#the tags have turned to mush
beowulfzz · 1 year
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as you can tell by the question mark, i have NO idea what to call this lil uzi thing,, ueghleg,,
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ganondoodle · 3 months
should surprise absolutely no one that i much much much prefer radahn when hes older (and not mindless! or mindcontrolled!)
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(doesnt look amused about what malenia just did in that ol trailer- and possibly even moreso about what she said)
that (and base game) version of him is the only one to meeeeeeeee
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cherubchoirs · 1 year
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the aesthetics of (impersonal) love
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emily-mooon · 7 months
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While I hop through all of my art wips, have this ship chart I made for nordegrim!
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eltheabberation · 4 months
ya know i've gotta ask seiakimon for the bingo
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Ok uhh fuck how do I talk about them without my brain turning to mush uhh warning for incoherent rambling
okay so the end of the anteiku raid. I have reread that part of the arc so many times cause <33 Like Akira's worried about Amon so Seidou runs off while lamenting how he always watched her from the side and never could really confront his feelings for her and then he finds Amon and then he sees that he's injured and when Tatara shows up Amon tries to tell him to run away cause Amon doesn't want to lose anyone else he cares about but Seidou refuses because he says he's a ghoul investigator and he became a ghoul investigator to protect the people he cares about (his family) right so it also makes sense that he would bring it up here because he's also trying to do that he's trying to protect both Amon and also Akira to an extent because he knows she cares about him and he just wants them to be happy and oh god this whole sentence is an entire paragraph. Anyway Seidou gets chomped and AKIRAS REFLECTED IN HIS EYES BECAUSE EVEN THOUGH HES DYING HES THINKING ABOUT HER. Oh and also the way Amon SCREAMS when Seidou gets "killed." He literally throws away the very very tiny amount of regard he had for his own life and goes in to try and kill Tatara despite literally having lost an arm and also presumably a lot of blood.
Okay uh then we have Rushima which HOLY SHIT. They all tried to kill/save each other which is kinda funny but also SJFSFSFKJL. FUCKING. Okay and Seidou tells Akira that he wanted her to see him as a hero and then Akira calls him a killer ghoul but okay in my head she's not just telling him that she's also trying to convince herself of that and that killing him really is the only option or maybe I'm looking too far into this ANYWAY. And then Amon comes out to save both of them because he cares about both of them and he also closes his kakugan whenever it's in Akira's view because he's scared of her seeing him as a monster or something. And also even though Seidou's killed a ton of people and is probably considered a monster even by ghoul standards Amon's still like "oh he deserves a second chance." Okay buddy. AND THEN THE SCENE WHERE AKIRA SHIELDS SEIDOU BECAUSE DEEP DOWN SHE ALWAYS CARED ABOUT HIM AND SKJLHFIU:OIS:DJH And then Amon protects them to make sure Akira and Seidou get away safely and ACK
Also uh they go on a date that one time :) And Amon is too busy eating skewers to fully notice the extent of the chaos around him :) Ok my brain is mush now there's so much more to talk about but I lost like 12 out of 15 braincells while writing this which is probably nothing compared to the amount anyone who had the misfortune of reading this lost. Anyway uh if you can't tell uh I like this ship :>
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codacheetah · 4 months
I can't believe I made a post abt Loop's biology and didn't talk abt their guts. Sad
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keratincrown · 1 year
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copper-skulls · 2 years
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thanks to @casting-horsepiss I am aware that it is casting rain birthday week *checks clock* NOW HERE so have a drawing of ammy.
read casting rain. experience angry fish mom. cry, probably. it's worth it i promise
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twotailednekomata · 6 months
Hay, do y'all have any tips for when one notices they prioritizes personal shit/fandom/social media over important stuff like schoolwork or bedtimes during the school week? You know, so that they will do the schoolwork now and, when they have free time, that is when they work on personal projects? Just asking for a friend, hehe...
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floral-hex · 1 year
I just want to get blasted, either out of my mind or into the sun, I’m not picky
#not me looking into the shitty guidelines for getting approved for medical marijuana in arkansas#yeeeaaaah looks like the process is ridiculously convoluted and pricey so nah#but missouri is just a few hours away so who knows#I hate weed for real. I mean it’s cool but I’ve had some bad experiences#but my anxiety is getting pretty rough and it would just be nice if I could turn my brains to mush every once in awhile#whenever my hearing gets bad I start freaking out and panicking and feeling sick. it suuuuuuucks.#anyway I have about 10 ‘emergency’ klonopin left which I don’t like taking bc I’m a hoarder and hate wasting stuff#like in video games when you stockpile potions but never use them#plus that shit can be addictive and I’m not a fan of that idea#tbh tho I diiiid take one earlier and I’ve been feeling preeeetty mellow#I ate two bowls of ice cream and I’m feeling good#I thought I had a drs appt coming soon to talk about anxiety meds but turns out it’s actually next month 🙄 so gonna reschedule that#anyway this was supposed to be a post about wanting to get blazed but I kinda whined all over these tags#whoops#uhhh…. how are you doing?#have you drank enough water today? for real#god I love ice water with a little lemon juice. I drink so much of that a day. it’s the best.#this isn’t important#if you read all of this then I love you#or at least like you. a little. a little bit. you’re good. I appreciate you.#ok I’m gonna go make coffee now#you can ignore this#text
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'Tis never easy to lose the ones we love.
A scene from a fic I haven't been able to write yet, in which the gang gets together to discuss Krile and Y'shtola's warnings about the risks of even attempting to save a Nidhogg-possessed Estinien and the likelihood that one way or another, Estinien will die. It gets...a little heated when Emrys reminds everyone what Estinien would wish.
A lil breakdown of who's who:
Emrys of the Darkened Steel is the Viera gunbreaker;
Félicienne Greystone is the woman in white drachen armor;
Ysera Rowan is the Viera dragoon;
Asha Alaqa Sagahl is the Xaela warrior;
Rian Ashbrooke is the hyur paladin;
Merethe de Sofinoy is the elezen black mage standing beside Rian;
Aurélien de Sofinoy is the machinist leaning on the railing;
and Marielle de Dzemael is the reaper perched on the railing.
Their opinions re: can Estinien be saved are below the cut :>
(Big thank you to Azia, whose gpose tips + knowledge helped make this possible! ❤️)
Alphinaud and O'ravi, of course, will stop at nothing to save their friend, no matter the risks or how slim the odds of success; there's been too much loss lately, too many lives sacrificed for the cause. Moenbryda, Haurchefant, Ysayle, Minfilia- they've had enough of it. No more. They'll save Estinien or die trying.
But many of the others have reservations. Not knowing when or where Nidhogg will strike next, and with no way to know how much longer Estinien's soul will survive- the fact that his soul has survived at all was a surprise to Krile and Y'shtola, and they don't seem to believe that there's any way to save him. But the whole thing is uncharted territory. Ascian possession is a pretty well-known phenomenon, but I daresay this is the first time a dead member of the First Brood has possessed anyone! Merethe is lost in thought pondering how it works and what the differences are between Ascian possession and great wyrm possession.
Emrys and Rian want to try to save him, at least, but they're afraid of what could go wrong, especially since the city is a horrible battleground with the potential for astronomical collateral damage. How much are they willing to risk or sacrifice for just a chance at saving one man? Is the possible survival of one man worth the deaths of a dozen others? Two dozen, more? That is what Rian struggles with. He wants nothing more than to draw the line in the sand, as O'ravi and Alphinaud did - no more loss, no more sacrifice, to hells with the cause and to hells with duty - but...he cannot, in good conscience, do so. Not when there's no guarantee that Alphinaud's plan to tear off the Eyes will even work.
Aurélien, too, has been counting the cost. He's seen the destruction wrought by the Horde firsthand, he's lost track of how many times he's run to whatever part of the city got the worst of it to help the survivors. And while he doesn't want Estinien dead, he believes that the price of his possible salvation will be too high. No, he believes to even attempt to save him would be unwise.
Aymeric has already proven his willingness to kill Estinien if it comes down to it. His oath to protect Ishgard comes before all else: his life, or the life of his dearest friend included. He doesn't dare to hope for Estinien's salvation. Neither does Marielle. The odds of success are so low, she believes they should simply kill Estinien and be done with it. She won't admit how something in her heart breaks at the thought, however.
Félicienne is among the cynics. She's known Estinien for a long time, but she is a dragoon as well, and she will not hesitate to deal the killing blow if the situation gets out of control. And unlike Aymeric, she could live with that (though she would go to her grave wishing it hadn't been necessary).
Ysera is also a dragoon, she even shared the title of Azure Dragoon with Estinien for a time, but...if it comes down to it, can she kill him? Is she prepared to kill him to fulfill the promise she made to defend Ishgard? Knowing it's what he'd want her to do doesn't change the facts, which are: the answer is likely no.
Asha isn't certain what to make of all this. There's too much they don't know, too many variables and factors at play. Quite frankly, she'd prefer to hunt Nidhogg down and confront him much like they did the first time, but he's proven to be more elusive than anticipated. And if they did set out to hunt him together, it would mean leaving Aymeric and the Temple Knights to defend the city unaided should Nidhogg or his Horde attack while they were away. The lack of an easy answer frustrates her. Additionally, she's monitoring everyone's emotional states and trying to prevent the tension in the air from escalating. Many of the group are hiding their true feelings, and this has not escaped her notice.
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sirompp · 11 months
> “i brought you fish, watch out for bones”
> explain to her that i cannot eat fish that has bones
> she reassures me theres no bones
> eat the fish
> bones
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Month 5, day 19, whaaaaaat, haha, nooooo, I haven't missed animating, what are you talking about, nooooo, didn't miss it at all, hahahaha
have a gif?
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corpsoir · 2 years
really exhausted after thisd week already and its barely thursday
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crescentfool · 2 years
the tags you leave on art are always so kind and insightful!
anon!! i've gotten messages like this in the past before and it always makes me smile, so thank you! 🥺💗 i simply have... much love and appreciation for artists that i can't help but write stuff for them...! so it makes me happy that the people who follow me enjoy seeing it too even if i sometimes repeat myself a lot 😂
i hope you have a great day anon! and that you continue to enjoy my tags, but also other wonderful things in ur life!! (sends good vibes to u!! ✨)
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queer-crusader · 5 days
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