#the story line is so gooooddd
melissa7102004 · 2 years
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They're so cuteeee !!!!! I've known them for a while now, and absolutely adore themm UWU
These greekgods au babies belong to @help-im-a-gay-fish.
Dreamtale //@jokublog.
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liptonoos · 1 year
murphtavia x attention by doja cat (july '23) + my relationship with them
sooo it had been a while since i last edited murphy and octavia, as the 100 has been over for like almost three years (WTF), there aren't a lot of new scenes etc. so i've lost my inspo gradually (rip) but i still like to edit the show once in a while, and when i do it just feels like HOME.
i LOOOOVEEE editing the 100 so much. well, it makes sense as it is my favorite show and i was OBSESSED with it for a few years (i knew every single line said by every single character omfg mood)
i think my fav things to edit from the 100 are polis (MY HOMEEEE), murphtavia (yes it IS a crackship, i love crackships so much, in fact, i love AU edits in general: the idea of recreating a whole new plot / reality with a story that already exists, with limited scenes, etc. it amazes me!!!!), octavia, diyoza, season 6, locations in general & underrated characters
anyways, i wanted to edit murphy and octavia again, but as i used to do it ALL THE TIME, i've already done quite a lot of concepts (example: modern murphtavia, murphtavia on bardo, murphtavia on sanctum, murphtavia & bellamy, murphtavia in 705, etc.) and i didn't want to just edit random scenes from random seasons so i decided that i should edit them in season 7 only, because s7 looked SO GOOOODDD on them let's be honest!!! then, right after having the idea, i downloaded their soft & badass scenes and i searched for an audio.
i wanted to make a soft / badass ship edit, because i don't really know how to do simple ship edits (don't ask me why), i always find it more interesting to add a little bit of spiceeeee... actually i think i just don't like to stick to one 'editing pattern'.
so once i found the audio i started the edit, it took me almost 11 hours to make it, and i used exclusively videostar (bc sometimes i like to use procreate, imovie or else).
during the editing process, i had been kind of stuck multiple times, especially with the parts concerning murphy, idk why, when this happens, i just keep going to create further transitions in order to keep my inspo, bc if i don't touch for a few days, it's quite impossible for me to be in the exact same mood i was before and to continue the edit (in fact i usually rush the end of all my edits -> tips: i now try to do the last two transitions when i start my edit so the more meh transitions won't be at the very end and it won't be as visible)
anyways, murphtavia has been one of my greatest inspiration since 2019, every time i edit them my mind just enters into an altered state of consciousness (i'm not being dramatic at all) and finds a way to make them REAL. i also love to know that people might be shocked or uncomfortable or surprised while watching my murphtavia edits as it is really just me and my mind recreating the story (dramatic)
i won't say that it is my fav muphtavia edit that i've made, bc there is the one from april '22 (https://www.instagram.com/p/CcVp8JTID8w/), and y'all let me tell you. let me. explain. how proud i am of myself for creating this one. i think everything fits very well, and i remember i even CREATED an leaf overlay IRL from scratch, with REAL LEAVES from my GARDEN. lmaooo i was like 'ok i don't know how to use cinema 3d let's find another way to create exactly what i have in mind' and i did. slay. however, i think in this edit from july '23, there are some crusty stuff, especially, once again, in the parts concentrated on murphy, maybe it's bc i usually have more inspo to edit women (oops)
well, i think that's it. for now. i hope it wasn't too messy, it was my first attempt to write about my editing experience ✦Lip
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taumoeba · 4 years
ahhhh you got to see the lightning thief musical?? i’m so jealous!!
yes it was so gooooddd! as soon as they announced they were going on broadway i knew i wanted to see it and my friend from school lived in the area so we saw it together:) the theatre was packed w kids and young adults like me LOL. actually funny story when we were lining up the line was so far from the doors that i wasnt sure if these girls in front of me were in line bc they looked a few years older than me. but then we were like hey are yall here for the percy jackson musical and everyone went like👁👁 yes and thats how i knew i was in the right place
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poguestarkey · 4 years
could you do one for the rafe taylor series based on dear john? if you can make it work... you can do it any way i just love that song!
warnings: my chaotic ass brain AGAIN, swearing 
this is also gonna be headcanon style bc i like that and don’t want it to be too similar to some other ones coming in the futureeee
- so ur bestiessss w sarah (ur 2 years older than her and 1 year younger than rafe)
-and u and rafe had been together since u were 15 and u just broke up bc toxic relationship and cocaine ruin yo brain
-and u are sad™ bc he was ur first everything
-u lost ur virginity to him, u had ur first kiss w him, he was ur first bf and u thought u was gonna be together forever 
- u thought wrong
- so you’ve been broken up for like 2 months but obvi ur still at tannyhill all the time bc sarah
- and we’re gonna pretend there’s a big fat piano in like the living room or foyer or sum
- and ur a Singer™ and ur voice is GOOOODDD and u used to sing to rafe a lot so now u get a lil sad when u sing
- but then inspiration strikes!
- write a song abt rafe and let out all ur feelings!!
-yay go y/n doin the good things for her mental health
- proud of her
- so remember in a previous imagine i said that john is now rafes middle name
- yeah i said it *cue rihanna*
- as a joke u would call rafe john all the time bc it annoyed him
- secretly he loved it
- but u not tryna be like HEY RAFE IM SAD SO I WROTE A SONG ABT U
- so u spend a while writing it bc u just wanna get ur feelings out in the best way possible
- and then it’s just u and sarah at her house and she asks to hear it so u go down to the piano
- and u start playing 🎶🎵🎶🎵🎶🎵🎶
- i’m putting lyrics in here bc this song slaps
- highly recommend crying to it
-Long were the nights when my days once revolved around you Counting my footsteps, Praying the floor won't fall through, again My mother accused me of losing my mind, But I swore I was fine, you paint me a blue sky And go back and turn it to rain And I lived in your chess game, But you changed the rules every day Wondering which version of you I might get on the phone Tonight, well I stopped picking up, and this song is to let you know whyDear John, I see it all now that you're gone Don't you think I was too young to be messed with? The girl in the dress, cried the whole way home, I should've knownWell maybe it's me and my blind optimism to blame Maybe it's you and your sick need to give love then take it away And you'll add my name to your long list of traitors who don't understand And I'll look back and regret how I ignored when they said "run as fast as you can"Dear John, I see it all now that you're gone Don't you think I was too young to be messed with? The girl in the dress, cried the whole way homeDear John, I see it all, now it was wrong Don't you think nineteen is too young To be played by your dark twisted games, when I loved you so? I should've knownYou are an expert at sorry, And keeping the lines blurry Never impressed by me acing your tests All the girls that you've run dry Have tired, lifeless eyes 'Cause you burned them out But I took your matches before fire could catch me, So don't look now, I'm shining like fireworks over your sad, empty townDear John, I see it all now that you're gone Don't you think I was too young to be messed with? The girl in the dress, cried the whole way home.I see it all now that you're gone Don't you think I was too young to be messed with? The girl in the dress wrote you a song You should've known, you should've known Don't you think I was too young? You should've known
- and u are very much crying while u sing bc it’s heartfelt and emotional and the guy u thought u were gonna marry is gone right?
-spoiler alert he was in the kitchen drinking chocolate milk
- and the whole time he’s listening and borderline sobbing bc he loves u so damn much but he doesn’t know how to get u back and keep u
-he’s never had a good relationship with any girl so he doesn’t know how to fix yours
- and he wants to get clean but he doesn’t know how 
-and he needs help
- he needs you
- but you’re tired of being walked all over
- and you walk into da kitchen liek HOLY SHIT U HEARD THAT FUCK FUCK FUCK
- and ur both crying but he just leaves bc he loves u too much to put u thru that again
-and eventually rafe gets clean and you move on 
- you still see each other occasionally bc sarah
- but some stories just don’t have a happy ending
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sheikah · 7 years
7.01 Thoughts
Watching the premiere last night was so much fun, you guys! I loved it and don’t have any complaints to make. So far it seems like 1. the leaks are probably real and 2. they did not do the season justice. I think this is going to be an epic story, maybe our best season yet! I have a lot to say so I’m putting it under the cut.
So from the outset I absolutely loved the opener with Arya and the Freys. It was really clever how there were small hints of it really being Arya in his overall demeanor and the way David Bradley approached the scene. And the “proper wine for proper lords” line reminded me of when Arya insisted to Tywin Lannister that her parents taught her to “talk proper.” 
The big reveal and her declaration that “The North remembers, and Winter came for House Frey” gave me instant chills and I LOVED it. It does worry me a tiny bit though, if I’m honest. At Con of Thrones I sat on a panel about the women in Westeros and when one of the speakers asked the audience if Arya is “too far gone,” almost everyone raised their hand in agreement. I was LIVID and scandalized and couldn’t have disagreed more. But we are starting to see a more ruthless side to her. 
Don’t get me wrong--revenge narratives are my absolute favorite thing in the world and I was CHEERING when those Freys died. And from what Arya said to them, they all played an actual role in the RW and aren’t innocent. But at the same time, when she came upon those Lannister soldiers she was looking at their weapons and seemingly planning a way to kill them at first. And that makes me sad. I want her to be in a place where she can trust again. She deserves it, and seeing her laugh with them was one of my favorite moments in the episode. 
Speaking of those Lannister soldiers, what an unexpected treat! Starting with BotB last year, I really feel like the show is doing a better job of reflecting the harsh realities of war, and one of those realities is that not everyone on the opposing side is evil. War is full of all kinds of people and the way it destroys so many lives, even those of good people, is part of what makes it so awful. 
Sure, Ed Sheeran’s derpy face out of nowhere was funny for a second, but this scene was moving (at least to me) and clearly it moved Arya, too, who we can assume was finding common ground with these men, especially the one who mentioned love between a father and daughter. As sweet and wholesome (who would have thought I’d be using those adjectives in a GoT recap?!) as this scene was, I do think it hints at a darker future for these men. We might see them dead on the battlefield against Dany’s army in the very near future, and I dread that.
We didn’t get much from Bran and Meera but I was glad to at least see them. I got a chuckle out of Edd asking for proof that Bran is truly a Stark, and instead of providing real proof he just says some cryptic and broody stuff about Winter and Edd is like, “Yep. Kin of Jon Snow for sure.”
Speaking of Jon, I loved the scenes in Winterfell. They were surprisingly tense but also offered moments of humor and warmth. The Jon and Sansa face-off was interesting because I can see both sides of the argument. 
But I found it odd that she brought up Robb, who took the opposite approach to Jon’s when it comes to handling Karstark treachery by beheading their lord. So by contrast I think Jon’s level-headedness is smart and fitting in this scenario. 
If there weren’t ice zombies marching South then perhaps the Starks could afford to hold their allies at arm’s length or hurt some feelings by punishing the Karstarks and Umbers. But as things stand they need a united North to face the WW and Jon made the right call. I feel like this was confirmed when Ned Umber was revealed to be a small child younger than Rickon. Rendering him homeless in the middle of Winter isn’t justice. 
I also really like that Jon is making it a point to have the women train for the war as well. Women need to be able to defend themselves just as much as men, and of course I loved how this moment gave Lyanna a chance to shine. It was my understanding that Mormont women already trained in fighting to some extent but I’m excited to see what Jon’s new policies mean for the future. And when Lyanna was setting Lord Glover straight, Brienne looked SO PROUD of that fiery little future warrior woman and I was LIVING. 
Anyway, overall I enjoyed getting a glimpse of Jon’s ruling strategy which so far seems really solid. And KING Jon is the sexiest thing that I have ever seen in my life. The maester calling Jon “Your Grace” almost killed me. Things are only going to get better from here :)
Also in Winterfell I loved seeing Sansa sass Littlefinger into silence, which I didn’t even know was possible. It was hilarious and savage and I love her spirit and snark so much. It’s good to see that even though D&D are trying to trick us into thinking that dark!Sansa or Stark Bowl is happening, the reality is that Sansa is not even remotely fooled by LF and is only arguing with Jon to voice her opinion--as she should. 
The Brienne and Tormund shippy moment was hilarious and a good way to break the tension of the previous scene. It was cute how Brienne was just training with Pod calmly and normally until Tormund arrived and then since she can’t handle feelings she just turned it up to eleven and basically beat the hell out of poor Pod hahaha. It seems some scenes with them were cut but I am excited to see where it goes from here, even though in my heart I ship Jaime x Brienne.
Speaking of Jaime his conversation with Cersei was deliciously awkward. I loved when she asked him if he was afraid of her and he responded, “Should I be?” That’s the question on all our minds, Jaime. Well actually I want to know if SHE should be afraid of YOU, Mr. Valonqar ;) 
This scene was very interesting to me as someone who is looking forward to the Jon/Dany pairing because Cersei emphasizing that she and Jaime are the last Lannisters who are poised to start a dynasty parallels how Jon and Dany, the last Targaryens, will soon be in a similar position. But while one pairing represents fear and oppression the other represents hope for a better and more progressive future for the realm. 
I also think that that conversation revealed how far Cersei has slipped in terms of her sanity. She called her son a traitor for killing himself. Not good. Not good at all. But at the same time this conversation also foreshadows Cersei’s potential pregnancy with another heir. If that plays out, it will be interesting to see how it effects her schemes and Jaime’s perception of her. 
Their meeting with Euron was much funnier and more interesting than I expected. First and foremost I just want to establish that I really enjoyed Euron’s sexy trash pirate outfit haha. He looked great. And the humor he brought to his villainy was reminiscent of Ramsay, who I will honestly miss on the show. So I’m glad to see that he will be as scene-stealing and maniacal as I’d hoped. Also, “two good hands” is the new pickup line for the ages lol. 
The scenes of the Brotherhood were surprisingly emotional and it absolutely wrecked me to see Sandor so visibly affected by the deaths of that farmer and his daughter. I also pitied him a lot when he was looking into the fire and seemed absolutely SHOOK at what he saw there. I think of The Hound as a simple man who DID NOT sign up for a zombie war. 
While there was a lot of humor in his relentless roasting of Thoros (lmao @ the “top knot” comment) the grave-digging scene showed us Sandor’s depth and continued redemption, and also hinted at a possible friendship between him and Thoros later on :)
Sam’s plot was the least interesting to me but I understand that we need to establish what his life is like at the Citadel and get some more low key scenes of him and Gilly researching to set up the big! reveals! they will give us later in the season. 
The poop montage was absolutely revolting but really well done and I liked how they contrasted the shit with the soup and showed how they sort of became one and the same to poor Sam. But as gross as that was, the most disturbing part for me was Jorah reaching through the bars. For them to only show his arm, he must be looking very bad right now so I hope they hurry up and show his cure soon. The fact that even in his current plight, he is still eager for news of Dany is honestly really touching as much as I don’t ship Jorah and Dany. 
Oh! and Jim Broadbent was perfect as the arch maester! I love him so much and got lots of Harry Potter feels from his voice + Sam sneaking into the restricted section of the library haha.
And of course, the last and most important plot line from this episode--Dany! I love her so very much and have waited so many years for Dany to be in Westeros. I had company over to watch the episode but still couldn’t hold back the tears when she arrived. Emilia’s face in this scene was just so intense and filled with longing and relief. I LOVE IT SO MUCH YOU GUYS OH MY GOOOODDD. 
Dany in Westeros really is a game-changing event and I can’t believe we’re this blessed. 
So Dragonstone itself looks beautiful and I’m glad we’re getting to see more of it than we did with Stannis. I also enjoyed the way they decided to play this scene with no dialogue. No witty quips from Tyrion or surly observations from Grey Worm, just letting the scenery and the actors’ body language carry the weight. 
My favorite moment was Dany walking up to the throne, the throne of Aegon I himself, something she’s been dreaming about for years, and WALKING RIGHT BY IT, instead focusing her attention on the sort of council chamber where she and her companions will work together as a TEAM. Because as much as people try to tear her down, at heart Dany is a team player who is growing and changing and I am so excited to see where her story goes from here. 
Lastly, as a Jonerys shipper, I think this bolder, more assertive Jon is someone who Dany will be instantly intrigued by. I also think that the peek at the next episode and the line delivered to Jon about not trusting Targaryens is going to set up an interesting dynamic for their relationship. Because Jon isn’t going to listen to that person and automatically distrust Dany based on her Targaryen heritage. His actions this episode should be final proof that he isn’t going to judge someone for the sins of their father. 
But I do think that both of them having such strong ideals and ideas of how to approach repairing the realm at this moment in the narrative, when Dany probably hasn’t even heard of WW, is going to cause some friction. They will challenge one another at first. But as the season progresses I think they’re going to find like-minded allies in each other and it’s going to be a beautiful partnership to watch :’) Overall I loved this episode so, so much and can’t wait for next week, and of course episode three. A Jonerys meeting!
If you’ve read this far, thanks for caring about my thoughts haha. What did you think about this episode and what do you hope to see moving forward?
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cielospeaks · 8 years
Captain Hook the biker gorilla (but secretly it's first order)
The good
- ritsuka holy fk. This kid maaaannnn. So good so pure like I feel like (and probably most ppl who read the Gudako comics) I see Gudako as more the outgoing pervert but ritsuka being the shy tenative uneasy and well meaning guy is such good contrast!!!! And so sweet so pure! Zakkis voice is so good as him too
-I expected the rest of the main cast to be good (most of their lines seemed to be taken from the game which was refreshing) no da Vinci yet which was kinda sad but w/e orleans is my other favorite story mode and she'd be at the start of that. Roman was such a cutie omg I love him, and Olga Marie dangggg I loved her development and interactions w cascu so gooooddd (there was that other thing but I'll get to it seperately). And holy fk lev (or reff according to subtitles lol) that Sugita voice yessssss I missed Beto's voice this week so at least I got my dose of sugita voice? Lev can just go be photon ray'd off the go universe tho fk u man.
-and did I mention mashu my hecking best kouhai. If lev is our (questionable) weekly dose of sugita (ehhh I like drank way better and he had banana pockets pouts) then kouhai is more than enough to get us to next week and other best (suffering) kouhai. Her and ritsuka are so pure I love them. And tiny fou omggg he's like a tiny squirrel holyshit
-CASCUUUUU my fking husband everything about him his support to mashup and Olga Marie, the snark and wits, the scene where archer has the swords up to him hnnnngggggg the scene where he takes off his shirt double hnnnnggg and his tunic thing is fluttering around loosely at his ab-ey waist triple hnnnnggggg the look on his face at the end slay me
- Rider Darius holy fk!
- the scene w Olga Marie was fking brutal but it deserved to be animated. No one cared about the Chaldea prologue crew until they were hot-relevant and dangit Olga Marie's story needs to be finished as tragically as it was in the game
- Chaldea design development *o*
- Marie's silhouette in the teaser danggggggg (tho I want Mozart more lol)
- it was fkign hilarious to hear the game scores in it esp the loading music at the start lol. btu yea the music is rlly good
The bad
- didn't really care for the plot changes from the start of the game (exCUSE U it was July 2016 I don't blame the Japanese at all but the Americans fked it up as expected so they can play the victim go heck off and leave my baes out of it)
- tho I didn't mind it too much some of the other changes irked me a lil (like the fuyuki servants having Darius rather than Benkei, idk?) but it was also interesting? Neutral towards it
-the western fanbase but at this point that's to be expected :Y
-no da Vinci :Y but maybe in orleans
- the fans (at least western) only caring about roman bc of the story mode. Best dad and doctor deserves better. It's stuff like this that makes me wish the last chapter didn't happen :Y
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hellosweetjane-blog · 8 years
💐3-15-17 Playlist 💐
Hey Friends! Here’s this weeks playlsit. I had an awesome intern join me on my show. She created the second half of the playlist. Her playlist is sooooo gooooddd! See you guys in two weeks, imma miss you terribly! 
The Bots – Blinded – Pink palms
Bear Hands – Peacekeeper – Distraction
Cut Copy – Unforgettable Season – In Ghost Colours
Wild Party – OutRight – Phantom Pop
What So Not, Branchez – High You Are – High Are You (Remix)
18 Carat Affair – Desire – Vintage Romance
The Little Ones – Catch The Movement – The Dawn Sang Along
Astromaps – You’re My Friend and I Can’t Believe It - You’re My Friend and I Can’t Believe It
Chicano Batman – Friendship (Is A Small Boat In A Storm) - Friendship (Is A Small Boat In A Storm)
The Hics – Lines – Tangle EP
Ex Cops – Black Soap – Daggers
Sam Evian – Dark Love – Dark Love
Early Hours – Fallout – Another Story
Miniature Tigers – Nobody Else – I Dreamt I Was A Cowboy
Ricky Montgomery – My Heart Is Buried in Venice – Montgomery Ricky
Tipling Rock – Campus Fashion – Campus Fashion
Pomplamoose – Bust Your Knee Caps – Hey It’s Pomplamoose
Ruby Cube – Lobsters & Cherries – Lobsters & Cherries Single
Super City – Find You – Super City
Little Scream – Find You – Cult Following
Parks, Squares, and Alleys – I Love You – Against Illusions and Reality
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