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Why fight it?
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This is so good! An homage to that Sophia Loren/Jayne Mansfield photo. By Kerry Callen.
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Okay kids, I finished drawing the book I was working on. It started out as a small 5-6 page story from travel journal sketches I did in Ireland but it kept growing and became a book of its own! Now, after having written and drawn ALL of that, I realize that it's not what you would call a commercial property. I know some people may find it interesting but I don't know that their's a market for selling multiple copies and so I decided not to print the book (at least not right now). What I am doing is offering the book for FREE digitally! That means that you can read it right now for FREE! Did I mention that it's FREE? All you have to do is go to the link provided and either read or download the PDF there. It's THAT easy and it's FREE!!! I hope you enjoy it! And, if you like it, please feel FREE to check out my other books for sale at www.deadcatcomix.com No pressure.
The Link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/vh7sv03df4i6xuwtjujyl/An-Olde-Man-In-Ireland.pdf?rlkey=8gj48bmqyipk35gqu4l5k5oqx&st=g9lulfvx&dl=0
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RIP Ramona Fradon (October 2, 1926 – February 24, 2024)
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16 days left on the Kickstarter for Quiet Desperation and it doesn’t appear as though the goal will be met in time. No worries, even if the campaign is unsuccessful I will still print the book, just in a more limited edition. I will add it to my website where it can be purchased directly from me. If you’re interested please check out my shop:
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Happy Pride month from Swamp Thang! 
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If only 7 more people back the $100 pledge for Quiet Desperation it will be fully funded and I can leave everyone alone. Seriously, I hate doing this kind of funding. It seems like begging…. Because I am…
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Hey kids! The Quiet Desperation Kickstarter goes all the way LIVE on 5/15/23! Again, that's May 15th of this year! This is my biggest campaign yet and I'm hoping to bring in $1,000 or more! To be able to achieve this goal I am going to need the help of everyone I know! I'll be flooding my social media accounts with advertising (incessant pleading) throughout the campaign and I'll need help spreading the word! It would be nice if I could make a few new fans lol. If you want to help please repost all of my begging to your friends and family! If you have a voice anywhere please let it be heard! If you or someone you know has a podcast then I want to be on it! I need all of the publicity for this that I can get! Please help!
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My favorite comic artist of all time.
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Charles Schulz And Friends
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The Bechdel Test
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From Dykes To Watch Out For. By Allison Bechdel.
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Superman & Lois Lane - Chris Samnee
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Supergirl - Darwyn Cooke
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some Black and White artwork by Patrick Zircher.
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Hergé (Georges Remi) - Various original cover illustrations for Le petit vingtième
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