#the sluttiness
homesickhalfling · 2 years
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aesthetic-uni · 6 months
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It’s that time of the year again
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ladysqueakinpip · 9 months
guys hot uquiz was just discovered but I'm taking it about 100 yrs too late. anyways everyone share how wifeable you are.
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mommyssluttt · 2 months
walking around the house like this so if someone breaks in they have it easier with me
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orions-bolt · 4 months
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post-landscaping r&r. happy pride 🌱 🌸
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mommyssluttt · 2 months
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small pools are so much fun when you're short
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holmsister · 2 months
Laios works part-time at a grocery store and is a mildly successful twitch streamer and one time this really fucking hot shirtless dude wanders into frame and everyone on Laios' chat starts freaking out like WHO THE FUCK IS THAT- HAVE YOU EVER SEEN A MAN SO BEAUTIFUL YOU STARTED CRYING- LAIOS THERES A HOT DUDE THERE- and Laios is like ahahah that's my friend Kabru! He sometimes comes over after the gym to take a shower while I make him dinner! He loves my food! And everyone in chat is like LAIOS ARE YOU STUPID- LAIOS FOR THE LOVE OF FUCK- LAIOS HES AFTER ANOTHER KIND OF MEAT- and Laios is a little bit offended like. No! He's just nice! Don't be mean you'll make him uncomfortable!
And then someone recognizes Kabru like "OH SHIT I SAW HIS FOUR PARTER ON ART AND MENTAL ILLNESS IT MADE ME CRY" and they dig up his SMs and he's like. A political commentator and activist/youtuber who speaks like 9 languages and has an history degree despite being like 22 and is working towards an anthropology degree now and pays the bills by being a fucking. Fashion model and there's INSANE photoshoots of him in all sort of artsy high fashion pictures in b&w like covered in bloodied bandages in BDSM gear dressed like a priest etc etc interspersed with like very good thinkpieces on consumerism and art and politics and the very rare YouTube 4-parters on random subjects with INCREDIBLE visuals and everyone is like what the fuck. What the FUCK Laios how do you even KNOW this dude and Laios is like he kept showing up at the grocery store during my turn and asking for ideas on what to make for dinner and one guy in chat asks but aren't you usual on at nighttime and he's like yeah it was like 3am for the most part and everyone is like LAIOS PLEASE
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may12324 · 10 months
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Gale, the Wizard of Waterdeep
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prettygirlpaige · 3 months
if i wasn’t born to be a slut then why does lying back and spreading my legs feel so natural and good??
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nikkinelson1313 · 6 months
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best place to be 😏
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cherierer · 9 months
i think lil nas x continuously doing blasphemy to christianity is really funny and correct actually he should do it more
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mommyssluttt · 2 months
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my view vs your view
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