#the realest trisha
teamtrisha · 1 month
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Ten aka Lennox
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cumetery · 2 years
How do people hate Trisha like the realest and most authentic person. The only celebrity
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semiotextiana · 4 years
hrh collection and trisha paytas are literally the realest most genuine people. we can all learn from them
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juno73 · 4 years
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Pleased to present this vanguard ushering a new era of homes in Ocean Beach. This majesty of new construction is replete with amenities which will satisfy the most discerning taste. Upon entering, one will be impressed with the craftsmanship & attention to detail which has brought forth this ultra-modern 2-story home with 2 roof top decks! Enjoy the panoramic water views from Mission Bay to the Pacific Ocean while enjoying the company of your loved ones & favorite libations. Your sunset celebrations await you! I’d like to thank Gerald Barksdale, Rob Balentine and Gabriel Romano for the opportunity to list this home. More to come on as we draw closer to the weekend. Time to gear up Carly Chance & Trisha Fleming Rutherford of Elite Escrow, and Alex Morales of WFG Title. We have our work cut out for us! #sandiegorealestate #navyveteran #veteranownedbusiness #realestate #luxuryrealestate #jumpermedia #sandiegorealproducers (at Ocean Beach San Deigo CA) https://www.instagram.com/p/CD0n0dfDH3X/?igshid=1rv4a9c9cqwbw
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boydeluna · 4 years
one of the funniest, realest, most energizing friend I’ve ever known passed last Tuesday. I spent about two days crying it out, two days holding it in, and the last couple, just trying to be present. somehow for a bit i was mad at this stupid website for bringing us together all those years ago, but I guess I should be a bit thankful. For nine years, I had an amazing friend and confidant and honestly my first little baby gay love. lol and honestly the reason for a lot of the posts on my private blogs. there’s so much of you on these silly digital pages and I wouldn’t change it for the world. I’m still trying to process this, trying to remind myself it’s real and forever and there’s no way you’re just gonna wake back up. God, dude, I freakin love you, Trisha. What the hell am I gonna do without you.
@sideyeemoji you haven’t logged onto here in years so this will probably be your first @ in a while. it hasn’t even been a week yet and I have no clue what to do. i couldn’t have made it here without you. couldn’t have stanned Beyoncé without your push. can’t listen to those old toro y moi songs and feel jealous the way i did our first semester of college lol. I miss texting you the way we did all those years ago. up foreveeerrrrrr talking about any and everything under the sun. it was nice to have someone to share secrets with and to make jokes with. never in the world did I have a friend roast me like you did, and you always took it when I threw it right back. even in the years where we talked less and less, we always caught up and it always felt fresh. i was so very excited for where you were in life. I think everyone was. as deeply as i feel about you, i know it’s just a drop in the bucket. you are so very, very loved. How couldn’t you be? you were always hilarious, always the life of the party, always the positive energy that took over and turnt up the room. so many people are hurt right now, dude. soooooo many. it’s really no surprise at all. you were truly and honestly the on of the greatest friends anyone could ever ask for. there’s so much I want to say to you but I think I’ll take a break for now. it’s hard to know you’re not hear anymore. you rest easy and we’ll talk soon.
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coffeeleans · 4 years
April 29, 2020. 11:30 PM.
We (Gizel and I) had a random talk. Honestly, it was Uno bringing up the topic about my issue with Kleist and why we ended our friendship. I really thought she knows but I guess I haven’t told her about the story as a whole... so I told her.
And then, we went on and I realized that I really feel comfortable around my little circle. Like, I don’t have to hide or adjust who I ‘am because these people will correct me if I’m wrong. These people will love me for what and who I ‘am. And I do feel the same for them.
I didn’t have that much friends during elementary until third year high school. My life revolved around one friend, Ate Anne and high school with Ate Anne and Maiden.
But in fourth year high school, I had two guy best friends; Karl Christian and Allen Astral. Boy friends that I made by myself, without the influence of anyone else. Along with them came Aldous and Jehzreel. A girl friend too, with the name Angelou.
But in college, in the streets of España Manila, I met Gizel, Sam, and Jea.
In the four corners of the classroom back in the University of Santo Tomas, I met Jessica, Mayette, and Cristina.
And through Gizel, in Bataan, I met Mariz and the whole of San Antonio family.
But at home, I have a family who (finally) supports me and childhood best friends (Marie, Katrina, Trisha, Reichel, Emman, and Mark John) whom I can always come home to.
And with all of them, with these genuine people, I fell in love with life. For realest. Genuinely and sincerely.
They are the people I will willingly sarcifice my life for.
Lastly, thank you for making me feel that I do not need to fake myself. For making me feel that I ‘am enough as I ‘am even though in my own eyes, I will never be.
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marcellaisnotme · 4 years
to everyone.
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to all the amazing people that light up my 2019, let's continue our journey to 2020. 2019 has been pretty amazing to me than last year and i'm rather excited for what's going to come on 2020. its a bit frightening but at the same time i'm ready to face it.
i'm dedicating each of you who got this page a personal message <3
let me start it with my loving Ren ♡ we met not that long ago but long enough for me to call you a special friend. i love hanging out with you, i love ranting everything to you cause you're a really good listener, advisor and most importantly a really great sidekick. okno. you know what to say to make me feel better and i admire that you can think of so much in a short amount of time. the way you handle everything is very responsible and careful, i look up to you alot. let's be more closer and share more stupid shitposts (RED VELVET PLSSS). i love you!!
Jason ♡ we known each other for a very long time but we always been pretty close to each other, but sometimes we don't talk and we argue that one time. and you went missing too but when you came back i was really excited. you were really funny and entertaining. just what i need, just what i wanted. we have a love hate relationship and we never get tired of each other and buuuu-ing each other everytime. okno. you are special to me and i cant find another jason to replace. thanks for being such a great friend. i love you!!
Juan ♡ my favorite movie partner and cuddle buddy <3 the one that would always tell stupid jokes which myself find it really funny even when it's pretty dumb. the one who never get tired of me punching you in the arm. okno. i wanna spend more time watching movies with you cause i personally hate watching movies cause i'm a book person. but when i watch it with you and hear you explaining to me everything made me love movies. pstt. only when i watch it with you <3 HAHAHA let's do more movie dates next time juan, because movies are not watch worthy without you. okno. i love you!!!
bwi ♡ as much as i find you pretty annoying and such a coward but i really know how it takes courage to do something. i know how does it feel when you feel like doing something. but it's find. i dont judge you for it ok? i was just messing around with you cause your reaction is always funny i dont wanna miss it. OKNO. if you havent moved on completely, it's fine. it takes time to heal and takes time to grow. i hope you have a better life and be happy in 2020. i love you!!
Belle ♡ SINCE YOU'RE A GIRL NOW IMMA CALL YOU BELLE. okno you were a guy when we first met and first dated. okno. i can't believe we made it till today even when we dont talk that much these days. i just want you to know even when i'm very very very annoying and stoopid but i am really thankful that you were always there listening to my probs and teas :(( i'm so dramatic. wipes non existent tears. okno. be less busy so that i can kacau you more :(( i love you!!
Kitty Kou ♡ my wife :(( my husband soulmate boyfriend girlfriend my everything :(( screams i miss you so much we're not talking much this days are you THAT busy gimme attention bich :(( okno. i'm glad that you are fine now (i can see and feel it) also i dont want you to be sad no more cause you dont deserve to be :(( i'll karate anyone that tries to mess with you i swear >:( i love you soooo much you're my fav bestie ever you listen to me and play along with me cause thats what soulmates do :(( dont ever leave my side or i'm gonna tie u to me so that you wont escape HAH take that :(( i love you bb♡
Qhal ♡ you stick up to me since day-1 and thats what i love about you. you grew into a better person, you were so much braver and bolder plus happier these days and i've never been so proud of you. i hope your happiness last till next year and the following and forever. every day is a new day. you dont have to close old books and open new ones. you dont have to be someone you're not and importantly, you dont have to do things for anyone else. yourself is your top priority and always remember that you're just as important. seeing you happy makes me happy. we've been friends for god knows how long and you never left my side, ever. you're always a special friend to me. you're always in my heart. i love you!!
Irwin ♡ not gonna deny you're always there for me when i'm in an existential crisis. okno. you're such a fun and funny person to talk with. i always enjoyed talking to you because you could make and awkward situation lively with your randomness. you radiate great and positive energy that anyone around you feel better. you make me feel better when i'm sad. i hope you and jade last looooooooooong enough just like how long we've known each other. i love you!!
Tian ♡ i love talking to you and randomly being stupid with you and jason. i love how we click with each other that much it's like we're siblings. rough things happened but let's all forget about it. i hope for you happiness as you were always sad about a certain someone. it's fine to think about it. it's fine to hold onto it. cause the longer you hold on, the easier it will go away when it gets old. you should really reveal your cute daughter to everyone. cause i miss her and everyone needs to see her <3 she's amazing just like you. i love you!!
Cosmo ♡ as long as we known each other, you were the brightest person and the easiest to get along with. you always know what to do and put your heart in everything you do. i dont like seeing you being sad or depressed anymore because you weren't like that when we first met. always surround yourself with happy stuff >> me. and do things you wanna do that makes you happy. you will always be my cosmo, and i'll always be your wanda♡. i love you!!
Junguan ♡ hi bestie how u doin. okno. i am glad that you're always happy, always problem free. thanks for listening to my problems, thanks for being a great friend. i have a great laugh and a great time with you always. your reaction to my stupidness and sarcasm was always funny i'm not gonna lie. you're always the one that i believe would keep everything i tell you a secret. you're such an awesome person and a great friend. i love you !!
Xie/ Axel ♡ you're a really interesting person to talk to. aside from our past relationship. you're a really strong and a great person. you're someone that doesn't give up on anything you do and i really adore you for that. you make everything seem so funny to me idk why oKNO. but except for our snapstreak, we dont really talk mUCH. did you moveD or are you just busY cause u krik krik im thinking twice about softblocking you. okno. talk to me bitch. i love you!!
marcell/shaq ♡ you change your name to match mine cause you like me eh?? buuu. okno. you were always someone i trusted because you're responsible of doing your job and you're someone nice to talk to i mean not nice nice because you're mean but nice by i can have a conversation with you and talk about random stuff without letting it die because i'm funny and you're lame okno. let other judge your outer and let yourself know your inner. jangan jadi noob for 2020. okno. i love you!!
Eric ♡ my stupid bun. my ride or die. ew. these two years 18/19 has been pretty rough for the both of us and i think it's just a step and a lesson to grow into a better person. you helped me alot through this year and i'm never less thankful for that. the loving things you do for me, the things you would let it slide when it comes to me. your soft spot for me never goes away huh HAH and i'm taking advantage of that. okno i'm kidding. you are a big help for me and for what i went through. you never said no. you always agree on everything and i really appreciate it. when we broke up last year, you still insisted to talk to me. which i find out really annoying. just kidding. i'll let everything slide since you do that to me too. you're a really great person, amazing let me tell you. thanks for being a great friend to me. thanks for helping me out with almost everything. i owe you big time. i love you!!
harry ♡ first of all,  thank you for being a great bestie, we would always talk to each other everyday but you got busy these days :(( but yey, its almost a decade since ive known you, kyak. we met when we were in kbb. you were d__, kyak, smpipol 💕 i feel so giddy giddy all of a sudden lololol. and then we started exchanging contacts, you were first harry, on fl.  and then we had this, nOOt squad gTG. im nunmul-ing.  why is this suddenly a throwback session.  and and and then theres trisha gosh i love trisha and you too. i adore you for being such an honest person, when it comes to telling your problems to us, which is something i cant really do. if you have problems, dont hesitate to tell us, though i dont really help much eheh. but sometimes there are things that arent meant to be said. its okay, theres nothing wrong feeling sad, feeling all those negative feelings. we are human too, we have feelings. it is okay to sometimes not be okay, it is okay. but other than that, be happy with those you are surrounded with. youre someone that worth a big hug.  i hope you spent your day with those you love 💕 i hope youre having a good day. youre an amazingly talented person. i hope youd achieve your dream soon, i pray for your health, and for you to surrounded by lovely people. you're such a talented person and gosh, your drawings for the fashion week, cries. chef kisses momma!!! you should update me on your life more because i wanna know what you do and support you on everything you do. don't forget me anyways :(( because you're the only realest annoying brutally honest bitch i love :(( i love you!! 
thanks for an amazing 2019, lets get closer in 2020. i love you guys. ♡
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glamourmommi · 5 years
Trisha Paytas is the realest 
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ioncergarealtor · 3 years
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Welcome to 🏠 BEAVER RUN 🏠 Brick ranch with open floor plan! Vaulted ceilings in great room. Parquet flooring in entryway. Freshly painted interior and exterior. Stone facade on beautiful fireplace. Updated kitchen less than two years ago. Plush berber carpet. Large size bedrooms you won't find in today's builds. Huge master bedroom with full bath and walk in closet. Over sized double garage. Let's find your next dream home today!😉 $175,0003 🛌, 2 🛀Over 1,670 Sq Ft
Link: https://bit.ly/3kABiaC Ion Cerga
Keller Williams Realty Fayetteville ✅
📱 cell: (919)-295-0330✅
*Each office is individually owned and operated*.🏡 To buy or sell a house text me today, Ion(pronounced: U-Won)! Listed by Trisha Taris  with Keller Williams Realty Fayetteville, NC #fayettevillenc #homefornurse #realestateinvestor #ioncergainvestor #fayettevillenchomeinvestors #ioncergalistingagent #ioncergasellingagent #ioncergafirsthomebuyers #ioncergahelpsellhomes #ioncergahelpbuyhomes #househunting #newlisting #moveinready #listmyhomefayettevillenc #realestatefayettevillenc #ioncergafayettevillenc #fayettevillenchomesforsale #fayettevillenchousehunters #fayettevillencbuyahome #fayettevillenclistahouse #realestate #ioncergarealtor #fayettevillenchouseforsale #ioncergarealestateagentkw
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teamtrisha · 2 months
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Kid of the day 25: Damian aka Xavier
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hansolocup79 · 5 years
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Another successful closing! We could not be more happy for Kenny, Katie, and and their son, Sawyer. This amazing family deserves all the happiness! Renting just a few weeks ago, to now being proud home owners! Soul Homies for life @oh_fit! Thank you so much for trusting Trisha and I to help you find your first home! Love you brother! ••• SOUL Real Estate, powered by iHomes Colorado. ••• #firsttimehomebuyer #twoweekclose #soulhomie #family #friends #grateful #love #realestate #denverrealestate #colorado #coloradorealestate #joy #passion #commitment #realestateagent (at Canyon Title) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bw70P_iA-mx/?igshid=sbjv3oxymip3
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juno73 · 4 years
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Pleased to announce the successful execution of contract of my listing in Lakeside!  It's my 2nd close of escrow in the past 3-weeks and as my friend, Cali, remarked, "You're the COVID Closer!"   My first execution of contract in Lakeside.  We closed escrow on Wednesday, 05/06/20.  This was supposed to be a 30-day contract utilizing VA financing which stretched into 52-days.  I'll go into more detail in another post which will be a cautionary tale of utilizing subprime lenders!  The client is a referral from my friend, JudyAnne Harper Snyder.  More details to come on this closing in the future.  I'd like to thank the following for their assistance with this contract: Trisha Fleming Rutherford and Carly Chance or Elite Escrow, Vince Martin and his team at WFG Title, John Leonffu of Warm Focus Photography and my broker, Patrick Alexander!  Job well done everyone.  Time for us to go get another one!  Bottom Line Up Front (BLUF), this my 2nd closing in the midst of the Corona Virus Pandemic.  Admittedly, at the onset of the Stay-At-Home Order, the real estate and mortgage industries experienced some disruptive airflow.  With this being said, "We" added power, pushed down on the right rudder, moved the stick forward and have continued to fly high!  I'm here to tell you the real estate market in San Diego County is strong and moving forward.  I understand many people will have some trepidation about achieving their real estate goals at this time.  Without question, one must respect the present situation.  I'm here to help you and your loved ones navigate these waters with caution and confidence.  Reach out and let's discuss your dreams! http://realtysalespros.com/agents/giuseppe-lauritano #jumpermedia #realtorlifestyle #sdrealproducers #usnavyveteran #veteranownedbusiness #realestate #sandiegorealestate (at Lakeside, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_9Lr7Aj3s0/?igshid=1ji7zk7jc1vnk
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cheapshoesggdb-blog · 5 years
Golden Goose Zapatillas Su bote de lotería de negocios de comercio electrónico por lista de correo electrónico opcional
Para mantener el tiempo y la vergüenza, en ese punto hay una Golden Goose Zapatillas ariedad de opciones sobre la forma de colocar las solicitudes del prestamista de precio a precio sin obligación por antigüedad. Los programas de este servicio se ejecutan mediante el control de numerosas instituciones financieras que se basan en las condiciones de cada uno y tienen motivos suficientes para una característica de los aspirantes. En términos de ángulo amplio, el uso del acceso con respecto al dinero de Zapatillas Golden Goose Rebajas tras personas (OPM) es el formulario involucrado con el apalancamiento que permite a cualquier persona ir más allá de la mayoría de los límites asociados con sus recursos adquiridos, además del empleo de recursos para todo. tú lo haces. Aquí, en términos de negocios, el apalancamiento puede ser la clave que se distinga por sí misma como empleados específicos, quienes pueden utilizar un trabajo de la persona de negocios más importante que es una gran carrera. En términos financieros / de inversión, esto significa que obtener acceso en efectivo puede no estar en venta para tomar los activos que cobra y en los que produce salarios totales. Trisha, así como el alojamiento I, tienen que ver con nuestros ingresos individuales en una cuenta de necesidades. A través de nuestro evento es mucho de nuestra consideración de verificación. El capital en mi descripción de necesidad paga por tener todos nuestros costos. El dinero continuo se distribuye en sus otras cinco cuentas. ¿Qué tipo de recursos financieros puede obtener para usted como donante de óvulos? Al provenir de la Instalación de Fertilidad de Hawai en San Francisco, se encargan completamente de cubrir todos los gastos que usted puede hacer al sufrir el procedimiento, y pagarán más de $ 5000 para hacer cada donación que desarrolle. En la costa este principal, un regalo para damas reembolsa sin duda el mismo dispositivo. En Florida, el centro de virilidad Give Beach le pagará una contribución de $ 5000 por un solo huevo si usted es una persona que goza de buena salud y no adquiere el hábito de fumar cigarrillos. Lo apoyo a recordar que esta 'Realest investing' única se considera realmente como una gran oportunidad para conectarse con el momento fantástico ''. cuando pueda estar preparado, abierto y sacudido en tales oportunidades, puede crear un gran apalancamiento de la riqueza que puede explotar enormemente frente a usted en su increíble búsqueda de libertad financiera y alejarse de usted, la carrera de ratas. A su vez, lo estimulo para que haga una investigación especial sobre ese sonido debido a la diligencia a través de grupos de inversores; no debe tenerlos en cuenta para regresar a su patio e incluso aquí en la ciudad correspondiente. Estos días con un mundo que apunta a Internet, los teléfonos celulares y las moras y cuánto no se puede conectar nuestra organización en el interior casi veinte horas al día. 'Pero Steph, la economía, el mercado de suministro, bla, bla, bla'. Lo primero que hay que hacer con todo, pronto es el tiempo real para invertir positivamente cuando los rangos de valores de las acciones son extremadamente altos. Echa un vistazo a esta habilidad: el dinero va a esta cuenta antes de que te ocupes de los impuestos. Aquí significa mucho menos dinero si desea que el gobierno de los Estados Unidos y una menor cantidad de impacto en su cheque de sueldo general (porque $ 50 antes de impuestos pueden llegar a ser apenas una diferencia particular de $ 15 en un salario después de impuestos). , liderarás sin que $ 15). Alrededor de la adición, la mayoría de las compañías probablemente igualarán una gran porción de su participación (dinero gratis) En nuestro pasado, que he sido totalmente culpable de eso. Experimenté un plan progresivo, mi esposo y yo comenzamos a trabajar en él, y luego dejamos de hacerlo y pasamos a su próxima 'Gran Idea'. No fue adecuado hasta que supe que hacer eso claramente NO FUNCIONA, que los problemas comenzaron con respecto al cambio en toda mi organización. Usted ve, hay un período de incubación. Actualmente hay un gran período de prueba pero también error; involucrado con el ajuste del plan. El período es probablemente de 90 días. Sí, de los cuales lleva de 3 días privilegios para conseguirlo. Ahora siga la advertencia, una vez que comiencen a funcionar, no dejará de administrarlo. Cualquier persona NUNCA limpie la salida de golden goose en línea. En su lugar, lo sistematiza, por lo que se ejecuta en relación con el piloto automático. Más tarde y definitivamente entonces, use usted para preparar el plan futuro, además de eso, haga lo mismo. Un alto porcentaje para jubilados, y esto incluye a mi papá, son inmediatamente como niños. Las personas que trabajaron durante 30 generaciones para la empresa real, la empresa principal desaparece en bancarrota, su último mercado actual de acciones continúa y, casi con toda seguridad, casi nunca hay una unión que los consumidores hayan estado allí o soportado. Por lo general, financieramente, además de problemas emocionales. Tan dependientes como los usuarios que los niños experimentaron en cualquier playa, buscar en la arena sin complicaciones donde alguna vez estuvo una obra atractiva con arte.
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Please help me to CONGRATULATE my client, Ms. Trisha Patel on the purchase of her 1st home!!! Trisha has been an absolute pleasure to work with and I wish her all the best 😍😍 Special thanks to Mick Jordan of Neighborhood Realty, David Brawn of Wells Fargo (thank you for getting us to closing on time and for just being amazing) and last but certainly not least, my buddy Joel Gerber of Brannen Searcy and Smith LLP for being a rockstar attorney!!! #closingday #realtor #realtorwithaheart #realestateinsavannah #realestate #realtorlife #savannah #savannahga #homeinsavannah #georgiarealtor #georgiarealestate #tybeeisland #fortstewart #hunterarmyairfield #husbandwifeteam #sold (at Joel Gerber - Brannen, Searcy & Smith, LLP)
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scottyancey-reviews · 7 years
RT https://t.co/HxeHxrb7gS Trisha Guffey would love to show you the #listing at 0 Ridge St #Trion #GA https://t.co/nLoGgApwke
RT https://t.co/HxeHxrb7gS Trisha Guffey would love to show you the #listing at 0 Ridge St #Trion #GA #realestate… http://pic.twitter.com/nLoGgApwke
— BeckySpinella (@scotty_ancey) July 22, 2017
Source: @scotty_ancey July 23, 2017 at 01:08AM More info Scott Yancey
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tuxsgirl · 7 years
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A recent home staging photographed by @jetstreakphotography listed by Trisha Lee @remaxboonerealty @annetuckleyhome . . . #columbia #realestate #decor #homestaging #instalike #instagood #dailydose #interior123 #interior #interiordesign #livingroom #sofa #grey (at Deerfield Ridge, Columbia)
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