#the reason these two get along so well is bc theyre both the most annoying men ever
mechawolfie · 2 years
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this is so funny to me. i just know that if it was harry doing this kim would be like “don’t be childish, lieutenant. you have *two* pens, surely you can give up *one*.” or smth. i love him
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okthatsgreat · 4 months
Putting the ocs into a nice situation for once, let's put them in Danganronpa S, who do you think they'd have some nice interactions with without all the killing game baggage.
OOOOOOOO OMG you know i love throwing literally any two characters together into platonic relationships. gonna format this one a bit differently i think :]]
lets throw these guys on a vacation!!!!!!!! lets fucking RELAX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
honestly i can imagine interactions between every single character ever so I TRIED REALLY REALLY HARD TO NARROW DOWN SOME SPECIFIC ONES BUT EVEN THEN ITS STILL SO LONG AND IM SORRY HDBFGHGD
ANDI (how did she get there and why, wears a one piece i guess???)
positive interactions: with OTHER OCS i think the most immediate positive interaction she could have is with billie, just because they are from the same universe and canonically have "grown up" together in a sense. could definitely see a heartfelt moment there on this vacation :] with other danganronpa characters.......... hm. chihiro is immediately coming to mind because she is polite and would likely be interested in what the hell is going on. KEEBO WOULD ALSO BE REALLY COOL I THINK two different forms of artificial life with very different views on how they see themselves and humanity. could be awesome.
negative interactions: extremely difficult to have a "negative" interaction with andi because she is literally siri however if any of my ocs were to reach that then ummmmmmmmm ryobe. ryobe and maybe naomi bc shes just soooooo uncomfortable with it hfbjdg. for other danganronpa characters i can see a similar chihiro situation with miu where shes really interested in what makes andi tick however ..................... shes miu . so it will not be appropriate. and this isnt exactly negative but i can see her and kirumi getting stuck in this endless loop of "no, let me take care of YOU".
BILLIE (hates wearing a swim suit and acts so out of place half of the time, long swim shirt and board shorts)
positive interactions: with my ocs hmmmmm i can really see sae acting in a big sister kinda sense!!! theyre both a bit more mellow as well lol so they'd get along, not to mention they have this back and forth and being the listener vs talking a lot. i could also see billie and naomi relating to each other-- they probably meet each other bc theyre both hiding in the restaurant trying to get away from the noise LMAO. and with other danganronpa characters hmmmmmmmmm anybody who is chill. RANTARO ACTUALLY WOULD BE REALLY GOOD she would love his style so bad. AND ALSO NEKOMARU. JESUS CHRIST I CAN REALLY SEE HER AND NEKOMARU
negative interactions: with my ocs MIKA LOL. two ultimate lucky students both insecure as hell and not super chatty, one of them would say something vaguely catty and theyd be so petty the rest of the time LMFAO. also pippy because she is super loud and in her face. billie would be overwhelmed by a LOT of the danganronpa characters so unless theyre really nice she'd probably not get along with a lot of them hbfdjgbjdsghdjf. she would hate kokichi because she keeps getting wrapped up in his tricks but she just ....... keeps falling for it.................
ERIN/PIPPY (very loud and bouncy, frilly one piece swimsuit!!)
positive interactions: she'd get along with anybody who has high energy!!!! ryobe and her would go off into a corner and film a bunch of tiktok videos or something LMFAOOOOO but they'd be chill. her and naomi also already strangely get along just because she's very optimistic and tries to get naomi to talk to more people!! ibuki is a SOLID interaction (ibuki teaches her how to play more songs that arent strictly on brand!!), and i can ALSO see pippy and angie getting along like a house on fire. ALSO NOT NECESSARILY POSITIVE but for some reason i can see her and yasuhiro fucking around LMAO
negative interactions: pippy is definitellyyyyy not for the faint of heart so i can see a few people getting pretty quickly annoyed!! ummmmm i think she'd see a little too much of herself in kokichi LMAO and that interaction would turn sour real fast. she'd really struggle to play off of teruteru because she's so kid friendly and theyd both leave with odd tastes in their mouths. fuyuhiko/byakuya/maki would HATE her ass. ESPECIALLY maki because she would have no clue who pippy was and pippy would immediately without hesitation go "yeah you're unlike ANY child caregiver ive ever seen lol!!!!!!!!!! its almost like youre lying or something"
MIKA (she's pretty chill most of the time, two piece swimsuit with wrap around skirt)
positive interactions: she's nice enough, just not particularly chatty with the ultimates! her and yoshito are the most obvious pairing here, but she would also be pretty into sae i reckon. i can weirdly see her and maki having a bit of a rapport............ she'd also be pretty chill with hajime. just hanging out lol
negative interactions: wouldn't get along with makoto despite him probably not feeling as negatively about her lmao, for the same reason her and billie don't really get along!! same with nagito but mika would probably find more reasons to dislike him than just "i am insecure about my talent and you are a projection of that" lol. anybody who approaches her way too quickly with a "YOU NEED TO JOIN IN NOW!!!!" attitude would also deter her, which probably means she doesnt like kaito, nekomaru, POSSIBLY kaede all too much. and i think that kaito one would LASTTTT theyd just get so petty for some reason LMFAOOSDO
NAOMI (wow there sure are a lot of people here huh!!!! full body swimsuit)
positive interactions: she's very wary about who shes with even when she is supposed to be relaxing on a beach, which means it'd be a bit more difficult for her to make a whole lot of friends!! people like sae and rie are good just bc theyre pretty damn patient lol! i can also see her getting along with aoi over their respective athleticism. hell probably even ryoma too, also because they both got pretty fucked over in the backstory department lmfao. nekomaru and akane would scare the absolute shit out of her but if they were persistent enough i could see them being friends!!! also strangely i can see her and korekiyo????
negative interactions: anybody too loud or abrasive would frighten her, and that applies to a lottttt of danganronpa characters lmao. she's also fairly standard in that anybody mean or harsh would pretty quickly throw her off, so people like byakuya or hiyoko would definitely not get along with her!! on the opposite end of that spectrum i think if you put naomi and mikan in the same room together they would just meekly stand there until one of them starts hyperventilating
RIE (glamorous bikini and hair accessories, does NOT go in the water ever because she can't ruin her hair lmao)
positive interactions: this is rie's MOMENT. people pleaser to the MAX. honestly she can get along with soooooo many of these people if only because she just agrees with whatever the hell they're telling her. her and sayaka could have some pretty serious conversations about getting to where they are + their families i reckon :) her and sonia could be cool (pageant royalty versus ACTUAL royalty). her and mikan could be cute if only because rie is very very nice to her lol. and im afraid tenko would actually fall in love with her
negative interactions: junko would get so sick of her whole shtick IMMEDIATELY. and also i do not know why i really really do not know why but for some reason i just think her and toko would not get along at all lmao???????????
RYOBE (bathing shorts and unbuttoned shirt)
positive interactions: he's just a fucking goofball .......... he's going around with a watergun and shooting at anybody he can find......... he's easy to make friends with in a scenario where there is no killing game!! billie would think he's really funny and him and sae could idk go smoke a blunt or smth. he'd LOVE ibuki (and ANY cheerful character frankly), he'd reach out to a lot of the meeker characters so i can see him and chihiro/shuichi/mikan developing a bit of a rapport. him and kokichi are a dangerous ass pairing LMAO
negative interactions: any "no-nonsense" character would pretty quickly get irritated with him, so taka immediately fjkdgfjg. byakuya also................... he'd probably get on fuyuhiko's nerves pretty quick
SAE (board shorts and sports bra, always in that damnnnn water)
positive interactions: she's pretty easy-going, so i can see a lot more positive interactions than negative! she's a great listener to anybody who likes to ramble (tenko immediately comes to mind, i think saes wisdom could really balance out that dynamic. same with gundham honestly lmao), but she also appreciates anybody willing to do the same in return :) honestly i can see her going on old man rambles to shuichi or kyoko a lot ahbjfdhg. also her and sakura would be instant best friends. like they would never leave that fucking dock they would just sit there and be all wise and shit
negative interactions: saes pretty damn patient so a lot of these are NEUTRAL at best-- making her upset at you is a taskkkk, especially in a non-killing game scenario. anybody purposefully trying to push her buttons (hiyoko, kokichi) would be irritating for sure!! and while she doesnt take an IMMEDIATE distaste to people quick to violence (more often she just kinda sighs and tries to deter them), immediate violence against HER ticks her off. while i can see them becoming friends in the future, i think akanes immediate response of going "hey YOU look strong FIGHT ME NOW!!" might raise a whole lot of alarms in saes brain fghdkjgh
YOSHITO (board shorts and a short-sleeve swim shirt!!)
positive interactions: he's pretty easy to get along with! a bit of a pushover lmfaoo. he ALSO has a whole complex about trying to help people, which means he will gravitate to anybody who looks really sad or upset. he definitely talks to billie and naomi lol, probably also shuichi and toko!! could see some funny interactions between him and kaito, just because they're both trying to be encouraging forces but have pretty different ideas of what "being a hero" might mean!!!
negative interactions: his "i can fix you" mentality surely does not work on EVERYBODY hgdkgfjkgfg. kazuichi tries to make a joke like "yeah hahah my dad sucks" and immediately yasuhiro goes "Kazuichi it is Okay to be Hurt." totally kills the mood
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augustinewrites · 2 years
bokuto’s son looks EXACTLY like him. acts like him too; theyre both a little groggy in the morning, so they both hunch over their food during breakfast, have the same drop of drool climbing down the side of their mouth as they sleep, grin the same way when they talk about something that makes them happy, pout the same way when they get annoyed.
unlike him, his son gets into football—which makes bokuto emo. he gets SO depressed when his boy talks about messi and ronaldo like they’re gods because son why what about your daddy 🥺 and your son goes “but you’re my daddy!” and it takes him a while to figure out that daddies are MUCH cooler than football players ☺️
when i read this i pictured it so clearly bcs it’s so accurate 😭
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your senses tingle with apprehension as you eye the alarm on your nightstand. it’s 8:19am on a weekend, and at least one of your children should have crawled into bed to wake you and your husband by now.
no household with a five year old and two toddlers should be this quiet, but for some reason it is, and it makes you instantly worried.
when you roll over to tell bokuto this, he’s nowhere to be seen. you sit up, throroughly confused.
“kou?” you call, in case he’s in the bathroom.
no answer.
you throw the duvet aside, swinging your legs over the edge of the bed and heading out the bedroom door and into the hall. you peek into your children’s rooms, anxiety spiking when you find them all empty.
you’re halfway to a full on meltdown when you hear the giggling coming from downstairs. it’s followed by bokuto’s shushing, and you instantly relax. you pad lightly down the stairs, interested to see what your boys are trying to get away with now.
well, nothing looks broken, but the shoes in the genkan are haphazardly thrown around, as if they’d been slipped off in a hurry. you peek into the kitchen, where a box of pastries from the bakery in town sit on the counter, along with a small bouquet of lillies. there’s a steaming cup of coffee waiting for you, in the mug your son had decorated with his handprints at school.
how he managed to herd all three children out the door this early without waking you is a mystery. the man’s never known quiet a day in his life.
just out in the backyard, you hear more laughter. your children are still in their pajama’s, bokuto changed into a simple tee and joggers. he’s got both your toddlers latched onto his back, and is trying to use a soccer ball like a volleyball. much to the chagrin of your five year old, whose room is outfitted with posters of messi and ronaldo.
“daddy,” he laughs, when bokuto encourages him to set the ball. your son’s already registered in the local kid’s league, but that hasn’t stopped your husband from trying to exchange soccer cleats for knee pads (don’t get him wrong, he’s at every game, always cheering the loudest). “soccer balls are for kicking!”
you pick up your mug and the box of pastries, carrying them towards the sliding door to catch the tail end of their conversation.
“but don’t you wanna play volleyball like your dad?” the grown man pouts, kids still clinging to his neck. “don’t you wanna spike volleyballs like me?”
akaashi’s daughter has taken a liking to volleyball, and maybe he’s a little, teeny tiny bit jealous. your husband and oldest son are the most alike, from the way they style their hair to the way they hunch groggily over breakfast, but return home with an endless supply of energy.
but apparently they don’t share everything.
“okay you four,” you grin, waving them over to the sun-soaked deck before things get a little too emotional. “come have some breakfast.”
four faces light up when they see you, one of your toddlers squirming off of bokuto’s back and waddling into your waiting arms. he props the other up on his hip, striding over to you and lightly gripping the back of your head to pull you in for a kiss.
“quite the morning you four had,” you chuckle, watching your son dig into the pastry box. “i’m surprised you wrangled them all out the door without me.”
“yeah, well, we wanted to treat you,” bokuto says with a lopsided grin, nodding towards your oldest. “him especially. i guess you’re the cool parent, and he’d rather have messi or ronaldo as a daddy,” he sighs dramatically, catching your son’s attention.
he immediately shakes his head, mouth stuffed with pastry as he exclaims, “no, you’re my daddy, and daddies are cooler than soccer players!”
“kou,” you murmur when your husband falls silent, wrapping an arm around his waist. “please don’t cry, because if you cry, i’m going to cry—”
“‘m not crying,” he sniffles. “i swear!”
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📘👀👀👀 gimme those fic deets!
ok ok here's one that i have not written down yet bc i Cannot on my life write crackfic and if i ever do this one it's gotta be done right. but it lives rent free in my brain so here goes:
haunted house at the edge of town only it's run like the mystery shack. and it's not doing so great. [not-stan-pines] is getting a little bit desperate, asks the ghosthunters in town (the fentons) if they can help him, and what he gets is danny, hired on the cheap to backseat haunt for a weekend. note: not-stan does not *actually* believe in ghosts. he thinks the fentons are cons like him.
unfortunate tour group includes:
-Disgruntled Family Of Four: The Dad, who shelled out to see the ghost and they had better see the ghost, dammit; The Mom, a basic karen; The Son, who is a shitty lil snot that won't keep his hands off anything; The Daughter, who wants a selfie with the ghost for insta clout
-Real Psychic, whose job is to actually appease restless dead
-Fake Psychic, whose job is to sell the idea that hes appeasing restless dead (longstanding rivalry with Real Psychic)
-Paranormal Investigator, Professional (every ghosthunter tv show ever)
-Paranormal Investigator, Amateur (wes) [an avid (read: annoying) fanboy of Professional]
-Skeptic, doing another article for aliens-ghosts-and-bigfoot-aren't-real magazine
-Not-Stan's Ex-Wife, Along With New Pretty Bf, and they are both doing very well and definitely only came to show off how well they were doing. nothing to do with ghosts; they serve only to ruffle not-stan's feathers
and, hiding in the cellar because he doesn't want to deal with any of this Stupid Bull Shit, is the actual ghost of the guy who died like a century ago. please leave this poor man's house alone he just wants to go to bed :(
so basically take all this and put it in a jar and shake it a few times. resulting shenanigans include, but are not limited to:
-not-stan gets ahold of danny's thermos, slaps a pricetag on it and chucks it into the giftshop
-subsequently, wes actually buys it and immediately sucks danny up with it
-a seance that goes horribly wrong for a wide variety of reasons, not the least of which is the contant bickering between Real/Fake Psychic
-danny is a bit overmounted on this one and has to bail partway through to get backup; might or might not get ahold of sam and tuck and convince them to hold the fort for him in the meantime
-said backup might be vlad, because he is the Most Dramatic Bitch danny knows. yes danny will owe him a favor afterwards. yes he knows thats a bad spot to be in
-danny meets Cellar Ghost, is appalled that the guy cant get a nap in his own house; also very insulted that not-stan doesnt believe in ghosts when there is a real one (!!) in his literal basement, and hes been there the whole time. wtf
-makes a deal with The Daughter at some point: he'll let her get that selfie with him if she helps him out with a thing
-she immediately posts it to her insta and wes sees it and it drives him batshit
-also, if u think these people are staying together as a group at any point throughout this whole mess, you are wrong. theyre not.
-at least one scooby doo chase scene. just because.
-ghost therapy w/ Real Psychic and Cellar Ghost, tragically interrupted before she can lay the poor fella to rest
-but at least that puts the two of them, plus danny, on the same side, whatever side that even is
anyways. i think about this one a lot. as soon as im capable of writing smth without tipping the angst bucket on it, it'll be all over for u fools
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ambitionsource · 3 years
hi can we get some zaley friendship headcanons whenever you're free? ☺️
im not the best at headcanons just bc of the way my brain functions but im gonna do my best for you, sunny my friend. let’s go zay and riley let’s go!
thrift shop buddies!! one of the most common ways that they hang out is definitely going thrifting. considering they arguably have the two most eclectic wardrobes on the show, this makes sense. esp i fully believe they’re the perfect people to thrift shop with where they encourage each other to try on everything, even if it seems outlandish (and sometimes even more in those moments). that’s the only way to really get some good finds! and i feel like, beyond S1, when they wear items for performances in the show that are clearly unique / seem thrifted, it’s more than 50% likely the other helped them pick it out at some point
on this note, i think that they both have really good senses of what looks good on the other bc they spend this time together, probably better than anyone else (yes, including their significant others. not that that’s hard, since both of their significant others have notoriously bland fashion). like even when theyre not out together i can totally imagine them seeing something and being like “oh this is so riley / zay” and getting it for each other. they know each other’s sizes and have like an ongoing swap credit system gfJSKHJDLFH
riley and zay usually run performance by the other person before they perform them for the class / at an audition. like they find a specific time (usually during breakout sessions during class) to get in front of the other person and run them through their concept + do a run-through for them. they just really appreciate the other’s perspective, especially since they tend to complement each other -- zay is able to identify places where riley could heighten things or add some flair or just like... assert her talent more lmao, whereas riley helps zay pull back on some of his more overwhelming instincts when necessary or find the moments to truly lean in emotionally rather than blowing us out of the water the whole time
if we could actually Watch the show, i guarantee 9/10 times when riley or zay is performing, we would cut to the other enjoying the performance. like theyre always bobbing their head along and truly feelin the other’s performances. excellent vibes luv!
i also think they harmonize well with each other, which is why its kind of a shame they dont do more performances together within the context of assignments (as for why, couldn’t tell you... it might just be a weird psychological thing of like i have These people i perform with when it matters and these who are just for fun... like maybe zay and riley tend to see each other as easygoing comfortable duet partners and thats why they try not to overdo putting pressure on it). but yeah they absolutely have days where they just hang out in one of the rehearsal studios and play around on the piano and try to find ways to harmonize on their favorite songs. this is some of the best singing riley ever does, bc its so low stakes and fun
i also think that honestly, zay really helps strengthen riley’s vocals over the time they’re friends -- especially early on. riley is someone with good raw talent but she’s never thought about honing it seriously prior to joining aaa, whereas zay has been on a career mindset since he was little. so he is good at teaching her like small technique things or helping her expand her range and she really values that esp bc hes so selfless about giving it, but it doesnt come off naggy or unnecessary like maya’s advice often does
sometimes it can be hard for them to find songs they both wanna sing though bc their music taste is so different. i think they have like three small categories where their favorites overlap -- select big names (sza, chloe x halle), jazz / old-time crooners (frank sinatra, nina simone, and the like), and select musical theater. but i think this is mainly on zay, bc he’s much more picky about music than riley who will give anything a listen without much nudging. as we know zay likes to pick on his friends’ music taste (like charlie and harry styles / 1d) and i don’t think riley would escape this affectionate teasing. they exchange song recs and riley gives him like her usual piano ballad-y sara bareilles tswift rachael yamagata energy and shes like oh yes, another piano ballad and hes like STOP!!! JUST LISTEEEENNNN GFSJKLHJFDSKLHKDLFH
that said though, they’re definitely go-to friends when it comes to like checking out a new local artist or coffeeshop open mic nights. this is probably a typical zay / riley / yindra outing
zay doesn’t spend a ton of time watching tv bc “he has better things to do with his time,” but riley and zay are definitely the type to watch a show together. like not always Together, but they’ll try to keep up with each other so that they can talk about it (and riley has to try really hard not to keep binging and get way ahead of zay). theyre good at this bc they can have really intense and opinionated conversations about it but in a way where its like safe and neither of them feel like theyre actually being judged / are stupid if they disagree (something thats not common for riley, and zay usually is trying to discuss media with super strong personalities who aren’t great at Debating).
in general, though, they tend to agree on favorite characters / relationships. for example, they both hate rachel berry -- which always gets maya and farkle extremely heated if they’re around. i can only imagine why...
they’re also definitely safe-space vent people for each other. they don’t use the privilege all that often bc i think both of them try to like keep their cool and not get hung up about things, but if they really just have to pop off about something they know they can go to the other person and they’ll actually Listen and keep it under wraps rather than either spilling it to everyone else and/or immediately trying to problem solve rather than just listening to the Emotions. and it’s helpful bc for the most part, their friends don’t actually really overlap that much, so they don’t really like harbor the emotions the other person unloads on them or let it affect their dynamics with other people? like riley can talk about dasher and zay can talk about yingel without it having any ripple consequences bc theyre different circles.
for example, i can totally see riley talking to zay about how she feels like -- at first -- asher doesn’t really like her and won’t really let her in and like he doesn’t want her to join the friend group (even tho that isn’t really true). like she can’t talk to dylan about it bc she’s not going to put him in that position and she’s not foolish enough to think that’s a good idea, she can’t talk to lucas about it bc he like doesn’t get stuff like that gFJKHGLFJSDLH and also he has such a set impression of asher it would be hard for him to understand it from her perspective. zay has none of that, so hes a good person to listen to her nerves about it.
the only times this gets kind of complicated / janky is in the midst of zay x charlie stuff where riley is kind of unintentionally (or, sometimes, intentionally) in the middle. like, zay trusts her not to go telling charlie what he says about him, but he knows they’re good friends too, and its an awkward position to put her in. but still, i think when zay is really hurt or frustrated he’ll snap sometimes and just vent out all his anger about charlie to riley in one foul swoop, and she’ll just absorb it like a sponge without judgment and then not bring it up again. but you can also see little ways where this puts pressure on their friendship, like how when he was drunk in 304 zay expressed resentment towards the fact that riley also talks to charlie and sometimes he feels like she puts him first, even though that isn’t true. it’s just..... a very very complicated (and interesting, if emotional) situation with that trio.
that being said, when things are Good, i think that zay feels comfortable talking about his significant others (including charlie) with riley. he doesn’t really get too Detailed about anything personal or anything, but they definitely discussed charlie in s2 in the small window of time where riley knew and zc wasn’t actively imploding LMAO. on the flip side, riley doesn’t really talk to zay about her relationships, but only bc her relationship is lucas GJFSKLJHLKDJHFLDSH. like anyone else she’d be like okay sure this is fine but she knows zay finds lucas annoying 65% of the time and talking about him in a romantic context grosses him out so she respects that LMAOOOO. hysterical
in general, if they’re gonna hang out, they usually go to either a local coffee shop they like (like svorskis) or each other’s houses. its kind of a relief to have a person they can just take anywhere and have around their parents with no trouble at all, considering both of them are used to having a boyfriend who cant be seen in their house (for different reasons). and theyre comfortable enough that like i think when they hang out at their houses, they just spread out in the living area of both bc theyre not hiding anything, its like very lowkey and comfortable
that being said, riley doesnt spend much time in zay’s usual studio at school. most people don’t, its a place zay now likes to be alone (and it feels weird with someone else being there who isnt charlie)
as for how they come off to their families, the babineauxs love riley. jada has met her a couple of times and thinks she’s super sweet + zay could afford to learn a thing or two from her like how to chill the fuck out (cue zay going shut the fuck up). donna is excited that zay has another friend who isn’t batshit intense about stuff like maya / farkle, she figures yindra has the diva best friend role covered and zay needs more friends like nigel and riley to ground him. she’s right about this.
cory likes zay, but he also does have some prejudices from the teaching perspective about how zay doesn’t pay attention in class half the time and blows off his assignments -- but this isn’t partially because cory isn’t a great teacher and his assignments suck. so the feeling is mutual, tho zay gets along better with cory in a neutral, polite sense than say, asher and dylan, where it’s like guerilla psychological warfare. topanga has no opinion about zay bc riley doesn’t introduce her friends to her (wisely).
they’re still very common lunch buddies. essentially when riley isn’t eating with the techies (which is only when lucas is there usually) or bothering lucas in the booth once a week, she’s with zay (which usually also means nigel, yindra, and farkle, though not always)
ultimately, i think that when someone asks riley who her best friend is, her mind will always jump to zay first. not even because theyre necessarily the closest at any given time, but because he really was her first life raft at aaa and he extended that kindness to her in a moment where she was so used to being brushed aside, talked over, ridiculed -- and you don’t forget that. it stays with you. so when she thinks about her Best Friend, speed round answer, he will always come to mind first. i think she greatly admires his skillful balance of confidence and compassion, his sarcastic sense of humor, the way he gets so passionate about dance and music and how these elements come together, and his inarguable kindness that is at his core and so fundamental to everything he does (even when his more known reputation is a bit more barbed and witty).
on the flip side, i think riley came into zay’s life at the exact moment he needed it. we know he felt isolated in s1, and even though i think he thinks of nigel and yindra as his first-to-mind best friends, riley was a breath of fresh air who allowed him to be himself with someone who wasnt going to judge him on past decisions or impressions. just like he gave her the chance to define herself in his eyes with his extension of company on that first day, she does the same for him by not making assumptions about him and learning who he is on their terms. i think she’s also just a really great, measured system of support -- she’s not busting his balls or keeping him in check like yindra and nigel do (except when its really needed, like 304), but she isn’t as in awe / romanticized with him like charlie. i think he appreciates that he can go to her for an honest perspective, but she’ll take the care to deliver that honesty in a gentle way. it’s like, he’s tough enough to take a hit, but sometimes its nice to know you have someone who will be kind with you even then.
that’s what is at the core of their friendship overall. kindness.
-- Maggie
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starmakerdotcom · 4 years
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BLOOMING is the debut single of STARMAKER ENTERTAINMENT’s new boy group BOTANICA, and it’s available digitally and physically. the single was released on july 25, 2020 and was promoted from july 26th until august 31st, however they revived no music show wins. the single contains two tracks, HOME, which serves as the title track, and JUST ONE DAY, a promoted bside.
HOME (title) insp
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sorry i’m just excited
people were sorta iffy on them at first which is very valid w smk’s track record of rookies
but they warmed up to them eventually because THEYRE SO CUTE !!!! they’re SO CUTE SO CUTE
people loved the music video there wasn’t much of an overarching story it was just really pretty
omg they were so happy to debut like especially peach and clover bc they trained for a while . i mean peach was more like “ohmygod :( it’s happening omg :(“ and clover was more “omg fucking FINALLY”
people were the most nasty to jaeyi :((( mostly bc he was with the company for a lot shorter than some other trainees and people were saying he shouldve trained for longer but shut up goeun knows what she’s doing
they had all the support they needed from their seniors anyway :(( fruit basket mentioned them , both soloists mentioned them , and solar were like all up in their business
they’re so close with solar honestly it’s the cutest THEY DID A VLIVE TOGETHER !!!
their interactions just :((( i cant i’m so sorry i actually can’t they have the best bond they’re so comfortable with each other
a lot of them trained together so some of them knew each other from beforehand !! clover was actually supposed to make it into the solar lineup but he didn’t . no ones ever specified the reason
(it’s bc they didn’t get along if there’s one member of botanica that most of solar don’t get along with its clover)
he was on that same predebut dance team as mj and milo and they just haven’t been close since then ??
i should probably get into the actual debut now ??? that’d be ideal
they didn’t get any wins this time around mostly due to fans taking a while to warm up to them so they weren’t promoted as well as they could’ve been ?
they did manage to get on a few variety shows though and we really got to see their personalities shine :( they’re so funny
they started a vlog series too where we also got to see a lot of their personalities ! and like just how much of a mess they all are like in every single vlog peach is either stressed as fuck or asleep ren is just on a different plane of vibe and in every single one there’s at least one clip of tian eating
tian start a mukbang series on youtube i think we’d all benefit from that
peach had light pink hair and it suited him so well it looked so good
ren’s hair was long and curly and dyed brown ! what i said abt his dead ass scalp
jaeyi had this purple ish colour that looked GORGEOUS omg
clover had bright red hair ! and he ROCKED it
eli had long ish brown hair bc he didn’t cut it out of spite . for who ? who knows
tian’s hair was an obnoxiously bright orange omg it was so bright it gives me a headache
the styling was so pretty it’s annoying these dudes didn’t ever not look good like . all the white and pink and blue
there was a lot of blazers and a lot of oversized button down shirts it’s hard to explain but i know what i’m thinkin of
they also had a lot of flowers :((( they had flowers in their hair for a few of the stages
the makeup . ethereal
someone give the makeup artists a raise right now please thank u
but also the just one day stages . they were always dressed in white it was all white and sparkly they looked so pretty
for one of the stages they were all wearing angel wings :(
ok but then they did a special stage which was a cover of how you like that by blackpink and people lowkey lost their shit over it it was so good but it was like . the complete opposite of their own music but they slayed
they uploaded a dance practice with vocals to the uncensored version and just . CLOVER SAYING “BRING OUT THE BOSS BITCH” THATSE ALL thank u
so uh . overall ? pretty solid debut 10/10 we stan
can’t lie i love the cover look at her she’s lowkey a rip off of the ruby (april) but it’s cool it’s all good
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random thoughts related to kagepro (tw for depression?? death?? suicide ?? implied ?? im not sure and idk what else read at ur own risk)
well idk lately ive been thinking a lot and ik ive uh always (? since i can remember?) have been depressed (i mean...it started around age 12...i dont really remember much before that. most of what i remember are bad moments anyways. or very specific scenes. but they dont feel mine. if that makes sense. its like remembering the scene from a movie.  back on track i guess idk well lately ive realized i actually kin some characters and lately ive...been relating a lot to shintaro kisaragi fromkagepro. i mean its ok. there´s always been that specific similarity in us (after all, how many characters in anime are as related to coca cola as shintaro //and me,,im literally a coca cola addict lmao// well anyways. after some days, this lead me to thinking...to a hidden memory within my brain, i guess. I remember introducing my then best friends, to kagepro. one told me haha he´s like u bc the coca cola!! and i think i just laughed and smiled? i truly didn´t see it? i was sad sure, but i couldnt really relate to him. after all, i was the leader of my own little group of 12 year old weebs,right? (i was also 12 btw) i didnt personally dislike shintaro but i didnt rly see myself in him yknow? also i have loved ayano from ever since i have memory so idk like she´s one of my biggest comfort characters and its weird bc if she was ´´real´´ idk if i could date her or anything but im just glad she exists bc it somehow comforts me a lot yeah anyways ayano essay for another time lol. anyways at this age my favorite characters in kagepro were ayano and konoha ( i still love them a lot) thing is, at this point in my life i didnt know/wasnt aware i was transgender but i already kinda liked he/him pronouns so i roleplayed a lot. online. i roleplayed as konoha obviously lmao and actually one of my irl friends related to shintaro ?? and i think we may have roleplayed lmao and stuff.... she even had a facebook account named shin hikkikomori or smth like that. anyways fast forward bc after being 12 a lot of stuff happened obviously. and none of that relates to kagepro until quite some time. i will mention some items that dont really relate to kagepro but marked moments in my friend group that may be relevant later on. Around 2016)? Some of my closest friends changed schools (but we kept contact) yet i still had a big group at school. But it got fragmented along the way. 2017 i went to Japan and formed a new, different friend group with people that even today, are dear to me. When i came back, my friend group fragmented more. I kept contact with other members of the old group but one on one, not as a group anymore. 2018 we graduated, and i broke up my realtionship with one of my former best friends (2016-2018) 2019 was a year of change, and even though i was afraid and shit got weird, i was not doing too bad. i will skip that. Well. Im sure we all know 2020 was a trainwreck, shit happened. i had a villain arc. I lost my shit,definetely. Ups, downs, whatever. 2021 has not been too different. However, even through everything, in early 2020, i kept close relationships with my friend group. as the year moved forward and the restrictions started lifting ( thank you government very cool <3 //ironically obviously, this is the reason this shit wont go away//) some of my friends saw each other irl and stuff, or talked about stuff i didn´t understand/didn´t want to hear while on discord. I felt alienated. I felt empty. I got mad at a friend for the first time, for something he said. I ended up isolating myself. A friend celebrated her birthday. She invited me and never excluded me, asked me a lot of things and asked to virtually include me. But that would just make me feel more alienated, wouldn´t it? I told her it was ok, i didn´t go. Honestly, I felt like a bother. I didn´t want to bother. I wasn´t okay, but i didn´t want to bother anyone, so i isolated myself. I had a very bad breakdown. lasted weeks. When I recovered, it wasn´t the same. It felt like everyone else was closer, while i drifted away. I kind of recconected with some of my friends from Japan after this. In the vacations, i felt like i reconnected with some friends just to drift away again later. However, i never could reconnect with one of my best friends. She never really got mad at me or anything ( i think) but we don´t really talk much anymore. We used to talk daily, be it actual talking, memes, anything. I don´t think we´ve actually talked in weeks. There´s nothing I can do. This year, another friend had a birthday, but I was so disconnected from everyone I didn´t even care. I mean. It´s all broken now, isn´t it? The other day I just started wondering. When did I start relating to Shintaro so much? I had always been like this, hadn´t I? Who am I, actually? Why do I relate so much now? It´s not just about the soda. I had lost friends before, but I never really felt like that. Sometimes I feel like I´ve lost everyone. In a one year span I became a hikkikomori. About a month ago, when I entered classes, I was recognized as Shintaro pfp and I admitted to kinning him to people i´d never talked to before (on chat) // I decided to go apeshit idc anymore about what anyone thinks of me// I had fun. I think I must´ve posted on my stories, because two different people told me they were the ene to my shintaro. I appreciated it. i mean it´s kinda true bc now that i´m only on the pc they do bother me online and try to get me to open up or get better but sometimes the just annoy me lmao but also not bc they all have their own particular lives and they all seem to be doing better than me. Still, my classmates are very nice and inclusive. But it´s not like im close to any of them I guess. I´m just alone now. I´m fucked up man....I don´t feel real anymore. I don´t really know who I am. I guess that´s why I find comfort in seeing a part of myself in Shintaro? But when did i turn out like this? Why didn´t I relate when I was younger? Well, I hadn´t really lost any friends back then. I now know how painful that is. How lonely it is to be alone even when there is people around. idk. and i´ve always been quiet. introverted. shy. a loser. yet now whenever i meet anyone i try to idk connect? but i cant. i wish i could be more evil. maybe it´d just be easier if everyone really, truly hated me. maybe i´d get the strength to actually kill myself then. it´s weird. i really see myself in route xx shintaro. I know that´s fucked up because I know how it ends. but truly, i was trying. I was healing, i think i was going somewhere. and i was trying to keep my newly formed renovated friend group together. I really was trying to. I didn´t mind if we had sub groups on the big group, but we were all there for each other. I tried my best. I felt like i belonged. but now im alone again. and this time there´s nothing i can do. if something, i´ve made it worse. and i keep making it worse. it´s weird. when i first got into kagepro, both shintaro and ayano felt like adults. i thought they were really, really big. im older than them now. now i know theyre not really adults. i get it. i still feel 18. after all, these last two years have been taken away from me. i didnt waste them myself this time.  i feel like a rotten 18 year old...when i listen to lost time memory, i just...get it. i always liked the song. i thought the story was so cool. when it first came out.. i still remember. iwas there. i waited for it. i loved it. i still do, but back then, i just saw it all as some really great and cool song. now i feel like i really, really get it. i love it even more. im hiding away in all my memories. but what is my true heart? what do i really want? i don´t know, i don´t know... If I'm 'wise' then, I can't face forward; I have no reason to so, I'll rot away instead It would be nice if time could be turned back. Years may pass but I'll never die I repeat hopeful words to myself, even though I know I still won't be able to reach you. "It doesn't matter, just die already!" I said as I clutched my wrist, simply cursing it. Unable to do anything, I merely indulged myself in life. "If summer can show me dreams, then let's go to before you were taken away" The days where I hid my embarrassment are illuminating upon the atmosphere and burning my mind. If I'm wishing for a dream that can't come true, then I'll embrace this blurry past and have a dream which I don't wake up from and naturally seclude myself from the outside world. "But that means you can't even see tomorrow?" I don't really care 'bout that, so it's ok I stained my hands in order to kill these boring days I'm choosing "solitude" after all A rotten boy at 18 today too, prayed again while clinging on to your colored smile Underneath the blazing sun Asking "Somehow, please take me away instead of leaving like this!" and my murmuring breath was quietly stopped
I guess i just wish someone could actually help me. take me out of this hole. Maybe some kind of closure would be nice. It´s not the same, though. I don´t have enough bravery in myself to actually kill myself. Mostly because of guilt. I can´t take the guilt of dissapointing everyone. I don´t want my parents to get hurt. I don´t want my bunny to miss me. Yet i wish everyday for it to be over. Lately, half of my dreams have been in Japan, with many friends, some who i met there, some who have never been there. Yet my brain shows me the dreams before it was all taken away. I think one of my favorite parts of the day is dreaming. I like to sleep simply because I dream. And i sleep very few. mayb bc i hate myself? I still barely indulge in life. I do anything to stay distracted. If i think, it all goes to shit. it all does. like now. Heh. it´s funny. I guess no one is truly my ene, because no one actually knows how mentally fucked up i got these past months. No one knows how badly i´ve been treating myself and how badly i´ve been doing. Still, i can´t tell anyone but scream it into the tumblr void. No one has to keep up with my shit. No one has to take care of me. After all, it was I who chose solitude. It was me who kept them away. But I don´t get a second choice. I don´t get a change of routes if things go sour. And i guess I don´t get to get a mentally fucked up friend group where I belong for a second time. Once was good enough, wasn´t it? I.. Even when I wasnt as deep as i am now (again) into kagepro, ive always wanted to die on August 15. It holds meaning to me now as well. Every year I used to ask people to go out with me that day. I know im not brave enough to kill myself. I always hoped for a lil miracle i guess. Last year was the first year...I didn´t do anything. I just... I just hope this year i can make it. I hope the miracle happens this year....I can only hope......its too late for me to be saved, isn´t it? I never thought it´d be like this. I don´t get closure. I don´t get goodbyes. I am left behind on a world that keeps moving. I am nothing.
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taurusjaehyun · 5 years
kiss me // j.jh
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♦️Pairing: jaehyun x fem reader
♦️Other Members/ Characters: 97 line GC (Eunwoo, Jungkook and Mingyu) + Jihyo of Twice (also a 97 liner)
♦️Genre: smut, fluff,, bf Jaehyun, uni au
♦️Warnings: rough sex, nipple play(?), slight cock warming, squirting, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, badly written smut lmao, mentions of RuPaul’s Drag Race bc I’ve been binging on it after Netflix put all the seasons on!!!
♦️Word count: 3,981
♦️Story: Finals are done and you finally have proper time with your boyfriend Jaehyun but he barely pays you any attention. He won’t even give you a kiss you because of a stupid mobile game.
Note: A request by anon for bf!Jaehyun. Also, yeaaah, this isn’t proof read, sorry for the shitty aftercare and the shitty writing in general lol. Tell me what you guys think, please! I’d love feedback so I can improve hehe <3
"Kiss me." You say as you push yourself up closer to your boyfriend’s face, who was currently focused on his phone as he laid next to you in your bed, playing whatever mobile phone game he was addicted to with the guys. It was kind of annoying, really.
 You purse your lips and make kissy sounds, making him chuckle. You roll your eyes at him but he doesn’t notice, because he was too focused on his phone. You couldn’t believe how he’d rather play with his phone and his friends rather than spending time with you, his girlfriend, despite it being a free Sunday for the both of you. Finals were fucking finally over for all of you after the two of you, along with your friends had spent every day studying (more like cramming) to try and ace your tests.
 It was safe to say the two of you hadn’t had sex in a while. Plus, this was your only time alone together after a while as your roommate, Jihyo was on a date with her boyfriend, Eunwoo. Jihyo was a bit anal about you bringing in Jaehyun to your dorm to have sex after she had caught you and Jaehyun fucking a few times (it was more than a few times, honestly). You couldn’t hold it against her because she never had sex with Eunwoo in your dorm. Ever. Or not that you know of.
 You pinch Jaehyun’s side, making him yelp but he barely spares you a glance. You pucker your lips again and make kissy faces at him, trying to annoy him more than anything at this point. Jaehyun tilts his head towards you, eyes still focused on the screen of his phone as he blindly pecks at your face, kissing your nose instead of your lips like you wanted to.
 Feeling annoyed, you grab the phone out of his hands and turn it off. You set his phone on your nightstand, straddle him and cup his cheeks, squishing and pinching it with your hands. His hands automatically make his way to your hips as he looks up with you with a less than pleased expression.
 “I was about to beat Mingyu and Jungkook, you know,” he grunts in annoyance, taking hold of your hands that started to pinch his cheeks painfully. He pulls your hands off his cheeks and intertwines his fingers with yours.
You laugh, “Baby, today’s our free day. You can kill them some other time!” You started to grind your hips against his, testing the waters. You really wanted to take advantage of the time alone you had with the love of your life and do anything and everything you’ve wanted to do for the past few weeks. Also, fucking the built up stress away wasn’t a bad idea.
 Jaehyun watches you, grinding and circling your hips, almost as if he was hypnotized. He bit his lip and gives you a pointed look, “I thought we weren’t allowed to have sex here anymore?”
 You lean back and shrug, “Jihyo isn’t here anyways. What does she know?”
 “Well Jungkook and Mingyu know how important my ranking is in that game to me. And they know I’m here with you.” Jaehyun chuckles, “they’re already probably going off in the group chat that we’re already fucking and you know Eunwoo’s in the chat too.”
 You stop grinding on him, and sighed before blowing a raspberry, “I honestly don’t give a shit. Jihyo knows I’m putting RuPaul’s Drag Race over everything, including you so I could just say I forced you to watch.”
 Jaehyun scoffs and looks at you as if he’s offended, “so you mean to say you finished the season we were watching WITHOUT ME?” He lets go of your hands and holds onto your thighs, squeezing.
 You explode in laughter, knowing well that Jaehyun took offense in it. You both were big fans of the show that you’d do marathons of it together, especially the most recent All Stars season. “Trinity-“
 He puts up a finger to your lips, “ok, spoiler queen. I don’t need to know. I’ll watch it for myself.”
 “No, I’ll tell you right now! Trinity and Monet-“
 Jaehyun puts his hands over his ears, closes his eyes and starts howling, and basically doing every annoying sounds he could produce, just to shut you up.
 You laugh, trying to pull his hands away from his ear, telling him about the finale. Each second he goes on with his act, the more you found it funny so you ended up bellowing in laughter, weak as you fall down on his chest, shoulders shaking.
 Jaehyun sighs as he wraps an arm around you, patting your head gently. “God, you’re annoying.”
 Still in fits of giggles, you sit up again and hover over him, staring at him. Jaehyun was probably one of the most beautiful men you’ve ever seen in your life and you thought you were blessed to have been given a chance to be one of the people he loved in this world. “You love me, though.”
 Jaehyun gives you a goofy smile, “that I do, sweetheart. So fucking much. You have no idea.”
 “Prove it!”
 "Kiss me."
 Jaehyun didn’t have to be told twice. His hands find its way on the back of your head, and he pulls you close while he lifts his head up to meet you halfway and locks his lips with yours.
 You chuckle and proceed to kiss him. Deep and hard, always. His tongue swipes on your lower lip and you grant him access and soon your tongues wrapped around each other. You didn't know how long you were kissing but all you knew was you were already feeling dizzy and breathless but you just wanted to taste him again and again.
 People might call you crazy but every time you saw him, he still gave you the butterflies he made you feel from the first time you saw him. That was how you knew you were already in love with him. You were so into in him that his mere touch sent shivers up your spine and when he makes love to you, you’re afraid you’ll burst into tears because of the overwhelming feelings he gives you.
 You pull away and pull off the large t-shirt that you used as pyjamas. Underneath it, you weren’t wearing anything because you knew you’d be fucking your boyfriend. You shoot him a smile as you cup your breasts for him, earning a whistle from him. You knew he loved your nipples and right now, they looked too appetizing to him, already so hard and begging to be sucked by him.
 He bites his lips at the sight of your naked and pliant body. He knew how conscious you were of your body but he loved how you trusted him too much that you were confident naked in front of him. He was thankful for that because for him it was a way to really say how much you trusted and loved him.
 You grab his hands and rest them over your breasts as you start to circle your hips on him again. He had an obsession with you boobs that he would find a way to suck your nipples most of the time, that when you would sleep over at his dorm (which was better because the athletic department had budget and gave them solo rooms) even before you sleep, he sucks your nipples. It was endearing.
 You were his and he was yours. As soon as he lets go of your nipples, you kiss his neck, making sure to rub you hard nipples against his chest as you pull up his shirt and help him fully take it off. He cups your face as you kiss and you rush to undo his jeans. You plant kisses down his neck, chest and stomach as you go lower, pulling down his jeans.
 His half hard cock pops out as you pull down his underwear and help him get both his jeans and underwear off around his ankles until the both of you were buck naked. You settle between his legs, kissing his thighs, just taking your time but your hands find his cock, the tip leaking with clear liquid.
 You spit on your hands, easing the friction and starting to jerk him off. You use the pad of your thumb to rub the slit of his cock, watching how his cock twitches and gets harder at the action. His dick continues to leak pre-cum, enough for you to spread it around the sensitive mushroom head of his shaft.
 “Fuck, baby. Stop playing and suck it if you’re going to,” he hisses, fisting the sheets beside him.
 “Ok, ok.” You laugh but you continue to play with his sensitive head. You gather your spit in your mouth and drop it slowly on the head of his dick, circling your tongue to the air so the spit goes around and covers the rest of his cock. “I’ll get your dick wet first, you big baby.”
 Jaehyun moans as you start to jack him off, your left teasing the head and the right jerking the rest of his cock. He watches you as you bite your lips in concentration as you jerk him off, using the tricks that are fool proof to make him feel good. Especially that jerk-jerk-twist-jerk movement that had his hips bucking.
 Without a word, you start to suck on his head, slurping on the salty precum, making him hiss in pleasure. You use your now free left hand to fondle on his balls as you keep jerking and sucking him off. When the moisture from your spit around the rest of his length dries, you slowly take him in your mouth, deep throating him.
 You keep your thumb in your fist, trying to keep your gagging down as you used your left hand to hold onto the base of his cock as you take him deeper inside your mouth until your nose was touching his belly, his trimmed pubes prickling you.
 Jaehyun was always amazed how you manage to take in his whole length but then again, you always managed to surprise him and managed to exceed his expectations which was one of the reasons for why he fell in love with you. Out of all the girls around him, you managed to catch his attention and he found himself unable to keep you out of his mind until the two of you got to work together since you were both in student government.
 You lift your head a little and bob your head, keeping his dick down your throat, knowing this would surely cover the whole of his cock with your spit. Jaehyun had always been a loud grunter and moaner so it was no doubt that the room was filled with Jaehyun’s sounds of pleasure and curses as you make him feel good with your mouth. Once you couldn’t hold your breath anymore, you pull away from his cock.
 You take the spit stringing your mouth to the head of his cock with your fingers and jerk him off. Jaehyun looks at you, mouth swollen, eyes lidded and tears forming at your ducts. You lean forward, rubbing the head of his cock against your nipples, making him groan at the sight. You take him in your mouth again, this time, just comfortably sucking him off, just taking in the length you could casually and jerk the rest of his shaft.
 He grabs a hold of your head, pushing your pony tail back and tucking the strands that came apart from the vigorous bobbing of your head on his cock. Jaehyun starts to thrust his hips up so you stop moving, your arms on either sides of his hips on the bed, letting him fuck your face at his own pace. When he thrusts to particularly deep, you end up gagging and you pull away, coughing.
 Jaehyun gasps in worry, immediately sitting up and cups your face. “Sorry, sorry! I didn’t mean to! I’m so sorry, sweetheart.”
 You let out a giggle and peck his lips, “it’s ok, love.”
 "So now, it’s my turn to please my lady." He grins as he kisses you on the cheek before he maneuvers you to the head of the bed and pushes you down until he was hovering over you and in between your legs. He licks the tips of his fingers and rubs at your clit, making you twitch. He reaches down and slips two of his fingers inside you with no warning, making you gasp. “You’re this wet for me, sweetheart? Well shit.” He grins at you, teasing as his he finds a comfortable paces to fuck you with his fingers.
 You close your eyes, reveling in the sensation of his fingers stretching you and rubbing against your spot as you squeeze your breasts. God, he knew just how to make you feel so good, and you couldn’t wait for the main event: his cock but his fingers were doing more than good that you find yourself bucking against his hand as your orgasm comes over you fast, like it was unexpected that you didn’t realize you were cumming until it you started to scream and tremble.
 “That was fast,” Jaehyun teases, pulling his fingers out of you slowly, watching your pussy juice stringing as he separates his fingers. He takes the fingers from inside you and shoves it in his mouth and licks it clean. It as a shame you couldn’t see it as you were still basking in the after effects of your orgasm, eyes pinched close. “I didn’t even touch your clit!” He says, giving you a teasing look. “You must’ve waited for this long, huh?”
 You grin at him, but still trying to calm yourself down by taking deep breaths. “We haven’t had sex since Jihyo made us stop having sex here and finals was a bitch, Jae. I was stressed!” You close your eyes, clutching your chest dramatically.
 Jaehyun laughs at you and kneels in front of you, lifting your hips and pulling you to him. He lifts your hips and settles it on top of his legs. You feel him line his cock to your slit and pushes his head in.
 “Wait! I’m not ready yet!” You whimper, using your legs to push yourself off but his grip on your hips was strong and he had already pushed inside you, the whole of his length inside you. Your eyes roll back as his tip presses against your sweet spot but at the same time, the burn of the stretch makes you hiss in pain. He was never an easy size to begin with.
 “Relax, babe.” He says gently as he takes a hold of your waist but you see how he has his eyes closed and his mouth agape. “You’re fucking tight.”
 Still feeling the stretch, you lift your head and hit his hand on your waist, making him laugh. “You’re an asshole. I’m still sensitive.” You pouted.
 “I know, love. Your pussy’s still throbbing.” He gives you a sweet smile and grabs your legs to wrap them around him. He takes his time, keeping his cock inside you while he takes his time into admiring your serene face and running his hands on your skin. “You ok?” He intertwines your fingers and plants kisses on the back of your hand, watching you remain silent with your eyes closed.
 You eventually give him a sign but don’t answer him, instead, you smile at him as you squeeze your walls around his cock, making him wince. “Your cock is-AH!”
 He starts to move his hips, just grinding do every roll of his hips, his cock hitting your sweet spot. "Ah, shit. You're so fucking tight." He groans as he finally pulls his hips back and drove into me slowly, bottoming out and slamming back in, making you moan at the sweet pressure inside.
 You wrap your legs tighter around him as he moved his hips up, hitting your sweet spot at a different angle as he leans down and sucks at your nipples. Fucking Jaehyun wouldn’t be fucking him if he wasn’t sucking on your nipples while he was fucking into you. You keep his head close to you, as if you were holding a baby’s head sucking on its mother’s nipple. Honestly, with the amount of times he was sucking on your nipples, you wouldn’t be surprised if you started lactating out of the blue.
 He lifts your legs as he starts slow but deep thrusts and puts both of your legs over his shoulders as he leans down, basically folding you in half. He captures your lips while his hips pick up pace. He kisses the sensitive spots on your neck as he builds up a steady pattern of fucking you, making you eyes roll back in pleasure. He licks the skin from you ear to my neck, making you shiver and buck your hips, easily receiving his hard cock.
 He eventually goes into full force and you’re left to nothing but a moaning mess as he drives his hips to yours forcefully and in a pace beyond what you could handle. He was so deep inside you that you could the sweet pressure of his hard cock jabbing your cervix.
 You claw at his back and grabbing onto whatever you could, holding on for dear life as he drives into you relentlessly, with his hands lifting up your hips for easier access. "F-fu...fuck! Ah! Soooo goo-...ood! Ah!!"
 He pulls out and you groan at the loss of his cock inside you.
 "Jaehyun, no," You groan desperately as he smirks at me.
 "Patience, love." He smiles and lies on his back, making me straddle him.
 Needing no words, you straddle him and slip down his length, releasing a sigh of pleasure at the fullness you’re feeling. You lean down and kiss him and he settles his hands on your ass cheeks, massaging and slapping. You pull away, moving your hips slowly, forward and backward, taking him in deep inside. You lean your head back, moaning from the pleasure.
 He leans forward and sucks your left nipple and plays with your nipple with his hands, rolling the hard pebble with his fingers, pulling and squeezing. He groans in pleasure as you tighten your walls around him. He moves to your riģht nipple and sucks, and gives the same treatment as he did with your other nipple.
 Jaehyun then pushes you down towards him and holds you tight as he starts thrusting hard and fast from below you. You squeal at the intense, hard pleasure coming in, giving you no room to breathe.
 "JAEHYUN!!!!" You scream as you push your hips down to meet his thrusts and take him in any deeper, if it was possible. "FucK! AHH!!" You let myself go and my body becomes limbless at the excessive pleasure. You feel the drool escape your lips as you lean your face on the crook of his neck.
 Without effort, he maneuvers you off of him and throws you on the bed then kissing every exposed inch of my skin he could reach. Once he reaches down, he doesn’t hesitate and proceeds to eat you out like a fucking maniac, making you scream and shiver in so much pleasure. There were lots of things Jung Jaehyun did well and one of the top things besides academics, basketball, cooking and fucking, eating you out would be included. And it didn't help that he knew your body like the back of his hand.
 "Jaehyun! I'm cummimg!" You scream and before he could react, you were trembling, already in your second orgasm of the day. He never stopped sucking on your clit and started fingering you again, jus jabbing at your sweet spot while you were on the verge of your orgasm. You wanted to keep away but he had your hips on hold. Pretty soon, you felt it coming again and this time, you ended up squirting.
 He looked pretty proud of himself after you were left a shivering mess. “There we go, good girl!” He smiles, kissing the back of your hand. “I told you I’d make you squirt, right?” The last time you had sex, knowing it’d be while before you could again, the two of you had rented a room and tried every position you wanted to try out and tried finding out your limits. He had made you squirt then and you both were amazed after seeing it once so he had promised you that he would be making you do it again.
 “Jihyo’s gonna be so fucking mad when she gets home…” you trail off, still a bit high from your orgasm. “God, I’m dead. I need to find a new roommate.” You take a deep breathe, “also, I think… I’m gonna pass out.”
 Jaehyun laughed, “at least let me cum before you pass out!”
 “I fucking hate you right now.” You could feel the slight sheen of sweat on your body, besides from the body liquid you just expelled earlier.
 “Excuse me, Ms. Y/N? You were the one that wanted this, remember?”
 You wanted to pass out but you were sure Jaehyun wasn't over yet and besides, you always wanted Jaehyun’s cum inside you. It wasn't done until he came inside you. “Fuck me now, come on.” He immediately enters you and starts working his hips in a pace fast and hard.
 "Fuck! Slow down!" It was too good that you could feel fresh tears drip down your temple. "Wait!!! Jaehyun" You try to push him away to at least slow him down but he holds you tighter and drives into you harder, constantly pressing against your g-spot. It was honestly like his cock was made for your pussy as he’s always hitting the places inside you that made you see stars.
 "Ah, fuck! Your pussy so fucking tight for me!" He exclaims, followed with a plethora of curses as he does a steady pace of strong, deep, fast thrusts. He kisses you and holds tight on your breasts, squeezing them.
 "I'm cumming!" You scream as you quickly cum on his cock which triggers his orgasm as well, but he keeps his shallow thrusts until he's emptied his cum all inside of you, filling you a few weeks worth of cum, filling you to the brim that some spill out even though his cock acted as a plug.
 He stays inside you as the two of you kiss again, lazily this time, so you both could catch your breaths too. "I love you, y/n." He smiles at you, kissing your chin.
 You laugh at his sweetness as you focus on breathing to slow down your fast heartbeat. Was it because of his words or your exhaustion? Or both? But you did know the exhaustion was taking over you. You close your eyes, basking in the warmth of his body against yours. Your ears were blocked and you were still trembling but you weren’t complaining.
 Jaehyun knew you so he wasn’t expecting your reply and he already knows your answer anyways. Pretty soon, you quickly fall asleep, surprising him. But it was understandable because he made you spent so he cleaned up after you, wiping your body and your crotch with a warm towel and dressing you in panties and one of the shirts he’s left intentionally after he had cleaned himself up. It was the least he could do.
 From Jung Jaehyun | 10:30AM
To Cha Eunwoo
So, what are you willing to do for me not to tell y/n I caught you and Jihyo fucking after ur gf made us stop fucking in their dorm? Send me your most expensive skin, Cha and try to beat me!
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thepringlesofblood · 5 years
thoughts on stranger things three  (spoilers. so many.)
this is just me yellin into the void as usual, but I like recording my opinions on things even if no one will read them 
- every single scene w/ the robin, steve, erica, dustin gang, especially!!! the coming out scene. scoops?? iconic. steve and dustin’s secret handshake? transcendent. the drugged out back to the future scene? perfect. 
- eleven and max say fuck the patriarchy. love el’s new look 
- more competent women is always a win
- funhouse fight!!! carnival fight!!!FIREWORKS??!??!
- the destruction of the mall (sadly the only anticapitalist symbolism I could find)
- the scene after jonathan and nancy get fired where they’re angry about their separate marginalized identities making this loss worse. I really liked how it went into the ways it will impact both of them, and I especially liked when nancy got home and talked to her mom. 
- joyce going buckwild and getting shit done. 
- the portrayal of hypervigilance as a symptom of PTSD. All of these characters have seen some shit, and all of them pick up on the littlest things the second they present themselves because subconsciously, they’re always on edge, always aware of bad it could break. 
- most of will’s character arc. not all, but most of it. the queer experience of watching all your friends get dates and feeling like you’re missing out on something? trying to regain their interest because you feel lost and left behind? worrying that you’re not “growing up” because you don’t recognize romantic interest in yourself? not realizing you’re falling for your best friend until they get a romantic partner and suddenly you hate the partner even though they haven’t done anything wrong? a poignant, beautiful, very painful portrayal of queer teenhood. I really, really wish there was a moment that the audience realized will was in love with mike though. Like, it’s been building for a very long time. Also, a more thorough confirmation of will’s queerness would’ve been nice. I think they meant mike saying “you don’t understand bc you don’t like girls” to be that confirmation, but I want to hear it from will. Robin’s moment is so so so good though. 
- domestic fuckery 
- getting someone on the inside to help them/alexei as a character. not the symbolism or larger ramifications of his character arc, but how his knowledge and personality interacted. 
- mr clarke!!!!
- el going into someone’s memories again
- how prepared everyone is to fight because they’ve seen this shit before and robin and erica are just like ‘this might as well happen’ 
- keeping with the stranger things pattern of having a bunch of different groups of people all in different genres and then together they all meet up and go ?????
- I know every says billy didn’t get enough of a redemption arc but tbh I did not see his character development as redeeming in any way and I liked that. It didn’t excuse his abusive actions, it just explained them. There was no “oh he was secretly good all along”, no dramatic total character reversal on his death bed, just him deciding that he had enough of being controlled. Max didn’t get full closure with him, he didn’t say some big speech about being wrong or realizing the ramifications of his actions bc he hadn’t reached that point yet. he just said “I’m sorry” and died. that could mean “i’m sorry for how I’ve treated you”, “I’m sorry for how many people I’ve killed”, “I’m sorry for not being able to stop the monster”, anything. we don’t know what it means. we don’t get an explanation. It speaks to how survivors of abuse often don’t get to know why, don’t get closure, don’t get all the answers. 
- steve finally won a fight before getting the shit kicked out of him
- the whole no one knowing anything about each other bc no cell phones and/or wasnt there when It Happened. 
- Erica getting the DND set was poetic cinema 
- when joyce sees will on the firetruck and they run towards each other because finally, for once, will is completely unscathed, will isn’t the one who got hurt/possessed. I was already crying but this is the part where i had to get tissues bc I was sobbing. 
- the red scare bullshit and glorification of capitalism. this show started out as “the US govt is doing shady shit” and now the big climatic “everything’s alright” is the army getting there?? what the fuck. There’s being accurate to the time period and then there’s sending a message. they could’ve subverted that trope in so many ways, but they just went for straight up “capitalism is great! fuck russia!” and I hated that. also, talk about one-note villainry. there weren’t even any dramatic monologues to make up for it, it just kinda sucked. 
- Hopper’s character in the beginning of the season. the scene where he gets wasted after getting stood up? shitty. not talking to el about his vaguely sexist overprotective actions? shitty. blowing up at joyce for no reason? shitty. he pulls it together in the end but it was OOC for a bit there. Plus I would kill for more “hopper and el work through their trauma together”, rather than “friend group splinters bc hopper did a yell” 
- I don’t know what to think about hopper’s death. It just hurts, and not in a satisfying, last harry potter book way. 
- why the fuck are the byers and el moving?????? did they ever give a reason???? WHY?????? WILL AND EL’S ENTIRE SUPPORT NETWORK, THE ONLY PEOPLE WHO KNOW WHAT THEY’VE BEEN THROUGH AND CAN HELP THEM, IS IN HAWKINS!!!!!
- the ads. omg the ads. lucas idc about your fucking coke. there’s so much goddamn product placement. christ on a goddamn bicycle. 
- previous seasons have had body horror, but it was all black goo so it was removed from reality and conveyed a psychological, otherworldly horror. and I liked that. WHY WAS THERE SO MUCH FUCJING MEAT IN THIS ONE??? THE MIND FLAYER LOOKED LIKE IT WAS MADE OF BBQ SAUCE AND I HATED IT!!! STOP!!!THE MEATS!!!!!
- can el not be injured......for oNCE?????
- also can people stop standing around staring at shit so much? theyve seen it before. it’s not like it’s a huge shock. people stand around for like 5 minutes before Doing Things and it annoys me. with the New Kids like erica and robin it makes sense but like....whenever theres a monster mike just sits there like :o cOME ON DUDE YOU’VE DONE THIS SO MANY TIMES GET A KNIFE OR SOMETHIN!!!
- idk about you but murray yelling at them about sex kinda rubbed me the wrong way. 
- speaking of, you caNNOT convince me that murray, 4 locks on the front door lives in a bunker murray, would take a goddamn enemy of the state to a carnival and leave him alone for any period of time. seriously????????
- look.....it was adorable.....i’ll give you that.....but.....the song dustin and suzy sang slapped me with secondhand embarrassment and genre disconnect so hard I found it impossible to enjoy. also...planck’s constant??? you could/......idk........call mr clarke????????? you’ve interrupted the man’s life for less!!!! I was also half expecting it to be joyce who remembered it from all the studying she did on the magnets. I did enjoy the whole “i met a girl at camp” story being unbelievable until it was but like I was expecting the thing she wanted him to say to be like a famous star wars love quote or something not an entire song jesus christ 
- if hopper turns out to be alive I will face god and walk backwards into hell. I suffered through supernatural, I will not be caught in a cycle of fake deaths again. 
- i get the whole “we’re growing up now” thing but aren’t they like 13? theyre still so young??? also like i dont rly care for the vague soap-opera-y vibes the core squad gave off. 
- the only people who got flayed were either a. already pretty shitty or b. completely unknown. like. it just made it less scary????
- hopper just fucking standing by the machine looking at joyce instead of running the 5 seconds up the steps into the room. seriously? was that supposed to be slow motion or was that real time??? 
- the whole thing with cerebro not working at the beginning sucked ass. 
- hey does mrs wheeler have eyes??? like??? there were exactly two (2) scenes she had with mike and nancy and both were Big Conversations like they live there right/????tbh i forgot she was their mom until those scenes bc of the whole billy thing, which i decidedly do not have an opinion on but like....do they eat breakfast there??? 
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melekseev · 5 years
so i FINALLY bring you my esc19 toplist, all under the cut, with short comments.
also be aware i literally... enjoy my top 31. so twenty something places might sound bad.. BUT THEYRE REALLY NOT, I JUST LOVE A LOT. i went into this year thinking it was weak, and then after i had this playlist on so much, hello, i love a ton. nevertheless, just my taste and opinions and good luck to all of them~
1. France ABSOLUTE KIN G stuck in first place because this is undoubtedly my most listened song this year, and i'm absolutely hooked on it. i am somewhat worried about that coming revamp, but. but i fcking love this song, and he improved those vocals like d amn 2. Russia i.... am in love. every time i hear this song it gets me into that sort of dramatic ecstasy and it's so big and beautiful that it just... it kills me. i die. thats it 3. Italy soldi is still my jam, and i adore it to bits 4. Slovenia this masterpiece is one i just want to protect. so soothing, i LOVE listening to it, it's just ethereal 5. Netherlands this song, at one point, was almost at every possible spot on my list from middle to top 15, but then it stuck with me and now it's utter love 6. Hungary i adore his voice, no bias. his whole vibe, his unique delivery and technique, that folky sound, like... yes please 7. Switzerland i am not ashamed to say i am utter trash for this song. every single part i love about this. like holy shit, this time switzerland better make it thEY EARNED IT 8. Australia she is QUEEN, i considered dropping it from my top 10 when trying to readjust ONE TIME and upon relistening i instantly was like "okay no way it's going anywhere", i just unironically love it a LOT 9. Norway actual legends... this song just cheers me up to SUCH an extent! love the joiking... i love eveything, bless you norway 10. Belgium at first, i had issues with it, because i wanted a bigger drop near the end, but now i'm just absolutely... in love... it convinced me. the instrumental, the building up, the dark undertone, just. i adore this 11. Poland oH I LOVE THEM SO MU CH. li s t en. i can't explain it, but they give me like a lowkey vibe of soft punk-rock theme but also like...?? japanese pop?? but no, it's polish and slavic and traditional and i'm really really vibing with it, because some of it is familiar from my own culture, and these girls S LAY 12. Albania albania always delivering those vocals.. i love the mystical vibe with the ethnic sound, it's simply gorgeous 13. San Marino can you believe i unironically HONESTLY thoroughly enjoy this song?? serhat is an icon, but his voice actually really fits with this song and i always get super into it. i'm so happy this exists lmao 14. Azerbaijan i'm very very much into this song, and i'm EXTREMELY curious to see how he pulls this off live as it seems to be such a radio song, but i have hopes. i just dig it, like... like a LOT 15. Czech Republic this is the most chill song this year, and despite the silly, easygoing lyrics it's just... extremely fun, and it's been my jam since it came out 16. Croatia listen. l i sten. i love... theatrical. i love big strong voice explosions. this CHILD is talented as fuck. i know many people hate this, but the song actually grew on me, and then today i just honestly love it. i wish the whole song was in croatian, but even with the not so great lyrics, i'm eating it up and singing along. i know he won't make it, but oh well. it's okay Roko, i love your voice and song 17. Armenia i really love this one, too. she convinced me further in amsterdam bc she absolutely killed it (although i feel like she had a nervous slip in the very beginning) but then after that.. holyshit. such a tiny girl with such a huge voice 18. Spain honestly, if you tell me earlier it would end up this high at one point i wouldn't believe you.. i never /hated/ it per se, but i also wasn't really impressed or as into it as most people were. i think the revamp was the one that convinced me in the end, because it forced me to face the fact that i do honestly enjoy this more than i want to. also now im nostalgic towards anything spanish, even if its different, bye 19. Finland yes, this might be nothing special, but i just... enjoy it. i genuinely do, and there are certain parts i especially love, and so therefore. like. yes. 20. Estonia as much as i didn't want to like this originally, i do. like, i really do. it just happened, and i'm not mad about it 21. Romania this song is a big grower for me, and to this day the more i hear it the more i get into it still 22. UK Michael's live delivery elevates this otherwise not so amazing song like... so much. i feel like the UK does tend to send songs with this particular theme, but i actually enjoy it quite a lot when he's doing it live. his voice is impressive, and so... here he. 23. Sweden these two ^ i always moved around together for some reason, as if they were linked, which might be because John wrote both songs, although i learned that later(??? but in the end, i feel like i prefer UK a bit more. this is also really good though, it works, and it has a great vibe for esc 24. Portugal so this one slipped quite far off, as with time i sort of lost the enthusiasm for it. i still find it unique and enjoy it nevertheless though, so it could definitely be worse 25. Greece i'm in quite a pickle because after not necessarily being super into this song, i started to really like it (VOICE, BRUH) but then the amsterdam concert happened. I KNOW she was sick, though, so i sort of have this on hold. if she delivers later, which i'm sure she will, she stays, but if not, this might drop a few slots 26. Lithuania this is another song that just makes me happy and makes me smile, and i can't explain it. i love lionboy. i'm just here for it 27. Serbia her voice is quite literally pristine, i love that she's singing in serbian, and i do appreciate her a lot as i honestly enjoy this song when it's on. it tends to slip my mind, though, which i hate it does, because it's beautiful and i'm rooting for her 28. Cyprus super unpopular opinion, but i actually like this a lot more than Fuego, and don't necessarily compare the two. HOWEVER i do kinda feel like i'm seeing the same thing from the same country, like, immediately after, which makes me a little less excited about it, oof 29. North Macedonia see, the message is very nice. the song actually grew on me a bit compared to the first time i heard it, but i still just... wish it was better. i like it overall, but it's just about pushing it 30. Israel he's actually very talented and on point vocally. the only reason it's not higher is simply because it's just not really my style, but it's one i still appreciate on stage 31. Georgia there is something about this that i like. i respect him, and when near the end there's sooo much power, then especially i really dig it 32. Montenegro the revamp did help them quite a lot, but overall it still kinda feels like a high school chorus, and i'm just not really for it 33. Moldova her voice is really nice, and despite how i found it just... done several times and kind of boring (oops), her live made me appreciate this just a bit more 34. Ireland i feel like this song is just kind of... there, for the sake of being there. it's not even bad, it's just... meh? 35. Malta that chorus is a major turn off for me, and it's neeeearing that point where a song just starts to annoy me... which i feel like is worse than simply not liking something, so it's on thin ice 36. Austria first of all i think her voice is very lovely. BUT... after about the 4th yo-o-o-ouh it does tip and starts to annoy me, which i wish it didn't, but... but it does 37. Belarus i wanna talk about how they had a huge shot with Michael Soul, but i will not go down that road and focus on Zena. this song just feels like a mess to me. like... a young britney spears song, but bad. i really don't get the appeal, at all 38. Latvia hhhhhhh. this one annoys me so much, i just can't begin to explain. it's flat, repetitive, and the chorus (??) fries my nerves in a matter of seconds, IM SORRY 39. Denmark oof... o o of. i don't want to be rude but basically this feels exactly like what you'd expect a junior eurovision song to be like.... except those are actually better. it's just... no. no. way too much sugar. it’s all just... no 40. Germany speaking of songs that annoy me? i feel like this is definitely the one i can't stand the most. *screeches* SISTAH x4 41. Iceland listen i'm not going to talk about this for long but basically i really heavily dislike this for a few reasons and can never listen all the way through without like.. suffering. the funniest thing is that i love the beat. but then.. the singing (NOT even the style) it just. it makes me angry, cuz this could be good. but it's not. also i don't like the pretend-gay stuff. but that's just me
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Part 4 of things my friends do that make me love them even more:
- both rachel and cristine are artistically talented and i cant fucking wait to see them become famous doing the things they love (i know theyll becoem famous i believe in them tht much) (rachel has a great singing voice; cristine has a great singing voice, knows how to play various intstruments, loves acting, and can paint/draw amazingly)
-seth tells me some catchphraes his fav youtubers say whenever we talk
-none of my friends (nor I) knows how to react or what to say most of the time, especially when it comes to gift giving and compliments; we’re all oblivious and awkward people that don’t understand society
-andy messes up on what to say to customer service people when its evening/night time cus we usually go out around tht time but he’s used to sauing have a good day
-andy also hates intersections so he’ll pretend hes walking in the other direction (away frm the intersection), stand on the sidewalk and pretend hes doing something, or take a whole other route if theres a car nearing the intersection bc he says it feels awkward
-rachel’s favorite animals are dogs and raccoons so when i send her a post abt raccoons she gets rly excited and says she wants to hv a raccoon as a pet when she grows up. She also gets excited when i point out a dog to her in public (she cant see it cus no glasses but still excited by its genert presence)
-dina is scared of lightning so I always try to ask her if shes alright when theres a thunderstorm
-when we go to the park, rachel almost always tries to make tiktoks. We always end up interrupting and annoying her while she makes them though, sorta like our little routine.
-last time we went to the park, rachel ended up accidentally hitting meng and I directly on the face with the volleyball (its ok though cause im pretty sure we’ve ended up accidentally hitting each other with the ball at least once)
-when i got hit with the ball dina asked me if i was ok but as she moved towards me she went for the ball (we were playing monkey in the middle and she was one of the monkeys); its just funny and i love that our friendship is at a point where we could laugh about it and everything is fine
-i told my friends that i was depressed before going to the park to hang out w them. when i got there i kinda just sat on the ground looking through reddit with music on high. they all tried their best to talk to me and tell me funny stories (they said they overheard a group of kids talking about how they pantsed another dude) to cheer me up. Dina and Rachel both decided to give me a hug at the same time and i toppled over. Dina gave me a hug again. I love them so much
- Andy called me while i was in class to tel me to look at the sunset. Its something that both of us have done a few times because we both love sunsets and usually see them when we’re out. Its a small thing but it makes me love my friends even more.
-I was on voice call with Rachel on discord and she laughed then sent the group chat a link to a tiktok
-(not my friend but my mom) She knows that i hate it when things are thrown out when they’re still good or can still be repurposed. Someone brought flowers home for some reason (i forgot why) but she was putting the flowers in a vase one day. Some of the flowers broke off the bigger portion of the stem and couldn’t be put into the big vase but she put a bunch of them into a small container for me and gave it to me. I loved it even though we did hv to throw it out like a few weeks later.
-My friends and I were at Central Park and we were waiting for my two friends to finish up taking pictures. Meng and I were taking a short nap (him sitting down w his elbows on his legs and me w my head on his shoulder) while we waited. We also shared my earbuds to listen to my music. I was p sleepy so I was on the verge of sleeping my also sorta aware of what was going on (mainly cus we were guarding our stuff while everyone else was taking pictures elsewhere). I was doing that thing you do when you’re nodding your head while trying to stay awake/go to sleep. I kept on doing that until he eventually sat up a bit more and pushed my head onto his shoulder better
-Samir looked at a shirt with george washington on it and confidently said that was benjamin franklin
-Dina was talking about how she kept on eating shrimo and peanuts even though she has a mild allergy to it. Rachel and I were telling her to stop and tht we’re not bringing it to the picnic on sunday cus we dont want her dying. She responded, very confidently, tht she “hasnt died before”
-Samir calls dina “d-money”
-Rachel gave me a hug as an im sorry for taking so long. (I genuinely didnt care cus even tho they do take a long time i still v much love them)
-Rachel takes tiktoks and videos of us while we’re out
-Rachel and Dina both got v the excited when i wore a skirt out today because I usually dress more masculine
-A few weeks ago (i think) my friends and I were at the park. I was trying to do something to meng and tripped and fell on the park ground (the part where there’s basically a bunch of tiny rocks on/in the floor). Meng was also trying to do that thing where two people hold a person’s arms and legs and swing them back and forth with me but forgot that if you take someones legs off the floor with no one else holding my arms, i would fall head first onto the park ground, which i did. Both times I laughed at myself but everyone rushed to me while laughing. Idk why but it made me feel like I was ok and safe, even if i was in so much pain, srsly i couldve had a concussion.
- Rachel and I both got excited bc we both wanted to got to the same college
-I call andy when im walking home by myself at night (or when the route im taking doesn’t necessarily hv a lot of people of lights) and he just vibes with me (sometimes talks to me abt how i should b home) until i get home safely
-idk if i already put this but Andy and I have a safe word when we think there might be someone behind us following us at night bc one time when walking home we thought tht and used our now safe word to see if there was someone
-Rachel and Dina do this thing where they take their hand and go from the side of someone else’s body (where the arms are) to the bottom of their legs rly fast while theyre walking. They call it “full body stroke”. They shared it w me and now we do it to meng almost every time we go out. Sometimes we do it together (one person per side).
-While at Central Park there was a dude that was singing (he was rly good). He started singing “Lean on me” by Bill Withers and my friends started singing along with him.
-Rachel sent me a tiktok knowing full well that itd make me gay panic bc yk ✨w o m e n✨
-Dina, Alan, and I stayed out after everyone else went home cus yk they were tired. Dina and I decided to talk like white girls/pick me girls the rest of the night with their stereotypical voices. We laughed the entire time and created weird storylines including: Jessica (Dina), Olivia (me), Jayden (Jessica’s boyfriend and brother that created on Jessica with me and Nicole), Nicole (Jessica’s friend), Olivia’s dad (a convicted felon in all 50 states and is dead), Jessica’s dad (a lawyer that’s also running for president, and Alan (he was just roped into our bs and was there to act like the dude that we both wanted to have as our bf).
- When we were in the bathroom and washing our hands, Dina waited until after the other woman in the bathroom to leave before coming up to me and, in a discreet whisper, told me that the soap was what “good pussy sounds like”
- Rachel, Dina, and I saw a few cats on our way to meet up with Alan and we played w the cats for a bit before one of them said “pspspspsp come here alan” to one of the cats. We now do this frequently to each other even though we hate it.
- We have corrupted each other to the point where we cannot hang out without someone saying “that’s what she said”, something about Dina being white, “just like this dick”, and “deez nuts”. We laugh about it a lot
- Rachel and I are both reasonably out of energy both mentally and physically after our jobs so when I walked w her to a mall w the rest of her friends, we both walked silently with a bit of catching up cause we both understood how the other felt
-We had a water balloon fight today at work (Alan, Rachel, and I work together). Obviously, I took the chance to pop as many balloons over rachel’s head and dump water on her. She tried to spray me w water using a water gun though. Afterwards gave the towel i brought to rachel cause she needed it to change. It’s important to note that rachel has purple hair right now and that the towel was white. key word: was. The towel was now stained a light purple (I dont mind but damn)
- i made rachel a purple raccoon by crocheting it (purple and pink actually). I finished it yesterday (sunday) and gave it today to her at work (monday). I opened the door a bit and peeked my head in with the raccoon just below me in my hands. She was confused at first but then saw the raccoon and her eyes lit up. It was rly cute🥰🥺 to see her get excited. We both nicknamed the raccoon “pimp jr.” and i made a lil name tag/from to tag that said it.
- rachel likes to lip-sync to music shes either listening to or hears in store and sometimes does a little dance with it. Its so cute and I love looking at her do it because it reminds me of why I adore her. She also goes hard when it comes to singing at karaoke. Like damn her vocal range is astounding
- dina got so excited when i asked her if she wanted to binge watch all the twilight movies with me. She looked so cute cus its one of her favorite movies. ugh i love my friends.
-a lot of dudes have crushes on rachel and dina and the both of them usually just try their best to avoid the person or avoid confronting them. Idk why but it kinda makes me feel grateful that I’m close friends with them because I used to have a crush on both of them before when we first met. When I told them i used to have crushes on them they didn’t act weird about it or anything and we continued to be friends. I’m so fucking grateful I’m their friend despite my initial crush on them cause they’re two of them most amazing people I’ve met my entire life.
-rachel, meng, alan, and I went to go watch Shang Chi in movies. In the last few scenes (which were v tense btw) rachel nd I both got rly anxious and squeezed each others hands bc we were scared out favorite characters were gonna get hurt. She squeezed the fuck out of my hand to the point where I couldn’t feel it anymore and neither could she. I’m ok with that though cus I’m glad she finds comfort in squeezing the living fuck out of my hands.
-dina, rachel, and I have matching bracelets from hot topic and i see them wear it almost every time we hang out. Alan and I have a matching pair too but I dont think he’s going to wear it very much (issok tho).
-We went to karaoke yesterday and I dont know how I just realized this but while she’s singing, dina likes to move around a lot. It’s not exactly dancing but not particularly just moving around. Its kinda like that tiny thing ppl do when they’re alone and playing their favorite songs on blast. She’s so cute when she does it, esp because she seems so happy when she does it. Even though I absolutely despise Justin Bieber, I would play his songs over and over again on blast if it made her as happy as she has made me.
-dina and I like to go to the swings and blast “Happier Than Ever” with earbuds in (we share a pair for this) and she screams along to it for the second half
-it’s become a “tradition” for us to go to the swings (most of time) after we’ve done the initial things we already planned out because dina and I love the swings.
0 notes
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“I'm starting to feel more comfortable with my position in the game.” - dem
HOH: Josh C UPSIDE DOWN: Nick & Joshua NOMINEES: Emma & Nash POV: N/A FINAL NOMINEES: N/A EVICTED: Dem (Expelled)
I been struggling in this game which is sad i want to have fun but yesterday made me feel like maybe having a meltdown and leaving 90 percent of servers was a good idea for me i really hope not i just really want to have fun and win for some reasons i always have trouble prejury in games trying to find my footing but at jury and late prejury i always know how to rise ASDFGH the people i really like rn are Jakey loml jev loml aria queen saira queen and also joshua is easy to talk too!!! nathan is also great
i simply think men should stop winning hoh and trying to nom me. its week 2 go target someone else j*sh. jev and i are cool now though <3 love him
I'm starting to feel more comfortable with my position in the game. I think I'm not in anyone's bad graces so far, which is good. But I really need to win one of these next HoH's so secure my social relationships. My plan moving forward is to see win HoH's. I want to win the next to HoH's I'm eligible in back to back. I also want to try to secure my relationships with Gina, Jev, and Jake. Those are three people I want to be close with in this game. Also maybe Joshua? He's pretty cool and chill.
I'm still getting a sense of how the game works but I feel pretty good, there are some people that are much easier to talk to than others but everyone is still so nice! i feel good about josh c as hoh! we get along pretty well and I don't THINK im in any danger but you never know! imma be honest, I don't have an actual plan, i'm mostly playing this by ear, just talking to people, bullying beck when the chance arises, and being myself! 
well, we won HOH and that's really EXCITING. i probably didn't need to win this week but i figured that i'd get a win under my belt while nominating people would still be EASY. i can establish trust with some people and get a "i didn't nom you, please don't nom me" situation going on. i also feel like the two people i'm going to nominate would have NOMMED me anyways because we just haven't talked..
who those people are? nash & emma. (vl don't hate me for only nominating women i didn't want it to come to this either)
but i just.. both of them have really only put in any effort to talk to me now that i'm HOH and i don't really LOVE that tbh. i've already told a few people that's who i'm thinking so i kind of accidentally locked myself in on these noms because there isn't any sense in throwing out more names than i have to!!
i have an alliance with kiki, brianna, jacob, jake, and aria. (i think that's the people in it? i wanna say that's right. LKFMSDG love this game for me) and i feel pretty good in that because i like all of them enough and they're people that will watch out for ME and each other. but i know my social connections go beyond that so i'm feeling pretty good with my spot in the game? i have a solid relationship with almost everyone in the game and i think i should be able to play a cute lil utr game for a few weeks. i don't think that i'll get targeted first if my alliance gets outed and if so.. i have ENOUGH faith in my comp strength and relationships to save me against MOST of the cast.
people kind of want me to nominate DEM because apparently he starts drama with people and has been a bit inactive. he's talked with me more than other people so im not super keen on throwing him on the block RIGHT AWAY but i'm thinking he's a good replacement nom because if people think he's MIA then no one other than him will be upset with me. maybe a backdoor? could be spicy..
i don't really know what else to say here so.. i hope this is enough! love u guys <3
Okay so I feel like pretty comfortable this week because me and Josh have gotten pretty close and bonded over our mutual love of Lucas HOWEVER he's just let me know he's gonna be nominating Nash and Emma which isn't GREAT since I'm in alliances with both of them and they're the only 2 alliances I have so I really wouldn't want to see either of them go home this week, this SUCKS ASS
how is it ONLY week 2 i feel so hecking exhausted fhsabfd, but that might also be the fact that is 2 am so,,,oop. Um okay recap time!!!! Recaps are so hard because theres minor details that i still want to note without seeming super annoying so heres a minor list of things im noticing 
-Dem wants to "start playing the game" I told this to Jake (wish i could bold names ugh)
-Gina & dem told me they were gunning hard for hoh- i told nathan/monty/nick/,,,,and someone else this
-emma feels unconnected from cast
-Jake doesnt like Gina
-Josh likes Me Jev Kiki (told joshua)
-emma knows alliances are starting to form
-joey can get pwr hungry and chaotic + good comp ability
-told gnia my thoughts on the sides being "connected v unconnected" and other tidbits of info
-GIna (potentially joshua) doesnt like nash
-Nathan/Nash ARE CLOSE!!!!! WEE FUCKING WOO!!!!
-Told Jake that Jacob has the power (and the bs excuse he told gina pretending he doesnt have it,,,sure jan)
-jake is GREAT at lowering his threat lvl im sick
-Jev-Josh-Nathan-Nash all bonded p well on vc potentially an alliance
-jake tried to get gina nominated
-Emma Nash noms
-Jake doesnt want emma to leave
So,,,thats what you missed on GLEE! Honestly glee sucks but yeah thats all my info i would weave everything together with cute transitions but im TIRED and lots of this information doesnt really connect well so,,,have a bullet list! 
okok nvm heres some general thoughts bc JUST a bullet point list is so boringgg im honestly not too sure what i want to do this week bc i think emma doesnt have a lot of people (although she has jake apparently,,,she might just be putting up a front of being unconnected ffs) so i would rather keep her around based on our relationship alone esp compared to nash whose been busy w/ irl things to reply i think (nash would prob do gr8 in old school bb,,,but new school is a whole other beast) HOWEVER!!! I need to protect gina who isn't the best conversationalist (sorry bb ily but its true <3) and keeping nash around ensures people have another "inact" target besides her but also nash is such a god connection for people like nathan and jacob and i would rather get her out sooner than later before we have another renee on our hands ...
Also i havent talked to the pasio peeps (omg if we ever make an alliance,,,that should be the name hehe) in a while and idk if theyre distancing themselves or if theyre just busy fndsjafd god im too paranoid for this game its awful. Also i think i mentioned the alliance with josh kiki bri jake jacob last time and it still isnt made and im PRAYINGGG it never gets made bc i have SUCH an awful feeling like SIX FUCKING PEOPLE??? S I X?? THAT IS GOING TO FAIL AND BLOW UP!!!! but i cant say no to an alliance so here i fucking am :/ also im trying to think of my longevity in this game and like,,, idk im nervous. I mean ive mentioned going to the end with multiple people but i have such a bad feeling im gonna go out 9/10 as a big move and i REFUSE to let that shit happen, not on my fucking watch no sir!! Not sure what to do about it yet but i feel like monty in particular doesnt trust me and i need his ass OUT! or maybe not if he comes around but like??? sir pls talk to me- i mean this phase of the game is early im setting up the pawns for later, but before later theres gonna be a couple explosions of my game which i'll have to deal with,,, or maybe not actually i mean in my first org i did a really well mastermind game with it- nvm it did explode on me once FDBSHFDS yeah so theres gonna be an explosion period but i think im getting good at dealing w/ the backlash from it and reintegrating myself..
oh also yeah im safe this week lol
anyway sorry for rambling so much LMAO have a trust ranking!
1.Gina (MY QUEEN!!!!!!!! i LOVE her!)
2.Jake (listen,,,my thoughts go back and forth but he did tell me the noms so,,,have some rights)
3.Saira (we never talk game but i dont think she talks with anyone about game beyond maybe nick and also shes nice and im a sucker for nice girls)
4.Emma (if this isnt all just a front shes gonna make a great number for me,, might need to fact check some of her statements tho)
5.Joshua (honestly? i love him hes so funny and i think he has my back although he could be more act)
6.Nathan (literally havent talked in 3 days but also i have a soft spot for him <3)
sorry the Js are just kinda scary lmao JFNSDKF
7.Nick (!! we gotta an actual connection folks!! heck yeah!)
8.Josh c (im safe! but he D E F trusts others more than me such as Joshua and Jacob)
9.Jev (honestly a king but hes a little quiet although his reccs are the BOMB)
10.Jacob (i know youre being sneaky,,,idk what youre being sneaky with but im getting the vibes)
11.Dem (might be weird but i think he trusts me? at least a little bc he ranted about losing to me so O.0)
12.Brianna (youre adorable and deserve the world but everyone likes you,,,is this how people view me omg fhsabfhds)
13.Kiki (youre SO hecking sweet and actually u probs have a connections to nash but we havent talked ANY game yet)
14.Nash (p,,p-please talk to me uwu)
15.Joey (i dont trust you at ALL! Why? good question-)
was that mean? sorry in advance ilyall but also its 3 am brain empty no filter
i think jev and nathan might end up being good allies of mine (inb4 betrayal)! despite the mistake he made nomming me, talking to jev has been lovely so far he's getting me into loona LMFAO. and i just love nathan's energy & i feel like as the season goes on i can see him winning comps. i'm excited :3 hope josh c does not end my existence this week
I feel FANTASTIC about Josh being HoH. I’m making sure that others are coming to me about gameplans, and I’m making sure I don’t come off as too pushy or aggressive in PMs. With most of the players, I’m trying to give them all the same energy and hype. It seems kinda weird to say this, but I’m not concerned about being nominated at this point. What I need to ensure is building my social relationships with people outside the “Crackhouse”, and yes that big ol friend group moved to Discord in 20 minutes like 6 months ago. 
This is the first major game I’ve ever played with Skinny Nick(yes, I’m absolutely confused as to what to call them, I’m so used to calling Nick “Eve” that its going to take time to adjust.) Speaking of Nick, my social relationship with him is actually surprisingly similar. In the past, I felt as though it would be as “on-sight” as Tom & Jerry, and it actually isn’t turning out that way, which is surprisingly refreshing. Every day, I’m making sure I send Nick something different to diversify my social game with them. Yesterday, I asked Nick about his preferred streaming services for music and TV, and I discovered we have the same music service(Apple Music).
I’ve played one game with Monty before, but it was a disaster. We were in pairs, and it felt like we were on different planets. I did tell him to not worry about personal feelings when it comes to this game, because I compared the relationship of BB Netflix and the Crackhouse to the separation of church and state. I made that comparison because the two entities of church and state should never cross, but when they do it becomes disastrous, and I feel as though that same principle applies to this game.
Overall, I feel good, Emma may be going up on the block, but it shouldn’t affect me that much. We’re in the early stage, I want to make sure I’m good with everyone.
0 notes
Word count: 2,899
Paring: Prinxiety
Summary: Virgil didn't expect his life to turn completely upside down when a feathered winged fellow flys through his apartment one morning and crashes right into him. He also didn't expect to grow drastically close with this man either. 
Virgil meets Roman when he suddenly gets a full vision of dark red feathers that flys straight into his apartment patio door and crashes into him.
He leaves that door open one time and this is what he gets.
Virgil freaks out and questions who the man with bright red wings is.
The man introduces himself and apologizes.
Roman automatically becomes amused with Virgil in the way he threatens him with a throw pillow.
The angel tells the stranger a bit about himself and how winged people have always exist but rarely introduce themselves on earth much.
He figured he could since he has nothing better to do.
They talk for a bit, surprisingly with Roman being talkative and chattering quite a lot.
Odd to someone you just meet, without knowing them at all.
The winged man did just that, asking questions about Virgil’s life (seemingly actually interested in what the brooding figure has to offer).
So, there they are. Roman plopped on the floor of his living room like a child in kindergarten, awaiting for the others answers in excited filled tension.
Virgil sits with him and answers him with hesitation. He asks Roman about his life, what it’s like to be a Winged person and all that. So on and and so fourth.
 He eventually leaves with a promise to see Virgil again soon, hopefully without any pillow threats.
 Virgil, although confused and slightly scared, Roman seems like an interesting guy who genuinely wanted to get to know him.
With numerous times of Roman going through Virgil’s door (and the window beside it too, for literally no reason at all) they become extremely close friends within two years.
Virgil learns that Roman has the ability to turn himself invisible to others (they can still hear and touch him though), and can turn his wings invisible making him look human.
 He introduces Roman to what earth is really like and they do almost everything together.
 Roman once decides to carry Virgil and fly him around town when it’s dark out.
At first, he clung to Roman for dear life out of fear.
But in seeing the lights contrast to the black surrounding night almost made him forget about his fear of heights. Roman enjoyed seeing the look of pure amazement in Virgils eyes for the first time.
 Roman always made it an effort to see Virgil every day if he could.
 He did on most weeks but on others he couldn’t.
Every time they met up they became closer and closer with each and every passing day.
 When the red winged boy was introduced to Logan and Patton by Virgil, they both loved him and dramatically grew close to him as well.
Introducing himself as a winged person was definitely a shock to Logan. And Patton was as shocked and an overly excited cinnamon roll.
Roman hung out with Logan and Patton on many occasions. Eagerly wanting to know more about them with as much enthusiasm as he did with Virge.
Since Virgil introduced Roman to his friends, Roman only thought it was appropriate to show Remy and Remus to him.
At first though, Roman didn’t really know how. So to start off Roman gradually showed Remy around earth and taught him everything he knew Virgil, Patton, and Logan told him.
Logan and Patton saw them around a couple times and assumed Roman made a new friend.
 When the two told Virgil, he didn’t believe them bc “He would’ve told me. Why would he keep any secrets from me?”
 When Virgil did see Roman and Remy walking down a random street one day, laughing and joking, he may or may not have assumed some things.
He’d even become slightly bitter towards Roman at times, to his confusion and hurt.
Then when Roman showed Virgil to meet Remy as “his childhood friend” Virgils heart immediately fell. Roman, Virgils really close friend of his, just wanted to introduce Remy to him like he did with Logan and Patton. Virgil felt a lot of regret for sure.
That’s when he started thinking.
 If Remy was Romans childhood friend then they had to be-
 With a smirk on Remys face he stepped a little ways from Roman and opened out his black wings for Virgil to see. Revealing himself as a winged person.
 Virgil was shook to say the least.
 Roman explains everything about how he wanted to introduce Remy to him for a long time since he was so grateful for knowing Patton and Logan.
 Remy notices the few times Virgil glances back to the leather jacket clad. A smug look on Remys face looking into Virgil as he does.
 Because he’s seen the way Virgil looked at him and Roman as they passed by on the outside world. It was a mixture of jealousy and protectiveness he hasn’t seen before. So he had a good feeling it was already him.
 Virgil, Remy, and Roman talk for a bit and get to know each other.
Virgil hates how similar Remy and Roman are. His quips and sass being worst than his best friend.
They both eventually leave with Remy teasing Roman about how Virgil was totally jealous of him.
Roman brushes him off and quotes Virgil as “not the jealous type.”
 Remy rolls his eyes and takes his leave next to Roman as they fly out.
Virgil, Logan, and Patton get to see Damion again after a long time since he left for a trip for a few years and came to move back.
He’s excited to see the group after so long of traveling and doing work. But he’ll never show it.
 Virgil shows Roman to Damion and he’s skeptical at first but he soon grows to trust him.
 Patton suggests that everyone should all hang out together in celebration of Damien’s arrival after so long and allows Roman to bring any of his friends if he wants to, since he trusts him.
 Just the perfect time to invite Remus to come along!
 It wasn’t as smooth as Roman hoped for but he’s glad his only family got to meet his other friends that are important to him.
For a couple of minutes, Virgil and Remus have a relatively normal conversation. His loud tone making him seem dominating without even doing much.
He’s surprised that this man is actually related to Roman, theyre nothing alike yet practically the same person with switched personalities. Remy seemed to fit more into that brother category more than anything in Virgil’s opinion.
 It wasn’t long until their conversation switches. Remus soon gets in Virgil’s face, loud and obnoxious as he over dramatically goes on and on about something he is too overwhelmed to pay attention to.
 He looks over Remus’ shoulder, and right at his brother. Begging him with his eyes for some sort of help. But Roman just stupidly laughs, winks at him, and walks off in a different direction towards Logan.
 Virgil’s eye twitches and it only takes him one second to question whether murder should be considered legal or not.
 Drink in hand, Damien sees Virgil’s little predicament with Romans brother and quickly asserts himself in the situation.
Before the greatly annoyed man had time to process his escape plan from Remus’ boisterous attitude he feels an arm looping around his own. Secured in it tightly.
 “If you don’t mind us, I actually have something important I have to speak to Virgil with. If you’ll excuse us.” Damien tugs on his arm and quickly leads them to the empty kitchen.
 The other silently sighs in relief.
Remus lets them go and sits on the couch with Remy (who is also there), bouncing a little in place.
Although he keeps getting distracted with the man dressed in yellow. He sees his swift movements and the way he speaks in a low, mellow tone. Seemingly always proper and never off track.
Something sparks a match in Remus’ head and he suddenly wants to know what makes this man tick.
 Remy approaches Virgil when he’s available for some small talk. He teasingly flirts with him to see if anything would come of it.
He only rolls his eyes and jokingly made fun of him.
However when Roman would tease Virgil Remy could’ve sworn he’d see a slight redness to his pale complexion every time.
Several months after the party, Virgil started noticing how Roman became touchy-feely around him more often.
Putting his arm around Virgil a little more than usual, Roman subconsciously cuddling him when they had late night movies nights, and the subtle flirting he’d do towards him.
Virgil felt like his heart would explode but he was luckily able to tease back a few times and brush it off.
 Roman wasn’t doing much better.
 He couldn’t help but notice how cute Virgil would react whenever Roman teases him about anything or everything, how attractive he now seemed when he would see his best friend in anything else other than his usual patchwork jacket.
 He suddenly felt like what he’d been doing had crossed some type of line and started making Virgil uncomfortable without notice.
 Even small touch gestures that would usually comfort the both of them in everyday situations, Roman couldn’t bring himself to do at all (but is still managing from time to time). He felt bad. Itd always turn Roman into a shaking and flushed mess.
 After some convincing from Patton and Logan, Roman concluded he has a major crush on Virgil. He felt so happy in his realization and wanted to tell him in the most romantic way possible.
 Virgil’s realization surfaced slowly, and when he eventually does realize he started acting more off than he usual.
 The small touch gestures Roman would casually do (and cherished the moments he did) Virgil would pull away from.
Every time Roman would ask him about it in worry, he’d change the subject or become frustrated about it.
 Virgil seemed to become more distant as time went on and it broke Romans heart. He truly started thinking that Virgil was hating him for no reason.
 In reality that couldn’t be further from the truth. In discovering his feelings for Roman, Virgil was slowly trying to make sense of his feelings and how to confront his closest friend (and now crush) about it.
Virgil unknowingly became distant without even realizing he was.
 Roman stormed off one day bc the lack of communication angered him greatly and flew off without another word.
Virgil confronts Damien about their argument.
 He mentions Virgil’s coping mechanisms with his romantic feelings towards Roman and he slowly puts the pieces together.
 He didn’t even realize he was neglecting Roman! He was caught up in his feelings he didn’t consider how he even treated his best friend.
 He was so stupid and selfish for doing that!
 Convinced that Roman hated him, Virgil spams Roman with hundreds of texts of apologies, backtracking, and explanations. He never mentions his feelings once.
Roman turned off his phone while he slept, moping in his own frustration.
 Eventually seeing tons of text messages from Virgil definitely threw him off and was the last thing Roman expected.
He read through every single text Virgil sent him and he felt his worries wash away in an instant.
Roman no longer felt any resentment towards Virgil, he hated the thought of how much he could be blaming himself at this very moment.
He smiled when he read Virgil’s last text.
Meet me at the abandoned amusement park at noon, in my time zone, if your willing to talk. If not then I understand.
 “Oh Virgil.” Roman thought in amusement and hope. “I’m more than willing to talk.”
 The next morning Roman was more restless than anything. The time couldn’t tick down fast enough. Remy had to calm down not only Roman but also Remus for worrying over his brother too much. He quickly kicked some sense into remus. (quite litteraly)
 Afterwards, Remy gives Roman an entire cheesy pep talk that he knows Roman would appreciate. Speaking in his best friends language really does has its perks.
 The second noon arrived for Virgil he couldn’t stop pacing the empty dense park. The only thing he hears is his own heartbeat and his shoes clanking on the concrete, (checking the time and biting his nails as he waited.)
He just really wanted to see Roman again after knowing how much he hurt him.
 When Roman flys down to meet Virgil he immediately hugs him from behind. Virgil jumps at this at first but when he sees it’s Roman, he wips around, wraps his arms around his neck, and hugs him tightly.
The emo lets out various series of apologies he continuously speaks out. He does this as Roman strokes the back of his head and tells him how much he forgives him as many times as he needs to.
 “For the longest time I thought you would hate me.” Roman says.
“Its my stupid fault for not saying anything sooner Ro.”
 A few tears slip from Virgils eyes. Roman pulls away as the other wipes them, and helps him calm down.
 Without really knowing how to phrase his feelings, Virgil bluntly confesses to Roman.
 “It’s just- I love you so much Roman-.” Virgil blurts out. Upon realizing what he just said, his face turns beet red. He babbles statements of apologies.
Roman smiles wide at this.
 “You mean it Virge?”
Virgils words stop. He looks up to Roman eyes. Oh god the way his eyes shine with adoration as he’s looking straight at him and no one else. He feels so much love he never thought he’d get from a single person.
 “I do.” He says softly as a grins slowly forms on his lips.
 In an energetic haste, Roman chuckles as he hugs Virgil around the waste tightly. He suddenly grabs him and twirls them in the air filled with excitement.
 “I love you too Virgil! I always have but I didn’t know how to tell you and I kept overthinking how I should do it,” He lowers them both down to the ground. “this is so much better!”
Virgil laughs heartily in response, his chest swelling with relief and pure joy. The man he once thought would never forgive him again had just swooped him right off his feet and held him tight like Virgil’s the most important thing in the world.
 Roman sighs softly through his nose with an embarrassed smile. His arms wrapped around the other, subconsciously pull him closer. The warmth that radiates off the other feeling like a relaxing, comfortable blanket.
 Roman glances down to his lips. And before he can process everything completely, he feels the weight of his body pull him forwards in a love filled haze.
Virgils hands slowly run up the angles arms, leaving blazing, hot trails of fire in its path. He tilts his head and leans just enough to meet Roman halfway to capture each other in a sweet, yet firm kiss.
  Virgil’s mind is racing in so many different directions he couldn’t keep up with. He feels so much safer and happier with Roman this close to him in his arms.
 He believed this moment would be close to impossible but with how things worked out in the end, the road to honesty is more bearable if it means he gets to see the loving trust in Romans eyes.
Virgil never wants to let go him again.
 One of Romans hands trails up the curve of his back causing the other to go flush against his body, leaving absolutely no space between them as possible.
 When there’s suddenly a hand softly running through his hair, Virgil melts. He groans in response and winds his arms securely around Romans neck.
 Roman never thought he’d find anyone as amazing as Virgil. He’d would do anything for him if it means he gets to spend as much time with him as possible.
When Virgil tenderly pulls apart, he breaths heavily for air. His cheeks flushed red.
 In this moment, he believes that he’s possibly one of luckiest men in the world. When Roman leans his head against his, staring into his mixed hues of brown, he has an aching suspicion that he definitely feels the same way.
Their first date involves a picnic. They go out and do the fun things they normally did and have a great time. The day hardly felt like a first date while the idea of it still hung adoringly in the air.
Everything felt right between them.
That is, sadly, until one day Roman is caught and he’s on trial with the council back at home.
0 notes
borgevino · 7 years
aforementioned processing post. extremely long
this is an attempt to make sense of the timing of the alfred series of events. since it’s been so unremittingly awful and i’d really like to track it from the beginning.
dramatis personae (names changed)
my team: samuel (lead, great, v similar to me), irina (instructional associate (IA) like me, love her), dave (another IA, isn’t quite on the same wavelength as the rest of us bc he doesn’t know us like we knew each other already but a good guy nonetheless)
other team: alfred (lead, already doesn’t get along with samuel, they try to get along but it doesn’t work), matthew (also a full instructor, tries very hard but in the wrong direction, a cat who needs herding), zachary (an IA, one of my former classmates)
calvin & lev: TAs, former classmates
chris & betsy: managers
Mar 8
alfred wants to know if I’ll be his IA
Mar 14-15
I spend some time going back & forth about the IA position
Initial interview
convo with samuel about TA vs IA. samuel “if you want my advice, TA, this would give you the chance to debug and always be coding while you have the daytime to work on applications etc”
talked to irina about what the team would look like
Mar 16
interview with chris
talked with samuel about lectures & so on. he wasn’t sure if id be on his team but chris was pretty sure
alfred forwards me a job posting that one of his recruiters sent him, I have to let him know that I’m taking the IA job with GA
Mar 20 - 26 – planning week
starts off well
couple of times throughout the week there are some warning signs, most notably alfred asking me to come and teach responsive design
in fact alfred asked a couple of times for us to go in and teach some lectures in their class without offering to come in and teach with us at all
another iffy moment was that alfred was out both thurs and fri
zachary started stressing out around this time also
my team was all set with planning and so on but theirs was much less settled in any kind of real way
we planned our schedule, we sent it to zachary, zachary passed it on to alfred
overheard alfred say on a remote call with zachary and matthew that they had to “be careful” copying what ada cohort was doing
alfred still seemed obsessed with the idea of collaboration
samuel gets stuck on installfest concept for a couple days
i get stuck on assessment concept for a couple days
Mar 27 - Apr 2 – week 1
student from alfred’s class asked on the first day to be switched to our class, which sort of immediately set the tone for the rest of the course. said she liked our vibe better and liked samuel’s teaching style.
samuel & i discussed it some on tues
samuel: But, it was very validating in a way to see that our fears that we share were picked up on after we literally just said a 5 minute hello. We have an awesome team and it just sucks that I think we all basically refuse to work with the other side.
me: & i have some thoughts abt the other thing as well (we can discuss) but i think it boils down to, our definition of working together & theirs are pretty different (wrt the time involvement required, the purpose behind collaboration, etc.). i’d be fine to work with them if it was on our terms but idt it would be
alfred mentions on tues that he’d like to meet more frequently, sets up a meeting for wed. samuel is not into the idea as one of the things samuel was hoping for from the course was less time in meetings
samuel very stressed wed for no particular reason
“is it ok if i add alfred to our gh.” on thurs
strong talk with samuel on tues or wed about him not taking on too much. eventually did have an effect
Wed meeting with other team to discuss possibility of collaboration. consensus seemed to be one lecture from us over to them and a couple of morning exercises.
thurs morning, alfred says ‘that’s not what i agreed to’ when it clearly was what he had agreed to
alfred: Hey samuel, we’ll get back to you. I want to see how we can all contribute to this for both cohorts. In the meantime can you guys send us the timeslots that we can key into our course tracker for the guest lectures. I need this asap, as I will have to share this with various parties.
samuel: alfred, this is not what we discussed yesterday. I thought we were going to let unit one take it’s course and have j do the planning lesson. And then we’d take a look at unit 2 soon.
matthew: I know we discussed both options and i think the agreement was that for Unit 1 we would begin to cross pollinate with morning exercises for now and for Unit 2 we would discuss where instructors could find opportunities to reteach topics as that approach worked really well last time around
alfred: That’s not what I agreed to. The expectation is to share on all units. For example, if the wire framing is happening In unit 1, I want it to be done in unit 1 and any other lessons that we can all benefit from.
samuel: Yes I agree with matthew, morning exercises and he wireframing.
i taught thurs all day, then went out for drinks with the team, then met with matthew to discuss how i’d done the css lecture, then hung out with friend for a couple of hours
thurs during lunch had walk in the park with samuel where he talked a lot about the situation with alfred. notable: “I have to not lose my cool. …. how do i do that????”
thurs night samuel has the realization that he’s trying to do too much & needs to delegate more, irina & i rejoice. it’s a momentous and great occasion.
during friday internal meeting samuel metnions that he thinks what alfred is doing to him is gaslighting. irina and i sit in the back of the classroom after lunch and nod with strong emphasis along to a psychology today article on gaslighting.
we all four go out for drinks and talk some shit and it’s good.
brief HM reunion; samuel gets to meet ryn; ryn, mimi, jen, & i go out for drinks
Apr 3 - 9 – week 2
talked with calvin & lev for about half an hour after the building closed. theyve noticed that alfred is never around and doesn’t help his students, and that zachary looks totally miserable a lot of the time
zachary is miserable for most of the week, we get lunch on monday and discuss. alfred is reading over his shoulder with messages and shit, sees him trying to send a message to chris about the situation, tells zachary that he should go to him (alfred) first with those types of concerns
i find out that alfred & matthew aren’t grading any homeworks, theyre letting zachary do all of it. and having calvin & lev help out. since they have two instructors compared to one IA this really is not how the work load should balance out
i gave a strong talk about not copying about homework
one of the higher-ups asks me to mentor one of the students in alfred’s class. “maybe she’ll lighten up on matthew and alfred if she gets to talk to J more often” is what i gather the reasoning is.
somewhere in here i have a weird meeting with alfred and zachary for a couple hours to discuss the saturn homework. originally it was meant to be just zachary & i but alfred decided he wanted to sit in and follow along.
becoming clearer and clearer that alfred’s goal is not “help out the students” but “do as little work as possible”.
at some point in this week also i say something along the lines of “we would be happy to collaborate if it were on our terms but it won’t be on our terms so we can’t.” samuel thinks this is extremely correct and mentions the term “rules of engagement”
Apr 10 - 16 – week 3
Tues drama: irina teaches in other classroom, is left on her own to handle unfamiliar students. samuel righteously furious
samuel: Hey fellow instructors/IAs. One of my class’s IAs gave a lecture in your class today. Excellent. While I’m fully confident that she was able to handle it on her own 100%, without a doubt, I’m also very annoyed that she was left completely alone during that lecture. As in, she didn’t even have an IA there in case she needed help during a lab. Moving forward I want to be 100% clear. Under no circumstances will that happen again. I really want everyone’s lives to be less stressful during units 2, 3, and 4, but I’ve made it a point that in my class, I, as an IL, am present for every moment of every lecture. Which is to say, if my amazing colleagues are not afforded the same consideration in your class, they will no longer be guest lecturing there. And this is not because they are IAs. When I, as an IL, am lecturing, I have back-up. So they, deserve it. that scenario honestly boggles my damn mind… as if we didnt insist that IAs were present during our lectures….
matthew: we only meant to step out for few minutes to finalize the project prompt which we needed to deliver immediately after the afternoon lectures and it took a bit longer than expected. That being said I do agree that IA’s should have support at this stage during their lectures and we will make sure that one of our team remains behind to support them…
alfred: Also, a couple of house rules: Lets make sure proper communication and behavior is practiced on this channel. Be respectful and treat individuals the way you would want to be treated. If there are any concerns/confusion, feel free to reach out, but use your judgement on best course of action and tone. Let’s make this pleasant..
samuel & i discussion about it wednesday night
samuel: Was my.message about the not support for irina too abrasive. I think the “damn mind” part went too far. But otherwise did I cross a line in your opinion. I ha EA to work on that and honestly I sent all that when I was wasted lol
me: i genuinely don’t think so, it was strongly worded but you made yourself very clear. and considering the fact that it REALLY shouldn’t have happened i thought the tone was appropriate. might have gone over better in person? is the only thing
matthew seems on verge of quitting
we plan unit 2 and send it to alfred & co. alfred & co intentionally arrange their next unit so that there’s no chance we can collaborate
this is a direct about-face from their previous attitude for no reason??
i help a couple students from their cohort and then tell samuel about it
me: i helped a couple hypatia students
samuel: oooh. you have to be careful about that. if alfred sees you he will be pissed
samuel is not wrong because i did actually check out the floor before i went and helped the students to check and make sure alfred wasn’t going to find me talking to his students but also i hate this concept so much
this is the point whereupon i decide i really cant deal with it
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