#the schizotypal cryptid
albatris · 2 years
something something schizotypal nonsense something something the level of being social and friendly and engaged that registers as comfy and happy to me often accidentally reads as disinterested or casual to others so I never know if the people I'm friendly with actually know that I would consider them A Friend especially since I don't do much in the way of casual online text chatting etc etc etc
so if we're kind of like. bros. but you don't think we're Friends. chances are I do think of you very fondly and consider you Friend and you are 100% welcome to just. be Friend. you just have to think of me as, like, some sort of weird but generally benevolent little cryptid that isn't very social but loves you nonetheless
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eldritch-metalhead · 2 months
Intro post
Call me Xero, not my irl name but its cool for online use. I'm a minor. I like metal, especially black metal and especially DSBM. This blog will have mentions of self harm and suicide, venting, mlm yearning, poetry, philosophy, literature and fandom posting. If any of that makes you uncomfortable (especially the first 3), block me. Do not report, you're not helping anyone by reporting, you're taking away one of the only places i feel safe venting.
I'm libramasc, gay, aroace and polyamorous. I have a boyfriend and he's adorable. I use it/he pronouns. I've been on testosterone for almost 6 months.
I'm a vampire and cryptid otherkin, I do not identify as human.
I don't have a DNI(I think they are stupid but I still respect them) and will block you if I don't like you or the things you like, if you get blocked and are mad about it, grow up.
I have ASD, ADHD, OCD, depression, anxiety, and Maladaptive Daydreaming Disorder(please let me infodump abt my paracosm) . I think I may be schizoid and/or schizotypal but I'm doing research and not self dxing (i do support self dx tho as long as you're actually doing research about it). I have bilateral hearing loss and auditory processing disorder and am pretty much half deaf, I refuse to do vcs or listen to voice messages cuz of this. I also have POTS and mild scoliosis, and I am a sadomasochist.
language learning sideblog: @xero-learns-languages
If i seem rude i dont mean to im just very blunt, i also dont like socially interacting much.
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rotten-carcass · 3 years
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Some doodles
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trondopeacekeeper · 3 years
A quiet knock alerts you as you turn, you see a small figure- wearing a old band shirt and comfortable looking pants. The figure checks around before clearing their throat, “Hello there. My name is Zeppelin. I live uh, on the other side of Mordhaus basement. Mule told Me i’d find you here.�� They explained, waving their hand. “ i uh. I have a question. And since you do not know me well, I figured you’d be the best to ask.” They swallowed nervously.
“How uh- how do you. Ask someone out? Or you know. Tell them you like them.” They mumbled out. “Lets say. I have uh, a friend here at Mordhaus i wanted to take to dinner.” They blushed a bit, “Any tips on how to do so?..”
It had been a couple of days since Trondo had settled in the Mule's basement, where he lived comfortably until could find a new way to return to the Dragon Realms. He had been hiding there from the humans and their problems, at least until the ugly wounds from defending Mule's honor were healed. With they very busy with their band things, the dragon believed that this temporary confinement would turn into a horrible and boring torture, so the surprise was great with the discover that the time hanging around their place was more enjoyable than expected, above all after discovering the classic rock records the demon treasured.
Trondo listened to that quiet knock and when he turned around, a small figure entered the place with a shy voice. Suddenly, that stranger whose name was Zeppelin without knowing Trondo at all started asking him about dating tips... To Trondo!
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''Ey, ey... Zeppelin. Like the rock band, right?'' he recalled the band because that evening he had been listening to it non-stop. ''Are you a friend of Mule? Uhm, you seem quite young. Are you human or another interdimensional o paranormal entity, like me or the rest of the bastards?'' a laugh escaped from his jaws as he started walking to the sofa, listening to Zeppelin's beg to assessor them with the love matters. ''You have a good one to ask... '' he was being sarcastic and sat on the sofa, careless. ''In my Realm, things are straightforward and direct. If you like someone, you go and ask them for a date.'' he shrugged. As if it was so easy, and more coming from the first who couldn't barely ask that to the person he likes. ''Another path is to first study and calculate all the movements you're going to follow before telling them your intentions. But that's the path of the warrior. You've to be ready for that.
...Who is that friend? Do I know him? Maybe I can help you.''
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dudefrommywesterns · 3 years
Remember all your f/o’s love you, your s/i’s are awesome, and that your f/o’s think you’re the coolest and are so blessed to be with you-
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xxnessa-morgothxx · 3 years
Cryptid sighed, listening to the young Nessa spew compliments and praises to the mortal creatures known as dragons: “Well.” They sighed, finally appearing before the young fairy. Bowing before her, “listen to me. Dragons, i think you call them? Can only show you so much.” They explained, “Hate to tell it to you.” They pointed at the land before them now, “This is a broken landscape. Even more an odd place to want to stay.” They stretched out, claws coming to flex in the sun. “Do you, praise? These dragons then?” They asked, head tilted.
Nessa blinkered a few times with Cryptid words and finally she smiled, taking their hand gently.
"You have not seen all the Realms yet. I can assure you they are filled with beauty and armony. Well... If you like this kind of things, of course" chuckled with charmy innocence. "One day we should visit the Beast Makers, Magic Crafters or even Dream Weavers! Although Gnorc Gnexus is forbidden now... Not even dragons dare to go there".
The fairy rubbed Cryptid's shoulder.
"Don't you like dragons then? I know they can be arrogant or moody but... They are my family. I love them." she looked a bit sad and bit her lip.
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slaughtergutz · 3 years
Im sendign you metalocalypse stuff because i know no one else who likes it-
I actually, really really like murderface.
I actually kind of feel sorry that the band leaves him out a lot?? But he’s so willing to help them and act tough to protect them sometimes.(even if he is stupid lmao)
Murderface thrives on negativity and brings a lot of it (most of it) upon himself tbh 
But yeah I don’t hate him like I used to as a kid. Does he disgust me? Yes. But,
yeah that’s all I got. 
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masks-n-steel · 3 years
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bakhtaks-blog · 3 years
Hey there! Not an ask, but I figured you might wanna see this
My cat, “Lottie”( :) yes. Lottie.)
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Y’might know why....or who shes named after, but idk. Big world out there😂
Anyway, have a great day! And good job on your project! Im a proud ren!
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She is gorgeous! 😭 Big world indeed OMG 😂
And aw thank you so much!💖
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stars-self-ships · 3 years
Reminder that all your f/o’s love you, care for you, find you extremely cool, and would do anything for you!
All your f/o’s:
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@the-schizotypal-cryptid, I am ABSOLUTELY feeling the F/O love right now! I noticed that you had sent this ask in yesterday, and for some reason I'm only just now seeing it, but just reading this made my entire day and now I can't stop thinking about how sweet it is!!
Please remember that the same applies to you and your F/Os, and to whomever else reading this in the self-shipping community, the same applies to you as well!! 💙🤍💙
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galaxyofghouls · 3 years
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spiralingsights · 4 years
Oh!! Can I get an outfit?!
Im very dark academia in rl
But i also love the waking dead- so do what you will if you want!
If not thats okay, thanks for reading this!!
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here ya go chief, i wasn't sure how to mash dark academia and walking dead but i tried
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rotten-carcass · 3 years
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... interupting my break for him
What's wrong with me
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trondopeacekeeper · 3 years
Me: * taps your shoulder*
“I need you to go ahead and kill the world for me. Please and thank you. I have a seashell and cuddles in return.”
'What happened buddy? Just speak the name and I'll sweetly take care of it...''
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dudefrommywesterns · 3 years
You liked my post so lol, you brought this on yourself! :)
Tell me about your favorite oc or s/i at the moment!!!! What do you like about them, or what makes them special to you right now!
i have ocs but in the way an author has ocs...they have their own books and we'd be here all day
my favorite s/i at the moment is the one i use for sweeney todd. the reason being, other than my focus on anthony atm, they're far more interesting than my house s/i. sweeney todd mike moved from the united states to england just to be ditched by their fiancee (who they didn't really want to marry in the first place but obligations and all that jazz) and left stranded. they love writing and poetry but work as a coach driver. they're also a really good cook and fairly okay seamstress but a bad dancer and a worse singer. until anthony comes along, they live alone in a cheap flat in london. then afterward they live in the same cheap flat in london...except there's a person living in the spare room (which is about the size of a broom closet)
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xxnessa-morgothxx · 3 years
"Wh-who are you? And what are you doing in my chambers at these late hours of night?".
Nessa was wearing a pajama and quickly wrapped her body with a blanket.
~(for Cryptid)
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