education Full-Tuition Scholarship
Matthew Sanchez, C-CAP Education Scholarship for Chef Eric’s Culinary Classroom
Adrian Gonzalez, Meatless Monday Recipe Contest National Winner, Chef Eric’s Culinary Classroom Full-Tuition Scholarship
  Nathaniel Narbonne High School
Suleima Lima-Ruiz, Paul Smith’s College Full-Tuition Scholarship
Pacifica High School
Belen Gallardo, Lee Ann and Melvin Jacobs Foundation Scholarship Vanessa Gonzalez, Sandra MacDonald Scholarship
Luz Lopez, Lee Ann and Melvin Jacobs Foundation Scholarship, Alice M. Hart/Food for Film Stylists Scholarship
Jennifer Martinez, Culinary Institute of America Full-Tuition, C-CAP Education Scholarship
Rio Mesa High School
Hania Gerszewski-Arredondo, Ronald Newburg Foundation Scholarship
Alondra Corona, Fantasy of Flavors Scholarship
Paloma Astorga, Sue & Dave Larky Scholarship, SoCalGas Scholarship
Antonio Morente-Meda, International Culinary Center of California Half-Tuition Scholarship, Mitzie Cutler Scholarship
Sabrina Forte, Mitzie Cutler Scholarship
San Fernando High School
Rene Meza-Diaz, Arbonne Charitable Foundation Scholarship, C-CAP Education Scholarship
Jessica Hernandez, Art Institute of Orange County Full-Tuition Scholarship
Santee Education Complex
Jennifer Perez-Cazarez, Ronald Newburg Foundation Scholarship
  Susan Miller Dorsey High School
Alejandra Landa, International Culinary Center, California Full-Tuition, C-CAP Education Scholarship, Mitzie Cutler Scholarship
Diana Leal, Mise En Place Scholarship, Elissa & Rick Phillips Scholarship
Mouhamadou Ndiaye, Diane Mohilef Scholarship
Julie Ferguson-Villalobos, Mitzie Cutler Scholarship
  Sylmar High School
Amanda Gandarilla, Lee Ann and Melvin Jacobs Foundation Scholarship
Valencia High School
Julia Connors, Johnson & Wales University Full-Tuition Scholarship
Daniel Quijano-Saide, International Culinary Center of California Half-Tuition Scholarship
West Adams High School
Juana Arredondo, Fresh & Ready Food Scholarship
Irene Gutierrez, The Gourmandise Full-Tuition Pro Pastry Series 1 & 2 Scholarship
  West Ranch High School
Eliza Nesheim, Monroe Junior Boot Camp Scholarship
  About Careers through Culinary Arts Program:
Led by chef Marcus Samuelsson as board co-chair, Careers through Culinary Arts Program (C-CAP) transforms the lives of underserved high school students around the country by helping them pursue their culinary dreams. C-CAP, founded by culinary educator Richard Grausman, prepares talented teens for college and careers in the restaurant and hospitality industry through its enrichment program including job training, paid internships, scholarships, and college and career advising. For more information visit, www.ccapinc.org.
  The C-CAP Los Angeles Advisory Board:  Gloria Barke, Karen Berk, David Binkle, Eric Boardman, Jason Bohle, Jennifer Bohle, Linda Burum, Marilyn Caldwell, Tim Castle, Caryl Chinn, Terrie Cooper, Mitzie Cutler, Ed Desser, Eydie Desser, Barbara Fairchild, Ann Flower, Gerry Furth-Sides, Harold Ginsberg, Debbie Greenwood, Jamie Gwen, Miki Hackney, Andrew Harris, Alice Hart, Jeff Hennes, Kristine Kidd, Rick Kirkbride, Carrie Kommers, Gloria Mandell, Georgia Mercer, Dalia Miller, Mary Sue Milliken, Diane Mohilef, Yoko Newburg, Neela Paniz, Elissa Phillips, Rena Pocrass, Joel Polachek, Jayne Portnoy, Sylvia Rieman, Ellen Rose, Jesse Sanchez, Carl Schuster, Art Sezgin, Dave Smason, Teri Solomon, Diana Surfas, Jannis Swerman, Phillis Vaccarelli, Phillip Valdez, Joan Vogel, Donna Weiser-Hennes, Heidi Weisman, Josephine Witte, Donald Wressell, Steven Yamin, Sherry Yard, Ria Young, Linda Zimmerman
  Photo Credit:  Ed Krieger
  Follow C-CAP Los Angeles for the latest updates on:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CCAPLosAngeles/
Twitter:  @CCAPLosAngeles 
Instagram:  @ccaplosangeles
  C-CAP – Careers through Culinary Arts Program
202 West 1st, Suite #6-0410
Los Angeles, CA 90012
T: 213-542-1967
  This was re-posted with permission from: Lawrence Moore & Associates Inc. See my disclosure for details on why I share articles like this on MizMeliz.com
L.A. Students are Really Cookin! @CCAPLosAngeles @LawrenceMoore Having recently attended the Masters of Taste event at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena, CA where about 80 restaurants and vendors came together to honor and support the…
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Rice plantations in Colleton County created tremendous wealth for Lowcountry during the early colonial days of America. The festival celebrates that heritage with a rice cooking contest at 12 p.m. Friday, a Rice Exhibit in the Colleton Museum, and the World's Largest Pot of Mahatma Rice available Friday and Saturday at 10 a.m. Click here for more details. Blessing of the Fleet & Seafood Festival Everyone is invited to the Mount Pleasant Waterfront Park on Sunday to pay tribute to the local shrimping and fishing industry. The 30th annual Blessing of the Fleet & Seafood Festival includes the traditional blessing, a boat parade, and shrimp samples to celebrate the local fleet. The free festival from 11 a.m to 5 p.m. also includes live music, a craft show, and shrimp-eating and shag dancing competitions. The blessing and boat parade start at 1 p.m. For more information and a detailed schedule, click here. Columbus' Ships Come to Port Experience the discovery of the "New World" aboard replicas of the famed Nina and Pinta this weekend in the Charleston Harbor.
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