#the special stages are just fun . esp with two players
un-pearable · 11 months
like i did still have fun. but it was in spite of a lot of things about the game rather than because of :( let’s focus on the positives. trip is adorable if a little too modern looking. this cutscene was very funny bc it was the first time i realized one of my bros had swapped eggman to lego at some point.
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i love her <3
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surveillance-0011 · 2 years
ω-3 as cephalings/if they could do turf war:
Dapple Dualies, .52 Gal, at least one of the Rapid Blasters and uh probably the clash or Luna blaster as well.
Generally good with shooters and blasters. Flexible and decent at most else save for super heavy weapons, sloshers and chargers.
Tries to get to the middle of the map as quick as possible but will ink the base when no one else does… if they notice that’s the case, that is.
Screams “This way!” Repeatedly at people who spend the whole first minute inking the base.
Sometimes gets too caught up on getting kills.
Rlly likes the killer wail 5.1 and triple inkstrike specials. And tacticooler. Probably too much. The other two get worried for them when it comes to that.
They managed to nab two drinks once! Never again.
Mainly does turf war but participates in ranked/anarchy battles as well. Doesn’t like tower control but fine with the others. Rainmaker is probably their fave. They get pretty pissy abt losing in anarchy tho.
Not the nicest player. Probably squidbags people who annoy them and is generally scummy with their strats.
Knows they’re too sore of a loser to get into a more competitive play scene.
Likes to hurl self off stage at the end of battles esp if it’s clear they’ve won. Will try to drag one or both of the other two with em if possible. Has succeeded in this. Esp with the cellist.
Catalogue grinder and spends most their money in Hotlantis. And the Shell-out machine.
Besties for da resties with Murch.
Def parties in lobby. As they should.
Slosher main. Mainly Sloshing Machine but also likes the Explosher.
Good at rollers too. Maybe the splatana stamper also??
Doesn’t rlly like using shooters or dualies. Or chargers. Or the normal ink brush. Or brellas.
Sucks at using Brellas and Stringers
Favorite specials r Booyah Bomb, Ink Storm and Crab Tank.
Generally focuses on helping to turf but tends to get #1 splatter or splat assister
Goes to Crab-N-Go a lot. Treats the others when he can.
Usually a good sport but can get frustrated if he’s on a losing streak or after particularly rough matches.
Participates in Anarchy battles but only if at least one of the other two tags along. Prefers Rainmaker and Clam Blitz to the other two modes.
Not super interested and probably a little old to be doing this but would get roped in anyways by the other two.
Charger main, surprisingly. Their hands might be a little shaky and they’re no splatting machine but generally alright at holding the line and keeping opponents at bay. also uses Brellas and the aerospray mg.
Specifically they use the Splat Charger, Tenta Brella, Undercover Brella and the MG.
Ink vac lover! Also enjoys the reefslider.
Usually uses gear with respawn punisher or ninja squid.
Tries to ink with charger, usually the base but also just when they think their teammates aren’t doing a good job at it.
Avoids certain maps like the plague.
Doesn’t really look like he’s having fun. He’s not as pissed as he looks promised. Definitely anxious though.
Takes more breaks between rounds than the other two as they can tire him out and at times he’ll even get genuinely stressed or anxious bc of the intensity.
Also doesn’t even participate as much.
All of that being said he is very much capable of having fun and is usually satisfied or even happy with turf war as long as it isn’t totally disastrous.
Also a little bit too fond of using the Reefslider. He’s out for blood when he uses that thing. Especially if he’s already fired up.
Fine with tower control and splat zones. Dislikes Clam Blitz and Rainmaker.
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sloaaaa · 2 years
SPLATOON 3 DIRECT my thoughts n stuff :]
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ok so obviously spoilers kjdfhgkjd i have Many Thoughts so i am gonna put everything under a readmore!
i am so eXCITED to walk around splatsvilllee!!!!!!!!! it's so much bigger n feels more Lived In!!!
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n i'm guessing the music playing in the first part of the video is what's gonna play in thee tutorial? w how the music builds up and everythingg and it's of the main songg n stuuff just like how it is in the first two games!
i Need this emote
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the new ink refill sprite thingy is super neat!!! a lil on the fence abt how it loooks but! i like that it shows that u get ink faster when swimming in ink!!
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tHE STAGESSSS ARE SO COOOOOOLL i especially lOVE that including hammerhead bridge gives us an explanation as to hOW exactly we're transported to and from splat1 and splat2 stages -w- also it's so cool to see it finished!!! i haven't played splat1 nearly as much as splat2 but i'm happy that that stage is coming back -w- aND FLOUDER HEIGHTS IN THE UPDATE TOO also i lOVE the detail of the NILS statue being in the bg but u can't see it in the eng ver of the direct bc of the name covering it but u can see it in the japanese direct dhkdjfgs
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mahi-mahi is nice too!!!!! i really liked that stage in splat1 :D and it looks so much better skjhdfgd and i am also wondering abt tHIS badboy history museum lookin stage in the updates >:3c
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hello i Love the new flat clipart look of the weapons in the ui???? shown a lot better heree, i really hope that they make weapon wallpapers in splatnet 3 >:] it would also be nice if they added other ways to get wallpapers other than lifetime inkage :c
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honestly idk how i feel abt the splatanas but i'm happy for the more melee leaning players out there -w-
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the tacticooler is so cool ;;; i love the lil jingle it plays when you deploy it n when you take a cann ;; also the bit showing it off has some new voice clips for the players!!! which is super cute -w-
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i lOVE the design of the wave breaker ;; it's that lil ball string cheap toy thing i think, plus i think the concept is super cool tooo!!! very fun special -w-
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the reef slider looks cool!! not my kind of special thoughh, it's like a cross between a baller and a curling bomb hskjdfg
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i actually really love the new weapon currency?? it's super clever n i love that you can get weapons early!! dualie squelchers my beloved skjhdfgd n by how the freshness stars look and work i don't think that the freshness goes down when you lose a bunch now like how they did in splat 2! :0 which is really nice -w- when checking the splat website for extra details it looks like there are different kinds of liscences too! :0 bc having splatoon 2 save data grants you 3 gold sheldon liscences so that should meann that the ones on the screen rn are silverr? maybe tin n then there's bronze n silver? idk???
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the music that plays in sheldon's shop is really nice ;-;
the new shopkeepers are pretty neat too -w- i don't have very many thoughts abt them :c except for mr coco he sounds so silly i love him dskjhdfg
also mURCH????????????????????????????????????????????????
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and you can change the primary ability now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! which is pretty neat! i was wondering why the splatnet3 shop offered exclusive clothing now kjshdd i also really like that they did that! gives players a lil more incentive to use the app but still not make it essential to the game n stuff yknow -w-
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the new freshest fits thing is really nice!! esp for people without amiibos dskjhdfg i'm glad they added that -w-
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tHE NEW LOBBY UI IS SO COOL BUt also has me wondering a lil w how similar it looks to the oe ui. that coulped w the sea cucumber phones makes me hOPE that we get to see deep sea citizens around! or at least iso padre n cq maybe 🥺
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they show which team is in the lead!!!!!!! i fucking love that ty it takes less brainpower now <33
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and rainmaker has checkpoints now!!! which is super nice so now the rainmaker doesn't always spawn back in the middle and you don't have to do that jump off the map to bring it back thing anymore bc the checkpoints are closer to your base now so yEAH that's super nice!!!
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it looks like the merged all the ranks together again :0
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all the lobby updates are so nice and there's so much content i want to kiss nintendo on the mouth
it's really nice that they moved the new snack bar! now i don't have to leave lobbies n walk all the way back when my ticket runs out dkjfghs
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i want to know what tHIS DOES ..collectibles? 🥺
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tHEY'RE THE APARTMENTS THAT WE'VE ALL BEEN WANTING!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU NINTENDOOOO also the splatoon equivalent of furbys n long furbys kdjfhgkdj
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eeEEEE PARUKOO!!!!!!!!!!! the shop music here is so cozyyyy ;;;;;; also oh my gOD i'm so happy that there's more shit to spend our coiNS ONNN AAUHGUGHUGAA n seeing that there are gatcha machines in this shop too maybe the lil gacha thingy in the lobby gives you other stuff to put in you locker too? maybe some tickets n stuff thrown in the mix?
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i love the splashtags and the emotes so mUCh ough i love how much customization we're gettinnggGG even in grizzco!! u can change your uniform which i think i super awesome! (that wasn't shown in the direct but rather it was said in the splat website linked earlier skjhdfg) and it's great that they're adding another way to get tickets oughh
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idk abt y'all but i LOVE the table turf battle!!! it's a lil cheesy but it's nice that there's this local thing to do in splatsville!! i kinda want a deck irl skdjfhgd and being able to play against locals!! it makes everyone feel so much more! alive!! and not just npcs glued to their store!!! also the card art is sO CUTE IDC IF Y'ALL THINK IT'S OFF BRAND OR WHATEVER I AM PLAYIGN THAT GAME AS SOON AS I GET THE DEMO (if u can even play it dskjhdg)
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also hello i lOVE this lil alley there the card stuff is held
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onto salmon run!! i lOVE the new boss salmonids! it's really nice how they kinda help players practice n learn abt ranked modes n specials!! this is true for the original boss salmonids too! the fry stick for tower controlll n the dolphin for splatzoness, the bigshot for the new wave breaker special and! idk abt the slammin lid but that name is super clever hdfkjghd i love the new music!!! :D
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also you can use the big shot's thingy to shoot golden eggs???? i love you??
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tHIS XTRA WAVE THING SCARED ME SO BAD ;;;;;;;;;;;; but also that's so cool?? i wonder what happens when you get to defeat it >:3c
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ok i reached the image limit lemme make a new post
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survivormontenegro · 5 years
Jury Rites of Passage
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Before we wrap up this season, here’s what the final 4 had to say about our lovely jury.
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Ali -  Alex, you were someone who from the cast reveal of this season I was honestly terrified of lowkey. You just give off such a smart, strategic energy that makes you someone who is very daunting to play against, particularly since we didn’t meet till merge and I had just heard stories about your influence from OG Durmitors. While I stand by the necessity of voting you out, in that you held a lot of sway over the tribe, and were seemingly tight with Jones and Mo, I genuinely was so sorry to see how upset you got in the aftermath of your vote. I felt like the move needed to be swift and clean to remove such a threat from the game, but I apologise, a move so brutal and so blindisde-y would’ve been rough to be apart of, and for that I’m really sorry.
Benj - You were one of the first people to make me feel welcome when we swapped together thank u for always being so open to things and ur passion for the game was undeniable.
Caeleb - I can’t tell if Alex is gonna hate me or respect me. Regardless, I had to vote him off because he was too strong of a player. Everyone was just waiting for his command and then running with it, and I didn’t want to play that game. Plus, I didn’t think that Alex was alwaysss being truthful with me and just pulling me along until he was done, so I kinda felt like we had a little showdown. It was either him or me, and while he’s a sweetheart and a really amazing guy, I kinda consider him my TS rival. Love ya. I’m glad we were able to crush butt with our Grandma’s Boys in the premerge.
Tom - oh boy big boy Alex you are a killa of a game player I must say going against you really spooked me because you had a solid group of people but I’m sorry it had to be done :(
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Ali -  oh my god. When I saw that THE Jules was cast for this season, I can’t even describe how excited I was to play with you. Playing and working with you was everything I could’ve hoped for and more, you are smart, savvy and just a joy to talk to at all times, and we vibed on SO much this game. While I think your robbery was disgusting, I understand why others did it, your savvyness and strategic mind speak for themselves and you were of course a major threat. It’s been a pleasure to work with you and to be able to call you my friend.
Benj - LEGEND!!! When I saw you on the cast reveal I was actually shaking bc as u already know my friends who played almia with you said u were such a queen and so nice and they weren’t wrong!! It was a pleasure to get to play with you even though it was so short, and it was sad that we never really got to strategize and work together game wise but I enjoyed all of our talks sm!
Caeleb - Jules was always fun to talk to. She was super sweet and very good at figuring out where the majority was gonna be in the votes. I was really surprised that she cursed me because while I did tell her that I was gonna vote with her, I didn’t message her for a couple of hours before tribal so I didn’t think I was even being very believable. Overall tho Jules was sweet, fun, a bundle of astrology knowledge, and threw in a little bit of sass to make things lively and interesting.
Tom - wowee Jules you social butterfly icon. I’m sad you were eliminated and that I literally did not help at all by saving you I was in my inactive stage. I commend you on how bloody open you are about your sexuality and gender I guess you really are something special and this is not just because you’re on the jury I love how passionate you are about astrology and hopefully one day you can make something out of it
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Ali -  I love you and stan you unapologetically. We had a bumpy ride this season, and my one regret from this season, was not telling you about the Alex vote. I’m sure you would’ve been down, and it burned a bridge for me with someone I genuinely trusted and had a lot of time for. While I think your blow-up was ill advised, given that me/Tom/Jason were angling to save you, I can’t fault you for distrusting me after the Alex vote. I felt awful voting you out but once you set my game on fire, with the choice being you vs Tom, I had to side with who had my back and I felt would be a consistent ally moving forwards, so kept Tom and voted for you. You were also apart of some of my highlights from this season, like calling to work through JJ’s… JJness or drinking white wine on the tribe call. I know you’ve now hexed me three times, but I’ll take being hexed a fourth time, if it means we can be friends after this.
Benj - I have never met anyone quite like you before in an org and even though we didn’t talk much your presence in the game was so fun from calls to call outs. Icon! My FB org friends stan u
Caeleb - Easily, the person I talked to the least in the merge, Ian included. For some reason, Julia didn’t want to talk game with me ever, even though we would vote the same. Every conversation we had would kinda trail off with her failing to respond. I know she was active in calls, and since I wasn’t I think that made her write me off. I kinda wish things were different and we could’ve had a different demeanor throughout the season. Who knows maybe we could’ve made something actually happen.
Tom - lol
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Ali -  MY SON. The Nemo to my Marlin. While we like… never voted together from jury onwards, I am genuinely proud of you this season. We didn’t particularly vibe as players, and I don’t think I ever got the chance to see your strategic mind in action, but you played a great game this season, and I’m super proud of you. You kick-started some of the key debates of the season, like this stupid mountain llama mess, but you also kept the mood light and had a consistent positive impact on the season as a whole.
Benj - (El)MO! You were really nice in the game and we got along well on swapped tribe but didn’t have the best connection at merge so sadly ended up on the opposites sides a lot but I think u played a good game! I loved how happy u were to be here
Caeleb - A hero. I have such a tumultuous relationship now with Grandma’s Boys because I had to vote off Alex first, switch and vote Mo in the revote, and then fail to save Jones in F6. I think they might think I am a little bit scheming and never really was working with them, but honestly, I voted with Mo and Jones post Alex because they both were easily the most fun to talk to in the tribe. Mo was hilarious, a true king, and loyal to a fault. When Benj told me that he was voting Mo, I had a sinking feeling that Mo was gonna leave that day, but I held on hope that Ali would still vote Tom. I’m sorry that didn’t happen Mo.
Tom - this is a shame this one we got along quite well on durmitor then the tribe swap really uhm separated us literally. Two seperate bridges that just never came together unfortunately. Good luck and stay safe on that grindr game u play
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Ali -  Okay… of all people this season, we have had the most rollercoaster ride I think possible. Whether you know it or not, from me almost voting you out prejury, to voting you publicly at F10, to us somehow working together moving forwards. While I knew you needed to go around the time you were idoled out, I was genuinely so sad to see you go home, because I think you played one of, if not the strongest game this season. You took my vote for you in your stride, and being on calls with you and our weird fake rivalry was so much fun. We were on the first cast reveal together, and I hope we can be friends after this season is all done.
Benj - omg MITCHHHH I wish you had stuck with my plan otherwise you prob would have stayed LOL. King you were one of my favs from the first tribe and we stuck it out thru the swap and kept working together for basically every vote until you left! It was so fun to play w you. Ps… I was the 2nd vote for you when Jared left LMAO… I ofc never wanted u gone but me and Ali didn’t want Jared blowing up the fact we were allies so had one of us randomly vote with him.
Caeleb - The strongest player in this season imo. Like everyone talks about Ali being the favored to win rn because of his immunity run and his social butterfly nature. Mitch was stronger strategically by far. His moves were calculated and always put him in a better spot than he was in before, while also never putting a target on his back. I had my eye on voting him for awhile, and when Jones wanted to idol him out it was like some ESP type shit. He was so strong, and also funny, this season would not have been what it was without him.
Tom - mmmmm big ol mitchy boi is it toiLET or toilet that’s the true question, an amazing ally friend and strategist who was skeptical of everything but had good intentions thank you for saving my ass in this game multiple times because I wouldn’t be here without you
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Ali -  when people google robbery, if your picture is not the top result, i will SCREAM. It says a lot that we literally never voted together during merge, and yet I stanned for you with my whole heart, and would’ve voted for you in the end. You have this raw likability, that makes you the best ever, but also SUCH a threat in these games, and after your iconic idol play, it was incredibly clear that you were the biggest threat and so critically needed to be voted out. You are such a joy, and I hope we can be friends after the season.
Benj - JONES!!!!!!!!!! Omg I was gagged when I saw that you were playing this season I had heard a lot about you but never met you until now and I was sooooo excited when we got swapped together!! Joining your side back then was such a good decision and ty for making it so easy to accept me and I loved talking to u throughout the whole game even if we were basically on diff sides most of merge! You would have wiped the floor against anyone at the end and I know one day u will get ur win! ILY
Caeleb - My true Grandmother. Honestly, I hope that post-game we can rekindle and be harmonious because I TRULY thought that Jones was one of the friendliest, kind, and joyous people. I worked to get people to switch their votes from Jones in F6, but I kinda expected that it wouldn’t happen because even I recognized that no one could beat Jones in a FTC. I felt like Sierra voting off her mother in BvW. It was truly my saddest day in Montenegro BY FAR.
Tom - I’m sorry Tunnel vision really got you good, You played such an amazing game and honestly to get to final 6 the way you did you should be so proud, you were by far the biggest jury threat because everyone absolutely loved your personality including myself. I really hope we can keep talking on the outside and your artistry takes you amazing places
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Ali -  I spent 40 days on a tribe with you, and I want to say it was a pleasure throughout. From talking about Big Little Lies to bonding over our warped sleeping patterns, we genuinely really vibed as people. One thing I loved about our relationship, was our ability to be rational and logical, even when we voted against each other, after the Jules and Ian votes particularly. I genuinely had so much respect for you as a player and your attitude after the Ian vote, and it was something I attempted to mirror after the Jules vote. You had to go at F5, because you played a phenomenal game, surviving being one vote from going home at merge, and it was for that reason I had to vote you out, but it’s been a pleasure, all fourty days of it.
Benj - We had the most up and down relation probably of anyone LOL from me voting you 4 times to us working together for the rest, it really was a ride and even tho we weren’t the most connected im so glad u had such a great season to return to after so long !
Caeleb - Omg go get ur Donna Summer record. Jason was probably the person I talked to a bunch but barely talked game with. We were always on differing sides of the vote, and kinda to my own demise for many of those, but as a result we talked about different things like eggs and records and gay stereotypes. It was a bold and profitable move when we talked post-Ian vote and set us both up for success for the rest of merge. Let's talk soon :)
Tom - Ahhhhhhh my closest ally in this game, i am so proud of the way we survived this game. I was really skeptical about working with you on budva but i am so glad i stuck to my gut of working with you and ian. Round 1 of merge we got absolutely blindsided and destroyed and every since then we had to fight so damn hard every single round to survive together. We were arguably the tightest duo in the game, we voted together every single round , 23 votes combined 8 tribal councils we were targeted at yet we made final 5 together. Through the dark times we stayed loyal to each other and got ourselves in such an amazing position in this game by getting with mitch and ali whilst also working caeleb. We truly went from the bottom to the fucking top and as much as i dont think i can pull this one out for us, i will give it my best shot. It was an amazing experience with you through all of our paranoia and stress that people were going to split us apart. Lets hope lightning strikes twice and i can pull out this win for you and ian because you both deserve to be right next to me <3 <3 Luv you mountain llama <3 <3
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tsuminiochiiru · 7 years
GuraP Event
This year’s event featured Kiiyan, e-zuka, Shimono Hiro, Konno-san (GuraP), Shinkai Taketo (animator) and two comedians (one of whom voices Rodeo Spider’s rock star fan in the animation). The comedian who voices Rodeo Spider’s fishy drummer couldn’t be there due to “魚仕事” (fish work), as he explained in a short video they played at the beginning.
As with the past two events, there were several corners. First was a retrospective of season two, with a focus on e-zuka character, Masaaki (Rodeo’s dad). The UraP (behind the scenes videos) they shared of e-zuka totally flubbing his lines in the studio were quite amusing.
The second corner involved the guests writing, drawing responses to various prompts. e-zuka had won this the last two years, so the pressure was on. One prompt was “what should Rodeo Spider’s new single be called?” Shimono cleverly said “Sakana shigoto,” while Kiiyan decided they should cover Radwimps, and said “Zenzenzen-se” (one of the band’s songs from Your Name). When asked what food would be backstage at a Rodeo Spider live, e-zuka guaranteed himself a third consecutive victory by drawing “Anpan Man wagashi.” (Wagashi are traditional Japanese sweets; and Anpan man you can read about here.) When asked what Rodeo Spider’s new single, ブレス, Breath should sound like, Shimono stole the show with an entire page of “ha ha ha ha ha ha” that he proceeded to pant. (Kiiyan said it was embarrassing) e-zuka’s response was “バルス” (from Laputa), and then Shimono went again, singing a whole song that he made up on the spot. I have no idea how he does it, but he’s so good at it!
In the end, e-zuka won again, although Shimono gave him a run for his money. Afterwards, while Kiiyan and e-zuka were prepping for the live, they gave away some goods. No luck for me, per usual
And then the live. And oh my god … it delivered what I had hoped for and more. First, Kiiyan in Rodeo’s t-shirt and jeans … and glasses and a bowl hair cut wig. And the band cosplayed too! They had borrowed Sakamoto-chan from Fo’xtails, and he was done up as black. And they painted the drummer (who I didn’t recognize) blue and added fins to his head. Kiiyan was carrying e-zuka’s blue ESP guitar, but not really playing, so there was a shadow guitarist (also from Fo’xtails) dressed all in black, with a black veil, playing at the back of the stage. Kiiyan was having so much fun being shy, geeky Rodeo, and playing with the guitar. He was trying out Pete Townshend’s famous windmill technique at one point, which cause him to lose his pick and he had to scramble to pick it back up (how Rodeo of him).
After the first two songs, he told us they had a special guest … his dad. And out came e-zuka in a satiny purple shirt, greyb blazer, black slacks, high-heeled brown boots … and an orange-red wig styled like Masaaki’s hair. Kiiyan referred to him more than once as お父さん, which just made me giggle (especially since e-zuka, er, Masaaki, kept pointing out he was 50). e-zuka was amused at the cosplay on stage, but wanted to know who the mysterious guitar player in the back was. Rodeo/Kiiyan hemmed and hawed, then finally decided it was Kuroko, which cracked everyone up.
Rodeo pointed out that their debut single peaked in the 30s on Oricon, doing better than “Granrodeo-senpai’s” first single, which topped out in the 70s. (Ha!) Before the last song, Rodeo dake no uta, Kiiyan ditched the wig and glasses, alas. In true Kiiyan form, he briefly flubbed the lyrics, and in true Rodeo form, he flubbed tossing the pick into the audience at first, but he got it there in the end.
All in all, another fun GuraP event! No new info (they talked about “if there’s a third season), alas. Pics below are from Shinkai, Takao (Fo’xtails) and Granrodeo’s official twitters, and the GR Facebook page.
GuraP Event
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Rose and Fleetwood set up thriller in Dubai has been published at http://www.theleader.info/2017/11/18/rose-fleetwood-set-thriller-dubai/
New Post has been published on http://www.theleader.info/2017/11/18/rose-fleetwood-set-thriller-dubai/
Rose and Fleetwood set up thriller in Dubai
Tournament: DP World Tour Championship, Dubai - Rolex Series: Eighth Rolex Series tournament of 2017 Race to Dubai: Tournament 47 of 47 events - Venue: Jumeirah Golf Estates, Dubai, United Arab Emirates - Prize fund: US$8,000,000 Hashtag: #DPWTC #RolexSeries Day Three Report Justin Rose and Tommy Fleetwood produced matching seven under 65s during a sensational third day of the DP World Tour Championship to guarantee a thrilling climax to the Race to Dubai. Rose has continued his electrifying form, which has seen him win his last two events in China and Turkey, into the final week of the season as he looks to complete an incredible late surge and leapfrog current Number One Fleetwood on the Race to Dubai Rankings presented by Rolex. The English duo came into the final event of the European Tour season separated by 256,737 points and now find themselves separated at the top of the DP World Tour Championship leaderboard by just two strokes, with Rose leading the way on 15 under and Fleetwood tied for fourth alongside South Africa’s Dean Burmester and Thailand’s Kiradech Aphibarnrat. [caption id="attachment_15255" align="aligncenter" width="2980"] DUBAI, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES - NOVEMBER 18: Tommy Fleetwood of England acknowledges the crowd on the 18th hole during the third round of the DP World Tour Championship at Jumeirah Golf Estates on November 18, 2017 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. (Photo by Andrew Redington/Getty Images)[/caption] In between the Englishmen sit Spanish sensation Jon Rahm and South Africa’s Dylan Frittelli on 14 under, but the spotlight will burn brightest on Rose and Fleetwood and their epic battle to be crowned the European Tour Number One. Both men, who have each won twice this season including one Rolex Series victory apiece, have one simple target: win the DP World Tour Championship and you win the Race to Dubai. The permutations if that doesn’t happen are as follows: Fleetwood needs to equal or better Rose’s finishing position to stay ahead the Olympic Champion; while Rose needs to finish no worse than solo fifth in order to have any chance of winning the season-long title. As long as Fleetwood doesn’t win, a solo second place finish for Rose would be enough to secure the 37 year old’s second Race to Dubai title. The stage is set for a rollercoaster end to an incredible season. Player Quotes Justin Rose: “It's a great opportunity, isn't it? I'm certainly not thinking about being the leader because I think it such a condensed pack and someone tomorrow is going to have to play great golf to win. Someone is going to shoot in the mid-60s at some point who is within touch. It's going to be a day where you're out there not paying too much attention to the leaderboard early in the round. You just have to put your blinkers on and play good golf.   “I saw Tommy's name creep up on the board. It's brilliant. It's just so much fun and a ton of guys will fancy it tomorrow. It's really condensed. One-shot lead with a pack like that behind you doesn't mean much. It's just going to be whoever comes out tomorrow and really plays well.” Tommy Fleetwood: “It doesn’t seem to matter what I'm doing at the moment. When you look at the leaderboard, we know who's there! It's massive. It really is. But whether I win it or not, or whether Justin wins it, one of us will have deserved it. It's been an absolute pleasure trying to win a Race to Dubai, coming down these last few events, and especially this week now. The week could have gone not quite as how you wanted it, not being in contention or anything.   “It's a massive day tomorrow. It's the biggest thing I've ever tried to achieve. I was in contention in the U.S. Open and Mexico at the WGC but they were like one or two rounds. This has been all year and you come down to the final event. “A year and a half ago, I was absolutely nowhere in the game and I was a bit lost. Fast forward to where I am, for me, it's been amazing to play and to enjoy my golf this year; and then to get to this stage. It's been an absolute pleasure and privilege trying to compete for a Race to Dubai.” Jon Rahm: “For many reasons it would be absolutely amazing to win this tournament. It would mean I had become Rookie of the Year and won twice on the European Tour. Once was already a dream but two wins - both of them being Rolex Series and one being the DP World Tour Championship - would be something really, really special. It would be the cherry on top of the icing of a great, great year.” Dylan Frittelli: “I started two-under through three the first two days, so I feel like that good start today was par for the course right now. But definitely proud of the way that I knuckled down through the middle of the round and got some more birdies, as opposed to the first two days. “I definitely set high goals this year and I've achieved a lot of them. Obviously it's been a breakout year. It's been the best one I've had as a professional so far. I just hope to keep the form coming and play well tomorrow again. “I've just got to stay focused and try to stick to the same routine. Maybe I’ll work out this afternoon, hit a few balls and get back, hopefully get some good sleep and just do it again tomorrow. That's always the plan. “It's a round of golf. You've got to be happy with the situation and this is what we practice for. I loved playing with Sergio today. He’s a good friend, from Austin, Texas, as well, and had a wonderful time with him today.” Round three scores: 201 J Rose (Eng) 66 70 65, 202 D Frittelli (RSA) 71 68 63, J Rahm (Esp) 69 68 65, 203 D Burmester (RSA) 70 68 65, T Fleetwood (Eng) 73 65 65, K Aphibarnrat (Tha) 69 67 67, 204 J Suri (USA) 68 68 68, P Uihlein (USA) 71 68 65, P Dunne (Irl) 67 70 67, T Hatton (Eng) 72 63 69, 205 A Björk (Swe) 67 71 67, P Reed (USA) 65 72 68, 206 M Fitzpatrick (Eng) 67 67 72, S Garcia (Esp) 70 69 67, D Lipsky (USA) 70 72 64, 207 S Lowry (Irl) 69 70 68, M Lorenzo-Vera (Fra) 70 72 65, R Fisher (Eng) 71 68 68, M Kaymer (Ger) 68 72 67, C Shinkwin (Eng) 72 69 66, S Kjeldsen (Den) 68 69 70, 208 R Cabrera Bello (Esp) 73 69 66, F Molinari (Ita) 69 71 68, S Hend (Aus) 66 71 71, M Pavon (Fra) 71 70 67, L Haotong (Chn) 72 69 67, R Sterne (RSA) 71 71 66, 209 H Porteous (RSA) 70 70 69, C Schwartzel (RSA) 70 72 67, I Poulter (Eng) 70 69 70, 210 A Otaegui (Esp) 71 69 70, V Dubuisson (Fra) 75 67 68, 211 E Pepperell (Eng) 75 70 66, R Fox (Nzl) 67 71 73, T Olesen (Den) 74 68 69, B Grace (RSA) 72 71 68, J Wang (Kor) 71 70 70, 212 R Ramsay (Sco) 72 72 68, D Horsey (Eng) 68 76 68, F Zanotti (Par) 67 75 70, 213 P Larrazábal (Esp) 69 70 74, J Smith (Eng) 75 67 71, S Jamieson (Sco) 76 71 66, A Levy (Fra) 67 76 70, A Noren (Swe) 74 69 70, A Sullivan (Eng) 68 76 69, 214 D Drysdale (Sco) 73 72 69, P Waring (Eng) 70 74 70, C Wood (Eng) 70 74 70, J Luiten (Ned) 73 70 71, 216 A Dodt (Aus) 70 77 69, G Storm (Eng) 76 74 66, N Colsaerts (Bel) 68 76 72, L Westwood (Eng) 75 73 68, M Warren (Sco) 72 76 68, 217 L Bjerregaard (Den) 75 74 68, H Tanihara (Jpn) 73 77 67, 218 B Wiesberger (Aut) 71 76 71, 220 T Pieters (Bel) 74 74 72, 221 G Coetzee (RSA) 70 76 75,  
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