#the rain world brainrot is strong…
n0vzz · 7 months
a guy
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red-velvet-0w0 · 22 days
Hello from the hallowoods is really good at paralels between characters
the hfth brainrot is going strong and I need to take a bit to rant about how good all of the parralels between all of the characters are because oh my good mx wellman you truly outdid yourself on them
Riot-The Misters R&W-Moth: all three spent their entire time since the black rain in bunkers, only to be forced to leave
Riot-Clara-Moth: all three spent their time isolated in their respective safe houses with their families, only for something to go terribly wrong and them being forced to flee. They lose their parents, but after leaving all found a new mentor/father figure to teach them how to become strong enough to survive
Clara-Olivier: kinda obvious basicaly everybody references how clara is slowly becoming the new olivier and in the season 3 finale they make it even more clear by saying that blackletter didnt even remove olivier from the plan. also both dated riot
Walt-Bern: both were survivors in the woods but while walt used compassion and understanding, bern initialy refused to believe either diggory or olivier should be allowed to survive
Soloman-Irene: both were masters of the dark arts who attempted to reanimate the dead
The Resting Place crew-The Grand Crossroads crew: a group of a renagade devil, a powerful creature animated by the black rains, and a woman who takes her power from another indiscribably who acts as a lancer and supporter of the devil
The Countess-The Count: kinda obvious dont think I need to explain this one
Diggory-Cindy: connection to rizwana and dedication to stopping the end of the world
Diggory-Mort: deceased members of Rizwanas doomed expedition who in the end have to choose which one of them will die saving the world
Diggory-Creep: beings who have stolen the memories of Rizwanas expedition mixed with the black water
Friday-Penny: both have luck based powers that cause them to remain trapped and isolated being tormented for years
Nikignik-Ethel: both communicate stories through dreams, but LEM uses it to talk about herself and tell her own story, while Nik barely ever talks about it, especialy in season 1
Walt&Riot-Winona&Alena: young person with older mentor with a special sword
Ray-Gale-Bill: Moths 3 father figures, each of which take a different approach towards raising moth
Buck&Rick-Hector&Jonah: another pretty simple one
Jonah-Faceless King-Rat King: three kings of the end with three different perspectives on what that means for them
Marolmar-Nikignik-Xizikxiz: watch starcrossed gods please even if you have never watched a single episode of the show before I am begging you its so good
Al-Percy: the two ghosts, both only have one friend who can ever see them and carries their instrument around and a bad single parent
Ms Wicker-Indrid: both mothers who join the church of the hallowed name and have a chance to save their son from the spring service
Riot-Clementine: I really should not need to explain this one
I could go on for literal hours but literaly you can choose any two characters and their stories will parralel each other in some way and let you see something new/unique about how each handles their situation in contrast to the other.
If you have not watched HFTH please do so it is genuinely the best podcast if not the best story I have ever seen(or heard? its a podcast so im not sure what proper terminolodgy would be)
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I follow this blog a couple of months ago for the Reagan world metropolis ending gone wrong and I came back a couple months later and there's still nothing when are we going to get a new update
Sorry for being inactive here haha
Unfortunately, i'm having heavy Hazbin brainrot right now, and i can't make myself think of a RW comic, or draw it. Not long ago i promised that you'll get an update before summer... and i'm so terribly sorry, but it's not going to happen. Hazbin brainrot is still strong.
I'm going to continue it one day, Rain World is forever game for me. But right now i can't fight my hyperfixation.
So, if you interested in Hazbin, you can check my main blog. If you not, then... stay tuned, one day I'll come back from Hell hahah
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biggie-chcese · 1 month
Ummmm can I get a frickennnnnnnnn yomi hecksmile for the bingo
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rain code spoilers and LONG rant below:
yomi hellsmile is one of if not the funniest character in rain code. i was delighted nearly every time he was on screen because his over the top, camp-level Saturday morning cartoon headass evilness captivated me. i like his design but dont find him particularly attractive. i am just thoroughly entertained by the way that he looks like a hazbin hotel gijinka. i mean this in the most positive way possible. it's so fucking funny. when i first saw mr Red Hair with the emo bangs grinning at me and then a name literally meaning Hell Hellsmile flashing across my screen, i had to pause to laugh. what the fuck. this character is great.
the fandom doesnt get it and just hates him for the ch 2 scene or kicking yakou or whatever and like, yeah sure he did all that shit. but he's so funny. nearly every line of dialogue is golden. he should be on a reality TV game show what's bro doing being a cop
as for some other opinions... i do think that yuma should've been able reap his soul in ch 4. i dont have any desire for revenge for yakou or whatever. i just think there'd be something narratively compelling about makoto literally making use of the detectives and yuma's book of death as indirect hitmen for both of his biggest obstacles (yomi and huesca) so his hands would stay "clean" of this crime. using yakou to be rid of huesca, then using yuma to be rid of yomi. it feels strange to me that he had to do all that shit just to get some files. come on bro. just have sex with yomi and steal his keys while he's distracted or some shit. why do people have to die for some tax fraud records. yomi and the peacekeepers dont even put in much effort to hide their assholery and corruption. it's right in your face. WHAT would leaking this information do??? you're the top ranking official besides yomi so who are you even showing this evidence to???? the other knowingly corrupt peacekeepers and Amaterasu officials who benefit from yomi's rule?????? world's greatest mind, my ass. anyway tldr; it's an unsatisfying and somewhat baffling conclusion to yomi's downfall that just kinda makes makoto's plan seem unnecessary and silly. despite this, i didn't fill the "canon isnt real" bingo slot because i dont ignore canon i embrace it! i just have my gripes about this particular plot point
regarding the thing in chapter 2 that makes Everyone uncomfortable... i also dont think martina is a helpless innocent victim girlboss queen or whatever. like she was all down for all that toxic shit until bro brought out the cube machine n she was like "wait you're like. Killing me killing me? damn." like she just didn't wanna die. but she was into the sadomasochism stuff. that much is clear. she would return to him in a heartbeat if he was back in power.
ANYWAY wow i sure talked a lot abt a character who isn't even a personal favorite of mine. the brainrot isnt as strong but believe me when i say i love this guy.
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anonygowose · 1 year
help the brainrot is so strong it brought me back to tumblr.
lets play rain world co-op we said, nothing would come out of this we thought.
oh how wrong we were.
and i am all for it.
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OCs As Experiences
i was tagged by: @blissfulalchemist (gracias!✌️🌺) to do this uquiz for some ocs as experiences.
i decided to do marta and cloud, mostly because i have been thinking of marta a lot lately and cloud cause i always have cloud brainrot. and i made little notes in the post cause that's fun for me!
anywho, i'm tagging these cool cats to do it if they want to: @sunhearts / @outfromthesea / @fayelistic / @thelittlestspider / @youngsamanda / @neutronstcr / @theaisstillhere / @ohwrite / @elizaellwrites / @justnerdy15 / @targentis / @wordsacrossemptypages / @meganqwynn / @elysianfiields / and anyone else! say i tagged you!
marta dardashti-roscoe💫original works + oc in m*rvel & dc + witchblade ideas
note: in which this shit HURTED because marta is trying to become who she is after having bits of her memory wiped, and like, she really just is full of a strong sense of nostalgia she cannot for the life of understand or get over after having that part of her stolen from her.
you leave people feeling nostalgic. drug store valentine's cards. a favorite childhood song crackled through the radio; secret folded notes to find later. a soft yellow. christmas lights. knowing all the movie scenes that make your best friend laugh. birthday candles. a favorite hot chocolate mug. arcade carpets. lazy sunny saturday mornings. young, but not naive. you give people the sense of being held. falling asleep in the car and being carried safely inside. an acknowledgment that no matter how we age, there’s still something small and reaching within us that never goes away completely. (and that it’s not a bad thing.) there’s something sweet about you that feels hard to come by nowadays. a “they don’t make them like you anymore.” maybe it’s a chance to dip a toe back into childhood or a less pressured place—into imagination again, if even for a short while. a chance your presence gives in allowing people to enjoy it all more fully this time around.
claudia r. dardashti 🕵🏽‍♀️original works + oc in m*rvel & dc+ witchblade ideas
note: i remember my friend kayla saying once that claudia has a protective presence so i like this conclusion to the quiz. people have come to her for protection, for not just physical things but because -- even though she's not the best with her own feelings -- she won't judge how other people feel and tends to not judge people most of the time and is good with other people's feelings. so yes, cool, cool, cool.
you leave people feeling refreshed.
a full exhale. first day of spring, a step into a hot bath; fruit eaten in the sunned grass. a full glass of water. birdsong. a cat napping by the window. the smell of a meadow after rain. deep green. laying with your head in a friend’s lap. coming back home after a long trip. freshly laundered sheets. a rallying force and refuge. both steadying and renewing. feeling your shoulders totally relax. when people are close to you, there’s a sense they can take their shoes off in the safety of your presence. to be unguarded and at ease. feeling safe enough to close their eyes; to rest in the peace and the comfort you offer, though you might not even be aware of it. you might ask people how they’re doing, but what they know you mean is, “where can I help? what do you need?” when the world can be such a tumultuous place, it is no small gift to have support like yours.
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Pre and Post January 19th, 2023.
Downpour has a fucking DEATH GRIP on my creativity right now. I love Rain World, it's one of my favorite games of all time, which is why this pull is so strong.
I may actually take a short pause from my other projects to draw some stuff for the Rain World art month coming up soon. I don't know how many pieces I'll be able to contribute but, I've never gotten the chance to participate in one of the art month events and this seems like a healthy way to get out some of my brainrot! [insert corny joke about the rot/roast aimed at Five Pebbles here]
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what-nope · 11 months
currently, i have brainrot for ada
ada likes the rain. she likes how the cloudy days cover the harsh sun. ada appreciates kisses. gentle kisses. ada wished she lived like a normal person. she wish she could hold hands with the love of her life.
she's gentle. she works hard. ada knows her actions aren't good yet she is stuck in the middle. everyone idolized the idea of her. they think she is only strong, powerful, beautiful- everything.
yet she is not.
now, she is stuck in a world... alone. a cold world where love isn't and can't be possible. she unfortunately can't fight for a better life. she is stuck. stuck in love with the idea of normal. she isn't in love with someone... she just wants to escape. that's her true love.
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tvrningout-archived · 2 years
18. What is one thing you’d wish to see more in the rp community?
19. Who is an author that inspires you?
a meme for muns | accepting!
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18. what is one thing you’d wish to see more in the rp community?
is it too predictable or unfair if i say more enthusiasm for oc’s? let me say first that my experience on this blog is the best i’ve ever had by far -- all of y’all are so nice and show interest in my oc’s and it makes me feel very very thankful to have found mutuals who are willing to give them a chance!! so when i say that, it isn’t directed at anyone i follow at all!!! but i do notice other mutuals with oc’s occasionally feeling down bc their characters aren’t getting enough attention or worrying that if they make one, they won’t get to write them much. and personally, i fret over making certain canon characters more available bc if they suddenly get more attention than the characters i’ve built from the ground up, that’s an icky feeling. 
i know it can be tiring to read through bio’s, but? don’t we read hundreds of chapters for characters of our favorite manga? i dunno, oc’s are a soft spot for me, so this is always going to be on my mind uvu 
19. who is an author that inspires you?
is it alright if i cheat and talk about hayao miyazaki bc technically he’s an author since he’s a writer, even if it is for movies asdfg bc honestly speaking, miyazaki has influenced my preferences so much as a writer, from the characters i write to the kind of fiction i enjoy and where my focus lies when i’m writing. depending on the film you choose, you’ll get different themes and whatnot, but 99% of the time, you’re going to find strong female characters, found family or life-changing relationships, and emphasis on the beauty of nature. 
it’s really obvious i have a preference for female muses, but i never make female characters who need to be saved. do they need a lil help or guidance bc they let their minds sabotage them? yeah, but in the way that sophie needed help to realize the way she saw herself wasn’t accurate, or in the way chihiro and haku helped each other remember who they really were. and using those two examples again, sophie and chihiro experience the found family trope/life-changing relationships, and that helps them grow as people. that sort of character development is always something i favor bc it’s so satisfying, especially when i’m writing a character like chiyo or makiko who have a lot of skewed perceptions about themselves. they could eventually turn out okay by themselves, but their relationships give them the extra push they need and provide a sense of healing and validation that really!! touches my heart :’ ))
as for the beauty of nature, it’s something that comes out a lot more lately bc of kaiya who looks at the world with so much wonder, but i often find myself writing my characters finding comfort in nature in some way. chiyo loves the rain to the point that she’ll play in it even as an adult and risk a cold, and the sounds of thunder soothe her; makiko views fall and winter as periods of rest and reflection and feels most at peace watching the sun rise. even in my writing, i have a tendency to compare my characters or my partner’s muses to things like the sun and flowers, too, or i’ll describe emotions similarly. you get the idea asdf 
also may i point out my river guardian/dragon oc, mister yubari, and the lore i’ve barely talked about on here that is 100% inspired by spirited away and japanese mythology : ) i love dragons and mythology too much and i blame miyazaki for the brainrot i occasionally experience as a result
btw sorry for writing so much when i could’ve just said i love hayao miyazaki and left it at that!
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winters-sketches · 2 years
i have decided i’m going to share my omori song brainrot with you cause these fit really well to me and i want to make animatics out of them
note that these lyrics aren’t all in order! i just wrote out the ones i felt were most relevant audhfngng
Sunny: Waves by Chloe Moriondo
Verse 1:
Sometimes I feel like I wanna go back
To a time before my mind turned black
I miss the way it was
When instead of just my gooey brains, all that melted
was popsicles, and the rain just pelted down
Down on me
Sunny wishes to go back to the past, before Mari died, before Black Space was created, before everything. So he creates his fantasy world of silly, innocent things, like melting popsicles and the rain and all the childhood innocence he used to have.
Make me into more than a goner
Perhaps a little bit stronger
Thicker skin, less needy, and maybe to not bruise so damn easily
But you can’t.
And I won’t.
Omori was everything Sunny wished he could be. Strong, unsuccumbing, the protagonist that never failed. He has his friends, he has his sister, and he would never let Mari get hurt again.
But it’s not real. And Omori knows all of Sunny’s flaws.
I want you to help keep me from growing older
Just let me snot on your shoulder, when all that I’m thinking ‘bout is her
In his dreams, Sunny gets to be twelve again, gets to forget about Mari’s death, forget about what he did to her. He doesn’t have to think about it anymore.
Give me everything you’ve got
Don’t need drugs, cause I can already feel my head rot
And it won’t stop…
It won’t stop, it won’t stop, it won’t stop, it won’t stop
Please slow down, please slow down
Make it all slow down,
Make it all slow down…
Headspace is an endless cycle of remembering and forgetting, facing his trauma and running away, his mind rotting under the falsehoods of his dreamland. Omori is the one who saves him when the truth is too much, when Sunny succumbs to the pressure of his guilt. Omori makes it all slow down, makes it all safe and happy and innocent again.
Kel: No Sleep by No Love For The Middle Child
(this one is based heavily on like, all of my Kel headcanons lmao)
They try to tell me who I am before they know me
Got all this ice on my neck, still no cold feet
Been livin’ fast, don’t know how to take it slowly
And I can’t die before I wake, so I get no sleep
People assume that Kel is the impulsive idiot friend who doesn’t really know what’s going on. He’s always bright, always excited, always moving, so he never has to slow down and dwell on the things that hurt him.
Part of verse 1:
Found out she tried to take her life before I wrote this
You never really know how low someone’s low is
Knew her and her sister since they were both kids
It breaks my heart, I live too far to even notice
Mari’s death hit Kel as hard as anyone else. He’d known Sunny and Mari since they were small. But like everyone else, he never noticed any signs, never expected any of this to happen.
Oh, as of late now
I don’t know what is real or what is fate now
Should I stay or walk away now?
If I had a choice to read the end, I’d rip the page out
Kel copes by moving forwards, using sports and new friends to keep himself distracted. He walks away from the past, because he doesn’t want to dwell on it, doesn’t know how to help. He lives in the moment, rather than thinking behind or thinking ahead. It’s what keeps him going, keeps his feelings from festering inside of him.
Verse 2:
Born the middle child, my mother raised three
All by herself, I gave her hell, but she don’t blame me
I used to sneak outside at night, find trouble waiting
Anxiety and OCD can push that pain deep
So even when I breathe with ease, feels like I’m suffocating
Kel is the middle child between Hero and Sally, and he’s the most rambunctious of the three so far. He’s always been impulsive and just wants to have fun, and even now, he uses it to keep himself happy and push away his own feelings. To everyone else, he seems fine, seems like he doesn’t care. But inside, he is afraid, and he is lonely, and he is hurting.
Final Chorus (because i have even more thoughts):
They try to tell me who I am before they know me
Got all this ice around my neck, still no cold feet
Been livin fast, don’t know how to take it slowly,
And I cannot die before I wake, so I get no sleep
Kel hurts, and grieves, and suffers just as much as everyone else. But because he’s supposed to be the happy one, he can never break down and face those feelings, and will never put them to rest until he reaches his breaking point.
He can’t rest, not until his positivity runs dry and someone stays around long enough to catch him when he falls.
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