#the sora white day wataru
starpros-sunshine · 1 year
I like how there's always a matching Wataru to an Eichi card and vice versa
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seangelfish · 3 months
What they do for White Day (pt.1)
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❥ Featured characters: Chiaki Morisawa, HiMERU, Subaru Akehoshi, Natsume Sakasaki, Wataru Hibiki
❥ Tags: Fluff, established relationships/mutual crushes, stories are based on the !! era, no mention of pronouns
❥ A/N: Happy White Day, everyone! (≧◡≦) ♡ Since I wrote this concept for a request for Mayoi (which can be found here), I decided to write for a few more characters through a randomizer (also trying to write for characters I haven't written for yet)!
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Chiaki was thrilled when he received homemade chocolates from you, his lovely partner, for Valentine's Day. It was a dream come true for him! He had always wanted a partner to give him homemade bento boxes for lunch, but this was something entirely new, something even more special!
"Thank you so much, (Y/N)!" he beamed. "I love you!"
He had promised he would repay your love back on White Day, but the time between those days made Chiaki a nervous wreck. He was worried that whatever he did for you wouldn't live up to your expectations, but simultaneously, he was really excited to profess his love to you that day too.
You were going to love whatever he did anyway.
On White Day, Chiaki decided to make you chocolates too. He planned to make white chocolate and decorate it with blue sprinkles along with icing that said, 'Happy White Day!'
With determination and perseverance, Chiaki managed to do it! However, he also got you backup gifts if it tasted bad…
"Happy White Day, (Y/N)! I love you a lot," he said. "Thank you for sticking with me!"
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He didn't expect you to gift him anything for Valentine's Day because your relationship was purely professional. However, when you sought him out, pulling out a beautiful box of chocolates addressed to him, he was completely stunned. Despite how calculating his character was, he didn't calculate this at all.
Yet when he thought about it, piecing two and two together, it made sense that you had feelings for him. He had accepted your feelings on the day, but he also wanted to return the gesture on White Day as he believed you deserved it.
But also because he realised that he did love you too.
HiMERU is one to plan out the perfect date and the perfect gift. He took you out to dinner in a botanical garden restaurant and then surprised you with a glistening white necklace.
As he helped you clip the necklace around your neck, he wished for the newfound relationship to go well.
"Thank you for loving me, (Y/N). I will do my best to treat you in the way you deserve because I have fallen for you too. Happy White Day."
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It has been a year since you have established a relationship with Subaru, one of your closest friends. But despite being friends for so long, he treats you like you mean the world to him even more than before. So when you gifted him your homemade chocolates on Valentine's Day, he was over the moon, jumping up and down in excitement that his lovely partner had gifted him something so special.
"Uwa~ Thank you so much, (Y/N)!" he exclaimed joyfully. "I love it and I love you! Be prepared for White Day, okay~? ☆"
Subaru went all out. After school, he grabbed you by the hand and made you run with him to the park where he swiftly prepared a White Day-themed picnic. In addition to that, he presented you with a gift basket containing all your favourite chocolate and sweets.
"Sorry, I didn't know what to get you, so I got you everything! I hope you like it as much as I like you! Happy White Day, (Y/N)!"
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It was probably the worst time to give him chocolates, but the school day was ending, and you hadn't seen him around until the very end. You had asked Sora for his whereabouts, and he had to guide you to their secret room where Natsume was burning chemicals that smelt like roses.
And that's because he was burning roses.
He was clearly in a bad mood which made you want to chicken out, but you also didn't want to waste your chances. You called out his name, tapping him on the shoulder. When he turned around with a shocked expression on his face, you took his hands and gave him the bag of chocolates.
"Happy Valentine's Day, Natsume."
His face was as red as his hair that day.
He had wanted to accept your feelings right there and then, but he withheld it for White Day. He wanted to prepare you something in return, so when the day finally arrived, he sought out you this time.
When he found you in the gardens, he accepted your love by gifting you a bouquet of white roses that sparkled with the help of his magic, and some heart-shaped candy he had bought.
But what he really wanted to do was confess that he had loved you for the longest time. It was the reason why he was mad that day because he had thought you didn't share the same feelings as you didn't come to see him earlier.
"I was stupid," he admitted. "But I'm not stupid for loving you. Happy White Day, (Y/N)."
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Despite being in a long-time relationship with Wataru, he was really hard to come by when the two of you were at work even when you were a producer at Star Pro. He liked popping in and out of places, so you never knew where he was until he appeared in front of you.
You never tried hunting him down because regardless of that characteristic, he always had time to meet you. So on Valentine's Day, you waited for him to show up to give him your homemade chocolates. He was absolutely delighted, twirling you around and kissing you on the cheek.
Therefore, on White Day, he already had everything planned out. He had Yuzuru give you an invitation to one of his shows which had you confused at first, but you went anyway. What you didn't expect was that the show was specifically for you only.
"My darling, the love of my life, welcome to your White Day show!" he chorused. "Now, let's get started with the first segment! ☆"
The show contained a lot of entertaining magic tricks, doves, and sparkles. When it came to a close, he declared his love for you and out popped a bouquet of white and blue flowers. He jumped off the stage and presented them to you, cupping your cheek affectionately.
"Happy White Day, (Y/N). I hope you enjoyed the show."
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loveregrown · 3 months
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Hi... ramble about switch that occurred like 2 nights ago because I am so happy I finally got Tsumugi’s FS2...
Uglycute-look of him in his unbloomed that I love aside (he’s making cupcakes! To share with those he loves! And smiling at you and licking the cream off of his fingers! Uwah…! He's so strange looking but I love that about him) the bloomed is such the perfect embodiment of him.
His FS1 is too, not to mention how good the story itself was it kills me to think about all the important information spilled & the funny moments only for it to turn gut wrenching and the scene with Natsume where he describes their meeting as fate (and how badly he wanted to see Tsumugi’s feature scout was cute, actually.) or how it matches Wataru’s FS2 which I’ve spoken of before and is an unmoving belief of mine that sickens me to the core, or the ex-fine look of it with just how his hair seems shorter from the front due to his ribbon, & the elegance of his attire, and how the scr only gives it an even more similar look, though quite frankly, not only do I think the original colors are more appealing the fact the blue & the white are inverted only adds more meaning to it I believe.
He is going back to his roots, reclaiming the bluebird symbol for his own despite having once been in a cage. He is out. He couldn’t bring happiness to who he was meant to, but goodness will he try, for others. And perhaps even for himself. I don’t need to explain why his FS1 is beautiful (more than I have in the past) because it just is, it is so very pretty and has such clever imagery for those with eyes to see. He looks so free. Asking Anzu if he could put white feathers was so cute. It makes me so happy to look at… so happy.
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The unbloomed is so ero & how can he manage to convey that while being fully clothed. What the hell. The way his blanket falls off of him makes me want to ask him to cover up further, as Leon vocalized before me, but let’s not talk about that right now. Him getting his much-needed rest after a three day all-nighter & Sora putting a blanket on him the way Tsumugi would for anyone else, known to carry blankets on him in the past, is way too wonderful… he looks so kind & warm & beautiful to the point I could just cry… the lighting and his expression and how he’s in the middle of putting his glasses back on, his lucky item! Uuu.
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In the bloomed version he looks so graceful, as he tends to be—his movements are elegant and languid, even now in the more energetic, sporty unit that he belongs to. Designed to have a polite, high-class impression, down to his sinewy hands just as designers had described him as very purposefully having. He looks so happy to be alive in spite of everything that may contradict that. Because he really is so happy to have been born as he said after the war, and has such a desire to share that same happiness with others, something he is achieving through finding a home within switch & new dimension. It’s peak Tsumugi in every form, from the colors & brightness, to that grace of his… the switch-like colors in the bg in spite of his exfine-ful nature. I could go on forever & ever & ever about how perfect it is to me, & it would never be enough.
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But then there’s his FS2… it’s so perfect as well. He looks so so beautiful, but that aside, it’s like two sides of the same coin; it was so clever despite also being a no-brainer to have made them day & night, matching Bluebird Humming & Dozing Milky Way (or however they will choose to localize/translate it) to a T just look at them. Goodness. The Saturn imagery that drove me wild upon release!!! As I stated back then, most sources would tell me that the planet has the energy of personal responsibility, and karma, and it's known as the god of time (and as I will discuss, time is a big theme in Switch even represented through each individual member and that seems especially important when it comes to Tsumugi for some reason. Aaahh.)
Everything it is meant to represent according to each different source I’ve read from, it’s all too fitting… of obligation, of making up for things, of reminding every action has a consequence and how it teaches us this through tough love, to hand us hardships, although frankly far too many in Tsumugi’s case but rather than learning from them he only gained a skewed sense of reality and learned passivity (or helplessness, even. As in learned helplessness, like from the studies with the dogs.) prior to his sense of awakening after the war. Of actually learning and developing the faith to move forward and detach energetically from the path, something that isn’t as simple as positive affirmations but due to the fact we only have two choices: break under the pressure or develop the faith to carry on. To simply believe. “Saturn represents Time and Matter. The limitation of undefined things, bringing concepts to reality, spirit to body, thoughts to words, life to death.” This definition is as vague as Tsumugi’s self once was, in my opinion. It’s also been stated to represent structure, law, discipline; Tsumugi has many philosophies he follows almost as though it is his very own religion, or something programmed into him, particularly his utilitarianism. There is also responsibility, something he is learning to have, as well as obligation & ambition. I’ve also seen it be connected to the concepts of limitation and restriction, commitment. Our need for limitations and self-control… something we need to succeed in our goals. Something Tsumugi needs, to not throw himself and others away for the sake of his goals or to be a part of something greater, too.
But simply as a card due to its visuals with the galaxy motifs which are all too common with switch (galaxy destiny, pleiades night.) & the addition of magic, it’s the peak of Tsumugi as a member of switch, in comparison to what I’ve mentioned before of the latter and how it is simultaneously aligned with his past & his renewed self, what with the clock in the background reminiscent of the ever so constant, recurring theme of time, and the passage of it, interwoven within switch.
None of what I'm about to mention is anything new, per say. But it's still things I find interesting regardless. Switch are past, present, future, leaving behind the painful past (despite holding onto so many regrets & grudges they are trying their hardest to leave behind, having been shaped by all the horror they experienced — even applying to Sora, with his isolated & lonesome youth.) yet also learning from it, focusing on the present to build a path towards the future, one where no blood has to be shed. Switch are child, teenager, adult—all while reminding you that you never have to let go of that whimsy of yours or magic of the kind they wish to grace the world with, as long as you aren’t using it as a way to detach yourself from reality altogether when there is happiness to be found in the world, and they know this because they have found it in themselves, with each other, and that’s why they want to bring it to you too.
About switch as a child, teenager & adult metaphor part to avoid misinterpretation of my words that ended up in more of a ramble… not even a complete explanation, but still. It’s not literally, but they are used as metaphors for such & tend to play into it both in their writing & their designs—the most obvious being their heights & actual ages themselves, despite being so close in age. Sora has a childish sense of whimsy & kindness, Natsume has the immaturity of a preteen or teenager, the sharpness of one (and previously the chuunibyou to match) and at the end of Wonder Game, he wonders if he’s grown up at all compared to the seniors who attempted to protect and care for him all this time. Tsumugi has a complex over his age, likely in part due to how much of his life he feels he has wasted, & how quick he was forced to grow up, as well as his care-taking nature despite his own lack of care, while merely being seventeen back in the basic era & 18-going-on 19 today. It’s also evident in their unit outfit designs, with Sora having no sleeves & shorts, while Tsumugi shows off a more mature image having pants & long sleeves, and Natsume is in between, with pants but sleeveless shirts to go with it. Sora has quite the emotional tact despite his playful air, more so than the other two who are always stuck in their own worlds, while also having an occasional brattiness. This is so unrelated to the thread or even the original point I was trying to explain, but I love them so much...
Adding onto that, switch are also sunrise or sunset, day, midnight… I am not the first to point it out, exactly. But it even shows in their colour palettes. I can’t make that point more evident than their FS2s do for me! And don’t they look so perfect together at that? It’s all too satisfying… & they are all reaching out towards the viewer. I’ve mentioned that in a prior post! There’s something kind of sinister about Natsume’s, but you feel like you can trust him, in a way? Also, Sora’s FS2 is one of the best cards in the game in my opinion. (Tsumugi’s is too, partly due to bias, although Natsume’s is very pretty I can’t decide if I’d put him up there too… it’s also kind of funny how similar he is to the bride Natsume card’s outfit and color scheme. Decided to give JP only players something similar, but he’ll never be him I fear… still so pretty in full CG despite not liking the card itself that much. Like wowww.)
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According to wikipedia, “night is often associated with danger and evil” (something Tsumugi has been shown to be capable of), “because of the psychological connection of night's all-encompassing darkness to the fear of the unknown and darkness's hindrance of a major sensory system (the sense of sight). Nighttime is naturally associated with vulnerability and danger for human physical survival”. Humanity & what one needs to do to survive in society is something that Tsumugi often mentions, unwarrantedly so. A website said that in dreams, “the darkness of the night symbolizes the unknown and can create a sense of anticipation or unease. It can also represent a time of rest and relaxation, offering a feeling of peace and tranquility.” This is a good way to represent the duality of Tsumugi (his gap moe, one can say), someone so very eerie, capable of cruelty to a sinister degree, all with a smile on his face. And yet he is capable of so much love, of warmth. He may not allow himself to relax, but I am sure he would love to. Especially if he could drag someone else into it. For the darkness to not only be something that evokes fear, but for it to be a comforting blanket. To see the twinkle of stars in the night sky, and know you are not alone. To see the vast space and not feel helpless & small & meaningless, but grateful to be a part of it. Of something. Of anything.
Tsumugi, topically poignant enough, mentioned that his life had felt like walking through a pitch black night until his precious partners (exfine, switch) lit up the road under his feet, as well as his future. He said he wanted to light something in the same way. To help someone, to be someone’s dawn. It’s heart-wrenching, his motivations. I believe he truly can become that light, although, to me, there is beauty to be found in the night. You can see the stars and such beautiful colors and even the milky way so much more clearly.
Nighttime isn’t so scary when you aren’t alone. When you are in the embrace of someone you love in the comfort of your room and feel more safe and alive than you’ve ever been, even in the darkness. Tsumugi also makes me think of the little glow in the dark stars people put on their walls and ceilings, or nice smelling colorful candles, or the lamp I was gifted by my mom, one that was made out of wood and had little drawers & cutouts inside of the lampshade…? I’m unsure how to describe it but it would spin & it looked pretty & it’d have cute shapes on the walls and stuff.
Tsumugi’s eyes are the stars. According to another website, “stars since ancient times are described as forever, hope, destiny, heaven and freedom. They have also for us people great importance and we believe that falling stars make our wishes. Life as we know would not be possible without the heat and light of the sun.” Stars are always there, even during the day, where one cannot see them. Just as happiness can always be found even if you can’t quite see it yet. It will come, just as there will never be a day where night doesn’t.
In dreams, seeing a galaxy or it being a part of it can symbolize “aspirations and the patterns of tomorrow you are shaping through your beliefs. If you meet individuals from another galaxy, you are awakening to your unrecognized potential. The side of you that makes you different from others is being explored.” Tsumugi awakens to his unrecognized potential by being reborn through his relationship with Natsume; experiencing love & pain for the very first time, not physical as he pretends to, but emotional. And unrelatedly, but something I was reminded of with that last point, he sees potential in and is finally learning to appreciate all sides of his unit mates, including their negative emotions. He wants to see all of it rather than tuck it away the way he used to and would have encouraged them to if he was the same Tsumugi he once was, because it was all he knew. Tsumugi is chasing tomorrow, and wants his dear friends to be there with him. Wants to see the good and the bad that will come from it, and love them anyway, no longer pretend it is not there, or find himself unable to see it all together, in spite of his lack of tact.
“Throughout history, the sun symbol has remained a powerful and universal representation of life, energy, and spirituality. Its presence in various cultures and belief systems showcases its enduring significance as a symbol of hope, renewal, and divinity.” “The sun represents life but it's also known to typify energy, power, positivity, and clarity. The sun is a natural force that's outside of our control, but it also illuminates the world around us, helps living creatures navigate the planet, and sustains many essential ecosystems.” This is so, so, so very fitting imagery to attribute to Sora! He is described, in canon (even in card names,) as Switch’s hope. Switch’s guiding light. It also fits into how there's always another day, and that fact alone can bring one hope when all is doomed. He's switch's very own angel, their saving grace. He is also very much a bundle of energy, emanating brightness and overall splendour. His inviting nature and how easy to approach he is being as warm as it, like a ray of sunlight to bask in—something comforting, something that does not burn. Unbridled passion in youth and as stated prior, this youth seems to be very intentional within his writing. The sun is also associated with intuition and emotional depth, which I think is fitting for Sora!
“Sunrises are defined as time in the morning when the sun appears, or full daylight arrives. The sunrise symbolizes birth, growth, new beginnings of all kinds, and resurrection. Every sunrise gives you a new beginning and new ending.” Natsume was who brought Tsumugi, or at least what culminated, his rebirth, his new beginning. And he will be there at the very end, as per their promise—their contract, as Tsumugi states. (He doesn’t know how evil that made me. To bring back the same language used in the friendship that tore him apart, to hold the same devotion he had for him with Natsume; to promise to hold him so he won’t break the way he does in grand slam.) Natsume also put an end to the false reality he attempted to cling to, once he came to a resolve; essentially, his chuuni sacrifice as I’ve mentioned in a prior post!
Natsume’s eyes being a warm yellow, compared to Tsumugi’s paler, more golden yellow, like the light from the sun… the sun brings life. Just as he has. I don’t mean to tie everything to Tsumugi, but they are interwoven, just like the strands of hair Tsumugi wished to tie together. Perhaps we can also take into account the way the sun is capable of warmth and of burning you, too. That if you stare for too long, it’ll hurt you.
It hurts him too. He doesn’t want you to stare. He doesn’t want you to see what’s inside.
I’ve always loved how Natsume & Tsumugi’s eyes are golden, but in entirely different hues. It reminds me of how both regarding their childhood and troubles, despite being opposites at a first glance or with little knowledge about them, how similar they are while also being different becomes more obvious. And then, Sora has golden locks to match. The green in his hair despite them being made to represent the primary colours which is also so wonderful adds to him as the embodiment of switch as a whole since it is the same neon green as their theme colour, I would say he is the personification of what their unit represents, so it’s only fitting. The one carrying the unit on his back, in a sense. He is what holds them together; the glue that seeps into the cracks. It doesn’t mean he isn’t deserving of love and care, they really wish they could give it all to him, all the love in the world & more. They may have failed at it, leading to Natsume’s self harm outburst & Tsumugi comparing himself to his own mother, something he is desperate to never become as he slowly realizes that it wasn’t right, the things she did to him. How nobody deserves that; even if he still believes he did. But they will try again, and again. Sora makes perfect sense as their manager. Sora is who drags them out of them… just like they dragged him out of the darkness with their love and nurturing. They were his guiding light, and now he is theirs, they could not live functionally (though, arguably, Tsumugi lives in barely functional manner.) without each other… oh!!! No member of Switch is unimportant!!! Without one, they will all fall apart, like pillars holding up their very own future! (ノ_<。)
I wasn’t necessarily trying to say anything or make any points. Just thinking aloud, or thinking as I wrote, is all. I loge Tumugi. I love switch.
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rubys-domain · 7 months
Personal Enstars Event Roadmap (Made By A 2winkP)
🚃 SS Arc/6th Stage Sanctuary (Tour Event)
5★ Wataru Hibiki | fine | Pf
5★ Tomoya Mashiro | ra*bits | Da
🔖 Fruitful OCTOBER (Scout) (11/24/2023 →25)
5★ (Awaiting the Day of Harvest) Yuta Aoi | Da
EXCEED - Eden (- 11/20/2023)
(11/21/2023 - 11/~26/2023)
🚃 SS Arc/7th Stage Sudden Death (Tour Event) (10/15/2021 - 10/23/2021) (11-26-2023 - 12-04-2023)
5★ Kohaku Oukawa | Double Face | Pf | Glitter Pf
5★ Tsukasa Suou | Knights | Da | Brilliant Da
(12/5/2023 - 12/10/2024)
4 unrelated events
Gekkou Kitan - Akatsuki (10/31/2021 - 11/08/2021) (12/10/2023 - 12/18/2023)
5★ (Moon of Fresh Blood) Keito Hasumi | Akatsuki | Vo | Glitter Vo | N/A
4★ (Blood Tide of the Moon) Souma Kanzaki | Akatsuki | IR Total 57,236
(12/19/2023 - 12/24/2023)
FORBIDDEN RAIN - Undead (11/15/2021 - 11/23/2021) (12/24/2023 - 1/1/2024)
5★ (Beast and Ambassador) Adonis Otogari | Undead | Da | Sparkle Da↑ | Large Red Gem Drops
4★ (Beast and Artist) Koga Oogami | Undead | IR Total 57,369
(1/2/2024 - 1/~6 7/2024)
Nekketsu☆Ryusei Ninpouchou - Ryuseitai (11/30/2021 - 12/8/2021) (1/7/2024 - 1/15/2024)
5★ (Ninpou, Modern-ize) Shinobu Sengoku | Ryuseitai | Vo | Sparkle Vo↑ | All Blue Gem Drops
4★ (Ninpou, Hardworking-ism) Tetora Nagumo | Ryuseitai | IR Total 56,364
4★ (Ninpou, Yuru-style) Midori Takamine | Ryuseitai | IR Total 58,577
(1/16/2024 - 1/20/2024)
Noir Neige - La Mort (Ritsu, Rei, Nagisa, Mayoi, Kohaku) (12/15/2021 - 12/23/2021) (1/21/2024 - 1/29/2024)
5★ (Eternal Reaper) Ritsu Sakuma | Knights | Da | Glitter Total↑ | Large Red Gem Drops
4★ (Freezing Reaper) Mayoi Ayase | Alkaloid | IR Total 58,520
4★ (Half-Reaper Boy) Kohaku Oukawa | Crazy:B | IR Total 56,752
(1/30/2024 - 2/~5/2024)
🚃 SS Arc/Final Stage SS (Large-scale Tour Event) (12/31/2021 - 1/8/2022) (2/~6/2024 - 2/~13/2024)
5★ (Red that Sings for the Advent of Morning) Eichi Tenshouin | fine | Pf | Brilliant Pf↑ | Large Yellow Gem Drops
5★ (Red that Pierces Through the Clouds) Tori Himemiya | fine | Da | Flash Da↑ | N/A
5★ (White that Sings for the Break of Dawn) Nagisa Ran | Eden | Pf | Flash Pf↑ | N/A
5★ (White that Illuminates the Darkness) Hiyori Tomoe | Eden | Vo | Sparkle Total↑ | Large Blue Gem Drops
4★ (Sky-Clearing Red) Wataru Hibiki | fine | IR Total 55,405
4★ (Meditating Red) Yuzuru Fushimi | fine | IR Total 55,854
4★ (Sprouting White) Ibara Saegusa | Eden | IR Total 57,227
Feathers of Ark - fine
Deep Eclipse - Eden
(2/~14/2024 - 2/~21/2024)
🔖 Hinata Feature Scout (Scout) (01/10/2022 - 01/25/2022) (2/~22/2024 - 3/~8/2024)
5★ (Colors Mixed Together) Hinata Aoi | Da
3★ (Gamer Pride) Yuta Aoi
Finder Girl - Trickstar (01/15/22 - 01/23/22) (2/~21/2024 - 2/~29/2024)
5★ (Reminiscing on the Four Seasons) Mao Isara | Trickstar | Pf | Glitter Pf↑ | All Yellow Gem Drops
4★ (Snapshotting the Four Seasons) Makoto Yuuki | Trickstar | IR Total 58,748
(3/~1/2024 - 3/~7/2024)
1 unrelated event
Believe 4 leaves - Alkaloid (01/31/22 - 02/08/22) (3/~7/2024 - 3/~14/2024)
5★ (Phantom Ship of Hope) Mayoi Ayase | Alkaloid | Vo | Sparkle Total↑ | All Blue Gem Drops
4★ (Phantom Ship of Dreams) Aira Shiratori | Alkaloid | IR Total 58,881
(3/~15/2024 - 3/~21/2024)
Chocolat♥Love Letter Covered in Hearts* (Unit Event) (2/15/2022 - 2/23/2022) (3/~21/2024 - 3/29/2024)
5★ (Heartfelt Love Letter) Yuta Aoi | Pf | Sparkle Pf↑ | Large Yellow Gem Drops
4★ (Authentic Love Letter) Hinata Aoi | IR Total 58,671
Swee2wink Love Letter - 2wink
*+ Valentine's Day Campaign...? idk unclear if it already happened or not from the wiki
(3/~30/2024 - 4/~5/2024)
1 unrelated event
Brilliant Smile - Switch (2/28/2022 - 3/8/2022) (
5★ (Steadfast Carat) Tsumugi Aoba | Switch | Vo | Brilliant Vo↑ | N/A
4★ (Skilled Carat) Sora Harukawa | Switch | IR Total 55,405
FUSION LIVE: Crazy:B × 2wink (Mini Event) (3/9/2022 - 3/14/2022)
1 unrelated event
Acanthe - Valkyrie (03/15/2022 - 03/23/2022)
5★ (Sealed Display of Specimens) Mika Kagehira | Valkyrie | Da | Flash Da↑ | Large Red Gem Drops
Ensemble Tag Team Mission Run 1 (Campaign) (3/15/2022 - 4/18/2022)
5★ (Tag Team Challenge) Yuta Aoi | Da | Brilliant Total↑
First Bloom*A Spring Evening's Brief Respite (Unit Event) (03/31/2022 - 04/08/2022)
3★ (Evening Song) Hinata Aoi
No name yet - Double Face
5★ (Cherry Blossom-Colored Evening) Kohaku Oukawa | Crazy:B | Da | Brilliant Da↑ | N/A
🔖 Puffy☆Bunny (Scout) (04/15/2022 - 04/23/2022)
5★ (Sunny Bunny) Hinata Aoi | 2wink | Pf | Flash Total↑ | Large Yellow Gem Drops
Paradigm Reversi! - Puffy☆Bunny (Wataru, Hinata, Mika, Hiiro, Shinobu)
5★ (Lively Bunny) Wataru Hibiki | fine | Pf | Sparkle Pf↑ | All Yellow Gem Drops
4★ (Smiley Bunny) Shinobu Sengoku | Ryuseitai | IR Total 58,416
Ensemble Tag Team Mission Run 2 (Campaign) (4/28/2022 - 5/31/2022)
5★ (Tag Team Challenge) Yuta Aoi | 2wink | Da | Brilliant Total↑
🔖 Band BB (Scout) (04/29/22 - 05/14/22)
4★ (Singing Keyboardist) Yuta Aoi
3★ (Harmonizing Bassist) Hinata Aoi
5★ (Howling Guitarist) Koga Oogami | Undead | Pf | Glitter Pf ↑ | Combo
Reminiscence*The Obbligato Played by Iridescence (Tour Event) (04/30/2022 - 05/08/2022)
5★ (Shards of a Brilliant Display) Tatsumi Kazehaya | Alkaloid | Da | Glitter Total ↑ | N/A
5★ (Shards of a Desired Brilliance) HiMERU | Crazy:B | Pf | Flash Pf ↑ | N/A
3 unrelated events
Daydream×Reality - Trickstar (5/15/2022 - 5/23/2022)
5★ (Games and IRL) Makoto Yuuki | Trickstar | Pf | Brilliant Pf↑ | All Yellow Gem Drops
Sustain Memories - Undead (05/31/2022 - 06/08/2022)
5★ (Bride of Blessings) Kaoru Hakaze | Undead | Vo | Glitter Vo↑ | Large Blue Gem Drops
4★ (Warm Bride) Adonis Otogari | Undead | IR Total 57,107
Natsudori no Uta -Summer Bird- - Akatsuki (06/15/2022 - 06/23/2022)
5★ (The Aspiring Star-in-Waiting) Souma Kanzaki | Akatsuki | Vo | Glitter Vo↑ | All Blue Gem Drops
4★ (Ever-Watching Moon) Keito Hasumi | Akatsuki | IR Total 54,812
Ensemble Tag Team Mission Run 3 (Campaign) (6/24/2022 - 7/9/2022)
5★ (Tag Team Challenge) Yuta Aoi | Da | Brilliant Total↑
🚃 Yumenosaki Divided/The Tanabata Festival that Bridges Hope (Tour Event) (06/30/2022 - 07/08/2022)
5★ (Gazing upon the Tanabata Sky) Adonis Otogari | Undead | Vo | Flash Total↑ | N/A
5★ (Wishing upon the Tanabata Sky) Arashi Narukami | Knights | Da | Brilliant Da↑ | IDOL PIECE DROP RATE
4★ (Shouting Song during Tanabata) Koga Oogami | Undead | IR Total 55,405
4★ (A Night to Enjoy Tanabata) Ritsu Sakuma | Knights | IR Total 55,840
🔖 Polka Dots (Scout) (7/14/2022 - 7/29/2022)
4★ (Polka Dot Heart) Hinata Aoi
Romancing Cruise - Switch (7/15/2022 - 7/23/2022)
5★ (Cruise of Encounters) Natsume Sakasaki | Switch | Vo | Sparkle Vo↑ | N/A
4★ (Cruise of Planning) Tsumugi Aoba | Switch | IR Total 57,597
1 unrelated event
Coruscate Breeze - Knights (7/31/2022 - 8/8/2022)
5★ (Sunshine in a Foreign Country) Leo Tsukinaga | Knights | Pf | Glitter Pf↑ | All Yellow Gem Drops
4★ (Contest in the Sunshine) Izumi Sena | Knights | IR Total 58,898
🚃 Battle of Yumenosaki! The Sports Festival to Declare Your Presence (Tour Event) (8/15/2022 - 8/23/2022)
5★ (Bewildered Sports Festival) Aira Shiratori | Alkaloid | Vo | Sparkle Total↑ | EXP Ticket Drop Rate
5★ (Optimistic Sports Festival) Tomoya Mashiro | ra*bits | Pf | Brilliant Pf↑ | N/A
4★ (Sports Festival Plans) Makoto Yuuki | Trickstar | IR Total 56,389
4★ (Sports Festival Specialty) Sora Harukawa | Switch | IR Total 56,597
3★ (Advantageous Sports Festival) Yuta Aoi
1 unrelated event
FIST OF SOUL - Butou-kai (Kuro, Madara, Jun, Tetora, Adonis) (8/31/2022 - 9/8/2022)
5★ (Flame Within the Fist) Kuro Kiryu | Akatsuki | Pf | Sparkle Pf↑ | All Yellow Gem Drops
4★ (Fighting Spirit's Flame) Tetora Nagumo | Ryuseitai | IR Total 57,250
4★ (Gallant Flame) Adonis Otogari | Undead | IR Total 57,831
COVER SONG SERIES: Switch & 2wink with Hatsune Miku & Kagamine Rin・Len (Mini Event) (9/9/2022 - 9/14/2022)
3★ (Tell Your Song) Hinata Aoi
3★ (Tell Your Rhythm) Yuta Aoi
(ik eng isn't getting this, i just put it here anyway for torture to see wtf else is going to happen at the date this is supposed to happen)
🔖 MIRAGE (Scout) (9/14/2022 - 9/30/2022)
5★ (A Figure Like a Mirage) Yuta Aoi | Vo | Glitter Total↑ | All Blue Gem Drops
3★ (Mirage and Hesitation) Hinata Aoi
VERMILION - Alkaloid (9/15/2022 - 9/23/2022)
5★ (Determined Card) Hiiro Amagi | Alkaloid | Da | Flash Da↑ | Large Red Gem Drops
4★ (Observing Card) Mayoi Ayase | Alkaloid | IR Total 58,192
🚃 Wandering Yumenosaki/School Trip to the Mainland! (Tour Event) (9/30/2022 - 10/8/2022)
5★ (Land and Continent) Midori Takamine | Ryuseitai | Da | Glitter Da↑ | Interesting Live Skill | Large Red Gem Drops
5★ (Land and Sun) Mitsuru Tenma | Ra*bits | Vo | Sparkle Total↑ | IDOL PIECE DROP RATE
4★ (Land and Journey) Tetora Nagumo | Ryuseitai | IR Total 57,295
4★ (Land and Foreign Country) Hajime Shino | Ra*bits | IR Total 55,863
3★ (Separated Land) Hinata Aoi
2 unrelated events
Ghostic Treat House - fine (10/15/2022 - 10/23/2022)
5★ (Ghostic Phenomenon) Yuzuru Fushimi | fine | Pf | Glitter Pf↑ | Large Yellow Gem Drops
4★ (Ghostic Experience) Tori Himemiya | fine | IR Total 56,763
Helter-Spider - Crazy:B (10/31/2022 - 11/8/2022)
5★ (Panic-Stricken Spider) Kohaku Oukawa | Crazy:B | Vo | Flash Total↑ | Large Blue Gem Drops
4★ (Sweet Spider) Niki Shiina | Crazy:B | IR Total 57,222
🔖 BLEND+ (Scout) (11/14/2022 - 11/29/2022)
4★ (Easygoing Blend) Yuta Aoi
5★ (Specialty Blend) Shu Itsuki | Valkyrie | Vo | Brilliant Vo↑ | Large Blue Gem Drops
Heart aid Cafeteria - BLEND+ (11/15/2022 - 11/23/2022)
5★ (Affectionate Blend) Tsumugi Aoba | Switch | Da | Sparkle Da↑ | Large Blue Gem Drops
4★ (Relaxation Blend) Koga Oogami | Undead | IR Total 57,382
🚃 Vowing Yumenosaki/The Final Mystery and StarFes (Tour Event) (11/30/2022 - 12/8/2022)
5★ (StarFes of Bonds) Shinobu Sengoku | Ryuseitai | Da | Flash Da↑ | EXP Ticket Drop Rate
5★ (StarFes of Mystery) Mayoi Ayase | Alkaloid | Vo | Brilliant Vo↑ | N/A
4★ (Compassion and StarFes) Souma Kanzaki | Akatsuki | IR Total 57,165
4★ (Magic and StarFes) Natsume Sakasaki | Switch | IR Total 55,841
6 unrelated events
Have you been naughty or nice? - Flambé! (12/15/2022 - 12/23/2022)
5★ (Igniting Motivation) Rinne Amagi | Crazy:B | Da | Flash Total↑ | Large Red Gem Drops
4★ (Flame that Ignites Sensitivity) Yuzuru Fushimi | fine | IR Total 57,451
HELLO, NEW YEAR! - MaM (12/31/2022 - 1/8/2023)
5★ (Scenery of New Color) Madara Mikejima | MaM | Pf | Glitter Pf↑ | All Yellow Gem Drops
4★ (Scenery of Colored Memories) Arashi Narukami | Knights | IR Total 56,317
Harenohi Sugar Wave - Ra*bits (1/15/2023 -mde 1/23/2023)
5★ (Off to my Future Self!) Hajime Shino | Ra*bits | Pf | Sparkle Pf↑ | Large Yellow Gem Drops
4★ (Off to Search Possibilities) Nazuna Nito | Ra*bits | IR Total 55,486
Colors Arise - Ryuseitai (1/31/2023 - 2/8/2023)
5★ (Unlimited Power Struggle) Tetora Nagumo | Ryuseitai | Pf | Flash Pf↑ | All Yellow Gem Drops
4★ (Unlimited Effort) Shinobu Sengoku | Ryuseitai | IR Total 57,322
4★ (Unlimited United Front) Chiaki Morisawa | Ryuseitai | IR Total 57,066
Melting Rouge Soul - Adam (2/15/2023 - 2/23/2023)
Ruby Love - Eve
5★ (A Fragment of Fixation) Ibara Saegusa | Eden | Vo | Sparkle Vo↑ | Large Blue Gem Drops
Meikyuu Denshi Kairou - Valkyrie (2/28/2023 - 3/8/2023)
5★ (Creator of Machina) Mika Kagehira | Valkyrie | Vo | Glitter Vo↑ | Large Blue Gem Drops
🚃 Beyond Turbulent Dreams/A Graduation Standing With You (Tour Event) (3/15/2023 - 3/23/2023)
5★ (Passion Beyond Dreams) Hokuto Hidaka | Trickstar | Pf | Glitter Total↑ | IDOL JEWEL DROP RATE
5★ (Brilliance Beyond Dreams) Subaru Akehoshi | Trickstar | Vo | Sparkle Vo↑ | Interesting Live Skill | N/A
4★ (Data Beyond Dreams) Makoto Yuuki | Trickstar | IR Total 56,016
4★ (Trust Beyond Dreams) Mao Isara | Trickstar | IR Total 57,635
Expression of Gratitude! The Ebb and Flow of the Big Ocean (Unit Event) (3/31/2023 - 4/8/2023)
5★ (Challenging the Big Ocean) Hinata Aoi | Vo | Sparkle Total↑ | Large Blue Gem Drops
4★ (Crossing the Big Ocean) Yuta Aoi
🚃 Origin★Singing the Starry Sky Altered (Tour Event) (4/15/2023 - 4/23/2023)
5★ (The Origin of Desire) Rei Sakuma | Undead | Da | Brilliant Da↑ | Interesting Live Skill | Large Red Gem Drops
5★ (The Origin of Legend) Eichi Tenshouin | fine | Vo | Glitter Vo↑ | EXP Ticket Drop Rate
4★ (The Origin of Change) Kanata Shinkai | Ryuseitai | IR Total 56,794
4★ (The Origin of Mastery) Nagisa Ran | Eden | IR Total 55,808
Twilight Pentagram - Altered (Five Eccentrics)
Dawning Angels - fine-O (past fine)
1 unrelated event
Or the Beautiful Golden Drop - Knights (4/30/2023 - 5/8/2023)
5★ (Mad Party Where Dreams Come True) Izumi Sena | Knights | Pf | Brilliant Pf↑ | Large Yellow Gem Drops
4★ (Watching Over the Mad Party) Leo Tsukinaga | Knights | IR Total 57,146
4★ (Stirring up the Mad Party) Ritsu Sakuma | Knights | IR Total 56,641
🚃 Bridegroom Training?/Wedding March! (Tour Event) (5/15/2023 - 5/23/2023)
5★ (Burning Bridegroom Training) Chiaki Morisawa | Ryuseitai | Da | Sparkle Total↑ | EXP Tickets Drop Rate
5★ (Determining Bridegroom Training) Jun Sazanami | Eden | Pf | Flash Pf↑ | Interesting Live Skill | N/A
4★ (Heartening Bridegroom Training) Nagisa Ran | Eden | IR Total 57,120
3 unrelated events
Crazy Anthem - Crazy:B (5/31/2023 - 6/8/2023)
5★ (Number Carrying a Dream) Rinne Amagi | Crazy:B | Pf | Sparkle Pf↑ | Large Yellow Gem Drops
4★ (Number of an Unreasonable Demand) HiMERU | Crazy:B | IR Total 57,118
Parallel Maze - Ra*bits (6/15/2023 - 6/23/2023)
5★ (Genuine Possibility) Tomoya Mashiro | Ra*bits | Pf | Glitter Pf↑ | Large Yellow Gem Drops
4★ (Greatest Possibility) Mitsuru Tenma | Ra*bits | IR Total 57,192
RELAX PARADISE - Ryuseitai (6/30/2023 - 7/8/2023)
5★ (Yuru Star Paradise) Midori Takamine | Ryuseitai | Pf | Brilliant Pf↑ | Large Yellow Gem Drops
4★ (Individuality Paradise) Shinobu Sengoku | Ryuseitai | IR Total 57,753
4★ (Reborn Paradies) Kanata Shinkai | Ryuseitai | IR Total 56,717
🚃 Cooking Showdown/Drifting? Island (Tour Event) (7/15/2023 - 7/23/2023)
5★ (Pursuit Island) Niki Shiina | Crazy:B | Vo | Flash Vo↑ | Interesting Live Skill | N/A
5★ (Acquisition Island) Nazuna Nito | Ra*bits | Pf | Glitter Pf↑ | EXP Ticket Drop Rate
4★ (Rivaling Island) Mao Isara | Trickstar | IR Total 56,433
4★ (Wise Planning Island) Rei Sakuma | Undead | IR Total 57,119
3★ (Miscalculation Island) Hinata Aoi
3 unrelated events
Bye-Bye Buddy - Double Face (7/31/2023 - 8/8/2023)
5★ (Guardian of Dawn) Madara Mikejima | MaM | Pf | Brilliant Total↑ | Large Yellow Gem Drops
4★ (Guardian of the Way Home) Kohaku Oukawa | Crazy:B | IR Total 57,152
Dreaming Ocean - fine (8/15/2023 - 8/23/2023)
5★ (Crown of the Blue Sea) Tori Himemiya | fine | Vo | Flash Vo↑ | Large Blue Gem Drops
4★ (Clown of the Blue Sea) Wataru Hibiki | fine | IR Total 57,174
Le temps des fleurs - Valkyrie (8/31/2023 - 9/8/2023)
5★ (Speaking Love Story) Shu Itsuki | Valkyrie | Pf | Flash Total↑ | Large Yellow Gem Drops
4★ (Speaking Artist) Mika Kagehira | Valkyrie | IR Total 57,194
🚃 Riddle・Solution/Escape Mansion (Tour Event) (9/15/2023 - 9/23/2023)
5★ (Moonlight Escape) Koga Oogami | Undead | Vo | Flash Vo↑ | IDOL JEWEL DROP RATE
5★ (Victory Escape) Tsukasa Suou | Knights | Da | Sparkle Da↑ | Interesting Live Skill | Large Red Gem Drops
4★ (Quick-Wit Escape) Midori Takamine | Ryuseitai | IR Total 57,103
4★ (Temptation Escape) Kaoru Hakaze | Undead | IR Total 56,554
Two Sides◆2×2 of Lies And Truth (Climax Event) (9/30/2023 - 10/8/2023)
5★ (The Back Road to Center Stage) Yuta Aoi | Pf | Flash Pf↑ | Large Yellow Gem Drops
4★ (Presenting Secret Tricks) Hinata Aoi | 57,142
Love×me⇄monsteR - 2wink
Banquet Beneath the Clouded Moon (Scout) (10/14/2023 - 10/30/2023)
3★ (Banquet of Reflecting Everyday Life) Yuta Aoi
UNDYING HOLY LOVE - Alkaloid (10/15/2023 - 10/23/2023)
5★ (Eternal Holistic) Tatsumi Kazehaya | Alkaloid | Pf | Sparkle Total↑ | Large Yellow Gem Drops
An Earnest Swordfight/Chanbara Night (Tour Event) (10/31/2023 - 11/8/2023)
5★ (Earnest Chanbara Night) Mao Isara | Pf | Flash Pf↑ | Interesting Live Skill | N/A
5★ (Moonlight Chanbara Night) Ritsu Sakuma | Vo | Sparkle Vo↑ | EXP Ticket Drop Rate
4★ (True Ability Chanbara Night) Yuzuru Fushimi | fine | IR Total 56,488
Split Paths*The Admired Figure and Flashback (Unit Event) (11/15/2023 - 11/23/2023)
5★ (Path of Ascertaining) Rei Sakuma | Undead | Vo | Glitter Vo↑ | Large Blue Gem Drops
4★ (Unwavering Path) Koga Oogami | Undead | IR Total 57,150
Sublimation*The Grand Stage of the Rumbling Heavens and Earth (Unit Event) (11/30/2023 - 12/8/2023)
5★ (Grand Stage Under the Heavens) Keito Hasumi | Akatsuki | Vo | Sparkle Vo↑ | Large Blue Gem Drops
4★ (Grand Stage Filled With the Heavens) Kuro Kiryu | fine | IR Total 57,164
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crashkeyes · 2 years
Voice | Home | Work | Office
fine | Trickstar | RYUSEITAI | ALKALOID
Eden | 2wink | Valkyrie | Crazy:B
Switch | Knights | MaM | Double Face
Eichi | Wataru | Yuzuru | Tori
Subaru | Hokuto | Makoto | Mao
Chiaki | Kanata | Tetora | Shinobu | Midori
Hiiro | Aira | Mayoi | Tatsumi
Nagisa | Ibara | Hiyori | Jun
Hinata | Yuuta
Shu | Mika
Rinne | Niki | HiMERU | Kohaku
Keito | Kuro | Souma
Rei | Kaoru | Koga | Adonis
Nazuna | Tomoya | Hajime | Mitsuru
Natsume | Tsumugi | Sora
Leo | Izumi | Ritsu | Arashi | Tsukasa
Jin | Akiomi
Tanabata | Hydrangeas | Pumpkins | Maple Tree
Knitting Sofa | Kotatsu | Fortune Cookies
Kogaball | Gundam Chair
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justsoohi · 1 year
Flash! / Episode 7
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Sora: The day has finally come. Are you ready, Shinobu-chan?
Shinobu: Yes, I didn't forget to practice my "Blush Flash" this morning... However. Before that, I have something to say.
Sora: .......?
Shinobu: Harukawa-kun. I'm really happy that you've been training with me
When I was a first-year student, I was alone in the "Ninja Club".
It's thanks to Mayoi-dono, who joined me and everyone who has been training with me, that I'm able to enjoy being a ninja idol with confidence.
It's because there are people like Harukawa-kun who enjoy "playing ninja" with me like this, I can be myself without changing my "likes".
From now on, we'll train together again—no, we'll play multiplayer!
Sora: HaHa~! Shinobu-chan too you always help sora a lot~♪ Let's play multiplayer together again. Shinobu-chan!
Shinobu: Well then, let's go. Harukawa-kun!
Sora: facing the camera—
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<a few days later>
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Wataru: Fufufu. I never thought there was a yabumi in the room ♪
I thought for a moment that it was a samurai because there was no name on the scroll. But I recognized the sender at once considering the other day's events.
Are you here, Shinobu-kun? Sora-kun?
Shinobu: Mufun. We're not the only one
Sora: Anzu, please come out!
Wataru: Oya? oya oya oya..... Anzu-san was hiding too?
You've got a point on me. I thought there were two of you, but there were actually three... ♪
So... What can I do for you? Did you forget how to do the "Blush Flash" or something?
Sora: No, that's not right~♪ Sora and Shinobu-chan called everyone together as a thank you for the success of the shoot ♪
It looks like Mitsu-chan will arrive a little late due to the shooting. But we have something we want to give to everyone!
Wataru: Give us ....something?
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Shinobu: Fufufu. It's a little early for the actual performance, but we both just had a White Day job.
...So, That's why. I bought some expensive cookies♪
Wataru: fufu, So that's what it's all about
Then, let's have it gratefully, shall we? Since we are here, it might be a good idea to wait for Tenma-kun to arrive and have tea together♪
Sora: Good idea! Let's do it!
Shinobu: Then, I want you two to wait here! I can't let our guests make tea for us so take a good rest♪
Let's go. Harukawa-kun♪ Shutata....☆
Sora: Yes! Sora will help too~♪ Shutata......☆
Wataru: Fufufu, what a cute ninjas♪
I'm glad I was able to get close to them through "Blush Flash"♪
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Mitsuru: I'm sorry I'm sorry, I'm late~!
Ah, the perverted masked senpai and Anzu-ne~chan! Did the two of you hand over the arrow to me~?
Wataru: No no. Sora-kun and Shinobu-kun called us, Right now the two of them are brewing tea. It seems to be a thank you for teaching them the "Blush Flash"
Tenma-kun, would you like to enjoy cookies and tea together?
Mitsuru: I'm reeeeally hungry right now. Are you sure I can? I'm so happy~♪
Well then, I should help them right away! I'm going to see Sora-chan and Shinobu-chan!
Daash Daaash Daaaash ☆
Wataru: ...it seems there might have been three ninjas instead of two
...Hm? You haven't seen my "Blush Flash" yet?
Now that you mention it. I didn't perform "Blush Flash" in front of Anzu-san~, I was just having young children accompany me to practice.
Ho we ver... Such expressions won't come so easily. I wonder if I should show it only in front of someone important to me.
...Just kidding♪teasing you like this was kind of rude, But of course! Anzu-san is a very important person to me. I humbly accept your offer
I would like to thank Anzu-san for always watching over us as we take on new challenges.
Well then, Please watch— "Blush Flash".....☆
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0 notes
kimonobeat · 4 years
Hitoto Yo Lyrics: Hanamizuki (ハナミズキ; Flowering Dogwood)
English translation and romanization below the cut.
You hold out your hand And push up the sky. Oh May Please, come here Please come to the water’s edge I’ll give you flower buds The flowering dogwood in my garden
Light pink, and so very adorable I hope your never-ending dreams end as they should I hope you and the one you love last for a hundred years
Summer is too hot And my feelings are too heavy for you If we crossed together I’m sure our boat would sink Please, go on Please go on ahead
I hope my patience will bear fruit someday And the never-ending waves stop as they should I hope you and the one you love last for a hundred years
Hoist your white sails In pursuit of fluttering butterflies On Mother’s Day, Please send a dogwood leaf No need to wait No need to know
Light pink, and so very adorable I hope your never-ending dreams end as they should I hope you and the one you love last for a hundred years
I hope my patience will bear fruit someday And the never-ending waves stop as they should I hope you and the one you love last for a hundred years
I hope you and the one you love last for a hundred years
sora wo oshi-agete te wo nobasu kimi gogatsu no koto douka kite hoshii mizugiwa made kite hoshii tsubomi wo ageyou niwa no hanamizuki
usubeni-iro no kawaii kimi no ne hatenai yume ga chanto owarimasu you ni kimi to suki na hito ga hyaku-nen tsudzukimasu you ni
natsu wa atsu-sugiet boku kara kimochi wa omo-sugite issho ni wataru ni wa kitto fune ga shinjau douzo yukinasai osaki ni yukinasai
boku no gaman ga itsuka mi wo musubi hatenai nami ga chanto tomarimasou you ni kimi to suki na hito ga hyaku-nen tsudzukimasu you ni
hirari chouchou wo oikakete shroi ho wo agete haha no hi ni nareba mizuki no ha okutte kudasai matanakutemo ii yo shiranakutemo ii yo
usubeni-iro no kawaii kimi no ne hatenai yume ga chanto owarimasu you ni kimi to suki na hito ga hyaku-nen tsudzukimasu you ni
boku no gaman ga itsuka mi wo musubi hatenai nami ga chanto tomarimasou you ni kimi to suki na hito ga hyaku-nen tsudzukimasu you ni
kimi to suki na hito ga hyaku-nen tsudzukimasu you ni
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mizuki-suteko · 7 years
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My Enstars cosplays ☆~~!!  (till now) I want to get to know more enstars lovers so I do this post Pls help me to reblog if u would like, thank you;u;;!! (in order to get in touch with more enstars producer)
(Akito as Chiaki, ritsu as Tetora, little bee as Shinobu, Shizuku as Kanata, Bean as Wataru, Kiri as Hokuto, photo thanks 06, Ryo, ritsu, piko, Ivan, Shouko, Akito, Y-ko, Sum, Kaka)
I am ra*bits P, Ryuseitai P, and Valkyrie P!! (艸 Midori and Tomoya are my best boys, and I love Mika, Nazuna, Hajime, Chiaki, and Sora~~!! I ship Chiamidochia, hokutomo, tomohaji, Nazumika the most!! And I also love natsusora My fav club is theatre club The event/gacha stories are always awesome o<-<    the stories of detective, strawberry, Ryuseitai white day are my fav stories ❤ ❤ !!
I love following people whom have the same interest with me, so pls let me know and follow if u love enstars (and posting enstars memes)!!
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kratranslations · 7 years
Kra Lyrics [translation]: クロックラビット / Clock Rabbit
From the album 次の物語 (Tsugi no monogatari)
Romaji & Translation 
Clock Rabbit
Lyrics: Keiyuu
Music: Taizo
isoge isoge ikanakucha yoru ga kuruu mae ni yami ga kimi no subete nomikomu mae ni modore modore kaenakucha joou (are) ga kuru mae ni dare mo kare mo kuchi wo tozasu mae ni Hurry, hurry, we have to go, before the night goes mad Before the darkness consumes every part of you Go back, go back, we have to change it, before that - the queen - comes, Before everyone closes their mouths
kowareta tokei no hari wo modoshite kuroneko to shironeko no warutsu wo saa odorimashou Turning back the hand on a broken clock Let’s dance the waltz of the black cat and the white cat
yoru wo tsumuida doresu kite ame wo chiribameta houseki to akai ki no mi no kutsu wo haki ningyou no you ni odoru kimi to Wearing a dress spun from the night And jewels of studded stars Wearing shoes of red fruit With you who dances like a doll
toki wo wataru tsuki no fune ni notte saa, dekakeyou guranburuu no sora e We board the ship of the moon which sails across time Well, let’s go To the grand blue sky
dame da dame da ikanakucha toki ga shinu mae ni yoru no yami to karasu ga mazaru mae ni modore modore kaenakucha ongakukai (ano hi) yori mae ni boushi kaburu kare wo sukuwanakya It’s no good, we have to go, before time stops Before the crows and the darkness of the night blend together Go back, go back, we have to change it, before the concert that day We have to save him, he who wears a hat
sono maku wa akecha dame chouwa nado nai shinjitsu mo rikutsu mo koko ni wa sonna mono wa nai You must not open the curtain There is no harmony Things such as truth and reason do not exist in this place
owaru koto nai ochakai (paatii) de nefuda no tsuita boushi kaburu kotae no iranai nazo wo kake nandemo nai hi wo utau kare to At a never-ending party Wearing a hat with a price tag attached Posing a riddle which needs no answer With he who sings of empty days
toki wo wataru tsuki no fune ni notte kaerimichi wa mou iranai toki wo wataru tsuki no fune ni notte saa, dekakeyou guranburuu no sora e We board the ship of the moon which sails across time We don’t need a way back anymore We board the ship of the moon which sails across time Well, let’s go To the grand blue sky
oshimai! The End!
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rieshon · 7 years
Best of 2016
Another summer, another way-too-late best-of post.
10: Girlish Number ∥ Diomedea ∥ Dir. Ibata Shouta: Obviously, Girlish Number gets significant bonus points for being an anime about the seiyuu industry, something I'm heavily invested in. Watari Wataru's cynical but ultimately inspiring look at this girls trying their best seems a more fitting tack than Sore ga Seiyuu!'s when dealing with what we all know is frankly a borderline "black kigyou". I can't think of a better face for this industry than the solely self-interested and delusional Chii-sama. Industry commentary aside, Girlish Number also functions as a perfectly good coming-of-age series of sorts, as Chitose and her castmates slowly come to terms with the roles they've come to play in the industry (no pun intended) while supporting each other.
9: Kuromukuro ∥ P.A. Works ∥ Dir. Okamura Tensai: I didn't have very high expectations coming into Kuromukuro. It's a robot anime with copious CG animation, and the Okamura Tensai anime I've seen recently have all been solid but never amazing. Kuromukuro, though, ends up being a testament to the importance of execution. A cast of lovable characters (including the main lead!) with solidly-written relationships and pitch-perfect direction carries what would otherwise be a merely passable-at-best science fiction story to the height of being one of the best series of the year. It helps that it's a two cours series, which gives the characters time to breathe without constantly being shoved out of the way to deal with the encroaching danger in the plot. It also features one of the most satisfying endings I've ever seen in an anime, which is a medium not known for great endings, much less satisfying ones.
8: Netoge no Yome wa Onna no Ko Janai to Omotta? ∥ project No.9 ∥ Dir. Yanagi Shinsuke: Man, was I ready for spaghetti when I first read the title of this show. MMO-based light novel anime are a dime a dozen nowadays, but Netoge Yome ends up distinguishing itself from the pack because of what it's not. Unlike most MMO-based stories, the game really isn't that important (except to Ako), you don't die in real life if you die in the game, and there's not really any philosophizing about the nature of reality in a fictional world... It's just a story about some dorky friends playing a video game, and I love it for that. The friend group depicted here actually makes me feel nostalgic for my high school days of playing video games day-in and day-out, and I think the show will do the same for a lot of people. Of course, most of us didn't have an angel like Ako in our friend group, but no one's life is perfect.
7: Amanchu! ∥ J.C.Staff ∥ Dir. Satou Junichi: Undoubtedly the most healing anime of the year. ARIA is one of my favorite series of all time, and Amanchu! reunited Satou Junichi (the king of healing anime himself) with an Amano Kozue original work and it's every bit as wonderful as you would imagine. If you've seen ARIA you know exactly what you're in for here: cute girls forging cute friendships at as slow a pace as possible. The scuba diving stuff is interesting but ultimately inconsequential; this show is all about the atmosphere and the comfortable feeling of slowly passing the time with friends. Also, Teko is angel.
6: NEW GAME! ∥ Douga Koubou ∥ Dir. Fujiwara Yoshiyuki: Gambaru zoi! NEW GAME! combines the best of a Kirara anime's trademark cute girls doing cute things style with a premise straight out of one of P.A. Works' working women series to create one of the more unique series that has come out of that venerable magazine. The author of the original manga formerly worked in game development, so on top of the cute girls it also offers an (adorable!) look at what it's like to be an (adorably!) exploited artist in Japanese corporate culture. No one is really here for the social commentary, but it does add an interesting additional layer to the show. More importantly, all the girls are angelic. Between this and Mideshi, Douga Koubou's Fujiwara Yoshiyuki is rapidly proving himself one of the best directors of cute-girls-doing-cute-things anime.
5: Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu ∥ White Fox ∥ Dir. Watanabe Masaharu: This was undoubtedly the biggest event anime of the year, at least among series I watched. The plot and pacing took me back to the likes of Code Geass, another show where week-to-week you're simply riveted to the screen just to see what kind of crazy twist the show will throw at you next. The show is a bit of a rollercoaster ride, not just emotionally but also in its highs and lows. If every episode were as good as episodes 18-19, this would undoubtedly be my show of the year, but it struggles to carry that momentum through to the end. Still, Re:Zero offers one of the most compelling protagonists of the year in the detestable yet somehow still heroic Natsuki Subaru, who is almost too relatable in his sad and pathetic existence.
4: Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! ∥ Studio Deen ∥ Dir. Kanasaki Takaomi: It seems fitting that Konosuba is sandwiched between two isekai anime; this show, a hilarious send-up of the genre, came at exactly the right time. Satou Kazuma is also a wholly self-interested loser trapped in a fantasy world with nothing but his own delusions of grandeur. The difference is that when his life falls apart, it's just funny. The cast of female heroines, all uniquely "dame", are what really make this show shine. The voice acting is some of my favorite of the year: Amamiya Sora is brilliantly pathetic as Aqua and Fukushima Jun is a perfect foil to her, while you've also got Kayanon being made to say lewd things and Rieri playing a deadpan loli. This A+ cast is gifted with some of the sharpest comedic wit this year, both in script and in what I'm sure is a healthy heaping of ad-lib. I read the source novel recently and the anime is honestly much funnier, probably due to the quality of the acting.
3: Hai to Gensou no Grimgar ∥ A-1 Pictures ∥ Dir. Nakamura Ryousuke: I almost forgot this show aired this past year, since it was way back in Winter. Grimgar is undoubtedly one of the most unique (and one of the best) isekai fantasy anime that has been produced in recent years. Dark without ever being brooding, Grimgar is an at times sobering look at life in a hostile and brutal world. It has the trappings of power fantasy insert isekai stories, but none of our protagonists here are heroes: they're just people in extraordinary circumstances fighting to stay alive and make a place in the world. For a show that spends a lot of time on the moral justification (or lack thereof) for killing goblins, this show probably speaks more to young people in the modern world than anything else that aired this year. There's a level of accomplishment in writing here that is rarely seen in this medium.
2: Occultic;Nine ∥ A-1 Pictures ∥ Dir. Ishiguro Kyouhei: I never thought I'd see the day that a semicolon anime ends up this high on my year-end list, but Occultic;Nine is a masterpiece. The show is an exercise in how manically you can tell your story without losing your viewers, and the result is a bewildering web of interlinking characters and plots to which one has to hang on to for dear life as they're whipped from twist to twist to yet another twist. It's fitting that this is based on Shikura's first paper novel, because like a great novel it's the kind of story that should really shine on the second and third viewing. Watching this show. I felt at times like I wanted to take notes in the margin to keep from getting lost. With lesser execution, the sci-fi story here would probably come across as nothing more than stupid, but the audiovisual ringer that this show puts you through really makes for a unique and memorable viewing experience.
1: Flip Flappers ∥ Studio 3Hz ∥ Dir. Oshiyama Kiyotaka: Speaking of audiovisual experiences... I waffled on whether I really should make Flip Flappers my anime of the year because of how the story falls apart towards the end, but just the first six episodes of this show outdoes anything else that aired this year. It's the purest anime ('Pure Illusion' pun not intended) I've seen in a long time: each episode is an adventure of creativity in visual storytelling. Color pallets and art styles change, we find ourselves in different genres and different styles of storytelling, and through it all we're treated to some of the most inspired art direction and most skillfully put together animation of the year. Individual episodes of this show put entire other series to shame; there's enough creative juice flowing here to fuel another ten single-cours anime. Yes, the story after Ayana Yuniko left the project leaves much to be desired, but if you're picking an anime of the year, nothing this year embodied the spirit of animation quite like Flip Flappers.
Then there's the shows that didn't make the top ten...
There are a couple of non-full-length shows that didn't make it into the above top ten. Uchuu Patrol Luluko is peak Trigger, and if you're a fan of any their previous works you'll find plenty to love here. Really, it's just pure Trigger fanservice. Inferno Cop even makes a cameo. Oshiete! Gyaruko-chan is probably my favorite show that didn't make the list. It has that choice feel animation but more importantly is a surprisingly frank depiction of high school girls talking about their bodies, and in a way that actually isn't weirdly sexualized. I guess you could still get turned on hearing Gyaruko talk about inverted nipples and periods though.
In a year where we got Amanchu!, it's a little overshadowed, but Flying Witch was a wonderful return to form for the healing anime archetype, and was one of the most comfy shows of the year. orange was an example of a teen drama done right, with a remarkably good depiction of depression and very strongly performed characters by an all-star cast. Finally, planetarian deserves some recognition simply for being the only Key anime I think is good. It's short, sweet and to the point. CLANG CLANG.
And the awards go to:
Best Actress: Amamiya Sora as Aqua, Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! Konosuba is one of the funniest anime in recent memory and as I mentioned in the top ten, a large part of that is due to magnificent performances from the voice cast. For me, "Ten-chan" is the best of the bunch as Aqua, whose moronic-sounding nasal voice is perfect for the arrogant and incompetent damegami, and the vocal gymnastics she does when Aqua goes into a screaming fit never cease to make me bust a gut.
(Honorable mention: Minase Inori as Rem, Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu. I actually wrote an entire paragraph for this before remembering Konosuba was also last year. The most memorable single episode last year in terms of acting was the ep of Re:Zero where Rem monologues to Subaru for 24 minutes, and that's all thanks to Inosuke's great performance; Kurosawa Tomoyo as Oumae Kumiko, Hibike! Euphonium 2; Kakuma Ai as Kurihara Yuki, Momokuri)
Best Actor: Kobayashi Yuusuke as Natsuki Subaru, Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu. I don't know w hy everyone hates Subaru when he's one of the most compelling male protagonists in LN anime history. I've gone into depth on why Subaru is so great before, but Kobayashi deserves credit for giving him the humanity that makes him so despicable and pitiable at the same time. This role is an emotional rollercoaster and Kobayashi delivers both the comedic highs and the soul-wrenching lows as well as anyone could.
(Honorable mention: Fukushima Jun as Satou Kazuma, Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo!; Kaji Yuuki as Gamon Yuuta, Occultic;Nine; Yamashita Seiichirou as Naruse Kakeru, orange)
Best Director: Ishiguro Kyouhei. A couple years ago this man delivered us Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso, one of the best seishun dramas of all time, and now he's given us Occultic;Nine, the show that finally made semicolon anime good. Occultic;Nine is unlike anything else I've seen, with manic pacing and some truly adventurous camerawork, which is something I don't know I've ever singled an anime out for before. Occultic;Nine is a shock to the senses both visually and auditorily and you couldn't ask for a more quality production.
(Honorable mention: Oshiyama Kiyotaka, who directed Flip Flappers. This was his directorial debut, so we'll need to see more of his work before we can say for sure, and he was most intimately involved with the worst episodes of the show (the end) but he should get some credit for directing the anime of the year.)
Best Animation: Flip Flappers, by Studio 3Hz. Their debut work, Sora no Method, may have been a flop but 3Hz came back and delivered the most visually striking show of the year with Flip Flappers.
Newcomer Seiyuu of the Year: Hanamori Yumiri. For someone with as cute a voice as she does, Hanabee doesn't get nearly enough work, but what she lacks in quantity she makes up in quality. Her first major role was Uritan in Etotama in 2015, which quickly put her on my radar. Recently, she played the leads in both Anhapi and Shakunetsu no Takkyuu Musume, which showed she could carry a show emotionally as well as being adorable. And recently, although it's out of the scope of this awards post, she showed she has dramatic chops as well with a great performance as Zero in the otherwise terrible adaptation of Zero Kara Hajimeru Mahou no Sho. This is a character I had imagined as Ayaneru, mind you, so the fact that I have no complaints about Hanabee's portrayal -- she plays it just as I thought Ayaneru would play it -- is high praise indeed. Hopefully she'll get more work going forward so we can see how wide her range really is.
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supergenial · 4 years
[translation+lyrics] 孤高の女神 by Ariabl’eyeS
So uhhh, about time I did this lol. This is the first new song in the album and dear god, it’s so good. This and the next two songs all feature both of the band’s vocalists which as you may know is the easiest way to keep my attention. Very active, very powerful, just great, it lulls a bit from time to time to let us hear the ominous chanting in the background but doesn’t do it enough for me to see a problem with that, just awesome.
Storywise, well I went ahead and also wrote down the two brief narration tracks that precede this but basically the world is very cold and harsh so a girl sets out from her village to achieve global warming in any way possible, and in this track she meets with the ice goddess who takes a liking to her, so they start living together while they solve the whole russian winter situation that’s been going on, as apparently an evil witch is to blame. Fun stuff. Also gotta say those little narration tracks are actually pretty great at setting the mood, excellent work on those.
So yeah, lyrics down below and I’ll see you again soon.
1. Prelude-Edifice-
A world of never ending snow. The ice forever shining and un-melting. The blue flowers of this world are surrounded by a pure white landscape. The goddess of this world spends her days in solitude. That lone figure has her pure white skin covered by long silver hair. Her unapproachable and piercing eyes see all the way to the horizon. The ice goddess chants. When, and who taught her that song, she has long since forgotten. Her song dances through the emptiness and as it echoes, solitude dissipates. Yet all joy and sorrow is bound to be dragged into this labyrinth.
>>>>>>>>>>>>In-between these is where you listen to Labyrinth>>>>>>>>>>>>
3. 小さな決意 (Chiisana Ketsui, A Small Decision)
No matter how far away you look, this is a cold world. Folks at the village would always suffer under the hoarfrost. Yet to this day they continue to live on like that. A helpless girl with no relatives, she decided to leave for good. For the sake of the living, she decided to embark on a lone journey. A journey with no destination. She walked and walked, yet the frozen landscape only extended before her. Yet she could hear a voice drawing her in, with a beautiful and sad song that invited her. And so the girl wandered through the forest on her own. And far away in the distance, she spotted a massive fortress, and headed to it. Only leaving her trail behind on the snow as she ventured in.
4.孤高の女神 (Kokou no Megami, The Lonesome Goddess)
Lyrics and Composition: リゼ
Vocals: Rena, Luna
juukou na tobira hirakare seijaku no toki wa ima kirisakare
The massive door opened, and the silence was broken
byoushin ga kizamu you na ashioto ni sono karada furuwasete
as the clock ticked on, her body trembled with every footstep
hakugin no yoroi wo mi ni matoishi kami ga tsumetai manazashi de mitsume te wo maneita
The goddess clad in her silver armor gave her a blank stare as she invited her to approach
itetsuki furueteiru no hatenai yoru wo tsuranuku anata no ikari ga sekai wo koorasete shimatta kara tsukiyo wo shiro ni somete ozomashii majo wo hofuru no saranaru yami ni sekai ga ooitsuku sareru mae ni
We're freezing and trembling through this endless night because your anger has freezed this entire world Then I'll put an end to this white night by slaying the fearsome witch Before this world turns even bleaker
shizumaranu fubuki no naka de hitobito wa katayosete inori wo
Silently from within the hail the people pray for one thing
kono sekai no yami wo tsukasadoru kage no shisha bara wo akaku someru you ni hametsu wo negau
They ask for the messenger of the shadows that controls the darkness of this world to be dealt with and be tainted as red as a rose
itetsuki furuwaseru no wa hatenai yami wo tsui he to anata wa kono sekai wo sukuu tame mai odoru no yamiyo ni hibiki wataru ozomashii majo wo hofuru no anata ni wakare wo tsugeru shinku no sora wo miagete
This endless and frozen night will be our end I'll do anything for you as long as you save this world The night will be pierced by an echoing scream as I kill the awful witch And then I'll bid you farewell as dawn arrives once again
kodoku ni furueteita no yukuate no nai sekai de kanawanu negai dato shitemo anata no soba ni isasete kodoku ni furueteita no ozomashii majo wo uchinagara garasu no hitomi wa itsushika nukumori motomete ita no
I'm trembling and lonely in this world, with no place to go back to if you won't grant my wish, then at least let me remain by your side I will slay the lone witch who's made you all shiver And give some warmth to those clear eyes that have yearned for it for so long
koori no shiro no naka hibiku futari no koe wa tsumetaku atataka na shinfonii kanadete imashita
both of their singing voices echoed throughout the ice fortress as they sung together a cold yet warm symphony
Just for fun, as I waited for scans I went ahead and wrote the lyrics myself without posting them and lo and behold, I originally had a grand total of 14 mistakes in this song, 15 mistakes in the next one, and 9 in the next-next one. Just saying this is why I always wait for booklet scans instead of working things on my own, my hearing is just too inaccurate and cannot be trusted.
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supergenial · 6 years
[Translation and Lyrics] Ru Li Ru La Light by ArsMagnA
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I mean... come on... look at the name on that song... it’s like what were they thinking really, was Noel playing metal gear solid 2 and thought the la li lu le lo thing deserved it’s own song? This song is a soft one and it’s the last one in the album, despite the really cool drawing the world of light is entirely in peace and happy and all that stuff, and the song reflects it. The lyrics are like something out of a disney movie with birds singing and dancing and stuff, 0 conflict at all, right in the face of the fire goddess.
Prior to the song Lilia says that such a world is boring and you need a little strife to make happy times happier, real nice thing to say to someone who saw a battlefield unfold before her eyes, some real tact right there (she does address it though so it’s ok I guess). After the song they say they’ve had fun and Lilia says she’ll become a great witch someday and Lorna has to be by her side for it to happen when all of a sudden their teacher waltzes in and reprimands them for breaking into the room at such a late time. They apologize and run away swiftly to avoid being yelled at. The teacher closes the story by saying that a great fate awaits them, they can’t see her true form yet (the goddess of earth, what a shocker) but someday they’ll surely be able to, the future rests in their hands.
If you’re expecting a sequel after such a hook well don’t, this album is from 2014 and there’s no sequel that I know of. I haven’t checked all their albums, sure, but I’m pretty sure there’s no sequel given that their twitter still has this album as it’s profile and doesn’t seem to have published any new albums as “ArsMagnA” ever since. Surprisingly though the account is still active to promote LostFairy and Ariabl’eyeS, so maybe they had a bit of falling out with Seraph? Anyway, here’s the lyrics and see you all next time.
Ru Li Ru La Light Lyrics, composer: Noel Vocals: eupe
minareta machi nami arukinagara okiniiri no kutsu kyutto narashite
walking through the streets of a bustling town with shoes that make a cute sound
nantonaku sora wo miagetara ichiban hoshi mitsuketa
looking up at the sky you can find the first star of the night
Ah sore wa chisana futari no negai tanoshikunareru mahou kakete
Ah, that is the wish of those two little ones to make magic that brings joy to all
mayou koto nai hikari ga michibiku saki wa tori mo hana mo odoru... suteki na sekai ne! utaou Ru Li Ru La Light te wo tsunaide susumeba kitto shiawase no kazudake yume monogatari ga matterukara
there's no doubts as the light guides our way the birds and the flowers are dancing... what a wonderfull world! sing Ru Li Ru La Light as you join hands surely countless happy dreams are waiting for us
toki ni wa kujikete kenkashite umakui kanakute nakisou na hi mo
even if you sometimes get disheartened or fight or have days where you're down or crying
hare wataru sora wo miagetara ichiban hoshi mitsuketa
look at the sky clearing up and see the first star of the evening
Ah sore wa chiisana futari no negai yasashikunareru mahou kakete
Ah, that is the wish of those two little ones to do the kindest magic for all
shiroi tsubasa no megami ga hohoemu ... suteki na sekai ne!
the goddess of white wings smiles ... it's a wonderfull world!
utaou Ru Li Ru La Light te wo tsunaide susumeba itsuka hikari sasu hakoniwa de futari no kiseki to meguri aeru...
sing Ru Li Ru La Light as you join hands someday the light will shine on your garden and you'll surely meet the miracle for you two
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