#the sweetest lilyyy love
hattywatch · 5 years
A. Henrique - You’re the Reason Why
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Author’s Note: This is for my sweet @xolilyxo who is dearly in love with Adam Henrique and has recently recruited me <3 I love her and I love him, even if I never really follow west coast hockey because it’s on way too late for my east coast ass. 
“I thought you said it was ‘endearing,’ what happened?” You huffed and rearranged the pillows on your bed, pressing them against the wall, as if that could block out the caterwauling coming from the next apartment.
Ohhhhhh, I wanna dance with some-bah-dayyy. Wanna feel the heat with somebody!!!
“Yeah, well... endearing is reserved for private concerts that don’t occur while I’m SUPPOSED TO BE ASLEEP!” You shout the last part towards the wall behind you, hoping your voice will carry through it, like his is currently doing.
Your friend laughs, and you groan, “Thanks a lot for commiserating. I really appreciate it,” you’re going for biting sarcasm, but the yawn that slips into your sentence betrays you and takes all the malice out of it.
“Sorry. You’re being a baby. Just go knock on the door and ask him to pipe down. He probably doesn’t realize he’s being so loud,” you suppose that’s one solution, “But, it’s really late and I should be asleep already. See you tomorrow, don’t be laaaate!” she sing-songs, and you mock her with a face, not that she can see it through the phone, but you say good night anyway and plug your phone into your charger.
You flop down onto your side and can still hear the music, and man, clear as a bell coming from the bathroom of J6. Even putting another pillow over your head isn’t really helping. Eventually you give up, leaving your room and dragging your blankets along the floor to the couch. Between the two rooms and one door between you two, the singing is drowned out and you can finally fall into a deeper sleep than you’d be able to for the past week.
The sun is bright and the weather is beautiful, which is a small consolation as you’re sat outside sipping your coffee deeply and chatting with your friend at brunch, which you were ON TIME TO, thank you very much.
“Did you at least get to see gym hottie this morning?” She signals the waiter walking around with the coffee carafe over to fill you guys up and you shake your head no. “I haven’t seen him down in the gym for a while, actually. Maybe he moved,” the thought is sad, since ogling him on the treadmill is the only thing that gives you the drive to get on the stupid stair climber 3 days a week.
After you finish up eating and drinking far too much coffee to be healthy, she has to go home to her family, but you have the day free and it really seems like you’ve earned a manicure with the week you’ve had.
By the time you put the key in your door, careful not to smudge your nails, and kick off your shoes, you can hear it.
If you wanna be my lover, you gotta get with my friends.
And honestly, how much can one man shower? But your friend was right, now that it’s the middle of the day you don’t find it so annoying. It’s kind of cute, so you find yourself humming along until you remember it’s twenty-nineteen, “Alexa? Play Wannabe, by the Spice Girls,” and bless her, she does.
Dancing around your kitchen with your broom, you work your way through some basic chores. Sweeping, unloading, and then reloading the dishwasher. It’s really putting you into that Sunday cleaning mode, and before you know it, your whole place is clean and you’ve worked up a bit of a sweat. So, you hop into the shower and since you’re in the mood, you leave spotify open on the sink and warble through your own little musical. Since you have all day, you really get into it. A full exfoliate/hair mask/shave shower.
Thirty minutes in, when you hear an aggressive pounding coming from your door, you’re surprised and a little agitated, because everyone is entitled to a long uninterrupted shower, but you turn off the water and dry off the best you can before slinging a robe around you and hurrying to the door, a trail of wet footprints leading back to your bathroom.
When you open the door a crack, you’re shocked and your hand flies up to the chest of your robe to make sure it’s secure. Gym hottie is stood outside your door, looking sheepish but purposeful.
“Uh, can I... can I help you?” He looks about as uncomfortable as you feel and he opens his mouth to speak, but just a little huff comes out, so he tries again.
“I’m eh, I’m really sorry to bother you, but I have a game tonight and I’m trying to nap, and I guess my bedroom wall is shared by your bathroom, so I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind turing your music down.” Your eyebrows crinkle up and you forget that the behemoth in front of you is as attractive as he is with all of indignation that clouds up in your head.
Before you can help yourself, the door is swung open and you can’t even be bothered to care about the fact that you probably look like a drowned rat, “YOU can’t sleep? You can’t sleep!! You have got to be kidding me, buddy.”
He looks a little confused, or maybe a little scared that he knocked on the door of a crazy person, so you clue him in, “I don’t have to ‘guess’ that your bathroom shares a wall with my bedroom, because I haven’t been able to get a full night’s sleep in over a week with you putting on broadway productions in there every night!” you jerk your thumb in the direction of his apartment and he looks downright bashful after your outburst. Stood there in front of your door, shoulders limp and eyes cast down.
The fight leaves you before you can even second guess how much you probably just embarrassed yourself. “Yeah, I’ll turn my music off… sorry for keeping you awake.” He looks up and smiles, a little thing that knocks your heartbeat up a tick.
“I’m sorry too, I didn’t realized the walls here were so thin. You could have just come over and told me, though,” he shrugs his hands into his pockets and his smile grows a little bit, “I don’t bite, ya know.”
You sigh, and shift your stance to rest on one foot, the hip popped out to the side, “Yeah, well. It’s fine. It’s cute when it’s not 2 am.” It isn’t until you’ve said it that you realize exactly what you said, but it seems he has and he latched onto it.
“How about this?” He pulls his phone from his pocket and hands it to you after pressing his thumb into the button to unlock it. “Put your number into here, and I’ll give you mine too. If you think it’s too late for my singing to be cute, send me a text and I’ll stop. Nodding, you take his phone and type your number in. You set your name as with “(singer from J8)” next to it.
“We’re all good now right? I really have to get this pre-game nap in or it will throw everything off.” He raises an eyebrow at you and you relax your eyebrows where they’ve laid furrowed on your forehead for the brunt of this interaction.
“Yeah, we’re good J6.” He holds out his hand, and you’re reluctant to pull yours away from the neck of your robe but you do after tightening the belt around your waist. “Adam is fine. Thank you J8.”
“Y/n,” when you finally let go of his hand, he turns and walks away heading back into his apartment as you stare on before you close the door and head back into your bathroom, ready to hop back into the shower. You shut the door and hang your robe up on the back of it before turning the stream of water back on.
Before you can get into the shower, you hear your phone vibrate against the marble countertop and sigh, reaching over for it.
“I think your singing is cute too, btw.” You don’t get a chance to respond before the little dots pop up and another message pops up onto your screen. “Enjoy your shower ;) ”
Well, fuck.  
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noburden · 3 years
HAPPY BIRTHDAY EMILYYYYYYYYYYY ok i'm going to send you another ask later so this isn't all you're getting from me BUT. thank you for being my right hand mutual thank you for being my mutual who defiles my dms and inbox from time to time . ALSO you know that one tik tok sound of 'every friend group has..' well WE are the 'mean bisexual' and 'the even meaner lesbian' . anywaysssss i love you a whole lot your really funny and nice n i appreciate u sm. LOOK OUT 4 MY OTHER ASK COMING SOON 💞💘
LILYYY PAD we really are the mean bisexual and the even meaner lesbian😌 i love that for us <33 but anyway THANK YOUUU i appreciate you too and i love having u as a friend!!!👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩 you’re the sweetest😭
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ranitani · 3 years
hi kyū just dropping by because why not and to also say ur already one of my fav mutuals 🤨✋🏻
we had ONE convo and i was like yeah… her 😻
OMMGGG LILYYY !!! you're the absolute sweetest and i'm so so happy we're moots! muah muah <333
let's just admit our conversation for what it was . . . love at first sight !! <3
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miss-m-and-her-blog · 7 years
He’s My Girl (Chapter 3)
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AUTHOR: miss-m-and-her-blog
GENRE: Romance, Action, Drama
FIC SUMMARY: He’s a guy, she’s a boy in disguise. He’s an actor, she’s a stuntman or -woman. How can it ever work when the famous Tom Hiddleston stars in an action film, with Charlie or Charlene as his stunt choreographer? 
WARNINGS/TRIGGERS/AUTHORS NOTES: A few cursing and swearing, but hey, that’s how LilyShimmers go XD
FEEDBACK/COMMENTS: Thanks for the readers’ reactions/likes/reblogs for the past chapters ^_^ thanks a lot, dearies :D
After the Audition...
The train ride back home was very dreary for Charlene. The people's faces seemed distorted to her; everything seems a blur for her. But she couldn't forget how much she felt when she was rejected.
We can't hire women like you.
Those words repeated every time in her head. It never stopped, and it kept jamming the pain into her heart. Charlene would've threw away the memory just as fast as she can, but, she was ridiculed in front of a lot of people. It was just too hard to forget.
She heard herself sigh from exhaustion and disappointment. But somehow, she found her phone from her pocket and felt like she wanted to text Lily, Uncle Barty or Auntie Baby. Her eyes stayed on at the beeping slash on the blank space of her text. She couldn't bring her finger to tap one letter on the phone.
Screw it. I'm not telling them a thing. They don't need to know I screwed up.
Then she wedged her phone back to her pocket.
As she tried to let her eyes wander through her surroundings, she saw an ad of a magazine for the month of November. Her eyes widened immediately as the cover of that magazine was the man she saw earlier.
It’s that kind British guy. She thought to herself.
Even if the ad was far away from her, she could still see how his blue eyes lights up along with his smile.
Then she read his name-- Tom Hiddleston, our man of the month.
Tom Hiddleston? So that’s his name? Tom. Thomas? Sounds like a good name. Charlene thought, but she found her fingers twirling the ends of her long braided hair.
As soon as she found herself doing that, she stopped. She doesn’t like when she does that while thinking about a certain guy, because she ends up having a crush on that guy.
No, Charlene. He was just kind to you earlier because his girlfriend was a total bitch. Don’t think about him. He’s just a kind, good-looking Brit with big blue eyes that could melt hearts.
She tried to breathe it out, but the ad had seemed to have got a hold of her gaze and there she was looking at Tom again.
Charlene thought, Why did you had to be kind to me earlier? You could have shouted at me just like what your girlfriend did. But you didn’t. Why?
She swore that the ad might answer her, but when her stop came by, Charlene had to stand and get ready to step off of the train.
For the last time, she stole a look at the ad and she gazed at Tom’s smiling face.
When she got out of the train, there she felt like she left something inside the train car; it was her sadness. Just because she saw Tom again--though not personally, she felt her sadness lighten and was almost gone.
A temporary source of happiness, I guess. She thought and then she chuckled to herself.
It was almost dark when she got home; her Uncle Barty’s home is just a typical L.A. two-storey building with an overlooking rooftop that houses him, his wife, Babylyn; and five of his eight children, as the eldest three had already married off and are living a few blocks away from them.
Charlene got in and she found her Uncle Barty having a drinking session in the living room with his coworkers. The karaoke was on and they were singing their lungs out as some of them are already drunk.
She tried to get upstairs as quietly as possible as she didn’t wanted to answer any question for the moment, but to her dismay, her Auntie Baby saw her as she had a fresh crispy pork leg dish on hand that she will serve their visitors.
“Oh, Cha-Cha, you’re home! Have you eaten yet? There’s still rice left for dinner.” She sweetly spoke to Charlene.
“I’m sorry, Auntie, but I’m not that hungry.” Charlene tried to speak like she is okay, but Auntie Baby immediately saw that there was something wrong.
“Cha, did something happened?” Auntie Baby placed a hand on Charlene’s shoulder.
“I... I was rejected at the audition. But, Dodong and the boys got in. It’s okay, Auntie; maybe I’ll look for another job here in L.A.” Now the memory of her being rejected came coming back and Charlene just tried to hold back tears.
“No! But why did they do that? You were so good in that stunt choreography, I saw it! How could they? Your Uncle Barty should know this!” Auntie Baby said in disbelief, then she went in the living room.
“Auntie Baby, you don’t have to--” Charlene said too late, and there, Auntie Baby called for Uncle Barty,
“Bartolomeee! Stop that karaoke, I have something to tell you!” Auntie Baby’s high-pitched voice blared out to bring her the attention of her husband and his drunk coworkers.
“What is it, my darling Baby?” Uncle Barty then tried to wrap his arms around his wife’s waist, but she slapped his hands off and spoke,
“Your niece! She was rejected at the audition! After all the hard work she has done and they rejected her!”
Uncle Barty’s drunkenness wavered off for a while and he turned to look at Charlene who is standing just a few paces away from them.
“No! That can’t be! They couldn’t reject Cha-Cha that easily, she’s better than those boys! Come here, Cha, tell us what happened!” Then he made one of his coworker get out of a chair to make Charlene sit there, “Come here, Cha-- Andoy, give me a glass.” Uncle Barty then poured a shot of the Johnny Walker Scotch whisky that they are drinking for Charlene.
Charlene wanted not to drink that time, but she thought, the strongest drink she ever had for the last years while she was in Seoul was soju. Maybe a little whisky could help her get through.
She sat in the middle of them and before talking, she took down the shot of whiskey in seconds and took a few bites of the crispy pork leg that Auntie Baby had settled down at the table.
“The executive producer, Andy Lockley, he rejected me. He said that women can’t work as stuntmen, that they don’t hire women in that kind of job.” Charlene was again poured another shot and without any chaser, she knocked back the shot glass.
She winced as the sharpness of the whisky got into her throat, but she continued,
“I mean-- I’ve worked day and night just to perfect that mock fight with Dodong and the others; but, I guess they don’t care about that.”
All of those in the living room listened to her and tried to comfort her just as they gave her another shot of whisky.
“They don’t care about anything, even if you’d given so much effort, for them, it’s just not enough.” She sighed as she placed down the shot glass.
“If only I was born a man, I would’ve been accepted. I would’ve made Papa proud.” A tear fell from her eye but she wiped it down.
“Oh, Cha, don’t say that. Bo loved you because you’re his kid. Even if you weren’t a boy.” Uncle Barty gently tapped her shoulder.
Then one of Uncle Barty’s coworkers asked her, “Then what are you going to do now?”
Charlene shook her head, and she can feel the dizziness thanks to the whisky, “I’m not sure... But there’s one thing I know I am sure-- give me another shot and I’ll sing my favorite song in karaoke!”
They all cheered, Charlene was going to drown out her sadness with a few more drinks, a sing or two in the karaoke and more bites of the crispy pork leg. For a while, she forgot all of her worries, but that was just temporarily. After a few more shots, she remembered again her problems.
She thought again, if only she was born a man, she wouldn’t have any problems. But she wasn’t, and that’s her problem. And in a moment of clarity, after she drank down another shot, she had an idea.
Charlene took the microphone and spoke up, but woozed as she is already drunk, “Listen up, guys! I have a solution to my problem! I’ll go in disguise! I’ll be a man!” She shouted out.
For a moment, they all went quiet. But a burst of cheering and laughing came from Uncle Barty and his coworkers as a drunken approval to her proposal.
“You go, Cha! Be a man! Show those suckers that you are Bo-Gyeong and Rosanna’s kid!” Uncle Barty shouted.
Charlene felt excited and she dropped the mic on the floor. Then, the first person she needed for her endeavor to be possible was just upstairs. She climbed the stairs quickly and went to Lily’s room (they also share the same room).
When she got into the door, she burst in and saw that Lily was in the middle of a make-up tutorial and it is livestreaming in Youtube.
“What the actual fuck-- Cha, you can’t just burst in when I’m streaming! Sorry guys, it’s my pretty cousin, Charlene. Say Hi, girl.” Lily pointed the webcam at Charlene.
Charlene waved and smiled and Lily could see that she is drunk.
“Have you been drinking with Papi and the guys? Cha!” He raised his perfect eyebrows.
“Yes! To drown out my sadness-- but Lily, I need your help! You’re the only one who can help me!” Charlene started to crawl towards Lily.
“NO! After this livestream! A girl has to work!” Lily dismissed Charlene and he tried to make her stand up and get out of the room.
“But Lilyyy, I really need your help!” Charlene bawled out before Lily shoved her out of the room.
When Charlene was finally out of the room, Lily sat back again in front of the mirror and his webcam,
“I’m really sorry, guys, I just have the craziest-ass but sweetest family. Anyways, let’s put this motherfucking highlighter on!” He enthusiastically brushed the palette of his highlighter.
Charlene was finally sober and now she and Lily are up at the rooftop.
“Now what? You want me to transform you... Into a guy?” Lily’s perfectly shaped eyebrow raised again, but Charlene explained,
“Yes. I want to audition on Lockley studios again as a guy. And I need your help.” Charlene pleaded to her cousin.
“But why, girl? Come on, Cha, I know you had your pride stepped on, but why bother? If they don’t want you, then they don’t. They have no use for you.” Lily pointed out.
“I just need to prove them wrong. Lily, I’m just sick and tired of everybody saying that I can’t do that, I can’t be like this, just because I’m a woman. I thought this was a time of change and freedom, but I was wrong. I need to show them that women aren’t just going to stay that way when we were silenced and chastised.” Charlene turned her back at Lily and gazed into the horizon.
“Don’t fucking break into a song or I’ll think that we are in a Disney movie.” Lily held his hands up and Charlene snickered.
“But, why do you have to pretend to be a guy? I mean, where’s the sense in that? Couldn’t you just audition again just as you are?” Lily asked her.
For a while, that made Charlene think. Lily is right, but she knows that they will only accept her if she’s another person.
“They will take me if I’m a guy. I know it. And when the time comes, I’ll reveal who I am and it will blow up their faces, they’d be sorry that they rejected me in the first place.”
Charlene’s words sounded very determined to Lily, but he was hesitating. Then, he took Charlene’s hand and said, “I just don’t want you pretending to be someone else. You could just let it go, Cha.”
But Charlene looked at Lily’s eyes, “But I have to do this. You know I do. And also, I will need to have a job and there’s nothing I could do better but be a stuntman- er, stuntwoman... Whatever.  And I’ll need your help. And also, this would be our secret, okay? Don’t tell Uncle Barty and Auntie Baby.”
“Why not?” He asked.
“I don’t want them to worry about me. All they need to worry about is your family.” Charlene smiled.
“You stop that, you’re part of this family,” Lily pouted then placed his arms around her cousin, “Okay. We’ll do this. I’ll turn you into a man, and they would never recognize you, ever!” Lily encouraged.
Charlene hugged Lily back, “Thank you so much, couz.”
It may sound like the most ridiculous idea to exist, but Charlene must do it. There had to be a way where she must prove herself and also earn money at the same time. She feels almost terrified but excited at the same time. That’s why she felt like she really needed to do it, or else, she’ll regret it for the remainder of her life.
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