#the talking magpie
eyra · 9 days
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the way this fundamentally changed my view of my character’s actions and made me realise that he deserves a redemption arc rather than just being left in the dust….. the power that this tweet has…
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minecraftdog · 3 months
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Hannah as magpies because I'm insane about this comparison 🖤🤍
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therowdymagpie · 2 months
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thornymoth · 1 month
Just received my second plushie and pendant from @a-magpie-in-gravesfield, and I'm so happy right now! The plushie is unbelievably soft and huggable, and it’s now hanging out with the first one.
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I meant to finish and post some art before making this post, but I got too excited. Couldn't resist sharing how thrilled I am that everything arrived safe and sound yet again, and just on time! I’m still as in love as ever with the letter and the wax seals it came with, but could we talk about the bag? It’s the most beautiful bag I’ve ever seen. /lh
He flopped face-first onto the bed after his long journey, and honestly, he looks so goofy like that. He’s just so husband and precious to me, I'll keep showering him with kisses and love forever.
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aromagpie · 9 months
people constantly arguing about "we need more aroace rep" "we need more alloace rep" "we need more alloaro rep" maybe we just need more aspec rep in general
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hyperiionvii · 5 months
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junior illustration final: the seven deadly sins
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clover-mouse · 1 year
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Magpie and her patron, The Lady of Fallen Snow. Another with a ramble under the cut ♡
The Lady of Fallen Snow is a tilted winter court fey noble, cold and cruel by nature of the role she plays as a titled court noble. Each titled fey of the courts Summer or Winter acts as their title demands, and the more powerful fey are able to see how this influences them, while those of less power don't see the bigger picture for what it is. Winter is bound to cruelty, to scarcity, to selfishness and cunning. Summer is bound to passion, to ferver, to merriment and to promises made with righteous intent. They represent warring sides, cyclical, unending. A narrative made literal, personifying the change of seasons as a battle that is doomed never to end.
The Lady of Fallen Snow, for whatever reason, seemed to have chosen to betray her nature to help Magpie in a time of need. She'd cloaked her intent with ominous promises, and took something deep and dear to Magpie to protect something even dearer to her. Early in the game, she'd told Magpie to deliver sorrows on her behalf, to take dear things from people during her travels. And later, when Magpie said she couldn't do it, she was instructed simply to "Do as she must."
Even still, Magpie never really stopped treating her as if she was a dear friend. Naive optimism, maybe, but she thought it was best. Beyond her pact, she'd offer little gifts of trinkets, twigs, rocks. Shiny little things to show her appreciation.
When they met face to face again for the first time since the sealing of their pact, The Lady of Fallen Snow stole a moment of time, quite literally freezing it just for a bit to step outside her title as it binds her, and greeted Magpie as herself. Kicking off her shoes, sitting in a frozen garden with her. Ever since then, it's been made clear that she's very deeply endeared to Magpie. This silly little all-too-optimistic goblin girl, doing anything and everything within her power to rewrite her own story. When Magpie asked what she wanted from her this time, she was told, "To cause chaos, silly."
So tl;dr, that's her spooky powerful fey mom. In the session that prompted this drawing, she showed up just to help soothe Magpie to sleep during a brief visit to the feywild. I care about them so much so bad
(I should note that The Lady of Fallen Snow is a character of my DM's making, I knew nothing about her going into the game. Did not know they'd take it in the direction of "Magpie is her daughter now." I am not complaining whatsoever.)
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strigital · 4 months
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breaking into the new sketchbook with some Sharpie doodles because I am literally in love with this man 😔💖
I'll try to color 'em just gimme a sec to gather my courage and remember how tf do u use markers and pencils
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piepiepiemag · 2 months
the only real fortnite headcanon i have is that montague can’t drive. like at all. he probably bought his drivers license off of ebay.
whenever i play him i fall over with my bike every 2 minutes, i drive my car into a rift accidentally, i roll my car down a hill etc etc. am i maybe distracted by him? yes. but it’s all his fault
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magpie-trinkets · 10 months
I love posting and reblogging about Ghost Trick because I always have to tag spoilers. It's 95% of the game. The juicy bits. The characters. I love this game.
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mxiize · 18 days
I graduated.
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diorkyeom · 4 months
jeonghan as a magpie friend who gathers shiny and gentle-hearted people to add to his collection (family) is just so weirdly and inexplicably important to me
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magic-magpie · 9 months
Word vomit here but thinking abt like y'know how Lee is Extra and Eccentric and Lavish and all that and I mean ofc he likes all that otherwise he wouldn't indulge in it but also what if it's also fuelled by a desire to make his mark and be his own person, 'cause like he was an orphan boy on the streets so he would already have experienced a kind of loss of individualism back then, but then also when he was adopted he was adopted solely to serve as a rival to Kazuya, like that's gotta fuck you up, your existence in your household and everything you do is to be compared to your brother, if you do well in school it isn't 'Well done, Lee!', it's 'Get your act together Kazuya, Lee's performing better than you', if you perform exceptionally in training it's 'Kazuya you're becoming sloppy', you are not your own person you are just an extension of your brother, and so maybe he buys the big mansions and gets the fast cars and dresses loudly and sparkly and emblazons everything with unicorns and roses and purple because these things are 100% hIM, these are solely part of him and who HE is, you see him and you see his things and you will think of Lee Chaolan before you think of anyone else
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artemispanthar · 3 months
I would like to know more about Roger
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Roger is one of my Fallout OCs! He's a two-headed cybernetic mutant talking grizzly bear. He looks like this:
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He's a cranky old bear who hates people. In the story, two-headed bears don't live very long because the second skull will eventually grow into the brain, as a result Roger was orphaned at a young age. He was adopted by humans and raised essentially as a pet (at this point he could not speak) and he was a skittish, shy little sweetheart. Due to Events he is forced to try and defend his human family from a military organization which is when he got shot by a rocket launcher and nearly died. This organization then took his body, repaired it with cybernetics (wire mesh armored skin, cybernetic eye, digital voicebox, various augmentations to his brain), and kept him prisoner for years to perform experiments with the idea of making living weapons out of animals. He eventually escapes and this whole experience is what makes him hate people so much.
He is eventually forcibly befriended by Magpie, a very humany human who in time he loves like a daughter (not that he'd ever admit that) and generally softens his view on people.
In the "present day" of the story he mostly follows Magpie around helping her out with whatever, generally being a grumpy old man and going on long-winded rants about whatever. His opinions tend to be misanthropic and bleak but honestly deep down he's still a big ol' softie who is primarily motivated by love and affection
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crownedcrowrow · 1 year
I appreciate all the love, encouragement, and gifts I have received from people with the polls, my lil guys got a LOT farther than I expected and I even managed to tie with Ame, so all in all it was worth it. I appreciate everyone who helped me to get this far, love y'all ❤️. Also thank you to the people who sent gifts and good luck wishes, I didn't get to all of them in time but did see them all and I do really appreciate it. Thank you all for making this a fun experience and I wish the remaining competitors good luck.
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Fusions and Croctots get to hug one last time. They have adopted eachother as brothers and they might meet again one day. For now their going home to sleep in a lil pile.
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Had fun talking with @amevello-blue / @bluepeachstudios about dynamics of our aus crossovers
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I am now free to sleep for like a week jdhvHSV
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jabberwockprince · 1 year
people might've pointed this out already since erios and excessans were introduced two years ago, but i really like the detail of titan's influence throughout the entire webcomic
excessans and their language, for example. it's not weird to think about all the way titan has pushed his culture into the planets and races it colonizes, especially when we get erios admitting to just sign a bunch of shit for strategos that they most likely don't pay attention to. like look at this???
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(shoutout to excessans for just singing their entire language btw, it's very cute to me that they're all just. naturals at music)
their fuckin capitalization directly takes from titan's own alphabet. the first letter of the sentence and any sort of capitalization MUST be from titan's alphabet. and even in their own excessan sites and what not, there's an awful lot of titan's language thrown in
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and here, a public announcement that reads "new video from dj byte", only the word "from" is written in excessan?
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and you could argue that titan language is just easier to use, because more ppl speak and read it. but in TITANS HEADQUARTERS, things are written in the regular alphabet we know
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and this isn't some excessan translation moment where we're shown an edited version from their reality so that we can read, because we see that titan language, regular english and excessan are three distinct languages in many occasions? the best example i have at hand is the titan imports to excessa, which are a mix of excessan and titan language (with very few english words thrown in)
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i just think it's very neat, and it adds a lot of layers to how titan treats the planets he conquers and owns. cause maggie and ava were from a titan refuge/reeducation planet, full of people titan saw as disposable given the scavenger's attack at the beginning of the webcomic. and then odin is from a planet that literally never encountered titan (SUS. VERY SUS. BUT THATS ANOTHER THOUGHT FOR ANOTHER DAY). so it makes sense that these three lack any visual details relating them to titan
but then there's gil, blind devotee to the religion, and erios, political ally to titan, who have these sort of T-shaped collars on their clothes
i mean it could all be a fun coincidence, or common knowledge confirmed through the streams and all but i just rlly love to look into things and the way the designs and everything just work out so well with the worldbuilding and character dynamics has me on a CHOKEHOLD
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