#the spring court aesthetic
dawneternal · 1 month
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the spring court iii // a darker side of spring
I am shards of orchid
Gasping into new wings this
Darkly laughing spring
Seraphine Saintclair
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theantiquefairy · 3 months
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Day and Night 💮
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sad-scarred-sassy · 2 months
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The tragedy of spring
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lyssasdrafts · 4 months
spring court — kyoto, japan
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tamlinweek · 3 months
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octobers-veryown · 6 months
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Hello @laxibbeb it's me! Your Secret Santa, revealed! Oh, you gave me so much inspiration with your answers and I want to thank you for the time you took to write them for me. This is the first time that I participate to the @acotargiftexchange and I felt the pressure a bit. But it's amazing when people create spaces where we can express ourselves, right? I have to say that from your first answer I got this silly little idea stuck in my mind that didn't leave my brain at all. So I decided to combine some things together. Elucien through the Courts? Say no more, I'm gonna make a whole journey for them. But how? You need to know that your lovely little Secret Santa can't cross two words together but has a small talent into visualizing concepts. So I said "Listen, what people usually do during trips?". They send postcards to their loved ones! And so here we are, with a carousel of postcards! Each one is unique for every Court and has some small messages inside! At the end, a small story came to me and I just realized it when I finished!
I really really hope you will appreciate your gift, I created a little tracklist too as you can see. <3
Please click on the pictures for a better quality and details because I know that Tumblr LOVES to make jokes. I really suggest the desktop mode!
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Small surprise at the end with the Night Court involved ;)
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Thank you so much for reading until here!
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erosedits · 2 years
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ACOTAR: Spring Court.
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ennawrite · 1 month
When Night Bloomed
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*I don’t own the pictures/illustrations*
I just posted a few chapters to my Nyx x Tamlin’s daughter fic called When Night Bloomed on AO3. So I thought it’d be a good time to promote it. You can find it here
It’s a super cute YA story that I’m having tons of fun writing 🫶
You can also read the synopsis and a snippet of it under here, if you so please⬇️
Twenty years after the events of ACOSF, a new generation has emerged.
When the Son of Night and Daughter of Spring meet at a Summer party, they are instantly infatuated with each other.
However, their bliss is soon cut short when secrets of the past are unveiled and forces outside of their control become too heavy to bear. Will love prevail in this tangled mess of betrayal, loyalty and love? Are they written in the cosmics? Will Spring be able to wash away the grime of the past and allow a new path to grow? Join me for a tale of star-crossed lovers.
Snippet from Chapter Three:
The crowd had thinned out significantly by the time Saria looked up. She’d been so busy either staring at the stranger in front of her or keeping her eyes closed to fight off the dizziness from the wine. She didn’t know where Cresseida had run off of to, but she’d bet plenty of gold marks that if she found a certain beautiful auburn haired female from earlier, then her aunt would not be very far from her.
She looked back at the male, and their eyes met. Such a beautiful shade of blue in the light of the dying fire. They had not talked, the only words spoken between them had been Saria telling him to dance with her. Somehow, his arms had found their way around her hips. The palms of her hands rested on his shoulders, inches away from the tips of his black leathery wings. The flames of the fire reflected through them, casting them a dark reddish color.
She had never seen anything like them before. They’re actually what caught her attention earlier. Between the wings, his black hair, and his dark attire, he was a living shadow on the beach. The only light emmanating off of him were those blue-grey eyes.
“What is your name?” He whispered in her ear over the music.
She quirked her head at the question. “You do not know me?”
It was unusual for people not to know her, especially in the Summer Court. She had basically been stuck to Cresseida’s side since she was a babe.
The male shook his head, his black locks swaying. She wasn’t sure why his lack of knowledge filled her with so much joy, but her grin grew wide.
“Race me to the shore and I’ll tell you.”
Saria ran, weaving through the dwindling crowd. The sleeves of her top and skirt flapped behind her. She reached the dune and descended, feet sliding in the sand. The male was close behind her, his scent drifted around her. Lilac and oranges. Bright and sweet. There was no doubt in her mind that she would be able to sense him a crowd of a thousand fae. Five thousand. This night would forever be etched into her mind.
They reached the shore and Saria stepped into the water. Just enough to get her bare feet wet. The waves lapped at her legs, her long skirt now completely soaked at the bottom. She looked over at the male next to her, at his black pants now rolled up mid-calf and his shoes neatly placed on the sand, just out of reach of the water. His form-fitting, tailored shirt, the way he held his head high, his back completely straight and his wings tucked in tight. She rolled her eyes, snorting softly to herself. He was truly only missing the crown to finish off the look of pristine regalia.
She wasn’t sure what family he came from, or even what court. She had only truly explored three courts in her life. Spring, Summer and Winter. Autumn was off limits for most and her father didn’t do much business with the Solar Courts. Though, there were rumors of a new court emerging. She couldn’t remember the name of it, but she heard whispers of female warriors running it. She’d have to ask Cresseida.
Quite frankly, he did not look like he belonged to any of them, but he had to come from somewhere important. He sure as hell carried himself like he did. There was no denying that. The male stood there, face now up towards the dark sky illuminated by faraway stars. Saria kicked her foot, the reflection of the moon rippling with the movement. Water splashed onto her companion. She kicked again.
He turned towards her, mouth agape. “Are you…splashing me?” Her only response was a devilish smile as she jumped, splaying water over the both of them.
The male’s laugh echoed down the shore and he splashed back at her. Squealing, Saria ran down the coast. Warm water fell down on them like Spring’s first rain.
They were both breathless when they plopped onto their backs on the ground. Sand stuck to Saria’s wet skin, her clothes completely soaked. She felt him next to her. All she had to do was reach the tips of her fingers out and she’d be touching him. Her body warmed at the thought.
“Saria.” She blurted into the quiet night. The band had quit playing long ago and everyone had either left or paired off in dark corners of their own.
She felt him start in surprise at the sudden outburst. “What?”
She tilted her head to look at him. He was already looking at her. “My name. You asked me earlier.”
“Oh,” He chuckled, eyes crinkling with the movement. “I just assumed you would not give it to me.”
“I almost didn’t.” She raised her eyebrows at him. “But I think I might like you.”
A dimple danced on his cheek. “Well, Saria, my name is Nyx. And I think I might like you, too.”
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achaotichuman · 8 months
Spring symbolizes rebirth. It symbolizes going into the summer. Spring is life springing forth out of the ground again. A gift from the Gods.
Spring symbolizes rebirth, and birth is messy, painful, at times terrifying. Spring symbolizes going into the summer, it also symbolizes coming out from the cold death of winter. It symbolizes resilience, determination and strength. Spring symbolizes life springing from the ground again, a reward for a job well done.
Spring can be dark, cold, rainy and messy. Mud will stain the hem of your trousers, or your dress. It will cover your boots. Spring will soak you with rain. Winds will sweep through the lands like tidal waves and spread golden, itchy pollen through the air that will stick to your skin and never want to let go. Spring can seem miserable.
But no one will care for the mud staining their clothes. No one will care about their rain-slicked skin, or the pollen that sticks to them.
Because this Spring was gift. You survived, you made it through the winter, you were not claimed by death's hand.
Spring means you won.
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cozy-brew · 10 months
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OMG the vibessss!!!
Source: Pinterest
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dawneternal · 1 month
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spring court fashion // formal
dusty pink ⚘ golden yellow ⚘ sage green
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bloomingdarkgarden · 1 year
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Chapter 14
Elain visits the Court of Spring (and it makes her want to vomit)
What Bloomed in the Darkgarden by ehoney on AO3.
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jo-dyy · 1 year
🍃"I love you" he whispered,and kissed my brow. "Thorns and all"🌷
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animezinglife · 4 months
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Elain visiting the Spring Court
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a2zillustrations · 3 months
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DnD drawings I’ve doodled lately
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helion-ism · 2 years
the spring court
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prythian courts: summer court | autumn court | winter court | dawn court | day court | night court
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