#from the hawks insta story
onmytape · 1 year
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kevin and colton at hawks dev camp
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snekjin · 2 years
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just a bit of banter | chi @ min | 25 march 2023
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f14fun · 3 months
dc it-girl (mv1) - chapter 1
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synopsis: in which case y/n, an it-girl that hails from the united state's capital, washington dc, meets max verstappen in an unexpected occurence at the redbull showrun in her home city. both not knowing each other, immediately find themselves in a once-in-a-lifetime love story.
general info: !fem!poc!black-reader x mv1 faceclaim: asia monet ray + other girls from pinterest/insta!
smau + prose (3.3K words) ✮ ⋆ ˚。𖦹 ⋆。°✩ profile | masterlist ⋆.˚✮🎧✮˚.⋆
things to note: yes, in this story i am changing the characters for a bit, i know that david coulthard was driving, but in this case we can pretend that that was max. also, he will be in dc for a publicity event for a week. please let me know if there is anything else you need me to clarify. happy reading! 💙📖💭
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liked by florence.jwilliams, user1 and 119,012 others
yourusername: bad gyals thrive in dc
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florence.jwilliams: babes we looked so hot today xx
yourusername: i knowww, but i was dying like a bitch in the heat 🙄🙄
florence.jwilliams: might visit somewhere cold this summer j to get away from the sun tbh 😭
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Florence was always looking for shit.
She was always looking for shit for us to do, places to go, food to eat, but sometimes, it was a lot.
Like today. Although it was only the nineteenth of April, the sun was blaring down on the little city of D.C. (namely, the District of Columbia, for all of you non-natives) like an absolute bitch. And I, immune to alcohol poisoning, foot fungus, and slightly-immune to bad breath, was not absolutely not immune to the wrathful rays of the sun.
Zilch. Nada.
So when I originally left the house in a cardigan, I immediately went back in to change into a tank top and jorts. It was hot. I was hot. And Florence wanted to spend the whole day walking around the city doing God knows what.
That's how we ended up stumbling across a parade.
Every know and then when I would visit D.C., I would sometimes almost accidentally show up right in time for an event. Sometimes I happened to love the event, other times, I sometimes left, queasy, dizzy, and claustrophobic.
I wasn't sure what to make out of today's event.
At first, when looking from an outsider's perspective, it seemed as if I had walked into one large, large, cult meeting. Oh no.
Every one was adorned in shapes of navy, cheering, screaming, and worse of them all, holding a goddamn can of RedBull's Energy drink.
The air was thick with the scent of anticipation and caffeine, a cocktail potent enough to keep even the most exhausted of souls awake for days.
Banners fluttered wildly in the hands of fervent fans, each emblazoned with logos and slogans that screamed allegiance.
Vendors weaved through the throng, hawking more cans of the ubiquitous energy drink, their cries barely audible over the din.
Occasionally, a shower of confetti would rain down, sticking to the sweat-drenched skin of the masses, creating a mosaic of glittering chaos. The atmosphere was electric, charged with the raw energy of thousands of voices united in a singular, frenzied purpose.
RedBull being one of my least favorite sodas (can you even call something you vehemently dislike a favorite at this point?) already made me additionally pissy.
So when Florence and I had just arrived at D.C. and walked towards Pennsylvania Avenue, it was too late for us to realize that the event was actually ending, and the crowd was dispersing.
Even as a girl who hails from the city, I do get quite nervous and claustrophobic around too many people. So to my utter horror, people from the flood of the RedBull cult were heading straight towards us, scattering like a pack of fleas.
Too late.
I had lost my tight grip (I swear I was holding on to her hand super duper tightly!) on Florence's hand, and we ended up getting separated from each other. Calling her name would be no use in this throng of people.
My heart pounded in my chest as I desperately scanned the sea of navy shapes, each person indistinguishable from the next in the dimming light.
Panic set in, and I could feel the beginnings of a cold sweat on the back of my neck. I tried to push my way through the crowd, but it felt like swimming against a relentless tide. People brushed past me, some nearly knocking me over in their haste to leave.
The overwhelming noise of their chatter, laughter, and the occasional burp of a RedBull can opening filled the air, making it impossible to concentrate.
It was gross. It was disgusting. I was disgusted.
I spun around, hoping to catch a glimpse of Florence’s distinctive red scarf, but all I saw were faceless masses. My phone! I fumbled in my pocket, my fingers trembling as I tried to pull it out without dropping it. Just as I managed to get a hold of it, someone bumped into me, and the phone slipped from my grasp, landing with a sickening thud on the pavement.
“Dammit!” I muttered under my breath, crouching down to retrieve it, praying it wasn’t shattered. As I picked it up, I glanced around again, my heart sinking. Florence was nowhere to be seen.
In this crowd of sickeningly electric people over an energy drink, I was dead. Six feet under. Tired, and I had just gotten to D.C..
I looked around in despair, realizing that I must have walked a few blocks without even noticing, my mind too frazzled by the chaos and my separation from Florence.
My phone was clutched tightly in my hand, my lifeline in this moment of utter confusion. I tried to call Florence, but there was no signal. "Damn this shitty data!" I cursed under my breath, feeling my frustration bubble over. The crowd seemed to close in around me, their excited chatter and laughter a stark contrast to my growing panic.
My fingers tapped frantically at the screen, hoping that maybe, just maybe, a bar of signal would appear and rescue me from this nightmare. I could feel the beginnings of a headache forming, the kind that starts as a dull throb and quickly escalates into a pounding, relentless pain.
The one goddamn day I had left the house without my morning coffee and this shit decided to happen to me...
In a desperate attempt, I switched my phone to airplane mode and back again, praying for a miracle. But nothing changed. The crowd jostled me from all sides, pushing and pulling like a relentless tide, each shove adding to my rising sense of helplessness.
I glanced around, trying to find a familiar landmark or a quieter spot to regroup, but all I saw were waves of navy shapes and faces blurred by motion and anxiety.
"Florence!" I shouted again, my voice barely carrying above the din. The energy drink-fueled chaos was suffocating, a cacophony of noise and movement that seemed designed to disorient and overwhelm. I caught sight of a bench a few feet away and made a beeline for it, hoping to gain some semblance of stability.
I was in a twisted, sick, alternative fever dream where my nightmare fuel was in fact RedBull™, ha ha ha.
Whatever, I could probably find her somewhere around the city, I mean, it wasn't that big...right?
So there I was, in D.C., by myself. Not like I wanted to go in the first place that morning, but whatever.
Lost in thought, I was just wandering around, not really concentrating on anything in particular. Horrible city instincts, might I add. Because of my absentmindedness, I clearly did not notice when I walked into someone.
More like someone's RedBull drink walked into me.
I could not escape the nightmare fuel fever dream RedBull™ agenda, couldn't I.
Now I was extremely pissed off. The icy liquid soaked through my shirt, a cold shock that made me gasp and snap back to reality.
Looking up, I was two milliseconds away from berating whoever spilled this devil-drink all over me. But my harsh words died on the tip of my tongue the very instant that I looked up.
I was looking at a man. But not just any regular man. An extremely handsome man.
His startling icy turquoise eyes connected with mine. His stubble, a little overgrown, looked so hot. His mousy, brown touseled hair gave him a nonchalant yet strangely put-together look, and I was all in for it. And I, a girl who never stops talking, I was rendered speechless.
From the first glance, everything about him seemed perfect.
Except for the fact that he just spilled RedBull all over my white tank top and he was even wearing RedBull merch, from head to toe. Like who does that? What fashion choices...
He gave me a sheepish smile, clearly embarrassed. "I'm so sorry," he said, his voice smooth and sincere. "I didn't see you there." His soft, European (?) accent lulled me to silence in an instance.
I wanted to be mad, I really did, but his charm was disarming. "It's fine," I managed to say, trying to suppress the butterflies in my stomach. "Accidents happen."
"Let me help you," he offered, reaching into his pockets and pulling out a pack of Kleenex tissues. He reached out towards me, seemingly wanting to put his hands on my shirt.
"Oh, oh, that's okay," I said, freaking out internally. If this handsome European man touched me that close to my boobs I might just have to propose to him that very instant.
"No, no, no, I insist," he said, his accent getting thicker, clearly not understanding my drift. He was too handsome to be doing this shit, I swear.
He came closer towards me, and I instinctively backed up a bit more. Not catching my drift (once again), he took a larger stride towards me. I, unprepared for this wild encounter, didn't step backwards in time, so the sexy European man in all of his glory, collided into me.
And down we went.
It must've been a funny sight to see from the average passerby. Them just minding their business. Maybe walking their dog. Or perhaps getting a morning lattee.
Lying in the middle of the street are two people. Just there.
I would've hit my head on the pavement and probably cracked my scull wide open if not for the RedBull man. He had cradled one arm around my head, the other wrapped tightly around my waist. I think (?) he was helping me to try to stop the fall.
To no avail, we still fell.
What he disregarded, though, was when he tried to stop the fall, was the reason why we were falling in the first place. As grabbed my head as we fell, he also let go of the RedBull can. So now, free in the wind and open towards the chaos of the District of Columbia, the RedBull can fell.
Fell where? You may ask. It fell over us. It fell everywhere. The sticky, icky drink splattered across both of our faces, its cold, sugary droplets clinging to our skin like a caffeinated rain shower. The can, released from his grasp, seemed to defy gravity for a split second, twisting in the air before gravity's inevitable pull sent it crashing down.
The can hit the ground with a soft thud, its contents erupting in a fizzy explosion of energy. The liquid sprayed outward in all directions, catching us both off guard.
Streams of RedBull arced through the air, some landing on nearby pedestrians who stared in disbelief, while others formed tiny puddles on the sidewalk, reflecting the cloudy yet impeccably humid D.C. sky above.
For a moment, him and I laid on top of each other (weird and freaky, I know), frozen in a tableau of absurdity, our faces now adorned with streaks of sticky red liquid.
A passerby, caught in the crossfire, chuckled as they hurried past, muttering something about needing to wash their dog now. It was a scene straight out of a slapstick comedy, and despite my initial shock and embarrassment, I couldn't help but laugh along with him.
And you may think, oh wow, that is horrible. That must hurt. Your joints, your back, your legs. And to that I say, yes, yes, and very much absolutely yes.
The very sexy (slightly less sexy, now that we were mangled on the disgusting sidewalk) European man was laying on me with all his bodyweight, and it very much hurt.
To make matters worse, our faces collided. You ask, where did your faces specifically collide?
Our lips. Our lips collided, and they touched.
And me like the dumbass I am, when I see a face coming towards mine unexpectedly, eyes closed, and especially a face who's male.... I puckered up.
Yes, I was stupid.
Now, I was on the floor, sticky, and kissing a stranger.
Out of context, that sounds like a funny and strange sentence. But this whole scenario in the first place was out of context, so bear with me. I mean, how often do you end up on the ground, covered in energy drink, and accidentally kissing a stranger in the middle of the day?
It was like something out of a quirky rom-com (okay, more like the evil-twisted beginning to one of those abduction horror stories grown-ups tell you when you are a kid), except I never imagined I'd be the protagonist.
But in that split second, with the taste of RedBull lingering on our lips and the chaos of the city swirling around us, there was an inexplicable spark. It wasn't just the caffeine rush; it was a moment of shared laughter and unexpected connection amidst the sticky mess.
In this moment, I was either going to die because he was about to kidnap me, or sheerly die out of embarrassment. Or, I would will myself to die, this was not happening to me.
He pulled back, his cheeks flushed with embarrassment. "I'm so sorry! Are you okay?" he asked, his accent making his words sound even more sincere.
I tried to laugh it off, but the awkwardness of the situation was hard to shake. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just… sticky." I wiped at my face, feeling the sugary residue cling to my skin.
He helped me to my feet, brushing off his clothes with an apologetic smile. "I didn't mean to… I mean, that was not… you know," he stammered, clearly flustered.
"It's okay," I reassured him, despite feeling mortified myself. "Really, it's fine. Just a little... unexpected."
He chuckled nervously, running a hand through his hair. He winced, as he realized that his fingers as well as his hair smelled like RedBull. "Well, this is definitely not how I imagined meeting someone today."
"Me neither," I admitted, feeling a strange mix of embarrassment and amusement. "But hey, at least it's a memorable encounter."
He chuckled, shaking his head. "Yeah, I guess this is one way to make an impression. I'm Max, by the way. Professional RedBull spiller and accidental kisser."
I laughed, the tension easing. "Nice to meet you, Max. I'm Y/N. Apparently, I'm your victim for today."
"Victim? More like an unsuspecting hero," he replied with a playful grin. "Seriously, though, I'm really sorry about all this. Can I at least buy you a coffee to make up for it?"
"Well, considering you saved me from cracking my skull open, I think I can let you off the hook," I said, trying to sound casual while still feeling a bit flustered. "And coffee sounds good."
"Great! I know a place just around the corner. And I promise, no more RedBull," he said, raising his hands in mock surrender. (Yeah, the biggest lie I was ever told. Do not trust sexy men, they are all liars)
As we walked towards the café, the awkwardness of our first meeting began to fade into a shared sense of humor about the absurdity of the situation. Max continued to apologize, making light-hearted comments about his job with RedBull and his less-than-perfect coordination skills.
"You know," Max started with a grin, "I guess I should add 'professional accidental kisser' to my resume now."
I chuckled, shaking my head. "Not sure how many job openings there are for that, but you'd definitely stand out."
"Well, it's all about making a memorable first impression, right?" Max replied, his eyes twinkling mischievously.
"Definitely memorable," I agreed, taking a playful jab. "Though next time, maybe aim for something less sticky?"
Max feigned offense, placing a hand over his heart. "But where's the fun in that? Besides, it's not every day you get to meet someone while wearing your finest RedBull cologne."
"I have to admit," I said with a smirk, "you wear it well."
Max chuckled, nudging me playfully. "Hey, it's an acquired scent. You'll get used to it."
"And here I thought coffee was supposed to be the only thing brewing today," I teased, glancing at him from the corner of my eye.
He leaned closer, lowering his voice conspiratorially. "Who says we can't have a double shot of excitement?"
I couldn't help but chuckle at his playful flirtation, feeling myself relax even more in his company. "Well, as long as it doesn't involve any more airborne beverages, I'm all in."
Max raised an eyebrow, pretending to look offended. "Are you saying you didn't enjoy our little RedBull shower?"
"Let's just say I prefer my caffeine in a cup," I replied with a grin, sipping my coffee and meeting his gaze over the rim. "So, Max, what other talents do you have besides professional beverage mishaps?"
He leaned back, pretending to ponder the question seriously. "Well, I can juggle three balls at once. And I'm pretty good at making people laugh, unintentionally, most of the time."
"I can see that," I said, laughing softly. "You've definitely brightened up my day, unintentionally." Continuing, I said, "I was lost in that throng, no, no, no, cult of people wearing RedBull on Penn Ave. It was absolutely horrible, never again."
He guffawed loudly, so loudly, at my slightly funny joke, I for a second, thought that there was an underlying joke in my statement that I had not caught (spoiler alert, there was).
Max guffawed loudly, his laughter infectious. "Oh, I'm sorry," he managed between chuckles, "but you have to admit, it makes for a great story."
"You find this funny?" I asked, feigning offense while trying not to laugh myself. "I was traumatized by energy drink enthusiasts!"
"Hey, at least you made it out alive," Max quipped, wiping a tear of laughter from his eye. "And here you are, sharing your harrowing tale with a fellow survivor."
"Survivor?" I raised an eyebrow, pretending to assess him critically. "Or secret admirer of RedBull?"
Max shrugged, his smile mischievous. "Maybe a bit of both. It's an acquired taste, you know."
"You are just saying that as a cult member, I can't really trust what you say still. I am so sorry, but you could not pay me to drink that can of dog piss," I jokingly rolled my eyes.
Max burst into laughter, his amusement filling the air around us. "Dog piss? That's a new one! Trust me, I'm not here to convert you," he said, grinning widely. "But if you ever change your mind, I'll be here with a fresh can and an open mind."
"Hmmm... okay," I reluctantly said. (Yeah, fat chance you would get me to drink RedBull willingly)
"That only made him laugh louder. "So I've heard," Max replied with a grin, clearly taking my comment in good humor.
I chuckled, feeling a sense of relief that he wasn't offended by my playful jab. "I mean, it takes confidence to rock the RedBull look from head to toe," I added, trying to soften my teasing with a smile.
"Exactly!" Max exclaimed, his laughter subsiding into a grin. "You've got to commit to the brand, right?"
"Absolutely," I agreed, nodding. "I have to hand it to you, though. Not many people can pull off such a bold fashion statement."
"Well, thank you," Max said, his tone light and playful. "I guess you could say I'm all about making a statement."
"I can see that," I replied, unable to resist teasing him a bit more. "I suppose next time we meet, I should wear something equally attention-grabbing to match your style."
Max laughed, shaking his head. "Please do. It'll make for an even more interesting encounter."
Everytime he spoke, he made direct eye contact with me. It was so sexy and seductive, and I don't even think that Max knew what he was doing was hella attractive.
I, not immune to anything today I guess, fell hard for a stranger that I had just met.
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yourusername posted on her story
📍washington dc 🎵 see you again (ft. kali uchis) - tyler the creator
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florence.jwilliams: girl we got separated and first thing you do is be big backed??? be so fr... where are u
yourusername: on a date! 😁
florence.jwilliams: oh!-
florence.jwilliams: don't be selfish and bring me back a iced coffee w almond milk and a croissant pls.
yourusername: croissant 👌🏾, beverage 👎🏾, i've had enuf of beverages and spilling today. 😭
florence.jwilliams: oop, tea
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author's note: a little short but sweet! ty guys for reading this fic! 😍🫶🏾 part two will be out sometime within the next two weeks, comment if you want to be added to the taglist! ⋆.˚✮🎧✮˚.⋆
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spopsalt · 5 months
Bruh, not me out here finding MORE Crew-Ra stuff with weird incestuous undertones. Oddly enough, it’s not Nate this time.
For reference, this is from Mickey Quinn’s insta. She was a story board artist and character designer for 19 episodes from beginning to end. They also did some stuff for a Crew-Ra fanzine, with “Adora in Wonderland” being a contribution. Here’s the part that gave me ick.
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Look at Sea Hawk and Mermista. Any ideas who they’re supposed to be?
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Why they’re Tweedledee and Tweedledum of course!
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Two men who are practically identical. Oh, and they’re BROTHERS.
Seriously, WHY draw one of the canon couples as TWIN BROTHERS???
Doesn’t even make sense… I mean, Perfuma as a flower is cool, but why Frosta and Scorpia? So SeaMista being twin brothers makes just as much if not MUCH less sense…
Just make it make sense. Bc this ain’t it. Smh.
Ew. Ew. Ewwwwww. What is it with all the weird incestuous undertones in spop? First we got Sea Hawk ex being his dad, we have Catra and Adora being siblings, and now we have this? Seriously, why?
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spacehostilityy · 1 year
Part 3 of my nnt rewatch ep 13-18
I'm trying to watch it in latam Spanish but I just rlly love the English voice cast >:( I'm doing it for most scenes anyway tho🤪 I do love español!Elizabeth's voice tho !! I maintain that English!Ban is the best voice tho
Do we know why meliodas loses his emotions in this form?
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And what form even is this? We never see it again if I remember correctly?
Helbram's magic lowkey cool as fuck
I want to see ban and Elizabeth interact one on one more often, as the two people closest to Meliodas (aside from Merlin, but she has secrets) I want to see them together, yk?
MelBan is just so good like they beat the shit out of each other to show love and I think that's beautiful
I know a lot of ppl ship lancelot and tristan but I ship their dads🫣 el oh el
Elizabeth should be way more powerful than she is and that is what polishes me off the most in all of sds honestly >:(
Also I'm back on my howzer x diane bullshit 😔
La voz del español!Meli es tan profundo, pienso que es la voz más diferente de las versiones, es extraño
Mi teoría sobre la voz de meliodas solo existe en las versiones de inglés y japonés I guess
King and Ban training together is so fucking cutee
I love how we just never rlly find out anything abt the trumpet of cernunos lol
How is ban's jacket too short but his pants aren't? Not complaining, that's just silly lol
Also him defending Meli even tho he obviously knows he's a demon is so🥺
Meliodas splitting the mountain with the branch is one of my fave scenes, we get to see that there's so much more to him and it hints at his coming power
I forgot how tragic Gil and Margaret were that's a good storyline damn
Ep 14 time !!
Is helbram... hot?
YESSS roars of dawn time !!! Slader is so babygirl I love him sm
Guila is such a girlboss line yaasss kween kill those children !!
Why the fuck does meliodas own so many slutty women's costumes HMMM? is he... you know... 👀💅
Gowther introducing himself to Hawk as oinkity oink oink is so real, I love their bond
I love that will Elizabeth feels insta love and Meliodas has BEEN in love for 3000 years
Slader is like if demon!meliodas, ban, and hawk had a baby and that baby was a slut
Seeing genuine surprise from Meliodas when "gowther" was going to be defeated is so weird, like mans was sad he lost his friend and had no idea that wasn't him
The roars of dawn are all hot and that's a good thing
Poor Dale. He just wanted to protect his family. And he was hot too😔
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Ban flipping King off while Meliodas revels in Chastiefol's softness is such a representation of all three of them
Meliodas straight up using hellblaze to fight the armored giant/Dale is so funny, it's like baby isn't ur biggest secret that you're a 3000 year old demon prince?? And hellblaze is your specialty demon power?? This does not seem inconspicuous
Also might do a ramble on hellblaze later 👀
Also ban using a whip is kinda 😳
Indiana jones type drip (I am both attracted to and find gender envy from Indiana jones)
The girls are fightingggg
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Also this title card is so cute !!
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Meliodas straight up being the holy knight grand Master of danafor is so funny to me
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He looks so cute in his danafor outfit😭
Also I wonder where meliodas gets the groping thing from because 3000 years ago he was def not like that, though the groping does get less frequent as the story goes on and that's when the holy war arc is so maybe nakaba just forgot abt it lol
Also slavery being canon in nnt britannia is crazy when you think about it
The only reason meliodas didn't carry a sword being he would kill too many people is just a litttleeee bit funny
But also Cain saying that he is both too violently destructive and "too gentle a soul" is painstaking ahaha🥲 literally the best descriptor for him
Gowther carrying King on piggyback is so cute😭😭
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I think the moment Meliodas finally kills Dale is a real turning point in the series. Before this, he had not killed a single opponent. He just fought to disarm and incapacitate. Just the next episode, he tells ban and gowther to "go straight for the kill" against the holy knights. As we see throughout the rest of the series, even before his emotions get caught in purgatory, he no longer feels hesitant to kill. He only becomes more and more like himself from the time of the Holy War (post 10 commandments). This is why I love his character sm, a corruption arc (even if he is never truly evil) is just so rare and one this good and angst filled is even rarer.
Ban continually stealing the same 1980s glamrock red leather set with studs bc he keeps getting murdered in it is the foundation of his character fr
Gowther and Elizabeth being the only ones who are not alcoholics is so real
Also all of them just sniffing king kills me😭
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Diane being 30 feet tall means the world to me
Also gowther is so pretty, esp without his glasses
Long hair!Dreyfus is also ridiculously pretty
Ban just letting Gowther squish his tits is so hashtag real, mans gives no fucks
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I don't think I've seen this episode since the first time I watched nnt bc I totally forgot Arthur was introduced in it lol
LISTEN howzer rooting for Diane when they're on opposite sides of the battle is just rlly cute look how flustered he is🥺
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so in English, after gowther uses rewrite light, the holy knights say "Meliodas! There you are! Ban, I really missed you man!" BUT in Spanish they call Meliodas mijo (meaning my son/my kid) and Ban hermano (brother)😭😭
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Howzer and Gyula being the first ones to publicly stand up to dreyfus and hendy means so much I love them
Hendy was so hot😭😭
Wait how did I just realize that fraudrin was the one to break gowther's nightmare teller
Wait I also juT realized that Dreyfus is Gil's uncle. Gil is dreyfus's nephew. How did I not comprehend that
King, sobbing: why can't I ever protect the people that I care about?😢😭😓 Helbram: it's because you're consistently late🤨😐🙄
Helbram's eyeliner game is almost as good as Ban's
Is Howzer's hair supposed to be green or blond? Discuss.
On that note, we always say Elizabeth's hair is silver, but it's def mint green
Anyway,that's episode 18! Can't believe I'm already about to be on my last part of season 1 !!
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Formation of the Tokyo Manji Gang! | 創設!東京卍會
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Want to read along, but don’t have the game? Here’s a link to the event recorded!:
Event Period: 13 of January - 27 of January 2023
Featured cards: Manjiro Sano / Kazutora Hanemiya / Keisuke Baji / Takashi Mitsuya
Event box: Haruki Hayashida
Event pass: Ken Ryuguji
Hey, Baji. Did you get the omamori from Takemitchy?
Yeah. Did you ever tell him about it?
Not yet, but you still have it huh.
当たり前だろ? 結成記念の大事なモンだからな
Of course I do? It's an important memento from when we founded Toman
Let’s start our own gang.
Our commander will be the strongest guy in the universe, the most honorable Mikey!!
Our vice commander's gonna be our dependable big bro, Draken.
The best mediator, Mitsuya, will command our elite guard!
The flag-bearer is the mighty Pah-chin!
You and I will be the attack unit! Kazutora!!
A gang where we can all lay down our lives for each other. That's the kind of gang that I want.
Let's go buy some omamori to commemorate it!
Beach time!!
Hell yeah, this feels great!
The sea breeze is awesome.
Oi, go faster will ya?
Well, I can’t, can I!? He’s so damn slow.
_ _ _ _ _
Tokyo Manji Gang? Never heard of ‘em.
_ _ _ _ _
Hey, hey, hey. You for real!?
There’s a little kid over here rocking up on his moped and some gang uniform.
If you wanna play pretend, go back to your hometown! Don’t come ‘round ‘Hama.
Too bad you ran into us! We’re gonna smash that scooter to pieces.
_ _ _ _ _
If any of you lay a finger on my Street Hawk.
…I’ll kill you, okay?
… Well, we’ll let you guys off the hook this time. We catch you guy in ‘Hama again, we’re torching all of your bikes.
 we’ll let you guys off the hook this time. If we catch you guys in ‘Hama again, we’ll burn that scooter and the rest of your bikes.  
Go home and study!
What do we do? Go after them and finish ‘em off? 
Sounds good! We can easily insta-kill 10 guys, right?
Knock it off. They’re already gone.
I’m stupid, so I don’t really care what we do.
… It’s all Mikey’s fault for riding that moped.
For sure!!
Hah? What’s that supposed to mean?
_ _ _ _ _
What’s up?
Looks like I’m outta gas
You’re kidding me!?
We told you we’d be riding for a long time, didn’t we?
You really suck at planning.
Head over to a gas station.
The rest of us are going to the beach
あれ?これは一大事だなー! これは東卍の一大事だ!
What’s this? This is a huge emergency! Toman has a huge emergency!
Yeah, nah. This is a you problem, Mikey…
But it’s not just my problem! Which means whoever’s going to the gas station…
Hang on, Mikey…
Here we go…
…will be decided by rock-paper-scissors!!
I knew it!
It’s so hot… Fuck…
Why did it have to be me…!? Mikey, you dumbass.
あっれぇぇ!? またさっきのダサ坊じゃん!?
What’s thiiiiiis!? It’s one of the lame-o’s from earlier!?
You all by yourself?
Didn’t we say that we’d torch your bikes next time we see you!?
_ _ _ _ _
Didn’t we say that we’d torch your bikes next time we see you!?
_ _ _ _ _
Haah… Haa…
とりあえず原チャ、ぶっ壊しちゃう!? バッドでボコボコにしてやるよ
You’re stubborn, aren’t ya, brat?
Now… Why don’t we smash up this moped now!? Then I’m gonna beat the shit outta you.
[ BAJI jumps in front of the bike ]
嘘だろ? 体で庇いやがった
Are you kidding me? He threw his body over to protect it.
Lay a hand on Mikey’s precious ride, and I’ll kill you!!
Is that bike really all that important?
What’re you laughin’ at?
Just a bunch of sheep.
You don’t even have the right to ride a bike.
The hell you say!?
Beat the shit outta him!!
_ _ _ _ _
Huh? What is it now
I forgot my swim trunks.
[ MIKEY walks up and boots his bike ]
えーーーーーー!!!?  原チャ蹴っ飛ばした!?
EEEEHHHH!!!? He kicked his own bike!?
You assholes. What are you doing hurting something important to me!!!?
You were the one who did it just now!!
[ MIKEY launches a kick at the LEADER. The LEADER falls. ]
Baji, you good?
I’m sorry you put your body on the line for a thing like that.
こいつら全員鏖(みなごろし) だ!!
Can you stand, Baji?
We’re gonna wipe em all out!!
And then you went and beat them all yourself.
Even then you were “invincible” and cool.
Come on, don’t say it like that
A gang where we can all lay down our lives for each other.
… I wonder if we can be like that.
Who knows.
…It’d be nice if we could.
You can view all my translations for Tokyo Revengers: Puzzle Revengers & Hypnosis Mic: Alternative Rap Battle in my discord: HERE.
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damnitiloveyou · 10 months
The Showtime insta stories 👀 seems like Ron’s favourite scene is in ep8 because it’s really emotional so that could mean many different things 😖
*sighs in pain* I saw that and yes it could mean absolutely anything. I am not confident in many of my expectations but I genuinely don't see the show having Hawk and Tim part ways on bad terms in 86. That just wouldn't make any sense. But I'm sure the stills we've seen from the AIDS rally they're at are pretty powerful scenes as well. Furthermore Hawk and Lucy are in need of a conversation( and I'm hopeful we will get it in the hotel scene) and I can't imagine that it will be an easy conversation to have, so I'm sure that will be emotional as well. Selfishly I don't want to spend too much time on non Hawk and Tim scenes. There's just so much for them to resolve and that's what I want the focus to be on. Again, I know that's selfish and plenty of people will disagree but it's where I am.
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mermaidsirennikita · 1 year
Do you have any good recs for pirate romances? Preferably with smart/spunky heroines (anything but innocent)?
Yes! So, I will say--I haven't ventured far into the Golden Age of Piracy beyond books I read as a child that require... re-assessment, as that era of piracy is very heavily linked to the slave trade. I'm not saying there aren't solid pirate books out there, I'm saying that a lot of those Golden Age books are old school--so they have the issues that come with being old school along with the issues of their era.
Scandalous Desires by Elizabeth Hoyt--an all time favorite of mine. Hero is an Irish river pirate, but don't let the river fool you. He is 80% pirate, 20% river AT BEST. (Charming) Mickey O'Connor basically got a lady pregnant, and that lady died, and then he had a baby, and what did he do with that baby? He anonymously left her at an orphanage run by a Quaker widow he publicly humiliated a while back, OBVI. When this book begins, the widow, Silence (sister of Winter and Asa Makepeace, praise be) basically runs up on his pirate lair to be like "I ACTUALLY LOVE THAT BABY, GIVE BACK BABY" and Mickey is all "Silence m'dear, uh, no, unless you want to stay on my ship and cruise while I seduce you with artichokes and sensual masturbation".
Truly a Hoyt classic, with one of her best heroes and one of her best heroines, and the heroine is also sister to two of her other great heroes. It fucks. I think there's a scene where she says I love you while he's inside her and he insta-ejaculates. Silence is not an innocent heroine; she's not a virgin, and she's a bit... quiet and kind, but world-weary, and she comes into her own with Mickey.
The Duke with the Dragon Tattoo by Kerrigan Byrne. Another river pirate. Heroine finds hero near death when they're kids, nurses him back to health, and before he's forced to leave he tells her he'll come back to her. Years and years later, her brother is about to force her to marry this asshole, and the hero shows up at the church on her wedding day, kills her brother and fiance, spirits her to his ship, and forces her to marry him by maritime law. An insane book. Better if you read The Highwayman first (a criminal mastermind book, not a pirate book) which is a criminal mastermind book. Heroine isn't super spunky, but because her brother was an asshole she's jaded.
The Bootlegger's Bounty by Adriana Herrera is a novella about a bootlegger (obviously) in the 1920s. He's villainous, what with the novella being a part of the Villain I'd Like to F... collection. It's m/m/f, so he ends up with a chanteuse type lady and a boyish hot young thang. DEF NOT INNOCENT.
The Hawk by Monica McCarty has a piratical hero, even though he's like... a lord and part of Robert the Bruce's Seal Team 6, basically. It's a Scottish medieval, and he like, hauls this uptight Irish heroine out of the water, and he's all "oh wow she's annoying". He's wild, she's restrained, eventually they have sex on a raft that is in literal motion in the midst of a storm with gale force winds. It's excellent. The heroine is a virgin, but she's quite smart and gives the hero a lot of shit, lol.
Shadowheart by Laura Kinsale has a hero who's a pirate/lord/bastard/assassin. Like, you meet him as a pirate, and it goes from there. One of the best books I've ever read, I cried, I swooned, he's deranged, she's ready to play ball, at one point she ties him so he's sort of hanging from the ceiling and he could totally get loose but instead he just thrashes and does a whole "mercy" thing. I will say the first encounter is noncon, though I'd call it fairly mild in terms of how explicit or violent it is. To me, it made sense for the story. It stands alone, but it's even better if you read the not-piratical (knights) For My Lady's Heart first. Heroine is a virgin, but definitely has a snarky side, and once she blossoms~ with the hero, she is off to the races.
How to Tame a Wilde Rogue by Julie Anne Long (out 7/25) is a lovely read about a privateer (not totally a pirate, but close) getting stuck sharing a room with a spinster highborn lady at an inn over the course of an intense storm. It's a romcom, for sure. Heroine is a virgin, but jaded by bad luck and spinsterhood.
If you're down for steampunk, Milla Vane's The Iron Duke has a pirate-turned-duke hero and a heroine who's like... part robot sorta? Heads up, the hero describes childhood SA, and there is some dubcon, though I personally liked it. Serious, but not innocent (bi) heroine.
If you're open to historical fantasy vibes, I LOVE India Holton's Dangerous Damsels series. It's full of pirates in flying houses, witches, and spies; there are high emotional stakes but it's very whimsical and funny. The first two books have pirate heroes--I think the first book has a pirate heroine as well, and it's very "charming rakish pirate meets rebellious young lady"; the next one maaay still be my favorite in the series, and it's a sexy Irish pirate and a sheltered witch wunderkind. They start having sex to take the edge off, and I swear I remembered a scene where they're steering the ship, but each one has one hand down the other's pants.
I never do this, but--you're gonna see Sea of Ruin recommended. I rarely do this, but I will anti-rec it. I don't think it handles its subject matter well. It also has the heroine's mom die by jumping off a "cliff" off the coast of South Carolina (around Charleston). This is the lowcountry. There are no cliffs. She would get sucked into the marsh. A gator would eat her. She's not jumping off a cliff.
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imperatorrrrr · 1 month
HAHAHA nico's Swiss Air™️ insta stories with The Chocolate... will we see more delicious Swiss Boys content from him? he and jonas are attached at the HIP this offseason it feels like.
MAN I want a healthy devils squad this year. jack and timo with matching bionic shoulders... rocket richard for the BOTH of them. please. we have suffered enough.
haven't been doing much in the offseason tbh. watching a lot of savannah bananas banana ball when it's on. drew gillespie you have my HEART for trying in vain to bail out the party animals every single night...
how am I? doing okay, really! not much in the way of news from my front haha. how're you? what're you up to?
(and holtzy :[ take your time with the fic though, no pressure!)
- 🎨
desperately hoping for another sponsored Swiss Air story. we've been woefully neglected by Nico this summer in terms of his own Instagram activity. surely he can deliver us this hmm?
I feel like Jonas and Nico are always attached at the hip, to be fair. genuinely hoping Siegs has a bounce back year this year, with Dougie back and with hopefully less injury/health issues. I would like the rest of the Swisses to stay together please (you'll be missed, Akira).
Did you see Jack on the ice, skating, taking shots. I was watching his upper body like a hawk, everything looks on the up and up. A full season of healthy Timo MOTHERFUCKING (literally) Meier, grabby hands.
CCA, what in the world is Savannah Bananas Banana Ball. I have no earthly idea. I have never seen all those words you typed consecutively in that order before. explain.
Thank you for your patience with my fic writing. Its slow going, but I am determined.
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z4nstories · 1 month
Short Story of 2 characters that will be in a story I'm working on
Green marks the start if u came from insta. Drop a follow if you haven't already. https://www.instagram.com/zain.ahmad8504/
He was about 20 years old now, yet he looked 40 and moved just as one would’ve expected him to, based on his appearance. That is, Johnny of course, for his older brother Dave was indeed 40 but moved and looked the way Johnny should’ve been. The two brothers had often been mistaken for one another, upon first meeting, for they were often labelled as the ‘older’ and ‘younger’ of the Scott brothers. This made it increasingly hard for any hopeful client to make a good impression on the two. No matter how far apart their age, they both shared the tendency to be quick and sharp to cut down and erase any disrespect, or rather anything they thought to be ‘disrespectful’. It is arguable that the reason the Scott Family had dipped so low in standings amongst the rest of the Mafia family is because of the brothers’ antisocial nature. It meant that most clients became the targets of the Scott’s jobs, as more often than not, the two brothers would dislike their client. Of course, there is always an exception to such stereotypes.
Enter Ronny Hawk, a man working for the World Arcane Organisation, under the false guise of a hopeless park ranger, with targets worth about a quarter of a million Great British Pounds, for the heads of the leaders of a poachers guild. When Johnny read the offer, his lips curled in a hideous smile, for it was indeed a promising contract. A Quarter of a million pounds to hunt a group of men notorious for killing animals? Why, it practically screamed a free paycheck to the man. Dave on the other hand was more cautious and looked upon the contract with a dark facade which made him look nearly as old as his brother, of course he was indeed older.
“Johnny”, said Dave
“Johnny, stop smiling you imbecile”
“Why, what’s wrong?” Obviously dazed by the idea of a free 250K in his pocket, Johnny had become lost in dreams after passing the contract note to his brother, so that when he was spoken to, he jumped up as if he had been woken up from a deep slumber.
“We’ve yet to have a job in a good few years, Dave. With our quick execution of this one, we’ll be sure to break through the top 10 of the assassination guilds in this part of the world. We’ll be on top again, Dave! Why the long face?” 
“No, it doesn’t seem right, Johnny. This contract, and the man who issued it ‘Ronny Hawk’. I feel as if I’d seen the name before. It doesn’t seem right”, in contrast to his brothers, Dave’s tone was far less delightful and rather, laced in a melancholic undertone which made it seem like he was in attendance for a funeral, although for the Scott brothers, attending a funeral would most likely be a result of their own actions, so there would be more laughter than sadness.
“Then why don’t we meet the man?” After regaining his composure, Johnny looked to his brother and when he saw a change in his expression, reached over to his mobile phone and dialled the number detailed in the contract, next to the words ‘Client Number’.
“If he’s a wrong’un, we’ll kill him Johnny.” Dave snorted as he looked away from his brother.
“I know, Dave. I know”
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onmytape · 1 year
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salt bae
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snekjin · 2 years
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practice | 28 dec 2022
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cyclament · 3 months
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Traditional wips
March 12, 2020
insta notes:
sketches/first pass for my traditional stuffs too lazy to get all my digital wips together but there's a lot of them (~7?)
I'm hoping to get the spring plants done this week and hopefully get the fall/winter ones sketched after that gonna focus on the bg and flats of the bird for the hawk painting 4 now. I'll limit myself from the details until the frame for the wings is thought out/the rig is made #5 is a mixed media thingy + maybe 3d drawing cos i havent doen anything like that in a while
wanna get the castle bnw detailing done today
hawk - started apr 11 ti plant, #5 - apr 12 algaonema, caladium - apr 8
Well lookie here, look at how much I lied. hoping to get the spring plants done? What an absolute buffoon I am. There is one success story here, though - Rosewood and Iris, surprisingly. Everything else are failures.
Acrylic paint on canvas | Pencil on watercolour paper
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Redemption of Misfortune:
Cursed Blessings
|| He had been suddenly ripped from his perfect life and thrown into the underlying reality of his world. ||
|| A person's life is filled with happiness & sadness, love & hate, and trust & betrayal. What are people supposed to feel when an external force turns their peaceful world into neverending turmoil? Embark with Akita Hawk through his life, a world filled with experience, choices, and misfortunes. Read about many nations, their leaders, fantastical creatures, and mystical realms. ||
People involved in the making of this story- Writer & Editor: Akita Character Design: Soup, Willow Beta Reader: Soup, Willow, Lilly, Olivia, Paiden
Besides Akita, the one writing this, I have to give a big thanks to the people who are involved and helping with the creation of this story and who are making what it is, thank you.
Other Platforms: Ao3: Redemption of Misfortune - TheMaskedArtist
Wattpad: Redemption of Misfortune - TheMaskedArtist_
Socials: Insta: @redemption_of_misfortune
TikTok: @redemption_of_misfortune
Tumblr: @TheMaskedArtist
Chapter 1
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f1-stuff · 4 years
6 Apr 2020: Jonny says Stay Home!
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haechanluvr · 3 years
Summary: Loosely based off of the song Reckless by Madison Beer.
Warnings: Swearing, Miguel being a douchebag, Sam being a boyfriend stealer (nothing new)
A/N: nothing much to say other than this song makes me cry so much, and it hits me deep.
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾ oh you swore on every star ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
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“He has blown me off everyday for the past 3 weeks. I try to be understanding because I know the All Valley Tournament is coming up, but I can’t take it anymore. He always has time to be with Sam, so why can’t he make the time to be with me?” I explained to Tory as we did the dishes at work. She shook her head at me, and tossed the rag into the sink. “I told you, that Larusso is no good, she likes to make people think she’s some innocent angel, but in reality she’s a no good, boyfriend stealing little bitch.” I felt bad for dumping my problems onto Tory when she and Miguel used to date, and she already doesn’t have the best track record with Sam. 
We finished up with work and were on our way to my car. “I’m sorry for dumping all of my problems on you. I should’ve been more considerate knowing your history with Sam and Miguel.” She hugged me and as we pulled away, she had both hands on my forearms. “We’re friends, I don’t mind listening to you drama. Miguel and I are history, I have Robby now, and as for Sam, what’s done is done. She wants to keep this rivalry going, so be it. I promised her mom I wouldn’t bother anymore, and I meant it. I’m trying to change.”
After dropping Tory off at her house, an hour had passed when I had gotten home, and Tory sent me a screenshot from Miguel’s close friends story on Insta. It was a pic of him and Sam, they were hanging out at her house. I had texted him when I got out of work, and a little after I had gotten home, but I was still left on delivered. I couldn’t take it anymore, he swore there was nobody else, he told me I was the only one he ever wanted in his life. I started crying, I couldn’t catch my breath and it felt like the walls were caving in on me. I can’t believe he constantly keeps lying to me. How long has he been posting about her on his close friends story? When the hell did he remove me? I decided to send him the picture, with the message ‘Training looks like so much fun.’ The minute the picture delivered, I saw the read receipt pop up. No bubbles, no nothing, he left me on read.
The next day at school I avoided him at all costs, which wasn’t hard, seeing as he looked fine. Sitting at lunch with Sam, Demitri, Moon, and Hawk. I made eye contact with him, and the smile on his face fell, then I turned to look at Sam, and she had a guilty look on her face. I scoffed and walked over to Tory, to sit with her and her Cobra Kai friends. I never got involved in the drama, everyone knew I thought it was stupid, but that didn’t mean that I didn’t always root for Miguel and his dojo, they always had my full support, even if I had friends in the other dojos. I was sitting with the group for all of 20 minutes, when Miguel walked up to the table and cleared his throat to get my attention. “Can we talk?” I shrugged and didn’t glance his way. “Rhea, get out of here man. You chose up, Y/N is one of ours now.” From the corner of my eye, I saw Miguel’s hands ball into fists, so I quickly stood up and grabbed him before a fight started.
Once we reached the empty hallway, that’s when he started to speak. “Why didn’t you come sit with me?” He asked as if nothing was wrong, I looked at him in disbelief. “Are you fucking kidding me Miguel?” I said louder than intended, which brought out the 2 friend groups into the hallway as well. “Could you keep it down? I’m just trying to see what your problem is.” In that moment I didn’t know what to say, I wanted to hit him in the face. “You’re unbelievable. You wanna know my problem? For the past month or so, you’ve been bailing on me to what? Hang out with Sam? You removed me from your close friends story to fucking post the bitch. You have some fucking nerve to ask me what MY problem is when you’re being a sneaky bitch.” His eyes went wide and he shook his head. He was going to reply, but then I heard that annoying squeaky voice speak. “Wow, you’re that insecure? Miguel cant even have friends?” She laughed at me and I saw red. I lunged at her, and before Miguel was quick enough to grab me I decked her in the face. “Bitch, say something again. I dare you, I fucking dare you.” She just stared at me with a shocked expression. 
“And friends my ass Larusso, you constantly do this, first to Tory, now me. No wonder Tory had an issue with you in the first place, you just cant let Miguel move on, you’re constantly being a cheating, manipulative little bitch.” She looked pissed, and like she was going to speak, but I cut her off. “Say something smart, go ahead, this time it’ll be you falling over this fucking staircase, and I kick harder than Robby.” That shut her up real quick, but it caught Miguel’s attention. “Leave Sam alone Y/N, she’s never done anything to you.” I span around and laughed in his face. “You 2 deserve each other, I don’t  know how you can be so reckless with someone’s heart. I fucking loved you Miguel and you have been playing me, like some idiot for probably over a month.” He shook his head and tried holding my hands. “I do love you Y/N, you’re my everything, i’m sorry. This was a mistake, but please don’t blame Sam, don’t hurt her, it was all me. I’m the one who owed you loyalty.” 
“Don’t touch me. Don’t fucking touch me Miguel. Not when you’re still defending her. She kissed you when you were dating Tory, she did that, not you. Everyone sent me texts saying they’ve constantly seen you guys together, that party I didn’t go to, people told me that she was flirting with you all night, and that she tried kissing you then to, but that you pushed her off, so I thought my Miguel wouldn’t cheat on me, not when he rejected her before, but look at me now, you did it, and I look like a moron.” He stayed silent, he didn’t say anything else to me, every one of our friends was still watching everything unfold, and I heard Tory call Sam a bitch. “You just can’t leave peoples boyfriends alone can you? When are you going to stop ruining peoples lives Larusso.” Tory told her and Sam refused to look in my direction, and in Tory’s.
“The shitty thing out of all of this is everyone told me you’d do this, they said that you would go back to her the minute she showed a small amount of interest. Yet I was here. You remember when we first started dating, and you left me all those cute letters in my locker?  I kept every letter you wrote telling me that i’m the only girl you’d ever want in your life, you said you’d never hurt me, you promised.” I was now crying, and so was he. “I hope you both go to hell.” I grabbed my bag from the floor and walked away. 
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