#the emerald bits are SO frustrating but rewarding
un-pearable · 11 months
like i did still have fun. but it was in spite of a lot of things about the game rather than because of :( let’s focus on the positives. trip is adorable if a little too modern looking. this cutscene was very funny bc it was the first time i realized one of my bros had swapped eggman to lego at some point.
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i love her <3
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mikemadethis · 2 years
Quick Review: Sonic Frontiers
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In my first few hours of Sonic Frontiers I was having a blast. Coming off of Forces I was just happy to be playing a game where Sonic felt fast and fun to control. Jumping from activity to activity was a bit slow but the varied nature of them did a good job keeping me distracted. The more I played however, the more the cracks in the game started to show. The repeating minigames, the broken physics, the lengthy minibosses and the game constantly stopping you in your tracks so it can pan the camera over to something of interest for a second.
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Scattered across the map are various activities which can be completed for rewards. Many of these are incredibly simple like the hundreds of platforming micro challenges. Which completely clutter the island full of ugly platforms and rails floating in the sky. These can be somewhat fun to accomplish but they also wrestle control away from the player way too often. Instead of controlling Sonic like you normally would, many challenges will limit your moveset to some degree. It could be a rail which automatically propels sonic forward, or a boss which locks Sonic to a 3 lane runner style of gameplay. It gets to the point where it feels like Sonic's open world movement is mostly just a means to get from point a to point b, since next to none of the challenges are actually testing my abilities with that moveset. In my 15 hour playthrough, I feel like I spent the majority of my time doing things like pinball or three dimensional Tetris, rather than running around and platforming as Sonic in an open world.
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These issues are compounded by Sonic Frontiers absolutely baffling collectathon aspects. All of these challenges you can do in the game are to get one of various collectibles. First off, there's waaaaay too many types of collectibles. From Memory Tokens to Portal Gears to Chaos Keys to Seeds of Power, it's just way too many things to keep track of in a game where you constantly just want to be pushing forward. Many game activities require the completion of other activities in order to progress. This isn't too out of the ordinary for games, but it's kind of frustrating in an open world game. Being dropped into a play space with tons of points of interest that you can see on the horizon. Only to make your way over there and be told to come back later. Maybe I'm biased cause of Breath of the Wild, but that game did an amazing job of letting me walk up to something I thought looked interesting and letting me like... interact with it, right away. I assumed Sonic Frontiers was going to be the same, especially since a lot of the marketing seemed to imply you could play the game in whatever way you wanted.
Actually, to be fair to them, Sonic Team DID offer a few ways to bypass certain activities you may find not very enjoyable. But I'd be lying if I said I liked the system they came up with. Okay so you need memory tokens to unlock quest, portal gears (which you get from bosses) to enter cyberspace which you use to get chaos keys which you use to unlock chaos emeralds which you use to fight the boss. But actually you could bypass pretty much all of that ,except for the boss, byyyy fishing. Ya see by collecting some purple coins scattered across the map (or available during a random night time event) you can fish with Big in order to get tokens which can be used to purchase every collectible in the game?! I took advantage of this on the very last Island in the game to the point where I basically had to interact with zero of the activities in the game outside of main quests. All those bosses, platforming challenges and cyber space levels 100% skipped right over. And that's not even including the buried treasures scattered across the island which can give you even more of these collectibles. AND that's not even including the cyloop, this magic technique Sonic can use to fight enemies and interact with puzzles by drawing a circle on the ground. If you happen to draw a circle on the ground with nothing there, you get random drops of items, Including memory tokens. And this isn't some rare drop, if you really wanted to you could sit there and spin and get memory tokens way faster than you ever could by doing the challenges. None of these ways to get collectibles, resemble core gameplay in ANY way, I'd hardly even call them gameplay. If you can play the entire game by spinning in a circle and hitting easy QTE's it kind of detracts from the game proper. It makes me just wonder, is it even worth doing them?
Once you clear all of the main objectives I.E. getting all the chaos emeralds, the rest of the collectibles kind of just become useless. All those bosses undefeated, all those cyber space stages unspeedruned. None of them do anything for you anymore, and the game doesn't seem to care either way if you want to do it. And maybe that's a good thing because the game also doesn't seem to care about keeping a flow state. The amount of unskippable cutscenes in this game is kind of ridiculous. Complete a challenge, bam a cutscene. Walk too close to a boss, bam a cutscene. Stumble across a completely unimpressive structure, yep get ready to get control taken away from you so Sonic can do a Marvel quip about it. This might sound like nitpicking, but I recently installed a bunch of mods just to remove all those moments where the game just doesn't let you keep running and it is INCREDIBLE how much of a difference it makes. All of those simple minigames become so much less of a bother when hopping in and out of them is made as smooth as possible. I'm honestly unsure why they would stop you so much in a SONIC game of all games, but I'm very thankfully for the modders who are working hard to provide some much needed quality of life for this game.
That being said, modders can't fix everything. I still haven't touched on the physics, combat or story yet. All of which are... fine? They're fine. They clearly aren't the best but they're definitely the best we've gotten in a Sonic game in quite some time. With this review I really just wanted to highlight the stuff that REALLY dragged down my experience. The boring objectives, the convoluted collectibles and the lack of flow the game has from one moment to the next. There are things I really like about this game though, I loved the characterization of the cast, probably for the first time since SA2. I loved the Super Sonic boss fights even if they were a bit simple. They were just such a cool spectacle, unlike any we've had in a Sonic game. And while I'm still a bit disappointed that Cyberspace just reused level designs from older games, I actually ended up enjoying them a lot. I like this foundation Sonic Team has set up for the next couple of entries of this franchise. I just hope next time, they actually let me play as Sonic.
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horizonandstar · 2 years
I see you keep bringing up a Pokémon's type weakness and I always find it funny that people focus so much on that.
I remember when i used to play with friends I would have the most random of Pokémon and usually only have one good mon on the team while my friends had very competitive ev trained teams.
They always asked me for a battle not because they thought they would win but to see if they could finally win against me (if you looked at our lineup, they should have won no matter what).
My playstyle focused on having fun instead of winning and it seemed like the game rewarded me for that since the only time I ever lost was when someone decided to just spam minimize and double team. The dude wasn't even happy with the win because of how cheaty it felt to them.
I'm saying all this because it really doesn't matter on what you have so long as you play to their strengths. I've seen entire teams get wiped by a single magikarp so really just play with the mons you like.
Hope you have a nice day Star.
no im fully aware! its just that part of the brainrot includes type weaknesses, it always inevitably loops back to the type chart when i start thinking about teams
my teams are also just "woe, my fav be upon ye" but the type chart is always in the back of my brain if im doing a normal playthrough or creating teams for characters
i do get that its fun and good to play focusing more on fun than on winning! just for me, the type chart is part of it. sometimes gets frustrating when i create oc teams though if i dont have specific limitations in mind (like monotype or something), because if i dont give myself a specific limit, my mind imposes a preset one on me
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and while my mind is thinking about teams, heres my emerald team currently! i'm in the middle of a soul link nuzlocke with friends and its a bit. its a fun challenge even though im only really using half this team
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aaaand heres my legends arceus team as best as i can remember it! i think i wanted to shiny hunt zorua for the last team member
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wheredafandomat · 3 years
I put a spell on you 🥀
Contains smut
“What are you doing?” Loki questioned angrily trying to release himself from Y/N’s grip.
“Hush” she ordered “sit” she said pushing him down into the armchair in the dark room.
“Y/N, what’s going o—”
Loki was cut of by Y/N clicking her fingers alighting the plethora of candles that adorned the room. His eyes widened and his heart rate increased as he took her in. Her hair was falling loosely down her back. She had the lightest makeup on but the deepest red coated her lips. Lowering his gaze, his breath hitched as he saw what she was wearing. She was dressed in a red open sheer robe with a rosy fur trim. Underneath, she wore a red two piece lacy lingerie set. Trying his hardest to control himself, Loki’s eyes wandered back onto hers.
“Red, the colour of blood” he said faking an unamused tone
“I like to think of red as the colour of liberation. Victory. Love. Violence. Danger. Anger. Passion. Adventure. Seduction” she said sensually walking towards the mini bar in the room and pouring Loki a drink.
“Seduction” he scoffed “and what is this y/n? Are you trying to seduce me?” He asked slightly amused.
“Would you like that?” She said sensually handing Loki his drink and winking.
“Go on. Impress me” he growled taking a sip of his drink whilst making eye contact with Y/N.
“Your wish is my command” she replied without breaking eye contact
With a flick of her wrist, music began to play. Loki kept his eyes trained on her as she began to remove the robe. As soon as it hit the ground, her lingerie changed into an emerald green. Loki smirked watching her dressed so promiscuously in his colour. He sat further back and carried on sipping his drink as she began dancing provocatively before him.
As the song progressed, Y/N climbed on top of Loki’s lap. Feeling his growing erection, a grin pulled at her lips too.
“I thought you said a simple midgardian such as myself could never temp you” she teased as she started kissing his neck “because it feels like you’re pretty temped to me.”
She rolled her hips against his as his intense gaze turned darker. Hungrier.
“I like this song Loki” she rejoiced
Loki tried to reach out to wrap his hands around her. He wanted her. He felt his body calling to her. He wanted to touch her, taste her, fuck her. Loki’s grin faltered when he felt himself unable to move.
“Listen to the lyrics Loki” she said putting her lips to his ears. “I put a spell on you” she sang along continuing to roll her hips eliciting low growls from Loki. “Because you’re mine” she sang licking the shell of his ear.
As she stood back up, Loki let out a groan of frustration. He was being denied the only thing he wanted in this moment. She stood between his legs looking down at him. Looking up at y/n, he gave her a pleading look.
“Let me touch you y/n” he said
“Beg” she hissed
“A god does not beg” he scorned
Placing her hand on Loki’s thigh and slowly moving it upwards, she was rewarded with a moan.
“Please” he impetrated
“Since you asked so nicely, you can have one of your hands freed” she said before getting down on her knees and kissing his right hand. Instantly, Loki felt this hand feel lighter and reached out and cupped her cheek.
“What have you done to me?” He asked dazed
“I’ve granted you the freedom of one of your hands Loki, you should be thankful. Thank me” she mocked looking up into his eyes.
As Loki tilted her chin upwards, she placed both her hands on his thighs steadying herself as she rose upwards towards Loki’s lips placing a light kiss on them as his free hand went back to her cheek.
Loki’s hand moved down from her cheek down towards her chest. His fingers traced the lace as he bit his bottom lip. She watched him amorously as his hand began moving lower.
“Free me and I promise to grant you pleasure no mortal man could ever bestow on you y/n” he said trying to sound stern but a hint of desperation laced his tone.
Leering at his offer, y/n began walking backwards towards the bed before laying herself down.
“Prove it” she commanded
instantaneously, Loki felt his restrictions ending as he leaped from the seat and strode towards her.
Lowering himself on top of her, he smiled before kissing her neck. Noticing she seemed almost unbothered, Loki began delving further placing open mouthed kisses all down her body. She barley moved. Conjuring a dagger, Loki cut the front of the bra leaving her breasts exposed. Loki felt a small amount of satisfaction watching y/n release a small gasp at the unexpected action. Loki started flicking his tongue over her nipples as she started to writhe under him. Smiling, he began moving lower.
Watching Y/Ns breaths quicken, Loki gripped the side of her thong between his teeth before pulling them down her legs slowly. Loki gaped at her already wet cunt before licking his lips and plunging his head down immersing her clit with the feeling of his warm, moist mouth.
Reaching down, Y/Ns hands quickly found Loki’s head keeping him in place as she started bucking her hips against his face as she felt herself about to orgasm.
“Lokiiii don’t stop I’m so close”
“Not yet” he ordered. “I want to be inside you for that bit” he said freeing himself from his clothes with a shimmer of green.
Lining himself up with her entrance, he thrusted into her as she moaned and he grunted.
“So tight” he said through gritted teeth
As he continued thrusting into her, hitting her g-spot, she screamed his name digging her nails into his back.
“Do. Not. Tease. Me. In. THE. FUTURE.” He said as he drove himself in and out of her as her walls began contracting.
She blared reaching her climax with Loki’s name leaving her lips but he didn’t stop. He kept on relentlessly shoving his hard cock into her sensitive cunt as she stared wining and closing her legs tighter around him. Loki was murmuring praises above her as he continued chasing his release.
“Sweet Valhalla!” He marvelled spilling his divine seed into her as he thrusted in a few more times riding out his high.
As he opened his eyes, he looked down to see y/n looking up at him smiling silently.
Turning red from embarrassment at the realisation, Loki turned his head around to find a chortling y/n sitting on the same chair he was in with his previous discarded drink in her hand.
“You’re good” he facepalmed as the y/n underneath him disappeared leaving him on his front on the bed.
“Yes yes I am” she says proudly taking a sip of the drink
“When you said you were a telepath, I thought you could only read thoughts, not control them” he said covering his naked form
“I can also manipulate them, as well as emotions. I inhibit a lot of psychic abilities” she chimed
“Clearly” he replied slightly annoyed
“Lighten up Lokes” she joked standing up to exit. As her hand reached the door, her other arm was grabbed back
“Kiss me y/n” Loki asked pleadingly
“Fine. Just because the erotic show I just put on has left me feeling lustful” she laughed pushing Loki back down onto the bed.
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zodiakuroo · 3 years
idk what to tell you this is just 2k of pussy eating (don’t blame me blame eren brain rot)
18+, minors dni
part 2
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“What did you do?!” You say, incredulously. It’s a rhetorical question, you can see exactly what he’s done. Eren stands in front of you, shamelessly, with his pants and boxers dropped to his ankles as his flaccid penis hangs between his thighs. Your attention is mainly focused on the brand new, shiny titanium barbell that goes through the head of his dick.
“Do you like it?” You can tell by his posture and the shit-eating grin on his face that he’s incredibly proud of his newest body modification.
“Why on earth would you get a piercing there?” The bulbous head is just few shades of pink darker than the rest of his pale shaft. You wince in your seat, imagining what it would feel like to stick a needle right through your most sensitive parts.
“Well, it was a dare and Jean bet that I wouldn’t so I had to.” He rubs the back of his neck sheepishly, fully aware of how silly it sounds as he says it out loud.
“Of course.” You mutter. What other chain of events would lead to your boyfriend coming home with a fucking Prince Albert. “Does it hurt?” You lean in just a little closer and notice the little bit of dried blood where the jewelry pierces his flesh.
“Nah. Didn’t feel a thing.” He says with a wink and begins dressing himself again before dropping down on couch next you, throwing his arm around your shoulder and pulling you into his chest.
“You’re such an idiot.” You giggle, nuzzling your head into his neck, inhaling the heady scent you’ve come to associate with him.
“There is one thing though.” His voice is softer, lacking it’s usual self-assured tone. He can’t say that he’s happy about what he’s about to tell you. In fact, had he known about this small detail beforehand he might not have gone through with that stupid dare.
“Hmm?” You respond noncommittally, too preoccupied by your current task of leaving gentle kisses on his jaw and giving him the soft affection you know he loves but will never ask for.
“No sex for a month. Piercer’s orders.” His eyes drift down cautiously to gauge your reaction.
You stop in your tracks and frown up at him. At first you think he’s kidding but no such luck. “Oh my god.” You groan. “You’re such an idiot.”
Three days.
A grand total of three days.
It’s sad really, but you should have seen it coming. Like Eren Jaeger’s libido would ever let him go a whole 30 days with no sex.
He blames you and the way you prance around the apartment in those tight, short shorts. How is he not supposed to want you when he has to spend the day watching your tits bounce around in that white tank top, nipples just barely visible through the fabric?
It’s not like you put up much of a fight anyways. The way that man has you wrapped around your finger, all it took was a few well-placed touches and whispers of how much he misses the way you feel and the way you taste. Just like that, Eren has you naked, legs hanging off the edge of the bed with his face buried in your cunt.
“Love this pussy.” He murmurs, nipping at the soft skin of your inner thigh. “Can’t live without it.”
He knows that he can’t be inside you. He knows. And yet he continues to torture himself because this is as close as he can get to what he really needs.
The rough pads of his fingertips massage your wall making you buck into his hand, silently begging for something deeper. He laps at you with his tongue, running it from your clit all the way down to your hole, licking up the slick that leaks out around his knuckles.
You feel the sparks of pleasure heating up your abdomen and you squeeze your thighs around his head, weaving your hands through his long, mahogany locks. ‘Eren’falls from your lips over and over in breathy mewls that only encourage him to keep going. His fingers put in double time hitting the special spot deep inside you while he seals his lips around clit and pulls it into his mouth. You dig your heels into his back to give you leverage to rut into his face as he pushes you closer and closer towards an inevitable orgasm.
You’re so hot and wet inside, squeezing so tight around his fingers. His mind conjures up memories of how good it felt to have your gooey walls clamping down on his dick and the soft cries you let out as he split you open.
He’s rock solid in his sweats right now and his cock hurts, sensitive tissue swelling and pulsating around his still fresh piercing. But he can’t think about that right now. All that’s on his mind is how badly he wants to be inside you right now. Any of your holes, it doesn’t matter which. But they’re all off limits.
Quite frankly, it pisses him off.
There is no choice but for him to take his frustrations out on your body. He slowly drags his fingers out of you, marveling at the way your needy cunt tries to pull him back in.
Before you can even protest Eren presses his fingers, still warm from your pussy and covered in your cream, against your lips.
“Open up.” He practically growls, voice thick with arousal.
You part your lips in response, letting him clean his fingers off using your tongue. Reflexively, you close your lips around them and begin to suck, moaning at the taste of yourself.
“God, princess.” He pants with his jaw slack. “Want your mouth around me so bad.”
It only motivates you to take his fingers deeper. Deep enough to make you gag as your drool runs down his knuckles while you swirl your tongue around his digits.
The way you look at him doesn’t help either. Usually you’d shy away from eye contact when he makes you do something embarrassing like this, sucking on his fingers like you’re sucking on his cock. But tonight is different. You stare straight at him with that heavy-lidded gaze, eyes glossy and full of want. The frustration is killing him, he can’t stand to look at you anymore so instead he gives his undivided attention to your cunt.
“Babe you wanna know something?” His breath fans over your soaked core, making you twitch in his hold. Something gives you the feeling that he’s not really talking to you, he’s talking to what’s between your legs. Although he’s not even looking at you, you still nod your head yes, so wound up you’ll take anything from him at this point.
“I read online,” He goes quiet for a moment, distracted at the way your weeping hole clenches around nothing, almost like it’s begging for him to fill it. “That dick piercings feel real good in pussy. I promise it’ll be worth it.”
Eren bends down to lick at your dripping hole, he slides his tongue all the way down, making sure not waste a single drop, stopping just above the tight ring of muscle making your squeal in surprise.
”Can you imagine it?” He drags is fingers from your lips, leaving a path of saliva down the valley of your breasts, across your stomach until he reaches your clit, rubbing the sensitive numb in slow, steady circles with his thumb while you fist the sheets trying to swallow the sounds he’s coaxing out of you. “How it’s gonna feel inside you? How it’s gonna hit that spot that makes you go dumb?”
Sure, he sounds composed but when you look down at him and see the way his pupils are blown wide, pretty pink tongue hanging slightly out of his mouth, you know he’s imagining it too.
“Gonna drive you crazy.” His calloused fingertips dig further into your pudgy thighs, clipped nails leaving little crescents indented in your skin. “Make you even more crazy for my cock than you already are.”
“Yeah ‘ren.” You gasp as he runs his tongue through your folds. “Wan’ your cock.” You babble mindless agreements at whatever filth he’s spewing, too fucked out and desperate for his cock to care.
Like the bastard he is, he chuckles at your response, satisfied with knowing that you want him just as bad as he wants you.
He leans forward and presses the flat of his tongue against your entrance, telling you (wordlessly) what he wants.
He wants you to beg for it.
And of course you oblige. You chant out ‘please Eren, please Eren, please Eren’ over and over again as if you’ve forgotten every other word.
He rewards for your obedience by pushing the slippery muscle into your hole, nice and slow savouring the way your tart essence covers his taste buds.
“Fuck- more please.” Your back arches off the bed in response but his left hand splays across your abdomen keeping you in place.
His right thumb is still rubbing you, pressing harder, going faster while he drives his tongue even deeper licking up all of your juices like a man starved. He devours you shamelessly, the sloppy sounds only drowned out by your pornographic whining. He thrusts in and out, in and out, in and out, fucking you with his tongue, making sure to taste every inch of you.
Your flavor is addictive, he can’t get enough. He grunts against with his face shoved against you, sending vibrations from your core, right up your spine. His fingers and tongue assault your pussy mercilessly, setting every single nerve on fire.
“Baby- ah- I- I’m close” you whimper, feeling tension brewing in your core, threatening to burst at any second.
“No.” The hand that was playing with your pussy comes down hard on your puffy clit, the sound of the smack echoing in the quiet room.
You let out a cry, so high pitched you can hardly believe it’s your voice.
“Can’t come until I do.” Just like that, he’s off of you completely, leaving you trembling without his touch.
The pain and frustration have tears brimming at your lash line. How cruel of him. To dangle an orgasm right in front of your face before yanking it away. You begin to stammer out pleas, begging him to touch you again, but they fall on deaf ears.
“C’mon princess. ‘S only fair right?” He looks up at you with the sweetest, emerald puppy dog eyes, juxtaposing the lewd way he licks the remnants of your arousal from his swollen lips.
It’s not fair at all. You weren’t the one who decided to get their dick pierced on a whim. Why should you have to suffer? But there’s too much blood in your throbbing cunt and not enough in your brain so you can hardly put together a coherent sentence, let alone argue with him.
“Gonna edge you like this every day yeah?” He shifts his body to hover over you, using his arms to hold himself up so that his nose barely brushes yours and stray stands of his messy hair tickle the sides of your face. “Till I get to fuck you again.” He dips down to kiss you on the lips. It’s barely more than a peck, far too chaste and gone far too soon.
“Christ, I can’t wait to fuck you again.”
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5-puthyyy · 4 years
Thin Walls - Chapter 7
© : please DO NOT copy or post my work anywhere.
a/n : bit of a filler chapter if anything, just to break down and solidify, add in a bit of emotional drama :) love the support so far, thanks so much! 
summary : you get a phone call and decide closure is what you need...natasha isn’t very happy about that
warning/s : language + implied smut + angst
<---chapter 6 / chapter 8--->
natasha romanoff x reader masterlist
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You’re woken up with soft lips brushing against your cheek, gentle fingers trailing up and down your back, and breathy sighs against your neck. Flashes of last night come to the front of your mind, bringing you back to reality, but you keep your eyes closed with a smirk as Natasha gently sucks on your neck. You shift a little and she stills her hands and lips, waiting for you to wake up but you don’t. You sigh contentedly and try not to show any reaction when Nat lets out a frustrated huff. Her kisses are a little harder this time, bold enough to suck along your jawline and scrape her teeth against your skin.
“Behave.” You finally speak, voice raspy and deep from sleep, the low tone vibrating straight to Natasha’s core. She giggles at the command and bites a little harder, eliciting a playful growl from you as you roll over on top of her, pinning her hands over her head. “Remember what I said last night?” She hums and leans up to kiss you but you pull back, tutting at her.
“Good girls get rewards.” She huffs out and you give her a soft kiss on the cheek as a reward. 
“Mhm. Wanna take a wild guess at what bad girls get?” You whisper into her ear and she giggles before biting down on your ear.
“A spanking, please.” She husks out and you groan in response, thanking the universe for bringing you into the arms of this perfect woman. She giggles again as you let go of her hands and she immediately scratches them along your back that is already fresh with her marks.
“You, pretty girl, are going to be the death of me.” You kiss her gently, loving the way she sighs into your mouth happily. “Come on, get up. It’s a beautiful day, I want to spend it with a beautiful girl.” She smiles as you smirk playfully at her, leaning down every few seconds just to peck her lips, never giving her anything more. She tugs the hair at the back of your head to show her annoyance at you.
“Lucky girl. Do I know her?” She plays along, dodging your next peck, deciding she’s going to tease you instead. You growl at her, biting the skin on her neck she flaunted when she turned her head. She gasps and whimpers softly. You’re quickly becoming obsessed with that sound.
“Not sure if you do. She’s a little shorter than me, bratty redhead with blonde tips for that tiny touch of innocence. Emerald eyes…so easy to get lost in. And her fucking ass is out of this world.” She’s lost in your eyes until you compliment her ass and she bursts out laughing. Just for emphasis, you trail your hand down to where her leg has been raised up and squeeze her flesh. She hums against you, subtly rolling her hips.
“Damn, you were doing so well.” She whispers and you smirk in response, deciding to play with her more. She flips you two over with a giggle, straddling your waist.
“Oh really?” You bite down on her bottom lip and let your hands trail from her waist to her ass, so soft, so full, and you squeeze before slapping it. She moans against your lips and rolls her hips.
“Don’t start something if you’re going to refuse to finish it.” She kisses you hard, greedy and hungry for you but you break it off before she can go any deeper.
“I’m sorry, baby. I just can’t help myself.” You say with a playful pout and she can’t help leaning down and pecking your lips. 
“Where did you come from?” She sighs out, sleeping on top of you now with her head on your chest. Your fingers gently stroke her naked back.
“My mother.” She snorts before getting up with a roll of her eyes. She’s completely naked and nowhere near ashamed of it as she strolls over to the wardrobe to pull out a towel. The sun shines through the windows on her form and you honestly think she might be a literal angel, soft and plump everywhere, curves in all the right places, bruises from your lips littering along her body. She turns over her shoulder to look at you, green eyes bright in the sunlight. Happy eyes.
“Get in the shower, goofball.” You grin wide and jump out of bed.
“Only if you’re coming with me.” 
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By the time you’re clean, dressed and dry, everyone’s in the kitchen having breakfast. Carol practically chokes on eggs when she sees the two of you walking hand in hand, Natasha’s neck covered with your marks. She’s wearing shorts and a crop top, showing off the marks on her thighs too. You’re almost proud of your work, but you’re happier with the fact that she wants to flaunt it like she wants everyone to see you marked her. 
“Are you animals? What’s with bite marks? Oh God. Your back looks like a bear clawed at it.” Carol practically shouts out, especially when she catches the marks on your shoulder. You’re wearing another loose sleeveless shirt, thinner this time showing off the sides of your back. They all see your back when you’re stood at fridge taking out the milk carton. You reach up into the cabinet to find cereal, secretly hoping for cinnamon crunch. 
“Dang, you hit that.” Sam dramatically yells, high-fiving you. You hold his hand tight, despite the fact that you know he’s stronger than you. You don’t like people talking about Natasha like that.
“Her. Let’s not objectify women.” You say seriously with a hint of playfulness to tell him you’re not upset about it, but rather just giving him a warning. He nods his head and clears his throat before doing a rewind sound.
“My bad. Dang, you hit her!” He says with the same enthusiasm and Natasha laughs this time, shaking her head at him.
“Never change, Sam.” She says with a slap to his back perhaps a little too hard as he chokes on his food. “Anyone up for training today?” Nat asks, looking around and nodding as Bucky gave her a nod to indicate his answer. You think about Natasha all sweaty, grunting, abs on show glistening…perhaps you should ask to train with her one day. You haven’t had a single fight in your life, but everyone starts somewhere, right?
“I’m probably gonna fly over to visit Maria.” Carol mumbles, texting on her phone, no doubt telling Maria of her plans. You’re starting to think they’re a little more than just best friends. Natasha’s arms wrap around you from behind, resting her head on your shoulder as you take a bite of your cereal. She kisses your naked shoulder lightly and you hum in acknowledgement, almost shivering just at the touch of her lips against your skin.
“I wouldn’t mind kicking your ass for a bit.” Sam cockily exclaims, groaning as Bucky punches him in the arm unexpectedly, proving him wrong. Nat laughs along with everyone else, locking eyes with Bruce who looks at the two of you with a distant look. Your phone vibrates in your pocket and you pull it out quickly to see Jasmine’s name pop up. You hadn’t deleted her number or changed the photo which is still one of you kissing her cheek. You don’t notice Natasha staring down at your phone with a frown. You don’t know why she’s calling you considering she made it pretty clear she wants nothing to do with you, so you can’t help but feel like she’s in trouble or something may be wrong. You shrug Natasha off of you gently before standing up.
“One second.” You rush to the corridor, far enough for no one to listen in and answer the phone.
‘Hey. Everything okay?’ You sound a little panicked but she just lets out a relieved breath at your voice.
‘Y/N, hi. How are you?’ Her tone is calm, maybe a little nervous, but you don’t sense that anything is wrong. You want to hung up already because you’re not really in the mood for small talk or a desperate attempt at reconciliation - Nat’s waiting for you.
‘Fine. So…why’d you call?’ You ask curiously and hear her take a deep breath, followed by a bit of awkward silence. 
‘I-I don’t really know.’ She lets out a breath of laughter and you let out a chuckle in response.
‘You can’t not know. You pressed a button and dialled me for a reason.’ You lean back against the wall and rest your head on it. You don’t have time for this, you’ve already moved past what happened and now she’s just digging up old wounds.
‘I miss you. I used to call you all the time when you first…’ She trails on, not wanting to be blunt and say you died. Maybe she’s not as over it as you thought she was. ‘And I’d just talk to your voicemail.’ You grin at that, remembering the hundreds of voicemails you had from her. You didn’t listen to them because she already said she was done with you before you had the chance to even listen to one.
‘Yeah, I know. I deleted them.’ You can hear her swallow at that, clearly upset with you.
‘Oh.’ You let out a sigh at her cold response, not wanting to deal with her right now. She isn’t your girlfriend so her feelings aren’t your responsibility anymore.
‘Yeah. Listen, Jasmine, I can’t really do…whatever this is right now. And frankly I don’t want to do it.’ You say and think you may have been perhaps been little too harsh after hearing her inhale sharply.
‘You don’t miss me? I really want to see you.’ She says in a shaky voice and you sigh heavily, knowing she’s about to break. You just want to get back to Nat and her warm body pressed against yours.
‘Well, you didn’t want to see me when I first came back.’ You sound bitter, and maybe you are, but you have every right to be. She’s lucky you didn’t lash out and break everything, didn’t storm to wherever the hell she went off to and beat the living shit out of her new fiancé. You barely even cried.
‘I’m sorry.’ And now she’s crying, taking harsh and sharp breaths as she tries to control herself. You can’t help feeling a little bad for the way you’re behaving. You close your eyes and rub your hand at the back of your neck. You don’t notice Natasha’s footsteps.
‘Jas…of course I miss you, it’s only been a few days since I came back. It’s 5 years for you but it’s still fresh to me.’ You try make her feel a little better, tone way softer and gentler than it was before. You don’t notice Natasha at the corner of the corridor hearing you. She quickly rushes away after hearing that, teary eyed. 
‘Can we meet?’ Jasmine whispers after her breathing has calmed down a little.
‘I don’t think that’s a good idea. I’m seeing someone.’ You automatically smile at that, Natasha’s lips ghosting against yours.
‘Already?’ Her voice is quivering again and you can’t stand it at this point. She’s acting like she’s the one who was hurt in all of this. If she was simply with someone else then you would have understood, but it’s the fact that she initially didn’t even want to see you after 5 years. She knew that she was all you had left, and she left you to go through this alone. The least she could have done was be your friend.
‘You’re engaged. I don’t think you have any right to judge me on this.’ You say coldly and she pauses, sniffling a little.
‘Right. You’re right, I’m sorry. If not for that, I just…we can meet for closure? I didn’t get to say bye…and you didn’t either.’ She has a point, a really good point. You’re angry, and you didn’t even realise you still had anger in you about this situation. Maybe seeing her one last time would be best, to at least talk things out, to at least say bye.
‘Fine. Yeah, that makes sense. Coffee? At that Italian place we used to go to.’ You agree and she lets out a steady breath at that, relieved that she can see you.
‘Yeah, meet me there in 30? Thank you, Y/N.’ She sounds sincere but you don’t want to fall for it just yet. You want to be as clear as you can be that you don’t want to try again at a relationship.
‘It’s alright. Just a quick coffee. Really, Jasmine, that’s it. Nothing else.’ She hums in agreement.
‘See you soon.’ You hang up and take a deep breath before walking to the kitchen and seeing only Bucky left there. You give him a smile and he simply nods at you before going back to his huge stack of waffles. You think that might be his 3rd serving. Your cereal is all soggy now so you dump it and pick up a handful of blueberries from the bowl in the fridge, walking back to your room and throwing them up into the air to catch them in your mouth.
“Hey, baby. I gotta head out soon but I’ll be back before you know it.” Nat’s walking around the room picking up her clothes from the ground. She’s having trouble finding everything considering you flung them around. She doesn’t look at you.
“Okay.” Her tone is cool, too cool with no hint of sweetness that’s usually in her voice. You’re cautious to touch her, scared you might scare her off. You’ve heard stories from everyone else and know Natasha isn’t really the most open person with emotions, but you thought she was pretty open with you last night and earlier this morning.
“You okay?” You ask her while opening your wardrobe to pick out an outfit. You settle on a pair of jeans that are a little too tight on you, but they’re the perfect shade of blue and you can’t find them anywhere in a bigger size. She scoffs as you put them on.
“Fine.” You hum and think maybe she’s just being bratty for not having your complete attention. You keep the sleeveless shirt you’re wearing on and shrug on a red leather jacket before walking over to where she’s standing with her arms crossed looking out the window. 
“Natasha...be a good girl and-” You try and snake your arms around her waist but she flinches away and glares at you, a deadlier glare than the one she gave Carol last night. You haven’t seen that anger towards you and you’re not sure what you did to hurt her.
“Don’t call me that.” She says coldly and you take a step back, thinking you figured out why she’s being like this. She gave you control last night, but that’s all it was. Control in bed for her to get off a little. Just sex. She’s only your ‘baby’ when you’re making her cum. 
“Right. Yeah, my bad. Didn’t mean to step over your boundaries.” You turn away from her and she doesn’t see the purple flash in your eyes. You’re fucking angry, angrier than you have been in a while, angrier than you were when Jasmine told you she’s engaged, angrier than when they told you to erase what you wrote and let them die. 
“Whatever.” She mumbles and rolls her eyes. You march over to the dresser to shove your rings onto your fingers that feel naked without them. You feel naked with her in your room right now after she clearly said she doesn’t want you emotionally. Your tone’s more bitter, hurt, and just shocked that she’s really tricked you like this.
“You know, if you just wanted sex you should have said so. You didn’t need to…to make me feel all of that.” Your voice cracks in the middle of that and suddenly you want to vanish again, disappear from this room, away from her. You rush to your desk, shoving past her and picking up your pencil and pad.
“What? No, Y/N, that’s not what I me-” You’re ignoring whatever she has to say. You don’t want to hear her reasons for why she wants you to fuck her and nothing else.
“No need to justify it. I’ll respect whatever decision you make. This isn’t even my fucking home. I don’t belong here.” You scoff, suddenly feeling overwhelmed and out of place. Do any of them actually like you or are they just tolerating you because they feel like they owe you something for helping?
“Y/N, wait!” You write quickly and magic yourself out a couple blocks away from the coffee place, deciding you’d like a bit of walk to clear your head. 
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“Y/N.” You’ve been at the cafe for a minute or two, seated on small table for two near the back when Jasmine walks in and beelines to you breathing a little heavy.
“Jas.” You can’t help smiling at her, standing up to pull her into a hug. You did miss her. She was your girlfriend only a few days ago and it’s not like you two weren’t happy together. She looks different - a little thinner, tired eyes, a shaky smile and heavy breaths as she holds your face in her hands. Her eyes begin to tear up a little and you fight your own tears, leaning into her comforting touch.
“I-I can’t believe it.” She laughs and you can’t help but let out a watery laugh too, sitting down after clearing your throat, gesturing for her to sit opposite you. Her hair is much shorter than it used to be, sitting on her shoulders rather than halfway down her back. It’s only been 5 years but she looks older, and you haven’t aged one bit.
“How’ve you been?” You ask her, gesturing for the waitress to come and take your orders. She gets a latte and you get an espresso, loving the little cups they bring them in. 
“Wow. I mean, the first year or two were really hard. Kevin vanished too, so the whole family took it hard. And then…well, I met my fiancé. Things have been better since then, still hard to cope with the fact that half the population just disappeared…but he made it easier.” You nod and give a sympathetic smile. Losing family is always hard to deal with, but you’re glad she’s gotten her brother back. It’s hard to listen to her talking about her fiancé, but even harder when she mentions it’s a man. She said she was strictly into women from what you remember, so you guess it means this guys the real deal, someone really special. 
“He. I didn’t know that.” You clear your throat and she suddenly frowns, looking a little guilty for making you feel whatever she assumes you’re feeling. But you shake out of it. You’re happy for her, you have Nat. Well, had Nat. You’re not even sure what’s going on now. 
“Yeah. It was unexpected. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t be talking about all of this.” She rests a hand on top of yours and you let her squeeze before she pulls it away, thanking the waitress who puts down your drinks. 
“No, no it’s okay. Closure, right?” You give her a tight smile before sprinkling half a packet of sugar into your espresso and giving her the other half. She likes a packet and a half in her coffee drinks. You pause after that, realising what you did and she just smiles in acknowledgment. The dynamic is still there, still natural. But either way, when you look into her eyes you don’t feel what you used to feel anymore. She’s different. She’s no longer the person she was 5 years ago, and you’ve already changed from the moment you decided to help the Avengers. It’s been a fresh start for you.
“Totally. So…who are you seeing?” She smiles teasingly and you shake your head with a laugh. You and her used to comment on how hot Black Widow was when the fights were broadcasted on TV, when you saw her court hearing that time she decided to straighten her hair. She looked amazing either way. She looks amazing now.
“You won’t believe me if I tell you. But either way, I’m not sure if it’ll work out now.” You take a sip and have learnt not to make a face at the bitter taste. You’ve learnt to love it actually, the rich flavours hidden behind the bitterness.
“Why? What happened?” She asks and you find it hard to really understand it yourself let alone try put it into words to make her understand it.
“We slept together last night and it was…fuck, I don’t even have the words to describe it. Just insanely intimate, and this morning too. I thought it was going great and she just suddenly turned cold on me. I don’t know what I did, or what someone else told her. Or maybe she just…wanted sex. But she didn’t have to play with my feelings to get that. I just got so mad that she’d do that to me.” Your fists tighten at the reminder of her face, the way she was looking at you with no emotion whatsoever.
“Sounds like you really like her.” She observes.
“I do. Fuck, I really do. She just makes it easier. I guess like your fiancé.” You smile at her and think maybe all of this was perfect. Everything fell into place. Maybe you and her never really belonged to each other.
“Okay, we’re fixing this. You’re going to buy her a bouquet, chocolates or whatever she likes, set up a nice picnic date or something cute like that, and apologise.” You scoff at that and she glares at you sternly. 
“But I didn’t do anything wrong?” And you don’t think you did. Apart from getting mad. Okay, maybe you did do something wrong.
“And? Okay, she was acting cold, but you lashed out at her too and jumped to your own conclusions. Even when I was wrong, you used to come back home with cookie dough ice cream for me and say sorry. I really appreciated it, and I think she will too.” You smile with her at the memories. Sometimes it’s good to just…remember there were happy moments rather than focusing on the sad and the heartbreak. Natasha was intimate with you, even before you had sex. She was open and vulnerable and spoke to you about how she was feeling, about how lost she felt. That can’t all be fake. Now that you think about it, guilt weighs heavy in your chest at the way you reacted to her. Your heart clenches at the thought of her possibly laying in bed crying.
“You’re right. God, I don’t know what got into me. I don’t usually get mad like that. Apart from…” You don’t want to say, don’t want to even think about it but you’ve already mentioned it and you know Jasmine will ask you to elaborate. You don’t like thinking about them, despite how many good memories you have, despite the fact that you still survived without them. The looks they gave you, the fear in their eyes was more than enough to make you want to forget.
“From when?” Jasmine asks, sipping on her latte. You remember how she used to wait a while for it to get warm rather than steaming hot because she hates hot drinks. You love them. 
“My parents.” You whisper out but it’s loud enough for her to hear - the cafe is empty apart from an old couple sitting in the booth sharing a piece of tiramisu. Jasmine knows about your past so that’s why it’s easier for you to just say it, but with Nat you already know it’ll be hard. You don’t want to get hurt, she doesn’t want to get hurt. You’re bound to clash, both too stubborn to admit wrongdoings.
“But wasn’t that because of the darkness?” Jasmine asks and you ponder on whether you should just confess what you did. It’s definitely safer this time round as you did everything you could to make sure everything was balanced. You think the only thing that’s really causing the dark magic is Gamora coming back, since there was no exchange of life there. Her coming back means that life draws from your magical energy. 
“She’s…I had to use my magic to bring her back.” You confess and she sighs and shakes her head at you, disappointed in you. If only you could just tell her why you did it, tell her how many people you’ve potentially saved by bringing these heroes back.
“Y/N…” She trails on, knowing damn well you know how she feels about this situation.
“I know. I know. She’s just…I couldn’t just let her die when she’s what’s good in this world.” Her hand rests on yours again.
“You’re an amazing person at heart, and I would know that better than anyone else. You can fight that darkness like you did before. I believe in you. And don’t be scared to open up to her. She’ll believe in you too.” She will. Natasha didn’t lie about the way she feels, you know that. You don’t know why you reacted the way you did, she didn’t deserve that. All she deserved was for you to listen…and for you to stay. Fuck, you should have stayed.
“Thank you, Jas. God, this whole situation fucking sucks, but…I don’t know, I guess everything happens for a reason. You found him and I found her.”
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On your way home, you buy a bouquet of orchids. When you walked in with that defeated look on your face, the florist immediately knew you wanted flowers that say ‘I’m sorry’, and orchids apparently represent sincerity. You looked at the different orchids because the first ones she brought out were pink, and you hate that and know Nat would think it’s too cheesy. Then you see the blue ones. ‘Galaxy Dendrobium Orchids’, she called them, and you thought galaxy is fitting considering that’s where you first met her. The colours are what stood out to you - hues of blue and purple, the colour of her dress, the colour of the sky at Vormir, the colour of the magic you’re trying to suppress. They also symbolise love and rare beauty, and you think it’s too soon for the first but the latter is obvious; Natasha is a rare gem in this world and you’d be a fool to let her go. You got her some food too; Chinese takeaway isn’t fancy or much but you were hoping she’d want to watch a movie with you, binge on some food and just talk about what exactly is happening between the two of you.
You take a deep breath in the lift and when it finally opens you step out. Bucky is there in seconds, stood in front of you with a dangerous glint in his eyes, hands in tight fists. You take a step back, bumping into the lift doors.
“Fix it.” He growls and points to Natasha’s bedroom door before marching away, feet stomping heavily on the ground. It’s the first time he’s spoken to you and you sigh, disappointed that you’re off to a bad start with him. Walking over to the room door, you go to raise your hand only to realise one is holding the flowers and the other has the food. You shrug and bang your head against the door a couple times.
“Ouch.” You mumble, closing your eyes in pain and shaking your head. When you open them, Natasha is standing in front of you, eyes teary and cheeks wet. You decide you hate that version of green, never wanting to see her like this again. She pulls you into a tight hug and you grin into her shoulder, closing your eyes and breathing her in. “I’m sorry, ba-Nat.” You stop yourself before you call her baby, in case you were right about what she wanted. But she pulls back and frowns at you.
“You left.” She mumbles.
“I came back. With food. And flowers.” You counter with a grin.
“You went to see her.” She walks in and turns her back to you, but doesn’t slam the door in your face so you follow her and put the food on the small table near the window.
“Who?” If she’s talking about Jasmine you’re not sure how she would know about that unless she followed you.
“Y/N, I heard you talking to her.” Well, that would explain it. She’s standing with her arms around herself, hugging herself as some form of comfort but you want those to be your arms. You swallow that down. You know you’re intense sometimes with people you date, feeling a strong attraction, a need to be with them all the time, almost a devotion to them. But maybe Nat doesn’t like that.
“Oh, Jasmine? If you heard, then why are you mad at me? I told her I’m seeing someone and only meeting her for coffee and closure. I specifically said ‘that’s it, nothing else.’ Loudly. Are you sure you heard me?” You watch the emotion change on her face from anger to confusion and now guilt. She sighs and pinches the space between her eyes. 
“I-Shit, I’m sorry. I only heard you say you miss her. I jumped to conclusions…” Well if that’s all she heard, then now you feel bad. Her reactions were totally justified in yours eyes - if you overheard her talking to someone like that you’d be pissed too, especially after sharing such an intimate night.
“Hey, it’s okay. I’m kinda flattered now that I think about it. You getting angry means you care.” You smirk at her and step closer. She laughs and rolls her eyes at you, and your eyes glow at that sound.
“Shush.” She bites her lip and uncrosses her arms, relaxing a little.
“Listen, I don’t usually get angry like that. I’m sorry, I never meant to snap at you. It’s just…okay, can we sit and talk about this?” She nods and takes the flowers you hand to her. She smells them and smiles. She runs to the bathroom and comes back with a vase and the orchids sitting in them.
“These are beautiful. I love them, they look like a bit like Vormir.” She sits on the bed beside you and you shrug your jacket off, noticing how her eyes drift to your exposed skin right away. You don’t let it get to your head though. You don’t want to misinterpret things.
“Yeah, it’s why I got them. And your dress.” You husk out and watch her take a sharp breath.
“You like that dress?” She whispers and your eyes drift to her lips but right back up. You need to explain before you do anything else. You already told her you want to do this the right way.
“A lot. Okay, for real, we have to talk about this.” She turns to face you, sitting cross legged. “So…you know the purple in my hands? The purple magic?” She nods. “It’s not usually there. My magic is yellow. The purple is dark magic. Certain things use dark magic, like…playing with life and death. It’s why there’s a little purple in you too when you touched me. It’ll go, I promise, but not for me. I have to overpower it and push it out. It’s hard, but I’ve done it before. What I’m trying to say is dark magic affects someone’s mood, personality, everything about them. It makes me angry, impulsive…” You trail on and lose your train of thought when Nat’s hand starts playing with yours, her fingers gently running along your own like she’s measuring them. Magic sparks up between the two of you, yellow with hints of purple. She smiles at your hands before looking back up at you.
“There’s more yellow. You’re good. I know you’re good, you wouldn’t have saved me if you weren’t.” She says like she knows better but you don’t want her to be bringing that up all the time. You did what you had to do, and that’s separate to your…relationship? You don’t know what to call it yet.
“You gotta stop using that, Nat, I didn’t do it for favours or anything. I don’t want you or anyone to feel like they owe me anything for-” She cuts you off with a desperate kiss, trying to show you how much she cares through her gentle lips caressing yours. Your hand naturally moves up to rest on her cheek, brows furrowing together at the emotions you’re feeling right now. She pulls back and rests her forehead on yours.
“I didn’t sleep with you because you saved my life. I slept with you because I wanted to. And I want more.” Your heart leaps at that confession, letting out a relieved breath.
“Thank fuck, because I don’t know how I would have gone a lifetime without feeling your lips on mine again.” She rolls her eyes and leans back on the bed, calling you over with a curled finger.
“Come here, smooth talker.” Needless to say, your food was cold by the time you were done with her.
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The Magic Phrase
This SMUT is part of my Kumandra Memorial Hospital story, BUT this can be read solo! So ENJOY! (18+ content!)
OKAY! So I've noticed the lack of toys in SMUT! Trust me, I love all-natural as much as any other but thought it would be fun to write something new.  
Warnings: Vaginal fingering, light BDSM, praise kink, foreplay, toy-play, oral sex, overstimulation, lots of teasing, and dirty talk.
Word Count: 5604
     Raya looked at herself in the mirror and smiled. She was wearing lingerie that somewhat resembled the colors of her old military uniform. The bralette and thong were a lacey royal blue color. Her emerald green leather garter was simultaneously attached to her waist and upper tighs.
     Her hair was in a messy braid so she could wear her emerald green military beret. She chuckled as she readjusted it upon her head, tilting it a bit down. Raya choice to include the hat because Namaari had revealed days before that many of her sexual fantasies included fucking her in a military uniform. And Raya wanted to provide.
     She bit the inside of her lip as she looked back into the mirror, psyching herself up, "Why are you nervous? She loves you! You could be wearing sweatpants and a baggy shirt, and she'll still devour you! YOU GOT THIS." Raya finished her mantra and chuckled, remembering she told Namaari she was too tired to do anything tonight when in reality, she's going to cave to several of her desires. She exhaled as she grabbed the silk white robe hanging from the bathroom door, putting it on and letting it rest on her elbows. 
     Raya opened the bathroom door and spotted no Namaari in the hallway. However, she does spot Tuk Tuk at the end of the hallway, staring at her, tilting his head in confusion; she quietly chuckles as she continued to her destination. Once she got to their bedroom, she slowly opened it and peaked her head in, spotting no Namaari. She entered quickly and closed the door behind her locking it. She needs to make sure all the supplies are at reach. Tonight Raya was giving in entirely to Namaari, allowing her to do anything she desired once she earned it. 
     She looked under their bed, pulling out a box that held their straps. Quickly tossing them onto the small couch at the end of their bed, yet she had a feeling Namaari wasn't going to gravitate towards them tonight. 
     Raya then maneuvers to their nightstand, pulling out a regular bullet vibrator with a corresponding hand strap, a feather, cuffs, a flogger, a clitoral vibrator, a curved beaded glass dildo, a rabbit vibrator, and finally, some silicone lube. She settles on only these options for tonight. They only have the rest of their lives to explore new ways of pleasure, but for tonight, the possibilities should be more than enough! After retrieving all the toys, she places them on the small couch.
     "What else? What else" Raya whispers to herself as she retrieves her phone, pressing play on her premade sensual playlist. She almost runs her hands through her hair, only realizing she is wearing a hat. "Lighting," she suddenly remembers, running to the door, unlocking it, and dimming the lights just enough so they can see each other but dim enough to set the sensual mood. 
     "Perfect," Raya declares. 
     Raya then quickly makes her way to the bed, resting on her knees, spreading them apart; Before arching her back slightly as she places her right hand on the mattress, her left hand running up and down her left thigh. "NAMAARI, COME HERE FOR A SECOND" She screams as she bites her bottom lip, nervous while also dying in anticipation.
     Namaari hears Raya scream for her as she watches TV on the couch; she quickly turns off the TV, standing up, leaving her sleeping kitty on the couch. Making her way to the bedroom, assuming Raya wanted to cuddle. 
     Once Namaari reaches the end of the hall, she hears Raya's sex playlist emulating from their bedroom. "Guess she changed her mind," She whispers to herself, opening the door. She's greeted by dim lighting, sensual music, but the greatest gift is Raya's beautiful and provocative pose on their bed.
     Raya just looked absolutely stunning to Namaari.
     Namaari felt her jaw almost hit the floor, seeing all of Raya's exposed skin. She was overwhelmed by a warm, tingling sensation as she ran her eyes up and down Raya's attire and body. Once her eyes set on the military beret, a huge grin appeared on her lips, knowing Raya was giving into one of her deepest desires.
     Raya seductively crawls off the bed, her eyes locked onto Namaari's chocolate eyes as she does. "I was thinking...I give a little tonight," she whispered as she approached the other.
    Namaari's back hit the door as she pushed it shut, licking her lips as Raya stopped in front of her. "You want me to submit you? When you look like that," Namaari chuckled as Raya pushed herself up in her tippy toes to be at Maari's level.
     "Mmph only until you say the magic phrase...Only then...will I bend to all your wants and desires," Raya whispered into Namaari's ear before gently nibbling on it.
     Namaari shivered against Raya's breath as her eyes widen with pure suspense and want. "Fuck" She stuttered as Raya grabbed onto the straps of her sports bra, tugging at them before turning them around in a swift movement, shoving at her chest, pushing her back.  
     Raya attentively watches as Namaari goes tumbling back onto their bed: her legs touching the bed before she's forced into a sitting position when falling. Her face is covered in shock, but there is also darkness in it; her lust. "That's exactly what I'll do if you don't guess the phrase," Raya purred as she started swaying her hips to the sides, running her hands up and down her body. 
     Namaari was squirming as she sat on the bed, "Princess, come closer," she whimpered.
     Raya pressed her lips together as she stepped closer to Namaari, still doing her dance. However, as Namaari reached her hands out to touch her, she stepped back. "I have two rules you have to follow, handsome."
     I'm so done for, Namaari thought as Raya chuckled at her.
     "I want you; that's the phrase, right?" Namaari stated with a raised eyebrow. 
     Raya smiled as she stopped dancing, kneeling in front of Namaari, hoovering her lips over the others, "Nope," She whispered as Maari had pushed her lips forward, just as she stepped back, regaining her posture. "Rule number one; I'm the dom until you guess the phrase," She states as she begins to remove her robe slowly. "Rule number two; you cannot touch me... or kiss me until you do..."
     "WHAT?" Namaari exclaims as her eyebrows crease, and a frown appears on her lips; even so, she feels her core begin to pool warmth.
     "Extend your arms, daddy," Raya orders as she lets the gown hit the floor before reaching for the flogger.
     Namaari does as she told, entending her arms out, "Mommy? or Mamas?" she questions as Raya shakes her head no. She watches as Raya lightly brushes the white flogger onto her skin before looking into Namaari's eyes. For just a second, she watches Raya push away her lust as pure love replaces it.
     "Handsome... Remember, green means keep going, orange means use caution, and red means stop completely," Raya says in a soft voice while Namaari huff's at her amused. 
     "I know, love...I trust you," Namaari breathes out as Raya subtly runs the ends of the flogger onto her arms, easing her into the new feeling.
     Raya's breathing deepens as she sees Namaari's eyes close before humming into the sensation of the leather against her skin. That's when Raya pulls the flogger back and whips Namaari's open palms. Maari slightly jumps into the feeling before Raya hits her other hand. "Green," Namaari purrs as she lets her hands fall. 
     Having permission to keep going, Raya begins to whip other places of Namaari's body. Such as her thighs, her abdomen, her shoulders, and her collar bone. Each whip received with a groan of pleasure from Namaari, "You're so sexy," Namaari whispers as she opens her eyes, looking at Raya, whose slightly sweating from the physical strength needed to whip the other.
     Raya drops the flogger after a few whips as that wasn't the activity she was genuinely looking forward to performing on Namaari. "Hand's up," she exhaled. Namaari only smirking and doing as she told. Raya knew the other had figured out the magical phase but was waiting for the perfect moment to say it.
     Namaari watched as Raya began to sway her hips again, and just as she did, the song Moan by Kodie started playing. Raya grinned from ear to ear when she heard the music: playing her movements to sway with the song. Namaari lightly bites her inner lip looking at Raya's pear-shaped body. Raya was perfect to her. Her breasts were about the size of a B-cup; she had an average waist, a visible four-pack, and wide hips that complemented her bigger than average ass. 
     With one hand, Raya grabbed her braid, tossing her over her right shoulder as she grabbed Namaari's hands, gently leading them up and down her body as she swayed: Never allowing the other to touch her. Namaari grunted, growing sexually frustrated. Raya sighed as she dropped Namaari's hands and turned around, grinding her ass lightly on Namaari. "I love you," Namaari whispered as her hands quickly gripped Raya's ass, massaging it. Raya only chuckled as she continued her lap dance. 
     Having guessed the phrase, Namaari would be rewarded. 
     Namaari indulges herself in groping Raya's ass for a few moments before running her hands up Raya's waist. Before wrapping them around her chest and grasping her boobs. Raya only moaned as she proceeded to grind her ass on Namaari's lap, making her head spin--Namaari was enjoying this, but she wanted control. So as Raya briefly lifts her ass off her, she gripped her waist once again before standing up. Then in a swift motion, Namaaril turned them around before roughly tossing Raya face down onto the bed. 
     "I love it when you toss me around, daddy," Raya declared against the mattress, making her voice sound muffled.
     Namaari's cheeks quickly turned a shade of red, feeling even more turned on. Even so, she crawled onto the bed, hovering over Raya, spreading her legs with hers. Before quickly grasping Raya's arms with her hands, pinning them over her head as she began to kiss and suckle at her neck. She could only hear the muffled hums and moaned escaping from Raya's lips. "Be loud for me, princess," Namaari whispered into Raya's neck only to be answered by Raya nodding yes into the mattress. 
     Raya feels Namaari bite down on her neck, right on her pressure point. An audible moan escaping her as she pushes her ass up against Namaari, wanting more of her. 
     Raya was very aware of how her heart began to race, her temperature had risen, and her core, well, it was hot and very moist. 
     Namaari finally pulled back from suckling on Raya's neck as she felt her briefs soaked, and it wasn't her who drenched them. "Raya, did you cum already?" She chuckled as she let go of Raya's hands, placing them on either side of her, pushing herself up. 
    Raya is a squirter and usually cums multiple times before orgasming; this wasn't new's to the both of them. However, to Raya, this is an inconvenience, but to Namaari, it's hot and completely undoes her. 
     "You'll be punished for that," Namaari stated as she crawled off the bed, leaving a shivering and whimpering Raya lying face down on the bed. She quickly grabbed the flogger that was on the floor.
     Raya purred, "Whatever punishment you find fit, daddy."
     Namaari huffed, slapping the flogger against her left hand. "On your knees."
     Raya didn't hesitate and quickly stood up from the bed; before kneeling at the bed's edge, her back facing Namaari. Raya's breathing was becoming harder to maintain at a steady pace. And as Namaari brushed the ends of the flogger over her shoulders and neck, her breathing began to falter. 
     Having dabbled in pain infliction pleasure before, Raya quickly extended her right hand, showing she was ready for the first whip. Raya was mentally prepared to feel the whip; however, her body still shivered while the flogger was against her skin. Noticing this, Namaari eased Raya into the feeling, making sure to slowly and gently run the flogger down her whole arm before resting it on her open hand. Only then did Namaari lift the flogger before bringing it down roughly on Raya's open palm. Raya only winced at the slight pain but found herself in love with the euphoria of it. 
     "Green," Raya whimpered as she moved her hands to rest on her thighs.
     After getting the green from Raya, Namaari ran the flogger over several areas of her skin before whipping her, each time being received by Raya with a wince of pleasure. Namaari did this for a while, using the flogger against Raya's shoulders, back, and bottom. Yet it was very straining actively, so she found herself sweating and tired. To catch her breath, she dropped the flogger and made her way to the edge of the bed, sitting down, simply patting on her lap, singling to Raya what she wanted.
     Raya grinned, standing up and throwing herself over Namaari's lap; her pelvis spread across Maari's lap while the rest of her body was on the bed. "I love you," Namaari whispered as she pulled down Raya's underwear, as far as her upper tighs, only getting them out the way. She then gently began to rub circles into Raya's ass. Raya only whimpered before closing her eyes, trying to feel most of the following sensations.
     Namaari began slowly by rubbing circles into Raya's ass before lightly tapping it to signal her following movements. "You're the only one for me," Maari grunted as she brought her hand up, slapping down: Raya flinching as she received the hit but relaxing after, moaning. 
     Namaari repeated this process, rubbing, tapping, then slapping. Yet with each new slap, an added pressure and strength was added, usually resulting in a pleasurable moan from Raya.
     "Plus, this ass is--" Maari began to say as she noticed Raya's body began to tense. Having seen this shift, Namaari grounded herself by rubbing circles into Raya's ass; she was also hoping this action would also bring Raya back to the present moment. Maari patiently waited for Raya's body to relax, tapping on her ass again, right before slapping her hand down, this time more gently. "It's delicious," Namaari growled as Raya moaned. 
     "This feels so good handsome, but...I need more, I need you," Raya managed to communicate between her spanking. Her significant other, Namaari, only chuckled as her cheeks turned red. 
     Wanting to shift her focus, Namaari rubbed circles into Raya's ass one more time before noticing her handprint beginning to show in red. She quickly bends over and lightly nibbed on the already sensitive skin. "MAARI," Raya moaned, causing Namaari to laugh into her ass cheek before letting go of the tender skin between her teeth, lightly kissing the area after.
     Namaari only snickered. "What happened to daddy or handsome?" before letting her back fall onto their bed, which resulted in Raya quickly positioning herself to be on top. This position was okay for now as Namaari closed her eyes, feeling her core lingering with several sensations radiating throughout her whole body. 
     They both were dripping messes.
     Raya quickly rid herself of her panties, leaving her garter's on, as it would take too long to free herself of them; before properly adjusting herself on Namaari's core, thrusting her hips into her. She watched as Namaari's eyes remained closed as her lips slightly parted. Raya was sure Namaari was about to orgasm, but she suddenly opened her eyes and looked her up and down hungrily. 
     Namaari grabbed Raya by the waist and stopped her from grinding onto her. She wasn't going to allow herself to orgasm until she fucked the shit out of Raya--Seconds after grabbing onto Raya's waist, Namaari aggressively tosses her off and onto the side of the bed. Raya only gasps in surprise as her back hits the mattress. 
     Within seconds Namaari was crawling onto Raya before crashing her lips onto hers. The kiss was messy yet so intoxicating. Their tounges engaged in a tango of sorts, each of them taking their turn to lead. The only breaths are taken from their noses or when one of them bites down on the other's bottom lip. 
    While exploring every crevice in Raya's mouth with her tongue, Namaari's left hand is unclasping her bra. Simultaneously, her right hand is slowly making its way down the ride side of Raya's body, only stopping at her right knee, gripping the bottom of it, bending it to grant her better access. Only then does Namaari part their lips, slowly kissing and suckling on Raya's jawline. Her left hand now massaging Raya's left breast. 
     Raya purrs, "That feels good, daddy."
     Namaari hums, "Just wait Dep La."
     Raya's hands this whole time have been weakly running up and down the other's biceps, but her mind was foggy, lost in her pleasure. 
     Namarri's right hand swiftly grabbed the lube placed perfectly on the couch nearby, not needing to stop her previous activities. Once the lube was in her grasp, she works her mouth down Raya's body, leaving passionate kisses against her skin. Concurrently Namaari's left hand was kneading Raya's right breast; before stimulating her nipple between her fingers. For a brief second, Maari tears her sight from Raya's body only to generously squirt lube on Raya's outer labia, who reacts by shivering to the coldness of it.
     Raya was going to remark when the cold lube touched her hot core; however, feeling Namaari's right hand already rubbing it into outer labia caused her to lose her words. Namaari was gentle and teasing as she ran her fingers throughout all of Raya's folds, being sure all the surface area was coated in a generous amount of lube. Simultaneously, her mouth had engulfed Raya's entire left breast in her mouth, gently sucking and rolling it. Raya's back arched as her ecstasy overtook her; however, Namaari hand and mouth stopped. "Only release when given permission, love," Namaari whisperers against her left breast, lighting kissing it.
     Namaari pulls her face away from Raya's breast as her eyes land on the glass dildo. She grabs it with her left hand as Raya lays beneath her, trying to control her breathing. With her right hand, she grabs the lube and squits some on the dildo, quickly stroking it to make sure the lube was distributed on the toy. Namaari then lowers her face down to Raya's collarbone leaving gentle kisses as her right hand returned to Raya's core.
     As Raya tried to control her labored breathing, she felt Namaari begin suckling against her neck as her right hand was teasing her entrance. Raya brought her hands up to Namaari's neck, her left hand gently pulling on her hair while her right scratched the back of her head. She needed to concentrate on anything that wasn't the tingles and pressure pooling in her core. So she kept her eyes closed, trying to memorize the touch and feel of Namaari's scalp against her fingers.
     Namaari stopped teasing Raya's entrance and inserted two fingers. She watched as Raya's eyes opened only to roll to the back of her head before she arched her back, pushing her pelvis towards her hand, wanting more. 
     Raya saw stars as Namaari's fingers pumped in and out of her, curling to hit her G spot. Suddenly Namaari's face was hovering over her, and she pressed their lips together. "I love this pussy!" Maari mumbled into their kiss. 
     Namaari continued to kiss Raya passionately while Raya kissed her back tenderly, struggling to focus. 
     Namaari only pumped her fingers inside Raya a few more times, trying to memorize how deep Raya's G-spot was. She then pulled her fingers out, causing Raya to whine. However, in seconds the dildo once held in her left hand was now in her right hand, which she teasingly placed on Raya's entrance. Her left hand still kneading one of Raya's breasts; without ever breaking their kiss.
     As Namaari watched Raya's breathing began to labor again, she finally pushed the dildo inside her, only deep enough to hit her G-spot before pulling it out almost instantly. Raya whimpered against her lips as she did this a few more times. 
     Raya's whole body trembled, feeling the beaded dildo enter her so easily. Namaari had it gripped in a way that made sure it applied pressure onto her G-spot each time it went in, making her whimper against her lips each time--She no longer tried to kiss Namaari back as the glass dildo was pushed all the way in. Her whole body tensing as she felt a rush of heat elevating all over her body.
     Once Raya stopped kissing Namaari back, overconsumed by her pleasure, it pushed Namaari close to her own edge. Even so, she continued to press gentle kisses on Raya's jaw and neck as she varied how deep she trusted the dildo. "Release on the count of three," She murmured against Raya's neck as she moved her left hand down to Raya's clit. She gently lifted the hood off the clit and started rubbing circles into it; as she continued to thrust the toy with her other hand. "one..." Raya's whole body was arched as she trembled to keep herself from finishing, "Two..." Namaari pulled her lips away from Raya's face only to watch her crash. "Three." 
     Raya couldn't believe the high she reached before coming crashing down, the moans and groans escaping her lips echoing throughout the room. "Just like that Dep La," Namaari said, coaching her through the orgasm. Her left thumb continuing to stimulate her clit as her right hand trusted the toy in and out of her at a slower rhythm.
     As Raya's back relaxed, and the fogginess of her mind began to dismiss. She opened her eyes to see Namaari's glistening in her sweat and panting resulting from the pressure she caused her. Raya also became aware of the tight grip she had on Namaair's hair; quickly letting go as she giggled, "Ohh, daddy, that was--"
     Namaari cut her off as she pressed a quick peck onto her lips before pulling out the toy from within her. Raya only gasped against her lips as she began trailing kisses down her body. "I'm not done, Raya...Relax for me." 
     Raya felt her bottom lip quiver as she nodded yes. Each of the trailing kisses of her partner burning into her skin. Her legs were slightly trembling as Namaari's kisses reached her navel, her hands dropping from the other head and neck landing onto the mattress. 
     Raya had bent both her knees at this point, spreading her legs apart, knowing Namaari was going to eat her out. No sooner had she spread her legs had Namaari crawled off the bed and kneed down in front of her, however before diving in, she rid herself of her sports bra, knowing things would get messy.
     Namaari was buying Raya some time to cool down from her first orgasm before coaxing her into a new one. Raya is very intuned with her body, and pushing her into another orgasm way too soon can be more painful than pleasurable. This isn't a problem for Namaari as it allows her more time and space to worship Raya.
     Raya looked down at Namaari, who ran her hands up and down her inner thighs before pressing kisses into her sensitive skin. Once Namaari found a tender spot that made Raya whimper, she would gently nibble it or suck a hickey into it, causing subtle moans to escape her partner.
     Once Namaari heard Raya's breath settle as much as it would. She trailed her kisses towards Raya's core. Taking a moment to admire all of Raya's folds, the way her clit had retracted back into its hood, how her outer labia was painted in a rosy pink from her arousal. "You're beautiful," she admitted as she looked up to Raya, who tossed her head back giggling. Nevertheless, Namaari could still see the red beginning to appear on Raya's cheeks.
     The way Namaari appreciated her body made Raya's heart skip a beat. She was so in love with her. However, Raya's train of thought disappeared as she felt Namaari's flat tongue exploring her core. 
     Namaari explored Raya's outer lips, vaginal opening, and perineum before she began gently licking Raya's inner labia, making sure to brush her tongue against all her folds. As Raya started to whimper, she gently sucked on her folds, causing Raya's whimper's to amplify. She knew the anticipation was probably torturing Raya, resulting in her arousal increasing. Namaari was purposely ignoring her clit, trying to postpone the second orgasm.
     Raya groaned as Namaari licked her entrance before slightly dipping her tongue inside her. Yet that was a tease as Namaari continued using broad strokes to lick up and down her vaginal opening, no longer penetrating her. Raya was tired of waiting, so she moaned and pushed her pelvis up, forcing Namaari's face into her entrance.
     Namaari's face was engulfed by everything that was Raya. The pungent sweet smell, the slight taste of tartness from her vaginal fluids, and the slipperiness of the lube. 
     Raya kept her eyes shut tight as she grabbed the sheets. Her breathing becoming heavier as Namaari's pointed tongue gently explored her inner core before beginning to pump in and out. Raya moan-groaned, thinking to herself she had to get back at that teaser in between her legs.
     Namaari used her tongue to penetrate the other however felt Raya's wall's almost instantly tense around her. Soon after, Raya began to shake from her overstimulation but moaned to make it clear to Namaari it was more pleasure than pain. Knowing it was okay to continue, Namaari tenderly ran her left hand up Raya's abdomen, running her fingers through all the muscles as she inserted three fingers from her right hand into Raya, as her tongue retreated.
     Raya's moans sounded broken as Namaari's fingers worked on stretching her vaginal wall, her tongue now circling her clit. She was going to orgasm, and she couldn't hold back. 
     "Release when you're ready," Namaari growled into her Raya's clit. She had been swirling her tongue over the hood, so she brought her left hand down, exposing the clitoris in its swollen pink state. After doing this, she moved her left hand lower to spread apart Raya's labia. Her tongue shifting from circles to up and down on Raya's clit. After a few strokes, she retracted her tongue and gently held the other clitoris between her lips before tugging on it ever so slightly. 
     Raya felt her legs trembling as she felt herself release, with a death grip on their sheets. Her whole world was dark with speckles of color with her overstimulation. She couldn't hear herself anymore, but she was confident the noises escaping her mouth portrayed the pleasure she was feeling.
     Namaari was overjoyed watching Raya squirt onto her fingers. Some people are addicted to nicotine, but Namaari is addicted to the taste of Raya's cum. 
     As Raya was coaxed through her pleasure waves by Namaari's tongue and fingers, she felt her senses began to return. The sound of her vaginal juices was the prompt sound hitting her ears as Namaari curled her finger inside her. She could also hear her own broken moans and Namaari's grunts and growls. Her grip on the mattress loosening, and she let her back lose its arch.
     Once Raya's wall's relaxed around her fingers, Namaari pulled her fingers out quickly, licking them clean before dropping her face in between Raya's folds. She then made sure to lick all the juices off Raya's outer core before dipping her tongue inside her and licking her walls clean. "Enough of that." Raya panted as she pushed Namaari's face away from her entrance. 
     Once Raya was able to look at Namaari's face, she noticed her slick all over her face. She also noticed how dazed in her own arousal Namaari was, so Raya wrapped her hands around her neck. Raya then pulled Namaari up from in between her legs before pulling her down to her. She then gave Namaari a tender kiss before quickly shifting their positions; Raya was now on top. Raya was exhausted, but she was going to return the favor! Plus, Namaari was about to hit her breaking point.
     As they continued to kiss, Raya began to pull Namaari boxer briefs off, which Namaari was quick to help her. Once they were off, Raya separated their lips, turning to look at the couch and reaching for a feather and a bullet vibrator with its hand strap. She quickly wrapped the strap around her right hand and placed the bullet vibrator in its specialized pocket. The toy was resting on the palm of her hand--Once the toy was secured onto her hand, she began kissing her way down from Namaari's jawline down to her collarbone. Her left hand was running the feather over Namaari's exposed body. 
     Namaari exhaled deeply, closing her eyes, feeling the tender kisses all over her chest, the feather stimulating her body into further arousal. She was trying to flourish in this feeling as she knew it wouldn't last once Raya touched her where she longed to be touched.
     Raya ran her fingers through Namaari's folds, only briefly knowing she didn't need to coax her into arousal; she was already there. 
     As Raya's two fingers entered Naamari, she was greeted by a river of wetness and a warmth that almost felt to be emulating from a furnace. "You're so wet for me," Raya purred as she began curling her fingers inside the other "That's a good Dep La, get wetter for me.
     Namaari felt her body trembling in approval of Raya's actions and words. She knew her core was on fire, and now her cheeks were too. She felt her jaw tense, trying to keep her moans in as Raya's speed increased. "A good Dep La would be vocal for me," Raya whispered into her chest before filling her mouth with Namaari's right breast.
     They have a well-established dynamic: When Namaari tops, Raya calls her Daddy or handsome, but when she bottom's, Raya calls her Dep La. In contrast, Raya doesn't mind what Namaari calls her, resulting in Maari calling her whatever feels right in the moment of arousal. This dynamic works wonders for these girls.
     Namaari relaxed her jaw as she felt Raya drop the feather to the side and move her left hand to her burning core. Suddenly she felt Raya's fingers slow the speed of their penetration before her fingers were vibrating inside her. 
     Namaari groaned. "FUCK" 
     Raya's only responded with a subtle mischievous laugh as she bites her bottom lip. "That it Dep La." Namaari's eyes rolled to the back of her head as Raya started spreading her fingers inside her, while her left hand was gently stimulating her exposed clit. "Tell me how it feels?" 
     Namaari growled, trying to find words for the crazy sensations focused on her core. Apparently, Raya got restless, waiting for an answer as she stopped touching her clit and made the toy vibrate at a higher speed. "...It feels...so...good," she groaned.
     Raya grunted, "Want to make me happy, Dep La?"  
     Namaari nodded yes without opening her eyes. Raya only chuckled as she began to move her wrist with her fingers, making her curling all that much more intense for the other. 
    Raya watched as Namaari's body tensed and her back arched. Her left hand went back to stimulating Maari's clit. Raya quickly noticed the tightening of Namaari's walls around her fingers and the grunts and growls becoming that much more breathless. "Cum for me," She breathed out.
     No sooner had those words escape Raya's lips as Namaari felt herself release. She trembled with the overpowering stimuli all over her body and even felt her toes curl in pure pleasure. Raya's fingers working slower to help her through all the stages of her orgasm, but what brought her back was Raya's praise."That's it--You got this--That's my Dep La--Mmphh so beautiful--Take your time, my love."
     Once Namaari breathed through her last wave, she smiled before opening her eyes. Raya's stopped stimulating her clit and turned off the toy. Once Namaari opened her eyes, she saw a panting Raya pulling her fingers out from her core, cleaning them with her mouth before letting herself fall onto of her. 
     Raya felt her chest collide with Namaari's. Their breast's pressed against each other—their combined panting to regain their breaths, the only sounds echoing in the room. 
     Namaari wrapped her arms around Raya's waist, pulling her closer as if that was even possible. Raya quickly barred her face into the crotch of her neck, placing a gentle kiss into it. "That was--" Raya began to say.
     "Amazing," Namaari purred as she pressed a kiss onto Raya's forehead, feeling the other kiss her neck. Then Namaari used her nose to push the hat off Raya's head. "That hat is hot but was kinda in my way."
     Raya laughed into the other's neck before she felt Namaari cheek rest upon her head. "I love you so much! And this was fantastic, but let's hold off with toys and BDSM for the next few days; my legs need the rest," she said with a chuckle.
     "Agreed." Namaari whispered, pausing for dramatics, "I love you too."
     There they slept, both of them way too hot to shift to be under the sheets.​
AHHHH I had so much writing this. Of course I only touched the surface of BDSM, kinks, dirty talking, and worshiping to name a few; but this one-shot was already so long.
Anyway I hope you guys love it! 
Taglist: @isitbussinjanelle @iboobro @sisilovesmochi @ihavenoideawhatiamdoingjustgay​
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guerilla935 · 4 years
My Favorite Fishing in Video Games Where Fishing is Not Core Game Play
A really awesome surprise for me is always to boot up a game that is full of action and suspense to be introduced to a fishing side activity. I have toiled away at fishing in games for hundreds of hours at least. It has gotten so bad in some instances that my friends have asked me why I haven’t just taken the plunge into real fishing. It’s definitely because that is a lot of work and in real life I don’t catch a fish every 30 seconds. They have also wondered why I don’t just play a fishing simulator like Planet Fishing (Shout out to Planet Fishing that’s a great game). And that’s where I have to think for a while. Fishing while you have better things to do like save the world is very special. You aren’t fishing because it’s the objective of the game or because that’s why you are there, you are fishing because it’s fun and maybe you need a break to swing a fishing rod instead of a sword. And then you can stop, and get back to fighting or whatever the rest of the game entails. Below are games that have fishing in them for mostly no reason at all. I have shamelessly spent way to long with my bait in these waters and absolutely loved every second of it and I hope that you (the reader) can find a lot of relaxation in these waters as well.
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Pokemon Series
Since the very first Pokemon game there has been fishing. You get the old rod from some guy and then you are free to fish up as many goldfishes that you want hoping that one of them will grow up to be a 21 foot tall dragon. Pokemon has combined their fishing with their main game play and makes you at least start a battle with the fish you drag onto shore. Now fishing in Pokemon is pretty subpar mainly because a single Pokemon game hasn’t really been known to have more than a handful of Pokemon that you can fish for. Also if you are looking for a strong water type Pokemon you could do a lot better than fishing for it. Typically a Pokemon player will fish about 5-10 times total. And although fishing for Pokemon isn’t all that great it has been in every game for over 20 years and that is pretty impressive. It’s a small detail that makes the world of Pokemon feel like a real world of wild creatures.
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Sonic Adventure DX
In Sonic Adventure DX you are given the choice to play as a lot of different characters, one of which is named Big the Cat. Most of the characters are combat characters that rely on speed and attacks to get through levels, some even wielding rocket launchers and extremely oversized hammers. However when you start the story of Big the Cat you are thrown in a completely opposite direction. Big the Cat is a giant purple cat who lives in the jungle with his best friend Froggy. Froggy accidentally swallows one of the most powerful objects in the Sonic universe and Big the Cat must chase him all over the world trying to fish him out of where he is hiding so that he can eject the Chaos Emerald out of him and they can return to their life in the jungle. The fishing mechanics in this game actually are really good and this is probably because Sega had just put out a series of mildly successful Bass fishing games before releasing this game. Either way its absolutely hilarious that Big the Cat gets to defeat Chaos 6 right before Super Sonic has his showdown with Chaos Perfect.
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Final Fantasy XV
In Final Fantasy XV you play as Noctis and his favorite hobby is fishing. When I first played this game I sped through it and never fished once and reached the end of the game never indulging Noctis in his hobby. When I replayed Final Fantasy XV I fished for 50 hours and then ejected the disc from my console. The fishing in Final Fantasy XV is surprisingly deep with a lot of the vendors supporting what you could call a fishing road trip. In the game it is extremely dangerous to be out at night so I would plan day trips to lakes to maximize the amount of fishing I would get to do. I would prepare days in advance to make sure I could afford the trip and that I had enough supplies to both protect myself at the lake and have enough supplies to last the whole day. Final Fantasy XV really is a game about getting really distracted and fishing is probably its best distraction. My days on the lake were the perfect balance of peaceful and rewarding, this game offers an awesome reward of well planned trips and a good haul of fish.
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Final Fantasy XIV Online
Final Fantasy XIV is the only game I have ever played where the fishing played exactly like its combat. When you are fighting enemies in a dungeon in FFXIV you are constantly adding buffs, landing hits, using consumables, and managing resource bars. When you are fishing in FFXIV you are constantly adding buffs, landing hits, using consumables, and managing resource bars. Note you are doing so at a much more leisurely and less life threatening pace but you are still doing it. I never maxed out the fisher class but I got it into the expansion content which was a really long and relaxing experience. Yet another Final Fantasy title where the real meat of the game is in getting distracted. When you fish you also sell on a player market that fluctuates based on market price just like real fish. You get the relaxing fishing side of the game and also an aggressive economic number crunching side as well. I spent way too long with a real pen and paper deciding how much I should sell for on any particular day and bossing around my two cat girl employees.The MMO aspect of the game adds so much to what you would expect to be a very solitary experience.
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The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
Have you ever gone fishing for hours to receive an empty bottle? That is exactly what kick started my addiction to fishing in Twilight Princess. An empty bottle in Twilight Princess means another way to heal yourself, another way to add oil to a lantern, another way to carry useless water around. The only way to get the 4th bottle in the game is to go to a dedicated fishing spot and fish until you pulled it out of the pond. The actual fishing is pretty weird, it involves motion controls which I still am not entirely sure what they do or how to properly use them but it is really fun to hold the pole in gyroscope and set the lure in the water waiting for fish to come get a nibble. Although the physics with the water make it difficult to see if you have actually gotten a bite or not it still is enjoyable the other 85% of the time it works.
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Stardew Valley
So this one is at the top of every other “fishing in games” list and there is a big reason for that. It’s really good. I think in my first Stardew Valley farm I gave up farming entirely and fished all day every day and stopped to buy food to replenish my energy and go back at it. I really didn’t care about getting rich or making enough money to expand the farm or get to know everyone I actually spent about 50 hours just fishing. The fishing takes some skill and a pretty keen eye but the random jerks of the fish and the rhythm of the game play are so fun to try to master. It’s a part of Stardew Valley that I felt like I was continuously improving on as time went on and it was really fun. I mean I don’t recommend it because you’ll end up moderately poor but it was really fun.
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Fantasy Life
Fantasy Life offers you 12 potential jobs, you could be a brilliant blacksmith or a devious potions maker, a lumberjack or a knight, a hunter or a seamstress. However your inner dad is calling and you decide you want to play through a fantasy RPG as a fisherman, hell yeah. the story is relatively short so you can quickly unlock a lot of locales to fish at and there is a manageable economy system that lets you deal in fish in advantageous ways. You can even pick up cooking on the side and make fancy dinners and sell the fish for higher you can do that as well. Fantasy Life is like a clever mix between Animal Crossing and Final Fantasy XIV and it kind of succeeds and falls short of it. The fishing also takes a good amount of skill and rhythmic approach to master so it doesn’t get boring almost at all until you have cleared the game.
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Maple Story 2
Maple Story 2 is one of the most expressive and cutest games that I have ever played. And the fishing is no different, its all about style. The fishing in Maple Story 2 is monotonous and can get old but you do it for the chibi clout. Because much like the rest of the game you can look however you want and do whatever you want and sometimes you just feel like kicking back and throwing lure in the water at the beach. I never got super into the fishing in this game but it won me over with its adorable design and stylish atmosphere.
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Animal Crossing Series
Of course I had to include the most popular game right now. Animal Crossing has become something of a connection between people when we can’t leave the house. A thing we all have in common on social media and with our friends. My first experience with Animal Crossing really starts with New Horizons and I was completely blown away. The fishing isn’t super complex or difficult but the range of what you can pull out of the water and what you can do with it is absolutely breathtaking. For a game about cartoon people living with humanoid cartoon animals the fish looking photo realistic. And the museum where they can be kept is stunning. The museum looks like it was designed to capture the feel of being in a museum and matches the design of all the great real life aquariums and observatories. Although it is a bit frustrating when your rod breaks it is easy enough to make one (or worst case buy one) to get your bait back in the water.
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Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
Tell me I’m wrong, you can’t. Isabelle getting added to Smash brought a very powerful fishing move that isn’t practical all the time but is really funny. Wouldn’t recommend this game if you are looking to relax and fish but I do recommend hooking your friend with a fish hook and send them flying off screen if you had to.
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I have a very special role in Minecraft when I join a friends server. A role that I assign to myself. While everyone is off getting awesome swords, spelunking for diamonds, and exploring the infinite landscape, I build a small wooden shack and I set up a farm with an irrigation canal and start fishing. A steady supply of food is necessary and while I’m hanging out with my friends in a server I’m happy to be the one to provide it. The fishing in this game is probably the slowest of all the ones on this list but is the most useful. just throwing the fish in the oven creates food that can help keep you and your companions alive for a long time. I think I definitely have my limits with Minecraft fishing and I couldn’t do it for hours on end it is rewarding to set up shop and find a nice place to settle down for a few hours to fish.
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Fire Emblem: Three Houses
This is the only Tactical RPG in this post. Fire Emblem: Three Houses has sections between combat where you can go and talk to your students and do other activities. We aren’t here to discuss other activities though we are here for the fishing. The fishing allows you to catch fish for some reason that I’m sure is good but never intrigued me enough to learn. All I know about the fishing in Fire Emblem: Three Houses is that it’s fun. I started to bust through combat just so that I could get back to fishing. The funniest part about this one is that the fish has a health bar. Pressing the A button at the exact moment finds a way to become easier and still find ways to mess you up. Either way, I’m not that interested in tactical RPGs but I heard there was fishing in this game so I had to play it and it was worth it.
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Jak & Daxter: The Precursor Legacy
In Jak & Daxter, Daxter gets turned into a small animal by dark eco while exploring a dangerous island off the shore of his home with his best friend Jak. To get back to the island to investigate, the pair have to borrow a boat owned by a fisherman who is troubled by an invasive species of poisonous eel that is ruining his haul. He asks Jak to catch fish for him without catching any eels. This fishing mini game can only be done once but it is going to either be something you think is very unique or a huge waste of time. All I’ll say is that the sound that the fish makes when it goes into the net is absolutely a reward in itself it is so satisfying. But anyways, more intense than some other options here but get it done so you can get back to absorbing eco powers and jumping on stuff.
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Shovel Knight
Shovel Knight is a 2D action platformer but you can also fish. And you fish for the best kind of fish, money. You can get some other stuff too like health pickups and magic replenishers but we know what you want. You see that little glint and you pop out the fishing rod and pull out those money bags. If you are devoted enough you can even get a surprise from the Troupple King (long live his highness) if you fish out the right stuff. I don’t even know if I fished all that much when I played Shovel Knight but it’s hilarious that you can.
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NieR: Automata
I did not play a lot of NieR and that’s because I was fishing. I don’t know why all I did was fish but you throw your little robot in the pond and you lean on a magical stool so honestly it was good enough for me.
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Club Penguin
If you know then you know. In hind sight there really wasn’t a whole lot to do in Club Penguin but this mini game really messed me up. You basically get to move up and down, catching fish and avoiding trash and other hazards. Basically trying to do this and catch as much fish as possible to avoid having to ask your parents for real money to pay for snacks to feed a virtual ball of fluff with eyeballs. I don’t really remember how challenging it really was but I remember getting decently high scores to about like 100 fish per round so I guess it was pretty easy if I could do that at age 10.
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Rune Factory 4
I’m gonna be very honest about this one and say that the fishing in Rune Factory 4 is basically just Animal Crossing fishing but more anime. The fish react to the pole the same, the fish almost look the same, and the buttons to respond are the same. What makes this one special is where you can take it. You can fish in the little moat in town, in the lake, in a dungeon full of monsters, in a lake that is eternally the season fall, anywhere. You are constricted by the boundaries of Stardew Valley and that is how much energy you have and how much time you have in the day. It’s still fun to fish but I wish that they had used their fun fantasy setting to give the ability to fish up some cool made up fish instead of strictly things that exist in real life.
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Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Ok, diving, fishing, same thing. Diving in Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is just fishing with your whole body. It works a lot in the same way as Pokemon where you fish up monsters to fight and get the rewards from them. It is a completely optional activity however if you decide to undertake the grind of scavenging in Xenoblade Chronicles 2 then you will never hurt for money ever again. It makes my wonder why Rex stopped being a salvager to do odd jobs because this was PROFITABLE. The main incentive is that there are spots that spawn a certain enemy that drop cores. Cores are like gacha or loot boxes that contain new anime girl partners that deal huge damage in fights. They even have their own side quests and story lines. I spent maybe 30 hours grinding before giving up on this game and while it does become tiresome I really enjoyed the random rewards of possibly getting a new companion or a really cool weapon.
It’s been tossed around that every great RPG has fishing in it. I won’t argue that point but a lot of great RPGs certainly do have fishing in them. Everyone needs a break sometimes and fishing is the perfect activity to remind us to stop and take that break. Even games can get long and without these distractions it might be so much harder to complete these harrowing tasks. Don’t forget to take breaks and just enjoy the sound of the water every once in a while because there’s no rush playing video games.
Honorable Mentions:
Kingdom Hearts: Sora fishing with his bare hands on Destiny Island
Persona 4: Weird aqueduct fishing
Persona 5: Marina fishing life
Sea of Thieves: A pirates life for me
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ibelongtowrath · 4 years
Kitten - Satan x Reader
Warnings // 18+/NSFW, female reader, kitten play (cat ears, collar, tail), daddy kink, praise in the form of “good girl,” brat taming, spanking, vaginal sex Word Count: ~1.6k
Happy Day 9 of Obey MEmber, Satan Day! As we all know, I’m hot for Satan, so I had to write something for him for his dedicated day. Again, horny writing brain go brrr, that’s basically been the inspiration behind most of my stories lately. And again I suck at thinking of titles.
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Late on the eve of a weekend night after a long, grueling week of exams, Satan reaches towards his nightstand to grab the silken emerald rope draped across the ancient wood. He places it onto the bed, still unsure of whether he’ll be using it tonight. A slight breeze sneaks in through the small crack in his window, the warm, Devildom night air caressing your face in a gentle tendril as the branches of the trees wave outside, almost knowingly, as if watching and waving in anticipation.
The demon runs his nails down the small of your back, a small shiver traveling up your spine with the motion. Grinning, he digs into your soft, delicate skin just a bit harder, leaving light scratches in their wake. He pulls you to him, pressing his chest against your back, leaning in to nip at the place where your neck and your shoulder meet, trailing a hand down your arm.
“Such a good girl you are for me, aren’t you, my sweet kitten?” Satan purrs into your ear, letting his warm breath ticklish.
You swallow, thighs pressed together. The collar adorning your neck bobs with the movement, complete with a silver bell. A soft jingle sounds as it moves, and Satan dips a finger just beneath the tight leather band, gently tugging you closer to him, until the space between your bodies is barely noticeable. Playfully, he reaches up to your hair, where your soft, fur-covered cat ears lay, matching perfectly with the color of your hair. He runs his fingers over them with another grin, admiring how natural they look on you, chuckling softly as you instinctively flick them cutely a few times at his touch.
“The spell worked perfectly,” Satan remarks. “I was able to give you only select feline qualities while keeping the rest of your body in its delectably human form. Don’t you love it, kitten?”
“I do,” you nod with a smile. This is fun.
“You do…?”
“I do… Daddy.”
“That’s a good girl.”
Kissing the top of your head, Satan strokes the ears one final time before stepping back, studying your backside.
“While I do enjoy these,” he continues, “I believe this is my favorite part.”
Satan runs a hand over the ample curve of your behind, where a fluffy cat tail lay, just above your tailbone.
“Yes, I believe I’ll have quite a bit of fun with this,” the demon says with a wolfish grin. “The spell is set to wear off in 24 hours, but I admit, the thought of keeping you this way forever is far too tempting to ignore, hm?”
“I do like the look,” you tell him, teasing him with your tail. 
He chuckles and begins massaging the base of it, savoring your soft moan as he caresses the new, albeit temporary, appendage. Pressing his free hand to the small of your back, he urges you to bend over the bed. You comply, resting your arms on the mattress and laying your head atop them.
“Open yourself to me, my sweet kitten,” he commands.
Nodding in agreement, your back arches. Gently, he pushes a knee between your thighs to part them with a deep, guttural growl, the sound rumbling from deep within his chest.
“Good girl.”
The sight of you spread before him ignites a primal urge within. Despite your feline features, Satan is the one that studies you like a predator ready to pounce on its prey, eager to sink his teeth into your delectable flesh to satiate the hunger within. Your arousal coats your wet heat, practically dripping onto the wooden floors, shining in the low candlelit haze of his hastily-cleaned bedroom, books askew. Satan runs his fingers in a slow motion between your legs, teasing the sensitive skin of your core. Groaning at the feel of your abundant wet excitement, he leans over your pliant body, cock pressing against your back as he bites your shoulder, leaving a set of angry red marks behind that will surely bruise later.
“You’re so wet, kitten,” Satan growls, biting you once more. “You’re already coating my fingers. Does being my little plaything turn you on? Make you so excited to be my mindless little toy and purr for me as I wreck that pretty little pussy of yours that you can’t help but gush between your legs at the mere thought?”
His thumb circles your clit, savoring the sinfully sweet melody of your lewd moans. You bite your lip, pushing back against him, desperate to feel his cock drag between your walls, stretching your core to its limit. Chuckling darkly against the back of your neck, he hooks two fingers beneath your collar, pulling on it ever so slightly as you gasp.
“Ah, it seems as though my kitten is in heat, hm?” Satan remarks, smirking against your skin. “So hungry for my cock, ready to be filled and bred like a proper little cumslut.”
He slides two fingers into your heat, curling and pumping them skillfully. Pulling his hand from your collar, he moves it to his cock, stroking himself slowly as he watches his fingers disappear into your wet, quivering pussy, practically throbbing with need.
“Now… I want you on the bed on all fours, arching your back so sweetly for me, just like this. Am I understood, kitten?” Satan asks, adding another small nibble for emphasis.
A wicked plan formulates at the forefront of your mind, and you can’t help but grin, knowing you may full well regret this very, very soon. You have not a care in the world at this moment, though, deciding to test the waters to see the Avatar of Wrath’s reaction to your open defiance. Raising your eyebrows at the demon behind you, your lips part to utter a single word.
Satan pauses his ministrations, his brow furrowed in questioning.
“I don’t believe I stuttered, kitten,” he says slowly. His fingers move back to your collar, slipping underneath. “On the bed. Now.”
“Make me,” comes your reply, cool and confident, grinning wickedly.
Is it unwise to challenge the Avatar of Wrath? Probably. 
Is it fun? Most definitely.
A loud growl tears from Satan’s throat through clenched teeth, the sound quickly turning into an angered snarl as he tugs you forward by the collar as you let out a surprised yelp, forcing you into a standing position. He bites into your neck, harder this time, nearly breaking the skin before his hands move to your waist, picking you up and placing you onto his bed with force.
“My kitten appears to be very feisty tonight,” Satan snarls, reaching for the silken tie and unraveling it swiftly. “Perhaps she is in need of a firm reminder of exactly who is in charge here. Me.”
Grabbing your wrists roughly, the soft, cool fabric kisses your skin as the demon makes quick work of binding your arms together, laying them flat against your back. He grins at his handiwork before placing his hand onto your back and pushing down, effectively forcing it to arch high into the air, your cheek to the mattress. Your head turns to the side, studying his handsome face and the way he smirks, completely smug.
“Are you going to behave now, kitten, and be a good girl for Daddy?” Satan asks with a raise of his eyebrow.
“Hmm… maybe,” you retort, wondering what he will decide to do with you next.
Another growl escapes Satan as he, without warning, lifts an arm into the air; the next second, your jaw clenches, letting out a sharp hiss of pain as a hand smacks hard against the delicately soft skin of your ass cheek. He rubs the sore spot for a few moments before giving you another smack, relishing your cries as the residual cracking noise cuts through the otherwise still silence of his chambers.
“That’s not the answer I wanted to hear, kitten,” he says, his voice now in a low timbre, almost sultrily, but laced with frustration and annoyance at your continued disobedience.
Deciding to tease you further, Satan moves behind you, positioning his cock between your legs. He suppresses the urge to fuck into you right then and there, your wetness coating his length, reigniting that primal desire to have his way with you and fill you with his seed. You want it, too, in the way that your hips instinctively move to push back against him, to coax him inside you, throbbing with need.
“Do you think I’m going to reward you for your bratty behavior, MC?” Satan chuckles, teasing his cock at your entrance. “Only good little girls get rewarded. Are you going to behave for me now, or do I need to fuck this attitude out of you?”
You whimper in response, then attempt to cover your mouth with a hand. Tugging at the restraints, you remember that you have no use of your arms, opting instead to shake your head. Satisfied with your reaction, he laughs once more, placing another firm smack on your ass.
“I suppose I will have to simply fuck you into submission,” Satan purrs. “It seems my pretty little kitten has forgotten who her pleasure belongs to. Who it is that makes her body bend to their will, whose name falls helplessly from her lips in screams of pleasure every time she cums.”
His hands move to your hips, gripping the skin tightly, leaving small bruises in the indentations of his fingers.
“Face in the sheets, kitten,” he instructs, voice laden with silk, “or my hips will do it for you.”
Sliding his cock into your tight, wet heat, Satan’s hips begin snapping into you mercilessly, barely gives you time to react. Your face presses into the mattress, stifling your loud, gasping, breathy moans of pleasure.
“Good girls get to feel good. Good girls get to cum,” he rasps. He groans at the sensation, the feel of you so familiarly delicious, head tipping back in pleasure for a few brief moments. Reaching for your tail, he yanks on it lightly before pressing his chest to your back to growl into your ear.
“Purr for me, my sexy little kitten, and show me that you can be a good girl.”
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spellbook-gayboy · 2 years
prompt 11? :D
"It sounds fake. All of it" Oliver reiterated, crossing his small arms as he hovered less than half a meter off the ground. "You're telling me that you can just... throw fire at people, no superpowers involved?"
The wizard sighed out loud, seemingly suppressing the urge to say something mean to him and instead asking "Come with me, will you?"
The room was dusty, clearly not seeing use in a long time. In the centre was a small table, a crystal orb glowing with a myriad of different colours atop it. The door clicked shut behind the pair, and the boy asked "What is this place, exactly? You gonna tell me my fortune?"
"No, nothing like that. After all, this is just where I keep all my fake stuff!" Ian smirked, pulling a chair out of seemingly nowhere and sitting at the table. "And since you have me all figured out, I might as well teach you how I fooled everyone!" he added, followed by an even bigger smile.
"Okay..." Oliver said slowly, floating next to him in as close to a sitting position as he could manage. "So, what's first?
"Something simple, trust me. Just... do as I do" the redhead told him, putting one palm on top of the other. He waited for the young half-alien to mimic his pose before adding "First we do this, then...", rolling so that the hands' position was reversed. He then balled his hands into fists and drew them apart, protective green washing over his hands as a small emerald disc formed over each hand. He held the constructs for a moment before letting them fade, telling the boy "Now you try"
Oliver tried, nothing happening as he went through the motions. He looked slightly frustrated, scowling out "What was the point of that? Nothing happened!"
Ian chuckled at his childish anger. He thought about what to tell Oliver for a moment, before deciding to ask "What... what do you think magic is, Ollie?"
"It's... It's uh, a power you have, right? Mark said it was like an energy. You draw it in, and throw fire at people?" he said, his frustration turning into uncertainty the more he talked.
"There's a bit you're missing but... yeah, energy!" Ian chirped, before letting his amused smile drop. "In all seriousness, I guess I'll have to use Yasmin's words to explain"
"What did she say?" Oliver asked.
"Humans are... complex creatures. We technically exist on three different planes of reality, if you can believe it." he began, keeping up his usual kind smile as he continued with "There's the physical, the hard matter that you can see at face value. Then there's the mental side of things, our emotions, our thoughts, doubts, hopes, everything like that. And finally," he paused, placing a hand on the orb, causing all the colours visible within to explode outwards into the room, startling the young half-alien and lighting Ian in a menagerie of vibrant colours, "we have the spiritual side. The point furthest away from the others. Now, people usually have the first two down pat, but not everyone's got the last part so well. But when you have all three, when your three selves are all together, well... you can throw fire! So, try again, but this time, don't just copy my moves. Think about what you want to happen, how badly you want it to come true, and the spell will complete itself"
"Okay..." Oliver said, perhaps beginning to understand what Ian meant by his long, almost philosophical speech. He slowly placed his hands back into the first position of the incantation. He repeated the movements, slower this time as he focused on the image of the discs, their patterns and bright colour. They didn't appear, but he was rewarded for his effort with a small puff of green sparks. "Wait, was that...?"
"Progress. Try again"
He did as the wizard said, more sparks appearing.
"Keep going!"
The faint outline of the discs began to form.
"Almost there!"
They were stronger, the mystic script flickering in and out of existence.
"You got this, Ollie"
The discs shimmered into life, the half-alien's hands awash with emerald light as he looked astonished at what he had managed to create. "I-I did it! Ian, I did- I actually did it!"
"That feeling right there?" the redhead told Oliver, pointing at his shaky yet promising spellwork, "That's magic. And you can't fake that"
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eleanorbloom · 4 years
Insomnia (Bryce Lahela x F!MC)
Pairing: Bryce Lahela x F! MC (Eleanor Bloom)
Warnings: N.S.F.W. Cursing.
Prompt: Day 7. Booty Call | Sex Toys | Nipple Play (Sorrry I’m late!!!!)
A/N: Hello! Welcome to my second fic for Kinktober!  It’s a lot more simplier than the first, because I had a lot of breakdowns writing it, probably because all the smut I have written between them has been kinda passionate,  and here they are just horny 😂 but I decided to post it anyway. 
I hope you enjoy it!
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Eleanor woke up like she had slept ten hours, but it was too dark to be time to get up. She grabbed her phone from her nightstand and checked the time. 01.27 am. She sighed in frustration as she had four more hours to sleep. She locked the screen and closed her eyes trying to get back to sleep.
Five minutes after tossing and turning, she took her phone again and opened Pictragram. After a few minutes scrolling, she saw Bryce had liked a photo of a mutual account that was uploaded just a few minutes ago, so she went straight to his chat and typed:
Ellie 🌻: “Hey, why you up so late? 👀”
Bryce L. 👨🏽⚕️: “Back at you”
Ellie 🌻: “Can’t sleep. You?”
Bryce L. 👨🏽⚕️: “I have the best cure for sleep deprivation.”
Ellie 🌻: “Oh, yeah?”
Bryce L. 👨🏽⚕️: “Magic hands🤟🏽”
Ellie 🌻: “Where are you?”
Bryce L. 👨🏽⚕️: “At home”
Ellie 🌻: “Can I come over? 😏”      
Bryce L. 👨🏽⚕️: “I was hoping you would say that 🤭”
Ellie 🌻: “I’ll be in twenty.”
She replied before getting up from her bed and take a quick shower.
Once she was back in her room, she took the bag with the lingerie she had shopped that afternoon on her trip to the mall with Sienna. She looked at the three lacey lingerie sets, trying to choose a color: navy blue, emerald green, and garnet red. She discarded the first one because she wasn’t really feeling the blue vibes that night, and the last one because even if she was already excited about meeting up with Bryce, that wasn’t an occasion to wear red, so she took the emerald lacey lingerie and put it on.
She looked at the mirror really pleased with herself. The color looked fantastic in her bronze skin, and it made her realize what was the perfect dress to complement her sexy attire for the night. A long blue floral wrap dress with a slit in the middle of her right thigh. It exposed the lacey in her cleavage the right amount and fitted so perfectly around her body, that it made her waist look thinner than it was.
Once all dressed up, she applied a bit of makeup, just red lipstick, and mascara, and then she requested a uber, which arrived in a few minutes.
Ellie 🌻: “On my way 👄”—She texted him from the car.
Bryce L. 👨🏽⚕️: “Finally 🥵”
After a ten-minute ride, she knocked on the door of his apartment with the anticipation about to come out of her mouth. She had been stressed for days since Dr. Ramsey had elected her as the number one in the competition for the Junior Fellow position, and a good bang was the only thing that could ease her from the frustration she had been feeling since that day. 
“Hey”—Bryce greeted as he opened the door, grinning broadly at the very sight of her. He was wearing a blue and pink Hawaiian shirt and dark blue jeans. —"I didn’t see you today”
“I had 24 hours shift yesterday”—She replied getting inside.
“Oh, that explains a lot.”
“You missed me?”—She murmured in a sultry voice, leaning close to see him directly in his amber eyes.
Eleanor discarded her purse on the entry table at one side of the door.
“You were hoping you would find me scrolling at this time of the night, mmh?”
“Were you?”
Bryce looked down her body. She was wearing a black leather jacket and under that, the reason his bulge grew painfully under his pants, making him groan.
“Hot damn.”  
Eleanor, completely aroused by the way he was inspecting her body, kissed him hard and wet. He pulled the jacket out in response, tossing it on the floor, and embraced her by the small of her back, his warm hands roaming over the fabric of her dress.
Her perfume intoxicated him all of a sudden. The musk, vanilla, and popcorn reached him like a hurricane of sensations that forced him to go down her neck and chest and obtain every bit of her smell and drink every inch of her sweetened skin, like a craving man.
“You smell so good, Elle”—He sighed.
Then, Eleanor took his hand and brought it to the tie of her dress, inviting him to undo it.
Bryce gave her an intense look, gulping at the very thought of what he would find under the fabric of her dress. She smirked, raising a brow at his hesitation… or contemplation? After a few moments, he pulled the tie down and the fabric slowly began to slide to each side of her body, exposing the emerald lingerie.
“Holy shit” —He breathed, chewing his lower lip as he roamed his eyes over the lacey and sating lingerie perfectly framing the curves of her waist, hips, and thighs.
“Like what you see?”
Bryce slid his hands over her shoulders, throwing her dress to the floor, leaving her body now only adorned with her lacey underwear.
“Like is an understatement.”
“I am not always?”
His soft hands traveled over her generous cleavage, and then he placed them over her breast, cupping them perfectly, earning a shiver and a whimper from her mouth.
“If this is my reward for every day I don’t have the chance to see you…”—She stopped him mid-sentence kissing him again and pushing him toward the wall, a sharp sigh coming out of his throat. He looked down at her unbuttoning his shirt, exposing his taut muscles with every button undone until she tugged it down to the floor, impatiently.
The moment his skin was exposed, she brought her lips to his collarbone, and went down to his chest, massaging his pecs with both hands and kissing him all over his skin. The firmness of his muscles turned her on even more, imagining his arms picking her up, her legs around his waist, his bulge pressing her core, his hands touching every sensitive spot of her body just as she liked.
Her folds were growing swollen between her legs, sensing how close she was to feel him inside of her again. His hands roamed her back until he reached her bum, taking it with both hands before sliding both under her underwear, now gripping it tightly.
 Eleanor in the meantime started unfastening his pants, and Bryce growled against her mouth when she sank her hand under his boxers, and stroke his throbbing dick waiting for some kind of relief.
He slid his hand up, unclasping her bra, bending down to suck her nipples. Eleanor breathed heavily at the pleasant sensation of his soft hands and his hot breath against her sensitive skin, making her moan when his tongue started to lick her hard nipples.
After a few moments, she pulled his silky brown hair to make him face her. Bryce looked at her agape and confused, her lips plumped and wet.
“Fuck me. Fuck me now”—She demanded, almost out of breath.
“Fuck, yes, of course”
Eleanor took a step closer to the entry table, opened her purse, and grabbed a condom out of a box, and handed it to Bryce.
He received the condom and opened the wrapper instantly, while she was pulling out her panties. Once completely naked, she leaned against the table, lifting her butt so Bryce could take her from behind.
She felt his pulsing cock between her butt cheeks, and his hand gripping her hips. Then, one hand roamed towards her folds, checking how lubed she was before entering her.
“Holy shit, you’re almost dripping down there”
“That’s for you.”—She sighed—"Now, please.”
“Of course”
Bryce pushed himself against her in one swift and precise movement, stealing a yelp from her. He moved slowly at first, feeling her folds enveloping him, breathing in when he was entering, breathing out when he pulled out of her until he began to take speed gradually.
“More”—She sighed.
Bryce obeyed and started to move against her at a quick speed, the flesh colliding, his hands gripping in ass firmly.
“Yes… Come on.”
“You want harder?”
“Please”—She begged in a tiny voice, and she felt how Bryce buried his finger on her skin, almost pinching it as his thrusts reached a senseless speed.
Eleanor cried out the moment he picked up the speed she desired.
“Shit, Elle, you feel so fucking good”
“Fuck yes, keep it going, Bryce.”
Bryce focused on trying to delay his orgasm, but it was difficult with the speed and how much he loved hearing Eleanor crying out his name.
He took her by the shoulder and pressed her body to his, still rocking against her, but at a slow pace. His arms encircled her body, touching her breast with one hand, and fingering her clit the other.
“Oh god, fuck”
“You like it?”
“Please don’t stop”—Her begging whimper drove him crazy.
His fingers picked up speed until he heard her squealing in his ear as she arched her back against him, leaning the nape of her neck on his shoulder. Her legs were trembling and her moans erratic. Without waiting, he pushed her against the table, this time to thrust her until reaching his peak of pleasure and her second. Their bodies crashing invaded the room with obscene echoes, denoting the impossible pace he had picked up. Eleanor was out of breath, her raspy voice barely a groaning, her pleasure losing in her throat.
“You’re fucking amazing, yes. —She whispered until she found the last drop of energy to cry out the moment she reached her second climax.
Bryce kept moving until he let himself release, cumming inside her with a deep groan.
“Fuck, Eleanor!”
He leaned over her warm and sweaty back, while Eleanor was completely motionless over the table, gasping for air. After a few moments, he took her hand and drew her to the couch, where both laid with legs intertwined, her head resting over his chest, and Bryce wrapping her with her strong arms.
Even if the orgasm had killed a great part of her tension, the feeling of his warmth and skin against her seemed to do the rest. 
“How’s that insomnia?”
“Worse, I can’t go to sleep if I know I can be fucked again the same way.”
“Or better.”
“Better would mean not be able to walk tomorrow, and I’m not sure if I want that. Besides, you would mess with me for a week for that.”
“No way, a month, at least. And it wouldn’t be because I wanna mess with you, but because I want you to remember how good I did you tonight. Can you blame me?"
"Not at all. And you, ready to go to sleep?”
"Hell no, I didn't make you come over here just for one round."
“Good, because I know exactly what I want for the second round.”    
Taglist:  @romewritingshop @utterlyinevitable @starrystarrytrouble @lahellacute @kiteplayschoices @lahamseiroshoe @lucas-koh @fuseboxmusebox @princesslahela @mckenzie-bae @choicesficwriterscreations @lucy-268 @interobanginyourmom​
Let me know if oyu wanna be added or removed from my Kinktober taglist!
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degenerate-yandere · 5 years
Maybe something for yan Izuku's s/o pretending and humoring Izuku's delusions because she's scared of what will happen if she doesn't and hopes that if she plays along it'll build up good credit. Like acts like the perfect house wife, greets him when he gets home in hopes that she'll still be able to go outside to run errands outside.leans like a maniac to distract herself from how stressed and paranoid she os of him snapping. smiles, kisses, holds him, and hopes he stays happy and bubbly
Yet another great request that I was afraid to ruin. Hope you enjoy it anyway, Hun! 
A/N: This takes place after the main events of the story, when Izuku is the adult No.1 pro hero.
TW: Abuse, threats of violence, kidnapping, toxic relationships
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Deep breaths.
The taunting tick of the clock signaled the approach of that terrifying inevitability.
6:58 PM
You’d prepared dinner; two steaming plates sitting opposite each other across the table. It was a laborious task - not from the work of slaving over the stove, but the pure emotional toll of cooking for your captor. It was humiliating, an open submission to the domestic delusion he’d trained you to uphold. Just like now, as you waited by the locked door like a dog anticipating its masters return. He loved being greeted home with a peck on the cheek. It never failed to make his freckled face flush, uncaring that the act was performed with such rehearsed sterility. How hard it was to withhold the retch when your lips met his skin, or scream when he gently took your hand in his larger one as he guided you to the table.
7:00 PM
Any moment, he’d be back and you’d be forced to repeat that deranged routine - the one that ensured he remained nice and gentle. First hand experience had made you realize just how long a broken bone took to mend. Your leg still tensed with pain whenever you stood on it - a reminder of just how desperate you were to escape the psychotic hero. That was your first punishment. 
You hugged the frame of his bed, staring at the chain coiled around your ankle with eyes wide in complete terror. He just sat beside you, the mattress dipping from his weight. He smiled sweetly as you begged and pleaded; as a hundred confused questions flooded from your mouth like the tears seeping down your cheeks. He hummed in response - a despairingly unsatisfying answer to the suffocating situation you were in. Calloused fingers began tracing your leg as his emerald gaze devoured your petrified form. Violently, you curled inwards away from his sickening touch. He didn’t like that. Nor did he like your subsequent promises of escape. His mouth quirked into a slight frown, disappointment flashing in his eyes. To your utter dismay, his hand swiftly advanced to grasp your leg, forcibly yanking it outstretched. You winced in pain - tears intensifying as his gaze turned regretful; shifting into a silent apology. Oh god. Breath quickening to such a pace it felt as if your heart would spew from your mouth, his grip growing tighter and tighter and tighter. Words were held back by the insurmountable dread choking your throat.
“I’m so sorry, (y/n). I really don’t want to do this. It’s for your own good, promise.” You begged through frantic, painful jerks of your head. Placing his other hand on your knee only cemented the torturous anticipation. Izuku simply smiled and shrugged his shoulders. “I’m really, really sorry, honey. I just - I can’t let you get away with hurting me like that.” The irony was palpable, but your drowning fear silenced any retorts. “You’ll forgive me though, I know you will. You’ll see, (Y/n). Everything I do is for you.” Green sparks ran along his forearms. The sound was just as deafening as the pain was blinding.
The familiar sound of keys clicking into place demanded your attention. You breathed in and out slowly, a learned maneuver to be able to tolerate his crushing presence. A glimpse of greenery from the slither of open door was as tempting as it was fleeting. Hope was replaced with utter disgust as you met with his face. It was slick with a light sheen of sweat, bruises and dirt painting it with the usual consequences of hero work. He beamed so brightly when he saw you. It was blinding in its psychotic bliss.
“Hey, Honey! I’m so sorry I was late - got a bit held back at work. Y’know how it is.” He chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. His apologies meant nothing, you’d learned that much.
“Welcome home, Izuku.” Your pace was slow, a fragile string of words carefully repeated time and time again. You couldn’t afford to stutter. Izuku had to believe you wanted this as much as he did if you would ever be able to chance an escape. Make him believe this was real; that it was normal and reciprocated. The eager acceptance of his intrusive affections was what made him remove that damnable chain, he finally trusted you to wander the house. He didn’t bother to hide knives or makeshift weapons; almost taunting you with his power to overwhelm you. You leaned into him, lips slightly pursed as you thought of kissing anyone else but him. A finger met your mouth, causing your eyes to snap open with surprise. You didn’t rehearse for this.
“Hey, I was thinking, could you call me Deku, just for tonight?” his finger withdrew, opting for his gloved thumb to rub against your cheek. That’s when you saw it. That glint of lust in his eye. Izuku’s lips drew closer to yours, breath dusting against your face. “I’ve had a really long day. You could make it all better for me. You want that, right? To make me feel better?” Your heartbeat was deafening, thumping harshly against your rib cage. Without a second thought, your hands were pushing against his chest. A quizzical raise of his eyebrow sent numbing chills down your spine.
“I-I’ve made dinner, Izu - Deku.” His tongue darted to wet his lips as you spoke his hero name so adorably. You repressed a shriek as his hands snapped to your waist, pulling you flush against his body. His lips ghosted the shell of your ear.
“I’m hungry for something else tonight, (y/n).” Bile rose to your throat as his lips pressed fervently against yours. Pretend its anyone else - just pretend. You couldn’t take it much longer; you wrenched your head away, Izuku’s brows furrowing in response. “What’s wrong, babe?” He almost sounded authentically concerned, if not for the impatience that laced each word. You opted to look at his boots - it was far easier to compose yourself when you did.
“I-I cleaned the house today,” He let slip an infuriating ‘aw’, thumb tracing the bottom of your lip.
“That’s great, honey,” Izuku cooed.
“Maybe I should reward my good, little -”
“We’re out of food, I-I thought maybe when you’re working tomorrow I c-could go and get some more.” You were emboldened, electrified with newfound confidence. That soon proved fleeting, however, when he took a step back, fear filling its void as his eyes narrowed. His head shook as he scratched at his cheek.
“(Y/n)… that would mean-” Your hands trembled in front of you as you hesitantly placed them upon his chest, a plea for his trust.
“Leaving the house - I know,” Swallowing back your anxiety, your head arched to meet his concerned expression. “But you can trust me, ‘Zuku. I’ll come back, I-”
His hand crushed your wrist like a vice, your composure exploding into choking fear. “No!” He shouted. It was terrifyingly uncharacteristic.
Shots of pain accompanied the cracks from your wrist. “I-Izuku it hurts!”.
“Does it (y/n)!? Maybe it feels even a FRACTION of what I feel!” Hot tears slipped down his cheeks, as your pained ones did the same. With his free fingers, he rubbed his eyes harshly, wetting his fingers in the process. Those green eyes shot to you; furious and sorrowful. The muscles of his face moved erratically between the two extremes. When you tried to look away, his grip only tightened.
“Why… why is it so hard to just love me.” Izuku’s voice was riddled with hiccups and sobs, teeth clenched so hard that they threatened to crack. “What will it take, (y/n)? Why do you want to leave so badly? You hate me, don’t you?” Your head shook, fighting against the desire to tell him how right he was.
Izuku was completely crying now, no restraints upon those fragile emotions. His palm rubbed against his face as he grunted in pure frustration. It was when he grew silent, however, you became petrified. His eyes ensnared yours, solemn and terrifying. 
“It’s okay, (y/n). I can help you.” That voice, previously overflowing with provocation, was purposeful and strict. Against your pathetic resistance, he dragged you to the bedroom, shoving you upon the soft mattress. “You’ll learn to love me. I know you will. This is for you.” You could only cry as you knew what would inevitably ensue.
He cracked his knuckles.
“Everything I do is for you.”
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lil-creatorwritings · 4 years
Summer of Smut Writing Challenge July 3: Jealousy [Ieyasu Tokugawa]
Fandom: Ikemen Sengoku Pairing: Ieyasu Tokugawa x Reader Word Count: 2,211 words Prompt: Untying a bikini top Warning: Pure, unadulterated smut. There is zero plot. Also, modern!AU, cause why not. A/N: Part of @voltage-vixen ’s Summer of Smut Writing Challenge. You can check the original post for the rules and prompts if you’d like to join in as well! So, this is late. My excuse reason is that this one...took off in a really far tangent? Like how somewhere along the way, I didn't know what I was getting into and then it just came out like this. So yeah. But also no, I don't know how to write Ieyasu! This is actually my first time trying to write him and well, I hope I did him some justice because I have no beta (we die like men!!!!).
The sun was high up in the sky as you sat underneath the umbrella's shade, determined to build a sandcastle. Today was a lovely day to spend at the beach, enjoying the clear waters and summer breeze. The only reason you were here was because of your lover and the company he worked for. Their latest project had been a huge success and the CEO had arranged this extravagant trip as a reward for their hard work. Fortunately, since they were allowed to invite one guest per member, you were able to tag along.
Though you've only met Ieyasu's co-workers a few times before, usually when the company conducted social events, everyone was quite friendly and welcoming. You were thankful that a few of them had also brought their girlfriends, which made it less awkward knowing that you weren't the only female in this group of men. Plus, you were always up to meeting new people.
"Ah, so this is where you were."
You looked up to find Masamune standing behind you. He was Ieyasu's second in command so to speak and also one of his long time friends since their college days. You've known him since the two of you started dating and eventually become one of your good friends as well.
"Where's Ieyasu? I would've thought that he was with you."
"He went off somewhere, but I'm sure he'll be back soon."
He sat down across from you and smiled. "And left such a pretty girl like you all alone? That's not very nice of him."
"Instead of flattering me, you should help me build this castle. I've always wanted to make one."
Together, the two of you worked to make the sandcastle of your dream. While you were trying to make it taller, you could feel your halter top sliding around a bit every time you extended your arms. Even though you tried to discreetly keep it in place, you were worried that the knot could have loosened from your movements. Looking around, you searched for the nearest changing area or bathroom you could use.
Masamune had immediately noticed your discomfort and paused. "Hm? Something wrong?"
"Yeah, just... Will you excuse me for a bit? I think I need to fix my top."
"I can tie it for you if you're okay with that." He offered, dusting the sand off his hands. "It'll be faster that way, plus we don't want you getting lost in the crowd like that. Or I can walk with you back to the hotel if you want."
You thought about it but you didn't want to just disappear on Ieyasu like that. "Do you mind fixing it for me?"
Nodding his head, he moved behind you as he undid the ribbon you made. You could barely feel his fingers, clutching your top close to your chest as he worked with the strings. Once he was done you slowly raised your arms as a test, happy to see that it wasn't shifting around anymore. "Thanks Masamune!"
"That should hold it throughout the rest of the day, as long as you don't get up to more exciting activities." He said with a suggestive tone.
"Oh shut up, will you." You were used to his antics by this point, laughing as you shook your head. "Come on, help me finish this before Ieyasu comes back."
"Alright, alright. You're quite bossy, aren't you."
By the time you were satisfied with how it looked, you spotted Ieyasu approaching the two of you. You stood up and brushed the sand off your legs, smiling at him as he studied the structure by your feet. "Ah, so this is what you were doing while I was away."
"Yup! I've always wanted to make one of these and Masamune came over to help me with it."
There was a strange expression you saw on Ieyasu's face, but it was so brief that you weren't really sure if it had been there. After taking a photo with it as a remembrance, the two of you headed back to your hotel room for a rest while Masamune went off on his own. You hadn't realized how much actual work it was until you were done, even if you did have some help. Plus the sun was getting too high in the sky, which also meant that it was getting too hot and you didn't want to get any sunburns.
He sat down on the bed and started to open his phone. "You go ahead and shower first. I can wait for you."
You grabbed your clothes and headed to the bathroom, shutting the door behind you as you reached behind your neck. After a few frustrating moments of fiddling around with the strings to no avail, you used the mirror sink to check what was going on. It was quite a dilemma--the top strings were tied to each other and so were the ones on your sides, but what you didn't expect was for the extra length from those two to be connected together with another knot. There was no way you could remove that on your own without needing to cut it, so you decided to ask for help. "Hey Ieyasu, can you help me with this? I can't remove the knot."
"What do you mean you can't?"
"Well... You'll understand when you see it.
"With a quizzical look on his face, he put his phone away and came close, turning you around so he could take a look. The surprise was evident in his voice. "Why did you haphazardly tie it like it? Or rather how did you even manage to do this?"
It had stumped you as well, recalling if anything strange had happened today until it came to you. "Oh! It's Masamune's fault!"
"How is this his fault?"
"Well when we were building the sandcastle together, he helped fix the knots because I said it felt loose. I didn't think that this was what he would do." You pouted, wishing that you had done it yourself instead. "I swear, his hobby is nothing but playing pranks on people."
Silence. You thought that maybe he was busy concentrating, feeling his hand caress your back every now and then. As much as you wanted to avoid cutting it, you would have no choice if it was too difficult to untangle. Waiting for a response, you stood there for a while before speaking. "Ieyasu? We can just snip it if it's too troublesome."
"That's careless of you to let another man do that for you."
The dismay in his tone confused you. "This is Masamune we're talking about here. Do you really think he'd try anything weird with me?"
"You're so clueless. Do you ever stop to think about how your actions look like to other men?" He wrapped his arms around your waist, trapping your arms to your sides. One of his hands cupped your breast, massaging it as he nipped on your neck. You bit your lip when his fingers teased your nipple, making you shudder when he gave it a gentle tug.
"They can get the wrong impression from you if you're not careful." His voice was gruff, lips pressing warm kisses on the back of your neck. You felt your top slide down as it fell to the floor, gasping when his warm hand caressed your bare chest. "When something catches their interest, they'll relentlessly chase after it until it's theirs and won't let go of it."
Though his words were rough, his actions were the complete opposite. You tilted your head and called his name softly, knowing full well that he would look at you--and he did. His emerald eyes told you what you already knew. "Even so, that doesn't matter to me. Because you're the only one I want, Ieyasu."
As soon as you finished your words, he maneuvered you down on the bed, laying on your back as he hovered over you. Discarding his shirt, he claimed your lips in a hungry kiss, nipping and tugging on your lower lip for permission. You parted them to let his tongue sip inside, deepening the kiss as he made quick work of your bottoms. The last of his clothes soon followed, tossing it away somewhere on the floor.
Fingers stroked your clit in circles, making you jerk up for more. Sliding them further down to tease at your entrance, he slipped inside you and began to thrust. You moaned into his mouth as you moved your hips in time with his hand, trembling when he curled them and found your sweet spot. Pulling away a bit, you noticed his cheeks were a pretty shade of red while his eyes watched you with intense longing.
You reached to wrap your arms around his neck, holding his gaze as you spoke with unabashed desire. "I'm completely yours, so take me."
His eyes widened in surprise as his fingers slowed down. It had looked like he wanted to say something but instead kissed you tenderly, communicating the gentle affection he has for you. You responded back with just as much love you had for him, hoping to chase away the doubts he had.
Easing his fingers out, he rubbed himself along your slick entrance before pushing inside of you, groaning against your skin as your walls squeezed around him. You crossed your legs behind him and rolled your hips up, letting out a sharp gasp when he filled you. With his thumb languidly stroking your clit, he began to thrust at a steady pace. Your body trembled with need as he took his time loving you, sucking on your neck to leave his mark.
It was so much but you wanted more of him, digging your heel into his back as you whimpered. "Ieyasu... please..."
The increased pressure on your sensitive nub made you clamp around his cock, crying out when he moved faster. His free hand slipped behind your waist and hoisted you up, giving him the leverage to reach deeper. With each push you were closer to coming undone, moaning his name with urgency as you gave yourself over to the pleasure, unraveling in his arms. He held you as his movements became unsteady, groaning as he pumped inside you after a few more thrusts.
Ieyasu didn't let go as the two of you took the time to catch your breaths. He slowly lied down on his side, bringing you with him as well before gently easing himself out of you. Lifting his head to look at you, he reached his hand up and caressed your cheek. Even if he didn't say anything, the look on his face had told you everything.
The weekend passed by quickly and before you knew it, it was time to leave. As everyone waited for the van to come around, Masamune came over and hooked his arm on Ieyasu's shoulder. "Man, this trip was real fun wasn't it?"
You nodded. "Mhn. It was a nice break from all the bustle in the city too."
"The huge slide by the water park was the best though. Did you guys try that?"
"No. We had no time to." Ieyasu retorted before his phone rang, taking it out of his pocket to see who it was. He swatted the older man's arm off him before walking off to answer the call. "Nobunaga's calling me. I'll be right back."
"Sure, take your time."
When he left, you noticed that Masamune was looking at you curiously. You tilted your head. "Hm? Is something wrong?"
"No time, huh.." He rubbed his chin before casting his gaze away. "I suppose the two of you were too busy with some other exciting activities in the hotel, weren't you?"
You looked away in hopes that he didn't notice your blush, but the proof was in your silence. Laughing, he reached out to playfully mess with your hair, mentioning the nearby mirror for your hair before walking away. Although you could easily fix it without needing one, you decided to approach it.
When you looked at yourself in it, Masamune's stare now made sense. Your shirt was certainly enough to cover the hickeys that were below your neck as long as you didn't lean over. The ones on the side of your throat, however, were definitely visible with your current hairstyle. You quickly combed your hair down, hoping that no one else had noticed.
Soon enough, you were on your way back home with everyone else. Ieyasu sat beside you, typing something on his phone before asking. "Hm? Why did you put your hair down?"
"Oh. Well, I think it looks better this way, don't you think?"
"Hm. You look fine either way." Reaching his hand out, he trailed a finger down your throat, gently tracing over the marks he made. The simple gesture made you shiver as he leaned in closer, whispering in your ear. "Although, you look best when you're smiling.."
You smiled, tilting your head to give him a quick kiss on the cheek. He blushed and looked away to hide his face, turning his attention to the window. You giggled and rested your head on his shoulder, closing your eyes and savoring the warmth of his sweet words.
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eloquent--asshole · 4 years
My Date With the President’s Son Volume 2
a/n: So I just want to say WOW y’all have been so patient waiting for this. I was not expecting to get so many messages for a part 2 and I really appreciate everyone who has read or sent an ask! And I’ve been sitting on it for the last couple weeks because I wanted it to be well.. in my eyes, perfect. I hope you all enjoy :)
If you’ve missed it you can read Volume 1 here
I don’t remember how long I stood in that hallway in the White House. I don’t remember when I let my tears start falling. I don’t remember when Niall came around the corner and enveloped me in a hug. I don’t even remember what I saw on the drive home when my vision was blurred with tears.
What I remembered is how Harry’s normally olive eyes turned black. How his voice shook me like I was experiencing an earthquake. I remember how tight my chest felt hearing how upset he was. And I remember my breath leaving my body as I heard his bedroom door slam shut.
What once was Niall’s hard and cold attitude toward me turned warm and gentle when he dropped me off. “We’ll figure it out, okay? He just needs some time to calm down. I’ll talk to him” I recall him whispering, giving me one last hug before I got out of his car.
Sunday came and went as I laid in my bed, not daring to check my phone for any potential messages from Thompson.
“Hey, Y/N.” I glanced over my blankets to see Derek, Summer’s boyfriend, standing in my doorway. I moved my gaze back to the wall, barely acknowledging his presence.
I hadn’t told Summer or Ashlie about what had happened. All I said was that whatever Harry and I had was over. I heard Derek sigh before coming to take a seat next to me on my bed.
“How are you?” his voice was tender, like it scared him thinking I may throw a punch. I like Derek. He’s always been kind. When he and Summer started dating in college, he fit right in with our tight-knit group. He always knew what to say to Ashlie or me when one of his fraternity brothers would piss us off and helped us pass our chemistry exams.
“I’m okay,” I sighed, pushing the blankets from my chest. “I’ve been better.”
“Summer and Ashlie are worried about you, you know.” He placed a hand on my shoulder and quirked a grin, “Said they haven’t seen you like this since Professor Neuman wouldn’t let you take that final you missed.”
I cracked a smile with him. Of course that’s what they would compare this to. “Okay, Professor Neuman knew how badly I needed to pass that class.” I looked down at my hands sitting on my lap, “Besides, she was a bitch.” I mumbled.
He let out a cackle, “Yeah, that she was, kid. That she was.” I noticed Derek fiddling with his thumbs, avoiding eye contact with me. “Look, Y/N, I’m by no means a love expert. But whatever happened, and whatever will happen, I know that you’re tough and you can handle it. You work for the fucking FBI, dude. You need to remember who you are.”
“Derek, that’s the problem right now. I don’t know who I am. I took a mission thinking it would be a breeze because my boss and team had my back. And it blew up in my face when I couldn’t keep my personal life separate.” I paused so I could sit up against my headboard. “Am I really the girl that can’t keep up with the guys because I’m emotional? Niall has been working with Harry since President Styles got into office. How can I – “ My eyebrows scrunched, and I shook my head, trying to find the words. “I don’t want my personal and work life to be so tangled.”
Derek kept his gaze steady on me while taking in the information I just unleashed. “Okay… So untangle it.” My eyes flicked to meet his.
“You heard me. Untangle it. Separate those again and come back to it.” With that, he got up and headed for the door. “Also, do you want some pizza? One’s being delivered in about 5.” I could only nod in response, still taking in his advice.
Thompson called me later that Sunday night. Should I even answer? “Hello?” I greeted Mr. Thompson.
“Hey, kid.” His voice was eerily quiet. “Niall called me.” Oh, great. Niall told Thompson everything. “He told me Harry found out… About the mission.” I felt the confusion cover my face, my mouth went dry, and a clammy feeling started on my palms.
“Oh, Mr. Thompson I – ”
“So here’s what we’re going to do,” Thompson interrupted, “While I’m working on damage control this week, you’ll still be working. But I’m going to stick you on desk duty for the time being.” He grumbled. What? Not fired? “We’ll discuss your employment next week after we’re finished with damage control.” There it is.
When Thompson hung up, I lay my phone back on the nightstand. I had a few notifications from Ashlie and Summer asking if I wanted to talk, which I ignored. I should go for a run or to the gym. Something, Y/N. Something.
Walking into work was terrifying on Monday. Eyes followed me around the office as I went to my desk. I settled in and turned on my monitor.
“Miss. Y/L/N,” I looked up to see Thompson standing next to my desk.
“Mr. Thompson,” I welcomed him.
“Miss. Y/L/N, we’re moving you for the week.” What? “We’ll be sticking you in an office. Just for your peace of mind.” I nodded my head and picked up my bag to follow him down the hall.
We stepped into a compact room near the back of the office. The office filled with filing cabinets and papers askew from other workers. Thompson gave me a curt nod and excused himself to go back to work.
Sighing, I set my bag on the desk. The wavering lights were dim, almost dim enough to hurt my eyes. I turned on the monitor and logged into the database. Desk duty is probably the worst thing to do. All you do is research. Although, researching criminals sometimes got interesting.
I researched some of our most wanted suspects, finding where they were living, what they were doing, anything I could find. I came across a file that particularly caught my interest. Greg Patterson – Attempted assassination. Why haven’t I heard of this? Maybe it’s from a long time ago.
As I dug deeper into the file, I noticed that he had a connection to Harry, and to the government. Greg was a congressman’s son. Unfortunately for me the file didn’t have much in it except some basic information and a picture.
Last known location: New Orleans, Louisiana – December 2018.
Wanted for: Attempted assassination.
Reward: $1,000,000
I started looking at Harry’s social media connections, checking Facebook friends, Twitter followers, Instagram followers, everything.
Harry had posted nothing in the last week. Harry’s always on social media. I would know.
I scrolled through Harry’s Twitter followers, a username catching my eye. G_Pattsy. I clicked on the profile and was met with a picture of a single emerald eye; I looked back at the computer to compare the colors. Greg’s pictured shows that he has brown eyes, not green. I looked harder at the picture. Wait. That’s Harry’s eye.
I scrolled to the most recent update. It was a picture of the Washington Monument saying So good to be home😈.
Not good, Y/N, not good.
I printed the documents I had up and grabbed them, immediately going to Thompson’s office. The door was slightly cracked.
“Mr. Horan,” I heard Thompson’s gruff voice, “I don’t understand what you’re saying.” I peeked into the room to see Niall standing in front of Thompson’s desk and Thompson facing the windows overlooking the 695.
“Sir,” Niall’s voice shook, “I haven’t seen him in two days. I don’t know where he could be.”
Haven’t seen who? Harry?
“Then you better fucking find him. You better get the entire TEAM sweeping this city to track him down!” Thompson roared. His voice ringing through my ears, and I’m sure Niall’s.
“Yes, sir.” I scurried from the doorway and hid behind a file cabinet. I watched Niall exit Thompson’s office and rush out of the building. My thoughts whirled to Harry. Where is he? I should call him…
I waited a minute before deciding to interrupt Thompson with this information I just found on Greg Patterson.
“Come in,” Thompson demanded after my soft knock. His face lightened only a bit when I entered the room. “Miss. Y/L/N, what do you need?” His voice is dismissive. He’s not happy with you. What had been Thompson’s relaxed demeanor from our time on the mission was replaced by his original hard exterior.
“Mr. Thompson,” I started, walking over to the empty chairs and taking a seat, “I was doing some research and I think there may be a potential threat to the Presidential family.” Thompson’s brows drew together, taking on a frustrated expression.
“What are you talking about, Y/L/N.” Thompson’s voice was so low, I almost couldn’t hear it over the soft hum of the air conditioning.
“Does the name Greg Patterson sound familiar?” Thompson glanced at the papers in my hand and reached for them. He started flipping through the few papers I brought with me before meeting my gaze.
“What did you find?” He interrogated.
“I believe he’s back in D.C,” I informed him, thinking of the picture printed on the page with the screenshot of his Twitter update.
“Damn it.” Thompson reached for the phone on his desk and began dialing numbers. “You’re dismissed, Miss. Y/L/N.” I hesitated to get up from the chair. I found this information. I want to help. “Miss. Y/L/N,” Thompson stopped me, “Have you been in contact with Mr. Styles as of late?” I shook my head. He nodded and motioned for me to leave. “Get me Joe.” I heard him bark into the phone as I shut the door.
If it was two weeks ago, I’d be seeing Harry after work. This week, after work, I would go home and sulk in bed.
On Thursday night, I finally decided I should do something instead of sulking about how I failed. How I failed the director of the FBI because I couldn’t keep it together. How I failed Harry because of my lies. But most importantly, how I failed myself by putting my job above my feelings and letting it interfere with my personal life.
I got up and grabbed my leggings with the pistol holster in the back. I slipped the one I kept in my drawer into its holder. They trained us to carry a gun at all times. Whether it’s in my purse, my boot, or my waistband. I always had it. Harry never knew you had a gun on you.
I looked over to the hoodie laying over my chair. It’s Harry’s. I wonder if he wants his clothes back. A few times when he was over, he brought an extra shirt, hoodie, sweatpants, because “I think you’d look fantastic in my clothes.” Well, he wasn’t wrong. I grabbed the hoodie and tossed it to the pile of his things lying in the corner of my room.
I went to my closet and pulled out a long sleeve NASA t-shirt to slip over my head. Why didn’t I just become an astronaut?
“Hi, you!” Summer welcomed me happily when I walked into the kitchen area. She turned to face me, and I caught Ashlie’s eyes from her position on the couch. “How are you feeling?”
“I’m okay, I’m going to go for a run. I’ll be back,” I stated, opening the front door and shutting it behind me. I could just make out Summer and Ashlie having a conversation through the door, but I couldn’t tell what they were saying.
I let my feet carry me closer to the downtown area, my music blaring in my ears. I ran past an alley and saw a man limp against the brick wall. He was being cornered by 3 others in black jackets, hats, and I could just make out sunglasses covering their eyes from one that was slightly turned to the side. I came to a stop just past the alley and took my headphones out. I noticed I was stood next to an entry of a bar. I listened to see if I needed to intervene.
“Come on, Styles. We know you’ve got something on you. What is it?” The voice was muffled from facing the other direction, but it was hard, callous, and aggressive. Harry? I reached around my back and grabbed my gun, peeking around the corner of the building into the alley. I looked at the ground to see if there were rocks that would shuffle as I stepped forward.
How stupid are they? Not one of them is facing the street to see if anyone is coming by. My eyes wandered around them, not seeing any guns or knives.
“I don’t have anything, I swear.” Harry pleaded. His face was cast at the ground. He was clutching his shoulder. “Greg, I swear.” Greg? Greg Patterson? Oh, God. Help me.
I took a few more steps, so I was standing about 6 feet away and raised my gun, pointed at the man talking.
“Step away from the boy,” I muttered. Harry’s head snapped in my direction. His eyes looked thankful to see someone standing there but grew withdrawn when he saw it was me. Greg slowly turned to face me. A lopsided grin taking over his features.
He twisted his torso to face Harry again, “Hey, isn’t this that girl you were seeing for a bit? Turned out to be a narc?” He took a stride towards me, “What’re you gonna do about it baby girl?” he belittled, lifting his shirt to let the light glimmer off a knife sticking in his waistband.
“Unless you want me to shoot you, I suggest you get out of here,” I said, my voice turning hostile.
“You wouldn’t dare.” He taunted, taking another step toward me.
“Oh, yeah?” I quickly pointed my gun at the ground a foot in front of him and shot. The fire rang in my ears, “Do you seriously want to test me?”
The two other men grabbed him by the arms and started dragging him out of the alley passed me. “You will regret doing that, bitch!” I heard him yell. They started running when I aimed at the wall and released another bullet. I glanced at Harry, who was still slack against the brick wall.
“Harry,” I rushed to his side. “Are you okay?” I gripped his arm and went to put it around my shoulders.
“You didn’t have to do that,” He griped, pulling himself out of my grasp.
“Oh yeah, and let them kill you? No way.” I laughed sarcastically. Harry started walking towards the street, rubbing his shoulder.
“They weren’t going to kill me,” He brushed off.
“Harry, that guy had a knife,”
“A little nick is nothing compared to what I’ve been through recently.” He paused. Ouch. “What are you even doing here? What, did Thompson send you here or something?” His tone was demanding,
“What? No. I’m just out.”
“Sure you just happen to be passing a bar I used to frequent. And just so happen to make an appearance when I catch a bit of trouble?” His interrogation sent a chill down my spine. He turned on his heel to look at me, inches from my face. “I didn’t need you to defend me.”
“Harry, what are you even doing here? Without security? Your entire team has been looking for you for four days! And I was just trying to help…” I whispered, my eyes falling to the ground.
“I don’t need your help, okay?” His voice rattled my eardrums. I took an involuntary step back. I could smell the alcohol on his breath. His eyes were glowering, fixed on mine. “I think you’ve done enough ‘help’ in my life. And I certainly do not need your permission, or Niall’s, to leave my own fucking house.” He spat, turning toward the street again.
“Say what you want, okay?” I said, my voice shaky, tears brimming my eyes. “But I care about you, Harry. I wanted to tell you! I have cared about you the entire time. You were and are getting back to being an absolute mess, Harry. Okay, maybe I was used as a prop by the FBI, but –“
“See that’s just it, Y/N,” Harry turned to face me again. His eyes soft, glistening with a few tears. “They used you as a prop. You used me to advance yourself. I thought,” He paused and ran a hand through his long locks, looking at the ink shaded sky. “I thought you were feeling the same thing I was.”
“I was!” I shout, not caring if any passer-byes could hear me. “I was feeling the same thing you were! I wanted to tell you everything! I –“ I took a deep breath to compose myself and looked into his darkened eyes – “I was scared.” I admitted, my voice lowering to a mumble. My eyes flashed around the alley, not daring to meet his gaze.
“Scared of what?” He questioned, furrowing his brows. I couldn’t bring myself to look at him. “Of Thompson?”
“No?” He affirmed, confused. “Then what were you so afraid of?”
“Well, yes. Thompson. But I was afraid of you…” My voice trailed; my eyes fixed on the pavement between us.
“Me?” He brought his palm to his chest “You were scared of me?!” His tone deepened. “What did you think? That I’d have you fired or something?”
That was something I hadn’t thought of. Can Harry have me fired? Did he have that much say in the FBI staff?
“I was scared,” I played with the hem of my shirt, “It scared me to think that you’d wonder if everything I told you was a lie. And I was scared you’d be done with me, and that you’d just…” I briefly met his expressionless gaze before settling it back on the ground, “Just walk away without getting a chance to know me. The real me.”
“Well,” Harry stiffened. “I’m sure we’re both glad we don’t have to worry about that anymore.” My gaze snapped to his. “I know exactly who you are, you’re nothing but a con artist who got exactly what you wanted.” He turned his back to me and walked out to the street.
“This is not what I wanted!” I called, he stopped in his tracks, “At the end of the day, I wanted you to know the Y/N that is compassionate and strong. I wanted you to know the Y/N that started falling for the kind, caring and utterly incredible man that you are.” Without a response, he kept moving. I waited for him to round the corner before following. I watched as his back disappeared into the boisterous bar.
I stood on the sidewalk for a couple of minutes before deciding he wasn’t coming out. I turned on my heel to continue my jog home.
My heart began racing like never before every time I thought about going into work on Monday morning. Meeting with Thompson. The looks I would get from my colleagues as I packed up my desk. The only contact I’ve had with Thompson since Tuesday was him texting me to tell me about our meeting on Monday morning.
Friday and Saturday brought me to the gym. Employees of the FBI had exclusive access to a gym on the north side of the city. I stepped on the treadmill and began my jog, upping the intensity every couple minutes. Beads of sweat formed on the back of my neck. I wiped them away, staring out the window at the trees across the field. My feet began to pound harder as I thought back to Thursday night and my actual run-in with Harry.
How could he be so hardheaded to think that someone sent me there?
I looked down at the moving treadmill under me. A pair of feet caught my eye, climbing onto the treadmill next to me. I turned my head to see Niall standing there. I scrunched my eyebrows at him as he motioned for me to take out my headphones.
“Hey…” I said as I pulled them out and pressed the pause button. The treadmill came to a stop, and I faced Niall.
“Hey, Y/N.” He greeted, a hint of a smile on his face. “How are you?”
“I’m okay,” I panted, trying to catch my breath. “And you?”
“I’m alright.” The silence took over as both our eyes wandered around the empty room. “I’ve been wanting to get ahold of you.”
“Yeah? Why?”
“Harry’s been to the office a few times, since that night.” He started, my eyes widening. That’s why Thompson moved me. So we wouldn’t see each other. “I don’t know what’s going on but – “ There’s something he’s not saying.
“Are you still working with Harry?” The question slipped from my lips before I could fully process the question I wanted to ask.
Niall harshly blinked, taken aback by what I asked. “Oh – “ he mumbled, lowering his eyes to the space between us. “Yeah. Harry was pretty upset with me, but I think he’s doing better.” I figured.
“Well, that’s good.”
“Y/N, Harry’s just really hurt. You know, by everybody. Not just you.” Niall’s sympathetic tone seeped into my mind. “And, I’m sorry.”
“Why are you sorry, Niall?” I asked, picking up my water bottle to take a sip. “It’s my fault, not yours. I should’ve known better than to let my emotions get in the way of this.” I finished after gulping my water down.
“No, it’s my fault too. I should’ve seen it.” He concluded, his eyes staring out the window at the trees. He glanced at my face before continuing, “I should’ve seen the way you two were looking at each other. I should’ve seen how real it was for both of you.”
Why was Harry at the office so often? Was more than just my job at risk now?
Niall stepped off the treadmill and headed for the front door. I watched him as he exited the building, my legs not allowing me to follow and ask more questions.
Do you ever try so hard to forget something, but then it keeps popping in your memory even more? That’s how I feel with my conversations with Harry and Niall. What is Niall not telling me? What does he know that I don’t? And how can Harry forgive Niall and not me?
Derek broke my thoughts when he walked through our front door, 3 friends in tow. “Hey, Y/N. How was your day?” He asked, heading towards the kitchen.
“It was – “ I glanced at his friends and felt anxiety consume my heart. I can’t place the feeling, but it certainly wasn’t a pleasant one. “fine.”
Derek nodded, filling a glass from the cabinet with water. “Oh, Y/N. These are some friends, Mike, Tyler, and Greg,” Derek said, taking in my blank expression, and pointing to each man standing in my kitchen.
I couldn’t place the faces, but I felt like I’ve met them. “Hi,” I said, giving a slight wave. “Um – Have we met before?” I asked, gesturing between me and the men I learned to be Tyler, Greg, and Mike.
Greg looked at his friends then back at me, “I – I don’t think so?” A smirk took over his features with a glint of mischief in his eyes. “Maybe in a past life.” Flashes of a knife went through my brain. Greg. G_Pattsy.
“Anyway, where’s Summer? She said she’d be home,” Derek spoke, obliviously breaking up the tension slowly building around him.
“She’s in the shower,” I said getting up from the couch. “I have to run an errand.” I grabbed my purse from the counter, side-eying the men standing there once more.
“Problem, sweetheart?” A chill ran down my spine from his menacing tone. “Don’t worry, I know the effect I have on people.” Oh, we’re going to have a problem.
“Don’t ever for a second think you’d have the privilege,” I uttered over my shoulder, slamming the door on my way out. I pulled out my phone and dialed the only number I could think of. “Hey, can you meet me?”
I hung up and made my way to the nearest bar. It was only 8 pm, so it wasn’t that packed. “Hey, you,” Louis said wrapping an arm around my shoulders. “What can I do for ya?”
“Do you want something to drink first?” I laughed, motioning to the liquor sitting behind the counter.
“Oh, yeah.” Louis waved the bartender over and taking a seat on the chair next to me. “Bumbu, rocks, please.” The bartender made his drink and placed it in front of him. Louis took a sip before turning in his chair to face me completely. “So.”
“You’ve known Harry for a long time, right?” I asked, running my fingers around my glass, avoiding his eyes.
“Yeah, since I was about 3, I think.” He said, gazing off into the distance. “I heard about what happened. That it didn’t work out, and I’m sorry. You two seemed good for each other.” Louis confessed, placing a hand on my shoulder. How though? How did we seem good for each other?
“It’s okay.”
“Anyway, yeah. A long time.” He spoke, bringing his hands back to his lap. “Why?”
“Can you tell me about his friendship with Greg Patterson?” I asked, lifting my eyes to meet his.
“Greg? Patterson?” He questioned as I nodded. “Well, there’s not much to tell. Harry and Greg were friends through high school. After that, Greg kind of fell off the grid. Got into a… a more dangerous crowd. Harry didn’t say much about what happened.”
“But what did he say then?” I pressed. Louis looked at me with a frown, tilting his head slightly to the side.
“Uh – “ He ran his hand across his jaw, leaving it there for a second. “I know they got into a tremendous fight. Greg landed in the hospital, Harry walked away with a few scrapes and a broken nose.” Louis lowered his hand, clasping the glass in front of him. “Something about drugs.”
“Was Harry selling?” I asked nonchalantly. I flipped my hair over my shoulder and tucked some strands behind my ear. I took a glance at the door, eyeing the couple walking in. “Or buying?”
“No, no. Harry never got into that.” Louis waved off, shaking his head. “But he knew people that were. Greg wanted in. He didn’t believe Harry wasn’t in on the deals.”
“Have you seen him recently?”
“Who, Harry? Not since the benefit.” Louis glanced at my blank expression. “Oh, Greg? I never knew him. Just of him.” Louis knocked his fist on his chin gently, deep in thought. “You know, I think I heard from someone that he was back in the D.C. area though.”
I thought about Louis’ last comment almost the entire way home. I thought about how the man that is wanted for attempted assassination has gone this long without being found. More importantly, I thought about how that same man had been standing in my kitchen not even two hours ago and every possible way that Derek knew that man and brought him to my house. Does he know?
I pulled up to my building and shifted my car into park, taking notes of the blacked-out SUV sitting a couple of spaces away. I eyed it, warily. Many people drive blacked-out SUVs, not just Harry. I had to remind myself. I slowly got out of my car and walked towards the door, eager to know if Derek was still inside.
I couldn’t see if anyone was in the SUV, but I prayed the Thompson didn’t have it out for me now.
“Derek?” I called as soon as the door latched. “Are you here?”
“In here,” I heard him call from Summer’s room. I made my way, checking my phone for anything from Thompson. “What’s up?” he greeted when I entered the room.
They were sprawled across the floor, Boy Meets World playing softly on the TV. “Can I talk to you about something?” I asked, taking a seat on the floor next to them. He sat up and stared at me expectantly. “How’d you meet those guys from earlier?” Derek’s mouth slightly parted, confused. “Like did you meet them recently? Or have you known them for a while?”
Derek’s eyebrows scrunched together, “Do you know them?”
“No, but I was just wondering.” I shook my head, trying to laugh it off.
“Did Greg say something to you? I’ll kick his ass.” Derek slammed his palms on the ground like he was ready to track him down. “I swear if he fucking said something, I’ll-“
“Derek, no” I laughed, “I think I’ve seen him around or something.”
He raised his hand to scratch the back of his neck, “Okay, good. I met them in NOLA, actually.” I raised my eyebrows. That’s right. Derek went to New Orleans like two years ago. “They were cool, got us into all the good clubs down there,” he looked at Summer who was nodding her head in agreement. “Told him to hit me up if he was ever in DC. Guess he decided to take me up on the offer.”
“I think I may need your help.”
The next day, I was once again sat in the conference room. It was around 9:00 pm and my breath was hitching every other second. I’m nervous about how everything will go. Thoughts swirled my mind. How will Niall react? What are we going to do? I can’t believe I looped Derek into this. This is insane.
“All right,” Thompson started, clapping his hands to get everyone’s attention. My gaze shifted around to each person in the room. Niall, Joe, Thompson, Derek, and a few others from secret security I didn’t quite recognize. “Derek, first and foremost, thank you for joining us and helping us.” Derek nodded nonchalantly. “Here’s the plan.” I started spacing out. I knew I wouldn’t be a part of it. No matter how much I wanted to be. I’d be in the van, with Joe, Thompson and the others. Of course, Niall got to make the arrest. He’d be with them, watching from afar.
What felt like an eternity passed before Thompson’s voice rang in my ears again. “Understood?” His voice was loud, angry, stern. Everything you would expect from the Director of the FBI. Everyone started getting up to pack the van and move. “Y/N,” Thompson stared at me. He motioned for me to wait while everyone else filed out of the room. “You don’t have to come.”
“If it will be too much. Just let me know.” He said gently.
“Mr. Thompson,” I said, my voice hinting irritation, “This is my job. I love my job. And I want so badly to see that sucker put away. I’m not letting what happened interfere with this. At the end of the day, it’s my duty to protect and serve.”
He gave me a curt nod and gestured for me to exit, quickly following suit. We made our way to the vans and got in. Niall and Derek got into their respective cars to meet up with the suspect and the bait. Everyone had their gear on, ready to intervene if need be. Everyone except me. “It’ll be for the best. He won’t be thrown off.”
When the van started moving, all the men started chatting about work life, home life, “Did you hear about Linda in the office today?”, and everything going on in the White House. Thompson’s voice kept me sane. This isn’t a crazy dream I had thought up. This is real life. I kept my mouth shut through it all. Everyone knows what happened. Niall probably told everyone at the White House what happened. Don’t dig yourself a deeper hole.
We pulled up to the dingy bar that somehow became remarkable after one encounter. Niall pulled up behind us and got out of his car. He came up to Thompson’s window to get his earpiece and mic before heading off into the bar. The static on the radio in the back of the van let us know the mics were on. The voices and music started flowing through within seconds.
“Hey,” Niall’s voice came through. “Thought I might find you here.” His voice was hard to hear with all the background noise, but I distinctly heard a chair screeching across the floor. Niall’s sitting down.
“What are you doing here?” Harry’s words slurred, he sounded far away. How much had he had to drink already? Suddenly I didn’t know how to breathe. Oh, how I missed the sweet voice that I no longer had the privilege of hearing.
“Just came to check on you. I know you’re still upset.” His voice was sympathetic. For once, I was grateful it wasn’t for me.
There was a lengthy pause. “I don’t want to talk about it.” Harry’s voice sounded beaten. He sounded rough. And though I couldn’t see him, I knew his eyebrows had a crease between them. “I mean, how could she do something like that? How could you do something like that?” Okay, going right in then.
“Harry,” Niall stuttered, “We were just trying to do what’s best. Look, I’m not here as your guard tonight. I’m here as your friend. If you want to get fucked up and party, I’m here. If you want to get fucked up and talk, I’m here.”
About 30 seconds had passed before I stopped holding my breath. “I just, I could really see something with her.” He has to be careful. Niall’s lack of response confirmed my thoughts. He knew that we were all listening. “Anyway, thanks for letting me do this, Niall. Thanks for being here. It’s been a rough week.” I could basically see the smile on his face, dimples making a full appearance.
“Hey,” Niall’s voice broke. “I know you’re hurting. But you’re not alone, okay? She’s hurting too.” A smile crept onto my face. Thanks, Niall. I didn’t dare look at Thompson, scared he would see the brokenness and weakness hidden in my eyes. I kept my face straight, fading the smile to be more serious for the situation, and for the sake of being within a foot of my boss.
“So you like this bar, huh?” A voice from another speaker broke through, much clearer than the last. A gruff voice I recognized from my kitchen. Someone remind me why I thought this would be a marvelous idea.
“Yeah, been coming here for a short while with my girl,” Derek’s voice was smooth, he had always been a talented actor. Hiding me and Ashlie in his room and straight-up lying to his brothers saying he hadn’t seen us. Pretending to be someone else’s boyfriend so a creep at the bar would back off. Sometimes I’m still amazed and the stuff he can pull off.
A couple of minutes passed as Derek and Greg made their way to the bar, we were outside of. Their voices on the speaker grew cluttered, voices from all around them being picked up. Joe turned down all the speakers, so the van wasn’t being bombarded. Soon after, Derek, Greg, and his two friends arrived and entered. Now it was only a matter of time.
The unfortunate part of tonight was, our eyes were Niall. We don’t have any cameras in the bar, or on our people. All we had to go off of were conversations. Greg and Harry were completely in the dark. But we needed them together to make the arrest. What if Harry gets hurt? You’re at fault for that. My eyes widened at the thought. But if you had said nothing, Greg might’ve tracked Harry down and the outcome would’ve been so much worse. My conscience was trying to rationalize everything happening, but I couldn’t keep up.
“Y/N, I want you to go inside.” I looked over to Thompson to see his serious face.
“You heard me,” He reached into the center console pulling out an earpiece and a body camera. “Here, put these on. And go.” I took the pieces with shaky hands. I strapped the camera onto my torso and stuck the piece in my ear.
“Ted,” Joe leaned through the seats from the back, ‘Are you sure about this?”
Thompson looked at Joe with enough blaze in his eyes to put hell to shame. “Yes, she’s discreet enough to not be seen.”
My body was on autopilot walking into the bar. I looked around. Derek had strategically placed himself and Greg at the bar near the bathroom. Niall had taken Harry to the opposite side of the bar. Niall looked in my direction with wide eyes. I hurried to the corner, narrowly avoiding Harry’s eyes as he turned around. I could still hear everything from Niall and Derek’s mics. I was the eyes of the men in the van.
“Hey, I’m going to the bathroom. I’ll be right back,” I could just make out Harry’s voice above the music and other people talking. I pulled my hood up and looked at the table, catching his feet walking passed. I angled the camera to follow him, hopefully.
I saw Greg take a glance over his shoulder at the passing body. “I gotta take a piss.” Spotted. Greg had spotted Harry. Greg got up from his stool and followed behind Harry.
“Derek, go wait about 6 feet from the bathroom, let us know what happens but don’t do anything. We don’t want you getting hurt. Horan make your way outside to the east alley. That’s the only other door to the bar. Y/N, stay there.”
“Got it” “Moving” Derek and Niall’s voices filtered through the noise. Niall made his way out the front door. My mind went to the alley. The same alley where Harry looked defeated. The same alley we fought because of my job. The same alley he could’ve been killed if I hadn’t been there.
“They’re moving, heading towards a side door,” Derek stated, making me forget anything I was thinking. I felt the color drain from my face. I saw Greg and Harry walking down the hallway.
The door burst open. The last thing being seen was Harry being shoved to the ground as it slammed shut. I felt my heart break at the scene. I couldn’t hear what was being said. Niall was too far away,
“Move!” Thompson screamed; my eardrum felt like it was about to bust. I heard a gunshot go off. Muffled voices and commotion coming through my earpiece.
I got up, grabbed Derek by the forearm, and rushed out the front, knocking a few people out of the way. People on the block were ducking for cover or scrambling into the nearest open shop.
By the time we got to the corner of the building, Greg was being put into handcuffs. Niall helped Harry up and placed his hands on his shoulder. “You okay?” Harry nodded, blank-faced.
I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned my head to look at Thompson. “Good job, kid.” It was short, but it made me feel secure. I did something right. “Come on,” Thompson ushered me back to the van. Derek walked towards Niall, Harry, and the other men.
I walked towards the van and clutched the door handle. I turned my face towards the alley. My heartbeat sped up as I locked eyes with familiar olive ones. I sighed and pulled open the door, climbing in.
Looking back to the alley, Niall, Harry, and Derek were walking toward the street. Niall gave a thumbs up in our direction. “Horan, you can take Harry home, or to another bar. I will sweep the area before we leave.” As Thompson continued talking my eyes glazed over, thinking about how crazy tonight had been. Derek helped save Harry’s life. Niall helped save Harry’s life. I saved Harry’s life. Who knows what would’ve happened if Greg found him out and about by himself?
I watched as the three boys disappeared down the road. Who knows where to? Harry was glancing back every few seconds. Almost as if to convince himself he saw me. And Derek, well, he had just made friends with my coworker and Harry. The men in suits walked Greg across the street towards the van behind us. “The boys are going to take Greg in that van. Do you want me to take you home?”
“Ted,” Joe spoke from the back, “I’ll take her.” My eyes shifted between Thompson, and Joe. Thompson pursed his lips, giving Joe a nod. “Come on, kid,” Joe said as he pats my shoulder. I took the body cam and earpiece off and handed them to Thompson.
“I’ll see you Monday,” Thompson spoke slowly as I opened the van door. I nodded at him before shutting the door. What happens to my job now?
“You need a drink,” Joe commented and motioned towards a bar across the street. I didn’t say a word as we began walking towards the entrance of the bar.
We sat at a table near the back, waiting for our drinks. “So,” Joe started. “How are you?” How am I? Really?
“I’m okay,” And it was true. I was okay. I had my breath back, the boy I had fallen for was safe, the guy who was wanted for trying to kill said boy was being put away, and I’d be okay if I had to transfer or be fired if it meant I could leave everything that had happened in the past.
“Y/N, I’m not your boss. You can talk to me. Person to person.” Joe smiled, putting a comforting hand atop mine on the table.
“Honestly?” I asked. Joe nodded, giving me the go-ahead. “I’m so exhausted and disappointed.”
“Disappointed? With what?” He asked, grasping his drink after the waitress sat it down. Joe thanked her before turning his attention back to me.
“I’m so disappointed in myself,” I stated.
“Why? You’ve done brilliant work. I would know. We’ve been watching you since you got hired.”
I let the confused expression on my face speak for itself. Completely ignoring his second statement I questioned him, “You don’t know?”
“Know what?”
“Know about what I did.” It was Joe’s turn to be confused. “How I completely messed up my mission by putting my feelings above my job. How I couldn’t keep it together. How I let myself, Harry and the FBI down. How – “
“Woah Woah Woah, Y/N. Slow down.” Joe laughed. “What are you talking about? You didn’t let anyone down.” He paused, glancing at the glasses between us, “Look. I’ve worked with the Styles’ for over 5 years. Sometimes we have to do dreadful things in order to get good results. When that happens, we often forget all the wonderful things we did. You did a good job, Y/N. Don’t sell yourself short. And don’t let anyone else either.”
“But what about Harry?”
“Harry? Honey, that kid's crazy about you. He’d be crazy to let you go.” I took a sip of the rum and coke I had ordered. I had grown to like them after having tasted it on Harry’s lips at the benefit. “After seeing you two gallivanting around at the benefit, we all knew.”
“Knew what?” I asked, taking another look around the room. Young couples all around. Being handsy under the table, whispering into each other’s ears, grabbing each other’s hands to pull the other towards the door.
“We all knew that something real would happen.” I let my gaze settle on Joe again. “You were scared, and that’s why you ran and caused some trouble. Stop running. He might surprise you.” Joe dropped the subject after that and refused to answer any of my cut-off questions. He brought our attention back to work and regular life. We finished our drinks and walked outside. The cool air felt nice on my warm skin.
He pulled out his car keys and unlocked the Mercedes sitting in front of us. “When Ted called me about this, I knew I was going to pull you aside.” He shrugged off my unasked question. I pulled open the door and slid in. The drive was short and quiet. The only sound being the soft playing radio tuned to the Queen station on SiriusXM. “I’ll see you soon, kid.” Joe winked when he pulled up to my building. I gave him a tight-lipped smile and got out, taking a deep breath before walking up to my apartment.
I pulled out my keys and turned to the stairwell when I heard footsteps coming behind me. “There you are,” I twisted to see Derek walking up the steps. “Been waiting for you to get back. That was crazy, right?” I laughed as I unlocked the door.
It was exactly 8 O’clock on Monday when I looked at the clock on the wall. The atmosphere of the conference room brought me back to the first time I had an interview with Thompson. His demeanor was tough, cold, and stern. My nerves reminded me even more of that day. My legs bounced under the table, my palms were sweating, and my eyes couldn’t settle on a single object for too long. I was completely prepared to possibly turn in my badge, gun, and ID.
When Thompson entered the room, his intimidating nature followed. He closed the door and sat across from me at the table, setting some papers down between us.
“Miss. Y/L/N,” Thompson started, taking a second to clear his throat. “Good morning.”
“Good morning, Mr. Thompson,” I greeted him, exhaling a shaky breath.
“How are you?” I scrunch my eyebrows in confusion. How am I? That’s how you want to start my termination?
“I’m – I’m nervous,” I confessed.
“Nervous?” he casually asked. “Why are you nervous?” Thompson started shuffling the papers he had laid on the table. I glanced at them, trying to figure out if they were the agreements I signed when I first started.
“I – “ I pointed to myself, “Am I getting fired?”
Thompson snickered at my question. “Fired? Why would we fire you?”
“I thought – “ I paused, blinking harshly. Am I being punked? “since Har – Mr. Styles found out. I thought I would be fired.”
“Y/N, Mr. Styles has made it very clear we would be stupid to fire you.”
“What?” The question fell from my lips. I was taken aback. Why would Harry tell them not to fire me?
“When Niall called to tell us he let it slip last week, we called in Mr. Styles to talk about it and explain why we did it.” Thompson started, “We talked about suspending your employment for 6 months or transferring you out of D.C. He was pretty adamant about it. But Mr. Styles came in yesterday, unannounced I might add, to tell us if we suspended you or transferred you, well. We’d be out of our minds. In better terms.”
I fell back into my chair. So I’m not fired? Thompson answered my question before I could ask, “We’d be stupid to let you go. Especially after Saturday night.” My eyes flicked to his. “Y/N, one thing I noticed when we first met was how much you reminded me... of me. You are strong, ambitious, willing to do whatever it takes. Those are qualities we need in this job.”
“So, I’m not fired?”
“No,” he laughed, shaking his head. “But we’ll be putting you on desk duty for the next two weeks. For disobeying orders of the mission.” Damn it.
I nodded my head, accepting my two-week punishment. “Thank you, Mr. Thompson.”
“Don’t thank me.” He said, waving me off. “Thank Mr. Styles.” He dismissed me and I picked up my bag, ready to head for the door. “And Miss. Y/L/N,” Thompson said, stopping me. “Don’t mess it up.”
I left the conference room confused. Why would Harry save my job?
I took a seat at my desk and pulled up the database. Researching was tough, but even more so when my mind kept wandering to Harry. Why’d he do it? Why would he come in here to tell them not to fire me? Maybe because you saved his life. Who knows what Niall or Derek told him? The questions filled my mind for the rest of the day. So much so, I could barely get any work done.
I left the office after a few of hours of researching some wanted suspects. I found myself strolling the streets, coming to a halt as I passed the café where Harry and I first met. I wandered inside and ordered a grande iced vanilla soy latte. A drink I genuinely came to enjoy from my times with Harry. When my order came up, I took a glance around the café to pick a place to sit. My eyes landed on a familiar stranger facing the window.
Stop running, Y/N.
I took a seat next to him at the bar, sitting my coffee down, and facing the man. I propped my head on my hand, with my elbow resting on the bar top. “Is this seat taken?” I asked him.
He cracked a smile at me, turning his face to me. “How’d you find me this time?” Harry probed.
“Oh, I didn’t,” I laughed. “I just came here for some coffee. I had a fantastic first ‘date’ here.” I said putting air quotes around the word date. A comfortable silence fell over us. “Why’d you do it?”
“Why’d I do what?” he asked, grabbing his cup to take a sip of his coffee.
“Why’d you save my job?” I asked, dropping my hand, so it hung over the edge of the bar.
“Why wouldn’t I?”
“Well, you were pissed at me,” I stated raising my eyebrows.
“Yeah, I was.” He confirmed. “But also, after last Thursday – and Saturday for that matter – I started thinking. And I realized that everyone, at some point, is going to hurt you. Even the people who truly care about you and want what’s best for you. We can’t control that. What we can control, though, is how we react to that, and we get to determine if the person who hurt us is worth it.”
“What’d you come up with?”
“I came up with some people are. The people that make you look at yourself and want to be a better person.”
I stared at him for a few seconds, before taking a deep breath. “Harry I – “
“I don’t want you to tell me you’re sorry, Y/N. You’ve already said it.”
“What do you want me to say then?”
“I want you to tell me what you want.” I scrunched my face at his request. “Thursday night you told me this isn’t what you wanted. So tell me what you want.”
“I want us to start over. I want you to know my actual life.”
Harry stuck his hand out to me, “Hi, I’m Harry. And you are?”
I looked at his hand before taking it in my own, “I’m Y/N. Y/N Y/L/N.”
“Hi Y/N, I’m the President’s son. What do you do for a living?” He let go of my hand and placed it around his cup.
“I work for the FBI,” I smirked.
“Oh, that’s nice. I’ve heard outstanding things about their work. An agent saved me.”
“Saved you?” I giggled.
“In a way, she saved me from myself, really. I was a proper mess.” He broke into a grin and laughed.
“Oh, really?” I laughed with him.
“She kind of made me realize that I was, yeah.” He looked down at his thighs before his jade eyes met mine. “Do you want to go for a walk?” I nodded as he started to get up. He held the door open for me. We walked out and he interlocked our fingers, rubbing circles into the back of my hand.
We started down the street. I pulled his hand as I stopped on the sidewalk. “Hey, Harry?” I bit my lip and looked at my feet. “Are you sober right now?”
“Yeah?” His eyes held the confusion that laced his voice. I reached for his face and pulled his lips to mine. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into him. He pulled away briefly, “At least we don’t have to worry about them,” He mumbled, nodding his head toward the blacked-out SUV sitting across the street. I giggled as he pulled me back for another kiss.
Maybe, just maybe, we could be real.
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randbwrite · 4 years
La Comtesse Chronicles Chapter 1 Part 2
Words: 1907
TW: Blood, graphic violence, death
CW: War, attempted assassination, vampires
B: Near silent footsteps didn’t announce Derrick’s presence so much as the scampering of a happy stoat pattering across the stone ahead of him did. The man was massive, how on earth he could move so quietly was a mystery Rapscallion wanted to solve one day. Whenever he got around to it. 
“They’re waiting for you upstairs.” With his bland tone of voice, Derrick could’ve been discussing the weather.
For all that Rap could be seen to care, they might as well have been. “I know.”
“It’s inadvisable to make them wait.”
“So?” Indifferent shrug.
“There’s a difference between cute and stupid. You crossed a line earlier, and you’re going to drag your feet now?”
“They want me to drag you if necessary.” Both of them knew how that would end. 
“Aww, I knew you cared!” 
“Never tried to hide it, unlike some people.” 
“Oh stop it, you’ll make me blush.” Rap’s devil may care smirk nearly brought one to Derrick’s expression, but he had to be serious!
“Palavering isn’t going to change the situation...”
“Yeah, but!! If they’re annoyed enough, they’ll give the orders without the imperious preamble and pomp. Here’s your orders and off you go! Works like a charm.”
“Right.” Massive arms were crossed over an equally broad chest, the quirk in his eyebrows reminding Rap his friend really will carry him off if need be. 
A huff lifted a pesky lock off his forehead momentarily, exposing the brilliant emerald orbs beneath. “I’m going, I’m going! I’ll catch ya later. Or not.”
Derrick shook his head, one scarred hand messing up the extraordinarily unkempt rusty mop Rap called hair. He knew what was meant. They couldn’t promise anything, nor really ask, but the unspoken request every time was to take care. Try and survive, eh? Wouldn’t be quite so exciting without the other around. They should probably wonder about how much nonverbal communication went on between them, but such was life. Full of the oddities that made it...so alive.
The board of impassive faces that met Rap would be unreadable to most. Decades of training had refined their poker faces, but everyone has their tells. Tiny twitches, the way certain coifs had been fixed endlessly before he arrived, notebooks, bracelets, rings all adjusted to the nth degree...they should really watch their perfection of accoutrements more carefully. It all but telegraphed their mood. Course they’d never asked him. 
Uhhh...okay, wait. They all had that same creepy dead look in their eyes except one. Dude off to the left, madness gleaming usually signaling blood lust. Did he do anything to tick that one off recently? ...No, not that he could remember...few times over the years, sure. The last prank hadn’t been his, but he took the blame for it. The crazy stunt had gotten a larger contingent of the assassins caught up in it and made them all want to kill him for a few weeks. That wasn’t too much of a deviation from the norm however. With a bit of time they’d all drop it, move on to the next frustration or take it out on their targets. They’re not allowed to kill one of their own anyway. 
Missions were usually handed out by one person. Not a tribunal. Must be another meeting taking place, killing two birds with one stone. This wasn’t set up as a retribution either or he’d sense more of his fellow assassins in the shadows. That’s a delayed relief and he knew it, but hey! He’ll take what he can get.
“So! Whatcha got for me? Who’s incurred the wrath of the great and powerful Assassin’s League? Besides me of course.” 
A minuscule draw to the head assassins’ brows was his reward, but the gleam in the other’s traveled from his eyes to a wide, manic smile. It was also he from whom the instructions came, a mission that per the norm wouldn’t allow for denial in accepting.
“Your target is la Comtesse Arcanum. She will be taking part in a battle between the French army and the German forces. Shoo now. Off with you.”
A noble. Right! That should be easy enough. So why was that gleam now being shared among most of his peers? He almost preferred when they all were content to be blasé about everything to...this. Esh.
Rap was on his way quick enough. It only involved avoiding the booby trap someone had set for him in the hallway to his storeroom. Place didn’t so much count as a bedroom as he rarely bothered to sleep there: gathering up an array of...necessary supplies and hopping a horse he’d leave in the nearest town to the battlefield; he was good to go.
Mission was simple, least to his mind. These commanders tended to do their leading from behind, strategizing based off of reports and keeping themselves safe in a tent far removed from those who gave and lost their lives for whatever ideal or land being quibbled over. Surrounded by soldiers, they thought themselves to be safe. Protected. Untouchable. Heh. People assume in order to be an assassin you have to melt into the shadows. Not true. Humans jump at shadows! They distrust their own even. Disappear into the mundane though...no one will look twice. 
Think about it. Your water boy scurrying to keep the retreat horses fresh? What about the cook’s kid running rations, a medic’s assistant supplying fresh bandages, even an officer with the bearing and urgency demanding he not be stopped for anything or anyone, ducking into the command tent. It was always some variation and pretending to be in a hurry was the only steady requirement. When he got to this battlefield however, he couldn’t stop the swear word from being muttered.
“What the—? Lemon juice.”
No bustle to a central command tent. No commander in that one large, ostentatious tent either. A map, little flags which could surely help anyone intending to spy on their contingency plans, but no female commander. He was going to have to go into the fight himself, and he was beginning to see why they’d thought this would be such great fun. Fun for them.
A survey of the map showed him the general lay of the land, an idea of the commander’s intentions, how she had spread her troops, and where he might lure her to take her out. It wouldn’t be easy as she had plenty of people who were going to be trying to kill her. An entire army as a matter of fact. But if they sent him out there, the army wasn’t going to be enough to take her out.
Something about how the pattern was laid out was bugging him: only when he discerned she wasn’t the singular high ranking officer on the field did he understand. Sort of. Who fought with their own vanguard rather than dividing forces? There must be a purpose for it... He was going to need a vantage of the battle before he went out to join it.
Donning a uniform of the French army, he fished out a spyglass and took a cursory view of the battlefield, suppositions holding true. A maelstrom of blood and chaos was the field, soldiers and grass on fire, blades flashing, one of the soldiers fighting seeming to be made of fire and still plowing on. It was a mess. Rap shrugged and put away his tool. He’d picked out a spot to lead la Comtesse and his target to distract her with, which just so happened to be the second most dangerous force on the field to contend with. Who was on fire. According to the excited rumors in camp, that was the man he was looking for all the same. His own eyes confirmed it from the way the two moved in concert as well, even if logically what he was seeing was defying rationale.
By the time his traps were laid, set for both his target and those who may get between them, the battle had become more of a slaughter than an even fight. It was a matter of time before the opposing commander sounded the retreat; with the lack of officers on the field of battle it seemed surrender wasn’t to be the intention.
Anyone approaching the man on fire had been incinerated, disturbing visions of boiled metal and bent airwaves lending credence to the notion that whatever was actually happening over there and however the frak it worked, it wouldn’t be a bright idea to get anywhere close. Instead, Rap took advantage of the pile of discarded corpses surrounding the indefatigable duo and...played dead. The winds were probably changing soon, based on the way the clouds were moving. He was gambling on the hope this fire man wouldn’t want to risk accidentally burning his commander or allies, never mind the fact Rap had NO IDEA how in the name of insane bonfires anyone could survive being in the middle of those high temperatures, let alone send them off. 
It worked. It worked!! Fire man moved with the wind, using it to carry his incendiary discharges towards his enemies rather than risk his own. A useful breeze, the coat that surely served to project further fear in his enemies and protect the backs of his legs lifted. Just enough. A series of tainted projectiles fired in quick succession, more than half hitting the small target that was the back of fire man’s knee. Good thing Rap had gone with his metal options rather than the more innocuous wooden ones. Easier to hide the evidence afterward, but they wouldn’t have survived the heat. Then again, usually his targets weren’t walking infernos. A notion for further consideration later. Much later. 
It didn’t take long, though fire man must’ve had an elephant’s metabolism to not have dropped immediately, but in under a minute he was finally down on one knee. It would continue to work through his system; the flames guttering along with his strength. The delay gave Rap enough time to move into position though. He would lure the commander to his choice in battlegrounds. Not far from where they were, but just enough that his traps would remain untouched by the unwitting and unintentioned. He held his blow gun aloft, a short sword in his other hand. France’s coat of arms emblazoned on his chest and a very unsoldierly smirk on his lips completed the visage. 
Make her feel rage. Take away her calm. Peel back the strategy and finesse that made her a terror in her element. Force her to step into his world, one without rules of combat, and that would be the only chance he had to take her out. Then again...something made it seem like all his efforts wouldn’t matter. As if she would step just as easily from her realm into his and beat him at his own game. He would not, should not consider defeat. That would mean accepting death, and this had only just begun!
The cocksure rise of lips and brow would not betray fear’s frigid grip trailing sweat down his spine nor the faint tremor of nerves knowing this time, among all the others, the League had no intention that he should come back alive. They might just be right. But he’d never willingly give them the satisfaction.
Standing stock still in the open went against every single instinct in him, nearly all the training he’d received and the adrenaline screaming he move! Fight or flee, pick one!! But for this to work, she had to come to him. A few steps were all it would take and the first of his traps would be sprung...
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hazel-writes · 3 years
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Summary: A much-needed moment of calm... Are you ready for the storm?
Word Count: 3,400
Warnings: mentions of violence, injury description
I spoke about wings
You just flew
I wondered, I guessed, and I tried
You just knew
I sighed, but you swooned
I saw the crescent
But you saw the whole of the moon
• The Whole of the Moon - The Waterboys •
You sat on top of a small hill that overlooked a valley of swaying grass. There weren’t many trees, just a sea of undulating ferns. You looked to the ground on your left and right, noticing that you had chosen a spot at the center of a patch of green daisies. Of course. You laughed humorlessly, looking up to the sky and shaking your head, as silent tears began to fall.
That was what your father called you, ever since you were little. He would often paint landscapes and was inspired by the entrancing wildlife that was native to Lothal. One of his favorite flowers was the green daisy you were currently surrounded by. You remembered the first time your father showed you them.
“These flowers are special,” he told you one day, pointing out a patch of small green plants while out on a walk.
You squinted at the seemingly-mundane bulbs emerging from the grass.
“They don’t look very special,” you replied skeptically.
He smiled, like he knew something you didn’t. He leaned down to whisper in your ear: “That’s because you aren’t looking hard enough.”
Taking the challenge, you focused on the closest green bulb, following its curved stem down to the fertile dirt it lied in. You traced every line, rip, and crevice in its leaves. Some of the grass around it was crushed into the soil — covered in mud — most likely trampled by wandering loth-cats. But the daisy’s bulb remained a strong, healthy green.
This little plant has survived so much, you thought.
And suddenly, as if it heard you, the daisy bloomed right before your eyes, revealing a magnificent green flower. It was an enchanting emerald hue, like your father’s eyes.
“How-” you began to ask.
Your father chuckled. “The green daisy responds to body heat and breath. When someone gets close enough to truly appreciate its beauty, it blooms. Very few ever stop to notice how special this flower is, but when they do, they are greatly rewarded.”
He paused for a moment, staring directly into your eyes while tucking a stray piece of hair behind your ear.
“My little daisy...”
It had been three days since you’d been shot. The team you arrived with on Lothal had to extend their stay on the planet due to a mechanical malfunction on one of the ships. You had almost made it out of the city before the ship’s engines failed and you were forced to turn back.
Your father’s blaster beam had grazed a good part of your arm, with most of the damage being at your shoulder. It had come close to hitting vital organs, but thankfully missed. Finn didn’t get so lucky; he was still in critical condition. You waited by his side for as long as you could until Akilah forced you out of the room so you could get some rest. You knew that wouldn’t be possible until Finn was out of the woods, so you decided to take a walk to clear your head. That’s how you ended up crying on a grassy hill, surrounded by the familiar green daisies.
Attempting to distract yourself from your own feelings, you pulled out your sketchbook. It had been a while since you drew for yourself, but when you were younger it always seemed to ease your anxiety. You shuffled through the bag you brought, finally managing to find a pen. You swapped it into the fingers of your bandaged right arm before attempting to sketch. As soon as you did, pain shot through your tendons. I really didn’t think that through, did I?
Now you weren’t even able to do the one thing that made you happy. You threw your pen backwards over your shoulder, frustrated.
A voice cleared from behind you, making you jump.
“I apologize, I didn’t mean to interrupt.”
You turned to see the Commander, fully robed, behind you. His dark attire stood out against the setting sun behind him, creating a glowing aura around his form. “Oh, sorry! I didn’t realize you were there.”
“So you weren’t throwing projectiles at me on purpose?” he questioned, gesturing to the pen that laid at his feet.
“Kriff, no, sorry.” You shook your head in panic before realising he was messing with you. You chuckled, surprised at his unusual attempt at a joke. “I was just doodling… Or trying to at least.”
He nodded, moving to stand beside you. After a moment of silence, you heard the click of something decompressing as his helmet thudded into the grass. He took in a deep breath of air, his shoulders moving upwards tensely before relaxing again. He tilted his face into the wind, closing his eyes briefly as if taking in the serenity of the moment, before his gaze shifted down towards your bandage. “Your arm…”
You twisted the limb around, testing its range of motion. “It’s fine, I’ll just have to learn to use my left.”
His eyebrows furrowed in response, as if doubting your answer, before speaking again. “Your father-” he started.
“I don’t want to talk about it,” you interrupted, a bit harsher than you intended. You sighed, brushing a wisp of hair off of your face. “I’m sorry, it’s just… I just want to forget. For a little while at least.”
He turned to look at you, a slight crease on his forehead. “I understand.” He turned back to the sky. “I’ve had encounters with my kin that I wish to forget as well.”
A surge of sadness ran through your body; conflicting waves of guilt, fear, and helplessness crashing into the corners of your mind. You shook your head, trying to relieve the pressure you knew was emitting from the stoic man standing next to you.
You wanted desperately to ask about his family: who they were, where they were now, why they caused such pain. But just like the Commander had respected your need for privacy, you would respect his.
You were surprised when you saw his black cloak move to sit next to you on the grassy hill. It was strange seeing the Commander in an environment so different from the Finalizer. But something about the way his hands slid so naturally into the grass, or the way his feet stretched out in front of him, or how his hair flowed gently in the breeze, made you think that maybe this wasn’t so unfamiliar to him after all.
The two of you sat like that for a while, taking in the day around you. The sky was a brilliant blue with the beginnings of a deep purple at the horizon, something you didn’t see too often on Lothal. Usually the color of the sky melted into that of the fields, mirroring the landscape’s golden curves. But today was different. Birds chirped and flew overhead, a gentle breeze blew, and the air smelled of flowers and fresh soil.
Succumbing to the beauty of your surroundings, you laid back in the soft grass. You watched as a single bird dipped in the air high above you, circling the clouds in a soaring dance.
“I wish I could do that.”
The Commander turned to look at you, confused.
“I wish I could fly.”
He chuckled in response, a toothy smile gracing your presence briefly before quickly concealing itself with a squint towards the sky. You were pleased to see the ghost of a smirk remain and you couldn’t help it as the corners of your own mouth twisted upwards. You brought yourself onto your elbows, looking at him expectantly.
Seeing your questioning look, he shook his head. “No, it’s nothing… It’s just — I remember saying something similar as a boy.”
You smiled, laying back in the grass and returning your eyes to the sky. You stayed like this for a moment, carefully forming a question.
“Where would you go? If you could fly, I mean,” you clarified.
He shrugged and responded simply. “I have all the ships I could ask for. I could fly anywhere.”
You tried to imagine him leaving the Finalizer, taking off in a ship, flying to some distant planet with no people, no politics, no wars: just peace. Hux would never allow it, and you guessed that whoever the Commander answered to wouldn’t either.
“But you wouldn’t,” you replied out loud, a twinge of sadness in your voice.
“No,” he said, his voice lowering. “I wouldn’t.”
You hummed to yourself, thinking deeply. “I guess that’s the difference between birds and ships. Birds are born free. Their wings aren’t man made; it’s simply in their nature to fly. But when you put humans in the sky, they tear it apart. We fill it with blaster fire and explosions. We destroy the lands that we never should’ve left in the first place.” You sighed. “Even the birds won’t be free for much longer…”
The Commander turned towards you again. You expected him to tell you that you were wrong — that the wars were necessary, inevitable even — but he didn’t. Instead he blinked once before pointing up at the bird you referenced earlier.
“It’s a convor,” he said quietly.
“W-what?” Now it was your turn to be confused.
“I’m surprised to see one here — they’re not native to this planet.”
“Oh,” you replied, the light returning to your eyes. This was a new side of the Commander, one that you had only seen glimpses of in the past; one that was patient, vulnerable, and had an unusual, yet endearing, knowledge of birds.
“They are known for their strong connections to the Force,” he continued. “Can you feel it?”
You looked back up at the bird. Its golden brown feathers soared elegantly in the wind. Its dramatic tail rippled like an unfurling ribbon, slicing through the air. A familiar tingle made itself known at the back of your neck, spreading down your spine all the way to your toes.
“Yeah, I can,” you said, breathless. You didn’t know that so many species could have connections to the Force. “It’s amazing.”
“Yes,” he responded, eyes trained directly on you. “It is.”
You didn’t notice his head jerk away when you turned your body towards his.
Taking advantage of the lull in the conversation, you decided to ask him something that had been on your mind since the shootout with your father.
“Ky-” you started, before correcting yourself. “Commander. What happens when we get back to the Finalizer?”
He tilted his head slightly. “What do you mean?”
You were suddenly nervous and began to twirl a piece of grass between your fingers. You thought about what Finn had told you when you first arrived on Lothal: how you always seemed to be at the center of trouble. A pang of guilt ran through your body. “I mean… What do I say about my arm, or Finn? Won’t they be suspicious?”
The muscles of the Commander’s face tightened. “Won’t who be suspicious?”
“I dunno…” you trailed off, but could tell that he was waiting for a more specific answer. “Hux?”
He scoffed, clenching his fingers into a gloved fist. “You don’t have to worry about Hux. He is under my command, and I’ll make sure he remembers that.”
“But what about the person you’re under command? Will he be able to… sense that something happened here?” The questions spilled out before you could stop them.
He paused, longer than you would’ve liked, before looking at you as if he was about to tell you something of the utmost importance. “He won’t hurt you.”
The Commander’s strange tone did little to ease your anxiety; it was evasive, yet stern enough that you believed him.
You shifted to a sitting position, legs crossed under you. You fiddled with your fingers in your lap. “That’s- that’s not what I’m worried about.”
He tipped his head slightly. “So what are you worried about?”
“Well…” you paused, almost reconsidering what you were about to say. “You.”
It was true. As strange as it sounded coming out of your mouth, you were worried what others would think if they knew the Commander abandoned his duties to help some artist with her family drama. What would they do if they knew he had shown mercy to a man who tried to kill him? What if they found out that he had been training you in secret, or that he let you see his face: the one that now searched yours curiously.
It looked like the Commander wanted to say something, but instead his mouth moved to form a thin line. He stood up suddenly, forcing you to angle your head in order to meet his eyes.
“We should get back to the ships,” he said monotonously.
You cleared your throat, finally finding your voice. “Yeah, right. Y-you go first. Probably shouldn’t be seen together.”
He nodded, staring at you a moment longer before turning to pick up his helmet. Just as you thought he was about to leave, you watched out of the corner of your eye as he bent over, picking something up off of the ground. He reached out and you realised he had your pen in his hand, the one you had tossed at him earlier.
You reached forward to grab the pen with your bandaged hand, but before you were able to, he gently grasped your arm instead.
“What are you-” you started, before you felt it: a warmth spreading up your arm, wrapping its tendrils around your injured muscle and bone, filling each wounded crevice of your previously painful limb until it was restored to its normal state.
“What did you do?” you barely whispered, staring at your upper arm in shock. His hand slid off your skin, leaving a cold tingling in its wake.
He rose back to his commanding stature nonchalantly, as if nothing had happened. However as he responded, you didn’t miss the slight falter in his voice. “I- I’ll see you back on board.”
And with that, he put on his helmet and began the trek back down the hill.
After waiting fifteen minutes, it was your turn to head back down the hill. You walked back through the city one last time, retracing the steps you took earlier when putting up the posters with Koda and Rilea. You tried to take everything in as you made your way to the ship — who knows when you’d be back on Lothal again. But with each forward step, you began to realize that the busy streets, rolling fields, and the childhood house you used to call home now felt so distant, so foreign. You didn’t belong here anymore.
The hushed chattering of a small group of villagers, almost invisible in the shadow of a nearby building, interrupted you from your thoughts. It wasn’t until you moved closer that you realized they were huddled around one of the posters you had put up earlier. One of them held a light up to it, inspecting something on the bottom right-hand corner of the paper.
A couple of other passerbys curiously lingered, trying to figure out what the group was so intrigued by.
You suddenly felt a presence at your side and you turned to see an older man who was attempting to peak over the shoulders of the group in front of him. “What’s going on?” he asked you.
“I…” You paused for a moment, thinking. “I have no idea,” you replied as confidently as you could.
But that was a lie.
You knew exactly why the small group of Lothalians were crowded around the poster.
The poster that you designed. The poster that Soren let you put finishing touches on before it was sent off for approval. The poster that you were intent on distributing yesterday, even after everyone else had gone back to the ship. The poster that wasn’t just a poster: It was a message.
And it was one that you wrote.
Six months previously…
“Mom, I can’t.”
You stood at the kitchen window, looking out at the houses beyond — the ones you had grown up seeing every day, the ones you didn’t want to leave behind.
An apprehensive hand rested on your shoulder. “Sweetheart, you’re the only one I can trust.”
You spun around, indignant tears at the corners of your eyes. “So what, you’re sending me off so I can end up just like Benji, dead in a ditch somewhere?”
She sighed, shaking her head dismissively. “Honey, you know that was a freak accident. There was a-”
“Malfunction with the engines, I know.” A single tear fell. You wiped it away briskly while turning back to the window.
She waited a moment, letting your bout of anger simmer, before speaking again — softer this time. “I know you could do it. You could save us all.”
Sighing, you decided to indulge her pleas. If there was one thing you and you mother shared, it was stubbornness. “What would I have to do?”
“Only exactly what you’re good at: art.” You rolled your eyes after hearing the excitement in her voice.
“Yeah, right,” you huffed, crossing your arms over your chest. “What’s the catch?”
She paused for a moment, as if trying to figure out how to explain what she was going to tell you next. “You would need to hide things in your work.”
You raised an eyebrow. “What kind of things?”
This caught your attention; now you were genuinely intrigued.
“Messages?” you questioned. “To who?”
“To me and the rest of the Resistance.”
You ran a frustrated hand through your hair. Your mom had always wanted you to work alongside her with the Resistance, but until now, you had managed to evade the subject whenever it came up. What you really wanted was to do what your dad did: travel the galaxy, paint what you saw, and die a lonely, but happy hermit in a small cottage by the sea. But as you got older, with the rising of the First Order, you began to realize that there may not be a galaxy left by the time you were old enough to settle down somewhere. Maybe this was something that you needed to do.
Your mom nodded, a proud smile emerging on her face. “I’ve talked to Leia Organa. She had one of her men get your name on the Order’s recruits list. The position is within the Office of Imperial Promotion, Galactic Truth, and Fact Correction. They’re looking for someone to aid in the creation and distribution of First Order propaganda posters. You would simply have to listen — walk the hallways, gain others’ trust, find information about the Order — and then put what you learn into the posters. Once they’re distributed, Resistance members will scope ‘em out and report back to us.”
The whole plan sounded ridiculous. “Mom, you can’t honestly think they’d fall for that. Hidden messages? It’s something a kid would think of.”
She shook her head knowingly. “That’s what makes it so genius. Everyone expects a spy to try and wiggle their way into the top ranks of the Order. But no one will suspect an artist. Plus, you would be using this.” She handed you a pen. “Anything you write with this will only be visible under a certain light frequency. The Order won’t see a thing.”
You shook your head in disbelief. “So that’s what I am now, a spy?”
“No,” she responded sternly. “You’re an artist; you always have been. An artist who can save the Resistance with her work.” She paused, looking at you with a glint in her eye that you knew meant she was serious. “Kriff, you could save the whole galaxy with just a few strokes of a pen.”
You felt yourself conceding, even though you knew you had lost the argument the moment it had started. “You really think this could make any kind of difference?”
She took both of your hands in hers. “I know it could.”
Wordlessly, you shot her a final look that warned: whatever happens, it’s on you. She seemed to understand the meaning behind your stare and gave a nearly imperceptible nod.
“Then I’ll do it.”
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