#the real easy company
pookielious · 5 months
I think alot about how ron (nixons actor) went to shane (genes actor) to get a fish bone out of his throat as if he was a actual doctor
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by Edwin Pepping, Easy Company Medic
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“The medics sat in on various types of non-medic related training to give us a background understanding of things that would take place in combat. Having a general knowledge of things that would go on in the field served two purposes; so that we would not be surprised and thus be better able to concentrate on our jobs as medics, and to be prepared for the resulting fall-out.”
“One time I was sitting in on a training session in Aldbourne on munitions and demolition being taught by Lewis Nixon. Some of the guys were not paying proper attention…talking, yucking it up a little, which annoyed Nixon. So he nonchalantly grabbed a 1/4 stick of TNT, right in plain sight, attached a fuse, lit it and threw it into the middle of the crowd. The fuse was plenty long enough to allow someone to safely grab it and throw it clear with plenty of time to spare.”
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nixonnewjersey · 24 days
Also thinking about Speirs (real guy) sitting on his cot and crying to Lipton because he wasn't a drinker, but got drunk celebrating in the officers' club when he was made captain :(
He was ashamed and felt he was ruined :(
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tariah23 · 8 months
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aliciax3 · 4 months
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malarkgirlypop · 3 months
*Nixon walks into a room*
Winters: Who’s that wonderful girl, could she be any cuter!
*Nixon does a twirl*
Speirs: What’s going on right now?
Lip: Winters sings this song for Nixon when he’s feeling pretty.
*Nixon twirls past them giggling*
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lovelyd0gg · 13 days
Normalize wanting to cook the Bob boys in any dish because they look so SCRUMPTIOUS.
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siriusist · 10 months
Also just so you know according to his own friends Dick Winters "had a way with women and children" to the point where apparently even later in life some crazy ass bitches from the Daughters of the American Revolution were trying to sit in his lap, and a little girl asked her that if her brothers and father died, he could walk her down the aisle, and I think about this daily because apparently his wife Ethel was literally like -rolls eyes- and all I could think was Dick being like :) with women and children and then men come along and Dick just being like -sigh-
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major-richard-sharpe · 10 months
With the resurgence of HBO war due to Masters of the Air, I figured y'all might like my phone wallpaper for the past year or so:
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There's really not too much of my own work in this. I just took the original color picture of these easy company fellas...
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...and extended the color. I also added some misty clouds/mountain peaks to make it a little bit nicer. Maybe if I wanted to be extra fancy, I could find that exact view of the Alps, but yknow.
Feel free to use! I had this for about a year and a half and haven't changed it, so it must be pretty alright haha
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lupoteodoro · 1 year
I visited Aldbourne recently and it was truly the most exciting trip ever for a BoB fan.
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The first stop is of course the Blue Boar pub where the officers used to gather.
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This poster is everything! Our baby boy Nix initiated a drinking club with his buddies. By the way, the Winters here is not our Dick Winters. Also, sadly, the staff of the pub had no clue why Nix was called “The Mick.”
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This is a letter from Hester. He mentioned Nix’s second wife Irene (who was from nearby city Swindon) was died in 1960s.
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The special B.O.B burger in the pub that of course I wouldn’t miss. It’s pretty good.
Outside the pub, only 15 meters away, is the house Nix rented for himself. (Yes that’s what a rich kid would do there!) Ed Shames said it was all a mess (Vat69 bottles all around) inside the house but Nix didn’t drink during work!
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Behind Nix’s house is St.Michael’s Church where Sparky got married. I also found the tombstone of the Barnes boy who was KIA in June 1942.
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A three-minute walk to the town center you will find a lovely shop and post office. It used to be the house of the Barneses, also where Dick and Harry stayed in Aldbourne.
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The Crown used to be the pub where the enlisted men would visit (because the Blue Boar was occupied by the officers).
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There are also some Doctor Who heritages in Aldbourne such as this Tardis trash bin.
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After Aldbourne I headed to Damian’s gig in Brick Lane, which was brilliant. Damian is so nice! It was a perfect day!!!
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dontirrigateme · 8 months
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Presenting the infamous scene-stealer, Alton's un-did shirt. But I'm a solid Smokey fan, and since he doesn't show up that much, it was inevitable that this was going to be giffed. So enjoy...and apologies to any Alton fans out there, Roe gets in the way for a moment and he didn't hear me right away when I shouted for him to move.
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nie7027 · 27 days
You know what I've been thinking? I ve been thinking that Atlus shot itself in the foot by honoring p2 and making the explosion on the bridge caused by the death arcana to happen on the same year as p2 instead of a few years later.
Because imagine this.If it had happened a few years later we could have this narrative:
After the events of p2 EP Nanjo, not satisfied with the resolution reached, decides to take Kandoris research(that he had previously saved and kept under lock so it wouldnt fall on the wrong hands), create an investigation team and fund further research regarding Shadows and the collective unconscious/the des of souls in hopes to find a better solution to the fragile situation the splitting of realities caused.
Unbeknownst to him (as the P1 team had no idea about the true extent of Nyx power, only having fought a small scrap of it in the form of the Snow Queen Mask) Nyx starts to take control of the minds of the scientists working for him who start to commit unethical experimentation in the name of the research to fulfill Nyx objective.
Eventually Nanjo finds about the unethical experimentation, including a future project regarding experimentation on children, and immediatelly shuts down the research, angering the group of scientists and causing the fights that eventually lead to the separation of the group who will go on to become the Kirijo group under the leadership of Kouetsu Kirijo.
They of course take/steal the research with them.
As Nanjo couldn't draw the media attention and risk the knowledge that his company was involved with unethical experimentation to come out Nanjo couldn't stop them and he had to play the card about how the separation was a mutual accord caused by a difference of interests while trying to find a way to close in and stop the Kirijo group from the shadows without the research leaking out even more (here's where he hires Baofu and Ulala and starts working with them to find a way to subtly bring the Kirijo group down)
This all comes to an end when the Kirijo lab explodes and all the research is seemingly lost.
Nobody knows what happened and everybody involved died in the accident.
No matter how much they search they can't find anything.
Not even the son of Kouetsu, Takeharu Kouetsu, who now that his father is dead has inherited the company seems to know anything (in part because Kirijo is keeping everything under wraps, in part because even they actually don't know what really happened. The only one who knows it's Ikutsuki and he's manipulating everyone).
So believing everything was truly lost and there's nothing more to do, ridden with guilt born from everything bad that happened since he decided to revive Kandoris research (he should have know anything related to THAT would need up this way, he should have known it was a terrible desicion, why did he have to be so arrogant to want to take everything in his hands...) Nanjo ceases and decides to focus on his company and watching over his own team and the p2 cast (keeping watch on them and making sure they don't accidentally bring the end of the world by recovering their memories)
But there's always something inside of him telling him to keep an eye on the Kirijo group, to not ignore them and he kinda does by maintaining close business relationships.
But it isn't enought.
He's not as as meticulous as he was before, as he should have been.
Thisakes him completely unprepared when the Fall happens years later.
And again nobody knows what happened, worst of all, everybody seems to have actually completely forgotten anything even happened.
But he knows.
He knows whatever happened was Persona/Shadow related so he once again turns his full attention to the Kirijo Group but this time he keeps a careful eye on the young heiress, Mitsuru Kirijo, as it's clear to him she isn't all that it seems.
He keeps his distance, not interfering, but staying watchful. Hoping to learn anything about what truly happened before acting seeing as how badly trying to take everything in his hand went last time.
And that's how Nanjo eventually learns about the Shadows ops (but funnily enough still knows nothing about the Fall being this the most guarded secret the Shadow ops, NO, SEES has).
And this narrative would have been great.
It would have been good way to keep everything connected ... IF ONLY the kirijo lab had happened a few years later.
By making it happen a few months after p2 it gives a very tiny widow of time for the fallout between the Nanjo and Kirijo groups to occur.
In fact it gives too little time for everything to happen considering P1 takes place in 1996.
By 1999 only 3 years have happened since the P1 cast found out about personas, shadows and defeated Kandori.
Only 3 years for the Nanjo group to start its research, a fallout to occur which ends up creating the Kirijo group AND then the Kirijo group doing everything they did until the formation of the death arcana and it's battle with Aigis on the bridge...
All of that in the span of just 3 years with everything in P2 happening at the same time.
And I KNOW I could change it.
I could move the dates a little to make everything fit better without really changing anything...
(Makoto losing his parents at the age of 8 instead of 4 for example doesn't really change anything. He would repress equally the same)
BUT changing the 10 years that Minato stored death inside of him feels SO WRONG.
It feels likes it's something quintessential to the narrative...AND I DONT KNOW WHY.
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magnoliasforyourmedic · 4 months
I'd served thirty days of combat in Normandy, seventy-eight in Holland, thirty-nine in Bastogne, and thirty in Haguenau. And I wonder if, with war becoming such a part of you, you become like the Toyes and Guarneres of the world, people who lose a limb and yet have that phantom sensation that it's still there.
Sometimes, I couldn't get back to sleep. Or I'd just read or try studying at a desk, not that I was very good at that. I couldn't concentrate like before the war. I'd be reading some book and suddenly realize Roe was sitting beside me. Malark, I'm sorry, but it's Skip . . . I feared my grades were slipping badly.
— Excerpt from Don Malarkey in his book, Easy Company soldier : the legendary battles of a sergeant from World War II's "Band of Brothers", regarding life after the war
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nixonnewjersey · 24 days
I can't get over the fact that they made Speirs a smoker in the miniseries (and in my opinion, the smoking scenes do contribute to the character's... appeal...) when the real guy Ronald Speirs didn't even smoke
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aliciax3 · 3 months
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syrenki · 1 month
post depressive episode clarity like what the fuck do you mean they'll never disappear, just fade.
#mine#tw: sh#i'll be a 30yo woman a 40yo woman a 50yo woman a 60yo woman and someday an old woman with SCARS ON MY ENTIRE LEGS?? like forever????#and i KNOW i broke through enough skin layers for these to never heal entirely like catscratches do#forever? for real? like the rest of my days? i'm never gonna have a healthy clean body like everyone else ever again?#it's THAT easy to just throw it away forever in a second?#i'm gonna be sick#what the fuck man#like both shoulders both thighs both calves entirely ruined#what the actual. fuck.#FUCK.#the awful part of the last year is over thank god#it was an episode lasting from like idk january until#august maybe#i think i'm finally feeling better#but i was really looking into legal psychiatric euthanasia there. drafting my fucking mail to the Dying With Dignity type companies#cause i went to a shrink who told me that i have bpd and while i didn't believe him#fact of the matter is that in some eu countries you're allowed to get euthanized for that. so .#but that doesn't matter i'm a bit better now i'm not thinking about it as much anymore#but it sickens me that#not only do i have to fucking take it alone#but i also have to deal with a lifetime of ridicule disgust “turn off” and pity afterwards#my own best friend told me to make sure to cover up when we slept at a relative's#and i felt it was ridiculous that anyone could even judge me negatively based on the scars when it's me who had to deal with this shit#not them!! and clearly it wasn't fucking easy!!! like if anyone it's not you who's getting hurt from this!!!!!!#i asked her whether she would ever be thrown off by seeing healed scars#and in the coldest tone she replied 'No but I would not know how to explain that to my kids.'#the relatives did not. in fact. have kids.
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