#the stardroids have been on Earth before
silvertherogue715 · 4 months
Hello! How are you doing? apologizes for being late I got a bit busy this week and wasn’t able to send in an ask that fast ;-; but I brought Terra his coffee
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(This particular blend is called death wish coffee this stuffs got 165 mg of caffeine in it… in other words don’t let any menaces get to it.)
since Terra’s the one getting the coffee I thought we focus on him for this ask. Relationship wise I’m curious on his relationships with his fellow stardroids (romantic or otherwise) and his relationship with humans(particularly Minx)? Does he know any earth Navi?
What is his job in the stardroid group I assume from the sketches of him he keeps an eye on any Navi trespassing near by specific regions? I also assume he’s the second in command or another job or rank?
How exactly does Terra act like emotionally? Besides how bad this man needs a coffee ;-; he looks so tired and done all the time XD.
Im also kind of curious as to how to came to deciding on his final design? I hope you have a great rest of your day/night! Thank you!
I'm doing well! Thank you for asking. Don't stress about taking time to send questions, I get super excited to see them all the same! If anything, I apologize for taking so long to get back to you. Been busy and art is very time-consuming :”) 
Also, I love the cup design. Terra is gonna need every ounce of that caffeine! Long answer below. Art included!
Relationship wise I’m curious on his relationships with his fellow Stardroids (romantic or otherwise)?
Terra and Sunstar eventually become a couple in the AU. 
Terra was created before any other Stardroid, and had the hardest learning curve–he takes pride in his work and is more or less a workaholic. 
Sunstar was the last “Stardroid” activated, but had Terra to help him learn his new role. Kind of funny, given Sunstar was created to serve a role above him. Sunstar is happy to let Terra run things, though, for both of their sakes. 
Both eventually bonded after spending enough time together, but due to plot reasons, it takes until present-day Earth for things to really move along for them.
Saturn is romantically interested in Terra, but it’s very one-sided. Terra primarily sees him as a frustratingly laid-back coworker, if anything. 
…and his relationship with humans(particularly Minx)? Does he know any earth Navi? 
Terra and Minx did not meet under...the best circumstances. A misunderstanding, yes, but not one that either would have been able to clear up prior to meeting. He regrets the outcome of it, but both learn to become semi-comfortable around the other eventually.
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He has regrets--although he was not himself at the time.
Terra has mixed feelings about humans, he prefers them over the Earth’s…last inhabitants. He is a solitary individual, and does not have any friends (for now) outside of his ‘brothers.’ This will change!
Terra’s closest friends among the Stardroids are probably...Pluto, Venus, and Jupiter.
He knows most of the MMBN main cast’s Navis (megaman, roll, blues, shadowman, napalmman, etc). he also knows and favors minx's pet cat, Tango. Cat person.
He likes Napalmman, and is distrustful of Shadowman.
Terra respects Sofie and Nenji for their work ethic, and a cautious eye on Miyabi, but admires his abilities for a human. 
He finds Lan annoying (who is also a highschooler in my AU)
He fears Dr. Wily, to a degree (plot reasons).
What is his job in the Stardroid group?
Terra is Sunstar’s second-in-command-but-not-really who maintains their spaceship and assigns the other Stardroids tasks.
The art you saw of him in a fighting stance was him getting ready to square off against Slur near the end of Arc 2. Terra is about the second strongest of the Stardroids after Sunstar–but does not fight often.
How exactly does Terra act emotionally?
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“Tired and done” is pretty accurate for Terra’s personality, honestly.
He’s no-nonsense and likes to keep himself busy–burying himself in work is his way of coping with personal problems. Which, in itself, is a problem.
Earth forces him to change this behavior
Oh, you thought closing yourself off from others would have less consequences than being open? How cute.
Despite a cold demeanor and excellent poker face, Terra cares deeply for those around him. He’s not a softie like Sunstar at his core, but he can be surprisingly gentle. 
Though he used to be a hardass, he’s mellowed out a lot since re-arriving* on Earth. 
Unrelated–his lack of experience with building deep relationships or opening up to others makes him surprisingly easy to fluster, once the joke lands.
A secret romantic at heart? Who’d have known.
I’m not gonna lie, he’s kind of bland for a decent period of time. It takes him a while to unlearn a lot of emotional repression, but it also makes it all the more worthwhile when he’s in uplifted spirits.
If Sunstar catches this man smiling it’s game over
If Sunstar catches Terra without his visor? His month has been made.
I'm also kind of curious as to how you came to deciding on his final design? 
THIS!!! Oh my god he was both a huge pain and super fun to work on (like most of the stardroids)
I wanted him to have an ‘admiral’ look to him! But also space-invader-y and elegant (to a degree)
The gloves were more to fit the ‘commanding officer’ vibe
His stomach-region is designed in likeness to a belt on the bottom and vest in the middle! 
The fun poofy boots went more with the space invader vibe, but also to give him a more navi-like appearance.
His cable-hair and visor were strongly inspired by @liskobot’s Terra.exe design. They didn't have a ton of pictures of him, but they were a huge contributor to me even realizing the potential the Stardroids had to just exist in a MMBN universe.
Speaking of his visor–Terra absolutely uses it to hide the exhaustion in his face as well as his emotions. Reliable leaders need to stay composed, don’t they? >:)
The colors were done largely in part by my lovely dearest friend @hawkthespork. She’s a coloring GOD and helped me realize that not all of the stardroids have to have super saturated colors. I use saturated colors in my art a lot.
Until next time! Terra’s gonna enjoy his coffee in peace.
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Some alt. cup designs:
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lofthousezzz · 1 year
can you give us your shadowman hcs please?
There is something deeply wrong with him, the end!
Jokes aside, after being a servant bot for decades, being abandoned by your owner, and then having to acclimate to a whole new environment and almost immediately being thrust into combat in an almost entirely new body does things to a guy.
I headcanon that Stardroids have no need to have actual spoken language, and instead communicate through encrypted data packets, sometimes accentuated with gestures. Shadow Man doesn't know a lick of human language or even how to actually form words with a voicebox. It takes a lot of work for him to be able to communicate, and he is so so scared constantly. Dr. Wily is a bit of an overzealous moron when it comes to slightly tweaking a mysterious alien robot and the others of Shadow Man's line learn that it generally isn't good practice to give a robot with symptoms not unlike a human's PTSD who can't effectively communicate his feelings with anyone else a fucking kill drive and robot-melting-acid-covered weapons. Just generally not a good idea.
The third liners are generally much more compassionate than the 2nds though, and surprisingly they learn how to communicate with Shadow Man without having him curl up in a ball while trying to hurl ninja stars at them. Before they're all deployed onto the planets they're stationed at in MM3 they do make good progress with Shadow Man. Not really with speaking, but more mutual understanding. Like even Needle Man is gentle with him (might be because of the threat of getting melted more than anything, though)
Of course after the events of MM3 Shadow Man practically clings onto Wood Man. At first he was terrified of Wood Man because ohhhh... big thing. Big thing like the Stardroids. But after the events of MM3 he recognizes Wood Man as his savior. A bit too enthusiastically. It's almost uncomfortable, especially considering how much of a loner Wood Man had been previously. Now he has this guy following him around everywhere who is trying so hard to speak with him and be friends with him and Wood Man understands that it's all because he had saved him that fateful night. Wood Man can't blame him but he has to set boundaries. It surprisingly doesn't take long for Shadow Man to understand, but it's weird for him. 'I am in debt to you why are you saying I'm good? Why are you saying I don't need to follow you? Why are you begging me not to grovel at your feet?' In his head. It's very complicated for him at first. Terra absolutely skewed his way of thinking of relationships in all senses of the word. It's hard for him knowing he has a brain that works differently from everyone else's and he's happy Wood Man is patient with him. Wood Man is absolutely patient with him. I don't think he would ever raise his voice once. Shadow Man appreciates it. He's very sensitive to loud noises. He's sensitive to Earth in general. Space didn't sound like much of anything. It's very confusing for him, Earth has so many touches and sounds and sights and it's a lot. It's rough for him. Wood Man helps him take it slowly, it's what he needs.
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theletterwsartflap · 1 year
You know how your Saturn is the navigator and stuff? What roles do ALL the Stardroids play to assist each other? (And do they just live their lives with their hobbies, or do they have some form of work like planet conquering, or what? 👀)
Probably goes without saying, Terra and Sunstar are the leaders. While Sunstar easily brings a brute force, he's actually more likely to be reasoned with than Terra. However since he is mute, you'll probably have to deal with Terra anyway. All I can say is, good luck.
Mercury is primarily a scout/informant, and tying into that an infiltrator.
Venus is more likely to look into the life forms of planets they travel to- I like to say it was because he discovered earth had its own forms of crabs that it was spared. ;)
Mars is fairly obvious, artillery role. He's sent out before Sunstar though, the latter preferring to remain a last resort.
Jupiter is surprisingly, the grease monkey/tinkerer. He's got them bird feet for holding extra tools! He also has an interest in architecture and is responsible for any of the structures the Stardroids happen to build on invaded planets. Can also partake in scouting with his flight ability if need be.
Saturn is the resident cartographer, and quick transport - his ring aids him well in both of these!
Uranus's in depth knowledge of DIRT places him in a position of telling them just what kind of planet they're dealing with. Volcanic? Tundra? He'll know. He also likes cultivating different alien plants from their travels.
Neptune is actually the navigator here, both aiding in and reading off the maps Saturn designs. I like to think his big ol fins actually double as 'ears' in a way, he's capable of sonar. Equally useful underwater and when piloting a ship through space I don't doubt!
Pluto is about the only one I don't really have a designated role for yet. Been thinking but none have stuck so far.
Bonus: My interpretation of Ra Moon is also one of the Stardroids, and he accompanies Mercury in information seeking and infiltration, though less directly. His ability to plug into, read, and potentially rewrite other robot brains comes in quite handy.
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cringecentralhq · 1 year
I think to add on the idea of the Stardroids and Ra Moon playing a big a part of human development, is to have Stardroids make more of the of their kind from Earth’s resources and Ra Moon to experiment on the humans to make cyborgs. I imagine that they’ve been doing this on any planet they’ve been on before being chased off the planet by the Star Marshals. The Star Marshals finally decided to end their war with Ra Moon and the Stardroids by sending most of their forces to Earth. It’s a three way war, and the humans are unfortunately caught in the crossfire. The wars end with Ra Moon and the Stardroids from Mega Man 5 on the gameboy being destroyed while the Stardroids that are kept alive decided to join the Marshals in helping humanity rebuild and save Ra Moon victims. Although, not all of the Star Marshals like keeping the droids around. Meanwhile, while the bodies of Sunstar, the original Stardroids and Ra Moon are destroyed, their DNA Soul still lingers, and they seek revenge.
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machinesandman · 2 years
Can we have a glimpse of Robert Jonez and how he handled keeping the blueprints of the shaska armor?
Colors blended together. Reality shifted, and time rewound...
The year, 20XX... Location, classified. Meeting between scientists, military, and various world leaders. Not all of them which heavily suggested that this had been a disagreement between them. The subject wasn't secret or a mystery.
Ever since the public reveal of the new break through iof replacable organs, the medicine, to save the Jonez child, they had shown the suit and armor there as well. For full honesty. It had been secret for many years, hidden under the guise of study. But it couldn't stay that way. So that the World Robotics Convention, they had to come clean. How this shuti protected their daughter, regulated her health and vitals, while also giving her so many abilities that could help in the field. What it was meant to do, for safety finding new ruins, delving into dangerous places most can't handle. The way it can keep the organic material of a living being safe from most outside elements, go anywhere. The Jonez family had wanted to give these break throughs for medical sciences to save lives, for archaeological study, as well as search and rescue. Everything in one... While that had been met with stunned awe and praise, there had been many who were concerned about the spiral it might start. 'The road too hell is paved with good intentions'. That saying seemed to follow everyone, didn't it? Through out history...
Their discovery and study of new science, of Atlantian things, had been meant to better the world. Uncover the past, learned from it, grow from what was left. A bastion of hope! Not a bulwark of battle...
Robert stood at the end of a large table, hands on the surface as he was hunched, brown eyes on fire with burning determination. They had been around this song and dance before, a tango of intimidation really. And now it had come too a head. Nothing they could do legally would affect them, and anything underhanded had been opened too public eyes instantly. So now things had to be extreme...
"Surely you see the reasoning of why we need those blueprint designs?" One larger man spoke, his accent thick. A russian from the sounds of things. He'd not been able to get Cossack on his side either. "We need those for our own safety, the soldiers could help defend us all with that."
"That's rich coming from one of the global super powers that holds some of the most nuclear armaments." Robert shot back sharply, eyes flicking over with a blaze of barely contained anger. "What on earth would anyone need that for, when it comes to so called protection and defense? Sounds more like a power grab." The man was no longer going to be polite, no longer playing nice. It had the individual sitting on his high chair fall silent. Only for a different voice across the room to speak up. An american perhaps? One of the military men, a general probably.
"If we had this during the Stardroids, maybe we could have done something!" He shouted. "Robotics can not hold the front line, not when they could-" The older man cut himself off and went quiet.
"COULD WHAT, GENERAL?! Go on, finish your sentence! I'd love to fucking hear it, sir!" Two seconds, and Robert knew what was going to be said, standing straighter with shoulders squared. He was am American, and a Jonez, they always felt so strongly, and wouldn't put up with anyones shit. Especially after the harassment they had been getting. The others in the room muttering among themselves at the outburst. Until finally another voice across the room, an older woman somewhere in the back, decided to say it. "The Robot Masters, esp-ecially those of Doctor Albert Wily-" Robert cut in. "THE ONES WHO HELPED SAVE US?! They all worked together to stop the Stardroids, for christs sake!" The woman lifted her hand, motioning him to be silent as she continued, "-could easily turn and wipe us out with a single command. Or baring that, perhaps even their own choice. We do not know."
"Exactly, you don't know. Aside from that, you would condemn all Robot Masters? Really? With that line of logical thinking, you may as well condemn the soldier who follows the orders of their commander, of their government. Have NONE of you ever learned from history?! Basic high school CIVICS CLASS?!" Robert shouted. He was getting off track, he had to reel it in, use his mind's more debating and intelligent side, instead of feeling with his heart that could run so blindly. That was something he was always chided for even at home. So, slowly, he took a deep inhale, and exhaled slowly. Voice lowering again. "There needs to be different changes in the world, not a frantic grab for power or counter strength. That would only start another new arms race and end up with a world war. Mankind needs to look back on history, and learn from it. Or, we are doomed to repeat it. As a historian, and archaeologist, I know this perhaps most of you in this room. There will be a Revolution coming, be that for good or worse, depends on all of you."
Another flurry of muttering ranged across the room. It was impossible to tell who might take the next stance, the next move in this proverbial game of chess, as messy as it was. And everyone was bearing down on Robert Jonez. His eyes darting back and forth in careful calculations, taking note of who he could recognize here, what governments had decided to stay for this. Anyone he'd need to be careful of, even if many under their command never agree'd with the methods.
Someone stood across the room. "Is that a threat?" He asked. A british accent, an odd uniform. Dark, golden accents, badges, white hat- Navy. Commander probably. Robert kept his stance tall and head held high. "Nothing of the sort. Just a fact. Look back at the history of the world. Tensions rising bit by bit, until something gives, or something breaks." That was just a fact, that left the two standing men quiet. The Navy Commander spoke up again. "Then you know exactly why we require those designs. We could protect our men and women who fight for our countaries, our lives. These are the people who keep you safe, Doctor Jonez."
They wouldn't move on from what had stuck out so much. Just caring about one portion, not the lives behind it, not the true functions... "Don't keep me safe, sir, with all respect. They keep you and your leaders safe. The citizens are what get caught in the cross fire."
"Are you insulting us?! We fight to protect people like you! We keep you safe! We give the people hope!"
"No! You protect your ways of life! And I will NOT endanger the innocent lives of this world, nor MY OWN DAUGHTER, by handing this over! It is patented and Jonez work only! any move against it will have a legion of Lawyers, as well as the entire Robotics committy, down your throats! You scavengers!" He would have kept going but-
"ROBERT!" A female's voice rang out, silencing the entire room in surprise. A woman walking in from the side door that had just opened. It made the man immediately calm down and step back in surprise. "Moira? But... why are you here?" His voice suddenly soft, subdued, like he was tamed. The woman didn't stop, looking like she had been ready for a fight, long brown hair tied back in a braid, green eyes sparking with defiance. "Here to protect our family. You don't do this alone, dear."
He tried to get her to calm down, but it was too late. The woman had joined him at the table, standing there unflinching while staring down the rest of the gathering individuals. "With respect, gathered members, I shall also speak for our creations." Her voice carried an air of collected calm, but would be taking no bullshit. Moira Jonez was a woman who did not play nice when things got messy. And it seemed everyone else knew this, and wouldn't even try to remove her. Robert merely stood at her side. Equals in this.
"Ma'am. With all due respect, surely you understand the needs requires for these scientific breakthroughs?" Once more, the Navy man was speaking. He seemed Adamant. Moira didn't so much as flinch as she began speaking with an air of commanding control. "The medical side? Absolutely. It can save lives. The robotics side of new parts? Indeed. Being capable of the search and rescue functions? Many out there in the world could put those to good use finding those caught in collappses, rock slides, avalanches, and so on. This is all just the immdediate sense of it. The perfect designs for finding new discoveries the world over alone could become a boon for the scientific and hostorical communitties."
"That... Is not what I meant."
"I'm aware how you meant sir, and that is not the intended purpose or function. Would you take away the safety of our only child, her hope, and turn it into a new menance in this world? Ruin the chance of a future for every other child that comes after any of you? Not a single one of your number has taken into consideration the implications. Let me educate you." Moira's voice maintained that eerie line of calm as she placed one hand on her hip. Green eyes narrowing in a vicious gaze. Almost predatory.
Her arm raised then, pointing at the Navy man. "Is there anyone among you here, who would stand on the front line with those men you arm? Would you take the risk of untested science for so called safe keeping?" Her arm lowered then. "None of you get that this will do exactly what you do not want. Blur the lines you are so intent on keeping. Aside from that, struggling for this and claiming it's for peace and safety? That's a poor excuse for merely trying to acquire the next means of war weaponry. Don't try to use the excuse of Robotics coming after you. You want to go after them." It was a heavy realization. "We're done here. No, you are not going to acquire our blueprints or designs for that suit." She turned to leave, pulling Robert along. "The descision is final."
Another voice shouted aloud, German this time. So many hadn't actually given their opinions. "You'll regret this! You and your Robots!"
At the door Robert stopped, and he finally felt his patience snap. The scientist of many talents slowly turning his head, eyes wide and pupils small. Expression was schooled into a calm nature, but the sheer fury in his gaze could set fires. "Do not threaten my family. Man, or machine, we are family. And we do not bow too you. We are free. My daughter is not your play thing. Robot Masters are not your tools, nor your scape goats. I hope you learn histories mistakes, before you make them anew."
The door slammed behind them then, marching away with fury boiling in their veins. But the fear, the worry, settled deep inside their bones...
Hours later, on the long drive, Robert held his steering wheel with a white knuckle grip. It had been tension in the car since they left. He took a heavy deep inhale. "Did we do the right thing?"
"Of course. We can't let this fall into the wrong mans hands, hun." Moira responded, softening quickly as she reached over, placing a hand on his shoulder. Robert released a shaken laugh. "No, not that. I know we did in there, but..." Brows furrowed then. "... For our daughter. did we do the right thing, what we did? Or did we condemn her?"
The thick silence that followed held the weight of desperation and heart break. The same sort that had pushed them in the first place, when Shelly had been diagnosed as a baby. Had struggled to live and clung so tightly onto life despite all the odds. The entire family had pitched in, Mother, Father, uncles, aunts, cousins, it went on... They translated the Atlantis codes, the medicine discovery. Then better robotics and replaced organs as they failed from the normal elements of every day. But they didn't know where or when to stop. Jonez just never did anything at half. They kept going until... Until the suit was there, the armor- the impossible designs, back too Atlantian technology.
It was a blessing, and a curse.
The woman sighed deeply. "We will never know until the future is here, love. Our DJN family will help us along the way. They care as much as we do, Robert. No matter what happens. She won't be alone." Moira smiled, making the man ease up with a soft breath, sitting a bit more comfortably. "You're right. But I can't help but wonder if... We saw that we could, but didn't stop to ask if we should."
"Only time will tell. We do not know the future... We can just do our best and be there."
If only the two of them would know what would happen a few years down the road, and the fate that waits for them.
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godslush · 3 years
I know its diff timeline and all (sadly) but have you thought about how the stardroids would react to MMV’s conclusion of Megaman’s and Sunstar’s battle, Sunstar coming to believe in Mega’s hope for peace and sacrificing himself to protect that wish?
I'm running multiple timelines in my head on the subject and a lot of them play off the big mystery of where the Stardroids come from and what happened to them before they were discovered; MMV, Mega/Gigamix, and, well, a "hybrid" setting for integrating OCs that I won't really talk about here because it is a Can Of Worms.
Also, before anyone asks, no, I didn't read Archie, so I don't work with it. Nothing against it, I just only have time for So Much.
MMV itself is a very interesting case because the Stardroids were reprogrammed to follow Wily's will, but we are never told what they would have done if Wily hadn't mettled meddled (M&B Data gives us an idea of how they might have acted). MMV-wise, I'm in the camp that Sunstar was their leader (despite various sources insisting he was not one of them), and I love to imagine they could have all been a very close in their own way before crashing on earth and going dormant (in fact, much of my writing for Antares outside of the 'hybrid' HC - that involves a text mockup for a game about it where Sunstar and Terra are the playable characters - touches on stuff like this, but it's completely separate to the comic).
I'd say that if the other Stardroids weren't destroyed for the final battle, they would have followed Sun's will for peace (perhaps reluctantly at first), but more importantly would have been able to jump in to prevent his death by stabilizing his core - who's to say none of them would have the know-how, being advanced ancient robots? As far as I can tell, Sun didn't 'sacrifice' himself, but simply accepted his fate and the fact that he wouldn't have been able to make it somewhere to be repaired in time for his core to blow.
Regrettably, games being as the games are, Wily's more of a cut-and-dry villain who barely cares for robots as more than tools for his world domination efforts, and Rock doesn't leave robot survivors (at least until later games), so we may never know. I don't really touch the games' timelines directly because of things like that. The game world is a callous world, where it's okay to put dead robots who used to be living and thinking individuals on display in museums.
Mega/Gigamix - which my comic offshoots directly - is so much different and provided me with a character conundrum; Rock does not destroy other robots needlessly, Wily cares for his metal kids (at least Giga), and everyone gets to coexist. For me, it's kind of the perfect world...
...but it's a world where the Stardroids - some of my favorite characters to think about and write - got the short end of the stick in terms of characterization and ultimate destiny, and Sunstar got it worst of all, being reduced to a barely-sentient fountain of pure hate and destruction, and nothing more (context clues in the comic itself imply that it's not Sunstar talking to Rock during that final fight, but Duo/the White Giant). It's a stark contrast to him being the one who reconciles in the game, to him being described in M&B as "bright and cheerful" (though the games screw him out of this informed characterization, as well), and leaves me with a bit of a bitter taste.
As a creative with a Very Bad Habit of pulling at loose ends I shouldn't be touching and trying to weave my own stories out of them (and usually regretting it down the road), I wanted to give them all a chance to exist and grow within my favorite iteration of that world - to show off some of the informed personalities we were given in M&B Data but never got realized beyond text anywhere canon - even if it's just in my head. But Sunstar is a tough one to redeem within the context of the setting I'd like to redeem him in, and involves writing a big backstory with alien worldbuilding and a bunch of 'nature of the soul' presumption and it's all a bit much.
That's not to say, however, that I don't have plans to do it.
In fact it's already fully outlined and ready to be set in motion.
I just... need the time and energy.
But his reconciliation is only two steps away.
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tigertaurus22 · 2 years
Concepts for a combined MegaMan x Star Trek Timeline
Or if Q took copies of each timeline and merged them together for funsies
I think the Command Mission Timeline lends itself better to the canonical events of Star Trek.
Duo, Ra Moon, the Stardroids and Sunstar were all made by the same ancient alien race but were part of different factions, like the Mavericks and the Hunters.
An offshoot of Sargon‘s people might have been responsible for their creation, and that of the ruins that Wily discovered on Earth.
Everything in the MegaMan timeline is relatively the same up until the events of WW3/the Eugenics Wars and Post-Atomic Horror. This is when the Robot Masters are either destroyed or fade into obscurity.
X and Zero’s resting places remain untouched until 2116, when X is found by Cain.
I imagine reploids would have a more prominent role in Earth’s advancements in space travel and the events of the MegaMan timeline would differ greatly as they are affected by events in the Star Trek timeline.
Reploids in the 2100s would’ve needed to be trained to work on a starship, attending some precursor to Starfleet Academy in order to join missions off world. It would be similar to NASA or the Air Force.
I can imagine Zero volunteering to join the crew of the Enterprise with Captain Archer in the early 2150s, making him the only Reploid on board and thus rendering the virus he carried unable to harm the organic crew. He could use it against some of the aliens though.
Zero probably wouldn’t require as much training as other new recruits, being an S-Class Maverick Hunter who’s been to space before, albeit briefly.
However, Zero probably wouldn’t hear of the mission nor volunteer for it until after Axl woke up from his Lumine-induced coma and was deemed clean.
The people in charge of the space mission would want a Reploid or twelve on board for various reasons, including but not limited to species variety and protection of the crew. Most Reploids would likely be placed in the lower decks, working on maintenance of the various systems.
Starfleet wouldn’t become an official thing until 2161, at which point I can see X and Zero being teachers or operatives onboard other ships.
X would probably pursue a career in the sciences and space exploration while Zero would stick with military operations.
Axl was found in the early 2140s so he’d be 20-something by the time Starfleet is founded.
He’d probably be okay with starting out as an ensign and working his way up the ranks.
Ciel and other characters from MMZ and ZX would probably be students at the Academy.
Star Trek: Enterprise series- 2150 - 2155
Zero series- 22XX (2260s-70s)
Star Trek: TOS- 2266-70
Star Trek: TNG- 2364- 70
Star Trek: DS9- 2369- 75
Star Trek: Voyager- 2371- 78
MegaMan ZX- 24XX (2440s- 50s)
The Elf Wars probably don’t happen and Weil might be a better person in this AU.
Maybe X becomes mayor of his own city on Earth or another planet and names it Neo Arcadia, where humans and reploids live in peace (as much as possible anyway).
Extra 50 Years Version:
I can also see X and Zero being sealed for an extra fifty years, so they’d wake up in 2166 and be students at the Academy.
X would want to be a medic while Zero is more interested in combat.
Maybe Axl is discovered a mere few years later and is their underclassman.
The Repliforce incident wouldn’t happen the same way either. A romance between Zero and Iris could actually blossom and a Reploid-only planet could be established
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b3y0nd-th3-stars · 4 years
even if they got a stardroid on their side?
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“What?! A traitor?!”
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“Oh please–this grey thing is bluffing. Any and all traitors have been disposed of, LONG before we came to Earth the first time. Terra told us so, and his word is sound.”
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silvertherogue715 · 3 months
hello! How are you doing? Feeling any better since you caught that cold? This ask is gonna be about Sunstar mainly so I’m gonna split this up into different parts based on the questions. Knowing that Duo attacked and badly injured him I’m curious as to why? Was it cause of the bad emotions that he gave off and effected the other stardroids? Or just a chance encounter that didn’t go well? And does he just stay at one NEC or does he get the other one?
Emotions and relationship wise: Does the NEC still effect his emotions or are they more apparent then before because he only has one of the NEC he had originally? Does this change his behavior in anyway than what he was like originally? Especially his relationship with Terra and Minx(the last ask with his and Does he have any other relationships with the stardroids or know any Navis?
knowing that he’s the leader of the stardroids what does he do exactly?
with his ability being effected by emotions which sorts of emotions cause a increase in heat? Excitement, love, anger, etc. and just an angsty thought that came up has he ever out of instinct tried to grab someone out of panic or reflex and ended up burning them instead? (I assume he’s very careful but the concept of it happening to anyone(Minx, Terra, stardroid) is just a curiosity)
I hope you’re doing well! Have a good day/night! Thank you
I'm doing much better now, thank you! I don't get sick often, so I was a bit caught off-guard, but it also happened right before break when a bunch of assignments were nearing their deadlines. 
Hopefully I'll be able to dedicate way more time to shoveling out Brainrot AU stuff now.
This is a long one! I'll post my answers below the cut.
Why did Duo attack?
There’s a lot of lore for Duo in my AU, but I'm gonna try to simplify it here.
It’s canon in the MMBN anime that Duo began to see his creators and their civilization as evil, and that he eventually destroyed all life on Earth during that time before leaving on a rocket that mimics the appearance of a comet (which is powered by Negative Energy).
In my AU, he sees all NEC-Navis as inherently “evil.”
He uses this comet to approach sources of “evil,” and gives any intelligent life he comes across a “test” to determine whether or not they as a whole are evil and should be destroyed. This also means that Sunstar and the Stardroids are always on his radar. They have clashed several times.
Duo is the first and only Viren Navi with 5 GV-Crystals in his body, and Sunstar only absorbed the extra 3 NE crystals in his body to stand a chance against Duo when no other NE-Navi could. Unfortunately, he had no idea the consequences would be so dire, and was too far gone to stop by the time he realized.
Does he just stay at one NEC?
No. Sunstar is reduced to one NEC after Duo’s attack, but he does eventually regain up to 4 out of the 5 total.
The stardroids secure the two that go into his forearms before arriving to Earth.
Terra obtains the fourth, one of his original two that go in his chest, from Ra Moon after the Stardroids arrive on New Earth.
Minx finds the 5th later..but that’s not important right now =) 
Sunstar was never ”woken up” after the attack from Duo until Terra restored his other original NEC from Ra Moon inside his chest. All the Stardroids knew of the possible side effects from either losing or receiving damage to an Energy Crystal: there had been plenty of personal and historical references to use.
Had they activated him with one NEC, Sunstar would have been missing a huge chunk of his memories. In addition to this, he would have felt his emotions with an all-new intensity that he was unfamiliar with. Think of a usually calm and intimidating individual getting reduced to tears on a regular basis or verbally lashing out after an insult that wouldn’t have normally phased him. Positive side effects would be a temporarily clear mind and non-firey hands, but the downsides outweighed them tenfold. 
The change would definitely put a strain on his relationships. It’d be like having to learn about a person all over again.
What are his relationships?
Most Earth Navis Sunstar is familiar with he has met through/with Minx when he was still “Ra Moon.” He couldn’t/wouldn’t make many friends for several reasons, but some notable cases include:
Napalmman: Both love to talk about their respective netops (Nenji/Minx), and their shared love for explosions and anything fire-related. Friend!
Also occasionally talks with some coworker Navis Napalmman is friends with.
Sprout: Carson’s hilariously underwhelming but overpowered normalnavi. Carson is one of Minx’s older brothers, and due to plot reasons, Sprout is the only other Navi Ra Moon would see occasionally when Minx was a child.
Shadowman: Frenemies. He and Miyabi tried kidnapping him several times at one point, and Ra Moon loves to tease/annoy him whenever he gets the chance.
Shademan: Hate. Can and will fight on sight.
Forte/Bass: Sympathetic, but best to avoid. His relationship with Dr. Cossack (manga-based) is semi-mirrored by his relationship with Minx.
As for the other Stardroids…I hate to admit I have not thought of many specific interactions between Sunstar and all of them. This is the perfect opportunity to brainstorm though! Hmm..
Saturn would likely be chilly to Sunstar given his crush on Terra. Sunstar would probably dislike his poor work ethic and pull the occasional prank on him.   
Venus looks up to him, and while Sunstar finds her adorable, he regularly gives her physically harder tasks (like leading training sessions) to satiate her pride.
Sunstar is practically the only one who interacts with Mars–they both have a mutual understanding of the other, as each were deemed “monsters” by the Viren civilization. I wouldn’t describe them as friends, though.
Mercury annoys him to hell and back and Sunstar does his best to station Mercury as far away from himself as possible. 
Jupiter is one of the only Stardroids who will actively seek out Sunstar without going through Terra first. He has a deep respect for Sunstar’s strength, and finds him less intimidating due to his friendship with Uranus.
Uranus is terrified of Sunstar but plays it off with bravado by challenging him to fights. He has yet to win.
Sunstar likes Pluto and Jupiter maybe the most due to their sort-of friendship with Terra. Also, because Sunstar is absolutely a cat person.
I’ll need to think further on some of the other ones.
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What does he do?
Sunstar was created to serve as a symbol of protection for Virens, but more importantly for NEC Navis. He shadowed Terra for three major things:
How to lead as a representative for NEC Navi’s
How to observe and deal with hostile rival alien civilizations that may pose a threat to specific Viren settlements 
How to prevent and manage NE-Navi-related disputes while striving for a positive social image
Admittedly, Sunstar shadowed Terra for a majority of his time after being created. He very rarely acted without first consulting or collaborating with Terra first. Terra had both more knowledge and experience than him, but he also commanded more trust and respect from the population and other Viren leaders/council members.
Before Duo mutinied against the Viren civilization on Earth, Sunstar wanted to implement at least two policies/practices:
Raising awareness of and liquidating misinformation surrounding the nature of Negative Energy Crystals and NE-Navis.
The removal of exclusively positive or negative energy crystals.
He had proof it was possible for a hybrid design.
Now, though?
His ship is stranded on Earth with Duo no doubt closing in. The civilization that he was responsible for previously before is dead. The only thing he can do is try to protect the life he has secured on New Earth with friends and family, new and old. 
After reawakening with 4 NECs, Sunstar proceeds to lose the 2 in his forearms during a battle on Earth soon after re-arriving. They get shattered in the heat of the battle, and a decent chunk of Arc 2 is spent hunting down the shards before Duo can arrive.
What emotions cause an increase in heat?
Emotions like anger, fear, sadness, or any combination of those that can leave him feeling overwhelmed. Again, Sunstar’s emotions are more muted than regular NE-Navis, given he has two NECs. That means whatever he’s feeling has to be pretty intense for it to affect him so deeply, but he is most prone to anger out of any other ‘provocative’ emotion. 
Also! He kind of hates how his hands can be a “tell” for him. He may have a stoic persona, but there’s only so much you can hide behind an empty stare, or later, a mask, without your furiously flaming hands giving you away.
Has he burned someone accidentally?
Grabbing and shaking you. I love your brain. He absolutely has.
It doesn’t happen often anymore, not like when he was first created, but my god does it devastate him when it does. He knows what happens when he touches things: they burn. He can’t help but ask himself, why does he still slip up? He knows his loved ones know it is never out of malice, that it’s an accident, that they forgive him, but he finds it hard to forgive himself. 
It’s safe to say Sunstar has accidentally burned nearly all of the Stardroids at least once. For specific people, though?
Uranus: weirdly enough he wants to fight Sunstar hand-to-hand. Close combat is his forte, and he wants to prove he’s strong enough to push through and kind of foe–or pain.
Mercury: he is absolutely enough of an annoying bastard for Sunstar to chase him down on several occasions until he either hands over whatever he has stolen from another Stardroid, apologizes to whoever he pissed off, or mans his station.
Terra: multiple times back on Viren Earth. A few scenarios:
Sunstar grabbing Terra by the shoulders to protect him from falling debris
Sunstar accidentally burned Terra when the latter passed him something by hand.
Without thinking, Sunstar tried holding Terra’s hand during a wholesome moment for both.
Minx: (so far) twice.
Minx tried holding his hand, thoughtlessly.
Sunstar grabbed and pulled Minx by the arm to prevent her from wandering into oncoming traffic at night.
He always apologizes profusely, but has a bad habit of isolating himself for hours and sometimes days afterwards.
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He was apologizing for months afterwards.
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theletterwsartflap · 2 years
I’d like to see SunStar and Neptune please! 😊
Two Stardroids, cheeky!
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I love Sunstar, I really do. He’s such an interesting character (as far as Mega Man Classic goes, we take what we can get here!) and yet he’s from a semi-obscure handheld title. He’s also the only character to take the final boss place from Wily -with a rocking theme to boot- so that’s interesting too. And.. the change of heart before he explodes, how tragic.
As some of my long term followers probably know, I actually headcanon Sunstar as mute! While he does have a conversation in game with Rock, I don’t think it’s too farfetched to think that could’ve been sign language, as knowing sign language is a good fit for Rock, I think. While Sunstar can technically transmit a voice -think internal radio communication between robots, though he’s also been known to do so to nearby devices- it’s very rare that he does. Even if he does, it doesn’t tend to be more than a few words, the minimal amount to convey his point.
Despite being nothing short of full of various types of weaponry, he can actually be surprisingly gentle. In his own words, the sun is just as capable of encouraging life as it is destroying it. He doesn’t always share Terra’s attitude towards earthlings, and at times even finds them fascinating. He tends to like spending his time in lower energy states, or even sleeping. That being said, he’s not lazy per se, far from it. He does still enjoy a good tussle, he just has a hard time finding worthy opponents! Considering his body is full of weaponry, he’s quite physically strong, even for a robot.
He loves coffee, and oranges. You might be able to get on his good side by peeling an orange for him - his giant hands make it a challenge!
You can get on his bad side by throwing raw steaks at him and expecting them to cook. (They will)
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I also really adore Neptune! Just something about that sort of monstery look he’s got, particularly that of a seafolk, just speaks to me. I think he’s certainly a jovial type despite his appearance. He’s proud of it even, especially his big teeth. Whether you think he’s ugly is frankly, not his problem.
Despite being of a space-faring gang, he certainly finds himself most at home in the water, or whichever liquid a planet might have on its surface. He loves ships, whether they be for traversing aquatic or celestial seas. He also knows every sea shanty in existence, every single one. Need a jingle to pass the time? Neptune’s your guy.
I think his fins actually double as his ears, being highly sensitive to vibrations and I imagine they would be more useful for hearing underwater than conventional ears. Any tears in the membrane don’t affect his hearing too much unless they’re severe enough to drop the required tension. Thankfully, he can get them repaired at the cost of some discomfort. Watch the spines though, they’re quite sharp!
I feel like he’d sound Scottish or Welsh and he gets along very well with Splash Woman. Every time the Stardroids come back to Earth he’s eager to see his dear friend. He’s her finman, if you will!
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kunaiman · 7 years
Mega Man Chronicles Chapter  2
Mega Man flies to the exit of a cave to get some thinking done on how to make sure that blond haired boy wouldn’t fight him next time they met up. “I could go to him in my civilian clothes, or maybe help him fight off one of those rogue robots. What did he call them? Mechon?” He thinks on what to do next, and decides to try the first option. Better to not get into any more fights, what with the damage he sustained from the fight. “Rush, I need you to help me get down there again, okay?”
“Roof!” He transforms into a jet once again, and Mega Man gets into a set of civilian clothes from home. “This should work.”
He flies down to the field he arrived in, just before the two humans come near. Rush beams out, and Mega Man, now Rock, is alone for about 10 minutes before the two arrive at the field. The muscular one -- Reyn, he thinks the name was -- is telling the blond one that the fastest way to Colony 6 is through a place called Tephra Cave. Then the blond one stops, seeing Rock. “You alright over there?” He calls out.
“Hm? Oh, yeah, I’m fine. What’s going on, I saw smoke from the town.” He tries to sound like he has no idea what happened.
“The Mechon came back. Most of the townspeople died in the attack.” Reyn replies. “The defence force couldn’t do a thing about it, Shulk and Dunban had to fight them off with the Monado, but it didn’t stop all of them.”
“The Monado?”
“This.” Shulk holds up his sword.  “It’s the only weapon able to kill Mechon. But it couldn’t hurt this one… It’s strange. It should have been able to kill it, but it didn’t do anything against one of them.”
“The big one that was just flying overhead? Didn’t look too tough.”
“You don’t know how strong it was… It killed Fiora. Ripped right through one of the mobile artillery units. It was a horrifying sight.” Shulk sighs. “And then they all left, like they only wanted to kill her specifically. Except one. It didn’t even try to fight back, it just ran off.”
Rock thinks about this for a while. (How to handle this…) “Maybe you could use a little help finding it?”
“You’d do that?”
“Of course I would. I help people, it’s what I do.” (Plus, that robot needs to be disabled. Permanently.)
Shulk thinks it over, but eventually accepts. “We’re heading to Colony 6.”
“Got it. I’m ready to go!”
“Alright! Name’s Reyn. Yours?” Reyn offers a hand, which Mega Man accepts.
“Rock Light, pleasure to meet you.”
“Same to you. I’m Shulk.”
Dr Light steps away from the intercom. “Roll, could you get me a full cup, please?”
A young looking girl nods. “Yes sir, Dr Light! How’s Rock doing?”
“He’s encountered some locals. They tried to kill him.”
“Already? This isn’t good.” She looks rather scared for the guy.
“Don’t worry, Roll. He’s gotten out of there. But apparently, the Stardroids are invading this planet as well.”
“Wait, didn’t he already defeat their leader?” Roll thinks back to the first day of Earth’s invasion.
Rock and Roll had been walking through a field, when a rather oddly dressed robot teleported in front of the two. “Ah, so you are Mega Man.” They said. “I am Terra. And you will soon be my slave!”
Rock had Roll go back to the lab, and his armor, following the programming for a fight, formed around him. He shot a few pellets at Terra, but they bounced off. Same for the charge shot. Terra easily defeated him, but Dr Light got him out of there before the final blow could be struck. He upgraded Mega Man’s charge shot to the powerful Mega Arm, and he went on to defeat the Stardroids’ eight generals, and Terra himself. Only then did Terra reveal that Dr. Wily had taken them over, and planned to awake Sunstar, the Stardroids’ ultimate weapon. Mega Man fought through Wily’s space station, and defeated Sunstar, who’s explosion destroyed the entire station. Dr Wily, once again, had bowed in surrender.
But that was years ago. Wily had once again escaped justice, but hasn’t attacked since the Roboenza outbreak, giving Dr Light enough time to reinstall the Charge and Slide functions into Mega Man’s system.
“He did, but who knows? Maybe they had another general.”
“Or maybe it’s the Kuiper Droids again!” A green, much less human like robot calls from the back.
“That’s not possible, Auto,” Dr Light shoots down this idea. “That would imply the return of Ra Moon, but he was destroyed in the Lanfront Ruins.” Roll brings back the coffee he wanted.
“Hey, you never know.”
The trio of “humans” reaches the mouth of Tephra Cave. Rock heads inside already, but Reyn and Shulk make sure they have everything before following. “So, what exactly is this place?” Rock looks around the cave walls.
“It’s Tephra Cave, the only way to Colony 6 from here. The defence force there is leagues ahead of ours,” Shulk explains. Reyn seems to take offence from this, but Shulk simply says “You guys crashed a mobile artillery unit into the residential district. They’re a lot better.”
“You did what?” Rock finds this disturbing. “Was anyone hurt?”
“Nah, everyone was out at the time,” Reyn assures, much to Rock’s relief. They continue wordlessly, before finding two human bodies.
“What happened to them..?” Shulk questions as Rock crouches down to inspect the bodies.
“There’s webbing on the bodies, bites, and they look drained of blood.” He informs. “Apparently there’s some sort of large variation of spider in these caves.”
“Those’d be the Arachnos.” Reyn shudders at this. “Creepy little things.”
“Rock, Reyn, should we return them?”
“What? Oh right, what’s born from the Bionis is returned to the Bionis.”
After the human bodies are brought to a small lake, The three make camp. “I’ll take watch.” Rock says, letting the other two find spots to sleep. All is going well, when Shulk’s eyes start glowing. Rock, ever the inquisitive one, goes to see what’s up. “You alright, Shulk?” He asks, but he gets no response. Not for a few minutes, anyway, once his eyes return to their natural brightness. “What is it?” He replies.
“Is anything wrong? You didn’t respond to me for a bit.”
“... No, nothing’s wrong. Rock.” Shulk replies. “Just… a headache.”
“That didn’t seem like a headache.”
“It’s nothing, Rock, I’m fine.”
Reyn stands in the middle of a large spider web, Scrap Driver at the ready. He’s fighting off a horde of Arachnos, but a much larger one jumps down on him, killing him.
(Should I tell Reyn about it..?) Shulk inwardly sighs, trying to sleep, but he’s wide awake. So he simply gets up. “You get some sleep, Rock. I’m wide awake, I’ll take watch.”
Rock simply nods, going to his own bedroll to get some sleep.
Shulk thinks of Rock. (He seems familiar, though I can’t tell where. But he has some sort of… aura of danger around him.) He sits on this thought until Reyn comes to relieve him. “You get some rest.” “It’s time already?” He asks.
“Yeah, I didn’t sleep a wink.”
“That can’t be good.” Shulk sighs, going to his own bedroll. At this point, he’s absolutely exhausted, so he falls asleep immediately.
Rock is awoken by screams.
He gets up from his bedroll to find a horde of Arachnos attacking Shulk and Reyn. They really don’t look to be in good condition, even if there’s not many. Following his programming, he dons his armor, and gives them a hand. Shulk is a bit busy to notice this, and calls to Reyn. “A chain attack should finish them!” “Alright, I’ve been waiting for this!” He calls back. Mega Man silently nods.
Shulk goes behind the head of the Arachnos, striking with the beam of his sword. “Backslash!” He cries, followed by “Reyn, to you!”
“I know, I know! Sword Drive!” He rams the blade of the Scrap Driver into the Arachno. “Rock, It’s your go!”
“Getting into Attack Formation!” He switches to a yellow and navy coloring. (Dr Light gave me another weapon!) “Thunder Bolt!” He fires a ball of electricity at the Arachno, killing it, and giving the group some breathing room, and giving Shulk and Reyn the ability to see Mega Man in his full armor. (Oh… wait. This isn’t good.) Mega Man puts his hands up. “Wait, I can explain.”
“…” Shulk thinks of this, though Reyn goes to strike. And, just like Mechon Armour, the Scrap Driver bounces right off.
“Shulk, could you help out here?” He asks, though Shulk shoots down this idea. “Wait, let him speak. He did help us fight the Arachnos off.”
Reyn sighs, and puts the Driver into its shield forme.
“Allow me to properly introduce myself. I am named Rock, but I’m also known as Mega Man. I was sent here by Dr Light to find a friend we’ve lost communication with here. He’s a mining robot. Orange, has a large top on his head, but by the time I got here, I saw smoke on the horizon, so I went there. He’s gone rogue before, it would make sense that he was behind it. Instead, I found that thing. My Mega Buster hardly did anything against him. It was so odd… Anyway, after I saw this one man carrying that sword, I got him out of the fight against it.”
“You thought Dunban couldn’t handle a few Mechon?” Reyn scoffs.
“He couldn’t. He was coughing up blood by the time that large one left. You know what happened by then. I mean you no harm, I’m just here to find a friend, and make sure that you two don’t get yourselves killed against these things, now that I’ve seen what you’re up against. If these robots are specifically designed to kill humans, I’ve got a good feeling as to who’s behind their sudden invasion.”
Shulk shakes his head. “You’re saying a Homs is behind this attack? That’s impossible. The Mechon kill anyone they see.”
“People say that about Robot Masters reprogrammed by Dr Wily, but it all depends on who’s in charge. An invasion by robot forces is all too common for me.”
“Dr Wily? Who’s that?” Shulk inquires, a tone of curiosity in his voice.
“Oh right! He’s an evil scientist back home, bent on world domination. Sends out Robot Masters to do his dirty work. He’s done it about 17 times now, and every time, I have to stop him.”
He tells the two of his first adventure, his fight against his own family, continuing on until he reaches the end of his most recent, and his fight against the Roboenza virus. “In the end, Dr Wily ended up coming down with influenza. I could have just left him there to perish on his own, but the laws of Robotics state I can’t let a human come into harm without doing anything, so I brought him to a hospital. He ended up leaving enough antidotes to cure the outbreak entirely as thanks. This isn’t even counting the Battle and Chase race, or the one time I had to relive my past adventures.”
“You’ve time traveled?” Reyn exclaims. Shulk seems rather surprised about this as well. “So you’re created to act like a Homs? I didn’t know that was possible.”
“If it wasn’t, I wouldn’t be here today.” Mega Man nods. “After this is done, I could bring you to my world, let you talk to Dr Light about it.”
“I don’t know. I need to be around to keep the Mechon at bay in case of another attack.” He shakes his head, but Reyn is not having any of it. “You’re going to go, Shulk.  It’d be like a playground for you. We’ll take care of the Mechon, then you can take a trip to relax.”
Shulk laughs a bit at this. “You’re not going to let me say no, are you?”
“Nope.” He shakes his head. “Knowing you, you’d be able to teach this Dr Light a thing or two.”
Mega Man just smirks at this. “I don’t know about that, Dr Light isn’t that into weapon development, he makes robots to help humanity. Now, let’s get going, I can sense the end of the cave not too far from here.”
“Agreed,” Shulk replies. “Be careful, there may be more Arachnos around.”
The trio continue until they reach a small dip in the pathway, housing a few large egg sacs. “What on Bionis are those?” Reyn asks, a tone of heavy disgust in his voice.
“Monsters’ egg sacs,” Shulk says. “But it looks like there’s Mechon parts inside as well.”
“What monsters are they?”
“Probably some type of… Arachno.” Shulk goes quiet for a second, before shouting. “Reyn, get back!”
Reyn has less than a second to react before he’s covered in webbing, and dragged upward.
“Reyn! No.. If that vision comes true, then Reyn will… I’ve got to find him!” Shulk starts running toward a large lake.
“Vision? What are you talking about?!” Mega Man calls out, running after him.
The two keep running, until they find a large lake. “Rock, do you have any way to get us up there?” Shulk inquires, pointing to a ledge high above the two.
“Yes! Rush! Here, boy!”
A red light comes down, and Rush appears before the two. Mega Man smiles. “Jet, Rush. We need up there!”
Without so much of an acceptance, Rush lies down, transforming into Rush Jet. “Alright, we can get on. Brace yourself, he goes pretty fast.”
“You have a robotic Dobercorgi!?”
“Long story, just get on!”
Shulk hops onto the board area of Rush Jet, and the dog takes off. Shulk almost loses his balance from the sudden start.
“Get ready to jump, Shulk!” Mega Man calls back to him as Rush reaches their destination. Without giving him time to not hear this, he grabs his shirt collar, and jumps to the ledge. Shulk looks to the right. “Let’s go! Reyn went this way!”
Mega Man nods, and the two head over to a webbed antechamber, crawling with Arachnos, and Reyn is right in the middle of them. “I can’t handle this!” He calls out to the other two. “I kill one, and ten more pop up!” Knowing he can’t hold them off forever, he starts running to a vined wall.
“Reyn, not that way!” Shulk calls out, but it’s too late. A massive Arachno drops from the ceiling, ready to strike Reyn. The Monado starts to glow a golden yellow, and Shulk swings out at the battlefield. All of a sudden, Reyn is covered in a translucent yellow shield, and the Arachno Queen’s attack hardly does anything to him. “What!?” He mutters, in awe of what just happened. Shulk looks to his blade. “Could it be a new power of the Monado?” He wonders aloud, but he’s quickly called by Mega Man. “Let’s get this over and done with,” He says. Shulk nods. “Reyn, you take care of the little ones. We’ll take care of the queen!”
The battle is a blur.
Shulk and the Queen trade shot for shot on each other, Mega Man covers for him with his arsenal, Reyn keeps the smaller Arachnos away from the other two. Shulk sends out Monado Shield to Reyn when he’s in trouble. But pretty soon, the Arachno Queen turns from Shulk, and starts attacking Mega Man. Knowing how hard the Queen hits, he sends a Shield over to Mega Man. Oddly enough, it has no effect. Nevertheless, Reyn calls out. “A chain attack should finish ‘em!” And the three get into position to attack the Queen.
Shulk opens up with Backslash, and Reyn follows up with Sword Drive. “Rock! You’re up!” He calls over.
“Understood! Beginning Attack!” He responds. “DOUBLE ROCK BUSTER!” Both of his arms are replaced by Arm Cannons, and he sends out a powerful shot right through the Arachno Queen, killing it instantly.
With the Queen dead, the rest of the Arachno die out as well. Mega Man drops to the ground, breathing heavily. “I… I shouldn’t have done that so carelessly…” He says through his panting. Reyn comes to his aid. “Man, that was amazing! How’d you do that?”
“I… put most of my energy… into my Mega Busters…” He replies, exhausted. “It… Drains me, though… Can’t use it often… I’ll… Be right back…” He teleports out of the cave, and into Dr Light’s Lab. “I’m home…!” As soon as he gets those words out, he collapses.
Dr Light gets to work immediately, with Roll and Auto helping out however they can. After an hour, Rock is back up and ready. “Dr Light, I’d like to make a request,” He says. “I’d like the Mega Arm back.”
“Whatever for?”
“The robots there are much too strong for the Mega Buster to handle. I need some more power.”
“... Alright.” He agrees, and outfits Mega Man with the upgraded Mega Arm. “You already know how this works. Now, make sure Top Man gets back as soon as possible.”
Mega Man nods, and beams back to Tephra Cave, where Shulk and Reyn await. “Alright, Rock.” Shulk says. “The exit is just ahead.”
0 notes
silvertherogue715 · 4 months
hello! This is just a small one before I get into the bigger question, I remember on your deviant art it was implied that Sunstar and Ra Moon were the same entity. Also what did you mean by Terra wasn’t himself when he and Minx first met, and what is Slur’s role in the AU? I hope you have a good day/night! Thank you!
Short answer:
Are Sunstar and Ra Moon the same person? 
Yes! They are! Technically. 
Ra Moon lacks Sunstar’s full set of memories, and is the part of Sunstar that has been with Minx the longest. “Ra Moon” doesn’t gain back his memories of being “Sunstar” until the end of Arc 1, when Terra essentially “kidnaps” him (which was shown in the comic from the last ask) from SciLab.
Terra wasn’t himself?
No. He (and his brothers) had been exposed to the negative effects of Sunstar’s Negative Energy Crystals (NEC’s or NE Crystals) for far too long. A side effect of this exposure brought out the worst in Terra, which can be observed during the Stardroids first arrival back on Earth after thousands of years. 
Also, space and time are funky in this AU, courtesy of Duo–the stardroids are not actually thousands of years old.
What is Slur’s role?
She doesn't appear until late arc 2, but she is a recurring threat throughout later arcs. She carries out Duo's will by 'testing' the inhabitants of life-filled planets to determine whether or not they are "evil." If they are? Destruction. If not? They're left alone.
Long answer:
Are Sunstar and Ra Moon the same person? 
Ra Moon lacks all of his previous memories as “Sunstar" until Terra puts the NE Crystal inside of Ra Moon back into his ‘Sunstar’ body. This is the red crystal Terra was clutching in the comic from the last ask!
NE Crystals are a whole discussion on their own. Hoo boy. I’m sure some of this will be confusing, but please feel free to ask for clarity. Hope it isn't too overwhelming!
Let me try to give you a timeline, for simplicity:
Sunstar was the first, and only Stardroid created with 2 NEC’s in his body. These crystals bind best with non-organic material, like Navis, and serve as both a source of power and a place to store memories.
Yes there are Positive Energy Crystals, too. I just call ‘em GVC’s (good vibes crystals) though because it flows better.
Sunstar contained 5 NECs in his body at one point. The power overwhelms him, and the potency also affects the Stardroids (who are also NEC Navis).
His original 2 are in his chest.
He has one in his right forearm, and another in his left forearm.
The 5th is in his abdomen.
Duo (weird space & time god in the anime–) injures Sunstar enough to put him in critical condition during a battle in space. 
4 of his 5 crystals are scattered to the stars.
Terra intercepts one of Sunstar’s two original NEC’s before Duo can destroy it, and places it into Ra Moon–a lifeless surveillance drone–and has Saturn send it to Earth (to give Sunstar distance and safety from Duo).
The outcome of the battle did not look favorable for the stardroids–he believed it was his best course of action at the time. 
Duo had the mindset of "No crystals = no memories = no Sunstar"
Ra Moon landed on Earth and was found by Minx’s great-great Grandfather, Edward. 
Sunstar’s amnesia as Ra Moon is caused by 2 things:
He is missing his other crystal
The crystal in Ra Moon has not adjusted to the ‘new host body,’ and a lack of familiar items or people mean he has nothing to trigger memories of his past self.
‘Viren society’ has long since been buried during their time away. 
So basically, imagine waking up and having so idea who you are, and the only clues being:
“Name = Ra_Moon_model71”
But basically, “Ra Moon” has been in Minx’s family for generations. He helped Edward establish a Net-based company, providing both him and his human friend security. Then Edward dies. Edward’s son “inherits” him. Ra Moon is still treated well. Then the son dies. Things get worse. Then it happens again. And again. 
And then he is eventually given to Minx (8). She reminds him of Edward, and things slowly start getting better again. Then Terra shows up.
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Ra Moon has been with Minx for a long, long time.
Terra wasn’t himself?
No. As mentioned above, he hasn’t truly been himself since Sunstar started gaining more NECs in his body. One NE crystal is already an impressively powerful energy source, and Sunstar was created with two. The more crystals he gained, the more he lost himself, and the more the excess energy–like poison–started affecting the other Stardroids. Even after Sunstar's NEC’s were scattered, residual energy tainted the Stardroids minds while they hunted them down to restore their leaders body.
The Stardroids are not purged of this excess energy until sometime after arriving on Earth again, after Sunstar was repaired.
What is Slur’s role?
She doesn't appear until late arc 2, but she is a recurring threat throughout later arcs. Slur is…interesting, to say the least. Egocentric with a holier-than-thou attitude, like her anime counterpart, to be sure, but…interesting. 
Though Slur could/should be discussed in greater detail in a different ask on her own, honestly. But to understand her role, the history of NEC vs GVCs Navis, as well as Viren society (which is basically my name for the ancient Earth civilization that is briefly touched on in the anime) and the creation of Duo as a whole would probably have to be addressed first? It’s a lot of lore-heavy stuff. Would probably be too overwhelming for a single post.
But TLDR: Bad guy. Sociopath. Hate Slur.
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silvertherogue715 · 4 months
hello! Me again I’m curious on how Sofie and Mercury met one another? I know I’m one of my other asks that you said the two’s relationship(while still in the works) is romantic and I’m curious as to how that came to be. Also that one little comic with Sofie thanking Mercury was adorable and the cat eye expression on mercury’s face made me laugh. I am also curious about Sofie’s standing in the au what does she do? Either way I might just have to come back with some coffee for Terra next ask lol I hope you’re doing well! Thank you
Short answer:
How Sofie and Mercury met:
After separating from the Stardroids, Mercury met Sofie (24) for the first time after her little sister Penelope (7) tried to save Mercury from a moving car. Both ended up getting saved by Sofie instead. Mercury returned the favor later by guiding a very lost and scared Penelope back to her big sister. 
Mercury and Sofie met several more times after that, completely by coincidence, and he eventually decides to stick around.
Sofie Miller:
Sofie is a supporting side character in the AU. She’s Minx’s long-time best friend and big sister figure. She works as a tailor with her mother in America, and helps raise her little sister, Penelope (7). Sofie is usually away from where most of the drama happens (Japan).   Long version below
How Sofie and Mercury met:
While I have yet to create a scene sketch for this, the conditions leading to Mercury and Sofie’s meeting is largely a result of Mercury separating from the other Stardroids, leaving him stranded on Earth. Why? Certain conditions in the story (avoiding spoilery infodump) lead him to believe his best course of action was independence–he wasn’t super close with them, anyway–even becoming an occasional threat to his former brothers in the future. Conflicting interests and whatnot.
Anyway! Mercury meets Sofie through her little sister, Penelope, several months after separating from the Stardroids. My (simplified) main thought of how this interaction would go is something along the lines of:
Mercury roams the NET and real world of the city Sofie lives in hunting Negative Energy Crystal (NEC) shards while keeping a low profile.
While traveling around the city in cat-form, he gets chased into the street by a dog. Penelope spots him and tries to grab him to stop him from being hit by a car, only for both Mercury and Penelope to get snatched out of the way at the last second by a very startled Sofie.
Mercury later returns Penelope’s good will by guiding her back to Sofie when she gets separated from her big sister. Penelope thanks “Mr. Jelly” (because he’s squishy for a cat) for helping her, and he leaves. 
Shenanigans ensue, and Mercury runs into Sofie several more times before deciding (for plot reasons) to stick around. Although that’s technically their “first” meeting–Sofie meets Mercury in his 'Stardroid' form later in the AU.
Additionally, The Stardroids, unlike most other Navis, are not bound to the NET in this AU, and can actually easily travel in and out of it as they wish.
Sofie Miller    
Sofie is Minx’s long-distance best friend and big sister figure, and has been for over a decade. Both girls met around 10, and Ra Moon helped them keep in contact after Minx moved away. 
Sofie is an incredibly hard working individual who had to grow up fast to help her mom run their family tailor shop and raise her little sister. As a result, she is very calm-minded, practical, and patient (she wouldn’t be able to stand Mercury otherwise). 
As far as what she does in the story: Sofie is a supporting side-character. Minx–who is more of a main character in this AU–highly values her input and follows her advice when appropriate. She and Minx are absolutely found family–Minx adores and idolizes her, and does whatever she can to help her out, like offering her contracts to collaborate with Minx for work*. Found family is a huge theme in this AU!
More specifically, she is very much Minx’s rock during the end of Arc 1 and beginning of Arc 2 (4 Arcs total so far) after Ra Moon is “destroyed” and the Stardroids appear. Although Sofie does not live where most of the action takes place (Japan), that does not prevent her from having a decent impact on the story–especially when Mercury shows up. To Sofie, Mercury is Minx on crack.
*(Minx works for IPC’s video game department, creating and selling custom style chips that mirror video game character clothing/accessories/weapons from IPC games. Sofie creates real-life models for some of these, which is used as a reference for the tech/chip team)
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