#the tang and macaque parallels have been getting to me too actually
Those fucking monkeys. Those god damn monkeys
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icy-watch · 2 months
anyways oof. It goes pretty fast but by rapid pausing, you see Wukong has literally been dragging Macaque through the sky by the back of his clothes, and then when he literally yeets him like a soft ball across the ground 😭 he looks like roadkill. and stepping over him omg the disrespect, hilarious. I mean, maybe Wukong had some control to not step on him? I also love how the sun is shining so brightly on top of MK hugging Wukong and that joke of Macky dying in the background to them living their best life still applies lol. "uhh guys..." lmao pls put him in more situations with them. oh there's one, his face again when MK lands butt first onto Wukong's head XD hope you like your new found family ya fuzzball. this is an average tuesday in the monkie household. seeing him so worried for Bai He and all those instinctual jumps, yeah MK was right there IS a warrior in there when he's free of the henchman narrative and past grudges. Lmao, what is more ShadowPeach than Wukong smiling confidently and Macky hiding scared behind him /j I swear I have a reason for saying that. Falling so easily into the old ways oh, oh no its coming at us with a steel chair- WHEN THE MAGIC CIRCLE AND THEY JUST MAKE EYE CONTACT AND NOD IN SYNC WAHHH they DID THIS BEFORE ICY THEY DID THIS BEFORE- also Macky buddy, how come everyone else gets to have a cool pose and start glowing but you have to painfully yank a magic sphere out of your undead chest to help??? is that the power you took from MK or are you just Like That Now from being revived?? I love Red Son's "yeah I'm here too by the way" they are BESTIES NOW. this finale had such jolly music and insane sunlight at the end, you ever see a villain get so thoughroughly wrecked they needed all that? "Still the same Wukong, doing whatever he wants with no regard for others." aw I can't make jokes forever. Write this one down Icy. even if Macky didn't say it, that's kinda Wukong at the start of Jttw, no? also LOL at the way Wukong loses his balance and flails like that, he was learning on Macky lmao!! goofy monkey, did you miss cuddling? Icy I hope shadowpeach cuddles absolutely takes you out like it did us. "Somewhere where I can do a bit of scheming probably >:)" this little shit. and how Wukong moves his head on the word "cool" they are ridiculous and "I can always get another bowl of noodles" LMAO poor Wukong trying to have a heart to heart and XD "Sometimes I play dumb to lighten the mood" "me too bud, me too" owww ow okay, the way the laugh literally tears itself out of his lungs and how it looks like he's going to cry and the mutual understanding where most people take Wukong's jokes as him being an inconsiderate fool and UGH. Yes I AM thinking about Macky getting slapped with Tang's drawing of the gang during Benched as he is overwhelmed by the power of friendship magic speeches and then getting his own drawing. and finally looking at the SUN. yes there are previous parallels with the sky there, how'd you guess?
I was actually expecting Wukong to step on him. It was a little surprising he didn't.
I'm glad that Mackaroonie is kind of a part of the group and Red Son is now integrated into Team Monkie. They both needed it.
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imminent-danger-came · 9 months
If you could write your “ideal” season 5 for LMK, what would it look like? Like, what season 5 would be like if you were to write it (assuming you would also be trying to implement your theories and stuff into the mix, Feral MK/EAMK are two of my favorite theories from you!)
That's a really hard question! Mainly because like...I don't know the end game—I don't know what the writers are ultimately building towards. For example, I have pretty much 0 clue what our mysterious figure's plan is. I don't know why Wukong killed Macaque (and while I'd like for the show to go that direction, I'm still not 100% confident SWK did actually kill Macaque). And when it comes down to it, I have no clue who/what MK actually is.
Like I've said before, my ideal s5 is the one they give me!
But, I would of course love EAMK to become canon! I think it really fits with what we see in the show, and it just makes sense for MK's arc. Now that MK's identity has really come to the forefront, he's going to actually have to learn about himself/think about himself and then come to terms with it. We really didn't focus on MK's Monkey Demon identity too much in the s4 special, meaning s5 is gonna have a huge focus on it just like s4 did, and because of the way this has been structured I'm assuming it's going to get worse before it gets better. Which then hopefully leaves some room for feral MK and the reveal of the plan of our new antagonist!
However, I'll try to "plot out" a s5:
The season opens as a parallel to 4x01, MK & Mei are fighting a "monster of the week" type villain—except uh oh, the Jade Emperor's seal isn't holding (& also MK is not in totally control of his powers). Reality is starting to fray a little bit!
Luckily Yellowtusk has some experience with containing the Jade Emperor's Power, but now Ne Zha is gonna have to touch base with Wukong and the rest of the Gang
They are gonna have to find a "suitable host" so to speak. The first recommendation is one of the 10 Kings of the Underworld—one of those guys has both the power and control to be the new Jade Emperor
It's underworld time
Except, wait! One of them is a traitor! They released Azure and tried to tip the world into chaos. There can't be a new Jade Emperor until this is resolved
Who-done-it murder plot ensues
Something goes awry
MK and gang? They have now been re-trapped into a different section of the scroll of memory (like the infinite scroll room) (Macaque, SWK, and Ne Zha remain in the real world)
oh_no_the_curse_is_back.png (The curse spreading and consuming the world is now a relevant threat again)
Tang magic is able to keep most of the group together—MK is separated.
There is some Tang and group side plot and relevant development (do not feel like coming up with what this would be)
MK is plopped right into the memory of his birth. This relates to how the pilgrims died, and it's clear SWK knew MK's identity the whole time (the gang reunite with MK in the middle of this sequence) (EAMK is confirmed canon. Nice. It's still somewhat unclear what exactly MK is, but he is connected to the underworld/curse/memory)
MK is not holding it together AT ALL, but "Monkey King had a good reason" or whatever
On the outside SWK and the others have been trying to figure shit out. Subodhi arrives to help and can send SWK into the scroll
He finds MK and gang
They are yeeted into the memory of why Wukong killed Macaque
MK snaps. L + ratio + your beloved Mentor killed his ex-best friend + you just learned you are chaos incarnate + you killed the past lives of everyone you hold dear
SWK V MK fight of my dreams ensues
Sadly reality is fragile and MK is not helping this
"Oh god if we don't stop MK everything will end"
There was relevant Mei development in the scroll, it's dragon time baby (Macaque tried and failed to calm MK down rip)
Samadhi Fire Part 3 plays out. Mei get's her dragon form, MK is successfully talked down by his best friend
There are still uh, issues
hey wait remember why we were here, the jade emperor's power-
Oh god the traitor revealed themself.
MK is basically not breathing because he is trying not to fracture reality any further
We as the audience are given a hint of the master plan
The curse is involved along with the Jade Emperor's Power maybe. Something something Chaos. Peng is. Somewhere. MK is revealed to be a key pawn in this game
Reality is so close to becoming undone. Someone has to become the jade emperor NOW or they will all die
Wukong sacrifices himself TM
Jade Emperor Wukong is real, if only for a moment
He plans to use his body to restitch reality back together like Azure did
Everyone is not gonna let that happen (they r stronger together)
With their combined effort, they are able to collectively use the Jade Emperor's Power to fix the world (again)
This is when the traitor comes and swoops in, stealing the Jade Emperor's power somehow
Season ends on a probably pretty shitty note
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