#the real reason why the teachers wouldnt put a stop to scorpius’ bullying is because they figured he needed it at least a bit
rewritingcanon · 1 year
everyone (not everyone. maybe like 5 people but anyways) on about whether rose or scorpius would be the professors’ favourite and i think most people lean towards scorpius being the fav. whilst i agree he gets better grades then rose i argue rose is more liked. my reasons:
scorpius doesn’t know volume control. bro just roars with laughter over the smallest comment albus makes and for what… he’s keeling over the side of his desk red-faced and for what..
bro TALKS out loud when writing his notes, evidently annoying everyone (except albus who is used to it) in his vicinity
scorpius tries to sneak in cheeky little snacks here and there except he’s not inconspicuous at all. he just tries to stuff his face when the professor is turned and then his cheeks will be full of cake and his mouth smeared with cream or some shit
his leg is always bouncing up and down
has burst into tears at least once in every class for various reasons (missed his dad, missed his mum, missed albus, was hungry, was tired, is overwhelmed by the concepts etc etc)
sometimes forgets to put his hand up in class and just blurts the answers
against all school guidelines, will show up to class sick, with all his medicine, a shit tonne of tissues and three blankets and will make his own little fort of disease at the back of the classroom (to this day he has a perfect attendance minus the fourth year shenanigans)
was once twenty minutes late to class and got so stressed about his attendance that he told his professor in explicit detail the bowel issues he was having and the extent of how bad his constipation was that morning using horrific metaphors to explain the physical feeling, and because he doesn’t know volume control especially when he’s emotional, most of his class heard it too, which embarrassed neville (because of course he was the professor in this scenario) to no end he ended up just giving scorpius a free pass to the medical wing
became impervious to shame halfway through fifth year. literally stopped gaf. which means many of these issues would be repeated as long as it didn’t effect his grades
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