#the replying to posts with diff blogs is actually super helpful
naofaun · 8 months
tumblr's layout change is so ugly
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enchantedisabella · 5 years
Modern Greek Gods
my ig is vivacityandvellichor
Apollo: patron god of memes/vines. absolutely has a meme acc with over a million followers. you think peter parker, a fucking gen z meme legend, isn’t his illegitimate child? that he made just to spite athena with spiders? you are w r o n g
Zeus: the one those Straight White Guys (ew) pray to. often they place maga hats at his altar but even Zeus isn’t that much of a douchebag to support tr*mp and he burns them and strikes those guys with lightning at once. he’s that kind of dad that refuses to vaccinate his kids tho (sigh)
Athena: literally the inventor of just fucking shitposts that mess with your head and are filmed by Apollo saying shit like ‘i have faced God and stepped over Her heaven to get to my throne’. probably runs a shitpost acc and a feminism acc at the same time with wildly different posts, but everyone knows it’s her. there’s even accounts comparing her captions on her different accs bc one will be like ‘big mood gonna go die now bc for some reason i didn’t want the tide pod challenge to die and I DID IT wtf is wrong w me im begging for the sweet release of death’ and the other will be like ‘systematic oppression is only beneficial to straight white males who will continue to oppress poc, women and lgbt+ if they don’t recognise their privilege’
Persephone: kindest person ever. except when you try her, karma’s gonna be a bitch to you. usually she just stays home and plays with her cats, probably spends half her life as a stalker on tumblr or running an aesthetic ig, and the other half baking muffins to throw in the face of her enemies but also to give the best ones to her mom. is definitely taylor swift reincarnated, there’s no doubt.
Demeter: andrea swift reincarnated. that soft friend who will go batshit crazy if something happens to her precious daughter. 100/10 has a very good mother-daughter relationship. hates gossip column blogs but loves it when the tea is served for someone that deserves it. (kanye anyone?)
Aphrodite: works at buzzfeed, no doubt. one of those fashion bloggers with a ridiculously huge influence over celebrities even though all they do is post outfit combinations and promote products, and always has steaming hot tea to serve on every website available. loves dishing out to demeter and gets along surprisingly well with apollo who is also invited to those premieres with her (though for different reasons ofc). runs the most colourful ig acc ever, has an insane amount of followers. wakes up with perfect hair and no one knows how.
Poseidon: youtuber. one of those annoying ones who always say to subscribe to their channel before really doing anything much or saying anything worthwhile? like, why not say it at the end when people actually know what your content is about??? always gets invited to those youtuber conventions but hellaaa problematic. not a total dirtbag, supports feminism and everything, but he just has an overall toxic personality. athena stays tf away. somehow is actually lowkey hot tho and has had flings with every other well known celeb who lives near him.
Hades: HIGHKEY anime stan. pretends to like shit like my chemical romance but actually jams to one direction when alone. video games and pokemon go is their life 24/7, but they still try to hide the fact that they waste their (probably few) remaining days on it even tho everyone already knows. has tried tiktok once and went viral for being hilariously fucking bad. definitely has a meme face. apollo once made a meme out of hades’ face to spite him but it actually also went viral and now hades is known as the ‘pikachu corndog guy ’ around the internet. sometimes ppl ask for selfies on the street and he h a t e s it. will flip them off but can’t swear without sounding like a twelve year old who hasn’t gone through puberty.
Dionysus: is incredibly good at tiktok. once did such a smooth pop and lock with six of his nymphs that it went viral. can shuffle up the stairs like hell was freezing over but he didn’t give a shit. runs those eating asmr accs that’s mainly just him stirring drinking wine super loudly until he passes out (somehow still gets a staggering ton of views), but before that, poseidon makes sure to film all the stupid shit he says to put it on his youtube channel. athena’s sometimes there too and uses his overconfident phrases for her shitposts. needless to say, dionysus is a legend on stan twitter.
Ares: will Fite you. is literally the equivalent of a human trash can. people do put maga hats at his altar and he fucking wears them like the fucking trashbag scum that he is. athena plots different strategies to kill him and has polls for the best ones on her story. Straight White Guy trashhhhhhhhh. nobody likes him. he runs an ig acc with maybe four followers at best, and they’re all just all his other own accs that he uses to anonymously harass athena so she can’t shove his own failures into his face. she always knows it’s him, though. people beat him into pulp on online arguments but he refuses to admit that he’s wrong. gets a kick out of harassing people on the subway. athena refers to him as ‘it’ every time she talks about him because she says that subhuman feces should be referred to by the correct pronouns.
Hephaestus: that one sleazy guy at school who’s best friends with hades but isn’t as bad as asshole ares. knows that ares is morally wrong, but still is kind of ok with him unlike everyone else. wouldn’t go so far as to like him tho. that geeky guy who always gets invited to parties. nobody knows how, but he’s in the ‘popular’ crowd, but often overlooked. some people think that it’s because he does all his hw for them, but actually, hephaestus is that guy who’s sleazy and cheap but really slick and conniving. can get himself into any club. that guy who only uses social media to stalk others, and he follows like 1000+ people but nobody will follow him. kind of a douche but not so much to become revolting. haaaaaates poseidon bc they’re both toxic af and recognise it in each other but not in themselves. that guy who apologises for a racist thing from eight years ago that’s been brought up. actually means the apology but doesn’t have much empathy.
Hera: rules wattpad and i mean rules it. her stories basically win every bad boy x good girl cliché award ever. terrible grammar but somehow has a shit ton of votes and comments. has had a string of shitty boyfriends but only has eyes for zeus, the most problematic guy ever whom she keeps on returning to. she blogs about all her relationship failures mostly because she’s too hooked up on zeus, and all her ten million followers tell her to get some therapy or help but she never does. queen of falling into toxic relationships and honestly athena hates her personally but feels really sorry for her. probably doesn’t understand feminism all that much but still wants equal rights for everyone. doesn’t care if you’re lgbt or a diff race, and i don’t mean accepting i mean she literally does not give a flying fuck. one of those ppl who is ‘fake woke’ bc they actually do have good morals at heart but say things like ‘i don’t see colour’ only for athena to reply scathingly w things like ‘you actually do, you just don’t want to acknowledge your own white privilege by admitting it bc to admit it is to admit that you actually have been born w an upper hand’. def is one of those straight white girls who actually are decent and try their hardest to understand racism but just can’t get it. vents on wattpad yet somehow only gains followers.
Artemis: ah, saved the best for last. arty is a fucking queen, she’s the one who consistently burns tr*mp on twitter and challenges views. probably an actual activist irl who is v well known and promotes herself through ig. is probably best friends with taylor swift and emma watson. probably lowkey has the best singing voice and is actually an artist using music to protest. is mutuals with her feminist acc with athena on instagram. probably best friends w her and they do everything together, run a joint private finsta with a fairly small following of 500 people but post the most aesthetic bff photos.
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celiacposterboy · 7 years
Part 2 Who wants/will listen to a slightly bruised Celiac/Pellagra Prophet AKA Celiac today?
Part 2 Who wants (will listen) to a slightly bruised Celiac Prophet AKA Pellagra today? (I speak as a man) by the Celiac Posterboy
Would you try a Vitamin and bee helped!
In the early 20th Century what could be rightly called the “Vitamin Age” we begin to find out this very basic concept that Vitamin’s make us healthy.
How have we forgot this in the last 75+ years?
As I say in the foreword to my book “How to Fight Gluten and Win” the Bee’s (Hive) story
“This book/blog is just that storehouse of knowledge learned from life experiences.  The book’s author has been stung so you don’t have to be.
Learn from my mistakes.
No man is soooo dumb as the man who won’t learn from other people’s mistakes.
Take as much honey (knowledge) as you can from my mistakes so bad health will not sting your quality of life.
Feel free to ladle and dollop your life with the sweet stickiness of the truth found inside.  For honey like truth stick to you once in contact and you can’t just wash it away.
Would you try a Vitamin? And bee helped? I ask again.
The longer or more deficient (lower) you are in this cornerstone nutrient (Vitamin) the more of your body stop functioning.
Yet few people are willing to believe (take) a Vitamin that might help their bodies function better?
Here is the Epilogue to this conversation!
“Posterboy - you seem to like to "research" on the internet.  Certainly you have read about Celiac disease.  Even the most basic reading will tell you that you always have Celiac and must always eat gluten free.  It will tell you that there are more than just GI symptoms and damage that can be caused by untreated Celiac.  You will read that you could be damaging yourself when eating gluten, even if you do not feel it right away.  
I think you may be spending too much time chasing rare diseases and not enough time trying to take care of the one you are actually diagnosed with.”  
And my reply to  
Your are probably right.  
But the same could be said about Celiac disease 15 or 20 years ago.  Rare enough to not be diagnosed nearly as common as it is today.  
Thanks to education doctor's now know to look for it today. Sadly though often patients often still have to educate our physician's Celiac is a lot more common than it is diagnosed.  
In any good diagnosis there is a qualified differential diagnosis process.  
You have heartburn ok? Is it IBS that is the cause.  One poster on this site said had IBS for 10 or 12 years now he has Celiac disease.  
10 or 12 years ago they didn't know to look for Celiac maybe with a IBS diagnosis.  
And it may be Pellagra is 10 to 12  years behind Celiac disease in the awareness it (celiac/gluten) thankfully now deserves and receives.  
Dr. Heaney summarizes why this is so very well why doctor's don't even look for Pellagra today.
"In the United States, at least, pellagra is a disease of the past – fortunately – and it is doubtful today that most health professionals would recognize it if a case happened to come to their attention."  
If the International Journal of Celiac disease notes it then it is probably worth at least considering it as part of a reputable diagnosis though  it is not today as Dr. Heaney notes.  see this link again http://pubs.sciepub.com/ijcd/3/1/6/ 
quoting from the article  
"3. Pellagra and celiac disease  
The two diseases can be connected in two aspects. 58% of pellagra patients were shown to have malabsorption and many had intestinal pathology on biopsies [36, 37]. Alternatively, Pellagra was described in celiac disease [38]. The skin manifestations in pellagra might have some additional etiologies, since multiple nutrient deficiencies are at the origin of the cutaneous manifestations in celiac disease. The following nutritional deficiencies inducing skin rashes, were describe in celiac disease: Zinc, Iron, Vitamin A, E, B12, niacin, folate, selenium and essential fatty acids [39, 40]."  
It is me again.  
If we all want to help the people and each other on this board then I would be remiss not to mention that Pellagra and Celiac Disease or celiac disease as it is commonly known can/do occur together.  
I say that Karen* to say this.  as I said in previous post.  I am in a medical no man's land.  
You do not have to be.  I have taken Niacinamide as I noted and shown clinical improvement but admit I might be in a silent phase of the disease.  
I will never know and can not know if I was one of the possible 58% of pellagrins who might be being diagnosed as Celiac's instead.  
but you Karen* can go to your doctor's and like me and maybe others like when I/was first diagnosed doctor "please test for celiac disease" and how I received my board name.  The nurse saying well you are "Posterboy" for Celiac in our office.  
"How did you know you could of had celiac disease?"  Research. 
I could of had IBS or UC or Chron's if the test was not done and so I am medically because their is no other valid diagnosis today.  
I didn't know I had celiac disease but I suspected through research I could have.  And medical science agreed.  
Now 10 years later medical science is now finding Pellagra in Celiac's.  I am naive enough to believe if one celiac could have pellagra undiagnosed other might could too.  
That is all am trying to do is to educate.  
So that set me off again.  I know I will never know for a certainty whether my co-morbid pellagra is/was causing my celiac symptom's but you can/could test to see if you or others on this site could have pellagra too.  
We all fumble the ball forward.  And I admit I have Karen*.  
I know I had poor gastric function.  Many on this site do and take or  have taken betaineHCL to help with that poor function.  
But it always felt like a symptom to me and not the cause.  
Many have flare up on this site when stress is higher and that made sense to me.  
Since celiac disease is a genetic disease I had to look elsewhere if indeed my environment/stress was causing my GI symptom's to get worse.  
and now I find where in medical journals the same conclusions have been made not only is it possible for celiac and pellagra to occur together in the same person they do so at a surprising staggering rate in 58% of Celiac’s.  
What does this look like in human beings?  
If one is critically low in Niacin(amide) the 3 D’s of Pellagra (Dementias, Dermatitis’s, and Digestive Issues) show up.  Which to me make the best sense if I also had pellagra some of my celiac symptom's got better or at least stopped complicated my celiac symptom's.  
I know I am rambling but I am trying to get to the point that the Merck Manual has a simple test for Pellagra.   http://www.merckmanuals.com/professional/nutritional-disorders/vitamin-deficiency,-dependency,-and-toxicity/niacin
The Merck manual is commonly used as desk reference for physicians and it could be accomplished as given a urine sample the next time your at your doctor's or  your specialist.  
I am always trying to learn as much as I can and especially if it can help people/others or myself and this is what I learned since my last post.  
I did not even know you test for a Niacin deficiency/pellagra and with the doctor's not even looking for it today you will have to  bring it up the way some (I would dare say) most have brought up or potential Celiac diagnosis to our doctor's when we first received or diagnosis.  
Quoting from the Merck Manual when doctor's are considering whether a Pellagra diagnosis is warranted.  
"A favorable response to treatment with niacin can usually confirm it.  
If available, laboratory testing can help confirm the diagnosis, particularly when the diagnosis is otherwise unclear. Urinary excretion of N1-methylnicotinamide (NMN) is decreased; < 0.8 mg/day (< 5.8 mcmol/day) suggests a niacin deficiency."  
but the doctor has to be looking for it to find it the same way with Celiac disease 15 or 20 years ago.  
They would  not find it in me now I don't believe because quoting the Merck Manual again my "A favorable response to treatment with niacin(amide) can usually confirm it."  
But unless you or anyone reading this forum/thread still suffering 5 or 10 years later still struggling with good control or are super sensitive to gluten doesn't think about or bring it up with their doctor's (like I didn't know to do) then the chance for it to be documented in the medical record is lost.  
The other case report of celiac and pellagra notes the same thing.  Linked here again http://pubs.sciepub.com/ijcd/3/1/5/ where they say "Although B3 vitamin and tryptophan dosage were not performed, the diagnosis of pellagra complicating celiac disease was retained." and the other article says the same thing.  But without the test for pellagra my experience is anecdotal the same way me and knitty kitty reported better control from itching.  
IF we don't test we don't know.  
It doesn't mean treating pellagra would help your celiac disease but it does mean you have a better chance for improvement because having both complicates your celiac disease. . .
Remember **** This is not medical advice and should not be considered such. Results may vary. Always consult your doctor before making any changes to your regimen.  
2 Timothy 2: 7 “Consider what I say; and the Lord give thee understanding in all things” this included.  
I wish us all good luck on finding a solution that works for us all.  
And I say this to all those who stumble across the Celiac Posterboy blog may God richly bless your health and your journey to truth whatever it might be.
If Pellagra is the true diagnosis then this will help you praise bee to God!
Don’t ever believe something I say without researching it for yourself.  But my friends have found it is true.  They had a Niacin deficiency that got better after taking Niacinamide 2 or 3/day for 3 or 4 months and the doctor’s are not catching it today in its early stages.
These D’s a Celiac patient encounters are not the sign of several different diseases but one parent disease Pellagra with many children.”
The earlier you can catch any disease the better the prognosis.  Or you could do as I did -- take the Vitamin now and ask questions later.
Or like me a lot latter help educate/tell others’ about your experience by sharing on your blog.  As is the motto for social networking “Sharing is Caring”.
As always search for the “Celiac Posterboy” or “Celiac Poster boy” or “Fight Gluten Win” or “Fight GERD Win” if you want to read all my blog posts for as I have said elsewhere in this blog and it bears repeating “To Educate is to Free” Truly.
Celiac Posterboy by the Grace of God,
2 Corinthians (KJV) 1:3,4  3) “Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort; 4) who comforteth us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble (starfish), by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God.”
2 Timothy 2: 7 “Consider what I say; and the Lord give thee understanding in all things” this included.
Joe “Rock” Pen Name
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