#the star trek musical episode is my roman empire tbh
only-in-december · 10 months
1 & 21 for the get to know you ask :)
Okay, I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that you're talking about this post, because that's the most recent ask game I shared (not counting the one I just shared today.) Correct me if I'm wrong.🙂
"1. what song makes you feel better?" It depends on what I've been listening to lately. In the past, it's been songs like "Brother" by Kodaline, or almost any song from Daddy Long Legs, but right now I've been kinda obsessed with the Star Trek SNW musical episode. One song that I've been listening to when I'm upset from that lately has been "Keeping Secrets".
"21. if you could tell your past self one thing, what would it be?" Honestly, dude, I don't know. It probably depends on how far back we're going. I'd tell my twenty-one-year-old self that it's okay to mourn a relationship that we weren't really completely ready for, and that eventually we'd be friends again. I think I would tell my nineteen-year-old self that that job we had wasn't going to last forever, and that not too long later, we'd find a job that is absolutely perfect, and that we 100% adore. But if we're going back farther, then I'm not sure
(Sorry that one got a little more personal than I usually get on here...I didn't mean for that to happen.)
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