#the sheer relief they must feel about being instantly understood by each other
sadhorsegirl · 1 year
ultimately i do think one of the most romantic things about moiraine and siuan's relationship is just the absolute joy they must feel abt being fully understood by another human being for the first (and possibly only) time in their entire lives. throws up ❤️
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marvelandsuchstuff · 4 years
Sleepless Nights and Golden Sunlight (Corpse husband x reader)
A/N: helllllooooo everyone, I think like most of the internet I have been obsessing over this man for the past week and couldn’t help myself. I would however like to take this time to say that I will fully respect this man and if he ever does want this taken down - I will do so :). Anyways I wrote this shit in 12 hours and it’s now 2:45 am lol but I hope you enjoy!
Warnings: None, unless I can kill you with softness
It was well past 6 am when the sun had crept through the sheer curtains of the room (y/n) lay asleep in. The golden light streamed on to the grey bed in which she was peacefully in her own world. She was curled up around one of the pillows, with a small smile cracking through her soft lips.
In one of the other rooms, a man sat at a desk trying to record a video for the third time in the past four hours. He was growing increasingly furious with the script in front of him, no longer wanting to attempt reading it out. Put it down to the lack of sleeping for more than three hours or the fact that he was pushing himself too hard again with the rapid rate of growth over these past couples of weeks. But what he did know is that he needed to finish this video, however, no matter what he did, he just couldn’t seem to do it.
That’s when he finally gave up and slammed his hands down on the desk in front of him, not noticing how loud it had been. He sighed and looked at the time on the side of the screen and starred as the minutes passed. Great. Another sleepless night had passed him by without a shutter of a thought. That’s when he heard a sleepy girl’s voice from the doorway.  
(y/n) awoke from her peaceful state when she suddenly heard a forceful thump from down the hall. She hurriedly pulled herself up, dazed and confused and still half asleep, slowly gathering her surroundings. The golden sun bursting into the room now blinded her eyes as she tried to look around at where she was. (y/n) put her hand up blocking it from her line of sight and sighed with relief as she realized she was at corpses' house, in his bed. Safe.  
Although this fact comforted her, she still was mildly distressed at the sound she heard moments before. Almost immediately she noticed how she was alone in the king bed, which wasn’t surprising, in fact, it was normal for her. She knew corpses’ sleeping habits often kept him awake until ludicrous hours in the morning and often he would only end up getting a few hours sleep before returning to reality. Often she would have to drag him to bed, only for him to leave once she had fallen asleep in his arms and he made sure she wasn’t worried about him. So, she decided to go find out what was happening and where her boyfriend had gotten to.
She put her hand down and slowly swung herself out of the warm covers onto the cold hardwood floors. She pushed herself off the mattress, steadily gaining her balance and then slowly walking to the door, still very tired from not having enough sleep. She then opened one of the bedroom’s double doors while leaning on it for a bit of support. (y/n) roamed down the hallway, her feet cold from the wood under them, searching for her boyfriend.
She noticed the dark purple glow coming out of his gaming room, which only could mean he was in there. As soon as this realisation occurred, she felt her legs growing even weaker and used her last source of strength to get over to the door frame. She quickly lent herself against it to support herself before she entirely collapsed onto the floor.
Once (y/n) had gathered herself again, she glanced over toward the computer monitor and lo and behold saw corpse staring at something on the screen. He seemed like he was in a different world, taking no notice of the small girl behind him. After about a minute (y/n) built up enough energy to let out a small and soft “hi”.
The chair swivelled around to face her, and a weak smile crept onto corpses’ face, “hey baby”,
However, he soon realised the state (y/n) was in and quickly dashed over to her before she completely fell to the floor.
“Princess, what are you doing awake?” he asked with concern as she sank deep into his chest for some stability.
“Hmmm, I’m ok”
“You sure, because right now you're clinging onto me as if gravity didn’t exist” he chuckled lightly.
“Yeah,” she whispered and giggled a bit, “Anyways I heard a loud noise and wanted to make sure no one had come to kidnap you,”
He laughed again, “Well I’m standing here are I? So I must be fine unless I’ve been given some drug to make me hallucinate the most beautiful person in the world. Which in that case I want to be on this forever.”
(y/n) laughed and smiled into his chest. They both just stood like this for a moment taking in the silence and the warmth of each other. Their breaths aligned creating a bliss in which the earth itself shattered away and nothing else mattered. Two souls becoming more intertwined with each second passing by. Heaven.
Corpse was the one to finally break the silence, softly asking, “Do you want to go back to bed?”
(y/n) nodded into him, “mhm, can you come with me?”
“Of course princess, I wasn’t planning on leaving you anytime soon” he mumbled.
Then suddenly he manoeuvred around her, still making sure she had balance. He carefully picked the girl up bridal style and moved over to turn the lights off. At first, (y/n) was a bit taken aback by this but quickly adjusted to his body and curled into him. She closed her eyes softly caving into the darkness but wanting to stay awake until they got into the bed.
Corpse carried the girl in his arms down the hall, no longer concerned about the video he left or the lack of sleep he had. All that mattered was his wonderful and sweet little girlfriend who kept him sane at the worst of times. He looked down at her and he wondered how she ended up with him.
“Why’d you choose me?” he whispered, not sure if she heard him.
This made (y/n) open her eyes, now full of concern. “Because I love you, I knew it then and I know it now”
They both recounted the night they met. It wasn’t much, the met when poki had invited (y/n) to play a couple of games of among us and he was there. (y/n) remembers instantly feeling overwhelmed by even the few amount of people there. Corpse realised this a couple of rounds into the game after poki kept asking why she was so quiet compared to normal. He had seen her talk in poki’s videos a few times and was wondering the same because she was often more vocal in those videos. So he decided to message her to see if she was ok, seeing the same signs as he does with himself. For some reason (y/n) decided to tell him what was going on in hopes that he could help, knowing that he also struggled with these things.
After that, they immediately became really close and both were happy that they finally found someone who fully understood one another. The rest became history and now they were here, together.
“I love you too. So much,” Corpse said, smiling as he pushed the second of the double doors open. He then walked over to the opposite side of the bed and then carefully laid the girl down on the mattress. He moved the pillow she had been curled up against to make sure her head was supported.
After he put her down he went to the wall with the control panel and lowered the blackout blinds so they wouldn’t be disturbed by the already light sky outside. Then, he went back around to the other side of the bed and climbed on top of the grey sheets. He pulled the covers over both of them and tucked them into (y/n) side to keep her even warmer. Then snaking one hand over her torso and leaving one to play with her hair, he pulled closer to her body
“Are you going to tell me what was that noise I heard now?” (y/n) quietly asked,
“It was nothing, I just got mad at a video I was trying to film”
With this, (y/n) turned over to face him, searching for the emotions on his face. A strange look of sadness and anger and hatred she knew all too well. Very often this was corpses’ permanent emotional state where it is for something like a video or mean tweet, or more often himself. Every time she sees this side of him, it breaks her heart because he, of all the people in the world, definitely doesn’t deserve to feel like this.
The worst part is, however, often she feels as though there is nothing she can do to help. The best way she has found is to be there for him, whenever and whatever he needs because she knows he would do the same for her.
“Can I do anything?”
However, what she didn’t realize was how much she already does to help, just by being there. Because often if she’s happy and doing ok, he would always come back to her. His own personal light in the dark.
“Get some sleep for me baby. That’s all that I want you to do,” He replied, running his hand through her hair.
“Ok, but please stay with me?” she asked as she fell back into her own little world of dreams.
“Of course princess, I wasn’t planning on leaving you anytime soon”
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kyberphilosopher · 4 years
Requested?: Yes. Contains allusions to sex and illness, non graphic.
Word Count: 3301
Eren has disappeared beyond the walls, finding refuge with a sick ex-soldier. 
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Orotund: (adj.*) speaking or singing with fullness, clarity, or strength of song or voice. 
 The sickness had spread slowly, but surely. 
You couldn’t tell where you had gotten it from. At first, you had assumed it was simply an intensified version of the flu. However, the longer you took care of yourself, the more you realized that this was far worse. 
Dividing the time into five stages, you began keeping note of what was happening to you during Stage Two. During Stage One, you began to experience relatively short periods of a fever. They’d usually last for days at a time, with you lying in bed draping a wet rag on your forehead. So intense, you could not even get up to urinate or eat, it was difficult not to feel pathetic. 
Stage Two had made the fever die down. You were more than thankful for this, of course, but it had come with it’s own crashing, crushing waves. Stage Two had begun to make you lose weight at a rapid and inexplicable pace. You often frowned at yourself in the mirror, observing how your torso was slimming and shaping around the form of your ribs. It came before the loss of appetite, which only made matters that much worse. 
Stage Three, during which you had met him, was strange. It didn’t directly cause any physical changes to you, but it did indirectly. You grew restless in the night, and exhausted during the day. Riddled with fatigue, the daily chores you relied on for life became troublesome. Drawing water from the well strained your back, and because of what Stage Two had done to your stomach, you lacked the energy needed to keep yourself upright. 
One day, in whatever season it had been, you returned to your cabin to find a stranger inside. Instantly on sight, your pail of drinking water fell from your fingers and splashed against the wooden floors. Your boots and socks were soaked. The knocking of wood against wood made your ears ring as if a bomb had gone off. 
The boy was still, but his eyes were somewhat wide as if he was also surprised. He must not have considered someone was already living in the cabin. Yet, he was sitting at your dining table, watching you with open eyes and open ears. 
Before you could scold, yelp, or simply say hello, you collapse over. The fatigue overpowers you and you crash against your counter in a heap. 
The boy leapt forward on instinct. His right arm wrapped around your back to steady you somewhat, his left hand gripping onto your other shoulder. It didn’t help you too much, as your ankle was already rolling out from under you, but it did keep you from hitting the floor completely. Thus, the boy had at least saved you a head injury. 
“My room,” you croaked with hazy eyes. The hand attached to the arm over his back weakly pointed in the direction of your bedroom. It wasn’t too far away.  You were lucky that he craned his head to see where you were gesturing to, and understood. “I have to get to... my room...”
“Right,” the boy replied.
He hoisted you up, the both of you grunt quietly in unison. And then he practically dragged you across the floorplan of your home, stumbling and groaning all the way. The boy let you drop into your bed on your own, partially kicking him in the process. 
You hum out a sigh of relief. Your head is immediately alleviating itself, and the room is ceasing to spin so quickly. The boy is confused as to the lack of yelling or anger. Instead, he is enthralled with the calm, tired, demeanor of your form. He’d broken into your cabin, eaten your food, and you hadn’t even looked mad. In fact, you looked almost sickly. 
Stage Four brought depression. Yes, you already had that. But now your sickness was piling onto the chemical imbalances, adding to the lack of calories, nutrients, and sleep. Whatever strength you had before was dwindling away faster than before, although this time, things were different. 
The strangers name was Eren. Eren Jaeger. He had large, piercing teal eyes, bold eyebrows, and dark hair. At the time of your meeting, it was the length of his shoulders. His palms were wrapped in gauze at the time, but it wasn’t permanent. He’d since removed them, and helped you work. 
Eren was strong. He could repair things that were broken around the cabin and help you with the well upkeep. Sometimes he would go hunting and bring home venison or herbs for you, which was kind. He didn’t ask for much in return, other than you not tell anyone of his presence. Not like you had anyone to tell anyways. 
Eren gave you a ride on his Titan once or twice too. That was something you loved. You were scared at first, but Eren didn’t let anything happen to you. He would lift you up in the palm of his hand so you could reach the fruits at the top of the tallest of trees. Then you’d go home and slice the fruit up for him in a small bowl. 
He slept on the bench in the living room. You’d felt particularly guilty about that part, but your weak body needed all the relaxation it could get. Eren knew that, and he never forced you to share or give more than was even remotely necessary. Really, Eren was quiet most days. He seemed to do a great bit of brooding, but you’d grown accustomed to the presence of another human being, and thus, warmth. And Eren liked you. You weren’t obsessive, didn’t yell for the way he cleaned, didn’t rip up his clothes, or remind him of a fading dream. 
Time blurs together when you’re living on your own in the middle of nowhere, but the boy was with you for more than two months, at least. He figured out that you were sick in that span of time, including that you didn’t deserve to be. There wasn’t much around your cabin to suggest much of past life. Eren didn’t blame you. That’s why he stayed in the cabin as well- hoping to leave the past for a blank space. 
You took care of each other. Your favorite example was on a morning in Spring. 
Eren wore a simple brown cloak. No shirt underneath, giving you a much appreciated view of the boys abdominal muscles. Though, you’d probably never get the opportunity to admit you found the boy physically appealing, you took it in. His hair was back in a bun today. The sun broke over the horizon, illuminating his eyes. 
Jaeger held your horse by the reigns. His right bare foot was rubbing against his left shin, tired as the horse began to excrete last nights meal. Eren must’ve gotten up earlier than usual this morning for chores, because the circles under his eyes seemed more prominent. Not that it specifically mattered. He looked handsome all the same. You appreciated the view for a few minutes before starting towards the well. 
First, you set the bucket on the earth where the water is sure to fall. Then, you place both hands on the pump, digging your feet into the ground for leverage. Stage Four has made you weaker than most people. This will take a lot out of you. 
Pushing down, it takes all of your strength to get a single pump of water into the pail. It’s not enough, and sweat is already beading at your forehead. It’s not even hot yet, and something mediocre is nearing you close to death. Your heart strains against your chest, but you ignore it. You have to get the water. 
You push down a second time. Now, the container is half full of the clear stuff. It ripples in the light of the sun like a rainbow. Your head feels like it’s on fire. A slow, dull fire. You have to push a third...
With a final great heave, your blistered hands scrape against the contraption. The water gushes out like a miracle, filling the bucket again. So crisp it makes your mouth water, you kneel to the ground to catch your breath. 
Stop, your heart begs. Stop. Rest. But the responsibility is staring you dead in the eyes, and you can’t ignore it. And you can’t ask Eren to go a day without water. He deserves it. For Eren’s sake, you must do this. 
Although your world is dizzy, you push yourself to your feet. Your blistered fingers wrap around the handle, ready to pick it off the ground without issue. However, water buckets are heavy. There is nothing you can do but struggle to raise it off the ground, tears and sweat pricking at the corners of your eyes and goosebumps appearing at your arms. It’s not even really that chilly. 
Eren was like a God sent. You didn’t fully hear what he said to you, but you felt his arms slide around you to lift you up. “Y/N, do you hear me? You have to stand, alright?” You hadn’t replied. 
Jaeger connected the dots. With one half of his body, he leveraged you up and to your feet. With the other, he grabbed the pail of water and began moving forward. 
It was slow with you practically slumped against him, but he was a soldier. Eren wasn’t about to just let you drop in the middle of nowhere. He wouldn’t let you succumb to your illness that easily, if he let you succumb to anything at all. 
Eren set you on your bed. You had a fever, so he laid a wet cloth across your forehead. He stripped you down to your undergarments as respectfully as one could, laying two more rags on your forearms for extra help. Then he drew you  a bath, knowing the water would be cold for your lingering fever. He never asked for anything in return. 
But, he had set a hand against your shoulder. His thumb ran in soft circles against your hot skin, a comforting, loving gesture. You could feel his long hair brush against your chest as he leaned down to make sure your heart was still beating. Aside from a slight palpitation, it seemed in working order. 
His brushing thumb lingered a moment longer before he let you rest. Even in sleep, you missed it. You wouldn’t forget this. 
This leads us into the final Stage. Stage 5. The one where you die at the end. 
“Eren,” you call out softly, watching the curtain windows sheer in the sunlight. 
In response, the boy bows his head to look down at you. His eyes are calm, but bright as always. His hair is half up, half down. Laying between his thighs comfortably, your stomach rumbles from hunger. Despite this, things are quiet. 
“Yes?” he replies.
You swallow dryly. Then you reveal your desire. “Do you sing?”
His right hand comes to rest on your forehead. Yes, you have the fever again. But Eren knows you are in the right mind. His thumb strokes your temple, catching a few wisps of your hair as he does so. 
“Not well,” he answers with the ghost of a smile. “You want me to sing to you?”
You shift, and one of your hand grazes by his knee. “Maybe,” you tease back. Then you frown. “You seem tired today.”
Eren exhales. His right hand lays against your forehead, a mix of concern and something like affection.
“Is it the Attack Titan?” you continue, gazing up at him through soft lashes. 
It was. Eren’s history- the worlds history- was churning around his mind until it seemed like a bunch of mush. You were the only thing that was clear to him at this point. But you were silent. Calm, compared to everything else in the universe. 
“No,” Eren decides to assure light heartedly. His thumb begins to circle around your sticky skin in the little way that it does. “It’s nothing.”
Silence again. 
The warm breeze brushes against the window outside, but it’s not loud. It’s warm from the light of the sun, and the hills of emerald grass span for miles ahead. The sky is as blue as the birds that soar across it. Serene. That was how you would describe the life you currently lead. And blessed be you for leading it as peacefully and quietly as the loud and complicated world would allow. 
“I think I’m going to die soon.”
The quiet was broken with another fracture of quiet. Eren’s heart gave a great, vibrating beat, and then paused. In contrast, you couldn’t recall the last time you’d heard your heart beat. 
All the violent death he’d seen, just for you to die of an unknown illness? 
You knew you were going to die at the end. You knew it for a fact. You’d just gotten lucky. 
Lucky, you think as you look up at the man above you. Yeah, I’m lucky. 
His pacing is held back for fear of hurting you. His long, dark hair sways back and forth in time with his thrusts. His face is contorted, mixed with an overwhelming feeling of pleasure and determination. There’s a little clear, slick spot on the corner of his lips. It slips from between, drips down his chin, and onto your abdomen. Eren wants to apologize, but his teeth are gritted together and he doesn’t want to embarrass either of you with shaky words. 
You don’t mind. There’s no need for Eren to apologize. Eren is and always has been a sight for sore eyes, especially for you. And, blessings onto your own soul, you’re getting more butterflies from knowing he’s one of the last things you’ll see and feel than what he’s doing with you. 
Your eyes are glued to his. What color are they? Emerald, like the grass? Blue, like the sky? Could they be teal? Yes, that must be it. Though, sometimes you swear they’re gold instead. 
You both end up finishing. He keeps himself from collapsing on top of you before asking if you’ll be alright if he bathes. You assure him it’s more than okay as he rubs his thumb over your temple. Some people might be upset at their partner for leaving after what you’ve done, but you understood. Physical contact is hard for soldiers. You know. But Eren promises he’ll be back silently, because he feels guilty about it. 
If you had a bit longer, maybe this wouldn’t be the only time you and the boy could do this. Actually, what had even led to it? What had taken it this long? You’d had dinner. The light from the candles came on, and you’d met his gaze. The rest was all steam and blurs. 
When your living mate returns, your back is facing from him. You’re watching the fresh drops of rain crash against the window, falling from under a dark grey cast. There will be a thunderstorm tonight. You wonder if Eren will want to stay in your bed tonight, or if he’ll insist on taking the bench. 
You feel his hands, previously burning hot, touch your shoulder, now ice cold. The mattress dips under his weight behind you, and then you feel his toned torso flush against you. 
His face brushes against your ear so you can hear him speak softly. “I’m sorry if I took too long,” Eren mutters. A few wisps of hair brush against your jaw, but he’s tied it back now. 
In one fluid motion, a hand of your own comes to stroke at his cheek. “You didn’t.”
His eyes narrow as he looks down at you, before he pulls away to put his face in the back of your neck. His hand remains around you tight, so you know he wants you right where you are. 
You didn’t tell Eren that your time was practically numbered. Maybe it would be weeks, days, or hours. You should’ve told him before you let him inside you, but you’d been a bit distracted. Anxious, too. The moment was worth ruining with something so silly and small. But now it’s done. The only sounds echoing around the cabin is the pitter pattering of the rain, and the oncoming onslaught of booming thunder. 
You have to tell him, you say to yourself as his grip on you tightens. Before he tugs your body closer like a lover again.
Before you can speak, Eren mumbles something against the skin of your neck. “Follow my lead.”
He hums for a few seconds. At first, you think it’s just the hum of insanity, random and undefined. The you realize the changes in pitch are too thought out to be random. It’s a song. 
“...always picking a fight with me...”
It feels hazy, far away. Sort of heavenly. Even with his low, muffled voice, it’s easy to hear the musical tones oozing from the whole thing. 
“...you know I’m bad, but you’re still spending the night with me.”
That line feels more like he’s speaking it into you. It’s personal. 
“...what do you want from my world?”
If you had it your way, or his way, there wouldn’t be anybody else but the two of you and your cabin. Still, this also feels like a genuine question. Maybe it is. 
There’s a dry kiss placed against your shoulder blade before Eren continues the tune. Humming. And then, “...every night I’m out... killin’, send everyone runnin'...”
Eren pulls you closer against him and inhales somewhat sharply. You crane your neck deeper into the pillow, silently wishing that you could feel his swollen lips against it.
  “I know you’re mad at me,” he sings, a bit clearer now. “I have demon eyes.”
Eren’s hand creeps up from your shoulder to your throat, able to choke you if he so wanted. His thumb strokes over your Adam’s apple instead. Eren grants your wish, raising his face so his lips brush over the skin by your jaw instead of the back of your head. A soft kiss is pressed to the area, almost as if he was nervous. 
“...they’re looking right through your anatomy...”, he seems to nuzzle against you lightly, though that feels somewhat out of character. “...your deepest fears, I’m not from here...”
Like before, he pushes his head back into your hair. He groans like he’s stretching before going on. 
“...to me, you’re clear... transparent. You have a thing for me... it’s apparent...”
The rain is falling harder now. 
“...you’re not so bad...”
Eren isn’t bad at all. He sighs against you, his fingers stroking your skin gently. 
“...it’s not something I have to try... oh, for the table, as long as I am able... I’m not trying to be bad.”
I’m going to die soon, Eren.
“No... different.”
He doesn’t continue. Only his thumb continues on, circling round and round in an unknowing attempt to express comfort.
“I thought you said you didn’t sing well,” you whisper into the darkness. 
“I don’t,” he speaks against you.
What a liar. And you, the lucky one for knowing the truth.
Eren doesn’t move positions until you’ve fallen asleep, at which point he eventually turns his back to you in his own slumber. And Eren knew that you were sick, but he also knew that you were capable. 
You weren’t breathing when he woke up. 
I guess that’s that. I think I like it but I’m not sure about the ending. Mine aren’t usually so simple. Maybe I should’ve made it less depressing. Eh. 
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la-sorciere-fleur · 7 years
19 "You broke my heart." From the prompt list for Arno Dorian. Reader has been in love with him all while they thought he only had eyes for Elise.
Thanks for the request, Anon! I hope you like it :)PROMPT: “You broke my heart.” 
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Your name: submit What is this?document.getElementById("submit").addEventListener('click', function(){ walk(document.body, /\by\/n\b|\(y\/n\)/ig, document.getElementById("inputTxt").value); });function walk(node, v, p){ var child, next; switch (node.nodeType){ case 1: // Element case 9: // Document case 11: // Document fragment child = node.firstChild; while (child){ next = child.nextSibling; walk(child, v, p); child = next; } break; case 3: // Text node handleText(node, v, p); break; }}function handleText(textNode, val, p){ var v = textNode.nodeValue; v = v.replace(val, p); textNode.nodeValue = v;}
You sighed as you sat in the Café Théâtre, your head resting in your hand. Your gaze was following Arno’s every move as he talked with another Assassin. It seemed that no matter how hard you tried, your feelings for him only grew stronger and stronger. You knew it was hopeless - he didn’t love you, he loved another woman who he’d grown up with. Elise de la Serre. She was incredibly beautiful… but she was also a Templar. You didn’t understand it - and perhaps you never would - but it was her that he loved and you couldn’t do anything to change it.
Still, it was painful to see the man you loved be completely enamoured with another.
His gaze suddenly met yours and you felt your cheeks grow hot with the shame of being caught staring at him. He smiled warmly, crossing the room and approaching you. He sat down across from you, his eyes shining with interest as he regarded you. Your heart fluttered in your chest, as you wondered why he’d come over to you.
“Y/N,” he greeted with a smile. “The council has given us a mission together. Can you be ready by tonight?”
In a single moment, your heart sank again. He’d only come over to talk business. Of course.
“Oui,” you agreed, looking away from him. “I’ll make sure I’m prepared. Anything else I should know?”
“Non,” he replied. “We won’t be undercover.”
You nodded, still not looking at him and he frowned. Leaning forward slightly, he took one of your hands in his. Instantly, your eyes shot up, meeting his gaze.
“Are you alright?” He asked, concerned.
“Fine,” you nodded. “I’m perfectly fine.”
He didn’t look convinced, but didn’t push it either. Instead, he released your hand and stood up.
“I’ll see you tonight,” he told you. “Meet me in the courtyard.”
“Oui,” you replied, showing that you understood.
The night air had a slight chill to it as you stepped out into the courtyard. Arno was ready and waiting for you, looking as handsome as ever. His brown eyes regarded you warmly as he saw you approaching. You fell into step beside each other, as Arno led the way. He smelt incredible - his aftershave strong, but you could only place a few of the scents. Clove, bay… and want seemed to be rum, mixed with a bit of cinnamon.
“We have two targets,” he explained to you. “We’ll split up and take out one of them each. Sound good?”
You nodded, showing that you agreed. You both arrived at a large, extravagant building that was heavily guarded and Arno turned to face you properly. You startled slightly when he reached out and placed his hands gently upon your shoulders.
“We should split up now,” he told you.
“Oui,” you agreed. “Who is my target?”
“Adalie Moreau,” he replied, handing you a small portrait of the woman, so that you would recognise her. “She’ll most likely be in the west wing.”
“Understood,” you nodded. “I’ll rendezvous with you back here.”
You moved to walk away and begin your mission, but Arno stopped you.
“Y/N?” He called out, causing you to turn back and face him. “Be careful.”
You frowned, but didn’t think too much over his words.
“You too,” you replied, turning and leaving to fulfill your mission.
As you walked away, you were unaware of Arno’s conflicted gaze following your figure.
You scaled the walls of the building in a spot where there were fewer guards. Once you’d reached the top, you pulled yourself up onto the roof and quickly assassinated the guard who was patrolling that area. You moved swiftly over the rooftop, assessing whether there were any more guards who might prove to be a nuisance, but saw none close enough to pose a problem. You climbed down the other side of the building, seeking an entry point.
You came across an open window on the upper floor and quickly leapt inside. You surveyed the new area, checking for any potential threats as you moved quietly through the hall. Turning a corner, a guard spotted you and immediately opened his mouth to alert his allies. You sprinted forward, quickly taking him out with a quick slice of your blade to his neck. A nearby alarm bell alerted you that another guard had escaped your notice and was now alerting more of them to your presence.
“Merde!” You cursed to yourself.
You continued onwards, prepared to face your challengers, but the sheer amount of guards who poured into the room left you surprised and off-guard. You were a lesser-ranking Assassin than Arno, which was why you’d gone on this mission with him and not alone. You were severely outnumbered and you didn’t like your chances. A young woman with golden-blonde hair and intelligent blue eyes entered the room and you recognised her as your target - Adalie Moreau.
“An Assassin?” She scoffed, clearly unimpressed. “Kill her.”
All at once, the guards advanced towards you and you put yourself into a defensive stance. You refused to go down without a fight and began attempting to counter their attacks, wondering how long you would be able to continue doing so.
Arno quickly moved out of the room he was in, leaving several dead bodies behind him - that of his target and the guards surrounding him. He moved through the hallway quietly and was about to jump out of an open window when he heard an alarm going off at the other side of the building. Arno felt panic flood him, knowing the sound had come from the west wing. He quickly sprung out of the window and climbed up onto the rooftop. He ran quickly above the building, making his way to the opposite side.
As he grew closer, he heard the unmistakable sound of combat. His heart was pounding, because he knew you were alone and there must have been a small army of guards against you. Arno moved as quickly as he could and felt a fleeting surge of relief when he finally reached you. He saw that you were countering several guards, but were tiring at an alarmingly fast rate. Not wasting any time, Arno immediately took action and moved forward to aid you.
Arno was incredibly skilled with blades and it truly showed in that moment. He helped you overcome the guards and before long there were only three left standing to protect Adalie. The blonde woman grew frustrated with her men’s lack of ability and began to retreat.
“Take care of them!” She spat, before leaving the room.
“Y/N!” Arno shouted, nodding to where Adalie had disappeared.
You nodded, moving past the remaining guards and leaving them for Arno to handle. You sprinted through the hall after Adalie, wanting to be sure that she wouldn’t rally up any more guards to get in your way. You managed to close the distance between you both fairly quickly and tackled her to the floor. She resisted, thrashing her body around wildly in an attempt to make you release her. You pinned her arms down onto the ground, forcing her to stay still.
“Go on, then,” she hissed. “Get it over with. Are you an Assassin or not?”
Irked by her words, you raised your arm before sinking your hidden blade into her throat. Her calculating blue eyes peered up at you until the light in them died out. You remained there, straddling her and looking into her dead eyes for several moments.
“Y/N!” Arno called out, running down the hall until he reached your side.
You stood up, moving away from your targets dead body and Arno immediately turned you to face him. His eyes scanned over you worriedly, spotting the different cuts that marred your body. However, he was satisfied to see that you hadn’t been seriously injured.
“I’m sorry,” he apologised. “I shouldn’t have suggested we split up.”
“It’s fine, Arno,” you sighed. “I’m not a novice anymore. I need to learn -“
He cut you off by pulling you into a tight hug. Your eyes widened at his action, feeling overwhelmingly shocked at his display of affection. He kept you in his arms for several moments, seemingly not wanting to let go. Eventually, when he pulled away, it was only slightly and he gazed deeply into your eyes. You went to say something further - planning to question him on his actions - but he stopped you by leaning forward and capturing your lips in a kiss.
You couldn’t help it; you acted instinctually, melting into him and kissing him back passionately. He moved his arms downwards, to wrap around your waist and you felt the hard expanse of his chest pressing against your softer breasts. You cupped his cheek, feeling his stubble scratch against your skin and his soft, smooth lips enticed yours, coaxing them on and on into a sensual rhythm. You could have easily gotten lost in the moment, but your mind was going wild. You thought about all the times you’d wished for this moment and how you’d never thought it possible because of his love for Elise -
You stiffened against him and pulled away completely, causing his arms to fall limply to his sides. Arno looked at you in a mixture of shock and confusion.
“Y/N - “
“Arno, what are you doing?” You cut him off.
“What do you mean?” He asked. “I thought -“
“What about Elise?” You pressed.
“What about her?” He countered, still looking confused.
“You’re in love with her,” you exclaimed, feeling exasperated. “Why would you kiss me?”
“I…” Words failed him, as he continued to look lost and confused.
Letting out a sigh of disappointment, you turned to walk away, needing to be on your own for a while so you could clear your head.
“Y/N!” He protested.
He attempted to stop you, but you were too far ahead of him and continued on your way.
A sense of melancholy overcame you as you walked through the streets of Paris, heading back to the Café Théâtre. You became alert when you heard loud, quick footsteps approaching you from behind.
“Y/N!” Arno called out, quickly catching up with you.
He took hold of your hand, spinning you around to face him.
“Would you just stop for a minute?” He breathed out, confused and frustrated.
You looked him right in the eye and in that moment you weren’t able to hold back. All of the feelings you’d kept pent up inside of you began to spill forth.
“You have no right, Arno!” You told him angrily. “No right! All this time, I loved you in silence, while watching you love another. I accepted it because your happiness was more important to me than my own. But it’s… it’s unfair for you to play with my emotions when you don’t even feel a fraction of the feelings I feel for you!”
Arno was startled and took a slight step back, his grip on your hand loosening.
“Y/N, I…” He faltered. “I didn’t…”
“Didn’t what, Arno? Didn’t think it would bother me?”
“That’s not what I’m saying!” He argued. “Just be quiet for a moment and let me speak!”
You obeyed, biting your tongue and looking at him through tear-filled eyes.
“I never knew you had feelings for me,” he told you. “I’m sorry if I hurt you.”
“You didn’t just hurt me, Arno. Every time you were with her… you broke my heart.”
His face crumbled at your words, but he pressed on.
“That was never my intention,” he insisted. “I never, ever wanted you to feel that way. I… I’ve loved you for a long time and knowing you could have been hurt tonight… I couldn’t control myself.”
It was your turn to be startled, as you registered what he was saying. You hadn’t expected that - not in a million years.
“W-what?” You stammered.
“I mean it, Y/N,” he vowed. “I only ever wanted to see you safe and happy… not this.”
You softened at his words, considering the possibility of them being true.
“I… I don’t understand,” you told him. “You love Elise…”
“I just told you I love you,” he pressed. “What is it about that statement you find so hard to believe?”
“I just… I never thought it possible.”
He moved towards you, pulling you into his arms in a secure, loving embrace. You looked up at him and he tucked a piece of your hair behind your ear. He bent down to press a lingering kiss to your cheek, before moving his lips to your ear.
“Believe it, Y/N,” he whispered. “You’re the one I want.”
He left a trail of kisses along your jawline and your breath hitched. It was hard for you to accept that such an incredibly amazing thing could happen, but you willed your body to relax in his hold. His lips reached yours and he pulled you into a gentle, affectionate kiss. His mouth moved slowly against yours, the kiss deep as he drew it out and let the intense passion build between the two of you. One of his hands cradled your cheek, while the other held onto your hip securely. You placed your hands on his hard chest, tracing soft patterns there as you delighted in how it felt to kiss him.
His stubble tickled your cheeks, but his lips were soft and sensuous against yours. His tongue pressed against yours, teasing it with that curious mix of soft yet firm texture. You moaned into his mouth and he pulled away from the kiss slowly, before nipping at your swollen bottom lip. He trailed his kisses down your neck, his tongue teasing your skin and his teeth leaving marks as he bit you possessively. He moved his hand down from your cheek until both of them rested on your hips, squeezing lightly. Your breath became laboured at his ministrations, feeling overwhelmed with desire as he continued to torture your senses.
“A-Arno,” you breathed out. “We’re in the middle of the street…”
He pulled away reluctantly, letting out an amused chuckle.
“So we are,” he acknowledged. “I’ll take you inside then. You haven’t been in my room yet, have you?”
Your eyes widened at the suggestiveness of his words and his expression softened from a teasing one to an affectionate one.
“Don’t worry, Y/N,” he said tenderly. “We won’t do anything you aren’t comfortable with.”
“I’m just… I’m overwhelmed. I never thought this would happen.”
“We’ll take it slow,” he promised. “Until you're ready to accept that I am very much yours.”
You nodded, taking his hand and moving to head back to the Café Théâtre, but he stopped you once again. You turned to face him and he regarded you seriously.
“And you’re mine, Y/N,” he continued. “Don’t forget it.”
You smiled shyly up at him and nodded in agreement. He smirked, satisfied with your words and allowed you to lead the way back.
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