#the sandman ep 11
audhd-nightwing · 2 years
the fact that dream is canonically the King of Cats means so much to me so here are my dream hcs related to that
he likes soft blankets and laying in the sun all stretched out
he likes when people (aka Hob and Death) pet his hair and he grabs their hand if they try to stop, not letting go until they continue petting him
he gets distracted by shiny things (lasers, spots of reflected light) and tracks their movement like a predator to its prey (desire absolutely uses this to distract and generally fuck with him. he has no idea he does it)
after a long day (night?) dream just drops onto hob’s lap and hob doesn’t have the heart to push him off so he’s just stuck there until dream decides to get up again
he birdwatches and matthew finds it absolutely hilarious, dream even has a little book to identify them and everything because he’s secretly a dork
his favorite drink is warm milk (both because of the cat thing and because it’s supposed to help people fall asleep)
he can’t get high off of weed but he can get high off catnip which is… interesting to say the least
he unknowingly purrs when he’s especially relaxed and hob refuses to tell him because he doesn’t want him to stop doing it
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0ynes · 2 years
Tom Sturridge drives me insane actually. Can he not be so damn hot when threatening people, and the way he has so much chemistry with anyone aaaaaaaa lord
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why hello Mr Darvill I didn't know you would be joining us. I'm starting to think I'm getting signs I should be rewatching doctor who next..
did anyone else stop watching after 11? I tried to watch 12 because I liked Jenna Coleman but I think Amy and rory broke me a little smh
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a-wine-dark-sea · 2 years
the way morpheus closed his eyes when calliope touched him. crying
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ad-echo · 2 years
I have seen a lot of people talking about acting, and story telling of sandman, even sets and CGI but THE MUSIC. let's talk about the MUSIC!
From the first opening we hear the somber notes who slide and fade away. Just like dreams. Their slow rhythm lulls you and little bells takes you somewhere magical. The main theme EXCELLENTLY portrays the dreaming, both the magical and mysterious and dangerous side of it.
And that simple theme, the main dessending sequence
D C B A G#
Is heard throughout the entire season. Carefully woven in in other pieces, repeated, changed , varieties, but it brings such a complete harmony and tone to the entire series.
And just sounds in general. Especially in today's episode 11.
The chime of a bell when the cats blink...
Or the room full sound after every statement Dream meets Richard Madoc. Tom's performance is perfect but the sound, the sound the threat really cements Dream's power and other wordlyness
David Buckley and the whole sound team is glorious
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rosesocietyy · 2 years
I have been cackling at the fact that the fates are dream's ex in-laws for the past 5 mins now
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sharkboy-agere · 8 months
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i'll fall asleep, too, as i can't insert myself anywhere Zzz… together with the cat, zzz… Zzz with the cat… everyone, zzz…
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chaosgrandpawizard · 2 years
No way rory is a reddit user. I refuse.
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ceaselesswwatch3r · 1 month
So I was watching the sandman (ep 11 I think) and while I was watching it I noticed, 1. That David Tennant, Georgia Tennant, Michael Sheen, and Anna were in it, 2. That the motherfucking metatron was in it.
+ it took me a while to remember that metatron was in it and after I realised I was just sat there processing this information so. very. slowly.
Truly a shocking crossover
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0ynes · 2 years
How dare they be so cute together
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oh fuck you already know I recognized Sandra Oh from the jump. god I fucking love her
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bazzybelle · 1 year
Current Tag Game
Thanks for the tag, @phinofthestorm @windsweptinred and @mentallyinvernation
Current time: 11:17 AM
Current mood: Honestly, emotionally drained. It's been a week.
Current activity: Answering this questionnaire, listening to Speak Now (Taylor's Version), procrastinating cleaning my house.
Currently thinking about: That's a loaded question my friend...Let's see: My rabbit's food intake (he's had a VERY rough week), cleaning the house, my WIPs...
Current Obsession: In general, definitely Sandman. I had wanted to read this comic series for years (since meeting my husband in 2012), but it's a very heavy series. Essentially, I wasn't in the right headspace to dive into Sandman's many existential themes, until 2020. So I listened to the Audiobooks and feel deeply into the lore and the characters and the amazing world building. Then the Netflix show came out last year and Dreamling became a Thing.... Yeah sorry, I'm stuck here.
On a smaller note... I'm way too currently obsessed with how much Hades is eating and pooping. He was in GI Stasis on Tuesday and we almost lost him. It's been... it's been rough over here. He's ok. Death is a mug's game for him apparently. But now husband and I are just obsessively checking his food intake and how much he's pooping while he recovers.
Current favourite song: The same one it's been for like the last decade. Dreams by Fleetwood Mac.
Currently reading: Dreamling fics (specifically You create me against your lips by @delta-pavonis) (GUYS... THIS FIC!) (no but seriously... it's SO GOOD, and the art by @teejaystumbles makes me feral).
I also bought this beautiful Jane Austen anthology, so I'm making my way through it (currently reading the intro/biography).
Currently watching: I got Disney+ recently and it's got BOTH Boy Meets World and Criminal Minds so... randomly watching eps from both shows.
The next shows I'm planning on watching are Silo and I wanna watch Nimona.
Current favorite character: Hob Gadling from Sandman. He's just SUCH a guy. I already liked him a whole lot from the comics, before Ferdinand Kingsley rocked on up all "yes, but what if you loved him MORE?"
Not only do I love Hob's zest for life and hunger for everything, I love what he represents. He's the Human Everyman in a story about eldritch beings and supernatural magical beings. Hob's just there loving life. On the other hand, he is also the representation on what it means to be human. He is NOT a good man, but he keeps trying to be. Like humanity, he keeps trying to be better and to learn. Like humanity, he strives to grow and experience. He serves as a grounding presence for the otherwordly beings we meet in The Sandman series.
I dunno... I just think he's pretty neat.
Current WIPs: Oh God... Ok... so... I've got two in my Carry On list (Youth Without Youth and No One To Save) and three in my Sandman list (Hob Hanahaki, Reincarnation AU, and Grey's Anatomy AU). I also have a Renaissance/Queer coming out novel that I've been plotting out.
Tagging (no pressure): @carryonsimoncarryonbaz, @amywaterwings, @ninemagicks, @namistrella, @aroace-genderfluid-sheep, @wellbelesbian, @yellobb, @tryan-a-bex, @artsyunderstudy, @facewithoutheart, @stardustasincocaine, @blackberrysummerblog, @ivelovedhimthroughworse and @forabeatofadrum
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a-wine-dark-sea · 2 years
i, for one, would be happy to be ruled over and subsequently eaten by giant cats
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ad-echo · 2 years
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three--rings · 2 years
Sandman ep 11
Favorite episode?  Maybe.
Dream of a Thousand Cats is..Dream of a Thousand Cats.  It’s fun, it’s cute (despite the depicted human cruelty), nicely animated.
Calliope...I’ve always loved this story.  In fact, when I think about what The Sandman is, Calliope often is what comes to mind.  For whatever reason.
Which feels weird to think about, because it’s a story about rape and imprisonment of a woman.  I think according to some philosophies that means I’m supposed to not like it?  But because it’s a story ABOUT the exploitation of women that I like it. 
Wonderfully cast and acted...I absolutely love the way this story highlights the hypocrisy of a supposedly “feminist” male author, the dark things someone can do in private while saying all the right things in public...
the creative desperation familiar to all creatives...
the hints at the women standing behind famous creative men, that it was all her work the entire time.  What an entitled white man will do to maintain his power...
And of course the hints of Dream backstory, of Orpheus’s story, that he has been married, etc etc. 
And the fucking visceral punishment, again familiar to writers, the curse of too many ideas, leading to that horror of writing with your own blood until you’ve torn your fingers to the bone that has always horrified and remained with me since I first read it.
It’s all just a reminder that The Sandman is a story about stories.  That’s what a lot of people who are critical of the series don’t get.  Like, I saw a review that said Morpheus is boring as a central character.  But, like, that’s sorta the point.  It’s not a story about a cool dude.  It’s a story about all the stories around him, the characters that matter are the ones in the actual stories.  Dream is actually, just, like the witness. 
Anyway, ironic I just finished my watch of Sandman with Mr. Rings last night and here is more Sandman. 
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